Handbuch Investment in Germany
Investment in Germany A practical Investor Guide to the Tax and Regulatory Landscape in Germany 2016 International Business Preface © 2016 KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Investment in Germany 3 Germany is one of the most attractive places for foreign direct investment. The reasons are abundant: A large market in the middle of Europe, well-connected to its neighbors and markets around the world, top-notch research institutions, a high level of industrial production, world leading manufacturing companies, full employment, economic and political stability. However, doing business in Germany is no simple task. The World Bank’s “ease of doing business” ranking puts Germany in 15th place overall, but as low as 107th place when it comes to starting a business and 72nd place in terms of paying taxes. Marko Gründig The confusing mixture of competences of regional, federal, and Managing Partner European authorities adds to the German gift for bureaucracy. Tax KPMG, Germany Numerous legislative changes have taken effect since we last issued this guide in 2011. Particularly noteworthy are the Act on the Modification and Simplification of Business Taxation and of the Tax Law on Travel Expenses (Gesetz zur Änderung und Ver einfachung der Unternehmensbesteuerung und des steuerlichen Reisekostenrechts), the 2015 Tax Amendment Act (Steueränderungsgesetz 2015), and the Accounting Directive Implementation Act (Bilanzrichtlinie-Umsetzungsgesetz). The remake of Investment in Germany provides you with the most up-to-date guide on the German business and legal envi- ronment.* You will be equipped with a comprehensive overview of issues concerning your investment decision and business Andreas Glunz activities including economic facts, legal forms, subsidies, tariffs, Managing Partner accounting principles, and taxation.
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