Nat'l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT § 570.60

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Nat'l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT § 570.60 Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT § 570.60 controller to ‘‘full off’’ and observe re- brake inspection ports or access openings, turn to zero amperes. Divide the max- and when removal of wheel is not required. imum ammeter reading by the number (b) Disc and drum condition. If the of brakes and determine the brake am- drum is embossed with a maximum perage value. safe diameter dimension or the rotor is (b) Electric brake wiring condition. embossed with a minimum safe thick- Electric brake wiring shall not be ness dimension, the drum or disc shall frayed. Wiring clips or brackets shall be within the appropriate specifica- not be broken or missing. Terminal tions. These dimensions will generally connections shall be clean. Conductor be found on motor vehicles manufac- wire gauge shall not be below the brake tured since January 1, 1971, and may be manufacturer’s minimum rec- found on vehicles manufactured for ommendation. several years prior to that time. If the (1) Inspection procedure. Examine vis- drums and discs are not embossed, they ually for conditions specified. shall be within the manufacturer’s specifications. § 570.59 Service brake system. (1) Inspection procedure. Examine vis- (a) Service brake performance. Compli- ually for the condition indicated, ance with any one of the following per- measuring as necessary. formance criteria will satisfy the re- (c) Friction materials. On each brake, quirements of this section. Verify that the thickness of the lining or pad shall tire inflation pressure is within the not be less than one thirty-second of an limits recommended by the vehicle inch over the fastener, or one-sixteenth manufacturer before conducting either of an inch over the brake shoe on bond- of the following tests. ed linings or pads. Brake linings and (1) Roller-type or drive-on platform pads shall not have cracks or breaks tests. The force applied by the brake on that extend to rivet holes except minor a front wheel or a rear wheel shall not cracks that do not impair attachment. differ by more than 25 percent from the The wire in wire-backed lining shall force applied by the brake on the other not be visible on the friction surface. front wheel or the other rear wheel re- Drum brake linings shall be securely spectively. attached to brake shoes. Disc brake (i) Inspection procedure. The vehicle pads shall be securely attached to shoe shall be tested on a drive-on platform, plates. or a roller-type brake analyzer with (1) Inspection procedure. Examine vis- the capability of measuring equali- ually for the conditions indicated, and zation. The test shall be conducted in measure the height of the rubbing sur- accordance with the test equipment face of the lining over the fastener manufacturer’s specifications. Note the heads. Measure bonded lining thickness brake force variance. over the surface at the thinnest point (2) Road test. The service brake sys- on the lining or pad. tem shall stop single unit vehicles, ex- (d) Structural and mechanical parts. cept truck-tractors, in a distance of Backing plates, brake spiders and cal- not more than 35 feet, or combination iper assemblies shall not be deformed vehicles and truck-tractors in a dis- or cracked. System parts shall not be tance of not more than 40 feet, from a broken, misaligned, missing, binding, speed of 20 mph, without leaving a 12- or show evidence of severe wear. Auto- foot-wide lane. matic adjusters and other parts shall (i) Inspection procedure. The road test be assembled and installed correctly. shall be conducted on a level (not to (1) Inspection procedure. Examine vis- exceed plus or minus 1 percent grade), ually for conditions indicated. dry, smooth, hard-surfaced road that is free from loose material, oil or grease. § 570.60 Steering system. The service brakes shall be applied at a (a) System play. Lash or free play in vehicle speed of 20 mph and the vehicle the steering system shall not exceed shall be brought to a stop as specified. the values shown in Table 2. Measure the distance required to stop. (1) Inspection procedure. With the en- NOTE: Inspect for paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) gine on and the steering axle wheels in of this section on vehicles equipped with the straight ahead position, turn the 279 VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:42 Dec 22, 2011 Jkt 223219 PO 00000 Frm 00289 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\223219.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 570.61 49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–11 Edition) steering wheel in one direction until the toe-in or toe-out is not greater there is a perceptible movement of the than 1.5 times the values listed in the wheel. If a point on the steering wheel vehicle manufacturer’s service speci- rim moves more than the value shown fication. in Table 1 before perceptible return (e) Power steering system. The power movement of the wheel under observa- steering system shall not have cracked, tion, there is excessive lash or free play frayed or slipping belts, chafed or in the steering system. abrated hoses, show signs of leakage or have insufficient fluid in the reservoir. TABLE 2. STEERING WHEEL FREE PLAY VALUES (1) Inspection procedure. Examine Lash fluid reservoir, hoses and pump belts Steering wheel diameter (inches) (inches) for the conditions indicated. 16 or less ............................................................. 2 NOTE: Inspection of the suspension system 18 ......................................................................... 21⁄4 must not precede the service brake perform- 20 ......................................................................... 21⁄2 ance test. 22 ......................................................................... 23⁄4 § 570.61 Suspension system. (b) Linkage play. Free play in the (a) Suspension condition. Ball joint steering linkage shall not exceed the seals shall not be cut or cracked, other values shown in Table 3. than superficial surface cracks. Ball (1) Inspection procedure. Elevate the joints and kingpins shall not be bent or front end of the vehicle to load the ball damaged. Stabilizer bars shall be con- joints, if the vehicle is so equipped. In- nected. Springs shall not be broken and sure that wheel bearings are correctly coil springs shall not be extended by adjusted. Grasp the front and rear of a spacers. Shock absorber mountings, tire and attempt to turn the tire and shackles, and U-bolts shall be securely wheel assemble left and right. If the attached. Rubber bushings shall not be free movement at the front or rear cracked, extruded out from or missing tread of the tire exceeds the applicable from suspension joints. Radius rods value shown in Table 3, there is exces- shall not be missing or damaged. sive steering linkage play. (1) Inspection procedure. Examine TABLE 3. FRONT WHEEL STEERING LINKAGE front and rear end suspension parts for FREE PLAY the conditions indicated. (b) Shock absorber condition. There Play shall be no oil on the shock absorber Nominal bead diameter or rim size (inches) (inches) housings attributable to leakage by the 16 or less ............................................................. 1⁄4 seal. 16.01 through 18.00 ............................................ 3⁄8 (1) Inspection procedure. Examine 18.01 or more ...................................................... 1⁄2 shock absorbers for oil leakage from (c) Free turning. Steering wheels shall within. turn freely through the limit of travel in both directions. § 570.62 Tires. (1) Inspection procedure. With the en- (a) Tread depth. The tread shall be gine running on a vehicle with power not less than four thirty-seconds of an steering, or the steerable wheels ele- inch deep on each front tire of any ve- vated on a vehicle without power steer- hicle other than a trailer and not less ing, turn the steering wheel through than two thirty-seconds of an inch on the limit of travel in both directions. all other tires. Feel for binding or jamming in the (1) Inspection procedure. For tires steering gear mechanism. with treadwear indicators, check for (d) Alignment. Toe-in or toe-out con- indicators in any two adjacent major dition shall not be greater than 1.5 grooves at three locations spaced ap- times the values listed in the vehicle proximately 120° apart around the cir- manufacturer’s service specification cumference of the tire. For tires with- for alignment setting. out treadwear indicators, measure the (1) Inspection procedure. Drive the ve- tread depth with a suitable gauge or hicle over a sideslip indicator or meas- scale in two adjacent major grooves at ure with a tread gauge, and verify that 3 locations spaced approximately 120° 280 VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:42 Dec 22, 2011 Jkt 223219 PO 00000 Frm 00290 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\223219.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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