1997 Iletifrijin X Nominating Commiffee

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1997 Iletifrijin X Nominating Commiffee $outheastetn Breeze lru/l[rs/sfltrrlfl tglt x x x xx xx )K x )K * )K x *x* x * x x x * xx x I am pleased to announce the 1997 ilEtifrijin x Nominating Commiffee. Serving on the ?icnic )K )KX Committee will be John Abbott 644- *X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X * * x 5626 Assonet, Nancy Ellis 240-0147 Saturday, August 2 Orleans, Janet Kaiser 375-0574 Yarmouthport, Tom Waddell 617- Borderland State Park In Easton 837-5537 Marshfield and Dave Williams 238-3638 So. Easton. There Cost $5:00 Adults Registration: Pay-at-Door will be 13 Nominees to be presented at Kids $2:00 (14 and under) Sign up by July 31 the Annual Meeting on November 1. The positions are Chapter Chair, Chap- Call Bruce Dunham 508 587-0679 ( a-sp.m.t ter Vice-Chair, Secretary, four Activity Chairs, ( Biking, Canoeing, Hiking, Schedule Borderland Skiing), plus Education, Conservation, Canoeing - Training by Certified Instuctor fte.106 Communication, Membership, and Call Carrie Dobson $A-9892 6 123 Trails. These Executive Board posi- overlap tions are chosen by ballot, however if Biking-Meet at Park Visitor Center at 1:30pm Take Exit 9 there is but one nominee for an office, for 15 mile ride. L. Carol Julien 617 293-1100 ilaqogAvc f off ft, 495 election will be by voice. If you are or a 30 mile ride in Dartmouth, L. Louise in- (Bay Rd) Desrochers 673-9752 terested in serving or ifyou have a and head Poqmnllet St suggestion for the 1997 Board: please Orientation for new members, plus slide show east. you will E contact one of the Nominating about the Southeastern MA Chapter - 2:00 p.m. pass Anne's -> Farm Committee members listed above. An Restaurant. Hiking-Meet at Park Visitor Center - 3:00 p.m. Executive Board is essential for a Route 1 23-to Brochon ends about 4:00 p.m. L. Ray Butts 880-8597 Bay Road Chapter and provides the many activi- ties we all enjoy. Family Hike - Leader Richard Brech , lShaws'Plaza I 747- 6517 work or home 746-8189.- 3:fi) pm. Traffict Chapter Annual Meeting - p.m. Route 106 The Southeastern MA Chapter An- Social Hour 4:00 F Barbecue - 5:00 p.m. Hamburgurs, -t nual Meeting will take place on Hot Dogs, From Jct. of fts. 123 & 106 (Shaw's November I at the Fireside Grille in Salad & Ice Cream. Veggie Burgurs available, Plaza) in Easton. Go .5 on 106 West Middleboro. Our Speaker will be but let us know ifyou are a vegetarian when and tum left onto Poquanticut St. Go Micheal Tougias who will present a you register. Please bring a LAWN CHAIR 1 ,3 Mi. passing a farm. Tum left after .l progrirm on the "Quiet Places of New Ifyou have to drop out - Please Call back! ! pass Farm onto Massapoag Ave. Go 2.2 Mi, to ent. on right, Take first /ef England." Non-Members Welcome and follow Vbitor Centa SEn. L-/4& tL ;6fu,(a r) Sat., Sept. 13, Cape Cod Rail Trail. Tues.,Aug. 26. Meet at Rte.134 off L Alice Oberdorf 771-8261. Helmets Rte. 6 at the start of the Rail Trail for highly recommended. ride to Fisherman's Landine in Brew- ster. Chair, Carol Julien 61 7 293- I 100 Sat., Sept.20. ANNUAL RODMAN RIDE FOR KIDS. Fundraiser for Chil- Tues., Sept.2 Meet at Friendly's for dren at risk. Options for 25-50-100 Northside Canal Ride. miles. For Information call Biking Chair. Carol Julien (617) 293-1 100. or RODMAN RIDE 1-8OO-395-RIDE Thurs.-Sun., July 3-6. Ever want to try bike touring but were concemed about the high mileage? We will ride 30-45 miles a day on roads with bicycle lanes or on quiet country back roads. SE Mass. Chapter offers bike rides on Our route will follow rivers and take us Tues. eves., May 27-Sept. 2. All rides past villages, country stores and dairy p.r'.r. start at 6:00 Rides are easy and farms. Expect rolling to hilly terrain . vary between 14-20 miles. Helmets Stay in Hostels and riverside Fri., July 11. Century Planning Meet- Condo. highly recommended. L Alice Oberdorf Cost of includes lodging ing, Call Carol Julien - 617 293-100. $160.00 and 771-8261CL Connie Austin 428-15A2 all meals, except lunch. Helmets are required. Trip limited 10. Register Sat., July 12. Country Ride in the to Tues., July 1. Meet at parking lot by June I with non-refundable Carver area.Possible Ice Cream Stop, of $100.00 Veteran's Beach deposit. 20-30 miles. L. John Poirier 822-1372 in Hyannis. entrance Call L's Tom and Marilyn 7-9 p.u. on Ocean St. at Gosnold St., for ride to Waddell at 617 837-5537 before 8 p.rra. Dowse's Beach in Osterville. Refundable if spot is fillable. Sat., July 19. Country fude in Halifax, Tues., I P.m., 20-30 miles possible volleyball. July 8. Meet at A&P parking Fri.-Mon., August 29 - September 1. lot in Chatham (there Labor BBQ at L Carol Julien house - (617) are two A&P's Day Bike and Hike Weekend. 293-l 100 on Rte. 28 in Chatham. Meet at 2nd Enjoy the scenic beauty of rural N.H. in one from Harwich) for ride to fish pier, the Mt. Chocorua area. Saturday bike lighthouse, coves, etc. Blue Hy- 40 miles through small Fri., August l. 6 P.M. Bike Planning New England drangeas in full bloom. Villages and relax Committee Meeting. L. Carol Julien by the lake in a state Park (617) 293-1 100. or try the longer 60 and 80 mile Tues., July 15. Meet at Gray's Beach, routes. Expect hills, multi-gear bikes Yarmouthport for coastal ride. recommended. Sat., Aug. 2., Chapter Summer Picnic Sunday, hike up Mt. Chocorua Ride in Dartmouth ,15-20 miles on or bike, depending on your Tues., interest. Cabin back roads through farmlands and salt- July 22. Meet at Friendly's for has cold running water. Northside canal fuIl kitchen, dining marshes. Mostly flat with a few gradual ride. room, bunkroom and outdoor hills. L. Louise Desrochers 673-9752 facilities. Showers avail- Tues., July 29. Meet at Nickerson able nearby. Weekend includes meals State Park. Rte. 64, in Brewster and lodging for deposit Sat., Aug. 9. Meet at Wampatuck for ride $40.00. $20.00 to Rock harbor and into Eastham. required. L Melinda Lyon, CL Tom State Park. Leisurely 40 mile ride Waddell . For Details call Cl at 617 through Hingham, Cohasset,Scituate. Tues., Aug.5. Meet at Dennis 837-5537 before 8 p.m. Group determines pace, stops. Bring Town Hall parking for ride to lunch, swimsuit, camera, etc. L. Rich lot Mill Pond and Scargo Iovanni (617) 364-2221 7-9 p.w. Tower. Tues., Aug. All trips involve some risk . Partici- Sat., Aug. 23. Join Elsie on the popu- 12. Meet at North Fal- pants assume responsibilty for their lar Dighton Rock Ride. Call L. Elsie mouth Library for Country Road to own welfare. Discuss your abilities Laverty 823-0634. drawbridge on the canal. with trip leader prior to the trip. Tues.,Aug. Sat., Sept. 6. Martha;s Vineyard. Hel- 19. Meet at Rock Harbor parking Note: mets highly recommended. L. Alice lot in Orleans which is right off All Phone numbers are ares Oberdorf508 771-8261 Orleans Rotary for ride to Visitor's 508 unless 617 is speciJied. Center and out to beach in Eastham. Thurs., July 31. Indian lakes, Marston Thurs., Sept. 4. Herring River, West Mills. S from exit 5 on Rte. 149 to Harwich. Park E side Herring River "Indian Lakes"sign on R to Pkg. Bridge on S side of Rte.28. Chair, Carrie Dobson 430-9892 Vice -Chair, Dave Williams 238-3638 Sat. Aug.2. Borderland State Park. Sat., Sept. 6. Leader's Choice. Picnic and canoe. Cape paddlers, Dave & Barbara Williams 238-3638. please Non-members will be chareed call Carrie for Caravaning, 430- $2/person/day. 9892. TENTATIVE Canoe Instruction Wed. Sept. 10. Gray's Beach, Yar- offered. Call Carrie for registration. mouthport, Old Church St. of 6A to Trips other than Wed. or Thurs: Please Centre St. to Pkg Lot. Thurs. Aug. 7. Wellfleet Harbor. W on call and register for time and directions Main St. from Rte.6 to L on Commer- with Leader, Canoe Chair 430-9892 or Sat. Sept. 13. Slocum River, Dart- cial St. to Public Beach Launchins and Canoe Vice-chair, 23 8-363 8 mouth. L's Richard & Janet Kaiser Pkg. at far end. 375-0574. PFD's mandatory in boat all year and Sat., Aug. 9. Taunton River. Lee & must be worn Sep 15 to May 15 Wed. Sept. 17., Mashpee River. S on Barbara Rogers 362-3954. Quinaquisett Av. offRte. 28 for .7 mi. Wednesday and Thursday Trips: to R on Mashpee Neck Rd. to Launch- Fri., Aug 15. Potluck and Moonlight Start at 10:30 a.m. unless otherwise ing Ramp. Paddle. L Carrie Dobson 430-9892. noted.(*) Bring lunch, drink, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Wed. Sept. 24., Herring Pond, Sat., Aug. 16. North River, Hanover. Bournedale. From Sagamore Rotary L Herbie Edgren 617 472-7271 Canoe/Ifuyak rentals for AMC trips: SW on Rte. 6 approx. 5 mi. to R at $6/members; $1 5/non-members. Eas- lights on Bournedale Rd. then I mi. to Thurs., Aug. 21. Swan River, Dennis- ton, canoe: Dave (238-3638); Sand- R on Herring Pond Rd.
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