The mission of the Green Mountain Club is to make the Vermont mountains play a larger part in the life of the people by protecting and maintaining the Long Trail System and fostering, through education, the stewardship of Vermont’s hiking trails and mountains. Quarterly of the Sunrise at Ritterbush Pond Green Mountain Club BARKER SCOTT Mike DeBonis, Executive Director c o n t e n t s Jocelyn Hebert, Long Trail News Editor Fall 2015, Volume 75, No. 3 Richard Andrews, Volunteer Copy Editor Brian P. Graphic Arts, Design Green Mountain Club 4711 Waterbury-Stowe Road Waterbury Center, Vermont 05677 5 / OutstandingFeatures Members Honored Phone: (802) 244-7037 Fax: (802) 244-5867 E-mail:
[email protected] 6 / The Seven Principles Website: By GMC Field Staff & Caretakers The Long Trail News is published by The Green Mountain Club, Inc., a nonprofit organization found- ed in 1910. In a 1971 Joint Resolution, the Vermont 11 / Adventurous Women Learn Backcountry Skills Legislature designated the Green Mountain Club the By Ilana Copel & Emily Benning “founder, sponsor, defender and protector of the Long Trail System...” 12 / Autumn Water Contributions of manuscripts, photos, illustrations, and news are welcome from members and nonmem- bers. Copy and advertising deadlines are December 22 16 / Hiker Impacts: When Leaving for the spring issue; March 22 for summer; June 22 Footprints is Too Much for fall; and September 22 for winter. By Elisabeth Fenn The opinions expressed by LTN contributors and advertisers are not necessarily those of GMC. GMC reserves the right to refuse advertising that is not in 17 / Club Closes on Headwaters Camp keeping with the goals of the organization.