Copyright © 2017 by Christopher Forbis and John Sepich
Copyright © 2017 by Christopher Forbis and John Sepich Consecutively Capitalized Words Only: Arkansas 1-7 WPA Slave Narratives (PG 11255, 13700, 19446, 25154, 11544, 11709, 11422) by Work Projects Administration Number of unique words: 9473 Names of persons included in this concordance: AR1-1 Abbott, Silas AR1-38 Bass, Matilda AR1-75 Briles, Frank AR1-2 Abernathy, Lucian AR1-39 Beal, Emmett AR1-76 Brooks, Mary Ann AR1-3 Abromsom, Laura AR1-40 Beard, Dina AR1-77 Brooks, Waters AR1-4 Adeline, Aunt AR1-41 Beck, Annie AR1-78 Brown, Casie Jones AR1-5 Adway, Rose AR1-42 Beckwith, J.H. AR1-79 Brown, Elcie AR1-6 Aiken, Liddie AR1-43 Beel, Enoch AR1-80 Brown, F.H. AR1-7 Aldridge, Mattie AR1-44 Belle, Sophie D. AR1-81 Brown, George AR1-8 Alexander, Amsy O. AR1-45 Bellus, Cyrus AR1-82 Brown, J.N. AR1-9 Alexander, Diana AR1-46 Benford, Bob AR1-83 Brown, Lewis AR1-10 Alexander, Fannie AR1-47 Bennet, Carrie Bradley Logan AR1-84 Brown, Lewis AR1-11 Alexander, Lucretia AR1-48 Benson, George AR1-85 Brown, Mag AR1-12 Allen, Ed AR1-49 Benton, Kato AR1-86 Brown, Mary AR1-13 Allison, Lucindy AR1-50 Bertrand, James AR1-87 Brown, Mattie AR1-14 Ames, Josephine AR1-51 Biggs, Alice AR1-88 Brown, Molly AR1-15 Anderson, Charles AR1-52 Billings, Mandy AR1-89 Brown, Peter AR1-16 Anderson, Nancy AR1-53 Birch, Jane AR1-90 Brown, William AR1-17 Anderson, R.B. AR1-54 Black, Beatrice AR1-91 Brown, William AR1-18 Anderson, Sarah AR1-55 Blackwell, Boston AR1-92 Broyles, Maggie AR1-19 Anderson, Selie AR1-56 Blake, Henry AR1-93 Bryant, Ida AR1-20 Anderson, W.A.
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