NATION Student shot, killed during fight at N.C. school TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents A3 Absentee voting deadline nearing Officials clear up concerns stacles are fixable but that time is run- out to the Sumter County Voter Regis- “If I know it’s out there, then we’ll ning out. tration Office, where Director Patricia scan it and make sure they get it,” Jef- about online applications The Sumter Item received several Jefferson scanned a copy of the appli- ferson said. “We’ll do everything we questions about going through the full cation and sent him that. can.” BY KAYLA ROBINS process online to get an absentee bal- Cornell’s concern was that other In response to questions about
[email protected] lot and download the necessary paper- people may have come across comput- whether the computer problem could work. er problems and not known to reach be fixed, the South Carolina Election After reports of some voters in Edward Cornell said he could not out. Commission said many of the issues Sumter not being able to vote by ab- complete the application to download He voiced frustration the issue still may involve not having Adobe PDF sentee ballot for the upcoming Nov. 6 it, which then would allow him to get exists, claiming his wife came across general election, officials said the ob- an absentee ballot by mail. He reached the same problems last election cycle. SEE VOTING, PAGE A6 Sumter mixes caffeine and gasoline for a good cause PHOTOS BY MICAH GREEN / THE SUMTER ITEM The seventh-annual Caffeine and Gasoline car show rolled into downtown Sumter on Saturday, bringing cars, trucks and motorcycles ranging across decades, styles and colors to the parking lot wrapping from The Sumter Item to Cut Rate Soda Fountain.