
Acta Geologica Polonica, Vol. 48 (1998), No.1, pp. 31-41

Late Visean/early succession from the Esla area of the Cantabrian Mountains, Spain


Geologisches lnstitut, Universitat Tiibingen, Sigwartstr. 10, D-72076 Tiibingen, Germany E-mails: 1 [email protected];[email protected]


BELKA, Z. & LEHMANN, J. 1998. Late Visean/early Namurian conodont succession from the Es1a area of the Cantabrian Mountains, Spain. Acta Geol. Polon., 48 (1), 31-41. Warszawa.

Conodont fauna recovered from pelagic nodular sequence exposed near Santa 01aja de la Varga precisely dates the upper part of the Alba Formation in the Esla area of the Cantabrian Mountains. In terms of , the formation ranges into the early Namurian E2 interval which has been identi­ fied by the OCCUlTence of the conodont bollandensis. The investigated conodont fauna includes exclusively deep-water forms and is dominated by species of Gnathodus and . The former genus is represented primarily by the bilineatus lineage, in which a new species Gnathodlls cantabricus sp. nov. has been recognized and is described herein. Representatives of the another gnathodontid girtyi lineage, generally present in the late Visean/early Namurian deep-water faunas, are extremely rare. The vertical suc­ cession of Lochriea species is closely comparable to those recognized in Northern England, Poland and Ukraine. The Visean/Namurian boundary is thus placed at the first occurrence of Lochriea crllcijormis, 4.7 m below the top of the Alba Formation.

INTRODUCTION lation using because goniatite species as a rule have an endemic character in the Early The base of the Namurian is defined by the entry . Goniatite faunas do, however, pro­ of the goniatite Cravenoceras leion [now Emstites duce short-ranging forms suitable to achieve a very leion (BrsAT, 1930)], following the concept of high-resolution in regional subdivisions. In contrast BrSAT (1930, 1950), which was adopted by the to ammonoids, most of conodont species do not Carboniferous Congress at Heerlen in 1958. In prac­ exhibit any biogeographic restriction in the late tice, however, it appears that the identification of Visean/early Namurian time and thus are suitable this limit outside England is hardly possible, pri­ even for intercontinental correlations. The only dis­ marily, because the species Emstites leion seems to advantage is that conodont evolution during this be restricted in its geographic distribution to time is characterized by a low diversity episode Northern England (KORN 1996). It is important to dominated by long-ranging taxa (ZIEGLER & LANE, recognize general problems in stratigraphical corre- 1987, SWEET 1988, BELKA 1990).

* Present address: Geology Department, University of California, Davis, California 95616, USA 32 ZDZISLA w BELKA & JENS LEHMANN

Ukraine. Because these records are from relatively /cremenes shallow-water environments, conodont data from a deep-water, basinal realm are needed to evaluate the Pica Aguasalio stratigraphical significance of L. cruciformis. ~ In this report, we provide a detailed information on the conodont succession from the late Visean/early Namurian interval of the Alba Pica Moro~ Formation in the southern part of the Cantabrian Ocejo de la Pena o Mountains. The investigated section is located in Pena the vicinity of Santa Olaja de la Varga, a small vil­ Quebrada~ lage in the Esla valley (Text-fig. I). The exposure is ~ El Castillon a small abandoned quarry, about 1 km northeast of "" de Fuentes the village directly next to the road, on the northern "" ~ side of Rio de la Duerna (Text-fig. 2). In terms of " conodont ecology and stratigraphy, the Alba " " " Formation in the Cantabrian Mountains is of partic­ ~ , ular interest in that it comprises exclusively pelagic 50001 sediments in which no significant facies changes can be observed in the late Visean/early Namurian ( interval (Text-fig. 3). Cistiema ~ GEOLOGICAL SETTING lkm 1 The section at Santa Olaja de la Varga repre­ sents a small fragment of the ­ Fig. I. Geographical location of the study area: asterisk marks Carboniferous sequence of the western flank of the location or the sampled section at Santa Olaja de la Varga the Aguasalio Syncline. This fold structure builds the centre of the Esla nappe (RUPKE 1965) which is the uppermost nappe unit within the Cantabrian zone, the outer fold belt of the Iberian Variscides. An attempt to integrate the British ammonoid Due to the structural position on the top of the scheme with the conodont stratigraphy was made by Cantabrian nappe stack, the rocks of the Esla HIGGINS (1975). He presented the vertical distribu­ nappe were never subjected to high temperatures tion of conodont species in the late Visean - early and remained unmetamorphosed. The strata of Northern England and showed Carboniferous sequence starts with shallow-water small changes in the conodont faunas at the clastics and carbonates of the Ermita Formation. Visean/Namurian boundary. The use of subspecies Conodont data indicate that these sediments were of Gnathodus girtyi for correlation purposes in the deposited after the late transgression late Visean/early Namurian interval as proposed by (Lower expansa Zone) and during the Early HIGGINS (1975) cannot, however, be recommended Carboniferous (RAVEN 1983). The top of the for­ because of taxonomic problems (e.g. TYNAN 1980; mation has an erosional character. In the Esla area, GRAYSON & af. 1990). Recently, SKOMPSKI & al. the Ermita Formation ranges up to the (1995) evaluated the biostratigraphic utility of cuneiformis Zone (BELKA & KORN 1994). Lochriea species in this interval. They showed that Overlying is a carbonate, about 17-18 m thick unit in various regions of Europe, from the Moscow composed predominantly of red and grey nodular Basin in Russia to the Pyrenees, there are three . It has been renamed several times, but species of Lochriea (L. cruciforl17is, L. ziegleri, L. most commonly the name Alba Formation was senckenbergica) occurring close to the used. The basal beds of the Alba include conodont Visean/Namurian boundary. The species L. cruci­ fauna of the texan us Zone (early Visean). Thus, form is , in particular, seems to be of great strati­ between the Ermita and Alba formations there is a graphic importance as its first occurrence coincides stratigraphic gap comprising the Tournaisian with the boundary in England, Poland, and the anchoralis Zone and probably also the lowest part LATE VISEAN/EARLY NAMURIAN CONODONT SUCCESSION 33

Fig. 2. Exposure of Alba Formation at Santa Olaja de la Varga section: basal beds of the overlying Barcaliente Formation are arrowed

Fig. 3. Late Visean/early Namurian interval of the Alba Formation at Santa Olaja de la Varga section with the position of the Visean/Namurian boundary: hammer at centre for scale 34 ZDZISLA w BELKA & lENS LEHMANN of the Visean (BELKA & KORN 1994). The top of BOOGAARD (1992). The most comprehensive con­ Alba has not yet been precisely dated. The odont data, based on seventeen samples, is provid­ ammonoid fauna collected from loose, carbonate ed by PARK (1983), but his report remained unpub­ debris in the upper portion of the unit contained lished, unfortunately. All these studies~ although forms indicative of the early Namurian E2 goni­ partially solving some stratigraphic problems, con­ atite interval (WAGNER-GENTIS 1963). The Alba tained no precise information on the position of the Formation is followed by some 500 metres of allo­ Visean/Namurian boundary in the section. Even a dapic limestones of the Barcaliente Formation detailed lithological column of the Alba Formation which ranges in age up to the lower Reticuloceras at Santa Olaja de Ie Varga was not published (RI) goniatite interval (KULLMANN 1979). before SEIBERT (1988) made the first detailed The contact between Ermita and Alba forma­ description of facies and lithology. More recently, tions represents a distinct lithological break and LI:OHMANN (1995) sampled bed-by-bed the upper change in facies from a regressive to a transgres­ part of the section, and subsequently analysed sive sequence. In its basal metre the Alba microfacies and biota. Formation exhibits a sequence of rock textures ranging from sandstones and grainstones to mud­ stones and a succession of biotic components, both LITHOLOGY of which reflect a rapid change from shallow water neritic to much deeper pelagic sedimentation The section investigated for the present paper (BELKA & KORN 1994). Upwards, the sequence comprises the upper part of the Alba Formation is consists of monotonous mudstones with some bio­ situated in the Rio de la Duerna valley. The lithol­ clastic wackestone intercalations. The fauna in the ogy, microfacies and fauna have been described in mudstones includes radiolarians, , and detail by LEHMANN (1995) and consequently only a encrusting foraminifers, whereas the wacke stones brief summary will be given here. The sequence bear a very diverse biota dominated by benthic ele­ begins almost exactly in the middle of this unit and ments. The lithology and fauna point to open extends to the basal beds of the overlying marine pelagic environment within the photic zone Barcaliente Formation (Text-figs 2 and 4). The (KORN 1993). RAVEN (1983) considered deposition main part of the section (beds 1 to 32) is composed at depths between 10 and 50 m in well-oxygenated of well-bedded, uniform mudstones intercalated seawater for the red nodular limestones of the Alba with some wackestone layers (Text-fig. 4). In fact Formation. only beds No. 17 and 24 display the characteristic griotte texture (Text-fig. 3). The mudstones con­ tain predominantly pelagic fauna of radiolarians, PREVIOUS STUDIES conodonts and ammonoids. Benthic organisms are present more frequently in the wackestones. The section at Santa Olaja de la Varga is a clas­ Among these are crinoids, gastropods, trilobites, sic locality of stratigraphical and palaeontological ostracods, and encrusting foraminifers. The overly­ studies in the Cantabrian Mountains. The first ing ca. 80 cm thick package (beds 33 to 43) con­ reports provided descriptions of goniatites collect­ sists of alternation of thin mudstone and marl lay­ ed primarily from loose debris in the exposure ers, in which trilobites, entomozoan ostracods, and (WAGNER 1957, KULLI\IANN 1961, WAGNER­ ammonoids occur abundantly. The only exception GENTIS 1963). Beside ammonoids, a very rich is a 10 cm thick carbonate breccia layer. This clast­ fauna of pelagic entomozoan ostracods and trilo­ supported breccia is poorly sorted and includes bites has been found in the section (BECKER & af. micritic lithoclasts, crinoids, and small rugose 1975, BECKER 1976, GANDL 1977). Although, the corals. The random distribution of allochems sug­ conodonts have been the subject of numerous gests a gravity-flow deposition. The topmost part investigations, analysis was generally restricted to of the Alba Formation (beds 44 to 52) is developed the content of a few isolated samples (HIGGINS as marls described by WAGNER (1971) as the Olaja 1962; LANE & af. 1980; HIGGINS & WAGNER­ beds. In some horizons a rich fauna of entomozoan GENTIS 1982). It was VAN ADRICHEM BOOGAERT ostracods can be observed (BECKER & aZ. 1975; (1967), who for the first time presented the con­ BECKER 1976). This 1.6 m thick only unit attains odont succession of the Alba Formation. Later on, more than 20 m thickness in other places of the this fauna was rein vestigated by VAN DEN Cantabrian Mountains. These marls represent the "r1 ciQ Barcaliente Alba Formation FonnatlOn !" I i---' r-ol:'..) N NN N r"') uJ VJ uJ fJJ W -I'- N -I'- VJ :J 00\00.1-- -J::....UI -.-J t'.J uJ VI 00 ;!: v. bed number ~ '" - '" 0 :::7 "" 0 0- r;q 0' f:'.. () 2- c :3 :l po :l 0- I Lochriea COmmUlala Of' E7= : .. '__" q »r 0- ~ .------+1--- Gnathodus bilineatus -l ~. ~ tTl " po I ;;- I I < <"g- t-- ~--I Gllalhodus praebililleatus I =: O' ~- I en "Q 2.. I tTl­ I » ? ..., ., Gnalhodus:llOll1opuJlctatus " S- z 5 E?= I in " no I I '"d 2J. I I » 0 Al a ...., ~ ------.,.:----II Lochriea llodosa : r 0- ~ I I C (0 I I -< '" I I <' co -I z ()'" t------~' Lochriea :iegleri : » "c; I er- 0- I I s:: () c::: 3 0 '"d :l Gnathodus canlabri~'us Al [ ~ I :; I po 0- I Z (il ;? ------. Lochriea lI1ultillodo~a I I n :l -0 o 0- ~~ 0' "0 : : z ii' 1------1'1- ~~:/,...... :I Loch.riea sellckellbergica o "c; "- a I . (\ I t:I 0- :l o 0- \ : ~~\ .. ' Z '< s- , 1",,;:··.·,·- " -I Lochnea cruciJonms -l 0- I I ' " I I VJ "o-'"d C c. 8 '"d "~ ~ c::: :l [ ,.,.o "c. ::;.. I ~ ~ Lochriea 1I10110llodosa n C ~ ". ". I ~ I n '"d ;; II o I I :l § I I tTl ~ o VJ ~ :l " " : Gllalhodus girtyi gir~yi VJ ~ ....,0 "' ~ I o I :::7 Z ~ :1 I Gnathodus bollandellsis ;::" 0- ""r1 0 LJUdOU ~- ., H [fleh"," 'P A "'(:, :3 I o·~ I :l ------1------~c5'-:"""" I ~ I I VJ tn tn po I 10 ;? o ,I po ~ <.::. Visean Namurian w po V1 36 ZDZISLA w BELKA & lENS LEHMANN

deepest basinal environment in the entire pelagic (HIGGINS & WAGNER-GENTIS 1982, PARK 1983, sequence of the Alba Formation. VAN DEN BOOGAARD 1992). HIGGINS & WAGNER­ GENTIS (1982) postulated a partial geographic iso­ lation of this region in order to explain this fact. CONODONT FAUNA The gnathodontid bilineatus lineage is represent­ ed by G. bilineatus (see PI. 1), its ancestor Twenty-seven samples, each about 1-1.5 kg, G. praebilineatus (see PI. 2, Figs 4-6), and by two were collected from the Santa Olaja de la Varga species which evolved from G. bilineatus. These are section. With exception of four samples taken from G. bollandensis, found for the first time in the the uppermost marls of the Alba and basal beds of Namurian of the Esla area, and G. cantabricus sp. the Barcaliente Formation, all samples were pro­ nov. which is described herein (see PI. 2, Figs 1-3 and ductive and contained conodonts (APPENDIX and PI. 3, Fig. 10). From the two other important Early PIs 1-5). Some of them also yielded encrusting Carboniferous lineages Lochriea and Vogelgnathus, foraminifers and poorly preserved radiolarians. only representatives of the fonner were recovered. Conodont frequency, in average below 50 speci­ We did not detect any horizons characterized by mens per kilogram of rock, was rather low consid­ large quantities of Vogelgnathus campbelli. Two ering the pelagic conditions during sedimentation such samples were reported by PARK (1983) from the and a low sedimentation rate. In some layers, how­ section. These invasions by V. campbelli interpreted ever, conodonts appear to be extremely rich. PARK to reflect the periods of maximum sea-level rise (VAN (1983) demonstrated a conodont sample with DEN BOOGAARD 1992) occur in the Early almost 2000 platform elements, but he did not pro­ Carboniferous of the Cantabrian Mountains in very vide any information as to sample weight. The tax­ different stratigraphical positions. The Lochriea lin­ onomic content of this assemblage and its position eage is well represented by all species of the genus in the schematic lithological column presented by known to live during late Visean/early Namurian PARK suggest that this sample must have been col­ time (L. commutata, L. nodosa, L. mononodosa, L. lected approximately from the interval between ziegleri, L. senckenbergica, L. multinodosa, and L. beds 14 and 17 (Text-fig. 4). cruciformis) (see PIs 3-5). The stratigraphic In the investigated conodont fauna the plat­ sequence of Lochriea species is not known in all form elements distinctly outnumber the ramiform details (see SKOMPSKI & al. 1995). Because the old­ ones. The fauna is dominated by representatives est fonns, L. cracoviensis and L. commutata, have a of Gnathodus and Lochriea, which belong to typ­ smooth cup, an evolutionary trend of increasing ical and usually common forms in the open­ complexity in platfonn ornamentation can be easy marine and deep-water environments during the postulate for the development of Pa elements within late Visean/early Namurian time. No species of this genus. Transitional forms observed in the exam­ genera known predominantly from the shallow­ ined fauna allow to infer a phylogenetic sequence water settings, such as Mestognathus or from L. nodosa to L. ziegleri, and further to L. senck­ , were recovered. There is, howev­ enbergica, and to L. crucifonnis. Small specimens er, an anomaly in the composition of the deep­ of L. multinodosa bear cup ornamentation (PI. 3, water conodont assemblage from the Santa Olaja Figs 1-3) which suggests that this species presum­ de la Varga section. In contrast to other deep­ ably also derived from L. nodosa. The species L. water faunas known from Europe and North mononodosa makes its debut in the examined fauna America (e.g. HASS 1953, DUNN 1965, very late. This is probably due to relatively small MEISCHNER 1970, HIGGINS 1975), which general­ rock samples we processed, because PARK (1983) ly include both Visean gnathodontid lineages found L. mononodosa starting as low as L. nodosa in bilineatus and girtyi, representatives of the latter the Santa Olaja de la Varga section. group are extremely rare here. Only three Pa ele­ The conodont elements examined during this ments of G. girtyi were found (see Appendix). In study yield a colour alteration index (CAl) values addition, there is no record of other taxa of the of 2-2.5. The same level of thermal maturity report­ girtyi lineage at all. The rarity of G. girtyi and the ed BELKA & KORN (1994) from other exposure of absence of girtyi-related forms (for list and Alba Formation in the Esla area. It reflects heating description see HIGGINS 1975) are characteristic temperatures not higher than 1000 C (EpSTEIN & al. features of the late Visean/early Namurian con­ 1977), assuming that the heating resulted from bur­ odont faunas in the Cantabrian Mountains ial during Late Carboniferous time. LATE VISEAN/EARLY NAMURIAN CONODONT SUCCESSION 37


The conodont sequence rcognized at the Santa Figured specimens are reposited at the Olaja de la Varga section indicates that the Alba University of Tiibingen (GPIT). Formation ranges here into the lower Namurian (Text-figs 2-4). Although the top of the forma­ tion cannot be directly dated, these data are in Genus Gnathodus PANDER, 1856 good agreement with the results presented by Type species: bilineatus ROUNDY, HIGGINS & W AGNER-GENTIS (1982) from other 1926 localities in the Cantabrian Mountains, where the formation reaches into the early Namurian E2b Gnathodus cantabricus sp.n. goniatite interval. In terms of conodont stratigra­ (PI. 2, Figs 1-3) phy, this interval can be identified by the occur­ rence of Gnathodus bollandensis (HIGGINS 1983. Gnathodus n.sp. A; S.-I. PARK, pp. 86-87, PI. 3, 1975; SKOMPSKI & al. 1995). We can thus infer Figs 18-21. that the E2 goniatite fauna reported by W AGNER­ 1993. Gnathodus bilineatus bollandensis HIGGINS & GENTIS (1963) certainly derived from the top of BOUCKAERT; M.-F. PERRET, PI. 10, Fig. 28 (only). Alba carbonates, between beds 33 and 43. It is 1994. Gnathodus sp. A PARK; R. BOSIC, pp. 106-108, PI. therefore evident that the marls at the top of the 5, Figs 1-3. Alba Formation, the Olaja beds sensu WAGNER (1971), do not correspond to the EI goniatite HOLOTYPE: The specimen illustrated in PI. 2, interval as some workers previously supposed Fig. 2. (REUTHER 1977, BECKER 1982). They represent TYPE LOCALITY: Santa Olaja de la Varga sec­ the E2 interval. tion, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain. The vertical succession of Lochriea species is TYPE HORIZON: Bed No. 16, Alba Formation closely comparable to those recognized in north­ (4.9 m below the top of formation). ern England, Poland, and the Ukraine (SKOMPSKI DERIVATION OF NAME: From the Cantabrian & al. 1995; SKOMPSKI 1996). In our interpreta­ Mountains in Spain, where the species was first tion, it is therefore justified to trace tentatively the discovered. base of the Namurian at bed No. 21, at the first DIAGNOSIS: Carminiscaphate Pa element charac­ occurrence of Lochriea cruciformis (Text-figs 3- terized by a broad, spade-shaped cup with asym­ 4). This is in obvious conflict with data provided metrical halves; the outer side of the cup is wider by MEISCHNER (in SKOMPSKI & al. 1995) from the than the inner side and only weakly ornamented by Rhenohercynian belt, where this species is sup­ randomly scattered nodes. posed to have its first occurrence already during the late Visean. However, some controversy MATERIAL: Twenty Pa elements. existed in the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge con­ cerning the position of the Visean/N amurian DESCRIPTION: Cup of Pa elements with a boundary when the conodont data were assem­ distinct asymmetry in the width, shape and orna­ bled. In terms of goniatite stratigraphy, the bound­ mentation of halves, represents about a half of the ary has recently been revised and placed at the unit length; broad outer cup commonly widest in first appearance of Edmooroceras pseudocoro­ anterior third, its margin forms convex curve, nula (KORN 1996, KORN & HORN 1997). The rela­ characteristically meeting posterior tip without tionship of the goniatite succession to the co­ sinus in margin; inner side narrower, with the nodont occurrences cannot be evaluated and thus widest point in the midlength of inner margin; remains questionable since information on the inner margin variable, slightly convex; outer side positions of the critical conodont samples in the weakly ornamented by randomly scattered small sections was not published. nodes in most specimens, but arranged in rows We hope that this contribution may stimulate parallelling cup margin in some instances; inner further work in the Rhenohercynian Zone and else­ side bears a weak parapet composed of nodular where to clarify the relation of conodont lineages rows or indistinct ridges; parapet typically does to records of other fossils, and in particular of not reach carina and terminates posterior to the ammonoids. widest place of inner cup; carina is fused and 38 ZDZISLAW BELKA & JENS LEHMANN slightly incurved in posterior part; basal cavity tungen aus dem friihen Oberkarbon des deep, wide and asymmetrical; free blade straight, Kantabrischen Gebirges (N-Spanien). Neues with denticles of equal high. lahrbuch fur Geologie und Paliiontologie, Abhandlungen, 164, 307-338. Stuttgart. REMARKS: Except for Pa elements, no other BECKER, G., BLESS, M.J.M. & KULLMANN, J. 1975. elements of Gnathodus cantabricus are known. Oberkarbonische Entomozoenschiefer im The apparatus included one set of paired asymmet­ Kantabrischen Gebirge (Nordspanien). Neues ric Pa elements, since left and right elements of lahrbuch fur Geologie und Paliiontologie, these pairs may be distinguished. It is likely that Abhandlungen, 150, 92-110. Stuttgart. the apparatus of G. cantabricus in architecture and BELKA, Z. 1990. Potential conodont levels for interconti­ organisation was similar to the well-known appara­ nental division of the Lower Carboniferous. Courier tus of Gnathodus bilineatus (see PI. 1 and NORBY Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 130, 11-14. 1976), from which G. cantabricus evolved. Pa ele­ Frankfurt/Main. ments of G. bilineatus differ from those of BELKA, Z. & KORN, D. 1994. Re-evaluation of the Early G. cantabricus by having well-developed, long Carboniferous conodont succession in the Esla area parapet on the narrow inner cup and characteristic of the Cantabrian Zone (Cantabrian Mountains, quadrate-shaped, flat outer cup. Cup of G. bilinea­ Spain). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, tus is thus different in outline (more asymmetrical) 168,183-193. Frankfurt/Main. and, in addition, stronger ornamented. BISAT, W.S. 1930. On Cravenoceras leion sp. nov. The Pa element of Gnathodus cantabricus is Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association, similar to that of species G. praebilineatus. It can 20,28-32. Leeds. be distinguished, however, by the character of the 1950. The junction faunas of the Visean and inner side and a more circular outline of the cup in Namurian. Transactions of the Leeds Geological G. cantabricus. Specimens of G. praebilineatus Association, 6, 10-26. Leeds. have a cup that is distinctly triangular in outline. BOSIC, R. 1994. Post- Conodontenzonierung in den Oberen Sanzenkogel-Schichten des Grazer OCCURRENCE: Pa elements of Gnathodus Pala.ozoikums, pp. 1-202. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis; cantabricus sp.n. are known to occur in the University of Graz. Cantabrian Mountains, Spanish Pyrenees, and DUNN, D.L. 1965. Late conodonts from the Styria (Austria). Bird Spring Formation in Nevada. lournal of Paleontology, 39,1145-1150. Tulsa. EpSTEIN, A.G., EpSTEIN, IE. & HARRIS, L.D. 1977. Acknowledgements Conodont color alteration an index to organic metamorphism. U.S. Geological Survey, We wish to thank D. KORN and J. KULLMANN (both Professional Paper, 995,1-27. Washington. Tiibingen) for useful discussions and information on GANDL, J. 1977. Die Trilobiten der Alba-Schichten geology of the Cantabrian Mountains. Thanks also to J. (Unter-Vise bis Namur A). Senckenbergiana NEBELSICK (Tiibingen) for several suggestions which sig­ Lethaea, 58, 1l3-217. Frankfurt/Main. nificantly improved the manuscript. J.L. is indebted to the GRAYSON, R.e., MERRILL, G.K. & LAMBERT, L.L. 1990. "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes" for financial Carboniferous gnathodontid conodont apparatuses: support and to I. LEHMANN for her assistance in the field. evidence of dual origin of taxa. W. GERBER, H. HUTTEMANN and R. KRAUSER (all Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 118, 353- Tiibingen) provided technical assistance during the labo­ 396. Frankfurt/Main. ratory work. HASS, W.H. 1953. Conodonts from the Barnett Formation of . U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper, 243 F, 69-94. Washington. REFERENCES HIGGINS, A.C. 1962. Conodonts from the "Griotte" Limestone of North-West Spain. Notas y Comuns. BECKER, G. 1976. Oberkarbonische Entomozoidae Inst. Geol. y Minero de Espana, 65, 5-22. Madrid. (Ostracoda) im Kantabrischen Gebirge (N-Spanien). 1975. Conodont zonation of the late Visean - early Senckenbergiana Lethaea, 57, 201-223. Westphalian strata of the south and central Pennines Frankfurt/Main. of northern England. Bulletin of the Geological 1982. Fazies-anzeigende Ostracoden-Vergesellschaf- Survey of Great Britain, 53,1-90. London. LATE VISEAN/EARLY NAMURIAN CONODONT SUCCESSION 39

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APPENDIX: Numerical distribution of conodont elements in the Santa Olaja de la Varga section; Conodont sample numbers are bed numbers Bed No's 2 I 4 ~ 9 13B I13TI16 17 I 18 19 I 20 21 24 25 27 29 I 30 32 33 35 38 41 45 'i:l 'i:l Lochriea commutata IPa 2 9 9 31 3 18 2 5 8 4 4 ~ Pb 3 2 1 I U >-< M 4 3 17 9 3 ~ S 2 1 Gnathodus bilineatus I Pa 3 2 I 2 I 42 I 43 I 6 167 2 169 4 5 I 16 2 7 3 Pb 6 4 M 4 S 3 7 2 l';:; Gnathodus praebilineatus I Pa 3 3 tTl

"Gnathodus" homopunctatus I Pa 2 4 ::5[fJ tTl­ "Gnathodus" symmutatus IPa 4 ~ Z Lochriea nodosa I Pa 3 4 3 13 2 2 ~ 10 Pb 2 l' >-< Lochriea ziegleri 2 2 1 2 8 ------ipa-- Z Gnathodus cantabricus Pa 2 12 2 ~ Lochriea multinodosa Pa c: I 4 4 10 1 ~ Lochriea senckenbergica ipa 5 10 3 ~ ------Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Pa 2 1 () oz Lochriea cruciformis I Pa 3 3 2 o t:J Lochriea mononodosa I Pa 2 3 6 o Gnathodus bollandensis I Pa 2 I 2 ~ [fJ c: Lochriea sp. A Pa () () Lochriea spp. Pa 2 3 tTl 6_-1-_2 2 8 13 2 [fJ [fJ Pb 1 2 12 2 I I (3 ---+---4--- Z Gnathodus spp. Pa 6 3 I 6 4 2~_1_~~ 9 2 77 47 3 15 4 8 4 -jt14- 2 Pb 2 2 12 2 3 M S Idioprioniodus spp. 6 16 4 2 ------~-L~ spp. 3 7 Unassigned rami form elements 3 15 2 I 13 I II 46 2 24 6 8 ~------Total counted conodonts 3 21 45 12 15112111511 23 9 4671 II ~~7h~1 7 I 36 6 58 25 22 3~-r-~ ::: ACTA GEOLOGICA POLONICA, VOL. 48 Z. BELKA & J. LEHMANN, PL. I


Gnathodus bilineatus (ROUNDY, 1926)

1 - Pa element, upper view, sample 16, x 65 2 - Pa element, upper view, sample 16, x 80 3 - Pa element, upper view, sample 21, x 50 4 - Pa element, upper view, sample 25, x 80 5 - Pa element, upper view, sample 9, x 85 6 - M element, lateral view, sample 27, x 150 7 - Sc2 element, lateral view, sample 38, x 65 8 - ScI element, lateral view, sample 21, x 110 9 - Pb element, lateral view, sample 16, x 80 10 - Pb element, lateral view, sample 38, x 65 ACTA GEOLOGICA POLONICA, VOL. 48 Z. BELKA & J. LEHMANN, PL. 1 ACTA GEOLOGICA POLONICA, VOL. 48 Z, BELKA & 1. LEHMANN, PL. 2


1-3 - Gnathodus cantabricus sp.n. 1 - Pa element, holotype, sample 16, x 90 2 - Pa element, sample 18, x 90 3 - Pa element, sample 21, x 75

4-6 - Gnathodus praebilineatus BELKA, 1985 4 - Pa element, sample 2, x 90 5 - Pa element, sample 9, x 110 6 - Pa element, specimen showing transition to G. bilineatus, sample 2, x 75

7-8 - "Gnathodus" homopunctatus ZIEGLER, 1960 7 - Pa element, sample 2, x 90 8 - Pa element, sample 9, x 110



1-4 - Lochriea multinodosa (WIRTH, 1967) 1 - Pa element, sample 20, x 90 2 - Pa element, sample 20, x 90 3 - Pa element, sample 18, x 90 4 - Pa element, sample 21, x 100

5-8 - Lochriea commutata (BRANSON & MEHL, 1941) 5 - Pa element, sample 2, x 90 6 - Pa element, sample 25, x 90 7 - M element, lateral view, sample 21, x 80 8 - M element, lateral view, sample 21, x 90

9 - Lochriea spp., Pb element, lateral view, sample 38, x 120

10 - ?Gnathodus bollandensis HIGGINS & BOUCKAERT, 1968, Pb element, lateral view, sample 38, x 110

Unless otherwise stated, all figures are upper views ACTA GEOLOGICA POLONICA, VOL. 48 z. BELKA & J. LEHMANN, PL. 3 ACTA GEOLOGICA POLONICA, VOL. 48 Z. BELKA & J. LEHMANN, PL. 4


1-2 - Lochriea nodosa (BISCHOFF, 1957) 1 - Pa element, transitional form to L. ziegleri, sample 16, x 120 2 - Pa element, transitional form to L. ziegleri, sample 9, x 90

3,5- Lochriea senckenbergica NEMIROVSKAYA, PERRET & MEISCHNER, 1994 3 - Pa element, sample 21, x 95 5 - Pa element, sample 21, x 95

4 - Lochriea cruciformis (CLARKE, 1960); Pa element, sample 25, x 90

6-7 - Lochriea ziegleri NEMIROVSKAYA, PERRET & MEISCHNER, 1994 6 - Pa element, sample 17, x 120 7 - Pa element, sample 16, x 85

8 - Lochriea sp. A, Pa element, sample 41, x 60



1-4 - Lochriea nodosa (BISCHOFF, 1957) 1 - Pa element, upper view, sample 25, x 110 2 - Pa element, upper view, sample 21, x 65 3 - Pa element, upper view, sample 21, x 95 4 - Pa element (iuv.) , upper view, sample 9, x 140

5 - Lochriea spp., Pb element, lateral view, sample 21, x 120

6-8 - ?Lochriea nodosa (BISCHOFF, 1957) 6 - Pb element, lateral view, sample 25, x 120 7 Pb element, lateral view, sample 21, x 90 8 Pb element, lateral view, sample 21, x 90

9 - Idioprioniodus sp., Sb element, lateral view, sample 9, x 120

10 - Idioprioniodus healdi (ROUNDY, 1926), Pb element, lateral view, sample 25, x 90 ACTA GEOLOGICA POLONICA, VOL. 48 Z. BELKA & J. LEHMANN, PL. 5

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