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AOOOONTOriMITAXm ICE SKA' '!•>•*•• •**»».. 1MJM! and OCEAN CITY LEDGER BALAMCM ON RAND Of TBB lOIXOWDfO BAWJDX SLEDS ••? mi nimn Tnt T -—' **-* * •**• XXUI.~Nt.f4 OCCM OIY, FEHMMY 7, itM. Mat Mattoaal Baa*. Oaan at/, M*r*rt aad Ik Mtiwi HarJwan &*>

mtnjra Mr. omni EF LOCALS Safe and—hwane—Be Safe •k PERSONALS OFTMDE Tk* neater waakty arnHig *f tk* TMt iM IMt Oft. OMMMl ... lM»n. Board of OoBHakwawara waa kaU *• Tkr apacial aMatlac of tk* Board of tka akot* dat* at tan* afWaek P. M, Trad* ealkd far Batarday ate*, laav wltk Mayor Joatak O. Chfploa m- SM. waa wry wan ittaalid. r» waa IW OVERCOATS R- la«n»f hrk>mt Tk* City dark rrportad tkat tka apactel rapwaautlr* of tk* N*w Tark Btak. O*a*ral Pead City SoUdtor bad apprond Ik* koada ryodtart* paaktat tk* Utk St. Botal •ted ky tk* Coatnetor for aaek of tk* arojatt. • . l-3cff. $12.Up i m T faaa lamidaiiad Mi • Satll* Laka waa * neat vWtar Coatractor oadar eootracta ckttaeta. aad ab» a dtnetor of tko BakMM «f UM CantyXasaMhsetteetea: ^r=jjT Aaaa Champloa waa a raoamt i City vMtar. I tto Lnmtor Mataal Caamalty fnawiaaralToaas; aald tkafcotel a a pteanad aad City of Nortk WrMwoed $ tOeTBJ Walter flktotda waa a raoaat I Company, suttee tkat tto Oaatraotec |nte*ty par eaat. aaaaoML wealdto o f to Cap* May. carrlea workm**** compeasattoa Oraavlllo 8t«*kBn baa ratarav empkryeea nder policy No. WUL Soar, aad woaM teatan a roaf o> Balance «f MM Canty Taam CocoHatted: atrloto Bonoc* of Stoa* Barber....~ .» «tt» wblek policy wOl termlaat* oa Jaty 1. den. tk* eaat to to a amBHoa aad a 8m AaWiy AV«MM. Oeoa City. K X Edward OoB vMtod PTilaidil 1*10, unlisa previously caantted, balf dollars. A teaaat waa nady wk» d MUtTiD* ritintlj'. Motion ky Director Ptetor aad aae- operated two koute la Cattfarate aad JONES HAS XT. r famaa Bow* I* innalaarlai ooded ky Director CampoeO tkat tk* oa* ta Atlanta. Oa. Bateaoa of 1TO Oaaaty TtaM VaceUectsd: lartatkof taaaflltla. cash or cenlned ckeeka depoalted wttk AH tkat wa* needed to coaaatete tk* Bono** *f Stea* Barber I M*T» (dirlnlr ktartla. of FkBadalakla. kid* to ntaraed la tk* aatcaoafal Coa- deal waa a stock aabacrtpttoa at tw* City aFrtortfc WOdwoad !MtM» tractor. Motion carried. . hundred tkooaaad deOafa. Mr. Laka vtattor i Tto nport of tto Electrical tem» aeemed to feel tkat tto eadorasawat . A. Do*, of Phfladotpkla. waa ' : tor waa aukmltted wltb ckeck •ttaetod by to* Board of Trad* would aaak* tk* Total .»1M4M» City vtattar oa Tan day. la tto earn of $404*. Janaary tea*.. Humphrey Radian Pattlt kaa agala boaa daetaa r . .-. .- . •;' M0U00 by Dlnctor CampkaU aad alapto matter. If aetloa waa takn LIABILtTISaf OF TH* COCWTT. — of tk* Board of Wacatloa. -. .- •- - 'A.^3* aecoaded by Director Pteker tkat tk* at oac* tto hotel coatd to —*-* »IU* Stoatama kaa i*«ara*d J vlalt to kla daosktar.ia Paaa- ^v | check tamed over to City Treasurer. Aetloa of tto Board of. Trade waa turn t.Oeeaa CM* aad BaMtty* ratat Taw- Motion carried. placed te tto hands of a.coamattte* «lk* —I MM Anna. Bra*, of Banaplaln. la Tto report of tto Beattk Officer waa tnat reported to tto neater amttaa; Baa Mo City TaraaO* - MM M*a**dtokafld I aom* tiro* wtlk bar aW*r, reed wttk check attached te tto aaaa: of Pea. trd. OoS. of UN. January free. ^ Boa*. Na. I.... > la aMad tko Paway Social, of Motion by Dlnctor Caopton aad ( Tto Board of Trad* waa tto baateat •d turn teoaafly > towa laat Ltadtec Bride* B. Boctoty of tk* Pr*»byter> , 'LOBkUrckM. , above report to received and Sled aad | President Barry T. Staataa U to to StteUeaiara Uadlas Brie** Na. I... MM M tknwa oat tk* a*at '•••'"• '•i^Jt^vi check tamed over 10 City Treasurer, coamtateled oa tto eatkastesat sad BoOy Baack Brida* IMM I old kjoajaaaad* dtaa*T win I ktotlOB carried. pepto te pottm s Into kte new to*. Holly Beach Brida*. No. I MM I la tko aodal rooaaa of tk* I Tto aty Clerk read tto Notlee of Tbe committee*, an aBve aad oa Sea late CHy bed MM Ctarch tola araala*. Staa* Biitar Tanalke IMM Oacar Slmpkloa aad Mr*. 8aaf Ordinance tor tto porpoa* of teylac | new cornaimeaa wen appointed. Tk* Atam Brtds* ttjm taraaa. of AMI**. N. J, ar* out. opeatac. aad jradtec certate at-1 new oroeoeed hotel came rator a fat! Oceaa CHy Brida* BUM Ur*. a Fraak aatttk. 1 teen net- wide alleys or streets m! •bare of ' Oceea City Baad «UM iQTT GAS LIGHT COMPANY - Farkar. of tkla dty. oala- ; Oeeaa City. New Jeraey. | iiaiad ' Mayor Champtoa nqaaMed tkat tf'caaaotto Bay Oan Baad. taalt Sacttea JMM aayoae preaeat dealnd la make aay ( ber of Com Albart Moacrlaf ka* a»**d kora J ' obisctioaa. that tkey woaM aow to to tea dollars a yw. or to Baad Bride**. No. f. MM Ula. Bar liaahaad win ka J Itoard: aeveral ptupmy owners spoke't*-— — • — -— UjMMa I la MllrrlD*tar tk * wtatar. ldJtLtt XTUM tkereta. Mr Saal acttoa at tto neater - Canty UH, aankaHnne Raad.. by tk* poHca of Oeau (tM WMUM AMaHWlllak ***7 BaMffW Tto report of tto Chief of Police meette«. .. (MM t to CkJ*f ScvJT* rttert. J waa read from October 1st 1MB. to I Oentletaea from Samara Petal wao UMN *MM - - Atalaa cad SUa* Buaar Raad .. JMM of tk* BMambara of Ocaaa t Pakruary L lt». Inclodtec tto asm-1 ar*> trytac ta orcaate* a Caamker of MlMMt TUM - - Oaan Ctty-canart taM Batd...... TMM , P. * A. M, »J*lt*d Arko-I ber of amate made aad eipiaaea of ccaamr* tken wen praaaat aad **> MS71M M^M - - Btekwaaaa-a Camri Brtda* .. IMM Cap* May Coart Boaaa. oa tto teUL etc. traded aa mrltattea to tko aaaasaora turn m - WDdvaad Baad .. OIN aaaa Motion ky Director CajapbeO aad ta come over Thursday alskfaad beta XJUUt ISUM - ^ OP—jOty-Oama-i Uht Bridt*... gajfly M. BoafckM. of late city.' TWXtPHOttl COMPANY OTFCN* MIM HARRICT HIW-aTVf |Btr. R. a Bnyder aerved aaadtcbea. escoaded ky Director Plator tkat^tto them «et ataried. 1*14 ZMM - •AaM XaSPfWiaMBC flaaUtMtV SaMafl. .. mm •J lVfTaaaaan^h^ aT^^^aT B^aaai^M*M IViaA fB^^^ .. IMM MTEHTAINS. cake and Ice cream to. tto yomusten «kove nport b^jycetved aad tied. Tto meetln* adjaened to MJ44J2 IMM - .. CMM asd. ttey did aawte Jostle* ta tMaV MotWcaTrted.-- jTaeaday atekL aad wkettor yoa an a MtT-M MM " " TBM Avaaa*. Stoo* Butar .. MM "«"• Mtea MurkH Btetey nlartatt- 5 4kn*-Boya w*r* pnaraL aad A letter was>n*d fromIUJM. Oarratt M Nte Social — C*a**pead witt bad »merry tnae. statlmt tkat tto Motor PumpU« Plre' — l«.ni.«T .. .._ ... .j . ..._ «d a aa»k*rof at- frteada teat Tkara- tkay tn aUkt aad ka»* aa— fn| ..«•j to*> wttk tk*j*M*atlo*) ^ ^nm^ „ bomar *ITbeTeeVeat hn ,.,,atkk " ^ — Aanarata* pad bee* ahrpped oa tk.aoa.ao Of TWAD1 Ua.4M.44 at Ik* Btpttet Saetel ••oax «tk* maaakjrattat It waa v r u cottntr n n—timt Dttt. srssrTs - "• ^"sr* %£?c£ tTSm 7Hd«rito~js • *°°^ ™«•«"»*• .ttT4M.lt •*•"•' Wi*a™aTaT mm** CWLOW*»*B». I na* tea a. , , - •_ _j , —„ - -.»*—— »*- - - a,^ *BBBWSBSBBW» Ooml road Not** Tke noard of Trade BoOHta tkat 2 L%± dnmbim |o« rebroary. aad reaaratlac ttot to, .i-^. n-..^ -» w.^. toti^i. ik,i Mimtlmt rwa*. MMM liwaatioatir rta bom* la la CaatearUte, Pa. M4JM4* mmmmm t. UJBS.« Oaaaty NotM .. Carolla* DrrkM)to o a H.4M.4M1T KMMJM

Catk la Baak: . t : Loote Joaaaoa. P»<»U aad Manoa Team t». City Comalaaloaera. Mr. Ho«.. *ltk whom tbe Mea orl*> Caioa Baak. WUdvoad. H. J. HU71M BnStetey.y rraace* Tard. Dor- Tb*M T l Ci NJ | uuted. cam. lafar rrttletea . botk faT **^* MeOlaala. Oar- fa Ik* dl ,orakle aad aatavoraka*.

BMBxctfaDy aaaaaitod. 1MTM4 C W. 8A0U O»nty CaOaHor. M aftlMB 0» fMBOarnOM Starlk WOdwaad aad Oraav "—------..-.— OtaaycQALTY. Baud at WOdwaad. N. J, Jaaaary lltk. 1MB.

Central •"• laeaajlas Jaa. >»•». tt» reeolullo-*B*«*n to la. Oty Commliaioorr« e TTb...e Pature-. . Tkl..a la a aakter. t b^. OCCAM CITY. M. 1 ,,^M^-.,, SSS • • rn.Xcbool to erected oa Ito (Tounda new-, topic. Sunday rvrnlns bis dlaeawne w—«' or tkat Ute detemme d to NOAV IN M. •. CNURCR £a7ry Ckadwkk iaA ty acquired by Ito Oly from tto Camp winto o a -True Mr*-. This win to MaMHSBMvB LKAOUB NOTtt, to a aao* dova. *ad tbca ar cot " TILaVMONK OWICTOmm OtlO tUOOIMLV. mak. LAST aUNOAV IN M. •. CNURCR 7t» MeeUoc AssoctaHop: runber. Iton'*, Uaeoln service. fM*. Way ta U IBM U» aUta (at —_ Parkrr MUtor >*T'SBSII be lacorporaled la tto atructon, Ttofpwortk Lea«we win toad Ikttr Lak* hi kack Mlov*' aaatT Y»*y are Jaat aa taata Talttabat _ orlttaalty Iraaed. c la tk Metka- Wm. P Oudtecr aaa «*khakrr. waii Hoy B. Darty 714'an aas»mbry room of saaVlealty Urss) 1 service In tto Mala auditorium of tk* •. Bat W» tak- aa kttuaa. Joaa. kaatr laat Ball at aa kv SS-T proportion* to arrommodale tto vari-'Ckarck Soaday eveateji. Tken wfll noaiaaiaaaada. Harry rtmraca<«ry wmua. OWwUU a pooltea aa d «• •^•^ It waa a vary apllftlaB aar- W. R Harrto U?Jr 5^ X »•*» tkrwwbboao L Tken wen aoj ao L. L. Walalce. Jr.. ilfoos m**llan of Ito public aad tto to some slioee oa tto tJood 8toa> tal aa oa aoaw otbeTocca- Raymond E Shaw. •" - - " - *r. People an asked to earn* at Oaatral Dtnctary aad a,, pmoui dealre to reader all a»r- away preetal ea o'clock toto o atoad wto a tto - of tk* weal hooka an I ja*' Hwimmlas; pool, aad proper bouatec pictures an akowa. FRANK E DARBY *. Barry W. Poakte. of New Tk*tetter wa a retenid to a eaav Hoaday errata*, tke pastor. Bar Walter Ckattla ..'. u, for Ito Public Library. Tnla pten te Oa Sunday momlflt Pee. Ulk. tto to *u tk* kail*. Talk to ikta 'waa a visitor hen tkte waak 'mtt»«* rotaartslas; Blrmm 8. Maamr. Coras) W. Yard, apoka oa "Bspid Ad- B. M. Darky approved bv Dr. Calvla N. Kendall of subject u( tto pastor will to "What I al Jake, kat aaaat of yoa aad aaatla. BIB. Joka Ct«*aa aaadta W. Bowtead aad CaatOy an B. a Bwaa aad Ira Ckamptoa wttk dltloa". Tbe text far la* mate* waa P. E. Darby Ito Ktai* Board of Education." Kaow." karat kaard It Aak Waal* eoei tkaai toto tk* aotkaia tku way. ii Mac at tk* Palaita* Apart- ran power teaet. takca fnaa Matt, d: St. "But aaafc ye Wm. J. Ckadwlck. S| .HU-ed.^LEBOYHOWE^ SOki, TIP,. , Stttaeatk aad Sarao* atnata. * Mr. Smltk wmto te Ocea a City the trat tb. ffiimi— at Gad. aad ate J. & Adama steal*. 1 Brat of a*xt week te coaler wttk tk* rlsjiteoaaaem: aad an tbeae tkiaca Haaey Ckattla .. •sw. wamwaai*»tByavkUa.aB« aicat tktamwHL Latkar ml It •oaM ••••Biooolt. ae, »,„ fc^. ,„ , onj, ,, n^ W. P. M. Society, of Ik* Pint, committee, shall to added unto you." C. E. Steteer b di mat at Ik* hoes* of Mra., >i a. Mr. Yard aald then te a notion tkat A. M. Plummrr... Akaaf a yaw aa* Watt Alfaa r**d a aon* oaMa oaT klamJt aad a* vaaatt- ' . - — i BIIMO eaaKMATULATKO. ***** bodlea and areai projects move a U Smith •Mar la tk* laaca*. okkk *aa duad Ms taoask to tttk tk* aair of tfcna. MARO OfTMAOC MKCTIPM. l l Cblaa was U«*a by Mra.. ••"•«• www'""'""- atowly. but Ood burls tto earth at IT a. a Bwaa aaWnaaad la kka at Mow Tkay had aattar watciibalr artt.1 Oua Mayor Champion stsled last h. was W. Yard. Aa eajoyakte tba* Ur , __ __,„ mllm per mtnste: Be amdV out tto Wm. 8nnu kack. | mhmtlM M Mo m receipt el tto nelmailoo of Mtse I H-nt flntaitT arTtr ailiara « ilrtt I - a ky att. rw.. ST.^STi ??VLi. " ***** • "»"• °* *"•"* Aadww C. BoeweU I o*daek la Oty BaQ. Ck*a«» of aaaM. . vtD eoat* kator* tkaj aa koar. Mn. "»••" .. - lapectellaete oa e tame aad com. oat a of orreral fnmtettt—•• atand^ ^k and War*, Marri. °^o» by Director PUber «d « y*a waat to s*e aometktes realjwtnaer? Oo to H: we an •koattas rraehhiil Barry P. Suatoa makea oat «*mtla] for u* to aeek tke Irad In nan woo- Chadwlck baa onded by Dtrertor Campbell, that Ibe aaxwatck Andy HcoU. Cbaa. Baroator you . tka request that every mrabrr be HOMB«OOiaNO OBJC4TB8CN *10"1 of Ood Brat. If we know playrd aU hla bard onea aad atanda a «bo»r appolntmenl be rooflrmed. Mo- °°*- w( tmow a]_PMak_I)arky play abuts* board. What kaa become of Canary Jarkf pneeat • kjje a MemortelJ^fckooL^ J?_ iJ "?"£!* of kte »ery good ri»w of rombui out a win- lk» carried. d.^

wTVamva^r^ tetke^B*d 0***** &™ ^*CHT CLUB. CMAM§1* Of COMMSUCS Mtrr»|«5 Oa* of tk. bora made a bet wttk Ed. **1L|1*W *"»!""> of tke Oeeaa OM FtSBUABV nrrK. ,»•« Jmi In Ilia ll|l Oa»k tkat ke. zlu «, — j B* WMI TMB OtMAM CITV ffort B4 hMT a mUm Be board tosraamnu. aad aow tk* "? * * t * °° » aatara-l Doe ta ine-inrimM •U kteailja Tat law «*M!ffti»';Bj|j.rIi>i, ri'tl.-.-BjWtlT- te worried abaate kecaoea i CHABXBS A. DOB. ^tor^Ckrii^lKi^^re^tov. «*L | fJw^kl^Zftofi^^ BoiS TM. UMIT.O STATBB fOfl ttJB mini aalek tk* trm~ Stratford Bout Pkfladetpkte. oa Wad-|wWnted H*w_auay of yoa hHawa maemaer W.lUHAe*.OCtALT.M«. i^raSrteTtki rS^i^k^^ , tt* atettar aayfar we PIT* ta Tto Woman's SaCrac* L*a«a* kekt tllaaatei* Tto winners akoald make a cood taam to tto Board of Commlaaloaera aad avw ajaas*fj*> *Jaa^abawkai ^ataa^a^ab awk^*ek^a^kaa.^b a^^^ aak^kA.^ ^ a parlor avretlna at Ito borne of Mrs. ktr. Yard told of Moody aad ate act la pot op acalast Tackertoa aad PWe. hop* to have tt ready tor eoaaMera-! 9le aWlaVrS • |raary Its. at etekUktrty P. M. Ber. •^^•e* mumm aiiBB.oae m Bjaee a a gain aatvllte. lioa at tto aw meet las of tto Board: ' ate* aoakad J-ker tanner kaaieT alas. Alter a atort business aeaatea. »•*•« an in**, botb tar llmulf aad » m .• at Cmmiiaaloaira. OVERCOATS tto bOowtac eajoyakte prosram was Ow world. O. Of A. MIBTIkML | . Tto fallowtas resolution waa owe*. " " • •*. TB, Ouuklara of America toad a ed by Dtncter Plator: _ _. _ ^ aa Jetty a ttew wtoa tk* Maroaa teas I i-»«. .»•• Mra. laaiai Aaatte- MUTIWO Of TM« KNMMTB wrytetenattea imln a to tkelr lod«. Wtorsaa. Oeaaa City te Itebte far a *•*. Jafca T. BIIHna. aaaay aa aoaaikaa. law*ta tetenatad te. Beadtn*— Mtea Aaaa Darlaina Of TM« ROUND TABLS. room teat Ttaraday **wata» part or all of Ito II> iasa of rateteg tto - .. ^. _,«„ rf t%-\ We at* laakactorward wM a •k-k. VocaJSofa— Mtea Aaaa Ckaatpiea. ktr. IXIdais. tram Mew York, waa tracaj of Atteatic Ctty aad Ston Bafl- *'•"•* «»• araeooa or w tddraaa Mia OraarSte Stuaana. Tto Bateau of ta* Band Takte. n areaeat aasf cae* a very ealotalalat road Compaay oa EUktk Street to- ' SsUAtifts Ptea* Bate Mia. Jama* Aaatka. wwaateirtea af tke Pint Preakytertea aaavaaa. twwea Aakary Aveaae aad Watt Av*- rloaa are p»B*ate| tka «aaartalaa*at. w Caarck kaya aaaar tweiv* yaan af Ike •*•>— of Ito a of A. an aa*. aad naailailai tk* aaaa* wtor* -. 4 •> »t_ ax k a ctvwa aa tk* aswaMs af aaM atfoat. aad Pwkraary tata, wtoa taay «a aaaar- Wai -- " teas ta* Jr. a V. a. af. c v x. •i. • -.*-.-•- ••/- *.-.. IliSi%-'.••- • ;&^ : **# .•.--. 4.-?->I* Wi

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1 THi ooiii flmr LiDan, O«AW our,» J

DDRCO DV A101 C Cnlied matt* Steel Corporation aft- IF BACK HURTS USE DIIIErU D I llglllL Fa nomxvd UM ninth voluntary Incrauw SALTS FOR ho work m lu I MEETS AU8UST fUHallL *» °* "«"» amjaafaei FROCKS FOR GIRLS| •nip •nRpi i*Kx rin 10 pe«r •*"•ml," affert *•a •aboo >"««•*t 28000• <• 0oxx emx- SAW HEAVEN SKV-'WM daatlBailaa larttaa atkar ttaaMai 1*1111*1 VflllWLkUU (torn aad tatolrea an expenditure Suggestion for Two-Fabrio Ortw whkh com* asaadUy ahtoaa " '" of between tKUHOflOO and •StUMMM EngWi Woman ToBa of Her , Mka forgvt tbat taa •ml Events Tint Art Chang* natta bowala, aat r . for Spring Wear. Bona* leaden of both partle* bat* Spirit Joumty From aaax*d aad aaad a flaahl Bra, wgatetaa dlgjrafloa' both fan MM HfjirtiTa na.tlnn T«M derided all program* for giving atrrle* aB^ -" -- GNfaBtd *BS OvMt May la af alrtt *r Waal WWa •VWMMaM tkaf SJCMaMCll WMA ftlti«W«ttaUy •*• **"•* «""• »«••»» <" flnantlal fe P bcadacaaa; fHnal af Mala Vafvati lav caaal. attmatataa tha ttfar to aacrato •m. add araMaty Oyttanal. tka atla aad ttumiilUaa from tkt Moo* ... ., . __ •"••* o*neiajeauniii in*iarg* gov.ro- Love Utter Probrtad as Yankee Soldier's W9I &M\mmi ItnaaoTantgBraaMdyaaadlamaay an aorta a< ITEMS TO INTEREST ALL Bwalal •*t***>t<*>~. a matt of th* SEES 610RI0US SIGHTj^ Labor la vary pr«aa theea day., taaamnda of hoaaehoWa an atar tka W> TavanavlT ao mvoh to do. aad ao few ta do It. «tnuae4 world far awra tkaa half a "•*• owhaag of tha war. can ba tadatad baa broaaet the wla* houatwlfa to uWa I "-Wag a two-fabne frock for a UMta I aa)art fiheaalala av Paat OaaMvaaaaa ^"1*. — aad Tweaty-flnt Held artillery, wrote tn Miae CarmeUta F. Oadogeo wa. actlva aad «laaa. aad tba roaa I - -• by dtosa who kara ~ * teal aa acka or pate a) o* awmnmlaa wlthoat aactlnolag tha — ' Departing at lha rat*'of 13 a day, probated la Jodge Donne'* court aa Belae'i teat win aad testament, aad bla lad by Oalrit a» Daai comfort of Ibe faaulr. ^ former Chicago ailooakarpara aad bar. t&flOO eatala waa awarded to Htm rtgloa, gat abaat faar oaana Happy. iBdeea. la the wowuui wha OM-MtlayUvaaOaaiWlb a»*ffaad,aat- Fram laraga taadtra ara going to Cab*, according .,»•*»* Cadogen. MtMta ffraa aar gaad dragMra baa th* rtahaeM of baaltD baek of ba of altk or wool fabric with panel of takaa taMaaaaaafM la a gtaa? her and the raoallr for do4*a thlnaa. • That WIN laatraat, •» Joaapb Popper, tnktrnal revenue THIS 15 la _ Tha teller waa wrlttea a few CIRIAL roooa. plain velret. or Ih* drma proper may I If UM war baa tauaht a. aay deputy colhKtor. Mr. Popper declared week, before a* f*U ta actloa. Be thlagjt I* that Idleaa*. U uapopu- be of plaid with plain panel. Tna aaa dealer* avarywhera. Tif a aattJa, that -while many ar* going tbera oa pmaa another ulp a honeymoon ray- BaMoa.—aba w«at to acaTca wttll I yaar kMaaya win tkaa act tat take ao aabatftatev-AaV. pleasure trip*. Iber* ta ao doabt that Ibt aplrti af a dead gtoL Sach la laa tam aaMaJajB** ftaa ON • age—to tba country b* waa flgbtlng grapae aad ••—-- »-* aome of them ara going to open aa- la. The letter follow.: maarkabla date of aVUtb J. Croat- WASH1NCTON Bariwaas. aa btdaa waaiaa. • tooaa." Popper arao drvnlged that Somewhere ta franc*. • "OOOO TMINOS FOR OINNIK. "Oobba U robbrrlag for th* allena ar* Waving Chicago for Ibeir -•flirt o' m|oe. Saat doora did aat big^da bar prog* twonpfulo whaa la anticipation af tba early daaaaad aattoa." "Then how ba caa mpatt A coaHttoa at -lrrecoocllabler- aad ~"*» «»»«»-» •« «•» "«• •* *» Though I am far from yoa. rtm. Upward, wttaoat wlaga. aba ••». haaa goodalaed. Prrnrh pota- Ughtalag to atrltor Strong naariatlonlna of both partla* *^ Bating ao pnwer. onto a broad wntta Ogbt af atrpa waa 1 In ad n > MI iJl ,J1 L-L IT* * »" « «» «>w wardroba of hat* baaa formed to dtfeat In* peace J*?"™? " **'? ?™ "??!?.': Singing ao »-ng to yoa, rtatbid. b r Mll•> •"• «P"> <* * *r *<*> tffms. la tba rlgbt band aida fraat conn la j or potato BOOO*. bar. If «kHa it laoaly troabte.-Adr. ataa, rben maota aad cod. ra«bloo. Iba wbol* being held to to th* I WaanlaK la Air. -So yoa ara ntaylng with atUl tbca opratd tb*a again aligkuy. t dten. WIUI.r «ald tba alter. •hfttaat Ilw Ugbt to tbrm fadtd. aa a glorioaa T«m. u'u," Ooor. UK satU ttw tfouch to moot*. bring, anctly Uka Iba gM to fratnra taaaa taa r">*r •'?'•'•' • •'•• af tbam »iiam aa bata baaa la> TMa atirMaaty irtaaill .. •arty mlnrad panlay. — ..^, .«.. «w M.«w us iamniH aiala aaMar laraa aaa] haaatlfat, that It to protiau. "*Tn»y ara braty Just now. aalaa,** quantity la tb* detelopment of chO- - appolntawst fraoi Miami, Fla, and la af brr btad aad fianlaai la tba air ."What nakaa tbrm ao btaty Jaj y tiaaapott raaarra. . I ooa blhUa way» to» Watblngtonar.^.i.«^. . " I aaar tba pillow. drea'a dmara ar* trry blgb la prle* tfaaaary* Pnatdant WUaoa -I pot aaa ana araaaa tba aplrtt. -Wby. tbryYa oa their way bat TJ.& Donalds**'* * aula> bowl« add oaa and oitobalf I wwttor *»aaHn wraa af aavy and aU>l laa appaal to Ooagrcaa to giaat First-Glass Fighting Man, but ReeUess Criminal aad wttb tba otbrr baad Hoard tna from tba war. and tnay*ta got a htal I am fradttaafOSoVMIUM) for Poland. Aaa- \ aromiNG Wad to tm, ma'aaa." trta aad AtaMala to altetlata roqdr- ' WHAT ABOUT SKIRT LENGTHS? | paaard tbroagb tba that well! (ootrlfa. fcaard by ft. Loola to lilla.™™. , MmMrf attarara A#eto> That They Ara bma "Upward, to a tlaattag dlrwtlaa, ^taator Bllctirotk. of XttoaOa. ad- Half of tba lofeld wlib >Ub C*fc «*•*>« gnllty to forging . cb^rt takaa. Wheo Uw Jek* m wva oa th* Mafcwa Oarmaat SUaMly WMar | or 2 •a wtat tut aaddtaly a brUUaat Ugbt - ' « *» to tna nama of Xonaaa M ^£*£^ *at*lop«d o*. and wa paawd by a UPASINGIK'l aa tbe other aMa. Hat* raady a and two copfala of roiled oata. Let ; fllgbt of bread whit* atrpa. At MM* amootb brown aaace: cook hi It a unto ataad two or Urea aoara lo chin ba- ta aplta of iba fact that aprtog ttaaa I lop wat a *»«t raoau with pillared ; for* baking. When ready to baka, 1 tbopptrt bam aad a few tableapoanfala ara pretty well completed at th* proa- ap*o frmt. At tba brad of tb* ttrpa | af maabrooaaa. Hare cooke4 aatU tea- drop from a apooa oato a giaaaiJ eat date, mya a writer hi Wom*a> M lb and bright, if jwu tsks C braaaala •proata. Dram off ahaet. laattag placa for the cookiea to Wear, there la marh mtaraat ermoed ?tow CMca UandUTtba Wblta Box flrw « <*>U r»a* of tba war In U|i •priit A few raldaa aad oata day i^?"o> mlto ta •*"•<• «»a« ba baa yoao* H«""Boiid banted to Canada lha water, add aatt. pepper aad batter tn th* matter of akhrta. far there ara to aaaaoa. thra ahake tba aaaevpaa be addad If deatrei •till certain aathorttlaa wha daha aa> aear tba Ore tm tba aptoata bare Braa Oaaav—Te oaa easfal of Soar baif-akk. affloaa. takaa op all tba aeaanalaga. Set lhaadd oa* aad noabalf Maapaoafato af row akin. Thar* ara othera wha ha«t SSSSSS i?SS5£Si, ^ U4odlnSa patedT ABMttea way bdaa- aproota m tba crater of a hot planar. aoda, aad alfr. Sttr to two capfab) of retaraad from abroad, wha inafaaa tc JC»«1««tlag»aw btodS^ Brra la berp! Taka Caaearrta b braa, thra* tabieapaoafala of ranliwM beUer* that there m aathmg tar aa to to Anwrtca. .•-•-- roryonr Uwdbl T oa* aad one half eapfata of aaar mflk. do bat aooaer ar later to adopt tka > wrra in* haaraaroaad Ih* ataak. t*itali Only arbitrate tba qocaUon. Perhapa threw egg.: add on* capful of agar ful each of mraawal. boiled rice. boil- tbe grrater number ara of thla opfav aad beat again, then beat In on* cap-Ing water. Scald tb* meal with boiK km. but that there U a degraa of aa> •un rnvalana. ful of boiled and rlced potato and tvo- Ing watrr, add two capful* of iwcat crrtalnty la tbowo In Ih* fact that

-Tear thing about ttyle or who la aa "Bat not Urn (ladder of abet la being duos by the* French :13 p. nt TTv-rai-ru a. SBCOMD «r Cnitrd Sum Haka It la a well greaaed baking dbh and American couture la continually accoatnl wltb the quntloa, "What la atklng *«eijtmdy what wnold to s=ftr about I be mklrlar proper ~X~B# OaUT W^fUll at VaVaaaTi aakm It thl» qoniluo «!»«> by tbe maaafac | ehoakt rta* at one* to the aarfaca. «ut*k« ar. iTth. aw.yard. To 1 tarrr U: "I am ™«»ing them »"l*"T "•* «• <»•» MWXOOO after the MH» no, in~u«rch:~Th*i "Pw* VII I. U. | ». fall la to grow. l*o yoa koa* bow ' _ ; "W P«ay toprominen t cltlea. ^ '"* [ cooking. * to Biki aUatakeaT Mathlns r«- »Mrr and «llgnlly >bortrr.* 80m* ara EHEB IVEMIIiRT Canaan of^tb* Country ar* to coop. | Tb* Cairad Stale. wUl not try to . A Is No Longer the making ib«u tlnidedly wider aa com- CREAM FOR CATARRH To abort a cold boll a cabbage a* f»r hot'aUw. htak* a caa>Uatlr. and ksoara how. Wa , Thta Eodaad ontll ism. . r»rtor of 8t Andrew» r*l». OPENS UP MOSTRHS wtllo sauce. Batter a baking diah and bluadar oa aad oa. bat alwax for- ! mt+MJOM, l>ut few are making I Drive* CM •»!• m Marf tha Tka* t toprrralent at tbe aaaaal «• 8c UnU Brovaa ar* tba but "*"*"• •anderlag aboot the oat- pot to a layer of boiled rabiiage. then a ward.—Uuctor eras*. | •bort in any exaggeration or exttaua It Takaa OMMT WIIIIIIIII — Ma ! UtiQw tlwy ara frankly afraid of tL tha Qwtafcaot Paki Klmw la Clereiaad of tbe Xadoaal <* iba major leagaa dnba to dedda Talk) Maw to Oat Qaich ' layer of white core, and fH»»|« with «HM- dm< hooae varte. Iba length 9 i-: aa Karth. >1 Aaaodaiioa. opaa a training cajno for tb* gnh. fram HaUCHaa, tra f grated cheeae. Contlna* until th* cab- IIMHI OOOO TrllNOS. bage la used or the caaacrole la full. , ih» »tlrt according to the aix* of tha -' aj doing more to eocoung* aa- T—* — SMBOB each lajrr wtib Bait aad pep- Almost rvrr)budy like, a tomato rrcch for Uttia Oirt. frurli. aklrta being Si. 3*. SO and 31 wui tak* hto c»rra1lliiii. declared J Frederick Mar-' McOmahan. chairman of tha •« opea. tha air lowiag ta oot nady j and -• oa down to ttw Id and 14 alia*, Ua. aeovtary of the peaotilraaia I "<>•*<» "' Athletic Control of Prtare- . mill raat ihrre abUti ha.o 34 and £lnch aktrl | lon a. Dr. Joao L. Brand of Worreater. lamtarmee'a AtawlatMB, at the twen-' - Imord a abatement tn which ba narly. Ke mar* hawklag, A u.r boo*.: a plot ^ ,anb; • lliu. a bo ha* brea m'^^g for three M U alihth ftt"*' mil ling la Phuadei-' Staled that Prmcaion'a track team aaa Aad tfcou. iftl Lib. Unt auk* }«•". ' ' j "«Kwi Wa Want.- Short alreve* are ttviam In Dearly -«•». • ; been aUed to compel* mlxh Tale gUag for breath at night; yoar a*J Nw Vanity Caaaa.' Thee* an DOW tn the raited Staiaa '< acalntt Oxford aod. Cambrtdg* mm room, who !o ">«•"-•r catarrh wfl«l b«»"«»»a g * r Boe dearth— walk of crleri — ftlat- froat*! .— —. r—i— riTT am mm fn to A ttar hovMt. • plot at «uta A trry attractlt* HAS atate chartered basking tmtlta-, •** « EngUnd. •AB. lieatmant Commander Charle* L. I Are aiaie nun for ">»"ht &ad and two alien ol Amertran rl..Uucn«. Baaya Moatarta* BT the reDew kas. K alotaJb trimming tooth l< ih» uw of tallund ttoam. t-w—ti.- commercial atata ** !*•<*>•*• la lha Padflc Cbaat alnh. onion. Prrn a. a Wal> * Oa, L* Bar. K. T. weaaaawaaa taaaaa^B^i»aaa1ap*na^ »^a^iaB^a"^* ar *>aB4 aaajf w T _ ^ ^ w~l the -rcouot nf -r For bUw we K*I BO further rota. roougb cooked to- bt Ua A timr houw: a plot of aartk; both uo akln> aul >l««n of Ibr Tbrni la u trodracy to flimtai both 1 approached them, tajing. -Hera ! * ' «*•*• to yoar noBrtla. B »a> Aad thou. aad L.ah. IB«M auk* » -11 brought her to yo£ andl ^'« throagh .eery .1, pamag* at : —Waache K. Wadi. Ptot. Add half a re^-»ofttl of «l, tn I runt and baric »ama »3oort Juatice Grarabaum I OO111 and pepper to tana. BUr one-third of patauaatoa of th* Klnga County • to them, l £Ja i JJlir* • " «*• «•*"--.• >• - ^^ awollaa morona, mimhuin - ather kmd toataatty. taUata cJhaft tm ftotaaaaaUyn. ur- DUoU "1I" * UttM hot mJlk- "" Far aa Wall aa Clath Oarmeata Ara "" toiportant part are perhap* Oaiag to anpi Jogo-ttlav. rejevied the allied ultl- 16799 ao a,Blchly.-A4c rasr^s.^^r.^ J tulautu pbtltnl frtlU of net edged wttk A N amooth and Inlrk. Oook SfUwa mln- '»»»^Jeoaea which apptmra to b* rm» Hwcce— Did any •*•• **" «^"««- ««*» toto the not DIED brfite I dijj UmMto 0 1 Me* Me g*,|jayam Af IQ >Ka* ' »** "r -* ?. and arr«e at hi Haw York Cay aleaa fraca Kites— Yea. deal. .WSflarS .UftHa ^ftOttk^W Dp'-O It OC •• ***• With CrOtitOamfl. nor* adaptable to the ax-uih. from HINTS TO HOUSEWIVES, tbto I O Uoiace—T*U ma km earn* to 11 Wben bearing *al Frtttara.—Tak.- left-mrr October to April than tbe roat wrap. • - - - »* _^ t _ emawwaalmam aaaaa egg while* add aPanaJpa aad preea through a pun-.- Aad now. aa Dr\rr brfore In the bl»- Kp piece of rharraal la refrl rm afraid that be might I I To ro rfttl P^cefol face of tb* dtad body **"*'• " t of the purer, a.ll a emoting room for aomto at mm C 'I la* . - plneb of aalt. tury of dre«. la the aU fur wrap prot- «alor. Kt^rjflWng «UI keep m*t -fOOjBOa —a« facturcr. on hit arriral In England ao loo maay for you. which make* them beat more quietly o~^'<»««»<» leaepaaafal each of aalt Ug the dnully riml of tl>* old cuat of Muaaina; puutue* IS mlnutaa U tl«e fcUiaertn Auguite Victoria, after Oordon rawrvrt Ba&by »«• er Smiles Won for " *•' CW*'- • bratra egg and a -U»li riolh. IVrba|>a KM rvaaua fur the anl-. ">ld e. Mix thoroughly and moid rrraal populartty ut the far coal—for !uiraly. jtmmu »ui km a long time If kept toto ate or alx Oat cakn. Cook In a one* apoo a Unw. ami out «u tery long j Ktralsht hanglog drme* ar* tba HER MAST CLOTHEI; —mU muanl of ttrT -^_ _ , . 1 Enooth could he H«..-^«. th* " • ' ' - o~wnto« «o •*°> «cMub»c 1DUL BnuUi» Jndr6iejn»». lw water from Urn* to time! botB *"** porketbuuk coolil arTord to Indulge her IU D D K arnaa ba held op and roobed th* East. " " « }•••»• »«• «I<1 ] .» ^IQ* t«> roun M Cml our. Thn>acb .. -». ihaoch it bMsm* io when wa To rWn dWnlond whlla) r«i«m.l atoaaa. rrtttart—To prepaiw tb* lore fur prltry nlth anything ao lax-' tatered the UgtL urtooa aa a ahule coat of akin.—1», pata Baad Brooklyn Battaga Bank. Tt* i* "^'W"" I »^r Bitorwr. 1- II. ("nils. M:»« «iire« ware• llaka7a atran*3.Z rf Miter baiter. dUaoite noe-fourth of a to covering boxea wlU paper fat aU "Tb« calar* «t the celeetlal tm* beraaae now the rkMh wrap coata al-; mradoner threw the electric rwltch iff.*1"0?* ~~ I ria« fjrd salt for ihc n-rr\irj at teaaaoooful of nit In ou cupful ol »rra|i6ook» moth* orr mie wUUll not t j .Tamil!** h*rw>J in hrr h> |uinm». urr indrxtikablc bat anyone ab h COW ntn and add It lo the wcU^eet- moat aa much. fnfcrtonatWy for the |totade them. j fh«t ibe -l.fpim iruM.~ BUIU:«TI la bed a ( T p «• rott* o* ««» egga able* have been af Bamby. aad . oura «U1 naUt* what tbey f^* a*BMr. rlrb. faddeaa color to «*««•«« •*«* "»• •»<• oae-half -tabte- caa* of Ih* fur cuat becoming lea* ex- < hot dlanea oa a puUahed table, rah *Mc whrthrr It ba wool. aOk. ajMe^am of mrllad better or oll»*att a/dark Bamby waa pmeite. bat ralber the one of cloth lai wrll with turpentlo*. Laave' ihm oa of oonfettt. durmg the ^ „, j^,,,, # ^^ bmt mHK AH tha wmdow •mile la hrr •• WIFE SAVES HER HUSBAND hoarty moantlng in price. | fur MM time, aay half aa hour, thaa FDR WOMEN <«* and pat in a cool place for twe Character and dUUnctlua are two of drtopug pat a utua natter uaoer th* boon or o«»r algbt. When ready to , pollah and Iba marka ahoald havw ftanaat m r tb* attrlbatm that ibe faahlonaMe quite disappeared. ads* or th* apoat. ^^ „„, ,,, m%litu ma and fold In raid inzrU/ Aa old organ or plane Moot make* woman drmaod* In her cuatamea. and When ~ at brr DOOM at SMTCtMtapUinatmue. ~ ™-«* «» oaw aay cater. •. Cutlcura Soapi „,, mlItnn,- ptp ,b» Jicw of baroa thla ah* achieve* larartabiy whea ah* Uenl a j Ba la reported to haabaotafdy Tn >urfK»rd to Mlrk'out mj band an "atrkaay material, havo dealer *a» u the batter or chop la ralber roam d th f b I l h i m hla dtclalaa lo laaialn to re- pairun* roe the tm»*. K to ft l O doaa th* for rap, It long or •hart, mtuiacuoualy bright compared with the reataaraat **• "OI»maoA Oya" Cater Cant-Aaa. Tha coatee, by Itw- aay. U quit* aa , ~-r urrmtst. and under no raoalderatloa "If I get a In- be pata o* on Ibe bat Ih* old. hang the - ' marh of a favorttf ihia year aa It waa aoaahine. watch da -lriaaaa to be drawn again Into tba turmoil of hafclia* oat wr and tbreatca* to Ore me Xofhlag m mada la vala except aaV l 1 laat, aad whea aorh a ganaent ta de- Had that It will noa wor!!!!l.k Tlal P"*j "**" tura la aboaHlS ih ^xtrt rin ly fB^hloaahla i * * '' »or*. And for tale I , ..ted. add twu capful, tetoptd la moaaakln It leare* Uttl* to ; match the old paper. Yoa may thea »:^- Una. Why <—- " — aa M poamhto to get. Dtp the net m of m iliam and two-thirda of a capful be desired lo the way af chic. poirh yoar waU aad tha patch wfll :>>?-V-£-i&>T< atarrb, covtr th* place to be meaded of augar. Stir unlit th* aagar la dl» the aaod of tdcgnm* of coa> Ou M and ptac* over It a doth, boa until be hardly noticeable. am to baad S 5"* •? * ^> aolred. BoU oatfl. whea tried In cokl i wattr. tha aktxtara htmmi* brtrtle totaraadag colUr ami caff M. ar* j V***t MkMy. • A.V •"-"-? Mkm ailre. baa wormed piodaced by combining dltrerent klada ! Ukhtytlke bloaaaa of t*hat wirh ' "' " puld plaited aklMa make a dMlacUt* »» •armaa laataaraata. ::::>•: - ;•:•: ;• costam* for th* yoaag girt. They aaa Dr.Tutt's •aad atdrt ta htocfc aad whita ptaMa What la to ejaUaawtthaaaanto Liver Pills

""; V -I K BTTin'i WMBWiwnnrii i\tmt•.IMK> $^^ •:;•...•*.•,.' •

ALLEN CCW9ON.IL IX 5fia3^V»a?,iiSa WA OauvUirT AND SA1

State Chalnaaa tor UM Haw Pbooa4T8. : ONT la tto Mou-But-that HER9CHEL PETHT, ML IX today an nosh UM MM »» WBUW ATWtm. 1 THa oowiry CLIBIC. 0Pfi»|ga9^»a >5nl?| triaUoo o< tto Anaoalana.« I tLMtoMUMA.lt. MEAL ESTATE AMP [iSHTT- Oeoaa City baataooa oaoi " ~ ' . _ -^ hrfoarl •das of tko T*tntrty dartm y«ar. No. 1 tatas *B«laaao of Laada au>'rt*O^* tj0* *VB*-.B» W— *• °-| CLAYTON HAINES BRICK ^--^2 «JA^ «A — . ^j._., ^^ •- C. Oardaaa. wttk fttmltsra aad far.| tto which Dr. Ja»aa H. Barton la -_„_ -Oaai idaa to #an |aani oa fO9aHv wtta Bum, IM ntaiaad from UM Natr Baat TaHphooa IMI SMI 411 EV*a Stoat* C aeqafcoi ptopany. Mo. t was ttoo to JSlJ^.^^rt.'S^^.r DR. W. P. HAWES tta oottt of Oaoaa City, aad tt* «nt Lot 7, Bt.Mlk.aos. 4: SoM lor taxaaj - --- tabiUb UM thoaanda of CkrisUka MC- Hurra us Wnutr Avastm, -m darkakora. to Wmtaa 8mn,| Fraali aad ioaato a Batter. Pafla,| . aaaaa tottoh - homo* oa a mtnnort- Ocu>l1n.5.i. .*Tltin»aia. . \*?Cjna W. Friday. M, D, aad.Bna| Jka'aioTy at UM las baato. Thoaa pooala, UM eonuala- rUttoMlMA.M. OMW CMK. I a D. FrMay. OHDO. LOt 7. Sae. «. O. r. I i - L. MxlM; eoaTayad to grantor I «.^jfctg a-jB5a =sas ss —"-{as va Mtna aad Lostor Co, Mar.| ^msffi Dipsiida upoo JPOUV M* laid tor. aad Ijrttt tamadlata roq.Uaawuta ta DR. FLORENCE & HAMES Otis M. Townsen Alaarta aa* Wnmk J. Hhwllaa. Caavl aoita. FUn and toon* Ooa, HDTIM AJTO Wiaunr Ava. tog nwy CWSM yotv ro» Otta The Reliable Builder 18t, IM ft a froai AUaatle Ava, Stxl •alia to faa poor. HoaabjAppolotaMat OoaaaCtty.N J. | TW N 413 a%hth 8towt Ocean C*r,R. • § tfi Ocean DR. M. a STANNARD pomsT attar Ito Ufa baa COBO. CBBO-IOB oaodoetad HAaoncBLaa.tm AxoAoatmY ATB. «fta atraot. M1U; eaa inaalor ay Jaeok B. Hihliil Soat.1 DR.MIUt8* : ll 1 : a : anator ay a lavflta kt Fry. UlUU. WOM ^^^'^!J^f77^' ~OfilM|^^^i7il^''''i' '^ ' *i i" f>'' * ' ji ''•'"'•i OcaAJiCrrr, H.J. I Jacob B. Rokkarl. WoaMMort Pa,| BUY JAMES M. CHESTER * COl Now is die lime to Mkxt yoor BdUbg Lot or Lots,tlw7w9 CnorainlaK FURMAN & WILLIS Real Estate and Insurai lay Mary W. Uyotacott Jaty «. int. of tto ia- - - .«- i»* Bsrer bo M dmp sysiav ill. JH IQIINMI jiij^WiiJii'^Va' j.fj« M ATTOftNCY-AT-LA AastmrATB. OcsAaCrrr.H.j. OCSAMOTT. NLX LttQCj oMutifiil home stes for a home of MI mvcataWat wrai Oaaat. la the ktttaataclla aotttora. lfym. w, Phnad^hla. to ISoe. A. O: C*A.: 4OUM: ia al ha W« da aotl RedI Estate to Oemn day aad mar- Bail Pfeoaa 177 Omn City is yiutvinoj npiojrjr and %vil COBOBOO to cslsf^Bv • J' »•.,••• XM*<5£ JOHN R WHmCAR. N. D. v 221: S *Z srZJZy£2: »• t p Oeau CUy, N. J. t •-^•~— "-- "~"-'"* ~~ «*• ntotav at art* tracks aaa eoauto- tVmta • A. M. •OLD ST AIX DKOOOmt aHLr City aad Saaia "*'*• Ocean City* die greatest fanaly icsort ni AflMricaw TBOB> ^gc " read raanaiu naiiitf at Uw tatal U NWak Aa- XT = : •ary A*a, U* ft.N K fraa* Ttetb St, MxlM: coavvyad to tnator by Joka siocb of raiton come annttaJxy to its Hotclav CoHsflgs Bad Boanr Ottmm\eonm.U U» Bte la aoaa, _ ^' "^^JlLaUaJLaiaL.' •* ~ " ' *' '' ' V. PoaUw^ Jaly la. Ml«. MM* ing nooses, and as foray as Of—H Qly coottanes to pjraw( so Vafty »aaiaiao tea«b av sarjraCHawa spana IMF vMroa. If Ooi dMHUB toB IM ». .. John J. Doocborty. Vapor Duty. Pa. Una* tfclacs Uwt caa mari m r'r*™ to WUJtam J. aad noraaco C.OTBttm. «retr wijl its Real Estate incnase ia vafae. By waiting you ot UM Um-» IM ft. Nitres I an ueltyiog your profits of yoor pure haw; BIKJ n die oeBfter of tod of t«a TvSSS HTNu oTfluNi CSW^WS aVI sraator by Staatoy •*. Poatwra, Ja»y| An Appeal OBaBiD^riK^vai eMaBafOsajBaa ^todDaQanCaQMfiBbi 4a)CaQaw^MBaB a^MQ^nBB •^BDMBB ^dV9BBaBBiBwlflK ^bM^fll^XHBHHBM 1 in*. n Boat Maria Jiaion aad Ooart* W., Wftoter. PlUla, to Unto H, vUm of To Reasoo -• .• Vx :..'.'.•"~ ''•' ••*•• "- • «t DalMdl BX.K. P. la OB atdo Woat Am, 1M| ft. MB tnm Fbat Ava, M>M; on»! NOW od «a anator by taa avaraaa auia glvoa %a Dae. U. Mil. ... toot taat to ta alai to aro- Neatly all our BdUfao Lot* «*• 40z lOOftaBdkrgeriB JUBM M. aad JaUa H. Ctootor. r aad Mai^l aad to sixe. Prices nose from $350.00 opwaok Tbiak of sack Otrwtar Ftoaar tail UM Olfard Realty Co. la MB aMa Fn»! to ala 1 ao opportoJBty. Our lots wiM be tonrapKayaad we may tacresse A Ptoaatas Board araa »ae>lid lor lya PUco. CM n. SB tram Atteattal OCUTM Kdaaaaot prices. 1 baade Re^ Estate k «i Us brMcbes. Cal ami Lmt 1 Jowob a aad B»olja J. Bi—«y. 1 THE BESrr NOVEL aaiwia* PB M«IMM<4W avltl* aaaot. I a>an daat MVaa* Ra«>l Ra#a>#A BIBIBI' ' Oeoaa CUy. to AbM C Kottor. Pmffla, >^.^.-.-;.-.»-j.ii;«?ssS- The Ocean City* 1 OF THE YEAR of aaottori bain aad aotata jor Maaa CM* la vtdta. a* Mton: to-! Lot O. Olmrd Baato Co. mlffwi aad tttaroby doabta Ma bar- Ham at your service. Rmished Hotels and Cottages •Kood Mtovt. «• faot from At o4ssociation A«a,MxM. "ERSOHE DALE, \ for sale aad rest '»..-'vrof3fe^*i¥^i •Cuadaa. to Cbrtotlao U. oamtta. 'BM>; BBrnVdeV B^BMVBBIBI I a^BrnVai^B^Bfle^BiftBAmw MO: roa»«jod to sraator by WBUaai I »«*»;o«*^^. 11 JOHN FOX; JR. nwidaVl* HOT. JlBdB EL Ooorao B. Boraor. Har- Real Estate - 838 Astaty Avenue VteFnaktat, B*r. F. A. oocAM orrv atraot. MsM*. Caaroyod to anatori TITU AMO T*U«T CO. Mr. Oaoraa Maaoa by Attort P. McAUstcr. May 4. UU. i rtoaa. By Itmn-1 fcar atataa sad tm, i Traaiortr, Bar. W. A, ¥ •1 M A G A Z I N E tartao ada, aad I ealtodTlir BMMJ toot 1 OMy. M. J. Aftort A. IftMli ROOSeVELTS •r FHdar aajkl tko PtmkrftUm Cliain. HA "~ •• •*» atad* Taa Tooac r" ' Ordlaaaea Ma. 1U raad. LABOR LETTERS Hn. ' atroM. ItUM: eoatayod to malar IT* a I Mirtloa ay IMractor rtabtr aad Y by ArUwr DL Banova. Aa* 3*. »ML •THAI - - -Q» 131*0 laaaea No. 1U. to paaMd aa In* Woat Jonay tiiafit Co, be JOHN T. SEAL r 3 - y^ >UAL YoaaMd Mr. BOML Ia NW Ufa BMca Koaa. SM a NB, ALL WOBJC CUABANTEED. froa Nona atraot: coo««yod to cnat- : roaac «altr»MM to Mm U rUW sad !> * D««ar CuaptoU t or by O. P. lato Co- ecus on. H.J. I HAMO tCWVM OMLY Ibot. Tto aaaUe ar» MHia. Tto i»,«»»aBea Mo. 1«2 to paaad «a Chariot W. aaa Mary O. Mariaadl |ni»U «m to aoid y t' ~ — -- REPORT MODBBATK »aif«. aad Froa B. Ollhadir. w, Oeaaa City, i ntr worthy num. toCkarias A. Bayaatda. Cfdaa. Lou, m 14. Sac D. Ptaa X O. C. OaraaM. Cut Your Fuel Bail mtM U«- u.u*l »T. Vsntaor. u> Harry A. Stout. Weoooao. Pixttcai Papt H—a— wntm BtmOv »t boUi Hrvkw o» ib. Lot ISl • UMMlnkM Alt BWbt ChnitlL Tb» Saodar C H. EELK «aj SON OCMM CHy Park. Fancy Fruit .ad-Prodnce ntNbiAMM* OnMCtf. a.j. DCKkOAlU COtTNTT OP CAPE MAY JOHN R. GROVES Plumbing and )ni»lrato la a brfatf ulk the «ork of Cbalnua ot Uie BT^ A. wii m on Padle A»». each ZSxiuO. bctsnra NEW JEBSSY • OaatatB Bktt. OB.UM> tnliad 9^ S, to CTXUSJIS Cap. May aad WUdwood nenn, coo- sis Aibaxr A»«« Heating to« tto Baptja FbcHaUto- Tb. 8ut^. qaou u *Ma, »•»•* to «raaun» by Sjrlraniu C Alaua. Aac 10. lttt. II ---•-. ^t. —nt K. as^a«d. at a Frands J. McCaifrey I Occu ciy, N. j. Contractor For forthar puticakn, write S>l . It'i bid* (or trocka tto do before you An Advortiieaeiit a The bl aid ao a »«»*• UM Cka. Wad, by l%ot Cka. f tha risattoro- XhatSeUsGoods

a BOOB} "onajidto ADVERTISE IN Bajia7<—l tMC,

J ;h>'i. y'^^j §»& S^'-VT.. &&^

r •


TBS oomr OITT LBWO, ooiAjr cm** TH» OCIAM OUT UDOnt, OOBAK CRY, >. 3. "Tour men ar* oet gotag wtth ' Paria. They aro too orach iraabl*. NOW FREE BEL6IUM SKETCHES ^Voo1l_ and tbero la th* Odd eaet of niAnimrmiii•• ••«•n • DUTY OF MOTORISTS u«dlaty«r NAME "BAYER" ON "Ind they taw tbem-two kindred GASOLINEE PUMPUMPP — »*u.*** FROM PAINfl Th*„,»«.. Firm of, Pmm and boya lying riddled with bat- WnVlMalHoa I Wltow Driver Should Alway. B« VIglant tf GENUINE ASPIRIN Mtukanm Thti Ma. aladame Then found her boa- ______SfilMSOBQL t FUWt band and Paul wllh Andre between -,_,»_tan_ ttkMtahr m .t„a ea-s—i-tMotoritt*. hbyw ' to Avoid Accident **_•?«•-_* them and near them lay Plerr*. la a "OolIoTl BrVBn 10 •OlOntla Dy Tike taNrts only as told in each "Bayer" package I Fftti can. ah* carried then to to* church- National AUtOmObfe CfUUn- •y Katharine lagieataei Roberta. Tettber of Rncilan BIMs In ito M>«dy I '*••"• <• pMo—the artlcl* did aot rsMU yard aud tber* ah. mad. a prayer and . - r.mumjju, Bibi* innitui* or chwaaot I the aremlei* of tb* miaaftctanr. Thl* •' I wahurieia amonl theg mtboe herself* who, Mfoy rIn tb tbe'deMe price). Mr 01 bUllaittH I*. I •PPhes mora ptiticokriy to a i^ui^ «**r USMSI I *'" moved about aa no* . lna a• dreamd . •——-———aSSaaa_B-__BB_=3B A awdtdaal pnpantiea that baa real banlrally—a tall Mood-balrrd -ICflKERVE RH A» MOKfY Wh*—, la MeWfyl. LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 8 bead- —toot* man with sharp spiked bel- who** twisted llpa were silent. Prmotfen of accident I* tftr emr- $AVBl$

Znthfa-?! !?.k cobble-Mooe* rcaoonded la th* narrow aiadara* There, living with other* la ^ ___», _, .,„,„ tn.,, „- drtrer ahoakf aiwaya be tlgihm* t* uSasTPmkham'a rain-drenched lane* onlll they baited a booae not woolly gotted. Bat aba „ JETta L^LJr77 Be^I^W prerent dl-ialer. Cartful .IrlrMaj la. Vog.tabla Com- In tb* Illll* aqoar*. Frightened ey*s t t rt lnlb w sjett. aad **5 •**" beaitat* to lacoaimiad, fari s pound aad aooa fait peeped from bablad roe shuttered wla- ^J £H "Sl ^: «"~" ^ BaTea^ JTcoar-.. the ft* raartderatlor* th* S> '••" «P.-Ja»i »:U. •baeat erery caw it abowa eseabaat ro- brttar. Now I aa dowa^waichad yet dreaded to aw.of her hornet she fotmd the oat top of Ouarlartad. ^^ ^, ^ b nun lad and nova — - .' '""'• " * ?* " '"' .*'•• "T P».B,. *. -»^r... . -* X«t ole. II- ma.atea.nc. of fh. formahited by ibe National Aatomo- ' ^ . A*aerdmg to iworn atatatMata aad tama I waa waak tb* °°'T "«*>ta wm UMW* mad* b* ike I no*. «tt and waa iroopa la UM aqaara. blla Chamber of Commerce, with a «»"••• ****•'• tt*w to cons*~lna- aaa and 0*1101 loenlly orerlooaed Tba hooaa of Uatolra Tbtra l dark Ilk* to* othoia. I moo*, f,.rTT«r*.« orr^ B. "t? «* <•- »P«kee o-iectr* U*~ .r«*« -and tdrottaaa tho gaaa *>* d»n*, that It fabUa al- rlaed » Mlows: ""«• •»• '••' •""'• * •°*1nl ttnMt rr u lu MO 8t»*t, Bayoaa, N. J. awfol ocr* la tb* dark. 1. Urge your dealer 10 make a dally «"*'••• •••» * "* * * who raioii their healh ' """ A**™. «• araatot. B* bra** "«• roor broibera. He*. Pierr* aod s^hTe^s rj^smz ™ •«. *-**-- •- **- galloa meanrv "* «l<>caU and pttal cracks where Many mora taO tbaor Manda. ttMaaaaaOHNraaca. I. Praadom Fram raraacutMn. aad caclatt tea ceata; abn mratioa thla; am about her yoenaott and felt Ma —9-f*, t-fM.i- itnftlpe—nf taltfn .f^--'b* ipo«w )nln at the hnb or rib. Tb* . Lin* aad mtdiam si** bottlta • If yoBDoad a owdUn* for Brery. tee that Ibe pnm7«prralor| ™*» •»»• "»«'»• wno<1 •»» "»n»t •a aboaldera atiffen. o tnxplred mtaalooary. Tb* man aplrita.- make, a full stroke and that tbTpMoa," •»« «««°><« «• Promptlr. tbe tag force*, bad Juat recently toro <"• o- 1 1 h w>mh J*fV*^*2Jf * Wl "*° wonder with a lot of Terted. Ihvreby Watefc Indium, n.i.in. of * vbeel I* •rrioaaly Impaired. Ok (en? " ' *"'' * ' 0>»lr» on all pcmMrd Ihera- «•"•!••*•• hrealhlns »r*U. Tbla prrlod uf n-*t when an offirrr U|itin>arr.ed. ami lh« I Jail for sartluaaT yon noadta bongry." Pierre wa* two years older with. Tbe motorlat •boold llngra laka did not ro.nU lo Ita cnmlng buy. «p_f>_——a——•_—__> aad too yoong to fear the Germane. e Bight Way Ocd. but la crowib lo gran* uwl la detl»e<7 boae. nr *rv In' food rannlns order, for CautMualy Statoa. Bat Paal did aot aoewer. U* stood "Thaf* IH> wny lo rluilletige." said Ib* kwmtalga of tbe Lunl Jrau*. Ibe offlcrr. "Sing out when yoo halt The American officers who ram* to with his arm locked within bla father's Z Spiritual Crawth and Dtv*:*a> *«• court* at Cannes to compete for aad tared oat grimly at the morla* | a man.. l*ut some muilr Into yuar I la Ibrlr rarly ctaara than later oa. eaaat. voice. Now. rn approarb again, ami * rtik«~-t— HU army had refuted htm Tb* real meaning of tbe w<>rd ~rdt- see bow joa do It." • am waa a year or ao ten . Bed" la -tmlkfed up." Tbl* dooa not When the tioVer got wllbln » feet, .w~~_j. .m>« in flczanwr. nneo yoaaf. •*'•»• •woitt_liu 414 v ataa*^ ' pamp lotid* ib* bafldlac. i frlorat* mor* rapidly than they would ajean mervly that Ib* njen.bera wrra tbe negro, kevplng time wlib hla feet, oa< competitor came In. Colooel John- Be waa aa stroag a* aay ama aad ho *H*r* U*§ MatMaai Thora." T. 'Deraton abooM wflnogty fert '<*b*r»l«». If the wbeela do not run bring InatnKicO and c«mr»rtni. imt sans oat: "Boom, tlilily^ioom-bomu! lb llrr MB wnr oot tb# •••«•. acronlln* to American Lawn Tea- might hat* beaa oot flghtteg Instead P>BP< la the pwaiot* *f tb* aatolat "•* * * * - *r ta th* foad wtth that »tr*aau«ta efforts oo il» |salloa etandard meaaor* <*•*•<• •• warped oat of shap* and th* tho Indltkloal uvotliera, a» veil aa moalr. hm.r-netn.lt r*ree Presm. < -Are yoa a tennla ptaywr ,». „,«,.-. were attrrnc aboat and atraccted orer to* board. To* peaokt *eale>l by Ib* local laaprctor of weighta '°"* ><hU|«rcd araonc tbemaeiraa. 'Vfcat un4rT Tb* word "edify- contain* tbr nw4O- wen. I think I am—tt least. I hare ^f ^, straat '—f- A ahara> eedor 9. Haort dHlfery fa**tli* t> aowio- grand building nr ••rue- i aaata box at Boae i" > •••--- ( to a omlltloo of mini Jan*, wber*- A. few drooa a day tore. A* aocgrrird by *n>4lu r. ilila "Key aro cemlag.* aald Ifathleo !UI llttl* car* aa omulon drmaad« there. to let her paaa. for they faarad the* , I add. smtly lu lu life, pleasure aad . BaM by •* aj th* a»ta*tattBr»_. t» mu The ban of a (aa thudded oa the with her Haa »»OTterla» aaand. ' " ,**corliy. 1 «Lli aer haul*, MDRI WANT- laid (I Cor. 3:1^-10). ('.') A o.niin- street door. "Coca* oat. come oat hat whoa* eye* bamed laco lh*ir wakt. • If tbe casoltn* m low la th* aoa.! — oooa |irrirmu>. Thl« n* ui,o«-n!.«•-• K REBUKE IN GOOD PART • NUT-BEARING NATIVE TREES do." Tb* father tadhl a foot- far away. Tb* win Qtit liialiliat llhw .tf) Pmlkieot effort. Tb • •tat Idle. I By htto th* atreac te» to Germany a* a UtU* TUBU* Ua» Tn afraid you'rr pa Wle frtlow. Moa tor AB Wnaa. I ataa Probably Rlawt Whoa Holof Than Ham.- " •-" tb n b d a tl •aM It Waald T«c* Hk. . j * glna tbr fouulaliun u|«io «bxt> lo» d her*b*bad to »tay caaraV j JrfT.* • : „ .^ —^—^ _.is .h. -Whaf. Hut. ubr — morrow's work mu»l !•» built. Tlias M—haro Kkw. "I'm afraid you like to till* away day by day hla tlf* it l*iu# n>ix«l •mpttad-alUd wtth peool* U« a OK^^T wher. no •*» —«d rSTPSSF ^L. - ' tJh^aCTaaZ nSt^^ M« your iluie." I aot asoak atoad. "What to com* aad from «hlrt a* •*» CMM ' **Tb # *•» *WI»ery mad* by a • ""^ *»»» »o* ll«b». lh* lena be«u« higher ami higher, aa eark n-j'orB e ara ago when I waa teaching: m -«»h, IKI. «h. I i|or*n't. Mh. Why ara they fobu bTdar-Whora ar* «o. At^m*-**^Ttot T« tto i """P •"»"« baa be«o ataadloa; idte •»** with lb. oonlda. and in. back 1 • »lfr mo wnrti dan tbe rno 1 -The Flavor Lasts- «T aSStr^Wharar* ^SrTdaS nnacblnc ^7^ b^lnd IbTheC •*««*"»•»«•*»'««<>•* ^rTThl. •* «be lamp «teodln« In «o tbe darfi. Mreeoaas etforta. (4> A Ci«n| l«o. 1 a d > YAGE br ./ im*^" K- 2-rTbo tmiaVd ?U£r. t^J IT^SUf^ior^r to ^ moX , » ** * - 7 "" •»*»• •*»*> U. Br ^»P.y mttin. away . ^b, of doors, and w* lertoml them Finally lbe> work It done. ILr lullJ- Back toth e OM Meat*. Ing Is ma>|4etrd, thr lop mu»r ta ll«- Ltd )u»t tnrntrl for bou>» on l j y tn be> a J OV meaeailaf chamber Iraktn* hack of th* world. Of tb* 14 known ^_ A Lady of DMlacUea. •aod littlWhye «lrt. mothery "I. dJn«o ttr iblay awfullk bowy BPJB^ ' a" "%kj- " cbrc "k rale*. LINIM oa* noon a young man eotend ritn on* la Urtlran. tb* other 13 grow- brought forth and plu'rttL ttw MM f,,r ar.ntltrr farther i*>wn. had Td be If I dMot try at all."—life. Tt View wtth easphtoo, a casoltar ing eart of tbe Rocky mooatatna. rn- J. Outward Growth. d«4hrrry b*»* attached to a art! In IV dlaaa boasta of six spectea. of which Building op wltnio i be" »l,ur. b mm* to ihr old, A bath with Cotlcora 8oap aad hot i .tn. It l> ImpoMlbl* I* properly drain wa* macb proroked and aald. the thagbarfc. or tbellbark. la tb* most rmusea lb* whole work '.o Im ailiuinil ' i-lnre nnn In t» u«uul. Puling Into I water to Iborooghry clean** tb* porra. carcfaUy cvary hottlo all - *- ~ M Installed, aad adequate men* OS mau, »lll you pleat* eo out noted, brrao** of lu nuts and pc- and revpecied by tlu«e witt-uui. ln- ; ib^ llvine n««t, »«- »nt u.,wn. IHII «bni' AXTOB1A. that fanwoa old i followed by a dusting with Catlrora » sjd try aad at* If yon rannnt crlUr b«rk. dodng Jbetu to_r.«ut-_aoa_JUtUJ* h.- <»ir^ iu hlm^lf he wa* pii,. „, ,i rmUautmie TairtnnPuwt»rrw«any toe*ju aclrar. that door mor* qnJettyr* Bo Th* wood of moM of tbew sperlee lb*nwel«es> wllb Ibe CKUK-. Ttnr» mn lT.l>-r l.-lol .rIX,,,rrnt tHu'l hrj yoor'J Baara th* 1 am ret. healthy rtnx—Adr. U. In nr*caar* pomp* may b* de- rather •arprtard aad «ald. Tea I* tough. Mrong aad arsibl*. hot oa- be oo farwanl DMnrmeut »IIL<>U: an- | |«iktr h<- .A.i»ir,^it<. n.«|r au.ii>*- e» (.Vratrly loaolpolatrd to drilrer >bnet ' and did aa I atkeJ. I aald. caoa* of Ira rain* for bapknaeeta aad kn>* Iber* be a cumftMrng tu»««- I roenf. l?i- •lMnr1<-d tiuMily. |mt the * ^OaaforOrW aiaooats Ihnnfb th*cb*nslng uf t waa better." foH the flaeat tree* of oar famtt avnt wiibla. Natural Action. >*«• lenkM ..ut i« I.I. t-.vtit nutar- 2l atfjfr. crtaj adjastmeata. "What do urn .lo ntwo Ibey are! rn«n.rLt. SS iuno IU> Ira •>• Ckildrtn Cry forFlrtdwra Caatoria I CHEWING o tbro lnqnlred wber* be wonM have been mmrrWrrA. iha #«w> «r xu Our lueoa today la the r*r>.nl nf N*«44 on* of oar teacher*. To my tor-Dots decreasloa; aa a conseqmm*. two > •— • ' ~" I* UM tluma. ' he> waa aot a •tudcat aa I Tb* neraa la Ib* largntof oat ...... _ -»u> «rougm •;»rr lit* ARealTert. . »>>!•*•~ '-IMtt«a I* »•••• rvte* •!.•««. fluulay Srbool Traibrr—Why waa TJ»iasttest tbt. bat a Mead making a call. blrkorte*. bHng a nallte of ihvsoath- day of Christ. Tb* ilrraOIul iu.!t,tly ni a nun kiM.u alii ,,rr bin | **>t> ami '. Paul rrWsrd front |*l«oo? ARE YOU A -eowAar rd to apologia*, bat be taU Itera and soathwntcrn roantlea of la- of paUjr Is ttoquitlwd. aud a i*n»' OuarU Taa. Ukta regalarly. wO «**> *J.r -V. rj i-.,.i:y. n«-, an- i !!£?; rt alocswT—Voa bis time >u op. J ten* aa a food Icatoo.—Ex- dlana aad crawtnar to perfertioa hi U r«:roanted by th* drf*!«nl x-ul. net both Ir—r aad kioary oawrina.—Adv. __T^ "nw^loa N mad* that HhjmlMte th* Dai*. iobacco Th* orruireiKw lirre of this m!rcr> b Korra Ibe marrlac* rrnlBcata Tbe blaHt walnat grow* west from la la ker|>laa wlib lb* mmnu»m» uf A u«in. aecMHl lore Is i-H to b* Pot yoor ta equally dlxld^ci brtwmt huUiaod wraieca Uasaarhotetta to Ulaoraota irorth axre wnorr than the nr.t. or by and t,r Qaory rram «lr J Ihe cbarrb at Ibis lime. Tie Lord w.^t Uto rltbtr. l». H. O, BALTIMORC MO. - i atf*. enr Ii* branctiew are stcat and umaitlai bad promise*] ibe*e *'.fa* aa ib< j «ml la a story with a moral for fneaalng a raoad-topprd tree whea * oarra. lion. Jam** Duff of forth with |h* g»t>»l mru*ir. Tlx-y he woald atotd Unable I were gltea aa eocourat>tur:it> in lit* HRST COMPLETED BRIDGE ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL KrU-nc* Uuothly. waa to tbe habit of shooting kivplng hl> rar ronnlng. A "go» dixiplr*. lo centime Ibno tlut la* th* ittaiier. aad ooe day Mr Th. Mowatwaar la Naeth Africa. gospel did Dot lo* to fish berao** II' maembrrlng: • Whitney, who aa* la bla oaV* -Kxtrar thoalrd In Ibe streeta tt by being »fimd. bat raibrr ttmi Ita rh» neit thins to dolna noihlnc. G ttand* for guntlot; always y. asked what all tb* racket waa Alcien or any otber .North Africa* power Increased. Aa lb* rhunli hate a •umrtont furl Mipply- AvrronoBiLE town would oot brine Ibe peupl* of th* O for oil; [Jraty of II and th* lh Ur. Doff, dr." replUd tbe •treets crowding aroaad I woo f 1 riiht kind. t. "H* la talking wllh bU wife up W«dk and Mrwble? ££ . *? «- JS-LrTJ-Sf" "* "• * - « "• -°*i« Blatcoe coonty." nf power. W lor Hater: eren motor* lTif~ lubriratlna u Jn»t a* morn I I. Tbe Healing of Cunt rated. Loat bablea cried. Women (U(Hd to Ibe correct pmtoic. hauled motor. UathJea T>MO << (Onal) fur {rrate; glr* thatT"—Bottoa Traasrrtpt. 'era'te rillcrojk—Tbe rbrlMUa Herald I and bit tons Like alt Ufittrr. IVter ruuld nut ibov gnrate rap* tb* tumt r*- rose tb* needed help, la th't U .lid Paul. Pierre, and AnJra, • . lotion. Bat la spit* of It all. Mathlca qulrrct And doo't forgrt Lb* not direct attentloo to blnwif. tut d 0># 1 gBlltlea*. mtinlvnd by ^**l i !? ^• * T"* * xxl their eona .rat raglna I eooddeaily ap(>r*led to Ibe |vu»r in tb* Boch* Barbartaaa. rrtKD raring. Thla sate* tb* r-r?'lrr* i th* nam* of Christ: Mrsut <1irl»l yadam* Thar* harried I' - that would olberwla* be waated. broleth Ihee." Tb* man who bad Lrpt I bafore tn* church. A tight wa* coming Coffee Prices Are Up » ImnA*' diately trt»» and mail* hit brd. VVUra band waa th* woodeo tablet. Watlnaylahad rama» _.' "It tamlB*." the Lord beala It Is duo* liutsntly. P*4 I yoa." th* cried. • . : inJBrfce Of tag of 111* gMprL This bnxif M ruu-t i amoac ibia number, which wa» crallfylcg molts, for -all that iluwt t swd Oeta's I I wouldn't bare tights? Well you ban Day after day. ha met her going to brga eooogh rot a battiasa. <. to Lydila aod Kbamo ww hliu mid chorea. 8b* became to wore aad .' were bat ano Ortt mill OJ coraa^sM "it I I tb*°> Daw>L* a*mu n>tc* UOBted lunml lu tbr LonL" dated that It teemed only her »ows: Domingo, Fraachca, 1L Tb* liaising uf Horrat In. .VJ- -^Jt waa all**, bat It gleamed bright- ! Jttta. Boeaos. Tomaa and : Ootat "roe "«*«. th* soldier* wcat throagh the ty sod mor* brightly la Ib* flam* of aerial number of each s*aa INSTANT *- . — ...-—.- — — — oiaiusa *-!_• wcBway Dmua at (_k* ouikt, La, in* Orst of th* "•- j throng. -We are going to Parts.' they b*r eyea. Aad to the long Um* pasted. \ th* 004000 data. hrtdEce 10 he rooaptrlcd oa. the famous old Spanish trail running between JackaoatlU*. Fta, andlb« Pactflccoatt. r boj Ahwaya th* Oermaa soldier tbooght Tbe bridge coat orcr CJOOOOq tb* Br* of Vtirtsro* Tber* would taro- j 1 »••••- siti"ir "•" •*" * ••"* "*** MlaOary ' Christian woman of th> kind Hint cn» j ly ban oat. bat dally her challaog* | BIDMII *"«ad of as. arorched Into bla caaariraea. POSTUM s>II.t.« Madame There stood aa her husband mg kt—uos." "Mhell hate I* ' aad aooM n*rm m«i. ti.,1 . TbM la Ib* chill tatuma. cam* word MU. llrr dmth wa* a r**l >«~». aa WHERE DEMOCRATS WIU MEET IN NATIONAL CONVENTION I with the other women gaUoa; wtde- that »•• t«K^i—-•.<- •trr pay her for tbeov" 'Try'thls delicknis table Aa* rvKWnrMl by tbr loourom; nal came l-ark tn U«* la h>r loty. j •f the cemetery, roe the OrstUiae MsUaa for tb* quality of ThU asuln caaseu tbrm to brlU-\» • a I ItyMda. Vote the satisfbetioxu the Lord. I ;^v knowtog what the did. went ta a heap '^ - — - not oziW to purse tout afbrkk»»nd mortar farlar, in* sonar*, *Z™U1 What *•• lfcl" U* catered Raad Us. •ibte and Think. ^ rto 1 to health., and. you'll t Is a rood plan te rrad a ton* l*n of a charred wall wu^SS 1** « '*"* *•••--— of tbe Bible through rapidly tt a .It- 1 continue -to drlixlo twg In a tbadjr card**, or oa a rliff 5_55H5*i§.l*M|_ *«*»«r•nd b. boddeoly thV,. bar^ «*fo^ ^f " " n •a_aw •• wsv gar ^H Ysatw m'^M1* •» oe taat tor no BW* BS^M^ mint C he that ahotly taneth bimtrtr uui Ood pata osT an atMhfabMaa. aad I our «raaa*ar*»td htta a aati eM—~Vaaaau I . •/'


BRIEF LOCALS STORM OMMAGE NEH WEEK VISIT BOARD OF TRADE MEETING OfjJlTT BUHJHNe <* PERSONALS SLIGHT IN CITY. THE SCHOOLS. NEW QUARTERS. COMMISSIONERS™.^ - . '.."'".-• ' • .*»• - ^ '." • WILLIAM BV ,«M»»Mmmmmmt: , WaWjBmaaBBJBBJ fjbj «BfBnBBBBBJBBBJa I _ A Spadal Maittni of tft»Bm««C .^^toto^t"taia>III>>satlr*aT*- UMaehooUdarlasllMweekaetaBaatiata Board of Trade* nommltua, to POM of paytn* bUto, with Mayor 3aa>| Bepelra, TtB atreei ' V nTbla toamatty ta dne «roaUy to the for this pgrpoos. which waa referred Mr. Smtth*lettar eph O. ChsjapWl?»avito»^ "alowa». Baary * aCorto oftbaOttr Coamtoaloaara la The week which to deriiaated aa owerlaa theaaeof the eacoad BOOT of ^TbeC»mSi»toaeraanwai»adaotloa •»• H. PaBMarTttat IUr. S.8. - __^ their detonatoaUoa to Irafld pile VUlt-lbe-ScbooJs week this year to the I the Maaaty * Bdwarda boOdlas to M to UmesadpteM oftaetoT-^^' - -" ^^ vMtor as waa a. Hew York braakwartara to Sooth Ooeaa Ctty ooe bertantajt Monday. Pebraarr M-Jthe Boardof TradaT^ awuuac u. asjoume aag^ptoWMK Matoi . . ie« reached Horn*. I BaOdar. Loaaal Ooaay. —Mr. N. 8.OaCroTFMIaddpttla. waa bad eaoagh. Tnis weea comes at tba time of the o*Mo there May 1st. ' Board of fy»m«—««~— heteToa the •a Oeeaa Cttr Tialtor tkla weak. The daaute to Oeeaa Ctty eaa ba year when fathers are aot ao boay aa Thto arraaceaMat win eaabto the net day of Jaaoary. UM. aad laid aoauMd op aa follows: 400 feet of the they are at some other souoas. aad Board of Trade to establish aa later, over for a period* twowaefcs. waa Mrs. Chariaa B. PawaO haa bean a AasJera* Crob alar at Park Place: tba they, aa well aa the mothers, eaa vtolt atitioa aad PohUdty Baraaa. aad oaerad by Mayor fTumnlna PhlaMalpWa Tiattor ttla weak. aabhax platform of tba Ooeaa City the achooto. aoase oaa W4B ba ta cbaraa dartoi tka Be It Resolved, by the Board af Hi*, a Pramk pmtth baa baea «n- Xlahhajr Club at North street, aad The purpose la (aoeral of Vton-tbe- basfaeea boors of ibidsT CoauaJaatoaera w Oasaa cSTweir aboat half tta pier at Poorteeath at; Schools Week to to Interest tba pahtte The neater March taeeUac of tba jSresyTtbUte tbeyaar ' C H. Kaaatosor. of yi"*^pfc'f. thedabboaee.pieraadasacepavflloa to their eeboola. and aothia- atoa to- Board of Trade win. aodoaM.be held Jaanary 1. UM. aadaaM waa aa Oeeaa. Ctty visitor oa Tbera- of the Booth Oeaaa Ctty Ptohtef dab toreeta them ao attieh aaa paraaaU la tba aaw looatloa/wtth^freahiaoata nT iSSo, thV^mSoysea; day. at ntyslchth atroatrtltolfaeorkla vtelt to schools. They wm beeomTae- aad dsara aaaaaddsdiUbaMtoaT^ ^ ^ -"Wwasa. twootory frame boose at PtftraJoth aaamtad with tba teacher: they, win • • Mpotter. to daacaroaljr ffl wttb the atreet. Thaaa atraetareawere vtrtaal- sea aader what Physical eheamatoae. PROORtMIVK LtAOUB MOTCa. the City of Ooaio'atyTlww Jerary'. ly wrecked sad washed oat to eaa. «a the teacher's work to doae: they • shall ba paid aa rMlttitaaT ir-T^tr

deU. Coat. - Prame mdtCha*. Mb aad Mr. Walter Shields, of Caadea. was *. .' >''-^'v'v\V"-V; •••':•'; ' tka caaat of Mr. aad Mrs. Walter towtoaprlaa. wJrtM_ ^ „ AARON W ILANTJL I rYrsldaat Bar U. Darby to oa tba "SJ?!?, 5LS IPftftg tma* 8aadar rt to Bapatra. etb a * ^* «~* •• Iba ebaTcb oa Taaa- ^^^ZLl^rL. atek Hat. which crrea Watt Altoa some SfWL"!?? Owaar. Canto JU • O W. Yard ta taaeal -* tor the ttoM.be wm Ofl tba ^ Sre.1^: of Prof. WaHbley who to m. *| twSS P. OreaaweeT* ;'•*••'• '••. ••".• '"- •W-^v?St^ Mas She* Lea. who baa beaa vtatt. Craae. '^ mML gnutoty

ltallL i there that alsbt. |nM. aad eadte- «. UML C THE MAUTV ©• "ftemonial* Tablet OUR WAU. PAMB fa laid aa wlrb oa attaei o. ^-. .^_ aoas MttHlsd to neelve the aaae.! nuali . Bayi to thetov IT dsafra la liinlatilr art- kasatJM tUSTit fat gtaea aad aSnr. Ute to Him when* aad «BMI a spirit <* »^^A*f» ak»e. Owaer. T. a. reporta that Mies Msrr . The haaay ooabte toft tote to thajshaB he -Called ap-. The abaardltty Howe, Bathes aad «Jrby ana '(BMathly or. •••Iraaalaly). m m% fraaar. Bajueer. tote HOC. of Pwto " iriatoa tar a abort wiilaiaK trto. ,of the wbofe thlaa Is that aaar of the Y. M. P. L. CaroUas Mlastreb MtaMtiu TaMat aa ifta fcaiw compiled ft. dlsmood. Mr. . They wtB reside ta Allaatie Clty.lbfee people do aat ha*» aay rwy t>. rVb. »U. Tb» MIW IS - bpitoJ3 ' t Ille. Is the tocky maa. la aaarfaata. (ed belief la God or Christ, tadeed wrdra of the Etabeny I AIM Alfred B. Mtoa KmOy M. Boaktea. of thto city, The bride was aa eaployee la the BIMBV of tbrm are disbelievers, yet Miaaaer of last There win he who u lytos in at the leiHian of bar taw °*e» *t Asaeaialj^Baa Aadmr C they clala to bare this power. t*la* damn erenr alaate. The I MetkM carries. -T*aMatwmUah«d.ak«atda»aataaotdcfocbroaxa| Boswea There are several tkiacs which ba»sy Hotr" ' ~ * The Mlowlair reeatetloa eOered by work at to ba placed fat aaar fatan. aaat. la Weat PklUrterphla. to report- .Mayer Chaaptoa at a niTrttaa- af tha ed aa betaa- sttiaHy better. • i woold tedicale aa Inunoital nIMmrr. Boardwalk. Board of Coauatosloaers heM aa the WALTBE B. AUK*. Chmrmaa. nst day of Jsaaary. ltja, aad hid | Pndnfck Batt. af Un Asbny ave- DR. f id f ;aee. saMM away to Pafladetohm aa NV..CBU8TIAN. 2: S£L" "^ *° Mr. a^ Mrs. Joha C. Oa Friday moralos. Pro. Uth. UM. aVcred by Majror Champioa. mk,r flo* |. . gpjri, ,,, „„„ ANNOUNCEMENT way brtore the doctor caaM =7—H koowa real ewal*. anal. Ulrhw >er Mr J"~ Tl!~ " !. IKa. aa foliowa:—. reach him. The dor lor proaaaaei * " 1 aaaaa to niaaaia to Aa pabta that 1 haea aaaaaa a laal THE M1MQ OP" smXtOaPnONa rHOMtVOWOBUOWAiaiJ .liy Clrrii SUM, poeumoala. Oa hut KaUrday be Bodarra out maALTtr. s». aaautrd that dar !• work TO U». •; Tbl« pruirru tmoa l^wla aod Jolia U. A cut la. Collector Of Tawa lUJtbarM by the side Of his Uttle lea to a%BBMOBWata«AabaarAapaaa. OoaaiClry. leal Eama as al -* ' CUM,Oimawood Cnaeiery. Hughes Central Pharmacy ^ raooih of them to plarva voice wiiblalroa MIBrr. I— ^.u^. .n, « .. isatinr tlSJtf m m !vorln City Oertrtcian I1S.M M __m i' BBBB- - V BBBBB^^^wV mat^^ * BBBBBBB- - - I BBBB^~™% wa t 4T^™^"BmBBBBBm^L ^"ma»T ^^aaCarna»l a^aamamr. WJOB^O•BBBWBT a>! mmamamaa, mama>t BakaMasaamaBT* BMBTVWSBBmaaaaale>e>* J. TMOaaajKV MUGMa, r. a nm af Bead A COL, bardvare m»r- tbrai for the** parpaeea and Ibrrv |a ara or Irimnxr. Anw Lrwla. rhaata, atlvsded tho hardware aera'a vAPTAIN JOHN T. BINNaTT fMKS. a rotr.- wlihln n. that ipab of Im- "'TOO MUlrr. Joarph Rohtoaoo sad Bunaa of Health. CharitU* and NOTtCK. [Sharp OCEAN CITY. Ill •* VUal Wsltalica tlt-to . ' •ricaJfrsadeOSkarp timrrmtkm In fhlladvlphls. on Thar*-! mortalll). the most advsatacrouii Robrrt Plabrr. By Ihr red of March JOSEPH L. PEACOCK *•* 'aet- _ c«|M. John T. U«-Bowt. oar of tin thins to tlw world, torolir ihla mast b- lhrr<* wrrv a arorv of mra wavfcta* And be It further Beaoivvd. that aaid HeprranuatKi. of thf Inutaal Bev» I hi- vot<*~ of nod. And proplr hatt- *""* •• Orren niy. and of I ha I aunt-booua Khali br paid to tbr persoas m-' noe OoV* wtU be at the Pint Matiaaal BairWMttiW •MAtsanAto^OtomCk-.rti ' Thitre are 10 he a aambvr of Im- 0U—1 olkMs OB ib* rw»*«n. luir slid lltlrd to neelve the aaote. (OMathly). Bank. Onw City. M. J, rebraaiy ITI» praTt^aent* ma>k- 10 ihr W. J. « «. river, dird at faU boiu^ In Cap» Mn» ,as said penooa are aow paid. aad ltlh. tor the purpose of sdTlatos tUilnud properly la this elty. all at «•• *>ads>- aflrr a MnlrrlBi lltnn* * lit las: ihrw mid<- In Orvea Cilr. Holloa by Director CampbtU aad and aaatailM lupavera arlth ihrir te- whtrh ta fnny dracribnt la the Cow trom paralrkia. \W w»» mnlH« \ I aavv aa a knprnak*- the orat atakr arcoBded by Dlrrctor Plahrr. that the nor tax rvtsrBa. ' . ntivUdBen- pron«diaKs. i !"•» old. NIXT aUMOAV IN M. I. CHURCH. ICB-fflAW _,r~ . Cape Orasrtl VM bom la Cap<» «'V. LAKE. above rveninttoa he adoptnl as rrad. U fc to lilS iuld I t.^'T" '"JJ'li 2 *°" *" ^ **•' - •*"»«l »'• ar»l II Wit Sunday mom In,. H . Grotur I'*• M- ai.UMMK ATTWIO«> COUSIN* -UH.-AL. Ida T. Lonr. of Ibia city, was marriedl . . pUat tor iho bay aaj rivr n 1 rlM< a U' V«nl «ll| prvarh on in* aabjert I b) Olrfctor CampbtU: • SHAW «» SHAW FRANKLDARBY to Mias Helea Zadterie. of Phlladst- Dela« from ihr old IxwnJ of port "U'bai I Know." 111. vrmla* aah)m j I !> It Beaeltsd by the Board of Coav Mra. H. B. Cree waa caDrd to PhUV pbU. oa JaBauy M. The coople wUI 1 wmtiitmm to iu7. ||e Mlomnl hU pro- l adelphia Taaraday Us* to attead the mako their hoaar te Bait Lake CUy., fea»loo for flfly-two y«in. onlll .irlrk- • Ill br. Thr Dawn of Krir." || la blairaiu. ._ . „.._ y y. !M> dt->in* ih»t ihi- vouns proplr of In- lukrn poaanult^i of hli houav Thf faaefal of her roaaia. Mrs. Mary Bee- Tin and Sheet Metel Woricen MAL ESTATE Loai—Browa Lctuber bac befera *" '*" '*"• * • rrrord of ool hav- that Orrsn City borrow a turn aot ex- soull black wallet with aaae cords., ttete. 1^»: ud that the proper eaVers are Boawrll wen itaowa u cbarch circles. etc. Notify C Leroy Adas*. 1 Soath' Pluu-ral M-nrire* <"-rr K»U si bis — ! in« In two and a tualr nilouir*. WOMAN'S HOMB MISSioNARV I lv"" Ha*br* lu-pl thr rro*d lnl.n>i- hrrrby autbortird te rxrmle a oole or Mrs. Hosweil was a SHASMIRY AVEffUE Ualn Btravt. Pleaaaatvtlle. Beward. hooja laal ThontUv. and u drlecalloa , notra to emi're said •urn. at the eorasr of Atlaatlc a OCEAN CITY. N. J...... ^ . ... , from the PikXi' A»*J>cUlloo wer» prre- SOCIETY. t-d •SowlriK Ih.tu rind irlrk>. Takr u • , MJIII.- advln- and don't Krl Into a Motion by Dlrrclor Campbell aad MooHra Mlaa H.ka. Meehsn. of Ihla city. „,,. r«pl«la n«m«il U wnlTe.1 by rondrd by Dlrrclor PUhcr. that the »a» ourrlad to Georce L. 8le»rn». of . widow Tor Waouo°> Home MUaiotuo" Ko- "n"" W"h hlm" K<" ' AUaotlr CUy. by the Hr*. TboaasP. coolaJn n. nnHi «»» a BM-mhrr of Motion rarrtrd VUkf on Wedareday eveatac The tB- Cat*- " _ . . _ yooac couple win make their homo In hold* I IIVOM) ilumpi'd Ihrir at tbr borne ar aahes In mil tiardlnvi'a rap oudnl by Director Cauipbrll. Inat the AiUatic City. _ _ . Mian of Ibe Kirrrt KaDerriaor br In- noMrra of the naaahnco Boildias aad TheBourseRestaurant Mlaa HurJ Harris, dausbler of W. DOBBINS—IN MKMORIAM. f ith. brKtnnlnx office of Joseph L 8eaIL TS7 .Ubary H. Harris, of this city, a atudsat-la Januan I. 1«M. Molloo esrrlad. the State Normal School, of Trealon. avmue. oa TarxJay. Fnoroary 17. st to *ete> awadhaiore CoUrji- tbp lat- Jersey Coofereace. poa»nd to her nrav- chartar mrmberm. tor pan of thia/awelh. aaly real Pebraary #b. at Ihf ml- The bos aad baskrt hiorh was s I t-Il what 4 Mlo» ran do Ttir rolluwms Ulls wrrv rrad and by SUBSORIBK *OR TMB OCCAM CtTV deace of her daashlsr. Mrs. H. P. &B* tacceei. rrpevlally as It waa *d- Aboat mldoUht Sin. I'lumuxr an- uiuiloa or Dlrrctor Caupbrll and sec- Llmn aeMT AMVUTMBM IM Vaafiilder. at MoRisiawa. N. J. Pan- dad to by Mra. L. Sieelmsn's famooa nouncrd/rfr-.hra. m. •«-.- rrady and on-trd Ly Dlrmor Ktthrr. warrants 2Zm^L~2ZK .~7Z.7.~. .««« ml arrvtcre were held tt Cealral Prpper«ahhs«e. In the raah for ih.- dlnlas room. John were onlrrrd drawn for their reaped- ™ OMITtO STATES POW •<«• Cbaprl. Mt. ftoBr, oo Wedanday at 1 •• . e» Adams cot Murk hi thr 4oniw»<. |vo aiiiounla— Those prrwnt wen.: Rolb Oarrrl- Jrwirrh O ttiarupUm t 12&M : 'A nohbta. ... th. duuhtrr r WIU- AT^?. CMU"CM- •on. ItaasHI N'ullr. Wm. U - A. Morrl. l»^o I ST. JOHN'. S I ICE CREAM Uitiierafl Chardi QBC* Ysa Try k Taal Ahrsys the Illneraat Itfe of hrr honored bos- ; bd f an Mill Rev. Jeaa T. Oilltoon. P pt TVI*. aad preUnrt, 17 Aiji'mr O. Bo>w*ll ... BByh. : remember h.r a. • crrat lasplrslloB. the nearest of kto s mimorlairdlpto. • • • • T. l.rr Adams Peedtos tba wowliwi of lt at looa D. Adanu Chareb n*utw, Vesper See. SsUAtTl. the Oeeaa CUy Title aad Trust Cam--Wat. H. ColHaaoa. Jr.. Horn am bakt erery BHM>- psay betw^rn • a. m. sad J p. m. on , Pranela R. Ware APABTMENTB: For raak bat wator Prhruary Oth aad Mth. for ihe par- B. B. 8caH at 4 P. M, at the Betel hapatad. -..w.^v — -- .^...^.^ ..^^ —-.. *-.v-rieel. sleiliHi >tg*i»» ail aoaveatoseaa.i pose of advtotoy. aad aaslsrto» taxpay. ;naward Joaaaaa ..... TeaU atraat tad Oaatral ip Florida. They report bartes had a;Paraiabed- tit to

. •!• ' ",

fi THE oomutim urnon. oaum oat. v. i. 'Wan street bankers have taken steps to prevent Ibe development it a money panic. Tbo "Coffin Trust" K la a high state Piv« million i of prosperity as a moll of tbo "flu" it to KOI. OP WAVY. GLEAMT THE Wear Comely Clothe* and otber fatal Ilia, Recently tbo Na- tional Casket Company pot op Ita BEAimFUL HAIR I Apparel Which is Becoming to RICH QOWN OF BLACK SATIN Delegate Kalanlaoaolo Introduced a cm Some, Not to Other*. . . — bill providing for granting of «tatebood Mt "Danderinc" save and to Hawaii under qtmllflcatlona to bo determined by Congress. Ouija Board; Burjhn; Raitint, and Stwder Suite glorify your hair Oo Not Follow Fashion Too Closely Capt. CUode R. OolUna of Philadel- ' In Skirt Lanottia, Advlase phia, formerly of tbo New York City Air Polk*, annoaaeed ("In fall aerl- i OCKTORT. lU^-Yoo .may bava beard of tao ouJJI *«aj* ttatwaWI alore Fashion Writer.' L of polished wood embeUbbed wltk an lao Mttora «•• an tko •*•"•'• "a Msht thsa at alt umes to oe complete ss iheas lost sre sa*lch«t ouaneas,- bo said) that bo wlU try to . awfara I reeoliie to do one uiMtor Ihs shadow of tn* .•ora.-Kip- vlalt Mara In a man-car-' '•»« rocket. tbo words *>oo- and "no." ToaT Won. tko now oaaptowofMr. and Mrs. thtoa er the other I must gain coofl- Don't wear a aklrt with drapery of North Dakota Democrats at Ibelr AMrt Tost la Lockport, B, Is fur eaaos la aqr *wa sMUty to kerp my «ng fringe tkat saggeau the Hawai- (late convention In Fargo adoptod a alabed witbeaaof tbMoaoarda. Tbu lesoliea whea they an mad*.-Ua- ,tN« FUNCrioi^S OF FOOOS. ian gram* nklrt. advisee a fashion ^ aVaWa»l«olto«blt»sro»«rlt»alls»«ltllm writer la tbe Buffalo Express. Now , Brnn," aad belong to a eptrtlaallstle oocJety.. No bousemotber who reads tb* cor. then* ar* son** overplump women and pledged support to tbo candidato Mr. aad Mrs. Yost aaa Mr. and •IAS4MUiU| FOODS. rrat news and magsrlnes can bo Ig-who bare a foodnr** amounting al- nominated at Baa FranHseo aorant to regard to th*umat to a pss»lon for a fringe. They Th* -boot* chip" Yarmouth of tbo The following Is something a little Importance of food study. ire convinced that It la on* of th* Black Star Una waa released br tbo " ' ly. They beloog to oM families, at- oat of the ordinary, but a dish which There sra a few general thing* that make them look slender. i0m Well, li may •ocm-time*. but remem- IWeral authorities and will bo alknrr I tend tb* same lodges, chsrek, pains*. oses left-over bits ot principles which If bom* and aU that sort sf tktog. In mind when supplying ber that the long fringe about the chicken and furnishes a hlpa ami thigh* ha« a way of undu- • wlih ber cargo of between fUMXMMO So ike otber day wbsa Mm Wa> tasty dish: •be food for tb* family, Tbe Shipping Board, up to January |aDd *WM0.00O worth of whisky, cham- - - - — • tar annoaared ber candidacy for I will feed them correctly, lating aa yoa walk. It accentuate* orade of tb* Royal JMthbota* lodge Remove all bit* of whit* first in Importance la "hat you may* regard aa a very Irre- . Forbes Morgan, wbo waa what was more natural than that she should look to her friend. Mis, Tost, far meat left on the frsme- I the point that aU fan*- datlblo away Ing motion but what la Was differ aa to needs. jrobahly nothing more nor leaf than wurk of roast chicken.' « waddle. distributed among more than of tkte peculiar act Take tbe boors, skin aad aereral of the :met prominent far-JIlea Now sapposs we hart the rest of tbe yen bluntly at tbe reader by saying: Don't wear kimono sleeve*—eape- score of companies. of \«w Tork, lotthrr prolmbly golns to b* very mock that during tbe flve-month period, they In the Ore which awept throogh ber waa entered by burglars, aad looted of 23 pounds of ralatoa. will cover tbe wbol*. «no la aa Inactive Indoor wurker. A have caused to be brought a total of On Thanksgiving night the Tests Invited a party of friends, and daring [ r' * •' f ' - »* Water may be uned If growing child wbo I* very active will n fn>blfHi aa thv seaaon advance*. It borne hi New York city. a oar- of Ibe thlnxo that eoro* stout SBS Indictments of profiteer*. Of that Tko ateanahlp Yarmootb, of tbo Ibe evening they brought oat thetr oalja board to entertain tb* crowd. Same- Ibera Is no broth. Add an onion, eat coasum* and car* for as muck food •amber 100 were for excessive , raflto one asked th* board. "Who burgled our boater line, a plrc* of carrot and simmer an aa Ibe avrrsg* man. because b# to wtanen will wsnt *o wrar. They sre Black Star Una, owned by negroaa. hiinr or two. Strain, remove tbe fat making a framework and la cover- Sweden anaoudred Intention to float than HJOOOJDOO. waa vetted at the portert fully." tons roar plala. dalL flat hair. Tow and Ihlckni with Hour and batter Ing that frame with good, healthy tend to nuke- thf arms look snort, • loon of tsajBOOflOO la Ibe United can have it abundant, aatt, glossy aa* nuked t»cetber. Remove from the musHes. Food supplies the body with ind Ittry do not produce- thst lentih of New York by order of District Sup- It waa not long after this that Mrs. Tost waa elected orade to ber lodge, wn States. erintendent MwTlln. of the Prohibition e*feating ber former friend. Mm Walter, aad all Lockport begin to talk fan ot Ufa, Jast gat at any drag ot flrv an-] stir la tbe yolks of two eggs »< It ncnta for growth and for en- if line which Is m much to b* desired For 'the anti-strike provision of th* Enforcement Bureau. The cargo of about tbe 28 pounds of raisins, and their probaN* as* to this dry weather. loUet cotntor a amaU bottto of -Daa- l~t»t up with the Jolc* of half a lemoo. ergy. There ar* certain elenteota ay. the woman of too rotund flgure. taOraad bill th* Joint Conference Conv liquor will be unloaded and placed In Mrs. Waller, bavlag baud these stories, visited ber attorney. William R. Mc- dertee" for a few cents. Than moeaV INrnr this saoc* over th* prepared which are reqalred to support llf»; And pleat* ilont wear smaU high reetosob- a government warebooaa. Tbo Yar-Cabe. He oa a soft dot* wtta tbo Dandertoe aai chicken and let It get coM. Make two many of them to very small qnaatt- keel*. A high heW U Well eooogh if stitate what to effect amounts to eonv mouth waa about to aall tar Havana WeU. Mm Frank Walter of Lockport baa started salt far IHMWO dam- draw this through your hair taking oao very thin pancake*, cut out of them lies ant found ffl th* body, bat If the** « la of the military wit. for then It palamy sabmlsslon of wage disputes to when Ibe etimre waa made. It waa ages against Mr. and Mm Albert Tost, her neighbors, and their ouUa board, •mall strand at a MOM. Instantly, ye*. eight plrcrn Ore Inches long and four are larking the health begins to break. •eema. st leant, a* If vim were having a federal board appointed by tbe Pres- reported. charging slander. tmmiitutety. yoa bar* doubUd tbe Incbea wM* aad pat them aside. Time elements ar* carbon, oxygen adequate support for your weight, beauty of your hair, ft win be a BUS*. Kprrsil thf nieces of pancake oo a big nltogrn, solphnr, pbospkorua, Iron, But when tbe heel In both "mail and aa tbo treaty n before tne as aoft, lastrooa, flafly and ao easy M dUh ami rover each with lh!n-*Uced caldum. potassium, sodium and asvhigh ami v Oatt of the hall of jour foot, then the •Otty embodied to the Grey letter, to Let Daadarta* pat awe* ttfa. color. fold tbe'pancako over, seal with a Ut- ments sr«: effect la truly inlnful. raped and to «!**•> aa oaoaaal ANTA BARBARA. CAU—The thnapratle and physiological benenta of SECOND «T vigor and brlgMaass hi yoar hair. Tatt tW beaten ray white, crumbythem and Exsmptra of tb* different daasea of Dno't r akin "— 'ery gluae about It anraetlmea ac- ducers," composed of Santa Barbara Ifcvt la very long will make yo - - - — ' las laws and establishment ot a aa- He to Ullwaokeo. his opponents to bo bssteeas men. Members say they hat* on* cupful of scalded milk and on* milk, rhe—s sad peas, beans and leataa. tlosal bodsit Rlrlile UltrhHI. Johnny I>oaeat proved to themselves thst a beany Suftaf frotn from Australian woods, which to aa» When light add ooe-fbarth capful of var-"" -— - - - for yoa to do •* to stick to a skirt that I rrrP» de chin* or a passy willow taf pearaac* aad anlab compare very fa- ta abort enough to look amort aadf eta I* a better sHecttoo. Daretya M *artooa-diatrlcu report heavier that after Edward* flnUtm vtlib lb» vorably wtth baparted ptoea ef good battar. melted, two egg yoika. on*4aUf I trade demand* and to many caaea teaapooafal of salt, tb* grated rtod of m trtm. bat not ao abort aa to < greater apparent prosperity ttan erer trio mentioned, tbe Aostrallan then Th* deep voiced, ringing Unck. < •jaallty. la oae of tb* factories to a lemon aad shoot two cupfata of Soar, bles, fratta. honey aad sugar. will box Bmny Leonard for the vwM-« where one Hands with feet wide spsrt Add-8tomach Mimouiai an of the work U done by the loo ample itKuadtry"of your legs. I* a saatertal tkat may be safety won before, bot aerenheleai point to aad irpnf • th* epiglottis to public , dtaabM AastraUaa soldiers aad eav k^daaUflsasooU sad etestic. Cover kfjasral mattrr-frwtta. greea *«a> TW dauble-bre*Jt«d coat or salt "* •*• •**•'* •oaaaa. ahortenart lendlag power. Iraa «aay Ilile. doss aad set astd* to dowbte to butt, etabtaa, meat. mnk. wfcale wheat aad frri Knllnrf gives It a* hU nplaloa view h) th* auet highly recommended gives th* appearaace of greater width A** *»"« »• aataUd toto tmtokto* credU aad daagtra of rarloaa klada t* those wishing to tocnaa* Ibrir I Tara apeidedowa oo a board.-lan toto otber grata*, egg yolk, water, fo chest s»l bast than th* slntft tkst "•* uncorset*d effect to detke* a rectaagalar sbMCapr«d wttk aoft. Fata-wak* yiaU carbea. hydro- •mated malet For thto reason It U "•"" toteaded for sack aa you mod barter, dredge wtta eogar aad as. tad uxygaa laeee are th* keat- better to arUst the toner sort. Lsrge •*•» If you are only aoderatsO tam 1 The rhmic* are ooe big Uagna dab en to teciade tbe wctMoiowa operation of laughing to ' "" rtaaimia aaa spriakto wttk curraats arodaclag fosda. la wtater w* need or striking banana on the Jacket or t P- P* laughs lees than she Is laughed at. Now la Ibe time to boy Uberty pel., Chattanoosa. Nrihvnie Loola- A sortoty tasgh la of tcant value, according to statistics, a* many times Dunt Imaato. that black aatla to Th. demand for velvetew u great. ttacdd tov«atoraTb L'nll tol takHue advantage dUof • catrtM-rl a and pitchers aod are neao- StopWMpptng Bowtaw pier* tbe boas. Waea light, bake ca than to fata. Th*** yield energy to tho present decline to market vatao of tlatlng for tbrm. porsloleclcslly or otherwise. fully not to bora ea tb* bottom. Tb* th* moat economical form. .;_ ATTRACTIVE HAT «)RJM>mN01 c^w-o-Hd,-+~*«- _ _» **"" *—"*~ "to obtato at very aitranive I ." " ^ Conversely, though, a boybh laugh of which w» oftea read, n rated at Into Activity,^brt^ aagar aad battar should gUx* tb* bot- Carted «*rlch domteatws to mtt- tom of th* boa*. Tkree or four tahto- Uaery. Th* flronna; hm. provMagror tb« [ 1-arla. France, over Mam apooafals of batter aad half a capful If raw t lank taw bo*nas toto acOoa bat wbtca • vole. | 4a) aot taoswsgkiy dsaaao. fHaaoa of graaauted aogar aad oae cupful of tkto cream or milk and two tahleaponaj serving orcaaloasl oven dinner* Turbans appear, worn with eastera plebeian mlcker aad the crssa. boorUb guffsw and portfy these drahsag* orgaaa. aad fate of batter. Ball without stlrrtog hav* ao eaVct wkatarar apoa tb* ttre* ta tb* aoft ban stag*. Cook over tb* attend to work 1 tombl* of the English lerests for International cbamptmshlp Sr* to) a *e»otb aaorapaa one cupful to other pan* ut pound Merlin* matcnes with the United States baa of secsr antll )t to caramcUaed. Pour th* home. Tk* new Moose* bare larg* aad OU team on 300 Tracts of Oeage In- been acreptnL Forest Rangers to Begin Where Boy Scouts Quit Ibe Srst mixture into tk* caramel and dian land, aggregating 31,773 acres, Tbe Chamber of Coauaerca of Wor- daaklng revrra. let It boU ap once. Take from tbe ar* fa* a large soft felt bata to vivid colors are aotd at tbo government suction to cester. Una. appototad a committee rood aad foot gaaaa, take earthen bean pot Ih* rxraos bOo frosa tko Brer aaa aad beat until thick, addtoc at Ih* tost a** type of sport bat totrodocedfo r moment tare* or four cupfuls of pecan i Cut op to small Amateur Bov.'ag AnocUlloo to New carry oat of tko ajstim aU tb* co*> pl»r*s two tad the lowex «aoa York next numth, with an Invitation attpatad wast* aastter aad poiaaas hi aktata. Drop by spoonfuls oa battered war for spring and sumaaer. of Amertca. Scoot masters find that k-...r.'.- ::.•"• msitils tn rnol ' pound* of beef th* boweli waieb are keeplag yoa kali cover with cold water, aeaaoo with Accardlua p*«'"»g U introduced as gainst the rest Qcimond. at the area of oftsea sad sixteen the akk. beadscky. sad miserable. the skirt feature to many aprtog mod- of the counlty are revealed In Uatl*- boys begto to get oat. Long pants aalt aad pepper and place to Ih* ovea da, both drew and suits; sometime* With a ». .1 left book In tbe stomach Osarareta toalgkt wffl asaka yoa far! Cook two noon, then add two cupful* stem to be the signal for drifting Creat by aanmlag. They work arkm of shredded cabbage, four larg* pota the entli* akin la accordion plaited, factarers* Iterard. The prrrmtace of a«ay. Tb* adoieacmt rmnrlwimiia Bu afl«a h«alwt th* then again Ih* plalta are Introduced lankj b«Tr.«U*t from Minneapolis. U yoa sswp- asver gripe, slckeai or caaat toe* sUrad. two oalooa •Uced. oa« "" *•'"*• "**" organliatlon has lacoaveaJaaeo. Caacarets coat as ttttto to Ibe form of panels. greatest to the south. The value bunrh of celery rut nne. Add hot New York colored bearyvalgh^ at b too^-Adr. -Jaba Or»«*l«af aralttMr. water and ssaacmlnga and cook aaotk The American woman will wear tbe ll southern crops lait j**r was Urdianlcs Building. wbo haa nearly got bU growth. The er hour, etrata and aerve hot. Tbt splendid tricot corset of Americas njUtfiOOfiOO. coaparrd with «8.T«8.- kld»" bars become "the frtlers.- and TIO* imlH aa> , manufactory that mods tbe neaulre- VtOfiOO tot ibo net of the country. thr frllrrs can't staod the kids any "Why are ao many young peopto UTTLS aXONOMIH. Thus ibe south produml 44 prr rrat kmsrr. aent away from homo to stady a»a> FOREIGN. Rvrry oav wbo waata to help tb* good. Of the country's entire rn>f> vainer Now rim the forest rangers to vovlronment to which sh* lives. Tbo' American Rsllway Express i I tbe long felt want. aicr Male thta year can do so by giving Ptmlaala Slaaail Tiln tare* plat> UIWl l0 -Moat natural thing yoa could tav> Cfcmpaay. a voluntary orsanlxailon of ' J««venU* training and recrea' agtor. Folka araood Ik* boa»« doat thought to th* of chicken slock, one-half cupful ot question of bow cooked rice, six eanned rvd peppen atton under the Railroad AdmlnlMra- want to he bothered bearing tkcaa Hon. will conttooe aa a combination f»hU«uble I'arUUn buuwa, pracUctag.- Urutmani I. U. Wolfe, who was food. U we ar* of aalt half a tes»pooaful of tahaact under private operation sfler relto- _'• ,r^*Jf"J>rt«to to I*71"?0 o1 afoutmasters and other boy scouts of the qutahment of government control on takm Into rwtody by liexlran ooVlalt carefal of the lit- mar» and oae-kalf capful of cream. " ' "" ~ aa-an older jft aaaaaiVaaa tf^LmaHAKSMaaaMS aaamai aat Ue waatea. th* ruM, * veoA-Olvlde a loto ol Wh«« Sikart SHevis Are W YAGER S ^ *» tao aaw^tajat a I-forest. larger one* wui rtmi ttttk [»,„ „ maaJ purtloo.wit ait ——..»«— w^~ aad* to th* aam* manner, these oftea look after tkeaV win be needed; porni I and aeaaon wittI ~~~ [being decorated with a slagl* urge oeld of good byy glvtog wbotnoma and tosnvrttv* duSSon^o'youUfuTai LINIMENT sdvea. On* of tke aage— . --Bai- l rack- aad fasten aecurrl) Store Paris penlats la making as (slonv, sucn aa roe* auartx. taraaotae, r to trrttlrarttlra.. TbTbee purpospurp e of the rangus la to roattoaa thst direction to that a ', , 'A . '. - wtth aoadea toetkpicka. Boll cart Tar abort ale»«»a. th* bracelet haa or garoefa '. boy >ont drift aw fet bil ear boss** aad safari tat Ing other «jvrt to craaabs. then to egg at* t*k*° on a new lea** of life. If ibe** ! teamed wht d to the woodiu food* for those which are tea* pteatl- IMI,ltM uaj. —Jt aad reoeat Ike en •bbrevtoted sleeve* wvrv only for Ih*• AN60RA CLUTU M POMII ID fat Tkto can bo done without aacri- SnTUa^^paTa^SaW^-S rooag and fair. aU would be well:.but; *llyl"1* «*"»" •» TOPULAR Let tk* rick maa bow aVwa before Betas health or atreagtk. skewer Ikroogk tk* ttkwa and aa*

tbe extradition list ni an utterly rhj- haktog It win save a lea* of Savor aad I ter. They wflt hare a daildean ta saisrl a thing as a braceM nilpa I a tittle glass tray with a silver excarstar and baaed against N.ttmrtLii.iii Jsdcsa wttk ao hard crest. Savor wkra cooked. OBratok wia free oar from th* conadoaeaeas of I Wkeo sslto or kaltted >Uk fabric to I HEBftB ork | 28 V boat commawtrrs on the list. A Aa eaaargsocy ftOteg for aandwicbee I parstry. bank etbowa that have lost the soft I I wlih aasors. a fatwrtte " ""•••"• I aev- ZeppeUa-commsndrr. William Krvis- Whs*. Lot fee*. O*. f" far tare ar tars* psopt* caa be Mar* peopl* ar* drink** Dr. Car . from half a Jetty gku* of dwpped ty salad to the foUowtag: Fiasl aad bracelets, tkat hav. lone beeo la tW • an.*. „„, ,rtm W wttk boped far a division ai-Mata aa wrtL Julio Ulirhrl. Male pruerutor of H* spssks up and sayi: Doctor, eat tomalors toto elgbta without aepa Call loans at tbe New York Ex- Portia. Urxlro. ha. brra nollocd that nt1a lW ctk DUf r^T^^J«^£ilr^ «»r~ «-««• of tk. ..«««. tk. eattr. wont yoa pleas* poll my tooth 4MI A taksasaaoafal of miHiasra rf#rt * " >°" » oa a lea: rerret ctfaeo. and sent to Ik* Jewelert „., „, aatt to be of tke weal fabric, --? c»ot. the cxrqoator of William O. Jenktaa. rm to awful pain." He looked It. too. terJaafarOsmrt ta aikkflaxake hatter will aaak* thaaw °* '*tMt* aad til Ike cealara wttl la be fre-keaed up a bit. Wkfl.wkil»a*d tk* Ugkt bright refer* ^^ Jana- j United Siatea rooMtlai' egret at Pue- aad I waa aorry tar him then ao 1 -^ rtfy tbe MooHood tkertaetwe tola aotataaothtags CU&mmOrtlm kj±L_ailjL ^^ ^^ Poar> oatoas. Serve wttk rrvwch dr*a* ••*- safer or battarbetter. TkTb*e nmUttl* * tottoti * Jo* mmmmm *22^J21£"J'Z£L?Z **• ** P^«* dark^cJoTirS trr. fflOB, aad ooe large Iradrr nrfoaeU bla. waa caacried on VVbroary 1 by the said. *Siep this wayr • Too '- ^^ toe to wkick kaa bsaa added ckepp^ latereattag brawwu to toaitaaoa of Ignored. Oae -»l* yoa tboaght tkey were. I laeas, an totriratety carved to repro- ugaaaaarna tola Tarittaladtoa or tttamMaW "lH wove, to broad atripaa. aaa!kal amitakotttog! Aagora dotk ta at ei b warm knktog. It to'aa Idaal fabric at •pproxlmately tSOJUnjJoa, and sob- ena* aow -m pure of oanlUimrot for I tbe lower left Jaw for sports apparel Last siaiua It ap- ••.-v-.v-iJv^Si^g;: •*« »»O—*re*a a comfieta rrput of bhajn Dutch territory, possibly to So- | -When ha got oat aaatot Uttl* ebort-topped glove* * • -* — faVoperation*: *^ "~- • "• ""• '.r—'.» "• I "•»» —«« •»• job'. Wen. ha To iwmov* the maan faatksra from I fata of aad two tablespoon OrrlDa Harrtogtuo. forty-ooe. skilled pocket. waOasBasaalstoskattadaaraaai: the rrasaba tad fry to deep fat oatfl wafl aatkar* days, ar* back to style where dartag tke Srat fan dam he- worker to tbo Denver (rota.) mint, wax wkea coal wfll cease off wttk Ike tiaaaid. aad are asost effective wltk aa for* wtoter fare war* itmull_| ea waa arrested by HoUand K. Ooddard. aaaaU plsfaalhata Tke psisflla assy A few spnoafato of chopped bracelit srara Jaat th* gotf Uaka Ckisf 4V lha lotml hraarb of the Fed- L«ds» reeerratloaa to the prac* treaty -He oretcadsd b* asettad aad strained aad atad agato eapsdatty Unas ef klgk tan Tkm year at aaa eatered tke fleM of arai Sscret ScrvW. on a caarg* of «*d Lraga* of Xatloas. It is prohsblo fsc*. either T^ Uatsay .. wTltar* tramp i aad agate. kaa wfll seaaoa a dtak of rice or 1 art atorea mn Bwrtacreawadtb* Dearer mint of gold that a aalet srsttmrnt of her agree- tiarai ID ISI lull ta* slower k. linear awy be ased to assay dlahes nat assshsd potato er bomtay for a detsoftkeoMHoaaaai Tb* easrt track tkat lets ef to paw* at sasari to to* to cake aad faaUty of toor or are. e« seM sad attvwr. ao aa Tr \ •kin aail slipiiin Msajs* swismn u U

"Si . '" •'.'• •'••.I1;:-'

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' ^^^ *^^"^^r^*^* r»'(*^^t ^^^^^* Yom-

Pirovcs! more bjr using

•JflajjBfjB) JL fJra^snB ^a> w^pBmBBwmnafc'


Off ttS frtMflak . 1 Alaka-aajMaatHj.KMt: PkOaa^ akkv to C»r*aa»-n;-j vrt*' HHwBwV . Jl* •.O.O.C. A. lwTaV eJ»m fJOTaft (tW ievmWwastfAJf SaIraaae aaa Utk •treat, a****,. . . . fjokj 3t, aad' BQarn :L.FimiB —t. ' Loair m aad JaawktiM.OvlCaraay. —PliWaalHH. mnaililli ak^a«Birry! B«tdKy. Oeeta City. UH la M. W. Ocean is Boomin oocAM orry mi AMP -muaroo, Ooaaa OHjr. M. * . BUY from North tntL 11) Latin. In' Now is the time to select your Bmidiiig Lot or Lota, they wiB B. aua Oantial avaaaa, «n ft. Dram, OR. JOHN R.MOTT. never be as cheap again. North *a*M. ' Large, beautiful home sites for a home or an urmUnent with (j) u>u or. m «« . m. c imKmitrd ponibiKties tor increase in value to the ptnthasen of ••a^av. aa-ta flod oar aaltv ^^» Wilbcrt U Bwwtn at aJs. to Harry Real Estate in Ocean City W. Bcdtor Co. Lot MM. M»T. block JW bL H l Ocean City is growing rapidly and wiB continue to enlarge. ! EUnbetb K. and W. & Orobtn. ; »IJ»' If you ara PfalUdctpliU. U> Btucba A, Stawart.' ™? * - Co. In N. E. sld* PcuUyn Plaoa. 7a», Dbzinea. RIGHT ft. a K. mm Atlantis avaaoa. MxSO. la oara, bat tuaaai wa or any disorder of the CaonyM to sraalor by Howard Oavla I Ba** tt la tka trwt*. It to Ocean City, the greatest family resort ra America. Thoa> Doaartb. April M. 1IU. IMS*. Kver, atomach or bowela Jaaaab U aad HaarlaUa C Prlts. r sanos ot vuttors come annoaiiy to its noieav Vaonages aao ooaror PbUaaaipbta.toSanuMlRlflIlar.PblI- aatty aad aaUdadty am adabMa. tatat tataraetloaof Oeau Yawadtkaa^araafawrLardwKk mg nooses* and as surely as Ocean GHy cooonneB to grew* so- arcana aad Plftb atnac atom: Coa>! mt-tm. •••TMI^II bouta aad, I uQQI sordywiltts Reel Eatate nweMeiavalae. ^waniaoyesi •MUaOLBS* H. BaaaU a aad Aaala B. awtac j wwaawaaM are delaying your profits of your nurehen. Bey mthecaa|arof Oty. Part of let W, aa*. A. a C. A. UKW.iUt Ctatnl a. W, troai Ctfc atraat. ttiM. Stua. j Actfcm mild aad gentle— y«t dfeOhw. Eaqr and 22~z-Z£z:^ OF All 1MB TO K pleasant to trim tiitn lite NOW la B. B. aid* Waalay avoaaa. SM ft. S. \ caady* CBudraA taka tacn W. fraaa Twatfib atraat. SSWrnlat. TlllfiVT HI CSMIIBI rcadOy. Nearly al oar Bafldino Lots are 40 x 100 ft aad larger in Ojgy^tograator by Mai j mjXZS. \ IMIOll M ItaMBwUI . Eapedallr good lor delt- size. Prices nege from $350.00 opwank Tbink of aach B. Baward aad p dld enonwiTUrarfy. OorlobwiMbe auHrap^ and we may tatfease • Lata «n, 4M. 4O, «aa. A. I fwjttWac a relfable bouthr* la&KaM* Aabaryl prke».lhandkReeJEataiefaalitsbi»Khei. CaBand Liet frea from paai or banh esecta* IVutkBfty withnae. I am the New Real Fstate aua. Kja : Sappoeayoa to a box WaMar B. aad Baaa X tkat dk* Oraatar bi i at yotv aefwice* rvaished Hotels and Cottaoes City, to ! today. Honey bade on snt Lat la 8. for sale aad rent a. W. ttcm rosrtk iMnat; Mslta. aatlafied wftb rcatuta* Caa*«yad to creator by Barak NoMa. BOLD BT AXX OB0O0I|n 8apt.a.Ult. MJML IdSBw^mdBwaflSBSBwa I BBWHBSB^WB^BB\JSBWX^BBMST Co, Pa, to WlllUa H. to OMa aadLmSaa X josepn L. roacocti

—_8. Sean. O«ata City. Part at lota lU.Ua.8ae. A. la H. B. alda Foartk Real Estate - 838 Asbury Avenue m_ Caavcyad to craator by Bttaabatk

A. aad AUrad H. Laatoo. aU of BrMaa- **, too. to ABM* L. Onba, HoaraatowB. • ^ „.—„—-- '.a C A. In 8. E. aide "••*• lt>_*J~Jt^a" Waat muH. MM&W. from Hlh ' Birtkday. >tjMt.MxM. Caarayad to analor by Ma bcaa rt»«Hn*t»<1 aa -Waltoa wla* [ Klawardabto •3.TIM. It ta tka ptaa to bam all JOHN T. SEAL dphia Sfcoe Rep*iri«g Sfcop " ~ to Wm. P ***• ajaka " ' " V. TBANQUaOI. »-|'i AUta. PnUadetpbia. Lot ta WMI aM* day tkat tka Drttalty to awaar otaBI pj^ral avaaww at* ft. tram M. atda. tktaaa by aatdas ion a «atala pro- ALL WOiUC GUARANTEED. ^ jatnat. katas aartkariy kalf of tot aarttoa of t»—" ^ •' HAND anraaa ONLT Sw°M^r^. SStTJJ!1.10 •««"•»! •< wMafcoa eaa**a. Watt. tk. ara-l •rCOAtTVM •award waat. May, Mil tL ' aartlaB to ba «at add* to tob e MODHtTI _ v. to At- auaad by t-Tb bwrndaal. km W. Harrcy. MlIMlla, Dadl*ldad i atadlaa wm mjiil tkat a war* to a •taDM far ikw, aa *» aay Cut Your Fad Bill otbar buMatm—ttat oav OCEAN CITY, I. J. SeVw ^-? M-ataldaUlk atraat.f u »*,»,,,», „ „ ... MWD kwMa praaiiaM ooabt *a ba aa JT* ' °"" "••»•• ***»e>"r| (as law trnpci fr • taimttoa. «a ta rnnfl Mmir rtmii llt»l 1 - a- . aa- 'd. Lava. U- H„ . Sta.. i ttpifn.,1 of th* Ui^nan. iBin«y ajaat <^» raipoodhXry to yea to ABwrt w. Oaary.. r > a cw owacr ta a dednitt L A. la IM aabj wm tka 2>. isi n? at I bittcrr una» yao long » at aboraj ajto, Oot JJtl "|1 * —i p i " ul aawr rwabla af Utaor aatty. bat tt to i at rjkrt • ftiM %*<•.-» ' -"mm ' i tt* dd«iMMar«a «f was 1 tW H1IM tat t*s\ awkte Sf ttart* P at of Uw wariaV U' -^— - ALLEN P. LEVERING L. . ; ' W •> •>! .', jaj . IJ1 aMwMnktow. , / " 1 I" ^JB. J, i'JL i.A XJL Ok>a.JL FrndU. NcCeflTty JOHN R. GROVES SflS ^BBS aaBaa

" •" - "*,>•:.'


wlthh,m.,,lt*ra>«.,orp.p«rtDoo^ In excees of • thousand francs, aod CHANGES THIEF LESS NEAT IF BACK fiET READY PROBLEMS FACING on*«t day yoweotild boy .Imoat nine Sure franc, forI D American dollar. Can Franc pay? Tb* Bgure. pror. France Infant Her oOclal. and b*r ». Court Frees Youth Whose Char* **»«>£ v!!H-dir STRICI(EW W0BLD Count liny. Tour cold In bind or aoter Has Been Changed — Simply Worn Out FOR FLU" ucr war aco( is enormous. LESSON g »,„ AM—KM, Eating aoeat' regutarly evenroally TOMMr ot Kegllah Hal* In in* Moody ms* will open, tbe air passagaa of instead of kahomine or utaBpapn .•< i««ry side. Hal* Institute 0C Cnleago.1 yoar baad will dear and yon can X*ojr TOOT Utnr Active, Tony BY uperaiMKI. prodocea kMney trouble In some form •jitem Poriflod mad !»•• from in Europe FollOW the Great llaljr I* as bankrupt aa France. A n, ,. ... ~~". . or otbrr. says a well-knowa authority, 'World WOT? farced loan temporarily held the-lira 1 U 1 hawking, mtjcooa dlacbarga, drynosa Oolda by Ttkiag Calotaba, s..? !*."!^!* !>-*.^ ™ .! 2??!? Iwcaus, the uric add In meat ecltes LESSOW FOR FEBRUARY 15 or haadachn. no straggling for braatb $ tba TTniitolm fjnlimifl oVh« threaten* Ute throoe. rto« op and caoae an •t night. tableta, tbataroD*. toth. new Balkan country,, nod W pMM« back- •mTUl AND CORNILIUt. Oet asmall bottl* of ay's Craam ltfhtfoJ, Safe and Oalm from your druggist and gpp|v a fan. LXaaON TBXT-^Acta M. nttla of thla fragrant anttoeptJc P"****'* •omMl belns. Xoona; Oreo I 'JZ. OOLOEN TEXT—Th* asm* Lord over cream la your noatrlts. It penetratas «>«».». f*. New Ord.r M Th.na, I. | ail la rich unto all that call upon hlm.- tbrongb every air paaaage of tbe bead, HOW TO Mom. M:UL lr fi lead* to. keep thair ayitema ADDITIONAL, MATERIAL— Acla It: ooothmc and beallng tb* swollen or " ' " organ* to perfect •woll th* Ridng Tide *f hllU. When they llroogHtibeVr nuwr «*»»••' fharlottearllle. Va, for rob- GET RID Q VM: OaL MS. tnaamed mucous aaewibran*. g bie«kfa»> fhr a few days —Ttvs Ovtrroatlng of Prejudice. Beautiftil—Sanitary—Durable—Economical •y PRANK COMIRFORO. city of 1'raaue I bou«nt krunvti* fur TOL'NO PB0PLB AND ADULT TOP10 •i" •revest ssrioaa *aapUcatiou tsk* oa* ln •alotab at bedt lav* with a swallow of Tli<* most olivlon* iliing In Kurope I* ••">• "o «»« centa a pj»o>. • BJaTlntsftc* of tt»* CDO%«r*Mn of Cor* Jodge aa|lu. Ahbastina- can bo appBed to pbstcrcd walb, water—that'IPS^ZaB alikmta^S."L Xo «»I 0 "S.™!^ hc>. <*•"««'•"'»«'changed attitud»e »'of «••th»u people|>eiiplc. | Iin l"»lmnIN.Ian.1l *verevery» kind toand «PM-Hspecie*, ooff •rid af giatwa and temoo juice. con> party asnlnat govemioeut ownership, a* crlplas. ao aUkcnlny The conversion of Cornelius broke pdntcd walb dm hara bcaxaa soikil, or oven over •oiled .. rSiaVriur"olf has vaaUhed! 11 J" U"1* "" """*• <""'«"•"» """'VVr ""•""nKincy' 'la• "In• Hrwlatloiirlrcalathw.. ||«11^- Mnert wtth Ifrbta. aad haw been tued said: Vext aonli| your cold down the "nilddl* wall of partition" "People don't work' for the govern- ooBd on tbo wall and not printtd in amEne colon. • - •- " -^"* <0M ?*AT»*-'»1#d» I ln «b«> conservatlv... employing ilas,. frontier, liave not l>eea dxe.1 by Hie for grneratkna to AMh rlngged kid- ney* and Mlmnlate Inetn to normal between the Jews and Gentile* 1. Cerrwllus (»v. 1. S). "I know a man who lin« to call dally combWng and ssHimlilsg. casbla yoa to any oat tadWdas! color plaaa in In th* nrtn* ao It ao longer Irrttateav How Many W matching rags sad dnvsvU. Ahbastfaw fc used la th* aaast tiaHracil aad , thoa ending bladiler dlanrderat Am Lflw This? L ilia official position (v. 1). IU at a certain cmemntent offlre. lie P fl 1 r t f *aya the hour* are from ten to four, pabHc BuJUass, bat frrksdwkU a tho nach af afl. •wry i>a^^la 2a7bort2d trrif:S wo't ".V °^ " " °"™ "* *' * " ' •»•« «"• mark i Jad Halt* cannot Injor* anrooe: mad of baanbold datieat Obi tbs moootooy of it all— was a Roman odh-er over a company *••» awaeytf y*5 a«. wt MrfSjJ 7 ^ W CUUn* Jr"u r'""1"t •«* '"• "'"" monl> •bo1" ttt<> "™u ta *»"• fnaken a deHghtfal effemmeut llthla- of 100 eoldlen. prrna|m of about tha •ad Ib* way the eni|>loyre*r lo*r I* Yen wa readOy iBariclaH tht ecoooary tl jlataataw aimatoltwiB. rce nr nwi ana psptr, sod it* isssks *rM b* awat (ntifying. •aUfkted with citouba.—(Adr) ° " " * """ t" •*» <»• 'can mow), l-oland li.« BO metal ' water drink which ainilna* of men and Dr.Tutts vorkaaddrtklcDt notbMtoteikk} toed, ailbtc; yet oaa. BUM rank a* a captula In the Atuerr- scandalou*. I _ •' gnxm cnmlng. but you can am) the money. Mie bu«o#t a sold reaerre. J I women tak* now and then to keep the sjOCatOJX Tfie^weMs^is***^ Hw%# ***y>t^ BflP^^K^aT M"i^W<> Mg afternoon when the clock"strike*Ihn-e. of ectunily)—Xow my "T, * - people fn.m djlng by tae million* Liver Pills of hi* amulialr. yiiwn* uml rvtnnrko: tak* ao sobsthaw bat wrh* fc* < dear father-in-law. I »l»)i to *ay ja»i Eterywhere I fodnd praplo talking from hunger and r»Jd I* pitiful. arllb godly fear. <"J) He wa* a pray- "Tlftynlne tninutn to four—(inly n and we wfll give yoa aaasa of aeuby desk*. • w«nl abnat my .l.bti— about a new Order. W.-n mp«rot«^l Autria I* pennlleiu. proTeny^trlck- th* Flood Oataa. ing man; be otMened the JvwUh hour attention of rolnuten—1 may a* well Talner-ln-law <«lu|>plns htm 00 *' nandr*d" "f milm« »re thinking and •"• Vienna I* a city of ghoata, list- I llnrks take a prominent place af prajer. (3) II* »»• rbaritakle; b* afcoold nmambtr tkattkwn H IIU 1 tmmdt 11*0) light out.' »«ck)-Drhta. my boyt Why. Til war- t»'*to« •»* M"" Idea*. It .lartled le«. peplew, homaii iM-lns*. They | b> the late warr* PtakhaaB*a Tccatavbl* Cosspocmd-tts* « gar* much alma. (4) 11* wan respect- AlstlwHrt^n*) Compsny b r lh alu< ld "Ami out be llgtits." rant my debt* exceed your* three to ?* '° *" * • ' «a up In the dras thWr feet after them. Tbelr - , -Did he? Art Hark*r ad by hi* family. 16«9Crandw1IteAw«^Cnsd Rapids, Mica. "R Balkan* that I bad beard In France bead* arv bent between their *boal- Ttae Lord rbtia* Cornello* for th* Bd tranxlliou of the Utwprl to the Uen- • - • Eoaiand. I did not meec1 t anr> y roaone dor*b . The knmen was worth a cent B0SCHEF8 SYRUP. GOT A CHILD'S COAT Th* W*> *f a Man. Caution. nULJFORMIA FIQ SYRUP* '^ "" ""•'" *"" •"* * ** »- " *° ' *"• ""•* '» «n>«eo>ber. *n.i ' tllea berau»r of hi* rbaracter and po> BY OYEINQ GARMENT H>ltlu—WIHU a man <-..un« a Ctrl' Crook (under arrest)—Kin I go back >.?aa IS CHII mt I AVlTme P1^* mr«oto« «» «»• pbra*e. but It la eren at that prire there waa prac- allloo. Nu Jew could Ond any fault N ilirals. i,ui ni.nl!-, thm I-«M.III. j an' Kit me hnlt I* tmUTS LAXATIVE «• "» Upa of areryooe. It hai a H^ally nothing to b«iy. Auatrla to her a\ caM la probably th* meat eo»,' with him. He wast a guud man, bat M of an dlaorder* and when MgaM. •tNasnond Oy*a" Help Make New Out- KI<»«>^-Vi->. t—\-t lully If tlH-y un- • Ofltcvr—iVrtalnly nor. Te cau't bt neanlng. and time will proilnc* a plan, eitremlly. brr profile Mantng. netl- -iVMVri Bo< a saved man. erlu>ld |Tt|<-njr ihitls. j running away from nie ilmt w«>. Ync Th 1 torwant • i',. 1. L"-i«». a .i"a VJ!-sCS .__ .^.^ .XT*"*— * JT? * "* I'>o4tlng-tney tl.«ed the- pear, table for the prl*. II. Tha. atiaamatural Preparation •— iMaml lure wliere ye are. an' I'll gc iraw* mnucM. llv«r and are thinking, waiting for aomethlag to «ege of aelllug her art treauarea and tMlca aaow that more than tsra* fee th* TraaaiUoa of th* 0 papal ta tho Yt-^. Alfnil. sliH) II «-«iiiif« to drrrw- back an' gel Ibi* hat.—Life. • *T 1 W ¥ • '*•»'-•»' aar-" • •• Dont worry abont perfect ie>ult*v ™PP»°- Tbey har* faith that It wilt heirloom*. The plea waa to exchange OawUloa ni.-n utv luiturul- j ^-^— ^^— 4 • happen and that It will bring great them for bread and coal. Neceulty A l-i«. ] Fiseilna. gtv* a new. rich, fadele** enlnr tn any I good ta the bosun race, Ktery one prompted the plea. The peace table 11 i» |^.[>le B«h at • oaoraooa Tirninit. gnowa. ror ta* but Ofty-thne ysmra ' "4 " H" • • • • s——-s^ssaasji vteka ut Cumellus n I nlslit? M wt tun engaged In prater un angrl of Uod cotton or mixed rood*.—^Irroee, I tt b h " ty of pUUauo and then Boscbea'. Syrop baa been used far:. ° ,» > •'«»»• '"«••»- Instructed hlni lu send to Jop(a for I I'utrli-)'—8un> ililnc—for lobsters. bksasca. Mnrklngn. skirts. chlldreo*s: Peter, who would tell lilra what to eoata. feather*—everythlna-! da. TIM- unvrl told him tlwt IVier loilgeti with HluHJit. M tutiner. to »1H»W IMrertlnn Rnnk In p*rknge trlla bow t'omrllas that I'rter n< not ibe to diamond dye over any color. To sinnot Jew. The rslllus of a tan- natch sny material, hare denier shon ner was resania-d as unclmn by tha TOQ'THamond Dye-" Color Canl—Artv. strict Jews, aod the tannm w«rv cucn- BiMiiilrd t4* dwrll apart. '*unii*llus »ent When th* Actors Struck. • •t once for IVIrr. II* wa> living up "How «a. tbi> playl" lo the t»-«t lltht be had, tn IH- recrived -Wi-ll. iler btid a mlllioiLnlre ptti M^-22SLrr nxTe. (^> Tbe rUloa af IVtrr (it. il6car \fWy'ivt the imn «f .i Imiler ami »«a.BBtaa W-1<1). Thlo -t>«k plac* while IVirr be «rer>hail. If one would r»- Wkmm WKh Catkura aoaa Me bnatneaa They naagty aet dawn -1 LgdiaE.Pinkham's crl»«- vi>i4rey llhe anat nurae her wosaaed, car* for all talk of change aa boUhetUm. .1 Aad doobl* yncr ruor efflclency aa her crlppl**. Mb* haa roanted har to Cioil; for Ibe beaten* arv.o|ir« to FwtmaaKiy ta* real leader* of but- plained that tbla wnald not da that < Ibo** who |r*j. He u« • certain SMO a* promote skin parity, skin com- «re breaking away from tkla mar* than 100 aad hlTaplaal the pumpkins oa tn* Tin* were the' af>frnaaa.)nt aala» veOM-l cnolalulng ciran and unrli-un fort and skin health. Ko mug. ao Vegetable Compound animals let liuwn fmm bea«tti. aud atlmy soap, no germs, no waste, no heard the rooitoaiMl: "Ulx-. IVtrr; Irritation even when shaved twlc* pm^.u.w.mi kill. »nd esit.^lvter j>r»!e«!rd_|h*{ dally. On* snap for all use*—sharing. (ftfldl bartngth.bM and moat har» "'- repair her hou-e. pot l» la.. «- ~ BatMayaad shaaiptwiliig " Aui. has brnttir* or pkyate for th* UttI* .d»rr__T«_andrr*!a»d-»«_»iot«^lo fitted aad noatMttaaTor hi. faisJJy: •Mtk, Ueerand btnntt - OUkta. TTlhe aid* »•**"'« rt** bat from alt *ktesawa» WOMEN EXERT QUEER POWER NEW FRONTIERS VERY REAL ^i~r^'"•'"-w^r^" 'IsTh It Is rule In a small IMIV to rat *o arm Land at *15 to *3O An Aor* ml hadnt n>et cosne Into the i ' —-^—— • rieausMl. cull no* ibua cummoo." This •miiili tlml bN ••>!-« MVIU ii> |»>p tmt. ' noticed that she stood* aad watrha) SMttr* DwstrUaa eel Mysteriew* Mount Nethlm of M -Imaginary Line* veesel let down from beaten and Isk- Alier sixiern It Isn't. •a. a»* H wtthaot f*«r. me while t f«* off the bat aa*i *4t le, Barma UowMietedry Atl* I About the ataraara of ta* New re back Indicated that Urtb Jew and oa my own. hot thotagat nothaag BBSst «• Charm RestUoa. | »Mr»osaii Stataa. Grsille were accepted un high. Better gram! health Is rare to fallow ta pleading to the rich and powerful [ tm • Qinnswiy It—until so* pass»d me m th* bst 2. Mt-sM-tiKers fruca Contelitt* fw. tk* use af tar nitanj Herb butiv*. Car N*w Or«*r thsst.C****. - *- r "~ Try** On a NU A new Order will com*. The on* •Sow. madam, you get th* effect" •acatlan that 1* bothering tb* mind* |B* f*<* of >be f«mUy I* at stske. thai • two •l»ler» who have a>-tiletrd a Jond mllrw of new fronlterw In Eurap* Inng; f<-r tusnengrrw from ComeHus It Is Just as eaty to tlml fault with w.de retmtatlrto for their uncanny are not -Imaglaary** ami not confined of men who ar* awake to th* change 'bey mow make roorewb me. The writer wanta to know If made inquiry at the gale for him. Th* a tallow niiHlle us It I* wild an elrr- th* price tag to my nn>band and tert •other, who waa arated behind him. >>«ir» In cbarnlnE deadly suakra. to man*. Yoa can walk rigbt up and spirit Informed Ivtrr of the mailer Caaadlaa aavcrssseat Ageat note that affect/* I*, will It cose through revolution or •w* unfortunate berth -» ~^ .. Hank Puckett of Ihl* ta«m U the right **' tric llcbt. trrto Ihw ol 1> B slu llpwu and her slater are- tbe only touch them. •nd haJf tlm ru, nothing doubling. through evoluUan..Th* greattwt friend * «• »»-•* » »»«««*»«»d «bal i kltnl of a man to marry hi* daughter." •' '" * bandlra . .i... . . — — _...-*. ..— (>u, ifrff^ |B mitral and eastern E»- X Tlie mtvllng of f'omrllas aod IV- HU.Y WAY ASPfftllT mfM*. frontier* are floe-tooth eomba, trr (vv. »M3). (I) PeirY took six POLICE BARRACKS BLOWN UP BY THE SINN FEINERS she urge* theca to slop wrangling aad ' ciueratloa within th* circle of tbrir that delay train* for hoara at every wllnewr* ak>ag (*. S3). He had tho rept* thing* aa they are. and In4rt. •saka* Miauha *f CalUa*j at Moat* of -I don't know enctly what to say the msote and wild arrtlon* of a* SHOULD BE TAKEN DBOa Ik* mi rJ lam. .. .k. -.i. quarreling *he la pleading fur their j Vuill)'. Thrlr *ecret la iw»t rigidly cmsslog point. Rom* of the new fron- good Judmtrut lo know thai oo a mat- Kwp*r Whoa H* Laot Hank waa arrested one* ~- t»i^ .* MVtlran state, of Dwrango. lUa taa common good, the family welfare, line irmnnL au] at Ibelr •irutb will be tier* are "flying wall.' of soldiers with ter of *<• great lo>|>nrtaucr he must for unreat. Mia Way. Polos! anj Zaratecaa, arrurdtag M ta waning against the •laager of Jus- j ->: >MI| <.n tf. their nnt-uf-kln. a* It .fixed bayoOKta. Other* are guarded have wlip*»i m. Tbl* wu» proved at Uoaey I* a graaa thing when com- a Uttl. -»oo«h.o.. no.^3 tt^htl American mlnlnj men who har* k**s tic* too long denied, of uml too long I «j» hoDthil oo to Ihraa by tbrlr |«r- ffitce*. . ,lb«* JerUMilrtu riMiartl In tbe cua*liler- pared with human life. To mention New Toefc.—Irrlag La Tea. th* ron- the ornery critter weot orer to Franc* loiesilailog operatlud of f " - peat up. 8h* I* translating the null- < • t.lk. ' Traveler* wtthnat erreptlonal anm-r* swltMlte the lnall.*«. often bodily "frlsklogs." 1M. C'> I'oftaeUu* waiting far IMer Aaptrta. UU hi ta«tr rarefol dlrcctloo* ereaaa aordld. but It I* aa ever>day mad* th* mlstske of railing at the i • Amwg th* peoa* rumor* raa at their bean*, ah* aympalhiiea, she ao- i.ul.lir l.y .-itrortlnc the polauo fnns* SoldU-r» onued to tbe lr>rth gnard , |v. ;<). Uo mlle<| tocrtbrr hi* klns- «<>rld aad In It money ha* It* logical bom* of allrhael M»U. ooe of the burled treaaore. atored In Chlh " dermtand*. i f tlwir |»-t». iherrti; n-ooVrlns them- Ibe Inilu" ami nassrosera •lartr.g ex- mm niiiI iH-or frleoU*. (5) Cornelia* T»b»eta of Aaplrin- that to get the place Bloc* th* war aotn* people are kaepera. for dlrectloo* after be I T>> jou believe In sign,r and Dorangu mounlatn* by the I hi* way. He waa recaptured and 1. •<:m Kufe fnm arrhWet. TlH-re I* atulnsthin* and cu>fom* Inspeclloas, • Ntut u» wi.r«hl|» IVter (w. ^Tt. 20). "•*_'••**» on* or two glaaaea of wain thinking that money ha* bad too Im-I Thla waa Eanipe aa I saw her In Framisra Vila, rirallng the portant a pUre la the world. It baa her black rag* arising from the war. tamed to hi* era trace |in>of. however, to ibe (n-nulne t» •»• tbst nobody grl* oat or tc with- Ivtrr rvi'iMlialt-d Ihia art and |>ra>ie>t- ^ i.ulure of tbe perftinnaDce of U» <«t the •4BHal paper*. e(l tliat 1^- »u» l*4jt a uuin. Tbe trutf been charged with poshing man out of For a person of sach great hatte. I to be I the Hpanlard. conquered U ca.- Burn of eler. U* . sTaivery haa limits, fnnllsbnes* noae. Hl'uu rnul 1M r family. In Ibe ik-alb «f Ibuda at frontlrr point* are also araala* Bast b* marked with th* Oraataat America* Huatorlat. » >l.i wht. dhresarOnl tho sirlct cuanled by soldiers «t« prvsldo-orrr fnse* lo U- «ror>l,l|iee need* loooey. The war cost lost bla way la the wood* and. after I rr billion* aad bUllona of dollar*. 3411- lrji.'iiu4i« of I lie art. striped gate* that go up and ilown Ilka rl|>nx-al nilaoailxi (rv. IT.tl). IV- —Him tb* worid-faooaa Aspirin, pre Klt.c rut>ras are the eojiki-* these the crussing gatea of Aatcriran rsll- ter .-M.lulii.il l<> him bow tJod bad acctbed by phyatdaa* for over eightem Uoa* of men had to be dad and shod, n-M-urkutile WDDM-D u»e^ IHiring tb* way*. Ul>n fnni hliu hi* Jewish pn-Judlca yaan. billion* and bUUona of cartridge* and Twain) waa bora at Florida. Uunru* be cast onT his overcoat on th* prisoo county. Ho. Mark Twain Brst was . >Tf..miancv of charalng tbe simkr* _l*""^rt*_afd Ti*am ,Jn_,t.h- "** a Ml *»»••! that ('urnellui> stale th* a>cb anbroiuai -Bayer- package taarn and Bed. J 1 pilot 00 th* Mississippi river. At I 1M- rt . rvlltmry Horror** bond Is a " " '"* " "" """ eaatalna proper dlrectiooa for Cold*, wer* made. Europe owe* th* money. Emerging from th* wood* after -hili- tbe charmers squat oa t •aathirba. Tootaosrh*. Esrsche. Neo Hoar will she nay It: where will ah* tramping all night, he saw a light la get Ml It U a question that ereo the a boo** and asked bow to go to New Lauirhe* In front of the snake. They *«**. »s a rule. The official Idea Iwtirti] unto him annl ln«tru<~tetl hi i optimistic of men la Paper, the Enterprise. In Virginia City. linn begin to »way In rh>thm lo th* "erms to b* to keep etrobody that's tu snul fir I'eter. . aad for Pain geoeraUy. York. He waa domfouoded whra ln IB Burop* hesitate to answer. Horn* Str. He la Ih* beat known of Amer- Keeper lirll. off doty, cam* to th* •^usic, gltlbg sliarp leap* eoch llm* » eotmlry In. and to bar tytrj* III. Pet*,*, aermoei (rv. M-Ct). ican homnrUta. and bia work* hare That Popular ILe rn^ll* .trtkra, **** **•* "«"• bat a few easts. Dratgglata alao wonder. 1* there aa answer) door. Keeper Charles Biker took him 1. Ttx< irlnalurtlio (VV. 84. %). II* l stsDwevi iluit (MMI in no rv*|ir«-ier (• sWpplylikg a liois*. Naturally. aa her whole coat of goeeromeotal ad- Drink -Vi.urt- aa much out of dut* sad -Bow are they selling things at that wbo fi-ar M>U and work righlvuusues* Ilarracka of tb* Irish constabuUry ar* th* objacta of frequeot attacks by tho Sinn Felnera. Th* IllinlialW mlalaMllomllttl a was a ffrw"feara'agat". !•*•»••• V* charm of peraooality »*ar* for larceny, " ""' p*»t usf a* a—aa a—" Laxaarf •re scrvptMl of liiia. kkaciaV-Ade. 4 h shous the rains of th* poilc* station at Csrrigtwchlll. Cork coanty, wbiih was attacked by 300 armed men. aad bawd Lloyd o*org* say that EngUnd | f" *" °^[*1 . 7 •"_"** •"»" aim. "Mliy not say as a corkscrewT" "t*. at a fair prtce." 2. The dlrcuurss* (\T. 30-O). In th* •Her a dcapcrat* realstaoca waa blown up and captured. ^so much used discourse be ttiocb** briefly upon tb* he nrady fur the big U»ka of ti- handrad million pounds. Another oaV Ttir guy who calculated tb* number I False eye* should be made of look- Btlksluu of Je*4i*. showing that by rtai told m* that this Interest charg* Girt Waits 21 Years in riaoe j( • un. antmtmrr lo mote a battalion. ' Ing lisas. Deans it LU bapilsw and snolnltng •i' that """g**"^ Bait pay ears year la _ _ _ — m j I aooltl. for Lover in Prison lib tbe ll.Jy Kplrlt he was quail- RIVER TOWNS SUBMERGED BY THE RHINE OVERFLOW nearly on* hundred million pooada a It U not always pooalbl* to draw Bed fur hl> work aa mediator. Hi SWiMP-ftOOTFOR jaar larger than th* coat of adaalnla- eery dear line of demanatloo be- New Tork.—Archl* Mall waa then esliiMnil tbe work of Christ (1) tratioa waa at th* tin** of the Boer tween a Ilia Id and a solid. Bhonsak- to hU llfr («v. avao). C) In bl» deslh war. Only Iho other day her Interest •*• »a«. whirs U so brittle that th* rw± N. T, after apeodtng 21 A Health-Building Cereal (v. 3U). (3) In his resorrrdloo (rv. K1MEY AILMENTS waa da* oa soot* loons from th* raited fragmentation obtained when a •**•< 4b. 41). Stair* and ah* was forced to default, of It U all by a bullet rewecsble* that waa convicted of Border ta uo*. IV. Th«.H*ty tasrM Wund Out aad oar goeernasrat ehargad th* In- la th* rasa of ih* my brittle aketal A waitlag kirn oa th* outside waa (it. 44-tM. ten** ta th* principal and pa—d th* aatlmoay. I* actually a UQUM. TO g*SUlNT Grape-Nuts This ••• a new Pentecost. As Ibe •lkanu«tta* day of pajmiar an. la th* asaantlma •how thU place le^kn b«U«. .M" llarlhoro. Mass, to whom U«U Oosf»l was mtrrtng U|M» It* widest the poaad Is anlag aowa la (alas. aheet of ahoecBakef* wax andthea A. •atl»tytxi4 food. embrace ll«- Spirit nun- In new power. Sl «»»»•» baa WWa I waa *o th* Oanunent It had •apport the whole apoa corks. At th* ifr aaaaad a rti reached *a.Ti. Today It U under tSJtt. •ad of a mwtb th* cork, will b. POSTOM _ »*o»ssi *f ralta. , af dMttaaaag aad steadily going down. foaad loatlag anon th* aheet of wax Vo taste! Aillof** imaiaB fl^^^" ~ a woraa plight Instead of beneath It and th* ballet* rich nourishment ta the ll»«-s ft the salnta. It Is -civ ~— **T C*nM Ha* Cianliaii. ond ready to eot when ocr irrcO. pa** Into the Ins* of th* blood lhal tbry borome vital «ad . -.^ w ••••• awufvr tO without cooking orgsblr. Kulth if not tranimuied *nlo •1st th* gnawing* af coasrkHtc*. X4Mr price as oi. ^W»« No raise* Needs no Sugar ^. Ma*> to OoHss. • kll>> 1 mb n» *v*ry man woman and child la ilfrE! 2L"" "» "»- J«dgtog "?*»Ul » •» "» alght of Augii •? PleaaiTi^ Alike to youig and okL* Bo IMIC us ««• love, we urt; so tk* raastry. -.tCmltJaTch^JZ ^ *** •"•"* »•"««*» » otheTich * •»•«*<• ««>to Ooveraor^L.C laBg aa we or* loved by others ^e aiv !n ilsprascU*; Bo man I* uxrlm* while The public "Thereb a Reason* b«- Las a trlatd. Krbirt Luttie lima *"• «t tw mim.

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ITO OOBAH ORl* UDOH» OCBAH uixx. V. #. SALTS IF MCKACHY TIM Ontnl Railway Company «t tha of »*•. The smrderastawd mat Y|MITH IS FOUND i ANOJUONEYS HURT CUabMh.lt. x. was directed by a Jury dtootdersd the Ufa of tb* warld. It IVWin •« "™*™ ^ BLOUSE IS LIKED I Su bi Calon County Circuit Ooatt to pay Michael Blhra, formerly an electri- IIVIH8II»3 Ssap BatMS Moat far a While M' XCetemtem* Oaa-a helper employed by iba com- aartnent Haa Underoone Chanoa I CHARMING MODEL FOR GIRLS I peay. Kk%000 compensation for Is- data aa toivankm Had U TOLD IN TABLOIDS Juries Bllva remind la a fall white re- prodoetlon. Poverty to aoderprodoe- Terror forTNa BulWe in Laat Six Yaara, ^ — I palrlag a wire connectlnu. BUvav Ooa. Strtpptag eeoaoancs of sn its Whoa yea waka sa with beckecht- •a Work* and Hnor Evert* epme waa brokro and bis llmba an SIMI Chaos or rtoeonstnioUen btob^oaadlas Jargon, tha simpto trath Boy. aoddallattotrylatbakidavregloBlt QUININ paralysed. that evoryoae kaowa ta that tba world geeerally BMaaa yo*j bar* been aatlag At Present It May Be m Almost Any •KM PtnoMd Into Quioldy Following tba conference at the in Eurapa Fofcw tha firaat baa eary tbe thiaga it worka as pro- BoOalo. It T.-lWag I" • ••«'. too mach meat, saya a weTMaowa an. Malarial and ef All Degrees tbority. Meat foraa orle add which White Boos* between Pmtdent WU- World War? data. with rats aa taamalaai. has «• ««tToi ef Rtobnma. *"'-" * apJsv aon and a committee of UM raOroad It aay aot be aataa to state a few for Aatboay Kasklalskl. slxsts. yojti orerworka tb* kidaeya a tbsta- effort to BttsT It froa tb* blood gad they es- Too dosurelr bar tlw door upon yobr workers, word mat oat that tb« Proa- facts kaewa ay everyoae which ex- eld. Karros* mornlag be was banW own liberty If yoa dear ysar srt*rs It waa In 1D14 that tbe Drat orer- •dent's condition waa better than at paa tb* araaas of proaacttoa: Wa to rour frleaaa.-ghsk*ap«u«. rich—atevsosao.'' >loo«e mad* Us appearance. Timidly. BOMtt AT lATMTS CAPITiU. aay tlae stare ha waa tskea III—la IMPERATIVE NEED FOR ACTION pstic* after th* ktd bad Wbea year kldarya st atagghm aad Uto oa tba earth. II hi hud and wa- STSAMBfTnioDINOS. is If afralil of gelling away from the fact, that ate haprovaacnt wlthla tb< ter. IB the groaad are alaersls. Tba tarta* a trap t* tba sswer. dog yoa aast wswi tbea. Ilka yea MBATS. NOT COMMON. Insert*, type of blouse that waa so That Caaaas • Star M* last two weeks had been reaarkabl* toad grows craps. W* aatd tho aUa- Wbea tba •otto* cam* apoa fa* r*u**a year beweat raaermf an th» >*1abll«tird In Its popularity. It sp- tbo ««ala. a* To* following dishes are all eaay to This to a colleciIon of relish** ersto that are ta tbe groaad. We nor! yoath ha waa eaad atletp. Be wat bodys araooa wast*. *to* yoa hat* recipes of tarioaa steamed podiluga lesrnl Unit In fine batata or hand- •rath of his oM time vigor la his dl» prepare and comaoa to moot markets: tb* crops, bat mlnerato a tba groaad. aaaoyed at th* red. awakratac aad. backache, sick hsa^fheydtoy apslHt — • — which are eo- (rrchief linen. Dainty hemstitching af TMogaa ' of labor trooblaa with tba ran- —Cart far AM rr ss wen ss th* fertn* sou. maun Both- waatsdtekaowwhybewssbear-"* I I . Hartost ef On- ILII fine tslenrlouoe* tace formed th* Joyed daring the at. Must Bflj M lag until aaa by hto work brings tb* tsibv—Cut three I MM World. aadwaektheweatbarahadyesihar* cold weather. trimming-, or. perhaps, tb* tiniest Stoat* Amiga relations aab-commlt. tatters! from tha ground aad msks* Who* the paUee were orgbjg f) riktaatle lalagia. The, ortae to ! oxtsll* In four- peart buttons were sewed so closely Inch pieces;.add •as at El Pass. Tax* Investigating UM in* soil yield. We arast have food, we yoatbfal hetatt ta — —— (losjdy. TBH OX awatssoBt. eswaaaa —-Tske oao eap- together down Its front or back that Mexican sUaatloo, a»et la cxocnllrt most hav* cJothto*. wa aast have shel- oftea get aatw. water scalds aad yea e-balf cupful of tie. fastening was made doubly dim- carrot, tbo , fal of flnely easatoa to receive testimony from amy •y PRANK eOMiNPOROL ter, aad tba eaty way we caa get these ar* obliged ta eesfc reOef raw or tan*. cult, bat the effect was made doubly thiaga to by workrag. If little work is of minced onion c**opp*Ml BtMt* oo# The «l«nln« of tb* anolstkw eaded rmyw aarrasT tba Bight capfui* of — charming. Or. perhaps, again, tbe aad four tobte- w IriinmlDK would b» of narrow banda Briber wall a goed.reUsMepayaV apooafala of "^"" ' asses and ___ aoa»xaryl«aatag has resigned. Bta treaty brought pear*, bat neither of moagh food to go aroand. tbtra araot ctaa at oaca or get from year phanav cupful of sour affk. two eggs teatea se narrow plaited ruffles of a differ- I sweet fat Cook (ea minute*, add four ent color, ssys Vogue. Thus did the ctot abeat four tablapooaful* of floor aad four cup- light, three and one-bait enpfoto of Tb* great Job ahead la tho work of ra-re*alt tho prices of all tb»* oec*» Sour, salt snlrw to tasre. «H ntnrnl sasti who te c*riwapundcBco mode pab- oa with their lepwsentslrrea foi wntrtnKHon. iMTrtn Iwrlftho f ««rt«o lo-'way »» Bat thla h»—« *o um»r Mfor* awwxtmst for a few ' Ms mxittsij of mtawttti ay weeks. asaaoa with salt aad pepper. Mrre of fruit ratolas. currants and cltroa' cam* chiffons, delicately embroidered word •YmouriKtloB- I bar* aot to | Inrportant as tb* fact that when there days and year kktaeys iffl tbea art la Hllk or metal thrmdx wllh cottar- Inht aaaiped tbe prestdentlal aav The torgest dirigible In tbo world Ib* rrgetablea la tba center and-trx- mixed, or any oa* fruit Add oo* Sa*. Tba faaoaa salts Is aad* frea ten spoonful of soda to tbe sour milk len neck* snd abort or three-oaartrr- areas o< trance, Belglaa. the add of grapes aad lemon Jalca, tails around the edge: garnish with po- of thecabiaet If Owgria gnats ao approprlatUm of tato balls and parsley. and steam In a buttered auld two length sle*m OnMied with piping* combtaed wtth tttaa, aad baa heea hours, genre with egg sane*. of aartlng. Saute th* tripe la two table- •Irani* ilnllo of besibi In color. Jet. — tt U wora/sdueed to writing sad A Martin alrpbiM, designed to sop. a*aUaMa» adds la the urin* ao It aa egg and sugar half a cupful of boll- dreds of thonauds of sqoara aUIca erythtag by which w* UT* Is the re- spoonfuU of batter or butter substi- or metal cord*. Then, ss If to outdo edlby 28 Deaorratie aaoalors on- puat ibo torprdo boat destroyers, re- longer Irritates, tJras eodtng bladder mg-bot milk. Ftaror ta taste aad mak* op to* actoal war aoao. the sort of work. Stop work, and porerty tute: after adding two tsMcspooiifuto all other blouiww erer abown. Cberult tha leadership or Senator Bitch- nhtd,, oOdal trial at Cteveundand follows. Work, aad plenty remits. ef chopped onka cook tea minutes; graaod marched over, the territory aa> 7ad Salts to a life sneer for regilar N Tba pUlBv amn • rav* at eaters. It to teeipentlie. eaaaot cry. tbe latter cat la bits, and simmer capful of mnlasses. oae-foartb capful that once yielded food In response to gorajto mak* life worth llrlag. tojar* aad sake* a delightful. *Ar- ranks teUsd tho aaaa that Is p»do wclgbbv approxlnatety ooe too To understand Eoropea condltloa the tooch of tbo plow bare for the reereat maa-water drrakv-Adr. ,ith •„.,, _-).». .—i..-. -. ~»r raok. on*-hsir tea * thaai by prapostag a a*w and can be lauschol from rboardsblp. today, one most stop aad nails* that TMa to a asdita 3 past foor years bees tilled by high «- rltb to.. ,»)»* fol of aoda. a Uttl* mlt. on. aa.1 oo*. and >llks and then In silk and *wial i oa ArtMa 10 which Is area Tb* BMrtilaa had a »pr««l of Ut rnllf* th* war Mopped prodoctloa. The re- satin wit* Just a < te than tho on* orlglaally at boar and cUated 4JOO0 feet la tlzplosrres. • LyoMsias Trlaav-Cook two table- h,,), c^oW of graham Sour, one CUD- thread caaibliull.Ku. Tbrrefitre. at Jf Btlgtaa was literally looted, pil- mit Is a shortag* of ereryihtag. There blue, areen and aald In tho iwdjialBarj. by Weaatnr Lodga aad adopt- aUnuioi. Forty years ago. Jest aa the city st W0NDEB On ' """ * ' " to taste. tbe pmeot muejenl. nn overblouse laged and raTlabed. Abaoct the ea- last enoogh food, there lent enough The short olssvsi are aa featured la •Mhythosoaata, Lowell. Neb. which waa then at tha may he la alumat any material ami lbs 1*20 as* rtra state waa Tlolated. Nesrty aoa- raw material there bmt eooagh coal. rod of tb* railroad aad hsd «JOOO h> cooked tripe, cot la strips; cook tea •»„», ava**»a>-Tak* on* pound of of all dVcTre* of rirlinras with im-rt-- wtaoaarydtpanaMatfor th* • T The whole story to tuld to th* word tlpa of rt» largeat amsr- I SPORTING. I Hghtb of France, bar Inifslrlal sec> habitants, was shoot to loar Its taasr- mlnuln. • Xvrr* oo battered toast; prune* sosked OTer night snd pitted, dent. Mon. waa embed. BMdaga were de> Poretty. MM &%* fto states* sprinkle with salt and pepper, dot with ,„„ ^j^, „, ^ ^ « „„. •» tba wjrld w*r« proantcd I I •They Never Bit as Once." rarn- because of Ib* exteotka of tat bo|ter le, s* In tbe *il- a tailored Mill, a xatln or velvet skirt Maa Ma«al Afolra Ooanadm* • Ihoasaad s«otr* miles a Polaad were §z&!?$fi&-zW; •••:•••: ' If Oaptaai Thoaaa T. CTano. dlroc- Walter ripp -f tb* Tankm may bo Then Is n cure; tb* prescriptioa can friendly rats ventured forth aaa! Jwlgtwot to toy la a complete stack rrs-nt-Tss s. SICOHD ST cboppnl [mnUey. • fol of sugar, oce-foarth cupful of mo- bourtte of all otlHT thing*. After aix to mske a cumplete afternoon gown, Hid waste. Italy easTered terribly. be written ta a aingl* word. Etery- •airbed prdceedlags from tbe comer. of goods. The stock ta still there, far. Starred CarTs Mssrt—Wa«b the t«»*r>. tbre* beaten eggs, naif n tesv yrnr* vt varying Iragths and numrr- or h* worn with a rape, taig suit coat •ar of aanal wiaM—. Bo aikcd far traded to Clilngo for Rip FHsch. The ground to ailed wtth high explo- •a apuoyihlUoa of K,TO0fi00 for this CatrtMr Hank dowdy of the Rostnn oae knows that wnrd. bat knowing th* The yoaag prisoner said be left Ma ih» dl*gustrd owner shot sp the Stan beart ami rvmovw tbe tough portloaa; apoonful of «oda dlsaolreit In me ta- ou» ruatertols. the- ovrrblinne Is nor- or top coat equally effective. sives, nndtorbarged aUaos anl tiieUs. word and adopting the word are dlBer- boas about six manias ago. Twosod has neter since opened It for bast flil with Muffln« ua«l foe chlckea bhmpoonful of milk, on*'ten«poaafnl mal again sntl U quite the tunmt pop- Th* arpanti. wul«t. as tho Ameri- . aarpaaa. Bran*, bno of tb* world-* aerlca of t>rsry day ater* the work of reoweiy •itirt Oadanrsod Jnbaiaa of Maw 1*>4 aad ib* nnt naior leacao ball eat astters. Before w» can get back months later, be says, be dXtded that new. Lowell now to populated ay sprinkle with salt and p*PPer. dredge of cUinsmoa. half a teaspooafal of Blar blosM* In IhirU. It has grown can woman know* It. has qever bceo Soak baada oa rettrtag hi the bet -tat'bot walrr or bultrr. ful of cbopped raUins, two cupfabi of ever, tbe Frvocb bare bora very ctovcr Ta^mV^aaJI WIIIMI Pago of Virginia. | ^ne ned HOT wosid Uk* to trado geroos wDdemess oat r* with the gUef. or vestee. Quite sleevo- W«aV»9»vn4 sac* a highly pradarUrs To abort a cold Carfs Bralrts a^saltopesV—PsrboU «««'. »r»e and one-half cupful, of I'v-•>:.-.«-•>•.-•. Mr. I «aa Jooe*. pitcher, to Oeretaad for tsrara Otataaat. Jseawfa fa* brains: •prinkto with MUU pepper aw. two cupfato of milk, one toa- lew. and ta many eases backless. — a*js Ortes aad *fQages ar* Juatlia 'of taking (bis naedy It will b* a longer he was happy. - tar of tb* Potts' *~ Barrtm. nnt baanaaa. aad SnriTy The ad told tb* psllre h* had tried and ktaon Juice. Cut la Inch plons. apooaful of soda, ao* of rime* snd one tbe** glWts lend a soft, pretty effect aSHIMMr m a Italy a mi. B* is ats- JJf »»M am liaiamsa. to Detroit for twisted, broken, ton wood. Iroa. brirk taw before we. get weO. The pre- aary aaa af tb* thaga Oatttata wtl da lo the rather never* costume* that sad stoaa. I hare watted throaga srrtptiaa to wnrk. Erery ewon shooM serersl experlaaests with bays aa csav Arrange In la,*r» I* a buttered baking "» cinnamon; mix til tb* dry Ingrsdl- aa4 voa bag editor of tb* Wrry H«Ua«a. omflrldrr aad tnt panltaa. bat that they ahraya wars If Soap. Otataaat aad Takaa are ajaf 'dish, sltrmatlng wllh tomato «suc*. •»•• except th* nods, which U db> hav* been worn so consrsrsotly by tbe tbrse TUlsges aad have steed iiaasul be Bad* to make erer] ~ — wd "" " * by tberats. forsOtsOst -^ Cover with buttered crumbs snd serve •°' J" ^ •«*. then add Bilk aad French womea during tbe wsr. The • VcRDBR •y tSor CaeVatPaavaWaMaat 4)f QM OaMtTaaP* — . Cbarll* OXeary. aboriMop of tha work. Errry oapmyer. b w u reappvaranc* of white in dainty o»jee« The m ana ara . kaowrd say alcer > bsrrer wttb Hmpped pickle. *«« * - "»•«» ttmr hoars. Servo rbanjpkm Ortrott Tigers of not, UOS trfbate ta oarest aad proms* hn*- They Wont I b r touches Is a happy relief and will. rats." he explained. They never bit Baked S-arsiesde Wunk .w^rt- " i -V "i^ •»"* ^ "I hear they hav* a Sab trust la Ea-' pr 0 two •THE HATIOirSBUSOIEflttrvnoirs ^ffffrtSf I «- W « aK>*d - " ; aaybe that was because I breads In srMoUtrd water: drain, ' — •*?"** TT.T " J*** no doubt have a tendency to bring and gaes "em lets ta rope.- hack the lingerie blouse. ITorfc' . with walto gutted aad tara. •hoald go with a friendly apirit aad a wipe dry snd lanl ih.« with »tt pork. •"• «-»•«•» capfaN of bread crumb*. -Do TOO mean to say tbe flab west TU*, UO ^lc« of pork in n dripping ^V"^ °* •our •""• ty*«WMj* Tbo laariiaa Forestry Aaaoctatloa OXeary proaMad acralm basebsJI heaps and plies of brokra boOdtag aa- winingaeas to rnantmnlie. The eav Mle for so Independent operaterr* tertol; Jagged, ragged ttssula. pan. Cowr with stock sad baki> until asjonewmg. ao* egg. ao* teaspoaoful Hosiery Very mm tettsrs to the aia»itni« of the sea- arooad Chicago, to I01S h* M*. r - ooc rfttaa asktaa far a *3XUX» t ofdabraaMettheey*. Bsdlaoi thought to his mlad that be to better tradrr. »rr»e wllh loaulu »«IK-«. 2f,*°?* ""t,*?*? "* ^ ™> *•»>• In bo*irry tbe vogue Is entirely for don aad also argas th* p*o- of the war aad ease apse) oa* of these equipped to flgbt tbaa tobar. beraaaa alotab • ful of sny kind of pmrrrm. oa.. rop- sbe«r tllk In plain color*, such as gray ..._ . _ aof maier»- 1or_MBV_Th« color etnploynl )• »v pslc be hss a surpras aad caa eat sad be atAM ROLLS FOR HAJF MILE T 8n4 M» mucTi of £oodA#»« »tui taM ' su*aa Iw* hours. Ht riv wltA aarnra bad of Oarpsa Tss^-Ad*. and tb* stocking «o tbrvr that wbea p tint, while labor has been Driag from In m»n ahum mm praoouoo di«Ux any desired sauce. m w m entered mlo a mad roaaplracy. nm- worn tbe effect Is a* If no atocklag at Bssriags ea cgMattoo for the reg- Riaovark IV and ib* New Torti Tarbt band to swath and wiO starre, to Was Sound Hand aad rest ay Baa. Dnot bHIere lbs aaa who saya he I Bad fe» u.iKh hegssi before th* Boose Committee powers of a rjctrae. a tornado red Idea oat of bis heed thst >oo nn Val tocTM*. in. cort of Uvlac. Tfce IstUr msuufsctunm sr« brin^log out oew . aa eaithqoake. and apffled their fary U stmplr oaotter ai. luktly bspoMO. line* U> >ilk Mockinc* In much beatUr sa Agriculture February Si. stsrr* mm Into aabmlaaion. There Tbe ajword la his who xlrda It on. qoallty. bat for tprine Ihoiv l* Ilitl* OsasoWdated ticket office* eaubUsa- Two of tho nutllrs ««re paaed o«l oa tbMe aaagted. dead vfltoges. wss s dsy whra that wss true, but Lee Aaceles.—Tied hand and foot FOR CHOCOtATB LOVMS. chance that !>»•*• will bo adopted. ad durlag federal operation of tb* to lha mloora. Oalneldrr lx« Cslls- SlgMa to Witog tja Hosft. and tagged by robbers, who threw him — SMW aad IIHIIM oa at UMful laJuMry ttorktng* uf th* *bn-r*«l. (hlnoe-t nitres* will he retained a moot large bsn form to Indianapolis aad In- Plcrsr* tba wfugses rererniag to Tb* msa who depends upon his shU- flwcolate 1« almoM anlrer*ally Ilketl wtwra they ura ntadul ta auk* u>4 quality |KM*ibl» being Ibo Mruag Dote. vattoa whoa the roods are returned 10 Odder Leoa Blarkbaroe to ib* Torao- the>* *insgss rowing back home. liy to tarn a key la th* fsnory door W. Mcllsnus rolled half a mile oa a aad U avrved In ruuntlmi way.. Tbe ~J» ****\ .•UcS5"7 •»• wsUnnan- arrrste control. to rlob of lbs International t*axae. What the sight mast bate meant to snd go osT oa a tacarlon. i-p—»-g froM-revcred road to seek beta. Bis r.Jl.n>ln. .r~ nJjitw.,..— "•*• ch««U«« Will »»' " "«*Uhle »uop m« .». ahlrrrd tkj>-* make another drew* with muftsjra^x4saue as< P-. _ Ihroaxh s Ueve or pats; V* sUoa allpovrr blou~-. *Undlug back collar 2*A '*B*m •"'"" of bestt I nerer shell forget. Jl B to rtiwi add four table- and coloml nubroldrry. Quite a f«fw Irs Boon as tKt h kpuoafaU of powdered lol drevsr* bate a wloV ruff around the JP J]fo* hti ** a addrass befora tba nallas groop of bo bad gone oat with Acid-Stomach sugar, ooe-hslf tM^nonful uf wit. ~ ° tare* - rhildrea; now and sgata a boy neck whlcb can bo dttactiml If daalml. ousco* aad b* Texas State Baakers' AirfMUtloa. Tex. nicksrd. American nsbt pro- a worn, soiled uniform, seme limping now camplslamg that they are nothim to try Ib* car. wtth a rlrw ta pur* four tablesnnnraU of cream and and which woatS do auay wtth tb* ne- J?'t£ "brace Mea-a dolhag retailers are facing a axxer. who uis*4 ibe Drmpsey-WU- on crultbrs. others wssrtng sn empty getting a toaar* drat Who nude up cb*»*. they hsd plalocwd him sad de- MakM • Out of 10 three tableoponafula of mors>rhlno iCnllT of a fUr Ul«HV>. IO4 IO OfSW ux aauau doaand for their bird right, undoubtedly will put oo the aseete. Ooe thought surged through the Ochtlag mea of th* war. the rank parted with the car, hU watch, stick- sirup. UTilp one cupful .of heavy snd 01* of tb* sralte thst stopped the oa ooe baad and bigber next world's championship contest be- say aUnd unto It almost sickened me pia aad pocketboek. cream; add two table^ouafula of UttM Miss Siaspllcrty esuld net) Water-Spotted Clov**. *-»~« ">y Bsnoiartaren tw*en Jsrk Drtapsey sod Ocorce* —Wsr. The land of th* wsr waa Prussian PuahT Who were the great oakks a mor* sasiplq frock wan this.' Don't let watrr >|»t* uo kid gloves *r-w^ —.—.« — asjority of the tnloateers and tba People Suffer and atUI it to cfcanoina. It to of pue- dry, but whlU. .1111 damp ke«o theta _ coaacriptfd men naaberlag allUoas LOST BANKER IS FOUND t k T* Bring to the boiling paint Ibra sdd pi* voKrwt trita) cluitsi* ef Wewiera la oo the hoixl* owl rub Ibrm grally t*4 get Mastartae always*nt~ms throughout Hugh Jcsnlngs. the Tiger atonager. fore tbe war. who went to tb» froat for tb* alilssj with tbe blended wlxture; chill sad ll • t*t»»' abaos fsr trinwwloo, I with a damp doth. »«• _ —^ . _„ ._ __ 'w , _^ tollers and ead Jack Ctoombs. his new coach of ply It low. Hundreds of mile* of The rest. Hers, th* shophsnda. the adll- HtoHaoaatHaa. •rt-ie with s csrnUh of chopped nut*. C. Weds a OIL. L* ROT. N. T. sytvaaia Sla Year* Ago-Oa. Jabbers from that asrUoa. now In tb* pitcher* to tbe Uacoo camp. Th. treocbes mast ^Taued up. , " Cotes Crojov—Us half a cupful of •larr». These ar* the asm* covered a rarioo. Wmrt- •*1 •»• traspoooful of Barks*, to far hi excess of the aralla- veterans aoaber six and or. rw~ -—TlT .STL. ..T^LS _"— I WJMIIL , Dctrh Lsoaaid. Berale Bo- rlssni who are tha crater sf tba labor prob- tond.Bow.rd Eb-ke -«1»- Lot. wire: Wilmington. DeL—Cxories 1. Pea. zs! zxrzz is New Spring Color has wrtttaa asT Its eatlr* «M.. sad Doc* Ayera. QoJi* aa array 1 mwrr be lastaUed. Tba kfr. Ewplujer. yea are draltag with TOO aa inch of .tick rinnsmuo: rook untU „,,«,, .^ „,„.. naoVilen. Please dent forget It Pale Vtllow. sort ef Mud SKsds, I sod ulu UM«I s* Uwrl paarU, etr. They fought for yea. Tea woaleat in Keaaett Seaarc. Pa, six yaara thick In a double boiler. Add two ta- rt... , »H-t*i«» at Iba state aapcrateadeat of Oo* great artofonaae to that al- t f«*l Mr 1— tffc OMtr to Ust fsr Conlag laud *1u>. iLirioc cuff*, •omwimot el- hat* aay business today If It hodat ago. has besa dlacouisd tkraugh as though 13 meetha have came and gone one-quarter copful of cold water, and bow iruith. of M-ir-fabrlf-. pin turkrU. aad UablU- tot* for birds, which led kirn to write LATE ooe teaspooofnl of baking powder, and GET HEALTH .ky iba So«tat gorrraacct. aa artkis far sa sratrbmntifsl Jour- A N r> nal uadn his own Basse. B* wss da- atractlea baa been started. Hero sad bhwd they gat*. . _ table«{ioaaful that arv U-Uii: Jwm for H>rinc. and on a eoeersdlrrag a tke forests sf Florida. teojeooaiul of rsailla snd oo* that aiv of rourM. brlns aduplv)! now Color* In the Umliabt aete to J««o*Utia rexaniing flame, there small sscrJoas of the devastated into battered caps. ado. a spoonful of where hto only astace a hta ecif-ea- and all: adVI Uf many, a |ul» >«-lluw fraluml by I JuJ.-. klng*» tiloe. rvrl^-. Haio*. <1il- IHAVE HAPPINE55 which. It to Intlauled. plainly la/eraa regtaas ar* beag partly rseoasrrartsd. forced exlto was the cesnaatoaakrp af the JagaaiaTs that aoaa agroraeat apoonful cf baiter and set the ea* of Ih^ fitf*mu*t tkml^ticT* af new blik* «od canary art- >oade* fre- Taaaorary ptorhriaa to betag aade hto briered bbda. th* rreaa. MuU sad chill; strr* nuratly UMtiiUwnl. but I 1M- cumblna- oa« bo reached sooh. for tb* homeless. Tkto to all well aad The tote Arrhdseroa afaddra af Uf cups ta a paa; poor around them boil- bliMur* La- brvo chridrovl -flntt.' w*»e recoivod by tbe Be wss tohortag aadar th* ' ' * M« BATOSrtC with cresa. ing water to cone half-way op tbeIt 1* MtpiMv-d lo br • >ort of mod lioo» *rv tu Iiopurtaut that especial crpooi used to retate bow oa one *ci it a* WMIIIIII ' ' he orpsratsd two womea. aae _ that be - Ctsaa Tuttl^nrttl Craasa—Cae " - if tb* cups. Cover ctosery and color, but to call It dimply mud raior atiratloa miul be paid t» them. Tb» i Waste Hem a. where he in Catholic aad oa* a Protaataat, recipe for euro* crsaa. adding < Bftcea BtinutM. Serve with doe* oo* at all dftcrilar It or do Jua- ' Jailr U «>ry oflra uwd with gray or 'wheel chair. " a gianal pan aad aa srgsaiaa- half copral of suwarooos. which have tlcw to It* charm. nary. ib» blurs with darker bin**, rellrrlag coagaated cuuaHat- tha big eaoagh ta pat It erer. Tba who were ngbttag la tb* street After- catlaaa between that cavalry aad lh* 1 been dried sad pouaded. ooe cupful of It U not a b!t ton rarty lo brein ETay* or bUck. and the cvtiw eliher sWag of thta work requires vlsloa sad rkfcS MalinasTI of Hot String. Bsao Salad.—Drain a Catted States. capacity tar datng big thaga wen. If kaew. bow ah*, aa a profioslag Chris- la Iklnk about spcinjt cVMhe*. That sloov with dark bine or a* a bock- graatad for baOd- Tke Ifum of Xailoaa Commrtl de- tisn. aaa Justify bar beaattor. ta i«. »..JI can of beans aad beat the liquor bolt- alluring M*aw ba> a way of patIgnwn- d for.utrvsl embroldrry. Canary tbo physical leiurmtiauioa to left to tog hot; reduce It to a quarter of a cided at Its BMetlag In St James* Eompe It wfll aot be aaJsbed ta 00 which shenplled: ting In an app*aran -"awe the rail earliest pnertble BMmrnt. The i a short period af good Ightr That other womaa na that for tailored frock* for alnet egar erer tbe boons. Add tbe chopped wear wool ptoU* or* lo bate oalta ear brio. « w* ato my hoaae aad asa saw a plctare For sports wear there are smart pei- tansrunt, heca of cboroUt*: add tare* tswespnnafaia baroa, aad saaaaa highly wttb aa't sad a tegae. If the audeto shown by tlborkers faaaiooed froa weoiea aata> Liver Pills to glT* it *veataally. why aot aowt of you oa the aanltoplata. Thsfs aa - burglary agaaat J '" ' •>*or ao pa rasa. af boilag water. Crush oae Jaakat a few dsahaa of cayeaar. A alt of style iHsakMiiia may be tskea as aa J«ara Lawrence, a aegre, oaaa Jatoe ar a fried oaioa aay ho ' aa old eaack.* Oa tahtat aad dtoaolt*< la aa* tsbto- adlralloa. Scotch paid wonted* WUltom Myers of apaoafal af water. Wsra oas aaart of added far Savor. If Uked. are skillfully rnaalasil - wllh paa teasparrj with tba other greater aad yea think 1 could stead that atrf Sol li|g>i ar* well liked, too. aUU aatu bakswara; add aae tauter rotor wool fabrics and frocks «a> are ao frills oa these sport 1 Touch not tb* Lord's anointed r I wttb mineral seal oil. which to stmost 6 t* 16ft. lei OPQOUltkS osB* C&Bsaafgf* ttt 1hsT I ~ - - **V*1 ~~ "~ ~ says, and I ape wtth aqr Sets aad I htta raptal af aagar aad a taasaoaafat af tlrtty of plaid ar* aot at oil uacom- hot they ar* Salshad with battoaa at "dorita sad preserves tbe.cadaver tS ft 0. B> taaaa aad the dtosorrsd tahlst with 1 laag a caa a geography. H* had aasav-Oeak the faoosr- stinag vaegar. Cook aatfi smooth aad skirt covered an over with Chaos* itbatratcltyai prapsaaiim a aaaatipa regardag Loot Job a*UesaaMuMrto. —tmad to a certsia aaoaat of loajiirt -* was reported a aaadal cirrteTsJ "-« «^J»; *i~t5 ""« ««• •« . _ -m ™.| ha'to hoild oa. Its mostly sts a a doable haUar: thick. Whoa ready ta aa* add fear woBasaMmataWarjr* lit fffjaVCttwasKTy M tjOaM Tunic aad Ktso eCscts ara ta be Ottawa. oaae. The barbed wire win be ratal of Bilk, two qgg yolks. Isaajneafsm of the arisslBg to half as taa aad kxag> Mas. aach ftotared this spring for caS------— • ——- win ha dag _ capfatofsagsr.aptochof a cwpfa of whhjaed t~- «"- Oa both tailored salts aad tailored drca's ctotbee aad it to issiasnil tor tsespoaafal of batter, two *r ••<•*;• woU covered. al fabrle frorka for spring sosse of the boaoSt of Barbara who do tbssr evorytbag that aaa baaa do-1 Tl weeks ha a coat the style auihmhH— ar» featoriog a family me lag early la tad year that Payakal ia-1 aad taoa wtth a aarry twbaa a hto Cook aattt tha ttossi srrsng*aeatof pta rock*. Tbsa* atrixag paid pattoras ore to he asacs a tbe hast af ~ ar* ased la aord ways. Baads aad* faatared ta gtaghasa. ceaaarmUeoty CASH PAID rOK af the tarsias ata aaoJiad •> sktats * faU h Q l


. .- «. —•«. r ' J *•• r - J - • J

•:;•» •y.^l ;r;$i


Or IB AfHn* JnfkM IMM Ctairtoa ttaaee Brtok. wkoaa ntaeaa niafe^ bal yoai* E naflakBBaarf BBBBnaaaakSaa #a*akaBfl»aWBaaB> •**-— u. treweek. Ibar•kyakdaaaka*aken more by as*ng

Aad tke tout «f ay Irmari MAZDA aisoaVetkatl 1.J IMr.BtfeklalykwIea take tke FT OCCAM CITY BLBCTUC 4KRVICB ATLANTIC CITY BUCfetlC COMVANV atety "tkatl •M •Ok.IfrByr aa a*y kake toaty BOWM! SMOAOSMSJIT AMMOUMCSO. aS tka ekUraa. tori Mr. and Mra. Ckaa, P. Haea.ofBaBa| *~ larla»tn> aUMaMnaM tk# CvaBataa^MMaM 4ffl li |tk*tr aasgbtar. na Aaaa Haaa. tel ¥ NOTIM ra is Boomi BUY Tka amM km to «*d to (nttoaa a —' aHaai kr WBltoai J. War- Now is the 6mt to sckd' yom Bofldsnj Ut or Lots, dpey wil •LRan.dat' ^^^ BL—. -at- * •d Jaae «k. UU. oa ato to tka

data to katr* •• totorart tkafato. OcMn City b growiso rapidly sad wO. to eolsfge. aad jo« MteaJa kt ktoyar ara awda a rkaata of oatck- ** •** Ceatral Arcaoe ilafaailtat. aieaiia yoa aa tka wlfa of kMklas la eajayeaIkere °"~» atT. »• J Build a Home Balpk T. Moyar ctaiai ta hart aoaaa •t la ta antawr. / Data IA II bManat to aaid traailin. ROBACE F. NIXON. | aMtty to work. May we be u* „»>, RIGHT I kreeakt ta a naUaaUea of our datlaa. aHrl« ktok. vioslly lo its riotaav Cottages sad Dosfu* AJrplaae RCPAIRBO tog nodsstv and as surety as vcaan Way COBUBBSS lo grow« so .1M1.1— -JM Ja, Daal aT.lj. t- * - - - - I- i P_ - «.» . Dr. Miles' Nervine •HBJBBJW VVUW! SCBF CwVSnB aaaataaWlaaaMaV DaVaaS^aHMaalw wMn) vSHPwS* wk#V vV^BeHBaftaD WwQ' • ..»'*^';'-- • ••.'«'• • CaaaM.fcfca.Uaa, La*. Saaaai Which aootaaa and aBagrs are detaytng yoor profits ol yota* poraiaas. Boy ta the ta Ma bin „- . tkmctaaovltktke aetlea oorkutd. Tkia and wfcfck at -. C H. SHOEMAKER LUMBER COMPANY E Las- tifnl aad aoadirfiit , Wkaa ik* aarty akadeam BUI NOW WMB sMttsn — -. kMvtes ta* aj, NesrlyaD ottr Building Lots are 40 x 100 ft.A d larger ia t^aa* tkaaa Mkty la attoa aqr. *XIod ktlptoc aw. aattaaat artlata *•»** ntsia. "Fortklrtjr ram I aoacrcd size. Prices range from $350.00 upward*. Think of such tato Mr. A k d an opportanity. Oar lots wii be B^FSDK^ aikj we inay iaaeate -. -ava^urr tcavicw.' ' acbea. Took aaranl bottle* of i t»*» «n Dr. UUn' Ncnrtaa «a4 It ku r^ka.Ihaik&Re^Ettetobanit.bmKfae*. CaBand Lbt ,• tut" Ajti wy aeitr. In ih. chorea dartaa'ite .T*" ***** «* «»eM .imtm CL H> SaWwBakaT LvkwaT Ca. kaca (our jun ataca 1 had aaBaaat atrnoa. ut Vie- The Ocean City • *__• m ^ year Property with me. I am the NBWRMJ Estate man. f Tf p It, Bale Bckaol Saadaav wWaltoB. Ulk aad Waal Awaaa. Carrying albn alVHIb • vm aa aa anvtea M Ika Baa> 1 Money back if first Ii am at your service. Funnvhed Hotels and Cottages Hat ekana ta the •tealac a»«iyeua aai af aaaaaft. attaadtaa- Ika Oaioa Harriot la tka -Worm for UM risbt. * au* of tUIr dissociation fb. less than a Cent bottle nib to relieve or ^or sale and renL ••.r >;V -''i^Kfi^Si^Sfe'': Mitt II flat caardi nadcr tba Antrku HANS BURKHARDT emtkfy. 1«dW ,. aa the Matte rnumwo AMP WKATw SOLD BY ALL DKOOOTST* iltmictm* Fanilaa. has bam re- aD tlk9 nSBSJ t-allt aa•«•d aakvsaWUBMd aadd baauiombasuiotdl tto 0FI1CBBS - — «'•« ma. thai azteat tkat It la a Marbl* ttrae- Joseph L Peacock Jfajkodtot CkaRk at TJfc «olo— Ml« LoulM Coraoo. tuir ofHtaliauy aad TUtlafa of Braasa PtwJdcnt, E«v. JasMB E. Lake, D. D, Ocean City. N. J. UUkkr CawjMBBj---(pB) Wapjaaj Of waT| aDOaw>(an^ f«iialor Driihr. from Wild wood, waa M, :orlaI nercacnuilvw at lbW Addvd (fa/hft Real Estate - 838 Asbury Avenue hU Hm. and H"ada ol. da nhavrie roairtbotad"W'nkatad llo ItIta* aumaa ud MAMV fn I/man IsXtod gaasto. S«creuury-Treasun:r, Cyrua D. Marter. 2o X. Third St. •> ttkV. COSt Ol 1116 tktOwawSHB Of BflB. tfltlM) U fhlw and thaiabl, itvre rarfdrma .bmild. UkH»e «al pdp JTproervMUmeaa" ."nw .h€»« . Huileaaad lal tbtCooarrta Balldln. brc """"7 **» "W* "*• «™»tto« or Hoo- mm Catndeo, N. J. ihr n,ld> of rltil womeir d0|ln baM d thr^ franP - IWid. an. dhat Orcb«rtrae Miufcaa Joave Can*m*r Ina iha*~a frdgfat charge* batva) added ontar oanta. wjtn »on,.n rrai>>. .•-.. __ •". onwe e nnwhundred ni^— . • _T™^ !rr ilv. and (hitrrahx. ibrye aboulthrtrd Ukr m. •• • Albert A. HoweQ 'loo aTeraga charga far hanifng a too MANAGERS initiwr u It u>*d to b». m^mrt / umoinllihniml^ oT whlrb lha K»n- . " Tw (Ml daa aoTal fraai William Charles Upland. miles by rail from Chicago to Los V. TBANQUtUJ. Profxbtoe. C. H. Sboamaker Lumber Co. ENZWALor Philadelphia. Pu. • ' e.on, X. J. Angeles tot 16J4 cent*. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. I»WWM«M 9 tm Hw -«— ...... OCiAM OH. H. J. HAND SEWING ONLY xss.^* ar-. ««nd«l wlih .a 3«~1 with a pr»7- Now the freight charge is 22 cents SKOALTY IN MODEBATE F1ICH Yard for ih* r*. and the suit setts far $50. **ular C»"*«tl» Seaside Reacrt. U to- Insulation Hoc, at Cut Your Fuel Bill'f u«w Ak«« H««k • SSAtbnyA a few mUea below Atlantic CHy, tOALaaaUUCOU. ^— || Wark CaMad far aad Dait«ara4 to aixitkar acataoe tte la»pa- Tkaceatafa*aaaaiaaar " OCEAN C1TT. N. J. I from Chestnut Stewet CM. »aoni»»n um U>* «aa «Mt A ftnlrtiilanma >aiijln« tfca wv*

ft can be had only ia the Still Better FineP (To be CantlnuxL) Tba $10 ptdr of shoes that nsad to aeD for S« t. *- CAKK «ALK TOOAV. SIMMER SERVICES ««»»• tnia «plaU> from land fiactory to tba Florida oeaier tor ALLEN F. LEVERING N* SAIMM a freight charge of 59 cents uuly -« VMmm one cent more than the pr«vwar rate. A CkraKkm Saltatk Bwf pays only tawMbadsofa—" OlfakfaNaji SaaaaCkf. S. J. M«W JKJtaCY. Water Works, Gu aad Etactric llfjtta ad 8tn»t Oua. a pound freight from JOHNR.GROVES HMJUeMO For fartaar potkstoa, write New York. •*»» •« aa racatvad aad aa> fnmtu J. McCaffrey OcnaGty,!.! •~ • af tk I UV. J AMBS B. LAUL a O. the low* 0MM Catjr, Jt X ask in the world. ABanUcCity, N.J. • Qttutrtiuincitt UraCLJNTON L. BRECKLEY HOO*HK AMD Tke Ledfcr PAINTER go elsewhere.] ADVERTISE IN TUB

i '^^&^M^-k:^)-"'^:'::- •:-. ...,i .•;:.;....-.'... ..::•:-:•,•u^sifc ^•'^BiT^^Jf^V.^v.cT-'-;, .'•',••." :-



TBB OdAV CITY UDOIB. OOIAH CITY. V. J. HOJdLMr | RESTORATION OF 1BI OOaUV OUT LBDOBl, OOSAM OUT, V. at. hi YOUNGSTERS! *••*. ud fMD WEHL1H III WINIEB Canadian Farmers Turn Winter I Natd-Cajorrt.-when Side. ' ASPIRIN-A Talk Months to Good Account People of Prominenoe of Both II BOious, Constipated. j LESSON England and America Are Taka A*ptria only m» P V yiTSWTM identified With the Un. When your rhIM la billon., enottl- Pbtaly nater«l •M* hL.tiywTfnicaaw.1 »»"«• «••. «""•» •»«> <"« «"»» «>• CMe—o, in.-"l*affcrwl with dh> dertaMng. Wh*r*> DM lordly Potomac thro' vbtatof bMotr gated, dek or full of mlit; when UM to aood aatHh. e»»»tnM. me. waatna) MmM*«f oaia*t oadlan farma bate mad* tbe> winter tita and I did 8w*«pa wfth • ton* to tb* faraway tat, title tootu* l« mated, breath had iod •DPHito r.t. "•way laaailllii Oa lataa. TnfWHrka; Bwieat. Wearal- j*orte In Callforow at tlniea r—eroblo AmerJca't chkftain, th« b«to of duty, . • „ Momarh aonr, get a bos of Cunrvn 1 al«» i I EEt.RfOS.of nation*, aa of mdV <»!» Mdiftea that I aeribael ky akyaitaua far oeav tttJ* aad far Pala. LESSON FORFEBRUARY 22 ^KVA'SiK SST^ rktoala. Chang* wltb the paa*- WASHINGTON, wata in. th* thada of to* taw:** ; ahkt*«a year*. Th* aaaM -Bmyaf" Ahraya aay -Bayer" whaa ' taaaJa* Aaaerm aewed «ala m« Aaytrta. Tk*a la*fc mt of indy cathartic and It cleanae* the lit- ftftu. They are aa eras*. After alL nothlnc ran be tnore K_ i**"*" «• buried * «• Hla TaJor to wrtttan ta Libtftya torn*; -»y* Me liter and bowela without grlplnf. * tuJSKdTkilS1 Beaa of amala. aalaty -Bayer Oaaa" *a tat attav Bit nam* to immortal and M'«r CM ba ban Mud— la aaca waankaa aackac* «f *c* aad — th* faMata. ljaaoN TEXT-Art. Hi* tlre*ome- than tatlnit nothlna; to da Caararcta contain no calomel or dio- *"• touana. ana layer TaMato *f Aaaarm" jwa Baady Ua haaa at twehe tak» oou.tN TKXTTk l «»d th* farmer* of Weatero Canada thate Mmadiaa ud "" I"*"*™ attitude or England to- reran* drag* and can h* depended npnn _.'? 'jf'fI"I5> JU5*1 ara t*M haw to tafely Uke tala leta *oa« eat a law eaata. Drag- **r*na*th' rauad about lh*aa laavl Imt are Bow flndlnc winter euiplojiuent 1 aim. ami dtllrarrlb Ikem-r*. M:7. rfaM on their farma whlrh rlnta th* iSrt •« •»• BUM «w«. Public men to awe* tbe aoar bU*. g««e* and Indl- Sfl g.V* IJ"_ "•Jlf"> aaaiaa aaaMa for Oolaa. Haa* giato atn **D laiaar aaakafta. ADDITIONAL afATMIAL-ll KlBC* I „_ and newanapm ire Itulatlng tint th* I tiawpa 'mid th* ac«Ma that ha lewd in ma tsO Beat family cathartic becaua* It neter weak aad aanoaa. t l.-i:. Ijik* na-M: Ada MJt, «; IUB. *•»•' *»rata India* op to Uw Rerolutton 1:14; Jama l.ta-U. Lit* ttork la tbe eapUnattoa. tc- -ramp*, alckrnt or caoa** locoo- Buffered with PRIMAHT TOPIC-liaw oa Aacal eordlng to a ais-foot Wettemer who Uaload P*t*r. reolenee.-Ad*. _w m fr- rW. JI'MOR TOP1C-P»U» Dthwnd FMaa dtopped Into tb* Canadian fJoTemtaeat -mrt* tht Mel* from aorrow and can; Jaha Olrear Mikkn Hwa toKL In Na Oraat Hurry. rrlaoa. Informatloo Btrrcau at Sit Jaektoa a I t^eathaa^kaOocaa^ally. ^Tit^^SSS^ "> •">*» aod that whatever prejo. Rleephlll caatle. Ventnor. tale of WlnkMiy caxml at the new triplet*' IKTr.RMCrJIATC AND BKHIOR TOPIC rrrect. St. Paul. He wa* oo hi* way >Aod Brandywra. am* of hto uacloodtd fa 1 It U good to bar* money and the Jtorad ate to kaattb. Wight, haa been purchaaed prUatrly with fatherly prkte, hot not a Mill* uroM to tbt hafcht of • patriot mpamal. J thing* that •money can bay. bat It't * ' by Sir Tboma* Brooke-llltcb.np lie- aptirrhen>li« lu hi. eye. iietertbelo»«. I and make »are yoa barea't Ion th* wtthowt ntttf. really when offered at oaction the -WUot nre you thinking, dear*" bad carried off Mw> rtbhon. at ^rrral property wa. withdrawn when there uvked Mr*. Wlnkleby aoflly. fllr 1 W taw j thing* that money can't buy.—Anon, iaoon did th* •0 otkcnkad I. r>atrr*a Impelaaamim «\». 1-1). •*••• " •» ™" * *°~V • 1 tatted. It-It-B- wa. n» adrauce on KSyonq The rom>- _"Nytblu»T._.!i-ar^ nolhjns^. be jaLd^ _U-Hy-wbom-<*^l)—lUrod, tk*. «lon. wbkwhtr*h la oorf .tone »t»tw. . Ila. a a reprewnta n>pre*i-nta-- falterltigly: ~<4ily don't JWI think Hint enndma of tb* wicked Heroil «bo dl l OYEO HER BLOUSE. a. A. . TkorabarcTVct^, • ?*l*1!J''.'. T. »»nMiitaJ | ""•• >u dnt ooiWabto iuanir«tauoa Adored «nrywti«r« »b*ra hit actiooa ara told. thIhino n«f an andoi.nodcit caatlraalle In .Norman | « would I* wliwr for u. hereafter tn «•«* lb# lni»c«n children ul Iletbie- »'"TAND A COAT p^v^-tSk,^ TwkiTnalnr al>l«»<)le. wltwithb emhattlemrnleemhattleniented roof. hulW U|i our little family on tb* Inj- bam. ™ ""t*nm* ta "*• ntnrmnr or tneaaa turret,. aiKandl towertower.m, and Ila. Mated amid I .tnltment ptur.r— Stray Klorle^ ia i The reaana 1». 3). It w« t«.r in wte anffar ~mra'teritwl ta It ni (Ura la>- •«— »«." -r-rr*. ..*«. |^- y^irw* ^b3jr eilen»l» tToond. o»erlo,*ln« Ihe •*«. the fa»or of the Jew*. Her.,1 ««v not Ar frw aad hrfnfnl adfka to r d It w*. the family re.ld.nco of Mr. and ~ C ( i eaoa* that waa jut; Ik i>l|. OH Apparal lirto M*w- w«MB(ih aad raUtf ia that toaie. NOSE CLOGGED FROM • J"»- «"«1 therefore knew that hi. Undaunted b* atood "mid th* roar and Inr rattk. ' Doni wnrry !>'«• " " > > * COLO OR CATARRH .FortT«r btlorad, tho' bit body to daafc * ** ^ TMaronnd l»yV guaranteed tnlih* Urn aad aidarra. j ZZA1 SttLS « new. rich, ftdetea* color to any »•*•

GOTO •'"* m. '• | pro** to b __ JACOLOIf frcw mm will flock to bit tomb' by" th* i coat., feather. . wrythlng: ' •**•» A**, & W. TAKE -"-* 1 SOMCI in tat tuabtmt of dory dMna; ( IMrrctlnti Rnok In package tella hnv tftailTI «f tfcit Pkier namt that < tn diamond dye orer any cnlnr. T« I - '"""r "• «rry fa»or with the Jew. by n ^. » ha** I match any material, barf dealer ahnw I «""'""h'-han- Indr •'••I abnut yol If th* kidweya are not ditiow. tkey may eaaa* tk* *tk*r *raaa* I at the la»l p y.m w.irl.^1 ~ x»a«4aa:«««l—UMriaja. ; p*toa by tb* mm of war aod tb* -IMa't you Ulln* It. rojni."— flori- H*tt* WWTfaTI. an, Thy flory at lasting at Libartya tiimV '""** in* awouen. innamni moroaa mem- «a-.lb* rwatom for two seller. t» r* 1 rreiilt to a ec.net* trndnar*. , ; d««lr* of Grrat Brtulo for Anxrlcma da Tlmr« Cnioo. ark* aad tarn of aaibHtoa. i braae. give yoa Instant relief. Dfa ,„ lhr ^.^(<> e „„ rtrh wdr ,,eID r i -it w«« at on* of thea* meettnc* lo«t Gmitnj. Poor bcahb aaaka* yo* aermaa. arrtta- Th* Banner that floata where, thy tiumbtr^&'dtrp, * RCCIPE FOft GHAV HAIR. hi* aad amy ba ilapna li*l; H : T* Maa* PtltKfttlp VlaiM*. Titul latarrh anlferer ha* been aeekmt; SEALED | Bat tha tkln* that will nuk* In* Thynrord we will laurel with. auntmmime't roaea. Belortd by th* Nation, ataepl WASHINGTON; t>rp. "^at kaadrea* of woaaaa eWm tkat Dr. It'a jont aplrndid.—Adr. wnaadt I m*od>hlp brtwrao tb* two oalloaa .^tSi^B^^iSoS. IC.hBrr-a Pwamp-Boa*. *- IPWWW.-MT. j mmr tttr oo.,,,,!, p,,,. Huu.1,1, I bnne. la C*rmda. T»»e carload of i vlalblr. aa It w*r«. to tb* people *f i ox. of (dvrnaa. Apply to tb* bur t keaHk t* tk* . .... mm—~ii- ' me*Vm« It «.. ImpuMlble In e—-ape. breedlnr »mHl whiHi I am now ahh> TIGHT- — - 'y tfc* Ik* remedy aawdad ' , ij-1. t «!iL« «f t«. »* fine to my farm I* Indirectly the re- inaitiiliiaa ataay aaa4 «ar a aaaaal* tattlt t» aa* lui-m ba* a »4«>ry al«Kit hi. Brat Uw . jr left oai (M. rott nf nnr Hah »*rrllnr». We ire what Bwaaap Km, tk* ijaM hadaay. a*e. II. Tba Ckwrca mt Cut « av»y*» | rr4nr to make that tittle owner nf' beer aad tla»ir miitlihi. tOaii* It wa. .«l In nu«btllle. lnd_ aad•v. .'.). Makatrbewan noe of the M( at nek ' SPFARMINT KEPT TI_ <->..~v i_ . _—- . . j|. | ceotera of America. •"*•- --• ---••• - RIGHT ' American reiatloaa. It la .. «nmmlt of Koath ammtam. ,.mr hn^.u.1 .ma n^l «laryr j acaluM IVitvai'Var^at'*. Hleot. The ootiYMnoat.-ome ••»' IVt*r- •"» "»" l«"«"l«-»>t nf all. alao Hut It atiajl be a rrnoo t>ot W Imt ilm-. I tin I rlrlt |.ul>l|.hrr CUD. i •• i, tnl a >e.•r In |>rl>nui^lwui.. '" "** "I*** ibing: ibr; bet<«k nk Hlmare make, R nunT TVHI. irw Jort "" "hot the- mmmnnlat^ l.y the .(.«- .Ller hi. bwt - IU-r^ cn. wb.rt, fmebnt day I met Browar Mhewni Nrat .lalayy ,'II•'•twoM railed upon hihi.. 'hmweltwi to prayer. Tbrre I. o.-h- trlD nf Ufa. with ,h. «dd«l attracflue. of w flr-t monum.w lr. ; gelling out of bla ear. We are to'h : rliet.i at ibth>e cHintcounty Jaijaill . i '** '"" nmnl tnr tML Tb»f" •»» • like that wltb rtnek. Ther fH t« he. * •Xiell.illtn and ma- action. -TI-- ;..«• l«- .t.. L.-d u|. Lefore th« No Olectiaatoii. Umt h \ZZT I great, hmkr fetlow*. hardy and Wg.;*1'"" •"•"«>"«> .l«e|,^ an Iti-urseit- .IIWISM. •"•t b •am fan., aud nataratty fell to dh>- 'I •uff<«M[*-e> you dkdMl .1al1l you cnwtenwia I ''«*'">''«•> Prajer: wlllr:i ltM> 1 : IB* Him." mnarknl tho rowing our machine*. ! fnr me." glumlKluinly ariuilltnaduillte.1l tlw cnavlrtcoavlrt- ' ••l f ""* unl° '•"•• "nl "n"> *"> fo framed-and that emmra oa market ^ *'"'" "">"*• *••«'••« I """ _- "TIB CTftalnly Jssaanl IhX wnin«..''>il mac _-»VhnU-tVhnLlU* *uur riiaiarr"rliansr i I* h*"rd of_mea. _Tkl*_H> »«.r> Hun- (Jay. ctple »nt U> l«Ve. pare, nuld u. acOCa «-* •aniac in Bal ncfc'a srrh of lumber and canopy j dred aaUar.." Male.1 Wal«a. ji '•»'• ""day. All true |n.jer i- J l| "Well. It wna carry oat lu pUo. Th» """">•. )-Jr< rartlrr. w»t» hla partlnc wnrd« aa be left tt» ~ " ='- tondrrfaHy bruv. Foaf ilre« go baul •* aa* *lacw the ttrtt of I Ttrnf. u lot of ioo»ey. ala'l 111" | eatrti hla train. Til .how ywi *nm> I — — —" "—^ I year* lat«*r It *t».id In mellow marhl* | laay." rnoleti rbp rttent. 2. It waa nailed prayer. aod th* Hit In-1 • <-f the nne»t land and lire *tock out nt °°*» Ott**t Outy. I A.-.iir.!inj tn nn oM l* tiedtrh. . th* tor marn«>- -"•••— tlr» »kl*r* I exemnwed. aymrai t*t- -Well. >ua r*n'l let an al.l* tawrer ! "»»•"» by the Iliurrb. tcmll>. iiwn and treat you tn a real farm T *«'tsl.t of !!«• .or. .Ir^.mllnz „,„. ,!,,„,..,,.„„ ,.,.,,|,;C ti.jrrlii,uarr|, l l» itiat C forward .-.in.trailuo, with oo colamaa I trail). for rw.ll.luc." he w»« tohL ! prayer, of Individual., tot there Ik K ll> lo Knalaod aod Amem-». rZr Irsal '/,°X' '"f tr.at ...ijlhlnr hat the nOtt* an.I •» "" Atrl-a.. IIIIIH- I. II«N! I..t .r.^ Ml j|l||J.| (i lv>. |fl_ or sahl>-« «ii;.n^l la merrlr deooralU* f Tbe wonl. were a.ur»Ha.ur«H» on«it .if anmrr -| .un«~e If. I bad hired, a hntf. ' l"«-«ll«r l«i«er la Ihe ucitrd |'m>er r 1 porpo*« a bbldlns company, to be - mouth when-, a lerrtftlerrlfler ei|>lo*l'» |ieo|4e. rorar grmrn Hcht on mr form. That .•*""• >""" '•> I"' ""-' » •»»•'•' »•"">•» _ — l • Mothers Know Ttat ceimt* urn tn the^ day. «* hlsh ur"u"d J ''""" "11" . rur.rjtT. I)H- •bloetna pmjrr. It «a» mnre tl.kii ur.i.n«.nc fr.-»..-—A.rrertlwment. , eral.ir. . . ?•?>!'."^r?**' jr.!!? "!'>". _' •'"»'• enly nine kww- ! hi. isr bad •^|4udel' Hiar. ' l>ROrr; II »a» ibe jearulne u>»n. if went la a body to tbe point tbea j GeffliB Castoriai Keonvmy. i Tim** Had Changed. It up too bard and the eltnii^.- L.-M : —-^— the >oul a. It Mrvl.bed Ittelf > W lo- of ih. ar«t«MI zix'.uj n«n>- >«»ar i>li| llu^t|*- Wife—Tnie: l.llt I tin. Bralny Maa. • | «-t nt> in llro#ll utid tlw targrM com. . c'0.Tilly liiten-rde.! for Ivter. Tl.fir OeM Talk*. •Hot a cold, eh! An- >.« .iiituMy I'.iwrriaal «*-iiie..-uier In tbIbe cmtniryoujiiry.. TlTti»w i ll«~J>e>cu>er uMa»* or.rijtotnit«i buuuilU Ba^-HUr « mil. .l^jr^-f> Ha.n't Bean tha dmml! !*• >o« «ijr uwtlljui ui.'Nr- |;.. t:\.-• ..•n-irtK-iIw...n-lrtK-itwi of liulldliiBiHilldlUB" an«aM) •perlne•perlttr. •my arowal the iroe rincV »he—-»•-«. n.-t.farni »laniil a few yean, azn | III. *Ht*e O«ltv«c*d by tm AneTi •at ay Oiurr ha>o I. a. jrt."—Ouatua Signature -Well, jf* Th«t U • lui«» a ««-ry J l.u« i-..iilluile.b iH.tulitiaiandlnx II* I («v.')Vll>. Iraaarrlpt. • tb* height nf tifleen feet that day. { I lljzbt »ult au*l a \«-ry heuvv ni^.*- | difb*- Tradltiun »)> thjt that helchc araa | | iliie. eur.mni.nNl tliirlnj Hi* j Tlil. .«-. nrred the nicht l»f. i "Ilt* )ou UMtill to t.-ll ru-' ).y ..f •r ik« r..*. J»ya- wearing .MM* utwt tlw-u tl»e oilierV «-nt |m»|Mrliy ure .lue n> u% c-o4i.« j him. • u*«**l «r uu-rmaj • "Ve«^ I thought ttiey n«*ul>l j««rus* ) aud .u»»r pr««lucti.n. whuh Laa I j. ivier »lrejUn« (». c.\. TIM- atrri i. . A reotral atalrway lead* ta tbe «n I T J mIL The oatlook la orer three roan- j ' II rljbl.-—IU-'-" - --• '-•- I a cn-uf .leal of .iTillb lu iba | fucavl Ivier a»W|i. — When a wonma I.K>V» la a mirror >b* I |le«: It Include* part of tbe route nf i of lue (.IniittilUrfi ownen. .ot- , iB perfect peace th..M- »IM»* m.i. **rv*a) Hlan R,o»«t. , ri4- trip up the To- - tuu d«-ul.-n. HIM! aienluint^ urr «i.jeil •« kjm (IKI. -jn.At. atkrr «ixue-a •.« t»-r. I tonuc. toe aceae nf the John Ilru.n "Have ).«« •!>•»«;•• Vouu^ Utiaaf hr gtte. hi. betueed aleep awkea*ked ibe lair Uu>ji|mrUu>|i|wr. Too S«My to W**p tee OM Day*. i trTS.'». -JCo"So.. ua'iui.ou'nui.""* ntJlein-|JI«l tlwitw* oi|>uilenoi|>uilrnt [ Aial wbru a woman 1. tolas to rala* •• v Itar a AUlrUU | white marble UbM waa orlc^nally art , clerk. "But b.m- olwut 'K.a-.nj iu* la «:*M ur nine ctilMren UH> doeM>*t -| I In the aide of the moounvnt. on »h:rh the UoaaallcbtV" >»lr inu.li tune rezreillng lha> paw- xh» aoerl uooie I'Her ua II Uarb of xain'i hspt'ioe>a 1» do* | aaa tb* Inwrlpll.io. "Lir-ir-i to th* -lmf"»lUe. I could «1III w» yoor luc vt «4.l-faa«loued aouthera boapt- J lh, cu»utm fell o«T IVfrr rut . to bar ability to impMtt* iko tuitare. • memory of Wj.blna bttlrr than dla.|dlM- carried by ibe uew air aertlcw b*> ae bera In »alo. j y. rwven Purl, anal Mnneela. X Tbe mttm upon Peter 4r. 11). A'.- la th* coura* of ialf a century the i tnourlt the eirat wa. »•• ««j!.rlul to xmneot fell Jto decay. In 1*S2 It j IVter. awi at Brat he ibnosbt It a j Cowdray. Thirty Yflars itlaloa. «ueo be ram* tn kluwlf be I wa. nuored bejuod peradtmiare of u j •laabi that .<>ud had mlnirut»u»l> rt»- , ••-•••- - llrrod'a »uii-ij ' Trajan', oo tbe Alcooura hrld*». aod Your Table Drink haoda. . I an etea mr»r aodera eumpj* Itka IV. Uacaaaclaua Uaeatftef (rr. 12101. ' to Kraoce: that of .»» «,Jo«al Arc <1« iXtoil*! 1. Tb» betiatlor of Heter «IH1 the . y rprwjenuu»« at Ptna. «hj», arrhlteeta lodeed «aar> shoulH brin^ you comfort Cnarcb (•». 13-17). Peter wrul -to of tb* «h jlarytaad dlatrlrt. Tb* fart rrted aal «a«la. «bo iaaten and coluauu. eccafed or d*- - to merjojed un hrartnc I'rlrr'a : tn mau|4eiv |-»lntins» «i Ibe walla of ibe Holy Trinity Oreek <>nbo.la« churcti In New Vork. il Peae* eeatcaary eomalttaw-M.L ^T p * la tacbed. aoj rarryta* awre or leaa' a Mter frum ftt. Joba'a. rburcb In Uaralboo. Greece. noTerlnc him CQjOOO tu mak* moral paloiiax* for tBal L*«ward Wood. Boom DonawT/T »*tU«l by cootempocary **"!! J Let and ran In and told them tbat I'riir rhurcti. Txitala. fouo.1 bl. tow anbrrakatil*. aud turned Ibe offer down. That photograph ahow. Ttaralaa at work •Qf^^Joto 1^ Uaeafe*. atra. Joba %Valte'> Jetica abowa two maaalea waa at the fate. u> one of Ibe iwlctlnsm. "Tbe Laat Hupper.'* piera rarryw* with tba> help of a C*ar(* Waabiactoo probasJy died *f rataer detioau area betweea ibem. a 18. IS). Ther* waa great agitatlee deeoratnl frln* aad corsice rrowaed from amooa- them oier Pvtet'a dl»*pf*»r- AIRPLANE LANDING IN THE STREET IN OAKLAND with aa arUc atery wkea* broad wall (Lit (M aon'u INSTANT ance. Thl. waa a >erlnu« matl.r. >• article by Dr. H. & Bameoway. paaela bear, ta* caaBaxaaunUre " Dr. Betjcaway oaUJOMd brl^y ta* aenptioa*. Majaetty Maa O^aetaaL • r bins. • | Xonkaakptoa. ataada oa th* aU* ata aaeaaa ajatd to car* Ua darlac ta* OaM Tin yoa KDOW what U la lo ur paMne «ant» a pet." table beverage, you know defientl >4i »orh a train of UDN-MI ] m tkat It la BOW amenity acrewl bia dla- •"Tb.ii »b) nut (IT* hJu a ^rf>befd bat* ta* preaideoi'a kMue and the cap- «hance* that If It were ta auat/» bun t*a* waa dlptilberaa." CeaeraJ oader >a»« leaderaklp IU4 rerlprorilly clow to tbe loo* »I«J* whtdetoniecliann. to MC th>- table*, rtlll he woukl IM t bv j •lop Your "fyou li*ave mver tried crrulu to win th* game.— llnUrt. j A ckja» atady of ts* Uf*. letter* aad aslant Postum. you Caraaf Today. docsaaeou of WaablDCtoo will aajowr hove a ddigxt in sttm. «• barn tkat k* The care* of today are arld»m tb»w aadoaal of tomorrow; and when w* lie OVJXU i.t All Grocers sdl Postum aJckt we may aafrly a*y to nut 'I fPISO'Sil aod la Ala kaawiadaja *t oar troahlee. "V* bar* doar )uu "There* a Reascti Mato laora. U' •M.TUIOM. Ma tvt

»'<••'. '/*. * "•' '.-" * *. -* *

•• .- .-( ••,., '-v „ ._ .^m^ 1


Ik* tmrin «NJ 6tl«f *f Rny n»«a»«yw*nptouod«irt«< Tb* aaeoad Ladiw t of laa flMrauy St. |*m maa that attoeoM tb* Aaaaal Baa- whttor at UM Y riamna I **• najalar •»iatj | BaMd of. Ooaaabaaaaai -.T-- •—-— — *r~?r *•*** "• ••*• b» ba»* ban* praaaalad to- tta I tba akev* flat* at tbr*a #•!•* T.~M- laMstihtorttt 0 lh 0 tetterteU*?*an.?r. appMn ta oah^JtS^.r last ten*: ' Ur** .T*"!s te tt*J?a raean" *t war•*"". "*Praac• £»* tslaamd•*** o**ata) toK .Tf*—t* Hajar i How coarse down ta town rts ''•"•"•a" •*•"• oartratatos to aw ppnun i wttukb ttt a a]awilMra. piaaMd Eighth Areao*. raa rmOKt that n. Amrrlcsa here**. iwtOrTbwtortb. anaimaaieaae aadd itUaiid wttb tba Dukr aad Ua j aoartad aa to tb* US CRT «rtdtar. Mioa fcH aDtDada. Ottor aad tblaa anaaa. that tb* «rd

Ivoteof thaaka IOUMB for ttatr ahara WtniaMa Biribdair. oaawtlaa. Bl laad-IaaCand." Later ta tta

Prat. J. M. MatJaaal dax «MO»rala« tta rant r StT^Ssj SESSSSSJgSnBa* * Tta Mtewa Basel Harris aad basins *£**• Itarrta- »*o » tk* faOoW ^ttMahyUMatdwaradalai^^ Morrte are in vkthaa at Ita SUM Rartauaat aukta* U to coadact a At thia thw tk* LaHaa atttimrad a what tbToWa of a uattaaater w«i. Mr. Otter Nanaal SekoaL ***. Stews aad ttaa* fkawaa Oy» paaaaat aafilllM th* nwanllaj if H* had attendad a baaaart netmOr BanoBatJaaa i ta 4taba* In* e*%l*oUm bVriaaMTiiCtttaabta. «bar* tb* toaata»M4r kad eo**i«4 wastedI tokaUr bow i¥iT T»» C"^ S?" "•• 15 J** •?** «*?ah»hB» wu takaa by «wr» Boajtct from A to t and tb* aaoMadad la ftUag «»-

Dr. C Eocn* Daitr. or Rakaaaaaa lias dowa aad tUbttac and a«alatia« tp*Kb. oflaa*. «P«at tk* boUdaya wfck kto « UM baila aad tk* rMdac of oa* «j» craat tun th* apptaaa* of Ik* aaaVl Minats la tkM *«jr. • oajk* butdi for a eaBktaaUoa abot. | an oat that tk* aapatr had" |*ae* wtth Mr. aad Mm. Tboaua Wattaoa. proa- «V owaara. wmm ta town oa atondaK p>* "* Trast Oanwaay. aad they IdtraeUjr w th* a*ar«at of WMkJactoal Btrtkdar. >>at nonUr took tow Jto JMd and | Ro daaerlhid tta VtoM oT • wtth oreaaatm •atiMaai at ant. Hiram B. Mawrar hi PnaMant af th* I to (Mrud.b*wms! Jaha Dar- attend thoaa btar. th* Lwca^a • - (kjrMto wt ara taraf* B* aald th* teM k t A tta ASMricaa tarcaa wtthoat pay. fcj •treat aad Wast — •*•*- •" *- ——*-T—' ' —tini IwBaWBPBTaWnaiakaaaaaaaB^a*^^^aT ah^f IRj^^^^^^^^^^^^^V (WlUm a^^^^^^» ya> a DtRB Bit ]_ a coal yard. th» mil «—acl«ri of tk* world. to Ik* jraDow doca fMharwa* th* aaaal .tomae far Tpamra.. • "oaeof tta tediaa araaeai mUuil Tkkila to certify that at > tMiMj^a•»»»» MaaafncterlaM gMto Phta^t atet Awaba««- a^uoaPM»I* *aa taajSto^ to mtacf)a aa wttd hlattta UnaT* B* waa a poMtleal patriot, aanrer- tol»Mark ihat^'^^-"^5^?'•» •»• Baard af aabaal " -s . |fch ^ *f ta* BWk lira* tor ibatr eoaatnr. Oratt c (cant ta fwaottaa tacaaa* of

.I? JiS. ty.^%^ «a*(3aaa. taa7 onmtoa. o^Twffll5n Uhi 1 talth *f W Walter •. Altea waa aaMrr of oar- PkhHe Wraaoh la Uto *^4. •«• a* fMTiTklck. aaah aa th* H* aatd that tb* rSatk pawaata UtttoaddraM ntHil jaar «a At-l8waa. aad lh«r an hanor ant U lh*' adoatod ib* ni> *f i ' 1 at tta eoactasioa of tta> prosraM. ndmatrw of any and alt • Mr. aad Mra. Baas nvrkhardt by Ita < raaktd la tta aaabrr of dlrenw oat. roar** oot of roc*.- •tan they attended tta i panalr* BhM ia t Hair "—»• d faaaral af a biftattahw. i JSMM Aaatte! •iM-mitSSStt tr'&nZZSU Stet -. t*-^- <*>" ~- lr-jr- i8op*rtal Miss Maisarat B*raa. tta tail I is I'—-'»•••"' • —^ «-—•««- •—bit tta sraat , We sla* certify that tta 1TR ^^ w* tta ainaiMj of tnptn*. th* MM* 'H.7MJ* lainlliia la r^lteaaaanla >eoa>**11' "••* boackt in all tta Coav ar* Han." .ttar* ta doatac ta aald TT n •—.•>- .i. •—. .— »-^-. ^-^- JUI l that ta t of in—r aaoaaaarr ul Tratotac la tta PahMe •»• naaaBBB. „„,„ okkaa at WatM . Mirprte* dtaaer to tar biiatend. Hay- nth«ibi la thla ctty tor tta artaol yaar !f^ .AaattAte toto tta Mackay MNIKIU fOnNT OMAMMM of 1 Prof. Btcktey. of tta HUb School. I mood C. 8haw. at Ihtr raeUf e». «at, c*aMn*acta« Jaly 1. lWa. f Matte isnt caBad as. ipota of tta trimdaklp Oratral anas*. Batsrday. Pah. Mat. • any balance that May ta ratawwaMBMta of llmadai "—*— aad Wanbtoa- '• boaor of bla birthday. Ita ctoae of tta prMail natal y*ar. aad '•po-- *•* •• •"••• to Oaa aa awfaJ ton. Mr. Bhaw waa t*ry Maeh niirprlaal exctealra *f tta aM»aat to ta lot ma to roar tin*. Pwat Cta»tar of Coat- ! wtwa b* walkad Into kla wu local aanaor *f tta tili|>uai LT£?L*! I «MP SU f ta Sdf JOIL d. CHAMPION. In ibis ctty. W. H. CAMPBELL. OOBUM ha» taen i«tr. for :b* Oona atr X TBOMtLT BOOmM, nutted by Walter A. aatflk. caalmua Mr. Bdwaida Ihes w—nlwi Prof. Darby. Frank E. Darby and Dr. Ea-, REBSCHkREBSCBkX PaTrTITPBTTIT. . H. Onm. of Wnt Chwl.r. mbo c«a* Darby. Oeors* U*m of Nvwpart. Board af Setae* Bathaato. ild that kla I|III> foftowlac Dr. r- Lxroy Mow* aad John H. WUUaav' Motten by Dlractor CaMptiB sad |>*»ra»i ramou the world or*r. - —j- Hans, woakf ta like ptaalas ra»a to "M. Mcowted by Dtractor Platar. that tta Mr. a X Onte. a wall kavwa • Wllmrr E. HoaHHu. ««l)tor of tta oa tta aUk. Bte apeech woald to ta two After ihaaktas Mra. Shaw for an fata** ooBinBnleatten to rantrad aad eb paru.-what wta.In tr. and-wtat waa •tesaat dtaarr. at a tele boor tto'Oad aad ' " " 'onttk. aadaUtadiMlstlttokla not ta tt." ' crowd wtat bacoc with another ptesa- Motion a >V d 4t b I Prof. Oracn la «xn«dtacry kamor- sat time lacked away te ttalr •*•• j Ortl wy. and • — I Dlractor PMtar at a a oa* tatter than ita prwedtea- . W.C T. O. (Board of C imliainiii Cltl«. Not OMT*4 by Dtraetar kar* faltod I ! Wtaraaa. Ocean Ctty to ttahto aw a f talaaa* weather iiMdlltoni.!.pert or an of tta arptaa** sf ratetas toteM ttar* to a rrtrantd' tnA rf?^f* , A a pooHtoe conrlctloaIthat. *** * * *••»•«• «*> •«• . * anal work to ta star* far tta fstara.! nty win raarb ttair •aM tracks are Mrm. Mary Harrte Amor, called tta of aatd atnet: aad craat -OmoniM CyckMM*. la expected Wbmo, wld TTrftnad " rapacity to do tdinj> u> kcturt la tb. M. E. Ctmrrh. Cape asreed to rata* aid tracks and May Coon Hoaar. tta mtatai of fan atid UnM and drrld* tta • PHHaor yachts, —»»nrr. neater trip* I ar* my haatoraoa. Vivacity to b» »U»». la ta«r p»p. ttar—f tat " " . af Mr. Parkar MUar. oa* of pear aad Onaa Ctty: tkwnlWu. to It tt* turr lairlil clerks of the ctty, Tenacity to bold on. .; plailorthe W.m C wieitiT. U. r tltaaa Ua tt oar i ft" tont saVa. Mr. Milter waa laid ap fecU 0 w r **I »** esMptetton of Mtd •host a w«*k aco wttk a toary cold r aatUand to Wt "J* " » » P««nVat Ita tVUcity to to ba»t>> "' >r« aad tb* world today. The gimfanl ,raMffactactotta MM tt baa dmtoaad tote as iOaaav *» W. [~T*?" ***** —* awaJkia wwrrr * «wpt _^ ^._^ '• orator lo AMerka. B«r coanactax which appawappaarad thrasteslsc dariacdarta*!' "»"» ttorRtteoo and Capt. AlTrad •"• Tto bteteat tribute at. -m* can. Itcton* of nfreaktec ertstealtty. e**r rto esriy part of Ita wank. Smith ar* now on r way taawt cltr a speaker la altn. ,. Prof.. raearrUs" wit. daUctons kaaaw thrm> Pany oayhalf of Ita total eant aad «• tut and d»j ami* coaht tone told lb- .tuotioa (as pattas. aad bttiu — ~— mtwm of tto Men's Bible Claaa tor aaottor. her tto »"f -as ta li—t ahajl Ocean ctty pay •UBMHIM POM TH« OOIAM errv ptey Tala prtrUas* than fU*.a> far Ite partiaa of aUd uoon. «nrr ANVWHCMC M •»' «ov scour MIKE. j County, prrhap* ooo ta Mottea by Dlractor Ptotar and Mainland **try aacrrac* to hear thai onewd by Dlractor Caantifl, that tta jli I ate** raoluIMn ta adapted at raad. 5V l»t*raaraM.7ftMta^ t lyoa aiw aot a IMABY Of BCTNAMY CUM MUTa Bartatar. • Tkte Mattes- t, for tot aa thay fined to di asTBainrtI.:ThT*&?«. •***->«• K0"*!-* I the A. and P. ator*. 8* a> Tfaja 1 •MI tta day at las craralpU ahw*. ^i^/^TtMi.?. '^,'*' iSnr?r|S' nUttes BMtatth* hoM* af Mrs. X W. prtertotha , 9m TM fry k TWI At*>y. (To ta CoaUaaed.) ITMS MAiro or TRAOC WUIDN. Mi At II*

J r * B'I • "rV I.JI17.11 [- ., f 1 • * i naaaal-atoJ ;..!/..,•(/, \''\y/-\-\- iwvV-;^'..--; .;,••'• ••/•••: : vv'^? 'sV-*'"'A '"'•'•l ••'* ' ••' • •:•• •:'. ••"•': -^i Wi^S^&M^^M


> On* month of national problMltoit ; PtataneM.—Oflclala of. tha Becrea- today, and caanot accopt yaar law •K* baa convinced Prohibition Casannw ! lira CtomarfMton, which baa b««a foe tatteaV waa bar awamastllka refaaaL edtaMy for oranmf wear hi of whllo ESSENCE OF ALL AS CUPID Ha waa pmMy aarfrbwd. and wtth er I terlBg an Industrial basketball Iragat cwp- mwntli gUlu ^ ^^ „ ago ta Ibe United States to at least a | New Jersey , here Ihla winter, plan to farm a baa* pnrtatrna faculties wUI oeccaaartr/av tha hntbstt of Jealeaa aataras at aoca made la aarpUca effect, tbo right atdo ' hall leagu* of eight teams. crease daring tbe period of reconatrt*. aaapactadl tba caaaa. T CURRENT AFFAIRS J Perth Ambnr.-Tba rnlted Boatetat STRICKEN WORLD lion. I have earn tocomotlvea anasv Ta aorry. Mbnj MaybtOe.- waa an I cawghThy a large flower at tha amba> alder that good prograes. Permit Mies. Items Uea'a Assocuiiton, consisting of nstr- teg. coughing, expiring every ffw ," •• ILATOm X WIU0M basaid. mile*. OM. broken-down engines, Ua> • tataatlh ; rliaota to thi it h b id FvOawtag bar a few adntrtoa tattr CTMh, CtwBwa, Crap*. aldta of tba>ptplBm whet* tho silk A Summary tor Busy R«t*r. speakeasies and smugglers are giving -W-^-warM-SltMi Cl-o. ar lv~r-1iuctiJ^ ho aaw bar barryta* toward tba east. doorway tt tha gr»at bolldlac. Bs rssshittly aad faithfully what M«htatera«-ta-i Wr.ta U-* I— — «"• -- - —«" TSfZSSlV you are. he humbly wax you awtr* aad never wera ther* owe* varied aad nihCT 8f I dtttoa of the tocoBOttvo. which •. __ > to be. delectable models displayed laaa thaa* of te Day. "*"* »•*•». «* *• P"*-»- »- » !5r^ O»am«. a.. b«« WorM War? ; ."rt J with the tWharmaeJ. I "—da with a yoang ama. Maps* tost I atlrTSilrr uEnTri> ««altT of tacaftnc tbm addlUoaal I «a|*>r«i aa wcrararj. Tba mono of I to a foil step every once ta a while. I, , I met of them ta lbs awlft current I Mail's aaslaat sift to man to hla sis- aow on view. ,««bm. tba annul xfcool bodm aa I »»a caw ortulmtloa I. «CkH>para- I rommented apoa tba condition of the ' ftttr. tar It •macacss his Uuirliy Probably tbto ta partly da* to th* atira Bolter (Rrp. ra.). | of tbe crowd. I alaa.-Uaary Thorae*. tbo bwadroaa at wtaoowa at advent of tbo cbemtoa blows*. Baa- totrodoccdr Itaybetta atfctd her •» aa-xmenso. SOM«TMiNo"TO BAT. tian bloase, smock. • whatevar one locb projMtna prodoccd ai tba naw tt tre aTrlock. tha 111.000. tbo total brine $3SjOOa. > » *>»•«. doat yoa will appeal :• th* skirt seem to bar* reacted upon um nl tea ta th* Dtatribwttoa of ttoas. Peace gave way to war at* X • V. Md, prortng grooad. annora, accordlnc to an annoancc- i •J!£L * aw of a rotlng nopntailon ho lofty heights ta swell tbo al- *»awr ha laughed. tag of the qoaU- Mulled Butter. tbo regulation modeto. to be tacked afy Cimir of tba Ci—t»j». tha Rssstt. plant equipment eaVtoat for __ Appointment of a tommltlno of 10 raeot nude, by City Engineer Jobn , otTXK tbe moreraeat for lacofpMatloa flooded current af dowotowa «*• «M •*:axartly understand, but tlea at trait aad oMltL—Take flve lasfcto tbe skirt, and both are alluring romitaiiiwu to Inrndcata tba coat Ractaey. who la now prrparlns ptua •«* dellnlte form at a meeting of production gav* way to ptont cooatraa- 'V aray. prrststed ta bar owa way. teach these to bar mpfuls of bat-enough to tempt women nalo axtrava- J for tba •tractor*. Uoa necessary te mannfailait nm. tk odlk peptam or chemise Moose, work* La Grand avenoe. Fanwnod, tbe par- Ira nntK SM^ of tatftlilon wlU i aairana aad buttons who da- ***t* __ „ ary but a aocsa- SBHJ^^C^L " °* * - ••••$> coasrracttoB aad reorgaalsatiea aaa • *• •aar Admiral Robnt Edwin rtarj. Tba bonw of repeearniailTe* of tba ^e puMUbed thla week, and la tenwork, the work oa the soil and th*. la- i yoar aaato t—* yoar bttottasse. -Do yoB BMaa ta sty yoa daat atty. Th* arid aaawBW*^ »ja ta tb* but-round la a circle to complement th* (*a»er helnc Edward U Band of 1 )M effected. Now that tho war to over tad - V!, X«w Uextco letWatora. at Santa Fa, . ^LI""" •M «««'oo win be oadr bor sprat to making lUnga. la Into - - fruits are: termllk aod rook until boiling hot entbastoam over tb* Moose; and as It atUnd, Arrtlc axpiorar aod dbtrorcrtr Scntrb PlalM for II Jll». - th* demand for everything to gnat it r rowa restless. Daring a tall ta *••• "•» * ••*" *?J'"»* L!! «f tba Xortb rota. dl«d at hU ho«n« In ratlfled tba ftdrral woman mffraga way we art tho tktegs we cat aad I man—Excessive citric arid. aatV Add sogar. cinnamon or nntmeg to amandaMat b»a «M*of MKM Tte RoaejI^Park.—Tbe Bo.nl of EJort- war. We have ealen spoor aurptat. ha poked bto hand Into tha *•"*» ont yoar aamo a week ago. Mtoa ^Tbera-tonoewd to-th*-dUatr«nLBMfc •Tublotrtoa froai (wnlriaaa aaroiia lion ha* Mimed J. y. ricraon A Bona Wuwlhory.—Couim Cier* OIlTef JT W u i r •ftar aa*cral dajra' mflrrlnc «l_«ommooed J.me. McttlllUnw. AS* woeio • *•••••• ta VMIA w/o are - xoraarwhav.-ma* ia,o*o* **•>*"" Sr*?— .* ""» a t^ lartoto ased for those Mouses illks. y performed the datlka ^of *•• Waadstt. altas Borneo, aad right scalded milk oa two tableivooa- tocos, velvet, metallic doth. chUTon, Ackao«tadgB«t that tba tnaljr I* n> retarda prodactlOB. crepe. Often one aeaa a Moose of ret- aeeond stale to ratify. lbM In tbe record """"ae IL« food taattag* wa fols of sugar, one teaspooafal of salt. to a bapiiaaa daauTocfc from wblck It It m strange that, while .._. l_T7.'L_r ZZZ^TJZZ LZ | ia:i». wui yoa ttep tor i ttve, valaabto. . . into a deep girdle n-lM-ritalamong, be UMWap- TZ. Hi" "*• "* ««»S f? mq l«cb ^ a^UOI. gn^d -t. t '—' ba nttteatcd ooly bjr a nKa o€ caa see and aadarataad tba dlmcatrjaa ta? thott raatearaat* I on Ibeaerrtce rtoderrd by tbe yoang •*»*«'«»• OaJy by doing tbla caa wa waa Daniel Howard Wade, altter taalc* parifytaav i _^iiu. ew-h. J"*" which aadrttaa the tower part ef tha •« daring the war. prewnted tbem »" *** f™dnally get back tbe Bsslodloa aad harmaal t aa dppsd tho acakt of years at afuea. ed maonUght. aprtactbae. leva aad ra- Strawberrf-Citrtc and L tar, the*, add six eupfols of rye floar. £££££*« M*-a » a Ion. bto«-». BU«» «f«..?-»_' "^ -»•»*•« H ho etgabVaatty asaaded BUK b fa. ayao «f the aatlblllows, potash. Uma. soda. two tableapoonfuU of caraway seed. model of black Balaam velvet. «P*atag| i coamMat frooi tea- stives of tbe employers. ' unknown orUin destroyed a large barn tba pronleai of rearraagtag mana Knead, natng one aad one-half rap- and outbuildings on Ibe Fleetwood Tbe JOOTC men were sarprlscd. as Protection to not aatematle. It to the ' Barab, «bo buMml ibat tbe Kr- tbe/ bad not eipected to get tbeli work of man. There to not aaythteg Uvea, wno for foar yaara bava bam . 8* thto waa tbe ktgtaamg, Mapta faU of whole w d > farm, at BeTeriy and Kaietn aveaart, mcUals so soon. living a boot malty. The eOsct af tb* < todayr Carrsat-CHrle add. battaas to tha appar part oc taa open- —— •— — Tha attk forma tha complex about It Too csat use Borer bad tasther chaac* at tha aoaa Onmbury Otrte arid and shape ta loaves.. Bed Bank.—Tbe irettrea of old Teo- magic To grow things men avast war apoa phuta and eaalpment m caa> "Oat eat of here and mind year owa hoar. The girt aad Tom wer* alwaya Browa Not Bread Take two cap- tag. There ta a grrdto of silver Inert bodice and abort ilinia which at* "mm ita of the railroad bill ceo- I just Inside tbe city llmlia. Three ceded by tba vary man wno refased m tamtamsr cotamtndid the girt threat- with taatatioa sapphires. There are cat ta oaa. To tha tower pan af tho CM report atarilialnl tbdr foroca nent Cborcb bare awarded a coqtract ptow sad gather. Tha will ta work tngtihar thorn, sad oftsa they asst af- fais of bwttermltk. two capfois of gra- i horse* snd two mules perished. for a f 1A000 moaament to be erected to oar greatest need. Tba toad to sea say effect of tha war on the mm. rategty. ter dostag hoara and aa haUdays. two flounces of tbe black velvet. boalca are attached twa fluwacm of •~Tt to prereat Ha approval by v rharie* Parker, who operate* the farm. who were la It. -ni bet you're gsteg to lunch wtth acU(raHa: One of tbo new Francs, deHgas ra- aUver race falling hi form af caa- h m memory of ibe maa wno lost tbrlr traUabto. Cod famish** the taaahtea Oae day Tom drapptd ta st bet oae-haif capfal of niolaaaea. one taMe- ^.^•••^v-v: -••> • •'• The Detroit Tiger, will be the earll- » '" «!l »»«•*»»• *f estimated and tb* rate. To get tbe plows, trae- aim. deal Waat yea look en* wbea *»° ceolly displayed waa a straight che- coda at tha toft side. JranJaga Bailey, ta estMg leans team In tbe fMd. at ilttXWo, partly loured. IITCS In ibe war. Alt tbe men of Jlon- - *- LaaarWarML rot'r* Mrs. Map**! ToaH gat along eoVav, where he waa deadtatlaeiy ad- snaonfal of sugar, one teaspoonfal of Everett MrOowsa of St Paul. Mian Trmwa.-Aase«btnnan Oulhrie to answered oat wtthett a toofctas glaaa every.Itast mittsd by Daatot soda, ooo-balf teaspooofol of salt oaa Mapta takea off Ms ltd. Why. Msyt -Bow do yoa Uk* thto aa*r twhsd ttve. augar. capfal of raisins, eat and oaa half LITTLE GIRL'S PAHTY FROCKjlMKE HMJDtMa There U hardly a kml Tarn whoa they .were atoaa. 8a ropfala of walnut meat*. MU and Tea caa carl yoar hair aad patot yoar Poach, apricot—LaxaUv*. and i tt Vorest or aa OM Plato of ' . ran think of that I btwj Dps te tha rraecttoa from Ms ahtay tap ttlppsd a dttteata Itttto bead *C araa- • Ptaas—Very toxaUve. sltrogen. i hake ta a aaodsrata oven. by tho Saipptag Board of tha former I lent Is npronl Other bills deal , In ibe "Wt*** » the war. vThe men who not teea --i ootag ta Earopa. I ahaatvat Ma bar* offt Oachr he 1 aktB, With meamid te a whisper whoa t%* haa- . Tbea add r.^m^Mm* dto af her paper half, rapped bto th* cream to raotstea tboroBgnly. | knuckle*. Steps were beard approach- the hftmaat gtory of tba aaallgat laxative Vt»f over a slow Ore- and simmer Some bags look exactly right wtth al one coat ama. or perhaps with two. hat Pton. ta tbe pretence of a great throne hag tha door tram tbo adjoteteff aflka, M" £"_TLm ^ "™^ boar. Add salt sod pepper to taste. '•.^•^^i^B^d lato tbe tadustrlea were young aad tha bay askaly dacked bock tew whet* he had Brat bTa a big teak to choose a has watch, ^taoa»*t^SSaral pep-m. aagar. will atttko tha right aota (or every Naw thai tbe war m aver aad the maa Ma owa room. The dear behind them ateaWhtty S?__ZL V_T .!7lulLklshsiu balf as mocb of soar cream as grated vocational -In Boding tor tbe drfend- bav% coma back the** to a dtmaad aa apeaed aad th* round fees at Daatot | ant In an acffcm broacbt by Jalng Ho«- with aa ledaremeat to work. There Tho dear ossaad aad a talL steode ^^2jSS^3^tTwnStT bo«eradlJi: add -war. «tt uA a baa baaed I er I —.- —-n«o oroocat by Jalng Hnq. the part of tbe a*m that the somewhat eidrr than May. beamed at th* lovers. i rrea. an Arm—«••« » • waa little liotafiawat for atra to work £deA«n -^Aatrtnjrat aad me- dai* of pepper. Serve with nab or Iwithlttttodimcalty. Stack vetrtt. ar. O ateat Home Kepenlslao. la trsttfytag " tire ta their homes. This b oahythet-gte-a-Co—m^ofta* Mioimkme,,-.? ^~ «^»rJ £ before tbe war. Tbe dlateeteated are -*«—• ^a boiled beef. I tf ooe Is tacky aawugh to have aa oat o I hre bf th C' J Int Ma ta many cases, for these ' Mam Tlmaali Dissarro a table- •••: - •fe:.-H---:Z:'x :-:.,. s«xrr. aad Bacar Fralts: | aeatofcte cap or carter; aaatakte caa ha gating tbe Ore MI Frbraary 1, In which Co. Ioc_ t -Btra% where yoa kids ride ve apsoafal of oriatta ta half a capfal of ••.'•• *'.:T. <'.'' Tb. raaraad« . whtoh h- b«. tS^m^^^lS^i eldu lives were loot. •" " " I r WIII > Trratoc—Rou and evtctioa I root las I liwatlag tba noatt. It kmt any ss-1 nbantga af •Bora. MtotMaybeOe. yoa caa look | a hooch tram the esses aod^rteg] faramtty e«xirilIIl' ^I!! '' * "**""' ta Xew Jersey are reaected In a flood "***. I empioyen tt labor bare takea as- pttswad ta tha teal or velvet te two of ama latrodared ta tbe leglslataro to EUxabrtb dUirtct roan has banded aftor bauapL A teaatl oC tha taam " I vaatag* of thto sjtaaitoa. They pay a was ahOBt ta say aa tota atoaey thaa they pay • tato a mold, chill, and nalmit the tower part of tha I able practices. Kraator Bmlih Is fa- d»»po«lileo of depnrtta amoontlu 7i dace, or t daalyitlntaianil that ho had left Lsagae baseball far the tame work. Thto " thtag rmportaatOn bto oaVs. Jest as •Oertetoly: did tbo trtt yoa to hv I molded serve with wane faar chatea at Jet hsada hi thrrtag a bill reqainag tesanls to be j aboat SKjOOa allegrd to he forMled hv a good deal af aomaa aetare ta It. tea. Bach fralta aa water aad mask dab baa algaed with the Boston Xa- both gtowtlf lit. TbeweaN tuiyhlat flinea— Beat oocsoaJfcop- tastlaii wtth a amaM rteg from whsch tloaata. served wtth vacate notice* only be- etfcrr wcat-r» «ko quit work In cos. It U eaiy baama narare ta think of tweeo Ortober 1 sad May t. In every looctkio .|.b ibe pUlntlff. The ac aympathy *f tha working dM! She taH to ten yoa At least oae of England's def coder* artf. There bmt aaytbtag anastcrsl doeaat want bar te cmacula wtth htoj. dodo tho bag. Aa. ordinary rteg taay case three month* ta advance of ibe •*"> ^ ibe Xoaira salt U resarded aa a bo bought at any shop aad bouad wilh ; ' " i or mieraatloasl to the meat that Ma wages wlU te Aa the started oat of tha door | -My whatr cried tha gtrt. at^mtat. two tablespoonfnla of grated • • •-.;,• -->'^^§l rata for local or drop towered, nett brr does a* waat the bam silk, covered with hoaaa. to form fate to dtorriastaate agatett her. wrK band. Batty r v of SMMUoYaXotMl trees- raraptofts yet bant for rnring fwniwiB Free things sre ry la start -Ts-tsl Tetfra goteg ta ranch Advertiser. Eaiooinwn. died of bean j Bloomneid aicaoe. nitn^tLtJH w* OSWVJ wkxaaV# C0^B9 IBtO tWQ VBOw WBT svy rsrttBcstes asay be expected about I 'I***,*"*«• aywelght diaairion ot aad kkeep prodacdea fstag. la otbet work to stayv U thtr* to aay>' •~—"i-» Secretary Uosstaa an-1"* ••»"• »«dt a chopping block of «aeas»a< be tow* bmr tV wa. srv- » tare » Tooih e,tracted!jtri/(5!! weeds, to get (be clothes, shoes. Th* gm NddttMd Mickey BaasrU at the Ama A- r •• eatyftve^rars of ase and luid Ihed 3» Bock of (C HUnUod a. ^^ •Thaa aha came back late her . cheorrMaaaa. mskteg aiwars oa V* Than Is an frleae ttke aa o!4 fwssit Met tteee the Bra: days ef the war. Itj.'^S^JSEr? . Jersey aboat halt aa hear totar. tha hrtaght Maybetto aaked Tata, Tha yoamg _». wbea manafnrtuma and merchants 199: ?* **?tw>.M" tottera sad foand spsa her desk turned te aaa a aew Bght arwaktsg ta are ta returalag- h The aewoat oUaoaetta ta Farm ta wer* fatty arsward to tho airsasHy for ! f***?™ " ™ <**• tha ooe Mapaa bad goae bark te brteg. tha aastera pan of bto mam ary. I Xe bosu«t taw sis praiM. Ther* wa* ate* a Onto not* from Mm. "Why. he known aa beetle. Batik decoration for aagttma M mpimstuiliia of the aatfaa'a todas- ••wadroo A Pole Crab, which tot trna. to aakteg her to teach today. Ho aaM I -Ottrar W. Itahnas. trial Ufa beta at thetoaghly ap ta ZSPL? I*u» »»»Btebed New York I Bitabeth.-A tary bere ta tbe trial bwimaiwes ta being dlamaaiM. an— sad tha ceaatry to the amrket be would come by for her st BOOB. growing ta favor. before Jod*,SU«er In the cimat cosrt that machine w«!LorSSTlT!,. a^ mea. aad they attejotote •CASONABLC FOODS. Tctoar to aaa of tho beat amtartata arms now that they have rralteed the •** ^^^E" •»««« last wtra I aU do flve essential latest. ' Mayhetto could thtek of aa pUi of tbe euJt fo» nauO ounasr* brought mum car^rti. rf»J<^Iif ^ the girt THE UNBXaCCTKO OUIST. Cor tha one-piece sett. la mm for not aoteg te teach | Thrift has became tho slogan, and to 1 b, WUiljm Cook of lUhw,T ££ 5^.^.2.125? ^ Swtajf •em s aew and totereatteg aagto. A novelty Is the tec* petticoat. Mad* te cutting down tho izJJS? ""**' practice tt wa ataat lacreaae < We fre«aeaUy read of Ibe rapabto tl d former MairorJam.- B. Farter f that who west ^JSFlTul^ZrZl First we matt Un satais, sad I The key to the fatsre to ta the btssa ta oae wtth tha pajamas. < the Burrs* of For- !? !2 V" "» P»*teg arid rfty for alleged false arTwt, Meridrd coga. \ow tbev* arTlJr.T^ aaa tb* word ta th* atast general us- BW*i1y-Mdrd thaet of paper. May kaowisdgv ta re- unexpected of three mea aa' - - —- group of frteodt Some of tba aariseat Palm Basra sease. Tbear ptonte avast he italpci< to the doer that _. „ Mr. hatto wsa lattaiaia te ate prteted te aaud to suitable aaodrto will be ta cottoaa. the Taa Corrtaadt Park parade aaballtntes for dfvy In* (OaM tO WwJfw*. Of Wtamff Novelty weaves ta triealettaa are —1 aaaaally has net bees able to the could ase aotbteg bat Mr. UUBO tottera: costly fooda her Ice chest or mnbWy of but martin* lime until the aovmnMi be ready far work. waat win make a Xo MmVa Laad at Mape-a deptotsd taasmU every time -HELLO. BOhtEOI WHEN AND being ased for •vrtag hljasts. Second, a pleat to aarlcae aad which we bavo pantry and greets •mad of $U aa decided aa mat fait Ji-a. -bo. jdecidr. -h« dk^-liloa tf^STSf Eavope before the toa of 1SSB thasa the sat oppoarr* Mm at tho crowded WBEBJC CAN WE MUTT been uaed to re- a cold 'owl. a »"or the aprtef trsttjar the wool Jaw fJSTCfaMHaMaU M!tMO tat —^ table of th* rrataaraat Bto Btry -Of course I knew yoa daunt do K. gard as cwamoa bunch of celery, a alrlnta and ptoioa wffll be pleaatas. • •aOtvaa of Badaon coimiy rre emharked and debarked. gat* of afferttoa was fatlto ta Ite Tom tied te tha girt "Bat rm gtod aad riwap. Meat -^_ _- _ Jar of mayoa- MlUlaery Sowers aad faactos ar* that maa and mirhrru work teto tha > aead ta draped otVcta on nvsttlsasaa. of the natton _ dabbed prated attempt to melt tbe Icy uaionc«ia tamibna> started thtega ear wayr" • te the great sx- ^*&^ naive, which, she that of tho Boose Cantmitte* so Ap. i I la ttW a»S TT : Third, we most bar* coal. Coal runs ptoss ta many kanaihiilili. Try utlag: quickly prepares Into a moat drlrrtaM* 1 IHartatluti te radar r- ^ ' ' Be was hueiltttly ta love, thoagh npf\Reacran>ei <>f as ad- 11 force them kakad oat at th* meat of windows ta Th_.a gay world_,,. whic..h. forgrt^_ .a every- ana. batting t | CaUkloo to to have a Board that tbe recondi- iftmllM UJS n thing, baa forgottaa what a tolrma. boor's baktea> silk, sails, or velvet t raUlns the prlcvs of :-* iO-m a -iu 1-7 i*« bwn ! <;irr«Ter.—The dry council baa bark. The effort m a fallsre. "Tbe ,w wtJi appotlm. tit gay world, which forgrts every- what a portsateaa tbtag waa the coo- would involve an Xew fork. Ctoth temporary tame of Oaorga BUot Ed-I Miopuwifala of thick war en-am; tbe Sour barrel. inogw bow ta front. than najooeuooo L If rlvUterd peoplea were to lapse h> youth and compaakooaaJp, bat Skirte Short aad Ttahl; Laaa tgttaat necessary restrictions tmpneid "- worship of animals, tha caw wwUand'atrv*. because af the coal shortage. I realms ef the tear • ttib i reef tae board ascided that whatever happened aaxbority to pat the' sbips aa I arrrr bavo before how depeodtat eraoon lea. aotes a writer! Huj .«« tai tea mtihf tUptn, wo are oa tha assa who pick aad dig the cowl ,„,,, ' have narrow ribbons criss-crossed, over a picture tbe coal. All of tha tanillgian aad I f»_^*-»- «*•« "» J"if~' I fjha vatea ac the flst at aoarty | purposes. ajuioola of power. Whea the coal hilnimti and apper leathers. A aw> d*w directly nccmlte aar »-». »~ aa tha floor below. A yoaag maa rose, Indian r*4. greea and lurqootoe I "^ to»» took ao panicalariy dalao. miners folded their heads aad set their Ue, ammbto. ev«r-yte*dtng rnatma, blue, with »lng pannlera and rough *•"» •*• altoptta ar* of silver bra. terth things stepped. who hat ao toy ta her family aflab* r, toakteg straight <* tba L ra aildtet: the To fortify this optlml«m an emrr- . la Ms eyes at „ ^^ geory ^df l« lodl.pen.abls. Evew fringe* of tbe same doth. flat, drapad l~°* «*• ""vow rvattH rtbbo— atw Foorth. iiaaspanatlaa m aecessary that the daea not share wtth mam. we " aliwaw oatftrttoa , tomoa aad vtaegar. bodice., aod high, draped Becks. Tbe I""™*, too. aad tinted taUa •Uppers to the gathrraag. catwrtteg aad drliv- tba thought aba read together three where tb» corner grocery u near or HU> - Jhtag in Great RrttaJa. •kin. .r» »hort aad tight. Tbe high !•*• "*••*?• .^ °" "*.••• erteg of raw amiarml aad the distrlbay Thar* was ao I neck te afternoon i foar t^BOoafuto of baklag bla rrpry ta the Fifth, aad teat, bat Bnt ta laapor- ••» ao perprtrateaV-Ctartea Dtcxas*, mlauka, B* was lookteg sil of those I ataate rcsotatloa ta which tanc*. tomaai - ^^ thtegs right at bar. I w»h hslf a capful of milk, oaa snd brod ! vail In Parto. bwt th* be« aaoorto frets a a BerUa nrodarttoato' Bto hair was rooebsd bark ta * - „ .w— sathoritetlv* allpper shops ara too* atott Btataal stria. Bto browa •"rttarrlaa.1 has ricn«l ^M;-.---.--- took dull and l»*vy. The long coat and tleader of toe—a math- Be—era*- makraoaaof Ma teterhw- arched exajatoferty ahaea " ,SSS=»S^S: I atera say that an " ey agtaws h» grmat free J(4J ) sinilag ptctore show* will be isoaiiod JThe aard thaa hatm at Mm wtth aa atwwartea; _.„_-- - . made modet Th* ciosk with a caps. of amok* gray c* tor dry I i bortle of nutmeg*, wtth tot-1loos e behind and Sued te front, cheefly boltoned and At asarty aver aad th* contract eaOa for a I aa Oat-1 wMrh ttv* ap u rk* tax win be caka mtxtara. Bak* te a hat r. Wot suits oaly aad aaito. -- th- used It to replaced at th*the dim. Monkey far to still popa- ta tara*. ftoar tottan •sittest opportunity, ao that the tap- ply will always no foil for the chaac* the Itetag mast bava beasiy. Jet to uaed awr* than ever-Jet em- mad* teto a amsil ght of raal Two or three Und« «f cookies-storad brolarry oa rotorsd »*tv*t. JK glrdtos. a*ss. A stick, mach like the H abMlght Ian will keep for a toas JM shoulder straps. Laos grows mar* sttcksr atlck of rknaaiafl. ttaw. A few cookie* with a dash wf papular, and evsolag draaaia ara beshg wtth ralkBBW tbailtd ribbon fruit s cup of tea or coffee to a dee-msde ta tare and rjslto. tor* aad tef •eatd securely to tha past. Thaa. i tha outside of tho patT. aew mere i .•-•-;<"--;.^ •• sen which to tumcicatly tkthfytog for fotaa. tar* and satta. Fvalhsr trtav the most exacting. mtegs ara rather laaa ta favor, flow- bow ra)i 11. iliraH wtth ttey The fortunate oooa who lire ta ta*era are at tha heigh* at (heir utator- to riratod h» tha

It to very atnads of sltk toaaad at th* that. A t tha ha. « Ttofpb^S allowed to bang tho taO Itagth at %&•• 'lathe I the testate aad fat te the pan I ? i > ^W« .. "iV.'^.C<- >>>-;j. .vi.-r;;;;.--'^ivi-" ';


IMOTIQB TB ABMMT Otis M. Townsend VRCSt, GMrtL- The Reliable Builder 1 413 Wihlfa Street Ocam Qfr. R j. JGSTX m •B ' Br i . t * 1 • J -lMrt\i .fn'll.V,', JAJto M. CHESTER 4fc Ca t FURMAN a VUB || Reall EstatE e andd Insurant ii Now »the tune to acted yoar Lot or Lota, they wfl ATTOKNKY.AT-LAV " •--•-m '~ DDral IIU1IMB IICI 1W • BDDBV Via Mi I pombiEliei for i ' ftnl Mttmi «M* O M tka tonltty «a to

SlIMib RIGHT Mtalt MHUgT MMTt IB i RBFA1RCD ••OB of vMnrt OOMM aBBBuy «o ntnoiDBv ^ODBQM BBO OOBRT IBQ HOBMBV BBO M cnray ss OOBBB' U^F COBUBBCS to ojtow* to MBWT wil ill RMU EBTBIB tBCfCMe IB twBs. By wtiBgyoa RdatioM •re oehytBO/ your profits of yosr DBTCOMS. BByiBtae •cthrity. «"r~-><..T-'. • ' '••""• 'tnm tk* NOW Tka tktoc ttatft. Neoilyal osr BaBdfaa Lots are 40 x 100 ft md Wpcr JB aize. Pnoo nsoe noa $350.00 opwank. TniBk or MCD •Doppoftanity. Oarlotowilbe •oldrapiJy iad we my inrwe prices. 1 haodk RMI Eatate to a its bnacfaov Qdl BBD Lbt

twitted Hotatt Aod for sale and naL HANS BURKHARDT ofesociation dtaBy to*tta«.

^ OOCAM errv TITLS AMD TKUtr Oa tOlTB. Real Estate - 838 Asbury Avenue Ordlaaae* Nain

MANAGSB8 Anita tBilroaoi hcv« eat $80^900 a aaa ^fOA0O0O« StVUCtlTO^ StAUOIlBa yaUUaV tflfDEBD* JOHN T. SEAL Plnkddpku Skoe Repairng Skop fcoui tlM (TMt cily tenniodi to tiMlHtspNBS> V. TBAMQUBXt flml •CHOOC OCMTC. ALL WORK CUAHAKTEEO. v HAND KWM0 ONLY SSflyOOO s OMM>—jfaMtbnraidi not ***IITT1~ HODIIATt FKICCS I Cut Your FodBfll Oar nllto*** oaakbtt bm tb^Seatrnd to- OCEAN CITY. N. J. diT for $130,000* mi*. ««••*«•••*«• IMB) PVmjTT battay ka* la *-« Maad aot « fca poiMdlac cvny day of fea Mr, for o«ca tka beat »«O«.V TmtMITV MKVtl ajriagt ia> tfa* «arid i RaeP BKH VU. 1% ara c«p• • tJt*lr la plaei. ALLEN P. LEVELING •t IS7J00O • tettm. ttm u ts M* to it not fe HOfljlOOOL JOHN H GROVES Q Fraadt J. McCaffrey AtkatfeCfty, N.J. :-"^k±Sb WCUNTON U BRECKUEY PAINTER • ••'-AwVi,

'V- •** •'••"'- •

•• < <

. *•*'. * $* £££^MM&$®M

ENO OF EIGHT UaaUM araunrau AUSTRIAN OESPOT IN ITALY •xeellent Raaaen* Why Commandant TBI OfllAM CITY UDCtlft. OOSAH CITY, H. 1 YEARS MISERY In Town ef BMJ* We* 'tared and Oeteated. Hwty! A ftw oanta win ^~ ^ «**• E. PbkWfl fair and doubio H,""* *•• EAT LESS AND TAKE •Muty. FAMED OLD SPEEDWAY OPENED TO MOTORS ( Durinjr the war. AaslrM. fearing SALTS FQR KIDNEYS and baling the Italian* of Istrln. placed GET REA •very Mini ender drastic military con* IY Take a Olaa* of Satu If Your *Uot< (rol. ii Hurte or •laddar (Q»srri.t«. m*. w«««m Mnajini Psla.1 It waa Ibe chief task of Colonel •ethtr*. Saves Wife From a Pauper's Grave; Facet Vogelhoeber, rammander of Buje. to Alalnsliiie LESSON FOR FEBRIMAY 29 make in* Itallana feel hi* presence. FOR FLO" The Amrrlran men and women moat They bad felt It' en* day. Incrnwd by hutaad of kabominm or uxdfacper guard constantly against Kidney iron. RINOOR, UK—To tare hi* wife from a pauper's grata and get food and •KTM .ITM AKUT .„,.. I hie latest decree*, they had com* In K«tp T a pml office In- them In tb* tMrnacA with th* buna Tkbleta, that an D* work, became tlagglfb; the ellmlnatrre of rifle, and driven rnem off—off lo spector, wa* arrested and drought to .... >a n waiaaiL—I John t* - lifhtfnl,Iafeand tlstnea clog ond tbe result la kidney Bangor. and In default of{ 11.000 ball PRIatABV TOPIC-DoU*- aa J*tus tftt. their borne* where they would find that trouble, bladder weakness and a gen- daring their absence a few more ob- •art. . eral decline In health. wa* scot to Jail to await trial la the JUNIOR TOPIC-HOW IS Tr**t TM« United Hlsle* district court. ject* had mysteriously disappeared, When yoar kldneya feel like Itnope Who Wrooa L'» woolen clothing, perhaps, or some PhTaklaaa and Droatata ate a*rla- Bancroft's post offkv osed to pay I.VTKRMKmATK AND SENIOR TOPIC 'ag taelr friend* to keep their ayatema of lead; yoar back harts or the arln* III a month. Hlm-o lu«t spring It has -Th* NoMUty of raiatac*. piece* of furniture or a cfterish*d pic- A little -Uiindctiatr eoola. Hexnat. TDrloed and tkslr ergaaa'ia parfect la cloudy, foil of sediment or yon are t paid *I3 a mnntli. Till*, wltb what VOUNO PfcOPI-g: AND ADULT TOPIC ture. 5ot atolon, of course. Dot Irqul- •ad make* tb* feverish, ltcfura*a*T a-nkiaa; order aa a protectlam agolntt obliged to seek relief two or three —Mul* for Clidsriaa Uttas. tlllooed.- It wa* neat. aoft and plUrtle: then tbla ottonlSl! -k* rrtura of lsfloenza. They kaow times daring tbe nights If yoa Buffer ** little the postmaster could coax from Th* parpose of Peter waa to estab- tonic penetrate* to th* famUbedhaj! the grudging soil, constiiated Ib* Iwa tot a clofgtd op aytttm aad a lasy wlih sick headache or duty, net rum lish all who were passing through He- had bad a good day hat h* roots, mnith. __. ,_"™" enlr iTtr faror told*, laflncota aad earioua Income of In* family. Yet Ib* She*. aulferiag ami tnatlaB. He* for rxam- woafd barn- a better evonlmr. They •pell*, add stomach, or yoa haVe rafrv wood* were happy In their llttl* bow* We Hand You the Ptckage Thrt Put* Health toaplkaUoaa. pl* 1:7. .t:I'<. 4:tX S-tO-U. had wanted an audience. Wry well. To rat abort a tola orenlrit aad to matltm when the wrather la bad, get until Ib* iDfluroxa epidemic awept Maine last year and the wife and mwtb'r I. Oiriatlan OrastOi trr. 1-fl). That evening be woald grant an> audi- and Cheerfulness in Your Home jrersBt btrloua compUeatloaa tak* one from yoar pharmacist about four fell III. Then one by one, foar of tbe tig chlldivo fell III with lodaenxa. ence to iftWr leading dtlxent. Jtor* ounce* of Jad Salt*; take a table- Tb* ("hrlstiaa atxaln. hi* life 1 boloUb at bedtfca* wlU a awaOow ef There wat no on* to do the housework, no one to car* for Ih* younger oo*g than t&ar—be would dine lh*mr .J^" • tew a*t*Vattoai of ^, trim*, papered. pafrg*4 or kdbomincd wiBa ara water—that 'a an. No aaha, ao aan***, spoonful la a glass of water before •aruugb in* new hlrtn. aad tb* agent »se" yoa seld.w BadJ • tuien to baaUt and) oCcaaivw «a ta» diacriasiaatiac bouaawil«. or oarte the tick bat the overworked farmer-noslmastpr hlnueir. and In two at It* acn>iinill«tiNi**t l*-th»-Word Th* leading cltlten* of Baje- wtTT 10 griping, ao sickening attar affect*. breakfast for a few day* and yoar week* be wat a physical and almost a menial »rt*k- not anm fatget inal dtnner.~T»r meal AMajdaa ia aa-aaaaaarias, ••danUr, •» ataiarf. so aaty to a»braW iisi* atom log yyoo r «old booa TaaMiaii a.. kidney* irlB~thrn scfrfliie.—Thnrt*.— of- Ood (lrjai. Tn* ***** tll»lli- your UUrt r It activeti , jour aystat m ia peripei- Tb. wif* and omnw dI*J. I'p to this time the bill* had b**o paid. bag and eoergMng powvr whlra task** Itaelf waa excellent—Infinitely htirrr t>stkbaa«TCrs>ll«wssda*tcw^|«vf«w«Ucoc^Uas». mooa salta I* made from the add of ablNowe taiel leadSherwood. * resoorcva were exhausted. Simo of bis neighbor* wa. led sad nfreahed aad yea an faellag. tb* b*ll*t*r a child of rtad w eaam- than any tnat tbey had liad for moqfflis. aad oa >U kJads-of bttrlor The famous old Itpmlway now th* new Spti-dway roiinlns sloug tbo la* with a Warty appetite for braak- grape* and lemon JnV*. cocablned ft con«Ured of meat* "r* safe. lie saw no war out except tfal lo growth and oVtetepmefrt. Ia • bottlo of de. Mll fiat. Eat what yea pfesse—no daagsr. with tllhla. and haa been «*ed. for order to hat* spiritual gfvwtb ther* from their own benhiand flocks, gralno tan it toBa oa the watt and eat priataf m*anUni•'-.d —State ••• * government. vWli timh «anythin «_.—•g lik- e decen-t lock mast b* both tvntmdalioo. aad appro- from Ibelr awn flefd*. wine from Jbelr Airfoadae ia forked • *r*~4n ia MI ft* V d .packarn . . Th* >|irmln'iiy was originally ran»irocted for the ocraronmlallon of trot- waled parkagea, price Uirty-flT* cents. clogged kldneya: .to neotraltxe Ibe be could pat It back before the next accounting lime. II* t*KtawcM(tchpac*a(*. Y*awu1nn«uy ttttg awix-K UIHI poclns b..r»*» tweniy-oa« yeam HIM. JJnny <>f tbe most fa- Brtry druggbt ia autkoriatd to refund add* In the urine ao It no longer la a anattoa, reur awaey if yoa ar* not perfectly for a decent burial for hi* wlf*. tbrn a little more for medlcln* for Ib* foar hueber. sar *t the* bead of th* Ishle; aportciate the irmaif «l Ahbasikaj pear otbrr ttbods. aad i •SOUK trolling rarr* In New York were held on HMJ fuiuous Ulrt coart«. It source of Irritation, Urns ending efck children and a few tint* from the doctor. all smiles and1 beirignlry. Be was- Rrnn—H* a I way*- rat** tt tato the klightrd with dalotabau—lenrar« vrtilrln. niaaoer aiaoroara. Bat tbe postmaster'* luck In th* following months wa* far from decent. thing* tojwrkxu to aplrifaaf Iff* nrast solicitous lhar errry an* should h*r>> Owing to nrpour* anil the length/ dlscutrlon of It* une* It waa recoa- Jad Raits la rnexpentite: cannot In- Bl* crop* were almost nothing, bis cow died.' He struggled bravely along b* pet away (I) malic*—ft wirtad- plenty. When ra*> rrnast wa* flnMie.•-—'--- -- rhll.l*— — ••"- --" " Kewo— No: be*, an oowvapata. cant *ad cattr dt>)(at ttkh aunt ol aomt a 1K.T. lore, makes a delightful effervescent aeae. that I*. In* will to do fnjary te be rase. rrcvsjtly euipimeprtl l>y Ibv atule Irglslatur* lo o|i*n Ibis und other roadway* lltbla-water beverage, and belong* la ' other* wlrhoat cans*: (3) gall*—de- IT* railed rn» jrtentfon of ih* Ital- a* brs own discretion. mar* It I* worth while to be wtD. take every home, betaos* nobody ran make ceit of all kind*; (3) hypunMH ian* of Buje- ta th* farr Iliat he had Mgaing r*be what aoe I* not **—• 3*ra*ld Tea. Natan's owdiriasv—Adv. i a mistake by* baring a good kidney emt very few of rnero tn .\n>trl*n In- ! ftatblng any time.—Adv. mar a Ma> appearanc*; (4) >a»fcw ternment camp*. He *n)phaali**rantea »pe<-kled after Ita mentli moneye wrot. e to Ibe pott office Inspector that be bad fakeo tXM of govern- barred of orber* hecaoa* they pnesea* Brat ennmnier with n rainstorm. An American Imperialist—Old King "Why dont yoo go to workr tolerance and IIHeraflty In ihl« nmiter. Ooat Financial circumstance* alter exc*n*nr<*a which we do aot: (3)Hla action. bow*t«r. hao* b**n giil.lol USEFUL POINTS These ipnt* are hard lo get off. but a -If would be .highly Improper for • . —•-•"••••*•"•"•"-••"-•-'"•••""•""' treatment «itb raw oil. a|>plled with a** to do ao." answered Ih* comma- ent sp*a*laar-all kind of olaadiraai by a dednlle pnrpm*. ' It mlghr please "Wbo nre )..^: nlet. "Jly Idea I* that people should •paeaiaa; agalaat others. ^ seeker after truthr* plenty of nim grease, will come a* SHE THOUGHT DYElNfl them to be Inf.mnerf a* tn liar purno** near turning the trick a* anytnlug. trr* wliboot working, and Vie got to Chicago Met a True Capulet, So Borneo Is Dead 2. Appropriatlna (rr. J. ST. CD "Had any luck ss> fury FOB CAR OWNER which be had had" l» mint. Caua* of Knocking. art an exampl*," dplrtrusl fan*) oia*t be taken fr. S>. 551 WAS OLD FASHIONED e*c Wsfwa se Ts** -I do not can" or Intern yoa." b» In mntnr* with detachable .yllndrr HICAGO.—Tber* was hitter cmnliy between tbe hou»e* of Baronll and Tb* prtaHpf*> •** tb* n*w life atstt^.jss^ * •ut-Diamond Dyes" Mad* Her rawed, C Boccanero. It began about four year* ago—oo ibe day wbra Boccancro v*r«><- ift^-t-fc ••" ••»—• •' "•M. In n «mlllnu rrbtnrv beads gmit i-*re should be taken to Tbe by Careful Obur- Chabby. OM Qiiossat* NAME "BAYER" IS ON acquired a wife and a woun* an hour y*«fer>lay te waa a dagger thrust through the right -— a»*ana by wul«* itarr vatton of His Machine, Can >>«nt «l<*« not project Into tbe rorcbus- Like New. convliMT my wife Hint I was right." GENUINE ASPIRIN band, given by Joan Baroail. Jennie's a** atr*ngth*n*d and* ••*• I artsb «lni|ily tloa rbaulwr. Wben this occur* Ibe -Vou succeeded. lUenV father. Save Garage Brit. take tablet* without fear. W yea tee v that h. gasket Is likely t<> bcrame Inrandea- Dont worry about perfect rreadtaV -Oh. y*s. but the li.im't spoken te . . ..«-» BH,^ • Waill luvi O*e "Diamond Py**.** guaranteed te tbe tftrety — The Boccanero* went i<> lite at •*• rau«ln« iirelgnltlon knock* and me since.- TO* Boath Paulina street after ibclr pleasure of aeelnz errry twin of uonwa Tas is rnaajuiid of eaatnklhr *a **•« Innk firing In Ibe carburetor. rlt* a new. rich. f*del*t*i color to any Crete.' a •hot. l>ood night', ren'lemeti. Tbe elopement, and If Jennie ever went "Vr «-«-«ef*d <».S>. Th*W«r* »»eaad barb* oafr. AttJdra«oiora«.-JVbT. Maosa bit*. Ctwwt. fabric, whet ho It b* wool. silk, ttnen. it ._Tl ""^ ** f*e*lTed and aoaUa- pfeaaam has b**n roln*.'* EAS&Y MADE HeaVa TMaV to tbe borne of ber parents and ber Foar part* of Iron fillings, two of tton or mixed mod* — dresat*. We offer O*te» for aay caa* of < If yoo want tbe Iroe. wortd-famou brother* and her tlstrr* It ••*" by llat*d by m*dlratioo. ^^ Tbm. snowing th>refl*>- remembered the dagger Ibnut And * ih. aplHtual boo-. whletTh, af tb* point of a If UttJ* Odea ant) Kada. ftllly o,Ue.| ibis central will match aay material, have dealer ahow Jrtrs tie. TsVtlsuaUls fraa. Mch tablet and appear* oa each pack- U» aoavar forth ib* glory of A gay. dashing m wa* vajiefio- yoa -Diamond Dye- Color Card.—Adv. »-. t. ClHaer * Co.. TMeea. OMa. age for yoar protectloo tgaisst 1ml- freqaeatly, the neighbors say. tb* r?o- eaapTMiou and beat and caa gaanc* lost mastered him ami ha went In search of BaroaU. ber. Dashing he waa crrralnfy. a f*w are a number •€ oaefat dried. II. week* later, wben ran Italian Ber- •hut all good nwlorUls will b* IC A aincere C«r»pll wn* large-mJwWd of Aspirin" ar* oaf* aad proper dlrec- woand. ' that be did not har* time- m make rood Wben Ibe mgtne. after la>tag start- COASTING DOWN L0I6 QRAOE eooogb to overtook; hi* poverty for Ibe say when yoa »uowed him luat nonrakt Ueaa for Colda, Beadacbe. Itewalgls, „'• i?" PU,*'"» ••" »Joam*r. (^ j of his wlfcT •'• I-)- rhrlarUn1 * ar* nterHt aa. hi* promls*. hut foend' IT niuileot to ed, run* for a minute or two aad then tak* of lev. He proved thl* by pro- Toothache. Earache. Bbeomatlan What should tb* doT If >b* warned ber father be might kin ber hus- ran to sat* his own nkla. rm ' pmlng tn in* brlreo*. P»m**r (in* portrait artlstl—.Vat a band. If she did not warn him b* might himself be klllnt >«mer. „„ ln. ^nh. thJ^' — otopa. tbe flr»t plar* to look for trae- •t la Dana*roue PVac > Ualaaa Ori»*r rembaja. Ifenrlri*. and for Pals e pr*floas carload it ataten Me i« In tb* gasoline fr*d line- A It Tkerowolily Acquaiataal But tL* brtrrMi waa anuml by brr word. Tbe bno4> Jut looked at it la. general. She harried to ber father** bom*. 319 \v*»t Twenty-fi>anh street. So* n»yiag througb It oa Ibelr way •tlroc*. In ••appal* In tn* pip* will lew- Wits MtganMy. experience* of ;be gTe*dlLe*a of men. * ff**e*t** tin boxes containing 13 tab> t*td tb* family of ber husband sod pleaded with them, tx-r parrots, brr brutb- farld Outlook. am Ib* flow of for! an Ibat rbe float and doubled toe sincerity of bl« affec- Ilia Wlft^-Oood! It wa* aa nfettfc* ers, ber atater* aot to provoke him If b<' cam*. a^ti-^J^^ -"- let* coat bat a few cento. Dragglst* aiiouhl nils lOoal/, y ateaoe. from V^tSVlNBaavWtyVa^rV W**wjF* ttav motor at onr* mturacae* Ikls casov iarii-» i* dangrrou*. anle** yoa "Are von tur*."* ~sh* a«knl him ptrta U tbe trad* mark of Bayer Iba Two snots bktufad almost as on*. Th* younger maa fell, aim aboottag. '• <»• ID. Tb. i*rm ikBr and Ibeu lias to watt far 'k'now in* ncid. *»prdally If tb* ra- sternly, "that lt\l* n«t luerely h*caa*e Tb* older man Bred from the protrrtlaa of tbe corner, and Ibeo tuo* rrfug* Tb* readlog* ot ctti uwn uif th*r- •tartar* of UonoacrUcacldcstar — Ib* entire army of Tfwr* l« another poaalMe cawawaer oofff rlilItllaa i Kin* is nuui in nrutraL Deep aand. of my money that yoa want to marry : Tnraw Claimant*. behind a stalled motortruck and pat four roars bullets la Ib* body of lii> too- "P-rtogfng from nr *m*«*ra im often ran high, while m*r -Vno may !•* *hnr|>." Mild ihe :bread aaUlcrncacld.- Adr. ta-law. II* had bit him six time* oat of six. lk taoul.le. und that 1* th._ e ___float•alt , _of. tbtb.. - a wet >poI*«* In in* raoiL or any of a *y ar* xijuni^ spirit thermometer* with ag* *r* II- -Of rootv*. not." replloil tbe shab- lo lite neeille. -Iwt I cello- <••« are -It was aJih>» II..*— oMe ta give fndle*lloa»hxr*r than the carburetor •licking. Of course. If ta* I «">mUr of oodltlons might be met Naturally. I Is stuck lo ahigh |H]sUJa*i tb* I(n"1 would require quirk work to pre- by sullor frankly. **I out anxioua to. alwa>a gvllini; If in ibe ••)*-." 1 am oo tb* aceot of tucms.* actual letnnentueew. Rarlnkag* of 1 1 1 mart)' )'"> Ucaus* I haven't the bean -«>li. ) arrUieor. Ttx) driver baa bet- "What are )ou doing V IB* bolt), fairrlng 10* i—iruijr up Ibe THE "BLUES" 1 needle, "for «ttrn*ver )ou get Info a SEALLY TOO MUCH TO ASK ALTOCETHEft TOO MUCH UOMT wr surra stopped. t.r <«mrol if tu» engine I* running and ta rf-t >OII l>*c* you liuppra to own half a mil- liol* I t\a\r> In pttll >ou ihrougli." of ib* high rradlagx Tnr in* on- Oaustxflqr " Ut* for Old rile*. ttie rluicli wpfnL l"oor brake* help People WM Foal That v> kerfi I!M> awl otHWrtakcra lion.- -It.' fiulri. yoa too." ihlrp.->l .nib* Women Will Discuss This Odd Case for Many a Day Malost «hrm „ «udoera. pmll* effect, s*veraf rberrf** bav* UMt*;oa*My 4>r«a*loaally It Ibimril*. "If It wasn't for my push, i As ' been offered—«nca aa) taking up *•«» Tommy Haa a Mlflhg to Ma f«a- tb* man wbo operate* hi* **VB car a The Clamour lUmaln*. neither of you would gW alooz,"—I (JEW TOBK-—Bits Island has brea tbe storm renlrr of tn a ft emu in of Ibe ef the spirit In an UrHslbf* film wet- M *Ue a pircv of cast Iron that baa : R <*ar that baa atmded nsilon-wUle sttmtion and fin« spirit wlih tb* Tea time In the awnwrr. Lrrrtr Toav Tbry stual tnpHbrr by rbe •*•*• quit**! a glassy surface of -skia." Tb* | air. ibe«* ila>»>" oiy tat at the tat>l* *>1UW And Chilly, Tea. I.leyt. IVrtey It Hp-ker of IU1II- gfaaa or rvaporattoo rbr*a^i ImUlble do>^. IV hat manerxl lk»ci4U «n rbraa neat way lo grt ihrooggh tkla taitklna la j Aecannulation of Qrtt, a>artidoa ef Car. ~Thry g<>l Ibat way by bating a sec- k walrbed that b* bewawd taruprrty. .pulsating kitmt Wna't taallered nao ond llrulrnant la In* famlly.- JlmMm meant well. l>ut <>.)nM tina)- b* nxtr*. l« a sbe*t-*iivl roller, earning rrsrVs—but It Is nn*r belle. .-.1 ttJt an Ih* eilgr* of an aU BJ*. a* j boa and Dirt Skouka Be Wasixvd was alwa)* pulling bl> fiot In It explanation simpler than in* early Presently Ibe llrtl* rW*|> t'«.k tb* lev wind that entvml fiwrn Ibe tlreat u a week. He ha« mosey bl the nn off hi» egg, and tbcu •clflcd -dW*' Wrt* O>L At a dancv IM- »U« |icr~ nt.-{ to a n (or netdtwrtCaMoti* lank and own« bis bora*, ft* hs« 1* *vsll«h|p. 3f*rcory ibemvioi- utvin* ami lbrrat*n*d M ell It. And d**plte Ih* fart that be ta* -aalafully. 1b* dickering ball Um»T What. young l^idy «n<«* |>n>|M>riliN.4 were It IIss rraJly surprising now mncb bsp- niinM right >e*r* ami ha* oo* wOl Hers sealed no* wtkra etexoi filled, ' To Clean aoerk All o*w com and I bo** •hlr« bate been ron.lerrd out and has rr»um*d hie anytblnc but inenfer. .\« umi.tt. ba -H.owae. Manaa. Ibta egg la bad." be Ian. matlerrd aoyrbliMrT Jdh as »hl|i»liig clerk In a »anlln* fac- plneslnes* or misery Uea la the cirri* of a . While In an aviation iralalng contain practlctlly aa> air. in* tubM Aa excellmt mrthvU of draalng —iii ran a '••» liunriml mllro sboald ;ii| h^r'fi»r a tiau«*. SU1 le^tted eitllaa- Hue Ihua being cliro raw rmforrd Internal *ald. Fi-r ibrlr ls*t ttiswii«l« bad arti apnrk |Juo~>. or lo fact any tory. Ibey rant forgvt bow U* looked . In England lie ntrt Ills* r^nlly -X»ver knew sorb a ioyr »ald L»»e tb* o"'"ler nil •(rallied froos the «lth n dlM-onM>lai,* air: Knowle* of j|*nrue>frr. Ijislstwl. in 'i fr** , preuure fatoriag anrtekag*. Bat auil tbey would oof «oevt agalu for *4 fa**, at to »a.b I beta dm In S 10 prr crank rase. It is gnotl et-oaoaay to tn bis uniform." By ihl. ft*, Juno). "Alaay* grmaldUis at loop boor*. 'I am only frv«' for tli<* iuo.*ief> Keplefabrr. 1UIH. A w> >u bom In mUuloo *, « •pint lb*rtuot pl,-.ic- nn^-ir for lh», 7 Ib* bullx In a frming mutur*. so food, end there's mn*y a child •llrurt of my heart," be wbUprr**L aa Infallible solieot of greaa* and Lit*-* MltfortuH* . 19IH- .^ilker cam* h>«ua> tasn't aot anrthlo; in eat taia tod**, oi< atrciuut <»f in* aci-uroulatloa fluat* I'm afrt,ld ui> |»-4i|4* will fcj that they may eatitaln as mo.li air -b««u I lor* joaV rartma iWooKlt*. Tb* plug* should CnarU-s ,-ante into ibe l»oii»t» «lth hi* 1 CAHE HEAR DYING and told his »lf- Sh» forxai* tilio. T. n. • Ju»l yi.u gvt oo wltb ituit cc uf cm. p*nlcl» i.f i-urbon sur aarft ball* ir» coo- •Aut lunr | In** yna* stkp SO»*IC*d tbeat •»• wa>bed off wlib gaanlln* and fnua Innoo in in* nit This grll la ciothe* literally n'trml oiili while In *my man tji.-fc. -light of my rtaj*. tit*I of lui^on tboiiff'it tu- »;nv u' i h.in*-.' f*r to America, sending |*a»*age money | slant ly sulijei-fnl to an Inlernal prv— dnally UrW|il!iu«*tif. rirwl »nl*lr sure greater roan oataid*. Tl '- sUm -Miul I rat It allT" «h, how empty the r*«>in will «ee*a ^w—« UIIIUO girl. no«r t»,nly-onr. came with her baby to Kill* la- -I can't twlp It. uuitber. lk>o'l yoa Ibe Irtwlef), f in *STMU)d. allou.N^ |b* "Ve*. *»*ry hit" UonKi «-»• f)rm. ' Bluiaa BtaxaL urartcga. wbrf) ytm liavt* l*ft it'**- -I'iii-buraa land. 8b« told her story frankly *o«i said sb* was gaJng to the boat* of ber father'* angry Ta* **r 4*N-ner tbn do** bl* awn know Zi|» N lumililngT" relative*. Mr. and ltrs. U'llliaai Batlmby. Fall Hirer. }U—. Under Ib* Ua-. r-«.l.ar '••" for tb«-* ajilrlt to full too low Li tbe tuU\ Tl>* tof und ibe twvk, w»r arolled Phn'Oieli. Trlegrtifti. volcv Inn uhove. "Jo»t pat aol Ibat repair work aoiuwtiur* nnda II"s a*cea mother and son could not rater. Kb* waa ao Improper prrua aho should Jatqniy. light ai I'RC* and get la> Wdr* SLOW DOWN AROUNO CORNERS be tent back home. >• <« l|iw **ry la "bh»" Hnoll bright nbjMia. ThU hs. p. ulUt aurn DM STMI, Tbla may be doo* by Tbe gplktrt came pmmplly to brr rescue. Prrlry Kplkrr gav* Ih* farts A new ayra* maHila*. calle.1 a be4l- Tk* Oi«lc«tty. Back-Han«h)d Rnki placing tbem «c a piece of soert Iroo of Nul* teat Ooly Pro- to Ib* Immigration official.. iirs. Uplker offered boo.L Th* Hal all nracvMlii, ,!«. «lc opliT. lat* ne*t» lareauil, quite .ItnVr- yoar Iny Job kauw aarthing -Xlsv MI lit )uo orr* nablng for in- king reigning. and holding iWoi over a fire until tbry tacta rartnttunt. but •*«•* Woar swore tbe wat a resprctable girl of good family and offered ber - llwo ent front onyiblaa; that mankind ba» uw ike plar* oucbt to he rur ««MtlimaBil ibe la»t IIOM» you were op aasooMr ih* destnd color. a**) Taar «t Car*. Guy S. MpiVcr. a younger brother of rVrley. offered to w 1 yet *iar*wi-r«d Faruarr *t lur buUM*. but iliat yoa dldat grt — —*••> Itu , nfmi: •"•"• *« I Cltawkn Cootact falata. adulJt Itie boy. Tb* oVfianment of labor ordrivd mother a hat* a dUrarter of 51 fc*t.- retoliv »• r m Ca)rnl<»arl. "111 uy be kn.-rs oil Tn* trnnV rule rrojOlrlng car* lo Hard'VVfarlc Tires for tore* mnatnt and placed lo Ibe care of Ib* BaUersby*. rourti t»nr» «l..»lr than IIM. ov>re-am>- aUmt It. Th* If ouhl* krena* to be ibat -Why. I iloo't recall having aald It la MHWrthara dlsVult lo Awl a :i really aaiufannry agrnt for cleaning mm rornera at four mll«-it an boor I* At Fall River Ouy Sj>Unr took out a marriage llcaa*. Tbe latlfan lo employer*. The tttrlMtlaa mor* fsrailljr alrpJan* nr*^el|er root Ibe bifW man and I *r* to» dumb te. cyltiltii: tout >bv cuuld bat* conr not lu-rely lo pn4n-t ptxleatrlana, but took plac* 0t» daya Utrj. • win b* In •ah)»rtl»a »•• hla uo»t*r. iney ar* practically nalael.«>. an- to- fotlaw out lastmtlooa u* fust us ioaa I stnaxi Ilial way." Ih* contact polois of Ignition ap- ill m-- FATONIC paratus or Ib* Mtrfar* of a mm- l> for your brnWIt aa w.ll. Turning muscles and nerves * R* will not thl. alveo hi. cairj above tb* r*r. and sl-i likf ib- run gl«« 'eau.* . | ~\WH. •!«• M;> tou did." corner* at high >per nioiatnr oo a fttartlag roi»tor or a j -1'ki «oe >ae' wluit Ii wasr lighting djuamo, Tbere la immrthlng »I«>kr* and axle*. »•>•! may result la and then to "whip them . ***• a ben It mean* wmogful suiTer- In ciia-leg Ike .aVal •«* often *ar-! "V**. »be >«ld tliat yoa asked bar skidding. folloKn) by an otenurned Red River Brings About Oldahoma-Texas Oil Warh*g. It Beau nor only submUslnn, . -../ IWMIIII v!ags: aivl in* ma known aa "culll*B>h paper." whlrb la -with coffee, -with, its reed* la catching op witb the male-' >f '*>' ••"t»uWred u*uoke>* InlethV Burr than the flnr*t quality of I car. Ho ftlow doun and coast or go bat loyally. It I* lax- iluly of a O>rl»- cblnr. a« described by Uobert r. KlLrr ruL tgrtiiT"—lAilla* *>«*. into secocd grar. •——• mty few tlaa to roo«ider aad furiner Ibe fav mi lo ih» X*w York Hun. paper and ahlch Is very wril sdaplcil drug caffeine, makes auaatas tad soski- tareals or ht> •toploytY- Many lint** lo Ibis of^ntloa. i^atileasb paper la H kot wstsr llany ml Ufst to raltad laxurlr. ar* Tbe tuitr baa an etas* for tiara* not regularly carried by hardware >al4ar to do ao imn hanlablp and »unVr- base laUtrtloos. ' wbra) hi* Uf* ban** by a thread. a bad matter worse. lag- Tb» grand annipl* of salferlng Mnm. but It may be ubtalnrd from According to tb* map.tn. tlrotal supply bouse*. rhrer ought to separate - wruagfully Is Iw Chrttl. While bis AVTOTIOBHJ: v:, ""••»«» a«parai» Texa. frooj {r&BKSft aaffrrtag N an anaunpl* ta aa. It wa* murlor Wlr* Braak. O^abom*. Bet according to ,u^ /.-^. ^"^ -T< mocb a*nr*. baraaa*' be MjSrred to load and Is lab*r*mly Mabl*. Oo rare OCCKIOO* It ba(i>ena ibat a men. n ao-ant OfcUbom. ojTme. ^'oirs- 5^- order tn br*ak forever Ibe power of Avlalkva. after all. i* si III «alte joang. The Sweet CeresilJiaMDr of Ire brraks ln>ide Ua Insalallon. giv- Ulftaouii tic* one motor track to I aaa am] caUt ywus. I ht'e aot hod sin ao *• lu do away foretrr with and It auy pu>«4blt lira oat ibat in- ing u> rxn-nor sign of Ib* trouble. e««ry *0 farm*. POSTDMCEREAI loo* sits *uaat*Mac*. aor auaasdadty la Oklahoma. fz Oppfteakofl hrllcoptrr la ib. next fiur«ted saa them lo lake ibelr ropy home t.» >haw eutor toihis Leaad**) Tub*. It b.,« ,u\ In the past twenty yeara 7.T0OjO0O db^fllidid to Ibrlr mother*. BO taner tab* receite* automobile* batw breo prodoced ka »er channel and did her beTt^ ne,t d.y. Wttl „ i molted badey BroncniaiTroubles n»er U,i,u,l northwanL That go at all.- l^i The vrr>* whleb Pwist:! had wrll- poactor* big eaoagh lo silow Ux tbe United State*. teo •••: "Ulllv drops of MJIW. Lit- lire to bsroma deflalad after a brief m • • llo cralus of aand.' He. Interval, bul not vk*94* to Ib. naked Motor truck* dlatrlboto t?n«njo«n. tforroer We of m fail to , Ills mother naaalaed bia work and Th* sw*«tn«t« ia du» 10 rye. When I hla happen* In Ibe garage gallooa of gssnlla* daily lo sopply praUrd hla etTort. -flut what la tale bocket of water tetla th* 1*1* at tb* fact remain, ,„,, tnU u ^ U^KT.Mlfti«Vftl me tor ttalchra In tb* L'oitrd Statoa. little word dog doing n|> her* tn la* bat on ib* mad about the oaty a a a tftoo sizes At grocers Ud to tb, owted Sutae ll«* up ,t ,b* btgbr-« .tand.r3 « cororrr* ah* oakad. way of- locating th* leak la to laflat* PI SOS a*J dvunaiaa Dr.Tutfs Police auiborltJe* ta Brasfl karp a -On." explained DwtgbC. -I Cargog b* tab* and bold socceaslr* pontona record uf all carrlc** aatoaaobUo drrr- Usually sold .at 2*i^ bow to tuk* a t and had towrta t cat It ctoa* down to tb* dost along aag ta a»d eat.* er* througb a sort of Bcrtlllon tysirav a* asrfac* of th* road. Wbea la* a a * Liver Pills paactare la brought Into tbla f—Mr-n In many make* of can aaloa; bat- be ootnaa? of aur wm ruaV tb* dost cry Ignltlbn It la naaalM* ta kaap tae tad badlrat* tb* postnon of tb* car raaniss wUfeoat tbe a** of tba baaV Tb* vamlab on the -*w car fr*-1 ury. WL XWU.-Hf. 18 OCEM air, •.-•JL. SMVMMY. «ABC«H. »•»• IEF LOCALS MEAN CITY IN BOARD OFTRADE C. H. ^ PERSONALS THE YEAR I950. REORGANIZED. IS RECOVERING I LEO TO AtTAR. COMMISSIONEK

»i..' « . ^ o-i— ^ a-.u "«M»nr JW*-» proplMcr of wtat **o notoateUtoa of ta» Boartf if Afur mm wato of awl—ii fltaow : lit CMNRg US WM| M.Nty OCMB City wttt bo km tW la eoaelad- Trada waa wwaloiod laM Towaa»| Mr. <~ ~ - ' «d tttb UU. laitabBoat. VutMt MUMr alwajra bad tha aast- SaSa HMM tf imeffat. rmtUw for Port-IUtrf of Oowa^S TKT aadatiaitbobMlaaaodit.bolMiTtag J2h

Ito ictpttoQ of •aatoaea'6 to aoettoal Boola tad darbw tka ft* at tk* |>. sntacVimac tk* HttMa^ flNhsUE oia ffltjatf Ua« in OM ttf IIIITIJ Ilia aw laaea. Mot omljr tb* b aow too Oeoaa Cl« Cbsabor otlaMay haadnda of Us M*ad« WodaaMtar la Ctata.

UN (torsartt Boras bu ratonod by carrion, freon • *Mt to Koaaolt Saoara. Pa. Wo ban a la Tbo MU to atako tbo aotoawbUo aow. aad Dr. Wilaoa Y. Cbriattaa tal Iforaaea of tbo Iatarahatak artdat two baa IOMOJ tbo Soaaw. Doaa of tho Conaja. bat b.•*> •.m&g&m&y •••••- — rfffa- • T oocm — —*—-• *"" wriU—.totb to at tho to bit U bo aocarad' a -wT of orealda aJbt-IOHM at tbo|cboek taraod

i. Frtbiaa Tatom. of Haddoatotd. vbca yoa •C tbo rootot rlattora toIwbolo of Ooaui City, by ralatax aa| "*V^V^V-Vs.''V'':-' •'••• "• Humphrey Radiantfire CwtaaCoraoo bao tdmg Ittta today. Bo labJlaod wbat tbo Kt 1 SOAtWy A««M, KotlaQr, Bal Cttr tbasatt waok. t waa. wbat ttl i alaca la • I Ac>4fdn«CaiMCIpnMM «-*•a-Jba^fbaiabaaal II naaaioilaBao/ot II Miter 1 -bwatMdhaafTaUo. ""kailaST !| 4« lao a Ladat Uf aaaaM. or iaJdab. or a yoar wttb Ibo wboa Boa- aad tbaatotl • ad| TMB MAUTY Of n-au.lr.bia i oun WALL •Area ' baa« fif*a nlalliaal "»• araWi at ataaaat Baary W. T»»ai»ad. )LH» B. A1XRW, aartfcalai* rooa. Cttyoaw Ikrad of tbo Scoot hadora r ' ' l. tHO«NlBV HU0HB8. of too ^—*• laadtboiaatattbatMrdBV ' . . •*•*•*••'-5'Vv^.'*y*V-»r.r,:^!*•? aad atotod tbat It Uek tM. __ WILSON Y. CHKISTIAN. ^aam AlfM« B. 1 I Tbo work la boiajr •aabad aa fa*t|^r>< Mo. Vory tborUy PrtiMoat' *•**, fU Tbl C OCP O»WtS •!• j vttB r roasad tftto ^~~^ aSk^ oalaV^ ^^^^*^m^^m* a— OammtO. Dr. J. Tboraloy Haabca< » - Ntgmtmitrhm UA mam tkmrn Oil. yoa to aUa a tr>>7 artto- I W« n. T>M coBtfaacs w lfc Mau wttb Qaa tooUoato of Mayoy r Cboanlna tlSUli/k/ti/U ae ulirttrm YOB urn atOooaf coacratoaad lo to oMONATUM SOCIAL A SUCCCS*. to took ct av aaatbora a»Ta Mr. alaillb a rartaa;r ' Tboro laoae actlT* traoo araaalatd' —— b: >oc UfaUf , of tbaafca for bto oakrta la In ODamot'iam'* baa boat tabaa aC tbo otraot aad aad aletama of tbo taaaaaa Traaba- for tbo Cbaabor of Tbo Uo>o of tbo Baatlat Caarcb t. ALF1ISO II* ajIMTH bad a tvryaoccoaafal aad •!——«liajafa at fpiHI.nl aaado baaoo oaataia. Porawr Cblaf dosra adora ibo walbi )aat boblad tbo <* tbo raaaa. O GMy, M. 4 at Polleo fca« la atao acttos aa boaao aaoakora dnk aD Orta I ban aat to TW raoai ratcmd to a> oa

O. S. Amy. Tiiajanlnair of HaBbwaya BobMt dowa tbJa way. oracbM plarad •loaa

Tt n »»tut«T». and TOO win at** tbal 1 can n, oCerod lb» mfr*ee orf aay rrairrat..f ^^ -^^ < ^• a^ Uab-^t l^a tb^a ooatlbnl^ ^^ . raapaakdUraataK-Un. by ll Icron nooay Ilowo. . K.O••••!• nnm torn tmn WANTS — ID* It Umotiai. jgrlbo Baal* at : '.roniMlotUio anlll btcty. Tbla U«bt! K*odto>—Mn. Aaaa Dtrday. TOUB. kM .i Joraoy. tbat Ibo CMy at Oooaa Catr '••ftWA —«,u-»w ...YW ' "^ *brow Its ray* oa tbo atalr. r»Mowla« Ibe ratntalaaMat a B no old itaw frtoada betora aolas to •IWTMOAV »AKTY. |fw aad ibo darkaooo ibat ptwn * " " Central AtlaaUe City to alload Ooaforvaev. -mm Loot—Botwooa Foorth tad Wnhry Oa Thnnday aTtonMOa. Fcbraary ML Ibaba of patraaa of tbo library. { RoftoobBwais coasbttat of . Vuua fortb tba faoU aad ataytaciaT OCSANdTlf. NJ. tovaao aad Etshtb ana Coatral ara- itlm Kaihrya MUta. daacbtar of Mr.l Tbla atalraar abaold bo naairty |mad> eakr aad frott poach wm M ••yA~ — oa Tbanday a pair ol tonotoa «ooU not^w tihl lira. Harry Mtou MUbt. ulabtali* lubtod. aat aaly tar tbo iMnoaToarii "* and auay tarapttawau mm tm i -•'• tit ^. ff|ajflt •a to a Wall * Ocha h»r ttxtb blnbday al brr baata oa of patraaa. bat to ta«o Ibo ctty fraat' npmalvr Ma

C •. SHAW LCfluw CVaVSLM to tbo Itot^Baot RoU«* dHw. O««a iblrt> mn a«o. -beo .« all tat «* m tlty. qaoto la na. U Onaa City c» ouad ibo Foatly.•Hoard on tboTblrd K Lrfo How - » *- «*btlna»B of tbo .|ih th» Ial.rCbui»b Wortd Mon-jOrraB «•). ., 0>ltl, mriannn lax to laB dow« tor tho Simt lUao? rToorqC Harrl.'B^oraau aadwbro ••«•"»•• Kal««lnai«i Ooaimltt^ moal. r»ton*d to Or«B City fraaV-loM " TtoM^U ^JDJM abatJ, o. «d ««d ~[ ^ ^ ^f«^» *** *J»J" SHAW & SHAW FRANKtDARBY h 0'1^1 «•£ »b« « « -,--. jl'rcrf. I'mrr. of.lh* Hlih Mrhool. la Kundar tk-hool M«*toa. Hv IW1 dUMil> tfirr Itaoda}' Srbool Uotioa carrttd. * Tin and Sheet Metal Workers \ lo 1 UK DARBY PIKST iloo. Vr».turtiil olU. wh,m bo -111 l^rum- ai ibr Do It Mm kfTi. Board of Coat- ttlASNftY AVENUE OCEAN CITY. N. J. ln f0O """IUrtatom«ii will t» pot on br Ur boyo N.^f AradMiy. Ho r«p»r«- to b* ilMlmi.r. of O« ^^ ^^ Ju^ PbaadMBhtaTlir1 i »•*» "» »»irl« of OHANT bo o«*r {tX"" " * ° i Z^^'.t Bmltb * l*ad- titoat ail aa itur Koiu 0/ tbo North MlMl Mnu Wlml b „„ j ih»mao»»»«. back to Oma Clly lo arwb al lb» Ibal Otta City ^eofl 'W'owtaa «b- '«i»H«l>im«n ib* ^im i. u, ctaKkUHwim. aad tbo boltdtes tbotaoa aad Ibo aar- | bo Gray »Kfd J "™* |boy« win br dvra a dloarr. No mm- , „ itoatl protiiQ ; Jioaih. wboa ib»y n»»»« 00 tbo Ficldo Amoo. thooo H Dar bUaMal •"• ^ »^»">«1 oah-u im» D«i NKWt IColla. a ilaslo of Franc*. O«n^awHoaao lp Ilte- May tbo Malrlt of USB bo ovor th«n iSiiSirlfcJaa BanS * •» » ••*. !joro»y. tad to fay |ar tbo aaaw tba CS-fUvy. »n, » will b» ibt> bo>V aUbt a. ntoat. -«-«,,- m tk.1"1" •* •«•«•. aad to bo atod Jar TheBourseRestaurant __ aU.attbaHoa»o/ibo»«outbod>anoo. ^Vih. JTiZ Tb 8O t CHI •UMCNIM "OH TM« OCEAN CrTV, Hwo". to tbo Blu* aad Ibo Oray. aa Soao»k2KlirT ZZ2 °f tbo L. »ad will bo iir^o «bo«u •rt. r, * y .***** —»brf to tb>. .-~». .»„. aammwM tit ITSJ"*' lk^ •"•"••*• ***** ^Oio^ Hotoa H» aUddTo ortboaMaU. "«l*i£f"hJLAl£. ,.»..»< tar M».. , . - _ _, S&f ? LSOOCR aWrr AMYWHKM IN ofFraaoa Kttbrya Mina. Ita Mrtl MBIa.1 -LO« T«Abl WIM. HOMKCOOOMG lSai! " * »TlrkJrao^?SSrtoa?TbSld^ brJolb'vt r?oa£TTtoolf SJKI^'IJSJ^""^!^^ •»»« 23

i HW^bdafaaT a>wJ^a^aai aalaLt Haia^awar BHV^ •^poOaaaaj ' I forauUato aa oplaian at to who la tba ON. PKTTtT RECSIVU ol lbs bbjo 0M0 caatatood by Mbs •' USaad into « iti'STi SJ HLV^S AaaourrUKMT. lUo*. Faaldo. w'a. J5TT. Tbo a-ro! uim. Bortba ibaao road a b (fnatlaaad oa. bautb aa«aO •a aaaa. bat I bat yaa-caa aot ^^— of tbo rod aid*, caputoid by Mr. F. ootorttoa teat wook tad Maw Mibal .^. .£ "? VlmiZ2t'VZ ** "" '* «««" Po«tlt bao booa tp- Lm; How., wao J»M. a dla?mc« -JJT>Tii II iT^* liT |J"1 1 -^tri' ; York Mao tbat of Oeoaa City. potaurf coaipuir oararaa of tbo «~-,Ul la ttTor of tbo btw loam. :c«otoor^ ' " " *-M*e sr. jours 1 lh- Atu tt 1 K!** iirit Jlf ^^L*?!^ ^* •* » ' Tbo •»**««• »"*• !• to b» a Mippor.; Tbo oaurtalanoat roauBlltoo aotr-, r*i7 Stoves and Heaters ttro d i P IU-a Fisak ff~"T ' rfjrn^iii •» » <>»"•—y. «U1 bo atvooi tb» Uuor part of March. «1 !<• rwarn aad cabr. ! .yoa kaow. an by rttotf. lOteTwaTrykTamlAlMrt !^Mb?>*