Englewood Hills Chronicle published October 30, 2018


Published October 30, 2018 Mr. Crane’s Class

The classes all working together for the Newspaper!

By Talyia Gary on October 24 All sixth graders pitch in!

Mr. Crane has decided that everybody should be able to participate.

I’m so proud of the sixth graders. What started out as my Passion Project became something where the entire school was recognizing and the entire sixth grade was having fun creating. It makes me feel so happy. Everyone pitching in doing their own passion can bring someone out of their shell. Like just a couple days ago, I saw someone who doesn’t normally talk much or enjoy to participate decide to take place in the newspaper. The main reason that I think Mr. Crane decided to let everyone join was because so many people wanted to help. They wanted to do something productive with their lives. So, as a leaving note, I think you should do something productive as well!

WEEKLY COMICS: Buddy Bench Rescue

By Myles Burgess


Written by: Kaylee Warden and Shay Edwards

I just realized it's been years since I did the hokey pokey, I guess I forgot what it was all about! If you find out someone has 10,000 bees, marry them- that’s when you know ​ they’re a keeper! The other day a sloth got robbed by three turtles. When the cops came ​ and asked what happened, the sloth said, “I don’t know it all happened so fast!" At first I ​ didn’t like the idea of a beard, but then it grew on me.


Drawn by Ryan Harris

I thought of this idea because it is off fortnite and it almost halloween. So I just put a pumpkin on a person.

Drawn by Sophia Hamlin

Perfect for the Election Time



Is school unfair?

By Talyia Gary & Jacob Holderman on October 29

Once in our lives we’ve all said “School is Prison”. Maybe not straight up, but it always translates to that. School can get boring here and there but life isn't always fair. You see, if you go through life without having an education, you won't have a good job. School has their own rules, but you just need to respect them and you'll have more fun than you thought at first. I mean, when you think about it school and prison aren’t that different. The only difference I can think of is we get put in for our age, and in prison you must commit a crime, but otherwise there is no difference. In both prison, and school, we are stripped from our freedom and dignity, are told what to do and get a short break to eat. But, I think that if our “wardens” are kind, amusing, and willing to keep our attention, we should give it to them.

Authors from Sixth

By Zoey Evers on October 25

My story is all about two wolf packs fighting for their territory. They are great enemies because they think they are on each other’s turf. Their attacks are ferocious and injure each pack. They want to talk to their males and females but the Moon Star pack defeats the Blue Moon pack and they celebrate by howling at the moon! They were so happy that they won the battle and gained their territory back.

Halloween Safety By Mason Gentry on October 25 ​

Safety during Halloween… ​

There are many dangers on Halloween… When you go trick or treat there are many dangers around you but you don’t know It! There are people out there who may have many ways they can trick you.

Stay Close to Mom and Dad – Young children should always have adult supervision ​ when trick-or-treating. If you can’t go with them, see if another parent can take you. Kids should never go into a stranger’s house or even ring their doorbell unless a trusted adult is with them. Older kids should stay together as a group and check in or call home frequently.

Not on an Empty Stomach – Have a nutritious and filling meal before ​ trick-or-treating so your kids will be less likely to gorge on candy.

Eating Candy: Wait until children are home to sort and check treats. Though ​ tampering is rare, a responsible adult should closely examine all treats and throw away any of the following candies that have:

Be Aware: Halloween brings out children of all ages walking on, alongside, and ​ crossing streets. It’s important for kids to be aware of their surroundings so they can stay safe and watch out for cars a lot of kids get killed from cars each year. And if you follow thous safety rules you and your kid will be safe.

Here is some links

https://www.nsc.org/home-safety/tools-resources/seasonal-safety/autumn/halloween https://www.brighthorizons.com/.../2010-efamilynews-making-halloween-safe-and-fun

Have a good and safe halloween!!

Recycling at Englewood Hills! By Lacie Howell

How can you help with recycling at EH! ​ I thought you would never ask! Well, we have all the answers. The Green Gang (formerly known as the Green Team) along with Mrs. Heitkamp has formed to increase awareness of the importance of recycling unwanted paper, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans. They will also be rolling out a composting project for the cafeteria very soon. Composting takes fruit and vegetable scraps that would normally be thrown in the trash can and causes them to instead be broken down into soil that can be used to plant more fruits, vegetables, etc.

Rap for a Cause By Andrew Diaz, Jacob Holderman, Mason Gentry

Have you ever gotten bullied? This rap is about being solving conflict. If you are getting bullied you're not alone Jacob, Mason, and I have been bullied once in our lives .We know how it feels and were here for you. So here is a song to show you how to be a better person and how to handle bullies and how it feels to be bullied.

Lyrics for the song written by Jacob H and Andrew D

Intro: You ever been bullied. Let me show you how it looks like. Have you ever been bullied to submission, no one ever fully wished to listen and you roll up in the situation afraid and you feel like your the only kid that’s living in the solar system prison and its hope that you be wishing it was there let me tell you for the next 7 years in school, full on i never ever had a friend you see Every single person freaking hated and rejected me They waited and they obligated to project at me

Teachers felt so bad they were made to sit up next to me What happened up in the school. We all were bullied till the end Pushing Them against me man, our class was invincible And this kind of thing that constantly just ruins lives in this world It’s an emotion that you never see with a human brain And you disguise yourself and then you act like you are okay But through inside You are depressed you're saying yes to The other side But that’s the wrong way to choose . You will end up to lose all the way through. You have to fight for who you are. No matter what brings or makes some pain, no matter the opposition It ain’t a competition. You treat others equally. Here’s our opinion We we’re at home crying dreaming of dying alone and everything I do and everything I try all I do is try to make it right these bullies get destroyed they should be ashamed and there gonna crash THEY NEVER HAD ANY FAME There’s nothing they can do we're gonna bash and then dash like we're flash We are superheroes there is nothing we can't do Yes we're not rappers but we will crumble you up like a wrapper We’re like clean Eminem and were getting bullied again We won't stop until they drop so here we go again

Song will be sung by Andrew Diaz for next week

Space Goats

By Cameron Channels on October 24

They started as normal goats and then, their lives changed. Forever! A portal appeared out of nowhere. Then they thought to themselves. I like shiny. Last one in is a rotten goat! All 3 goats ran into the portal and then time stopped. 15 seconds later they were in an alternate dimension. Nugget was upside down, Jessica was up right trying to figure out where they were, and Bob was stuck in a hole. It was the dimension where everything is rapidly changing. “ Hey, why is it getting so hot in here, or is that just me?” said Bob. “ No it’s definitely getting hot.” said Jessica. “ Ahhh help us!” said

Nugget. “ We are out in the middle of nowhere!”, “No one is going to save us!”, said Jessica. “You do have a good point but there has to be a way-y-y-y.”, said Bob. “ Why is it getting colder?”, said Jessica as she froze into an icy popsicle. Everyone suddenly stopped dead in their tracks. Winds started to slowly pick up speeds and suddenly the frozen popsicles started rolling away slowly unfreezing from their positions. “ Whoa! Why are we rolling away, no STOP!”, said Nugget. “ Hey grab onto my foot!”, said Bob. Nugget tried his best to grab Bob’s foot but he suddenly realized he and Bob had no fingers! Instead of grabbing his foot, he hits a rock, and is about to fall of a cliff! ​To be continued...

Buddy Bench Creation

By Bailey Stone on October 30

Do you ever feel as if you don’t really have anyone to play with at recess? Well if so, the Buddy Bench will help you a whole lot! Mr. Crane, Layla Artz, Heaven Jones, and I (Bailey Stone) are planning to make something called a Buddy Bench to help people make new friends. On the playground, if someone doesn’t have anybody to play with or talk to, they could turn to the Buddy Bench, sit on it, and wait. If somebody sees them on the bench, they would go over to them and talk to them. They will most likely invite them to come play in one of their games. The goal is to make all students feel welcome here at EH! This helps with communication issues and kids that might struggle to make friends quickly.

Project Change: Water Fountain Fixed!!!!

By Mack Lakes on October 15

There is a update on the water fountains. Turns out that the custodians fixed 5th/6th grade water fountains. During Mack’s

free time, he measured the temperature of the fountains they repaired. On October 25, 2018, Mack measured the temperatures in the 5th/6th grade hallway. The temperature of the fountain has been adjusted to … 39 degrees. A thank you to the repairmen and custodians who fixed the water fountains. Mack and Sophia are writing a thank you letter to the custodians and maintenance for such a timely repair to the water fountains. Always remember to drink fresh and drink cold. We are making Mack Lakes change here at Englewood Hills. UPDATE!!! The thank you letters were printed out and sent to the custodians

Passion Project Highlight Written By Tyler Ancrum on DATE ​

My passion project is playing the guitar. I picked this as my passion project because of my teacher Miss McGriff. Miss McGriff plays the guitar. On Wednesdays, she brings her guitar in for me so I can practice. The song I’m playing on the guitar is 24k Magic from Bruno Mars. I like this song because it has a good beat to it. Stay tuned for that! I will eventually post me playing this song for all of you to hear.

Have a nice day!!!!

Poetry Project Highlight

Written By Poem 1 Sebastian Luster -Poem 2 Ramy Masker on DATE 10/25/18

Poem 1: If you ever thought Your word brought me down Here's the thing the thing Here the thing they brought me Higher than you And the only thing that went down is Your friend count So the next time you Want to bully someone make

Make sure that there stronger so Your first punch is your last.

Poem 2 by Ramy Masker You can do anything as long as you believe Strive for your dreams jump high As long as you try you can do what you want Life may be hard but keep going Work hard and don’t complain Keep on going and have fun

Life is fun trust me Don’t think negative Have a good mindset Don’t be scared take risks Don’t be sad don’t be scared And have a good time

The sun is bright you can take flight You can fly you can try Times may be hard but it's ok Help others in need And help yourself And don't give up

Be strong And you will never be wrong!

By: Ramy Masker

Play Project Highlight

Written By Sophia Hamlin and Delaney Roberts on 10/25/18

Fellow sixth graders Sophia Hamlin and Delaney Roberts are the Delaney R producers of the weekly plays. This week’s play will be about bullying. In the cast we have Charley Munger, Kaylee Warden, Ne’Ajah Driscoll, Sophia Hamlin, Delaney Roberts, and Talyia Gary. The bullies in the skit will be Charley Munger, Kaylee Warden, and Ne’Ajah Driscoll. Sophia Hamlin will be the bystander turning into an upstander. Delaney Roberts will be the target for the bullying. The director of this skit is Talyia Gary. Sophia H This bullying skit is about what you should and shouldn’t do in a case of a bullying situation. Just remember that bullying is not the key. If you are upset with someone, tell them. If somebody hurt your feelings, tell

them. If somebody physically hurt you, tell them. If anything happens to you like this, get help from an adult you trust or tell them to stop. Just remember Mrs. Tilton’s taught us the law of bullying. KEY! Keep your ​ ​ ​ ​ voice. Exit the situation. You are not alone, ask an adult for help. ​ ​ ​ ​


Written By Jacob & Trey

Have you ever wanted to make a video game? Well here are some tips! Trey and I are going to be making a game on Scratch. So far I have made a Ninja Jump (updates coming)here is the link https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/258103289/ Trey’s games are a work in progress. I have been teaching him the basics in coding. Trey’s game is a Dodgeball game his game will be tweaked and worked on till perfection when done we will add his link to this he is working on two games at once so whichever one is done first we will show you the link.

Game System Versus: Xbox vs PS4 vs Switch

Written By Jordan, Judah, and Ramy on DATE 10/25/18

The debate between PS4, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. JORDAN HARRISON-PS4 What I think about PS4 is a more of an trustable console then xbox. For example when you play fortnite on Xbox it’s more likely to lag ( aka glitchy). But fortnite on ps4 it may lag a little but not as much as Xbox. The main problem with Xbox is that it’s a little more expensive than Ps4. I will say that the xbox console does look better and the graphics are pretty much the same. The big debate between Xbox and ps4 is the games. Their debating about that because all games can’t be played on the same console. For example like a new destiny coming out. For now it’s only on ps4. Xbox gets to download Roblox. Ps4 cannot. Let’s talk about the graphics. The graphics to me are

important because who likes bad graphics. Ps4 graphics are not better than Xboxes, but their not worse. Years ago when the the ps1 came out the graphics were so bad. But that was years ago. Xbox 360 had bad graphics to. One of those people who really like both of the consoles. I just think Ps4 is better. Just to say you guys may have differences. Everybody has differences. Everybody has opinions. Everybody doesn't have to have the same thoughts or this world would be weird. By Jordan (Ps4 is better)

RAMY MASKER-NINTENDO: I think Nintendo switch is better because you can take the system were ever you want and that’s pretty sweet but the thing the switch can’t do as well is the graphics now a lot of games have nice graphics but yes the switch is better I have to say on ps4 and xbox graphics look better. Now I don’t really care about graphics a lot its the gameplay that matters but I just want to point that out. Also a lot of awesome games are coming out on it witch is cool. And the controller is awesome it feels so good to play on and it’s s just amazing. That’s why I think the Nintendo switch is the best.

JUDAH JENKINS-XBOX ONE S facts:the Xbox one is $200. When you buy the Xbox one it comes with the controller and 2 other games. Most games that come out are on Xbox one or ps4. In my opinion I think that both Xbox one and ps4 are both good gaming systems. But for other people they might have other opinions about the game.

Terence said that he thanks that Xbox one is better than ps4 because the Xbox one controller feels better than ps4 controller.

Video Game Review

Written By Trenton malachi eiter on DATE 10/25/18

The game I will be reviewing will be Fortnite. I am doing this game because that is the most popular game out right now. Also, I play this game so I know a lot about it. The game makes so much money because of their v bucks. The v bucks come in different prices for example it is $10.00 for 1,000 v bucks. If you buy $100.00 worths of v bucks you get 13,500 v bucks because you get more v bucks when you buy a bigger amount at once you get a better bonus. Also, the new Fortnite Mares mode came out yesterday where you battle zombies and other people.

The Breast Cancer Awareness Minecraft Challenge Games Pink Made by Jacob HOLDERMAN 10/30/18

Preston plays, unspeakablegaming, Moosecraft, and Logdotzip. Made a breast cancer awareness video made no more than 1-2 days ago if you don’t watch these 4 channels go and watch them search there channels on YouTube and find them Go to donate for breast cancer here is the link https://fundraise.nbcf.org/campaign/gamepink-present s-minecraft-live/c209153

Sports News

The News

Written By Mason Wolf on October 24

This is the MLB News here. The American League MVP is Mookie Betts with 217 points. Mike Trout came closely in second, with 167 points. The National League MVP is Christian Yelich with 227 points. Javier Baez came in second place, 100 points behind Yelich with 127 points. Now let’s talk about the World Series. The Red Sox take Game 1 with a score of 8-4. The Red Sox sealed the deal with Eduardo Nunez hitting a 3 run home run to put them up 7-4. The Red Sox amazingly took game 2 as well with a score of 4-2. They sealed the deal again with bases loaded and a base hit by our Power Hitter J.D Martinez. So the Red Sox only need 2 more wins to take the 2018 World Series. The Dodgers took Game 3 after 7 hours and 20 minutes. The final score was 3-2 because Max Muncy hit a Walk-Off home run in the 18th innings. The Red Sox pull out Game 4 after the Dodgers got 4 runs in the 7th inning. The Red Sox started their come back with Jackie Bradley Jr hitting a 3 run homer. The final score was 9-5. The World Series MVP was Steven Pearce who played amazing in The Series and lead the Red Sox to this point. The 2018 World Series Champions are the Boston Red Sox who won Game 5 in a blow out with a score of 5-1. I congratulate both teams a hope that they both do good next year.

The National Hockey League News

Written By Camden Cox

This is the NHL News. This is the news for this week. Carey price ties Patrick Roy for most wins by a Canadiens goalie! Today’s news from the NHL The Las Vegas Golden Knights goalie Marc Andre Fleury named 3rd star of the week. The next news for today is Nate Schmidt signs 6 year deal with Las Vegas Golden Knights Canadiens blow a win. Against the Sharks. The Panthers top the islanders in a non shootout game. The first of the 2018-2019 season that means every other team has at least lost in the third period or they went into overtime anad lost or won. This is a good moment for the hockey community Brian Boyle has finally been cancer free and it’s no longer in him so this is a great thing to hear about. Mike green could make his season debut with the red wings against the jets. One more thing people are saying Jonathan Toews plays like Schmidt one of the legends for hockey. This is sad Ray Emery died when he was swimming and he drowned and this part is so nice from one of the goalies in the NHL he put Ray Emery on his mask. RIP Ray Emery. Ray Emery played for these teams and this is in order He played with the Ottawa Senators for five years and then the Anaheim Ducks after that he played for the Philadelphia Flyers then he played for the Chicago Blackhawks last he played for the Philadelphia Flyers. I wish this didn’t happen but the Oilers beat the Blackhawks in overtime. McDavid scored the game winning goal. The next news is. The las Vegas golden knights beat the Senators in overtime. Matthews out for at least four weeks with a shoulder injury. This is the standings, The Maple leafs are in first for the Atlantic division, Penguins in the metropolitan division, In the central division it is the predators,

The News

Written By: Gauge Miesse

This is NFL news for you. For this week we’ve got Miami dolphins vs Houston Texans that’s gonna be a good game but there is a lot of other great games. Such as Philadelphia Eagles vs the Jacksonville jaguars. The next big game is vs the . Those are some of the biggest games of the week if you want to see more upcoming games go to NFL.But let's have a look at ​ ​ what happened last week. The Kansas City Chiefs vs the Bengals, Chiefs get Kareem Hunt in the end zone 3 but the bengals don’t give up and they score but the final score is 45-10 chiefs go home 6 wins, 1 loss. ties the record with for the most career completions. Vikings vs Saints Is gonna be a good game because last year the saints were winning and Vikings got the ball so they had 0:05 seconds or so left and needed a miracle. So they threw it to and he scored to win the game. So be ready for this weekend of football. It will be good.

The National Basketball Association

Written By Terence Harrell and JaSean Davis

Basketball is a sport that all kinds of people like to play. If you have skills like Lebron James you can make money playing professionally. He is one of the best basketball players in the world and he is wealthy because of how good he is. and the high school he went to St. Vincent-St. Mary High School​ and he ​ started playing basketball in 2003 and when he first got in the nba his first team was the Cleveland cavaliers.Also he is 33 years old still playing basketball.Then Lebron moved to the lakers for the deal they offered him.Also, lebron james net worth is $440 million. He played football when he was in highschool. His birth date is in december 30,1984.


Written By: Landon Rush 10/24/2018

For those of you that are interested, Grizzly just released there horror griptape and clothing line. TampaAm is officially starting on November 8th and ends on November 11th. For those who don’t know what TampaAm is, it is basically when a bunch of people go to the Tampa Bay skatepark and just shred (for you nirmies who don’t know what this is it’s basically grinding rails although it’s also a common term for skating really fast really well)! It’s sponsored ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) by a lot of big name companies like: Mob, Independent, Santa Cruz, Beats, OJ Wheels, New Era, and some more. If you don’t already skate then go to Zumiezl and pick up a complete. A good skateboard costs around $100 even so you’ll have more fun than $100,000,000 is worth.

Monster Trucks

Written By: Joseph Bickwermert

Did you know that every year popularity get higher and let me tell you about the professional monster truck player. What monster trucks mainly do is go against each other and face off and it is kind different thing to prove that you are the champion and say your the best. Sometimes the drivers go a little

bit off track and people get hurt but that rarely happens at an event. One of the biggest wheels in history is legendary t cruck can be remembered forever unit the car is totally gone. Well the most popular car right now is the GRAVE DIGGER, , and the and the Grave Digger the Legend the BIGFOOT and Captain curse. If you want to see it the it is DEC 6 on a Thursday and another game on DEC 8 at 5 AM and on DEC 7 at 5AM. On DEC 7 you can go watch the game in Dayton. I knew that if i do my work and be good in school I knew I am going to the monster jam but is I am not good in school I am not going. So ask your parents if you can go and you will be very happy when you get there in Dayton and we live close to Dayton so maybe you can go with me.’

Dance Challenge:

Written By: Starr Robinson, Briana Bond, and Layla Artz

In this column, we will be showing people how to do different dances. This week we are introducing our dancers. Read below to see your future instructors!

Starr: Dance is my passion. I have been in a competitive dance team ​ for two years. So one day Briana, Layla, and I were dancing and I was like do you guys want to teach people how to dance? They were like YES!!! And so here we are!!

Layla: I agreed to do dance because I love dance! I think it is very fun ​ to dance with my friends. I love to learn new dances, and to do dance challenges. You also grow closer with your friends through dance.

Briana: I love to dance I can dance all day. Everyday I dance and learn ​ more and more dance moves. My favorite dancer is Starr .

Acrylic Nails:

Written by: Heaven, Jenelle, Messidah

First: Do you think you bite your nails to much well I got the solution for you. What you need to do if your biting them try to apply a coat of something that does not taste well, do something were your not going to bite them.

Then: You need to grow them out so you can have long nails. Then they can be easier to paint and they will look better.

Last: If you don’t think you can grow out your nails, you should get Acrylic nails that are plain. You can always go to someone like Heaven, Jenelle, or I to solve your nail problems.

Newspaper Crew Inc. 508 Durst Dr, Englewood, OH 45322