Maine Legislative Manual, 1865
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) DOCUMENTS PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE \ ', ',, STATE OF ~AINE. 186 5. AUGUSTA: STEVENS & SAYWARD, PRINTERS TO THE STATB. 1865. JVIAlNE LEC+ ISLATJ\T_E 11ANUr\L. 18fi5. Prepared pur;,uant to order by 'l'HOMAS P. CLEAVES, ~ecretary of the Senate. AUGUS11 A: STEVENS & SAYWARD, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1K65. STA.1,E OF MAINE. IN SENATE, February I, 186f,. ORDERED, That the ~Acretary of the Senate be directed to prepare a Legislative Manual for 1865, containing a diagram of the Senate Chamber and the usual statistical matter, and that three hundred copies be printed for the use of the Senate. Read and passed, THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary. A true cypy-Attest: THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary. OONT:ENTS. PAGE, Civil Government, Heads of Departments, 2 Senators by Districts, 3 Senate of Maine, 4 Representatives by Counties, 6 House of Representatives, 11 Rules of the Senate, 16 Rules of the House, 24 ' Joint Rules of the two Houses, 40 Memoranda, 45 Standing Committees of the Senate, 47 Standing Committees of the House, 48 Joint Standing Committees, 51 ,Joint Select Committees, , 60 Executive and Legislative Officers of Maine from the organization of the State, 64 J udieiary of Maine, 68 Reporters of Decisions, 71 United States Senators, 72 Representatives in Congress from Maine, 72 State, Institutions, 74 County Officers, 76 Councillor Districts, 82 Length of Sessions of Legislature, 83 United States Government, 85 State Governments, 86 IV CONTEN'r8.
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