Blind Signal Separation for Recognizing Overlapped Speech

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Blind Signal Separation for Recognizing Overlapped Speech J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E) 19, 6 (1998) Blind signal separation for recognizing overlapped speech Tomohiko Taniguchi, Shouji Kajita, Kazuya Takeda, and Fumitada Itakura Department of Information Electronics, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univer- sity, Furo-cho 1, Chikusa-ku Nagoya, 464-8603 JAPAN (Received 26 February 1998) Utilization of blind signal separation method for the enhancement of speech recognition accuracy under multi-speaker is discussed. The separation method is based upon the ICA (Independent Component Analysis) and has very few assumptions on the mixing process of speech signals. The recognition experiments are performed under various conditions con- cerned with (1) acoustic environment, (2) interfering speakers and (3) recognition systems. The obtained results under those conditions are summarized as follows. (1) The separation method can improve recognition accuracy more than 20% when the SNR of interfering signal is 0 to 6dB, in a soundproof room. In a reverberant room, however, the improvement of the performance is degraded to about 10%. (2) In general, the recognition accuracy deterio- rated more as the number of interfering speakers increased and the more improvement by the separation is obtained. (3) There is no significant difference between DTW isolated word discrimination and HMM continuous speech recognition results except for the fact that saturation in improvement is observed in high SNR condition in HMM CSR. Keywords: ICA, Blind signal separation, Overlapped speech PACS number: 43. 72. Ew, 43. 72. Ne always apart from each other, has not been clarified 1. INTRODUCTION yet. Tracking speech structure hidden in the acous- Since the multi-speaker situation is quite usual in tic signal, for example harmonic structure or for- speech communication, recognizing overlapped mant frequency, has been also studied in Ref.5-7) speech is one of the most typical and important The method, however, has inherent difficulty in problems of speech recognition in real world. applying to the separation of non-speech signal such Known as "cocktail party effect," humans can focus as ambient noise. on the particular speaker's speech under the exis- While these methods assume the spatial or spec- tence of interfering speech. Based on different inter- tral characteristics on the overlapping signals, pretations of cocktail party effect various recently proposed blind signal separation approaches for recognizing overlapped speech have methods8,9) do not require any special conditions on been studied. the signal mixture process except for; 1) the source One approach is to form a directional beam signals are super-Gaussians, 2) no time difference in which does not receive the interfering signal, based the mixing process, 3) the source signals are statisti- on array signal processing.1-3) The effectiveness of cally independent. Thus blind signal separation the method in applying to speech recognition is seems to be applicable to wider range of problems confirmed when the interfering signal is Gaussian and potentially suites for recognizing overlapped random signal.4) However, the performance under speech. multi-speaker situation, where the interfering signal The purpose of this paper is to clarify the is also speech signal and the sound sources are not effectiveness of the blind signal separation method 385 J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E) 19, 6 (1998) in terms of acoustic preprocessing for recognizing Joint entropy can be calculated as the expected overlapped speech. For the purpose the speech value of the log likelihood of joint distribution by recognition experiments are performed under vari- ous conditions of interfering speech, SNR and recog- (5) nition system. and the joint distribution of y can be determined in This paper consists of the following sections . In terms of joint distribution of x, and Jacobian of Section 2, the blind separation method will be the mapping from x to y briefly described. Then, in Section 3, the experi- mental conditions for evaluating the method will be described. After discussions on the results of exper- (6) iments in Section 4, we will conclude this paper in Section 5. Since the joint distribution of x is independent from 2. METHOD W, it is enough to find W which maximizesthe first In this section, the basic method of blind signal term, E [1n|J|], in order to maximizejoint entropy of separation is described.9) y. The gradient descent method can, then, be If the statistically independent source signals applied to search for the W by differentiating loga- [n],•c, sN[n] are mixed by an N•~N mixing matrix rithm of Jacobian with respectto each element of W A, the mixed signals x1[n],•c, xN[n] are obtained as matrix: follows: (7) (1) where x=(x1[n], x2[n], xN[n])T and s=(s1[n], (8) s2[n],•csN[n])T. Note that there is no time Where ƒÉ is a learning factor and i is the number of difference among terms of a source signal, si[n], in iteration. The iteration can be regarded being contributing the mixed signal, xi[n]. converged when the ƒÉƒ¢W becomes less than Based upon this modeling, the blind separation of predetermined threshold value. Finally, with the signals can be formalized as a problem of finding estimated matrix W the source signal can be recover- mixing matrix A, or more directly, inverse matrix, ed by inverting the mixing A-1. From the assumption that the source signals are independent, the inverse matrix A-1 is expected to (9) be estimated as a matrix of minimizing mutual 3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP information between the signals obtained by multi- plying an unknown matrix W to the mixed signal, 3.1 Recording Environment i.e. The overlapped speech for recognition experi- (2) ments are recorded both in an unreverberant sound- proof room and a quiet but reverberant (T60=0.70s) Bell et al. found that, as far as s follows a super- laboratory room. The back ground noise levels are Gaussian distribution, the minimization of the 28 (dBA), and 36 (dBA) respectively in those rooms. mutual information, I(Wx), can be achieved by The arrangement of loudspeakers and microphones maximizing joint entropy after nonlinearly squash- for recording multi-speaker speech, are illustrated in ing Wx so as to bound its variance. Defining y as Fig. 1, for the soundproof room condition. The the squashed version of Wx, therefore, the above same loudspeakers and microphones are arranged in minimizing procedure can be accomplished by the same way in a larger (3m•~5m) laboratory (3) room for the recording under reverberant condition. The test and the interfering speech are played by loudspeaker 1 and 2 respectively. Two directional (4) microphones are located at the same point so as to where g(x) is a non-linear squashing, e.g. sigmoid, form a 90•‹ angle. As shown in Fig. 2, at 200-4,000 function. Hz frequency band, the characteristics of the transfer 386 T. TANIGUCHI et al: BLIND SIGNAL SEPARATION FOR RECOGNIZING OVERLAPPED SPEECH Sources of speech and interfering signals are stor- ed in digital 16bit form, 16kHz sampling. The mixed signals are recorded in 8kHz and 16kHz for DTW and CSR experiments, respectively. As for interfering speech, human speech-like noise (HSLN), which is a kind of bubble noise generated by superimposing independent speech signals,12) is utilized. The utterance of each interfering speech is selected to be different from interfered speech. By changing the number of superpositions, we can simulate various multispeaker conditions. When HSLN of one superposition is used for interference, the overlap of two speakers speech is simulated, Fig. 1 Arrangement of speakers and micro- whereas when the number of superpositions is large, phones for recording overlapped speech. then cock-tail party sound is simulated. However, The outer frame corresponds to the size of the soundproof room. it should be noted that the experiment does not simulate a real cock-tail party environment, because interfering speech are not spatially distributed. When the number of superpositions is more than some hundreds, HSLN sounds like stationary noise. 3.2 Recognition Systems Both DTW isolated word discrimination and HMM continuous speech recognition experiments are performed in a speaker dependent manner. The isolated word discrimination task is to discriminate the utterances of a phonetically similar Japanese city Fig. 2 Transfer characteristics from loud- name pair. For the DTW experiment, SGDS13) is speaker 1, to microphone 1 and 2. Since the used as a spectral measure as it outperformed spectral responses of the two channels are MFCC in a preliminary experiment. 68 utterances almost identical, the mixed signal can be rep- of five male speakers are used and the results below resented by linear addition, i.e. x1=a11s1++ are average values of the five male speakers. The a12s2. rest of conditions are summarized in Table 1 Table 1 Acoustic analysis conditions for recog- function from a loudspeaker to microphones are nition experiments. almost the same except for their gains. Therefore, the resultant mixed signals satisfy the mixing condi- tion of linear addition, i.e. x1=a11s1+a12s2. Furthermore, under that condition, the difference of arriving time from the same speaker is negligible between two microphones. (In our preliminary experiment, at least 10dB improvement of Signal-to- Deviation Ratio can be obtained when the time difference between two microphones is less than 0.375ms, i.e. 12cm in length.10,11)) In the other words, ƒÑ11=ƒÑ2i and ƒÑ12=ƒÑ22 hold for the mixing process of the below form. (10) 387 J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E) 19, 6 (1998) together with CSR case. tion, the accuracy of interfering signal (SEP 2) is For continuous speech recognition (CSR) experi- greatly reduced. This is also the evidence of the ment, HTK speech recognizer is used with the condi- effectiveness of signal separation.
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