Genome Structure and Metabolic Features in the Red Seaweed Chondrus Crispus Shed Light on Evolution of the Archaeplastida
Genome structure and metabolic features in the red seaweed Chondrus crispus shed light on evolution of the Archaeplastida Jonas Colléna,b,1, Betina Porcelc,d,e, Wilfrid Carréf, Steven G. Ballg, Cristian Chaparroh, Thierry Tonona,b, Tristan Barbeyrona,b, Gurvan Michela,b, Benjamin Noelc, Klaus Valentini, Marek Eliasj, François Artiguenavec,d,e, Alok Aruna,b, Jean-Marc Auryc, José F. Barbosa-Netoh, John H. Bothwellk,l, François-Yves Bougetm,n, Loraine Brilletf, Francisco Cabello-Hurtadoo, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrezp,q, Bénédicte Charriera,b, Lionel Cladièrea,b, J. Mark Cocka,b, Susana M. Coelhoa,b, Christophe Colleonig, Mirjam Czjzeka,b, Corinne Da Silvac, Ludovic Delagea,b, France Denoeudc,d,e, Philippe Deschampsg, Simon M. Dittamia,b,r, Toni Gabaldónp,q, Claire M. M. Gachons, Agnès Groisilliera,b, Cécile Hervéa,b, Kamel Jabbaric,d,e, Michael Katinkac,d,e, Bernard Kloarega,b, Nathalie Kowalczyka,b, Karine Labadiec, Catherine Leblanca,b, Pascal J. Lopezt, Deirdre H. McLachlank,l, Laurence Meslet-Cladierea,b, Ahmed Moustafau,v, Zofia Nehra,b, Pi Nyvall Colléna,b, Olivier Panaudh, Frédéric Partenskya,w, Julie Poulainc, Stefan A. Rensingx,y,z,aa, Sylvie Rousvoala,b, Gaelle Samsonc, Aikaterini Symeonidiy,aa, Jean Weissenbachc,d,e, Antonios Zambounisbb,s, Patrick Winckerc,d,e, and Catherine Boyena,b aUniversité Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University of Paris VI, Station Biologique, 29680 Roscoff, France; bCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Station Biologique, Unité Mixte de Recherche 7139 Marine Plants and Biomolecules, 29680 Roscoff, France;
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