
DRAFT: Revisions 3 (SKE notes, prod notes, w/o annotation) July 20, 2007 (323)559-4247 FADE IN: TITLE CARD: "NOVEMBER 27TH, 1978 10:49AM" INT. CITY HALL / MAYOR MOSCONE'S OFFICE - DAY Clutched in a lifeless hand, a lit cigarette burns an ever- widening hole in the carpet floor. The DEPUTY MAYOR steps into the office, finding his boss lying face down before him. INT. S.F. CITY HALL / 'S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Young , 23, blond, always mistaken for a teen, pushes his way through the chaos of COPS and AIDES into Dan White’s office door with , a curly, thinning 30. JIM RIVALDO, 38, a New England transplant in a 3 piece suit, and his similarly clad counterpart DICK PABICH, 23 are focused on this second lifeless body, their mentor, their boss, a lanky man in an old brown suit laying face down in a pool of blood, , 48. Cleve freezes at the image of the man's well worn Wingtips. A hole in the bottom of one. OFFICERS turn Harvey’s lifeless body over. Others look away. Cleve won’t. Jim mutters: JIM RIVALDO It's over. We've lost it. DICK PABICH A year ago he was pinching asses on Castro. Now what? Icon? Cleve shuts it out. He looks out the second story window to see what Harvey must have last laid eyes upon: the SF Opera House, and beyond it, the neighborhood that has become their home, The Castro. INT. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL - MOMENTS LATER The very picture of loveliness, MARY-ANN, 28, finds her husband DAN WHITE, 31, sitting in the pews praying. He’s a handsome, devout, all-American man in a three-piece suit. She sits by him. A weight hangs. He can't make eye contact. DAN WHITE Something has happened. She puts her arm around him, feels a gun at his side. She holds him, firmly gripping the revolver in his holster, to conceal, to keep him from using it, potentially on himself. 2.

INT. CITY HALL / HARVEY'S OFFICE - FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER Jim searches, frantic. Drawers open, contents spill. Finally, he finds a cassette tape titled "IN CASE." EXT. S.F. CITY HALL / FRONT STEPS - SAME A shell shocked , 45, wades into a crowd of REPORTERS. Those surrounding her try to quiet the crowd. DIANNE FEINSTEIN As President of the Board of Supervisors, it's my duty to make this announcement. Both Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot... and killed. Gasps from the throng of reporters. Dianne struggles to be heard above the ruckus. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (CONT'D) Police have a suspect... Supervisor Dan White. INT. S.F. CITY HALL / HARVEY'S OFFICE - DAY Officers are investigating the crime scene down the hall. Harvey's body hasn't been moved. Inside the office, a player turns the “IN CASE" tape. A cadre of Milk’s aides and friends listen: Cleve, Scott, Jim & Dick. History is being written from the grave: HARVEY MILK RECORDED WILL This is Harvey Milk, speaking on Friday, November 18, 1977. This is to be played only in the event of my death by assassination. I’ve been thinking about this for some time prior to the election and certainly over the years. I fully realize that a person who stands for what I stand for, a gay activist, becomes the target or potential target for a person who is insecure, terrified, afraid or very disturbed with themselves. The following are my thoughts, my wishes, my desires. I stood for more than just a candidate. I have always considered myself part of a movement, part of a candidacy. I wish I had time to explain 3. HARVEY MILK RECORDED WILL (CONT'D) everything I did. Almost everything that was done was done with an eye on the gay movement. Just down the hall, an investigator searching Harvey's coat pockets pulls out an "Tosca" opera ticket. INT. NY OPERA HOUSE 1944 - NIGHT TITLE CARD: "NYC 1944" In the cheap upper level of the opera, a young MAN, 27, in a long coat stands at the ledge, soaking in every note. Finally, a TEENAGE BOY sneaks out from under his coat. TEENAGE BOY What's wrong? MAN Just look straight ahead. This is Puccini. Do you know Puccini? The teen looks left. COPS have come up to the balcony. TEENAGE BOY Do you have any money you could lend me? For the train home? MAN What's your name? TEENAGE BOY Harvey. MAN Do you need someone to take care of you, Harvey? TEENAGE BOY No. I can handle myself just fine. MAN (a sincere warning) Harvey, don't let anyone catch you doing this. They'll put you in jail, tell your folks. What we do, you and me, it's wrong. Hide it. The cops approach. Harvey sneaks away from the man to listen to the rest of the Opera. Harvey eyes the cops, fearful as they question the man he was just “with.” One looks over. Harvey turns back to the Opera. Fear in his eyes, he begins MOUTHING ALONG TO PUCCINI. 4.

INT. NYC APARTMENT 1958 - DAY TITLE CARD: 1958. A RECORD PLAYER PLAYS THE SAME SONG FROM PUCCINI'S "TOSCA" in a very nice, conservatively decorated NYC apartment. Flashes of a CLEAN CUT HARVEY, early 30s, having sex with a very attractive JOE CAMPBELL, 18. INT. NYC APARTMENT 1958 - MINUTES LATER THE MUSIC STILL PLAYS AS Harvey puts on his suit. He's very 1950's clean cut, Wall Street conservative. Joe is still in bed. Harvey notes a small stack of PINK FLIERS next to Joe's things on the floor. He says nothing, but they weigh on him. HARVEY MILK I don't think I can go. I need to do some shopping. JOE CAMPBELL Do it later. HARVEY MILK (a charming deflection) We need fresh coffee beans. Only the best for me and Joe-i-san. JOE CAMPBELL I'll get it. Just take the train to the park after work and hang out. I want you to meet these guys. I like em'... and none of em' are over 30. Joe smiles at the bait he's dropped. Harvey's not taking it. HARVEY MILK What are the fliers for? JOE CAMPBELL (sees them spilled out, busted) We're organizing. HARVEY MILK Are you still putting them in people's mailboxes? (no answer) You could ruin their lives if you expose them. And if they find out it's you that exposed them, they could expose us. Joe slips on his hipster clothes, making it clear that the generation gap is even wider than their age gap. 5.

JOE CAMPBELL Yes, Harvey-san, you got the Wall Street job, the apartment, everything a queen could want. Everything but the chance to be who you are like a normal human being. You gotta wake up or you're gonna get left in the dust. HARVEY MILK (suddenly fiery) Go ahead, keep pushing. I've seen this before. You'll lose EVERYTHING. Including me. You and your friends could learn a lesson from MY generation. Discretion. Joe is crushed. He's no match for Harvey's sharp tongue. Tears come. Harvey tries to ignore them. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Just tell your friends to come here. Where we can have some privacy. Joe gathers his things into a bag, and walks out of the apartment. Harvey knows Joe isn't coming back. He knows why... Joe is right. REVEAL: A giant "BARRY GOLDWATER" poster hangs behind Harvey. He can't finish his tie. The fight has hit home. Harvey begins whistling along to the Puccini record in the background. He fights hard, but fails to stay composed. A MUSIC BASED OPENING CREDIT MONTAGE BEGINS: A collection of photos, videos, and grainy period film include: Super 8 footage of Harvey Milk in his suit on Wall Street, his hair just a tiny bit longer. He dramatically burns his BankAmericard in protest. The United States invades Cambodia. / Nixon visits China. / The gays riot at Stonewall in NYC. A scruffy Harvey and a new hippie boy, SCOTT SMITH (from the opening, but now only 21) film each other with an 8mm camera as they share a joint. Harvey's no pro. Scott is. Nixon goes on television making excuses. A home movie of a long haired, beaded and bearded Harvey driving through the Midwest, the camera reveals little Scott 6.

Smith is with him. Included are images of late 60's Middle America: small businesses, farms, nuclear families, etc. Billie Jean King defeats Bobby Riggs in Tennis. Created and actual footage of SF in '72. The Hippies are dwindling, the gays are arriving, disco is giving birth. The old inhabitants (the Catholics, the cops, the Chinese) don’t know what to make of all the new ruckus. Scott and Harvey wake up in their car amongst the redwoods just north of . Filtering into the images and music is a new POST MORTEM voice over. Well recorded, more relaxed, at times jovial: HARVEY'S POST MORTEM V.O. (-NOT THE RECORDED WILL-) When a person dies, especially in dramatic fashion, there's always a slim chance he'll become a legend of some sort. I wouldn't say I lived my life for that, but I tried my best to leave things in place, just in case. You see-- Shots of SF police dragging gay men in wigs out of bars, gay protests, blood in the streets, police beating men down, crime scenes, police tape, etc. HARVEY'S POST MORTEM V.O. (CONT'D) --for most people, leaving a substantive legacy is one in a billion. For a queer, a faggot, a cock-sucker, the chances go way down, and I got a VERY late start. Scott and Harvey drive over the Golden Gate bridge. Bright paint brushes over the once dilapidate Edwardian homes in the Castro. The gays are moving in! HARVEY'S POST MORTEM V.O. (CONT'D) When Scott and I got to San Francisco, to the Castro, it was almost '72. I must have been love drunk when I let him hang the sign in our camera shop window. "We’re Very Open." Out of our minds. Those were fighting words back in '72. Images of Harvey opening "" in the Castro with Scott. He hangs the sign that reads: "We're VERY open." 7.

Images of the Castro in '72, filled sidewalks, old Irish Hardware stores, overflowing gay bars, it's the place to be. HARD CUT TO: CLEAN WHITE LETTERS ON A BLACK SCREEN READ “MILK" FADE IN TO: EXT. CASTRO STREET - DAY 1972 From an upstairs apartment window above the tiny "Castro Camera" shop: a POV of a man entering the store below. He's out of place: straight, gruff, a union man, ALLAN BAIRD, 40s. JUMP TO: Quick footsteps down the apartment stairs. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - DAY 1972 Worn out couches line the walls. People of every sort check on the cause of the day, lounge about, gossip. Underneath the clutter and political ads lives a struggling camera shop. Scott works behind the counter with DANNY, a cute 20. Allan Baird turns like the rest as Harvey bursts in the front door. HARVEY MILK Good morning clones, deviants. Feet off the couches, we have a guest. Most simply ignore Harvey. It's all par for the course to the regulars. Looking to Allan Baird, Scott gestures to Harvey. SCOTT SMITH That's your man. ALLAN BAIRD Hi, I'm Allan Baird. Teamsters representative, and Director of the Coors beer boycott in California. HARVEY MILK I know who you are. ALLAN BAIRD (taken off guard, nerves) I was told I should talk to you, that maybe you could help... HARVEY MILK They sent you to the Mayor of Castro Street did they? Everyone, this is Allan Baird. He's a very big deal, very big, so behave 8. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) yourselves. Somebody start sweeping. ALLAN BAIRD They said you organized the business association here, that you might know some people in the bars. HARVEY MILK I do have friends in awfully low places, but just so you know, it's not official yet. ALLAN BAIRD What's that? HARVEY MILK The Mayor part. I've considered gathering an army of queers to march up to City Hall and secede so I can be properly elected, but so far the young gays seem more interested in jeeps and jeans than my civil war. BUT, If I could be of any use, I'm all ears! ALLAN BAIRD We can't get Coors to go union. These guys are like me, they can't be out of work too long. HARVEY MILK Am I your first stop or your last? ALLAN BAIRD (clearly his last) It's been a tough one, Mr. Milk. HARVEY MILK And you want Coors out of the bars? That would help your union boys? ALLAN BAIRD It'd be a start. And if there's anything you needed. HARVEY MILK Well, you seem to have noticed that my kind of people drink a lot of beer. If we're going to fast for your sake, I think we should get to deliver some of it when you win this fight, don't you? 9.

ALLAN BAIRD You want union jobs for your people? HARVEY MILK Yes. And I want you and your boys to come to me with all your problems FIRST from now on. OFF Alan. Is this guy for real? EXT. THE CASTRO - A FEW DAYS LATER Pan up the front of a camera shop. Its large windows facing pedestrian filled Castro Street are covered with political posters, not Kodak ads. One reads, "DUMP COORS BEER." Harvey Milk walks out, crosses the street, and leans into the counter of a bar that opens onto the Castro. HARVEY MILK Gimme your Coors tap, Steve. BAR OWNER What are they giving you, Milk? HARVEY MILK Nothing for me. But it's good to have friends outside the Castro. BAR OWNER Fuck those union assholes, Harvey. When they don't need you anymore, it's a knife in your back. HARVEY MILK Maybe. But give me your Coors tap, or you'll be the only one on the block to keep it. I've got posters up. Coors is anti-union, anti-gay. So I say anti-union is anti-gay. BAR OWNER Since when? HARVEY MILK Since about two hours ago. You wanna look like a homophobe, Steve? Can't be any good for business. CLOSE ON: the bar owner unscrews his Coors tap. Harvey takes it from him and tosses it in a trash can. 10.

EXT. CASTRO STREET - DAY Harvey walks down to Market St. with a box. He waves, shakes, flirts with everyone: gay, straight, young, old. This is the Castro, something for everyone, gallons of self expression and little inhibition. His warmest hello is from a gruff HARD HAT. Behind Harvey, Scott pushes a loaded shopping cart. Harvey arrives at the corner of Castro and Market. He sets his box down with purpose right in the middle of a gaggle of SFPD officers. It reads, “Soap Box.” The cops step back, uneasy. He steps up onto the box to make his showy, campy proclamation. As he speaks, an eclectic, Castro crowd forms. HARVEY MILK Half of the Police budget and effort in San Francisco is wasted on trying to enforce victimless crime laws-- Like a round girl at a boxing match, Scott only ups the camp appeal (and doubly agitates the cops) by parading around a stack of blown up photos from his shopping cart. First: Two bloated SF Cops dragging gay men into a paddy wagon. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) --Let them go back to God with their morality and become ministers, true ministers-- Scott's next photo: A drag queen dressed up as a nun. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) --Let me have my tax money go for my protection and not for my persecution. Worry about gun control and not Marijuana control. Worry about dental care for the elderly not about what books I might want to read. Scott displays an old "Muscle Boys" magazine. Harvey does a well timed take. A few hoots from the eclectic crowd. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) My fellow citizens in the footsteps of our very own Jose Aria, I would like to announce my candidacy for San Francisco City Supervisor, not just to represent my people, but to represent ALL minorities. It is time for the others, the "us'es," of San Francisco, to unite! 11.

Scott unfurls hand made "MILK FOR CITY SUPERVISOR" banners that lap over the sides of the shopping cart. Grinning ear to ear, Harvey pushes the shopping cart covered in campaign slogans back up Castro Street. HARVEY'S POST MORTEM V.O. I lost that race in '73, but not by a ton. I was as shocked as anyone. So when the '75 race rolled around, we figured, try and try again, right? INT. SECOND HAND CLOTHING STORE - DAY CLOSE ON: Harvey looking through a hole in the bottom of a pair of well worn Wingtips. He tries them on anyhow. JUMP TO: Harvey steps out of a dressing room in a brown suit. His hair is cut short, his face is shaven clean. It's quite a transformation. Scott and the old owner, LILY, size him up. SCOTT No. The shoes are hideous. I hate your hair. It's all bad, and you're not fooling anybody. HARVEY MILK I'm not gonna lose by 100 votes because of a ponytail. Let the rest wear jeans and wiskers. I kinda like this. Might catch on. Scott is horrified. Harvey pulls a pair of movie ticket stubs from its inner pocket. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Cabaret? For two? Lily, is this from one of my kind? LILY No, no. You won't run into the owner. He died in that suit. SCOTT This isn't sexy, Harvey. Harvey grabs Scott, kisses him hard right in front of Lily. Then playful: HARVEY MILK Too bad. No more pot, no more bath houses for me and little poo. When you get older, you'll understand. 12.

SCOTT (ribbing, playful, true) When I get older, you won't touch me. LILY That's 6 dollars, Harvey. HARVEY MILK (putting 3 bucks down) I'll give you the other half at the end of the week, okay? Vote Milk. He hands her a MILK button, and pins another to his new suit. EXT. THE CASTR0 1975 - MONTAGE Actual news footage of Harvey’s ‘75 campaign: lines of people holding MILK signs on the streets of The Castro, registering voters out of the shop. It's far more organized. HARVEY'S POST MORTEM V.O. You see, at some point, I got it in my head that there was no reason my campaign had to be a joke. Even with all the Cops and Catholics, I thought, "I can be a candidate here. We deserve this." INT. SAN FRANCISCAN HOTEL 1975 - ELECTION NIGHT We follow a clean-cut, suit clad Harvey into ’s jammed election party. Flanked by Scott, Harvey puts on a smile as several people offer condolences. HARVEY'S POST MORTEM V.O. On our second shot at, in '75, I came in 7th citywide, the top 6 get supervisor's seats. That's just one place short of being the first big eared, funny faced, gay as a three- dollar-bill man elected to public office. Now can you imagine that? Harvey pushes his way toward MAYOR MOSCONE, 46, who is on stage giving his victory speech. MAYOR MOSCONE --and to our volunteers, I must thank you all for so much blood, sweat, tears, struggle and strife for this campaign. (seeing Harvey in the crowd) And for our friends in the Castro, 13. MAYOR MOSCONE (CONT'D) know that I will work to desegregate the police force in this city. Harvey Milk, I want you to go back to your people and tell them that "The Unofficial Mayor of Castro Street" will soon have an official role in my administration. Cheers from the crowd. Harvey makes a show of it, kisses Scott, waves... but Scott can tell there’s more on his mind. JUMP TO: Scott pulls Harvey away from the crowd. SCOTT SMITH We were close. Don't think that doesn't mean something to these guys. It's progress. We made progress tonight. Wait here, I'll be right back, our new Mayor wants you to meet Art Agnos. HARVEY MILK Who's Art Agnos? SCOTT SMITH He's gonna run for the open State Assembly seat in our district. They want our help. Harvey gives a tight grin, and instead of following Scott through the crowd to meet this "Art" fellow, Harvey pushes toward the exit and goes. A bit perturbed, Scott follows. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - DAY Harvey's all smiles as he leads a well dressed ART AGNOS, 38, into the store. Harvey's cleaned the place up just a tad. HARVEY MILK Art Agnos, my God, so young, so handsome. I hear you're looking to run for the Assembly seat right here in my district. ART AGNOS Yes sir. I'd like to talk to you about that. HARVEY MILK (a step ahead of him) I thought you might. Come in my back room. We have a little something to show you. 14.

INT. CASTRO CAMERA / BACK ROOM - MOMENTS LATER In the back of the store is the War Room. It's a mess of signs, a printing press, fliers. Jim Rivaldo pins up one of his trusty maps on the wall. It is completely color coded by how well Harvey did in this latest election. HARVEY MILK This is from Tuesday. You see, I did very well in the Castro, the Haight, Bernal Heights. Too bad I had to run citywide for a little Supervisor seat. Look, I won by a landslide on this half of town. The same half of town Jim Rivaldo is drawing a line around. JIM RIVALDO In fact, Art, if I draw out the district boundaries for the State Assembly seat you want, you'll see that it coincides exactly with the areas Harvey did best in last week. So in theory, we have a better chance of winning your Sacramento STATE Legislature seat than... you know-- HARVEY MILK --that little old city supervisor's seat I just lost... tempting, isn't it? Harvey Milk goes to Sacramento! ART AGNOS So then, should I count on your support or consider you an opponent? HARVEY MILK Well, I'm not quite sure yet. Our last Assemblyman won with 16,500 votes. I got 17,000 on Tuesday. JIM RIVALDO And we register another 50 new voters every week. Right here in the shop. ART AGNOS You took Moscone's offer. You're the first up-front gay commissioner in the country. HARVEY MILK True. I'm not one to look gift horses in the mouth, but who cares about an 15. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) "appointment." He can fire me as fast as he put me up. No, no. What's important is being ELECTED, Art, not HIRED. I'm not the kind of queen that sits back and takes crumbs. ART AGNOS But it sounds to me like you have the support of the Democratic Party if you waited till '77. HARVEY MILK You see Art, your whole life you've seen people just like you get elected, and that's how it should be. But I've never seen anyone like ME elected. Go figure, huh? Scott sticks his head in. He's not pleased. SCOTT SMITH What are you doing back here? HARVEY MILK (clearly busted) Nothing sweetie-pie. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - DAY The place is jammed with friends, locals laying about. Scott works behind the counter near Danny. Harvey steams, manic, talking to no one in particular. HARVEY MILK Who the fuck is Art Agnos? SCOTT SMITH (the guy who will beat you) Our next State Assemblyman. HARVEY MILK Don't you have film to ship, Scott? Danny hands Harvey a pack of photos. Harvey has no clue why until he flips them open. They're rather racey. Harvey passes a particularly scandalous photo back to Danny. Chinese, Asexual, super politic boy, MICHAEL WONG, 23, pipes in. MICHAEL WONG Art Agnos is California State Assembly Speaker Leo McCarthy's top lieutenant. 16.

HARVEY MILK (affected deference) Thank you. So much. You see, our little yellow lotus blossom gets it. Scott, let's get our great State's Assembly Speaker, Mr. Leo McCarthy on the phone. SCOTT SMITH Where would you guess his number is? HARVEY MILK I don't know. Dig. Lets find it. Scott digs through a desk buried in old campaign literature. Harvey leans in to Michael and Danny to share. His hypothesis is tough to follow, it's his energy that's contagious: HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) See, if George gets to be mayor, Willie Brown gets to move up to be chair of the Tax Committee. And big old John Burton goes unchallenged. Why? Cause Leo McCarthy just wants his whipping boy ART AGNOS in OUR Assembly seat. Everybody's happy. Everybody's more powerful, except for who? All of US. Is that a democracy? No. It's a fat cat coronation. Scott? You find it? MICHAEL WONG (I've told you so before) And who told you this the whole time? HARVEY MILK But out of you... it's paranoia. Danny and Harvey continue to swap the customer's explicit photos. Scott drags a long chorded phone out from the office. SCOTT Sir, you're on with Mr. Milk. HARVEY MILK (takes the phone, incredulous) Mr. McCarthy? Sir? LEO MCCARTHY (V.O.) What can I do for you Mr. Milk? 17.

A CUSTOMER comes in. Danny quickly gathers the photos and puts them back in the envelope. Harvey still has the rest, but he's busy putting LEO ON SPEAKER PHONE. HARVEY MILK Well, Leo, "your boy" Art Agnos was just here. We had a fine talk about your plans to put him in a seat in the 16th district. Where I live. LEO MCCARTHY (V.O.) He's not "my boy", Mr. Milk, and I don't know what "plan" you mean. But you should know, I'll support Art fully. I hope you will as well. HARVEY MILK Well Leo, you know what, I won't run against your boy, Art, IF you get your powerful DC politicos to back an "open queer" like me for Supervisor next year. LEO MCCARTHY (V.O.) Mr. Milk. We both know it's too soon for a '77 endorsement, especially for a two-time failed candidate. Sorry I can't be of more assistance. Leo Hangs up in a huff. Harvey is stunned. He turns to Scott. HARVEY MILK See? They made a deal! JIM RIVALDO You promised Moscone when you took that commissionership you'd wait til '77. He'll fire you. HARVEY MILK Who knows if I'll be alive in '77. SCOTT SMITH How many more of our allies do you want to alienate today? DANNY NICOLETA Harvey? Danny needs the customer's photos back. The customer is horribly embarrassed. Harvey hands them back. 18.

HARVEY MILK Random quality control testing. Perfect exposure. VERY cute. MICHAEL WONG I say resign. Show that you won't be a pawn. HARVEY MILK No, no, no. Scott's right. Let him fire me. If he fires the first openly gay city official after only five weeks, people will be outraged. I’ll get headlines. SCOTT SMITH You'll get creamed in the press. HARVEY MILK But it'll make great theater. Harvey leaves the camera shop, and heads up the stairs just beside it to his and Scott's apartment. INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT / BEDROOM - NIGHT The apartment is more cluttered than the store. CLOSE ON: a record turns. Wagner blasts from the windows. Harvey sings along at top volume. This draws Scott into the room. Harvey performs for him, sweeps him up, lays him down on the bed. HARVEY MILK Evelyn Lear's in town, at the Opera house in Tannhauser. SCOTT SMITH Yeah. Clearly. HARVEY MILK She was spotted up on Market Street. What if she strolls into the Castro for a cocktail? SCOTT SMITH The guy is downstairs to talk about putting cameras in the store. For sale. Come down. HARVEY MILK We don't have room for cameras. SCOTT SMITH Clear out some of the couches. 19.

HARVEY MILK Then we'd have to get rid of my desk, the printing press and all the good stuff. (beating Scott to the punch) Who needs money, we have us! SCOTT SMITH Don't run. Wait for the '77 race. The song ends. Harvey cheers, playful. Out the window: HARVEY MILK Bravo! Bravo! Scott doesn't join in as he usually would. Harvey turns back and notes it. Considers, then: HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) 1 in 3 suicides is a gay kid. That's only the ones reported. SCOTT SMITH We have to survive too. HARVEY MILK (making a show of it) Fine. You're right, let all the gay kids shoot themselves. Fuck em'! No people, no problems-- SCOTT SMITH You need a year off. Rest. You're starting to look old. HARVEY MILK Give me a kiss and say yes. Be my first lady. Harvey starts walking his fingers up to Scott's lips. It's playful. Scott tries hard to resist. He can't. SCOTT SMITH I can't run this one. Somebody's gotta take care of the shop. Harvey tackles him, kisses him, wraps him up. INT. MAYOR MOSCONE'S OFFICE - DAY Harvey stands before a seated, smoking Mayor Moscone. 20.

MAYOR MOSCONE I won't let you make a circus of my City Hall, Milk. HARVEY MILK I can run this campaign against Art and still fulfill my duties here. You fire the first openly gay official, you lose the gay vote. MAYOR MOSCONE Never have to worry about a knife in my back, do I. You put it right in the front. HARVEY MILK I believe in being direct, George. MAYOR MOSCONE So I'll repay the favor. I'll replace you with your friend Rick Stokes. HARVEY MILK No. Rick doesn’t understand the movement whatsoever. He’s a crumb grabber. A slave to the Machine. It’s an insult to my constituency. MAYOR MOSCONE You have no constituency. You’re fired, Harvey. INT. CITY HALL / GRAND STAIRCASE - MOMENTS LATER Harvey leaves Moscone’s office and descends City Hall’s grand staircase. A self satisfied grin creeps across his face. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - DAY Harvey shares a SF Examiner headline, “HARVEY FIRED!” with his new “professional” campaign manager ALAN RYCKMAN, 50s. Danny puts a poster in the window: "Harvey Milk vs. The Machine." Scott sits behind the counter, watching. HARVEY MILK Art would have to spend a thousand dollars for this kind of coverage. ALAN RYCKMAN It says Art already has the endorsements of the gay leadership. 21.

HARVEY MILK Who? Rick Stokes? David Goodstein? They're afraid of their own shadows. It's not the 50s, or 60s anymore. Who needs them. I have infrastructure. ALAN RYCKMAN Art has infrastructure too, it's called the Democratic Party. HARVEY MILK Well we have hundreds of volunteers. Dick Pabich and Jim Rivaldo, Ivy league boys for our promotions. AND we use The People's Temple for distribution and printing. ALAN RYCKMAN (concerned) 's group? It's a cult. HARVEY MILK Who am I to point fingers? Mayor Moscone uses them, why shouldn't we? Scott, where are the volunteer cards? Our new "professional" campaign manager here would like to see them. SCOTT SMITH Have him excavate your desk. Harvey grins, and digs out a volunteer card. Alan reads it: ALAN RYCKMAN Medora Paine. She's 11. HARVEY MILK We don't discriminate. Not against anyone. Call her mother. Alan is wary. He and Scott's eyes meet, "Is this for real?" SCOTT SMITH By all means, call her mom. EXT. THE CASTRO / 18TH AND CASTRO - DAY Harvey hands out campaign literature to passerbys. HARVEY MILK Public dental care for retired people... Legalize pot, vote Milk. 22.

Harvey is distracted. A young, long haired Cleve Jones passes. At 18, he looks 15. Harvey tries for his attention: HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Hey, I like the way your pants fit... Where are you from, kid? CLEVE JONES (laughs) Sorry old man, not interested. HARVEY MILK Where's home? CLEVE JONES Phoenix. HARVEY MILK Are you even 18? CLEVE JONES How old are you? 70? HARVEY MILK 46. I'm Harvey Milk. I'm running for State Assembly. CLEVE JONES I know who you are. HARVEY MILK What's your name? CLEVE JONES Cleve... Jones. HARVEY MILK Well Mr. Jones, we should walk up to my camera shop and register you. CLEVE JONES Fuck that. Elections of any kind are a bourgeois affectation. HARVEY MILK Is that right? You come here for the acid or cause you're a queer? CLEVE JONES Don't make assumptions, asshole. 23.

HARVEY MILK I'm not blind. Do you trick up on Polk Street? CLEVE JONES (only half joking) If I need the cash... But I'm selective about my clients. HARVEY MILK Tell me one thing before you get back to work then. What was it like to be a little queen in Phoenix? CLEVE JONES I faked a lung disease to get out of PE. HARVEY MILK How often did you get beat up? CLEVE JONES There's worse shit than getting your ass beaten in Phoenix. You some kind of street shrink? HARVEY MILK When need be, BUT what I'm saying is, Phoenix can change. We can turn society, we can build a political power base starting here in San Francisco. Voting is a good first step. CLEVE JONES The only real change we’re ever gonna have is a revolution where we bring down the ruling class and smash the patriarchy. HARVEY MILK (grins, then:) To make a revolution, you have to start with your street: rent control, police abuse, pot, parks, seniors. CLEVE JONES (turns to go) Well, good luck with all that. HARVEY MILK You know what I think, Cleve Jones? 24.

CLEVE JONES That you're gonna get somewhere if you keep talking? HARVEY MILK No. That you need to do what you're good at. Be a prick. Fight City Hall. Fight the Cops. Fight the people who made you come here to do what you do. Cleve lights up a cigarette, flirtatious. CLEVE JONES Sorry old man, I'm leaving for Spain tomorrow. Europe. Got all the cash I need in my back pocket. Harvey watches him swish away. OFF Cleve, taking one more glance back before cruising up the rest of Castro. EXT. CHURCH STREET - EVENING ANGLE ON: a blood stained gutter. Police rope off a crime scene, avoiding the local's glare. A cop briefs his partner. COP The “fruit” was walking home with his “trick” when he was jumped by a group of young Latino men, stabbed him to death. REVEAL: Harvey picks a blood stained whistle up off the street, the man’s last attempt to call for help. HARVEY MILK What was his name? COP Robert Hillsbourough. Know him? HARVEY MILK He registered to vote in my shop. Any witnesses? COP He'd picked up a "trick." Was taking him home. Jerry Taylor. HARVEY MILK They were long time partners. Jerry's not a "trick." 25.

COP Call it what you will. He's our witness and he's not sayin' shit. HARVEY MILK (infuriated by the apathy) This is the Castro. This is our area. It's your job to keep these people out of here, keep us safe. COP (walking away) You’re the Mayor of Castro Street now, right Harvey? Get your boys to behave themselves proper and maybe they'll stop inviting it. He gets in his car and shuts his door. Harvey steams. INT. HASTINGS COLLEGE OF LAW / CANDIDATE DEBATE - NIGHT It’s a firestorm of words as Milk debates Art Agnos. The audience is sparse. HARVEY MILK It’s a racket. It's 1976 and you still have to be straight, white, Catholic and male to get into the San Francisco police force. It's Racist. Homophobic. ART AGNOS How many people do you consider enemies, Harvey? Not even counting that "scary Orange Juice lady" in Florida, I've counted five already. Art smiles. Chuckles flutter through the audience. HARVEY MILK You're right, Art. And many are your closest friends. You see, I don't think Assembly seats should be awarded on the basis of service to the Democrat Machine. Machines operate on oil and grease. They're dirty, dehumanizing, and too often unresponsive to any needs but those of the operator. ART AGNOS Harvey, I've worked for years as a social worker in this city, and I 26. ART AGNOS (CONT'D) know Sacramento. I know how to get done what we need done there. HARVEY MILK I too have worked the streets, but with no pay. And let me be the first to tell you, that orange juice lady, Anita Bryant, is pushing to overturn all laws protecting gay people, starting in Florida. Right here in the Castro, Robert Hillsbourough was murdered for walking home with his long time partner. Stabbed, 15 times. The last words he heard were "Faggot, Faggot, Faggot... This one's for Anita." And you say you’re outraged, Art, but why won’t the liberal establishment return our calls or bring these murderers to justice? EXT. HASTINGS COLLEGE OF LAW - LATER Art Agnos puts his arm around Harvey as they walk out. ART AGNOS You know Harv’, you really have to change your rap, it's a downer. You say you’re gonna throw the bums out, but how are you gonna fix things? HARVEY MILK I think beating you is a fine start, unless of course you're willing to convert to our side. ART AGNOS (laughs) Tell me, Milk, who do you know in Sacramento? What can you give your people that I can’t? In this town, you gotta give em' a reason for optimism or you're cooked. Art gets into his car, leaving Harvey alone. Harvey has no car. He stands, pensive, then starts toward a trolly. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - EVENING CLOSE ON: a TV set playing the famed 70's Orange Juice Commercial featuring runner up to Miss America ANITA BRYANT. ANITA BRYANT (SINGING ON TV) "Come to the Florida sunshine tree, great tasting orange juice 27. ANITA BRYANT (SINGING ON TV) (CONT'D) naturally, orange juice with lots of vitamin c, from the Florida sunshine tree." CLOSE ON: Harvey entranced with her performance. Behind him, the store is filled with busy volunteers. Suit clad "map man" Jim Rivaldo, and his similarly dressed counterpart, Dick, go over a campaign speech. Alan Ryckman watches. JIM RIVALDO Harvey, I say lose pot, or cut down on the cops. HARVEY MILK I can't lose the pot vote. It's something else. Something new. (to little Medora) Okay! Bring up the Machine, Medora. MEDORA (bossy, to an old lady) Josie, finish these envelopes. MEDORA, 11, brings a toy robot up to Harvey's desk. Harvey stands, entertaining her with a mock debate: HARVEY MILK Now Mr. Machine, you might say you're focused on the nuts and bolts of this campaign, but I say you're just cold hearted-- An old volunteer interrupts Harvey with a 12-page hand written letter addressed to Harvey. OLD WOMAN Harvey, you should read this. Noting the fear in her eyes, He reads the first few lines. HARVEY MILK Medora, you need to go home now. MEDORA PAINE We're not done yet. HARVEY MILK 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5-- She walks out, pissed at Harvey. INT. CAMERA SHOP / BACK ROOM - MOMENTS LATER A handful of volunteers surround Harvey. He reads the letter. 28.

HARVEY MILK "Harvey Milk will have a dream journey and nightmare to hell, a night of horror. You will be stabbed and have your genitals, cock, balls, prick cut off." MICHAEL WONG Should we call the police? DICK PABICH They probably wrote it. HARVEY MILK Hey, If somebody tries to kill me, I’ll get the sympathy vote, right? Could be just the push we need. SCOTT SMITH People have been killed out here for a lot less than what we're pushing for. That's no joke. HARVEY MILK It's a complete joke. Read it. No rhythm. No humor. It's insulting. Silence. Everyone's taking it more seriously than Harvey. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Okay. If any of you need to stop helping, you can. Nobody should get shot for my sake. Scott feels the comment is pointed at him. He heads upstairs. INT. HARVEY MILK'S BATHROOM / SHOWER - LATER Harvey is with Scott. The water runs. It's quiet. Scott pours shampoo and washes Harvey's hair. It's intimate. Familiar. SCOTT SMITH Be careful for me. HARVEY MILK I'm not going anywhere. Not yet. SCOTT SMITH Not until when? HARVEY MILK Not for a good long while I hope. 29.

SCOTT SMITH When you win, I want to take a trip together. Maybe visit everybody in New York. Just you and me. HARVEY MILK We could see a show. Hit the MET, the park. Wouldn't that be perfect? Scott nods. Both know it's likely just a dream. Scott kisses Harvey and pours warm water from a cup to wash the suds from his hair. Harvey kisses Scott's belly. INT. THE ELEPHANT WALK ON CASTRO ST. - NIGHT Harvey walks into a small, crowded bar with large windows. He focuses on the TV that drew him in. On it is famed homophobe ANITA BRYANT. HER CHIRON READS: "Runner up to Miss America." ANITA BRYANT (ON TV) Homosexuals can’t reproduce, so they must recruit. We must save the children from these gay molesters and rapists, bring down the so called gay rights laws that embolden the sinners, starting right here in Dade County, Florida! She ends her rant by singing “BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC.” The bar patrons sing along with her, mocking her. To them, she's a big joke. Harvey isn’t so light hearted about it. Harvey seeks out his arch-rival, gay leader, DAVID GOODSTEIN, (58, showy, old school, slathered in gold and turquoise jewelry). His protégé, RICK STOKES, (45, reserved, reddish thinning hair) shares the table. HARVEY MILK Hello Rick, how are you enjoying my old job up at City Hall? RICK STOKES I hope I'm serving our people well. DAVID GOODSTEIN How's the campaign going, Harvey? HARVEY MILK Polls have 25 for me, only 16 for Art. RICK STOKES And a huge margin of undecidedes. With the money the democratic party 30. RICK STOKES (CONT'D) is funneling into Art's campaign, They'll likely turn his way. DAVID GOODSTEIN He's sending out a new mailer every week to every voter in this district. HARVEY MILK But David, you have the nation's biggest gay magazine. You could counter it for me. Switch the Advocate's endorsement my way. RICK STOKES Harvey, we're like the Catholic church. We welcome converts, but we don't make them Pope the same day. Harvey bears the blow. A cute WAITER in Levis walks up. WAITER Can I get ya'll something? Harvey? HARVEY MILK Not for me. But get a round for everyone else in bar. On David. (announces to the bar:) This round is on David Goodstein! Publisher of the Advocate, Leader of our fine community! VOTE MILK! The room cheers! Harvey grins. David STEAMS to Harvey: DAVID GOODSTEIN When you lose that Assembly seat next week, it’s three strikes. And if we actually do win district elections for Supervisors, we still won't back you. We’ll endorse Rick in '77. HARVEY MILK Good luck with that, Rick. It'd be my pleasure to bury you... And if we don't get our own district? Will you back a straight "friend" again? Will your straight friends step up and fight Anita Brown in Florida? DAVID GOODSTEIN She's a joke, Harvey. HARVEY MILK Don't underestimate her. It's a backlash. And when she wins in 31. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Florida, when the whole country starts turning her way, your "friends" WILL fold. We'll need our own in office to protect us. DAVID GOODSTEIN Radical shopkeepers? No Harvey, you get too shaky kneed over rabid dogs. MY straight "friends" will put her down. Discreetly. The more “out” you make us, the more you incite the Anitas to strike back. Step back and quiet down, for all our good. Harvey clearly disagrees. With all the charm (and biting sarcasm) he can muster, Harvey opens his hands to David and sings out to all the tipsy patrons with their fresh drinks: HARVEY MILK "For he's a jolly good fellow-- ENTIRE BAR (joins in) --for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fell-oooooow! Which nobody can deny... By the time they're done, Harvey is long gone. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - LATE NIGHT Scott is on his way out as Harvey heads in. He hands Harvey twenty dollars from his wallet. The phone is ringing inside. SCOTT SMITH Alan asked for more cash for fliers. That's all we got. I'm going upstairs... are you coming to bed? HARVEY MILK In a little bit. Scott heads upstairs to their apartment. The phone has stopped ringing. Harvey steps deep into the store and sits down, exhausted. The phone starts up again. JUMP TO: Harvey has the phone to his ear. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) How did you get my number? 32.

BOY'S VOICE I read about you in the newspaper. I looked you up, sir. HARVEY MILK Where do you live? BOY'S VOICE In Minnesota. Sir, I think I want to kill myself. HARVEY MILK No. You don't have to do that. BOY'S VOICE I think my folks are gonna take me to a place tomorrow. A hospital for crazy people. To fix me. HARVEY MILK There's nothing wrong with you. You don't have to hurt yourself. BOY'S VOICE I'm not scared to die, sir. I just don't want to go in there. I can't. HARVEY MILK No, no, no. Here's what you have to do. Are you listening? BOY'S VOICE Yes. HARVEY MILK Get on a bus. Go to the next biggest city. New York, San Francisco, LA, or even Minneapolis. It doesn't matter. Just leave. (OFF the boy's tears) You won't be alone. There are people out here just like you who will welcome you and love you. You're not sick. You're not wrong. God DOES NOT hate you. Just leave. BOY'S VOICE I can't. HARVEY MILK You can. Just get on a bus. 33.

BOY'S VOICE I can't... I can't walk. I'm in a wheelchair, sir. His sobs rise. Silence, and the line goes dead. Harvey is stunned. For the first time, we watch his rage turn to grief. PRE-LAP: Harvey, impassioned, delivering his new speech: HARVEY MILK (PRE-LAP) And the young people in the Richmond, Minnesotas who are coming out and hear Anita Bryant on television and her story. The only thing they have to look forward to is HOPE. And you have to give them HOPE-- INT. UNIVERSITY LECTURE HALL - NIGHT With the finesse of an old pro, Harvey wraps up another debate with Art using his positive, impassioned new speech: HARVEY MILK --Hope for a better world, hope for a better tomorrow, hope for a better place to come to if the pressures at home are too great. Hope that all will be all right. Without hope, not only gays but the blacks the seniors, the handicapped, the us’es, the us’es will give up. A gay official is needed not only for our protection, but to set an example for younger minorities of all kinds, to say that the system works. We gotta give em’ hope. We gotta give em’ HOPE! The crowd eats it up. Art locks eyes with Harvey, a tepid acknowledgement: Harvey’s a quick study. EXT. THE CASTRO - NIGHT Walking home, a weight hangs as Harvey watches a few of his volunteers canvas the neighborhood. It's a small operation. He turns a corner, a MAN jumps out of a car, and the driver speeds around the block. The man follows. Harvey takes a turn. The man follows. He picks up his pace. Harvey searches his pockets for a whistle, a weapon, and beelines it to his shop, his nerves are failing him. 34.

He gets to the doorway of his camera store, and runs face first into: Cleve Jones. He’s been sitting on Harvey’s steps, waiting, his eyes filled with tears. HARVEY MILK We should go inside. They do. Harvey locks the door behind them. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - LATER Harvey pours two cups of coffee, and delivers one to Cleve. CLEVE JONES You staying up with me? HARVEY MILK The election's tomorrow. I won't sleep... Was he good looking? CLEVE JONES No. He was hideous. HARVEY MILK Hard to tell what's worse. With me, my boyfriends usually find better looking ones to cheat with. CLEVE JONES I got off the plane from Spain this morning, came into town, and they were right there in my own bed. I thought we were gonna spend the rest of our lives together. HARVEY MILK Guess what, Cleve Jones. CLEVE JONES What? HARVEY MILK We aren’t straight people. CLEVE JONES (duh) Thanks, Harvey Milk. HARVEY MILK We can’t get married and have 2.5 children and live in the suburbs, and that’s a good thing. You’re going to meet the most extraordinary 35. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) men, the sexiest, brightest, funniest men, and you’re going to fall in love with so many of them, and you won’t know until the end of your life who your greatest friends were or your greatest love was. CLEVE JONES Is that supposed to help? HARVEY MILK Maybe a little. Or not. CLEVE JONES When I was in Barcelona, there was this memorial set up for gay people who died under Franco. The police tried to break it up. It started a riot. A bullet ripped through a man’s scalp, his wig flew off, and he kept fighting. There was blood running in the gutter. HARVEY MILK That could happen here. But you can't just use the Castro to cruise. You gotta fight. Polls open in 4 hours. Help me hit the bus stops. CLEVE JONES You think you'll win? HARVEY MILK Winning isn't my strong suit. CLEVE JONES Well, I don't "do" losing. Ever. HARVEY MILK Don't be a shit. What we have to do is keep getting out there, getting the word "gay" in papers in middle America. I say, If it keeps one kid alive, how is it a loss? INT. CITY HALL / BASEMENT - ELECTION NIGHT A stuffy, loud room. A team of ELECTION MONITORS update results on a board for all to see. Harvey is ahead of Art by a hair. Moscone has Harvey pulled away from Alan and Scott. MAYOR MOSCONE Did you see Anita Bryant is pushing new repeals in Wichita and Oregon? 36. MAYOR MOSCONE (CONT'D) They'll kill the last laws protecting your people. You might want to keep an eye on State Senator Briggs in Sacramento. He's been out to visit her in Florida a dozen times now. HARVEY MILK Thank you, George. As Moscone walks away, REVEAL: the new vote tally shows Art now ahead. Harvey bears it with a grin. Alan doesn't. Scott puts his arm around Harvey, but there's no comforting him. BACK WITH: Art Agnos, Moscone checks his watch: 12AM. ART AGNOS Think we can call this one? MAYOR MOSCONE A bit close for my taste, but it looks like we'll take it. ART AGNOS (turns, pale, re: Milk) You should watch out, that guy's gonna be Mayor one day. OFF Moscone looking at Harvey, knowing there's truth to it. BACK WITH: Harvey and Alan: The numbers are getting worse. Alan can hardly make eye contact with his candidate. Harvey turns to Scott. HARVEY MILK Guess I'll Have to wear this monkey suit for another year. SCOTT SMITH The shop won't survive it. This wasn't the comfort Harvey was looking for. ALAN RYCKMAN I think maybe it's just not the right time yet. Instead of hitting Alan, Harvey walks away. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - NIGHT Jim Rivaldo lets himself into the Camera store. It's dark. Remnants of a celebration party that never happened. Jim has his maps rolled up under his arm. Harvey is on the couch tying his tie into knots. Jim flips on the lights. 37.

JIM RIVALDO Come with me. This is remarkable. Jim heads into the back room. Harvey debates getting up. He's heard all this before. INT. CASTRO CAMERA / BACK ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Jim has his trusty maps all spread out again. He's busy color coding them with precinct results from that night. JIM RIVALDO The red is where you did best tonight. If the polls on district elections are right, our new Supervisors district will go right up Market. Right around the Castro. The area inside the district Jim outlines is colored in BRIGHT RED. JIM RIVALDO (CONT'D) If you run for supervisor with these new district lines, it's a potential landslide. No question this time. You'll be the first upfront gay man elected in the US. HARVEY MILK You can guarantee it? (Jim seems sure) This is great news... Do you think Scott will go for it? This is news to Jim. Harvey sits staring at the map, considering. As he does, his POST MORTEM V.O. breaks back in: HARVEY'S POST MORTEM V.O. District elections promised the city its first Chinese American supervisor, its first African American supervisor, and its first openly gay public official. But decent art needs balance, irony, so little district 8, two miles south of The Castro promised to stay very much the same. Conservative, Irish, Catholic, and with just the right touch of poetry, they found themselves a handsome ex-cop. 38.

INT. S.F. FIRE STATION 1977 - DAY Dan White holds a small press conference. His words are fiery, but his delivery and stage presence are lacking. DAN WHITE I’m not going to be forced out of San Francisco by splinter groups of social radicals, social deviants, and incorrigibles. You must realize there are thousands upon thousands of frustrated, angry people such as yourselves waiting to unleash a fury that will eradicate the malignancies which blight our beautiful city. HARVEY'S POST MORTEM V.O. He was perfectly cast. Vulnerable, sexy even. That is, if you're into baby-faced All-American young-men. INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT - DAY Harvey's suit is laid out on the bed. Scott folds clothes into a box. He starts separating out a mountain of socks. SCOTT SMITH There's an apartment open right up on Market and Castro. (holding up socks) Are these mine or yours? HARVEY MILK I don't know. Yours? SCOTT SMITH I think they're yours. HARVEY MILK Who are you sleeping with now? SCOTT SMITH You're the one who flirts with Dick and Cleve and every other boy that comes in the shop. I'm not 20 anymore. I get it. HARVEY MILK So that IS it? 39.

SCOTT SMITH No. I'm giving you what you want. You can use up the last of our shop's profits on another race. HARVEY MILK Come on, just one more. We can't let Rick take it. We'd of won with David's endorsement. This one's gonna be a piece of cake. SCOTT SMITH I can't be second to "it" anymore. You turn into a monster when you run. It's a roller coaster, and you put all the bad shit on me. (silence, then:) Ask yourself something. Is all this really for the cause or are you trying to prove something? To your old tricks? To yourself? HARVEY MILK If you want to say something, just say it. SCOTT SMITH Nobody thinks you're a fraud here, Harvey. You're not in New York anymore, you're not that closet case asshole. You're the real deal. Relax for a year. Get us back on our feet. HARVEY MILK We'll get back on our feet when we've finally won. When we're running City Hall. SCOTT SMITH I'll be back for my sheets. If you're not here, I’ll see you in the shop tomorrow. Scott picks up his box of clothes and starts out of the apartment. Harvey, not meaning a word: HARVEY MILK If you leave me right now... I can find someone new to live with me... I'm not so tired or used up. Unphased, Scott reflexively dusts off a figurine on a table. 40.

SCOTT SMITH I know. You're a catch. Stop telling yourself you're not. Scott leaves, for good. A piece of Harvey leaves with him. EXT. THE CASTRO / MARKET STREET - MORNING SLOW MOTION: like waves in the sea, dozens of supporters hold "MILK for Supervisor" signs in a long line along Market St. waving to commuters. Harvey walks the long line, handing out new signs to arriving volunteers. Amongst the optimism of the showy human billboard, a sense of nostalgia and loss hangs for Harvey. He's made his decision. The show must go on. INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT - NIGHT In imposing fashion: we see nationwide news clips of Anita Bryant on TV celebrating her election victory in Florida. A CHIRON READS: "Landslide defeat for Florida Gay Rights Law." ANITA BRYANT (ON TV) Tonight the laws of God and the cultural values of man have been vindicated. The people of Dade county, the normal majority have said enough, enough, enough. TV REPORTER (ON TV) According to Bryant, gays in Florida will now have no "special protections," they can be removed from their jobs and prosecuted if and their "deviant" lifestyles are discovered. She then laid out an aggressive plan to carry her agenda to the rest of the country, including Eugene, Wichita, and California with the help of State Senator John Briggs. Cleve comes up the stairs to find Harvey ignoring a YOUNG MAN in his apartment to watch the news coverage. CLEVE JONES Come down. A mob is forming. HARVEY MILK They hid behind their friends. Look. That's what happens. YOUNG MAN What happened? 41.

HARVEY MILK (starting his lesson) You see, before 69. 1969... CLEVE JONES Read a newspaper, kid. (pulls Harvey away) It's gonna be a riot. Harvey searches about, digs out a bullhorn and heads out. EXT. CASTRO AND MARKET STREET - NIGHT It's chaos. The crowd lifts signs slamming Anita Bryant. Clashes break out with police. Whistles ring through the air. A POLICEMAN in riot gear comes up to Harvey. POLICEMAN If YOU can't control em', we will. HARVEY MILK It's you and your boys that need to show some self-control. We don't need violence. Use restraint. POLICEMAN You have ten minutes, Milk. HARVEY MILK Give me permission to march them. POLICEMAN Where? HARVEY MILK Anywhere. EXT. CASTRO AND MARKET STREET - MOMENTS LATER Harvey lifts his bullhorn to his lips. HARVEY MILK I know you are angry. I am angry. Follow me through the streets of San Francisco to share our anger. Harvey begins walking, not sure if they will follow. Finally, they do. Cleve catches up. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Are they following in back? 42.

CLEVE JONES Yes. Where are we going? HARVEY MILK I don't know. (off Cleve's concern) We have to keep them moving. Exhaust them. March them till they drop. We can’t have a riot tonight. EXT. MARKET AND POLK - 30 MINUTES LATER The street is dense with fog. The sound of chanting, footsteps, rhythmic, pulsing. Then, slowly, the marchers emerge through the fog. Thousands of them. Gays glare at cops. Cops beat their nightsticks against their chests and power poles. Anger burns as Harvey continues to march the mob toward City Hall. Dick and Jim catch up. DICK PABICH They're still too hot. HARVEY MILK Help me turn them up Polk. Dick heads back to try and wrangle the crowd. Harvey continues marching. He looks exhausted. Some start singing: "We Shall Overcome." A BOY walks up to Harvey and hands him a flier. Harvey glances at it. It’s a piece of Dan White’s campaign literature, “Unite and Fight for Dan White.” Harvey looks back to pat the boy’s head, but he's gone. He looks to the sidewalk for the kid... a parent... nothing... EXT. CITY HALL - NIGHT Harvey arrives, the crowd still hot. He climbs the steps, his stage. Several silent, tepid acknowledgements from officers. HARVEY MILK (an accusation) Nobody wants violence I'm sure. Harvey takes his stage (the steps of City Hall). The crowd roars. He raises his bullhorn. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) My name is Harvey Milk... And I am here tonight to say, we will no longer sit quietly in our closets and shut the doors tight. We must fight. Not just in the Castro, or 43. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) San Francisco, but everywhere she goes. And if we fight, history shows that We... Will... Win! All the newspapers, and reporters will say Anita Bryant and the bigots won tonight, but they are wrong... She has brought us together. She has made us stronger. This is the power of the gay community... Anita Bryant is going to create a national gay force! Roars from the crowd. Flashes capture this new emboldened Milk, bullhorn held high. If there is going to be a national gay force, at this moment, Harvey appears to be its leader. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - DAY It's bunker mentality. The regulars are all there... minus Scott. Danny flips TV stations reviewing coverage. Harvey reads Dan White's flier. HARVEY MILK "Unite and Fight for Dan White" DANNY NICOLETA Catchy. Is Scott coming in today? HARVEY MILK Really? You that broken up about it? CLEVE JONES (re: the flier) Dan White was a cop. HARVEY MILK I say he's educateable. Scott comes in the front door looking a bit worse for wear. DANNY NICOLETA Two cops with covered up badges beat the daylights out of two guys, right across the street. SCOTT SMITH The clock is turning back. Cops in the Castro-- HARVEY MILK --and you in the bath houses. SCOTT SMITH Lay off. 44.

HARVEY MILK Were there any arrests last night? DICK PABICH No. None. HARVEY MILK Good. Anita's boy, John Briggs, is on his way here for a press conference in the next few days. We should organize something. DICK PABICH Did you hear what our old opponent did this morning? Art Agnos? Heads turn. Nobody wants to break the bad news first. HARVEY MILK What? What about Art? DICK PABICH He's pulling the Gay Civil rights bill from the Ways and Means Committee. Says support dried up with Anita's win last night. HARVEY MILK (a huge blow) Of course. He has nothing to lose. God Damn it. God fucking Damn it. Everyone inside is nervous. They lay low. OUTSIDE: the booming of a motorcycle. A cute, curly steps off her bike and walks in, , 23. Danny greets her. DANNY NICOLETA Can I help you? HARVEY MILK (rips down an Assembly poster) This is over. We've moved on. I don't want to see anything that say's Assembly. Only Supervisor. ANNE KRONENBERG Is that Harvey Milk? DANNY NICOLETA Don't worry, he's shit nuts, but he never touches the film. Overhearing, Harvey turns, and makes eye contact with Anne. 45.

HARVEY MILK Who are you? ANNE KRONENBERG You called me, Mr. Milk. I'm Anne. INT. CASTRO CAMERA / BACK ROOM - NIGHT Harry, Cleve, Mike, Jim and Dick are at a distance eyeing the leather jacketed lesbian, Anne, behind Harvey's desk. Harvey goes about his business, casually shuffling take out menus. JIM RIVALDO Who is she? HARVEY MILK Our new campaign manager. She's a woman... A woman that likes women. Odd isn't it? Don't worry, you're still in charge. Who likes Chinese? Besides you, Wong. ANNE KRONENBERG (hangs up the phone) Jill in Sacramento says Briggs is gonna announce his prop up at City Hall first thing in the morning. DICK PABICH What happened to Ryckman? HARVEY MILK We need fresh blood. Anne worked on some kind of recycling campaign up north. She's very organized. JIM RIVALDO How do you know she's not a plant from Rick Stokes? Or Anita Bryant? They all look on, unsure. Anne finally pipes in. ANNE KRONENBERG If you don't want me, I can go-- JIM RIVALDO I'm just asking if you're working for someone else? ANNE KRONENBERG Are you guys always this paranoid? 46.

MICHAEL WONG Yes. They take after Harvey. HARVEY MILK Shouldn't you be doing someone's laundry? ANNE KRONENBERG My girlfriends say you guys don't like women, Harvey. Just asking, is there a place for us in all this, or are you all scared of girls? CLEVE JONES No, no, nobody's afraid here-- HARVEY MILK Gentleman, we already have a tinker bell, a lotus-blossum, Jim and Dick in your 3 piece suits. We need someone to manage things. A woman this time. And she's the right price. ANNE KRONENBERG Just give me whatever's left in the register at the end of the day... So, should I go get signs made for tomorrow morning? No? OFF the small group of misfits, considering the addition. EXT. S.F. CITY HALL STEPS - DAY CA State Senator, JOHN BRIGGS, a lispy, grey, 47, delivers his message to the press and a mass of protesters. A few protesters hold "MILK" signs. JOHN BRIGGS I pray California voters will choose to remove all homosexual teachers and employees from our schools. My proposition promises to protect our children from these gay perverts and pedophiles who recruit our children to their deviant lifestyles. It's time to root them out. In the crowd, teacher TOM AMMIANO, 36, colorful, worked up: TOM AMMIANO And how will you determine that? 47.

JOHN BRIGGS My Bill outlines procedures for identifying homosexuals. ANOTHER PROTESTER How? Will you be sucking them off? TOM AMMIANO How do we know you're not a homosexual too, Mr. Briggs? It's getting ugly fast. Briggs is whisked away by 2 OFFICERS. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - DAY ANGLE ON: a TV interview of Rick Stokes. Behind him is his campaign poster for "Supervisor, district 5." RICK STOKES (ON TV) I think when it comes to a matter of who came first, that’s fairly easily provable. I don’t think anyone ever heard of Harvey Milk until he ran for office in 1973. The TV plays in the BG. Harvey is irate, a complete lunatic. HARVEY MILK So what. If he was so far ahead of me, why hasn't he fixed anything yet? You know his parents put him in shock therapy? It's very sad. ANNE KRONENBERG Good news. I have 2 papers and 3 TV stations coming to your wrestling match with Mr. Stokes on Wednesday. HARVEY MILK Why am I fighting Rick Stokes for a City Supervisor seat? We have bigger fish to fry right now. SCOTT SMITH You don't think you might need to WIN an election first? HARVEY MILK Anne, go down to The People's Temple. Knock on the door, be polite, and ask for Jim Jones. Go now. It takes a while to get him. Ask him for "volunteers." 48.

ANNE KRONENBERG I hate that place, Harvey. HARVEY MILK Just be careful. Don't say too much. They record everything. SCOTT SMITH Get real supporters if you need help. Don't put her in the line of fire. HARVEY MILK (to Anne) He's got you on his side now? ANNE KRONENBERG Don't start with me, Harvey. HARVEY MILK No. No. No. Lets get to the bottom of this. I'm curious. CLEVE JONES I'll go. (all eyes turn) I don't scare easy. Harvey grins. Cleve is elevated. HARVEY MILK Thank you, Cleve. You want to manage my next campaign? CLEVE JONES No. Just give me the fliers. Anne pushes a box of fliers out. Cleve takes off with it. Harvey glares at Scott as he drops off $15. SCOTT SMITH There's your profits. Scott leaves. It's only Anne and Harvey left. ANNE KRONENBERG You two still fight like a couple. HARVEY MILK No we don't. (picks up the $15) Here's 15 more for you and for ink. And find the number for Allan Baird and his teamsters. It's time the 49. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) hard hats endorse us publicly. We need to shut Stokes down for good. Finally win one of these things. INT. UNION HALL - MOMENTS LATER Harvey, Anne, Jim, and Cleve walk in. The place is filled with teamsters, machinists, firemen, not who you’d expect to support a guy like Harvey. Cleve is stunned, Harvey confides. HARVEY MILK If anyone messes with you, don’t back down. They’ll eat you alive. And shoot straight. The only thing these guys hate more than a fag is a lying politician. Harvey bounds up to the front. He taps on the mic. The crowd turns, mostly skeptical. Some are outright antagonistic. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Hello everyone. I'm Harvey Milk. (silence, tension) I know, I know, I’m not what you were expecting, but I left my high heels at home. The room burst with laughter, the tension partly diffused. INT. UNION HALL - LATER Harvey hobnobs across the room. In earshot of Cleve, machinist BOB ELLIOT is being interviewed by a JOURNALIST. BOB ELLIOT I mean, live and let live, but what am I doing in the room with all these fruits and cooks? JOURNALIST Can I quote you on that? CLEVE JONES (gets up, confronts) What the fuck did he just call us? JIM RIVALDO Relax, Cleve. BOB ELLIOT I'm just askin' the question we're all thinkin'. (to Allan, approaching) 50. BOB ELLIOT (CONT'D) I mean, Holy Christ, what’s Labor coming to, Allan? ALLAN BAIRD You remember that Coors boycott? Nobody wanted to talk to us? In one week, Harvey there got Coors out of all the gay bars. That God Damned faggot, fruit, cock sucker is the reason Coors caved. He had our back when nobody else did. He should have our loyalty. ANNE KRONENBERG It's time to get on board or you'll get left behind. BOB ELLIOT (fed up, surrounded, to Allan) How am I supposed to go back to my boys, to my wife, and tell em' I'm backin' a gay? Forget it. INT. CASTRO STREET BAR / FUND RAISER - NIGHT Anne is on stage with a DRAG QUEEN who is leading a raucous cake auction for Harvey's campaign fund. Harvey, Cleve, Dick and Jim are there as well. Harvey’s POV: Bob Elliot (“fruits and cooks”) timidly walks in with his WIFE. CLEVE JONES What’s the hell's he doing here? JIM RIVALDO You read the Examiner, right? They quoted him on that "Fruits and Cooks" shit. HARVEY MILK Yeah. He made some very good points about why he should hate us "gays." I called him. Said we'd like to meet his family, that he could meet ours. Somebody go find Tom. I think an introduction is in order. JUMP TO: Bob and his wife have joined Harvey, Cleve, Jim and Dick at a table, but school teacher, Tom Ammiano, is stealing the show. He's all worked up. TOM AMIANO It was all over school. And everyone was looking at me because I'm so... obvious. They were afraid to talk to 51. TOM AMIANO (CONT'D) me. I'm a popular teacher God- Damnit. It's like I'm 13 all over again, walking down the halls in my own damn school like a freak. HARVEY MILK (to Bob Elliot and Wife) The people who advised Briggs are brilliant to pick on this issue: children. It's not by accident. TOM AMIANO How do you tell a parent you don't want to get in his son's pants? BOB ELLIOT Well, do you want to? TOM AMIANO Who the fuck is this guy, Harvey? BOB ELLIOT I'm just sayin', personally, I think the parents already know you're a gay. But if you hide it, you've got somethin' to hide. Tell em'. And say, "Look me in the eye. I don't want to put my hands in your kid's pants." TOM AMIANO Why should I have to do that? BOB ELLIOT If it's not a lie, what's the problem? Stick up for yourselves. HARVEY MILK I agree, Bob. We should be upfront. As is, we're at least half to blame. They hate us, we turn into pansies, crawl in our closets, and we don't stand up for ourselves. Let's be proud and say, "no, I don't want to put my hands in that kid's pants!" CLEVE JONES 9 o'clock stage left. Harvey looks up. A hot MAN in a tank top takes the cake from Anne that he's just won in Harvey's fund raiser auction. 52.

HARVEY MILK Ooooh. A fan. Go get him, Cleve. Bring him over here. On a mission, Cleve goes. Dick tries to refocus things. DICK PABICH Prop six is polling at 80% statewide to remove all gay teachers. BOB ELLIOT If it passes, take it to the courts. JIM RIVALDO No. If a vote like this passes in California, we're gonners. After teachers, it's all public employees, then all upfront gays in all jobs. BOB ELLIOT But what good does it do ME to endorse a three time loser, Milk. ANNE KRONENBERG Cause we're gonna win this one. Look at the posters. Rick Stokes has them ON TOP of the buildings. He's got the landlords. But look in the windows of all the tenants, the renters ALL want MILK. Cleve returns empty handed. Harvey is clearly agitated. HARVEY MILK Where is he? What'd you do wrong? CLEVE JONES He's not into old men. HARVEY MILK (a shot back at Cleve) Or femmy little boys? CLEVE JONES Honey, you're not exactly butch. HARVEY MILK (back to Bob) Listen to Anne. You might not approve of us, but you can count on us to be up-front. I'm looking you right in the eye: I will ALWAYS support your union. BUT, when I win, 53. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) I have to draw the battle-line with this proposition. I'll need our people, the disabled, the seniors, the minorities, firemen and the teamsters. The "us'es." We need your help, Bob. Your endorsement. This is about our survival. BOB ELLIOT Nobody should get their job taken. Another convert. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - NIGHT Anne is leaving with a stack of SF Chronicles. Cleve comes in, pulls one off her stack, and looks for "the article." HARVEY MILK They've accused me of many things, but never as blatant a lie as this. CLEVE JONES "He has experience as a financial analyst having worked for firms on both Wall Street and Montgomery street..." They endorsed you for being a good businessman? Has Scott read this? He'll piss himself. ANNE KRONENBERG No major paper has EVER endorsed him. HARVEY MILK Thank you. Now go home. Or Cleve, maybe you should go find a boy to celebrate with... just in case. CLEVE JONES I'm going to The Stud. Meet me out. Cleve goes. His energy is boundless. Harvey sits alone watching the bar goers return home through his front window. A bitter-sweetness lingers. A couple waves, one shouts out: GAY MAN Gonna win this time, Milk? They walk on, not waiting for an answer. Then, a drunk, cute, Latino, JACK LIRA, 25, stops. He stares in at the political ads in the window. Harvey watches him sway drunk out of his mind, waiting for him to fall. The two 54. make eye contact. Harvey smiles. Jack tries to. Harvey picks up a folding chair and walks it out to him. HARVEY MILK Can I interest you in a seat? JACK LIRA (re: poster in the window) You're more handsome in the picture. HARVEY MILK Thank you. Jack smiles at Harvey. Then sits/falls down into the chair, then slides off. Harvey stands above the passed out young man. A newcomer. A wounded bird. Perfect. INT. VOTING BOOTH - DAY Harvey Milk stands in a voting booth. He goes down the list of names. He finally punches the one next to "HARVEY MILK" District 5, and pulls the lever. The chads fall. A MONTAGE: like an early winter snowfall, thousands upon thousands of tiny little falling chads as votes are cast. EXT. CASTRO CAMERA - ELECTION NIGHT TV lights blast Castro Camera. A raucous crowd pours into the streets to greet the roar of motorcycles. Anne pulls up with the Sheriff on back. Harvey is passenger on a second bike, FINALLY VICTORIOUS! They are instantly swarmed. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - MOMENTS LATER JUMP TO: Rick Stokes and David Goodstein are at the door trying to get in. Cleve and Scott are guarding it. RICK STOKES We just want to congratulate him. CLEVE JONES I'm sorry. We're all full. DAVID GOODSTEIN (seeing Harvey inside) Harvey! Harvey! HARVEY MILK (as Anne pulls him away) I'm sorry. It's too crowded. Pushing up from behind Rick and David is a very drunk, Jack Lira (who fell down earlier.) 55.

SCOTT SMITH I'm sorry. It's all full in here. JACK LIRA Harvey Milk told me to be here, and I'm here. Let me in. Right now. CLEVE JONES It's okay, Scott. Let him in. They let Jack past, much to the disgust of Rick Stokes and David Goodstein who are still shut out. CLEVE JONES (CONT'D) That's Harvey's new boyfriend. Jack... I give it a week. Scott looks like he's had the wind knocked out of him. JUMP TO: Harvey with a News Crew. Jack squeezes his way in. CHANNEL 5 REPORTER Does this mean, as many straights are concerned, maybe the gays ARE taking over San Francisco? Are you going to be a Supervisor for all the people? HARVEY MILK I have to be. That’s what I was elected for. I have to be there to open up the dialogue for the sensitivities of all people, all their problems, the problems that effect this city effect all of us. If I do a good job, people won't care if I'm green or have three heads! (toasts the camera) Thank you San Francisco! Thank you. JUMP TO: Through the joy, something weighs on Harvey. Lonely amongst the crowd, he steps back and looks out to the Castro. He focuses in on a dark figure, standing still, watching from afar. Paranoia descend. Scott interrupts, he knows his Harvey too well: SCOTT SMITH You've never won before. Take tonight to enjoy it. Looking back outside, the dark figure is long gone. Jack Lira, the ever jealous lover, cuddles up to Harvey. 56.

HARVEY MILK Scott, this is Taco Bell. JACK LIRA Jack Lira... Pleasure to meet you. Did you help on the campaign? SCOTT SMITH Not this one so much. Old ones. Scott gives Harvey a quick peck on the cheek, and turns to go. Harvey can't quite let him go yet. HARVEY MILK Hey, Scott? (Scott turns back) Did Dan White win tonight too? SCOTT SMITH He did. (a beat between them) Don't think about it. Just try and enjoy this tonight. INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT - LATE NIGHT Exhausted, Harvey labels a cassette tape "IN CASE", puts it in a recorder, and hits record. Jump cuts convey: HARVEY MILK This is Harvey Milk, speaking on Friday, November 18, 1977. This is to be played only in the event of my death by assassination... (jump to) ...If I was to be shot and killed, the Mayor has the power of appointing my successor... I would suggest and urge and hope that the mayor would appoint somebody to my position who also came from the movement rather than used the movement or never understood it... CLOSE ON: the tape turning. The shot is identical to the opening shot of Harvey's aides listening to this same tape. EXT. MARKET STREET MONTAGE - DAY JAN 1978 SET TO MUSIC: In his old brown suit, Harvey walks to City Hall with a crowd of supporters. The familiar faces now include Jack Lira. 57.

EXT. CITY HALL - DAY On City Hall's steps, Mayor Moscone swears in Harvey Milk. HARVEY MILK I Harvey Milk do solemnly swear to uphold and fortify the laws of San Francisco, California, and of the United States of America. Bulbs flash. A light rain begins to fall. Umbrellas go up. Harvey turns to his throng of supporters. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Anita Bryant said gay people brought the drought to California. Looks to me like it’s finally started raining! Cheers. Harvey is emboldened. INT. S.F. MORNING SHOW (ON A TV SET) - DAY AN ACTUAL NEWSCAST: OF A S.F. MORNING SHOW. We see images of what she describes in the intro piece of the news report: HOST (V.O.) This will be the first time in many years that we’ve seen so many new faces on the board of supervisors, a women’s rights advocate, the first Chinese American, the first Black woman, Harvey Milk, a homosexual, and a city fireman who gave up his job to take his seat, Dan White. CUT TO: On air, both Harvey Milk and Dan White try to look buddy-buddy. The host is to their left. HOST (ON TV) (CONT'D) Now you two have been called the most different of this new, very diverse board. Do you think such diversity will cripple the board? HARVEY MILK (ON TV) Dan and I are here together today by choice. We have the most to learn from each other. Like it or not, the name of the game is 6 votes! This new board HAS to work together. It's very exciting. This will be a time of great change I hope. 58.

DAN WHITE (ON TV) Yes. 6 votes. And you should know, I've assured Harvey here that my brochure's comment's about "social deviants" referred more to junkies than to his people.


Harvey watches water pour over an infant boy. He is the only Jew, and likely the only gay man at Dan’s child’s baptism. Dan looks to Harvey, the proud father. Harvey waves. INT. CATHOLIC CHURCH - LATER Harvey and Dan have pulled themselves away. It's unexpectedly intimate. Harvey holds a bottle of Chivas Regal whiskey. HARVEY MILK It's a citywide ordinance. It just ensures that a person who already has a job can't be fired for their sexual orientation. DAN WHITE Is this tied to the teacher thing? HARVEY MILK No, but I hope you'll come out against that as well. DAN WHITE I'm not sure my constituents would favor either. HARVEY MILK Many, many people in this city could lose their jobs without it. If prop six passes, many people in this state. We don't want that. Dan looks over to his wife and newborn son. He seems a bit overwhelmed by it all. Family AND politics. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Is anyone else here from the board? DAN WHITE I invited all of em'. You're the only one who showed up I think. 59.

HARVEY MILK We can talk about this later, Dan. DAN WHITE No. It's okay. Say Harvey, where do you stand on the Psychiatric Center in my district? HARVEY MILK Well, I'd really like to make some time for just us. We could share the details of our ordinances. DAN WHITE Keeping it out of my district was a key piece of my platform. It'll only attract arsonist, rapists, all that, you know. HARVEY MILK Sure, sure. A campaign promise. DAN WHITE A big one. (quiet, intimate, young) What do you say we watch out for each other's interests? I'd like that. HARVEY MILK I'd like that too, Dan. Mary Ann White approaches with their child. It's awkward, as if she's walked in on something intimate. DAN WHITE I'm sorry. Wanted to give Harvey here a bottle of Chivas. Slipped into some shop talk. HARVEY MILK The Gay rights ordinance. My fault. MARY ANNE WHITE Seems an inappropriate subject in here don't you think? HARVEY MILK Hey, Don't knock it till you've tried it. His attempt to break the tension goes down in flames. She cracks a polite smile. They're from very different worlds. 60.

INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Arms filled with files, Harvey walks up the stairs in his suit. The place is candle lit. Latin music plays. Ruffled streamers made of torn up newspaper hang above the doorways. Harvey sets his things down at the kitchen table, flips on the lights, and gets to work. A bottle of liquor and two shot glasses sit in the middle of the table. The lights suddenly go back off. Harvey turns to find Jack Lira by the light switch in the doorway by the bedroom. HARVEY MILK Did you have a party? JACK LIRA No. It's for you. Jack walks to the table and pours a shot into each glass. HARVEY MILK I can't drink on school nights. (re: the streamers) Was that today's New York Times? JACK LIRA (re: the shot) Escuchame, Harvey. Drink that down, right now, so you can grow up big and strong like your Papa. HARVEY MILK Your Papa says so, huh? JACK LIRA Who cares what he says, he's no good. You're my Papi now. Do it. HARVEY MILK I have to work tonight, Jack. But I have a party tomorrow. Lots of people, politicians, businessman. Maybe we could get all dressed up together. Make a real show of it. JACK LIRA Like a date? (Harvey nods, Jack smiles) We could find better things to do without anyone around. HARVEY MILK Like what? 61.

Jack shoots back his shot. He lifts Harvey's shot glass just below Harvey's lips. JACK LIRA No more work tonight. Tonight is for dancing lessons. HARVEY MILK Maybe after I'm done. JACK LIRA No. You're done. Harvey considers, shoots back the drink, and grins. This is new territory. Jack turns up the music, takes Harvey's hands, and begins guiding Harvey through some Latin dance steps. JACK LIRA (CONT'D) You see, but you have to learn how to lead, okay? The dance lesson is intimate, sweet, a lovely distraction. The work on the table won't be done tonight. INT. CITY HALL - DAY Harvey goes through the metal detectors at the entrance and finds Cleve in a NEW SUIT waiting for the elevator. HARVEY MILK What do you think of my new theater? CLEVE JONES A bit over the top. HARVEY MILK What's with the suit? CLEVE JONES I got it from a friend. Harvey leads Cleve from the elevator to the grand staircase. HARVEY MILK No. When you come here, I want you to wear the tightest jeans possible. Never blend in. And no elevators. Ever. Always take the stairs, you can make such a grand entrance going up the stairs. 62.

INT. CITY HALL / SUPERVISOR'S OFFICES - MOMENTS LATER Harvey leads Cleve down the hall of Supervisor's offices, passing Dianne Feinstein's open door. HARVEY MILK And street talk only around Feinstein, shit, goddamn, fuck, all that. It bugs the shit out of her. They arrive at his Lead Aide's desk: it's Anne Kronenberg. ANNE KRONENBERG David Goodstein and Rick Stokes called again. They want a lunch. HARVEY MILK Morning to you too Annie-pants, Lets set Cleve up on mail. And what about a return call from Briggs? ANNE KRONENBERG He's got no clue who you are. HARVEY MILK Doesn't he read the newspapers? CLEVE JONES We're not sure if he's literate. He's from Fullerton. A big grin from Harvey as he heads into his office. INT. CITY HALL / HARVEY'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Harvey walks in. Michael is already there proofing a Bill. HARVEY MILK That's our new Citywide Gay Right's ordinance. What do you think? MICHAEL WONG How close are you? HARVEY MILK 6 to 5 a week ago, but now it looks like we'll get a unanimous vote. A damn good warning shot for Briggs against his prop 6 bull-shit. MICHAEL WONG Come on, Dan won't vote for this. 63.

Harvey puts his fingers to his lips and points down the hall, indicating Dan is down there. Harvey whispers: HARVEY MILK Dan's fine. He's just uneducated. "Wicked-witch-of-the-west" Feinstein is the real menace. She gives Dan the, "We're counting on you Dan" shit on every close vote. (off Mike's incredulous smirk) No. I'm serious, Dan's learning. I sit next to him at every meeting. There's great harmony developing. You watch, he'll be voting with us. Dan passes by the office, his AIDE behind him. He pops his head into Harvey's office. DAN WHITE Harvey, preliminary votes and debate at 4:30. Oh, hi, Michael. HARVEY MILK See you there, Dan. All smiles, Dan leaves. Harvey breaks into a celebratory "I told you so" skit with a Mickey Mouse toy on his desk. MICHAEL WONG That was bizarre. HARVEY MILK I'm getting a lot of pressure from Silver and Lau to vote against Dan's Bill though. They want to keep the Psychiatric Center here. Keep the kids close to their parents. MICHAEL WONG He'll lose it if you switch your vote. HARVEY MILK I put a psychiatric center in my district, why not his? MICHAEL WONG Cause you made a deal with him? HARVEY MILK It's politics. He's got to learn not to take it personally. It would be hypocritical to vote for it now. 64.

MICHAEL WONG And you have the votes you need now. You don't need him. HARVEY MILK (glares, then:) We're still 6 to 5 "against" on over a dozen initiatives, including desegregating the police force. Dan could be our swing vote. ANNE KRONENBERG (pokes her head in) Congressman Burton wants you to come to a meeting. Prop 6. Says it's attack plan time against the gay teacher thing. HARVEY MILK "Their" attack? ANNE KRONENBERG He's invited everybody. HARVEY MILK Everybody? Find Taco Bell, tell him to get a coat and meet me there. ANNE KRONENBERG Don't take Taco Bell... I mean Mr. whatchamacallit. Find a new boy who won't make a scene. Congressman Burton might be the next Speaker of the House. A good ally. HARVEY MILK Then I'll call Jack myself. And tell Cleve to come too. We'll introduce Burton to his "Committee Against Briggs" boys. Some anarchist flavor. (off their looks) What? They're great. And a hell-of- a lot cuter. If those stuffy old suits say EVERYBODY'S invited, lets make it everybody. EXT. THE CASTRO - EVENING Harvey is on his walk home from City Hall with Jim Rivaldo. Just as they turn into the Castro, THE SOUND OF A WHISTLE breaks the night air. Harvey and Jim run toward the scuffle. The ATTACKER bolts, leaving a GAY MAN bloody in the street. 65.

Jim tends to the man. Harvey chases the attacker, tackles him, and presses him into the ground. It's a young man. YOUNG ATTACKER Get off me. Don't hurt me. HARVEY MILK Have it your way. We'll go down to that gay bar right there, and tell everybody what you just tried to do, and let THEM take care of you. Harvey drags him toward the bars. Jim shows up empty handed. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Where is he? JIM RIVALDO He didn't want to have to deal with the cops. Insult to injury. YOUNG ATTACKER Please don't do this. Please, man! HARVEY MILK (gets uncomfortably close) Look at me. You tell all your friends what just happened to you. You tell them we're down here waiting for them. Harvey lets him go. They watch him run out of the Castro. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) It's starting again. Scott's right. The clock is turning back. INT. UPSCALE SF HOUSE - NIGHT Cleve sits in the entry way in his tight jeans and shirt. He's very out of place amongst all the suits. One OLD MAN reaches over him to hang up his cane on a coat rack. CLEVE JONES Sorry, man. Harvey walks in. Cleve rushes to his side. David Goodstein and Rick Stokes turn to greet Milk. DAVID GOODSTEIN Hello, Harvey. Running late? 66.

HARVEY MILK (not pleased, not stopping) Jim. Rick. So good to see you both. DAVID GOODSTEIN Oh Harvey... your boyfriend is in the closet. HARVEY MILK Excuse me, David? DAVID GOODSTEIN The Latino, he's locked himself in the coat room. Seemed bothered. INT. UPSCALE S.F. HOUSE / COAT ROOM DOOR - MOMENTS LATER Harvey is at the door. Jack is locked inside the room. HARVEY MILK You're right, I know, I was late by twenty minutes. I'm sorry, Jack. JACK LIRA Who were you with? HARVEY MILK I was at work. Come out, sugar pea. JACK LIRA No. You embarrassed me. I didn't know anyone. These are not good people. I don't want to be here. HARVEY MILK Then go home, Jack... Okay? Please? For me? JACK LIRA No. I'll wait for you. Go away. A tight smile from Harvey as he looks up to Cleve. INT. UPSCALE S.F. HOUSE / STUDY - LATER Harvey, Cleve and a dozen others are scattered about the room. Congressman PHIL BURTON, 51 leans on a desk, listening. DAVID GOODSTEIN It’s polling at 75% statewide. 67.

CLEVE JONES 80% in other polls. Some even have us losing San Francisco. DAVID GOODSTEIN (condescending to Cleve) It’s important we not deceive people into thinking we can win or we’ll have riots and only increase this backlash. HARVEY MILK (protective of Cleve) I thought this was to create a strategy against prop six, not how we should gracefully lose it. DAVID GOODSTEIN You’re firing them up, Milk. You too Mr. Jones. It’s irresponsible. Phil Burton rises above it, passing out copies of his new Anti-Brigg's Initiative flier. All start to read it. PHIL BURTON What I want to discuss is how we can raise enough funds to get this message out statewide. HARVEY MILK (almost involuntary) What message is that? PHIL BURTON What's stated right there in front of you, Milk. HARVEY MILK "Proposition six is an affront to Human Rights. An invasion of the state into the private lives of California citizens." (points to the pictures) None of these people are gay. Does it even say the word gay on this thing? Anywhere? DAVID GOODSTEIN No Harvey, purposefully not. HARVEY MILK If nobody knows who's affected, why the hell should they give a damn? 68.

PHIL BURTON With the heat bearing down on your movement right now, we think it's best to dodge the "gay" bullet. Go for the human rights angle. HARVEY MILK That's as anti-gay as Anita. We need to put at least ONE old queen on here. PHIL BURTON Need some free press, Harvey? HARVEY MILK OH, is that what this is? Press? You and your Dem strategists sucking up to my community? Well you're right, there IS a formidable gay vote forming, and you're wise to suck up to it, but I'm in this to win it. DAVID GOODSTEIN I think everyone here, but you, is in agreement that this is good. Mr. Burton, I sign off on it AS IS. HARVEY MILK Of course you do. This is shit. Shit and masturbation. It's a tepid response to a dangerous threat. (to Phil re: David) This is how he lost Florida. It's why he'll lose again in Wichita. DAVID GOODSTEIN (silence, a beat, then:) I think you should leave, Harvey. OFF the rest. In the face of Burton, most seem to agree. INT. UPSCALE SF HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER Harvey knocks on the coat check door. Waits. HARVEY MILK Jack? Jack, we're leaving. Lets go. (to Cleve) Get everyone together. Dick, Jim, Harry, Anne, Mike, and anybody else you can find. I want young people, women, fresh heads. Your place. 69.

Jack opens the door, and grabs Harvey's hand. They go. INT. CLEVE JONES'S APARTMENT - NIGHT The room is bright yellow. Harvey, Jim & Dick, Michael, Cleve, Anne, Jack, Tom Amiano and even Scott are there. Amongst Cleve's friends are many new faces. Distracting some, a 70's handsome, mustached PIZZA GUY is laying out delivery. HARVEY MILK If we do it their way, the old way, we'll lose. If we do it our way, alone, we'll get creamed. What I'm proposing is new-- CLEVE JONES (re: his young radicals) We're not interested in working with the old Democratic Party shits. HARVEY MILK We can't afford infighting anymore. We have to bring money together for EVERY group. Even the old school Dems with their heads up their asses. (re: the big distraction) Is anybody gonna pay the pizza guy, or are we just gonna stare? More than a few folks in the room dig in their pockets to be the first to tip the handsome man. Cleve included. With the distraction gone, Harvey turns on the showman inside him: HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) We're going to do something that's never been done before. We're taking the Castro on the road. To your own home town, your dentist office, maybe even your old neighbor's bedroom. TOM AMIANO What the fuck, Harvey? HARVEY MILK If we're gonna convince the 90% to give a shit about us, EVERYBODY'S coming out. It's time to leave the ghetto and let everyone out there know that they ALL know one of us. 70.

DICK PABICH You're asking everyone in the state to be up-front, no matter where they live? HARVEY MILK There's no asking. We'll TELL everyone that they MUST come out to everyone they know. No more hiding. If David Goodstein says we're wrong, that we'll lose, lets be REALLY wrong. Lets go down in flames. JACK LIRA When my Papa found out, he broke my nose. The whole state is not San Francisco. It's Fresno. This is crazy. ANNE KRONENBERG It could be dangerous for people outside of San Francisco and LA. HARVEY MILK Wait. See, we aren't like other minorities. We aren't always visible. CLEVE JONES Except for me and Jack, right? HARVEY MILK Privacy's our enemy. You want real political power? Tell the truth for a change. We start here. Now. If there's anyone you haven't told, call them. Right now. JACK LIRA (wrapping food to go) Okay. Is this all we can talk about? I have things to do. ANNE KRONENBERG (ignoring him) My folks know already. DICK PABICH I haven't told my father yet. HARVEY MILK (laying the guilt on Dick) Well, we can't be hypocrites. Many faces look on in horror. Anne leaves the room. 71.

EXT. CLEVE JONES'S APARTMENT / STAIRCASE - LATER Jack is already down the stairs. Scott follows Harvey out. SCOTT SMITH You're the hypocrite in there. You never told your family. It's easy to talk the talk, Harvey, so drop all the holier than thou crap. HARVEY MILK My parents are gone. My brother knows. I'm sure they knew. SCOTT SMITH I had to listen to your phone calls to Mom and Dad. Hear you deny that I existed. You want to be "normal" as bad as any of us. HARVEY MILK I was a different person then. SCOTT SMITH You were 40 when I met you. Cleve's friends are 19, 20. Kids. You're asking them to lose their families. Where do they go when they're thrown out? They can't all come here. HARVEY MILK We can save more than we lose. SCOTT SMITH I hope so, but be careful with blanket statements. You'll never know what it is to walk that walk. Scott goes. Harvey waits, looks up to Cleve's friends in the window, Jack down the street. He questions his theory. INT. CITY HALL / SUPERVISOR'S CHAMBERS - DAY Dianne bangs her gavel like a mad woman. Harvey's irate. HARVEY MILK DIANNE FEINSTEIN I have told no lies here Supervisor Milk, you WILL today or to Supervisor White come to order. in the past-- HARVEY MILK --I want it noted that I never made promises to vote for Supervisor 72. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) White's Mental Health Center Bill. I greatly respect Mr. White, but I would like his remarks stricken. DIANNE FEINSTEIN Duly noted. We will take a recess before recording the vote. Fellow Supervisor, CAROL RUTH SILVER, leans over to Harvey. CAROL RUTH SILVER Thank you Harvey. Harvey is preoccupied with Dan approaching. He leans back. DAN WHITE Can I have a moment with Harvey? Alone, please, Carol? She politely recognizes the tension and gets up. Dan is edgy, the rage of a scorned adolescent just below his suit. DAN WHITE (CONT'D) Why are you turning on me like this at the last minute. What did I do? HARVEY MILK I didn't have all the details. I'll help you craft a different version. DAN WHITE We had a deal. HARVEY MILK Why is this about me, Dan? The name of the game is six votes. There are eleven other people here. Change one of their minds. Dan grabs Harvey. It's threatening. A new side of Dan. DAN WHITE I'll vote against your Queer Bill. HARVEY MILK It'll still pass 10 to 1. You'll just look like you're out of touch. We can fix this. Dan glares. Carol returns. Dan goes, muttering to his aide: DAN WHITE You throw out normal morals and it all crashes down. Gloves are off. 73.

Carol is concerned. Harvey underestimated Dan’s temper. HARVEY MILK I'll talk to him. It's fine. EXT. CITY HALL - LATER Dan with REPORTERS. A big emotional reversal: DAN WHITE If Harvey Milk passes his "Gay Rights" ordinance, and if we don't protect ourselves with prop 6, a transvestite can show up at a public school with all the qualifications for teaching and they can’t refuse to hire him. I feel the way all good Americans feel. Our children should not be exposed to these perverts and pedophiles. OFF Dan's news coverage, we blend seamlessly into: INT. TV NEWS REPORTS - NIGHT CHIRON: "Landslide: Wichita says NO to Gays." Anita talks to a REPORTER, JOHN BRIGGS amongst the supporters at her side. ANITA BRYANT I give thanks for all of our foot soldiers of God here in Wichita. But we must push on. Look what happened to Sodom and to the world of Noah. Onward Christian soldiers! I/E. TELEPHONE TREE MONTAGE / EFFECT - DAY A telephone tree MONTAGE starts with Cleve on the phone: CLEVE JONES Wichita's going down by 5 to 1. Sundown at Market and Castro. A MULTIPLYING FRAME EFFECT: the person he called calls two others, they call four, then more and more as the tree grows. INT. CASTRO CAMERA - SUN DOWN Harvey watches scores of restless protesters holding Anti- Anita signs file past his shop windows toward Castro and Market. Just outside, Cleve hands out the last of his pink triangles and pops into the shop for more. Distressed, paranoid, Harvey drags Cleve deeper into the shop. 74.

HARVEY MILK She has momentum. The only fight left is ours. It's at our shores. Do you have all the press in place? CLEVE JONES Yes. And I got a permit for you. HARVEY MILK (Digs for his bullhorn) When I got Coors out of the bars, the Union gave me this. I want you to have it. CLEVE JONES What do I do with this? HARVEY MILK You're an activist now. Take it. March them. (OFF Cleve, terrified) Things are different. I'm in City Hall now. I'll be twice as effective if you march those people up to the front doors. Make it loud. Threaten to burn it down. I'll be inside. When it looks really dire, I'll come out and play peacemaker. CLEVE JONES Good cop, bad cop? HARVEY MILK Something like that. City Hall will know they have to come to me first from now on. We can turn this loss into more political muscle here. CLEVE JONES (looking out at the mob) I can't do it like you do it. HARVEY MILK Good. Do it your way... I won't always be here. Somebody else will have to take over. Do it. I need you to be the scary one. EXT. CASTRO AND MARKET STREET - NIGHT A massive, angry crowd has gathered. Baby-faced Cleve takes a makeshift stage. He lifts the bullhorn and with nerves, reads a speech. Its pages blow about. Harvey watches from afar. 75.

CLEVE JONES Forty years ago tonight, the gay citizens of Germany found out they no longer had civil rights. Tomorrow morning, the gay citizens of Wichita will also awaken to find that they too have lost their civil rights. You have whistles. You use them when we have been attacked. Tonight we have been attacked. Initially Cleve is successful, but then the crowd turns, marching toward City Hall without him. CLEVE JONES (CONT'D) Fuck. Shit. Harvey! Cleve runs as fast as he can to cut through the crowd, to get to the front. He gets on his walkie-talkie. CLEVE JONES (CONT'D) Get the press to the overpass. EXT. MARKET STREET - MOMENTS LATER Cleve gets to the head of the crowd. He gets on the bullhorn: CLEVE JONES Move... Left... Move... Left... MARCH SUPERVISORS appear with white armbands, echoing to the massive crowd, block after block Cleve's chant. Eventually the crowd "Moves Left." Cleve marches up Market in the face of the police. Jim Rivaldo charges up. JIM RIVALDO What are you doing? Where's Harvey? CLEVE JONES We're shutting down traffic, both directions. Feeling eyes on him, Cleve looks to the sidewalk. Harvey is watching from afar. Harvey nods, and disappears into the crowd. A show of trust. To Cleve it's a huge dose of approval. Cleve looks up at the press that's arrived on the overpass above, and turns to two HIPPIE KIDS near the front. CLEVE JONES (CONT'D) Get up on that bus and disconnect the power arms. 76.

The boys climb up the trolley and knock the power. Sparks fly. The press snaps photos. It’s markedly more militant than Harvey's marches. The police have to struggle to keep up. INT. CITY HALL - LATER From inside, Harvey watches. We hear the angry, chanting crowd arrive at City Hall's front steps. "Civil Rights or Civil War!" They seem poised to burn it down. A beat, then: Harvey steps out of the front doors to WILD APPLAUSE. Cheers. Camera flashes explode through the glass front doors... HARVEY MILK (V.O.) My name is Harvey Milk... and I ask all of you to show the love and civility that we have not been shown tonight in Wichita... More cheers are heard from the crowd, more cameras flash. INT. CITY HALL / HARVEY'S OFFICE - DAY Cleve is jazzed. The cover of the Examiner features a picture of Cleve and Harvey arm in arm. CLEVE JONES They're playing it as a successful mediation. You're a god damn city hero. It came THIS close to a riot! HARVEY MILK Lose the note cards next time. CLEVE JONES The bullhorn wasn't loud enough. HARVEY MILK Your job is just to say into that bullhorn what they’re all feeling, you don't need to read a speech. CLEVE JONES I didn't have time to memorize it. What's really up your ass? ANNE KRONENBERG John Briggs won't acknowledge his calls for a public debate. 77.

HARVEY MILK I need more visibility. Something populist. What's the number one complaint about city life? CLEVE JONES The piss smell in the Tenderloin. HARVEY MILK Close. Dog Shit. If you cleaned up all the Dog shit in the city, you could be elected Mayor. Mayor Milk. Say it. I like it. (to Anne) Anne, call the Examiner about the Gay ordinance signing. And have them meet us on the front lawn Friday morning. (turns back to Cleve) You get there early. MONTAGE BEGINS WITH: EXT. CITY HALL / FRONT LAWN - FRIDAY Cleve finds what he’s looking for, a piece of dog shit. EXT. CITY HALL / FRONT LAWN - MOMENTS LATER Harvey with a clump of REPORTERS, a red and white "No on 6" button pinned to his lapel (HENCEFORTH, IT'S A FIXTURE). HARVEY MILK Dog mess is a hazard, and on top of that, it's disgusting. Under the ordinance, dog owners that don’t clean up can be fined. This really is the bottom line! He smiles at his own joke, punctuating it by "accidentally" stepping in Cleve’s well-placed dog shit. A BIG grin. BULBS FLASH. These flashes transition into: INT. CITY HALL / MAYOR MOSCONE'S OFFICE - LATER CAMERAS FLASH: Surrounded by press, Harvey takes the Mayor's seat. Jack Lira is beside him, loving his part as First Lady. HARVEY MILK Call it what it is, I'm the first openly gay Mayor in the country. 78.

PRESS Acting Mayor, right Mr. Milk? Isn't this just your turn in the supervisor's substitute rotation while the Mayors on vacation? HARVEY MILK But the idea is not lost. Perhaps a boy or girl in Altoona Pennsylvania will read about what is happening here today and think, "My God, I don't have to kill myself. I could be Mayor of Philadelphia one day." INT. CITY HALL / SUPERVISOR'S CHAMBERS - DAY Dianne Feinstein does roll call, Harvey watches the votes: CAROL RUTH SILVER Yea DAN WHITE Nae. DIANNE FEINSTEIN Please record ten yeas, one nae for the San Francisco Gay Rights Ordinance. Sponsored by Supervisors Milk and Silver. INT. CITY HALL / MAYOR MOSCONE'S OFFICE - DAY MAYOR MOSCONE I can't get my stories on page ten, you're getting page one? HARVEY MILK Doggy-doo's a real problem, George. Harvey swaps the Mayor's black pen with a powder blue one. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) Powder blue. Only appropriate. (The Mayor takes it) You should know the gay community has your back on all future projects, Mr. Mayor. Will you have ours? INT. CITY HALL / MAYOR MOSCONE'S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER MAYOR MOSCONE (to the press) I don't do this enough, taking 79. MAYOR MOSCONE (CONT'D) swift and unambiguous action on a substantive move for civil rights. Moscone signs the law with the powder blue pen. Harvey leans over him. THE PRESS CAPTURES THE MOMENT. The pair united. INT. A SAN FRANCISCO HALL - NIGHT A crowd sings “Happy Birthday.” One after another, Harvey's guests throw cream pies in his face. Rick and David Goodstein included. A peace offering. Harvey wipes pie from his eyes. In the B.G. the Black drag queen sensation, SYLVESTER, bust into his top 10 anthem, "You Make Me Feel." HARVEY MILK (to David Goodstein) You know, little Cleve's raised $200,000 so far. If you need anything, we're headed down to Salinas. They HATE us there! DAVID GOODSTEIN Good. I mean, Good Job. Not good that they hate you. Happy Birthday. Jack breaks up the awkward moment with his own pie in Harvey's face. David splits. Harvey clears his eyes. JACK LIRA I love you more than the moon. You know that, right? HARVEY MILK I know. I love you too, Taco Bell. Jack heads to the bar. Harvey wipes off pie, keeping an eye on his drunk Taco Bell. Scott approaches from behind. SCOTT SMITH Don't let Cezar Chavez hear you calling him Taco Bell. HARVEY MILK He’s getting better. He enrolled in classes on Monday. SCOTT SMITH I wasn't gonna say a word... but his little fits ARE hard on your public image. 80.

HARVEY MILK It's the damage of homophobia. The drinking... it'll all improve. SCOTT SMITH You can do better. HARVEY MILK You know, when I come home to him, I don’t have to talk politics or talk intelligently. I can just relax... and where's an old man like me going to get such a good looking young man, right? A bit too candid for his taste, Scott smacks Harvey with a pie of his own. Harvey wipes it away. SCOTT SMITH Looks like you're gonna make it to 50 after-all. HARVEY MILK (a broad smile, then:) He doesn’t have to be the love of my life. Maybe I’ve already had that. A beat, then Scott goes. Both hold a guarded flame still. Breaking the moment, Anne approaches with Dick and Cleve in tow. She hands Harvey a typed postcard. ANNE KRONENBERG Happy Birthday. It came in the mail today. About the Gay Day parade. HARVEY MILK "You get the first bullet the minute you stand at the microphone." (looking for a silver lining) Looks like the publicity's working. CLEVE JONES I could give the speech. I was better at the Eugene march. HARVEY MILK No. The nation's eye is on this law. On our community. There's every chance John Briggs will show up in person to protest. So will Dan White. To pull out now would be too visible a defeat. 81.

EXT. GAY FREEDOM DAY PARADE - DAY STOCK FOOTAGE: Along Market street: 375,000 people have shown up for the parade, many holding signs naming their hometowns: Newark, San Antonio, Lincoln. A MONTAGE: of the various marchers, floats, "Parents and Friends Of", high camp drag queens, etc. EXT. GAY FREEDOM DAY PARADE / STAGE - LATER Just off stage, Harvey is being introduced, but can't hear the sound. He ponders the latest threats: “You get the first bullet the moment you step up to the microphone.” The introduction complete, the epic crowd waits for Harvey to take the stage. Like diving off a cliff, he launches up to the microphone. The deafening cheers surely would have drowned out gunfire, but when it fades, Harvey is standing. POV shots of cops, loners, and a mass of protesters hint at Harvey's mounting paranoia. Anne keeps a watchful eye. Shifting his gaze from the angry protesters, Harvey launches into the most impassioned speech of his career: HARVEY MILK My name is Harvey Milk, and I want to recruit you. I want to recruit you for the fight to preserve your democracy from the John Briggs and the Anita Bryants who are trying to constitutionalize bigotry. Gay brothers and sisters, you must come out. Come out, to your parents, I know that it is hard and will hurt them but think about how they will hurt you in the voting booth! Come out to your friends, if they indeed are your friends. Come out to your neighbors, to your fellow workers, to the people who work where you eat and shop. Once and for all, break down the myths, destroy the lies and distortions. For your sake. For their sake. For the sake of the youngsters who are becoming scared by the votes from Dade to Eugene. And I'm tired of the silence from the White House. Jimmy Carter, you want to be the world's leader for human rights? Well, damn it, lead! How much more violence? How many more lives? On the statue of liberty it says "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled 82. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) masses yearning to be free." In the declaration of independence it is written "All men are created equal and they are endowed with certain inalienable rights." For Mr. Briggs and Mrs. Bryant and ALL the bigots out there, no matter how hard you try, you cannot erase those words from the declaration of independence. No matter how hard you try, you cannot chip those words from off the base of the statue of liberty. That is what America is. Love it or leave it. Wild applause. He scans the crowd as he steps off stage. A bit surprised to still be alive. Cleve grabs him. CLEVE JONES The Mayor needs to see you. Harvey registers concern. INT. LIMOUSINE / 5 BLOCKS FROM THE FREEDOM DAY PARADE - SAME John Briggs rides in a limo watching the “freaks" outside. As he nears the Parade Stages his POLICE ESCORTS take an unplanned turn. He leans forward. JOHN BRIGGS The parade is the other direction. DRIVER They're taking us another way, Sir. INT. WHAREHOUSE ON THE PIER - MOMENTS LATER The limo pulls in. Briggs cautiously steps out. Greeting him are Moscone, the POLICE CHIEF, 25 SFPD officers, and Harvey. JOHN BRIGGS I have a right to be here, George. MAYOR MOSCONE I'm afraid given the temperature of this scuffle you've started, it's not in the interest of your safety or my public's safety to let you into that parade grounds. HARVEY MILK (extends his hand) Hi, I'm Harvey Milk. It's quite an honor to meet you, Mr. Briggs. 83.

JOHN BRIGGS I'm aware. Sad you're too afraid to fight this out in public, Mr. Milk. HARVEY MILK No sir. I would love to have a public debate. I'm very interested in the details of your argument. JOHN BRIGGS Don't condescend. You know the details. As do the people. Look at the votes across this nation. The "public", is with me. HARVEY MILK Yes sir, today they are. But I'd still very much welcome a public debate. John nods, stiff, unsure, and gets back in his limo. EXT. CHANNEL 5 TV NEWS STORY (FROM THE GAY PARADE) - DAY Near a few PROTESTORS, Dan is heated to a TV Reporter: DAN WHITE I saw naked men walking around, naked women walking around, which doesn't bother me as far as my personal standards of nudity, but it's not proper. We wouldn't allow it for any other parade in San Francisco, and it should not be allowed for the gay parade. LINDA SHACT (ON TV) Supervisor White has yet to take an "official" position on prop 6, the anti-gay teacher initiative. But battle lines are forming. The Bill's author, John Briggs said this morning that Dade county, Oklahoma and Saint Paul Minnesota were only preliminary battles. He called his California campaign against homosexual teachers, the main event, issuing a challenge to debate prop 6 publicly, right here in the Bay area. 84.

INT. "NO ON SIX" WORKSHOP / MARKET STREET – DAY Pushing in through the windows and "NO on 6" posters, reveal: The place is filled with volunteers. Harvey is going OCD nuts on a paper clip. Cleve frantically types up 3x5 cards. HARVEY MILK I had three periods there. Not one. CLEVE JONES What the fuck is the difference? HARVEY MILK It's only funny with three periods. And quit correcting my grammar. CLEVE JONES Only if you stop sweating on me. Harvey is instantly concerned with his profuse perspiration. DICK PABICH (into a phone) I'm sorry, yes. A big bus. A long one. Or make it two if you can. No. From the Castro to Walnut Creek. EXT. WALNUT CREEK SCHOOL GYMANSIUM - EVENING Dozens of Briggs supporters look on in horror as buses drop off hundreds of Milk supporters imported from the Castro. Dick and Jim lead the somewhat obvious gays and inside. It's quite the circus. EXT. SAN FRANCISCO TV MONTAGE - LATER THAT NIGHT MONTAGE: The camera floats across the bay into the homes of a variety of San Franciscans. Their TVs are all tuned to the prop 6 debate. Harvey sits with John at a table facing forward. We hear the cheers and jeers of the packed audience. JOHN BRIGGS Mr. Milk, we don’t allow people who believe in practicing bestiality to teach our children, we don’t let prostitutes teach our children, and the reason we don’t is because it is illegal to be a prostitute. But It’s not illegal to be a homosexual in California. 85.

HARVEY MILK But your law goes even further. ANY teacher who even supports a gay person will be fired. JOHN BRIGGS True. But you see, gay people don't have children of their own. If they don't recruit children, they'd all die away. That's why they want to be teachers, to serve as role models and encourage our children to join them. HARVEY MILK (ON TV) (up from his 3x5 cards) How do you teach homosexuality? Like French? I was born of heterosexual parents, I was taught by heterosexual teachers in a fiercely heterosexual society with television ads and newspaper ads, fiercely heterosexual. In a society that puts down homosexuality. And why am I homosexual if I’m affected by role models? I should have been a heterosexual. And no offense meant, but if it were true that children mimicked their teachers, you’d sure have a helluva lot more nuns running around. The crowd roars. It feel like "The Harvey Milk Show." INT. BARNUM AND BAILEY CIRCUS / MAKE UP ROOM / S.F. - DAY Harvey sits in a make-up chair. A MAKE-UP artist is painting him up to look like a clown. Several other city officials are in chairs beyond him. Dick and Jim are there. Anne Kronenberg reads from the paper. It confirms the worst: ANNE KRONENBERG 61% to 30%. For Briggs... It's movement in the right direction. HARVEY MILK At this rate we'll get creamed... You know, you don't realize someone is sad, really, till you see them in clown make-up. The eyes will always give you away. 86.

DICK PABICH People ARE coming out though. David Mixner down in LA came out. So Far he's pulled in Paul Newman, Burt Lancaster, John Travolta, and Lili Tomlin to support the NO campaign. JIM RIVALDO Streisand and Minnelli are refusing to take a stand... they wouldn't even have careers without us. HARVEY MILK It's not enough to debate In Walnut Creek. That's preaching to the choir. We have to take the show on the road. Call Briggs's office. Do a press release. Tell them he can pick the town, the audience, and I'll ask our supporters not to attend. DICK PABICH Their audiences are devout in a way we've never seen before. We'll lose. Milk doesn't want to hear it. He turns to the make-up artist with the sincerest of enthusiasm. HARVEY MILK Thank you for this great honor. But do you think once the magazine is done interviewing and snapping pictures, maybe I could keep the suit for a while? EXT. SAN FRANCISCO - DAY Still made up from head to toe as a clown, Harvey walks the streets of San Francisco. He waves, smiles, poses for photos with tourists. It's a rare moment of grace. Harvey jumps on a trolley headed toward Castro. He instantly captures the imagination of a small GIRL wearing a knit hat. HARVEY MILK I like your hat. Would you like to trade with me? GIRL (re: his awful clown hat) No. What the heck are you? 87.

HARVEY MILK Oh, me? I'm an elected official. I pass laws. I run this city. He makes a show of it. She smiles. He pokes her nose, and hands her flower he's been holding onto all afternoon. INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT - NIGHT As if ritual, a nude Jack Lira stands on the bed above Harvey who gazes up at his young, moon lit body. Teasing Harvey, Jack bends down and kisses him, then stands again. JACK LIRA You just have to guess the right words and they'll pay us. HARVEY MILK I don't have time to go down to LA. JACK LIRA It's one day. You're smart enough. You can win. HARVEY MILK (touching Jack's legs) We like game shows, and we like watching them, but I can't be on one right now. JACK LIRA I say use your fame now while you have it. We could have nice things. HARVEY MILK Shhh... You're beautiful Jack. We don't need anything but us. This stops Jack cold. A beat between them. Harvey knows it's going south. Jack gets out of bed and flips on the light. JACK LIRA I just want what anybody else has. HARVEY MILK If you want nice things, a car, go finish school. Get a job. JACK LIRA (instantly hot) I have worked on this surprise for you for months! You are horrible! You are selfish! 88.

HARVEY MILK Are you drunk right now? JACK LIRA You are an ungrateful asshole. HARVEY MILK Leave. Get out. JACK LIRA Fuck you. You just want to use me to fuck and throw me away? You want to kill me? Fuck you. Jack throws a piece of pottery. It misses Harvey, crashing through the front window, and shattering on the street below. Jack looks scared, his eyes pleading, "Don't throw me out." EXT. CASTRO CAMERA - LATER THAT NIGHT Harvey sweeps up the glass off the sidewalk. Cleve arrives. CLEVE JONES Tidying up the Castro? (no response) He's bad for your public image. HARVEY MILK Stop talking to Scott... and Anne. He registered 120 voters last week. CLEVE JONES So did any of your volunteers. You don't fuck all of them, right? HARVEY MILK You want to know a secret, Cleve? CLEVE JONES Only if it's scandalous. HARVEY MILK It stays between you and me... Back in New York, late 50s, there was this boy. Joe. He tried to get gay men to organize. He put letters in their mailboxes all over the city. CLEVE JONES Is that how you met him? 89.

HARVEY MILK No. We'd been together for a year already, but nobody knew about me, or us. I told him to stop. I was relentless... the "gays" needed to stay quiet about what they were. His first suicide attempt was a year later. I sat in that hospital next to him, afraid people would put 2 and 2 together... He needed me to accept him. I told him he was wrong. I've had four relationships in my life. And do you know, Scott is the only one who didn't try to kill himself... I know it was my fault they did it. I crushed them. Most of my life I've been closeted, weak and wrong... I don't have a lot of time left to make up for that. Jack needs me. I won't leave him while he needs me. CLEVE JONES You don't have to make him first lady to save him. You saved me... Cleve takes Harvey's hand. They sit like father and son. CLEVE JONES (CONT'D) Good-news/bad-news, you're going to Orange County. Briggs agreed to debate you on his home turf. They offered bodyguards. HARVEY MILK No. We both know it's going to happen some time. There's no use worrying about it. CLEVE JONES You're no Martin Luther King. Nobody gives a shit about us. HARVEY MILK You watch. I won't make it to 50, Cleve Jones. Come down with me. CLEVE JONES No way. I'm going to Redding. We found a group that needs money. Enemy territory. 90.

HARVEY MILK (trying to lighten things) Go in disguise. Put on a dress. You're my lovely, brilliant, little son. Can't lose you. CLEVE JONES They're saying we might lose San Francisco. Then where do we go? OFF the pair sitting together. Pondering the question. INT. AUDITORIUM IN ORANGE COUNTY - DAY A BIG BANNER welcomes Briggs home. The audience is filling in, Harvey is setting up. Dick helps. Reveal: Briggs sits beside them watching, chatting like they're old war buddies. JOHN BRIGGS I didn't win my first time either, Harvey. Ran for class president in grade school. The teacher took my name off cause my mom was divorced. HARVEY MILK I say, never let a little discrimination get you down. JOHN BRIGGS I had to find my audience. With you, yours is built in. DICK PABICH So you're saying you think homosexuality is built in? JOHN BRIGGS (laughs, then:) What I mean is, your constituency is built into who you've CHOSEN to be. I on the other hand have had to work to find my niche. We all need a flag for our fight, you know, doggie-doo and the like. HARVEY MILK So it's gays, grass and godlessness? Tell me, John, honestly, Do you really believe any of it? JOHN BRIGGS Of course I do. 91.

HARVEY MILK So then what's after this? Round up ALL gay public employees? JOHN BRIGGS Hey. I don't want to put you people in prison or anything. I mean truly, aren't you boys happy this is being led by someone like me? Better than some crazy, right? HARVEY MILK Because with you, it's just politics right? I say, give me Anita. At least she believes the garbage she spits up. JOHN BRIGGS (getting up) Have it your way, gentleman. Briggs steps away to greet his audience of supporters. DICK PABICH Is this just a big joke to him? HARVEY MILK No. It's a political power grab. A great big hoax, at our expense. EXT. BUS / REDDING CALIFORNIA - DAY Shots of Cleve in a bus arriving in the small farm town. INT. REDDING LIBRARY BASEMENT - DAY Cleve creeps down the stairs to a dim basement. Amongst the book stacks are two GAY MEN, a LESBIAN COUPLE, and a YOUNG GAY MAN. They look very concerned. Cleve is even more so. CLEVE JONES Hi... I'm Cleve Jones... With the United Fund against Briggs. LESBIAN You have to be quiet. They don't know we're down here. CLEVE JONES Okay. Did you get my message about finding an advocate in town? A Preacher? A Politician? Anyone. 92.

GAY MAN It's not that kind of town. How old are you son? CLEVE JONES Old enough. Does anyone know about any of you? (off their heads shaking) Okay. I can get you five grand to canvas every voter here, but you HAVE to come out. We have to find one local representative to put on your flier. I know it's going to be difficult, but I can help you... You're not alone. OFF their faces: fear, skepticism, regret, hope. INT. AUDITORIUM IN ORANGE COUNTY - NIGHT TV CAMERAS ROLL. Briggs' supporters jeer Harvey as he rips into their State Senator. Their vehemence frightens Dick. Harvey maintains his composure, lifting a Briggs flier. HARVEY MILK But Mr. Briggs, you've admitted that the percentage of population is equal to the percentage of child molestation. So why not take out the heterosexual group if overwhelmingly more molestation is reported in that group. Boos, jeers, hisses from the audience. Harvey steams. JOHN BRIGGS Mr. Milk, we cannot exist without the family, without the church. And if our initiative is defeated, I think it portends for a period of moral decay in this country that will lead to the bearing out of the prediction of General MacArthur, who stated that no civilization has ever survived when it falls into a period of general economic decline and moral decay. We are weakening the moral fiber, not only of the family, but the country and this is a greater danger than communism. Wild cheers from the audience. 93.

HARVEY MILK John Briggs knows that every one of his claims regarding gays has been repudiated by fact. And that his only remaining supporters are the Nazi party, the Ku Klux Klan, and the LA Deputy Sheriff’s Association.-- MODERATOR That's enough. We'll move on-- HARVEY MILK --In your own drive for personal power, how many careers are you willing to see destroyed? How many lives will you destroy in your lust for power, and when will you stop? The crowd rails. Harvey tries to maintain composure. EXT. AUDITORIUM IN ORANGE COUNTY - LATER Still being jeered, Harvey tries to focus on a CBS reporter. CBS REPORTER With your side trailing. What do you think the reaction might be if Briggs's initiative passes? HARVEY MILK I ask you this: At what point do we say enough? At what point do we stand up as a total group and say we will not allow it to happen anymore? CBS REPORTER You mean homosexuals can be violent? HARVEY MILK (what an odd question) Of course they can. Harvey steps away. Dick follows. The protesters won't quit. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) If this passes they won't stop until we're all quiet or dead. OFF the pair, both in shock as walk away. 94.

INT. CITY HALL / HARVEY'S OFFICE - DAY Harvey rushes from a packed session in the Supervisor's Chambers to his office. Anne is behind him. He picks up the phone. It seems urgent. HARVEY MILK Hey Taco, what's wrong? INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT - INTERCUT JACK LIRA Nothing. I just want to know when you'll be home. Harvey can hear the live radio broadcast of the Supervisors meeting on the other end of the line. Jack was listening in. HARVEY MILK You just had them pull me out of my big vote on the dog shit ordinance. Did you do this on purpose, Jack? JACK LIRA It's poop, Harvey. Aren't I more important than poop? HARVEY MILK Yes, but... I don't know when I'll be home. I have a Town Hall meeting. Maybe 6. No more crying wolf. JACK LIRA Fine. 6. Jack Hangs up. Harvey does the same. He looks up in time to see Dan heading down the hall with his briefcase. INT. CITY HALL / SUPERVISOR'S CHAMBERS HALLWAY - DAY Harvey catches up to Dan who is on his way out. HARVEY MILK Dan. Dan. I just wanted to say thank you for coming out against Prop 6. DAN WHITE (stops, considers, then:) I oppose it for the same reason Ronald Reagan does. 95.

HARVEY MILK (tries to lighten things) The "invasion of the state" thing or the possibility of witch hunts against you "straight" people! DAN WHITE What do you want, Milk? HARVEY MILK That's all... How's your boy? DAN WHITE What's your vote on Supervisor pay raises? HARVEY MILK It's a bad time politically for me. I have an election next year. DAN WHITE I have a family to support. HARVEY MILK Give me the police force desegregation vote, and I'll consider pay raises. DAN WHITE (suddenly very dark) I don't TRADE votes. It's immoral. HARVEY MILK So you're not staying for my doggy- doo vote? (the joke bombs) This is politics, Dan. It's about compromise. DAN WHITE There is good and bad, right and wrong. Moral and immoral. HARVEY MILK Black skin and white in your old police station? Dan tries hard to come up with a cogent response. He can't. His behavior is alarming. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) It's okay, Dan. I know it's a difficult position for you. 96.

Anne appears down the hall. A moment. Looking on the verge of tears, Dan chooses not share what he's thinking. Instead, he picks up his briefcase and walks out of the building. EXT. MARKET STREET - LATER Harvey walks home, a spring in his step. A PASSERBY shouts: PASSERBY You're the asshole that just passed that dog shit thing aren't you? What the hell do you have against dogs? HARVEY MILK Sir, blind people can't see "shit." What the heck do you have against blind people? Harvey is beaming, he's having a great day. Almost to his apartment, Harvey checks his watch. It’s 7PM. INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT - MOMENTS LATER Opening the door, Harvey finds a trail of voter registration cards, anti-Briggs literature, and Coors beer cans. Pushing through his fear, he carefully follows the cans and fliers up the stairs and through his apartment. Odd notes are taped to the walls. They all lead to a black velvet curtain with a note attached: "YOU'VE ALWAYS LOVED THE CIRCUS, HARVEY, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY LAST ACT?" Harvey pulls back the curtain to find Jack’s body, cold and discolored, hanging from a beam by a noose. INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT - LATER Scott arrives. Sitting very still, Harvey is being consoled by Cleve and Anne. Harvey looks up, rare tears in his eyes. SCOTT SMITH You did everything you could. HARVEY MILK Everything I've ever done was to give hope to people like Jack... And look. I've failed. Scott puts his arm around Harvey. Harvey buries his head. Anne helps Cleve take down Jack's many hidden notes. Cleve quietly reads a prominently placed one: 97.

CLEVE JONES "Beware. The ides. Of November." INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT - 5AM Earlier than ever, a coffee grinder grinds. The TV catches Harvey's eye, he adjusts the antenna. It's a clip of JIMMY CARTER post speech at a rally in Sacramento. Carter waves to the crowd. The mic picks up JERRY BROWN bending his ear: GOVERNOR BROWN (ON TV) Proposition 6. You’ll get your loudest applause. Ford and Reagan have both come out against it. So I think it’s perfectly safe. Carter walks back to the mic, still no clue what prop 6 is. PRESIDENT CARTER (ON TV) I also ask everybody to vote no on proposition 6. On TV, the crowd cheers. Harvey watches for a beat longer. This should be a triumphant moment. Instead, Harvey finds another hidden note from Jack under the coffee pot: "You're a lousy lover." He slips Jack's note tenderly into his pocket and walks out the front door. EXT. SF STREETS - LATER A MONTAGE: Harvey on his way to City Hall going door to door. Each time, he pulls a flier out of his suit pocket as he approaches a doorstep and knocks. Harvey knocks on the last door on the block. A CHINESE WOMAN answers. HARVEY MILK Hi. I'm Harvey. I'm a neighbor, and a gay man. I'm hoping you'll help me out and vote no on prop 6. INT. CITY HALL / SUPERVISOR'S OFFICES - ELECTION DAY It’s the day of the vote. A weight hangs. Cleve watches news footage of the vote off a small TV. Harvey stares blankly out a window at people in a voting line down below. CLEVE JONES Are you okay? HARVEY MILK The whole world is watching this... Are you ready for the march? This 98. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) isn't Wichita or Eugene. This is San Francisco we're about to lose. CLEVE JONES I expanded the telephone tree. 15,000 calls in under an hour. I made up a couple route shifts to throw off the cops, and advanced media placement on the overpasses. But I think they're gonna try and burn down this building-- Harvey puts his finger over his mouth to hush Cleve. Cleve recoils. Harvey gets up, and motions for Cleve to follow. EXT. CITY HALL - MOMENTS LATER Harvey leads Cleve out of City Hall. HARVEY MILK They can hide microphones in the fabric of my chair if they want. CLEVE JONES Don't get paranoid, Harvey. It's not cute. Seriously. There's gonna be riots if this thing passes. HARVEY MILK (darkens, pointed) There God damned better be. CLEVE JONES (stops, a beat, then:) What are you telling me? HARVEY MILK I can't say it because I'm a public official, but for God's sake, if this thing passes, fight back. OFF Cleve, holding the weight of Harvey's words. INT. "NO ON SIX" CENTER / MARKET STREET - NIGHT This is the moment. Harvey watches aides on the phones comb districts for voting results. Jim fills up a map on the wall. DICK PABICH San Bernadino is coming in. Not good. HARVEY MILK Of course not. How not good? 99.

MICHAEL WONG 60% for Briggs. Same in Fresno. HARVEY MILK Dear God, little Lotus Blossom. Harvey is stunned. Other districts follow with similar results. They go up in red on the map. JIM RIVALDO Imperial is 69% "for" so far. HARVEY MILK Put it up on the board. Harvey tries to stomach this major defeat, loss after loss. His focus is interrupted when Anne brings him the phone. ANNE KRONENBERG Don Amador down in LA. Friend of his wants to talk to you. HARVEY MILK (reluctantly answers) Kind of a bad time, Don. YOUNG TEEN (V.O.) Hello? HARVEY MILK Hi. Who is this? YOUNG TEEN (V.O.) Paul. You talked to me on the phone about a year ago. I'm from Minnesotta... I'm in a wheelchair. REVEAL: The boy in his wheelchair on the other end. HARVEY MILK I thought you were a gonner. YOUNG TEEN No. When I read in the paper that you won the Supervisor seat, I got a friend to put me on a bus to LA. HARVEY MILK Who did you know in Los Angeles? YOUNG TEEN Nobody. I just didn't want to die anymore. I met your friend Don down 100. YOUNG TEEN (CONT'D) here. I turned 18. I voted today against prop 6. Thank you, Mr. Milk. HARVEY MILK No. You did this all by yourself. YOUNG TEEN I don't think I'd be alive right now without you. You were right about LA. Its like gay Disney World. HARVEY MILK Then you have to see San Francisco. YOUNG TEEN I know I should let you go, but Don wanted me to congratulate you on what they're saying looks like a win for you. Congratulations Mr. Milk. Harvey turns back to the map. Jim Rivaldo is now coloring in with blue. On the other end of the phone, Harvey's friend in LA, Don Amador is back on the line. DON AMADOR (V.O.) It looks like we've taken LA County, Harvey. By 65%. It's huge. It goes against every poll. HARVEY MILK I gotta go, Don. Thank you so much. (frantic, to the room) LA by 65% put it up! Put it up! The tone in the room is changing. Jim storms up. JIM RIVALDO The polls were off. Briggs is going down by more than 2 to 1. The only district in San Francisco where it's passing is Dan White’s Harvey takes a moment to absorb the map. Anne, Dick & Jim, all the volunteers. What this apparent win means to him, to his people. To Cleve: HARVEY MILK Well crap Cleve, now what are we going to do tonight? (re: a giant, jock strap wearing, Lady Liberty) Cover up Lady Liberty. The cameras will be coming our way. 101.

INT. "NO ON SIX" CENTER / MARKET STREET - LATER TV cameras roll. Lady liberty is covered with a "No on 6" poster. A brass band marches dramatically into the hall. Harvey takes the stage. The crowd roars. Balloons fall. HARVEY MILK My message to you is, a lot of people joined us and rejected proposition 6, and now we owe them something. We owe them to continue the education campaign. We must destroy the myths once and for all, shatter them... And once they realize that we are indeed their children and we are indeed everywhere, every myth, every lie, every innuendo will be destroyed once and for all, and once you do, you will feel so much better! The crowd goes wild. Harvey Beams. JUMP TO: Cleve is comforting Anne by the champagne bottles. She tries to dry her eyes, to cover up as Scott approaches. SCOTT SMITH Sloppy so soon are we children? CLEVE JONES No she's a chicken shit, and now a drama queen. Tell him, Anne. ANNE KRONENBERG I lied. If we'd of lost, oh my God, I couldn't have lived with myself... I never told my folks about me. SCOTT SMITH Can you keep a secret, Annie? Cleve? (He points to Harvey on stage.) He never told his folks either. But I know more than anyone else that he regrets it. If you love them, do it now, before it's too late. Stealing the moment, the crowd roars as Mayor Moscone walks up onto stage. Cleve watches as Harvey steps off stage, then disappears into the crowd. 102.

EXT. THE CASTRO - MOMENTS LATER The party behind him, Harvey scans the block. Cleve catches up, looking at Harvey, probing: "What the fuck is wrong now?" HARVEY MILK You ever heard of sore losers? I'm a sore winner... I'd started looking forward to the riots. A chance to finally show our strength. CLEVE JONES I told you, I don't "do" losing. HARVEY MILK But I think maybe we’re best with our backs to the wall. CLEVE JONES Anita's not going away. HARVEY MILK (incredulous) The people voted for us, Cleve Jones. CLEVE JONES They did. There's nowhere to march tonight, Mr. Harvey Milk. Lets go back inside. Turning back, they savor the moment, like father and son walking to Castro Camera, growing ever smaller in the frame. INT. CITY HALL / SUPERVISOR'S OFFICES Dan White slides a sealed letter across a desk to an Aide. It's addressed to Moscone. He seems out of sorts, oddly calm. DAN WHITE I need you to give this to the Mayor ASAP. INT. TV NEWS REPORT - DAY ACTUAL FOOTAGE: Channel 5 reporting from Dan White's street: DAVID FOWLER (ON TV) This is supervisorial district 8. Dan White’s former district, as you know, most people were very surprised when Dan quit last Friday citing financial difficulties related to the undersized $9,600 103. DAVID FOWLER (ON TV) (CONT'D) annual supervisor's salary. But he didn’t tell any of his fellow supervisors, Nor did he tell any of his political supporters. Many say Dan White gave up all of his political chits when he resigned without making any arrangements. INT. CITY HALL / HARVEY'S OFFICE - DAY OFF the TV report on a small set... the offices are abuzz! Papers everywhere. Overshadowing everything, the Jim Jones massacre has hit the headlines. Anne holds up clippings. ANNE KRONENBERG "400 bodies have been found thus far in Jonestown, Guyana." Look at this, Moscone with Jim Jones. You find any with him and Harvey? CLEVE JONES Not yet. Where the fuck is he? Why is he late TODAY? ANNE KRONENBERG He was here early. Wanted to be first in line with Moscone about the Dan White thing. CLEVE JONES Dan's a fossil. Let him sell french fries on pier 39. ANNE KRONENBERG Feinstein's fighting for him. Moscone might give him the seat back. CLEVE JONES You can't ask for your job back if you resign, it's political suicide. ANNE KRONENBERG I'm leaving to Seattle on Monday to see my folks. Can you handle this? CLEVE JONES Yes. But, Harvey needs to be here. I'm not dealing with this alone. INT. CITY HALL / MAYOR MOSCONE'S OFFICE - DAY Harvey is irate, overexcited, his hands on the Mayor’s desk. 104.

MAYOR MOSCONE I get it Harvey, I’ve been lobbied all week long. HARVEY MILK How many of our propositions has Dan shut down? All of them, 6 to 5 votes. We could finally desegregate the Police. He's their great white hope to stop that. Who do you think is pushing him to come back here? Appoint anyone else. Anyone. MAYOR MOSCONE A man has the right to change his mind. Give me some peace. HARVEY MILK Let me just remind you that with all the bad press from your old bed buddy, Jim Jones, you need every vote you can get. MAYOR MOSCONE Nothing is official yet, Harvey. But that's all I'll say. HARVEY MILK Listen to me carefully. You're my closest friend here. But if you re- appoint Dan White to the board, at the very least, you lose the gay vote. That's big time votes now. After prop six, we're organized, and they listen to me. You won't get elected dog catcher. MAYOR MOSCONE I'll make my decision on Monday. INT. CITY HALL / HARVEY'S OFFICE - DAY Harvey walks through, his aides hard at work. Anne pipes up. ANNE KRONENBERG Now there are 700 dead bodies. Bodies rotting on top of bodies. HARVEY MILK That's terrible Anne. Write up a statement. Send condolences. 105.

Harvey floats above it. All note it. This is highly irregular. Instead of walking into his office, he heads to Dan’s. He toys with the nameplate. Something bittersweet lingers. A lost opportunity perhaps. He walks in. The view is eerily similar to Cleve’s view in the film’s opening: the Opera house, the Castro beyond it. Just below on City Hall’s lawn, Dan is with the press. He looks up, seeing Harvey in his office window. They make eye contact. It bears all the awkwardness of a relationship lost. EXT. CITY HALL - MOMENTS LATER Something's snapped. With adolescent frustration in evidence, Dan is with his wife, the press and a few supporters. DAN WHITE It was a major decision on Friday that I had to come... to arrive at. But since that time, people unknown to me, plus my family and friends have come to me and stated that they want me to stay in office, that they support me... I’m overwhelmed that you would come down here on a Friday to show the people of San Francisco that you approve of the way I’m conducting myself. EXT. CITY HALL / STEPS - MOMENTS LATER As Dan heads into City Hall, a reporter pursues him with: REPORTER Dan?! Dan?! There are some who think you might be anti-gay. DAN WHITE (turns, agitated) Let me tell you right now, I've got a real surprise for the gay community. Dan heads in, passing Harvey and Cleve who avoid eye contact. HARVEY MILK That man is dangerous. CLEVE JONES I thought you said he was educateable. 106.

HARVEY MILK No. There's nothing more dangerous than a closet case. Tell the Chronicle to look into his history of mental instability. Harvey heads the opposite direction from Cleve. CLEVE JONES Wait. Where are you going? HARVEY MILK I have a hot date. Me and Puccini. CLEVE JONES You're taking a night off? Harvey nods, and smiles broadly. Cleve watches him go, surprised at this breezy Harvey. INT. SAN FRANCISCO OPERA HOUSE - NIGHT Greeted as a celebrity, Harvey takes his seat next to a distinguished OLD WOMAN. The opera quickly begins. It's TOSCA. Harvey soaks it in. It’s a pleasure he hasn’t enjoyed in years. The shot is reminiscent of the opening scene of Harvey as a boy at the NYC opera. Harvey slips his Opera ticket into his second hand suit pocket. INT. DAN WHITE'S HOME / LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Mary Ann answered the call. Dan was watching a TV broadcast. She leaves as Dan starts talking into the phone. DAN WHITE Yes. This is Dan White. KCBS REPORTER (V.O.) I'm Barbra Taylor from KCBS. I've received information from the Mayor's office that you won't be getting your job back. I'm interested in your reaction. DAN WHITE I'm sorry. I don't know anything about that. Dan hangs up on her. 107.

INT. HARVEY MILK'S APARTMENT - LATE NIGHT Harvey can’t sleep. He dials the phone. He lets it ring and ring. Finally, a voice picks up on the other line. SCOTT SMITH Hello? REVEAL: Scott, half asleep. HARVEY MILK Sorry to wake you up. SCOTT SMITH What's wrong? HARVEY MILK Nothing. I went to the opera tonight. SCOTT SMITH Really? With who? HARVEY MILK With Bidu Sayao herself. She was in the first Puccini I ever saw when I was a kid. I wish you were there. SCOTT SMITH I have a new lover now, Harvey. HARVEY MILK I know... but the crowd went wild. It was like I was young again, hearing my first live opera. SCOTT SMITH If you go again, you should call me. HARVEY MILK Really? (a beat between them) Look out the window, the sun is coming up. SCOTT SMITH Is it? Get some sleep, Harve, okay? Harvey is quiet, a rare moment of reflection. An unexpected tear rolls down his cheek. Then Another. SCOTT SMITH (CONT'D) Are you okay? 108.

HARVEY MILK Yeah. Maybe I'll take a nap later. INT. DAN WHITE'S HOME / LIVING ROOM - MORNING Dan White has been up all night too. The coffee table is covered with coke cans, junk food wrappers, TWINKIES. He gets up, and steps into a closet off the den. He pulls down and puts on his police issued gun holster. EXT. CITY HALL / LOWER LEVEL SIDE WINDOW - DAY Dan White watches, waiting for a MAN inside to leave. INT. CITY HALL - MOMENTS LATER Dan sneaks in through the window. The MAN calls after him: MAN Hey, wait a minute, Mr. DAN WHITE My aide was supposed to come down here and let me in the side door, but she never showed up. MAN And you are? DAN WHITE I'm Dan White. City Supervisor. Dan nods, self righteous, we follow him down the hall and into the grand entry-way. He hits the elevator UP button. INT. CITY HALL / METAL DETECTORS - SAME Harvey walks through City Hall’s METAL DETECTORS. He picks up his keys from the dish and heads up the grand staircase. Like ships in the night, Harvey just misses Dan exiting the elevator. Dan heads into Mayor Moscone’s office. INT. CITY HALL / SUPERVISOR'S CHAMBERS - MOMENTS LATER Harvey is with Dianne. Harvey's thrilled. She's bothered. HARVEY MILK Do you know who it's gonna be? Don Horanzy? Is he replacing Dan White with fucking Don Horanzy? 109.

DIANNE FEINSTEIN All I know is that we're getting a new supervisor today. Why don't you leave my door open in case Dan comes in. We don't need a scene today, right Harvey? HARVEY MILK (grins ear to ear) God forbid. INT. CITY HALL / MAYOR MOSCONE'S WAITING ROOM - SAME The MAYOR’S SECRETARY sits at her desk. Shouting can be heard from inside his office. INT. CITY HALL / MAYOR MOSCONE'S OFFICE - SAME MAYOR MOSCONE Most of the problems of the people I talked to from your district are that they weren't consulted first. The issue is bigger than your style. The issue is what’s fair, for the people of your district. A lit cigarette, Moscone finishes pouring two cocktails, and turns to see Dan White brandishing his revolver. INT. CITY HALL / MAYOR MOSCONE'S WAITING ROOM - SAME Moscone's Secretary, and a WAITING MAN note the THREE DULL THUDS, not so different than a backfire. The secretary looks out the window, concerned. The waiting man checks his watch. INT. CITY HALL / MAYOR MOSCONE'S OFFICE - SAME Dan reloads methodically. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hollow point bullets. Identical to the film's opening shot, Moscone’s cigarette burns a hole in the carpet. INT. CITY HALL / SUPERVISOR'S OFFICES - MOMENTS LATER Dan walks past Dick Pabich, past Dianne’s office and up to Harvey's office door. Harvey is with a FRIEND, preparing to leave, surprised to see Dan in his doorway. DAN WHITE Say, Harve, can I see you for a minute? 110.

HARVEY MILK Sure. Dan walks Harvey down the hall to his old office. INT. CITY HALL / DAN WHITE'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Harvey walks in first. Dan stays between Harvey and the door. Dan closes it. Harvey smiles, sensing something is off. Dan draws his revolver. Harvey raises his hand. Dan Fires. The bullet rips through Harvey's hand and down his arm. HARVEY MILK Oh no... N-- Dan Fires again, silencing Harvey's cry for help. Harvey turns away. Another bullet rips into his chest, and he falls to his knees, now facing the window. He staggers toward it. The moment is extended as we see Harvey’s POV of the Opera House outside the window, and the Castro beyond it. Close on Dan, Harvey still alive. The moment almost peaceful. Dan puts his revolver to the back of Harvey's head. He fires. And just like that, Harvey falls. A startled Dan fires once more, and walks out of the office. INT. CITY HALL / SUPERVISOR'S CHAMBERS - SAME Down the hall, Dianne stands, willing herself to move. MONTAGE OF RECREATED AND ACTUAL NEWS FOOTAGE - DAY The press's story of the assassinations: Visual reaction from the city, Harvey's Aides, police scanners as they hunt down Dan White. The scanners and sirens fade as: EXT. SAN FRANCISCO - EVENING The camera drifts over the city. Breaking the silence, Harvey's post-mortem V.O.: HARVEY'S POST MORTEM V.O. Like I said, I tried my best to leave everything in place for those I left behind. Just in case. But I'd never imagined that my little Joe was still alive, much less living right over the bridge. He'd tried to kill himself so many times. Must have been no good at it. 111.

INT. MEMORIAL SERVICE / SAN FRANCISCO - EARLY EVENING We follow his story visually, picking up with, JOE CAMPBELL (40, Harvey's NY boyfriend from the film's opening) going into a sparsely attended memorial service. Joe sits near the back, listening to the speakers. HARVEY'S POST MORTEM V.O. He came into town. He’d heard of a small service near City Hall. Nobody was there. The speakers were dull. Politics, gay rights. Must have thought they'd mixed me up with a different guy, not the Wall Street stiff who'd reprimanded him for trying to come out. EXT. MEMORIAL SERVICE 1978 - LATER Joe walks out of the service, heading north past City Hall. HARVEY POST MORTEM V.O. When he left, he headed north. If he had stayed another ten minutes, he'd have known that I'd tried to make good. That I knew he was right about it all. I suppose I deserved the cruelty of it, but if he'd just turned to look down Market Street as he left. To see all those beautiful faces. So perfect... It would have made such good theater. The camera pans and drifts away from Joe and looks high over Market street to reveal: A MONTAGE of a massive candlelight march. CLEVE LEADS an ocean of tens of thousands of San Franciscans of every religion, nationality, and sexuality, silently up Market to the palace Harvey dreamed could be his own: City Hall. They hold signs of Harvey and George Moscone together. One reads, "Harvey Milk lives." Familiar faces pepper the crowd. Scott, Harry, Michael Wong, union boy Jim Elliot, Medora Paine, Art Agnos, even David Goodstein and Rick Stokes. Tears in their eyes. Reverent silence. The crackling sound of Harvey Milk's recorded political will, his "IN CASE" tape, floats back in. HARVEY MILK'S RECORDED WILL If there should be an assassination. I cannot prevent some people from 112. HARVEY MILK'S RECORDED WILL (CONT'D) feeling angry and frustrated and mad, but I hope they will take the frustration and anger, and instead of demonstrating, I would hope that five, ten, one hundred, a thousand would rise. I would like to see every gay lawyer, every gay architect come out. If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door. And that's all I ask, I ask for the movement to continue-- As the mourners arrive at City Hall, they place their thousands of candles around the statue of Lincoln. INT. CITY HALL / GRAND STAIRCASE - DAY A long line of mourners file past the coffins of Moscone and Milk that lie in rest. We pause on Scott Smith, unable to compose himself, Dick and Jim holding him up as he passes. HARVEY MILK'S RECORDED WILL --because last week I got a phone call from Altoona Pennsylvania, and the voice was quite young, and the person said… ‘Thanks.’ You’ve got to elect gay people so that that young child and the thousands upon thousand like that child know that there’s hope for a better world. Without hope, not only gays, but those blacks, the Asians, the disabled, the seniors, the use’s. Without hope, the uses give up. INT. CLOSE UP ON A CASSETTE PLAYER - DAY Once more, close on the "IN CASE" tape playing in the player. HARVEY MILK'S RECORDED WILL I know that you cannot live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. You gotta give em’ hope... FADE TO BLACK. ENDING TITLES: TITLE CARD: A JURY OF DAN WHITE'S PEERS FOUND HIM GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER, THE MINIMUM CHARGE FOR BOTH MURDERS. THE DEFENSE ARGUED DAN WHITE'S DIET OF JUNK FOOD AND TWINKIES CREATED A CHEMICAL IMBALANCE THAT CAUSED THE KILLINGS. 113.