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11-20-1966 Kabul Times (November 20, 1966, vol. 5, no. 198) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (November 20, 1966, vol. 5, no. 198)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1348.

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Home News hi Brief c_ KABon, Nov 19, (Baklitar) -The Mimstry of Plannmg held a recep Hon WedneSday eyenmg In the Kabul Hotel honouflIlg the chief of , fin, SWiss the Washington economic adVISOry .TI mission Robert Nathan The rune watcbes tlon was attended by the Agr.lculture and Irrlgatidn Mmlster members of the Mmlstrles of Fmance and Plan OIng Bnd foreign experts assisting the Plannmg MlDlstry Jr:r6 Vol V, No~ KABUL, SUNDAY, NOVE¥BER 20, f966, (AQRAB 29, 1345 SH) Pnce AI 3 KABUL Nov 19 (Balthtar) -The World Bank delegation whIch came , to Kabul a month ago at the iDVI Six EEC Members ~ " tatlon of. the government to study r"ll'> Budget For Public the draft of Atgh.amstan s Third We offer out advenlserSl~n HISTORIC ASIAN BANK Five Year Plan left Kabul Thurs Favour ralles ( It I Works Amended day Durmg Its stay here-the delega­ MEETING THIS WEEK Uon held talks With offiCials and l I For UK Entry inspected some of the projects be for top class KABUL, Nov 20, (Bakl\tar) -The mg implemented Wolesl Jlrgab yesterday approved L6NOON Nov 20 (Reuter) ­ Rahim Chosen Afghanistan's amendments proposed by the British Parliament s agreement to KABUL Nov 19 (Bakhtar)- House s Commlt~e on Budgetary the opening of negotiations for en Pubhc Health Mmister MISS Kubra Delegate To Tokyo Session and Financial Alfalrs In the budget try 1OtO the European Common advertising. Market (EEC) has been welcomed Nourz81 returned to Kabul Thurs KABUL, November 20. (Blikhtar).­ for the Ministry of Public Works day evemng from an inspection tour Johnson Undergoes III the capitals of the six members Afghanistan will be represented at the inaugural mee~ of the The Jirgah also held Its first haar­ of Bamian S health faclhtles Ing of the budget for the MtnJJtry and by the EEC commission in Asian lJevelopment Bank's BOard of Governors, due be held 1il to of Information and Culture Brussels Successful Surgery Tokyo from November 114 to 26, by Dr. Abdul Rablm. Ambassador British Conservative oppoSItion ~ABUL The committee on Budietary and World Briefs THE TnWES AN to Japan. Abdul Wahab Haider, Deputy M1nIster of Planning, Financial Malrs yesterday took up Thursday endorsed Labour's policy ALGiERS Nov 19 (DPA) -AI WASHINGTON Nov 19, US wl1l be the alternate delegate. the budgets for the Helmand Valley tor BEC entry NUAL WILL REACIl THE gena Thursday Signed an agree PreSIdent Lyndon Johoson Wednes The Asian Bank was created as a result of elloril> by the Ec0­ Authority It was pomted out however that day underwent successful surgery It depended largely on the attitude ment with the Umted NatIOns here PEOPLE WITH THE HIGH- nomic Commission for Asia and the Far East. A number of coun­ The Meshrano Jlrgah's Commit­ prOViding for the training of 6300 for the removal of a polyp lD his tries outside the ECAF~ region are also members. tee on Budgetary and Financial Af­ of France whether new probings throat and Ihe closure of an lDC1S1­ I by British Prime MInister Harold IMriculluml expcrts at a cost o( lhe bank offers loans for the ceo- Japan, India and Australia-the fairs discussed the hudgets of the I~O onal herma EST PURCHASING PO Wilson will be successful $1 11011 nomlc development of member coun three laraest reeional contributors Kabul Municipal Corporation, Kabul Mlnutes after the early mornmg Political QuarterS in The Hague tnes wtth pledges of $200 million, $93 University, and the Ministry of In­ operation White House Press Sec WER IN AFGHANISTAN stressed that Brttain s entry would (I NEVA Nov 19


I ItisktDistisses-Vietnajii:~Hina, East Europe ,t ~ ..... Asian Theatre' BurecllfPlannecr~,'i"asf~estSeminar FollOW/III ar." _r~ from So that If this a\lpea1'1l tel ahow General Assembly We haY AtPatliatalJ, VmTN~ of mactivity on the dlplomlJtlC But I cannot tell you todllY was "poosored obY' the Indian centre ... l'eroing Ithef theatre \!d "ftoJ'/l the wry P1'Dei!sI' at. iin'Pro- _ww..... disculHd Khaltza.dah alao the~lJiti!ruational LeI us have failh Ihat rlghl I thmk we ought to d,stmgtlish SIde but because the other SIde that we see an agreement in mght ot 'theatre Instl • 'l'o'oe the regIonal centre tor 'illation ,toad. !be oppoiWoity o! 'I1teetlni re- between What might happen at refused to move through dIploma In any event if we 8~ that tllte 10 collaboration with UNESCO collection and dIssimloation "'~ 111 The -il!mlnat fett lIttODll:Y about weesentaUv,"", o!IJ4he p1clurel.produ Thirty countrlea took part In the archltecturl; It 'W1lS lIDaol " • ...-. ~latIiJQ. In tba makelj Imgh' and In that Im/" ChrIstmas and the Idea of 11 ge cy and Its men keep cOlOmg from there IS a posstbility that some formation pertalnil)g to the 1beatre '!!teatre' dJocutalona neral pause of the sort that came the nortll and those men have to real progre"" can be made, we Wlll seminar Alghan1s~ was represent 5 To promote intra-regional add 'mOUII)! 'felt that aeUmr here mllst cdi8n!ft, alfted with 'not lei EH to 'the end dare to do our dunng the Christmas and the be met want to disCUSS thiS fullY with our ed by Faiz lo/l KI1alrzadah deputy mternatlOnat oooperailon and uncier pJ:'licl!etl from otltillde the' stlllle ,"i ,/lima In Al New Years season dunng Janu CBlNA allIes partIcularly m NATO, and president ot the c'llture department standing amone workers In the "'design bnt 1JIIIst 1P"cM urgaDlcally c,ghanlslan, 111hey. thought that !Jl;enIc ~or dllty a~ we ,mderrtand rt aty of thIS year 'fhus far there have been two move on the baSIS of allied sohda Khairzadah waa elected chalrman of theatre from"theatrical needs, :both In terma li:1A:fl1banlatan woWd be Ideal their We have not been able to get resolutions tabled ,n the Umted rlty 10 concludmg any such agree the committee tor enlatglng Intra e To diffuse tltroughllerfdnoances of 1ru pOSSibly have an Idea of what the WORLD PRESS attracted pubhc attentlon to one of Well the uihabltants of the ad the danger of the general adnunIstrator at the MintS­ were not there to reo-welte hlstDry 1646 AD by Shah Jahan for his mtelligtbly along city s police a truly remarkable Pentagon s Irres etc) each part of which despIte ItS provmces are I ke Now that Sher The GuardIan connnentmg on The Daily Sketch comentwg on the Immment and terrible dangers JOinIng areas were srmply lucky ponslble actions try of Culture m Brnssels., opened nor to recommend authoritarian queen The same year he bwlt the Intelliglblhty returned and de body of men whom 1 commend to separation constitutes a non mutl kan Bandar IS hnked With Doshi by Zambtan PreSident Kaunda s speech the Remembrance Sunday demDns of our days the Amencan canlers II seems But where IS the guaran: The Soviet UnroQ and the other an expert meetIng on the recons measures. Firstly the Iegrlllnate Namla gardep 10 the capItal City With light Increased later the same mght hiS attention for hiS next revue an asphaHed highway It IS posllble lated IOdependent umt for exam to the UN about RhodeSIa says tratlOn In London fol' Jan .smith s of atomic death As reported a tee that a terrible catastrophe wouJd SOCIalist countnes demanded more tltutton of dIsmembered works r.ights of the present owners-whe­ a forward WIde canal runnmg In the same theatre WIth 10 45 aod The Pop Theatre producbon by (0 pIe the Mystic Lamb by the Van remove all doubts and take a look he w 11 probably not succeed In hiS Rhodes an ree:lme says The t'0v short while ago by CaliforDla Oak not occur one of these days bnng than once an end to these dStnge­ WhICh was held at UNESCO ther museums or collectors--have through It a that an exammatlon ot the Scots Frank Dunlop of The Wmter sTale at these three r ch and odustnal Eyck Brothers belore its recotlsti mmedlate obJect of gettmg enough ernment was certamly unfeeling U1 land TlIbune a bomber of the U S mg IOcalculable calamIties 10 lts rous actions Thus for mstance the Hmlse In ParJS recently to be taken into consideratlnn In A !amous garden bUilt In Babur s character down the ages 10 verse (Assembly Hall) was not conSIder provlOces support n the Secunty CouncIl to Its pompous refusal to allow the Air Force dropped this Augusl by wake? After all we know that Bucharest meetmg of the Warsaw The Idea of reconstltutmg dIS tutlon at Ghent m 1919 or the tX'lP tact the experts were una:nim.ous time is the garden of Sata in Jalala and mUSIC deVIsed by George cd ready for cntIcal exammatJOn un Il sa d much constructive work torce Britain either to accept 1m Scots Band to play for the Anglo­ acclden, a hydrogen bomb ID the Amencan nuclear bombers are pat Treaty pohtlcal consultative com mem\;)ered works of art IS not a tych by Thierry Bouts at Lwvam In Insisting tthat only voluntary ex bad Nangarhar province Babur Bruce The pleasure which at !lInes III the third performance ThlS There are dIsmembered workS m has been done 10 these provlDces mediate mandatory sanet ons or to RhodeSian SoCIety at the cenotaph area of a httle lsland near Puerto roiling the skies over many areas of mlttee stressed last July Ibe need of neW one It was already put for changes should be pennltted based stayed ID this garden on trips from we uneducated Englisb had to fight caused some rearrangement of dunng Ihe past 25 years As a re RICO all countTies The Parthenon with use her veto They are more In the The frIends and relatives of those the globe sloppmg Rights of foreIgn planes ward 30 years ago at the Internat on very broad lIDd ilIexJble rule11 nf ltabul to Peshawar Another ,arden for 10 The Burdles came With plans and I bad to leave at the m suit the very faCe of these areas mood for mandatory sanctIOns later who fell have every rlilht to pay After a long search Amencan Suffice It to recall the extremely over terntones of European states IOnal Congress on the Hlstory of Its sculpture divJded among mu prJority and fair compensation This built neas Jalalabad In the area JOyous ease 10 thiS stlmulatmg fun terwal havmg another engagement have been changed Vast tracts of on and more Important for co theIr tnbute as they Wish but what naval divers the report says raised dangerous mCldent that occu{red and the calhng at lbe ports of these Art at ZUrich at that time Profes­ seums in several countries 1S prob­ s the only system likely to lead to where Korc}:li village stands now oy and affectlDg entertainment But what I saw was Impressive marshy land have been brought un operation ID makmg them work lf good was done by those so called the warhead from a depth of ap­ early .thIS year off the shores of countries of foreIgn sub and surface sor Thomas BodklO made a stlTrmg ably the most famous example But real results and It 18 a sYstem had a lare:e orchard WIth orange Dunlop bas elected for a clear der cultivatIOn and several new 10 PreSident Kaunda s efforts help to 1nends 'f RhodeSia who chanted proXimately 40 metres An offiCial Spam near Polomares It alarmed craft WIth nuclear weapons on speech 10 favour of reconstitutIon there are many more elements of which has already led to the suc­ and pomeg&aoate trees This garden There was a plaIn straIghtforward fresh active presentatlop relymg on dustr es have been set up the most report on thiS aCCident was made by put the strongest poss ble teeth nto ant government slogans In DowDlog all the world because the aCCident board laymg it down as aXIOmatic that EgyptIan temples and AssYTIan and cessful reconstitution of several dls­ IS said to have had many beautiful account or the eXecutlon of Mary the strength and beauty of Shakes mportant of wh ch are the textile whatever the US does then h s Stree after the servIce Remembrance the Jomt congresslOnaJ AtomiC showed how daogerously the Arne every transaction every exchange Sassamd palaces Hebrew manus­ membered works of art lanes with hedges on both Sides the Queen of Scots read With lI. mas peare s lext rather than on the 'wgar and vegetable all and soap m ColDlDlttee Journey to New York Will have been Sunday IS a day of natIonal mourn Energy However r can brasshats gamble WIth the lives At the current session of the made In the mterest of a particular cnpts Greco-Roman stelae and garden also had many pools with terly aVOIdance of senltmenhlity by novelty of new IOterpretatloDs The Justnes Justified 109 not for politIcal vendelta Such nothing has been pubhcly saId aboul of mlllioDs of people The search United Nations General Assembly work should be profitable to both sculptures Chlnese rehefs wooden For IDstance , Sir .T.r8Dcbard Cox tiled SIdes and base The peopfe ot half a dozen aclors and actresses In scenes of Leontes s jealousJy have an this yet for the AmeClcan hydrogeo bomb panell ngs IslamIC pottery and rna the decent anonymity of eveDmg The eduonal expressed the hope The Oakland Tnbune claimed childish behaVIOur On both Sides has 10 New York the delegatIon, of Po­ parties concerned Curator of the Victoria and Albert thiS village are known to have been nsl nctIVe hfe and energy The Pentagon of course hastened dropped oear the SpaOlsh coast nuscrlpts MeXIcan sculptures trip dress,-wh cb was greatly movmg II Dunlop sh rks nothmg of the VIO that the MIOIslry of Public Works Wednesday that a US bomber drop now stretched out the RhodeSIan land and the UkralOe submitted a The proposal feU on deaf ears Museum 10 London told the famous gardener~ to make a demal However It did contlOued for 80 days In vam made me remember agam With some and lhe Mlmslry or MIOe5 and In ped a hydrogen bomb near Puerto cns s tor a whole dreary year draM resolution on thIS question tychs sets of miniatures-the UNESCO meeting that hiS museum lencc of the play and IS rewarded not deny the mCldent Itself The were Washmgton 5 aHempts to pia But today the. march 01 Idea and Alter the


I ItisktDistisses-Vietnajii:~Hina, East Europe ,t ~ ..... Asian Theatre' BurecllfPlannecr~,'i"asf~estSeminar FollOW/III ar." _r~ from So that If this a\lpea1'1l tel ahow General Assembly We haY AtPatliatalJ, VmTN~ of mactivity on the dlplomlJtlC But I cannot tell you todllY was "poosored obY' the Indian centre ... l'eroing Ithef theatre \!d "ftoJ'/l the wry P1'Dei!sI' at. iin'Pro- _ww..... disculHd Khaltza.dah alao the~lJiti!ruational LeI us have failh Ihat rlghl I thmk we ought to d,stmgtlish SIde but because the other SIde that we see an agreement in mght ot 'theatre Instl • 'l'o'oe the regIonal centre tor 'illation ,toad. !be oppoiWoity o! 'I1teetlni re- between What might happen at refused to move through dIploma In any event if we 8~ that tllte 10 collaboration with UNESCO collection and dIssimloation "'~ 111 The -il!mlnat fett lIttODll:Y about weesentaUv,"", o!IJ4he p1clurel.produ Thirty countrlea took part In the archltecturl; It 'W1lS lIDaol " • ...-. ~latIiJQ. In tba makelj Imgh' and In that Im/" ChrIstmas and the Idea of 11 ge cy and Its men keep cOlOmg from there IS a posstbility that some formation pertalnil)g to the 1beatre '!!teatre' dJocutalona neral pause of the sort that came the nortll and those men have to real progre"" can be made, we Wlll seminar Alghan1s~ was represent 5 To promote intra-regional add 'mOUII)! 'felt that aeUmr here mllst cdi8n!ft, alfted with 'not lei EH to 'the end dare to do our dunng the Christmas and the be met want to disCUSS thiS fullY with our ed by Faiz lo/l KI1alrzadah deputy mternatlOnat oooperailon and uncier pJ:'licl!etl from otltillde the' stlllle ,"i ,/lima In Al New Years season dunng Janu CBlNA allIes partIcularly m NATO, and president ot the c'llture department standing amone workers In the "'design bnt 1JIIIst 1P"cM urgaDlcally c,ghanlslan, 111hey. thought that !Jl;enIc ~or dllty a~ we ,mderrtand rt aty of thIS year 'fhus far there have been two move on the baSIS of allied sohda Khairzadah waa elected chalrman of theatre from"theatrical needs, :both In terma li:1A:fl1banlatan woWd be Ideal their We have not been able to get resolutions tabled ,n the Umted rlty 10 concludmg any such agree the committee tor enlatglng Intra e To diffuse tltroughllerfdnoances of 1ru pOSSibly have an Idea of what the WORLD PRESS attracted pubhc attentlon to one of Well the uihabltants of the ad the danger of the general adnunIstrator at the MintS­ were not there to reo-welte hlstDry 1646 AD by Shah Jahan for his mtelligtbly along city s police a truly remarkable Pentagon s Irres etc) each part of which despIte ItS provmces are I ke Now that Sher The GuardIan connnentmg on The Daily Sketch comentwg on the Immment and terrible dangers JOinIng areas were srmply lucky ponslble actions try of Culture m Brnssels., opened nor to recommend authoritarian queen The same year he bwlt the Intelliglblhty returned and de body of men whom 1 commend to separation constitutes a non mutl kan Bandar IS hnked With Doshi by Zambtan PreSident Kaunda s speech the Remembrance Sunday demDns of our days the Amencan canlers II seems But where IS the guaran: The Soviet UnroQ and the other an expert meetIng on the recons measures. Firstly the Iegrlllnate Namla gardep 10 the capItal City With light Increased later the same mght hiS attention for hiS next revue an asphaHed highway It IS posllble lated IOdependent umt for exam to the UN about RhodeSIa says tratlOn In London fol' Jan .smith s of atomic death As reported a tee that a terrible catastrophe wouJd SOCIalist countnes demanded more tltutton of dIsmembered works r.ights of the present owners-whe­ a forward WIde canal runnmg In the same theatre WIth 10 45 aod The Pop Theatre producbon by (0 pIe the Mystic Lamb by the Van remove all doubts and take a look he w 11 probably not succeed In hiS Rhodes an ree:lme says The t'0v short while ago by CaliforDla Oak not occur one of these days bnng than once an end to these dStnge­ WhICh was held at UNESCO ther museums or collectors--have through It a that an exammatlon ot the Scots Frank Dunlop of The Wmter sTale at these three r ch and odustnal Eyck Brothers belore its recotlsti mmedlate obJect of gettmg enough ernment was certamly unfeeling U1 land TlIbune a bomber of the U S mg IOcalculable calamIties 10 lts rous actions Thus for mstance the Hmlse In ParJS recently to be taken into consideratlnn In A !amous garden bUilt In Babur s character down the ages 10 verse (Assembly Hall) was not conSIder provlOces support n the Secunty CouncIl to Its pompous refusal to allow the Air Force dropped this Augusl by wake? After all we know that Bucharest meetmg of the Warsaw The Idea of reconstltutmg dIS tutlon at Ghent m 1919 or the tX'lP tact the experts were una:nim.ous time is the garden of Sata in Jalala and mUSIC deVIsed by George cd ready for cntIcal exammatJOn un Il sa d much constructive work torce Britain either to accept 1m Scots Band to play for the Anglo­ acclden, a hydrogen bomb ID the Amencan nuclear bombers are pat Treaty pohtlcal consultative com mem\;)ered works of art IS not a tych by Thierry Bouts at Lwvam In Insisting tthat only voluntary ex bad Nangarhar province Babur Bruce The pleasure which at !lInes III the third performance ThlS There are dIsmembered workS m has been done 10 these provlDces mediate mandatory sanet ons or to RhodeSian SoCIety at the cenotaph area of a httle lsland near Puerto roiling the skies over many areas of mlttee stressed last July Ibe need of neW one It was already put for changes should be pennltted based stayed ID this garden on trips from we uneducated Englisb had to fight caused some rearrangement of dunng Ihe past 25 years As a re RICO all countTies The Parthenon with use her veto They are more In the The frIends and relatives of those the globe sloppmg Rights of foreIgn planes ward 30 years ago at the Internat on very broad lIDd ilIexJble rule11 nf ltabul to Peshawar Another ,arden for 10 The Burdles came With plans and I bad to leave at the m suit the very faCe of these areas mood for mandatory sanctIOns later who fell have every rlilht to pay After a long search Amencan Suffice It to recall the extremely over terntones of European states IOnal Congress on the Hlstory of Its sculpture divJded among mu prJority and fair compensation This built neas Jalalabad In the area JOyous ease 10 thiS stlmulatmg fun terwal havmg another engagement have been changed Vast tracts of on and more Important for co theIr tnbute as they Wish but what naval divers the report says raised dangerous mCldent that occu{red and the calhng at lbe ports of these Art at ZUrich at that time Profes­ seums in several countries 1S prob­ s the only system likely to lead to where Korc}:li village stands now oy and affectlDg entertainment But what I saw was Impressive marshy land have been brought un operation ID makmg them work lf good was done by those so called the warhead from a depth of ap­ early .thIS year off the shores of countries of foreIgn sub and surface sor Thomas BodklO made a stlTrmg ably the most famous example But real results and It 18 a sYstem had a lare:e orchard WIth orange Dunlop bas elected for a clear der cultivatIOn and several new 10 PreSident Kaunda s efforts help to 1nends 'f RhodeSia who chanted proXimately 40 metres An offiCial Spam near Polomares It alarmed craft WIth nuclear weapons on speech 10 favour of reconstitutIon there are many more elements of which has already led to the suc­ and pomeg&aoate trees This garden There was a plaIn straIghtforward fresh active presentatlop relymg on dustr es have been set up the most report on thiS aCCident was made by put the strongest poss ble teeth nto ant government slogans In DowDlog all the world because the aCCident board laymg it down as aXIOmatic that EgyptIan temples and AssYTIan and cessful reconstitution of several dls­ IS said to have had many beautiful account or the eXecutlon of Mary the strength and beauty of Shakes mportant of wh ch are the textile whatever the US does then h s Stree after the servIce Remembrance the Jomt congresslOnaJ AtomiC showed how daogerously the Arne every transaction every exchange Sassamd palaces Hebrew manus­ membered works of art lanes with hedges on both Sides the Queen of Scots read With lI. mas peare s lext rather than on the 'wgar and vegetable all and soap m ColDlDlttee Journey to New York Will have been Sunday IS a day of natIonal mourn Energy However r can brasshats gamble WIth the lives At the current session of the made In the mterest of a particular cnpts Greco-Roman stelae and garden also had many pools with terly aVOIdance of senltmenhlity by novelty of new IOterpretatloDs The Justnes Justified 109 not for politIcal vendelta Such nothing has been pubhcly saId aboul of mlllioDs of people The search United Nations General Assembly work should be profitable to both sculptures Chlnese rehefs wooden For IDstance , Sir .T.r8Dcbard Cox tiled SIdes and base The peopfe ot half a dozen aclors and actresses In scenes of Leontes s jealousJy have an this yet for the AmeClcan hydrogeo bomb panell ngs IslamIC pottery and rna the decent anonymity of eveDmg The eduonal expressed the hope The Oakland Tnbune claimed childish behaVIOur On both Sides has 10 New York the delegatIon, of Po­ parties concerned Curator of the Victoria and Albert thiS village are known to have been nsl nctIVe hfe and energy The Pentagon of course hastened dropped oear the SpaOlsh coast nuscrlpts MeXIcan sculptures trip dress,-wh cb was greatly movmg II Dunlop sh rks nothmg of the VIO that the MIOIslry of Public Works Wednesday that a US bomber drop now stretched out the RhodeSIan land and the UkralOe submitted a The proposal feU on deaf ears Museum 10 London told the famous gardener~ to make a demal However It did contlOued for 80 days In vam made me remember agam With some and lhe Mlmslry or MIOe5 and In ped a hydrogen bomb near Puerto cns s tor a whole dreary year draM resolution on thIS question tychs sets of miniatures-the UNESCO meeting that hiS museum lencc of the play and IS rewarded not deny the mCldent Itself The were Washmgton 5 aHempts to pia But today the. march 01 Idea and Alter the