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[email protected] – Registered by Australia Post – Publication No. VA 1548 established 1895 LEADER NumurkahWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2020 $1.30 INSIDE Katty fights back See story page 7 Award winners Demolition LOCAL individuals and groups have been recognised in Moira Shire’s 2020 outcry Australia Day Awards, including Citizens of the Year Michael Coates and Dylan Sidebottom. See story page 3. See story page 5 Numurkah chosen for Rotary drought program THE Numurkah community has been chosen by at the core of the program will be the distribution because there is no more efficient means for us to the Rotary Club of North Balwyn, located in Mel- of vouchers which can only be used at selected local get funds and programs into a community than bourne’s inner east, as the next location for its suc- businesses which provide essential services such as through working with the local Rotary club.” cessful drought relief program. food, fuel and medicine. “Through all of that, Numurkah stood out as the Rotary has been successfully running drought re- Chair of the program, Geoff Kneale, told the audi- best location because there is a very serious need Gratitude lief programs across eastern Australia since 2014, ence that Numurkah had been selected for the pro- here with the impact on the dairy industry, and that disbursing around $10 million to drought affected gram due to a number of factors. flows on to the rest of the community.” communities. “We spoke to farmers and interest groups from shown The most recent program, in the small communi- across Victoria to see where there was a strong Although a limited number of businesses are in- ty of St Arnaud in western Victoria, has seen what need,” he said.