The Journal of AUUG Inc. Volume 25 ¯ Number 3 September 2004 Features: mychart Charting System for Recreational Boats 8 Lions Commentary, part 1 17 Managing Debian 24 SEQUENT: Asynchronous Distributed Data Exchange 51 Framework News: Minutes to AUUG board meeting of 5 May 2004 13 Liberal license for ancient UNIX sources 16 First Australian UNIX Developer’s Symposium: CFP 60 First Digital Pest Symposium 61 Regulars: Editorial 1 President’s Column 3 About AUUGN 4 My Home Network 5 AUUG Corporate Members 23 A Hacker’s Diary 29 Letters to AUUG 58 Chapter Meetings and Contact Details 62 AUUG Membership AppLication Form 63 ISSN 1035-7521 Print post approved by Australia Post - PP2391500002 AUUGN The journal of AUUG Inc. Volume 25, Number 3 September 2004 Editor ial Gr eg Lehey <
[email protected]> After last quarter's spectacularly late delivery of For those newcomers who don't recall the “Lions AUUGN, things aregradually getting back to nor- Book”, this is the “Commentary on the Sixth Edi- mal. I had hoped to have this on your desk by tion UNIX Operating System” that John Lions the end of September,but it wasn't to be. Given wr ote for classes at UNSW back in 1977. Suppos- that that was only a couple of weeks after the “Ju- edly they werethe most-photocopied of all UNIX- ly” edition, this doesn’t seem to be such a prob- related documents. Ihad mislaid my photocopy, lem. I'm fully expecting to get the December is- poor as it was (weren't they all?) some time earli- sue out in time to keep you from boredom over er,soIwas delighted to have an easy to read ver- the Christmas break.