Praxeme Institute Guide PxM-02en “Modus: the methodology Praxeme” General Guide Objective This document lays down the foundations of Praxeme, an enterprise methodology. It addresses those who are interested in, who appraise and develop enterprises and their IT assets. It presents the basic principles and concepts that structure this open method. Contents . The foundation: “The structuring principles”, “The notion of “service”” . The products . The processes . Modeling guidelines Author Dominique VAUQUIER Translators Carolin CHAI, Nigel STRANG, Dominique VAUQUIER, Joanne TOWARD Version 1.99.1, 27 November 2010 Reference : PxM02en-gGen.docx Version : 1.99.1 Date : 27 November 2010
[email protected] Praxeme Institute 21, chemin des Sapins – 93160 NOISY-LE-GRAND – France +33 (0)6 77 62 31 75 Modus: the methodology Praxeme Configuration Elements The position of this module in the methodology The methodology Praxeme is based on and structured by the “aspects” and the Situation in the Enterprise System Topology. The general guide (PxM-02) explains this approach. documentation PxM-41 is an addition to the guide for the logical aspect (PxM-40). Figure PxM-02en_1. Structure of the Praxeme corpus in the “Product” dimension Owner The Praxeme methodology results from the initiative for an open method. The main participants are the enterprises SAGEM and SMABTP, and the French army1. They combined their forces to found a public „open‟ method. The Praxeme Institute maintains and develops this joint asset. Any suggestions or change requests are welcome (please address them to the author). Availability This document is available on the Praxeme website and can be used if the conditions defined on the next page are respected.