FARNHILL PARISH COUNCIL Telephone 01535 634942 Email: [email protected] Susan Harding Hill Clerk 1 North Place Sutton in Keighley, West BD20 7PH


PRESENT Councs. G Harling (Chairman), M Scarffe, D Atkinson, R Bramley, J Waring, David Jones from NHS Trust, 8 Members of the Public & Clerk S Harding-Hill.

633/16 TO VIEW THE TREES THAT WERE IDENTIFIED AS NEEDING ATTENTION IN THE TREE INSPECTION REPORT. Members of the Parish Council met at Arbour Top to identify the trees which were reported in the Tree Inspection report as needing attention and to consider what action to take. Several residents who look onto the Arbour also met with Councillors to put forward concerns regarding some of the trees and undergrowth.

634/16 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. NYCC & CDC Representative P Mulligan & CDC Representative.

635/16 DEFIBRILLATOR David Jones the Community Defibrillation Officer for Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust attended the meeting to give some guidance on Defibrillators. He stated that there are two defibrillators which the Ambulance Service will support. The one he recommended has a package price of £1724.00 which includes the defibrillator, the cabinet and a 2hr awareness session for anyone from the village to attend. The cabinet can be fitted by a local handyman and the electricity supply can be by means of a plug, but is better connected direct to the supply so nobody can accidentally pull out the plug. Running costs for the defibrillator on average are £5£7.00 per year for electricity. The battery has a life of approx 4 years and costs £150.00+ Vat to replace and the pads cost £20.00 + Vat. The defibrillator has a 7 year warranty and the cabinet lasts about 10 years. The only maintenance required is a visual check once a week by an appointed person and if any problems are identified they ring David Jones and he will come out and repair it or take it away and leave a replacement till it can be repaired. The defibrillator will be a public access fully automatic one which requires no training to use it. When somebody rings for an ambulance and the ambulance service identify the need for a defibrillator they will tell the person where the defibrillator can be located and give them a code to get into the cabinet. He stated that some people are afraid to use one but with the fully automatic one you cannot get it wrong and the defibrillator will only shock when it gets the heart rhythm correct. The survival rate of somebody who has had a cardiac arrest can improve by 10% per minute up to 60% by the use of a defibrillator till the ambulance arrives. The Parish Council resolved to purchase a defibrillator if some funding was available. Clerk to contact Airedale Chemicals and update them with the progress and ask what amount they would be prepared to fund and to look into any other funding available.

636/16 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Residents of Grange Road & Highcroft Way expressed concern regarding the large sycamore tree at Arbour Top blocking the light and the view and the self seedlings below the sycamore overhanging a garden. Other issues of concern were the elderberry, brambles, ivy and nettles at the top of Arbour Top going wild and encroaching on residents gardens and looking an eyesore. The ivy on the Crag Face and the group of 3 trees at the bottom of Arbour Top were also causing problems with residents by blocking the light and the ivy encroaching into gardens.They stated that the Parish Council seemed to concentrate on Lower Arbour and the trees at Arbour Top were being neglected. The Parish Council agreed that work was needed and that they would consider the issues raised, but they only had a small budget and that issues that had been raised in the tree inspection report must be given priority. They asked the residents if they would be prepared to contribute to the work either by helping out with the costs or contributing by doing some of the work, The residents said they were willing to consider this.

637/16 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Counc D Atkinson declared an interest in Minute No 644/16 and left the room whilst a decision was taken.

638/16 APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON THE ON THE 28TH JULY & THE EXTRAORDINARY MEETING HELD ON THE 21ST JULY. The minutes of the meeting held on the 28th July and the extraordinary meeting held on the 21st July were approved by the Council and signed as a correct record by the Chairman. Page 209 639/16 HIGHWAYS The Parish Council are disappointed with the response from Highways regarding the recent re-surfacing on the A629 and increased road noise. Clerk to put on the agenda for next month.

640/16 INSURANCE Came & Company provided the Parish Council with three quotes for the Insurance and after consideration it was resolved to go with Hiscox who was recommended by Came & Company. Clerk to confirm with them that if we enter a 3 year contract the price will remain the same for the 3year period and if so to inform them that we wish to go for the 3year contract.

641/16 FINANCE & ACCOUNTS a. To receive External Audit Report The external Audit has been carried out and on the basis of their review of the annual return, and in their opinion the information in the annual return is in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory have not been met. b..To approve the following accounts Kildwick/Farnhill Institute (Rent of Room) £80.00 CDC (Rent of Play Area) £10.00 Came & Company Insurance £690.49 PKF Littlejohn (External Audit) £120.00

642/16 PLANNING Re: Proposed Works to Protected Trees – Tree Preservation Order Tree Preservation Order: 1 1958 Application No: 28/2016/17213 Proposal: Fell 1 No Sycamore(T2) Location: Dunbrewin, Main Street, Farnhill The Parish Council made the following observations. This particular tree is a very prominent tree which we would not like to see removed. Notice of Grant of Permission DateOf Valid Application 3rd June 2016 Proposal: Formation of Single Storey Lean To Extension To Side Locatiion: Holme Lea, Grange Road, Farnhill

643/16 TREE INSPECTION The Parish Council discussed what action they needed to take with the trees following the tree inspection report and the site visit by the Parish Council earlier in the evening. The following actions were decided. Permission has been granted from CDC to remove the dead Elm at the very top of the Arbour and there has been no response from Mr Roberts after informing him of the decision to remove the tree, so the Parish Council will go ahead with removing the tree. Arbour Top Ivy throughout the site.- Sever at ground level to allow die back and regrowth. The Birch by Arthur Lofthouse Seat – Take out dead wood. The Birch by the Rockface- Has defects ask CDC for advice on whether or not to remove. Mountain Ash near Compost Heap- Tree in mid stage of dysfunction - Ask CDC for Permission to remove. Lower Arbour Tree 1 Birch- Ask CDC for permission to Crown Lift over the path. Tree 2 Cypress Tree - Clerk to speak with resident of No 32 regarding conflict with stone wall. Tree 3 Ash Tree - No defects within the tree monitor the root system Tree 4 Elderberry – Being suppressed by the sycamore – Monitor Tree 5 Ash Tree - Growing in with the Hawthorn- Monitor no need to fell at the moment. Tree 6 3 Hawthorn – Growing in the boundary have excessive rot- Ask CDC for permission to remove. Tree 7 Buddleia - Prune back to allow regrowth. Tree 8 Elderberry – Monitor Maple & Birch - BT Wire needs to be free from Branch Rub. Ask CDC for Permission to trim Discussion will take place at the September meeting regarding the complaints received from residents about the trees and undergrowth and what action to take.

644/16 ONGOING DEVELOPMENT OF ARBOUR Three quotes have been received for the strengthening work to the retaining wall at the top of Lower Arbour and the Parish Council resolved to go with D.J. Wilkin Construction Ltd who seemed to be experienced in that type of work and had the equipment to carry out the job. The quote received was for £3030.00. Clerk to ask them to go ahead with the work when they could and to advise of a date for commencement of the job and if any road closures would be necessary. Page 210

645/16 FARNHILL PARISH COUNCIL’S POLICIES a. Policy for Arbour Held over till next meeting. b. Policy for Public Participation Held over till the next meeting

646/16 WIRELESS INTERNET CONNECTIONS Awaiting further response from the Institute Committee regarding costs.

647/16 PLAY AREA The annual inspection of the Play Area will take place by ROSPA in September.

648/16 CLERKS REPORT The Clerk reported that two complaints had been received concerning a tree that was growing by the side of the garages at Bucklar Hill and was pushing over the fence of a residents garden. Clerk to report to Craven District Council and also to ask them what their intentions are for the site because it is neglected and looking an eyesore. Robin Figg thanked the Parish Council for their contribution to the striking mechanism for the Church Clock.

649/16 CORRESPONDENCE Julian Smith MP - Dates of Surgeries Sept till December York disabled Workers Co-operative - Garden Furniture & Pet Accomodation J Parker’s - Wholesale Bulb Catalogue Autumn 2016 Northern Powergrid - August Newsletter Northern Gas Networks - £50,000 Community Promises Fund Rural Housing Enabler - Rural Housing Event 29th September Kate Senior (CDC) - Deadline for Community Grants Craven Police - Community Messaging System Library Theatre - Village Events 2017 Craven District Council News August 2016

DATE OF NEXT MEETING THURSDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER 2016 IN KILDWICK/FARNHILL INSTITUTE AT 7.30PM All members of the village are welcome to attend


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