ike an unfortunate and practice skills. Please see: “How Pre- SUNDAY, MAY 20, 2018 game of Bingo, natu- pared Are We? The Palo Alto Emergency BOL PARK, NOON TO 4 PM ral disasters seem to Service Volunteer Program” later in this Lappear in our environment newsletter. Walk, bike, stroll to the way ping pong balls are At the BPA Annual Meeting on Sunday, this year’s pulled from a spinning cage. March 18, 2018, at Barron Park Elemen- In 2017, the numbers called out in Cali- tary, we hosted relevant City officials, fornia by our game master Mother Nature including our new Police Chief Robert Barron Park were astounding: 9,133 raging wildfires,1 Jonsen. We hope you were able to attend. Green Tour more than $1.5 billion in property damage 2 June 27, 2010 caused by roaring floods, and over 7,000 It was a great opportunity to learn the 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. rattling earthquakes of magnitude 1.5 or latest information and have a chance to greater.3 speak with other interested neighbors, Visit Barron Park homes incorporating solar and other green design features Although we have been very fortunate in volunteers, and equipment providers in BOL PARK and gardens showcasing organic an informal setting. To get you started in vegetables, native plants and chickens. the Bay area, eventually the chips on our hisSunday, year Barron May Park celebrates 16 the Four different talks on getting started risk-filled playing cards will line up and improving your preparations and plan- gardening included in the free tour. Start 40thSunday Anniversary May 16, of 2010May Fête! Enjoy at Bol Park for tour maps and exhibits. our host will declare a local winner. We ning for all kinds of emergency situations, 12 noon - 4 pm live musicNoon and – dancers4 pm performing can’t avoid playing in the game, but we here are a few useful City programs, Bol Park can definitely improve our chances when contacts, and resources: Tall afternoon, with a community Maypole tragedy eventually strikes. Programs (from City of Palo Alto DanceA atproud 2:30. traditionWear ribbons! for 32 Bring years family, 4 friends, and a blanket, and make a picnic Fortunately, in Barron Park and Palo Alto website): of it. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Soft Drinks, Walk, bike, stroll to we have a wealth of resources, knowl- Neighborhood and Block Pre- this year’s edge, and experienced people to help paredness Coordinator Program and Snacks for purchase. Active games and prepare for those disasters. Given recent crafts for children, face painting, a three- natural occurrences and potential man- The BPC Program trains volunteers to legged race, our dear donkeys Perry and staff BPC positions for each block and Barron Park made threats, emergency preparedness Jenny on parade, a Barron Park history Neighborhood Preparedness Coordinators Green Tour is one of the top priorities for the Barron exhibit, and more! Park Association this year. (NPC) for each neighborhood (including June 27, 2010 businesses/districts or other groups). It is The May Fête is a volunteer effort. Come 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. The Barron Park Association Emergency a comprehensive emergency preparedness join us for the fun prep and set-up. To help Preparedness and Safety subcommit- Visit Barron Park homes incorporating program that relies on local volunteers out or if you have a display or activity solar and other green design features tee works with community experts and and gardens showcasing organic and covers all types of disasters, not just BOL PARK volunteers to develop an annual plan. to add to the mix, contact John King at: vegetables, native plants and chickens. earthquakes. Sunday, May 16 Four different talks on getting started Workshops are held throughout the year [email protected] or (650) 483-2710. gardening included in the free tour. Start to share information, rehearse procedures, [CONTINUED ON PAGE 2] See you there!12 noon - 4 pm at Bol Park for tour maps and exhibits.


Our2 Own Buena3 Donkeys4 How5 Great6 American El7 Camino Mosquito8 Two13 Railroads Our18 Wild Gunn19 Students Social Vista Youth Enjoy Each Prepared Framing Business Alert! Ran Through Neighbors Teach Media Scholars Other Are We? Company Update Here Computers SPRING 2018

[PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE CONTINUED] Our Own Social Media: The BPA Email Lists Palo Alto CERT Program By Richard Elder and Mircea Voskeranian, Co-Managers, BPA Email Lists Using training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or he Barron Park Association email If you have a personal item to give away workplace following an event, when pro- lists were initiated in the early 1990s or sell, want to borrow a ladder, or need fessional responders are not immediately by Fred Lakin and Doug Moran. a recommendation for a roofer, and you available to help. TAt the time there was nothing like them, think your neighbors could help, both Palo Alto ARES/RACES a completely new way to communicate Nextdoor and bpa-misc are good options. The Office of Emergency Services adminis- with neighbors and build community. On Nextdoor you can reach a larger audi- ters the auxiliary communications services Now, the advent of new communication ence, as it is not necessarily restricted to for the City of Palo Alto. Auxiliary Com- tools such as Nextdoor (nextdoor.com) has our neighborhood. But if you want to munications includes ARES and RACES. If people wondering which tool is best to use give something away more locally, or not you live or work in Palo Alto and you are a and even if the BPA email lists are worth communications professional, amateur ra- announce to all of Palo Alto that your roof maintaining. dio operator, or simply interested in radio leaks, bpa-misc is for you. The list bpa-misc communications, we would welcome your We feel that while there is some overlap has about 450 subscribers, so you are still involvement. in their uses, both the BPA email lists and reaching a lot of your neighbors. Contacts: Nextdoor have their strengths, and we Nextdoor has nothing comparable to our Barron Park Association Emergency Pre- encourage people to use both. The goal of bpa-issues. If you enjoy lively debate, or paredness and Safety Subcommittee Chairs this article is to help you decide which is just want to know what your neighbors Maurice Green: [email protected] best for a particular use. think about the issues facing Barron Park, Lydia Kou: [email protected] There are three BPA email lists: bpa-news@ bpa-issues is for you. It is meant for discus- googlegroups.com, bpa-misc@googlegroups. sion of Barron Park-related issues and can City of Palo Alto Office of Emergency Services com, and [email protected] Each get very active when controversial topics has a different purpose and is managed arise. Because participants know they are Director Kenneth Dueker: differently. Subscribers are generally resi- [email protected] talking to their neighbors, discourse tends dents of Barron Park or Green Acres. The to be more civil than your usual online City of Palo Alto Office of Emergency Ser- lists are managed by local volunteers, so forum, and we monitor it to be sure it vices Volunteer Coordinator they retain a connection to the Barron Park stays that way. Karen Pauls: area. Nextdoor is a commercial website [email protected] It is easy to subscribe to the BPA email started in 2010 with the purpose of aiding Resources: lists. Go to the BPA website at bpapalo- neighborhood communication in many alto.org and click on “BPA Email Lists.” https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/services/pub- ways. It took several years to gain enough There are simple forms on that page to lic_safety/get_involved/default.asp users in Barron Park to be useful, but now subscribe to each of the lists. There is also https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/services/pub- exceeds the BPA lists in scope. You can other information about how to use the lic_safety/emergency_preparedness/default.asp choose to send or receive messages just lists that we encourage you to read. The We must remember that in nature the within Barron Park or to include surround- lists are hosted by Google Groups, so if house always wins. So, don’t play a cata- ing neighborhoods. As a result, Nextdoor you are familiar with Google Groups, you strophic game of chance. Preparation is the has more capability but can be more com- best antidote to bad luck. Get involved, plicated to use. can subscribe that way. There is also a stay informed, be prepared, and reach out searchable archive on the Google Groups A good example of this is our bpa-news list. to your neighbors and to your local Barron site, so if you remember that someone Its purpose is to disseminate announce- Park neighborhood preparedness coordina- recommended an electrician a few months ments about public events and alerts of tor. Also, please consider helping others by ago, and now you need one, that is a good joining the Barron Park Association today interest to our residents. It is a moderated place to look. Another advantage of the at http://bpapaloalto.org/ list, so for any message to go out, there are BPA email lists is that if you ever have a 1CA Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, http:// at least two people who have decided it problem or question, you can reach us, cdfdata.fire.ca.gov/incidents/incidents_stats?year=2017 is of general interest to the neighborhood. 2 your neighbors who manage the lists, by Caltrans 2017, http://www.dot.ca.gov/milemarker/docs/ Since most people who send messages to articles/2017/Q2/MM-2017-Q2-Winter-Storms.pdf emailing to [email protected] bpa-news also send them through Nextdoor, 3CA 2017, https://earthquaketrack.com you would also see them there, but often If you want to learn more about the tools 4City of Palo Alto Website, Emergency Services Pro- gram Descriptions, https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/services/ mixed in with a lot of announcements less available on Nextdoor, just go to nextdoor. public_safety/get_involved/default.asp specific to the Barron Park area. com



he Buena Vista Youth Scholars Pro- resource that targets the academic achieve- gram began on September 5, 2017, ment gap, strengthens the entire Barron with no resources other than the Park community, and represents the very Tgood will of the residents, a few dedicated best of the City of Palo Alto and Stanford volunteers, and eager young students. The University values. Youth Scholars Program quickly became The Fall semester was an experiment. By a thriving community with an average of October, it was obvious that the Buena 16 students from TK-6th grade who gather Vista Youth Scholars Program had become twice weekly, logging to date 833 hours an important hub of learning and commu- of student-learning time and 356 hours of nity. Currently, the Youth Scholars Program volunteer time. Kids arrive at the Youth has a volunteer team that consists of eight Scholars Program excited to see their Stanford undergrads, a Graduate School of friends and teachers, have a snack, and do Education Ph.D. student, a Stanford MBA their homework. It is obvious that the Youth student, two students from Gunn High Scholars Program is a place of support, School, one from Sacred Heart Prep, and care, happiness, and academic and personal several Palo Alto residents. Since January, growth. The parents are delighted that their Deborah has been reaching out to PAUSD children receive encouragement, instruc- professionals, and we are delighted to tion, and thoughtful attention from profes- have gained the support of Eric Goddard, sional educators, Stanford students, local the Principal at Barron Park Elemen- high school students and adults who model tary School; administrators from Terman the importance of education and demon- the Palo Alto Unified School District. To Middle School; the PAUSD Assistant Su- strate the value of each and every child. learn more about the Buena Vista commu- perintendent’s office; and members of the nity, visit: https://ed.stanford.edu/news/schol- PAUSD School Board. The Youth Scholars ar-activist-advocates-those-losing-out-silicon- Program recently joined the national Read valley-s-benefits; and, to better understand Across America Day celebration honoring the impact of a quality PAUSD education reading—wishing our beloved Dr. Seuss a on the school-aged children living in Buena very Happy Birthday! The Youth Scholars Vista, see: https://ed.stanford.edu/sites/default/ Program has quickly become a little gem of files/buena_vista_research_report.pdf positive energy for kids and adults build- ing community. While Barron Park Elementary School offers its students an excellent education The Buena Vista Youth Scholars Program and after-school resources, there remains kids would love to have more Palo Alto a need to support the young children of residents—high school students and adults Buena Vista (see: https://www.pausd.org/ —spend an afternoon with them! We meet committees-task-forces/minority-achievement- every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, talent-development-advisory-committee). 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m., at Space #22 (Buena Vista Mobile Home Park, 3980 El Camino). The Buena Vista Youth Scholars Program Deborah Farrington, Ed.D., a local educa- If you are interested in joining our wonder- was established to support elementary tor and supporter of the Buena Vista resi- ful community, please contact Deborah at school students living in the Buena Vista dents’ activism to save their community, [email protected] or (650) Mobile Home Park. After receiving evic- created the Buena Vista Youth Scholars 575-5435. tion notices from their landlord in 2012, the Program to celebrate the new-found Buena Vista community organized the Bue- security felt within the community and to na Vista Residents Association, contacted help fill the learning gap for Buena Vista’s local friends and advocates who could youngest residents. The Caritas Corpora- support their cause, and undertook what tion, which manages the Buena Vista Mo- turned out to be a five-year, community- bile Home Park, offers enthusiastic support driven legal battle to save their homes. In for the Youth Scholars Program, part of its the end, the Santa Clara County Hous- mission to “create vibrant communities ing Authority purchased the land, thus where quality of life, resident involve- preserving this vital affordable housing ment, and caring are priorities.” The Youth resource for at least 110 families. Within Scholars Program provides space to focus this community of 400 or more residents, on learning, get homework help, read good there are about 40-45 children who attend books, get a snack, and create a community Photos courtesy of Buena Vista Young nearby Barron Park Elementary School in of friends. It is a vital community-based Scholars Program.


DONKEYS ENJOY EACH OTHER News from the Pasture By Maria Castell-Greene By Jenny Kiratli

have lived in Barron Park with my fam- When the stick drops and Jenny is spitting ily since 1969, so the donkey genera- out bits of stick, Perry continues rather tions have been part of our lives these frisky, still swinging his head, and Jenny Imany years. turns herself around and gently kicks him Just the other day, it was cold and sunny, quick like donkeys do on the belly with my friend and neighbor Sheila Raleigh two hind hoofs. A walker passing by on the and I were walking on the path behind Bol path spoke out against donkeys abusing Park, and as usual we stopped to admire each other, as one would, seeing only that Jenny and Perry in their now-getting-nice- moment in the action! and-green pasture. We see Perry decide to lie down and roll and roll on his back, little Soon Perry turns and does the same with legs up in the air. He lies quiet for a minute his little hoofs on her round belly, then on the ground and just before getting to his picking up his stick again, teases her some feet briefly reaches up and touches Jenny’s more with it and the pulling and tugging nose. It is pleasant to see, and only the in tandem back and forth starts again with beginning. erry and Jenny are very happy legs tangling, hoofs scuffling every which with the Spring rains, especially as Perry stands up, appears to be grazing way on the grass. When we decide to con- they bring a whole lot of yummy quietly next to his pasture partner, picks up tinue on our walk, they are still playing. Pnew grass shoots, which our donkeys a stick. With a frisky gait, tossing his head And so, I write this to thank the Barron can munch inside their pasture and on a bit, he seems to offer it to Jenny, keeps Park-ers who care for the donkeys and all their walks around the neighborhood. But pushing it toward her face. They both have please remember: DO NOT FEED THEM those who donate funds to give them a their ears back. She eventually gives in ANYTHING. They get a balanced diet and home here so we can have the fun of seeing and takes the other end and they march are in excellent health. together back and forth in a donkey tug of what donkey pairs do when they are feel- Fundraising! war. Imagine our amazement and pleasure. ing playful. Barron Park Donkey Manure will be avail- able beginning in April to enhance your compost as you prepare your Spring and Summer garden beds. Place your order for 25-lb bags of “Jen & Perry’s Excellent Equine Manure” by writing to: [email protected] Regular donations for Perry’s and Jenny’s care and feeding can be made at our dedi- cated, brand-new and improved website: www.barronparkdonkeys.org Visit the website for donkey information, history, fun facts, and much more. Please send your suggestions for added features to [email protected]

Are you a Barron Park artist, photogra- pher, artisan, craftsperson, sculptor, de- signer, musician, writer, poet...? Do you know one? You and your work can be featured an upcoming BPA Newsletter. Please send us your idea with a draft art- ist’s statement and reproducible samples of your work to [email protected] Photo: Myrna Rochester


HOW PREPARED ARE WE? The Palo Alto Emergency Service Volunteer Program By Maurice Green and Lydia Kou

017 was a devastating year in terms • Amateur Radio License Exam (consists of Adobe Room. Field Day location to be of the number of disasters and the study session followed by exam): announced at class. To register or for more information: absolute devastation left behind: May 5, 2018: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. in the City 2the destruction of entire islands, entire of San Leandro (address will be provided https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/services/ neighborhoods, and/or entire cities. The after registration). To register or for more public_safety/get_involved/cert.asp only takeaway from this can be . . . Learn information: http://www.baears.com/ Classes dates, times, and locations are from it! Start with the goal of reducing the • ESV Communications Drill subject to change. It is advisable to register harmful effects of any hazard, whether hu- well in advance for the class, so that if May 13, 2018: 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. at Cub- man-caused or by Mother Nature, through there are any changes, you will be con- Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. berley Community Center, 4000 Middle- tacted. field Rd. To register: [email protected] You can help your family and your neigh- Preparedness Tip! You can register to get bors/neighborhood/community by be- • PG&E Gas Safety Class (fills up quickly, emergency alerts from Santa Clara County coming an Emergency Services Volunteers sign up ASAP) by signing up for ALERTSCC: https://www. (ESV). The City of Palo Alto, through its June 4, 2018: 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. at Cubber- sccgov.org/sites/alertscc/Pages/home.aspx Office of Emergency Services, has a robust ley Community Center, 4000 Middlefield program that supports the volunteers in Rd., Room H-1. To register: their role as ESVs, and it is free of charge. [email protected] The beauty of the ESV program is that • Event to assist OES and Fire—Fourth of Mark Your 2018 Calendars! there are different roles for participants, July Safety Watch New Plan for Senior Lunches depending on how much they can and/ July 4, 2018: 5:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m. at various Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. or want to do. If you would like more in- city locations. To register: formation about each of the ESV roles, feel April 10, June 12, August 14, [email protected] October 9, December 11 free to contact me ([email protected]), and I will be glad to provide a description • ESV Communications Drill Corner Bakery Café of what the role requires. You can find July 29, 2018: 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. at your 3375 El Camino Real, Palo Alto basic information at: https://www.cityofpalo- own location. To register: All are welcome to join & enjoy these alto.org/services/public_safety/get_involved/ [email protected] community get-togethers. Palo Alto Training Sessions and • Block Preparedness Coordinator (BPC) No reservations needed. Events, April-September 2018 Certification (consists of one session) Qs: Peter Mueller (650) 856-1255 or [email protected] The following training sessions and events August 9, 2018: 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. at Cub- have been scheduled to support ESVs. berley Community Center, 4000 Middle- Note that they are available only to regis- field Rd., Room A-7. To register or for more tered ESVs. To register, please contact: oes@ information: [email protected] cityofpaloalto.org • How to Use the FRS Radio • Adult and Pediatric First Aid and CPR/ August 26, 2018: 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. EMAIL LISTS AED Certification by American Red Cross: at Cubberley Community Center, 4000 The BPA has four email listservs: April 14, 2018: 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. at Cub- Middlefield Rd., Room A-7. To register: bpa-news, bpa-issues, bpa-misc and bpa- berley Community Center, 4000 Middle- [email protected] jobpostings. They are hosted at Google field Rd., Room H-1. To register: oes@ • Community Emergency Response Team Groups. To join the lists, go to the BPA cityofpaloalto.org (CERT) Certification (consists of 7 sessions) Website: bpapaloalto.org and click on the • Spring Drill!!! tab near the top of the web page (under September 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, and 20, 2018, the logo): “BPA Email Lists.” This link April 29, 2018: 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. (details 6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m., with a field day on provides information about each list and locations will be announced). To sign September 23, 2018: Noon–5:00 p.m. and an easy way to subscribe to one or up to participate in the drill, contact Lydia Classroom sessions are at Mitchell Park more of them. Kou: [email protected] Community Center, 4000 Middlefield Rd.,


Business Spotlight: The Great American Framing Company By James Brady and Jamil Khayrulin

A Brief History As a young man he moved to the Mon- ica. He established his citizenship a short ow in its third year of operation terey Peninsula where he began a career in time later. Jamil perfected his picture-fram- at 3866 El Camino Real in Barron picture framing, working for well-known ing skills at the nationally known custom Park, owners James Brady and frame shops in Pacific Grove and Carmel, frame shop Louvre in the Pacific Heights NJamil Khayrulin have an interesting and before opening James Brady Framing in neighborhood of San Francisco. There, he unusual story of how they met and how downtown Pacific Grove in 1994. In 2001, worked side by side with some of the most their partnership in the framing business he moved back to Los Altos to help care talented craftspeople in the industry. By came to be. for his elderly mother who still resided in 2001 he had been employed at the Great the original-owner family home. (She had American Framing Company in Palo Alto The Great American Framing Company sent him a job listing for a picture-framing for a few years. was established in 1974 in downtown Palo position in Palo Alto. . . ) Alto. The future business partners met Their partnership is now in its 15th year there as former employees in 2001. Two Jamil was born in Baku, Azerbaijan, and and is still going strong! years later, former owner Jeff was ready to graduated from architectural school in Barron Park has been a very welcoming retire and become a gentleman farmer. This 1984. He immigrated to the United States and supportive community, and the Great allowed James and Jamil the opportunity after the collapse of the Soviet Union to American Framing Company shop owners to make him an offer he could not refuse: find a better career opportunity in Amer- are forever grateful! They thank you! sell them the business! James and Jamil officially became proud owners in 2003. The frame shop remained at the downtown location until it fell victim to the ever-rising rents and relocated to lovely Barron Park BPA ADDRESS R E M I N D E R S in 2015. n For the BPA Home Page, the BPA News- [email protected] James and Jamil—a little bit about letter Archive, and to Join or Renew your You will also find a link to the BPA Ser- their story: BPA Membership, go to: vices/Home Business List on our BPA bpapaloalto.org James was raised in nearby Los Altos, Website at bpapaloalto.org/2017/09/01/barron- during the time before Silicon Valley got n To confirm yourBPA Membership Sta- park-area-service-list-september-2017 tus, write to: Lisa Berkowitz Landers: its name, where he attended local schools. n Contact the BPA “Meet and Learn” Ac- [email protected] tivities Chair, Catherine Hendricks, at: n Contact the BPA President, Jon Affeld, [email protected] at: [email protected] n Reach our BPA Historian, Douglas L. n Contact the BPA Treasurer, John W. Graham, at: [email protected] King, at: [email protected] n Contact the chair of the Bol Park Future n Write to our BPA Newsletter Editor, Plan Committee, Richard Placone, at: Myrna Rochester, at: [email protected] or [email protected] [email protected] n To donate for the care of Bol Park’s don- n Contact our BPA Business Liaison, Paul keys, Perry and Jenny, just visit the new Yang, at: [email protected] Barron Park Donkey webpage at: barronparkdonkeys.org and follow the in- n Reach our Welcoming Committee Chair, structions! Gwen Luce, at: [email protected] n To donate to the Bol Park Native Plant n For information on our Emergency Ser- Restoration Project: Write a check payable vices Volunteer Program, write to Maurice to “Friends of the Palo Alto Parks (FOPAP), Green: [email protected] or Lydia Kou: for the Bol Park Corner Restoration Proj- [email protected] ect,” and mail to: FOPAP, 425 Grant Ave., n To contact the BPA Babysitter List, as a Suite 27, Palo Alto, CA 94306 provider or if you need childcare: Please consider volunteering time or [email protected]

Photo: Great American Framing Company American Framing Photo: Great expertise to the Bol Park Native Plant James Brady and Jamil Khayrulin of The n To join the BPA Services/Home Business Restoration Project. Contact Rich Elder at Great American Framing Company List, or to look for a service, write to: [email protected]


El Camino Business Update (February 2018) By Bob Moss

ince my August 2017 report, there 4149B on El Camino Way is under con- There are six vacancies on the Ventura side. have been changes in occupancy and struction. It was formerly the location of No occupants are shown for 3001, 3011, a decrease in vacancies on El Camino Christian Lee, DDS. 3527, 3585 lot, 3877, and 4117. The former SReal between Adobe Creek and Page Mill. 4157C El Camino Way (formerly Lee & Curves site at 4117 also has been vacant for Overall vacancy rates are still low. Woo Orthodontics; doors bear names of years with nothing proposed for it. Last year, after Mike’s Bikes (3001 El Cami- several psychology practices) has been no) moved to Middlefield near Charleston, sealed by the City as “hazardous, unsafe Updates? Questions? You can contact me there was a proposal to redevelop the site to enter.” This is unusual. I don’t recall a (Bob Moss) at [email protected] with 19,800 sq. ft. of ground floor retail and health hazard posted in this area before. 50 total apartments. However, no work has The rest of the mixed-use complex (The been done at the site so far. Hamlet) is in business and unaffected by Omniscience Corporation has replaced Ur- the ban. A Barron Park Reading Group ban Sleep, Artillery (gaming software), and Percolata (business software) at 3630 El By Janice Dorizensky El Camino Animal Hospital at 2951, 2951A, Camino has been replaced by the office of and 2951B El Camino, respectively. Councilman Greg Tanaka. The office rentals at 3401 El Camino are Papa Murphy’s at 3850 was replaced by ur Barron Park Reading Group now occupied by InnoSpring (co-working The Chickery, opening soon. meets the evening of the first space). Wednesday of each month. Jamba Juice at 3990C El Camino was OPlease go to our website www.barron- The former SneakerPawn at 3489 is now recently replaced by Baron Barista, an inde- Clout House (men’s streetwear/Korean pendent coffee shop. parkreadinggroup.org (that’s Barron Park snacks). Reading Group .org), click on the box in 4200 El Camino is now occupied by Ameri- the center to get to the menu page, then The former Combes Auto lot at 3585 El can Tire. look at “Book Selections” and “Future Camino, vacant for ~45 years, now has a The proposal to replace Su Hong at 4256 planned project for ground floor retail with Book Ideas” to see what kinds of books we with a 5-story hotel is still in process. Resi- housing above. Exact size and number of read. We like to alternate between fiction dents of the Redwoods complex next door units not confirmed. It has not yet been and non-fiction. strongly objected to the plans, and the ARB formally reviewed by the Architectural was also very negative about them. They Please phone Janice at (650) 521-2774 or Review Board (ARB). want it scaled down, with the addition of email [email protected] for more Family Fashion Cuts moved to the “Barron more parking, more landscaping, greater information. Everyone is welcome. Park side” at 3666 El Camino two years setbacks, and less size and bulk. ago. Vacancy rates under 5% are basically Instant Urgent Care now operates at 3737 considered full occupancy. On El Camino El Camino. vacancies have decreased since August The Compadres site at 3877, vacant since 2017. SUMMER 2018, BPA October 2010, has approval for a project There are only four vacancies on the Bar- Newsletter Deadline— consisting of 4,027 sq. ft. of retail and 17 ron Park side totaling 12,310 sq. ft. They Monday, June 4, 2018! condos, but there has been no activity on are the former Jewish Study Network at the site. 3626 and 3628, the office for rent at 3632, To All Our Valued Contributors: At 4131 El Camino next to Subway, units and the former CrossFit site at 4050. The Please submit articles and drafts (prefer- 102 and 103 (Think Tank Learning and lots at 3710 and 4146 have been vacant for ably in a Word file), along with any decades. Each had several developments Opus 1 Music Studio) seem to be active images, by Monday, June 4, 2018, to approved, but nothing was built. again. Myrna Rochester, [email protected] or [email protected] Vacancy rates Aug. ‘15 Feb. ‘16 Nov. ‘16 Aug. ‘17 Feb. ‘18 If your Summer idea is still a query (for an article/report/update, interview, El Camino, Ventura Side 5.14% 5.51% 6.90% 6.73% 6.09% announcement, review, anecdote, or artist’s page… ), please contact Myrna in advance. Our Summer 2018 issue will be El Camino, Barron Park Side 1.78% 2.05% 3.14% 3.62% 2.22% mailed early July to current members of

the Barron Park Association. Announce- El Camino Way 0.00% 2.28% 7.04% 9.32% 7.17% ments, including back-to-school activi- ties, should be for events scheduled after Total Vacancy incl. El Camino Way 3.63% 2.99% 4.46% 5.04% 3.88% July 15.


MOSQUITO ALERT! PARCEL TAX Keep on Dumping Standing Water! By BPA Newsletter Editors EXEMPTION FOR SENIORS anta Clara County is home to at least They may also be obtained through the By BPA Newsletter Editors 19 species of mosquitoes. Not only mail by calling (408) 918-4770. Available in do they feed on us and on our pets English and other languages, the brochures S—with varying degrees of allergic reaction include “Are You Raising Mosquitoes in alo Alto homeowners age 65 and —they also transmit diseases such as West Your Backyard?”; “Fight the Bite”; and older, as well as recipients of SSI/ Nile virus, Dengue Fever, Zika, Malaria, “Draining Your Pool and Spa.” SSDI, may apply for an exemption and Encephalitis. The Santa Clara County Legal Abatement Por a refund (for 2017) of the general Par- Vector Control District’s battle against cel Tax added to Palo Alto property tax mosquitoes focuses primarily on the use Typical abatement procedures are used bills, passed in 2015. Information and an of environmentally friendly approaches to gain access to properties to eliminate application for exemption or refund can to eliminate mosquitoes before they begin the source of a mosquito problem (e.g., a be found on the following Palo Alto Uni- biting people and animals. neglected swimming pool). Local Vec- fied School District (PAUSD) web page: tor Control Districts prefer to work with This approach starts with identifying the pausd.org/business-services/parcel-tax source of problem mosquitoes. Many resi- landowners and will make every effort to dents are unaware that they may be raising provide help and assistance. However, if a Here is a PDF of the application form, mosquitoes in their backyards. Backyard landowner is unwilling or unable to elimi- “Request for Exemption from the Parcel breeding sources such as stagnant water nate a mosquito source (or other nuisance), Tax”: in plastic pools, buckets, old tires, etc., are local districts have the authority to access pausd.org/sites/default/files/pdf-faqs/attach- ments/ParcelTaxExemptionForm_0.pdf identified and eliminated or removed by private property to inspect and abate the residents or District agents. source of a problem. They also have the You may apply for a permanent exemp- In the case of sources such as ponds and authority to charge the landowner a fee tion and/or a refund for your (already marshes, the District uses environmentally and place liens upon property (Sections paid) 2017 Santa Clara County property sensitive methods such as mosquito fish 2053, 2060-2067, and 2855 of the California tax bill. The refund for 2017 is available or bio-rational products that specifically Health and Safety Code). before May 31, 2018. You will likely be target the mosquito larvae or pupae before requested to present documentation in You may report any breeding sources they emerge as adults. For example, in person at the PAUSD offices, 25 Churchill personally or anonymously at the website mid-February the District applied naturally Ave., Palo Alto. listed above (“Service Request”) or by call- occurring microbes and a mosquito-specif- For further information and answers ing (408) 918-4770. ic hormone to the area east of Highway 101 to your questions, call Betty Muñoz at and south of Embarcadero Road. Accord- Sources: Palo Alto Daily Post, February 13, PAUSD, 650-329-3980, or send email to ing to the Vector district, the microbes and 2018; and Santa Clara Valley Vector Con- [email protected] We have found her to hormones, which have been used annually trol, website listed above. be extremely responsive. since 1992, don’t stay in the environment for long and are not harmful to humans, wildlife, or other insects. “The aerial operations historically result in a 90% reduction in mosquito numbers, and BPA Neighborhood Services/Home Business List dramatically reduce the extreme nuisance caused by these mosquitoes well into the ook for this Link for Neighborhood summer,” said Vector Control District Manager Nayer Zahiri. The District also Services at our website: routinely conducts disease surveillance for bpapaloalto.org mosquito-borne diseases such as encepha- L To list your service or home business, litis and West Nile virus. please send your information to: To learn more about mosquitoes and what [email protected] you can do to eliminate them, brochures can be downloaded from the Santa Clara The household of the service provider Valley Vector Control website: must be a current member of the BPA. If https://www.sccgov.org/sites/vector/programs- under 18, please include contact informa- and-services/mosquitoes/pages/home.aspx tion for a parent or guardian.


The Barron Park Association (BPA) Needs Your Support Now! Your membership supports many community events including: Emergency Preparation F Bol Park May Fête F Movie Night F Newsletters

Established in 1926, we are your volunteer neighbors serving the varied interests of our very special community. Your membership is greatly appreciated!

Barron Park Association Membership April 2018-March 2019

Join online at http://www.BPApaloalto.org OR If using regular mail, send this completed form with your check to:

Barron Park Association 724 Barron Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94306

Name(s): ______/______

Primary Email: ______Alternate Email:______


q Quarterly Newsletter—I want the online edition instead of a mailed copy. Phone: ______

Please select a Membership Category (per household, per year)

q Fellow $100 q Senior (65+) $15 q Patron $50 q Business $50 q Member $30 q Total Enclosed: ______q Additional Contribution: ______

If paying by check, payable to: Barron Park Association. (Memberships/contributions are not tax deductible.) Note: For economic and environmental reasons a membership reminder mailer is not planned this year. Please remember to join now! ! BARRON PARK 9 ASSOCIATION SPRING 2018

Need a few more reasons to join the BPA?

The BPA welcomes volunteers and new ideas! Volunteering is a great way to meet your neighbors and improve your community. Please indicate if you are interested in getting involved. Another BPA member will happily contact you! q Yes—I would like to get involved q Interests ______

Name: ______Telephone: ______Email: ______

The BPA can help match babysitters/childcare providers, as well as home business services with members seeking their services:

Service List ** The services list is made up of Barron Park area small home businesses and is available at bpapaloalto.org Babysitter List ** The babysitter list contains brief bios of sitters in the Barron Park area and is available at bpapaloalto.org Access to the list requires membership and a password.

To request a password for the Sitter List, email [email protected] To be included on either List send your information to [email protected] If under 18, parent/guardian approval is needed.

**By signing up for these lists, residents, parents, babysitters, and their families acknowledge that the Barron Park Asso- ciation is not responsible for, and will be held harmless against, any injury, loss, claim, lawsuit, or other damage arising from, or related in any manner to the parents’ and babysitters’ use of this resource list or the individuals appearing on it.

The BPA maintains email lists for neighborly advice, discussions, and local news Sign up for BPA-news, BPA-misc, and/or BPA-issues at http://www.BPApaloalto.org

BPA supports the Barron Park Donkeys The Barron Park donkeys and their care are supported by voluntary contributions. Make your regular donations for Perry’s and Jenny’s care and feeding at our dedicated, brand-new and improved website! www.barronparkdonkeys.org


Barron Park Emergency Preparedness Survey

All information kept strictly confidential and used only for emergency purposes. (Please be sure to fill out contact information.)

I agree that this information may be shared with the BPA Board and the Emergency Preparedness & Safety Committee. Printed name(s): ______/______Signature: ______Address: ______Telephone: ______Email: ______Telephone: ______Email: ______Someone in my household will need special help in an emergency owing to age, handicaps, critical medical devices, etc. Name of Person with Special Need ______Nature of Special Need: q Physical Handicap q Critical Medical Needs q Age Name of Emergency Contact: ______Relationship: ______Emergency Contact Telephone: ______Email: ______These skills are available in my household: q Physician q Nurse q EMT q Paramedic q First Aid q CPR q Crisis counseling (psychologist, therapist, etc.) q Interpreting of ______language q Police q Fire q BPC q CERT q HAZMAT training q Ham radio (equipment and license) q GMRS radio (equipment and skill) q FRS radio (equipment and skill) q Bicycle and willingness to carry messages in emergency q Plumbing, electrical, or construction skills Other emergency skills (specify) ______I have the following supplies available for an emergency: q Major first-aid supplies (more than band aids) q Medical Equipment (AED, crutches, wheelchairs, etc.) q Emergency water supply (specify well, swimming pool, hot tub, etc.) ______q Electrical generator q Hoist q Winch (gasoline- or vehicle-powered) q Gasoline chain saw q Electrical chain saw q Water pump (gasoline-powered) q Other useful equipment ______

Emergency Services Volunteers Block Preparedness Coordinator (BPC) - Prerequisite: Attend free BPC Certification training, 3 modules—approximately 3.5 hours (date, time and location TBA). Day-to-day activities involve helping neighbors mitigate and take preventive measures against emergencies, get- ting prepared, and keeping aware and informed of what to expect from the City and neighborhood for response and recovery. BPCs fulfill their Emergency and Safety duties remaining on their street and in their neighborhood and perform “eyes and ears” functions. q I am interested in becoming a Block Preparedness Coordinator (BPC) for my street Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) - Prerequisite: Attend CERT Basic Training, 6 classes, 20+ hours (date, time, and loca- tion TBA). Day-to-day activities are same as BPCs. During emergencies CERTs perform light first responder search and rescue duties as trained. q I am interested in becoming a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member q I would like information on upcoming CPR/First Aid classes

Return this form to: Barron Park Association, 724 Barron Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306

BARRON PARK 11ASSOCIATION CREEKSIDE INN Your home away from home (650) 493-2411

The Creekside Inn welcomes Barron Park residents and their guests! Perfect for visiting relatives. Preparing to renovate your home? Reserve the Creekside Inn’s Renovation Package (call us). Stay in the neighborhood until renovations are complete—your home away from home! Complimentary amenities included in our rates: Room Amenities Reception Services l Complimentary Wireless l In-room coffee & tea l Complimentary Wall Street (Wi-Fi) high-speed internet l Hair dryer Journal & USA Today available access throughout the property weekdays at reception l Make-up mirror l l All 136 rooms offer a patio or l Complimentary morning balcony 50+ television stations pastries, coffee & tea served including HBO, CNN, l daily in lobby Refrigerators in all rooms and ESPN l l Guests are invited to join Complimentary bottled water l Voicemail l complimentary evening wine Complimentary local and l Bathrobes in room hour at Cibo’s Lounge Sunday toll-free calls l Iron & ironing board through Thursday 5 pm to 7pm l Complimentary in-room safes l for the largest of laptop Air-conditioned rooms computers (17-inch size)

The Barron Park Association thanks the Creekside Inn for graciously providing rooms for our monthly meetings. SPRING 2018

TWO RAILROADS RAN THROUGH HERE A Story in Two Parts By Doug Graham, Barron Park Historian

PART ONE: Why Were There Two Rail- terurban trolleys from 1910 through 1934). Vicinity –1948.) The wye is circled. roads through Barron Park? They ran side-by-side on tracks where the If you visit Park Boulevard today, the wye “Next Stop . . . Barron Park” regional bike path through Bol Park now was about a half-block north of the large runs. hese words were never heard in any old building on Park Boulevard where Where the Tracks Ran—Past To- railroad car. But they might be heard Fry’s Electronics and other businesses are day’s Fry’s to McDonald’s today if it weren’t for the abandon- located. On the aerial photo, the building Tment and removal of the two railroads that The tracks started at the “wye” on the main is partly within the circle enclosing the used to run through our neighborhood. San Francisco–San Jose line, in the town wye. That building was constructed for the The Southern Pacific Railroad (SPRR) ran of Mayfield, which is now the California Sutter Cannery in 1918 and had a railroad steam and diesel trains from 1908 through Avenue business district and surrounding siding with a loading dock for shipping 1962, and the Peninsular Railway Com- neighborhoods of Palo Alto. (See Illustra- locally produced fruit and other produce pany of California (PRCC) ran electric in- tion A, aerial photo of Barron Park and to San Francisco and eastern cities. From the wye, the tracks ran west, crossing El Camino Real approximately where McDonald’s restaurant is today (you can still see a slight “hump” in the road where it crosses the old railroad right-of-way). After crossing El Camino, the tracks curved and ran south through the cow pasture now occupied by buildings of the Stanford Industrial Park. Until sometime in the 1970s or 1980s, you could still walk along the tracks in this section, past the parking lots for the Varian Corporation. Two Railroads Side-by-Side There were two railroads on this line—not just two tracks. The origi- nal SPRR track was on the “eastern” side (once the tracks turned south). It carried the steam locomotives and full-sized freight and passenger cars and tested safe up to 80 miles per hour, just like the main San Francisco–San Jose line. The PRCC was built several years later and was electrified. It was on the “western” side. It carried small “trolley” cars and later, large, heavy “interurban” cars. These cars all ran under their own power; there were no locomotives involved. Across the Barron Estate After crossing the Stanford property, the tracks entered the Barron Estate where the regional bike path now enters our neighborhood between the houses on Chimalus Drive and those on Matadero Avenue. From the Stanford-Barron property line, the tracks ran south (slightly southeast) Illustration A: Barron Park and vicinity in 1948. Photo annotation copyright Douglas L. Graham 2018. through the Barron property and


Phase II of the bike path construction was Railroad, Shoup began his Southern Pa- landscaped in 1977 or 1978 (see part II of cific career in 1891 as a ticket clerk in San this article for the story of Bol Park and the Bernardino. In his youth, he had been a bike path construction). contributing writer for several periodicals, That was not the end of the underpass including Sunset magazine. The Wikipe- story, however. In 1993, when the Santa dia article says that he was transferred to Clara Valley Water District was construct- San Francisco and created “promotional ing the Barron Creek Diversion and materials for local fruit and agricultural Matadero Creek Bypass flood control proj- products that were distributed by South- ect to protect our neighborhood from the ern Pacific on the East coast. On April 11, “100-year flood,” they had to dig up the 1906, just one week before the 1906 San bike path from the Barron Creek sedimen- Francisco earthquake, (a promotion) was to tation basin at Gunn High School to the put him at the forefront of the rebuilding of Stanford property line behind the houses the Southern Pacific’s northern California on Chimalus Drive to build a 12’ x 12’ un- interests in the aftermath of the earthquake derground flood culvert on the old railroad and fire.” right-of-way. The cow underpass had to be The Local Angle completely removed since it would have From the Barron Park angle, the interest- blocked the culvert. ing thing about Shoup is his role as a land The Mayfield–Los Gatos “Cutoff” speculator and founder of the town of Illustration B: Paul Shoup. Photo from family Let’s back up and consider why the rail- Los Altos. When the SPRR was acquir- archives taken prior to 1923. Archives now ing land for the right-of-way for its “Los in Los Altos History Museum. road was there. The reasons why the SP decided to build the railroad from May- Gatos Cutoff,” they encountered a resistant field to Los Gatos, Santa Cruz, and Wat- obstacle—the Winchester Ranch—which crossed Matadero Creek where the bike sonville are difficult to understand. The SP lay exactly across the line they wanted path bridge is now, at the donkey pasture. had taken over the original San Francisco for the railroad. The famous heiress Sarah The “Cow Underpass” and San Jose Railroad, which had reached Winchester owned the land that now forms the “triangle” occupied by down- Next, the tracks ran into Stanford prop- Mayfield on October 18, 1863, and San Jose town Los Altos. According to Wikipedia, erty, again at the point where the public on January 16, 1864. Much later, the SP “Sarah realized that the section the railroad access gate is now located. This is between system was extended all the way down the wanted would cut her property in two, McGregor Way and the Gunn High School coast to . Shortly after 1900, the separating her cattle barn from her grazing property. The railroad crossed the Stanford management of the SP decided that they lands. It would render her ranch inef- cow pastures to Arastradero Road and needed a new high-speed double-track fective, therefore she demanded that the continued southeast along the right-of- “cutoff” directly across the mountains to railroad purchase the entire property. This way now occupied by Foothill Expressway Santa Cruz, that would bypass the San left the railroad with an excessive amount to Los Altos and Cupertino. The cows Jose–Gilroy–Watsonville route and shorten of land.” One wonders—did they offer to belonged to the “Portuguese farmer” who the distance and travel time to Southern build a cattle underpass for Sarah, like the milked them daily in a large barn vis- California. It seems they did not properly one on the Stanford property? ible then from many of the properties on evaluate the difficulties of building and op- Roble Ridge. It was near the current VA erating a fast railroad route across a rugged Paul Shoup then “gathered his busi- Hospital laundry plant behind the donkey mountain range. The proposal may seem ness associates and purchased the excess pasture. The cows had free access to the weak today, and one should understand property from Southern Pacific. They pastures now occupied by the VA Hospital that skeptics even then smelled something incorporated as the Altos Land Company and Stanford Industrial Park, but once the fishy underneath the company’s optimism. for the purposes of developing the area railroad was built, they could not get to It has been alleged that the route selection (the Winchester and Merriman Ranches) as the pasture now occupied by Gunn High had everything to do with land speculation a residential community (to be) marketed School. However, before the railroad was in the future town of Los Altos by SPRR to executives and businessmen working in put through, the SPRR constructed a “cow employees, especially Paul Shoup. San Francisco.” The town was apparently underpass” with thick poured-concrete The Shoup Story named Los Altos because it would be the walls. It was located near the Barron Estate highest point (above sea level) on the cut- Wikipedia’s current article on Paul Shoup property line behind today’s house at 1040 off between Mayfield and Los Gatos. (1874–1946) summarizes his career as “an McGregor Way (see Illustration A). Did Shoup Manipulate the SPRR American businessman, president and for His Own Gain? When the tracks were ultimately removed, later vice-chairman of the Southern Pacific the underpass was left open and consti- Railroad in the 1920s and 1930s, a founding An interesting question remains: Was tuted a barrier to those of us who used to board member of the Shoup involved in manipulating the SPRR walk on the old right-of-way. One winter School of Business, and founder of the to create the “Los Gatos Cutoff” in order day in the 1970s a resident found a man’s community of Los Altos, California.” (See to obtain the ranches and build an upscale body there in the underpass, apparently a Illustration B.) commuting community to his profit? It victim of exposure and hypothermia. The After a short stint with the Santa Fe seems to me that he was then in job posi- concrete walls were buried with fill when


Illustration C: SPRR Steam Train approaching Barron Park. Judging by the number of cars, this must have been a special excursion, not a com- mute train. Possibly a “Big Game” train? Photo from Jon Christman. tions at too low a level in the company picking up commute hierarchy to carry off a plan like that. It traffic if the promoters of seems much more likely that he simply Los Altos were successful was a shrewd investor with foresight, in creating a new town at positioned to do some highly profitable but the site of the area’s prune completely legal dealing that would how- and apricot orchards. ever be considered “insider trading” today. Construction Prob- The Peninsular Railway lems In the case of the Peninsular Railway So, the stage was set, and (PRCC), created by Southern Pacific on the railroads laid out their December 21, 1895, the reasons for its right-of-way diagonally construction were more complex but across the bucolic 320- perhaps more aboveboard. The PRCC was acre Barron Estate. Soon, created to link San Francisco and San Jose however, the project ran with electric interurban service. It was a into difficulties in the key piece in numerous schemes to extend mountains. Construc- interurban trolley service throughout Santa tion began on the SP at Clara County and beyond. It was constant- Congress Junction near ly jockeying with rival concerns to obtain Saratoga, but then had to franchises on favorable terms from the be halted in June 1905 be- county’s municipalities, including May- cause the stockpile of rails field and Palo Alto (until 1925, Mayfield was needed 500 miles was still independent of Palo Alto). The away in the fight against cutoff from Mayfield to Los Gatos would Colorado River flooding connect nicely with other lines of the PRCC in the Imperial Valley of from San Jose to Los Gatos, Saratoga, Southern California. Then Illustration D: SPRR Timetable for the “Los Gatos Cutoff,” dated and to the orchard area that later became came the San Francisco September 29, 1957. Note that Neal and Alta Mesa are shown Cupertino. The PRCC could anticipate Earthquake in April 1906. as “Additional Stations.” Source not recorded.


Although this temporarily closed one of Francisco through Los Altos the tunnels in the Santa Cruz Mountains, it and Los Gatos to Santa Cruz also had a positive aspect. In the cleanup, was established, with the San Francisco had to get rid of thousands “cutoff” tying back into the of tons of debris. The new railroad line main line at Watsonville needed fill material, and some of the earth- Junction. By 1911 there were quake debris was used as fill in the Barron 12 steam trains a day using Park area. San Francisco artifacts were the line through the Barron turned up in excavations during the bike Estate beside the Peninsu- path construction (phase II of Bol Park) in lar interurban trolleys. (See Illustration C, SPRR steam 1977–78, and again during construction passenger train approaching of the flood control project under the bike Barron Park.) The photo is a path in 1992–94. Actual construction on copy supplied by Jon Christ- the “Mayfield Cutoff” began in April 1907, man and is undated, but was with track laying beginning in August. The probably taken sometime work through the Barron Estate was prob- in the 1940s, when rail fans ably finished in September 1907. began taking a lot of photo- Regular Steam Train Service graphs of U.S. railways. Begins I don’t have a timetable Illustration E: Car 52, about 1929. This was either used on the “Los Gatos Cutoff” or one from the same series was. The car Finally, construction was completed, and from an earlier period, but Eric Struck provided one is preserved in the Rio Vista Railroad Museum. Photo from the first SP steam trains ran through to Los “Tracks, Tires and Wires,” by Charles S. McCaleb. Altos on April 12, 1908, bringing 16 car- from September 29, 1957. (See Illustration D, SPRR loads of prospective buyers to a land sale timetable.) Note the small and barbeque in Los Altos. PRCC Service Begins, in the Hey- chart at the bottom that lists the “Additional day of the Interurbans The first regular scheduled service began Stations,” Neal and Alta Mesa. Since all the April 19, 1908, with two trips per day track mileages are given, you can extrapo- In October 1909, work began on electrify- each way starting at Palo Alto and go- late the train arrival times at Neal with a ing the westerly track to accommodate the ing to Los Gatos. Soon, service from San high degree of precision. interurban cars of the Peninsular Railway.

Illustration F: Car 102—Probably about 1915. This car was used on the “Los Gatos Cutoff.” Note the banner, indicating that it was probably a special excursion car that day. Photo from “Tracks, Tires and Wires,” by Charles S. McCaleb.


BARRON PARK ASSOCIATION Regular service began March 5, 1910, with as recently as 2006) was probably built to gala celebrations in each town along the serve the Barron Estate shortly after the BOARD OF DIRECTORS way as a gaily decorated five-car train of tracks were laid down. Railcar passengers brand-new interurban cars progressed might have been able to catch an occa- Jon Affeld, President north from San Jose, bearing railroad sional glimpse, between the stately oaks, of John W. King, Vice President representatives and city dignitaries. The the imposing, three-story Barron Mansion Markus Fromherz, Secretary cars were two-thirds closed and one-third three-quarters of a mile away near the San John W. King, Treasurer open (for smokers) with rain curtains. The Francisco–San Jose Road (El Camino). Todd Collins closed section had red plush seats, while This completes Part I of the story. I hope Richard Elder the open section had seats with slatted you have enjoyed it. Part II will appear in backs and bottoms. The following year, the the Summer 2018 issue of this newsletter. I Maurice Green cars were equipped with electric heaters, will include details of how the PRCC oper- Christian Kalar a much-welcomed improvement. The cars ated and will cover the special excursion Lydia Kou ran every hour between Palo Alto and San trains that so many people enjoyed, some Lisa Berkowitz Landers Jose, with fares ranging from ten cents of which were continued by the SPRR after between adjacent stations up to 55 cents the PRCC was closed down. Seven illustra- Gwen Luce for the entire distance, with lower rates for tions enliven the story. If you haven’t yet Peter K. Mueller weekends and holidays. Monthly com- joined the BPA with your annual dues, you Jaya Pandey muter tickets were available; Palo Alto to should do so; this will ensure that you will Myrna Rochester Alta Mesa cost $3. After the PRCC line was get a copy of the Summer issue with Part II. completed to Los Gatos, the SPRR discon- Mircea Voskerician If you have any questions, please contact tinued local stops between Palo Alto and Paul Yang me by snail mail at 984 Ilima Way, Palo Los Gatos. Beginning January 4, 1914, Los n Altos was served exclusively by the electric Alto, CA, 94306; call me at 650-493-0689; or railway. email me at [email protected] Committee/Activity Chairs One PRCC Car Has Been Preserved Business Liaison: Paul Yang Communications: Myrna Rochester See Illustration E, PRCC Car #52, which BARRON PARK is preserved at the Rio Vista Railroad ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Email Lists: Richard Elder Museum. The photograph was taken Barron Park Association Environment: Jaya Pandey about 1929. Also see Illustration F, PRCC 724 Barron Avenue Events: Jon Affeld Car #102, which is known to have run on Palo Alto, California 94306 History: Douglas L. Graham the Mayfield–Los Gatos line. The photo- graph may date from about 1915, before E D I T O R May Fête: John W. King the 100-series cars were sent to the Pacific Myrna Rochester Membership: Lisa Berkowitz Landers Electric in Los Angeles. D E S I G N E R Neighborhood Safety & Emergency About 1914, the PRCC bought newer, Patrick Coyne Preparedness: Maurice Green, Lydia Kou heavier 64-passenger cars painted red P R O O F R E A D E R Parks & Creeks: Christian Kalar that became known as “the Big Palys.” Gwen Luce Bol Park Future Plan Committee: Twenty-five runs per day in each direction Richard Placone were made on the Los Altos branch. For a C O N T R I B U T O R S while, the Peninsular did a modest freight Jon Affeld, James Brady, Maria Castell- Bol Park California Native Plot: Richard Elder business, hauling oil, fruit, gravel, and Greene, Janice Dorizensky, Richard Elder, other cargo, and transferring to the SPRR Schools Liaison: Todd Collins Deborah Farrington, Douglas L. Graham, at Mayfield. Maurice Green, Jamil Khayrulin, John Seniors Liaison: Peter K. Mueller Passenger Views of the Barron W. King, Jenny Kiratli, Lydia Kou, Lisa Traffic & Streets: Vacant Estate Berkowitz Landers, Bob Moss, Jeralyn Zoning & Land Use: Vacant Between 1907 and 1919, a PRCC or SPRR Moran, Peter Mueller Welcoming: Gwen Luce passenger would not have had much of an n impression of the Barron Estate as he or P H O T O C R E D I T S she rode through it. The Stanford lands on Jon Affeld, Buena Vista Youth Scholars BPA Board meetings are held the 3rd either side were cattle pastures. The Roble Program, Jon Christman, Great American Tuesday of most months at 7:15 p.m. Neighbors are welcome. Ridge area was studded with valley oak Framing Company, Los Altos History BPA Community Happy Hours are held and coast live oak; it probably was used Museum, Charles S. McCaleb, Palo Alto for grazing by the caretaker-manager of the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. Historical Association, Myrna Rochester the Barron Estate (by 1909 the family was For Meeting and Happy Hour locations no longer in residence). I speculate that the P R I N T E R write to [email protected] cattle-loading ramp (the decayed remains Prodigy Press www.bpapaloalto.org of which could still be seen in Bol Park


Our Wild Neighbors: A Tale of Two Towhees By Jeralyn Moran

n our own Barron Park yards, the cots. You might be lucky enough to see medium-sized brown bird we often one hold a grass stem and strip the seeds ignore is the California Towhee. A less off all at once with its beak. Scattered seed Icommon cousin, also in our neighbor- on the ground below your birdfeeder will hood, is the Spotted Towhee—worthy get this bird’s attention. of a real double-take. Both are basically California Towhees often live out their (biologically) large sparrows. lives in one area and mate for life as they California Towhee—Description raise two or three broods (of 3–4 eggs) and Behavior each year. They build a bulky nest, typi- Taxonomists used to lump the California cally in a low bush with twigs, grass, and Towhee and the almost identical Canyon strips of bark, lined with finer grass, thin Towhee in the same species category: the roots, and/or animal hair. The finished ‘Brown Towhee.’ Not anymore. It has nest is about 8 inches across and 1.5 inches been decided these two populations are deep. Both parents feed the nestlings, who might leave the nest after only eight days geographically separate—the Califor- A California Towhee (adult males and females when they still haven’t learned to fly very nia Towhee lives on the Coastal side of look the same). Source: http://biology.csusb. edu/birds/species/Melozone_crissalis.php well. However, they’ll stay with Mom and Dad for several more weeks. southern Oregon down to Baja, Califor- Spotted Towhee—Description and nia. The Canyon Towhee prefers desert Behavior areas farther south (Arizona, Texas) and Taxonomists also used to lump the Spotted FUN FACTS northern Mexico. The California Towhee Towhee and the very similar Eastern Towhee sports a uniformly brown-gray body with • Many towhees build their nests in together, calling it the ‘Rufous-sided poison oak and feast on the plant’s a faintly streaked breast and a long tail Towhee.’ But no longer. Like its cousin in pale white berries. with cinnamon-brown colored feathers this discussion, it was decided these two on the underside of the base. California • Check out the red eyes of the Spot- populations are geographically separate. Towhees are originally from the classic ted Towhee! It turns out this is a common evolution- open chaparral and other hot scrublands ary pattern in North American birds—left • Towhees like millet, which is not of California and Oregon (before people over from when the great ice sheets split very popular with many other back- showed up). They have adapted to our yard birds. the continent down the middle, isolating invasion, so you are likely to hear them birds into Eastern and Western popula- • The female builds the nest while calling right nearby. tions that over time became new species. the male watches. Didn’t they get the The Spotted Towhee is in the Western memo on shared building benefits? They hang out mainly in dense, low habitat, but will perch higher when a U.S., the Eastern Towhee (of course) in • During a fight between two To- better look-around is needed. Listen for the Eastern U.S. Interbreeding happens whees, you might see one bird pick up a loud, sharp, metallic ‘chip’ call, then a piece of twig, bark, or leaf and carry it around. Bird watchers consider this look around at shrubs, the ground below an act of submission. them, or on fence tops or the eaves of your house. They prefer to feed on the ground, • You may have experienced a Cali- so watch for the classic Towhee foraging fornia Towhee repeatedly pecking at maneuver, the ‘double-scratch’—they use your window or car mirror: the males fiercely defend their home territory both feet in a backward hop-scratch, then and will mistakenly attack their own they pounce on anything they’ve uncov- reflections. ered. Although seeds are its main diet, insects (mainly beetles and grasshoppers, • The oldest known California Towhee was male, and over 12 years but also spiders, millipedes, and snails) old when he was re-captured and are good for extra protein during the re-released during California banding breeding season. This practical bird will A male Spotted Towhee. Source: https:// efforts—first in 1973, later in 1986. also eat various berries, even garden fruits www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Spotted_To- or vegetables like pleas, plums, and apri- whee/id


sometimes in the middle, in the Great Plains area. Gunn Students Teach Computers to Learn By Jon Affeld A very sharp dresser, the Spotted Towhee will catch your eye if you’re lucky enough to see one. The male shows off with his t Gunn High School, students black head, wings, back and tail, dark are not the only individuals that orange sides (‘rufous’ in color), and white can learn. In fact, during a recent belly and chest. Contrasting white ‘spots’ Aseminar series held on campus over three on the dark black feathers are striking. sessions in February, they practiced how to The female has similarly beautiful plum- make computers learn too. age, but dark gray on the head, wings, Machine Learning is a sub-field of Artificial back, and tail. Since these birds frequently Intelligence that enables the system to opti- hang out on/under low bushes, their mize decisions or generate better outcomes bright coloring can help them hide in the by improving from experience, without sun-dappled light. The youngsters are being programmed. It is ideally suited for more mottled brown until they molt and computing tasks that are too large in scale Photos: Jon Affeld grow “adult” plumage. Remember that for people to do or too fuzzy for basic algo- replacing feathers is energetically and eco- rithms to solve. Google’s cloud-based environment called logically costly for any bird, at any stage It uses a wide variety of mathematic, Collaboratory: https://colab.research.google. of their lives. probability, and statistical approaches com/notebook#fileId=/v2/external/notebooks/ to interpret data and make predictions. welcome.ipynb Similar to the California Towhee, the Spot- The models learn from their results after ted Towhees gravitate to brushy scrubland, Next, they trained their models with completing specified tasks and get better sample data, and finally they used the forest edges, old fields, shrubby back- over time. yards, chaparral, and canyon bottoms models to solve specific problems for clas- Machine Learning is a rapidly growing —places with dense shrub cover and sification and regression analysis. Many field and is already used commercially in attendees thought the exercise that was the plenty of leaf litter for them to ‘double- economics, finance, marketing, medicine, most fun was watching the machines learn scratch’ around in (the same notable habit transportation, and entertainment. The how to create freelance drawings based on as described above for the California seminar series was hosted by Mr. Joshua the work of a certain artist. It was amaz- Towhee). Spotted Towhee habitat tends Paley from the Gunn Computer Science ing to see the process of trial and error and to be dryer than the Eastern Towhee’s department, taught by Mr. Yu-Han Liu of then how well the machines reproduced home turf. Seeds like buckwheat, thistle, Google, supported by local parents, and the original style. raspberry, blackberry, poison oak, sumac, sponsored by a local non-profit called In- Teaching machines to learn was hard work, nightshade, chickweed, and farmed crops noVantre. and the students built up a big appetite. such as oats, wheat, corn, and cherries are The seminar series was a big success. More Refreshments—cookies, fruit, and drinks— on their menu. Again, like the California than 85 students attended, and everybody were provided during breaks to feed the Towhee, insects are prioritized for meals had a great time getting real hands-on ex- bodies as well as nourish the minds. Based as needed. Although some of these birds perience. First, they created actual Machine on how quickly the food disappeared, it is will migrate to warmer areas seasonally, Learning models using Python and Java on a good thing that machines don’t eat yet. the Spotted Towhees you see in Barron Park and similar areas are permanent resi- dents. Our agreeable weather leaves little reason to leave. Breeding season is in the spring, and a happy couple may have more than one brood of 2–6 eggs each. These birds choose to nest on the ground or in a low bush, somewhat exposed (likely for access as Mom and Dad come and go feeding the kids), but often tucked near a bush’s base or a log to hide it. Ground nests are built into shallow holes so that the top of the nest is at or just above the soil’s surface. The finished nest is about 4.5 inches across and about 2.5 inches deep (smaller and deeper than that of its California- based cousin).

BARRON PARK 19ASSOCIATION BARRON PARK ASSOCIATION PRSRT STD 724 Barron Avenue U.S. POSTAGE PAID Palo Alto, California 94306 PALO ALTO, CA www.bpapaloalto.org PERMIT NO. 143

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