Defends Firing
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• • . NFL Previews -pages 11, 13 VOL XVI, NO. 8 an mdependem srudent newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1981 Reagan defends PATCO firing CffiCAGO (AP)- In an effort to face appearance before a labor or Improve.- relations with organized ganization since becoming presi lahor, President Reagan is poised lO dent was March 30, the date he was reaffirm his hclicf In collective wounded in an assassination attempt bargaining and deny charges that his after addressing AFL-CIO Building is a union-busting administration. Trades Representatives. But in excerpts from a speech he Reagan's firing of the air control will deliver today, Reagan defends lers and the administration's subse his firing of nearly 12,000 air traffic quent attempt to strip the controll~rs by drawing a distinction professional Air Traffic Controllers between strikes in private industry Organization of Its bargaining and illegal strikes against the govern authority. produced howls of ment. protest from AFL-CIO President "Our very freedom Is secure be Lane Kirklano and a host of other cause we are a nation governed by union leaders who accused the chief laws, not by men," he will tell the executive of trying to break the uni United Brotherhood of Carpenters on. and Joiners. "We have the means to The AFL-CIO has been in the van change laws we find unjust or guard of protest over Reagan's onerous. We cannot as citizens pick economic policies and Is planning a and choose laws we will or will not huge solidary demonstration In the obey. nation's Capital September 19. Unpack your ND flags 'cause the band is on the march! (photo by Carl]. Frusbon) "I can guarantee you that this ad In the speech, Reagan will main ministration will not fight inflation tain that organized labor's suppon of by attacking the sacred right of the government employee unions al American workers to negotiate their ways has been based on a no-strike Block grants wages," he will say. "We proposed to concept. control government, not people." "Indeed, they insisted that unions The excerpts were released by of government employees should White House aides Wednesday as recognize this In their constitu Officials fear more red tape Reagan headed to Chicago from Los tions," The president will say Angeles, where he spent the last according to the excerpt. INDIANAPOUS (AP) - Federal economic policy and Inter · own bureaucracy as convulted and several days of his four week vaca block grants may be a boon to the governmental goals. U.S. Rep. Lee Insensitive as the one in Washing tion. Reagan was to be the star at Years ago, some leaders of Federal states, but local government officials Hamilton, D-Ind., presided over the ton. As an example, he pointed to traction last night at a fund-raiser in Employee Unions sought AFL-CIO fear the shift in administration may hearing, which focused on the im the history of the Law Enforcement pact of block grants on Indiana Chicago for the Illinois Republican backing for a move to give govern mean more bureaucracy · not less, a Assistance Administration program, Pany. ment workers the right to strike, but congressional subcommittee was Gov. Roben D. Orr told the panel which had federal, state and local ad His speech to the: Carpenters and the Idea was shot down by high told yesterday. that Indiana will lose 125 million In ministrators at the same time. Joiners will be Reagan's first to a ranking leaders In the Labor Federa The comments came during a federal funds in the shift to block "At the time the funds were lahor group since he fired the air tion headed at the time by George hearing before the Joint Economic grants from categorical grants. Some proposed for fighting crime in the controllers. His only other face-to- Meany. Committee's subcommitte on of that shonage can be made up In streets of the cities In this state, administrative savings, he said. But there was precious little left to fight the remainder, panicularly in the so crime because much of it had been Nationwide cial service area, will have to be drained off by this administrative passed along to program recipients bureaucracy," he said. as cuts in aid, he added. Hamilton suggested that the Gary Mayor Richard G. Hatcher, Legislature might provide the Spending cuts affect students past president of the U.S. Con needed protection for cities against ference of Mayors, said he was not the whims of state administrators. By MIKE O'BRIEN He explained that the surcharge keeps banks in the convinced that block grants were all But Hatcher and Indianapolis Mayor StaffReporter GSL program, since institutions would discontinue they have been touted to be. William H. Hudnut III scoffed at that loaning students money ifthey were receiving an Inter Hatcher said one of his chief con Idea Notre Dame Director of Financial Aid Joseph Russo est rate below 18 percent. cerns was that the state administra See GRANTS, page 4 has reported that Federal spending cuts will continue to Russo noted that the surcharge represents a major tion of block grants would create Its create a substantial Impact on student assistance philosophical shifting of responsibility for the loan programs both here and on a nationwide scale. away from the Federal government to the individual In an Interview yesterday, Russo discussed the effects student. of the Reagan budget reductions on non-campus based Another major difference in the GSL program this Soviet soldiers killed Federal aid programs like Guaranteed Student Loans year Is the Interest rate on the loan itself. Students ( GSL) and Basic Educational Opportunity Grants receiving loans for the first time after January 1, 1981 • ( BEOG) as well as University administered programs will now pay a nine rather than five percent finance tn Angola raid such as National Direct Student Loans (NDSL) charge. Russo stated that the most severely effected of these The biggest chlange in the GSL will take effect Oc JOHANNESBURG, South Africa were involved directly with the Angola-based black nationalist guer programs will be: the GSL, which just happens to be the tober 1 when new student applicants with a combined (AP) -Two lieutenant colonels were largest and most family income exceeding $30,000 will be required to among an undisclosed number of rillas of the South-West Africa Soviet soldiers killed by the South People's Organization, or SWAPO. utilized financial THURSDAYa.*rt~~m show their need for the loan. Students with a family aid at Notrt· ,,:!ii£4h ., . ' Income below that figure will automatically pass this African troops who raided Angola, a SW APO has been fighting for 1 5 means test. military spokesman said Tuesday. years to drive South Africa out of Russo, despite seeing a need to reform the GSL In a release carried by the South South-West Africa, a mineral-rich ad . ,, 0 :~;l~iLye~~~~::~ 1•F 0 CUS program, called the means test solution simplistic, ar African Press Association, the jacent territory, the white-minority slty's total enroll- guing that it failed to consider imponant factors such as spokesman identified a captured government has controlled since ment received approximately over S11 million in family size and varying tuition costs between a Notre Soviet officer as Sgt. Major Nicolai the end of World War I. The ter <iuaranteed Loans. Dame and a locaJ public co!Jege. Feodorovlc~ Pestr.etsov, captured as ritory is also known as Namibia. Fortunately, Russo said, most students responded He added that such a simplistic ceiling could actually he traveled m a mtlltary vehicle In a The defense spokesman said the early to threatened changes in the program and his increase borrowing below the $30,000 income level; C:: column of black nationalist guerrll- captured Soviet, Pestretsov, had office processed more applications sooner than ever and thus not meet the Reagan's administration las. been in Angola since 1979. The rank before. projected savings. In Paris, the ambassador of An- of master sergeant, traditionally the As a result, Russo said he believes all applicants for This failure of GSL cuts to meet the expectations of gola's Marxist government, highest level for an enlisted man, 19H 1-Hlloans will receive the aid. He added, however, Budget Director David Stockman could, Russo acknowledged it was possible Soviet was not familiar to sources in Mos that next yt•ar "will he a whole new ballgame." predicted, lead to deeper cuts In other loan-based soldiers were among those killed in cow. U.S. lnteUlgence manuals say The first of tht• big changes in the GSL program, he programs, nan1ely the NDSL and BEOG. last week's fighting in southern An- the hlahest rank for a non Indicated, took affe<:t on August 23. Students who had In addition to this dagger hanging over their heads, gola. "We have never made any commissioned Soviet soldier is war not a.~ of that date been mailed promissory notes by Russo pointed out that the NDSL and BEOG programs secret of the fact that our Soviet rant officer - which was the first their lender will be facing an additional interest pay have already been seriously reduced and revised by a friends are training our army to help description the South Africans gave ment, called an Origination Surcharge. fiscally conservative Washington. Angola defend its territory," Ambas- of the captured man. Russo stated that the surcharge results from the The Basic Grant, soon to be renamed the Pell Grant sador Luis Jose d'Almeida said. The SAPA news agency said government's decision to reduce Its intert.Jt payments, has seen both reductions in maximum awards and On Tuesday, South African security forces already had taken six totalling 12 billion annually, to fall below the 18 per Defense Minister Magnus Malan said See CUTS; page 4 See RAID, paae 4 cent level.