r drt OL. JOOTfH—N*. 5 paw £i Eileen Barton Enga^__. to IT ter Ins *r* -_.- Eileen Barton, young star of entative& on can be derived from joining an . Board and Class Council mem­ ch bers, cost $2. The _ the students this harge is $6, the. 94 balance afternoon w^ be the City Col<4 wal ible within one month of the lege Service Organization and uch lance. Theatron. In Lounge C at 1, the ihatj In order to insure that the College's USO unit wiU present yf facilities will be adequate for a sample of. the~ type of varfirtsf ss .eating everyone, the PromCom- Tickets for the Class of *54*s^I-eap Year Leap/' which show put on for servicemen* f*B nittee, headed by Bert Wasser- Among those performing will be no nan and Harvey Stein, wffl be held Saturday evening m Hansen Hail, are now on Felice Rockman, Sylvia Levine* us 's ound it necessary to limit the sale at the ninth floor booth. -The cost of the ticket is $1 at Larry Levy and Phil Gittleman« ed it tendance to 400 the booth and $1.25 at the door. .. At ?> km. the same lounge* l«d Music will be supplied by Bert Theatron wiH offer NoeLJZow- >g*| Previous to the sisning -. «£ VTissBarton, Enoch Light and Haber and ts^nttmsmiaiivs wiitf is 1 records s^ipptementing^tbe breaks, of IIS 14-piece orchestra, the ^ytfamaires, to 'provide '^r^mtfaTOft*^ dancing. One of the two distinctive Amos* Singer, Gtt Ks*eko, Leila t as >erform_ at the Student Council pansored ^affair. features of the "Leap Year Leap" Dr. Arthur TaCt. Dfpeeter of Paul and Macro Lssjidua, The band, which was recently win be a Rhumba contest, an­ Armed Services Affairs, advises , Tomorrow - an athletic atmo* eatured at the Hotel Tfcft and nounced Larry Lazovick, Social students taking twelve credits or sphere is scnecRues sot* the nintnv more this semester who wish to floor, with the wrestling* boxing as made successful appearances headline* who was disclosed as Chairman of the Class. A prize t College affairs in the past, of two tickets to the Clmaa^ Mys­ take the April 24 Selective Serv­ and fencing teams demonstrating being a comedian now featured, ice Quftfiflcation Test to file ap­ ill provide the dreamy dance atrone of the theaters on Tunes tery Bus Ride, to be held some­ — plications at once. usic '•— ~ Square, He was starred in a re­ time in May, will be awarded to On the move serious side, there -wffl be a meeting; of the booth Enoch Light's recent record­ cent Broadway comedy produc­ the most prolific shaker and Applications may be obtained ings are heard daHy as a regu- tion and has often been a guest .Quaker duo. ' at any draft board and must be feature cSTfhe Ted Hearing on Tallulah Bankhead's Sunday A Leap Year turnabout will night "Big Show." Guess who! be the dance's otner big attrac­ 20, Early ffiteg will be to the At 3^ an [emale vocahsts who record with In addition to the entertain­ tion. This event provides open meeting of the Jnter^Club I he band have also been con­ ment and the dancing, gressive females?. Students who took one of the Board wm be held In the Facnirjg tracted to appear. ments have been made •*ttnrid*' males in quest of a Still ttnatgiwd, is another name refreshments. dance. ~ - The theme of the F^sir Is the Orcns,. witiiv the ntttlh - floor as be directed by Selective Service the Big Top* The numerous Headquarters, local boards may booths are built around this idea* StO not consider deferment requests with House Plan supplying the unless they have before them the trademark of the Circus, the et Academic Credit for Economics 6 test grade and rank in class. This clown. The Newman Cliib will it is mandatory even though either have a magician; APO, a weighty Combining education and plea- tour through four countries, Following their stay in Munich, criteria shonld sufffc^^^--^ guessing hon+h; *nA AT^g, i>^ L t Jure, ^orty City College students September -15* in time for regis­ the contingent will embark to Students are stfll entitled to a animal cage; The Statistics So­ nil travel to Europe this sum- Austria where they will stay at er tration., 'JiiZ-~'.-::~~. ~- mandatory de/eiuwmT to the end ciety win spin its Wheel of For* £j rier_under_a_j5firo^ All the arrangements tor tne~Alpac h University 4er—three of the academic-year m which- m y Frank Thornton, of the Eco- journey including meals, fares, weeks. Dr. Erwing Schroedinger, jthey_ receive their pre-induction Sandy Gaines and Dan Lowe ^ Ernies Department, and Dean hotel rooms and transportation a Nobel prize winner;. Dr. Wif- notice. T*%na* wf^o dftflTpff ^»irthf»r are co-chirfrmop at th&-' RtttAmnt; Leaf"rh r Wright-te- b^ASSIST. Visas helm Roepke of the University of information should see Dr. Taft. Council Committee's affair. ith the Affiliation of. Schools and pasport fees will cost extra, Lausame; Dr. Alfred Verdruss, m< Dean iof the Vienna International •re nd Seminars for International but students will be. personally tudy andL Training. aided by "Doc" Thornton in ob­ Law University; and the Chancel­ Uptown taining the necessary credentials. lor of Austria are among the w Price of the comprehensive rip is being offered at the re- Amsterdam, Netherlands will notables to be seen there. «n Paris, next on . the itinerary, And 'Beat NYU' RaHy Friday uced; rate of .$632. A deposit of be the first stop for the traveling le group. Included on the agenda will feature sight-seeing drives to A combination "Beat NYU" pep rally and dance /will tfi 150 is required to hold reserva- be held at the Uptown Gym, Friday night^from 8:30-11:30. ons. Those interested can get are discussions with Dutch lead­ the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Sor- sg 1 ers in addition to sightseeing in bonne University and the Latin The affair, sponsored jointly by the Student Athletic i touch with" "Doc ' Thornton in Association, Varsity Club, the Al- ai 007 A. . •' The "Hague, Rijks Museum, the Quarter. A half-day excursion to to be on hand. In addition, the t ^Gdyal Palace and a ,half-day ex­ Versailles will, end the trip. lagarooters, the Cheerleaders, With the journey approved by and the Friday Night Dance Cora- r*nfU team has been ie Economics- Department as cursion by train and boat to the ASSIST is a cooperative plan** extended an invitation to attend. ho quaint medieval Dutch Village of for educational travel and inter­ jmittee, will be open to any City quivalent to Economics 6 with College student and his or her The City College team, of ull credit, the theme of the tour Voledam and the Isle of Marken. national training to help peoples course, will be the guests of honor „°f .ajOLccw^Jries *p_ observe, study, date without charge upon presen­ ill be based on labor in Euro- From Amsterdam, the group tation of a Student Activities at this affair. 30| ean countries. . will travel to Cologne and then understand and benefit from The purpose of the rally is to h those technical, economic, social Card. Downtown students as well Students taking advantage of Munich. During their stay in the as those from Uptown are invited. show the team that the student latter, the former Royal Palace, and cultural developments of the *e special trip will leave New Jackie Robinson, Brooklyn body is solidly behind it and a b: ork by plane August 16, after National Theater and the inter- various countries* This, they feel, large turnout will achieve that ie conclusion of summer session. nationaHy famous Ratskelier may contribute to the realization Dodger baseball star, is-expected goaL It is also being held to boost ^v441 be visited. of the aims of the United Nations,•--_ to he nnp of th<> m»ny_.p»W»hriti<>« ntblotioq a^ tho CV>lT«*gA, -\.

i^v******?**' ••Jhfl&^i

J^ *3&"C&' A * Honey Ball." sp<»»s6ree by

the t4 cm^m^^e^t^^i •3*&>&*. -*: "Tpar • Senior ^fewjet^^tbV affal£^^^he< a r*.r •': « Ticker Assooja^on^iare TK>W be­

ing apcep0&-py ^Student- Coun- ' if purchased i» ?j^ai»ce^or 7!ie if :**• ciJr'care^eT%X._ _, - Lents^tere^tegrin Pubiib^ctairs ihe 'ofy^SSft? m& the purchase is made 'Jpctif representative ,- -will, b^; by the Metropolitan Coaference of l&er reeelye^^e«CB^cMelo*s; Of ;SiXr OJPr^lOTe* JE«*st haod information on currerii employment : -for- ,portunR!es vejir-fte ^h?aiIable_to~fh©se students att£pSrt^ __ elected at Fri«ay^m*etIng^ of J^pg efc>^o¥ HeaI~liSSSB Appraisers, ^neonl 4- felfewisra^ earr^g thsr m^bod : be mr- '*$&'_ Society for the Advancemejit of Managemeht^^fcmi annual -*----• •*- " appraisal^Js open to ->?>^^^.^' ~•'^^ ">-, per;. year^- App^eaftjon^ must : ^'^.gas.-.^'^a^^ty. ..<.£e^irejaQC>nts at 6iij-Tpwn;M 123 West 43 RealJBstate; TJ^ '^and roliier iMorhTatiah,rthe stu- ^-.-v.—- the decided at the S ;:«a-*^--£i street.-9^-'"" ••'-'..'. '-.." ; dent ihtist -c^j^ai-t the^C^^rihan' •*3-f •• - •;••>-' The -meeting, which will in­ to be held Mar -olf^^e^ Government I>epartihent "iOf^ clude a dinner, costs S2^ and All students wbar feel are PT, write top: EdtJeatkmal Xh>ec- ,ta Set to tickets can be obtained Thurs-' The definition., which should Southern Re«kH>al Training witb-^ •#0T.' 100 words, must be submitted day between 12 and 2 in 1201. bership foTSi^nti Aipha, the Golr in Public Adtmnistra- are now United Stat^A» Force •••• *'-V-''HIE ^Hy The main topic of discussion. ^American Foreign >PoBcy and XocSh-'s--Oppeftcinity,'' or before Thursday, Tefe's . undergraduate'.- TfaMotntry UxSversity of Alabania, • if- s**i-- -•• Arthur Farkas. President, ^ca ' 'sions.. as: w^ttHSfe^olS^BWw" foj»v] >,•-*. • -The first issue of BeveHle. "VVhere Do You Go in June," was the subject of tfee keynote admass given by Representa­ service society, may pick up an im : of the Real Estate Society, B N m*-~+~~»-woOr subaistance^ They Go-cbai»a«^ - ;-«f* >aie^ Ifae Student Council bi-weekly will be of particular interest to tive Jacob K. Javits at a testimonial dinner given by Youth application-in-the DepsartmemVof - BJpginniirg m June, *52, Fellows US^AF Weath>e^Se|^ee, Aid, Inc. in honor of I>r. Harry 911. ^wi&ireport for: ***&* duty by Ruth Siiaajr:^^:§in^i^pc^; lKibiication. is scheduled to ap- seniors. Ironically, the first Student Ufe, 92C -wfll • s^rve ait internship with: a The Air Force points out i&e^ ugust; of 1»52 to^bejgin a ;.::haiyj*r speaker, General James Hr-^Xoo- N. Wright. President of City Four .awards'will be present necessity of weather support for peafr Monday, March 10," .an* e Applicants must have a C-H^6 public agency ofr the ^flpe^pf' ttie i,rnwtth iiwiepfuloity course nounced Karrlet Guber, Cp-editdr- little ^will—talk -about Military -CdHege. ••-• ---•- —- -—-.•~-by ^he^^m^^eriee* 1£*t & : Tecnesoee- VaBey AuU*eel^, ra a number of Atomic Energy tests. .^ •The opportunity for American a\-erjtge ^and must ^ be-'faV ^tbetr" 3Thls issue will contain the Service^ while the last will ^s- prire will consist of a "subata . City Manager's office or * de- Kbaapl youth overseas is the greatest Lower Junior semester, or Upper an^gniycgBiitjea. - -.- tfamesof all the Student Council cuss Accounting. tial financial remuneration.'* T 1 paiiinent of- State^^GWernwiei»t, information inay be^oi6iy»e%^ r ? wttl be»heW ' ever niade jayailable_ to the^youth^ Junior- semeatci - if they sldpped »imcbv w^^olB^^'tihe ^ a. executives ... and representatives Topics under discussion -will-in? i _ -Girls wearing a 10, 12 or_JL4 JOKrasinmg^priaMfcs^.. sj£U _ unnaiin* loathe Chief,'Ah* of anyf nation in -history—I^W- trtefa- tta^ term. M^g^l3eJsTih> re- with short comments about each. elude: Military Service,- Govern- dress Tore'eKgible to QuaKfy-for •*--wHl-^be t&strfbated one each months trainings period- entities Bas an opportunity ~for useful and quests nmst be filled- in the- ,^, ^, -<^ ^^^ ^ ^<»* XSrtwersky, Maaaaehwetts At ka *A message by Herb Paul, SC menU Sales, Manufacturing, Per­ tryouts as models in -the annual a student,of City College, Cplui Fellows to a Certificate in Puto- constructive help to preserve RegtstraFe Coffee, R^onra\ by JPresidemV-and-an editorial -by sonnel, Finance *nd^- Accountir«. -Faslu^m^Showcompetition ^spon­ bia University ajid^JN^U. __ toniorrow at 2. ""v ,~y-—-~r-tiy-'^ hcAdministratiori. Fellows also Selection wffl 1^ made on a w , freedom in the world anoNat the Morty LaPayover. Co-edi tor, Experts in the abofve fieldis'will sored by «»e TRetailingrSocfety. A ^co»ope'rat£ve- training pi may bar awarded a Master's de- best-qualified basis^;Si|wea«fUl^-j^aagPe^^ same time of self help. It-is the There will be a Reception in JEhe are also slated to appear. be the featured speakers., gram has been' established gree at either of the three par- applicants wffl be commissioned the University of Chicago, Florida votei .:.;•.':•'>..•;,. v. Tryouts are scheduled for Wed­ answer to the feeling of Ameri­ Students-frotn GCNY, Itfanhat- - Real Estate this semester to aiFD R Lounge Frfday at 8:3d for tkjipadng.Ui^versities:^ Alabaina, as second lieutenants in the Air ' State University and the Univer- Included- in the plans of this nesday, "March. 5, at 12:30 in can youth *hat the frontiers are The^ Spirit;-o>^53;^ ^^ctos tan College. NYU. Rutgers, New­ ,1322. Originally slated to be held seniors in obtaining the expe all applicants to the society. Tennessee or Kentucky F6W5B Reserve with a full Pay ^sHy of Washington. newspaper, wil**be>w«dy for dia- . and future issues is the publica­ gone." ence dtesfened"by most employe tion of important motions made" ark College of Engineering, Hof- on the 28th, the Society *elt that triUiUon about March- 15. Bob stra, St. Peter's. Seton Hall -and a postponement u-as riecessarj He urged a program by which Working part time, the st Schaller, Editw-in»<3uef - of the on the Council floor and."the ideas a million young Americans are dents will receive three credJ expressed oa. the subjects by vari­ St. John's University will be since that date was in conflict paper, announced that the days­ J to go overseas as technicians and per term. They will be plac ous representatives./ present. with the Activities Fair. ' men would receive a copy in^ the teachers, getting right down to ~ in the field of their particul mail. •.-••.,'....". There is one important differ­ the wBtge «nd f*rm level and interest, brokerage, manageme ence in this semester's publica­ dealing with the increase Of agri­ or appraisal, and will wo tion, however. A!though it is re­ GrmlH Society & cultural and industrial produc­ x twenty .hours ahd_ ^atterai ferred to above as Reveille, the tive - :y ' class recitation each week. HiHel publishers are anxious to find an­ JMhs-on Field's Requirements •TFbe spontaneous enthusiasm Hyman Adelsberg, co-ordinat other name for the paper. Any which such a bold and venture­ of the program, and the ten jst suggestions for_ a good title will Mr. Frank M. Gilbert, Regional Credit Manager of the some .program will bring out will dents already^p^^icipating a Workshop of Israeli Folk be appreciated and should be left Public Shirts-Corporation, will be the guest-^peaker of>the itsetTbe a vast 33tto the morale quite pleasedXwith the progre with Debbie Gold in 921. Uahces" will be presented '6y Credit and Financial Management Society, ( Thursday, at of youth and of the whole coun- achieved thus far^ and foresee Kate Schwartz Sunday at 3:30 *^ 7 i 12:15 in 712. V try? Javits claimed. "bright future. Hillel foundation, 113 East 21 In his talk, "Retirements and Street.' g^Zm. d~*~ li .' c? • r* . -a-i _ -»-%• Attitudes of aa Studen Student t EnterinEnteringg Miss Schwartz, who is making City College Service CrrOUp at 1* OJrt IHX the Credit Field, • Mr, Gilbert her second appearance at Hillel, _/will point out the requirements, is the dance director at the both aeademic and personal, that Queensr~ College TM^hch oF the are heeded in order to succeed _,___ .f in the credit field. The meeting Any oTgardaa: organized drama i-av folk dancing at many is open to all students. - es to attend: the Tbeatron come­ workshop program. schools. Mr. Gilbert graduated from dy. "Arms and'the Man," in a Classes, aimed at «levelo; Following the- dniiatiXffatlon CCNY in 1942 with a BBA de­ group should contact Martin the latent dramaticr talents and lecture, there will.be group gree, and is currently finxslimg Kaye, the thespian's business students by having them participation in. the his thesis for the •MBA_jdegree. - manager, immediately. plays under the critical ojbse members andr non>nr>en>bera BTC Upon graduating from City Col­ ance of the more experi welcome to attendr The Shaw comedy, for which members, dramatic coaches, a lege,—Mi%- -Gilbert spent several tickets cost 70c, 90e and SU20, years in the U. S. Na\iS'. After professional theater people, w --will be performed Friday .and be held. his discharge, he worked as Credit Saturday evenings, March 21 Manager of Chester H. Roth Co. and 22. Individuar purchases may Tbe culmination of the woi for five-year*. From there he .be made at the group's ninth of these classes will be^ tn ;tl moved -trg^tp his current position floor booth. xna^sr productions put ^on rsem -as Regkm^ Credit -Manager :©f aiftMuitiy and * thejatre - teT-tfe* the South and Western terrir" Starring in the show are Mar> lounge productions which The itories of Public -Shirts; Corp., "•tin JEiresler. who will act the tro'n inaugurated a year ago. manufacturers of the Tru Val- '-lead of eap1»in Bhintschli; Nor­ shirts, ' man Lapidus, Leila Paul, Myra In order" to foster closer rela-" Abr'amowitz, Gil JECaleko and TZCXZRPaOTO by Weissaaaii tkms between the ^management Hetene Weiss. Arnold Singer who ftOM BROTHERS is "^firecting the show will also f Shown abov^. left to right, are Stan Nixon and Eddie societies, CFMS has scheduled joint meetings wittr ^the Sales play a>isuppbxtnig role. ' HUNTBtS - EHWtAVStS ^L^r££T*Lat ™e °f the Ctty Collie Service Orga^- $££££$%£% At Theatron's last meeting, &_ awr HuniA~tnm H»w V«rf[ C») ization's Fort Dix shows number of students joined the Next on the agenda for the USO group is a two-hour variety' ,show at Fort Jay Friday. The jFeiwttfe Advertising Majors eieven-act program will I ~;singing. oLanclrfc* aricf <»medi.nclude.__5ty . special feat urt- of -the affair uiil he- a prv-fei-iou' basket-bail game bet wee r. the CCSO .aisit\- and a M. KAPLAN - Fort Ja.y qu:r.re:. 1 ALPHA WISOTSKY - - The troupt- . which now boast? a group o.' thirty, per formers. t M. SCHRAGER his. put -or. n-.oi.-e than "twenty I '• CHI HERBERT ADLER !K'\ .^ ^rnii- L. DIAMOND - rii i JOI\ AT ACTiVITigS JEAiR m iVVV\XVV%^ S. FALLONE - ->-:~':~:-;«-:**:~:~:-:-;~>»:-;~;..;->; MARTIN THALER Spwittl Toasted 2 3 MECKER Attention S z £<. rr> 4 \ witli CU>f<-51aw A French Fries • ; Winners may call at anytime for a cash il G«tt the LowdoHii from G.B.S. i <• £ refund of tne-amotints Itsted above. ~P4ease~ <• i Hon to Avoid the Bulgarian War*. i have some form of identification. L4W*S If. and the MAN" i i & tie- 150 EAST 23*d STREET ^ \ ti^th FL «1.20 - 8.90 - $.70 132 C 23r« $T. OPPOSITE eCNY _ "s s nMMMKn^MNtH _ __ 'Mum—aoiiiiMi ,]hl«i.iwii»um.JMi..^.,in.u;ilmm„l„„JJ,„ , ,,.„—fviiiiniiKiiinmiimnmnniiiaMii.iiumiiiuijii.' 5 I squad; students hav< the^Oe ofr ±3P*jrJ Jil the world t©4&y^most edueated^er- " a great extent, it lias been sons are, or at least should be aware of the this pastyeto-Tt Js^atwit time the students ineed for i*rpthe?rnocKf and of the C^lege deterniine whether they want weapons in the ftght against aTscriminatioftr an^ ^atfeJefie program to continue ^-o# ^^^^J^^^^^^ ^ *n^«,r~ *&^ rather have ftvdik 0 9 W?* ^f^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Next /Tuesday; the Beaver^souad wHT 4 -and Jew^ounded^3328, lias *een waging ^ay agSJMfr.jt*- traditional ^^^l^Pm^ke^ to-initiate 9 m r ^^^^nrf ^LJ™^i 5^^ ^^^f not only go to the game to cheer them on, William Siakespeare to ghost write my <*>himh, so that I can devo but attend the -"Beat NKJ Rally," which m^ fun time and.effort to^dopy reading, layout and writing headline " - cooperatioand 3ewsy-ann amond tog ^ma^rgeProtestants, moderat, Catholice ansd wiU-beTheJy^. ^M^tKd thoe -"«-«same* da MVTy fiiT FEF£r6*»»«*' m«KI^ 2-4H^ ~ finally eliminate inter-group prejudices : Get out there and show the team you're I telephoned *££&,arranged for Wm to fheet me m ^Tl^ *TICK£ which disfigure and distort religious, busi- behind them. ^ -office and explained the entire aitiia^km. He gia«ced*bout ^he offk -ness, social and political relations^ with a and munifttedr something that wowad^ lO^ *X>H wl t^ ^ r^aiity- view to the estabhshment of ^ social order : ~~Wbien a m which reHgious Ideas of brotherhood and that which has been spoken of thl« den^ — im justice-shall become the standard x>t human •mm vira Being among the tmemployed, he decided to accept the ^ob anj you, immediately get the impres­ relationships." At City College there is no ivory covered way. Bill sat down at the" typewriter and, m the::^ue Haraletonia sion that the gent i* either im­ The NOGJ sets aside one week during tower, |ior is there a beautiful green sod fashion, wrote just what he saw. portant or conceited, or perhaps jthe year, "Brotherhood Week/' the purpose campus, but the College does offer one Enter Slim Jim, ye Managing Editor: "Columns to write, storie both. Whp else would write a per- of which is'to focus attention on the need tradition which is more important than any to copy read, Iay<>ut to fiiiiah—to do, or JKtf to d s; February 17-24, has come and gone without seher. It is the first in a series of exclusive be feared-'Tto write?---4o sleep?—-To sleep! . .'./*.' -.••:-.3 were members of the 1908 CMym- the aid of the City College School of Busi­ ly passes for your mind, especial­ each new champion. ;- ^...,.4_. articles which TICKER has planned. A candidate enters with a proclamation from the Editor-in-Chie ly when you find that the gent ; ness a«d_Civic Administration.-r- - We do not intend to^^-publis|t these ar­ **Sleep no more! TICKER doth denounce sleeps—the fools si Education is a powerful weapon. One has accomplished as many i»em-.-...: ing souvenirs. Included among-his ticles for the sole purpose of entertainment; sleep-that knits Thursday's night of toil, the thought-of next day' By Stannlee A. Pacula ing entangled in a solar embrog- orable feats as Houdhrf, only relics is the watch that was once can be indoctrinated with, or profess mis­ we feel it is important for youT^s students, classes, sore labours bath, craze of tired minds, next -day's secon During the carefree and bliss­ lio which resulted In their belhg without the aid of magic. . owned by the immortal John I ^ understanding, hate, disrespect and discrimi­ to know the type of men who have scon- course, chief npurisher for Friday's proof reading. nation against his fellow man as easily as ful days of our earliest period of born on February 29th. February . "The memoirs will be my 50th Sullivan. It has become a custom tinually received their diplomas from CSty "Still we work. Sleep„no_jmor/e! To all the editors: Bergsma 29th, as you know, is tempera­ for each- succeeding world cham­ 7he~can teach or learn Sociology, Mathemat­ College. outh, we normal kids reveled in book land my last piece of work," • ics and Accounting. hath denounced sleep, and therefore Rehmet shall sleep no more- ^j7i%hle to participate antf en- mental, and finds it convenient Nit Fleischer, the world's lead­ pion to give Fleischer a watch. Our % famous alumni date back to the Hubschman shall steep no more!*' joy certain memoi^le moments. only to present itself once every ing boxing authority, stated in Other collector's items in Nat's Here, in an institution of higher learn­ founding of the College. From George W. ; four yea^s. When it does come, it his spacious office which^" over­ possession are the locomotive bell ing, is where, if you'll excuse the boldness GoethaJs, the builder of the Panama Canal, Exeunt candidate and enter "Words" Bienstock, the Copy Editoi Among those moments, "Christ- of the supposition, the future leaders of "O horror, horror, horror! Story nor headline cannot conceived no mas and birthdays stood out as is a gala occasion. Men run for looks . that wa* rung at the famed-Sul­ society are molded _. way back in 1877, through Bernard Baruch, i-ead be! Confusion now hath written his masterpiece! Most sacreli the days we liked best. We tsel-^ : president, women run for men Fleischer, who had an mis- " livan-Jim Corbett title match, How can City College Upton Sinclair, and more—recently, Ben ' gious story hath broke ope the Uptown's anointed temple, and stol ished indulging in Christmas and and Leap Year, an it is called, picious but relatively insignificant the silk hat that was worn by ex- ever-fttffffl-its part in exterminating the- T~t5rauer leaves its mark on many. ' entrance into the fourth estate, heavyweight champion Bob Fitx- 'black widow'Vof society and lidding the V 3 thence the tenure of an instructor. Awake! Awake! King the alarur birthdays because they were the . - M * •* .rr> J-^ A - ,^.,. * •• -* , A** ^srein lies the tradition of City bell:—story AJKJ headline! Stern and Schatt! Rewrite! Awake!" unique times of the- year when Can you imagine a virile young -advanced rapkfiy until today ms~ aUtuMous, and the diamond stud- ded-belt tturt was given to Jack world of its "Benedict Arnold" of humanity College. Send a cheer to -heaven ringing, At this point, it is believed that Bill Shakespeare cracked uj man attending City College at name is literally synonomous —discrimination—when its faculty and stu­ Dempsey by Tex Rickard, M^d4- -Jismminatinn—«*«>« i«» *o~„i*~ ^~* *•*, v€ncmsrmnarfond occlaim, frith and pride The last report stated that he-was seen staggering- out of ^the ripe oM age of five? Wait— with that of boxing. * . dent groups overlook an opportune tefie to son Square Garden promoter of in Alma Mater and her never dying fame. TICKER office, talking about returning to his forgotten world Don't laugh! It is a definite ^ After organizing the first CCNY put in a bid for inter-faith years past. Instead of plucking the turn over tn hte grstve/ ;;v '.'"• :., reality! There is such a mammal basketball team that ever played how attending City College. Well, in intercollegiate competition, Foreign. Referee over-ripe vine, City College • E5cetwnsiHdte«p»re; BJ^ witK^a, tb^ ^get> bjoy he~ isn't raall^fiwe yAan^old, but Fleischer went on it by. Let's get on the ball City^SKhen the Enter yours -tinuy---hut who xam write a. ryJnmn St'^ ^ rather five birthdays', old. - • City College * track refereeed more- bouts on foreign fight is a good one, join it! -"'""*" School oTrBtis£ne«8 "and 'Civic/ Administration, night? You know, it's been four days since the bedspread on squad. The success that Nat ex­ has been rolle^l back, the covers unruftled aa& the piBow He is 5'10", 180 lbs., handsome, soil than any other-.American Ho The City College of New York, carrot-topped, bearing the unique perienced in track mdirectly has officiated in Spain, Germany, 5c^ under the weight of my head.* ."*" •-^ ]7~X4Bun*ton Avenue, moniker of Joseph Levy. He is a opened the- journalistic doer foe ~ J^wrta 0 Rico,., Venezuela The first three weeks of the termJ hs^ve-gome to'*£___ - : : : r beat NYU fairly normal, person aJid pos^ him. " ~- ' ; - and Panama. -Ed&n only thirteen more to go. If these past few "weeks are a^asamfiSe^ sesses a' phenomenal sense of •The reporter' for the Mortdng v ' Probably at no other time in the history Business Manager* Sy Berxofsky what's to come, I don't blame Shakespeare for leaving. I'm Virt FlefecaeV ,-* i Nafc, did pot ^onfin^j^^ft ^i* humor. A junior, he * is mainly World was ill, and Mr. Douglas, literary talents to boxing. He of basketball at the College has it been so and Irwin Meises of asking Bill to move over. known as the "Ninth Floor Burl the paper's sports editor, asked important to hold a "Beat NYU Rally/' Managing Editor :....: Ralph Rehmet pic team. Between the track meet wrote a book on wrestling several "TICKER doth denounce sleep . . ." and I shall sleep no Ives." me if I wanted to cover the inter- and the basketball squad we were years ago ("when wrestling was Now is the time for the students to show All I can say is Bring Back Shakespeare! _coUegiate cross-country cham­ the administration that they will back an Room 91 IB GIL 3-9203 Joe, a native Bronxite, was — able to clear the Athletic Asso- really wrestlingr and not the bur­ I By the way, the picture at the head of the column, is not Willian born (yes born) on February pionships that were being held at ciation of all its indebtedness." lesque that the professionals ex­ athletic team, whether it be a losing or VOL. XXVIII—No. 5 February 26, 1952 Shakespeare. Bill is camera shy. Joe "Levy ^29th, in the year of our Lord Van Cortlandt Park. 'Sure, I'd be While at CCNY, Nat majored hibit today") entitled Ftaom Muo 1932. in the Bronx Maternity glad to,' I replied. Apparently, ~ in chemistry. After receiving his he liked my work, because he to Londoa. _; 1— we received gifts for absolutely Hospital. Qne year after his first BS degree in 1908, Fleischer was asked me if I wanted to cover As a supplement to Ring MTags>- no. tangible reason. birthday he started school where ; undecided whether he shouldTfoi- the triangular meet between . xisiev Nat wrote and published;the However, in -this Atomic Age he showed signs of great genius loWthe field of chemistry or Nttt Ftetocfcer's All-Thne Ring nstructor Directs of miracles,, one easily assumes Pratt, NYU and CCNY that was ;(he learned the alphabet, drew, rJLettei to tfti to take place the following week. journalism. A post graduate Record Book, which contains the that everyone born celebrates etc). ;: course at NYU, in which he blew complete record of, every fighter his birthday each year. This is an In February, 1950, after the re- This marked the beginning of my journalistic career. ** - .up the joint one day while mix­ of note dating back to those two Sigma Alpha's Tutors As with sdl new program! incorrect assumption. The birth quired stay at William Howard ing some chemicals, convinced titans of fistiana, Cain and Abel. Summer r Group I>ear Editor: problems arise. Sigma Alpha las process, known the world over, Taft High School, Levy entered Worked Part Time him that he should enter journal­ Mothers often write to-him. .<*> By Irv Cohen We were greatly pleased to 'Wednesday held a two "hou is not systematized to enable City College. Nat worked part time for the ism for the protection of human­ asking him if he feels it is t:afo observe that TICKER has shown meeting attended by Dean Kam the average laymen to prognosti­ "Having a birthday every four World, the Times and the Preas ity. The withering Violet, by the. for their boys to box. , x "Aspiration, ability and the will to work are three factors important in attaining an interest in Sigma Alpha's tu­ enoff> Mr. Thompson, Profc cate correctly the arrival date of years has its obvious disadvant­ until the completion of his sopho­ way, has never quite been the "I tell the mothers tjere are a goal/' Those were the words of H. Candler Thomson, speech instructor, who last sum­ torial program as evidenced by Saxe, t>r. Shuttleworth, Dr. Max that blessed event. Some arrive, ages, but it really isn't too bad," more .year at City. At this point same since that eventful day/ fewer deaths in boxing^than in mer was a director of a summer stock theater in Kenebunkport, Maine. It was a big the. TICKER editorial last week. field, and Professor Eberhardt is experienced parents will con- stated Joe. "It took me a while to he became a regular staff mem­ Nat continued as a sports- any other contact sport—thr**? event for Mr. Thomson but he . ' To clarify the situation, we work out a satisfactory irm, at very inconvenient times. get used to *it, and now there ber of the Press, then reputed to writer for the Press, until 1912, times*fewer than in football." Naturally 'every one is born (I would much rather remember speech is like directing — "it's would like to state that for the Several good ideas were isn't any effect. I am very happy have the best paper in the East. whefc his friend Frank A. Mun- Among -his more- prominent lope) but not everyone is so and delighted in having the privi- J the time when. he was directing helping people to display them­ past ^eight years, Sigma Alpha posed; some will require Getting back to his basketball sey bought the paper and made books are- - Ehe He«*yw«ight selves to advantage." has undertaken a tutorial pro­ approval of the Board of Hig* fortunate—m being able to cele=_ HteS£e—;Of- attending this great in­ venturer the team Nat organized him Sports Editor. Munsey then ChampioBftlUp, a fast moving ac- "Brigadoon'' for the American )r,ate_his^ birthday "oiFaT'connnon During the past summer, Mr. gram which involved the enlist­ Education; all will involve stitution where no age prejudice!!!wa s "every Wt as good as any went o» to buy several of the- i^-cbunt tit boxing's most---coveted ite every year. Theatre'Wjng *n 1948. Thomson directed mostly profes- ing ofjvQlunt^er tutors_Jto give -of-£he_J£aculty and is "'shown. Now if the army only team that ever took, the court for other-New- York papers. Each crown; and Blaek-PynamHe, an After six performances at —sional actors and actresses. Some private coaching-^e-stt staffs. AH" wei There is that unfortunate hand­ continues^ using 18 as the nam- the Lavender." The squad was time Munsey made a purchase interesting series of books deal­ army hospitals, the-4JSO bought of the more important names questing assistance in MathTiG? an effective new ti ful of" people who have ' had Jthe mum age, I shallFhave no more formed in 1907 at Nat's sugges­ NatLfourd himself at a new. job. ing with the negro's epmributien the show. The company toured were John Carradine, John Dall, counting, Chemistry, Physics, and torial program should be initi tgnominous misfortune of becorm worries." tion in order to get the Athletic -Munsey kept switching Nat to ta the fight game. the United States for one year Edith Atwater, Jan Miner, and the Romance Languages. This ated To that end, Sigma Alphj "7T and was then sent overseas. Un­ Mr Thomson's wif e, who uses the was done with the co-operation will work. fortunately, Mr. Thomson did hot stage name EBen Demming. ^>f Beta Alpha Psi, the honorary Although Sigma Alpha w< have the pleasure of touring with A new show was presented accounting society. During the. very pleased td*~ receive sugg< years the program expanded so the show but was still given each week wtih the exception of tions from TICaEQER, it was J*!The Silver —Whistle," which ^greatly, thaj the need for tutors credit for the directing. able to adopt any of them af noi played for two weeks. "Clutter- exceeded-: the number that could were feasible. To cite one cas< His first interest in directing* buck," "The Two Mrs. Carrols," be voluntarily recruited under a it is not very logical to ask in the past, Dean Thomas L. Norton who, as = dates back to the time when he "No Time for Comedy," "Twee- system where personal satisfac­ student to travel two hours pej Shades of NTT and NCAA days! Pauline Ed­ Gellis, sports editor of the New York Fost; aml^ was an undergraduate at Har­ wards Theatre will be the scene of another basket- per usual, will make his annual predictions as to possibly Louis Effrat, top basketball writer for dies" and "Arms and the Mem" tion was .the only reward. As a . week to search out his tutor Uj vard where he studied the prin­ were^some of the other produc­ consequence, m any students ill rally, Tuesday March 4 from 2-4. A re- the outcome of the fiasco. the ^"Jew York Times will speak before the an­ ciples of directing. town, when the same studei indled City College spirit ^vill be on exhibition Naturally, ^he team will be represented along ticipated large crowd.— tions put on during the successful were unable to receive the assist^ could find the same assistance After graduating from Harvard H. Caadler Thomson 'heeririg to "Lavenderize the Violets!" with the cheerleaders who will once again, with season. ance which they requested. Downtown under a* workable tu| Other notable personalities being contacted in 1940. he organized a summer y The "Beat NYU" Rally,* sponsored by TTCK- the able assistance of the crowd, send an Alla- Mr. Thomson began teaching Arnold Singer, former presi­ Realizing that the present pro­ torial program. We hope that thi at this moment are expected, to attend.' "Among stock theater in Savannah and at at City College in 194§ and has dent of Theatron, was the stage )R, is ah attempt to show* a confident NYU five -garoo reverberating from the walls of the.mass those are: Nat "Sweetwater" Clifton of the New the end of the ses^on returned to gram was inadequate, Sigma letter will not discourage anyor^ hat even though we are placing a losing team auditorium, rumored in the past to be heard found that City students, as com­ manager for the entire season. Alpha has this term sought to from offering suggc r York Knicks; Bud Palmer, prominent sportn New Y_pck where he was cast in pared to other students, are -ex­ Praising him highly, Mr. Thom­ >n-^he'^fioor against a Metrpoiitan power in the echoing through Washington Square Park. a George Abbot play. "White adopt a new program. Among the cerning the tutorial announcer and ex-basketball star; Irvmgjftarsh, m tremely aware of responsibility son said, "He was extremely nnual traditional hoop clash; the fight is not , coach ef the Beaver quintet; Haired/Boy/' starring Keenan plans considered^ was the one Sigma/ Alp^a ^always wei asistant Sports Editor of the Herald Tribune, and are ambitious and very co­ competent and very helpful in et lost and the CSty College spirit is everlasting. Bobby Sand, assistant coach of the varsity and Wynne. mentioned in TICKER fet week new ideas. - and Jimmy PowersT Sports Editor of the New, operating. He feels that teaching that he has a fine theater sense." —This is-the first "Beat NYU" Rally since coach of the freshman squad; Professor Sam involving the payment of tutors. Sigma. Alpha Executive BoaH hampionship days and it will feature, as it has - Winograd, faculty manager of athletics; Ike York Daily News.

«K?» ^^^^^^'^^^^-_^~^^^i

t»g» * t:#J^C^$-«-t ft',--

There's a littie gwy that bangs out is* a dinky W^0^^t»0^6& j&e^^siJ^fepQC^Jgio^ asthe auxiliary gym. The lil feHow genially W^LTS a^sw^fc^^^ anac^i^jotner forms edaxa&xmlBist^^ looks hecouWn't *wr«stle. fiis way out of a ^g^per ^ag,^i£ra^ the popular ~ttty College wrestl collegiate-Championships:J3aj»ra~- --coach in SapbraTa^ma^ who has been ako ptey^ a^c^psy. se^»d htoe S^years at the helm Beaver grunt *n grjoane^ gifted with rerna^^ Coach Supoc« can lo^ of .Foe-'- came east, once > ability, as his many coveted titles ing guided many 3*l the • T>e following his college graduation. : can readily attest, has also been i**-the nation. Hea He xiuidcly proved tfi^arhe hadn't blessed with as keen a sense of ing. the list, of ^.histijiostr pron ago. ^A. great team—and I use_ finished garaerb^gr^aurels as he- wit as any, person in the. sport­ nent;performers is the 1948 1 This shooting, combined captured two' National, AA1J Just beginning to jell, and the spon­ ing world possesses. . pound Olympic "Qjartpion, Maij titles as a member of the Nev taneous dernonstrntlohs in PfcTI' tBat dav spurred the t^amonl&a Brought up m Nocth Central Wittenbet^—Included - among ed in bottMxnr up th« big iter* Yorlr "Athletic Cluhv umph>dver the VibleV -and subsequently to~the $$IT *p&^ ^ -TRy'AllfcMrt Ginsberg X Pennsylvania,, the. little fellow ^^.cithe^r inore notabl„„^„ e disciples- wffh"fKe: Big iriuisefesTxrigmgd: ^ Mentm Oapui abegan 1m coach-"-j^^^w^sldr^urr^eRr^a I^OLA championships - - - T_.. _.,^>.>...... ,_.„.., . •...: ^iY .'..„.. ._ ^- „^,:—,__ inj | -jn^careeirat theFhtshmglPMGA- *=™sy, meig- of fto St Iber of the "CCNYi&enmg There have beep two other hoo^r rallies in P%T since then, one Tech Gym, t5p^oiim. .*FtwT; Beavers, Vsho kii by Rocco Foi^Dimm adherents. However, where 'be received his college and where he also served as-A mem- - skm History department! honor the twin, champs Avho had brought the College glory and D'Angelo and Berrne Uoyd, the wrestling education— Grappler be*_ of~ the PhysicalEducation- ...... ^ ..££ Sternberg, a^ rejgEes«n.tativqi» precognition, the price of^wbiehr^we're stiU paying- for now\ and the rnaintained a lead through most Sapora. tdfd a bit of. teaching of department. Joe finally la wded. I960 Jewish Olvrnpie Games of tb^TOeetk but finaHy-ttiitf:to -his own, as, he captured. the .123 jn Beaver territory when he com- other to offer a vote of confidence to the depleted but wholesome—or 1 _ . oftte hokler JcCinany outstanding titlef cCMte troni~" oeblnd'-to^lHte% the lb. Big Ten and National Inter- n^enccd'-a- •meritorious "career as so we thonght—renmants:••*£-m. mighty team after three of the - : coateat. Qnhw and X>iwe" Laakj^r- undefeated score . Tlie'^ffTestnng "season wfll boys had been picked up by-«ie DA. iff only we could have known of —i^3*BB winnera of the semi apmual collegiate competition. L ootne to a "close this Satwday the lead by pinning Ruby Bmttino Barnes anoi Noble "Lucky Seven** take their stubs to Barnes and Coach Sapora favors a rece the folly of these two rallies. when •" the lavender meets a With tise Bettvers lAiding by Noble and identify themselves. Hours in &11 . with «a reverse half- contest are listed as follows: M. bill that was proposed by Ne Bwt tno *^e»t NYTr* raBy «eort Tuesday wttl be different. It strong squad from the GaBaodet with their eighth C*~mbcftJM&&& in i6e third Kaplan, 52-t»; Wisotsky, $&32; Barnes- anoL Noble returns all . York State Senator James **&« t be to jaoQteim^ Mr ebanfiptenriifay leaiu» nor wiU^tbere be a- twir* Institute lor the l>eaf"" at the ttski drbpped one - gerakL *The bill advocates Main C^m. M. Schrager, $7.30r Herbert Ad- the money for books and supplies the CSty Hve- " y through the cords^-fbf knot the ler, $5.10; L. Diamond, $433; S. purchased . at their twenty-third barring of professional wrestliif 'GSty started off well enouyh contest. Sy ^eptetton to hit a basketbm&^teanr with ^Jack Gesund easily winning :> v Falloner$335T and- Martin Thaler, street store if the student be­ Refunds from books sold bythe Alpha Phi Omega . in the state. As Joe so aptly regained fhe'''1Mdr '-fbr Gliy,'>ttit - it, "the pros are- not exactgin many a year, the Boa-vers? rfcaaffa will be SUm, indeed, agnlant the in the 123^ pound class, but in the another ser by «n*ch*h^cFwtifed comes a winner of their contest. Book Exchange will be made every Monday, Tuesday, next match Steve Levin was out­ The total money refunded by honest.** talea£4aden NYC squad. Bctt^lte prtmary purpose otthte year's raBy the game 38 a3ft. After Cohen Wednesday- and Friday through pointed by his Lafayette op­ the store this semester.is $31.36. A Saporar-coached team ** Klti-ant nfftmrny be to Jiimit' the Lavender to vtctory fury, al- drove under and i*yed—fh— a. March 14 in the Elbow Lounge ponent, and the score-was tied at - The winners must be prepared to . never won a championship for t basket, ^ foul by Ed CbnHn and between 12 .and 1. The returns Ithotcgb- at• wiger-thlnga: kave brtppum if. 3-all D*Angelo, wrestling m the : simple reason that they M omer» (Continued from Page 8) making only his second appear­ .Organizations with problems in publicity or advertis^ sold books at the hours listed such a league, but the Collei It's been a_rugged- campaign, and a bit discouraging, too, .when for City vim adcctaipn wrach was shick, leaving the Rose Hill men ance for the Beavers, was able to t have a trio of representatives in irig will be given assistance by the newly innovated counsel- above. Texts not picked up by off idais have been unable to o! a group of inexperienced freshmen" and sophomores has to play be­ enough, however, to even up ti*e ^.ottt- in front by one, 45-44, at the height department in 6-6 Cap- ing service of Alpha Delta Sigma, the honorary .advertising March 14 -will be donated- to the tain meenibersbip in any of ti fore home "crowds" of-as little as 200 spectators.. The apathy of a pin Bob Laeger in 4:41 with a the start of the final quarter. double-^arm bar. final score. tain Mel Seeman. 6^6 sophomore fraternity of the College. Sigma Alpha text fund, it was major conferences. college of 30,000 students has been disappointing, to say the least. The Rams quickly opened their disclosed. After Connie Norman added Boris Nachamkin (high school The organization will set up a ^ The current season has Syil it's been a courageous, bunch of players out On the court, lead to six tallies, >50-44, and it . public • relations campaign, wriie_ This semester the "Book T£x- been' one of Sapora's best •a three more points with a win* in was not until 4:15 of that stanza teammate of Lavender Captain Applications for the written - ^ •giving their all for every game—sometimes winning and sometimes the 147 pound clash, the Leo- advertising copy, prepare pub­ change decreased its service "charges currently have a reco^posing , but never by -any means disgracing the name of City College. that City scored from the floor, _T Damershick). and "little tank" licity releases and draw rough English exam, to be held Thurs­ charge to decreasethe buyedr to^e^because of two meets won, three lost arj pards came back to take the next With .the score 53-47 and; but Mark Solomon, at 6-4: Cieherally, •' layouts' for dubs te the College. day, March 13, are now avail* they feel a greater^ service was one tied.. On the contraiTV ttfa qxdte a creditable perfonnanee by a two matches by decioions, thus four minutes remaining in the two of these three performers are Any group interested should con­ able in 1109 for Day Session extended the seller. They inaugurated -the seasc team thats been fanprovtahg steadily, and'came darn near to jwlttng bringing 'them to wiUiin two x ...... game, Fbrdliam elected to rreeze in the .contest at the same time, tact Jerome Kaufman through Education majors and in 1113 by completely routing a Newar a major upset over Fordham. Certainly the squad has done much points of the Beavers. In these student basketball game will be the ball in an attempt jto open up Ira Gottfried, President of the played Thilrsday at ^SZ finT^ansen and occasionally Coach Howard the ADS mailbox, the Depart­ for Evening Session students. fraternity, expressed his ap­ College squad, 35-3. But the better than anyone could expect of them. matches, Bob and Billy IDowning, the middle. City refused to aban­ The forros^ must be submitted Cann employs all three of his ment ot Student Life. preciation for the fine job done the^ bit upon lean times—droi It's still not too late to make amends. Let's show a little appre­ identical twins and.both Middle don its zone, and it was not until by March 6. Students may'also Atlantic champions, wrestling in • Seeking revenge for a 55-48 tall operatives on the court at Working in conjunction with by Dave Sussman, Chairman of ping successive Saturday ei ciation by getting out to that rally next Tuesday at 2 in PET. two minutes later that the Beav­ apply for the oral exam in the lacing last year, the faculty will once. Gamma Alpha Chi, the women's the exchange, and the students counters to Hofstra, m 29-2; th Honest, it won't nnrt a bit. How about it? ers caaasvout in an effort to force same place. field a strong (?) squad, includ­ ^honorary advertising sorority, for: their . cooperation. Long Island Aggies, 17-9; anl the play. Dan Lyons dropped in Other NYU-cagers who are ex­ i . • .i i ' i . .i i •'«o > ing such ace basketeers as Dave ADS will help supply the stu­ NYU, 18-1L This past weekend Is it iust mere coincidence' that the-wave of academic ineligibih- Polansky, Gene Heintersob, Yus- a clinching jump shot, and a five pected to play a major portion dents of the College with cigar­ however-, they put on assplendjtie; s hitting the Beaver hoop squad- this" season happens to follow on (CSoutluned from Page 9y tin Sirutis and Morton Thau, all point comeback by Merv Shorr, - of the -contest are the two high- ettes in order that they make -performance; coming from behi: ;t he heels of the investigation-launching cage scandal and 'Judge Italy- Gurkin-and Domersbick J : in the Garden. The strange lo- of the Hygiene Ltepartment, as scoring 6*0 Cannmen, Dick Bunt their own Philip Morris nose and to tie a strong Lafayette teanlStreit 's subsequent remarks against the CoHege?— ;- taulty didn't have any bearing wall as Mitchell Rnberta^ BA; fell three snort of - tying- the and Jim Btasco; B*dpn Naanoli throat test_ •- . • ^4-14. Or could this be a substantiation of the widely suspected-but of t- on the closeness of tbe pane, William Grienwald, Economies; and the ex-Erasmus High duo of otP*yck S^ meting - ^BSs stan dou t perforno^denied conviction that despite claims to the contrary, City's court Hal Weitx and Ted Eisberg. The frat also announced that however; "as- If^fU -won, 31-29 Acconntinflr? Tt~wxB ^accept pledges- at its Ac­ Dc. Macthl Feinberg will speaks before the Psychology throughout the season has be^ tars of the past years were **helped along" in-their grades by sym- The, 1939-40. Hall_^crf iPaiaei1 %• wtth-a short jump shot, Gurkin's City will be-playing rnore than tivity Fair, booth Thursday _and.... Society, Thursday:.at 12 in 503 on "Attitudeg of Atomic Bernie Doyd, who has yet to drcjpathetic instructors? were tated ^s one of^ flue best -a'.set- ter just a tune-up contest for the Friday. The booth will be decked Scientists' CtonceiTOn^:Txieir Work and Working<^pnditians." ah encounter. '•••••• You really have to go back: some to discover the last time more quintets ever to represent their a k4d NYU fray when jthey meet the The' attitude survey upon out attractively and a Gorilla than one player was dropped from the squad in a- single season for school.; They had won 18 straight Among those representing the they kept throughout the «* NYAC five. The Winged Footers will man it at'all times. "which Dr. Feinberg will base his academic deficiencies. Yet in this~canipaign alone, no fewer than games and were heavy favorites mainder of the half. They led are a squad composed of former talk was taken at the- Knolls students will be Chuck Siegel ._ Continuing in its efforts to help nine players have been declared- scholastically ineligible. to drub the Beavers, but City Herb Paul and Ralph Rehmet, 17-13 at Uie quarljer «md by three college competitors, and are -publicize, the cooperative trainee General Electric plant irtSchenec- came through with a startling at the half, ^fe28T paced by the ex-Fordham back- tady, New York. Metallurgists, It doeeact seem very legfcat that &a a saasoa such as this wbere Presidents of '1MB, Student program, ADS, under the juris­ 36-24 upset win and ruined an Only four men scored for the court ace, Gerry Smith. physicists add chemists connect­ the schedule baa Hbeen_de-«nphiiniTrid and de-oomnaerdallred inaefar Council and the 45 Club, respec­ diction of Claude Bolser of the otherwise perfect season for, the Lavender, who hit on 22 of 51 ed with atomic work were ask­ The' Treasurers or Business Managers of all studenlaf s national tateraat is concerned, and where resnltiagry tbe player tively, as well as Norm Darer, Other members of the starting Advertising Department, has al­ Caimmen. ~ T—^ floor; sixrts. Cohen canned 12, ed various questions to deternrune organizations are required to attend a meeting today at 3 i^doesnt nave to spenrt^neacrly aa- much time working toward big^lbme ICB Chairman, and Jerry Bergs- five are Ed Mathiasen, former most completed its wprk. the, aftejrneon in the Faculty Meeting Room on the nint •pressnre^' bal^panes/%hat there'd be so many more academie in­ One of the major upsets in the man, Editor-in-Chief of TICKER. Gurkin talle4 12 and ShoV 9. Seton. Hall hoopster; 6-6 Jack their attitudes -toward- -their Also scheduled on the packed work and the .condittdbs under TTpor, announced Harry A. Meisel, eligibilities than in the prevkms ba«ketball-conscieus years if the series took ^ place' in 1946. An —Walsh, an Iona graduate; Toni ADS agenda for the semester, is Central Treasurer of Student Ac­ same criteria-wefe being liged. If anything, a lack of concentration in outmanned City squad surprised Birch'of Niagara; and 6-5 Al which-" they - operate. The in- r an advertising .exhibition' which quiries included how they liked tivities. ' ^woiga^ve- been antte andarstandable prior to last year. thfr huge throng as thev-^^Mded; Gifford, Montclair State Teachers.^ will be held in the latter part - f^^ .. working for General Eleetric, Mr. Meisel also requested that If, as seeinslquTte obvious, the College authorities are -now of March. '"-- whether they like working on the . representative of the ^club cracking'down on academic standings, just what went on prior to the The following year, the. Lav­ the atom and how they felt to­ "Friday evening, February. 23 scandal? .^ ender proved that the *46 vic­ (Treasurer or Business Manager) tory was no fluke. The Holmen, ward security , regulations. the -Statistics Society will hold Dr. Winograd, Faculty Manager of Athletics, informs that his bring the organization's financial a slight pre-game favorite, Also to be discuRsed^ at the tour and dinner at the United office canonly declare a player ineligible after it hasjbeen submitted One fella who certainly isn't going to shed any tears records with him. routed the men in the darker rpeetings are methods of con­ Nations .Building. At the_affail the academic records by the Registrar's Office. The Poc holds, that when the hoop season comes to a close is a guy by the shade of purple by 91-60, the larg­ gon CU .'W4WK- ducting attitude surveys. Outlining and explaining the sponsored by the joint' chapted everything has been on the up and up during the past years and that name of Bobby Sand, coa^h of the Beaver freshman tearri^ est margin in the history of the Harry C. Anderson. President of the H^^C. Anderson financial procedures of the Ceir- of the American[ statistics Assd the grades of the players just-didn't warrent any wholesale declara- H Nat Holmah's varsity crew has been hard^ hit by Dr. Feinberg, at" present series. Mimeograph Corporation, discussed the elements of success -tral Treasurers Office in refer­ cia^on, wiU be many oronunenlt Lons of ineligibility as per this season. v -depletions of all varsities./Sand '" " ' teaching psychology at the busi­ In 1948, NYU sent a team to the yearlings are drawing^ to the in the field of salesmanship before the Sales' Management ence .to student organizations as officials of the United "Nation! bas also felt the brunt of these Society Thursday. — —• ness center, is also the faculty If that's the case, then perhaps, as Judge Streit offered, the in­ the Garden that had lost but one finish of the most dismal • season reqxnred by . the Faeulty. Com­ statistics Office. losses, since every time the senior Mr. Anderson stated that there structors did "wink their eyes*' at the standings *of basketball players game, and was generally^ ac­ in their history. V^ith just two Mr. Anderson, quoting from member in charge of the indus­ mittee on Student" Activities is Besides the tour and. dinneiff quintet has dropped a couple of is a great deal of opportunity in [in class, rm not attempting in any way t Prior to there'will be a; meeting, the topjl men, the best available replace­ the field for those who like the the purpose" of the gathering. College basketball players of the past, fm sure the large majority- ule, against the LIU J.V. Satur­ personality tis listed as the most of which will be "Statistical -A4 ISationJ However^ the fighting- ments have been Immediately desirable characteristic of a profession, have the necessary his association with "this School, In conclusion Mr. Meisel said, tivities of the United Nations." «f them were good, conscientious students, deserving of their grades. City underdogs carne through brought tip from the frosh to day and the NYU J.V. next Tues­ salesman, evasion of work and training^ and knowledge of sales- Dr. Feinberg taught at New *^LV^s urgent that you under­ On March 6, the group w But I can only arrive at the conclusion that, if the present year once again, and "trimmed the take their places: day, the Baby Beavers .went down ; •lack-'of initiative is the most pre­ mafKship and know how to apply York ^University, ajidL JBrjocklyiv stand—the—impfffta nee L,of this travel "torthe- National Broadcast! is any'indication at all of tire, .extent to which a CCNY player's Violets, 60-57. -- ,-• "" While most of the varsity start- to their thirteenth straight de­ dominant cause of failure. and use it. He also emphasized and Columbia Colleges. ^< meeting to both your organiza­ ing Company, where it will pai grades should suffer, there must have been a good number; of guys City had worPthxee~Th~ succes­ ihg~f ive"has reniainedL intac tLPast feat without a victory at the" the importance of keeping posted tion and the propel functioning hands of a taller Fordham J.V. He pointed out that a business He has also taught at the .ticipate' in an audience reactio playing the court game at the College who shouldn't have been. sion arid the boys from the the opening week, Sand has had on current developments. ' of this office." -~ -.^ by a score of 64-35 in the pre­ will only hire a man of unques­ Maval Air TechnicaV^School at psuael- Of course it could still be just Old Man Coincidence, up to his Heights were getting a bit tired to continually revamp his lineup, liminary' to the varsity-Fordham tionably high repute since he ::s The next scheduled speaker for Memphis, Tennessee, and has Last semester, the Account­ The following week's _meetin: tricks again. Seems like every time something strange or apparently and perturbed by it all. 1949 and that's no - easy task when SMS will be Phil Mitchell of Cul- affair Saturday. representative of the- character been engageh ort-sigh ted. men won, 64-61.^ . ~T ~ ~~"So~~1fs~~~no~ small -wonder—that- Tickets for the CCNY-NYU hoop Clash next Thursday, at the Violet's gym will go on Z*LS In 37th €lash if# sale Thursday bx-the AA of­ -----•-•. By Stan Fink ^<< • fice from i=a. -price with sen - " By hnr JfaicoWte - ItsNTL^vs/Clty 1^ AA card wiH be fiOc. Because After a yearns absence the basketball scene, Violet will tangle in their ti^dititfnal lwx^>-uindup/Tuesday of the limited supply • avail- result of the now mfarnous basketball scandal, the >at the-latter^s gym^^ finale aT>fe, only one ticket will be hotly-contested tntra-ci^r hoop rivalry resumes a week Saturday night against the New York Athletic Club. sold for each AA card pre­ sented. " . - - today as City College and NYU tangfc for the thfrty- • Consistently hampered by illnesses, ii^ries, foeUgibili- time since the inception of this traditional struggle in1014 ties, draft inductions and every, The only other interruption other manner of handicap con­ ceivable. Coach Nat Holman's the series occured in 1917, ever-hustling squad readies for City Dudfers Bow4o^Qft^ the game was suspended 4he stretch drive with a starting of the war. 4Bve- composed of members of The keen competitiveness relatively little prominence and a Hal Goldsmith unrestrained spirit inherent i|436i CToup of- reserves comprised main- City College's varsity fencing team dropped its third each battle between the tw ides, Ay .of inexperienced freshmen. match of the season Saturday afternoon, when the NYU squads is indicated in the coh entc » Jerry Ebmershick , . „ Suzy ~ swordsmen -ut them down by a 17-10 score at the Violets' Dilation of the statistics relate All •Cohen . . . Bob Logan . . Marty home strips. Tne Beavers now have a balanced ledger of to this annual affair. The tearr une <5urkin . . . Merv Shorr . . .Jerry three victories as against three - - .» •,.-.- are deadlocked as far as vie ?me* Cold . . .Names of some signifi­ defeats. 'NYU, possessors of what tories^ -ar^concerned, each hav D MU cance, it's true. Yet. names that is probably the finest team in 'the ing wont-IB games, and it is fo rer's Were eomparativel;. unknown to East, if not the entire United Okay, gals, this is it. Satur­ this reason that this season' rease hoop followers a year ago. These States, is now undefeated in six day's game with NYAC at the fray assumes added significant prinj «re Hie boys who wiH form the dual contests.- Among the Main Gym has been designated In the personal feud betwee ostpj .fc-avehder'.s nucleus against the Heightsmen's successes are VK>~ as Ladies Night" by the pow- Howard Cann and Nat Hotmaj f JUE dangerous Violet in their annual tories over Navy and Columbia, ers-that-be. With every ticket the City coach holds a one-gam Har fiercely-contested rivalry, ~ pre-season choices" along with purchased by a male, regard­ edge, 14-13.^ NYU leads in point rer^j are the guys who can still NYU as the nationV-best. less of whether an AA reduc­ scored by the narrow margi rease ^his ^ .successful season, as they Of the three weapons with tion or general admission pro­ of 375-370. '."""-:'" ."";; lecess «y in all the dime novels, by which contests were Jield, City curement, entitling the holtf- winning the "big .garne." The'keynote of this series ha ffice: experts because of their ragged College swordsmen could garner er to one free admission for been the closeness of the cot he Sf However, victory for the Hol- defense, illustrates that point. a winning margin in only one— •wen is not an idea that should a member of the fair sex. tests throughout the years. I Roney Nevertheless, the Violets have the foil. Here Captain Hal Gold­ The wfll be sold at the gate. fact, fourteen of these affair alarfc provoke an immediate laughable lost only four out of 21 contests smith captured all three of his - • ----- — - response In Domershick, they have been decided by three point *e&~t to date, while defeating many of duels to lead the Beavers to a ceeded to crack the meet wide or less. The last NYU-Qty fraesi une.- toave one of the outstanding per­ the stronger squads in the nation, 7-2 advantage in^this division. open in the saber contests, tri­ formers in the entire metropolitan in 1950, was won by the Beaver How including such top teams as Holy All-American Goldsmith, a umphing in all but one encounter 64-6L " pprop area. The remaining regularsT Cross, Corneu7 ^Colgate and St. member of the U. S. Olympic for an. 8-1 mark. The with the exception of Gold, have. Perhaps the 1334 game re moun Francis. fencing squad, now owns a mag­ events, incidentally, have or —each had several double-figure : ceived more publicity than an °^ " As has invariably been the case nificent overall season's record of the Lavender weak points d -iwghts during the season. If three during the current campaign, the fifteen foil triumphs in eighteen throughout the season. other. It was the final game -*" *** of the players are at the top of ubrrtit Beavers will be at a decided matches. Coach James Montague's Beav­ the season for both teams COV€ their game, hardly an inwireiaT height disadvantage. The Violets NYU reversed this 7-2 count er duelers will take a short rest sight victory for the Beavers undefeated, had won 15 (Continued on 9*ce 6) in the epee events, and then pro- this weekend, but will return to and City, undefeated, had wo • would be more than merely a action the afternoon of "Saturday, >remote possibility. 8, when they make their 20 straight. NYU has been branded as a annual safari up the Hudson to NYU won the contest, 24-: «quad that is woefully deficient merce tloopsters face the Army at West Point. Because of this victory, on defense. The VIolefs contest The following Friday and Satur­ Violets were chosen to O earlier in the season against Ari- day, they will be represented at Notre Dame Ihe following eona, in which the former set a By Strong Pace Five, 81-74 By Morton Wund*fc to the re-establishment of the Pace started off well and spurt­ of the period. The City College swimming team finished a successf litory, ed out to a" quick ten-point lead, rivalry between TICKER and the The last quarter was .evenly 'season Saturday by routing a humfetet Brooklyn Colleg ror cab WYU Washington Square Bulletin 18-8, at the five-minute mark of squad, 51-32. This last victory gave the Beavers a recor< A der the first period. It was a com­ played until Buss fouled out with for- the possession of that most * seven minutes to go. Then, with of five victories, three IOCKMS and one tie. Secure precious of all momentos— the bination of the phenomenal shoot­ Two new records were estsfc* J . "'"...-•-• — Volin and Jim ALviggi hustling Jaac 5006 these ! Xittie White Athletic Supporter. ing of DuBuissbn and Volin and fished in the meet. CStyites Nor- J^ °f Brooklyn won th fponsor* an inept City attack. Particular­ and stealing the ball repeatedly, 63tve, and the only other first fot Basketball's -answer to the Pace went into a comnianding man Klein, Bob Kellogg, and Jay iniversi tittle Brown Jug. the coveted ly at fault was, Howie Buss, who Glat set anew record in the 300- the invaders was in the 400-y£ lead which they never relin­ _ freestyle -relay. * >referer trophy had been passing back was missing easy lay-ups. The yard medley relay in 3:12.6, bet^ lost in first period ended with Pacelead­ quished. Play became ragged as Co-Captain JWorris Sil and forth between the sportswrit- the Beavers -desperately tried to tering their own record of 3:133 study pi ^Ing staffs of the respective ing, 25-16. set" last week against Adelphi. and Charlie Schlichtherlein spurt^ break through from * the Pace ed home first in the 50- and 1( This *1 ffcapers, being awarded to the The second session found BusiT freeze. John Tiernan of Brooklyn set the winner of the annual Lavender- getting the range. JWSth Howie Brooklyn ^College record in the yard freestyle events respective^ wo mod r>uBuisson led the scorers with ly. Other winners for City vrt Violet clash. Unfortunately, the hitting from underneath, the Po- 440-yard freestyle event in 5 .-10.8, lent Ju] 31 points, mostly from under­ bettering the old record of 5:16 Tony Sousa, in the 150-yard JB«J student last-.Supporter was lifted from its lanskymen closed the gap. The neath. Volin, hitting on sets and exalted position in the TICKER by six seconds. . dividual medley, Co-Caj id the half ended with the Beavers trail­ jump shots, garnered 21. Normie Klein, ^ia^ the 200-yj office, but ail nominations for a ing by four points, 57-53. Tiernan. was the only double' •o-sbip As usual, Buss led the Com­ backstroke eveatt, and Vic Fula- ".ill tra replacement will be carefullycon- City finally caught up in the merce boys with 21 markers. Jack winner in -the meet, also captur­ S'dered.^ dosa, who captured the 200-yi third quarter. The rally was Chuthoff scored 14. ing the 220-yard freestyle event. breaststroke event.
