jumb. 11. 439


------=====...... ---,-- ...... -======-======-- WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, PEBRUARY 23, 1928.

Land reserved under the Scenery Preservation Act, 1908. been duly completed by or on behalf of the Crown under the authority of the Native Land Act, 1909, the Governor­ [L.B.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. IGeneral may issue a Proclamation that such land has become A PROCLAMATION. Crown land: And whereas the purchase of the Native land set out in HEREAS the Scenery Preservation Board, constituted the Schedule hereto has been duly completed by or on behaH W pursuant to the Scenery Preservation Act, 1908 of the Crown under the authority of the Native Land Act, (hereinafter referred to as "the said Act "), has recommended 1909, and its amendments : that the land described in the Schedule hereto should be Now, therefore, in pursuanc.e and exercise of the power and permanently reserved for scenic purposes, and it is expedient authority so conferred upon me by section fourteen of the t-0 give effect to such recommendation : Native Land Amendment Act, 1914, I, General Sir Charles Now, therefore, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pur­ Now Zealand, do hereby proclaim that the Native land set suance and exercise of the powers conferred by the said Act, out in the Schedule hereto has become Crown land. do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto shall be a scenic reserve under the said Act, and subject to the provisions thereof. SCHEDULE. WHAKAIHUWAKA C ln 2B Block, Omara Survey District: SCHEDULE. Approximate area, 1,109 acres. WESTLAND LAND DISTRICT. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ ALL that area in the Westland Land District, containing hy Gennal of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued admeasurement 20 acres 2 roods, more or less, b~ing RPserve under the Seal of that Dominion, this 14th day of 990, formerly Section 23, Poerua Settlement, situated in }'ebruary, Hl28. Block X, Te Kinga Survey District. As the same is delineated on the plan marked L. and 8. 4/519, deposited in the Head J. G. COATES, Native Minister. Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and Gon SA VE THE KING ! thereon edged green. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New -Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 18th day of Land set apart as an Erulowment for Superior Ed,ication. February, 1928. K. S. WILLIAMS, For Minister in Cha,_rge of Scenery Preservation. [L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General.

Goo SAVE THE K!No! A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conforred by sub­ Procl.aiming NativP. Lanil to have become Grown Land. I section nine of section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General [L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and A PROCLAMATION. declare that from and after the date hereof the land com­ prised in the piece of closed road described in the _First -\"~7HEREAS by section fourteen of the Native Land Schedule hereto, being land that is adjacent to the endowment V \ Amendment Act, 1914, it is provided, inter alia, that for superior education described in the Second Schedule on being satisfied that the purch11se of any Native land has hereto, shall be deemed to be added to the said endowment. 4 440 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 11

FIRST SCHEDULE. Revocation of the Reser·vation of a Permanent State Fore..,t. ALL that area in the Canterbury Land District containing by admeasurement 20· l perches, more or less, situated in [L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. Block II, Akaroa Survey District, and being the piece of road A PROCLAMATION. closed by Proclamation dated the 23rd day of July, 1927, and published in the Gazette of the 28th day of July, 1927. B y virtue and in exerci~e of the powers and authorities Bounded towards the north by a road-line, 148·6 links; conferred upon me by the Forests Act, 1921-22, and towards the south-east by part of Education Reserve No. 157, pursuant to a resolution in that behalf passed by both Houses and a road-line, 76·75 links and 170·95 links respectively; of Parliament, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, towards the south by Crown land ; and again towards the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby north-west by other part of Edtwat.ion Reserve No. 157, revoke ( so far only as it relates to the Crown land described 145·8 links : Re all the aforesaid linkages a little more or in the Schedule hereto) the Proclamation of the eighth day less. As the same is more particularly delineated on the of January, one thousand nine hundred, whereby the said plan marked L. and S. 16/1471, deposited in the Head Office, land (with certain other land) was set apart as a permaneni Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon State forest, and declare that the reservation thereby effected bordered red. is (so fa.r only as aforesaid) revoked accordingly. SCHEDULE. SECOND SCHEDULE. WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT.-WELLINGTON FOREST­ ALL that area in the Canterbury Land District containing CONSERVATION REGION. by admeasurement 600 acres, more or less, and being Reserve Total Area: 1,110 Acres. No. 157, Blocks I and II, Akaroa Survey District, vested in and now held by the Canterbury College Board of Governors ALI. that area containing by admeasurement 700 acres, more by virtue of conveyance dated the 13th day of November, or less, being portion of State Forest No. 52, situated in 1873, from the Superintendent of the Province of Canterbury, Blocks IV and VIII, Pihanga Survey District, bounded and registered in Canterbury Deeds Register under No. 45506, generally as follows : Towards the west by the Tokaanu Road in trust for superior education, saving and excepting an area and the Poutu'River; towards the north:east and east by the of 26 perches taken for road purposes by notice in the New ; and towards the south by the Ha.utu Prison Zealand, Gazette of the 6th day of May, 1909, and an area of Farm: 1 rood 23·9 perches taken for road purposes by notice pub­ Also all that area containing by admeasurement 7 IO acres, lished in the New Zealand Gazette of the 28th day of July, more or less, being portion of State Forest No. 52, situated in 1927. Blocks VII, VIII, XI, and XII, Pihanga Survey District, bounded generally as follows : Towards the west by the Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Tokaanu Road ; towards the north by the Hautu Prison General of the Dominion of New Zealand and issued Farm; towards the east by the Waikato River; and towards under the Seal of that Dominion, this 15th day of the south by Sections 2D 2 and 2D 3, Hautu Block. As the February, 1928. same is more particularly delineated on the plan numbered A. D. McLEOD, Minister of Lands. 63/2, deposited in the Head Office of the State Forest Service, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. Gon SAVE THE KING.! Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ ------~~.. ------General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Revocation of the Reservation of a Permanent State Forest. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of February, 1928. [L.s,] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-Genera.I. 0. HAWKEN, Commissioner of State Forests. A PROCLAMATION. Goo SAVE THE KING ! Y virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities B conferred upon me by the I!'orests Act, 1921-22, and pursuant to a resolution in that behalf passed by both Houses Allocating to the Purposes of a Roa.d Land in Block XIII, of Parliament, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Komakorau Survey District, acquired for a Railway. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby revoke (so far only as it relates to the Crown land described [L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. in the Schedule hereto) the Warrant of the third day A PROCLAMATION. of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities whereby the said land (with certain other land) was set apart I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of as a permanent State forest, and declare that the reservation every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in thereby effected is (so far only as aforesaid) revoked accord­ this behalf, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Go­ ingly. vernor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land which is described in the SCHEDULE. Schedule hereto-and which was acquired for a portion of the North Island Main Trunk Railway, and which is no WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT.-WELLINGTON FOREST- longer required for such purposes-shall, upon!the publication CONSERVATION REGION, hereof in the New Zealand Gazette, become -~road, and that ALL that area, containing by admeasurement 847 acres, more the said road shall be maintained by the., W aipa County or less, being Section 37, Block I, Mangahao Survey District, Council in like manner >)S other public highways are con­ and Section 19 and 26, Block II, Mangahao Survey District, trolled and maintained by the said Council. and bounded generally as follows : Towards the east by Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block I, Mangahao Survey District, SCHEDULE. Sections 15, 14, 13, 12, and 11, Block Il, Mangahao Survey APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land dealt with :- District; towards the south-east by Section 100, a road­ A. R. P. Being portion of abuttal, and Section 99, Block III, Mangahao Survey Dis­ 0 0 l·l Railway Reserve. trict; towards the south-west by Section 2, Block II, 0 0 2·1 Mangahao Survey District, and a road-abutta.l ; towards 0 0 18·3 the north-west generally by tho North Range Road, Sec­ I 1 17·4 tions 23 and 17, Block II, Mangahao Survey District, and Situated in Pukete Parish, Block XIII, Komakorau Survey Sections 33 and 32, Block I, Mangahao Survey District : District. (S.O. 18927.) Save and except Section 34, Block I, Mangahao Survey In the Auckland Land District ; as the same are more District. As the same is more particularly delineated on particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 45361, the plan numbered 82/2, deposited in the Head Office of the deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works, at State Forest Service, at Wellington, and thereon bordered Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon red. coloured blue. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued General of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of under the Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of February, 1928. February, 1928. 0. HAWKEN, K. S. WILLIAMS, Minister of Public Works. Commissioner of State Forests. GOD SAVE THE KING ! Goo SAVE THE KING! (P.W. 34/1522.) FEB. 23.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 441

Land proclairned as a Road, in Block XI, Ruakaka Land proclaimed as a Hoad, anrt Hoad closed, in Block XIII, Survey District, Whangarei County. Opihi Survey District, Levels County.

[L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. [L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred b_y N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred b:v I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Srr I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-Genera.I of the Do­ Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Do­ minion of New Zea.land, do hereby proclaim as a road the minion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land in Rukaka Survey District described in the Schedule land in Opihi Survey District described in the First Schedule hereto. hereto ; and also do hereby proclaim as closed the road described in the Second Schedule hereto. SCHEDULE. LAND PROCLAIMED AS A ROAD. FIRST SCHEDULE. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as a LAND PROCLAIMED AS A ROAD, road : 3 acres 1 rood 37 perches. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as a Being portion of Lot 2 on D.P. 9463, being portion of Allot­ road : 3 roods 25·7 perches. ment 64. Reing portion of Section 25095 ; coloured pink. Situated in Ruaka ka Parish, Block XI, Ruakaka Survey SECOND SCHEDULE. District (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 24441.) . In the North Auckland Land Distnct: as the same 1s mon· ROAD CLOSED, particularly delineated on the p_la_n marked P._W.D. 71086, APPROXIMATE area. of the piece of road cloaed : 2 roods deposited in the office of the ;\Im1ster of Pubhc Works, at 32· 8 perches. Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon Adjoining or passing through Section 25096 ; coloured green. coloured red. All situated in Block XIII, Opihi Survey District Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ (Canterbury R.D.). (S.O. 899/429).) General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued All in the Canterbury Land District ; as the same are more under the Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 70525, February, 1928. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works, at Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon K. S. WILLIAMS, Minister of Public Works. coloured as above mentioned. Goo SAVE rim KING! Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ (P.W. 3:l/8.) General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of February, 1928. Land proclairned as a Road, and Road closed, in Block V Ill, K. S. WILLIAMS, Minister of Public Works. Alexandra Survey District, Waipa County. GOD SAVE THE Krno ! (P.W. 45/607.) [L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir Land proclairned as a Road, and Road closed, in Block XIII, Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Do­ Kornakoran Survey District, Waipa County. minion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land in Alexandra Survey District described in the [L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. First Schedule hereto; and also do hereby proclaim as closed the road described in the Second Schedule hereto. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by I section twelve of the Land Aet, 1924, I, General Sir FIRST SCHEDULE. Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion LAND PROCLAIMED AS A ROAD, of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land in Komakorau Survey District described in the First Schedule APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a hereto; and also do hereby proclaim a.s closed the road road:- described in the Second Schedule hereto. A. R. P, Being Portion of 1 0 23 Section 120, D.P. 10072; coloured blue. 1 1 12 179 FIRST SCHEDULE. 2 2 30 178 LAND PROCLAIMED AS A Ro.AD, 0 1 22 175A ,, APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a 5 0 15! ,, 178 ,, coloured red. road:- '\.. Also being portion of Lot 2, D.P. 9601. A. R, P. Being SECOND SCHEDULE. 0 3 17-8 Portion of Section 215; coloured red. 0 0 29·9 yellow. ROAD CLOSED. 0 0 32·4 purple. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of road closed :- SECOND SCHEDULE. A, R, P. Adjoining or passing through 4 0 8 Sections 120, 121, 121A, 122, 180, and 179, ROAD CLOSED, D.P. 10072; coloured green. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road closed : 3 roods 2 1 30 Sections 118, 119, 120, 179, 178, and 175A, 29·4 perches. D.P. 10072; coloured green. Adjoining or passing through Section 215 ; coloured green. All situated in Tuhikaramea Parish, Block VIII, Alexandra All situated in Pukete Parish, Block XIII, Komakorau Survey District (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 24516.) Survey District. (S.O. 18927.) All in the Auckland Land District ; as the same are more All in the Auckland Land District ; as the same are particularly di,lineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 71076, more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works, at 45361, deposited in the office of the Minister of Publio Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon Works, at Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and coloured as above mentioned. thereon coloured as above mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of under the Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of February, 1928. . February, 1928. K. S. WILLIAMS, Minister of Public Works. K_ S. WILLIAMS, Minister of Public Works. GoD SA VE THE KING ! GOD SAVE THE KING! (P.W. 34/2657.) (P.W. 34/1522.) 442 THE NEW ZEA.tANb GA.zEt_l.1'.rE. [No. 11

Land proclaimed as a Road, and Road clo.~ed, in Block 1 V, Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon Kaihu Survey District, Hobeon County. coloured pink. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ [L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. General of t.he Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of A PROCLAMATION. February, 1928. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by K. S. WILLIAMS, Mmister of Public Works. I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion Gon SAVE THE Knm ! of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land in (P.W. 47/996.) Kaihu Survev District described in the First Schedule hereto ; and also do· hereby proclaim as closed the road described in the Second Schedule hereto. Land taken for the Pu.rposes of the Milk-supply of the City of Wellington.

[L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. FIRST SCHEDULE. A PROCLAMATION. LAND PROCLAIMED AS A ROAD, N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities APPROXIMATE areas of the pi<'ces of land proclaimed as a I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of road:- every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in A. R. P. Being Portion of this behalf, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Go­ 7 l 2 l Section 2 ; coloured blue. vernor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule f ~ ~~ } Section 4 ; coloured pink.· hereto is hereby taken for the purposes of the milk-supply of 0 3 4 Section 4A, School Reserve; coloured blue. the City of Wellington, and shall vest in the Mayor, Council­ lors, and Citizens of the City of Wellington, as from the date hereinafter mentioned ; and I do also declare that this Pro­ SECOND SCH.EDULE. clamation shall take effect on and after the third day of ROAD CLOSED. March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of road closed :- SCHEDULE. A, R. P. Adjoining or passing through APPROXIMA'rE area of the piece of land taken: 32·30 perches. 6 0 26 Section 2; coloured green. 2 0 35 Sections 4 and 4A, School Reserve; coloured Being portion of Section 259 (Town of Wellington R.D.), (City green. of Wellington). (S.O. 2272.) In the Wellington Land District ; as the same is more All situated in Block IV, Kaihu Survey District., Auck­ particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 70706, land R.D. (S.O. 22289.) deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works, at All in the North Auckland Land District; as the same Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. coloured red. 70673, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works, Given under the hand of .His Excellency the Governor­ at Wellington, iP the Wellington Land District, and thereon General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued coloured as above mentioned. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 20th da.y of February, 1928. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued K. S. WILLIAMS, Minister of Public Works. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 21st day of GOD SAVE THE KING I February, 1928. (P.W. 51/441.) K. S. WILLIAMS, Minister of ];'ublic Works. GOD SA VE THE KING I Land taken for Poet and Telegraph Purposes in the Borough (P.W. 33/610/1.) of Napier. [L.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. Portions of a Public Reserve set apart for the Purposee of N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities a Road in Block XXIX, Takitimo Survey District. I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, [t.s.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby A PROCLAMATION. proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for post and telegraph purposes; and N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, the and after the twenty-ninth day of February, one thousand Public Works Amendment Act, 1923, and of every other nine hundred and twenty-eight. power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and SCHEDULE. declare that the port.ions of the public reserve described in APPROXL"\lATE area of the piece of land taken : 2 roods the Schedule hereto are hereby set apart for the purposes of I 0·7 perches. a road, and I also hereby declare that this Proclamation shall Being Lot 3, D.P. 661, of Section 364, Town of Napier take efieot on and after the seventh day of March, one (Hawke's Bay R.D.). thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight. Situated in Borough of Napier. In the Hawke's Bay Land District; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 71243, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works, at SCHEDULE. Wellington, in. the Wellington Land District, and thereon APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of public reserve set apart :- edged pink. A. R. P. Being Portion of I I 21 Section 34 (Township Reserve). Given under the hand of His Excellency the Govel'llor­ 2 0 9 General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of Situated in Block XXIX, Takitimo Survey District (South­ February, 1928. land R.D.). (S.O. R 557.) K. S. WILLIAMS, Minister of Public Works. In the Southland Land District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 70738, GOD SAVE THE KING! deposiied in the office of the Minister of Public Works, at (P.W. 20/137/2.) FEB. 23.' 'l1RE NEW ZEALAND GAL".:ETTE. 443

Alteri111J Boundaries of K uku Drainage DiBtrict, County of parallel to and 100 links distant from. the southern si~e of Horowhenua. said Drain No. 1 to its confluence with the Ohan River; thence up the left bank of the Ohan River to and across the CHARLES FKRGUSSON, Governor-General. said Drain Xo. 1 to a point 100 links distant from its northern side ; them·e easterly and southerly generally along a line ORDER IN COUNCIL. parallel to and distant 100 links from the northern side of At the Government Buildings at Weilington, this 14th day _of the said drain to its termination on the western boundary of February, 1928. Lot :l on plan 5295 aforesaid ; thence along a right line to Present: tho western boundary of the said Lot 2 ; thence along the western boundary of Lot 2 and tho western and northern THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN boundaries of Lot 1, plan 5295 aforesaid, to a point 100 links COUNCIL. distant from Drain No. 2 : thence north-westerly generally HEREAS the Kuku Drainage Board, being of the along a line parallel to and JOO links distant from the southern W opinion that certain 18:mls situated in \he Cou':'ty. of side of that drain to its confluence with the Ohan River; Horowhenua and not included m the Kuku Dramagc D1stnct thence up the left bank of that river to and across the Drain (hereinafter referred to as "the sa~d district") are. deriving No. 2 to a point 100 links distant from its northern side ; benefit from the drainage-works earned out by the said Board, thence along a line parallel to and 100 links distant from the did in accordance with the provisions of section six of the Land northern side of that drain to its intersection with the public Dr~inage Amendment Act, 1913 (hereinafter referred to as road forming the north-western bonnda,ry of Section 5s, " the said Act "), present a petition to His _Excellency the Kuku Settlement; thence across that road and north-easterly Governor-General praying that the boundaries of the said and south-easterly along the north-western and north-eastern district might be altered so as to include such lands in the said boundaries of 8cction 5s, K uku Settlement, and the north­ district: eastern boundary of Lot I on plan 2ti48, deposited as aforo­ And whereas in respect thereof a Commission has been Sltid, to a point I 000 links distant from the north-eastern appointed to inquire and report as _to t?e several !"atters corner of tho said t->cction 5s; thence south-westerly along a mentioned in subsection three of sect10n six of the saul Act : lino parallel to and distant 1000 links from the south-eastern And whereas the Commission so appointed has reported boundary of tho said Section 5s to the northern boundary of that part of such lands should be included in tho said district : Redion 2s, Kuku Settlement; thence south-easterly along Now, therefore, His Excellency tho Governor-Geno~al of th,· north-eastern bmmdaries of Sections 2s and ls, Kuku the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of 8ottlcmcnt, anrl .Lot 7 on plan 2ti48, deposited as aforesaid, the power and authority vested in him by section six of the to the north-eastern corner of the said Lot 7; thence south­ said Act, and acting by and with the advice and consent of westerly alonl( the eastern boundary of Lot 7 aforesaid to the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby Ohan West Road, and across that road to tho north-eastern order and declare that as on and from the date hereof the corner of Subdivmion 18n 2, Section 26, Ohau No. 3 Blbck; boundaries of the said district are hereby altered so as to thence south-westerly along the eastern boundary of that include in the said district the lands described in the First subdivision for a distance of 500 links ; thence westerly along Schedule hereto, and that the boundaries of the said district a line parallel to aml distant ;\()() links from the Ohan West shall be those described in the Second Schedule heruto. Road to the western boundarv of 8ubdivision 18A 1, Sec­ tion 26, Ohan No. 3 Block ; • thence southerly along that FIRST SCHEDULE. boundary to the northern boundary of Subdivision 22B, AREAS INCLUDED IN THE KUKlJ DRAINAGE Drs•rmc•r. Section :2G, Ohau _:\ o. 3 Block; thence south-easterly along the northern boundary of that subdivision to its north-eastern ALL that area in the Wellington Land District bounded hy corner; thence south-westerly along the eastern boundary of a line commencing at the southernmost corner of the Kuku that aforesaid Subdivision 22n to its south-eastern corner; Drainage District, as described in No. 51 of the 29th Gazette thence north-westerly along the south-western boundary of July, 1926, page 2359; thence in a north-easterly direction Subdivision :l2B aforesaid to a point distant 3000 links from by the eastern boundary of the said district to the north­ the western boundary of Manawatu-Kukutauaki 4E 2A No. 4 eastern boundary of Manawatu-Kukutauaki 4E 2A No. l Block ; thence south-westerly along a line parallel to the Block ; thence south-easterly along the said boundary to eastern boundary of l\Ianawatu-Kukutauaki 4E 2A No. 4 the north-eastern corner of the said block ; thence along its Block, to the north-eastern boundary of Manawatu-Kuku­ south-eastern boundary to its south,eastern corner ; thence tauaki 41,: 2A No. 1 Block; thence south-easterly along that westerly generally along the road forming the south-western boundary to the north-eastern corner of the said block; boundary of the said Manawatu-Kukutauaki 4E 2A No, I thence along the ROuth-eastern boundary of that block to its Block, and passing through Manawatu-Kukutauaki 4E 2n sonth-oastcrn corner ; thence westerly generally along the Nos. 2 and 3 Blocks to the south-western corner of tho last­ road forming the south-western boundary of the said Mana­ mentioned block; thence north-easterly along tho north­ watu-Knkutauaki JE 2A :',lo. 1 Block, and passing through western boundary of the said l\fanawatu-Kukutauaki 4E 2n l\lanawatu-Kukutauaki 4E 2n Nos. 2 and 3 Blocks, to the No. 3 Block to the boundary of the Kukn Drainage Disttict, sout.h-we:.,tern c·orner of the iast-n1entionc


Altering Represent,ation of cert,ain Districts on the Auckland Arrangements for taking Poll respecting Proposed Borough, of Harbour Board and appointing Principal Authority. }Ifartinborough.

CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of February, 1928. of February, 1928. Present: Present: THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING COUNCIL. IN COUNCIL. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities HEREAS it is provided by section thirty-one of the l vested in him by the Municipal Corporations Act, 1920, W Harbours Act, 1923 (hereinafter called " the said His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of Act"), that the creation, abolition, merger, union, division, New· Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent or other alteration of any constituent district or combined of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby district shall not in itself have any operation so as to affect direct that a poll shall be taken on the proposal that the the then existing membership of a Harbour Board, and that area described in the Schedule hereto may be constituted the Governor-General may from time to time, by Order in a borough under the Municipal Corporations Act, 1920, Council, whenever in his opinion it becomes necessary or by name the Borough of Martin borough ; and, further, expedient so to do, make such provision with respect to the doth hereby make the following appointments and arrange­ representation of any part of any rating-area or constituent ments for the purpose of faking the said poll :- or combined district as he thinks fit : 1. Frederick McAllum, of Martinborough, to be the Return­ And whereas it is provided in tho First Schedule of the ing Officer for the purpose of taking the said poll, and also said Act that, inter alia, one member of the Auckland Harbour to be the person authorized to prepare a voters' roll of the Board shall be elected by the electors of the County of persons entitled to vote at ·the said poll. Waitemata and of the Borough of Avondale and of the ]\fount 2. The voters' roll prepared and signed by the said l<'red­ Roskill Road District : orick McAllum shall be the voters' roll to be used at the said And whereas the Borough of Avondale has, as from the poll. first day of September, one thousand nine hundred and twenty. 3. Each person on such roll shall have and may exercise seven, been merged in the .City of Auckland, it is expedient onfl vote, and no more. to make provision for the representation of tho combined 4. The said poll shall be taken on Wednesday, the seventh district of the County of Waitemata and of the Mount Roskill day of March, ono thousand nine hundred and twenty­ Road District : eight, and shall close at seven o'clock in the afternoon of Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of that day. the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of 5. Excevt as herein provided, the poll shall be taken as the power and authority conferred upon him by the said Act, nearly as may be in the manner provided by the Local Elections and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in that a.nd Polls Act, 1925, and the Returning Officer hereby ap­ behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the pointed shall be deemed to be a Returning Officer appointed Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby order and for the purpose of that Act. declare that one member of the Auckland Harbour Board shall be elected by the electors of the County of Waitemata and of the Mount Roskill Road District, in lieu of one member by SCHEDULE. the electors of the County of Waitemata and of the Borough of Avondale and of the Mount Roskill Road District, and AREA PROPOSED TO BE CONSTITUTED THB BOROUGH OF doth hereby select and appoint the Waitemata County Council l\i[ARTINBOROUOJI. to be the principal authority for the purpose of such elections Ar,r, that area in the Wellington Land District bounded by by the electors of the combined district as hereby altered. Ia line commencing at the north-western corner of Lot 667 F. D. THOMSON, on ~Ian 586, dep?sited in the office _of the District Land Clerk of the Executive Council. RegIStrar at Wellington, and pro~eedmg thence ~long the north-western boundary of the said Lot 667 to ,ts north­ eastern corner; thence along the south-western, south­ eastern, and north-eastern boundaries of Lot 723 on plan Authorizing Christchurch Drainage Board to borrow Money. 586 aforesaid to the north-western corner of Lot 674 on the said Plan 586 ; thence north-easterly along the north-western CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. boundary of tbe said Lot 674 and its production to the middle ORDER IN COUNCIL. of the Huangarna Road ; thence south-easterly along the middle of Huangarua Road and Puruatanga Road to its At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this 14th day of intersection with the middle-line of Regent Street; thence February, 1928. south-westerly along the middle of Regent Street to the Present : middle-line of the public road forming the south-western THE RIGHT HoNOURAI:E C~u:~I20ATES, P,C., PRESIIJING r:~i~adffi~! ~\shZ6t'isI~i!t a£tnJ6t~:!~:na~ 5ie1:;~~:~ thence south-easterly along that street to the middle HEREAS by section three of the Christchurch District of the street forming the south-eastern boundary of Lots W Drainage Amendment Act, 1923, it is enacted that 730, 736, 735, 741, and 742; thence south-westerly along the Christchurch Drainage Board may from time to time, that street to the middle of Dublin Street; thence north­ in manner therein set out, borrow such sum as may be re- westerly along the middle of Dublin street to a point in line quired for the purposes of making advances to owners of with the north-western boundary of Lot 759 on Plan 250 land as provided under section five of the said Act: aforesaid ; thence south-westerly along the north-western And whereas by the said section three it is provided, inter boundaries of Lots 759, 760, 761, and 762 on the said Plan alia, that no greater sum than five thousand pounds shall 250, to the north-western corner of the laat-mentioned lot ; be borrowed for this purpose in any one year without the thence north-westerly along the south-western boundary of consent of the Governor-General in Council : Lot 758, Plan 250 aforesaid, and its production across Regent And whereas the said Board is desirous of borrowing in Street and Jellicoe Street and along the south-western bound­ the year nineteen hundred and twenty-eight for the purpose ary of part Section 3, Wharekaka Registration Block, to a aforesaid the sum of fifty thousand pounds : point in line with the production of the north-western side Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the powers of Ferry Road; thence along that line and its product-ion and authorities conferred on him by the said section three, I to the north-western corner of Weld Street; thence north­ and of every other power and authority enabling him in this I westerly along a right line, being the production of the south. behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion western side of Weld Street, to a point in the north-western of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent boundary of the said part Section 3 ; thence north-easterly of the Executive Council of that Dominion, doth hereby along the said north-western boundary and its production consent to the borromng by the Christchurch Drainage to the south-western ~ide of Kitchener Street ; thence by Board in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-eight of a right line to the north-western corner of Lot 667 on Plan the sum of fifty thousand pounds for the purposes referred 586, the point of commencement. in the said section three. to F. D. THOMSON, F. D. THOMSON Clerk of the Executive Counoil. Clerk of the Executive Council. (I.A. 19/45/24.) FEB. 23.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 445

Appointing Members of the S'!ln·eyors' Board under the Sur­ Consenting under #he Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926- veyors' Institute and Board of Examiners Act, -1908. to the Raising of a Loan by the Onehunga Borough Oouru;il. •

CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of February, 1928, February, 1928. Present: Present: THE RIGHT HONOURABLE .J. G. CoA1'ES, P.C., l'REsrnrno n THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J, G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN Cou~c1L. COUNCIL. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by sec­ N pursmmco and exercise of the powers and authorities I- tion eleven of the Surveyors' Institute and Board of I conferred upon him by the Local Government Loans Examiners Act, 1908, His Excellency the Governor-General Bor1rd Act, 1926, and of all other powers and authorities of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor­ and consent of the Executive Council thereof, doth hereby General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with appoint, as from the first day of January, one thousand nine the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said hundred and twenty-eight, the undermentioned persons to be Dominion, doth hereby consent to tho borrowing by the members of the Surveyors' Board constituted by the said Onehunga Borough Council of the sum of eight hundred and Act, namely,- twenty-seven pounds three shillings and fourpence for the purpose of meeting the borough's liability in connection with George Henry Bullard, the alteration of boundaries, subject to the following con­ Thomas Brook, ditions:- Samuel Thomas Seddon, :M.C., and Archibald Hugh Bogle, 1. The said sum may be borrowed for a term not exceedin!! thirty-six and a half years. · · the two first-named persons having been nominated by the 2. The Onehunga Borough Council shall, before borrow­ Minister of Lands, and the two last-named persons having mg the said sum or any part thereof, make provision been nominated by the Council of the Institute of 8urveyors, for the 1·epayment of the said sum by establishing a as required by the said Act. sinking fund under the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, F. D. THOMSON, and by making to such sinking fund payments at Clerk of the Executive Council. intervals of not more than one year, at a rate which shall be not less than one per centum, such payments to be made in respect of every part of the said sum for the time being so borrowed and not repaid, and the Consenting to Body Corporate borrowing Money, and autho­ first payment to be made not later than one year after rizing Payment to Committee of Management. the first day from which interest to the lender is com­ puted on any moneys so borrowed. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. F. D. THOMSON, ORDER IN COUNCIL. Clerk of the P..xecutive Council, At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of February, 1928. Consenting under the Local Government Loan., Board Act, 1926, to the Raising of a Loan by the Kaikoura County Council, Present: THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J, G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. COUNCIL. HEREAS by section three hundred and thirty-five of ORDER IN COUNCIL. W the Native Land Act, 1909, it is provided that, with At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day the precedent consent of the Governor-General in Council, a of February, 1928. body corporate constituted under Part XVII of the said Act Present: may, on the security of a mortgage or charge of the land THE Rrnur HoNOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN vested in it, harrow money for any of thA purposes therein COUNCIL, mentioned: And whereas the body corporate constituted as aforesaid N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities described in the i'chedule hereto ha, applied for the pre­ I conferred upon him by the Local Government Loans cedent consent of the Governor-General in Council accordingly, Board Act, 1926, and of all other powers and authorities and also that consent be given to any money so borrowed enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor­ being paid to the committee of management of such body General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with corporate: the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said And whereas the Tairawhiti District Native Land Court has Dominion, doth herehy cpnsent to the borrowing by the recommended that such consent be granted, and it seems Kaikoura. County Council of the sum of one thousand seven expedient so to do : hundred and fifty pounds for the purpose of repairing flood Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-Geneml of the damage, subject to the following conditions :- Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice 1. The said sum may be borrowed for a term not exceeding and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, ten years. doth hereby, pursuant to section three hundred and thirty­ 2. Thao the local authority shall repay the said sum by five of the Native Land Act, 1909, and all other powers him annual instalments of not less than one hundred and enabling, grant precedent consent to the said body corporate, seventy-five pounds. on the security of a mortgage or charge of the land vested F. D. THOMSON, in it, borrowing from a State Loan Department or from Clerk of the Executive Council. any person or body corporate, whether by cash credit in . current account with a bank or otherwise, for the purpose of enabling the said body corporate to liquidate existing Declaring Portion of Road in Block XIII, Opaheke Survey liabilities in respect of, and to further improve and more District, to be a Government Road. efficiently farm the lands. of the said body corporate, the sum set out hereunder opposite the name of such body CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. corporate; and doth authorize the payment of any money so borrowed to the committee of management of the said ORDER IN COUNCIL. body corporate; and doth, under section two hundred and At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day thirty of the Native Land Act, 1909, consent to the confirma­ of February, 1928. tion of any instrument of alienation executed by the said Present: body corporate in pursuance of this Order in Council. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J, G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN COUNCIL, SCHEDULE. N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him by £ I the Public Works Act, 1908, and of all other powers "THE Proprietors of the Ahiateatua A 2B Block " 600 ill anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the F. D. THOMSON, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting Clerk of the Executive Council. hy and with the ad vice and consent of the Executive Council 446 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. fNo. 11

of the said Dominion, doth hereby order and declare that the I time when, and the office of the Cape Egmont Dairy Company, portion @f road described in the Schedule hereto shall, on and Pungarehu, as the place where, the first meeting of the Board after the date of this Order in Council, become a Government shall be held. road.

SCHEDULE. SCHEDULE. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road declared to be a TARANAKI LAND DlSTRICT.-PuNGAREHU DOMAIN. Government road: 3 roods 25 perches. SECTION 111, Block XII, Cape Survey District: Area, Adjoining or passing through part Allotments 20 and 51, 10 acres. Mangatawhiri Parish. F. D. THOMSON, Situated in Block XIII, Opaheke Survey District (Auck. Clerk of the Executive Council. land R.D.). (S.O. 24331.) In the North Auckland Land District ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 69979, Domain Board appointed to have Control of the Roaring Meg deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Worka, at Domain. Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon coloured green. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. F. D. THOMSON, ORDER IN COUNCIL. 1 ~leTk of t,hP !·:xecutjve Council. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of (P.W. 34/286/1.) February, 1928. Present: Declaring Portion of Road in Tangitu Survey District to be THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.O., PRESIDING IN a Government Road. COUNCIL. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. I section forty-seven of the Public Reserves and Domains ORDER IN COUNCIL. Act, 1908, His Excellency the Governor.General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth February, 1928. hereby appoint Present: The Cromwell Borough Council THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J, G. COATES, P.O., PRESIDING IN to be the Roaring Meg Domain Board, having control of the COUNCIL. land described in the Schedule hereto; and doth hereby N pursuance and exercise of the ·powers vested in him by appoint Thursday, the first day of March, one thousand I the Public Works Act, 1908, and of all other powers in nine hundred and twenty-eight, at eight o'clock p.m., as the anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Go­ time when, and the Borough Council Chambers, Cromwell, vernor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by as the place where, the first meeting of the Board shall be and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of held. the said Dominion, doth hereby order and declare that the portion of road described in the Schedule hereto shall, on and after the date of this Order in Council, become a SCHEDULE. Government road. 0TAG0 LAND DrsTRICT.--RoARING MEG Dol\lAIN. SECTIONS 1 and 2, Block VII, Cromwell Survey District: SCHEDULE. Area, 3 acres Oroods 7 perches. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road declared to be a F. D. THOMSON, Government road : 30 acres 1 rood 1 perch. Clerk of the Executive Council. Adjoining or passing through Sections 7 and 1, Block VI, Section 1, Block V, and Sections 35, 23, and 24, Block I, Domain Board appointed to have Control of the Vigor Brown Tangitn Survey District. Domain. ln the Taranaki Land District ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P:W.D. 68512, CHARLES l~ERGUSSON, Governor-General. deposited in the office of the l',linister of Public Works at Wel­ lington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon colonrcd ORDER IN COUNCIL. green. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of F. D. 'rHOMSON, Februar;y, 1928. Clerk of the Executive Council. Present: (P.W. 62/6/23/9.) THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.O., PRESmING IN COUNCIL. Domain Board appointed to hane Control of the l'ungarelm N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Domain. I conferred by the Public Reserves and Domains Act, 1908, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby ORDER IN COUNCIL. revoke an Order in Council dated the seventeenth day of At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th clay of April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, and February, 19:l8. published in the Gazette of the twenty-fourth day of that month, Present: appointing a Domain Board to have control of the Vigor THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. CoATE~, P.O., PRESIDING IN Brown Domain, and doth hereby appoint COUNCIL. John Vigor Brown, .N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferrecl by Charles Richard Gardiner, I James Augustus Louis Hay, . section forty of tho Public Reserves and Domains Act, Thomas Hyde, 1908, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion John McConnell, and of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice ancl consent Charles Ormond Morse of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby appoint to be the Vigor Brown Domain Board, having control of the Michael William Beattie, land described in the Schedule hereto ; and doth hereby Hector Campbell, appoint Friday, the second day of March, one thousand William Archibald Corbett, nine hundred and twenty-eight, at eight o'clock p.m., as the Richard Fleming, time when, and the Public Hall, Westshore, as the place Richard John Brian Fleming, where, the first meeting of the Board shall be held. Beville Anthony Layard, Percy Carrington Smith, and SCHEDULE. Harold Symons, VIGOR BROWN DDMAIN.-HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT. to be the· Pungarehu Domain Board, having control of the SEOTION 5, Westshore, Napier: Area, 2 roods. land described in the Schedule hereto ; and doth here bv Also ~ection 133, Westshore, Napier: Area, 1 acre 2 roods, appoint Saturday, the tenth day of March, one thousand F. D. THOMSON, nine hundred and twenty-eight, at two o'clock p.m., as the Clerk of the Executive Council. FEB. 23.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 447

Extending Prohibition of Alienation of certain Native !,ands Extending Prohibition of Alienation of certain Native Lands other than Alienations in favour of the Crown. other than Alienations in fai,our of the Croum.

CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of February, 1928. of February, 1928. Present: Present: TuE RIGH'l' HONOURABLE J. G. CoATBS, P.C., PRESIDING IN COUNOIL. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. N the recommendation of the Native Land Purchase O Board, referred to in section three hundred and sixty­ N the recommendation of the Native Land Purchase three of the Native Land Act, 1909, and in exercise of the O Board, referred to in section three hundred and sixty­ power in this behalf conferred upon him by that section, three of the Native Land Act, 1909, and in exercise of the power His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of in this behalf conferred upon him by that section, His New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New the Executive Council thereof, doth hereby extend for a Zealand, acting by and with th-, advice and consent of the further period of six months the Order in Council dated the Executive Council thereof, doth hereby extend for a further twenty-first day of February, one thousand nine hundred a.nd period of six months the Order in Council dated the twenty - twenty-seven, and gazetted the twPnty-fourth day of February, second day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty. one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, prohibiting all seven, and gazetted the seventh day of April, one thousand alienation of the Native land specified in the Sche.dule hereto, nine hundred and twenty.seven, prohibiting all alienation of other than alienation in favour of the Crown. the Native land specified in the Schedule hereto other than alienation in favour of the Crown. SCHEDULE. 0POITI SURVEY DISTRICT. Approxinrntc Area.. SCHEDULE. !Jlock. A. R. P. RIJ11UROA No. l 135 3 ll HuRAKIA AND MAROTIBI SURVEY D1STRTCTs. No. 2 47 3 37 Approximate Area. Block. No. 3 85 2 28 A. R, P, No. 4 .. 36 0 27 TIHOI 3B No. l 769 l 0 No. 5 .. 43 0 10 3B No. 2 1,566 0 0 No. 6 •• 66 I 29 3B No. 4 300 0 0 F. D. THOMSON, SB No. 5 157 0 0 Clerk of t,hA F:x~nt.ivP f"n11nciJ. 3B No. 6 200 0 0 3B No. 7 200 0 0 3B No. 8s 2A 7.235 0 0 E.rtending Prohibition of Alienation of certain Native Lands 3B No. SB 2B 5,304 0 0 other than Alienations in favour of the Crown. 3B No. 8B 3 9,709 0 0 3B No. 8B 4 5.(36 0 0 CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. 3B No. 8B 5 10,213 0 0 ORDER IN COUNCIL. 3B No. 8B 6 6,693 0 0 At the Government Bui!din!.'s at._Wellington. this 14th day 3B No. 8B 7 126 0 0 of February,- 1!128. 3B No. He 8 16,129 0 0 .Pr1.:fwn: : F. D. THOMSON, TuE RraHT HONOURABLE J. G. CoATEs, P.C., PRESIDING IN Clerk of the Executive Council. COUNCIL. N the recommendation of the Native Land Purchase 0 Board, referred to in section three hundred and sixty­ Extending Prohibition of Alienation of certain N atfre Lana three of the Native Land Act, 1909, and in exercise of the other than Alienations in favour of the Grown. power in this behalf conferred upon him by that section, and by section one hundred and eleven of the Native Land CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. Amendment Act, 1913 (as amended by section eight of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjust­ ORDER IN COUNCTL. ment Act, 1916), His Excellency the Governor-General of the At the Government Bnildings at Wellington, this 14th day Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice of February, 1928. and consent of the Executive Council thereof, doth hueby Present: extend for a further period of eighteen months t.he Order in THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. CoATES, P.C., PRESIDINa I, Council dated the thirteenth day of September, one thousa.nd COUNOIL, nine hundred and twenty-six, and gazetted the sixteenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, N the recommendation of the Native Lnnd Purchase prohibiting all alien'1tion uf the Native land specified in the O Board, referred to in S!'ction three hundr!'d and sixty­ Schedule hereto, other than alienation in favour of the Crown three of the Native Land Act, 1909, and in exercise of the power in this behalf conferred upon him by that section, His SCHEDULE. l<~xcellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of Now \V AIRERE SU.RVEY DISTRICT. Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Approximate Arcn. Executive Council thereof, doth hereby extend for a further Block. A, R. P. period of six months the Order in Council dated the twenty. lliATAMATA NORTH IA 91 2 36 second day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty. lB l 77 I 14 seven, and gazetted the seventh day of April, one thousand lB 2 68 3 0 nine hundred and twenty-seven, prohibiting all alienation of lB 3 91 2 26 the Native land specified in the Schedule hereto other than ln 2 86 1 4 alienation in favour of the Crown. F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Council.

SCHEDULE. Extending Prohibition of Alienation ·of certa·in Nati-ve Lands AWAMOKO SURVEY DISTRICT. other than Alienations in favour of the Crown. Block. Approximate Area. A, R. P. C.HARLES F.ERGUSSON, Governor-General. PUNAOMARU Block I, Section 1)2A .. 13 3 23 ORDER IN COUNCIL. u ,, 92B .. II 3 38 92c 44 2 17 At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th d11y 93 23 0 0 of February, 1928. 94A 151 :i IO Present.: 94B 117 0 ;!() Tin: RIGHT HoNOURABLE .T. G. Co.vrEs, P.C., PRESIDING 1N 95 57 2 0 CoF~cu.. • 97 31 2 0 N. the recommendation of the Native Land Purchase J!'. D. 'l'HO'.\fSON, O Board, referred to in section three hundred and sixty­ Clerk of the Executive Council. three of the Native Land Act, 1909, and in exercise of the B 448 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 11

power in this behalf conferred upon him by that section, I been authorized before the passing of the said Act, or is and by section one hundred and eleven of the Native Land therea.ftcr authorized, to borrow money, whether pursui,.nt Amendment Act, 1913 (as amended by section eight of the to a poll of ratepayers or otherwise howsoever, whether the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjust- rnte of interest or the term of years of the loan was or was not ment Act, 1916), His Excellency the Governor-General of specified or determined, and such money or any p~,rt thereof the Dominion of New Zealand. acting by and with the advice has not been borrowed, the local authority or public body and consent of the Executive Council thereof, doth hereby may, with the precedent consent of the Minister of Finance, extend for a further period of eighteen months the Order borrow such money, or such amount thereof as has not been in Council dated the thirteenth day of September, one horrowed, at. such rate of interest, or for such term, as may be thousand nine h1mdred and twenty-six, and gazetted the prescribed by tho Governor-General by Order in Council : sixteenth day of September., one thousand nine hundred And wherc·as the Hutt County Council has been authorized and t,Yc'l lay-six, but only in so fa, as it. affeds the fonrl to borrow the sum of two thousand three hundred and twenty­ spc:i/;ed in the Rchedulc, hereto prohihiting all ahH1n.tion three pounds for the purpose of installing a water-supply other than alienation in favour of the Crown. at Paraparnumn Beach : And whereas the Minister of Finance has given his pre· cedent cons.-nt as required by the above-recited section one SCHEDULE. hundred and fourteen, and it is desired that the term for ll°HAINGAROA SURVEY DISTRICT. which the money may be borrowed be twenty years, and the rate of interest payable thereon he not exceeding six per Approximate Area. Name of Block. A, R. P. centum per annum : W AIPA, Lot 73B No. 1 19 2 17 Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of 730 No. lA 78 I 30 the Dominion of Ncw Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of 730, Section 1 B 19 2 28 the power ,ind authority vested in him a.s aforesaid, and acting hy and with the advice and consent of the Execntive F. D. THOMSON, Council of the s11id Dominion, doth hereby prescribe that the Clerk of the Executive Council. term for which the Hutt County Council may borrow the I s:i,id sum of two thousand three hundred and twenty-three · pounds shall be twenty years, ,ind the rate of interest that /iJxtending Prohibition of Alienation of cerf,ain Native Land.< may he paid thereon shall be a rate not exceeding six per other than Alienations in favour of the Crown. ccntum per annnm, and the said Hutt County Council i~ hereby authorized to harrow the sairJ sum of two thousand three CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. hundred and twenty-three pounds accordingly. ORDER IN COUNCIL. F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Council. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of February, 1928. Present: THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN Pm1cribing the Term for which the Te K uiti Borough Council COUNCIL. rnay borrow the Snrn of £760, authorized to be rnised for the N the recommendation of the Native Land Purchase Purpo.se of erecting n W or leer\, /)u•ellinrJ, nrul also the Rate O Board, referred to in section three hundred and sixty­ of lnlem,t paynl,le thereon. three of the Native Land Act, 1909, and in exercise of the power in this behalf conferred upon him by that section, CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. His Excellency the Governor-Genera] of the Dominion of ORDER IN COUNCIL. N cw Zealand, acting by dihd with tho ad vice and consent of the Executive Council thereof, doth hereby extend for a At the Government Buildings at Wc1Jin6>ton, this 14th day further period of six months tho Order in Council dated the of J<'ebrnary, 1928. twenty-second day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, and gazetted the seventh day of April, Present.: one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, prohibiting all THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN alienation of the Native lands specified in the Schedule COUNCIL. hereto, other than alienation in favour of the Crown. HEREAS by section one hundred and fourteen of the W Local Bodies' Loans Act, Hl26, it is provided that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act or in SCHEDULE. any rule of law, where a local authority or public body has been MAROTmI, HURAKIA, PuxETAPU, ANn KARANGAHAPE authorized before the passing of the said Act, or is thereafter SURVEY DISTRICTS. authorized, to borrow money, whether pureuant to a poll of Approxitnatl'I Area Ill cL ratepayers or otherwise howsoever, whether the rate of in­ A. R. P. terest or the term of years of the loan was or was not specified WAIHAHA 3n No. I 3,000 0 0 or determined, and such money or any part thereof has not 3n No. 2 3,901 0 0 been borrowed, the local authority or public body may, with 3E I 400 0 0 the precedent consent of the Minister of Finance, borrow 3E 2 83 0 0 such money, or such amount thereof as has not been borrowed, 3E 3 3,534 0 0 at such rate of interest, or for such term, as may be pre•cribed :Jg 4 28,147 0 0 by the Governor-Gcneml by Order in Council: F. D. THOMSON, And whereas the Tc Kuiti Borough Council has been autho­ Clerk of the Exeoutive Council. risc>d to borrow the sum of seven hundred and sixty pounds for the purpose of erecting a worker's dwelling : And whereas the Minister of Firuuwe has given his prc­ cedPnt consent as required by the above recited section one PreBcribing the Terrn for which the Hutt County Council rnoy hundred and fourteen, and it is desired that the term for borrow the surn of £2,3.W, authorize,] to be raised for the whieh the mrmey may he borrowed he twenty-five years, and Purpose of in.stalling a W ate.r-.supply at Paraparaurnu Beach, the mte of interest payable, thereon be not exceeding six and also the Rate of In/ere.st paynble thereon. per centum per annum : Xow, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authorit,y vested in hin1 a.s aforesaid, and ORDER IN COUNCIL. acting hy ancl with t!J.e ad vice and consent of the Executive At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of Council of the· said Dominion, doth herehy prescribe that the February, 1928. term for which the Te Kuiti Borough Council may borrow the said sum of seven hundred and sixty pounds shall be Present: twenty-ti ve years., and the rate of interest that may be paid THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN thereon shall be a rate not excc'.,ding six per centum per annum., COUNCIL, and the said Tc K uiti Borough Council is hereby authorized ·yx7 HEREAS by section one hundred and fourteen of the to borrow the said sum of seven hunrlred and sixty pounds V \, Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, it is provided that, a.ccordi11gly. notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act or in F. D. THOMSON, • any rule of law, where a local authority or public body has Clerk of the Executive Council. FEB. 23.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'l'TE. 449

Prescribing the 'l'erm for which the Eketnhuna, County Council I offthe~power and authority vested in him as aforesaid, and may borrow the Burn of £7 50, authorized to be rai8ed for aeting by and with' ,the advice and consent of the Executive forming and metalling Portions of the Main Highway, mul Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby prescribe that also the Rate of Intere.,t payable thereon. th<> rate of interest that may be paid by the Thames Harbour Board in respect of the said sum of six thousand pounds shall be a. rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. and the said Thames Harbour Board is hereby authorized ORDER IN COUNCIL. to borrow the ,aid sum of six thousand pounds accordingly. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day l<'. IJ. THOMSON, of February, 1928. Clerk of the Executive Council. Present:. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN Prescribing the RaJ;,,, of Interest tht1! ,nay be paid by the Rangi­ COUNCIL. fikei County Couricil in respect of r1 Doan ~f £1,600, nuthorized HEREAS by section one hundred and fourteen of the to he raised for the Purpose of priying the Council's Share W Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, it is provided that, of the Cost of reconstructing th;,,, 'l'urakina Bridge. notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act or in any rule of law, where a local authority or public body has CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. been authorized before the passing of the said Act, or is ORDER IN COUNCIL. thereafter authorized, to borrow money, wheth"r pursuant to ,\t the Government Buildings at WeU;ngton, this 14th day a poll of ratepayers or otherwise howsoever, whether the rate of February, 1928. of interest or the term of years of the loan was or was not specified or determined, and such money or any part thereof Present: has not been borrowed, the local authority or public body THE }{mH~· HONOURABLE J, G. Co.A.TES, P.C., PRESIDING IN may, with the precedent consent of the Minister of Finance, COUNCIL, borrow such money, or such amount thereof as has not been HEREAS bv section one hundred and fourteen of the borrowed, at such rate of interest, or for such term, as may be W Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, it is provided that, prescribed by the Governor-General by Order i , Council : notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act or And whereas the Eketahuna County Council has been autho­ in any rule of law, where a local authmity 01 public body has rized to borrow the sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds been authorized before the passing of the said Act, or is for forming and metalling portions of th" main highway : thereafter authorized, to borrow money, whether pursuanu to And whereas the Minister of Finance has given his precedent a poll of ratepayers or otherwise howsoever, whether the rate consent as required by the above-recited s~ction one hundred of interest or the term of years of the loan was or was not and fourteen, and it is desired that the term for which the specified or determined, and such money, or any part thereof money may be borrowed be fifteen years, and the rate of has not been borrowed, the local authority or public body interest payable thereon be not exceeding six per centum may, with the precedent consent of the Minister of Finance, per annum: borrow such money, or such amount thereof as has not been Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General borrowed, at such rate of interest or for such term, as may be of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise prescribed by the Governor-General by Order in Council : of the power and authority vested in him as aforesaid, and And whereas the Rangitikei County Council has been autho­ acting by and with the advice and consent of the 1Dxecutive rized to borrow the sum of fom thousand five hundred pounds Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby prescribe that the for the purpose of paying the Council's share of the cost of term for which the Eketahuna County Council may bonow reconstructing the Turakina Bridge : the said sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds shall be fifteen And whereas the Minister of Finance has given his precedent years, and the rate of interest that may be paid thereon consent, as required by the above-recited section one hundred shall be a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, and fourteen, and it is desired that the rate of interest at and the said Eketahuna County Council is here by authorized which the money may be borrowed be not exceeding six to borrow the said sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds per centum per annum : accordingly. Now, 0therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General F. D. THOMSON, of the Dominion of Xcw Zealand, in pursuance and exercise Clerk of tlw Executive Conncil. of the power and authority vested in him as aforPsaid, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby prescribe that the Prescribing the Rate of lnkm,t that may be pa-id by the Tha,nes rate of interest that may be paid by the Rangitikei County fforbour Board in respect of a Loan of £6,000, authorized Council in respect of the said sum of four thousand five hundred t9 be raised for the Construct-ion of Hurbour Works. pounds shall be a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, and the said Rangitikci County Council is hereby CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. authorized to borrow the said sum of four thousand five hundred pounds accordingly. ORDER IN COUNCIL. F. D. THOMSON, At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of Clerk of the Executive Council. February, 1928. Present: Prescribing the Rate of Interest that may be paid by the .Morr-ins­ THl!: RIGHT HONOURABLE J, G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN ville Borough Council in re~pect of a Loan of £500, being COUNCIL. a Portion of a Loan of £1,000, anthorized to be raised for HEREAS by section one hundred and fourteen of the 8 eU'erage Work,,. W Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, it is provided that. notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act or in any CHARLES FERGUSSON, Govemor-Goneral. rule of law, where a local authority or public body has been ORDER IN COUNCIL. authorized before the passing of the said Act, or is thereafter At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of authorized, to borrow money, whether pursuant to a poll of February, 19'.!8 ratepayers or otherwise howsoever, whether the rate of interest or the term of years of the loan was or was not specified or Present: determined, and such money or any µart thereof has not THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN been borrowed, the local authority or public body may, with COUNCIL. the precedent consent of the Minister of Finance, borrow such HEREAS by section one hundred and fourteen of the money, or such amount thereof as has not been borrowed, at W Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, it is provided that, such rate of interest, or for such term, as may be prescribed notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act or in any by the Governor-General by Order in Council : rule of law, where a local authority or public body, has been And whereas the Thames Harbour Board has been autho­ authorized before the passing of the said Act, or is thereafter rized to borrow the sum of six thousand pounds for the con­ authorized, to borrow money, whether pursuant to a poll of struction of harbour works : ratepayers or otherwise howsoever, whether the rate of interest And whereas the Minister of Finance has given his precedent or the term of years of the loan was or was not specified or consent as req aired by the above-recited section one hundred determined, and such money or any part, thereof has not I and fourteen, and it is desired that the rate of interest at been borrowed, the local authority or public body may, with r which the money may be borrowed be not exceeding six the precedent consent of the Minister of Finance, borrow such per centum per annum : money, or such amount thereof as has not been borrowed, at Now, therefore, His Excellency' the Governor-General such rate of interest, or for such term, as may be prescribed of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise by the Governor-General by Order in Council : rrHE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 11

And whereas the Morrinsville Borough Council has been I Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, 1tuthorized to borrow the sum of one thousand pounds for by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council sewerage works, and is now desirous of raising the sum of of the said Dominion, do hereby order and declare that the five hundred pounds, being a portion of the loan of one reserve for recreation in the Gisborne Land District de­ thousand pounds : scribed in the Schedule hereto shall be, and the same is hereby And whereas the Minister of Finance has given his precedent brought under the operation of, and declared to be subject to consent as required by the above-recited section one hundred the provisions of Part II of the said Act, and such reserve and fourteen and it is desired that the rate of interest at shall hereafter form part of the Ormond Domain, and which the rdoney mav be borrowed be not exceeding five be managed, administered, and dealt with as a public and three-quarters per· centum per annum : domain by the Ormond Domain Board. Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the 'Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise SCHEDULE. of the power and authority vested in him as aforesaid, and ALL that area in the Gisborne Lmd District containing by acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive admeasurement IO acres, more or less, being Lot 1 of Section Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby prescribe that the 19, l\fohunga Block, Block VIII, Waimata Survey District. rate of interest that may be paid by the Morrinsville Borough Bounded on the north by a public road, on the north-east, Council in respect of the said sum of five hundred pounds south-east, and south-west by Lot 2 of Section 19, Muhunga shall be a rate not exceeding five and three-quarters per Block, and on the north-west by the Waipaoa River. As the centum per annum, and the said Morrinsville Borough Council same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked L. is hereby authorized to borrow the said sum of five hundred and S. 1/23, deposited in the Head Office, Department of pounds accordingly. Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereen bordered F. D. THOMSON, green Clerk of the Executive Council. J · ' F. D. THOMSON, ------__ 1 Clerk of the Executive Council. Prescribing the Rate of Interest that may be paid by the Otamatea ------County Council. in respect of a Loan of £1,000, being Spencer Street, the .Yorth-wstern Side ~f Gtoiwester Street, and a further Portio7: of a Loan of £5,000, anthorized to ?e the VortJ,.,,•estern Side of Pell Street, in the City of Dnnedin, raised for Metal!•'!{! and General Improi•ement of Roads in e >:empted from the Proi·isions of Section 117 of the Pnblic the Tokatoka Riding. Works A ct, 1908, subject io a Oondition as to the Building­ lines. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL. CHARLES FERGlJSSON, Governor-General. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day ORDER IN COUNCIL. of February, 1928. At the Government Buildings at Wellingoon, this 14th day Present: or Februa.ry, 1928. 'I'm: TIIOITT HoNOURABT,E J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING TN Present: COUNCIL. T11E RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING Ill W HEREAS by section one hundred and fourteen of the COUNCIL. -Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, it is provided that, N pursuance and ex~rcise of the powers conferred by notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act or in I the Public Works Act, Hl08, and of all other powers in any rnle of law, where a local authority or public body has anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the been authorized before the passing of the said Act, or is th.. re­ Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting after authorized, to borrow money, whether pursuant to a poll by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of ratepayers or otherwise howsoever, whether the rate of of the said J.)ominion, doth hereby approve of the following interest or the term of years of the loan was or was not speci­ resolution passed by the Dunedin City Council on the twent,y - fied or determined, and such money or any part thereof has fifth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and twenty­ not been borrowed, the local authority or public body may, eight, the street and portions of streets affected by such with the precedent consent of the Minister of Finance, borrow resolution being more particularly described in the Schedule such money, or such amount thereof as has not been borrowed, hereto, viz. :- at such rate of interest, or for such term, as may be prescribed " That the Dunedin City Council, being the local authority by the Governor-General by Order in Council : having control of the streets in the City of Dunedin, hy And whereas the Otamatea County Council has been autho­ resolution declares that the provisions of section one hundred rized to borrow the sum of five thousand pounds for metalling and seventeen of the Public Works Act, 1908, shall not and general improvement of roads in the Tokatoka Riding, apply to those portions of streets described hereunder, and is now desirous of raising the sum of one thousand pounds, viz.:- being a further portion of the loan of five thousand pounds : Aud whereas the lliinister of Finance has given his precedent (a) Both sides of Spencer Rtreet where the same abut on consent as required by the above-recited section one hundred parts Rections 6 and 57&, Block I, Anderson's Bay and fourteen, and it is desired that the rate of interest at District: which the money may be borrowed be not exceeding six ( b) The north-eastern side of Gloucester Street where the per centum per annum : same abuts on part Section 57R, Block I, Anderson's Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General Bav District : of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise (c) The· north-western side of Pell Street where the same of the power and authority vested in him as aforesaid, and acting abuts on p1trts Sections 57R, 6, and 14, Block I, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council Anderson's Bay District: of the said Dominion, doth hereby prescribe that the rate as the several portions of streets are shown on the plan of interest that may be paid by the Otamatea County Council attached hereto and thereon coloured red " ; in respect of the said sum of one thousand pounds shall be subject to the condition that no building or part of a building a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, and the said shall at any time be erected on the land fronting the said Otamatea County Council is hereby authorized to borrow the street and portions of streets within a distance of thirty-three said sum of one thousand pounds accordingly. feet from the centre-lines thereof. F. D. THOMSON, SCHEDULE. Clerk of the Executive Council. (a) All that new street in the Otago Land District., City of Dunedin, known as Spencer Street, adjoining parts Rooremion Reserve in Gisborne Land Di..'!trict broughi, under J Sections 6 and 57R, Block I, Anderson's Bay District. Part II of the Publw Reserves and DomairUJ Act, 1908. (b) The north-eastern side of Gloucester Street in the said land district and city, adjoining part of the said Section CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. 57R. ORDER IN COUNCIL. (<) The north-western side of Pell Street in the said land district and city adjoining parts of Sections 57R, At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of 6, and 14, Block. I, Anderson's Bay District. As the February, 1928. said street and portions of streets are more particularly Present: delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 70615, deposited THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING IN in the office of the Minister of Public Works, at Wel­ COUNCIL. lington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon coloured red. y virtue of the powers and authorities vested in me by I". D. THOMSON, B the twenty-sixth sectior, of the Public Reserves and Clerk of the Executive Council. Domains Act, l!JOS, I, General Sir Charles Ji'ergusson, (P.W. 51/1014.) FEB. 23.l THE NEW ZEALAND GA~ETTE. 451

The Northern Side of Portion of Walsh Road, in the Borough Vesting the JJ,fanagernent of Wharf and Shed on the .Mara/wpa of New Plymouth, exempted from the ]!rovisions of ('~tion River in the Kawhia County Council, and prescribing Dues 117 of the Public Works Act, 1908, subject to a Condition as for the use of sarne. to the BuiUing-line. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At .the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of February, 1928. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th day of Februa,cy, 1928. Present: THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J'. G. COATES, P.O., PRESIDINO IN Present: COUNCIL. THE RIGHT HoNOURABLE0 J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESll>ING IN COUNCIL. . HEREA8 by section one hundred and eighty-six of W the Harbours Act, 1923 (hereinafter called " the N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred _by the said Act "), it is enacted that the Governor-General in Council I Public Works Act, 1908, and of all other powers many­ may vest the management of any wharf, the property of His wlse enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor­ Majesty the King, in any local authority upon such terms General of the Domiruon of New Zealand, acting by and with and conditions as the Governor-General in Council thinks the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said fit; Dominion,, doth hereby approve of the following resolution And whereas it is thought desirable to vest in the Kawhia passed bv the New Plymouth Borough Council on the fifth County Council (hereinafter called "the Council," in which day of December, one thous£1nd nine hundred and_ twen~y­ term is to be construed, unless the context requires a different sevcn, the portion of street affected by such resolution bemg construction, its successors or assigns), the management of described in the Schedule hereto, viz. :- the wharf and shed on the Marakopa River, erected in accord­ " That the New Plymouth Borough Council, being the ance with the plans marked 1\1.D. 3820, and deposited in local authoritv having control of the street hereinafter the office of the Marine Department at Wellington, on the mentioned, he~ebv resolves and declares that the provisions terms and conditions hereinafter set forth in the First of section one h,'indred and seventeen, subsection one, of Schedule hereto, and to prescribe the dues and rates to bo the Public Works Act, 1008, shall not apply to that portion taken and charged by the Council for the use of the said of the northern side of Walsh Road to which Section 6, wharf and sheds : Westown, New Plymouth, has frontage"; Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of subject to the condition that no building or part of a building the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the ad vice shall at any time be erected on the land fronting the northern and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, side of the portion of Walsh Road (described in the Schedule and in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority hereto), within a distance of thirty-three feet from the centre­ vested in him by the said Act, and of all other powers and line of the said portion of street. authorities en£1bling him in that behalf, doth hereby vest the management of the said wharf and shed in the Council, SCHEDULE. subject to tho conditions set forth in the First Schedule hereto, and doth hereby prescribe that the dues and rates THE northern side of all that portion of street, situated in specified in the 8ccond Schedule hereto shall be taken and the Taranaki Land District, Borough of New Plymouth, charged by the Council for the use of the said wharf and shed. known as Walsh Road, fronting Subdivision () of Section 26, Westown, Block IV, Paritutu Survey District. As the said portion of street is more particnlarly delineated on the plan FIRST SCHEDULE. marked P.W.D. 71006, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works, at Wellington, in the Wellington Land CONDITIONS OF MANAGEMENT. District, and thereon coloured red. 1. IN these conditions the terms- F. D. THOMSON, " Foreshore " means such parts of t,he bed, shore, or Clerk of the Executive Council. banks of a tidal water as are covered and uncovered (P.W. 51/442.) by the flow and ebb of the tide at ordinary spring tides: · " Low-water mark " means low-wator mark at ordinary Revoking Order in Uouncil licensing .Mrs. Cecilia Rurlolph spring tides : to use and occupy a Part nf the Jr'ore.,horc and Land " Minister " means the Minister of Marine· as defined by below Low-water .IJl ark in Woongape Harbour as a Site the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, and includes for a Woorf. any officer, person, or authority acting by or under the direction of such Minister. 2. The concessions and privileges conferred by this Order CHARLES FERGU8SON, Governor-General. in Council shall extend and apply only to the part of the ORDER IN COUNCIL. foreshore, and land below I0w-w£1ter mark adjacent thereto, necessary for the maintenance of the said wharf and shed, At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 14th dlly at the site shown on the plans marked M.D. 3820. of February, 1928. 3. All His Majesty's subjects shall at all reasonable times, Present: and upon payment of the proper dues, have free and full liberty use the above-mentioned wharf and shed, and rights THE RIGHT HONOURABLE J. G. COATES, P.C., PRESIDING to IN COUNCIL. of ingress and egress thereto and therefrom. 4. His Majesty or the Governor-General, and all officers in HEREAS by Order in Council dated the tenth day of the Goverrnnent service acting in the execution of their W J'anuary, one thousand nine hundred and twenty­ duty, shall at all times have free ingress, passage, and seven, and published in the New Zealand Gazette No. l of the egress into, over, and out of the said wharf and shed without thirteenth day of the same month, Mrs. Cecelia Rudolph payment. (who, with her executors, administrators, and assigns is 5. The Council shall maintain and keep the above-mentioned hereinafter called " the licensee "), was licensed to use and wharf and shed, and all erections on or in connection with occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water the wharf and shed, in good order and repair; and shall at mark in Whangape Harbour as a site for a wharf: all times exhibit therefrom, and maintain at the Council's And whereas the said licensee has applied to have the own cost, suitable and necessary lights for the guidance of hereinbefore-recited license revoked, and it is desirable to vessels : Provided that no new light shall be exhibited until revoke the same : after it has been approved by the Minister. Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of 6. All dues and rates received on account of the said wharf the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of and shed by the Council shall be applied to keeping the said the power and authority vested in him by the Harbours wharf and shed and all erections on or in connection with Act, 1923, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him such wharf and shed in good order and repair. in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent 7. Any person authorized by the Minister may at all of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby reasonable times enter upon the said wharf and shed or any revoke the hereinbefore-recited Order in Council of the tenth buildings erected on the wharf or in connection there­ day of J'anuary, one thousand nine hundred and twenty­ with, and view the state of repair thereof ; and upon the seven, as from the tenth day of J'anuary, one thousand nine Minister leaving at or posting to the last known address of the hundred and twenty-seven. Council in New Zealand a notice in writing of any defect or F. D. THOMSON, want of rnpair in such wharf and shed or buildings, requiring Clerk of the Executive Council. the Council, within a reasonable time to be therein prescribed, ------. ----·--~-. - . ----~-


make good or repair the same, the Council shall, with , . to all !ill STORAGE. !~ convenient speed, cause such defect to be removed or such For the first 24 hours repairs to be made. Free s. d. 8. The ballast of all vessels loading at the said wharf For each subsequent week or part of a week, per ton ·2 O shall be taken away by the Council and deposited above Minimum charges O fl high-water mark, or at such place as may be approved of by the Minister, or by any person appointed by the Minister Storage shall be charged on incoming goods only. All goods will be stored at the risk of the consignee. Any goods for that purpose. . landed in error that have already paid wharfage will be re­ 9. The Council shall not erect, or suffer to be erected, on shipped free of all charges. the said wharf and shed any building or structure whatever, except with the consent of the Minister. BY-LAWS, 10. The Council shall keep a separate account of the receipts and expenditure on account of such wharf and shed and A charge of ls. per ton shall be made to and be payable by premises, and shall cause such account to be balanced to ships as a harbour· improvement rate on all goods landed the 31st day of March in every year, and shall send a copy of at or shipped from tho Port of l\1arakopa. Such rate shall such account when balanced t.o the Minister, and shall supply be paid by the masters of the ships to the Council : any particulars in reference thereto as may be required by Provided that this by-law shall not apply to cargo landed the Minister. on or shipped from the said wharf and shed at }\farakopa, 11. The Council shall appoint all officers necessary for the erected in accordance with plan M.D. 3820 and deposited working and management of the said wharf and shed. as aforesaid. 12. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the Council .For the purposes of this by-law the following measurements tu do or cause to be done anything repugnant to or incon­ may be taken :- sistent with any law relating to the Customs, or any Empties, half tommgc. regulations of the Minister of Customs, or with any provisions Timber, 500 sup. ft. to the top. of the Harbours Act, 1923, or its amendments, or any Wool, 5 bales to the top. regulation thereunder, and that are now or may hereafter Bricks and slates, 500 to the top. be in force. Loose hides, 25 to the top. 13. The rights, powers, and privileges hereby conferred Great c>1ttle, each 1 ton. shall continue in force for fourteen years, computed from the Small cattle, 12 to the ton. datca hereof, unless in the meantime such rights, powers, and Carts and carriages, each two tons. privileges shall be altered, modified, or revoked by com­ petent authority ; and the Council shall not assign, charge, F. D. THOMSON, or part with any such right, power, or privilege without t.he Clerk of the Executive Council. previous written consent of the Minister first obtained. 14. Tho rights, powers, and privileges conferred under or by virtue of this Order in Cmmcil may be at any time Vesting the Jfonagetnent of certain Wharves in the Olcain's resumed by the Governor-G,meral without payment of any Bay Ra:i,l Baird and Prescribing Dues for the use thereof. compensation whatever, on giving to the Council three calendar months' previous notice in writing. Any such notice CHARLES .FERGUf>HON, Governor-General. shall be sufficient if given by the Minister and delivered at ORDER IN COUNCIL. or posted to the last known addre.ss of the Council in New At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this l·Hh day Zealand. of February, 1928. 15. The Council shall be liable for any injury which may be caused at the said wharf and shed to any vessel or boat Present: through any default or neglect on the part of the Council. THE RIG1fi' HONOURABLE J. G. CoA'rEs PRESIDING IN 16. In case the Council shall- CouNuIL. ( 1) Commit or suffer a breach of the conditions herein. HEREAS by section one hundred and eighty-six of before set forth, or any of them ; or W the Harbours Act, 1923 (hereinafter called " the said (2) Cease to use or occupy the said wharf and shed for a Act "), it is enacted that the Governor-General in Council period of thirty consecutive days ; may vest the management of any wharf, the property of then, and in either of the said cases, this Order in Conncil His Majesty the King, in any local authority upon such terms and every license, right, power, or privilege, may be revoked and conditions as the Governor-General in Council thinks fit : and determined by the Governor-General in Council without And whereas it is thought desirable to vest in the Okain's any notice to the Council or other proceedings whatsoever ; Bay Road Board (hereinafter called "the Board," in which and publication in the New Zealand Gaze.tte of an Order in term is to he construed, unless the context requires a Council containing such revocation shall be sufficient notice different construction, its successors or assigns) the manage­ to the Council and to all persons concerned or interested ment of the wharves at Little Akaloa and Okain's Bay, that this Order in Council, and the licenses, rights, and erected in accordance with the plans marked M.D. 1674 and privileges thereby granted and conferred have been revoked 3160, and deposited in the office of the Marine Department and determined. at Wellington. on the terms and conditions hereinafter set 17. In the event of this Order in Council being revoked forth in the First Schedule hereto, and to prescribe dues and for any reason whatsoever, or upon the expiry of the period rates to be taken and charged for the use of the said wharves. for which the license is granted, the Council shall, if required Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of by the Minister so to do, remove the said wharf and shed the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice entirely from the site and restore the site to its original and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, condition within three months from the date of the revocation and in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority or expiry, as the case may be ; and if the Council fails so vested in him by the said Act, and of all other powers and to do, the Minister may cause the said wharf and shed to authorities enabling him in that behalf, doth hereby vest be removed and the site so restored, and may recover the the management of the said wharves in the Board, subject to costs incurred by the sa.id removal and restoration from the the conditions set forth in the First Schedule hereto, and doth Council. hereby prescribe that the dues and rates specified in the Second Schedule hereto shall be taken and charged by the Board for SJ<::COND SCHEDULE. the use of the said wharves. WHARFAGE. FoR each passenger under twelve years of age landing FIRST SCHEDULE. on or leaving from the wharf Free CONDITIONS O]' MANAGEMENT. For each passenger over twelve years of age landing s. d. on or leaving from the wharf 1 0 1. IN these conditions the terms,- Cargo not otherwise specified per ton 2 0 " Foreshore " means such parts of the bed, shore, or Minimum charge 0 6 banks of a tidal water as are covered and uncovered Fish per box or sack 0 6 by the flow and ebb of the tide at ordinary spring Wool or skins per bale l 0 tides: Timber per 100 ft. 0 3 •• Low-water mark" means low-water mark at ordin_ary Coal per ton or part of a ton l 0 spring tides : Horses or great cattle each 2 6 " Minister " means the Minister of Marine as defined by Sheep each 0 l the f-lhipping and Seamen Act, 1908, and includes Calves ancl pigs each 0 3 any officer, person, or authority acting by or under Dogs 1 0 the direction of such Minister. Bricks per l,000 .. 2 6 2. The concessions and privileges conferred by this Order Wines and spirits per gallon 1 3 in Council shall extend and apply only to the part of the reHE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 453 foreshore, and land below low-water mark adjacent thereto, \ their or its original condition within three months from the necessary for the maintenance of the said wharves, at the sites date of the revocation or expiry, as the case may be; and if shown on the plans marked M.D. 1674 and 3160. the Board fails so to do, the Minister may cause the said wharf 3. All His Majesty's subjects shall at all reasonable times, or wharves to be removed and the sites or site so restored, and upon payment of the proper dues, have free and full and may recover the costs incurred by the said removal and liberty to use the above - mentioned wharves and rights of restoration from the Board. ingress and egress thereto and therefrom. 4. His Majesty or the Governor-General, and all officers SECOND SCHEDULE. in the Government service acting in the execution of their duty, shall at all times have free ingress, passage, and egress WHARFAGE (TO BE CHARGED ON IMPORTS AND EXPORTS), into, over, and out of the said wharves without payment. s. cl. 5. The Board shall maintain and keep the above-mentioned TIMBER, per 100 ft. or part of I 00 ft. 0 2 wharves and all erections on or in connection with the wharves Palings, per 100 0 5 in good order and repair ; and shall at all times exhibit there­ Posts and rails, per JOO l 0 from, and maintain at the Board's own cost, suitable and Shingles, per 1,000 0 6 necessary lights for the guidance of vessels : Provided that Firewood, per cord of 128 cubic feet 0 6 no new light shall be exhibited until after it has been approved Dairy produce, per ton or part of a ton l (l by the Minister. Sheep and pigs, each 0 l 6. All dues and rates received on account of the said wharves Cattle and horses, each 1 () by the Board shall be applied to keeping the said wharves Hides, each 0 1 and all erections on or in connection with such wharves in Hides, per sack .. 0 3 good order and repair. Sheepskins, per bundle 0 6 7. Any person authorized by the Minister may at all Wool, per bale 0 9 reasonable times enter upon the said wharves and any Grass seed and chaff, per ton or part of a ton (20 sacks buildings erected on the wharves or in connection therewith, to thP ton) 3 and view the state of repair thereof; and upon the Minister All other goods, weight m· measurement, per ton a leaving at or posting to the last known address of the Board in New Zealand a notice in writing to any defect or want of 8TORAGE. repair in such wharves or buildings, requiring the Board, For first six (6) days or part of six days Free within a reasonable time to be therein prescribed, to make On all goods imported, per week or part of week, after s. d. good or repair the same, the Board shall with all convenient first 6 days-per ton 2 0 speed cause such defect to bo removed or such repairs to On all goods exported, per week or part of week, after be made. first 6 days-per ton 0 8. The ballast of all vessels loading at the said wharves }'. D. THOMSON, shall be taken away by the Board and deposited above high­ Clerk of the Executive Council. water mark, or at such place as may be approved of by the Minister, or by any person appointed by the Minister for that purpose. Special Provision with respect to Deer in W aitaki - 9. The Board shall not erect, or suffer to be erected, on the Acclimatization District. said wharves any building or structure whatever, except with the consent of the Minister. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. 10. The Board shall keep a separate account of the receipts and expenditure on account of such wharves and premises, I N pursuance of the powers vested in me by the Animals and shall cause such account to be balanced to the 31st day of Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 (hereinafter referred March in every year, and shall send a copy of such account to as " the said Act "), I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, when balanced to the Minister, and shall supply any particulars Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in reference thereto as may bo required by the Minister. do hereby revoke the Warrant under the said Act (hereinaft.er l l. The Board shall appoint all officers necessary for the referred to as "the said Warrant") elated the third day of working and management of the said wharves. October, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, and 12. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the Board to gazetted on the sixth day of the same month, declaring deer do or cause to be done anything repugnant to or inconsistent to cease to be imported game in the Waitaki Acclimatization with any law relating to the Customs, or any regulations of District. the Minister of Customs, or with any provisions of the Harbours And do here by declare that deer shall be deemed to be Act, 1923, or its amendments, or any regulation thereunder, included in the Second Schedule of the said Act with respect and that are now or may hereafter be in force. to the said Acclimatization District : 13. The rights, powers, and privileges hereby conferred And I do hereby further declare that this Warrant shall shall continue in force for fourteen years, computed from the come into force on the first day of March, one thousand nine date hereof, unless in the meantime such rights, powers, and hundred and twenty-eight, and shall expire on the thirty­ privileges shall be altered, rnoc:lified, or revoked by competent first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty­ authority ; and the Board shall not assign, charge or part eight, and that from and after the last-mentioned date deer with any such right, power, or privilege without the previous shall cease to be included in the Second Schedule of the said written consent of the Minister first obtained. Act with respect to the said area. 14. The rights, powers, and privileges conferred under or As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ by virtue of this Order in Council may be at any time resumed General, this 20th day of February, 1928. by the Governor-General without payment of any compensa­ tion whatever on giving to the Board three calendar months' F. J, ROLLESTON, previous notice in writing. Any such notice shall be sufficient Acting Minister of Internal .\ffnirs. if given by the Minister and delivered at _or posted to the last (I.A. 25/20/13.) known address of the Board in New Zealand. 15. The Board shall be liable for any injury which may be caused at the said wharves to any vessel or boat thmugh any s~tt-iny apart Crown Lands under Section 161 of the Land default or neglect on the part of the Board. Act, 1924. Hi. In case the Board shall- ( I) Commit or suffer a breach of the conditions hereinbefore CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. set forth, or any of them ; or N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities ( 2) Cease to use or occupy the said wharves for a period I conferred upon me by section one hundred and sixty­ of thirty consecutive days ; one of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, then, and in either of the said cases, this Order in Council Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and every license, right, power, or privilege, may be revoked do hereby set apart the lands described in the Schedule hereto and determined by the Governor-General in Council without for disposal under the section of the Act mentioned. any notice to the Board or other proceedings whatsoever; and publication in the New Zealand Gazette of an Order in SCHEDULE. Council containing such revocation shall be sufficient notice to the Board, and to all persons concerned or interested, that NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DrsTRIOT, this Order in Council, and the licenses, rights, and privileges SECTION 3, Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey District: Area, thereby granted and conferred, have been revoked and 75 acres 3 roods 32 perches. determined. Section 4, Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey District: Area, 17. In the event of this Order in Council being revoked for 6 !l acres I rood . any reason whatsoever, or upon the expiry of the period for which the license is granted, the Board shall, if required by As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor• the Minister so to do, remove the said wharves or wharf General, this 20th day of February, 1928. e11tirely from the siteH or sitt-' and restore tl1'--' 1--itoa or sitr· to A. D. McLEOD, Minister of Lands.


Opening Settlement Land in Auckland Land Dfrtrict for Situated at Pangatotara, a short dista.nce up the Rocky Selection. River. Access from Motueka, about eight miles a.nd a half distant by road. Approximately 75 acres in bush; balance CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. manuka, fern, gorse, &c. Soil of very poor quality. Section I N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities is very broken. Well watered. conferred upon me by the Land Act, 1924, and the Land As witnPss the hand of His Excellency the Govnnor­ for Settlements Act, 1925, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, General, this 20th day of :February, 1928. Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby declare that the settlement land described in the A. D. McLEOD, Minister of Lands. Schedule hereto shall be open for selection on renewable lease on Friday, the twenty-sevemh day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, at the rental mentioned in Opening Lands in Nelson Eand District for Selection. the said Schedule ; and I do also declare that the said land shall be leased under and subject to the provisions of the said CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. Acts. N pmsuance and exercise of the powers and authorities I cunferred upon me by the Land Act, 1924, I, General SCHEDULE. Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New' Zealand, do hereby declare and provide as AucKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-SETTLEMENT LAND.- follows, that is to say:- FIRST-CLASS LAND. The rural land enumerated in the Schedule hereto is hereby Hauraki Plains Com,ty.-Orongo Settlement. set apart for selection on renewable lease on Tuesday, the seventeenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and SECTION 37 : Area, 73 acres 3 roods 26 perches. Capital twenty-eight, at the rental specified in the said Schedule, and value, £590. Half-yearly rent, £14 15s. shall be deemed to be heavy-bush land. Situated on the Waihou River, about four miles from A Turua Township. Access to the Kopu Railway-station which 1 ftcr the ~rst half-year's rent has been paid_ by the selec~or ' the further mstalments of rent payahie by hrm for a per10d is about one mile distant, is by ferry, but a bridge is now in of four years shall not be demanded : provided that if at course of construction across the Waihou River. The section any time during the first five years of his occupancy the comprises level land, covered in fescue. selector disposes of his interest in the land the rent so con- As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor- ceded shall be paid by him in full, and the,·eupon the Land General, this 20th day of February, 1928. Board m1J,y remit such instalments of rent payable by the incoming tenant, not exc~eding in the aggregate the amount A. D. McLEOD, Minister of Lands. of rent previously conceded to the selector, as the Board thinks ------~------··------fit.

Opening Lands in Nelson Land District for Selection. SCHEDULE. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. NELSON LAND DISTRICT.-THIRD·CLASS LAND. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authc,rities Takaka Oounty.-Totaranui Survey District. I conferred upon me by the Land Act, 1924, I, General (Crown Land.-Exempt from Rent for Four Years.) Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor - General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby declare and provide as SECTION 13, Block VI : Area, 1,650 acres. Capital value, follows, that is to say.- £620. Half-yearly 1·ent, £12 8s. The rural lands enumerated in the Schedule hereto are Weighted with £209 5s., valuation for improvements con­ hereby set apart for selection on renewable lease on Tuesday, sisting of 65 acres felled and grassed and 19 chains fencing ; tbe seventeenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and payable in cash. twenty-eight, at the rentals specified in the said Schedule, and Situated in Awaroa Bay, eighteen miles from Takaka by shall be deemed to be heavy-bush lands. fair road. All bushclad with the exception of 65 acres felled After the first half-year's rent has been paid by the selector and grassed. Section generally consists of broken country the further instalments of rent payal,Je by him for period with soil of poor quality. Bush consists principally of birch, of three years shall not be demanded; provided that if at with rimu in the gullies, and a little white pine. Well watered any time during the first five years of his occupancy the by permanent streams. selector disposes of his interest in the land the rent so con­ As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ ceded shall be paid by him in full, and thereupon the Land General, this 20th day of February, 1928. Board may remit such instalments of rent payable by the incoming tenant, not exceeding in the aggregate the amount A. D. McLEOD, Minister of Lands. of rent previously conceded to the selector, as the Board thinks fit. Opening Lands in A 11ckland Land District for Sale or Selection. SCHEDULE. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. NELSON LAND D1sTB10·r. I N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities SECOND-CLASS LAND. I conferred upon me by the Land Act, 1924, I, General Takaka Cou11ty.-Waitapu Survey Di8trict. Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the (National Endowment.-Exempt from Rent for Three Years.) Dominion of New Zealand, having received the report of the Under-Secretary in this behalf, as provided by section one SECTION 21, Block IX : Area, 238 acreR. Capital value, hundred and seventy-six of the said Act, do hereby declare £70. Half-yearly rent, £1 8s. that the lands described in the Schedule hereto shall be open Weighted with £10, valuation for improvements consisting for sale or selection on Friday, the twenty-seventh day of April, of 20 chains fencing, payable in cash. one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, and also that Situated in West Takaka, six miles distant by good road. the lands mentioned in the said Schedule may, at the option Approximately 75 acres in bush; balance in fern, manuka, of the applicant, be purchased for cash or on deferred and second growth. Section is broken and part is semi payments, or be selected on renewable lease; and I do pakihi. Poor soil on clay formation. Well watered. hereby also fix the prices at whieh the said lands shall be Section 14, Block XI : Area, 204 acres 3 roods. Capital sold, occupied, or leased as those mentioned in the said Schedule value, £105. Half-yearly rent, £2 2s. hereto, and do declare that the said lands shall he sold, Situated on the extreme north of the Pikikaruna Range. occupied, or leased under and subject to the provisions of the Access from Clifton, five miles distant, by two miles good Land Act, 1924. road, thence pack track. Broken hilly country, no flat land, covered with birch bush. Soil of medium quality on granite SCHEDULE. formation. Altitude, 2,000 ft. above sea-level. Well AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT, watered. TITTRD·CLASS LAND. SECOND-CLASS LAND. Waitomo Coumy.-Orahiri Survey Di8trict. Waimea County.-Motneka Survey District. SE01'I0N 1, Block XI: Area, 443 acres O roods 32 perches. (Crown Land.--Exempt from Rent for Three Years.) Capital value, £335. Deposit on deferred payments, £15 ; Section 11, Block VI : Area, 169 acres 3 roods. Ca pita! half-yearly instalment, £10 8s. Renewable lease : Half. value, £50. Half-yearly rent, £1. yearly rent, £6 14s. FEB. 23.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 456

We_ighted with £230, valuation for improvements comprisi_ng I Dom~iou _of New Zealand, do hereby declare that the lands dwellmg of three rooms, large shed, and about 200 chams described m the Schedule hereto shall be open for selection fencing. Repayable in cash, or may remain on instalment on renewable lease on Tuesday, tlie seventeenth dav of mortgage for a term of twenty years. Interest, 6 per cent. I April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, at Grazing property situated about six miles from Otorohanga the rentals mentioned in the said Schedule; and I do also Railway-station, school, post-office, and saleyards, by metalled declare that the said lands shall be leased under and subject road for two miles ; balance formed clay road. Undulating I to the provisions of the said Act. to broken country, of which about 120 acres have been felled ____ and grassed, but are now reverted ; the balance being in fern I and scrub. There is a little light bush comprising rewarewa, SCHEDULE tawhero, &c., with a light undergrowth of punga, rangiora, I NELSON LAND DISTRICT. and fern. The soil is of a medium quality on clay and lime- THIRD-CLASS LAND. stone formation. Well watered by running streams. 1 Murchi.son County.-Tntaki S-ur·vey District. Waitomo County.-Kawhia South Survey District. National Endowment. Section 1, Block XV: Area, 815 acres. Capital value, £615. Deposit on deferred payments, £25; half-yearly SECTION 7, Block I : Area, 301 acres 1 rood 20 perches. instalment, £19 3s. 6d. Renewable lease : Half-yearly rent, Capital value, £90. Half-yearly rent, £1 l6s. Weighted with £50, valuation for improvements, which sum £12 6s. Weighted with £175, valuation for improvements, com­ may be taken over on mortgage to the Superintendent, State prising stumping and approximately 300 chains of fencing. Advances Office. Repayable in cash or by a deposit of £70, the balance to be Situated one mile from l\lurchison School and dairy factory. payable over a term of five years by ten half-yearly payments About 140 acres have been felled and grassed, but is now reverting to fern; balance birch bush. Well watered. of £12 2s. 7d. Situated on the Tawarau Road, about twenty-five miles hnprovement8.-lmprovements consist of felling and grass­ from 'fe Kuiti by metalled road for twenty-three miles; ing about 140 acres, 20 chains fencing, whare, a,nd cowshed. balance formed clay road. There ig a school at Waitanguru, six miles distant, and post-office at Ngapaenga, two miles SECOXD-CLAfiS LA~D. distant. Abour 600 acres has been felled and grassed, now B11ller C'ounty.-Kongahu Surrey District. reverted ; the balance being in standing bush, comprising National Endow1nent. tawa, rimu, rata, puketea, &c., with a dense undergrowth of supplejack and punga. The soil is of medium quality on Section 2, Block V : Area, 792 acres. Capital value, £300. clay and limestone formation. Well watered by running Half-yearly rent, £6. streams: Improvements, included in capital value, consist of half­ THIRD-C'LASS LAND. acre in orchard a,nd shelter trees, 96 acres felled and grassed ( 66 acres of which is in dense second growth), 45 chains Otoroha.nga County.-111anga.orongo .Survey Di.strict. fencing, three-roomed dwelling, and cowshed. Sections 4 and 5, Block XV: Arca, 190 acres 3 roods Situated thirteen miles from Seddon ville, one mile and a half 6·7 perches. Capital value, £95. Deposit on deferred pay­ from Corbyvale School and post-office, by good roftd. All ments, £5; half-yearly instalment, £2 18s. 6d. Renewable hushclad, with exception of felled area. Well watered. lease : Half-yearly rent, £1 18s. General quality, poer. Weighted with £140, valuation for improvements comprising dwelling of four rooms, shed (27 ft. by 10 ft. ; iron roof, 'l"l!IIW-CLASS LAND. shingle sides), about 50 chains fencing and grassing. Re­ Takako. County.--Takal.u S-urvey District. payable in cash or may rema.in on instalment mortgage to the State Advances Superintendent for a term of twenty years ; National Endowment. interest, 6 per cent. Section 7, Block VIII: Area, 878 acres. Capital value, Situated on the Ta,11raroa Road, about eleven miles from £330. Half-yearly rent, £6 12s. Otorohanga Railway-station, dairy factory, and saleyards by Weighted with £318, valuation for improvements, payable metalled road for eight miles, balance formed clay road. in cash or by deferred payments. Deposit required, £50. The nearest school and post-office are situated .at Otewa, Situated in the Canaan Block, on the Takaka Hills, six about six miles distant. Seetion is undulating to broken. miles and a ha.If from main roa.d by formed four-foot track. About 15 acres have been felled and grassed, but have now The greater part of section is very broken limestone outcrop reverted; 15 acres are in light bush compdsing tawa, rewarewa, formation. Soil of fair quality. About 770 acres in mixed tawhero, &c., the balance, with the exception of 5} acres bush ; balance felled and grassed. Well watered by per­ river flat, being open country in fern and tea-tree. The soil manent streams and two small lakes. is of a medium quality on rhyolite formation. Section is Jrnprovements.-Improvements consist of 77 acres felled poorly watered. and grassed, 30 acres fallen (not yet burnt), 41 chains fencing, Waitomo County.-Ma.unga.maungero /'J,urvey Di8trict. three-roomed whare.

Section 5, Block II : Area, 808 acres. Capital value, Sl

Appointin, a Day for the Election of the Elective Commissioners Depnty Registrars of Marriages, the., appointed. of the Ashley River Trust, inuler the Ashley River Improve­ ment Amendment Act, 1927. Registrar-General's Office, CHARLES FERGUSSON Governor-General. . . Wellington, 21st. February, 1928. . ' IT 1s hereby notified that the underment10ned persons have pursu9:nce and exercIS~ of the powers conferred. by .been appointed to be Deputies of the Registrars of r subsect10n two of sect10n four of the Ash)ey River I Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the districts set Improvement Amendment Act, 1927, I, General Sir Charles respectively opposite their names, viz.:- Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-Genera.I of the Dominion of New Arth J B C Zealand, do hereby appoint Thursday, the fifteenth day of Th ur ;~e~ k rFowt · · · · · · ampbelltown. March, one thousand nine hundred a.nd twenty-eight, as the J ;::';t ~a"~ ee YR llid Arrow. day on which shall be held the election of the elective Com- W0illi. arJoh Hamet~on a ay Waverley. · · f th A hi R' Ti t am o n as mgs . . Malvern. m,sswners O e 8 ey ,ver ·us · Thomas Godfrey Augustus Jones Eketahuna. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Andrew Lambie Cheviot. General, this 21st day of February, 1928. James McIntosh Mangaweka. Royal ,John Arthur McConville. . Tolaga. Bay. K. S. WILLIAMS, Minister of Public Works. Percival Steele Miller . . Ka.itaia. (P.W. 48/216.) W. W. COOK, Registrar-Genera!.

Depnty Resident Commissioner of Nine appointed. Appointments in the Public Service. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. URSUANT to the authority vested in me by the Cook P Islands Act, 1915, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Office of the Public Service Commissioner, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, Wellington, 17th February, 1928. do by these presents issued under my hand and the Seal HE Public Service Commissioner has made the following of the Dominion appoint you, T appointments in the Public Service:- Joseph Patrick McMahon Box, Esquire, Andrew George Bain, I Samuel Richmond Craig, to be :C(,,.aty Resident Commissioner of Niue, vice Alexander Henry Kitto, McKenzie, to hold the said offic., during my pleasure as from Darcy Arthur Stanley Hughes, the eleventh day of February, one thousand nine hundred Archibald Whyte Christie, and and twenty-eight. Ralph William Skinner, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ to be Inspectors for the purposes of the Stock Act, 1908, General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued as from the 11th day of February, 1928. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 15th day of February, 1928. Eric Bell R. A. WRIGHT, to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris a.t Mana.is., For Minister for the Cook Islands. as from the 1st F'ebruary, 1928. Alexandrina McDonald (Miss) Rangers ·under Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, I to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Manga.­ appo,:wed. whariki, as from the 6th February, 1928. A. C. TURNBULL, Secretary. Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 20th February, 1928. T is hereby notified that, in pursuance and exercise of the I power and authority conferred by section 35 of the Appointments, Prom-0tions, Resi{!'nations, and Transfers of Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, the under­ Officers of the X.Z. Military Forces. mentioned persons have been appointed Rangers under and for the purposes of that Act for the Wellington Acclimatization District. Department of Defence, James Blake, of Featherston, Wellington, 14th February, 1928. Gordon Oliver Sutherland, of Whakatomotomo, H IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased William Campbell, of Pirinoa, and to approve of the appointments, promotions, resigns.• James Gilbert Sutherland, of Whakatomotomo. tions, and transfers of the undermentioned officers of the N.Z. Military Forces :- M. POMARE, Acting Minister of Internal Affairs. STAFF. (I.A. 25/23/5.) Major F. J. Borrie, M.R.C.S., Eng., N.Z. Medical Corps, relinquishes the appointment of Officer Commanding, Clerk of Licen.,ing Committee appointed. Southern Depot, N.Z.M.C. Dated 30th January, 1928. Captain W. H. Simpson, .lf.B., N.Z. Medical Corps, is ap­ pointed to command the Southern Depot, N.Z.M.C. Dated Department of ,Justice, 1st February, 1928. Wellington, 13th }'ebruary, 1928. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to N.Z. ARMY ORDNANCE CORPS. H appoint Captain E. H. Sawle is posted to the Retired List, with per­ Albert James Ching mission to 1·etain his rank and wear the prescribed uniform. to be Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of Dated 26th November, 1927. Pa.tea, vwe W. M. Fraser. F. J. ROLLESTON, Minister of Justice. THE CANTERBURY YEOMANRY CAVALRY, The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants. Dated 15th September, 1927. Member of Lwensing Committee appointed. Reginald Thomas Abraham Harrison. Gordon Brown. Department of Justice, Wellington, 16th February, 1928. THE WAIKATO MOUNTED RIFLES, IS Exc~llency the Governor-General has been pleased to H a.pp01nt Lieutenant T. G. Hinton is transferred to the Reserve of Officers, Class I (b), R.D. 4. Dated 25th January, 1928. · William Claud Motion, Esquire, to be a member of the Licensing Commi~ for the District THE REGIMENT OF :N".Z. ARTILLERY. cif Raglan, vice J. P. Bailey, Esquire, deceased. 2nd Lieutenant K. Stronach, 5th Field Battery, is retired. F. J. ROLLESTON, Minister of Justice. Dated 27th January, 1928. FEB. 23.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'r'l'K 457

THE N.Z. INFANTRY. THE x.z. CHAPLAINS DEPARTMENT. The Auckland Regiment (Countess of Ranfurly's Own). The Reverend S. R. Orr, Chaplain, 3rd Class, having left the The appointment of 2nd Lieutenant (on probati-On) F. M. Dominion, is retired. Dated 1st February, 1928. Price, 2nd C Battalion, is confirmed. L. J. Toomer, Chaplain, 4th Class, resigns his commission. The undermentioned are transferred to the Reserve of Dated 26th January, 1928. Officers, Class I (b), R.D. I. Dated 28th January, 1928. Captain S. J. King. RESERVE OF OFFICERS. Lieutenant C. N. V. Harris. The undermentioned are posted to the Retired List, with Lieutenant A. E. Dews. permission to retain .their rank and wear the prescribed uni­ Bandmaster and Honorary Lieutenant G. F. Cater. form. Dated 10th October, 1927, unless otherwise specified. Dated 6th February, 1928. 2nd Lieutenant T. A. P. Lister, 1st Battalion, resigns his The Canterbury Yeomanry Cavalry. commission. Dated 28th January, 1928. Lieutenant-Colonel J. Deans, V.D. With reference to the notice published in the N.Z. Gazette Major C. G. Haytor, JJJ.C. No. 78, of 10th November, 1927, relating to 2nd Lieutenant Lieutenant L. Parkinson, sll.C. (on probation) L. E. K. Averill, delete the words "and is 2nd Lieutenant G. B. Baker, D.C.111., 111.lll. seconded for duty with the 1st C Battalion " and insert after Lieutenant (on probation) the words "1st Battalion." The Otago :Jlounted Rifles. 2nd Lieutenant L. McK. Paterson. 'l'he Hauraki Regiment. Lieutenant G. H. Nicholls, 1st Battalion, to be Captain. The Selson, Marlborough Mounted Rifles. Dated 22nd November, 1927. Lieutenant G. R. Western. 2nd Lieutenant R. J. Morrison. The Waikato Regiment. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants, and are Corps of .V.Z. Engineers. seconded for duty with the 1st C Battalion. Dated 1st I Lieutenant J. Couling, J.l!.JJI. Dated 31st January, 1928. November, 1927. John Melville. The Auckland Regiment (Countess of Ranfurly's Own). Royle Richard Victor Challiner. Captain J. H. Ewen. Dated 28th January, 1928. Lieutenant R. M. Dunn. Dated 28th January, 1928. The Hawke's Bay Regiment. Lieutenant S. A. Bennett, Dated 6th February, 1928. Lieutenant H. X. Hilliard. Dated 6th February, 1928. 2nd Lieutenant W. E. Grant, 4th C Battalion, to be Lieu­ tenant. Dated 29th October, 1927. Canterbury Regiment. The appointments of the undermentioned 2nd Lieutenants (on probation), 1st C Battalion, are confirmed :- Lieutenant-Colonel D. Dobson, Jl.C. Major T . .M. Charters. J. Dugdale. Major J. F. Tonkin, Jl.C. J. D. McDonald. Captain H. P. Kidson. J. S. Sinclair. Captain H. S. Gabites, ,lf.C. Captain E. Ziesler, M.C. The Nelson, Marlborough, and West Coast Regiment. Captain H. V. Jerred. Captain R. S. de R. Harman. Lieutenant J. E. Barnard, 3rd C Battalion, is transferred to Captain E. A. P. Cockroft. the Otago Regiment. Dated 6th February, 1928. Lieutenant A. J. Breach. 2nd Lieutenant F. G. B. Evenden, 2nd C Battalion, is trans­ Lieutenant M. H. Tisdal!. ferred to the Otago Regiment. Dated 6th February, 1928. Lieutenant J.M. C. McLeod, M.C. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants. Dated 15th 2nd Lieutenant J. H. Burnard. September, 1927. 2nd Lieutenant F. H. Wilson. Morris Alan Nightingale, and is seconded for duty with the 2nd Lieutenant L. W. Killoh. JJJ.M. 1st C Battalion. 2nd Lieutenant S. C. Sherrard. Robert Keith Stychc, 1st Battalion. 2nd Lieutenant E. C. Scrimshaw, D.C.M. Jeffrey William Kitchen Parker, 1st Battalion. 2nd Lieutenant J. H. Rigby, },I.JJJ.

The Canterbury Regiment. Nelson, JIarlborough, and IV est Coast Regiment. Lieutenant W. A. Breach, 1st Battalion, is granted the Lieutenant E. R. Parkes. temporary rank of Captain. Dated 20th December, 1927. 2nd Lieutenant G. Mitchell. Bulkeley Aneurin Yorke Wynne-Yorke to be Captain, and 2nd Lieutenant O. Bay. is seconded for duty with the 1st C Battalion. Dated 23rd December, 1927. Otago Regiment. Ernest George Hunter to be 2nd Lieutenant (on probation) 1st Lieutenant-Colonel G. Mitchell, D.S.O. Battalion. Dated 19th December, 1927. Lieutenant H. V. Tregear. · Ronald Newnham Howland to be 2nd Lieutenant (on proba­ Lieutenant A. J. Whyte. tion), and is seconded for dutv with the 4th C Battalion. Lieutenant J. Black. Dated 21st December, 1927. " Lieutenant A. C. Aitken. 2nd Lieutenant H. C. Alloo. The Otago Regiment. 2nd Lieutenant J. A. Morris. Lieutenant R. W. Souter, 1st Battalion, having been granted two years' leave of absence from the Dominion, is seconded. 1 'l'he Southland Regiment. Dated 1st February, 1928. Lieutenant J.E. Barnard, from the Nelson, Marlborough, and 2nd Lieutenant F. J. Sherwood. West Coast Regiment, to be Lieutenant, 1st Battalion, with 2nd Lieutenant H. L. Land. seniority as from the 15th November, 1925. Dated 6th February, 1928. N.Z. ARMY SERVICE CORPS. 2nd Lieutenant F. G. B. Evenden from the Nelson, Marl­ Souihern Depot. borough, and West Coast Regiment to be 2nd Lieutenant, with seniority as from the 5th April, 1927. Dated 6th 2nd Lieutenant A. McM. Woodward. February, 1928. The undermentioned are retired. Dated 19th October, 1927 :- N.Z. MEDICAL CORPS. THE 0TAGO MOUNTED RIFLES, Stuart Bain Mackay, M.B., to be Lieutenant, and is"attached for duty to the Northern Depot, N.Z.M.C. Dated 13th 2nd Lieutenant A. G. Cameron. October, 1927. Lawrence Manning King, 111.B., to be Lieutenant, and is THE CANTERBURY RBGIMENT. attached for duty to the 1st Battalion, Canterbury Regi· Lieutenant R. A. Hawkins. ment. Dated 19th December, 1927. 2nd Lieutenant L. B. Galbraith. 458 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 11

0TAGO REGIMENT. John Henry Rubber, Esq., of Kohimarama, Auckland. Lieutenant J. Cairney. Frederick Hubble, Esq., of Birkenhead, Auckla.nd. Lieutenant D. A. H. Moir. Samuel Ewart Hulbert, Esq., Motueka. Herbert Clarence Hurst, Esq., Fendalton, Christchurch. THE AucKLANn REGIMENT (COUNTESS OF RANFURLY's OwN). Arthur Joseph Hutchinson, Esq., of Auckland. Humphrey Arthur Innes-Jones, Esq., of Timaru. 2nd Lieutenant J. H. Rose resigns his commission. Dated Henry Ingham, Esq., of Maihihi, Co. Otorohanga. 6th February, 1928. William Mandeno ,Jackson, Esq., of Epsom, Auckland. Vivian Simeon Jacobs, Esq., of Dunedin. F. J. ROLLESTON, Minister of Defence. Hedley J

Plumbers Registration Act, 1912. No. Name, Addres,. 1410. Biddle, Frederick Charles Wellington. HE names of registered plumbers who have signified 1506. Billcliff, Charles William Christchurch. T their desire to have their names published in the 211. Billcliff, George Henry Christchurch. Gazette as registered plumbers for the year 1928 are set forth 258. Bissland, James Dunedin. in the attached list. 217. Bissland, William Richard Dunedin. J. A. YOUNG, Minister of Health. 1273. Black, Arthur Arnold .. Auckland. 1103. Blackmore, George Arthur Christchurch. A. 285. Blackmore, James Edward Christchurch. No. Name. Address. 494. Blagdon, William Henry Edward Dunedin. 4S:l. Abbott, Bonjarni.i1 Fmnk Auckland. 305. Blair, Frederick Napier. 1266. Adams, George Henry .. Wellington. 49l. l31akey, Alfred George .. Auckland. 670. Adams, Robert Hamilton. 7. Bleakley, James Auckland. 1083. Aitkin, Charles Claude .. Petone. 1597. Blick, Edward William Wanganui. 996. Albert, Lee Wellington. 1574. Blummont, ,James Peter Palmerston North. 1796. Alcock, David Frank .. Auckland. 1120. Bolton, ,John William Charles Dunedin. 1797. Alderton, Harold Edward Napier. 1697. :Hond, Archibald Thomas Wellington. 991. Alexander, John W ellingtun. 370. Bond, Charles George .. W cllingtou. 1302. Alexander, Norman Henry Wellington. 131. Boon, Thomas Harold Ross Wellington. 700. Allan, James Smith Gisborne. 902. Booth, Donald Watson Auckland. 1147. Allcock, William Auckland. 1527. Bonsey, Henry George Auckland. 936. Allen, Fredrick Auckland. 1038. Bowles, Mark Auckland. 213. Allen, Herbert J<'rancis Hastings. 1421. Bradbrook, Charles Frederick 937. Allen, Leonard Te Aroha. Walter Dunedin. 8. Allen, Robert .. Auckland. 1642. Braddock, Harry John Langley , . Blenheim. 776. Anderson, George Greymouth. !073. Bradford, Charles Percy Christchurch. 780. Anderson, George Christchurch. 244. Bradley, Archibald Otago. 1702. Anderson, George Blanshard Wellington. !044. Bradley, Samuel John .. Whangarei. 895. Anderson, John Wellington. 1501. Brady, William Selwyn Ashburton. 784. Anderson, William Scacliff. 136. Braid, Frederick David Wellington. 10. Andow, Henry Charles Auckland. 1790. Bray, Stanley Wilfred .. Auckland. 779. Andrew, Jocelyn James Masterton. 489. Brewer, Edward Auckland. 1505. Anning, Ernest Christchurch. 1598. Brewer, Edward, jun. . . Auckland. 287. Arnold, Joseph Charles Wanganui. 916. Brewer, Stanley Auckland. 1498. Ashbey, Charles Herrick Christchurch. 704. Brighting, John Charles Dunedin. 1448. Ashcroft, Joseph James George .. Auckland. I 800. llristol, George W anganui. 1398. Ashcroft, Robert Walkel' Otahuhu. 1121. Brokenshire, Albert Thomas Thames. 1. Asbforth, James Auckland. 3. Bromley, Tom Auckland. 1555. Aston, Charles Harold .. Christchurch. 1752. Brooks, Cyril Vermont .. Hokitika. 435. Atkinson, Edwin Christchurch. 498. Broomhead, Henry Christchurch. 1304. Atkinson, Henry August Auekland. l:l87. Brophy, Frank Cambridge. 785. A twill, William Albert Christchurch. 499. Hrown, Frederick Charles William Auckland. 4a9. Auld, John Rotorua. 1790. Brown, Harry Auckland. 778. Avery, Amos Augustus Te Kuiti. 486. Brown, George Washington Dunedin. 212. Ayling, Sydney George Christchurch. 1753 ..Brunton, John WellingtoP. 2:36. Buchan, Alexander Ritchie Dunedin. B. 938. Buchanan, Edward Burnaby Auckland. 383. Bailey, William A. Wellington. 375. Bucknell, William Frederick Westport. 804. Baker, Thomas Auckland. 1526. Bulcraig, William Albert Auckland. 209. Baldock, Frederick William Christchurch. 549. Burgess, William John .. Stratford. 135. Ballinger, Arthur Samuel Wellington. 761. Burk, Albert .. Dunedin. 139. Ballinger, Frederick Joseph Wellington. 1168. Burk, James Osborne .. Dunedin. 487. Ballinger, Thomas Wellington. , 118. Burke, Richard Wellington. 689. Barber, Charles John .. Auckland. 1222. Burns, Walter Allan Auckland. 703. Barclay, Alexander Wellington. 289. Burrell, Charles Martin Auckland. 1703. Barker, William Henry Hawera. 1176. Burrow, Henry Thomas Christchurch. 2. Barlass, Alexander Dargaville. 4. Burt, Alexander Auckland. 1704. Barlow, Frank Auckland. 1420. Burtenshaw, Charles Temuka. 1187. Barlow, James Herbert Wellington. 1148. Busbridge, Norman Montague Nelson. 1248. Barnes, Joseph Auckland. 1529. Butcher, Harold Wilfred Masterton. 1435. Barnes, William ~dgecombe Wellington. 705. Butler, William Charles Morrinsville. 208. Barrett, Frederick Ernest Christchurch. 421. Byrne, John .. Cambridge. 1220. Barrett, Richard Auckland. 701. Barry, Richard Arthur, sen. Palmerston North. C 1431. Barry, Richard Arthur, jun. Palmerston North. 501. Caddie, William Moir Dunedin. 138. Bartholomew, George William Wellington. 1466. Cadness, George Auckland. 1388. Barton, Alfred Claridge Auckland. 1710. Cain, Harold James Auckland. 1113. Barton, Archibald Charles Auckland. 1254. Callaghan, Peter Clarence Auckland. 1530. Bates, Paul .. Timaru. 1754. Cameron, Allan Hunter Auckland. 1283. Battersby, Alfred Henry Auckland. 1115. Campbell, Archibald Gisborne. 1031. Battson, James Henry Thames. 1292. Campbell, Daniel Wallace Wellington. 1272. Bauern, Charles Frederick Auckland. 1558. Campbell, Duncan Oamaru. 1284. Bauern, George Alfred Auckland. 695. Carlisle, Francis Alexander Shaw Thames. 771. Baunton, William Henry New Plymouth. 16. Carpenter, George Goodwin Auckland. 493. Baxter, George Rathie Southland. 1025. Carr, William P. Blenheim. 1641. Beach, Hubert John Napier. 802. Carrell, Charles Wanganui. 1032. Beach, Joseph Henry .. Napier. 1378. Carrell, Claude Olver Rangecroft Christchurch. 745. Beale, Daniel Hawera. 1261. Carrick, John Henry Wellington. 994. Beattie, Arthur Nelson Palmerston North. 1198. Carruthers, Robert Opotiki. 1142. Beaver, Walter Bobert Waikato. 1203. Carson, Robert Lyttelton. 791. Bedell, Frederick Edward Wellington. 919. Carson, William George Lyttelton. 339. Bell, Edwin Jamieson .. Wanganui. 1759. Carter, Charles Francis Auckland. 288. Bell, Ronald Jamieson Wanganui. 1330. Carter, Robert Auckland. 413. Bell, William Auckland. 706. Casey, John P. New Plymouth. 1528. Bennett, Charles Frank Hastings. 1557. Caswel!, Alfred ,John Timaru. 6. Bennett, Frank H. Auckland. 144. Oath, James .. Picton. 1510. Bennington, Spencer Charles Wai.inate. 1531. Cavanagh, John William Campbell Auckland. 1082. Best, Stephen A. Masterton. 340. Chapman, J<'red Christchurch. 1360. Berridge, John Tauranga. 1389. Chapman, John Thomas Auckland. 1464, Bielski, Raymond Auckland, 17. Chappell, Robert Lovell Auckland. D 460 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 11

No. Name. Addr.... No. Name. Addrea. 1486. Chappell, William Henry Waipukurau. 1249. Dann, Harry Marsh Christchurch. 1275. Cheshire, William Auckland. I 1711. Davidson, Alexander Timaru. 1643. Chittenden, Sidney Theodore Napier. 260. Davidson, Henry Albert Dunedin. 142. Christie, Walter J a.mes Wellington. 205. Daniel, Harry Christchurch. 352. Cla.rk, George .. Auckland. I 146. Davies, Albert Ernest .. Wellington. 133. Clark, Herbert Wellington. ll39. Davies, Charles E. Auckland. 1524. Clark, Herbert Victor Wellington. 1714. Davies, Norman Charles Kaponga. 1787. Clark, James .. Auckland. 750. -Davies, William John .. Auckland. 14. Clark, John .. Auckland. 1764. Davis, Henry Nathaniel Wellington. 37. Clark, J ohu Bunyan W ellingt.on. 1434. Davis, William Henry .. Thames. 406. Clarke, Albert Edward .. Hilrnrangi. 1331. Day, Edward Henry Auckland. 1705. Clarke, Ernest Tirnaru. 22. Day, Henry William Auckland. 500. Clarke, George Augustus New Plymouth. 15:15. Dean, Frederick ,John Auckland. 1600. Clarke, Leslie James Wellington. 284. Dean, William Christchurch. 1143. Clarkson, Charles Edward Auckland. 310. De Cent, Norman Gordon Wellington. 1122. Clinch, Stanley John .. Te_n:rnka. 986. Delaney, Denis Wellington. 892. Clough, David Wellington. 1801. Delaney, James Upper Hutt. 1708. Cockroft, Findlay Edward Palmerston North. 818. De Launay, Pearce Eltham. 1644. Cole, Harold Melrose .. Hawera. 819. Delves, Frank Wanganui. 17,58. Colo, ,Joseph Leonard .. Wanganui. 304. Denholm, Arthur Henry Napier. 141. Coleman, Edward Thomas Jarrett W Pllington. 984. Densem, Roderick Finlayson Mosgiel. 663. Coleman, Francis Giraud Hawera. 1088. Dentice, Albert .John .. Wellington. 143. Coleman, George Henry Wellington. 1649. Dephoff, Robert Bernard Timaru. 1645. Collier, Oswald Auckland. 222. Devereaux, Samuel Dunectin. 31. Collins, Ernest Edwin .. Auckland. 1371. Dibley, Henri Charles .. Wellington. 1755. Collins, Herbert Percy .• Auckland. 384. Dick, William Frankton Junction. 676. Colpus, James Harry .. Wellington. 1102. Dickinson, Henry Tyson Auckland. 1238. Colville, Charles William Christchurch. 52:l. Dillon, Edward Morris Hawera. 150,i. Colville, Edward Charles Christchurch. 1 290. Dimes, Charles Andrew Auckland. 210. Colville, John Davidson Christchur<>h. 709. Dix, Aleck Invercargill. 130. Conder, Joseph Arthur .. Wellington. 206. Dixey, William Christchurch. 394. Connell, Andrew Wellington. 1594. Dixon, Norman Charles Palmerston North. 39 l. Connell, John .. Dunedin. 1606. Dobson, Amos Avondale. 1347. Connor, Henry Condie .. Dunedin. 1762. Dobson, Arnold Auckland. 1242. Connor, Ronald Walker Westport. 1066. Doig, Sydney Gordon Tokomaru Bay. 708. Conquer, Charles Henry Norman Auckland. 1519. Donaldson, Alexander Willinm Invercargill. 707. Conquer, Henry Auckland. 1294. Donaldson, Robert Dunedin. 306. Constable, James Napier. 805. Donnell, Edward Christchurch. 1797. Conway, Noble Clifford Auckland. 1608. Dorset, Stanley Walter Auckland. 1276. Cook, Arthur Edward .. Wellington. 526. Doughty, Harry Auckland. 692. Coombe, Henry Wellington. 233. Douglas, Andrew McFadyen Dunedin. 798. Cooper, Ernest George Wellington. 821. Douglas, Robert Nelson Petone. 662. Cooper, Henry James .. Auckland. 93. Doull, David .. Auckland. 503. Cooper, Thomas Henry Dunedin. 867. Dowrick, Ernest George Waipukurau. 1309. Copeland, Reginald Arthur Wellington. 348. Doyle, Daniel James Timaru. 356. Coppen, Herbert Lathy New Plyniout,h. 1712. Doyle, William Grierson Blenheim. 1442. Corbett, Alexander Norman Rotorua. 1534. Drew, John Henry George Auckland. 939. Corin, George .. Pongaroa. 1713. Drinkwater, George Dannevirke. 18. Corin, Henry Mortimer Auckland. 1405. Duckworth, Harry Waipukurau. 1033. Corn, Harry .. Napier. 380. Dudding, Horace Stanley Lower Hutt. 1023. Costello, Charles Edwin Blenheim. 525. Duff, Arthur Blarney . , Wellington. 940. Cotter, Richard Joseph Upper Hutt. 1086. Duffy, Richard Wellington. 1310. Couchman, Charles Albert Wanganui. 1432. Henderson, Alexander Duncan Hastings. 1017. Courtenay, Arthur Bothwell Auckland. 1071. Duncan, James Temuka. 1263. Courtenay, Charles Arthur Auckland. 1648. Duncan, John Charles .. Gore. 800. Courtenay, Thomas Auckland. 930. Duncan, John Gow Gore. 401. Courtney, J. W. Whan~arei. 1456. Durrant, Harry ,James William .. Wellington. 15. Coutts, George Craig Auckland. 1006. Dyce, ,John Pittendreigh Nelson. 1303. Cowan, Charles Joseph Auckland. 1560. Dyce, John Pittendreigh, jun. Nelson. 17 61. Coxall, Clarence lnangahua. 675. Coxon, George A. C. Dunedin. E. 1709. C'oyle, Herbert Walter Auckland. 710. Eddy, Joseph Napier. 1601. Craig, John Edward Wellington. 913. Eddy, William Edward Napier. 1443. Craig, Robert .. Auckland. lOll. Edmeades, George Warren Putaruru. 1760. Crawford, Colin Swanson Christchurch. 1186. Edser, Ambrose Patea. 1305. Crawford, Samuel Martyn Auckland. 444. Edwards, Alfred Edward Auckland. 891. Cremen, David Auckland. 1716. Egan, Peter Joseph Dunedin. 1603. Crickett, Fergus Ivan .. Morrinsvillc. 509. Elliot, Harold Archibald Wellington. 1602. · Crickett, Guy Menzies .. Morrinsville. 890. Elliot, James Alexander Joseph Wellington. 795. Cronin, David Joseph .. · Christchurch. 508. Elliott, Harry Napier. 1757. Crookall, George Gumbee Auckland. 1454. Elliott, William Henry Napier. 437. Cropp, William Michael Wanganui. 510. Ellis, Henry .. Auckland. 316. Cross, George 'Thomas .. Nelson. 1537. Ellis, Peter Fisher Auckland. 442. Cross, Walter James Auckland. 946. Empson, Ernest Alfred Christchurch. 27 l. Croxford, Charles Samuel Christchurch. 893. England, Matthew Thomas Auckland. :l25. Cruickshank, Oliver Desmond Rangiora. 1119. Errington, ,Tames Thompson Auckland. 757. Cull, George Lelliott Christchurch. 443. Eslick, Sidney Clayton .. Auckland. 1123. Gulpin, Crowther Mackrell Auckland. 409. Ewings, William Henry Christchurch. 799. Gulver, Charles Thomas Wellington. 947. Exeter, Thomas John Napier. 504. Cummane, George Orlando Auckland. rn. Cummane, Mark Henry Auckland. }'. 792. Cumming, Gordon Christchurch. 1650. Fagan, James Henry Oamaru. 1756. Curtis, Stephen Bertram Wellington: 202. Falconer, Albert Edward Wanganui. 922. Familton, Frederick John Oamaru. D. 1609. Fane, Reginald George Wellington. 697. Dailing, James Christchurch. 815. Farr, Harry Leonard .. Auckland. 1536. Daly, Thomas Taihape. 1610. Faulkner, William Alfred James Blenheim. 1559. Dalton, James Henry Mann Palmerston North. 376. Fawcett, Albert Charles Hastings. 1259, Dann, Fredefick James Crowhurst Christchurch. 318. Fawcett, Walter Opunake. FEB. '23.] tHE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 461

No. Name. Address. No. Name. Address. 129. l<'a.wthorpe, Charles Edward Wellington. 1175. Goodwin, William Jas... Wellington. 948. Feely, James Christchurch. 1803. Gordon, William Harvey Dunedin. 883. Feist, Oliver Cromwell Martin borough. 528. Gordon, Robert George Auckland. 894. Fellingham, Arthur Ernest Masterton. 1804. Gorinski, John Invercargill. 910. Ferguson, Francis Charles Picton. 1332. Goudie, William Henry Auckland. 1562. Ferguson, J,'rederick Dnnedin. 319. Graham, Claude Pettigrew Nelson. 929. Ferguson, Robert Cleland Gore. 1538. Graham, John Auckland. 1227. Fergusson, Francis William Hastings. 672. Graham, John David .. Russell. 147. Ferris, George Augustus Wellington. f320. Graham, Leonard Hume :Nelson. 1152. :Ferry, Daniel Bernard Invercargill. 11. Grant, Ernest Samuel .. Whakatane. 1368. Field, William Alfred .. Palmerston North. ~ 84. Grant, William Hauraki Auckland. 514. Findlay, Alfred Tauranga. 949. Grattan, Thomas Arthur Te Aroha. 246. Findon, Joseph Ernest Sargent .• Dunedin. 1106. Gray, J ..E. Auckland. 1239. Fischer, Albert George Oamaru. 1125. Green, Frederick A. W. Auckland. 1153. Fisher, Albert Arrold .. Dannevirke. 29. Green, Robert Alexander Auckland. 245. Fisher, Walter John Dannevirke. 1659. Griffin, Thomas Auckland. 521. Fisher, Walter Samuel Auckland. 353. Griffiths, Cyril Harold .. Auckland. 982. Fitness, Henry Charles Auckland. 531. Griffiths, Jesse Stuart .. Wellington, 896. Flatt, Herbert Joseph .. Nelson. 25. Griffiths, Robert James Auckland. 1419. Fleck, William Menzies Christchurch. 1258. Grigg, Frederick Jacob Blenheim. 988. Fletcher, Joseph Lower Hutt. 24. Grime, John Bright Auckland. 1792. Fletcher, Percy Auckland. 1488. Groombridge, Charles .. Auckland. 1651. Fletcher, Walter Auckland. 1079. Gunning, Allison Joseph Auckland. 1372. Flint, Walter John Wellington. 950. Gunson, William Te Kuiti. 1802. Flowers, John Victor Edwin Wellington. 381. Flux, Edward James .. Lower Hutt. H. 307. Foden, Frederick William Auckland. 1270. Hale, James Mitchell Wellington. 811. Fogarty, Martin Joseph Whakatane. 1660. Hale, John Pine Auckland. 149. Forbes, Alexander Adam Wellington. 96. Halkett, James Rennie Auckland. 1026. Forbes, John Wellington. 952. Hall, Frederick Benjamin Hamilton. 1482. Ford, Walter James William Hunterville. 548. Hall, Martin .. Christchurch. 1035. Forsyth, Alexander Napier. 1060. Halligan, Charles ,James Wanganui. 116. Foothead, Arthur Edward Wellington. 538. Halling, William Auckland. 1491. Foothead, Herbert Bailey Wellington. 1463. Hanley, James Masterton. 117. Foothead, James Felix Wellington. 1040. Hamerton, John Hedley Te Awamutu. 1105. Foothead, William Wellington. 553. Hammon, Thomas Edwin Christchurch. 1718. Forrester, William Dunedin. 1200. Hammond, David William Auckland. 747. Fort, George Dudley Auckland. 1210. Hancock, Joseph Francis Wellington. 515. Foster, J·ames Swannell Dunedin. 124. Hanson, Harry Wellington. 516. :Foster, Walter Dunedin. 865. Harding, Arthur Gisborne. 813. Fountain, Frank Cromwell Auckland. 1726. Hardley, Isaac John Auckland. 1253. l•'ountain, Lawrence Leslie Auckland. 119. Harford, Charles John Wellington. 814. Fowler, Edward Auckland. 225. Harland, Douglas Maxwell Dunedin. 519. Fowler, George Squire Auckland. 1521. Harper, Robert Forbes Invercargill. 150. Francis, ,James Ernest · Wellington. 1616. Harpham, Arthur Edwin Auckland. 1373. Fraser, Alexander Wellington. 543. Harridge, Frederick Edward Wellington. 1717. Fraser, Harold Alexander McLeod lnvercargill. 1541. Harrington, William Leslie Masterton. 816. Fredric, James Augustus Mayze Invercargill. 410. Harris, Harry Wellington. 809. Fredric, James William Holder .. Stratford. 1244. Harris, John Alfred Inglewood. 1652. Freeman, Charles Robert Dunedin. 295. Harris, Walter James Palmerston North. 522. Freeman, Herman Victor Dunedin. 917. Harrison, Frederick William Featherston. 1177. Freeman, Roderick Hector Dunedin. 953. Harrison, Henry Alexander Holder Auckland. 876. Fronde, Robert Dunedin. 545. Harrison, James Dunedin. 935. Fref, John Christchurch. 1377. Harrow, Harold Alfred Christchurch. 694. Frye, Frederick Plant Christchurch. 1074. Harrow, James Alfred Christchurch. 1034. Fulford, Henry John Napier. 446. Hartnoll, Alfred Pascoe Auckland. 1436. Fuller, John Raymond Akaroa. 1209. Harvey, Percy Ronald Wellington. 403. Fulljames, Alfred Edward Auckland. 829. Harvey, William Harold Wellington. 808. Furness, Norman Fmnk Auckland. 552. Hatley, Frederick Auckland. 127. Futter, Hathaway Valentine Wellington. 826. Hawes, George Henry .. Matamata. 1661. Hawker, ,John Stanley Christchurch. G. 1698. Hawkins, Lindsay Joseph Christchurch. 27. Galbraith, Archibald Smith Auckland. 542. Haworth, Herbert Christchurch. 933. Galbraith, Malcolm Auckland. 1766. Haworth, John Charles Christchurch. 456. Galloway, Neil David .. Auckland. 537. Hay, John Gisborne. 532. Garbutt, Robert H. Dunedin. 1223. Hayes, Thomas Harold Auckland. 1720. Gardiner, Hugh Ludwig Auckland. 1565. Hayvice, Michael Wellington. 868. Garside, Charles Auckland. 153. Hearfield, William Wellini,

No. Name. Address. No. Name. Aildreas. 1127. Hodge, Willie James Wellington. 562. Kelly, George Samson .. Auckland. 414. Hodges, Charles Waimate. 565. Kenny, Sydney Oliver Wellington. 1620. Hoffer, Elliott Palmerston North. 1255. Kerr, David .. Auckland. 1367. Hogan, Michael John Wellington. Il74. Kershaw, Mark Christchurch. 762. Hogan. Thomas John Wellington. 113. Key, George William Wellington. 998. Hogarth, William Ross Auckland. 561. Keyes, James Vincent Auckland. 1621. Holdsworth, George Edward Auckland. 563. Kidd, Robert Cln~stchurch. 373. Holland, Frederick Alexander Bull's. 1453. Kiernan, Charles Alfred Wellington. 1365. Hollinger, Rohe1;t Reginald Hamilton. 1205. Killick, Thomas George Chapman Christchurch. 1507. Hollobon, Arthur Christchmch. 1179. Killip, Frederick William Auckland. 1107. Hollobon, Walter Christchurch. 564. King, Ernest James King Dunedin. 1722. Holloway, Gilbert Samuel. Wellington. 1668. King, Frank Reginald .. Christchurch. 308. Holmes, Alfred Gisborne. 1729. King, Gordon Palmerston North. 1390. Holmes, John William Auckland. 1457. King, Horace Henry Wellington. 544. Homer, Arthur Gordon Dunedin. 85. King, John Brokie Auckland. 885. Honour, Walter H. Napier. 1508. King, William Henry Christchurch. 830. Hope, Thomas Henry J<'eilding. 566. Kirk, Frank .. Palmerston North. 954. Hope, William Invercargill. 36. Kirk, John Auckland. 955. Horne, Frank L. Christchmch. 400. Kncebone, Charles Hawera. 827. Hosie, Cecil Robert Levin. 1808. Knight, Arthur Edward George .. Christchurch. 1806. Hotchin, Stanley Russell Auckland. 272. Knox, Thomas William Dunedin. 120. Hoverd, William J. Wellington. rn50. Knox, Walter John Dunedin. .I 064. Hudgell, ,John William Auckland . 1369. Kyle, Neil Andrew Auckland. 1791. Hughes, Eric Arthur .. Auckland. 993. Kyle, William Alexander Palmerston North. 94. Hughes, Joseph Arthur Auckland. 1460. Humphrys, F. H. L. Christchurch. L. 392. Hurdle, Frank Feilding. 577. Laing, Robert James Auckland. 123. Hutchings, Henry Wellington. 1072. Large, William Charles Christchurch. 1340. Hyland, James Palmerston North. I :n8. Laurie, Thomas Lauder Christchurch. 547. Hyland, James Henry Auckland. 1447. Lawrence, Cornelius Henry Auckland. 379. Hynes, Albert Henry Auckland. 1280. Lawson, Stuart Geraldine. 1450. Lealand, Leslie John .. New Plymouth. I. 299. Le Cheminant, }frank .. Palmerston North. 90. Inglis, George Auckland. 214. Leckie, James Gunn Dunedin. 91. Inglis, Herbert Auckland. 230. Leckie, Matthew Waddell Dunedin. 154. Inkersell, Harry Wellington. 1128. Ledingham, James Dickson Hastings. 1224. Lee, Hugh McColl Auckland. J. 1730. Legge, Athol Louison .. Wellington. 1093. Jackson, Charles Wellington. 958. Leitch, Thomas Auckland. 1663. Jackson, Henry Charles Greymouth. 32. Le Marquand, Clarence Walter Auckland. 1724. Jackson, James Patrick Wellington. 1567. Leslie, Eric Lindsay Blenheim. 559. JackAon, Robert Wellington. 682. Leslie, Fred Harris Auckland. 554. Jackson, Sidney Wellington. 1232. Leslie, James Anderson Blenheim. 1257. Jacobs, J!'rederick Cornet Johnsonville. 80. Letham, Albert James Auckland. 557. ,James, Albert Jack Christchmch. 568. Lewis, Arthur Ebdon .. Waimate. 166!. James, Thomas Arthur Christchmch. 429. Lewis, George Gilbert .. ':rimaru. 1807. Jamie.son, Athol James Ashburton. 458. Lewis, John William .. Hamilton. 716. Jamieson, David John Wellington. 1392. Lewis, Ralph Reginald Auckland. 1665. Jamieson, Lawrence 111. Nelson. 1472. Lidgard, Victor James Auckland. 889. Jane, Harry .. Auckland. 838. Light, William James .. Wellington. 1090. ,Jansen, Francis Norman Wellington. 1669. Liley, Leslie .. Hastings. 1169. Jansen, Lauritz Christopher Wellington. 1385. Lincoln, Walter Lionel. . Auckland. 956. Jarmey, Bernard William Otaki. 760. Linder, Frank Seymour Auckland. 1279. ,Jeffries, John William .. Auckland. 449. Litherland, Alfred Auckland. 560. Jenkins, Herbert Auckland. 746. Littlejohn, Robert Wilson Palmerston North. 555. Jenkins, William Dunedin. 1228. Loach, Percy Ellis Hastings. 668. Jenl

No Na.me. Address. No. Name. Address. 1316. Martin, Charles Benjamin Wellington. 961. McIntyre, J!'rancis Donald Hawera. 371. Martin, Charles W. Wellington. 112. Mclvor, Samuel Wellington. 583. Martin, Frederick 1',dgar Marton. 1036. McKinley, Frederick George Napier. 979. Mart.is, Henry Thomas .. Wellington. 1699. McKnight, Nelson ,Joseph Auckland. 927. Maslin, Henry Stanley Hawera. 719. McLachlan, James Edgar Auckland. 1413. Mason, Henry Albert, jun. Wellington. 1264. McLaren, Sinclair Rowney Dunedin. 1081. Mason, William Auckland. 1675. McLaughlin, ,John Averill Christchurch. 1573. Massey, Charles Wellington. 5()2. McLaughlin, Thomas Reginald Wellington. 1357. Massey, Gilbert Orlando Auckland. 156(). McLean, Alexander Thames. 1572. Mather, Sidney Louis .. l\fotueka. .1297. McL.ean, Arthur Dougla~ Auckland. 278. Mathieson, Frank Christchurch. 1267. McLeod, Norman JamPs Auckland. 74. Matheson, Alexander John Auckland. 13!l3. McLeod, Roy Henry Auckland. 197. Matterson, Arthur Albert Christchurch. 1568. McLeod, Roy Thomas .. Auckland. 1625. Matterson, Percy Fredrick Christchurch. 1295. McNab, David James .. Dunedin. 962. Mattson, Wilbert Alfred Auckland. 58!l. McNally, William James W cllington. 597. May, Arthur George Auckland. 42:l. McVcagh, William Read Cambridge. 1067. Menzies, Duncan 'l'imaru. 1298. Menzies, Gordon Auckland. N. 581. Menzies, J'ohn Timaru. 1070. Nayler, Robert Foster Ashburton, 1511. Menzies, John, jun. Timaru. 163. Newell, John Wyatt Wellington. 1042. Menzies, Sydney Victor Auckland. 395. Newman, Arthur William Wellington. 1493. Metcalf, George John .. Wellington. 1499. Newman, James Frederick Christchurch. 159. Meyer, Joseph Wellington. 1773. Ncwth, Allen Clemens .. Auckland. 911. Mildenhall, Frank Russ Hansen .. WeJJington. 1223. Newth, Roy .. Auckland. 1672. Mills, John William Pahiatua. 193. Newton, Richard · Christchurch. 196. Millar, Harry Norman .. Oamaru. 227. Nicholls, George Hudson War· 451. Miller, George Oliver Jospeh Auckland. rington Christchurch. 915. Miller, John Thomas Waipawa. 88. Nicholson, Fred Auckland. 326. Millin, John .. Oamaru. 1333. Nightingale, Albert Henry Auckland. 194. Mills, Alfred Stanley Christchurch. 453. Nisbet, William Muir .. Auckland. 963. Mills, Charles Henry Williams Auckland. 912. Norman, Leonard Victor Auckland. 722. Mills, Ephraim Ray Auckland. 1772. North, Victor Clinton .. Auckland. 420. Mitchell, David Alexander Wellington. l:l45. Norman, Vincent Rovdcn Gisborne. 221. J\fitchell, Leonard D'Arcy Milton. 148!!. Nuttall, Herbert • Masterton, 1130. Monk, Edward Thomas Dunedin. 247. Monk, George Thomas .. Hamilton. 0. Lower Hutt. 1626. Monks, 'Eric . . . . 472. O'Brien, John Gerald 964. Montgomery, Samuel James Napier. Wanganui. 844. O'Connor, Patrick Joseph 594. Montgomery, Thomas Walpole Wellington. Wellington. 1575. O'Donnell, Leonard Amos Auckland. 1545. Moores, James Auckland. Wanganui. 16:l8. O'Donnell, Thomas Franeis Christchurch. 293. Moosman, Alfonso 347. O'Halloran, Daniel 1098. Moosman, Ernest Amie! Wanganui. Auckland. Wellington. 669. O'Reilly, David Palmerston North. 591. Morison, William Arthur Leslie .. 843. Oborn, Charles William 160. Morris, Ernest Newton .. Wellington. Christchurch. Wellington. 1546. Oetgen, Frederick Charles Christchurch. 1313. Morris, Thomas Brooklyn 966. Ogden, Augustus George 1008. Morris, William Frederick Auckland. Hawera. 1U5. Morrison, Hugh Christchurch. 845. Ogilvie, James Auckland. Wellington. ll::11. Oliver, Percy Harwood Wellington. 161. Morrow, Robert 1065. Orams, Charles 76. Morton, John .. Auckland. Greymouth. 354. Orams, Henry J,'eathcrston. 1673. Morton, Thomas Suddaby Wanganui. 1771. Moss, Sidney Thomas .. Gisborne. 1013. Organ, Daniel Wellington. 1137. Moss, Thomas Gisbornc. 1355. Osborne, Daniel Fessv Auckland. 34. Mounsey, Alfred Auckland. 599. Osborne, John Alfred Charles Auckland. 33. Mountain, Charles Hugh Kay Auckland. 1171. Owens, Thomas Auckland. 1638. Mouton, Edward John J•~zekiel Wellington. 586. Moyle, Alfred Henry .. ToAwamutu. P. 595. Mu;ray, William Willison Auckland. 198. Page, John Leithfield. 220. Mudge, Arthur Ernest .. Dunedin. 1157. Palmer, Percival Frederick George Auckland. 1404. Mulholland, Thomas Stuart Hastings. 1578. Palmer, Robert . . . . Wellington. 1458. Mullins, Henry Francis Christchurch. 1810. Parker, Henry Reuben Auckland. 1155. Muncaster, Ernest Auckland. 1183. Parkin, Ralph Wellington. 1236. Munn, Sydney David . , Masterton. 900. Parks, Charles Hastings. 1118. Munns, Christopher Woodville. 612. Parnell, David Wellington. 1314. Munns, Joseph Arthur Wellington. 1296. Pannell, William Henry Hamilton, 1037. Munro, James A. Napier. 967. Parrott, John George Victor Christchureh. 255. Murdoch, Malcolm Auckland. 296. Pascoe, Harrison Tauranga. 840. Murray, Charles Bertram Wellington. 1041. Patchett, Frederick Wanganui. 1627. Murray, John Sangster Palmerston North. 1735. Paterson, John McGovern Thames. 77. Murray, William Auckland. 418. Patten, Edward Henry Auckland. 842. McArtney, Robert Nelson. 725. Patten, Wi1Jliam George New Plymouth. 720. McBride, Ernest Millar Dunedin. 1101. Patterson, Edward Auckland. 596. McCall, John Palmerston North. 968. Patterson, George Frankton Auckland. 1312. McCallum, William Robert Auckland. 426. l'atterson, Louis William Gisborne. 75. McCarthy, Francis John Auckland. 1323. Patterson, William Archibald Dunedin. 723. McColl, John .. Foxton. 766. ·raul, Andrew Dargaville. 1731. McConnachie, Albert Edward Dunedin. 1576. Paul, Frederick Arnold Auckland. 1674. McCrone, Robert Auckland. 1774. Paul, Percy Harold Wanganui. 243. McCrorie, William Stevens Wanganui. 1138. Paul, William James .. Christchurch. 1428. McCullough, Ronald Garven Auckland. 65. Paull, Charles Frederie Auckland. 1374. McEwen, Duncan Fairfax Wellington. 847. Payne, Herbert Harold Wellington. 1732. McFarlane, Alexander , . Oamaru. 67. Peace, Colin A. Auckland. 249. McFarlane, Andrew John Christchurch. 1577. Peacock, Walter Maitland Eltham. 1046. McGavin, Alfred David Wellington. 871. Pearce, Charles William Wellington. 1234. McGerty, Ernest John Hamilton. 1629. Pearce, Frank Augustus Auckland. 351. McGrath, James Rotorua. 850. Pearce, Thomas Remy Auckland. 721. McGregor, John Archibald Wellington. 1478. Pearson, William Thames. 452. McGuire, Thomas Auckland. 1595. P.eebles, David Sproulls Auckland. 1570. Mcllraith, William Henry Palmerston North. 1630. Peebles, William Hart Auckland. 71. Mclnnes, Andrew Walker Hikurangi. 610. Pellowe, Edward Clifton Carne Stratford. 364. McIntosh, Edward Jerningham .. Petone. 343. Pendrigh, James Christchurch. ----·----"-·---~------~


No. Nn.me.. Addrc'8. No. Name Address. 297. Penketh, J·ames Samoa. 680. Roulston, James Samuel Wellington. 66. Person, Nils .. Auckland. 1386. Rout, Archibald Edward Louis Auckland. 64. Perston, William Paeroa. 1680. Rowe, Charles Wellington. 1522. Peters, Albert Peter Invercargill. 1095. Rowe, Ernest Downs Rangiora. 1700. Petersen, Lawrence Paul Christchurch. 1817. Rowe, Henry Graham .. Wellington. 1308. Petersen, Walter Mathew Hoffman Masterton. 1429. Rowe, Owen Francis .. Christchurch. 1520. Peterson, Arthur Eric .. Tnvercargill. 983. Roy, William .. Hanmer Springs. 1089. Phelps, George Herbert Napier. 1739. Rusbatch, William J·ames Oamaru. 726. Philip, Alexander Taranaki. 742. Rule, Robert Dunbar .. Christchurch. 266. Philip, William Wellington. :l62. Russell, George Todd Christchurch. 1812. Phillips, Harold Auckland. 459. Russell, Godfrey Henry Blenheim. 918. Pickering, David Alexander Masterton. 572. Russell, James Dunedin. 1631. Pickering, Frank Baden Masterton. 1027. Russell, Leonard lsitt .. Wellington. 189. Pickles, Henry Christchurch. 615. Russell, Thomas Arthur Masterton. 332. Pope, Percy Timaru. 416. Russell, Thomas Spencer Wanganui. 608. Popple, John Jamos Wellington. 62. Russell, William Samuel Auckland. 1363. Porteous, William Auckland. 569. Ryan, Michael Wellington. 1579. Porter, George Wellington. 1319. Ryder, Henry Wallace .. Christchurch. 63. Porter, Harold Auckland. 324. Ryland, Hubert Otranto Auckland. 727. Portman, Alex. Innes Dnnedin. 1045. Potts, Harold Gray Foxton. s. ll JO. Pratt, l<'rederic W. Wellington. 460. Sakey, William Augustus Auckland. 1289. Prescott, Percival Harold Masterton. 56. Sa!len, Francis Auckland. 218. Price, Edmund George Ernest Dunedin. 1681. Sawtell, Frederick Arthur Christchurch. 7 41. Price, George Nelson. 300. Schlierike, Gustav Adolf Palmerston North. 374. Price, Horace J. Hastings. 898. Schofield, Ernest Edward Napier. 609. Price, Robert William .. Dunedin. 622. Schofield, Herbert Joseph Auckland. 1484. Procter, George Palmerston Xorth. 1344. Schofield, Stephen Rotorua. 253. Procter, Percy Dunedin. 188. Schou, Thomas Edward Christchurch. 606. Proctor, Robert Crawshaw Dunedin. Jl62. Scoon, Francis William Wellington. 1775. Proctor, Edward Mataura. 467. Scott, Alexander Anderson Christchurch. 1485. Proffitt, Thomas Napier. 1206. Scott, Archie Charles .. Wellington. 68. Pryor, Harry George Stephen Auckland. 969. Scott, Edward Dunedin. 767. Pye, George .. Masterton. 630. Scott, George Edwin Dunedin. 69. Pye, John Auckland. 1682. Scott, George Richard Wesley Dunedin. 1245. Pye, John Ross Auckland. 698. Scott, James .. Wellington. 232. Scott, John .. Dunedin. Q. 166. Seddon, R. Greymouth. 1518. Quennell, Arthur Stanley Dunedin. l 743. Sergent, William Herbert Palmerston North. 190. Quinton, Ernest Charles Auckland. 1351. Sexton, Eric William Dunedin. 613. Quirk, Michael Lawrence Wanganui. 971. Seymour, George William Port Ahuriri. 690. Shapley, Sidney Samuel Whakatanc. R. 1439. Sharman, Stanley George Greymouth. 620. Race, Edwin James Invercargill. 1207. Shaw, Ernest Loftus Wellington. 851. Rains, William Georgo .. Wanganui. ll63. Shaw, Willie Groombridge Christchurch. 904. Rait, David .. Gisborne. 1683. Sheahan, Francis Daniel Christchurch. 1406. Ramage, James Gorman Napier. 1028. Shearer, Sidney David Wellington. 1580. Ramsay, Allister Lawson Moffett Palmerston North. 474. Sheil, Thomas Edward .. Lower Hutt. ll58. Ramsay, Robert Wallace Howell Palmerston North. 328. Shelton, Joseph ~l':imaru. 623. Ramsay, William Davison Christchurch. 1140. Shergold, William Henry Auckland. 617. Ramaay, William Simpson Christchurch. 102. Sherwood, Samuel Robert Wellington. 61. Randell, Lawton Auckland. 1587. Shirreffs, Arthur Hay .. Tnvercargill. (il4. Randell, Richard Wellington. 987. Short, James Alfred Wellington. 314. Reardon, Robert Lower Hutt. 825. Shunt, William Henry .. Pnkekohe. 1813. Rees, Ernest Alfred Palmerston North. 923. Sidon, Alfred Oamaru. 1159. Regan, Charles Joseph Auckland. 477. Sigley, Leslie ,Joshua -Auckland. 992. Reynolds, Thomas Wellington. ll61. Sim, Andrew Whyte Auckland. 729. Richards, James Vincent Waipukuran. 1423. Simpson, John Dunedi;;. 1814. Richardson, George William Auckland. 1400. Skidmore, James Auckland. 1364. Richardson, Henry Walter Auckland. 1476. Skinner, Alfred Wilbrum TeAwamutu. 1342. Richardson, James Russell Ashburton. 1449. Skinner, Fredrick Thomas Her­ 1777. Richardson, Sidney Walter Ben­ bert Hamilton. jamin Palmerston Nonh. 632. Slater, Albert .. Oamaru. 1376. Riches, William Percy Christchurch. 1586. Slater, Kenneth Albert Oamaru. 619. Richmond, James Bland Porirua. 763. Slatford, Thomas Horton Wellington. 743. Rigarlsford, Robert Henry Wellington. 1356. Slatterv, John Edward Auckland. 997. Riggs, Bert Wellington. 1381. Sloan, Alfred Kennedy Nelson. 1402. Ritchie, Frank Richard Christchurch. 1062. Smallwood, Sydney Frankton Junction. ll90. Ritchie, Thomas Hastings. 926. Smart, Allan Kiddie New Plymouth. 419. Ritter, Robert Martin .. Eltham. 427. Smart, George Stratford. 571. Robb, Peter Roddy Wellington. 628. Smart, Herbert New Plymouth. 1403. Roberts, Charles Masterton. 1211. Smith, Alfred Jesse Wellington. 1477. Roberts, Robert Hamilton. 1779. Smith, Arthur Alexander Auckland. 1677. Roberts, Robert Pooley Paeroa. 1634. Smith, Arthur Reginald Christchurch. 616. Robertson, James Wanganui. 972. Smith, Bertie .. Auckland. 215. Robertson, Thomas Dunedin. 167. Smith, David .. Hastings. 187. Robinson, Leonard John Christehurch. 57. Smith, Frank Henry Auckland. 1496. Rodley, Eric Varley Nelson. 388. Smith, Frederick Hugh Wellington. 1581. Rogers, George Douglas Wellington. 758. Smith, Fredrick William Dannevirke. 1679. Rogerson, Francis James Christchurch. 639. Smith, Thomas Invercargill. 908. Roper, Walter Martinborough. 973. Smith, Thomas Frederick Ashburton. 870. Ross, Alexander James Wellington. 58. Smith, Waldo Auckland. 1776. Ross, Da.vid Auckland. 644. Smith, William Christchurch. 1366. Ross, David Jagies Tbame,S. 1685. Smith, William Wellington. 1487. Ross, Francis .. Waipukurau. 1475. Snedden, Stanley James Auckland. ll 81. Ross, George Mitchell Wanganui. 1585. Soper, Jack Christehurch. 1394. Ross, Harry ,Jackson Cutler Auckland. 327. Southgate, Alfred Frederick Timaru. 903. Ross, Robert Thomas Smith Palmerston North. 345. Southgate, William Charles Timaru. 1816. Rostron, Henry Wellington. 921. Sowry, Marmaduke Waipukuran. FEB. 23.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 465

No. Name. Address, NO. Name. Address. 854. Speirs, Archibald Crawford Dunedin. 641. Turner, Walter Arthur .• Auckland. 103. Spencer, John Clarence Wellington. 768. Turner, William John Auckland. 1269. Spencer, Leonard Clarence Wellington, 859. Twine, Alfred New Plymouth. 1396. Spraggon, John Thames. 925. Spurdle, Charles Claude Wanganui. u. 1 793. Squire, Norman Auckland. 765. Underhill, Thomas Green Carterton. 1686. Stairmand, Charles Edward Auckland. 1112. Unsworth, John Auckland. 679. Stairmand, Harry W el!ington. 1030. Upchurch, Robert A. . . Marton.' 1548. Stalker, John Stuart Lower Hutt. 1268. Uren, Clarence Richard Petonc. 1459. Stanton, George R. l\fartinborough. 6:H. Stephens, Thomas Martin Wellington. V. 16:15. Stevens, Joseph Auckland. 177. Vale, Henrv Alfred Leslie Christchurch, 178:1. Stevens, William Thomas Robert Timaru. 1437. Vallance, Walter ,John Thomas Christchurch. 387. Stewart, Leonard Vincent Dannevirkc. 1480. Vann, Horace Henry .. Lower Hutt. 1742. Stewart, Rupert John .. W ellingtou. 634. Varney, Fred Alexandra. 169. Stewart, Thomas George Dannevirke, 1590. Vcrcoe, Victor Charles Auckland. 625. Stewart, William Wallace Gisborne. I 048. St-0kes, F;ank Pahiatua. W. 1780. Stokes, William Henry Wanganui. 350. W addingham, Charles Seaton Auckland. 186. Stone, Arthur Edward Christchurch. 734. Wade, Alfred Gisborne. 626. Storey, William Reah .. Wanganui. 1550. Wainscott, Jack Anthony Hamilton. 1320. Stott, William, jun. Invercargill. 176. Wainwright, Robert Wellington. 1418. Stratford, Harry William Palmerston North. 44. Waite, James .. Auckland. 975. Stratford, Matthew Wellington. 1692. Wakefield, Frank Edward Timaru. 1701. Stratton, John K. Auckland. 337. Wakefield, Henry Robert Wellington .. 1782. Stretch, Arthur Frank Blenheim. 45. Wakelin, Harry Auckland. 1375. Stubbersfield, Albert John Kaikoura. 106. Wakeman, Herbert Napier. 476. Stubbs, James Auckland. 175. Walker, Arthur Wellington. 1688. Summers, George Auckland. 657. Walker, Bertram James Auckland. 621. Summers, Mark Winton. 1737. Walker, Thomas James Auckland. 248. Sunderland, Arthur Dunedin. 696. Walker, William Wellington. 1818. Surtees, John .. Auckland. 1514. Wall, William George Oamaru. 730. Sutherland, Donald Christchurch. 1591. Wallace, John Nelson. 1281. Sutherland, John Finlaison Dunedin. 1551. Wallace, John Park Balclutha. 1502. Sutton, Albert Ashburton. 1968. Wallbank, Walter Auckland. 856. Swain, James Morton .. Wairoa. 1490. Wallis, Arnold Philip Carterton. 64. Swales, Albert Victor .. Auckland. 1789. Wallis, Arnold Thomas Wellington. 1182. Swales, Charles Hereward Auckland. 43. Wallwork, Percival Arthur Auckland. 751. Swales, William Roy Auckland. 655. Walmsley, Ambrose Bleasdale Dunedin. 1778. Swift, John .. Auckland. 1104. Walsh, Arthur Ernest .. Auckland. 256, Swindells, l!'rederick New Plymouth. 981. Walters, William George Dunedin. 1438. Walton, Edward Sharp Christchurch. T. 369. Warburton, Thomas William Lower Hutt. 1252. Tait, ,John Port Chalmers. 1417. Ward, Harold Frederick William Wellington. 1636. Tatham, George Ernest Wellington. 1503. Ward, Herbert Edward William Christchurch. 1589. Tatham, Leonard James Wellington. 863. Wardlaw, Thomas Taihape. 1306. Tattersall, Eric Auckland. I 132. Warmington, Foster Wellington. 646. Tattersall, Herbert Archibald Auckland. 882. Waters, Samuel Wellingtoll. 49. Taylor, Freeman Fowler Auckland. 101. Waters, William Wellington. 239. Taylor, Hugh Cecil Dunedin. 1208. Waterworth, Francis John Wellington. 920. Taylor, William Campbell Gardner Lytt«>lton. 1290. Watkinson, Alfred William Brah­ 1689. Taylor, William Garnett Lyttelton. bing Auckland. 1549. Telford, William Henry Dunedin. 184. Watson, Cecil Norman Christchurch. 1426. Terrace, David Auckland. 656. Watson, David Palmerston North. 173. Thomas, Alfred Wellington. 1370. Watson, Gilbert (',ecil .. Wellington. 764. Thomas, Ernest Meek Auckland. 1471. Watson, William Archibald Te Puke. 1416. Thomas, Jack Alfred Charles New Plymouth. 735. Watson, William Thomas Auckland. 1412. Thom0,a, John Walter .. Blenheim. 1324. Weatherston, David Dunedin. 647. Thompson, Arthur Wallace Taumarunui. 171. Webster, Arthur Wellington. 1029. Thompson, Ernest Hamilton. 1747. Webster, Henry Gaydon Hamilton. 638. Thompson, George Dunedin. 1461. Weeks, Frederick G. B. Christchurch. 1059. Thompson, George Levin. 170. Weller, Henry William Wellington. 436. Thompson, George Frederick Taumarunui. 637. Wells, Albert Ernest Wellington. 174. Thompson, John Henry Wellington. 1819. Wells, Charles Edward .. Otahuhu. 1165. Thompson, Thomas Rangiora. 659. Westerman, Gilbert Auckland. 275. Thomson, Archibald Spence Dunedin. 1639. Weston, Albert Edward Auckland, 1217. Thomson, George Invercargill. 250. Westwood, Balfour Horsburgh Hawera. 1588. Thomson, Lachlan Whangarei. 1226. Wharfe, Oscar Mervyn Rice Pukekohe. 1349. Thomson, Robert Bruce Dunedin. 39. Wheeler, Albert John .. Rotorua. 733. Thomson, Thomas Wellington. 653. Wheeler, Sidney Auckland. 185. Thornley, Morgan Christchurch. 48. Wheeler, William Henry Auckland. 51. Tilby, Charles Edward Auckland. 985. Whelan, Denis Dunedin. 17 45. Timlin, Charles Clark .. Port Chalmers. 635. White, Alfred James .. Dunedin. 1690. Timmins, Ernest Leslie Auckland. 1455. White, Ernest Alfred, jun. Johnsonville. 649. Tinney, George Wellington. 861. White, George Charles Thames. 469. T;nney, William Hawke's Bay. 1695. White, Samuel Dunedin. 1052. Tisch, Ernest Augustus Hamilton. 331. White, William Exley .. Hamilton. 1166. Tisch, Stephen Alfred .. Hamilton. 1593. Whiteley, Gordon Auckland. 1087. Tobin, Patrick James .. Whangarei. 180. Whitfield, Alexander Wilfred Christchurch. 1286. Todd, William Auckland. 1446. Whitman, John Tyler .. Auckland. 1317. Topp, Edward Bethridge Wellington. 1592. Whitfield, Jubilee Ralph Auckland. 1795. Townsley, Clifford James Wellington. 650. Widdicombe, CharlPs Henrv Auckland. 732. Townsend, Daniel James Auckland. 1339. Wiechern, H. F. T. • Wellington. 1329. Trigg, Walter Owen Auckland. 1749. Wilkins, John Dannevirke. 1744. Trout, Sydney Charles Auckland. 423. Wilkinson, Arnold Cambridge. 1173. Tudehope, Percy Robert Auckland. 183. Wilkinson, Thomas Christchurch. !ll4. Taffnell, Albert Rainbow Richmond. 42. Wilkinson, William Henry Auckland. 1691. Turley, Alfred James .. Greymouth. 46. Willers, Albert Samup]. . Auckland. 887. Turner, George Hamilton. 415. Willett, Neill Malcolm C. Waimate. 470. Turner, John Harold Lefroy Auoltland. 98. Williams, Arthur Norman Wellington. 466 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 11

No. Name. Addres•. Authorizi'll1J the Layi111J-off of a Road of less Width than 66 ft. 1167. Williams, Frederick Albert Fitz- Auckland. 1184. Williams, Charles Henry Otaki. HEREAS in the opinion of the Minister of Lands it is 1237. Williams, Henry Hector Masterton. W inexpedient, by reason of the faet that the land 1609. Williams, Herbert Spencer Christchurch. shown upon the plan of Town of Mt. Pleasant Extension No. 17, 463. Williams, John Harold Mostyn Westport. affecting part of Rural Section 4, in Block XVI, Christchurch 864. Williams, John Thomas Wellington. Survey District, is intended to be used wholly for residential 658. Williams, ,Joseph Charles Auckland. purposes, that the road shown therein should he of the width 181. Williams, Walter Christchurch. of 66 ft. 301. Williamson, Charles B. Palmerston North. Now, therefore, J, Alexander Donald McLeod, Minister of 1637. Williamson, Frank Christchurch. Lands, do hereby, in pursuance of the power conferred upon 1341. Wills, Percy Daniel Palmerston North. me by section l 7, subsection ( 1 ), of the Land Act, 1924, and of 651. Wilmot, James Henry Lower Hutt. every other power me thereunto enabling, authorize the 317. Willmot, Walter Ronald Nelson. laying-off of such road of a width of 30 ft. : Provided always 172. Wilson, Charles Auckland. that it shall not be lawful for any person to erect or cause to be 1616. Wilson, David Whangarei. erected any building at a less distance than ;i:; ft. from the 1760. Wilson, Ernest Petone. middle of such road. 868. Wilson, James Dunedin. Given 1mder my hand, this 17th day of February, 1928. 1663. Wilson, James Auckland. 1362. Wilson, James Calder Dunedin. A. D. McLEOD, Minister of Lands. 1134. Wilson, Stephen Hamilton. 261. Wilson, William Warden Dunedin. 977. Winterbourn, Leslie Christchurch. Officiating Ministers for 19?8.-Notice No. :j, 1786. Wither, Clarence Litterick Auckland. 1300. Wolstenholme, Arthur Auckland. Registrar-General's Office, 274. Wood, Andrew Dunedin. Wellington, 21st February, 1928. 4 7. Wood, Richard Robert Auckland. PUR~UANT to the provisions of the Marriage Act, 1908, 770. Woods, Charles Gordon Christchurch. the following names of Officiating Ministers wit,hin the 1427. Wrack, Sydney Whangarei. nwaning of the said Act ar<> published for general information,.- 636. Wright, George Egbert Dunedin. 182. Wykes, Cyril Dillon Dargaville. Brethren. 857. Wysocki, Harold Max , . Marton. Mr. ,John Reginald Garratt. Mr. John Westbrooke Squires. Y. 1369. Yalden, Frank Leonard Auckland. W. W. COOK, Registrar-General. 1664. Yates, Harry Auckland. 1213. Yates, Herbert George Masterton. 1043. Yates, William Lawrence Napier. Sclwol Colours. 666. Y orath, Thomas Harrys Christchurch. 1047. York, Frederick Owen Auckland. Education Department, 736. Young, Charles Walter Nelson. Wellington, 23rd February, 1928. 978. Young, Ernest Alfred Napier. T HE following school eolours have been registered in _1301. Young, Henry George Hamilton. accordance with the regulations published in the New 1441. Young, John Rearly Gisborne. Zen/and Gazette of the 12th August, 1()15. 665. Young, John Herbert Wellington. T. B. STRONG, Registration Officer. 1696. Young, Roy Victor Wangnnui. z. PALMERSTON NORTH TECHNICAL SCHOOL 1786. Zander, Frederick Wilhelm Marton. Colours.-1\faroon and gold on a navy-blue ground.

Public Trust Office Act, 1908, and its Amendments.-Elections to Administer Estates.

OTICE is hereby given the.t the Public Trustee he.s filed in the Supreme Court an election to e.dminister N in respect of the Peveral este.tes of the persons deceased whose names, residences, and oooupe.tions (so far as known) are hereunder set forth.

Testat.e Dat.e Stamp Office No. I Name. Occupation Resldenee. ! ol Election I or ¥i!~"th.1 flied. Intestat.e. conceroed. -~------'------1 Bowe, Patrick Francis Labourer Tahora . . . . 126 / I /28 18/2/28 Testate N. Plymouth. 2 Burnard, Samuel Retired farmer Christchurch (former- 22/12/27 16/2/28 Intestate Christchurch. ly Tokomairiro) ! 3 Clarke, John Farmer Auckland 20/12/27 15/2/28 Auckland. 4 Cockroft, John William Chimney-sweep .. ,, 12/1/28 15/2/28 6 Crone, Catherine Spinster Napier 28/1/28 18/2/28 Testate" Napier." 6 Franklin, Mary Ann Married woman Auckland 18/1/28 16/2/28 Auckland. 7 Haile, Maurice Robinson Engine-driver Frankton Junction 18/12/27 16/2/28 Int~statc 8 Hosking, Alfred Retired miner Waihi 1/1/28 16/2/28 9 Hunt, William Quarryman Sands pit Island, 11/1/28 16/2/28 Thames Estuary (N.Z.) lO Kelly, Sarah Widow Auckland ,13/12/27 16/2/28 Testate 11 Plummer, Thomas William Old-age pensioner Whangarei ; 30/1/28 15/2/28 Intestate 12 Roddis, Eliza Widow Petone 9/1/28 18/2/28 Testate Wellington." 13 Sim Sim Kee Market-gardener Cambridge 9/5/27 15/2/28 Intestate Auckland. 14 Sloman, Harris Salesman Hamilton, formerly 1/7/26 18/2/28 Testate Leamington 16 Smith, Charles Station hand Christchurch 4/12/27 18/2/28 I Intestate Christchurch. 16 Spittal, Alexander Bridge-builder Karamoa .. 16/1/28 18/2/28 Nelson. 17 Stringer, Joseph Cooper .. Carterton 22/12/27 15/2/28 Wellington. 18 Watson, Alexander Woollen-mill em­ Petono 26/12/27 15/2/28 ployee ------'--'--"------'------·-----'------'------'----- ·--- Public Trust Office, Wellington, 20th February, 1928. J. W. MACDONALD, Public Trustee. Jl'EB. 23._I 10'/

Govemmene Mete81'ological Observatory. South Island only. Elsewhere it was below normal, the deficiency being considerable in all tho western districts. ETEOROLOGICAL Observations, Wellington, for the The weather during the month was unusually changeable. M month of December, 1927. Observations takon at with wide variations of temperature. It was not until tho 9 a.m. latter end that summer conditions became established. Tem. Altitude of Observatory, 10 ft. peratures were, on the average, considerably below normal, and garden growth was again checked. Shearing operations Temperature I Radiation. in the North Island were delayed somewhat by the cold, wet In Shade. ______, ___ _ weather. There was, however, ample feed for stock, and the season continues to be, on the whole, a good one.

CLIMATOLOGICAL TABLE. MEANS AND TOTALS FROM CHIEF STATIONS. J December, 1927, I !'; • .; \ Extremes. i =1l 1.!j°f ' . I I 0 . ;~ 1-----· ,:!~ 1~0 Fah. Fah. Fah. Fah. IFah. ~'! 4),Q s:S. g. .ij ...... :. .ca a 1 29·915 60·9 47-7 54·3 125·3 47-1 178 10 S.S.E. 14 ~ ~ Name of Hta.lion and E-ltll ... a s:r a :i;-9. I.... 2 30·112 55·8 46·0 50·9 121·0 43·2'1 393 8 S.S.E. 8 -gl Observer. = a I ij~ 18 ..... =a ·;! -Pa> cd- I "M ~ s:i i~- ::S 3 30·189 60·3, 46·3 53·3 126·1 38·0 218 0 N.E. ~00 ;~ I a, - 08 .a'1, 4 30· 1141 66·0' 52·8 59·4 122·6 44·3 88 9 s. <__ '------'------:ll___ ;:i--'-1 _E-_..;c:l.c...... --'-iA_ .. :::- 5 29·944'67·9155·1 61-5 124·3 49·21163 6N.N.W. Deg. Points. 6 29·9051 63'1 56·1 59·6 125·0 53-1 618 ION.N.W. 32 ~'t. NORTH IAI,AND. Deg. j Deg. i 7 29·726167-5 59·0 63·2 140·2 58·1 656 10 N.W. 152 AUCKLAND 62·5 I 69·o 56·0 142 112 8 30·366 66·11 50·1 58·1 129·0 45·2 320 2 S.S.E. 131 FARM, HAMU,TON EAR'r 60·9 75·2 46·6 126 111 9 30·380, 61·9 1 41-5151-7 123-1 32·31103 0 s. 10 30·309 65·4 45·2 55·3 122·5 44·9 77 O N.W. A. Stuart 59·8 71·9 47·7 183 9 11 1 30·103167·8 55·3 61-5 126·8 53·9 212 I N. 211 MATAMATA .• 12 i 29·873165·1155.3 60·2 136·7 53·0 291 71N.N.W. 58 W. Halligan 46 '_rE ARORA •. 63·2 75·9 50·5 166 11 13 29·923, 67·2 51·8 59·5 135·9 51·0 1 171 IO S. C. E. Christensen 14 29·717163·548·856·1127·643·51 114 6N.N.W. 31 11 15 29·792 65·8 45·2 55·5 132·2 44· l 131 101 S.E. 47 340 WAIHI 61·9 71·9 51·9 179 16 29·866 52·0 43·2 47·6 94·0 42·8 305 9 76 Wm. C. Morris s.s.w. 100 TA URANGA , , 47·0 233 12 11 29·825, 54.9 44-1 49·5 123-2 43·2 351 51 20 59·8 72·6 s.1,~. C. Butcher 18 29·712; 58·4 4 7-5 52·9 122·9 46·2 505 10 9 J. s. 925 RoTORUA 59·4 70·8 48·5 322 10 19 29·619155·4 49·152·2103·1 47·2 249 10 S.E. W. E. Penno 20 29·804. 64·5 54·7 59·6 143·2 53·1 129 71 N.W. RoToRuA NURSERY, 21 29·920\ 64-4 56·8 60·6 131-8 54·8 155 8 N. WHAKAREWAREWA 58·2 72·0 44·5 341 12 22 29·965 67·0 57·0j 62·0 137·1 54-1 271 6 N.N.W. W. T. Morrison 23, 30·046168·01 58·3163·1 137·4 53·5 190 7 N.N:W. 60 NEW PLYMOUTH 59·5 66·4 52·7 166 9 24 ! 30·259 70,2156·2 63·2 141·0 55·1 178 10' s. G. H. Dolby 25 30·210, 67·0 44·2 55·6 120·0 39·4 87 31N.N.W. 1 2125 Karioi 52·4 64·6 40·3 50.3 15 26 '. 30·075 74·6 55·2 64·9 130·0 43·7 81 5 N.N. W. N. J. Dolamore 27130·066 68·8 59·0163·9 133·0 55·8 63 8 N.N. W. 2080 T AIBAPE 54'7 62·7 46-7 478 13 28 29·889 71-4 57·8 64·6 140·0, 50·8 98 10 E. 9 A. R. Fannin 29 29·553 78·5 61·8 70·1 147·0 61·2 300 10 N.W. 2 100 PAI,MERBTON NORl'H .. :10 129·492 67·4 58·3 1 62·9 125·0 57·2 374 IO N.W. 11 J, A. Colquhoun 31 ! 29·880 67·5 50·8l 59·1 132·0 44·21 43 6 N.W. 8 TANGIMOANA 58·3 67·2 174 8 T. E. Stringer ----i--~--- 317 119 CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT 58·9 66·4 51·5 189 8 FARM, WERAROA : :::::::1 ::::1 ::::I :::: :::::1 ::::I ::: :::1 :: 330 J.E. Sharp 5 NAPIER 60·5 67·3 53·8 262 10 • Means, &o. t Means prevlons year,,, Chas. L. Thomas 384 MANGAMUTU, PAHIATUA .. 158·3 67·9 48·7 327 13 DIRECTION OF WIND, A. W. Hamilton N. N.E. E. S.E. S. S.W. w. N.W. Calm. 877 MAS'rERTON 58·6 69·7 47·5 391 11 R. Brown 11 I 1 I 3 9 I 6 186 GREYTOWN 59·0 69·6 48·5 446 12 W. Allan NoTE.-An unsettled, cloudy. and showery month, with 10 WELLINGTON 58·4 65·0 51 ·9 317 12 precipitation about 15 per cent. above the normal at Thorndon. Total bright sunshine, 201 hours 53 minutes ( 43 per cent. of SOUTH ISLAND, the possible), and two sunless days. Hail fell on the 16th. 11 TAKAKA, NELSON Mean earth temperature at 1 ft. was 60·6°, and at 3 ft. 59·6°. J, H Scott Mean dew-point, 50°; mean vapour pressure, 0·361 in.; 84 NELSON 57•5 65•5 49•5 204 5 and mean relative humidity, 76 per cent. 0. B. Pemberton • , B.ALMORAL, CULVERDEN 57·0 68•3 45·7 223 7 SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1927. D. D. Dunn As has been remarked in the notes for previous months, a 1220 HANMER SPRINGS 56·5 68·0 45•0 446 11 prominent characteristic of the present season has been the W. Montgomery frequency with which cyclones have controlled the weather 25 CHRI8T0HUR0H 57•3 65•5 49•1 206 11! in New Zealand, and, during December, these conditions H.F. Skey were to a large extent maintained. With the exception of a 42 LINCOLN In comp} ete 232 rather intense depression which crossed the Dominion on the D. J. Sidey 6th, the westerly type of pressure distribution was conspicuous 1220 LAim COLERIDGE by its absern:,e. The depression mentioned caused strong E. 'I'. Cockburn northerly winds and was accompanied by heavy rain in West­ 323 ASHBURTON 57·0 66·0 48·0 298 16 land. H P. Clayton Between the 12th and 19th a remarkable succession of 1000 FAIRLIE cyclones moved down from a northerly direction off the east R. J. Rainey coast of the Dominion, their centres passing just eastward 2350 .LAKE TEKAPO 54·2 67·8 40•7 31 2 of the Chatham Islands. The precise origin of these storms R. H. Beauohamp is unknown, but they maintained low pressures, cold, strong 56 TUURU 56·7 6!l·8 48•6 210 16 southerly winds, and dull, wet weather in New Zealand, Caretaker of Domain especially over districts with .an easterly aspect. Whereas 200 WAIMATE 55•3 63·4 47•2 249 16 our pressure variations are generally controlled mainly by F. Akhnrst systems moving from the west, dming this very unusual 1550 SANATORIUM, WAIPUTA 55•6 69·0 44•2 173 14 spell conditions over Australia and the Tasman Sea made Dr. A. Kidd little impression on the situation which had developed to the 1000 OPHIR 58·6 71 •3 45•9 137 7 east of the Dominion. Some snow fell in the high country in Rev. A. Don 300 DUNEDIN 55•0 63·2 46•9 879 14 the centre of the North Island, and some heavy rains were D. Tannock recorded on the east coast of the North Island. In Westland, 142 BURNSIDE, DUNEDIN 59·2 67·9 50•6 340 14 though the weather was cold, no rain fell. Following this P. W. Piper period there was a complete reversal of weather type, and, 24/l GoRE the barometer rising persistently, anticyclonic conditions A. T. Newman were maintained until the 28th. Fine and warm weather 12 HoKITIKA 57•2 64•3 50•1 363 9 was, in consequence, experienced ov~ the Christmas holidays. J. A. Chesney During the night of the 28th and on the 29th fairly general 12 INVEBCAROILL 54•5 62•2 46·8 286 14 re.ins were experienced. These were associated with a cyclone L. Lennie which had moved slowly across the Tasman Sea, the centre LATE RETURN, crossing the South Island on the 29th. The total rainfall for the month exceeded the normal in 12[ INOo~~b=~It~27 •• I 49•2 J 57·0 141·5 I 437 I 2~ the east coast districts of the North Island from East Cape southwards, and at scattered places on the east coast of the EDWARD KIDSON, Dil'eotor. E 468 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. lNo. 11

NEW ZEALAND RAINF~ FOR DECEMBER, 1927.1 New Zealand Bain/all for December, 1927-continued.

[NoTJD.-Late returns for stations appear at end of table.] Ste.tion. To,a! Fa.II, IDe.ya with I1100~'::~~~h). Ra.In. To\&! Fa.II, I De.ye with Station. I (lOOPt~i!"ch). Rain. NORTH ISLAND--'•tled. ------·------(B,) NoBTB-WBST AsPBOT-CAPB M.t.:BU VAN DIJIMBN '1'0 NORTH ISLAND. 0.t.Plli EG1101'1~. Uruti, Taranaki . • (A.) NoBTH·EAST AsPEOT-NOBTB C.t.PB TO EAST CUB. 434 11 Okoke . • 480 11 Cape Maria. van Diemen (the light, 144 11 Pura.ngl 362 12 house-keeper) Tariki, Hydro 326 12 Mangonui 102 11 Rivemdale, Inglewood (817 ft.) 431 11 Kaeo 175 10 Inglewood 389 10 Kaikohe 129 11 Pilot•Btation, Waitara 164 6 Russell •. 115 9 Lepperton 266 8 Kawakawa 156 6 Upper Mangorei • . 840 13 Pohipuhi Plantation, Whakapara, 191 8 Waterworks, Mangorei 228 10 Whanga.rei Ruata.nga.ta. Weit 74 9 (C.) 8oUTH. WBST ABPIIIOT- 0.t.PJI EoMONT TO CAPB Rua.tango.ta 185 16 P•u.ISiiR. Wairua Falls (power-station) 146 11 Opunake 317 8 Ka.mo 101 12 Rinrlea, Taranaki 471 10 Wha.ngarei 134 14 Stratford 520 8 Puwera, Wha.nga.rei 130 11 Tangarakau 354 10 Ma.ngawai 68 6 Eltham •• 414 13 Wa.rkworth 108 9 Oba.we, Hawera .. 187 10 Epsom, Auokla.nd 139 13 Hawera Post-oftioe 455 11 Cuvier Island •. 63 8 Normanby 417 9 Rooky Bay, Wa.iheke 59 5 Pa.tea Borough Oounoil Hydro., 203 5 Ta.irua. •. 192 12 Kakaramea Turua, Thames 163 10 Patee. 176 9 The Domain, Paeroa. 165 13 Waverley 156 4 Belle Vue Fa.rm, Manga.iti.. 146 9 Whangamomona...... 417 8 Morrinaville Ma.ngapurua Landing, W anganul aiver 280 4 Puta.rv.ru 145 9 Taumarunui 361 8 Ma.maim 393 10 Ma.tiere 198 4 Springdale, Waitoa 208 11 Raetihi 587 10 Kaimai, Tauranga 471 10 Horopito 479 14 The Camp, Tauranga 171 11 Waiouru 396 12 Arapuni Dam, Puketurua .. 211 4 Te Horoa, Hihitahi 492 18 Sophia Street, Rotorua 272 9 Marybank, Wanga.nui 109 Waiota.pu 149 10 Belmont, Ta)'forth, Wanganui 195 12 Taneatoa 277 9 Waitahinga, Kai lwi 416 15 Opotiki 121 8 Wanganui 130 7 Maraehako, Opotiki ll8 4 Okoia, Wanganui 230 16 Wairata, Opotiki 316 10 Fordell .. 197 10 Pohueroro Station, Ra.ukokore 382 8 Dalvey, Turakina 150 12 Mataraoa, Cape Runaway 314 9 Mangaohane Station, Taihape 506 14 Mautota.ra, Whakaangiangi 534 10 Hunterville Waitnna West, Feilding 380 16 Waitatapia, Bull'• (B.) NOBTB·WBST ASPBOT-CAPB MABl.l VAN DIBlllBN TO 151 10 CAPB EGMONT. Flook Houae Station, Bull's 159 7 Glen Orona 205 7 Rangitihi 155 7 Foxton .. 139 7 Ka.itaia .. 282 9 Feilding 198 13 Herekino Komako 596 13 Wekaweka .. 350 18 Kairanga 190 8 Rangil!,hua, Hokianga Harbour 182 16 "Woodhey," Palmenton North 249 13 Kohukohu •. 244 12 Kahuterawa Waterehed, Palmerston 399 14 Donnelly's Crossing, Oranoa North Keretoki Station, Waimatenui 149 5 Tnritea Waterworka, Palmerston North 274 16 Whatoro 312 18 Mange.ore 254 12 Darga.ville 105 10 Arapeti 387 16 Helenaville Manga.hao, No. l 517 16 Huia., Manukau 158 8 Mangahao, No. 2 559 15 Henderson •• . . 132 18 Waitohu, Ota.ki •• 199 12 Wesley Training College, Paerata Otaki 151 12 Waiuku, Auckland . , 136 5 Ka.pi ti Island 261 12 Onewhero 135 5 Reservoir, Brooklyn 367 12 Oparau 268 11 Bryant House, Rl!

NORTH IBLANl>-i!Ominued. SOUTH IBLAND---cominued. (D.) SoUTB•BA.ST ABP:a«JT-EUT Ou• TO 0.lPB PALLISBR- (E.) NORTH ASPBOT- 0.lPB F.ABBWIDLL TO KAIKOUKA - c:onliued. CORJin•"· Whakapunake 1659 14 Wangapeka 241 6 Tahora, Gisborne 432 II Mapua, Nelson 137 4 Gisborne 369 !I Stanley Brook, Nelson 133 5 Puninga Station, V/harera.ta 1066 10 Twynha.m Station Oreek, Glenhope . . 282 7 Waika.tea, Ruakituri Valley, Napier 768 8 Gowan, via. Glenhope 245 3 Mange.one Valley, Tangitere 1022 14 Tophouse 191 5 Spring Hill, Mohaka 449 9 Stephen Island 182 5 Port.land Island •• 613 9 Hamilton Bay .. 241 4 Waikaremoana 634 12 The Brothers 3 1 Power-station, W aikaremoana 533 11 Oa.pe Oa.mpbell •• 239 8 Maungabaruru, Wa.iroa 482 10 Manaroa, Pelorus Sound 323 8 Putorino, W e.iroa 448 IO Ynoyca, Pelorus Sound Waipuna Station, Puketitiri 499 14 Waitata Bay, Pelorus Bound 157 2 rarawera 287 12 Opouri Valley, Flat Oreek •• 638 5 re Waka, Te Pohue 433 12 Hartley Hills, Hillersden Wa.ikoau, Napier Seddon •• 217 7 H.B. Forests, Waikoau 502 9 Ward 242 9 l'utira. Homestead 412 10 Duntroou, Jordan 216 5 K:owh&i Downll, Napier 621 13 " Sevenoa.ka," Renwioktown Hedgeley, Eskdale 309 12 Ooean Bay 380 11 Riverbank, Ri1aington, Napier 265 15 Blenheim Wahine, Sberenden, Hastinga Spring Oreek, Blenheim 150 6 Mokopeka, Hastings 497 11 Erina, Blenheim 180 4 Hastings Avondale Station, Blenheim 117 3 " Te Houka Hill," Hastioga 290 7 Marshland&, Blenheim 160 6 Whanawhana, Hastinga .. 333 12 Ha.puku 608 15 Mara.ekakaho, Hutings 328 14 Ellerton, Kekerangu 291 IO Te Mata, Havelock Nonb •• 389 11 An&wai, Maraetotara, Hanlook North 1017 17 Poukawa 386 10 (F.) WEST AsPBUT-0.APa F.ABaWBLL TO PuYSBGUR POINT. Pukehou, Te Ante 452 10 Farewell Spit • • 226 4 Homewood, Ot.ane Karamea, Westport 114 11 Gwavas, Tikokino 449 16 Westport 313 10 Blookburn, Hawke', Bay •• 561 14 Reefton (643 ft.) .. Aramoana 423 9 Greymouth 341 8 Rangitapu 591 9 Moana, Lake Brunner Waipawa ul7 10 Otira. (1,255 ft.) 980 9 Mount Vernon, Waipawa .. 490 13 Lake Ka.nieri Waimarama, Hawke'• Bay Harihari Waipokurau .. 53"7 11 Waiho Gorge Motuotaraia, Wanstead 596 10 Rosa, Westland 639 5 1.'akapau 376 10 Okuru •• 603 6 Woodbank, Wimbledon 689 9 Puyegur Point 873 14 Dannevirke 525 14 Pine Grove, Weber 441 14. Waipnna, Woodville 288 11 (G.) EAST ASPBUT-K.AIKOUBA TO 0APB S,1Ul11DBB8. Mangamaire . . . . 257 13 Monndsdale, Kaikoura 366 11 Eutry, Tane, Eketahona .. 312 13 181 9 Tawataia, Eketahuna 332 11 Oulverden 607 12 Balmoral No. I •• 195 8 Potara .. 219 9 403 11 Riverside Farm, Amuri Eketahuna 200 7 436 8 Highfield, Amuri •• Oaetlepoint •• 277 7 Annedale, Tinui •• 379 9 Weka Pass, Canterbury 581 10 Keinton Combe •• "Ngaianu," Masterton 137 5 Whareama, Masterton 397 11 Waiau .. " Emaoote," Stag and Spey 355 10 W aingawa, Masterton 476 12 499 12 " Glenallen," W aikari 305 8 Ditton, Masterton 253 12 Bagabot, Hast.erton 417 12 Gore Bay, Oheviot 207 3 340 8 Waipara Bush Grove, Mutarton 397 12 Marangai 344 10 Oxford •• Amberley. 249 9 Eringa, Masterton 519 12 12 423 12 Alford Foreat 595 Llandaff, Masterton 387 17 324 8 Mount Somers Glenburn, Martin borough •• 562 8 Martinborough •• 306 8 Bealey •• 690 10 Arthur's Pua 1025 9 Lagoon Hill, Martinboroogh 178 8 Te Awaite, Martinborough 582 9 Mt. White Station, Oasa 319 7 428 IO Craigieburn Feathel'llton 266 5 Summit 1009 13 Flook Hill Paparua Prison •• 72 3 Walla.oeville 424 13 172 11 Wainuiomata Reservoir 986 12 Rhodes Convaleaoent Home, Cub- mere Hills Orongorongo Reservoir 1385 13 Incomplete. Waiwetu 321 13 Islington 447 12 Governor's Bay •• 217 6 Lower Hutt 272 8 Karori Reaervoir 394 13 Otahuna, Tai Ta.po Beatoun 326 12 Littl1> River Puaha .. 234 8 Magnet Bay, Little River .• 119 7 SOUTH ISLAND. Pigeon Bay .. . .. (E,) NoBTB ASPBOT-0APB FABBWBLL TO K.AIKOUBA. Brookworth, Little Aka.loa. 242 11 Oollingwood '84 5 Coalgate 295 12 Onekaka 465 7 Horora.ta. 324 12 " Hara.keke," Central Houten 94 3 .Aka.roa •• 222 7 Motoeka 211 6 Darfi~ld 308 8 Upper Mooter. . . 159 5 Southbridge . . . . 292 10 " Aabeetbe Oottage, " Pokororo 421 8 [ Raka.ia • • • • 246 13 (height, 2, 700 ft.) Mount Torle188, Sprillj[iield 581 11 470 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 11

NWJ Zealand Ra.i•fall for December, 19.27-oontinued. New Zuland Rainfall for December, 19.27-oontinued.

Total Fe.II, Days with 11 Points I . Station. · 1 Tot~l~! • IDays .with I(100 to Inch). Ro.ID. (100 ,o Inch). Ro.ID. ------'--- SOUTH ISLAND-continued. SOUTH ISLAND-continued. (G.) ABPBOT-KAill'.OURA 0APB SA EAST ro UNDBRS-eonlinued. (H.) SOUTH A2PBOT-CAPB SAUJIIDllltS TO PUYSBGUR POIJIIT Methven 471 11 eonlinued. Rudstone, Methven 390 13 Lake Coleridge Homestead •• 147 6 Tarras •• 38 3 Point Switching Stn, Lake Coleridge 376 14 Hawea. Flat Glenthome, Lake Coleridge 171 5 Pembroke 57 2 Double Hill • • • . 437 6 Makarora 344 6 Winchmore, Ashburton 254 13 Me.ungawera, Ota.go 74 3 Fairview,Springburn 420 13 Ripponvale, Cromwell 28 5 si.veley •• •• 505 13 Lnggate, Cromwell 19 l Evandale, Mount Somers •• 275 14 Mo.norbnrn Dam •• 136 11 Lynnford, Hinda •• 221 13 Frankton 69 7 Peel Foreat 334 11 Glade House, Milford Track 456 5 Kapnnatiki, Rangitata Arrowtown 69 9 Oef,v Orchard, Geraldine 193 11 Queenstown 42 3 Waitui, Gealdine 157 12 Moe. Creek 69 10 Orari Gorge 413 18 St. Batho.n's 224 8 Orari Eatate, Orari 215 17 Blackstone Hill 251 9 Braemar 113 5 Clyde 51 6 Bedyshurat, Fairlie 235 16 Alexandra 57 7 Horwell Downs, Fairlie 250 16 Ga.llowa.y 58 4 Lambrook, Fairlie 90 7 Ea.rnsolengh 46 5 Waratah, Albury • • • • 112 5 Roxburgh 78 5 Godley Peaks, Te Kapo, Mackenzie Balolutha 195 14 Country Glenfa.llooh Station, Nokomai 141 8 The Hermitage, Mount Oook Castle Hill Station, Athol. • 203 9 Kakahu Bosh, Geraldine Wendon 125 8 Wfncheater 208 13 Lawrence 206 12 Oave 136 15 Owaka. •. 166 12 Ple1111&11t Point •• 200 13 Tapo.nui Nul'Sery 318 13 Beadown 271 12 Wo.iko.wa Valley .. 214 10 Smithfield 231 13 Tahakopa, Wharuo.rimu 308 16 Timaru Reservoir 101 8 Mimihan, Wyndham 228 11 Benmore Station, Omarama 77 6 Dun Ian, Waimahaka 265 15 Otiake •• 217 11 Roslin Estate, Woodlands 269 13 Totara •• 219 12 Dipton 182 9 Glen-Cary Station, Hakat&ramea 45 8 Radio-Awarua 140 11 Duntroon 203 12 Nightcaps 146 11 Reed 8$., Oamaru 247 13 Otautan 156 13 Steward Settlement, Oamaru 285 10 Manapouri 121 7 Te Awa, Hillgrove 258 16 Monowai (Sunnyside) 139 7 Ro.alyn, Dunedin 357 14 Kaun,o Hill, Maheno 159 8 Bushey Park, Palmerston South ISLANDS. Fish-hatchery, Portcbsllo .. 322 14 Pumping Station, MU111elbargb, 289 14 Centre Island 155 10 Dunedin Ha.If-moon Bay, Stewart Island 217 10 Whare Flat 532 14 Nine Island 899 19 Avarua., Rarotongo., Cook Island, 184·1 14 Aituto.ki Island, Cook Islands (H.) SoUTB A8PB<7r-0APB SAUJIIDBRS TO PUYSBGUR PolNT. Ma.ngaia, Cook Islands Paeran .. 235 11 Chatham Islands 217 10 Great MOBB Swamp, via Patearoa 54 5 Naaeby Plantation •. 202 12 LATE RETURNS. Waipiata 126 6 Patearoa 158 12 Waikarcmoana, for November, 1927 487 18 Naaeby .. 190 6 Pembroke 141 8 Robsrt.elee, Middlemaroh .. 282 14 Glenfalloeh, Nokomai 307 12

Mining Primkgee to be Btruck off the Register.-Notice under Mining Privilege to be struck off the Reg·ister.-Notice under the tire Mining Act, 1926. Mining Act, 1926, Section 188.

Mining Registrar's Office, Thames, 24th January, 1928. Mining Registrar's Office, OTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of section 188 (3) . . L~wrence, 9th Februa_ry, 1928. N of the Mining Act, 1926, that within three months NOTICE 1s hereby given m pursuance of soct10n 188 (3) from the date hereof, unless sufficient cause is shown to the of the Mining Act, 1926, that unless sufficient cause contrary, the mining privileges mentioned in the Schedule ! be shown to ~he con~r~ry within.three _months from the date hereunder will be struck off the Register. j hereof the mmmg privilege mentioned m the Schedule hereto H. R. BUSH, Mining Registrar. will be struck off the Register. M. M. McCALLUM, Mining Registrar. SCHEDULE. No. 5005. Date, 27/9/1912. Nature of mining privilege : Residence-site. Locality, Thames. Registerei holder : . SCHEDULE Mary Eleen Houghton. j · • • No. 7098. Date 30/9/1920. Nature of mining privilege: No. 15. Dated 11/12/99. Na~ure of mining privilege: Mineral license. Locality, Tararu Creek, Thames. Regis- 1 Water-race. Locality: East Spylaw Creek, Block IV, tered holder: Frank Joseph Bodle. Crookston District. Registered holder : ,Jean Bennet. FEB. 28.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 471

Supplementary Te,ar,hers' Register and Supplementary Gra4ed LiBt of Primary, SeccruJary, and Te,;hnical School Tead1er~, 1928. Daoo of Name. ---fC~!~~~- :=1, Grading. J:i~~.o~r Promotion. Education Department, Wellington, 20th February, 1928. Johnson, George Cameron /_ Tech. D I, I 4/2/28 HE following list of teachers is issued under the authority of 1 CI T the Minister of Education in accordance with the requirements Keane, Eileen C 1 P. 215 . . 1/2/28 of the Education Act. The list contains the names of- Keeper, Lillian D 1/1/28 Kensington, Florence ;cathrine D 1/1/28 (a) Tea.chars added to the Teachers' Register: Barbara (b) Tea.ohers already in the Teachers' Register-. Kerr, Noel Irene Tech. DI, 30/1/28 (I) Now graded, but not previously graded: CI (2) Whose grading has been altered as the result of Kissel, Leonard Merrington B P. 198 .. 1/2/28 correction in marks, or change in certificate: Lane, Mavis Norma .. C P. 208 .. 1/2/28 Lankovsky, Mary C P. 210 1/2/28 (3) Who are now graded under an additional division. Lawes, Edith Cordelia, B.A. B Tech. DI, 19/1/28 T, B. STRONG, Director of Education. CII Sec. D .. 20/1/28 Lea, Cecil Winiam Tech. DI, 22/12/27 CI ,--G-ra-d-ln-g.-,--G-:!-~~-n-:r:: ---_-_-_-_-v_ame.-~~-~~~~~~~--Ce·-:JrWI-.~." Certificaoo or McDonald, Irene Audrey Duucan C P. 211 1/2/28 Promotlen. McIntyre, Nathaniel Herbert, B ! Sec. D 21/lll/27 ---- B.A. McK.inlay, Agnes Mary D P. 219 1/2/28 Andrews, Gladys Gaynor C P. 209 1/2/28 McPhee, Margaret (i) .. C P. 165 1/1/28 Alder, Henry George .. Lfo. 31/12/27* McSweeny, Augustus Wakefield C P. 204 1/2/28 Baird, Charles Andrew D P. 221 1/2/28 Marshall, Edith Rosalie C P. 211 1/2/28 Beeby, Lily Madeline B P. 204 1/2/28 Martin, Davida Evelyn Beath .. Tech. DI, 21/12/27 Beverley, Felicia Mary C P. 203 1/1/28 CI Bliss, Leonora C P. 210 1/2/28 Mathews, Dorothy, B.A. B P. 201 1/2/28 Blackman, Joseph Henry, B.A. B Seo. D 17/2/28 Sec. D 16/2/28 Brierly, Gordon C P. 213 1/2/28 Maxwell, Jessie (ii) C P. 211 1/2/28 Brown, Dulcie Newbegin C P. 205 1/2/28 Mead, Mrs. Alice l\fay C P. 201 1/1/28 Bruce, Edith Mary, B.A. B Sec. C 1/2/28 Melville, David Petrie C P. 203 1/2/28 Caskey, Mary Elizabeth C P. 204 1/2/28 Mitchell, Lilian May, B.A. Tech. DI, 15/12/27 Colgan, Jean Thornton, B.A. Sec. D 4/1/28 CI Colgan, Jeslie James Franklin .. C Sec. D 20/1/28 Sec. D .. 17/12/27 P. 197 1/2/28 Morrison, Alex McKenzie C Tech. DI, 6/2/28 Collins, Constance Helen Tech. DII, 4/1/28 CI Cl P. 203 1/2/28 Cooper, Selwyn Ashley, B.Sc. B Tech. DI, 21/12/27 Mountfort, Herbert Vaughan C P. 200 1/1/28 CI Sec. D 21/12/27 Orr, Doris Mildred Joyce , C P. 208 1/2/28 P. 192 1/2/28 Paul, Evelyn Sarah .. D P. 215 1/2/28 Da"is, John Gethin .. C P. 207 1/2/28 Purvis, Patience Isabella D P. 131 1/1/28 Dixon, James Roy, B.Sc. D P. 218 1/2/28 Reid, Berna Mary D P. 222 1/2/28 Dobbie, Henry Dahlke Sec. D 20/1/28 Rennie, Jean Findlay, M.A. B Sec. D 21/12/27 Donald, Helen May .. C Sec. D 30/1/28 Richardson, Gordon Bennett, B Sec. D 4/2/28 P. 201 1/2/28 B.A. Dunn, Arthur John, M.A. Sec. B 16/2/28 Ruston, Philip Sec.D 6/1/28 Dunwoodie, David William C P. 207 1/2/28 Sanderson, Marion Veronica Seo. D 20/1/28 Ellis, Albert, Frederick (i) C P. 204 1/2/28 Shepheard, Graham Garde C P. 208 1/2/28 Evans, Dora Mabel C P. 203 1/2/28 Simpson, Barbara D P. 218 1/2/28 Simpson, Myrtle Ellen D P. 221 1/2/28 Ferguson, Gladys, B.A. B P. 134 1/2/28 Smallfield, Roy, B.A. B Sec. D 6/1/28 Flower, Douglas Gordon C P. 205 1/1/28 Stevens, Corneliae Olivia D P. 223 1/2/28 :Foley, Stanley C P. 207 1/2/28 Stewart, Christopher James Lie. 31/12/27* Foote, Geoffrey William C Sec. D 26/1/28 Sutherland, Wilhelmina Moncrieff Tech. DII, 12;v28 P. 198 1/2/28 C II Forbes, Aleck Hunter .. B P. 202 1/2/28 Taylor, Winifred Mayse! Annitti D P. 219 1/2/28 Gilmour, Riobard Smyth B Teoh. DI, 27/1/28 Lind C III Thomas, Joseph Henry C P. 207 1/2/28 Glover, Percy William Sec. D 7/2/28 Thomas, Mabel Enid .. C P. 208 1/2/28 Gloyn, Hazel Harriet C P. 209 1/2/28 Tier, James Ernest B Seo. D 19/1/28 Gloyn, Valerie Margaret C P. 209 1/2/28 P. 187 1/2/28 Greig, Arthur Gray C P. 129 1/1/28 Timms, Mrs. Dorothy Barbara C P. 169 1/1/28 Greville, Alice C P. 152 1/1/28 Timaru Gunn, Helen Constance Wilber- B Teoh. DI, 27/1/28 Turney, Heather Naomi C P. 199 1/1/28 field, B.A. C III Vickers, Richard John C P. 213 1/2/28 Guthrie, Anne (Mrs.), M.A. I Sec. D 13/2/28 Wapp, Ruby Eileen .. C P. 202 1/2/28 Gutzewitz, Ellen Elizabeth D P. 224 1/2/28 Watson, Phyllis Eveline C Tech. DII, 3/2/28 Hardcastle, Aroha Moana, B.A. Sec. D 9/2/28 C II Harris, Leslie Arthur .. C 1/2/28 P. 205 1/2/28 Haslett, Esther Bridget (Mrs.) .• Lie. 31/12/27* Webb, Richard Guy .. Sec. D 17/12/27 Howes, Evelyn Margaret Blanche B P. 212 1/1/28 Westlake, Daisy Alice Mary (Mrs.) D P. 199 1/1/28 Hoyle, Celia Maud C P. 204 1/1/28 Wicks, Roland Bulmar Priestly .. C Sec. D 21/12/27 Jeffries, Ivy Rachel .. D P. 228 1/2/28 • Winter, Winifred Ivy Lie. 31/12/27* ------* License renewed 31/12/29. 472 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 11

Notice respecting Proposed Alteration of Boundaries of Borough 5. RegulatiollB as to the use of marks of identification of of Waitara. deer-heads contained in section 6 of the regulations under the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, published in the New Zedand Gazel:te of the 7th February, 1924, page 437, Department of Internal Affairs, shall be strictly adhered to by each licensee, who, in addition Wellington, 22nd .February, 1928. thereto, shall return all unused " tags " to the Secretary of I T is hereby notified that a petition has been presented to the Westland Acclimatization Society, Hokitika, immediately His Excellency the Governor-General, under the Muni­ he has finished stalking for the season for which such " tags " cipal Corporations Act, 1920, praying that the area described have been issued, together with a statement of the number in the Schedule hereto may be excluded from the Borough of of deer shot. Waitara and included in the County of Clifton. All persons 6. Nothing in any license to take or kill red-deer stags and affected are hereby called upon to lodge any written objections hinds shall authorize the holder thereof to take or kill red-deer to or petitions against the proposed alteration of boundaries stags or hinds on lands actually and exclusively used by any which they desire to lodge within one month from the first registered acclimatization society for acclimatization purposes, publication of this notice, such objections or petitions to be or on any sanctuary or public domain, or on any land ex­ addressed to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Wellington. cepted from the operation of the notification declaring an open season for the district. 7. Any person committing a breach of any of these con­ SCHEDULE. ditions is liable, on conviction, to a fine of £20. AREA PROPOSED TO BE EXCLUDED FROM THE BOROUGH OF WAITARA. FIRST SCHEDULE. ALL that area in the Taranaki Land District bounded by a ALL that area comprised in the Westland Acclimatization line commencing at the north-western corner of Section 12, District, known as the Okuru Block, South Westland. Waitara East District; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said Section 12 and Section 13 for a distance of 647 links; south-easterly and southerly along a line parallel SECOND SCHEDULE, to and distant 400 links from tho north-eastern and eastern No. boundaries of Section 13, and tho eastern boundaries of Licen•e f,o take or kill Imported Game (Deer). Sections 34 and 15, W aitara East District, for a distance of , of , having this day paid the sum of £5, 1942 Jinks ; thence along a right line to the western side of is hereby authorized to take or kill four red-deer stags, also Princess Street ; thence southerly along the western side of an unlimited number of old hinds and stags with deformed Princess Street to the south-eastern corner of Section 26, heads, within that part of the Westland Acclimatization Dis­ Waitara East District ; thence along the southern and trict known as the Okuru Block, South Westland, upon western boundaries of Section 26 aforesaid, and the production Block No. , from the 1st day of March, 1928, to the of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of J oil Street ; 30th day of April, 1928 (both days inclusive), subject to the thence along the middle of Joli Street to the eastern boundary provisions of the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, of Section 24, W aitara East District ; thence along part of and all rec,ulations and notifications affecting red-deer stags the eastern and the northern boundaries of that section to tho and hinds° made thereunder and in force within the said eastern side of Manukorihi Road ; thence north -easterly along district. . the eastern side of that road to the northern boundary of This license does not authorize the holder thereof to take or Section 14 ; thence along the northern boundary of Section kill red-deer stags or hinds on lands actually and exclusively 14 aforesaid to the north-western boundary of Section 12 used by any registered acclimatization society for acclimati­ aforesaid; thence north-easterly along the north-western zation purposes, or on any sanctuary or public domain, or on ,boundary of the said Section 12 to the north-western corner, any land excepted from the operation of the notification the point of commencement. declaring an open sea.son for the district. M. POMARE, Dated at Hokitika this day of , 1928. Acting Minister of Internal Affairs. . •.....••.•. , Postmaster. (I.A. 19/1/212.) A,; witness my hand at Wellington, this 16th day of February, 1928. Open Season for Deer-shooting, W e8tland Acclimatization F. J. ROLLESTON, District (Olcuru Block), South W e.stland. (I.A. 25/20/3.) Acting Minister of Internal Affa.irs. N exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals I Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, I, Francis Joseph Rolleston, Acting Minister of Internal Affairs of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby declare the period from the 1st day of Recla.ssification of certain Roads in the W aipa OoUnty. March, 1928, to the 30th da,y of April, 1928 (both days in­ clusive), to be an open season in that part of the Westland Acclimatization District described in the First Schedule· N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on me hereto, for the taking or killing of the following imported I by the Motor-lorry Regulations, 1927, I, Kenneth Stua.rt game-viz., red-deer stags and hinds-subject to the follow. Williams Minister of Public Works, do hereby approve of ing conditions. the Waipa County Council's proposed reclassification of roads as set forth in the Schedule hereto. CONDITIONS. I. LIOBNSES to take or kill red-deer stags and hinds may be I issued by the Postmaster at Hokitika on the recommendation SCHEDULE. of the Secretary of the Westland Acclimatization Society at Hokitika, on payment of a license fee of £5, in the form pre­ REOLASSIFICATION OF ROADS IN THE W.AIPA COUNTY. scribed in the Second Schedule hereto, and subject to the ROADS (formerly classified in the third class) now classified said Act and regulations thereunder and this notification. in the fourth class (available for the use thereon of any The number of such licenses to be issued by the said Post­ motor-lorry which, with the load it is carrying, weighs not master shall not exceed two : Provided that not more than more than four tons)- one such license shall be issued to the same person, and 1. Portion of the Great South Main Highway, from the also that stalkers shall shoot only on the blocks specifiea in southern boundary of the Hamilton Borough via their respectiy-e licenses, and if the number o_f appli;cation., I Ohaupo-Te Awamutu and Kihikihi to the southern received for licenses exceed the number of available licenses, boundary of the Waipa County. then the persons to whom such licenses are to be issued shall 2. Portion of the Hamilton-Raglan Main Highway, from be decided by ballot. the western boundary of the Hamilton Borough. to 2. No licensee shall take or kill more than four stags. A licensee may also, pursuant to a license issued under this the western boundary of the Waipa County at notification, take or kill an unlimited number of old hinds Whatawhata. 3. The Te Awamutu-Pirongia Main Highway. from the and stags with deformed heads. Ball cartridge only to be western boundary of the Te Awa.mutu Borough to used: Provided that no metal-patohed or metal-cased bullet aha.II be used for killing such deer. the Pirongia Post-office. 3. No licensee shall allow any dog to accompany either Dated at Wellington, this 22nd day of February, 1928. himself or any attendant he may have with him. 4. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorizing K. S. WILLIAMS, Minister of Public Works. a.ny person to sell any deer or portion thereof. (P.W. 62/26/5.) FEB. 23,j THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, 473

Notice to lmprestees under the Public Revenues Act, 1926. Our Royal Crest with the inscription "FID. DEF. IND. IMP" together with the words "ONE SHILLING" and The Treasury, the date of the year. The Coin shall have a graining upon Wellington, 23rd February, 1928. the edge. E VERY officer holding advances of public money is (5) Sixpence-Every sixpence shall have the same obverse hereby required to pay to the Public Account, at impression as the crown with the inscription "GEORGIV8 the nearest branch of the Bank of New Zealand, the unex­ V D.G. BRITT : OMN: REX F.D. IND: IMP: " and pended balance of his account on or before Saturday, the for the revers0 six acorns growing from interlaced oak 31st March proximo, and forthwith to transmit to the branches with the words " SIX PENCE " and the date Treasury at Wellington the bank receipt for such repay­ of the year. The Coin shall have a graining upon tho ment, together with an account of his expenditure to the edge. same date, as required by clause 88 of the Treasury Regu­ lations. ( 6) Threepence-Every threepence, not being a coin of With regard to disbursements which officers may require the King's ]\,foundy monies, shall have the same obverse to make immediately after the close of the financial year, impression 11s the crown, with the inscription "GEORGIVS requisitions for the amount required are to be made in V D.G. BRITT : OMN : REX F.D. IND : IMP " and such time as to enable them to reach Wellington not later I for the reverse three acorns growing from interlaced oak than the 15th March, so that the requisite funds may be twigs, with the words " THREE PENCE " and the date placed at the disposal of the officer as soon after the 1st of the year. The Coin shall have a plain edge. April as possible. Imprestees are further notified that 2. The King's Maundy Monies-Every Maundy silver telegraphic advice of remittances will not be sent. Thoy fourpence, threepence; twopence and penny shall have for will therefore require to ascertain from the bank if their the obverse impression Our aforcsaiu Effigy, with the in­ imprest accounts have been replenished. scription "GEORGlV8 V D.G. BRITT: OMN: REX W. DOWNIE STEWART, Minister of Finance. F.D. IND: IMP: " and for the reverse the respective figures "4," '' 3," "2," " l," (according to the denomination or value of the piece) in the centre, with the date of the year placed across the figure, and encircled with an oak wreath surmounted by the Royal Crown. These Coins shnll have Determining New Designs for Certain Silver Goins of the Realm. a plain edge. 3. This Proclamation shall come into force and have effect Treasury Department, as from the first day of December, one thousand nine hundred Wellington, 10th February, 1928. and twenty-seven. HE following Proclamation, received from tho Secretary T of State for Dominion Affairs, is published for general Given at Our Court at Buckingham Palace, this third day information. of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, nnd in the Eighteenth WM. DOWNIE STEWART, Minister of Finance. year of Our Reign.

Gon SA VE THE KING ! BY THE K:!NG. A PROCLAMATION. Notice re.specting Proposed Constitution of Hauraki Plains DETERMINING NEW DESIGNS FOR CERTAIN SILVER West Drainage District. Corns OF THE REALM. GEORGE R.l. Department of Internal Affairs, WHEREAS under section eleven of the Coinage Act, 1870, Wellington, 19th February, 1928. We have power, with the advice of Our Privy Council, from T is here by notified that a petition has been presented to time to time by proclamation to determine the design for any I His Excellency the Governor-General, under the Land coin: Drainage Act, 1908, praying that the area described in the And whereas it appears to Us desirable to determine new Schedule hereto may be constituted a drainage district, to designs for the silver coins hereinafter specified, being certain be known as the Hauraki Plains West Drainage District. All of the silver coins mentioned in the First Schedule to the persons affected are hereby called upon to lodge any written Coinage Act, 1870 : objections to or petitions against the proposed constitution of such district which they desire to lodge within one month We, therefore, in pursuance of the said enactment and of from the first publication of this notice, such objections or all other powers enabling Us in that behalf, do hereby, by petitions to be addressed to the l\finister of Internal Affairs, and with the advice of Our Privy Council, proclaim, direct, Wellington. and ordain as follows :- 1. The designs for the said silver coins shall be as follows :- ( l) Grown-Every Crown shall have for the obverse SCHEDULE. impression Our Effigy with the inscription "GEORGIVS V DEi GRA : BRITT : OMN : REX " and for the reverse PROPOSED HAURAKI PLAINS WEST DRAINAGE DISTRICT. the Royal Crown with the date of the yea.r encircled by ALL that land in the Auckl11nd Laud District, Hauraki Plains a wreath composed of the national emblems of the rose, County, bounded commencing at a point on the Firth of thistle, and shamrock, with the inscription " FID._ DEF. Thames midway in the mouth of the Piako River ; thence IND. IMP" together with the word "CROWN." The generally in a southerly direction by the west bank of the Coin shall have a graining upon the edge. Piako River to its junction by the southern end of the Puhanga (2) Half-Crown-Every half-crown shall have the same Canal ; thence northerly by the east bank of the said Puha.nga obverse impression and inscription as the crown, and for Canal to a point in line with the southern bounuary of the reverse the Ensigns Armorial of t_he United Kingdom Section 24 of Block I, Waihou Survey District; thence contained in a shield having on each side the initial letter westerly by a right line to and along the southern boundaries of Our Name in duplicate and interlaced surmounted by of Sections, 24, 35, 22, 38, 21, and 20 of Block I, Waihon the Royal Crown with the inscription ".FID. DEF. IND. Survey District, and along the southern boundary of Section 1, IMP" together with the words "HALF-CROWN" and Block V, Waihou Survey District; thence north-westerly the date of the year interspersed with the national emblems along the western boundaries of Section I, Block V, Waihou of the rose, thistle, and shamrock. The Coin shall have Survey District, and Sections 18, 13, 46, 5, 3, and IA, Block a graining upon the edge. I, Waihou Survey District, and Section 16, Block X, Whare­ (3) Florin-Every florin shall have the same obverse ka wa Survey District ; thence westerly along the southern impression and inscription as the crown and for the reverse boundaries of Sections 12, 11, 10, 9, and 8 of Block X, the initial letter of Our Name in the centre interlaced by Wharekawa Survey District ; thence in a generally north­ four cro"'.ned Sceptres in the form of a cross ; in the angles westerly direction along the western boundary of Section 8 the Ensigns Armorial of the United Kingdom contained of the aforementioned block, to and across a public road, in four shields, with the inscription " FID. DEF. IND. and along the western boundary of W aitakaruru Reserve to IMP" together with the words " ONE FLORIN " and the Firth of Thames ; thence in an easterly direction by the the date of the year. The Coin shall have a graining upon Firth of Thames to the point of commencement. · the edge. M. POMARE, \4) Shilling-Every shilling shall have the same obverse Acting Minister of Internal Affairs. imi--ession and inscription as the crown and for the reverse (I.A. 19/10/63.) ------


Incorporate,J, Societies Act, 1908.-Declaration revoking the La1ui in Taranalci Land District for Selection on Renewable Dissolution of a Society. Leo,se.

ROY FELLOWES BAIRD, Registrar offIncorporated District Lands and Survey Office, I , Societies, do hereby declare that the declaration made New Plymouth, 18th February, 1928. by me on the 27th day of May, 1927, dissolving the Tangoio­ OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned section Waikare Rural Telephone Society, was made in error, and NL is open for selection on renewable lease under the Land the said de_claration is accordingly hereby revoked in pur­ Act, 1924; and applications will be received at the District suance of section 28, subsection (3), of the Incorporated Lands and Survey Office, New Plymouth, up to 4 o'clock p.m. Societies Act, 1908. on Wednesday, 7th March, 1928. Dated a1, Napier, this 15th day of February, 1928. Preference at the ballot will be given to landless applicants R. F. BAIRD, I who have one or more children-dependent on them; to land­ Registrar of Incorporated Societies. less applicants who, within two years immediately preceding I date of ballot, have applied for land at least twice unsuccess- fully ; to applicants who have served beyond New Zealand as Re,,ult of an Election under the Government Railways A mend­ members of the Expeditionary Force; to persons engaged on ment Act, 1927.---Government Railways Appeal Board. military service beyond New Zealand in connection with the late war, if such persons immediately prior to the war were New Zealand Government Railways, bona fvle residents in New Zealand; and to applicants who, Head Office, Wellington, while domiciled in New Zealand, have served beyond New 22nd February, 1928. Zealand as members of any of His Majesty's Forces in con­ HE following is the result of the first election of the nection with any war other than the war with Germany. T elective members of the Government Railways Appeal Board constituted under the Government Railways Amend­ ment Act, 1927 :-- SCHEDULE. FmsT llivIBION. SECOND-CLASS LAND. Johanson, H. 639 Egmont Oount11.-0ape Survey DiBtrict. Stanley, V. R. J. 1,956 Informal 5 (Exempt from payment of Rent for Three Years.) SECTION 42, Block IX: Area, 111 acres 3 roods 3 perches. SECOND TuvrsION. Capital value, £150. Half-yearly rent, £3. Traffic and Stores Branch. Exempt from rent for a period of three years, providing Aitken, W. J. 630 improvements to the value of £20 are effected annually during Connelly, M. 807 the exemption period. Pickup, J. 526 Weighted with £300, valuation for improvements com­ Terry, J. H. 390 prising about 110 chains fencing, cowshed, and three-roomed Informal .. 13 house with back porch. This amount is to be secured by way of first mortgage under the provisions of the Discharged Maintenance Branch. Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, after payment of a deposit of £30. Alexander, R. W. 389 The property is situated on the Newall Road, about three Dash, E. J. 891 miles and a half from the Warea School and Dairy Factory. Gavan, P. B. 452 About 100 acres were originally felled and grassed, but this Informal .. 9 is now becoming overgrown with blackberry and tutson. It comprises fairly easy country. Soil is of a volcanic loam, ];O


In Bankrupt,cy.-ln the Supreme Court of New Zealand. In Bankrupwy.-1 n the Supreme Cou1't holden at New Plynwuth.

OTIC. E is hereby given that w ALTER LESLIE MARSHALL, OTICE is hereby given that HENRY LUDOVIC MARTINI, .LN Farmer, of Otara Road, Otahuhu, was this day adjudged N of New Plymouth, Merchant, was this day adjudged bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors be holden at my office on Monday, the 27th day of February, to be holden at my office on Wednesday, the 29th day of 1928, at 11 o'clock a.m. February, 1928, at 2.30 o'clock p.m. Dated at Auckland, this 14th day of February, 1928. ,J. H. MEDLEY, G. N. MORRIS, 18th February, 1928. Deputy Official Assignee. Official Assignee. In Bankrnptsy.-Tn the Supreme Court holden at Napier. In Bankruptcy.-ln the Supreme Court of New Zeakl:nd. OTICE is hereby given that WILLIAM JOHN MACKAY, OTICE is hereby given that JOHN PETERSON, Labourer, N of Ardkeen, Sheep-farmer, was adjudged bankrupt N of Thornton, was this day adjudged bankrupt ; and ou the 11th February, 1928; and I hereby summon a meeting I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at of creditors to be holden at my office, Courthouse, Wairoa, the Courthouse, Whakatane, on Tuesday, the 28th day of on Wednesday, the 22nd day of February, 1928, at 11 o'clock February, 1928, at 11 o'clock a.m. a.m. Dated at Auckland, this 14th day of February, 1928. N. BUTCHER, G. N. MORRIS, 15th February, 1928. Official Assignee. Official Assignee. In Bankruptcy.-ln the Supreme Court holden at Napier. In Bankrupt,cy.-ln the Supreme Court of New Zealand. OTICE is hereby given that HAREMOA HAKOPA, of Paki OTICT<, is hereby given that LEONARD Owlm, Farmer, N Paki, Aboriginal Native Labourer, was this day N of Brown's Bay, was this day adjudged bankrupt ; adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden creditors to be holden at the Courthouse, Hastings, on at my office on Tuesday, the 28th day of February, 1928, Thursday,. the 1st day of March, 1928, at 2·30 o'clock p.m. at 11 o'clock a.m. Dated at Auckland, this 14th day of February, 1928. G. G. CHISHOLM, 17th February, 1928. Official Assignee. G. N. MORRIS, Official Assignee. In Bankruptcy. In Bankrupt,cy.-ln the Supreme Court of New Zealand. In the Estate of ALBERT LESLIE HOLLAND, of Hastings, Builder. OTICE is hereby given that BADEN WATSON, Contractor, N of 21A Kenyon Avenue, Mt. Eden, Auckland, was .OTICE is hereby given that a first and final dividend this day adjudged bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meet­ N of 2s. 2ld, in the pound is now payable at my office ing of creditors to be holden at my offir.e on Wednesday, on all accepted proved claims. the ,29th day of February, 1928, at 11 o'clock a.m. G. G. CHISHOLM, Dated at Auckland, this 14th day of February, 1928. 16th February, 1928. Official Assignee. G. N. MORRIS, Official Assignee. In Bankruptcy.-ln the Supreme. Court holden at Wanganui.

In Bankrupky.-ln the Supreme Court of New Zealand. OTICE is hereby given that J oHN McLENNAN, of Kaitieke, N Farmer, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and [ hereby OTICE is hereby given that THOMAS FRANCIS PATERSON, summon a meet,ing of creditors to be holden at the Court­ N of 362 Queen Street, Auckland, Hairdresser, was this house, Taumarunui, on Monday, the 18th day of February, day adjudged bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of 1928, at IO o'clock a.m. creditors to be holden at my office on Thursday, the 1st day C. MASTERS, of March, 1928, at 11 o'clock a.m. Deputy Official Assignee. Taihape, 8th February, 1928. Dated at Auckland, this 15th day of February, 1928. G. N. MORRIS, Official Assignee. In Bankruptcy.-ln the Supreme Court holden at Wangan1ti. OTICE is hereby given that WALTER WILLIAM DAVEY, In Bankruptcy. N Labourer, of Tangiwai, near Taihape, was this day adjudged bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of OTICE is hereby given that dividends as hereunder am creditors to be holden at Mr. J, Jones's office, Ohakune, on N.L now payable at my office. Promissory notes (if any) Monday, the 27th day of February, 1928, at 9.30 o'clock a.m. must be produced for endorsement. C. MASTERS, G. S. Adams, of Horsham Downs, Farmer-Supplementary Deputy Official Assignee. dividend of 3d. in the pound. Taihape, 13th February, 1928. Bruce Anderson, of Pokuru, Farmer - Supplementary dividend of 5d. in the pound. Bloomfield Bros., of Morrinsville, Contractors-First divi­ In Bankruptcy.-ln the Supreme Ouurt holden at Wanganui. dend of 2s. 6d. in the pound. Patton and Collins, of Hamilton, Grocers-Second and N OTICE is hereby given that Roy FREDERICK LILEY, of final dividend of ls. ld. in the pound. Wanganui, Compositor, was this day adjudged bank­ W. G. Collins, of Hamilton, Grocer-First and final divi­ rupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be dend of ls. 5d. in the pound. holden at my office, 44 Maria Place, Wanganui, on Monday, E.W. Peeder, of Hamilton, Agent-First and final dividend the 27th day of February, 1928, at 11.30 o'clock a.m. of ls. IOd. in the pound. E. M. SILK, J, McClennan, of Bruntwood, Farmer-First and final divi­ 20th February, 1928. Deputy Official Assignee. dend of lOd. in the pound. ·v. G. H. Sanson, of Whatawhata, Farmer-Supplementary In Bankruptcy. dividend of ls. Id. in the pound. E. J. Western, of l'ukeatua, Farmer-First and final divi­ In the Estate of D. R. McARLEY, Confectioner, Palmerston dend of 9d. in the pound. North. R. S. Hamley, of Camhridge, Boot-importer-First dividend of 2s. 6d. in the pound. OTICE is hereby given that a first and final dividend A. Cooper-Smith, of Hamilton East, Coal and Firewood N of 2s. in the pound is now due and payable on all Merchant-First and final dividend of ls. IOd. in the proved and accepted claims in the above estate at my office, pound. Waldegrave's Buildings, The Square, Palmerston North. J. H. ROBERTSON, CHARLES E. DEMPSY, Official Assignee. Deputy Official Assignee. Hamilton, 15th February, 1928. Palmerston North, 20th February, 1928. F 476 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. No. 11

In Bank:ruptcy.-In the Supreme Court holden at Masterton. LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. OTICE is hereby given that ARCHIE CADWALLADER, N of Carterton, Labourer, was this day adjudged bank­ OTICE is hereby given that the parcels of land herein- rupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be N after described will be brought under the provisions holden at my office on Friday, the 24th day of February, of the Land Transfer Act, 1915, unless caveat be lodged , 1928, at 10.30 o'clock a.m. forbidding the same on or before 26th March, 1928. ARTHUR D. LOW, 7659. JOHN BEESTON STEBBJNG.-Lots 4, 5, and 18th February, 1928. Deputy Official Assignee. 6 of Allotment 63, Parish of Titirangi, containing. 2 roods 38·4 perches, fronting Great North Road, in the City of Auckland. Unoccupied. (Plan 20842.) In Ban1'ruptcy.-In the Supreme Court holden at Wellinqton. 7686. SAMUEL HODGE.-Lot 2 of Clendon's Grant, in the Parish of Papakura, containing 180 acres 1 rood. OTICE is hereby given that PHILLIP REGINALD WEBBER, Occupied by William David Anderson. (Plan 20537.) N of Paekakariki, Pastrycook, was this day adjudged 7687. GORDON HODGE.-Lot I of Clendon's Grant, bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors iu the Parish of Papakura, containing 77 acres 2 roods 30 to be holden at my office on Wednesday, the 29th day of perches. Occupied by William David Anderson. (Plan February, 1928, at 11 o'clock a.m. 20537.) S. TANSLEY, 7714. HENRY JOHN HALL.-Lot 65 of Fairburn's 20th February, 1928. Official Assignee. Claim 269A, Parish of Manurewa, containing 12 perches, fronting Queen Street, in the Borough of Otahuhu. Occupied by Thomas Edward Erne. (Plan 17201.) In Bankruptcy.-ln the Supreme Court holden ,it Nelson. 7717. FREDERICK THOMAS HAYMAN.-Part Allot­ OTICE is hereby given that ARTHUR WILLIAMSON SKJEL­ ment 90, Parish of Waikomiti, containing 19 acres 3 roods N LERUP, of Nelson, Gramophone and Bicycle Dealer, 39·5 perches, fronting McLeod Road. Occupied by applicant. (Plan 21188.) was this day adjudged bankrupt;· and I hereby summon a 7722. HENRY JOSEPH SHORT.-Part of Fairburn's meeting of creditors to be holden at my office, on Tuesday, the 28th day of February, 1928, at 2.15 o'clock p.m. Claim 269A, Parish of Manurewa, containing 38·6 perches, fronting Station Road, in the Borough of Otahuhu. Un­ F. MITCHELL, occupied. (Plan 21154.) 16th February, 1928. Official AssignAe. Diagrams may be inspected at this office. Dated this 17th day of February, 1928, at the Land Registry In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court holden at Timaru. Office, Auckland. W. JOHNSTON, District Land Registrar. OTICE is hereby given that JAMES PATRICK HORGAN, N of Isleworth Settlement, Hinds, Farmer, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting OTICE is hereby given that the parcels of land herein­ of creditors to be holden at my office, Magistrates' Court, N after described will be brought under the provisions Ashburton, on Wednesday, the 29th day of February, 1928, of the Land Transfer Act, 1915, unless caveat be lodged for­ at 11 o'clock a.m. bidding the same within one calendar month from the date of publication of the New Zealand Gazette containing this notice. C. 0. PRATT, 18th February, 1928. Official Assignee. 5386. DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED. - 14 acres 2 roods 21 perches, being part of Section 54, Hutt District (Lot .3, deposited plan, No. 6963), Block IX, Belmont Survey Drn­ In Bankrupty.-In the Supreme Court holden at Dunedin. trict. Unoccupied. (Deposited plan No. 6963.) 5387. WILLIAM JORDAN PUDSEY CRAWFORD.- OTICE is hereby given that GEORGE STRONG, of Clarks­ 14 acres 3 roods 7 perches, being part of Section 54, Hutt N ville, Farmer, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and District (Lot 2, deposited plan, No. 6963), Block IX, Belmont I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my Survey District. Unoccupied. (Deposited plan No. 6963.) office, Supreme Court, on Friday, the 24th day of February, 1928, at 2.30 o'clock p.m. Diagrams may be inspected at this office. Dated this 22nd day of February, 1928, at the Land W. D. WALLACE, Registry Office, Wellington. 13th February, 1928. Official Assignee. C. E. NALDER, District Land Registrar.

In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Zealand. PPLICATION having been made to me for the issue A of a provisional mortgage No. 107583, affecting Sec­ OTICE is hereby given that JOSEPH HENSLEY, of lnver­ tion 2 of the Papaka Settlement, all the land in Lease-in­ N cargi11, Timber-merchant, was this day adjudged perpetuity Register-book, Vol. 196, foli? 12, ~hereof bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors PATRICK O'GRADY, of Timaru, Farmer, 1s the registered to be holden at my office on Friday, the 24th day of February, mortgagee, and evidence having been furnished of the loss 1928, at 2.15 o'clock p,m_ of the said mortgage, I hereby give notice that it is my Dated at Invercargill, this 14th da.y of February, 1928. intention to issue a provisional mortgage at the expiration J.M. ADAM, of fourteen days from the date of the Gazette· containing 14th February, 1928. Official Assignee. this notice. Dated at the Land Registry Office at Christchurch, this 20th day of February, 1928. In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Cmtrt of New Zealand. F. W. BROUGHTON, District Land Registrar. OTICE is hereby given that CATHERINE ANNE DE Nl. GARNHAlll, of Invercargill, Married Woman, was PPLICATION having been made to me for the issue of this day adjudged bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meet­ A a provisional certificate of title, Vol. 152, folio 6, for ing of creditors to be holden at my office on Friday, the 24th Lots 2 and 3, deposit plan 1037, parts of Rural Sections day of February, 1928, at 11 o'clock a.m. 14865 and 14866, Block III, of the Hawkins Survey District, Dated at Invercargill, this 15th day of February, 1928_ whereof THE CHAIRMAN, CouNcILLORS, AND INHABITANTS OF J.M. ADAM, THE CouNTY OF SELWYN are the registered proprietors, and Official Assignee. evidence having been furnished of the loss of the said certi­ ficate of title, I hereby give notice that it is my intention to issue a new certificate of title in lieu thereof at the In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Zeal,and. expiration of fourteen days from the date of the Gazette con­ taining this notice. OTICE is hereby given that CHRISTIAN FREDERICK Dated at the Land Registry Office, Christchurch, thls N GRIEBER, of Invercargill, Labourer, was this day 20th day of February, 1928. adjudged bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of · F. W. BROUGHTON, District Land Registrar. creditors to be holden at my office on Friday, the 24th day of February, 1928, at 2_15 o'clock p.m_ Dated at Invercargill, this 15th day of February, 1928. PPLICATION having been made to me for the issue J.M. ADAM, A of a provisional occupation license in the name of Official Assignee, ARTHUR LEO MARLOW, of Dunedin, Cabinetmaker, for FEB. 23.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 477

34·7 poles, more or less, being Section 39, Windle Settlement, THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTIONS 266 (3) and 267. and being the whole of the land in Occupation License Register-book, Vol. 206, folio 124, Otago Registry, and evi­ AKE notice that, at the expiration of three months dence having been lodged of the loss of the said occupation T from the date hereof, the name of the undermentioned license, I hereby give notice that it is my intention to issue company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be such provisional occupation license at the expiration of four­ struck off the Register and the company dissolved :- teen days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. Electra House, Limited. 1923/14. Dated at the Land Registry Office at Dunedin, this 20th day of February, 1928. Given under my hand at Dunedin, this 16th day of Feb­ ruary, 1928. WM. PHILIP MORGAN, District Land Registrar. L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. PPLICATION having been made to me for the issue A of a provisional occupation lease in the name of CATHERINE MORGAN, of St. Bathan's, Widow, for THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3). :14 acres 1 rood 15 poles, more or less, being Section 98, Block I, St. Bathan's Survey District, and being the whole AKE notice that, at the expiration of three months of the land in Occupation Lease Register-book, Vol. 208, T from the date hereof, the name of the;undermentioned folio 47, Otago Registry, and evidence having been lodged company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be of the loss of the said occupation lease, I hereby give notice struck off the Register and the company dissolved :- that it is my intention to issue such provisional occupation The Southland Meat-packing Company, Limited. 1926/46. lease at the expiration of fourteen days from the date of the Given under my hand at Dunedin, this 20th day. of..Feb­ Gazette containing this notice. ruary, 1928. Dated at the Land Registry Office at Dunedin, this 20th L. G. TUCK, day of February, 1928. Assistant Registrar of Companies. WM. PHILIP MORGAN, District Land Registrar.


AKE notice that, at the expiration of three months ADVERTISEMENTS. T from the date hereof, the name of the undermentioned company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the company dissolved :- THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908. Raich and McLennan's Co-operative Association, Limited. PRECIS OF WILL. 1917 /10. Given under my hand at Dunedin, this 20th day of Feb­ K INDLY take notice that, at the expiration of three ruary, 1928. months from the date hereof, the name of the under­ L. G. TUCK, mentioned company will, unless cause is shown to the con­ Assistant Registrar of Companies. trary, be struck off the Register, and the company will be dissolved :- Runsyne Advertising, Limited. 1926/225. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3). Given under my hand at Auckland, this 15th day of February, 1928. AKE notice that, at the expiration of three months H.B. WALTON, T from the date hereof, the name of the undermentioned Assistant Registrar of Companies. company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the company dissolved :- Clutha Dairy Company, Limited. 1917/23. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3). Given under my hand at Duneilin, this 20th day of Feb­ ruary, 1928. K INDLY take notice that, at the expiration of three L. G. TUCK, months from the date hereof, the names of the under­ Assistant Registrar of Companies. mentioned companies will, unless cause is shown to the con­ trary, be struck off the Register and the companies ·dis­ solved:- THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3). Browns Bay Bus Company, Limited. 1927 /78. Wigg and Ball, Limited. 1924/3. AKE notice that, at the expiration of three months Rugby Motors, Limited. 1926/44. T from the date hereof, the name of the undermentioned Given under my hand at Auckland, this 17th day of company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be February, 1928. struck off the Register and the company dissolved :- H. B. WALTON, The Otago Dairy Company, Limited. 1920/7. Assistant Registrar of Com panics. Given under my hand at Dunedin, this 20th day of Feb­ ruary, 1928. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (4). L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. AUSTRALASIAN INSCLATORS, LIMITED, 1923/3, AKE notice that the name of the above-mentioned MIDLAND CATTLE PRODUCTS, LIMITED. T company has been struck off the Register, and the company has been dissolved. THE CoMPANIES ACT, 1908. Dated at Napier, this 18th day of February, 1928. R. F. BAIRD, IDLAND CATTLE PRODUCTS, LIMITED, whose Assistant Registrar of Companies. M registered office is situate at Bordesley Street, in the City of Birmingham, England, hereby gives notice under the Companies Act, 1908, by its Attorney in New Zealand, THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3). ALFRED JAMES BOLT, of New Plymouth, in New Zealand, Secretary, that it proposes to and will commence and carry '11AKE notice that, at the expiration of three months on business at its office or place of business at Smart Road, from the date hereof, the name of the undermentioned in New Plymouth, in the Dominion of New Zealand, where company will, unless cause is shown to thi, contrary, be legal process and notices of any kind may be addressed or struck off the Register and the company dissolved :- delivered : And further gives notice that a copy of the power of attorney under which the said Attorney acts is deposited The Puketiro Sawmilling Company, Limited. Hl25/33. at the Supreme Court Office at New Plymouth. Given under my hand at Dunedin, this 16th day of Feb­ Dated at New Plymouth, this 1st day of February, 1928. ruary, 1928. AL:E'RED JAMES BOLT, L. G. TUCK, Attorney in New Zealand for Midland Assistant Registrar of Companies •• 193 Cattle Products, Limited. ------. ------

478 THE N:ElW Z:ElAtAND GAZETTE. [No. 11



OTICE is hereby given that the office in New Zealand In the matter of GEORGE A. BoND AND COMPANY, LIMITED N of THE BRITISH IMPERIAL OIL CoM:PANY (N.Z.}, (iu liquidation), a company incorporated in the State of LIMITED, has been changed from the Huddart Parker Building, N,ew South Wales, in the Commonwealth of Austraiia, Post-office Square, Wellington, to the A.M.P. Building, situated having its registered office at Mallett Street, Camper. at Nos. 88-96 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, and as from down, in the said State, and carrying on business in New the date of this notiee legal process of every kind may be Zealand as a foreign company under the provisions of served on the company, and notices of any kind may he Part IX of the Companies Act, 1908, at 54 Victoria addressed to the company at the latter address. Street in the City of Wellington, at 96 Lichfield Street Dated this 6th day of February, 1928. in the City of Christchurch, and at 5 Elliott Block, Elliott Street, in the 0ity of Auckland. 148 WALTER PREEDY, Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. HE creditors of the above-named company, the members NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. T whereof by extraordinary resolutions passed at an extraordinary general meeting duly convened and held at OTICE is hereby given that the Partnership hit,herto the registered office of the company at Mallett Street, Camper­ N subsisting between us, the undersigned ALBER~· HuaH down, on Wednesday, the 7th day of December, 1927, resolv.ed CURTIS and \VlLLIA1'I HENRY CcLLEN, carrying on business that it be wound up voluntarily, and that WILLIAM HARRING· at Whangarei as Auctioneers and Land Agents under the TON PALMER, of 47 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, Trade Assignee, style or firm name of "A. H. Curtis and Co.," was on the and ROBERT WILLIAM NELSON, of Challis House, Martin­ -Hh day of February, 1928, dissolved by mutual consent. All place, Sydney, Accountant, be appointed Liqu;dators for the accounts owing by and all moneys owing to the late Partner­ purposes of such winding-up, are required on or before the ship shall be paid and received respectively by the said Albert 20th dav of March, 1928, to send their namea and addresses Hugh Curtis, whose receipt shall be a sufficient discharge. and the· particulars of their debts or claims, and the names Dated this 14th day of February, 1928. and addresses of their solicitors (if any) to Watkins, Hull, Hunt, and Wheeler, Accountants' Chambers, 39 Johnston A. H. CURTIS. Street, Welliugton, Public Accountants, the Agents in New Signed by th,; said Albert Hugh Curtis in the presenc_c of­ Zealand for the said William Harrington Palmer and Robert Hugh C. Rishworth, Solicitor, Whangarei. William Nelsou, the Liquidators as aforesaid of the said company, and if so required by notice in writing from the W. H. CULLEN. said Watkins, Hull, Hunt, and Wheeler or the said Liquidators, Signed by the said William Henry Cullen in the presence are to come in and prove their said debts or tlaims at sueh of-Hugh C. Rishworth, Solicitor, Whangarei. 206 time or place as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distri­ bution made before such debts are proven. Dated at Wellington, th;s 14th day of February, 1928. In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Wellington District. W A1'KINS, HULL, HUNT, AND WH.EELER, Agents in New Zealand for- In the matter of the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks WILLIAM HARRINGTON PALMER AND Act, 1921-22, and the·· Rules thereunder; and in the ROBERT WILLIAM NELSON, matter of the New Zealand Letters Patent No. 31997, 208 Liquidators. dated 14th September, 1912, in the name of THE FARMERS' MILKING-MACHINE COMPANY, LIMITED, for an invention for an" Improved Milking-machine Apparatus." In the matter of the Public Works Act, 1908, and the OTICE is hereby given that THE FARMERS' MILKING· Education Act, 1914. N MACHINE COMPANY, LIMITED, a company duly regis­ T is hereby publicly notified that the local authority tered under the Companies Act, 1908, and having its registered l known as the Wellington Education Board requires to office at No. 60 Hobson Street, Auckland, intends to present take for a school-site at Flat Creek, Heringa Survey District, a petition to the Supreme Court of New Zealand at Welling­ Marlborough, all that piece of land containing by admeasure­ ton, praying that the above-mentioned Letters Patent, be ment 3 acres 3 roods 24 perches fronting the main road extended for a further term : And notice is hereby given from Blenheim to Nelson, being part of Section 61, Block V, that the said company intends to apply to the Supremp, Heringa Survey District, more particularly delineated and Court of New Zealand at Wellington, at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, shown on the plan hereinafter referred to. the 9th day of April, 1928, for a day to be fixed befor" which Further, that a survey has been made and a plan prepared the said petition shall not be heard : And notice is hereby showing the lands required to be taken for the purpose of a given that any persons desirous of being heard in opposition school-site, and by the said Board's direction a copy of such to the prayer of the said petition must, before the said Monday, plan has been deposited and is now open for inspection at the the 9th day of April, 1928, lodge notice of such opposition in Office of Messrs. McCullum, Mills, and Co., Solicitors, High the office of the Supreme Court at Wellington, and serve a Street, Blenheim. copy thereof at the office of the said company's solicitors, All persons affected are hereby called upon to set forth Messrs. Findlay, Hoggard, Cousins, and Wright, 197 Lambton in writing any well-grounded objections to the taking of such Quay, Wellington: And notice is hereby further given that land for the purpose of a school-site, and to send such writin![, the office of the said Messrs. Findlay, Hoggard, Cousins, and within forty days from the first publication of this notice, tu Wright is the address for service on the said company of any the said Board at its offices, Mercer Street, Wellington. document of which service upon the said company is required Dated at Wellington, this 10th day of February, 1928. in accordance with the Rules of the Supreme Court under the Patents, Designs, anf Trade-marks Act, 1921-22. -209 G. L. STEWART, Board's Secretary. Dated this 16th day of February, 1928. THE }'ARMERS' MILK.ING-MACHINE COMPANY, LIMITED. UNDER THE PUBLIC WORKS ACT, 1908.

By its Solicitors- NoTIUE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND. 207 FJNDLAY, HOGGARD, COUSINS, AND WRIGHT. OTICE is hereby given that the CoROMANDEL CouNTY .I..N COUNCIL proposes under the provisions of the Public In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908, and in the Works Act, 1908, and of the Counties Act, 1920, to execute matter of HEATHS LIMITED, in Voluntary Liquidation. a certain public work-to wit, to erect Council Chambers at Coromandel-and for the purposes of such public work the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken. NOTICE is hereby given that on the 23rd January, 1928, And notice is hereby further given that a plan of the land the following resolution was passed in manner provided so required to be taken is deposited in the public office of the by subsection (c) of section 220 of the Companies Act, 1908. Clerk of the said Council, situate at Coromandel, and is open " Resolved, that the company go into voluntary liquidation, for inspection ( without fee) by all persons during ordinary and that Messr!f. Pinker and Boyd, of Auckland, be, and office hours. are hereby; appointed liquidators for the purpose of such All persons affected by the execution of. the said public winding-up." 21~ work or by the taking of such land who have any well-grounded FEB. 23.J '11.ttE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. objections to the execution of the said public work or to the thereunto enabling, the Otago Central Electric-power Board taking of the said land must state their objections in writing, hereby resolves as follows :- and send the same within forty days from the first publication of this notice to the County Clerk at the Council Chambers, l,oan of £200. Coromandel. That, for the purpose of providing for the payment of SClll+~l)lJl,R. interest, sinking fund, and other charges on the Otago Central Approximate are1t of parcels of laud required to be taken: Electric-power Board Advances to Consumers 8upplemcntary 7 ·9 perches. Loan of £200, 19:!8, au thorizcd to be mised hv the Otago Being portion of Papaparoro Block, Block VT, Survey Central Electric-power Board under the aho;c-mentioned District of Coromandcl ; colourerl on plan, green. .c\.cts for the purpose of financing consumers, the said Board In the County of Coromandel, in the Land District of hereby makes and levies a special rate of one thirty-second Auckland, as the same is more pa.rticularly delineated on tho (l/32nd) of a penny in the pound sterling on the rateable value (on the basis of the capital value) of all rateable property said plan. Dated this 16th day of February, 1928. Ill the whole of the Ota,go Central Electric-power District, as defined in the First Schedule to the Proclamation proclaiming 213 RTCHD. SIMMOND8, County Clerk. the said district appearing in the New Zealand Gazelle of the 26th October, 1922, No. 76, at page 2852, and as amended by the Schedule to the Proclamation appearing in the New NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PETITION COURT TO Zealand Gazette of the 4th December, 1924, No. 80, at pa"e EXTEND LETTERS PATENT. :l859, and that such special rate shall be an annually rncurri;g mte during the currency of sueh loan, and be payable yearly In tho Supreme Court of New Zealand, on the 1st day of June in each and every year during the Wellington District. ourrency of such Joan, being a period of ten ( 10) years, or until In the matter of the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks the loan is fully paid off. Aet, 1921-:l:l, and the Rules thereunder, and in the matter of New Zealand Letters Patent No. 32642, dated Loan nf £ci,800. the 24th day of October, 1912, in the name of HENRY That, for the purpose of providing for the p1tyment of DROUTLEGE, for an Invention for "TmprovcmontH in interest, sinking fund, and other charges on the Otago Central and relating to Milking-n1achincs." Electric-power Bo>trd Electri"al Reticulation Supplementary OTICE is hereby given that I, H.KNltY DnoFTLWJID, of Loan of £5,800, 1928, an thorizcd to be raised by the Otago N Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland, in Central Electric-power Roard under the above-mentioned the Dominion of New Zealand, intend to present a petition Acts for the purpose of completing reticulation, the said Board to the Supreme Court of New Zealand, at Wellington, 1-my­ hereby makes and levies a spN,ial rate of seven thirty-seconds ing that the above-mentioned Letters Patent be extended for (7 /32nds) of 11, penny in the pound sterling on the rateable a further term : And notice is hereby given tha.t T intend value (on the basis of the capital value) of all rateable property to apply to the Supreme Court of New Zealand, at Wellington, in the whole of the Otago Central ~,lectric-power District as on Friday, the 20th


E. 49 and Allotment 69 whlch by producing a right line District, containing by admeasurement 9 acres O roods through said Allotment 69 to the south-western corner of 27 perches, more or less, being Sec_tions 37, 38, and 39, Town Allotment 71 would cut off 200 acres of said Allotment 69 Belt, Town of Opunake, and bounded as follows : Towards (200 acres is the area of said Allotment 69 to be included in the north by Subdivision 4, Opunake Railway Reserve, the special-rating area) ; thence towards the south-east by Town Belt, Town of Opunake, 882 links ; towards the east the southern portion of said Allotment 69 to the said south­ by Longfellow Road, 1040 links ; towards the south by South western corner of Allotment 71 ; thence towards the north­ Road, 882 links ; and towards the west by Heaphy Road, east by Allotment 71 to the Whatapaka Inlet of Manukau 1040 links : be all the aforesaid linkages more or less. As Harbour ; thence towards the east generally by the said the same is delineated on the plan markecl Lands and Survey, Whatapaka Inlet· along the boundary of said Allotment 69, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, Allotments 44 and 63, to southernmost corner of Allotment at Wellington, and thereon bordered pink. 43 ; thence towards the north-east by said Allotment 43 to a A plan of the land required to be taken as aforesaid is public road; thence towards the north-west by the said deposited for public inspection at the Opunake Town Board public road to the southernmost corner of Allotment No. 5; Office in the Town of Opunake. thence towards the north-east by said Allotment No. 5 to the All persons affected are here by called upon to set forth north-eastern corner of Allotment No. 6; thence again towards in writing any well-grounded objections to the execution of the north-west by said Allotment No. 6 to the public road at the said work or to ·the taking of the said land, and to send south-western corner of said Allotment No. 6 ; thence across such writing within 40 (forty) days from the first publication the said road to the south-eastern corner of Allotment No. 7 ; of this notice to the Education Board of the District of Taranaki thence towards the north-west by said Allotment No. 7 to a at its office in Lemon Street, in the Town of New Plymouth. point on the south-eastern boundary-line of said Allotment Dated at New Plymouth, this 20th day of February, 1928. No. 7, midway between the south-eastern and south-western corners of said allotment ; thence towards the east hy a right SYDNEY G. SMITH, Chairman. line through the middle of said Allotment No. 7 to the fore­ 230 H. W. INSULL, Secretary. shore of Manukau Harbour; thence towards the north-west, west, south, and south-west generally by the Manukan Harbour and Taihiki River along the foreshore boundaries of western half of Allotment No. 7, Allotments Nos. 8, 9, 40, STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A COM_pANY. 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, and 51 to the point of commencement, being the south-western corner of Allot­ Name of company: The Kawarau Gold-mining Company ment No. 27. (Limited). H. WILCOX, Chairman. When formed and date of registration: 8th April, 1924 226 ALAN P. DAY, Clerk. Whether in active operation or not : In active operation. Where business is conducted, and name of secretary : 24 Water Street, Dunedin; W. A. Mitson. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Nominal capital : £15,000. Amount of capital subscribed: £14,985 8s. OTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore Amount of capital actually paid up in cash : £4,985 18s. N subsisting between HUGH WRIGH'l' and THOMAS Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders, and amount WrLLIAJ\I WITT, under the style of "Wright and Witt," at of cash received for same (if any) : £14,93113s.; £4,932 3s. Wellington, has been dissolved as from the 19th day of Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders on which no cash January, 1928, by mutual consent. The debts owing from has been paid : £9,999 10s. or to the firm will be discharged or received by the said Hugh Number of shares into which capital is divided: 300,000. Wright, who will continue to carry on the business at ,Vel­ Number of shares allotted: 299,708. lington aforesaid on his own account under the style of Amount paid per share : ls. "Wright and Witt." Amount called up per share : ls. Dated the 3rd day of February, 1928. Number and amount of calls in arrears: Nil. HUGH WRIGHT. Nnrnber of shares forfeited : Nil. 227 T. W. WITT. Number of forfeited shares sold, and money received for the same : Nil. Number of shareholders at time of registration of company : THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908. 7. Present number of shareholders : 1,056. OTICE is hereby given that THE KAO MANU~'ACTURING Number of men employed by company: I. N COMPANY PROPRIETARY, LIMITED, incorporated in Total quantity and value of gold produced since last state­ Melbourne, Victoria, intends to commence business in New ment (by company's lessees): 78 oz. 11 dwts. 22 grs. ; Zealand. The situation and locality of its office or place £302 lls. 5d. of business at which legal process may be served or notices Total quantity and value produced (hy company's lessees) delivered is at No. 22 Customhouse Quay, in the City of since registration: 94 oz. 12 dwts. : £366. Wellington. Amount expended in carrying on operations since the last Dated this 20th day of February, 1928. statement : Claimholders' account, £5,052 5s. 3d. ; com­ pany account, £735 4s. 9d. 228 LESLIE FELIX HENWOOD, Director. Total expenditure since registration : Claimholders' account, £106,738 15s. 7d.; company account, £6,148 3s. 7d. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Total amount of dividends declared : Nil. Total amount oI dividends paid: Nil. HE Partnerahip, as Carriers, &c., between the under­ Total amount of unclaimed dividends: Nil. T signed, under the style or firm of MACKLOW AN n Amount of cash in bank: Claimholders' account, £22 l ls. ld. ; HARRIS, has been dissolved by mutual consent as at tho company account, £20 !Os. Id. 14th day of _February, 1928. Mr. Harris has taken over, Amount of cash in hand: Claimholders' account, £1 4s. 3d.; and will discharge the liabilities of the late firm, and all debts company account, £2 8s. 6d. due to the late firm are payable to hi'rn, and his receipt will Amount of debts directly due to company : Claimholders, be a sufficient discharge. £5,652 2s. 4d,; company, £42 Ills. 8d. Dated this 15th day of February, 1928. Amount of debts considered good : Claimholders, of £5,652 2s. 4d., £56 is doubtful; company, £42 10s. 8d. JAMES MACKLOW. Amount of clehts owing by company: C\aimholders, Witness to signature of ,James Macklow-David Scannell, £4,971 12s. 2d.; company, £79 17s. 8d. Solicitor, Hastings. WILLIAM HENRY HARRIS. Witnes_s to signature of William Henry Harris-Cecil Duff, I, William Albert Mitson of Dunedin , the St>cretary of the Solici_tor, Hastings. 229 Kawarau Gold-mining Company (Limited), do solemnly and sincerely declare that this is a true and complete statement of the affairs of the said company at 31st December, 1927. And I PUBLIC NOTICE. make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the J ustice.s of the Peace In the matter of the Public Works Act, 1908. Act, 1908. W. A. MITSON. UBLIC notice is hereby given that the Education Board P of the District of Taranaki proposes to provide land Declared at Dunedin this 30th day of January, 1928, before as a site for a District High School, and for such purpose me-Robt. Nichol, a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New requires to take all that pareel of land in the Taranaki Land Zealand. 203 FEB. 23.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 481

TATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A COMPANY. IAmount expended in connection with carrying on operations S -- since last statement : £9,380 18s. 5d. Name of company : New Zealand Metals (Limited). Tota.I expenditure since registration : £38,822 12s. ld, When formed and date of registration: 29th November, Total amount of dividends declared: Nil 1926, Total amount of dividends paid: Nil. Whether in active operation or not: In active operation. Total amount of unclaimed dividends: Nil. Where business is conducted, and name of secretary : 7 Amount of cash due bank : £852 12s. 10d. Chancery Chambers, O'Connell Street, Auckland: George Amount of cash in hand: £5. Charles Wandby Morris. Amount of debts directly due to company: £258 !Os. 6d. Nominal capital : £10,000. Amount of debts considered good: £258 10s. 6d. Amount of capital subscribed: £5,000. Amount of the contingent liabilities of the company (if any Amount of ca.pita! actually paid up in cash: £4,100. Nil. The paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders, and. the Amount of debts owing by company: £3,108 7s. amount of ca.sh received for the same (if any): Nil. The paid-up value· of scrip given to shareholders on which I, George Charles Waudby Morris, of Auckland, the no ca.sh has been paid : Nil. Secretary of the New River Gold-dredging Company Number of shares into which the capital is divided: 10,000. (Limited), sincerely declare that this is a true and complete Number of shares allotted: 5,000. statement of the affairs of the said company on 31st Decem­ Amount pa.id per share : 20s. on 1,400; 15s. on 3,600. ber, 1927; and I make this solemn declaration conscien­ Amount called up per share : 15s. on 3,600. tiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue_ of the Number and a.mount of ca.Us in arrears : Nil. Justices of the Peaf'e Act, 1882. Number of shares forfeited: Nil. G. C. W. MORRIS. Number of forfeited shares sold and money received for same: Declared at Auckland this 7th day of February, 1928, Nil. before me--E. A. Craig, J.P. 205 Number of shareholders at t.ime of registration of the com- pany: 7. Present number of shareholders: 7. TATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A FOREIGN Number of men employed: 4. S MINING COMPANY. Quantity and value of gold or silver produced since the last statement : Nil. Name of company : New Zealand Crown Mines C in N aw Zea- since the last statement : £2,495 9s. 4d. land: 13th January, 1914. Total expenditure since registration: £2,495 9s. 4d. Whether in active operation or not: No. Total amount of dividends declared : Nil. Where business is conducted : 60 Shortland Street, Auckland. Total a.mount of dividends paid : Nil. Name of Attorney: Herbert William Hopkins. Total amount of unclaimed dividenJs : Nil. Where mine is situate: Karangahake. Amount of ca.sh in bank : £204 !Os. 8d. Nominal capital : £100,000. Amount of cash in hand : Nil. Amount of capital subscribed: £39,585 2s. Amount of debts directly due to the company: Nil. Amount of capital actually paid up in cash in New Zealand : Amount of debts considered good: Nil. £11,367 7s. Amount of contingent liabilities of the company: Nil. Price paid to vendors of mine-- Amonnt of debts owing by the company: Nil. (a.) In fully paid-up shares : 16 she.res at 4s., £3 4s. (b.) In partly paid-up shares, credited as 2s. paid up: I, George Charles Waudby Morris, of Auckland, the 200,218 at 2s., £20,021 16s. Secretary of the New Zea.land Metals Company (Limited), do (c.) In cash: Nil. solemnly and sincerely declare that this is a true and complete Number of shares into which capital is divided: 500,000. statement of the affairs of the said company at 31st December, Number of shares on New Zealand Register: 116,529. 1927, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously Amount paid per share (New Zealand Register): 108,208 at believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the Justices 4s., 5,220 at 3s. 6d., 3,101 at 3s. of the Peace Act, 1882. Amount ca.lied up per share (New Zealand Register): 4s. G. C. W. MORRIS. Number and a.mount of calls in arrear (New Zealand Register): DPclared a.t Auckland this 7th day of February, 1928, 11; £285 lls. before me-E. A. Craig, J·.P. 204 Number of forfeited shares on New Zealand Register: Nil. Number of shareholders on New Zealand Register: 159. ------·---- Number of men employed in New Zealand: 3. Quantity and value of gold or silver produced since last state TATEMENT OF THE _!~FAIRS OF A COMPANY. ment: Nil. S Total quantity and value produced since registration in New Name of company: New River Gold-dredging Company Zealand: 3,933 oz. gold, 13,685 oz. silver; £16,848 10s. 2d. (Limited). Amount expended in connection with carrying on mining When formed, and date of registration: 21st March, 1925; operations in New Zealand since last statement: £1 ,21 l 8th May, 1925. Hs. lld. (development and upkeep). Whether in active operation or not : In active operation. Total expenditure since registration of office in New Zealand: Where business is conducted, and name of secretary: I £47,163 9s. Sd. 7 Chancery Chambers, O'Connell Street, Auckland; George I Total amount of dividends paid in New Zealand : Nil. Charles Waudby Morris. Amount of cash in bank in New Zealand: £18 16s. 4d. Nominal capital: £70,000. :I.mount of cash in hand in New Zealand: Nil. Amount of capital subscribed: £58,000. Amount of debts directly due to company in New Zealand: Amount of capital actually paid up in cash: £27,741 9s. 6d. £18 18s. Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders, and amount of Amount of such debts considered good: £18 18s. ca.sh received for same (if any) : Nil. Amount of liabilities of company in New Zealand: £58 16s. 8d. Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders on which no cash has been paid : £25,000. I, Herbert William Hopkins, Attorney of the New Zealand Number of shares into which capital is divided: 70,000. Crown Mines Company (Limited), do solemnly and sincerely Number of shares allotted : 58,000. declare that this is a true and complete statement of the Amount pa.id per share: 20s. on 24,835; 7s. 6d. on 7,813; 5s. affairs of the said company as on the 31st day of December, on 187. 1926, being the date of the last balance-sheet; and I make Amount called up per share: 20s. on 25,000; 7s. 6d. on 8,000. this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same Number and amount of calls in arrears: 4; £258 10s. 6d. to be true, and by virtue of the Justices of the Peace Act, Number of shares forfeited: Nil. [ 1908. Number of forfeited shares sold, and money received for H. W. HOPKINS. same: Nil. . . . Declared at Waihi this 15th day of February, 1928, before Number of shareholders at tune of reg1strat10n of company: me-Stewart H. Walmsley, Solicitor. 211 29. Present number of shareholders : 73. Number of men employed by company : 15. STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A COMPANY. Quantity and value of gold or silver produced since the la.st statement : £5,038 !Os. 3d. Name of company: Southern ]\fines Development Corporation, Total quantity and value produced since registration: Limited. 1,777 oz. 6 dwt., 8gr.; £7,229 18s. 5d. When formed, and date of registration: 27th Joly, 1926. 482 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. fNo. 11

Whether in active operation or not : In active operation. affairs of the said company at the present date, and I make Where business is conducted, and name of Secretary : 80 Ithis solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to Ridgway Street, W anganui ; Thomas Ballingall. 1 be true, and by virtue of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1908. Nominal capital: £125,000. Amount of capital subscribed: £27,720. J. J. BOYD. Amount of capital actually paid up in cash : £11,579. Declared at Dunedin, this 31st day of January, 1928, before Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders, and amount of me-E. W G. H. Watts, J.P. 214 cash received for same (if any) : Nil. Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders on which no cash J has been paid: Nil. STATEMENT OF THE AFF. AIRS OF A CO:\lPANY. Number of shares into which capital is divided: 125,000. I • - - Number of shares allotted: 27,720. Name ?f ~ompe.ny: Glenorchy Scheelite Mining Company Amount paid per share: Various--c-£11,579 on 27,720 shares. I (Lnmted). . . Amount callcrl up per share: Ve.rious-4s. to 13s. on 27,720 WlH!n formed, e.nd de.te of reg1strat1on: 6Lh December, shares 1911. Number 0and amount of calls in arrear: 1st to 9th calls, £4,50, Whether in_ active_ operation or nol: Not in active operation. 5s. Where busmess 1s conducted, and name of Secretary : Number of shares forfeited: Nil. Gl~norchy; J. A. Re,d. N b ff rf · d h Id d · d Nommal ce.p1tal: £3,000. um er o o eite s ares so , an money receive for same : ~ t f · t I h 'b d £3 000 Nil. • . . . :A~~~~t ~f ~:p:t:1 e a\d u' in °cash : Nil Number of shareholders at time of registration of comnany: 7. p "d I p f =~tl~~f;· · y pt hp b Id d. f P t b f h h ld 286 • a1 -up va ue o scrip given o s are o ers, an a.mount o rcsen num er O s are O ers: · . . ca.sh received for same (if a.ny) : Nil. Numb~r of men employed by compa~y · Nil. . Paid-up value of scrip given to sha.reholders on which no Quantity an~ v~lue of gold and silver produced smce last co.sh ha.a been paid: £3,000. statement.· Nil. . . . . Number of sha.res into which ce.phal is divided : 3.000. ~otal quantity an~ ~alue produced Sill"'; reg1strat,on: Nil. Number of shares allotted; 3,000. 'Iota! amount of d!v!dends dEi?lared .' Nil. Amount pa.id per she.re: £1. ~otal amount of d1v1d~nds P8:i~ : Nil. Amount called up per she.re ; £1. 1otal amount of .unclaimed d1v1dends: Nil. Number e.nd amount of ca.lls in a.rree.rs : Nil. Amount of cash ~n bank: £9_5 4s. Number of she.res forfeited: Nil. Amount of cash m hand: Nil. Number of forfeited shares sold e.nd money received for Amount of debts directly due to the company : £320. so.me : Nil. ' Amount of debts considered good: Nil. N'umber of sna.reholders at time of registration of com- Amount of contingent liabilities of company (if any) : Nil. pa.ny : 10. Amount of debts owing by company: £100. Present number of shareholders; 11. Number of men employed by company: Nil. I, Thomas Ballingall, of Wanganui, the Secretary of the Quantity and value of gold produced since la.st statement: Southern Mines Development Corporation (Limited), do Nil. solemnly and sincerely declare that this is a true and complete rote.I value of gold produced since registration : £313 14s. statement of the affairs of the said company at 31st December, Total value of scheelite produced since last statement: Nil. 1927 ; and I make this solemn declaration conscientiouslv ·rota.I value of scheelite produced since registration : £88,165 believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the J nstices 15s. ld. of the Peace Act, 1908. Amount expended in connection with carrying on operations T. BALLINGALL, since le.st statement: £252 11s. 6d. Declared at, Wanganui, this 14th day of .February, 1928, Tote.I expenditure since registration: £84,965 ls. 6d. before me-E. F. Liffiton, J.P. 212 Total amount of dividends declar~d: £7,125. Total amount of dividends paid: £7,125. · ------~------Toti\! amount of unclaimed dividends: Nil. TATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A COMPANY. Amount of cash in bank: Nil. S Amount of cash in hand : Nil. Name of the company: Good Fortune Gold-mining Company Amount of debts directly due to company: £469 5s. 9d • .(Limited). Amount of debts considered good: £469 5s. 9d. When formed, a.nd the date of registration: 13th May, 1925. Amount of contingent liabilities of company (if any); Nil. Whether in a.ctive operation or not: No. Amount of debts owing by compa.ny: £901 2s. 5d. Where busineBK is conducted, and name of Secretary : 343 George Street, Dunedin ; J. J. Boyd. I, James Archibald Reid, Secretary of the Glenorchy Nominal capital : £1,800. Scheellte Mining Compa.ny (Limited), do solemnly a.nd Amount of capital subscribed : £1,800. sinoerdy declare that this is a. true and correct statement of Amount of capital actually paid up in cash: £1,027. the affairs of the sa.id company as at 30th September, 1927; Paid-up value of script given to shareholders, and the amount a.nd I make this solemn declaration conscientiouPly believ­ of cash received for sa.me : £1,027. ing the same to be true, and by virtue of tbe Ju•tices of Pa.id-up value of script given to sha.reholders on which no the Peace Act, 1908. cash has been paid up : £600. J. A. REID. Number of shares into which the capital is divided: 1,800. Declared at Glenorcby, this 16th day of February, 1928, Number of shares allotted: 1,800. before me-P. T. Lynch, J.P. 217 Amount paid per share : 1,027 shares paid up to £1. Amount called up per share: 1,035 shares called up to £1. Numberandamountofcallsinarrears: 8; £8. STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A COMPANY. Number of shares forfeited : Nil. Number of forfeited shares sold, and the money received for Name of company: The Sandhills Gold-mining Company (Li. same: Nil. mited). Number of shareholders at time of registration'of company: 6.1 When formed, and date of registration: 19th December 1913. Present number of shareholders: 12. Wl,ether in active operation or not: In active operation. Number of men employed by company: None. Where business is conducted. and name of Secretary; Saml- Production: Nil. . hills, via Queenstown; J. A. Reid, Glenorchy. · Amount expended in connection with carrying on operations I Nominal capital: £7,0UU. since last stat.ement: £2 17s. 7d. Amount of capital subscribed; £7,000. Total expenditure since registration : £724 Os. ld. Amount of capital actua.lly paid up in cash : £'.!,000. I<~xpenditure previous to registmtion : £300. Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders, and amount of Dividends : Nil. cash received for same (if any) : £2,000. Amount of cash in bank : . £2 19s. lid. Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders on which no Amount of cash in hand : Nil. cash has been paid : £6,000. Amount of debts directly due to company: Nil. Number of shares into which capital is divided: 7,000. Amount of the contingent liabilities of company: £160. Number of shares allotted: 7,000. Amount of debts owing by company: Nil. Amount paid per share : £1. Amount of calls owing : £8. Amount called up per share : £1. Number and amount of calls in arrears: Nil. I, John Ja.mes Boyd, of Dunedin, the Secretary of the Number of shares forfeited: Nil. Good Fortune Gold-mining Company (Limited), do solemnly Number of forfeited shares sold, and money received for declare that this is a true and complete statement of the same: Nil. FEB. 23.J 'rRE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'rTE. 488

Number of shareholders at time of registration of com- , Where business is conducted, and name of Secretary : Christ­ pany: 20. church ; Frederick George Dunn. Present number of shareholders : 20. Nominal capital : £200,000. Number of men employed by company: 4. Amount of capital subscribed: £107,936. Quantity and value of gold produced since last state­ I Amount of capital actually paid up in cash : £73 .. 689 JOs. 6d. ment: Nil. I Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders, and amount of Total quantity and value of gold produced since regi,tration : 1 cash received for same (if any) : Nil. 1,192 oz. 9 dwt. 9 gr.; value, £4,562 16,. 2d. Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders on which no Amount expended in connection with cacrying on operations cash has been paid : £20,000. since last statement: £1,071 4s. 7d. Number of shares into which capital is divided: 200,000. Total expenditure since registration: £18,072 15;. 9d Number of shares allotted: 107,935. Total amount of dividends declared : Nil. Amount paid per share: VarioPs. Total amount of dividends paid : Nil. 1 Amount called up per share: Vario11s. Total amount of unclaimed dividends: Nil. Number and amount of calls in arrear: £12,737 17s. Amount of cash in bank : Nil. Number of shares forfeited: 13, 12i5. Amount of cash in hand : Nil. , Number of shareholders at time of regL~tration of company : 7. Amount of debts directly due to company: Nil. The present num her of shareholders : 587. Amount of debts considered good : Nil. Number of men employed by company: Not applicable. Amount of contingent liabilities of company (if any) : Nil. Quantity and value of gold or silver produced since the last Amount of debts owing by company: £6,509 19s. 7d. statement: Not apulicable. ' Total quantity and value produced since registration: Not I, James Archibald Reid, Secretary of the Sandhills Gold­ applioable. mining Company (Limited), do solemnly and sincerely declare Amount expended in connection with carrying on operations that this is a true and cocrect statement of the a,ffairs of the since last statement: Not app,icable. said company as at 30th September, 1927, and I make this Total expenditure since registration : Not appl'cab"o. solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be Tota.l amount of dividends declared : Nil. true, a.nd by virtue of the ,Justices of the Pe~ce Act, 1908. Total amount of dividends paid : Nil. J. A. REID. Total amount of unclaimed dividends : Nil. Declared at Glenorchy, this 16th day of February, 1928, Amount of rash in bank: Overdrawn, £711 3s. 4d. before me-P. T. Lynch, ,J.P. :ll8 Amount of cash in hand : Nil. Amount of debts directly due to company: £21,436 Rs. ------·------Amount of debts considered good : £21,436 8s. Amount of contingent liabilities of company (if any): Nil. f3TATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A COMPANY. Amount of debts owing by company : £11,361 19s. !Od.

Name of company: South Blackwater Mines (Limited). I, Frederick George Dunn, of Christchurch, the Secretary When formed, and date of registration : 1st March, 192(). of the Reefton Gold-min

of the affa:irs of the ea.id co~pany at the present date ; and Total quantity and value produced since registra.tion: Nil. I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the ~ount expended in connection with carrying on operations u.me to be true, and by virtue of the Justices of the Peace smce la.st statement: £56,116s. 8d. Act, 1908. Total . expenditure since registration: £85,836 6s. 7d. (in- FRED. G. DUNN. cludmg purcha.se of properlies). Declared at Christchurch this 20th day of February 1928 Total amount of dividends declared: Nil. before me-C. H. Gilby, J.P. ' 22i Total amount of dividends paid : Nil. Total amount of unclaimed dividend• : Nil. Amount of cash in bank : Nil. STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A COMPANY. Amount of cash in band : Nil. Amount of debts directly due to company; Nil. Name of company: New Discovery Mines (Limited). Amount of debts considered good: Nil. When formed, and date of registration : 1st March 1920. Amount of contingent liabilities of company {If any): Nil. Whether in active operation or not: Not in active ~peration Amount of debts owing by company: £5,214 Ss. Ud. Where business is conducted, and n&me of Secretary : Christ- I, Laurence Ackworth Denton, the SecJteta.ry <'l>f the church ; Frederick George Dunn. Colossus Gold-mini_ng and Development Co~pa.ny (Limited), Nominal capital : £50,000. do solemnly and smcerely declare that this is a t11111e· III:ld Amount of capital subscribed: £50,000. complete statement of the affairs. of the said eompa.ny 111t tne Amount of capital actually paid up in cash: £13,200. present date; and I make this solemn declarwtion o1!>m­ Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders, and amount scientio~sly believing the same to be true, and by virtue ef of cash received for same (if any): Nil. the Justwes of the Peace Act, 1908. Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders on which no cash ha3 been paid : £26,000. LAURENOE A. DENTON. Number of shares into which capital is divided: 50,000. Declared &t Hastings this 17th day of February, l!928, before• Number of shares allotted : 50,000. me-Wm. Hart, J.P. 224! Amount paid per share: 26,000, £1 ; 24,000, Us. Amount called up per share : 26,000, £1 ; 24,000, lls. Number and amount of calls in arrears : Nil. s TATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A COMPANY. Number of shares forfeited : Nil. Name of company : The South Big River Mines (Limited). Number of shareholders at time of registration of company: 7. Present number of shareholders : 22. When formed and date of registration: 15th December 1923. Whether in active operation or not: Not in active ope~a.tion. Numb?r of men employed by company : Nil. Where business is conducted, and name of Secretary : Christ- Quantity and value of gold or silver produced since last church; Frederick George Dunn. statement : Nil. Nominal capital: £25,000. Total quantity e.nd value produced since registration : Nil. Amount of capital subscribed : £25,000. Am:ount expended in connection with carrying on operations Amount of capital actually paid up in cash : £1,000:. smce last statement : £464 3,. 8d. Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders and amount of:· Total expenditure since registration : £8,661 16s. ld. cash received for same (if any) : Nil. Total amount of dividends declared : Nil. Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders on which no cash, Total amount of dividends paid : Nil. I has been paid : £20,000. Total amount of unclaimed dividends : Nil. Number of stiares into which capital is divided: 25,000, Amount of cash in bank : Nil. Number of shares allotted: 25,000. Amount of cash in hand : Nil. Amount paid pe!t share : 20,000 to £1 ; £5,000 to 7s.. Amount of debts directly due to company : £4,548 His. Ud. Amount called up per share : 20,000 to £1; £5,000 to, 7l3,. Amount of debts considered good: £4,548 16s. lld. Number and amount of calls in arrears: Nil. Amount of contingent liabilities of company (if e.ny) : Nil. Number of shares forfeited: Nil. • Amount of debts owing by company : £5,5°12 I6s. Number of' shareholders at time of registration of com,pa,ll\Y;. 7;,_ Present number of shareholders : 39. 'I, Frederick George Dunn, of Christchurch, the Secretary Number of men employed by company: NiL. •of the New Discovery Mines (Limited), do solemnly and Quantity and value of gold and silver prod@ed since lilS~ •sincerely declare that this is a true and complete statement statement : Nil. · of the affairs of the said company at the present date; and make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the Total quantity and value produced since registration :: Nil.. I with same to he true, and by virtue of the Justices of the Peace. Amount expended in connection carrying on oper111tim:tft; since last statement : £443 163. Act, 1908. FRED. G. DUNN. Total expenditure since registration : £4:,800' l~•. td. Declared at Christchurch this 20th day of February, 1928. Total &mount of dividends declared : Nil. Total amount of dividends paid : Ni:1 .. before me-C H. Gilby, J.P. 222 Total amount of unclaimed dividends :· Nil. Amount of cash in bank : Nil. STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A OOMPANY 0 Amount of cash in hand : Nil. Amount of debts directly due to company: Nil. Name of company: Colossus Gold-mining Development Amount of debts considered good : Nil. Company (Limited). Amount of contingent liabilities of company (if any) : Nil. When formed, and date of registration: 28th August, 1914. Amount of debts owing by company , £3,081 1Ss. ld. Whether in active operation or not: Property being main- tained. I, Frederick George Dunn, of Christchurch, the Seoreta.ry Where business is conducted, and name of Secretary: of the South Big River Mines (Limited), do solemnly e.nd Registered office, Tribune Buildings, Hastings ; Laurence sincerely declare that this is a true and complete statement A. penton,. Secretary. of the affairs of the said company at the present date; and N ommal ca.p1t~l: £36,00<_). I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the Amount of capital subscnbed : £30,073. same to be true and bv virtue of the Justices of the Peace Amount of capital actually paid up in cash: £12,073. I Act, 1908. ' Paid-up value of scrip given to shareholders, and amount in FRED. G. DUNN. cash received for same: £30,073; £12,078. Declared at Christchurch this 20th day of February 1928 Paid-up value of scrip given to sha.reholders on whioh no before me-C. H. Gilby, J.P. ' 223 cash has been pa.id : £18,000. Number of shares into which the capital is divided : 36,000. Number of shares allotted: 80,473, of which 400 are for- NOW ON SALE. feited. Amount paid per share : £1. Amount called up per share : £1. BIRD SONG AND NEW ZEALAND SONG BffiDS. Number e.nd amount of calls in arrears: Nil. Number of shar•s forfeited : 400. BY JOHANNES C . .ANDERSEN, F.N.Z.lnst. Number of forfeited shares sold, and money received for same: Nil. Number of sb&reholders at time of registr&tion of com- pany: 7. A N original and unique contribution to the literature of Present number of shareholders : 65. rl- New Zealand ornithology, containing over 200 pages, Number of men employed by company: 1. including; 21 plates and comprehensive index. Quantity and va.lue of gold or silver produced since last , statement: Nil. I Price, 25s. ; plus poetage, 8d. FEB, 23.J ·rHE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 486


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NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS: CONTENTS. TROUT-FISHING AND SPORT IN MAORILAND. By Captain G. D. HAMILTON. Demy Svo. 460 pp., PAGE with illustrations. Cloth boards, !Os. 6d.; postage, 10d. ADVERTISEMENTS . . 477 EQUIVALENTS IN SHILLINGS AND PENCE OF APPOINTMENTS, ETC. 456 DECIMALS OF £1. Rising by one-thousandths from BANKRUPTCY NOTICES 475 £0·001 to £1. Neatly mounted on covered board, CROWN LANDS NoTICE 474 folding in centre. Useful in every office. Price, Is. ; postage Id. DEFENCE FORCES . , 456· LAND~ TABLES showing Amounts payable under the Land and Boundaries altered 443 Income Tax Act, 1925 : GRADUATED !NOOME · TAX I Boundaries, Proposed Alteration of 472 TABLBS, 2s. 6d. Postage 3d. extra. Crown Land proclaimed 439 RULES UNDER THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1892. Drainage District, Proposed Constitution of 473 L. cloth. Price, 2s. 6d. per copy; postage, 2d. extra. Education, Set a.part as an Endowment for 439 Foreshore, Revoking Order in Council licensing AWARDS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AGREEMENTS, Use and Occupation of 451 ETC .. MADE UNDER THE INDUSTBIAL CONOILIATION AND Land Act, Set apart under 453 ARn:TRATION ACT, NEW ZEALAND. Vols. i, ii, iii, iv. Milk-supply, To.ken for 442 v, vi, vii, xi, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxi, xxii, xxiii, and Native Land, Extending Prohibition of Alienation xxiv are out of print. Vol. viii, year 1907, quarter of certain . . !47 cloth, 3s. 6d. Vols. ix, x, xii, xiii, xiv, and xv, yea.rs Post and Telegraph Purposes, Taken for 442 1908, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913, and 1914, cloth boards, Renewable Lease, Selection on.. 4155 7s. 6d. ; quarter cloth, 5s. Vols, xix and xx, yea.re Reserve brought under Pa.rt II of the Public 1918 and 1919, cloth boards, £1. Vols. xxv, xxva, Reserves and Domains Act • • 450 and xxv1, years 1924, 1925, and 1926, cloth boards, Road, Allocating Land ta.ken for Railway to the £1 12s. 6d. Postage, Is. Purposes of 440 Road, Authorizing the Laying off of 466 Road proclaimed 441 CONSOLIDATED DIGEST OF WORKERS' COM­ Road, Set apart for 442 PENSATION CASES. Compiled by JoHN H. Roads declared to be Government Roads 445 SAL!l[ON, This Digest deals with all cases under Roads proclaimed and closed • . 441 the Act up till the 31st December, 1914. .Price : Roads, Reclassification of 472 Paper covers, ls. 6d. ; postage, 6d. Supplementary Sale or Selection 454 digests for 1915 and 1916, bound in paper covers, Scenery Preservation Act, Reserved under 43\J 6d. ea.ch ; postage, 2d. No later Supplementary Selection, Set apart for 454 Digests have been published. Settlement, for Selection 454 State Forests, Revoking the ResP,rve.tion of 440 CONSOLIDATED DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND Streets exempted from the Provisions of Sec- INTERPRETATIONS OF THE COURT OF tion 117 of the Public Works Act 450 ARBITRATION, under the Industrial Conciliation LAND TRANAFKR ACT NOTICES 476 and Arbitration Acts. Compiled by JoHN H. SALMON. 'rhis digest deals with all the oases from MtfiCEI,I.,ANJWOtl-- the inception of the Act till the 31st December, 1914, Appe[\l Boa.rd, Election of Members of Govern- and thus embraces Vols. i to xv (inclusive) of the ment Railways 474 Book of Awards. Price: Cloth boards, 5s.; quarter Ashley River Trust, Appointing a Day for the cloth, 3s. 6d. ; paper covers, 3s. : postage, 6d. Further Election of Elective Commissioners of 456 Supplementary Digeste. are issued annually, bound in Borr.owing Money, Authorizing Drainage Board.. 444 paper covers, 6d. each ; postage, 2d. Supplements Borrowing 1foney, Consenting to Body Corporate 445 Nos. 2 and 6, years 1917 and 1921, a.re out of print. Coins, Determining New Designs for Certain • . 473 Deer-shooting, Open Season for 472 MINING AND ENGINEEJ;tlNG AND MINERS Deer, Special Provision with respect to.. • • 453 GUIDE. By H A. GORDON, Assoc. M.1.C.E., In­ Deputy Resident Commissioner of Niue appointed 456 specting Engineer. Copiously illustrated. Royal Svo. Domain Boards appointed 446 Cloth, 10s. ; postage, ls. Harbour Board, Altering Representation:of certain Districts on 444 MINING HANDBOOK OF NEW ZEALAND. Incorporated Society dissolved.. 474 With Maps and Illustrations. Demy Svo. Pa.per Justices of the Peace appointed 458 cover, 2s. 6d. ; cloth boards, 5s. ; postage, ls. Loans, Cons~ntrng to raising 445 Loans, Prescribing Rates of Interest to be paid in THE FIRST GOLD. DISCOVERIES IN NEW respect of • • 448 ZEALAND. 6d. Postage, 3d. Meteorological Returns for December, 1927 467 NEW ZEALAND WORKERS' COMPENSATION Mining Privileges 470 CASES.-TuGEBT AND REPORTS OF DEOISIONS OP THE Officiating Mimsters for 1928 • . 466 CoURT OF ARBITBATION, under the Workers' Compensa• Plumbers, Register of . , 459 tion Act, 1922. Year 1925: Paper covers, 5s. each. Poll, Arrangements for taking . . . . . • 444 Year 1926: Paper covers, 2s. 6d. each. Postage, 2d. Public Revenues Act, Notice to Imprestees under 473 This publication will be issued annually. Public Trustee : Election to administer estates · 466 School Colours 466 Apply Surveyors' Board, Appointing Members of 445 Teachers' Register, Supplementary 471 GOVERNMENT PRINTER. Wharves, &c., Vesting Management of 451

By Authority: W. A. G. SKINNER, Government Printer, Wellington. Price, ls,]