Enabling Security in Cloud Storage SLAs with CloudProof Raluca Ada Popa Jacob R. Lorch David Molnar Helen J. Wang Li Zhuang MIT Microsoft Research
[email protected] {lorch,dmolnar,helenw,lizhuang}@microsoft.com ABSTRACT ers [30]. Even worse, LinkUp (MediaMax), a cloud storage Several cloud storage systems exist today, but none of provider, went out of business after losing 45% of client data them provide security guarantees in their Service Level because of administrator error. Agreements (SLAs). This lack of security support has been Despite the promising experiences of early adopters and a major hurdle for the adoption of cloud services, especially benefits of cloud storage, issues of trust pose a significant for enterprises and cautious consumers. To fix this issue, we barrier to wider adoption. None of today's cloud stor- present CloudProof, a secure storage system specifically de- age services|Amazon's S3, Google's BigTable, HP, Mi- signed for the cloud. In CloudProof, customers can not only crosoft's Azure, Nirvanix CloudNAS, or others|provide se- detect violations of integrity, write-serializability, and fresh- curity guarantees in their Service Level Agreements (SLAs). ness, they can also prove the occurrence of these violations For example, S3's SLA [1] and Azure's SLA [10] only guar- to a third party. This proof-based system is critical to en- antee availability: if availability falls below 99:9%, clients abling security guarantees in SLAs, wherein clients pay for are reimbursed a contractual sum of money. As cloud stor- a desired level of security and are assured they will receive age moves towards a commodity business, security will be a certain compensation in the event of cloud misbehavior.