Archaeological Assessment Regles, Lusk, Co. Dublin McGLADE 07/08/2019 LICENCES 17E614 & 17R0208 PLANNING N/A archaeology plan H E R I T A G E S O L U T I O N S SITE NAME Regles, Lusk, Co. Dublin CLIENT Dwyer Nolan Developments Ltd., Stonebridge House, Stonebridge Close, Shankill, Co. Dublin. PLANNING Fingal County Council: N/a LICENCE Testing Licence 17E614 Geophysical Survey Licence 17R0208 REPORT AUTHOR Steve McGlade BA MIAI DATE 7th August 2019 ABBREVIATIONS USED DoAH&G Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht NMI National Museum of Ireland NMS National Monuments Service OS Ordnance Survey RMP Record of Monuments and Places NIAH National Inventory of Architectural Heritage LAP Local Area Plan ARCHAEOLOGICAL PLANNING CONSULTANCY ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENTS CULTURAL HERITAGE STATEMENTS archaeology plan 32 fitzwilliam place dublin 2 tel 01 6761373 mob 087 2497733
[email protected] Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 Report summary Site location Development and planning 2 Archaeological Background 5 Record of Monuments & Place Archaeological investigations NMI Topographical files Protected Structures 3 History and cartography 14 Placename Prehistoric period Early medieval period Medieval period The postmedieval period Folklore 4 Site inspection 25 5 Geophysical survey 27 6 Testing programme 30 Trenches Features Discussion 7 Impact assessment 47 Archaeological potential of the site Development proposals Archaeological Impact Assessment 8 Recommendations 52 References 53 Appendix A RFI relating to F17A/0327 Appendix B Geophysical survey by J. Leigh 17R0208 Section 1 Introduction Report summary areas should be stripped under archaeological supervision prior to excavation. The features Three areas of archaeology were identified should then be hand excavated, recorded, during the testing programme (Areas A-C).