University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 3-20-2009 Central Florida Future, Vol. 41 No. 29, March 20, 2009 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 41 No. 29, March 20, 2009" (2009). Central Florida Future. 2215. .. FREE • Published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays It's alive High noon UCF gets an array of UCF looks to shock the world stallion mascots ' against UNC on Saturday-sEESPORTS,A7 · - SEE NEWS,A2 "The maintenance of BEAUTY the informatics lab can be costly as well, so those 4 STATE LOOKS TO Board approves n~w fees would go toward the Frat maintenance of our infor BAN BIKINI matics lab, which is · already established, but health M.S. program with students getting into faces New Jersey is drawing the line when it, [it] would require it comes to bikini waxing. The state upkeep," Kendall Cortely Board of Cosmetology and NATALIE MORERA may ask why on earth are Bishop went on to say ou-Ward, interim program Hairstyling is moving toward Editor-in-Chief we developing a new pro that the healthcare infor director for the healthcare abuse banning genital waxing after two gram when our budgets matics program, which informatics degree, said to women reported being hospitalized The UCF Board of are so poor," Patricia Bish teaches medical transcrip the board.