The NCAA News

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The NCAA News The NCAA Official Pubtication of the National Cotlegiate Athletic Association September 28,1987, Volume 24 Number 33 I Effects of Bylaw H-(j) won’t be known for years By Timothy J. Lilley “I don’t mean to sound arrogant an apparent improvement in the says, there has been a positive effect tion, that will yield the most com- Managing Editor, The NCAA News or to downplay the importance of ‘casualty rate” of recruited student- on high school students who want plete-in fact, the only-data base critical discussions or ongoing re- athletes. Bylaw S-14), commonly to be members of Division 1 athletics in existence on the precollege prep- Mixed reviews have been making search [into Bylaw 5-l-(j)], but de= referred to as Proposition 48, man- programs. But to use data only aration and college-level academic the rounds about the effects of finitive conclusions on this dates minimum scores on college- from one recruiting class or two to performance of student-athletes. NCAA Bylaw S-14) on incoming legislation simply cannot be made entrance exams and minimum high make general conclusions on the She says the facts are needed to student-athletes at Division I this soon,” said Ursula R. Walsh, school grade-point averages in core validity of test-score requirements, paint a clear picture of today’s ‘stud” schools. Frankly, the public reports NCAA director of research. “We subjects as criteria for freshman for example, simply cannot be justi- -the highly recruited star high and rhetoric surrounding the impact would not have planned a IO-year eligibility. lied. That’s why we are working on school player in all sports who is of test-score and core-curriculum study on the academic performance “I have heard some anecdotal the data base.” recruited to play for Division I requirements on an 18-year-old stu- of student-athletes if we thought we reports that there are fewer casual- Walsh’s reference is to a monu- programs that, in general, receive as dent’s ability to earn both a degree could get (all the facts) in one year” ties this fall than there were last mental information-gathering effort, much attention for classroom fail- and varsity letters may be prema- Walsh’s comments came in re- year,” Walsh noted. “Perhaps, as involving staff members at every ures as they do for on-the-field ture. sponse to recent reports concerning NCAA President Wilford S. Bailey Division I NCAA member institu- success. “We have divided the membership of Division I into five groups of Committee on minority opportunities named equal size,” Walsh explained. “We Raymond M. Burse, president of State University; Thomas J. Frer- The committee’s charge includes plan to track the performance of Kentucky State University, has been icks, vice-president and director of a requirement that it present an incoming recruiting classes over a named to chair the Special NCAA athletics at the University of Dayton initial report not later than August five-year period ~ the maximum Council Subcommittee to Review and NCAA secretary-treasurer;San- 1988 and complete its work by Jan- amount of time student-athletes in Minority Opportunities in lntercol- dra T. Shuler, associate director of uary 1989. those classescould be eligible.” legiate Athletics, which was ap- athletics, North Carolina Central Also included in the charge: A different incoming class will be pointed September 24 by the NCAA University; B. J. Skelton, faculty The committee is to study the used for each group, or cohort, as Administrative Committee. athletics representative and dean of current circumstances regarding mi- Walsh calls them. “Cohort I will be The subcommittee, created in admissions and registration at Clem- nority opportunities in the various studied using the incoming class response to an earlier recommenda- son University; Judith M. Sweet, aspects of intercollegiate athletics from the fall of 1984,“sheexplained. tion by the NCAA Committee on director of athletics at the University and then develop recommended “Cohort II involved the student- Review and Planning, will address of California, San Diego, and policies to propose to the NCAA athletes entering during the fall of the issue of opportunities for ethnic NCAA Division Ill vice-president; membership. 1985, Cohort III included the fall of minorities, and especially Blacks, in Charles Whitcomb, faculty athletics It is urged to review the 1981 1986, and so on. Since we will not college athletics, including coaching, representative and professor of rec- NCAA”governance plan”statement begin studying the final group until athletics administration, officiating, reation/leisure studies at San Jose that pledged the Association to a the fall of s1988, it will be several the NCAA committee structure and State University, and Albert M. concerted effort to provide oppor- years before we have the kind of conference governance structures. Witte, faculty athletics representa- tunities for Blacks and other minor- data needed to make unarguable Other Council members named tive and professor of law at the ities to hold viable roles in the conclusions’on Bylaw 5-l-@.” to the subcommittee: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Association’s administrative struc- Walsh said that all Division I Patricia D. Cage Bibbs, director and NCAA Division I vice-presi- ture; to consider means of develop- student-athletes who receive athlet- of women’s athletics, Grambling dent. See Committee, page 2 Raymond M. Bume See Effects, page 2 Top Six Amendment deadline set November 1 is the deadline for tice of the Convention, which must nominations submission of amendments to be be mailed from the NCAA office no considered at the NCAA’s 82nd later than November 29. Because annual Convention next January in that date falls in the Thanksgiving are open Nashville. holiday weekend, this year’s Official Nomination forms for NCAA The procedures for proposing Notice will be mailed November 25. Today’s Top Six awards for out- changes in NCAA legislation are set Questions regarding specific standing student-athletes competing forth in NCAA Constitution 7-l amendments or the legislative pro- during the 1987 fall sports season and Bylaw 13-1, pages 5 1 and 176- cedure in general should be directed and for the Association’s Award of 177 of the 1987-88 NCAA Manual. to William B. Hunt, assistant exec- Valor have been mailed to all Any six active member institu- utive director for legislative services, or Daniel 71 Dutcher, legislative member institutions and must be tions may submit proposed legisla- returned by November 1. tion, and the NCAA Council, any assistant, at the national office. division steering committee and the These awards are part of the Presidents Commission also have honors luncheon program, which is that privilege. held annually at the Association’s Legislation to be sponsored by a In the News January Convention. The program member institution must be submit- consists of the Theodore Roosevelt Shifting controls ted by the institution’s chief execu- Award, the College Athletics Top It may be time to take a look tive officer or the CEO’s previously XII and the Award of Valor. at possible revision of the NCAA designated representative. A con- legislative-regulatory function The Top XII provides the Associ- ference is permitted to submit pro- with a view toward enhancing ation the opportunity to honor the posed legislation on behalf of its conference and institutional con- top six outstanding senior student- member institutions without the trol. Page 4. athletes of the preceding calendar signatures of the institutions’ CEOs, year and to recognize six distin- per Case No. 176, page 351 of the Redshirting guished former student-athletes on NCAA Manual. Redshirting is not a question, their silver anniversary as college To comply with the November 1 it’s a necessity, one writer be- graduates. Winter-spring Today’s deadline, any proposed amendment lieves, and he says the NCAA Top Six and Silver Anniversary must be received in written form in should go a step further and awards nominations already have the NCAA national office by 5 p.m. make freshmen ineligible. Page been received. on that date. November 1 falls on a 5. Nominees for Today’s Top Six Sunday this year, and the office will Stats, notes must be seniors who have earned a receive amendments during normal Football notes and statistics varsity letter. Institutions may nom- business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) in all NCAA divisions. Pages 7- inate more than one individual in a Gamboling - along- that day. 10. sport. There is no limit on the If a submission arrives after that Colgate senior tailback Kenny Gambfe hms aImmaY nm his Infractions number of winners from one insti- time, it will be rejectedunl$ss it was The NCAA enforcement staff tution; however, not more than three way into the NCAA DIddon I-AA mcovd book tW’seabLM sent by certified or regist&ed mail dth 6,164 a&uupuw mshibg yBmra Gambk srirpsbses has processed 270, ygecondary” winners may represent a particular postmarked no later tIi&?October infractions cases during thege- sport. 9ete. Mm&y. of Nvrtbem Art&ma drtr iud 5#25~~* 8. a’.;. ,I .JI> J 1. -r ~~~rp~ 4 yw~P- Selection of winners will be based .I’~. puposmush~ymkGmblaakois~~~~ibf .._ ‘_.- . tpmber 1, 1987. Page 14. 1 ,I S& Top SW page 2 2 ThE NCti NEWWSeptmber =,I987 Legislative Assistance Effects 1987 Cdumn No. 33 Continued from page 1 men’s basketball. that senior men’s basketball players ically related financial aid, regardless “The data baseallows me to break are not going to class during their Contact and evaluation periods of sport or sex, are being included down these totals by sport,” she fall semester,for example,“she said.
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