COPYRIGHTED Materialacts of Worship the Priesthoods
LIVING WITH THE DIVINE I The Modern Study of Religion Culture and Race Cults Too Many Gods? Polytheism and Monotheism Toleration and Religious Pluralism Paganism Basic Features of Greco‐ Roman Religions Myths and Sacred Stories COPYRIGHTED MATERIALActs of Worship The Priesthoods Purification Rituals Communicating with the Divine Games The Afterlife and Funeral Rites Greek and Roman Religions, First Edition. Rebecca I. Denova. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 0004123893.INDD 1 8/13/2018 10:04:33 PM 2 Living with the Divine Learning Objectives After reading this chapter, you will be able to: • Appreciate the differences between the modern field of Religious Studies and traditional methods of studying religion. • Recognize the central role of the divine in all aspects of life in the ancient world. • Distinguish the basic elements of religious practice shared by ancient Greece and Rome. (Terms in bold type are also described in the Glossary.) The ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome have had a lasting influence on Western culture. Artists and dramatists celebrated their stories in their triumphs and tragedies and architects still imitate their building designs. Greek and Roman literature (both mythology and philosophy) provided models for understanding human nature, the human psyche, and reflections on our existence. From these two cultures we inherited our alphabet, democracy, juries, tragedy, comedy, the Olympic Games, epic poetry, law codes, philosophy, the gymnasium, the republican form of government, the veto, our modern calendar, the names of our planets, a welfare system, funeral rites, the keystone arch, aqueducts, amphitheaters, sta- diums, road construction, cement, apartment buildings, and last but not least, take‐out fast‐food.
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