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Tqmedffi (Ffi;Aq; HcfiqTfr aT-{Tizrq qftu< 'Tfr qm q€ fridi \ it.t.p1-t{311-^, ,"1 fa-ule,I qzT q, '.r:Tr.t'iq 1fr :rg+a-n- qftffi Eilnfi /&q .{€.na Hi + irsrd frqr+ F-ftTfq-ir fr?qm qe€, qa' qz' 3Tlzte.ffi T,wr =--ff hffd e-.tq frffi A('.-'a T4E.|e qE=lq utu_ \r^. I lc -tlc cl ) -tqmedffi (ffi;aq; a'- I INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH KRISHI BHAWAN: NEW DELHI F. No. GAC-21-431201 9-CDN Dated 6+^ September ,2019 ENDORSEMENT The Department of Agricultural Research & Education, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare has forwarded the following Notifications/Oftice Memoranda issued by the Rajya Sabha Secretariat: sl. Number and date of Subject No. Notification/Office Memoranda 1". RS.10/2019-T dated 7 .6.2019 Resignation of Shri Soumya R. Patnaik, MP (RS) iS-10/2019-T dated 12.6.2019 y'acation of seat RS MP fro Odisha by Shri Pratap Keshari Deb 3. rS- 10/2019-T dated 12.6.2019 Resignation of Shri Surendra Singh Nagar, MP (RS) l. _AFEAS-M D12OtU 1./ 2Or9- 3ption of Mehsana, North Gujarat by Shri Jugal Mathuraj VIPLADS dated 2.8.2019 Lokhandwala, MP {RS) for the purpose of MPLAD Scheme. 5. _AFEAS-M D1201"1/ 1/ 2019- Sption of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu by Shri M. Shanmugam, MP (RS VIPLADS dated 2.8.2019 for the purpose of MPLAD Scheme. 3. _AFEAS-M D1201.L / t/ 2019 - 3ption of Jorhat, Assam by Shri Kamakhya Prasad Tasa, MP (RS) fo VIPLADS dated 2.8.2019 lhe purpose of MPLAD Scheme. The above mentioned Notifications/OM's issued by the Rajya Sabha are being uploaded on the ICAR website www.icar.org.in and e-office for information. U'Ar',\.( ffi(GAC) Under Secretary Distribution :- 1. Directors/Project Directors of all ICAR lnstitutes/National Research Centres/ Project Coordinators/Coordinated Research Projects/ATARts/Bureaux for information and compliance. 2. All Officers/Sections at ICAR Krishi Bhawan/KAB - I & ttlNASC 3. Secretary(SS), CJSC, CSWCRTI, Dehradun. 4. Secretary(SS), HJSC, ICAR. 5. ST.PPS to DG, ICAR/ PPS FA (DARE)/PPS to Secretary, |CAR 5. Media Unit for placing on the ICAR website. 7. Guard file/Spare copies F. No.7-112016-Parl. Government of Inida Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (Department of Agricultural Research & Education) Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi-110001 Dated the 6th August, 2019 ENDORSEMENT \ Copy of the following Notifications and Office Memorandums received from Rajya Sabha Secretariat are enclosed for information and further necessary action please:- 1. Notification No. RS. 1012019-T, Dare d 0710612019 2. Notification No. RS.l0l20t9-T, Dated 1210612019 3. Notification No. RS.10/2019-T, Dated O2lOBl2Olg 4. oM No. LAFEAS-MDI20tUU2o19-MPLADS, Dared 0210812019 5. oM No. LAFEAS-MDI2Ottfil2}rg-Mpl-ADS, Dated 02lo}l20tg 6. oM No. LAFEAS-MDI z}tltttzor9-MPLADS, Dated ozt}Btz}Lg Under Secretary to the Government of India Encls: As above. :-{ Distribution:- Deputy d Secretary (GAC), ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi- 1 10001 . 2. Under Secretary (Estt.), DARE, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001. mryfu ur{,r Nke$y-" W\\^ *y "os --l \| ,. :..i ir -il;i ;,;. r,-, L:. :;,"1t,.':. ?.'- : :i 7 - \t,R 1 :.: ::.':.', i :, -.. :,1 -'l,j ;., 1,:',--,,'.;. ..t.:, | -:: :': ri i, \V. l-;it,i W-*b\\ \ -;r1-!r,r ,i;..ii,i; r .l -; -- i',i.i''..v;, ]r i' r,';-:-:; \T^( V\ ^ \)\ June 7,2019 N OTIFICATION Shri Soumya R. Patnaik, an eiected TO BE PUBI-ISIIED IN NO.RS.1O/2O19-T - THE GAZETTE OF Member of the Council of States (Rajya Sabha), representing the INDIA resigned seat the Rajya Sabha and his EXTRAORDINARY State of Odisha, his in PART-I. resignation has been accepted by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha w.e.f. SECTION.I the 6ft ofJune, 2019. DESH DEEPAK VERMA SECRETARY-GENERAL lo, The Manager, Government of India Press, Mayapuri, Ring Road, New Delhi. No.RS.10/2019-T June 7,2019 /\ $Al >F. 1. Slui Soumya R. Patnaik,60L, Brahmaputra Apaftrnents, New Delhi; 2. Office of the Hon'ble Chainuan, Rajya Sabha; 3. Office of the Hon'ble Deputy Chainnan, Rajya Sabha; 4. Prime Minister's Offrce: 5. Supreme Court of India; 6. The Eiection Commission oiirrdia, New Delhi; 7. The Chief Electoral Officer, Odisha, Bhubaneswar; 8. The Chief Secretarl, to the Goverrunent of Odisha, Bhubaneswar; 9, P.S. to Secretary-General: 10. P.S to Secretarl.' 11. All N{inistries of the Goverm'ncnt of India/Cabinet Secretariat: Il. L.ok Sabha Secretariat lTable Olllce); t.l. Director General of .,\uclit. CeutrlL Rr'r,ennc-s- Nelv Delhi: l-1. \lPt-:\DS Division. Nlinistrr trIStatistics ancl Prograuune [ur1;lementutiou. l:asr illock. 6. R.K. PLtranr. Nc-rr Delhi: rncl li. .\.ll Ol'lrccrs, sec[it,ns P.S.s, I)., r... P,r', ilntl Accounts Ol'ticb. P..r.jr l Srl''lui. 'l;.,. ;t.':'1\ '-i1i\a1-1'r i-- ilI _I; --,t-t)-.-..),, r a_ :,.: :'-.,.t ', ..,..,.' ,",:.,,_1 ., j".,-.t, June 12.2019 N C:f TFTCA T IO N 1'O BE PTJBLISI{ED IN No.RS.10/2019-T In pursuance of the provisions contained in clause 1'I.IE CAZETTE - OF (2) of article 101 of the Corrstitution, read r.r,ith Rule 2 of tl-re prohibition o{. iNDIA Simultaneous Membersliip EXl-Rr\ORDINi\R1' Rules, 1950. the seat of Shli Pratap KeshariDeb, an PARl'-I. SECTION.I elected Mernber of the Rajya Sabha, frorn the State of Oclisha. has beconre vacant in the Rajya Sabha on tlle 9tl'of .Iune. ?C19. consequeni upon his election to the Odisha Legislative Assembly as notilied ip the Odisha Gorrenunent Gazette, clateci the 25tl' Ma1,, 2019. DESI{ DEEPAK VERiI,iA SECRI]TARY-GENEILAL To, The i\4anager. Government of India press, Ir4ayapuri, Ring Road, Neu, Delhi. I.{o.RS.10/2019-T June 12.2019 1. Shri Pratap Keshari Deb, 97-9g, South Ave,rie, Ner,v Derhi 2. Offrce of the Hon,ble Chainnan, Raj1,a Sabha; 3. Oftlce of the Hon,ble Deput,v Chairma,, Rajya Sabha; 4. Prinre Minister,s Office; 5. Supreme Court of Inclia; 6. The Election Commission of htclia, New Delhi; 7. The ChiefElectqralofficer:, Oclisha, Bhubanesvi.:ai:; 8.' The chief Secrerary ro trre Go";;;;i^.roJirr,^, Bl:ubaneswar; 9. P.S. to Secretary-General; 10. P.S to Secretary 11. All N4inistries of the Governnrent of Inclia/Cabinet Secretariat; 12. Lok Sabha Secretariat (Table Office); 13. Di'ector Ge.erar of .\.dit. centralRe,e.ues, Neu, Delhi: l4' N4PI-ADS DiYision. Vlinistr-r' of'statistics and Programlne Implementatiop. East Block. 6. R.K. purarn. Neq,Delhi: ancl 15. All oltlcers/Secrions,'P.S.sip.,,\.s/pa_v ancl Accounts o1lice.. Ra.ii,a Sabha (b\'\ TAob ia \)\ i.ti*rrrt _- ---"' (K. SUDTfAKAtuTN) ')t - DIREC?CR '- -'--_. .- "'-" 1 vl:: I I : .--=:' :-'):.:,t:-!. ffi6 12 -qq. r61q qfUqFr{T e+rla *' lrsq{. d-d Grifufl qrsorq 3l_€HI{oT elT7i-|. axrft of or)fuw ft'trm {lil'E s--ft Frqffi, ffi fr q'rrr-{ 25 q$, zotq .F} 3IWf, fu-qr .rqr t', }- s?[gsq, cis-t di trfl?raref d ftni-fi qiqq+rq-fu-o qrEErdT qfuSq fr.Tq, tqso il ftrH z b' rnq qB-o r+frqm * GTJ.EE ror fi. tr-s (2) 5 ffiuT fr erycvrt { n {q, zotq o} rr-q irqr d srol qerm fttr d.T-qT i"t tw flq-5 *i q-fl-flfr-q t.{r q, rqffi' qt{d qT6N gtrullEfti, rr+rgrt, frlRis, r$tudt dg{rgg$',t012018-.4 fu{'r6 12 qq. 2019 t. aft rarq Axrft i{, e7-ea, qtrsq \'+q,, Tg ffi; 2. q-tnfrq rrqrqfr, {t-q q{qT or orqraq; 3. flr-fi"q sqsqrqfr, {rcq llqT tnr orqloq; 4. sqrq-ri* o.rqfc-q; 5. 1TI{fl ?lT \fzEilq;qlzlTGtq; 6. qrcd e-T Frqf-q-{ srqtr, Tt ffi ; t . gw Frofzr etflffi, enBan. 5ilisi; B. GilfuaTr qr-firr b 5w rrfuq, 54{r+i; e. qflqrftqbFrfrqft--q; 10. e.fr--q5ftSnfuq; 11. qrgfl q-{-6N b rlfi qaroqlqfr4s-f, q1ft-a16q; 12. aim.qrrr r+fr-qrdq (t-{d efrfttqr) 1s. ffieilqufts$o, at*q{Tq"{q, T{ffi; i4. qqfrd.stt qqrr[, r+iM 3il{ thTd-mq flqfq{rq qTldq. f,t'e aio, o, sw.fi.grn, =r$ m, 3il-t 1s. qT,rl 3ilffiU311qrT/fr-tr) Hgq7ffi rrarqo/qqm 3il{ d-gI eTqica-{I, l.,qwsTr .%'.*f^o;i' a' (iT. EqFF{;I) ft-c\E r il :' r\r ftit,,Ki -*'''--*-4* Augnst 2.2019 NOTIFICATION t-O BE PUBLISFIED TN No.fi.S.fO/ZOfg-f Shri Surendra Singh i\agar, an elected rI.IE GAZETTE OF Mernber of the Council of States (Rajya Sabha), representing the NDIA ]XTRAORDINARY State of Uttar Pradesh, resigned his seat in the Rajya Sabha and )ART.I. SECTION-I his resignation has been accepted by the Chairman, REya Sabha u.e.f. tlne 2"d of August, 2079. DE.SH DEEPAK VERMA SECRETARY.GPNERAL The Manager. Government of India Press, Mayapuri, Ring Road, Nerv Delhi. >5-i\ l\.tI- No.RS.10/2019-T August \ 2,2079 1. Shri sr-rrendra Singli Nagar, 12,Talkatora Road, Nerv Delhi - 1 10001; 2. Office of the Hon'ble Chaimran, Raj1,n Sabha; 3. Office of the Hon'ble Deputl, Chairman, Rajya Sabha; 4. Prime Minister's Office; 5. Suprerne Court of India; 6. The Election Cornmission of India, Neu,I)elhi; 7. The Chief Electoral Officer, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknou,; 8. The chief Secretarl, to the Governrnent of uttar praclesh, Lucknow; 9. Office of the Secretary-General; 1n PC fnQpnr.pfanr.
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