Save money by Three days off City Councilman selling off can turn into Stavros Anthony quits federal public land a four-day overload congressional race Page 2 Page 3 Page 5

Volume 19, Issue 46 January 17-23, 2018

Nevada should be challenging federal pot law constitutionality A week ago the Trump adminis- istration’s stance allowed states to to slow or even halt the implemen- tration rescinded a series of Obama flout federal law. tation of the law, and has further administration memos instructing Attorney General Adam assisted with the formulation and federal prosecutors to back off en- Laxalt sent out an email saying his adoption of regulations to allow forcing federal marijuana laws in office is reviewing the change in dispensaries to commence sales of states that have legalized it, sending the Justice Department’s stance on recreational marijuana within just legal pot businesses into a dither, federal pot law enforcement and six months of the law’s enactment. including those in Nevada. evaluating the ramifications for My office has expeditiously facil- Attorney General Jeff Sessions the state. itated the implementation of the said he would leave it up to federal “Although I opposed the Ques- law in the face of considerable un- prosecutors to decide what to do tion 2 ballot initiative proposing the certainty about the status of federal when state law clashes with fed- legalization of recreational marijua- enforcement activity.” eral drug law. Justice Department na in Nevada, I also pledged to de- We suggest that the state’s at- officials said the previous admin- fend the measure were it approved torney do what attorneys do: Sue. by the voters,” Laxalt stated. “Since The states aren’t flouting federal Questions 2’s enactment, my office law, Congress is flouting the Con- My Point has vigorously defended it against stitution. If it took a constitutional of View two related lawsuits that threatened (See Fed Pot Law, Page 3) By Rolando Larraz I was called a racist by City Court battle brewing over Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian during a city council meeting on October 4 of last year because I am probably one of the only ones in work rules for Medicaid this community who does not bend By Rachel Roubein work requirements, top Medicaid and bow to her feet; I am maybe and Peter Sullivan official Seema Verma said the ad- the only resident of Las Vegas who The Hill ministration has “broad authority” has never been impressed with the A battle is brewing in the courts under current law to allow states name Tarkanian and I don’t know over the Trump administration’s to make changes through waivers. how to write it strongly enough, move to let states impose work On Friday, the administration emphasizing the word NEVER. requirements for recipients of Med- quickly gave Kentucky the green Councilwoman Tarkanian broke icaid, the health insurance program light to implement work require- the unwritten rules of the city of Las for the poor. ments for some beneficiaries, the Vegas regarding not arguing with Advocacy groups are gearing up first time such an approval has dummies like me, who are willing to sue the administration, arguing been given. to accept the charity of three min- that it doesn’t have the power to Shortly after, the National Health utes to speak to a board that most allow work requirements and other Law Program (NHeLP) issued a likely doesn’t even hear what the rules for Medicaid without action press release stating, “litigation person at the mic has to say. from Congress. is expected because the approval That day on October 4 Coun- But the administration is defend- violates federal law.” cilman Tarkanian make me look ing the legality of the shift. When While NHeLP is “still review- even more like a dummy because unveiling guidance Thursday on the (See Work for Medicaid, Page 5) when she saw me approaching the podium, she also changed the rules just for me and gave me only one minute to speak. Five hurdles to a big DACA, border deal I know I cannot blame anyone By Jordain Carney nounced in September that it is else but myself; I should have The Hill ending the Deferred Action for turned around and walked out with A bipartisan immigration fix Childhood Arrivals (DACA) pro- a smile on my face, or maybe I is facing an increasingly uphill gram. should have told her to use that one fight in Congress after President The decision sparked a race of minute to dial a vote for her son, Trump rejected a Senate proposal legislative jockeying on Capitol Danny, who has tried to be elected and sparked a political firestorm Hill, but there are no signs of an to anything in this community since by referring to several developing agreement that could win over he supposedly became an adult. nations as “shithole countries.” House Republicans and Trump I could also have sued her and Both sides are digging in on their without alienating Senate Demo- the city for defamation because she positions in the fallout, raising fresh crats. is a city official who accused me questions about what — if any — Trump rejected one bipartisan in an open meeting of something deal could make it to Trump’s desk proposal from a handful of senators, I am not, but I am not that kind of before early March. a blueprint that also drew pushback litigious person and believe that I The Trump administration an- (See DACA Deal, Page 4) have more character than that. I am writing this today despite the fact that I have said that Coun- What are the chances that Bundy cilwoman Tarkanian is not worth my time or my words because what I am going to propose here this mistrial ruling could be reversed? week might be the best solution there is for people who have come By Thomas Mitchell advantage or harm the defendants. to this country without papers. As we noted two weeks ago, it is Rather, it litigated these issues in I could mention the names of rather curious that the judge in the good faith, arguing the materials many Mexican friends that I think Bunkerville standoff case declared were neither helpful nor material I have, and can cherish the memory a mistrial because the prosecution and provided reasoned explanations of others that I still remember in failed to timely turn over evidence for its decisions.” my prayers but I am not going to that she previously had deemed The prosecution further argued patronize their names by defending inadmissible. in that unsealed document, which what I have to say because I do Today the Las Vegas newspaper was reported by The Orgeonian two believe that a solution is what we picked up on the fact the prosecu- weeks ago: all need at this moment. tion made this very argument in The government has extensive- People that came here without “recently unsealed court papers ly briefed the issue of evidence papers or that came here with opposing the dismissal,” though relevant to a claim of self-defense papers, but those papers expired a the unsealing was two weeks ago. and/or third-party state of mind long time ago and have to go back The paper quoted that document as (beliefs). … The gravamen of these to their country of origin need a saying, “The government did not motions was seeking the Court’s solution. withhold material to gain a tactical Bundy case protesters (See Bundy Mistrial, Page 5) They all can go back together or...they can go back on their own and leave their children behind What is “loitering” and why is it illegal? because they should not be guilty By Rolando Larraz out directly, but they could threaten cannot be interrupted). Justice Center; loitering is usually or responsible for their adult par- Las Vegas Tribune to bring … Loitering is a new style of living seen on Las Vegas Boulevard and ents’ misconduct; that way the Loitering as a crime is usually That has always been the law in that has taken Las Vegas by surprise Owens Street, other major streets, children can go visit their parents punished when someone’s im- the United States but many people and it is acceptable to those who and in front of businesses that have on holidays, birthdays, wedding peding a business. If my ten loud that reside in our city don’t realize want to gain votes in the next elec- no political connections. anniversaries and even bring their friends and I want to hang out on that Las Vegas, Nevada is a country tion, but loitering is not regularly Las Vegas is a city...and a county newborn to the grandparents so they the sidewalk in front of a pizza by itself and the law only applies seen on or near Las Vegas Metro- that is known for “juice” — no re- can meet each other. place and argue, the pizza place when it is convenient to elected politan Police Headquarters, City flection whatsoever on the famous I have another very dear friend will lose business. They don’t own officials and police officers (if they Hall or the county building; very former football star O.J. Simpson, (See My Point of View, Page 2) the sidewalk, so they can’t kick us are not on a “donut break” that few are seen in front of the Regional (See Loitering, Page 3) Page 2 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 Save money by selling off federal public land By Thomas Mitchell First, the productivity of federal Here is an idea from 1982 whose grazing lands would increase. time has come. Second, federal revenues would Writing at Forbes magazine be generated. Instead of receiving online today, Steve Hanke, a one- annual grazing fees, the federal time senior economist on President government would receive an Reagan’s Council of Economic equivalent lump-sum payment. Advisers, resurrects an idea he Third, the annual federal costs broached 36 years ago — sell off (and these do not include, as they federal grazing lands with the first should, capital carrying charges) right of refusal going to current exceed the annual revenues gen- grazing permit holders. erated from federal grazing lands. Hanke says Reagan endorsed Therefore, privatization would the idea, as did then-U.S. Sen. and eliminate negative cash flows for Reagan confidant Paul Laxalt. He the federal government. This would quotes Laxalt as saying: obviously benefit all U.S. taxpayers, Before we proceed any further, who must now pay taxes to support let me tell you where I stand. I be- of our excess public lands. Howev- rights which, I believe, can serve Hanke says the federal govern- the federal government’s retention lieve a need does exist to sell some er, I intend to do all in my power to as a model for protecting miners ment should stop renting grazing of public grazing lands. protect existing public land users as well. Basically, Dr. Hanke has land — a process by which the Lastly, a state and local property from being “locked out.” To this proposed that ranchers currently government loses 91 cents an acre tax base would be created. Western end, I endorse a proposal developed holding grazing permits be given — and sell it at a profit. dependence on Washington, D.C. by Dr. Steve Hanke, a senior econ- the right to purchase, on a first Hanke concludes: would be reduced and federalism TRIBUNE omist on the President’s Council of refusal basis, the public grazing The question now is: what would would be enhanced. VOL. 19, NO. 46 Economic Advisors, that deals with permits that they currently rent be the benefits associated with this Sounds like a winning proposi- the protection of existing grazing from the BLM. privatization proposal? tion, especially for taxpayers. FOUNDER Rolando Larraz My Point of View (Continued from Page 1) solution is to become aggressive, to alize is that they are on the wrong, be your ally and your friend are PUBLISHER whose parents live here, but they badmouth the authorities by coming their fault, their parents’ fault or nothing but old politicians looking AND are always visiting their parents on a socialist television channel and whoever faults it is. It is not the for the votes that will give them EDITOR IN CHIEF (my friend’s grandparents) all the yell “we are here to stay,” showing government’s fault or this country’s another six years living at the ex- Rolando Larraz time; every time I used to ask her their faces on the television screen fault. Remember that Harry Reid pense of people who do not realize how her parents are, most of the to be recognized by everyone while is in his own country and he is an that all those “fighting for you” are GENERAL MANAGER old politician, if you win because just professionals bullcrap artists Perly Viasmensky time she’d say “they are just back yelling “we are here and we won’t from Mexico,” or “they left yester- leave” because that may start a war the current a;ministration fixes that do not give a damn about you the problem, Harry Reid will take or anyone else. MANAGING EDITOR day for Mexico” and they all live that no one will win and at the end credit for it; and if you lose because My name is Rolando Larraz, and Maramis Choufani happily, visiting family on the other they may have to leave anyway. the current administration does not as always, I approved this column. side of the border. These immigrants that are fight- want to bend the rules one more * * * * * PRODUCTION It may not be the solution they’d ing for the opportunity of staying Don Snook time, Harry Reid will go home Rolando Larraz is Editor in like to hear; it may not be a solu- in the best nation in the universe and blame the opposing party, but Chief of the Las Vegas Tribune. tion that makes them happy, but should realized that they have to ASSOCIATE EDITOR he will sleep in his own bed that His column appears weekly in this it is something to think about and earn that privilege and should not Colleen Lloyd night again. newspaper. To contact Rolando maybe the solution is somewhere attack those who are in the position All these Democrat-socialists Larraz, email him at: Rlarraz@ INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER in between. to find a solution to their problem. like Reid, Pelosi, Gutierrez, Frank- or at 702- Kenneth A. Wegner What I don’t think is a good The first thing they have to re- stein and all those who claim to 272-4634. For advertising rates, deadlines call 702-426-6022 or 702-426-5962 Las Vegas Tribune is published weekly at 717 So. 9th Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. Main Number: (702) 714-0119 RadioTribune Call-in Number (702) 983-0711 Website: All rights reserved. Statements, opinions and points of view expressed by the writers are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the publish- er. Information, including prices and times, is considered correct at the time of publishing but may change without notice. Las Vegas Tribune assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies or other submitted materials. For return, please enclose a self-addressed stamped en- velope. Las Vegas Tribune published weekly by the Tribune Media Group David A. Rifkin, Executive Vice President Quote of the Week: “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” —Socrates Please Note: Although the Las Vegas Tribune is open to all and sundry opin- ions about what we publish, we wish to inform all those who choose to submit their opinions in writing to refrain from threat- ening anyone about whom an article is written or the writer of the article. In other words, any opinions containing threats will not be published. We thank you for adhering to this policy. MISSION STATEMENT We search for the truth, em- brace the truth, and print the truth. If we inadvertently print some- thing that is not true, we will let our readers know. We are open to documented information to shed CALL TODAY light on any issue of concern to our readers. We are of service to our community, and it is our (702) 426-6022 or (702) 426-5962 intention to serve our community the best way we can. Email: [email protected] RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE EVERY WEEK! To receive a complimentary link to every new issue of the Las Vegas Tribune, please send an email to [email protected] and give us the email address where you would like your copy sent. We look forward to having you as a subscriber to our publication. January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 3 GOP faces brutal Arizona primary fight By Ben Kamisar the country. also given Arpaio near-universal ror at 29 percent of the vote. Ward, and Lisa Hagen “With the entrance of Joe Arpaio name identification. 48, now sits in third place with 25 The Hill and now the formal announcement Arpaio’s hard-right stance on percent, after leading McSally in Republicans hoping to hold on of McSally, this race just got very immigration could be a strong one-on-one public polls released to the Arizona Senate seat currently interesting — and not in a good advantage for him in a primary. last year. held by Sen. Jeff Flake (R) face an way — for Kelli Ward,” former Mike Noble, an Arizona pollster McSally’s entry had long been increasingly tumultuous primary state GOP chairman Robert Graham who conducted a survey released anticipated by establishment Re- environment, with firebrand former told The Hill. Wednesday about the GOP primary, publicans looking for a more mod- sheriff Joe Arpaio entering the race The two announcements made told The Hill that illegal immigra- erate alternative to Ward. from the right and Rep. Martha clear statements about the kind tion was “far and away” the top McSally announced her cam- McSally trying to win over Pres- of campaigns the two candidates issue among likely primary voters. paign on Friday as part of a state- ident Trump’s supporters without expect to run. But Graham added that McSally, wide tour that’s seen her emphasize alienating more moderate general Arpaio announced his bid in an 51, is far from weak on the issue. her experience in the Air Force by election voters. interview with the conservative “No one can be as conservative flying a World War II-era plane to The Tuesday announcement Washington Examiner newspaper, as Sheriff Joe on immigration, but rallies. from Arpaio, whose criminal con- styling himself as a loyal supporter I don’t know if you have to be in The campaign also released tempt conviction Trump pardoned JOE ARPAIO of Trump. Arpaio’s bid instantly order to win,” he said. an announcement video meant to The ABC15/OHPI poll found portray her as a take-no-prisoners last year, came just days before the seat that opened up when Flake caught national attention, which McSally leading with 31 percent, candidate. In the video, McSally McSally joined the primary. While announced his retirement in the face he built up with more media ap- with Arpaio within the margin of er- (See Arizona Primary, Page 6) Arpaio made his name as an im- of poor poll numbers. pearances in which he declared migration hard-liner and promoter Former state Sen. Kelli Ward Obama’s birth certificate a “phony of the discredited conspiracy the- (R) was originally the only can- document.” ory that former President Obama didate running from the right, but Arpaio is known as a hard-liner Three days off can turn wasn’t born in the United States, new polling shows Arpaio close on immigration and border secu- McSally is the party establishment to McSally while siphoning off rity. He’s long faced criticism for into a four-day overload pick meant to appeal in the general Ward’s conservative supporters. his practices as sheriff, including By Las Vegas Tribune Staff election. Arpaio’s entry changes the cal- keeping inmates in tents where they Fifteen years ago this summer, But McSally doesn’t have a clear culus of a race that could become were exposed to the Arizona ele- the city of Las Vegas followed the path in the late August primary for one of the more brutal primaries in ments. But the controversies have pattern of its neighbors in North Las Vegas, Henderson and Boulder Loitering City by working four days a week, (Continued from Page 1) leaving its residents limping along who has often been called The one day a week, and sometimes Juice. even two. Sometime that juice is only Financial experts pointed out afforded to people who are well the savings that the city may have liked or people who are well con- by only working four days a week, federal and state holidays are nected to the so-called rulers of the but none of them realized that this normally celebrated on Monday, community. community is known as “a twenty- but if the city closes on Friday, But today, under the liberal gu- four-hour city” and in some cases the residents are shorted two days bernatorial system created by those it is true even if Las Vegas is no instead of one, making it more in- who have taken the community ran- longer a twenty-four-hour city for convenient for those who need the som allow homeless individuals as the local residents. services of the city or of the elected well as the criminal element to wan- The only twenty-four-hour loca- officials they elected to serve them. der freely in the streets, conducting illegal businesses, including that tions are the bars and the , Perhaps changing the “closed” concerning drugs, almost right in but Las Vegas no longer has barber day to Monday would be a solution. a business’s front door, with the shops, dry cleaners, grocery stores But if changing is too much of an blessing of law enforcement. or any of the needed services that inconvenience to the city planners’ the homeless tragic situation may In some cases, it may not be the hundred minutes while waiting for the local residents were used to experts, another solution could be lack of interest in reducing crime someone to answer the telephone. be another good start. enjoying in what many know as the day official holidays are cele- but maybe the lack of courage The bottom line is that criminals Electing the right people to of- the city, but technically may also brated; the city employees could to confront or face the criminals are taking over the Las Vegas com- fice could help; enforcing the time be the county. work that Friday without overtime of our community; and on many munity and the police are no longer limit is also important so the polit- But critics say the four-day pay to avoid a three-day work week. occasions, it may even be the lack able to control the situation. ical gurus will not be able to play workweeks leave city hall short on It is a fact that the city has the of time that the community has to Having a Las Vegas Police musical chairs with the electoral Fridays, even though some of the most capable and dedicated em- report crimes. The daily newspaper Department and a Clark County positions as they are doing now, suburban governments have orga- ployees in government entities, exhorts its readers to “call Metro Sheriff’s Office, maybe one solu- jumping from assembly to senate nized shifts to make some services but as humans, sometimes they if you know anything about this tion that the community should be and vice versa, jumping from the available five days a week. may not see what is right in front crime” without realizing that a digging into and learning what the Senate to city council, and from the According to an August 2003 of their eyes. telephone call to the local police alternative may be in order to have Assembly to county commission to article by Las Vegas Sun News- Many consider Las Vegas a department may take up to one the city back, working to eliminate governor. paper reporter Dan Kulin, North small city without taking into Las Vegas switched to a four-day consideration the millions of peo- Fed Pot Law workweek in 1977, when the city ple that visit the city, as well as it (Continued from Page 1) had not done so, he would’ve had to also raised the issue of federal- cut employees’ hours from 40 to 36 being the only so-called “normal” amendment to allow Congress to purchase wheat, thus affecting the ism, writing in dissent in Raich, instead of giving a pay raise. city that does not have a power make alcohol illegal during Prohi- market and price for wheat. “Relying on Congress’ abstract Dan Kulin is now employed as company to attend to and service bition, the same should be true for Thus the court essentially erased assertions, the Court has endorsed a Public Communication Officer the resident-customers they are marijuana. any distinction between interstate making it a federal crime to grow for Clark County since he left his supposed to service. The 10th Amendment clearly and intrastate commerce or even small amounts of marijuana in reporter job with the Las Vegas Sun. It is not fair that the Las Vegas states, “The powers not delegated no commerce at all. Whatever the one’s own home for one’s own Boulder City’s switch came in constituents should be shorted of to the United States by the Consti- imagination can conjure. medicinal use. This overreaching 1980 without a cut in hours, to save their service, as it is not fair that tution, nor prohibited by it to the In his dissent in the pot case, stifles an express choice by some money on utilities and keep City the city employees find themselves States, are reserved to the States Justice Clarence Thomas fumed, States, concerned for the lives and Hall open longer than the remaining overloaded with work accumulated respectively, or to the people.” No- “Respondents Diane Monson and liberties of their people, to regulate four days. from four days off; city officials as where does the Constitution grant Angel Raich use marijuana that has medical marijuana differently. If I All these methods of saving well as city management personal that power to Congress. never been bought or sold, that has were a citizen, I would money for the constituents are good should take a second look at the not have voted for the medical In fact, the divided Supreme never crossed state lines, and that ideas, but any method should not four-day week and work out a marijuana ballot initiative; if I were Court decision upholding Congress’ has had no demonstrable effect on short the services to the community solution without upsetting the em- a California legislator I would not power to ban marijuana is an absur- the national market for marijuana. or abuse the system. ployees’ union that represents the have supported the Compassionate dity constructed from a fatuity and If Congress can regulate this under With few exceptions, official city workers. Use Act. But whatever the wisdom makes a mockery of the principles the Commerce Clause, then it can of California’s experiment with of federalism. regulate virtually anything — and medical marijuana, the federalism In the case of Gonzales v. Raich, the Federal Government is no lon- principles that have driven our the high court found that Congress ger one of limited and enumerated Commerce Clause cases require had the power under the Commerce powers.” that room for experiment be pro- Clause to prohibit a person from Thomas added, “This makes tected in this case.” growing marijuana for her own a mockery of (James) Madison’s With the court now more origi- consumption because it could affect assurance (in Federalist Paper No. nalist in its composition, the argu- interstate commerce. The court cit- 45) to the people of New York ments of Thomas and O’Connor ed as precedent the New Deal-era that the ‘powers delegated’ to the might hold sway in a constitutional case of Wickard v. Filburn, which Federal Government are ‘few and challenge of the federal marijuana said a farmer who grew wheat defined,’ while those of the States law, should Laxalt and the attorneys for his own consumption affected are ‘numerous and indefinite.’” general of the states that have legal- interstate commerce because, if he Justice Sandra Day O’Connor ized pot press the matter.

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NFL, the NFL Shield design and the NFL SUNDAY TICKET name and logo are registered trademarks of the NFL and its a liates. ©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, Globe logo, DIRECTV, and all other DIRECTV marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T a liated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Page 4 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 GOP faces most difficult shutdown deadline yet By Melanie Zanona remained elusive, with some Republicans The Hill accusing Democrats of slow-walking the Republican leaders are facing their tough- budget agreement until they get a DACA fix. est challenge yet in keeping the government Democrats have also been insisting on open, as lawmakers race to secure more equal increases for defense and nondefense money before current funding runs out at the spending programs — another sticking point end of the week. holding up the talks. Leadership was already going to have Ryan expressed confidence on Friday that their work cut out for them in trying to corral they would be able to soon reach a deal on frustrated defense hawks, skeptical conserva- budget caps and avoid a shutdown next week. tives and fired-up Democrats into supporting “I don’t think there will be [a shutdown], another continuing resolution (CR) to keep because I think we’re making progress on the government’s lights on. what we call the caps deal,” Ryan said at an But President Trump created new head- event in Wisconsin. “But I think the Demo- aches for Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and his crats — and I understand why, it’s about the top lieutenants last week after the president only leverage they have — they want to see rejected a bipartisan immigration deal and a path for DACA.” reportedly made explosive comments about come to a deal is not helpful when we have scramble to reach a bipartisan agreement on If a budget caps deal is not reached this “shithole countries,” throwing a wrench into such a short amount of time.” boosting spending caps and providing a per- week, the CR would have to temporarily broad negotiations on Capitol Hill. “All these things are connected,” he manent legal solution for beneficiaries of the suspend sequestration in order to avoid auto- While Congress has enacted a series of added. Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood matic budget cuts. But such a scenario could short-term funding extensions since Septem- The House will consider a short-term Arrivals (DACA) program, which Trump run into opposition within the GOP. ber, each one has become progressively more funding patch this week, though GOP lead- said he would end in March. Defense hawks were already threatening difficult to pass. And the latest push comes ership has not yet decided how long gov- Congress needs to raise the spending to tank the last stopgap measure because amid bipartisan backlash to Trump’s reported ernment funding will last or whether it will caps in order to avoid automatic, across-the- they worry that temporary funding patches comments about immigrants from Haiti, El include money for disaster aid or the Chil- board spending cuts that are set to take effect hurt the military. Salvador and African countries. dren’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). later this month under sequestration. Once While many of them ended up holding “I am worried’’ about the impact on a CR, Current government funding is set to expire appropriators receive the top-line spending their noses and voting for the last CR, they said Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), who chairs on Friday night. numbers, they can begin writing a massive, may want to see an agreement in place to an Appropriations subcommittee. “Anything Work on a long-term spending bill trillion-dollar omnibus package. boost defense spending before they back that makes it more difficult to sit down and has been stalled as congressional leaders But a deal on spending caps has so far (See Shutdown Deadline, Page 8) DACA Deal (Continued from Page 1) House meeting where Trump sig- part of any deal, Rep. Steny Hoyer said they “did not recall” Trump’s Timing from GOP senators who warned naled a willingness to work with (D-Md.) has refused to say if he comments. The setback for a DACA deal that the group had tried to leapfrog Democrats. agreed to the same conditions. Meanwhile, Speaker Paul Ryan comes as lawmakers are running the rest of the chamber. Trump even said he would sign DREAM Act (R-Wis.) said it was “unhelpful” out of time to get an agreement “What they need to do is share whatever bill Congress sent him at The Senate proposal is renewing and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), who through both chambers and to that with others so it will have that meeting. Later in the week, he a fight over what legal protections said participants in the meeting told Trump’s desk. broad enough support to actually said a deal will also have to satisfy DACA recipients will receive under him about the remarks, called them The first deadline is Jan. 19, get passed, so I think that message him. any final agreement. “abhorrent and repulsive.” when Congress must at least pass has now been delivered,” said Sen. Liberal frustrations The Senate measure is expected But Democrats have also point- a short-term measure to prevent a John Cornyn (R-Texas). Democrats already skeptical to offer the DREAM Act, which ed to White House aide Stephen shutdown. If Congress fails to reach a deal about the contours of negotiations includes a path to citizenship for Miller as a larger complication for “I have a hard time seeing it by early March, hundreds of thou- are using Trump’s comments to immigrants brought to the country any immigration negotiations. Mill- done by the 19th. The commitment sands of immigrants will be at risk harden their stances. illegally as children and would ex- er, a former Senate staffer known from our majority leader was get of being deported. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), pand beyond the roughly 800,000 for his conservative views, drafted a bill on the floor by the end of Here are five hurdles to a deal. the chairman of the Congressional such immigrants currently impacted the White House’s wide-ranging the month. We need some runway Trump’s comments Black Caucus, seized on the re- by the DACA program. immigration demands and took part between then and March 5,” Flake Trump roiled the immigration marks as an example that Demo- But granting a path to citizenship in Tuesday’s immigration meeting. told reporters when asked about a talks on Thursday with his “shithole crats cannot count on the president for potentially millions of immi- Republicans on Capitol Hill are timeline. countries” comment, which has to negotiate an immigration deal “in grants is a political lightning rod also split about the details of any Both parties have downplayed provoked international criticism. good faith.” with Trump’s base, which views the potential agreement. the impact of a court decision which The remarks, reportedly in “Now that his true motivations DREAM Act as “amnesty.” A bill spearheaded by Rep. Bob requires the Trump administration reference to Haiti, El Salvador and are clear, the Congressional Black Marc Short, the White House Goodlatte (R-Va.) includes more to keep DACA in place while litiga- some African nations, have drawn a Caucus calls on all Members of director of legislative affairs, told items on the White House’s wish tion plays out, noting that a higher wave of backlash from Democrats, Congress, including those negoti- reporters that the DREAM Act is list, such as aggressive interior court could overturn the ruling. as well as some Republicans, who ating on the immigration deal, to not what the administration has enforcement measures. But Flake, Instead, Democrats are demand- warn they could undermine the reject any and all efforts to end the in mind as the legislative fix for asked about the House measure, ing a deal by Jan. 19, since they immigration talks. Diversity Visa Program,” he said. DACA. warned that it was “great for phase believe they have leverage because The Department of Homeland The comments are the latest sign “We’re not looking for DACA to two. But it can’t be part of this of the possibility of a shutdown. Security announced Monday it will of the growing pressure Democratic be the DREAM Act,” he said. deal.” But both Senate Majority Lead- end Temporary Protected Status leadership faces in negotiating a Pressed if the White House And after Cotton shot down the er Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and for thousands of immigrants from DACA agreement. wouldn’t support a bill that includes bipartisan Senate deal, Sen. Lind- Ryan have warned that a DACA El Salvador, one of the nations put House Democrats, as well as the DREAM Act, he added: “That sey Graham (R-S.C.) fired back: deal will not be included as part of down by Trump. Senate progressives, have bristled is certainly where we are at this “Let me know when Sen. Cotton a funding bill, arguing that Dem- The Senate group’s blueprint at including changes to the diversity moment.” has a proposal that gets a Democrat ocrats are trying to create a false would have reshuffled visas from visa program or family-based im- GOP divisions — I’m dying to look at it.” deadline. the State Department’s diversity migration, saying those two issues Complicating the chances of an Short also said the White House “It’s important to establish that lottery program toward those im- should be left to a larger deal on agreement are political and policy is looking for changes to “chain there is no deadline on January 19. migrants. “comprehensive” immigration. divisions among Republicans. migration” — allowing citizens and Anyone who says otherwise creates While Trump has denied that The four “parameters” of the Those differences were on dis- legal residents to sponsor family an artificial deadline that only im- he used the vulgar language, Sen. talks have also split House and play Friday as lawmakers weighed members — to go beyond just the pedes our ability to create a quality Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) has contra- Senate Democratic leadership. in on Trump’s remarks. GOP Sens. DACA population and their family legislative product,” Cotton, Perdue dicted him. While Durbin confirmed that the Tom Cotton (Ark.) and David Per- members, in contrast to the Senate and GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley And the remarks have inflamed two issues, as well as a DACA fix due (Ga.), who were in the meeting, proposal. (Iowa) said in a joint statement. tempers after an earlier White and border security package, are a

AJ Maimbourg/Ed Klapproth, Co-Founders Please join us in our national wave to bring God back into our country! Our mission is to recruit State leaders across the country to lead in vetting every single federal, state, county and city candidate running for office in 2016... We will then choose the ones we at the Christian Crusade will endorse and publicize nationally. We have allowed God to be removed far too long now and it is time to pick up the “banner” and bring Him back in a concentrated effort to restore His word and code. Please visit our website and review all the categories. The volunteer section will allow you to do just that, as well as we will post the State National Directors in that section as we recruit them. The website still has some construction to do, but, we are nearly there.

If you have a desire to be a Contributor of articles, please contact me and let me know. Also, please join our Facebook group if you are on Facebook: groups/1634723793433487/ YOUR PRAYERS AND DONATIONS ARE APPRECIATED!!! CONTACT EMAIL: [email protected] January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 5 Anthony quits congressional race By Rolando Larraz the Las Vegas Tribune was singled Las Vegas Tribune out by Anthony’s anti-Tribune staff. Nothing is a surprise in Nevada Claiming illness or wanting to politics, but the abrupt decision of spend more time with the fami- Las Vegas City Councilman Stavros ly is the political way out when Anthony came as a surprise to many something is wrong, or something friends and supporters of the well- is ready to explode, and some are liked city councilman and retired wondering what could be in the police captain with the Las Vegas retired police captain’s past for a Metropolitan Police Department. man who has always enjoyed an Stavros, who in a press release impeccable public reputation. CLIVEN BUNDY said that last November he checked In 2012 former Clark County in at a local hospital due to “an District Attorney David Roger elevated heart rate” and his doc- resigned from the position he was Why Bundy charges were tor mentioned that campaigning reelected to only one year and three statewide and making trips to the months earlier because he wanted to national capital could be damaging STAVROS ANTHONY “spend more quality time with his dismissed and what next? to his health. newspaper wrote several positive new baby girl,” but immediately By Thomas Mitchell It wasn’t about the fees and Anthony announced his inten- articles about him. went to work as an attorney for the Columnist Bob Barr took a fines. It wasn’t about threatened tions of running for the US Con- Anthony, on two separate occa- then-politically connected Police gander at the reasons behind the desert tortoises. gress a short time after successfully sions, confirmed to the Las Vegas Protective Association, the largest judge’s dismissal of charges against It was about power and teaching winning reelection to city council Tribune that he was working with police union in Nevada, and be- Cliven Bundy, two of his sons and a lesson. Ward Four, getting criticism from a different campaign manager and came a partner in a local law firm. a Montana militiaman in the Bun- Has that lesson been learned? Las Vegas Tribune since the news- not with the one he had used in the It was obvious that Roger, as kerville standoff and described the Perhaps by the feds, but not by paper has always been against past, but the newspaper learned that we all knew, was lying, leaving government’s behavior thusly: Bundy. politicians jumping from one seat the anti-Las Vegas Tribune manager one elected job to spend time with What appears to have been at “I don’t recognize the federal to another, after just being elect- he had used in the past was in fact his family while securing two jobs the heart of the Justice Depart- government to have authority, juris- ed, re-elected, or appointed to a working behind the scenes and that that may not leave much time to ment’s unconscionable behavior diction, no matter who the president position. could be the reason the candidate do that very thing, but the topic of was sheer hubris; the arrogance is,” The Associated Press quoted the After seeing the rest of the can- — whom the newspaper has ve- what Roger was going to do with that comes from a superior sense of freed Cliven Bundy as saying. Also: didates, the newspaper accepted hemently supported and defended all the campaign contributions status and power, built on decades “Nevada, the Western U.S. and all the fact that the best candidate was — left the Las Vegas Tribune off he collected before he decided to of legislative and judicial decisions of America, I think we do need Stavros Anthony; and after learning the press releases list. The press “spend more time with his family” concluding that the federal gov- changes. The federal government, from Anthony that he was not using release about Anthony’s leaving may be a question we could ask ernment can do whatever it wants, BLM, is through suing Western the same campaign manager he had the congressional race was passed City Councilman Stavros Anthony: whenever it wants, to whoever it ranchers,” he declared. “This is the used in prior elections, this weekly along by a fellow writer that knew “Where is the money?” wants and that its actions are not last fire they’re going to set.” to be questioned. Bundy’s cattle still roam free on Work for Medicaid That pretty well sums it up. the range and the family has been (Continued from Page 1) “It’s not that work creates health. It’s that creating Barr noted that the feds withheld selling them while Cliven and sons ing” the approval’s details, “the action appears health allows people to work,” said Leonardo Cuello, evidence from the defendants and have been locked up. The judge’s designed to achieve significant cuts in Medicaid NHeLP’s health policy director. “They have taken two did so “repeatedly and willfully; order for Bundy to remove the cattle enrollment rather than Medicaid’s stated purpose of things that are correlated — work and health — and that is, deliberately and malicious- remains in force. furnishing medical assistance to low-income people,” made up a false causation, and they’re trying to use ly.” What next? Who will blink? Jane Perkins, the group’s legal director, said in a that to justify what is really a square peg they are trying statement. to fit into a round hole.” Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (R) said the require- The Medicaid waiver granted to Kentucky allows Bundy Mistrial ments are necessary because “able-bodied people” the state to require that certain adults complete at least (Continued from Page 1) of Appeals seeking to overturn the are essentially getting free health coverage without 80 hours per month of community engagement activ- guidance regarding the limits of mistrial. contributing to society. ities, such as work, education, job skills training or what did or did not relate to a cog- The prosecution also argued: Asked if he anticipated legal challenges, Bevin volunteering. Nine other states have also asked CMS nizable defense or relevant state Where both flagrancy and sub- said: “It’s conceivable. We live in America. There are for permission to add some type of work or work-re- of mind (beliefs), to preclude the stantial prejudice are shown, a lawsuits that fly around this town, this country. People lated requirement into their Medicaid programs. possibility of jury nullification. district court may dismiss an in- certainly have that right.” Kentucky’s waiver also requires certain people Excessive force claims usually dictment on one of two bases: out- Under federal law, state waivers must promote the to pay monthly premiums and imposes a six-month arise in the context of arrest/resist- rageous government conduct that “objectives” of the Medicaid program. Democrats lockout from Medicaid coverage if a person gets a ing arrest cases where police force amounts to a due process violation, argue the objective of the program is to provide health new job or salary and doesn’t inform the state, among is used. In those case, the courts or as an appropriate exercise of the insurance to low-income people, which won’t be met other things. analyze the force requirement Court’s supervisory powers. … The by requirements that could result in people getting State officials estimated the waiver will lead to under the Fourth Amendment — a standards to dismiss, either for a kicked off the program. 95,000 fewer people on Medicaid, and about 350,000 situation wholly different from the due process violation or under the The Trump administration counters by pointing Kentuckians would be subject to a community engage- charges in the Indictment. The In- district court’s supervisory powers, to research that it argues shows that having a job im- ment requirement. For years, the GOP has eyed changes to the Med- dictment does not charge that any are high and permit dismissal only proves people’s health, which it says demonstrates that work requirements serve the goal of promoting health. icaid program. The Obama administration denied defendant resisted arrest. Under in extreme cases. “This is a high standard … and “A growing body of evidence suggests that target- states the ability to impose work requirements, and these circumstances, any use or even in some of the most egregious ing certain health determinants, including productive when Republicans won both Congress and the White threat of use of force is analyzed situations it has not been met” (in- work and community engagement, may improve health House, they attempted to pass bills that would change under the Due Process Clause. ternal citation omitted) .To violate outcomes,” the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Medicaid, a joint federal-state program. (“Inasmuch as no juror has a right due process, governmental conduct Services (CMS) writes in its guidance allowing for Many of the GOP bills to repeal ObamaCare would to engage in nullification—and, on must be “‘so grossly shocking and work requirements. have allowed states to create work requirements in the contrary, it is a violation of a so outrageous as to violate the Eliot Fishman, who was a top Medicaid official addition to cutting spending on the program. But it’s juror’s sworn duty to follow the law universal sense of justice.’” under President Obama, dismissed that argument, unlikely Republicans will return to health-care legis- as instructed by the court — trial The morning paper helpfully saying the administration’s move was “delayed for lation this year, leaving the waivers the main way the courts have the duty to forestall or broke down the case results so far: months while they were trying to torture their way to Trump administration can make a conservative mark prevent such conduct…”) (citation Breakdown by the numbers a legal argument that this is somehow good for health.” on Medicaid. “When you really think about it, there’s omitted). 4 defendants’ cases were dis- Fishman, who now works at the liberal advocacy a strong case to be made that this is a continuation of The government’s disclosure missed — Cliven Bundy, Ryan group Families USA, said work requirements would the efforts to repeal [ObamaCare’s Medicaid] expan- decisions were informed, in part, by Bundy, Ammon Bundy, Ryan Payne result in thousands of people losing coverage, which sion that failed last year after multiple attempts, and the Court’s ruling on these issues…. 2 acquitted — Steven Stewart, is “antithetical to the objectives of the Medicaid this is the administrative approach to getting to the Relevant to the government’s dis- Richard Lovelien program.” same place,” said Judy Solomon, vice president for closure decisions are the Court’s re- 4 awaiting trial — David Opponents of the move say the administration health policy at the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. While approving work-requirement cent in limine rulings regarding the Bundy, Melvin Bundy, Joseph D. has the causality backwards, and that having health waivers won’t repeal ObamaCare’s Medicaid expan- limits of cognizable defenses. First, O’Shaughnessy, Jason Woods insurance in the first place is what allows people to be healthy enough to work. sion, “it’s certainly going to undermine” it, she said. the Court explained that its ruling 7 pleaded guilty — Pete Santilli, from Trial 1—that Defendants were Eric Parker, Scott Drexler, Micah not entitled to a jury instruction on McGuire, Gerald Delemus, Blaine self-defense or justification—“is Cooper, Brian Cavalier applicable to the upcoming trial 2 convicted — Gregory because Defendants have failed Burleson, Todd Engel to establish the essential elements Burleson was sentenced to 68 To All Attorneys necessary for the defense.” years in prison. 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For more information and immediate response, Get first month box call or email: rent FREE with any (702) 902-5050 U-Haul truck rental [email protected] Page 6 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 North Korea tensions ease ahead of Winter Olympics By Rebecca Kheel a very good relationship with Kim needs to be a common strategy The Hill Jong Un of North Korea” while working with our allies, including After months of turmoil over refusing to confirm or deny whether South Korea, including Japan, in- nuclear testing, tensions appear to he’s already spoken with Kim. cluding Europe. And I would hope be thawing on the Korean penin- Trump over the weekend, how- we can strike a strategic partnership sula ahead of next month’s Winter ever, said he was misquoted. with China on an off-ramp so we Olympics in South Korea. “Obviously I didn’t say that,” can move forward on the discus- South Korea and North Ko- the president tweeted. “I said ‘I’d sions between North and South like rea made progress at their first have a good relationship with Kim we hope to.” high-level diplomatic talks in two Jong Un,’ a big difference.” For now, though, it appears the years, with Pyongyang agreeing to The Journal also reported last Olympics are providing incentive send a delegation to the Olympics week that even as tensions publicly for all sides to turn the temperature and both agreeing to military talks cool, the administration is debating down. in the future. a “bloody nose” strategy of a limit- “The Winter Olympics serve as Meanwhile, President Trump ed strike on North Korea in hopes the ideal neutral grounds for this said he’s open to talks with North that the country doesn’t strike back. first step, showing the potential Korea and mused that he “probably But a South Korean statement of sports diplomacy in fostering [has] a very good relationship” with on Trump’s call with Moon quoted peace,” Jean Lee, global fellow its leader, Kim Jong Un, despite Trump directly as saying the report at The Wilson Center, said in a calling him “Little Rocket Man” was “not true at all,” and lawmakers statement this week. “This move in the past. who speak with the administration toward peace is a positive first step, Lawmakers and experts say last were also dismissive of the report. but South Korea needs to proceed week’s developments are a good “I know who it is that’s been carefully to make sure that engage- sign, but that it’s too early to know advocating that, but … I don’t think ment efforts conform with its allies whether a diplomatic solution to for Kim to conduct another ballistic figure skaters,” Kazianis said, that’s something that’s seriously campaigns to pressure North Korea the nuclear standoff is any closer. test. referring to the only two North being contemplated today,” Sen- to conform to international law. “I think it’s a positive sign,” But now North Korea is sending Korean athletes to qualify for the ate Foreign Relations Committee “We should, however, look at Senate Foreign Relations Commit- a delegation to the games that will Olympics. “He’s putting a human Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) the bigger picture here: North Ko- tee ranking member Ben Cardin include athletes, cheerleaders, per- face on North Korea.” said Tuesday of the “bloody nose” (D-Md.) said of the talks between forming arts squads and high-level Trump, too, has cooled his rheto- idea. rea is finally signaling that it’s ready the two countries. “We’ll see where officials. ric as the Olympics approach. After Corker said Thursday that the to rejoin the international fold. This it goes.” North Korea’s decision to send rattling the world by bragging about week’s developments have raised is a positive first step.” Anxiety was underscored over a delegation takes a provocation the size of his “nuclear button” his hopes of a diplomatic solution Kazianis said Kim still hasn’t the weekend when a false alert during the games off the table, said compared to Kim’s, Trump agreed to the crisis “a little bit.” proved that North Korea has re- warned Hawaii of an incoming Harry Kazianis, director of defense to delay joint U.S.-South Korean “I had breakfast with [Secretary liable re-entry technology for an ballistic missile, sparking panic. studies at the Center for the Nation- military exercises until after the of State Rex] Tillerson on Tuesday, intercontinental ballistic missile. As The eyes of the world will be on al Interest. Paralympics in March. and I feel like, based on that con- such, he predicts Kim will resume the Korean peninsula next month as Rather, Kazianis said, Kim now He also told South Korean Pres- versation, progress is being made,” missile tests once the games end. athletes descend on Pyeongchang to appears to be looking to use the ident Moon Jae-in of his “openness Corker said. “Everybody has a short-term in- compete in the Winter Olympics. games to give North Korea some to holding talks between the United Still, Corker added, “that’s a centive to play nice,” Kazianis said. Prior to this week, close observ- legitimacy. States and North Korea at the ap- today feeling.” “After the Olympics, it’s game on.” ers of North Korea warned that the “The whole world [is] going to propriate time” and told The Wall Cardin, who is Corker’s Dem- Retired Col. Richard Klass, Olympics were a prime opportunity go goo goo and gaga over those Street Journal that “I probably have ocratic counterpart on the Foreign a board member at the Center for Relations Committee, said the U.S. Arms Control and Nonprolifer- needs to form a strategy with allies ation, likewise was skeptical the Arizona Primary before progress can be made in ne- Olympics-inspired peace will last. (Continued from Page 3) McSally’s attempts to tie herself for Ward. gotiations with North Korea. “Enjoy the warm weather now,” to Trump have sparked criticism Meanwhile, Trump remains a calls on Republicans to “grow a “We have to figure out a pathway he said, “because there’s a cold from her rivals. wildcard in the primary. Noble’s pair of ovaries,” blasts the “PC for negotiations,” he said. “There front up ahead.” politicians and their BS excuses,” “She changed from Never poll found that 73 percent of voters plays audio of Trump commending Trumper to Trumper extraordinaire say a Trump endorsement would be her as “tough,” and frames her and I think people see through it,” a significant factor in their decision. entire campaign around the idea of Ward said of McSally on Friday Trump developed a close rela- “security.” during a radio appearance. tionship with Arpaio, who stumped That’s a play clearly meant to Noble said he was surprised to for him during the 2016 election. shore up her right flank in response see the number of undecided like- And the president weathered a to Arpaio and Ward’s candidacies. ly primary voters drop to just 15 storm of controversy to save Ar- Ward had hoped her endorse- percent in his poll, even with the paio, who would be 86 years old ment from former White House primary still seven months away. by the time he took office, from a chief strategist Stephen Bannon Since so few voters are undecided, potential jail term. would boost her chances. But Noble expects the attacks to ramp But while McSally never en- Bannon’s feud with Trump has up as candidates look to siphon dorsed Trump, the president has seen him sidelined from the party, support from their opponents. been complimentary of the con- leaving Ward without benefits from “I think you’re going to see a gresswoman, who sat just two his backing. very vicious primary here in Arizo- seats away from him at this week’s Most Republicans see McSally na based on the fact that there’s so immigration meeting at the White as a stronger general election candi- few undecided, so you gotta go take House. date — a fundraising machine from from the other guy,” Noble said. While the three Republican can- a competitive district who isn’t a The race could also become didates are jockeying for conser- lightning rod for controversy. But extremely expensive, especially if vative votes, the eventual nominee she has a few potential vulnerabil- outside groups begin to play in the will have a small window to quickly ities on her right that Ward is trying long primary. Conservative groups, turn their attention to the competi- to exploit. including the Club for Growth, tive general election in November. McSally did not endorse Trump Senate Conservatives Fund and Likely Democratic nominee Rep. during his presidential bid. She FreedomWorks, have opposed Kyrsten Sinema, who has about $5 warned that Trump’s controver- McSally’s candidacy. million in her campaign account, sies would “hand the gavel” of the Meanwhile, the McCon- looks set to avoid the kind of bruis- House majority over to Democrats nell-aligned Senate Leadership ing primary facing her Republican during a private meeting in June, Fund could come to McSally’s rivals. according to a recording obtained defense — it’s already sworn to by Tucson Weekly. oppose Ward, while McConnell’s And Senate Majority Leader public comments on McSally could Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose be seen as a green light. popularity has slipped among more Both McSally and Arpaio are conservative voters, called McSally strong fundraisers. Arpaio raised one of his top Senate recruitments almost $10 million for his failed in an interview with the Examiner 2016 sheriff’s bid, according to the last year. AP, while McSally raised almost $8 But McSally chose not to criti- million during her 2016 reelection. cize Trump on Friday, one day after Ward raised more than $1 mil- a report of the president describing lion through September, but spent some nations as “shithole coun- $845,000 over that same period. tries” surfaced. She will be boosted by a $300,000 “I speak a little salty behind donation to an allied super PAC by closed doors at times as well, so I’m GOP mega-donor Robert Mercer, not going to throw the first stone on who is a top Trump donor. It’s using any language,” McSally said, unclear, though, whether Arpaio’s according to The Associated Press. bid will affect Mercer’s support

DO YOU NEED AN EDITOR? Have you been embarrassed lately when someone pointed out to you that you misspelled a word in your report or maybe had a whole sentence all messed up? Have you personally felt that you could’ve done a much better job on that manuscript but just didn’t have the time?

Why put off doing what you know you should have done before: call in an editor! As a word-, sentence-, and document-doctor, she will fix what needs fixing by adding a little of this or that, and taking out what shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

Give yourself the luxury of looking your best in print! [email protected]. 1-775-513-0942 January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 7 Eight major Trump wins (HORN NEWS) — Presi- in his pressure on member NATO dent Donald Trump has followed countries to step up their own through on dozens of his campaign military spending, in his wariness promises — and this list of eight of of international accords and in the his major accomplishments is sure seeming drift from a diplomatic to enrage liberals. tradition of promoting U.S. demo- During his first year in office, cratic values abroad. Trump has successfully overhauled Past presidents made common the country’s tax system, changed cause with authoritarian figures, the U.S. posture abroad and up- and their promotion of values could ended the lives of hundreds of be cursory. But Trump has lavished thousands of immigrants. He has praise on select strongmen, from also won confirmation of a conser- the Philippines to China to Russia vative Supreme Court justice and and beyond. other federal judges — everyone Despite railing against the Iran of which he promised to do. nuclear deal as a candidate, Trump With all of his outstanding ac- has so far passed up opportunities complishments during his first year to get the U.S. out of it. On the in office, America awaits what is to other hand, he rolled back part come during his second year. of Obama’s opening to Cuba. He For all his rogue tendencies, also moved forward on recogniz- Trump has shaped up as a largely ing Jerusalem as the capital of conventional Republican president Israel, a goal that both parties have when measured by his promises embraced in their platforms for kept and in motion. decades but never acted on. The Twitter version of Trump #7 — INFRASTRUCTURE may be jazzed with braggadocio Trump pledged a $1 trillion about the size of his nuclear button effort to rebuild the country’s airports, roads, bridges and other and his “very stable genius.” But infrastructure. As with his tax plan, the ledger of actions taken is recog- it’s shaping up to be significant. nizable to Washington: mainstream Trump’s idea appears to involve Republican tax cuts, pro-business abroad. Instead, his tax plan aims action on the energy front and has requirements of that law. using federal tax dollars to lever- policy, curbs on environmental to encourage companies to stay in pursued that. Insurance industry groups, pa- age state government and private regulation and an approach to the U.S. with the lower tax rate and He announced his intention to tient groups and some state regu- spending, not to mount a New Deal- health care that’s been in the GOP to entice those operating abroad to take the U.S. out of the Paris cli- lators are wary of the idea and see era explosion of federal projects. playbook for years. come home by letting them repa- mate-change accord. He gave swift little chance it can make more than #8 — VETERANS A look at some of his campaign triate their profits in the U.S. at a approval to the Keystone XL and a dent in the ranks of the uninsured Having previously criticized the promises and what’s happened temporarily discounted rate. Dakota Access pipelines stalled by (nearly 30 million). Easing restric- Department of Veterans Affairs as #3 — IMMIGRATION President Barack Obama, moved tions on the sale of health insurance with them: the “most corrupt,” Trump deliv- #1 — TAXES Candidate Trump rocked the po- to shrink protected national mon- across state lines has been a long- ered on one campaign promise by litical landscape when he proposed ument lands in Utah and Arizona, time mainstream conservative goal. Trump and congressional Re- signing legislation to make it easier #6 — ‘AMERICA FIRST’ publicans delivered on an overhaul a temporary ban on all non-U.S. and acted to lift restrictions on for VA employees to be fired for that substantially lowers corporate Muslims entering the country. mining coal and coastal drilling for ABROAD misconduct. taxes and cuts personal income tax- While he’s long backed away from oil and natural gas. Trump promised swift victory At least for now, its impact es, as promised. He lowered the tax such talk, Trump has worked since A provision in the new tax law over the Islamic State group. Over in bringing accountability to the rate for corporatikons to 21 percent, his first days in office to impose opens the long-protected Arctic Na- the past year, U.S. and coali- department remains unclear. The a major drop from 35 percent. He new restrictions on tourists and tional Wildlife Refuge to drilling. tion-backed local forces in Iraq and pace of VA firings during Obama’s did not eliminate the estate tax or immigrants, signing executive As other countries turn harder Syria did deal a crushing blow to last budget year was higher than the alternative minimum tax. but orders that would have made good toward green energy, Trump is IS, ousting the militants from most during Trump’s first, which cov- fewer people will be subject to on his anti-immigration promises making fossil fuels the center- of the territory they once held. The ered the first nine months of his those taxes. had those orders not been blocked piece of his drive toward energy success built on the strategy of the administration. #2 — TRADE by courts. independence — a benchmark that Obama administration to work with Other Trump initiatives an- Trump made good on his prom- He’s now succeeded in banning Obama closed in on during an era and through local forces. Trump did nounced with fanfare in 2017 ise to withdraw the U.S. from the the entry of citizens from several of surging natural gas development. relax restrictions on the number of remain far from complete or have Trans-Pacific Partnership trade Muslim-majority countries and in #5 — HEALTH CARE U.S. troops who could be deployed been limited because of questions agreement and to reopen the North severely curbing refugee admis- Probably nothing exemplifies both to Iraq and Syria, and that about rising government costs: American Free Trade Agreement in sions. He’s tried to deny certain frustrated ambition more than the aided the final push. a multibillion-dollar overhaul of search of a better deal. federal money for cities that refuse Obama health law Republicans The Pentagon has yet to see the electronic medical records, expand- He’s let China off the hook, to cooperate with federal immigra- have been trying to dismantle ever massive increase in military spend- ed access to doctors to reduce wait though, on his oft-repeated threat tion authorities. since it was enacted in 2010. ing that Trump has promised. That times and a goal of hiring 1,000 during the campaign to brand Bei- Trump is now deep in negotia- Republicans took several runs at still might come, but the protracted additional mental health counsel- jing a currency manipulator, a step tions over an immigration deal that repealing and replacing the law last struggle to pass a Pentagon budget ors in the first year. The VA has toward potentially hefty penalties could deliver on other promises, year, only to fall short. The Decem- of whatever size has hurt U.S. mili- been clouded by a 2014 scandal at on Chinese imports and a likely including money for the border wall ber tax law, though, is knocking out tary readiness, defense officials say. the Phoenix VA hospital in which spark for a trade war. with Mexico and overhauling the a pillar. As of 2019, the requirement More broadly, Trump’s “Amer- employees manipulated records to “We’re like the piggy bank that’s legal immigration system to make to carry health insurance or pay a ica First” ethic has been reflected hide appointment delays. being robbed,” he said of the trade it harder for immigrants to sponsor fine will be gone. relationship, which has tipped even their families. That’s in exchange Trump has come out with a pro- more in China’s favor since. Trump for extending protections for hun- posed regulation to promote the sale now threatens trade punishment if dreds of thousands of young people of health plans across state lines. China does not sufficiently cooper- brought to the country illegally as The goal is to make it easier for ate in reining in North Korea. children. associations to sponsor plans that Trump promised to impose a 35 #4 — ENERGY AND THE are cheaper than Affordable Care percent tariff on goods from U.S. ENVIRONMENT Act policies but don’t have to meet companies that ship production Trump promised aggressive all consumer protection and benefit Score BIG With DISH Deals! 190 Channels Now only ... $ 99 ./mo. 49for 24 months Switch to DISH and “Alexa, go to ESPN.” ADD HIGH-SPEED Get a FREE Echo Dot INTERNET $ 95 LIMITED TIME! ASK TODAY! 14./mo. Subject to availability. Hands-Free TV™ Restrictions apply. Restrictions apply.

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For business customers, additional monthly fees may apply. HBO®, Cinemax® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. SHOWTIME is a registered trademark of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company. STARZ and related channels and service marks are property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. With PrimeTime Anytime record ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC plus two channels. With addition of Super Joey record two additional channels. Commercial skip feature is available at varying times, starting the day after airing, for select primetime shows on ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC recorded with PrimeTime Anytime. Recording hours vary; 2000 hours based on SD programming. Equipment comparison based on equipment available from major TV providers as of 4/1/17. Watching live and recorded TV anywhere requires an Internet-connected, Sling-enabled DVR and compatible mobile device. All offers require credit qualification, 2-Year commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Page 8 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 TRAFFIC UPDATE I-15 SB / Charleston off- ramp closed for 6 weeks Special to the Las Vegas Tribune zone, heed construction signage, The Nevada Department of and take alternate detour routes, if Transportation (NDOT) will close possible. the Interstate 15 southbound to Check the Project Neon website Charleston Boulevard off-ramp in ( or Face- downtown Las Vegas from 6 a.m., book, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages January 15, until 6 a.m., March 6, (@NDOTProjectNeon) for up to 2018. date information. There is also a The ramp closure is needed free smart phone app available, plus to construct the new Charleston a hotline available in both English Boulevard off-ramp as part of and Spanish at: 702-293-NEON Project Neon — a nearly $1 billion (6366). 3.7-mile-long widening of Inter- NDOT works to inform the pub- state 15 from the Spaghetti Bowl lic about planned highway restric- interchange to Sahara Avenue. tions, but unscheduled construction Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. is changes, closures and restrictions the design-build general contractor, are possible due to weather or other with Atkins North America as lead factors. designer. For the latest state highway Motorists should use caution conditions, visit or while travelling through the work call 511 before driving. Shutdown Deadline (Continued from Page 4) on Thursday indicating Trump dis- another funding extension. paraged several nations as “shithole “We’ll see what the circumstanc- countries” during a private immi- es are at the time, but every day of gration meeting with lawmakers a CR does damage to the military,” in the Oval Office. Trump later said Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Tex- disputed the comments, saying as), chairman of the House Armed the conversation was “misrepre- Services Committee. sented.” House conservatives have also But Democrats, who were balked at the idea of another CR — already getting pushback from especially if it temporarily suspends pro-immigrant activists and other sequestration. base constituencies worried that “It’s a bad idea,” said Rep. Jim they are poised to give away too Jordan (R-Ohio.), a member of much in a DACA deal, may now the conservative House Freedom feel even less inclined to negotiate Caucus. with Trump on the issue. If enough conservatives unite “My thought that we might get a against the stopgap bill, GOP lead- bipartisan agreement approved by ership will have to lean on Demo- the White House died yesterday,” crats to supply the necessary votes Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who is in the House. part of one of the bipartisan work- Nine Democrats are already ing groups trying to hash out an needed to overcome a filibuster in immigration deal, said following the Senate. Trump’s comments. Democrats are under immense House Minority Leader Nancy pressure to oppose the CR without Pelosi (D-Calif.) has made clear a DACA deal in place — and it’s that she won’t help Ryan pass a unclear whether one will material- CR unless a DACA deal has been ize by Friday’s deadline. secured. “DACA is probably dead be- “Well I, for one, will not vote for cause the Democrats don’t really government funding until we get a want it, they just want to talk and deal on DACA,” Rep. John Lewis take desperately needed money (D-Ga.) told ABC’s “This Week” away from our Military,” Trump on Sunday. “We must not give up or tweeted on Sunday. give in. We must continue to press A bipartisan group of six sena- on and get a deal.” tors announced Thursday that they It’s less certain, however, wheth- had struck a deal to protect DACA er Senate Democrats will ultimately recipients from deportation in ex- band together against a funding change for securing the border and patch in the absence of an immi- making other changes to existing gration agreement. immigration programs. But if the CR includes additional But the White House quickly items such as disaster aid or long- threw cold water on the plan, with term CHIP funding, it could be Trump expressing a desire for difficult for vulnerable Democrats more border wall funding. He is to vote against the measure and also pushing for new restrictions allow the government to shut down. surrounding family migration and “If someone puts a clean CR Be heard anywhere to reform the diversity visa lottery out there with CHIP funding or program. hurricane relief, and you vote ‘no’ Further roiling the DACA debate and the government did shut down, were explosive comments first you’re responsible for that, and it reported by The Washington Post will be remembered,” Cole said. in the world (only $50 per hour) RadioTribune Special 12 hours only $400 20 hours only $600 (Payment due upon contract signing) • Talk Shows • Infomercials • • Community Involvement • • Business Promotions • • Political Agendas • • Marketing Promotions • www.RadioTribune. For additional information Call (702) 272-4634 Email: [email protected] January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 9 costs with no restraints, sion of the original Cobra to help. The world has be- millions of Americans are program. We invite you to come so large, it’s getting RadioTribune Lineup unable to obtain it. Why? press Congress for parity in claustrophobic with traffic, Our elected officials have health care live here at Ra- travel, taxes, soaring costs “Open Mic” it, they don’t need to worry. dio Tribune. Call or email for food, water, clothing Every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00 a.m., Gordon But what about the people us at Cobra.blulaker@ and shelter, and what are Martines hosts “Open Mic,” a popular RadioTribune. they represent? Find out or call (949) we to do? Join us with com show. The Anti-Corruption Coalition of Nevada is why on Cobra USA. 467- 0613. your wisdom and knowl- the basis for and theme of “Open Mic.” C.O.B.R.A. by the way Cobra USA is hosted by edge to make America Gordon Martines was a career police officer with 39 is the 1985 Insurance Law Blu Laker, an investigative great again; together we years of on-the-job Law Enforcement experience. Past created by Ronald Rea- reporter who has seen med- can make a difference. Let cases involving Kevin Daley, Trayvon Cole and a variety gan in 1985 for continu- ical programs that work me pick your brain for the of other covered-up criminal cases, and a billion dollars ing health care coverage around the world, with advancement of humanity. worth of missing taxpayer money, are discussed in depth of health insurance. We a cure to the healthcare We are controversial, con- and at length on the show. talk about insurance, sav- problem here. Join him in servative and considerate Martines spent four years as police officer with the ings and options available these discussions to clear of other people, even when Hermosa Beach Police Department before moving here through King Cobra, the the air so vital to survival they may have different and resuming his police career in Las Vegas as a De- intended amended ver- itself and what you can do opinions. tective in the Robbery/Homicide Bureau, retiring from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department after 36 years of police service. The amount of corruption and cover-ups by executive Police Administrative officers witnessed by Martines inside the department led to his decision to contest the good ol’ boy’s club and run for Clark County Sheriff three times against what he knew were almost insur- mountable odds. “Open Mic” carries the voice the LVMPD does not want you to hear, yet it is always there, every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00 a.m. on Tune in! * * * * * “Face The Tribune” Face the Tribune is heard every Monday through Fri- day at 12 noon, hosted by Rolando Larraz. For the last five years “Face The Tribune” has been the premier show for interviews with politicians, civil service workers, government officials and activists, and a voice for those everyday citizens who needed to air their legal grievances. The Las Vegas Tribune newspaper has been a part of the Las Vegas community for over 18 years and is the only independent newspaper in Clark County. “Face The Tribune” was established as a voice for the people of Las Vegas and is the only news platform where Face the judges, city councilmen, local businessmen and wom- en, as well as Mr. or Ms. Local Citizen, can voice their opinions and share the issues that pertain to Las Vegas. Tribune The show’s host, Rolando Larraz, has been a journalist in Clark County for over 50 years. He has been a fixture ‘Face the Tribune’ is hosted in the community and a highly respected publisher who has covered local news and events in Las Vegas since the by Rolando Larraz mid-’60s. For stories and information not available any- where else in Las Vegas, tune into “Face The Tribune” Monday thru Friday Monday through Friday at 12:00 noon. * * * * * at 12 noon COBRA USA with Blu Laker on A daily Radio show Monday through Friday 2:00 p.m. with live guests on a variety of subjects. Due to the importance of health care, its out-of-control COBRA USA with Blu Laker

KIOF-LP 97.9 FM “STOP, LOOK, Monday thru Friday at 2:00 p.m. LISTEN” on “WELCOME TO FABULOUS LAS VEGAS PUBLIC RADIO” YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY NON PROFIT Tune in to 501 C 3 RADIO STATION (Federal Charitable taxpayer ID # 45-4388579) RadioTribune Why not try us? See www.lasvegaspublic New Call-In Line: ( 1.415 Million hits out on our website (702) 983-0711 to date as we begin our 3rd year! Tune in and listen to those who will tell you the truth, 400 S. 4th St., Suite 500 and nothing but the truth. You’ll discover different Las Vegas, NV 89101 personalities and hear different opinions, but when it (702) 425-4088 comes to the facts, you’ll always get the truth from us! Page 10 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018

A governmentE big enoughditorials to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. — Thomas Jefferson Our Point of View Black robes, law enforcement and drugs and don’t mix For a very long time the Las Vegas Tribune and Radio Tribune have emphasized that federal laws will always prevail over state, county or city laws, and when Attor- ney General Jeff Sessions recently visited Las Vegas and confirmed his intentions of having his office enforce the federal laws in those states where marijuana is now part of the daily routine, it did not take anyone by surprise. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has historically favored strict enforcement of the federal laws. However, other administration members have hinted that marijuana en- forcement is not a top priority at this time. It is a fact that this newspaper has been on both sides of the fence as far as marijuana is concerned; we are not all devoted to accepting the legalization of marijuana, but Anti-conversion therapy law we all do accept the reality that times change; and we’re not against its legalization when it comes to the financial side of it, since many look at as a lucrative way of bring- tramples free speech rights ing money to the state. Legalization will also avoid those By Thomas Mitchell facilitates a person’s ability to cope, With the turning of a page of the social support and identity explora- unnecessary long MJ-related sentences and the destruction calendar to a new year comes a host tion and development …” of so many lives (many just youngsters) who often have of new laws on the books in Nevada, One may not discourage a pa- their futures and their careers jeopardized or even ruined among them is a law banning ther- tient’s gender feelings but may over this naturally growing plant. apists from engaging in something encourage. Thus only speech that However, Las Vegas Tribune has been a radical oppo- dubbed conversion therapy. contains the government-approved The new law makes it illegal content is permitted. nent of the members of our judicial system who choose to for any psychotherapist in Nevada The courts have repeatedly ruled be involved in such a controversial industry; judges at all to provide conversion therapy to that laws that limit speech based levels of the judicial system should be above reproach and anyone under the age of 18. That is solely on its content violates the First have an impeccable track record of honesty at all levels defined as “any practice or treatment Amendment. of life; if they cannot live with that, and if money is more that seeks to change the sexual orien- In a recent article, Michelle tation or gender identity of a person.” Cretella, president of the American important than the reputation of the judicial system, they This therapy is barred “regardless ThoMaS MiTchell College of Pediatricians, reported should step down and not run for that office. of the willingness of the person or his or her parent that she had a male patient who between the ages of If Attorney General Jeff Sessions decides to — as many or legal guardian to authorize such therapy.” The bill 3 and 5 increasingly played with “girl toys” and said have referred to it — “crack down on pot,” what will be description justifies this usurpation of individual and he was a girl. She referred the parents and the boy to a the situation for those members of our judicial system in parental rights by claiming the practice is ineffective therapist, who discovered that the boy had a younger special needs sister who required a significant amount Nevada, especially in Clark County, where District Court and potentially harmful. What is therapy? It is speech. of attention from her parents. The boy perceived that Judge Nancy Alf-Thomas will put herself with her mari- The bill specifically prohibits a professional health his parents preferred girls and thus he would become huana profit? care provider from talking to an underage patient about one. Judge Alf-Thomas may not be directly involved in the whether their gender confusion is real or not, but just “With family therapy Andy got better,” Cretella marijuana business, but she benefits financially when her as specifically allows support or confirmation for “a wrote. husband, David Thomas, brings the profits of his marijuana person undergoing gender transition …” or provides In Nevada, that therapist now could have his or “acceptance, support and understanding of a person or (See Mitchell, Page 12) business home and she uses that money to buy groceries, clothing or any other incidentals and household goods. It is unclear how the current administration will approach The land of the free and its marijuana policy. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has historically favored strict enforcement of the federal laws, and to us and to this community it should be immaterial, as the home of the brave long as the judicial system stays out of the business By Perly Viasmensky and persistent.” The Las Vegas Tribune has been consistent in our belief I have said many times before that the most fash- The most racist people in the world are the ones ionable words of the day are “racism” and “discrim- calling others racists. Take for example Jorge Ramos that the association of any judge with the federally desig- ination,” but it is very difficult to believe that every with Univision; we all know what the opening and clos- nated illegal drug business is a reason to wonder if such time President Donald Trump opens his mouth, even ing of his Sunday program will be because it is always a judge could conduct a fair and impartial trial on a drug the people of his own party start yelling “RACIST,” the same, regardless of who his guests are: “Do you related case. making a federal case out of an arbitration. believe Trump is a racist?” It never changes;, and the How would that judge rule in cases involving drugs or A few hundred Haitian-American protesters gath- last part is always another anti-Trump racist Venezue- ered near President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Florida home lan comedian-musician, Cesar Muñoz, who spends his marijuana directly? The problem is this: though it may on Monday, waiving Haitian flags to protest his alleged time building up the ego of Ramos by singing against now be considered legal to possess the substance for recent remarks referring to Haiti, El Salvador and cer- Trump instead of going back to Venezuela and fighting needed medical, as well as recreational or other use, it is tain African nations as “sh*thole countries,” during a for the freedom of his own country. still against federal laws; therefore, the Las Vegas Tribune meeting about immigration at the White House. There are very nice people from Haiti, indeed, but believes it could present a highly likely conflict of interest Maybe President Trump said that, and maybe he does Mr. Clinton believe he can cover the sky with didn’t. Unfortunately I was not invited to the meeting. one finger? If they are creative and hardworking, why when a judge is closely tied with marijuana distribution. Even former president Bill Clinton, who is always don’t they think of something positive and work hard David Thomas, (in)famously known politically as the sitting on the fence to see what side is more conve- to better the conditions of their own country? If they “judge maker,” is also the husband of Las Vegas Eighth Ju- nient for him to jump to, stated: “I have found the are so brave and persistent, why don’t they persist in dicial District Court Judge Nancy Alf-Thomas, who could people of Haiti to be creative, hardworking, brave, (See Viasmensky, Page 12) be personally benefiting from the business when her spouse has a source of income rooted in the marijuana business. ON A PERSONAL NOTE Judges — at any level of the judicial system — should maintain ethics and remain above reproach, especially Halfway through January: when the reputation and the integrity of the judicial system may be at risk; and those planning to run for judicial office that are involved in the marijuana business should think Have you made any changes yet? By Maramis yourself. Why not give it a try? You twice about running, even if it is for a lower court than the I’ve always tended to be an op- might add a few months, or even a justice court position timist, looking on the bright side of few years, to the time you have left). If the money that the federally illegal marijuana business life. There’s always something one 2) Giving up smoking. (Do you think may bring in is in excess of the judicial salary that the state can feel good about; and if it doesn’t giving up smoking — this time for gives those elected to the bench, then it may be time to immediately come to mind, a little real — might grant you a little more musing should be able to bring it time? If it really wouldn’t, then don’t choose between the luxury of a profitable drug business and to the surface. Positive things don’t put yourself through the misery, and the respectable and honest earnings of a judicial position. always have to be happy things, but it don’t bother judging yourself too While even people deeply involved in the marijuana feels better to dwell on them anyway, harshly over the past. The past is business are saying that they know a federal attack on rather than on all the things that can already dead and buried, but you’re their business could be expected at any time, and that is a bring one down. not. So go easy on yourself.) 3) So you’re not in perfect health Better sleeping habits. You may not chance they are willing to take, some of them have made right now, but you are alive! And as MaraMiS choufani really know how important this one arrangements with criminal defense attorneys for legal an alive person, there are many things you can still is. You’ve likely been watching TV late into the night, representation for when the inevitable occurs — since the do. You can research your particular condition and see and maybe the programs were far from calming: crime, possibility exists that Judge Nancy Alf-Thomas may get what you can do to contribute to your better health. murder, abusive language, loud sounds of shootings, arrested along with her husband and her husband’s asso- All the advice you need does not and will not always shoutings, and so forth, all of which interfere with good come from your doctor, whether or not you have the sleep habits — to say nothing of all the light from the ciates and others in the industry. insurance to pay for the visits and/or the treatments TV, coupled with light from any other devices in the We hope that never happens because it will be a horri- he or she might recommend. room that interfere with your sleep hormones. Remem- ble black eye on our community to see someone wearing Sometimes the best advice is just to make a few ber, if you’re trying for a little more life, do something a black robe in handcuffs and getting arrested for illegal adjustments in your lifestyle. 1) A truly better diet to earn it. Good sleep habits are near the top of the list. activities involving an illegal drug. (You know what you should stop eating and start Start early and phase into that peaceful and truly good eating instead — and if you don’t know, educate (See Maramis, Page 14) January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 11

VEditors note:iew The views expressed are entirely those of the writersP and do not necessarilyoints reflect the opinions of the Las Vegas Tribune. The Schwartz Report: Low poll number matches low contributions By Chuck Muth er for Schwartz’ gubernatorial race boycotted the beleaguered NFL health reasons. Which coincides A new Nevada gubernatorial other than self-ego and a desire to during its disastrous 2017 season, with reports that former GOP Rep. poll shows conservative Republi- help elect a Democrat governor with viewers choosing to change Cresent Hardy announced at Sat- can Adam Laxalt crushing moder- next November. the channel after professional ath- urday’s Lincoln Day breakfast in ate GOP primary challenger Dan And if the Nevada Republican letes refused to stand during the US White Pine County that he would Schwartz by a whopping 66-7 Central Committee doesn’t see that national anthem.” be mounting a comeback for his percent margin. Unbelievably and officially endorse Laxalt in the Failed presidential candidate old seat. lame considering Schwartz reports GOP primary even before filing Mitt Romney used Martin Luther I guess I was the proverbial spending $183,000+ last year; most opens, it has no business being a King Day to attack Donald Trump skunk at the picnic Saturday when I of it on consultants and advertising. political party. “Peacock” candi- and call him a racist. The more showed up as Assemblyman James Laxalt reported having over $3 dates like Schwartz don’t deserve things change… “The Big Selloutski” Oscarson’s million in the bank for his cam- primary neutrality. Meanwhile Breitbart News re- (RINO-District 36) campaign kick- paign. P.S. Two liberal peas in a pod... ports today that “Donald Trump’s off event in Logandale. Schwartz tried to pooh-pooh Democrat Rep. Dina Titus, Support Among Blacks Has Dou- Despite the public invitation CHUCK MUTH the results, sarcastically tweeting: 7/6/06: “Nevada deserves better bled Since 2016.” Ruh-roh. There advertising that “ALL ARE INVIT- gun owners, amnesty, new taxes “Sample size: @AdamLaxalt ‘s than to be at the bottom of every goes the modern-day Democrat ED,” I was immediately confronted on meals NV families buy, new living room.” good list and the top of every bad electoral plantation. by an elderly woman — who turned corporate income tax on NV job But Las Vegas Review-Journal one.” Remember, campaigns aren’t out to be Oscarson’s campaign providers, new (and illegal) airport columnist Victor Joecks replied GOP State Treasurer Dan official until a candidate officially manager, Laura Billman — who tax on travelers. You know, those that he’d seen the full poll “and Schwartz, 9/5/17: “Our schools files. demanded that my daughter and kinds of things.” the sample was more than ample.” remain at the bottom of every good Before this weekend, Las Vegas I leave and threatened to call the Schwartz’s single-digit poll He also invited Schwartz to share list, at the top of every bad list.” City Councilman Stavros Antho- cops on me. number jibes with Schwartz’s his own internal poll results which, My NFL boycott has extended ny was the GOP establishment’s Naturally, I told her to pound fundraising results. He reports ac- of course, Schwartz will never do. into the playoff season. Still not chosen candidate for Nevada’s 4th sand. So Oscarson grabbed the tual contributions of just $73,953. Chimed in Robert Uithoven, missin’ it. And I’m not alone. FOX congressional district, currently microphone and pointed me out to Worse, only $11,100 of that total Laxalt’s campaign manager… News’ Sean Hannity reported last (mis)represented by Rep. Ruben the small crowd of about two dozen came from people living in Nevada. “Also interested in Dan’s poll- week that… “Roaming Fingers” Kihuen. supporters. I guess he was hoping In other words, as I’ve been ing on his main policy positions: “A stunning new poll shows that But this morning Anthony to intimidate or embarrass me. Like saying since last summer, there is gun control on law-abiding NV over 30 percent of football fans bowed out of the race, citing absolutely NO REASON whatsoev- (See Muth, Page 14) Tweet Tweet, Rockin’ Robin By Mace yampolsky number for Trump as of Monday, supply of chicken nuggets from the Penn State IFC@PennStateIFC These are the Tweets I remem- the ex-president had 97.6 million. Wendy’s fast-food chain went viral. With the current devastation in ber from my childhood. Now Some slight consolation for After being shared an astonishing Houston, we are pledging $0.15 for Tweets are a major form of mass Trump may be that he was crowned 3.6 million times, it’s now the most every RT this gets! Please forward communication. Print Newspapers the most tweeted about elected retweeted post ever: this along to help out those in need! are dying. Facebook and Twitter world leader this year. But as var- The Miss Universe 2017 pageant Ariana Grande@Ariana- are the way most of us commu- ious stories have noted, he’s often was the most tweeted-about global Grande nicate to our circle of friends and mentioned in a negative light. But, television event; K-pop group BTS broken. from the bottom of my acquaintances. as they say, there is no such thing took that honor among celebrities, heart, i am so sorry. i don’t have Twitter Reveals 2017’s Most as bad publicity. and Spanish soccer team Real Ma- words. Popular Tweets, And Donald Other tweets to rack up mil- drid’s #halamadrid was the world’s President Obama@POTUS44 Trump’s Ego May Shatter lions of “likes” this year included top sports hashtag. Thank you for everything. My On Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018, Ariana Grande’s response to the “Game of Thrones” was the last ask is the same as my first. I’m Twitter revealed the world’s 10 terror attack at her May concert most tweeted-about TV show in asking you to believe—not in my most retweeted and three most in Manchester, England, and NBA the U.S., with Netflix’s “Stranger ability to create change, but in yours “liked” posts of 2017. Trump, star LeBron James’ zinger at Trump Things” taking the accolade for LeBron James@KingJames who regularly shows off in front MaCe yaMPoLSKy over the president’s rescinding via streaming shows. “Wonder Wom- U bum @StephenCurry30 al- of his 44.1 million followers by Three of Obama’s tweets made the Twitter the White House invitation an” won the award for most tweet- ready said he ain’t going! So there- launching unprovoked attacks on “most retweeted” list and two ap- to the league champion Golden ed-about movie. fore ain’t no invite. Going to White his opponents, failed to be featured peared in the “most liked” category. State Warriors after some of the Here are the top 10 House was a great honor until you on either list. This article is taken Hey Trump, Volume Does team’s players, including star Ste- Carter Wilkerson@carterjwm showed up! in part from the Huffpost article Not Equal Quality phen Curry, said they wouldn’t be HELP ME PLEASE. A MAN President Obama@POTUS44 written by Lee Moran. The pithy, Obama’s plea for racial equality attending. NEEDS HIS NUGGS It’s been the honor of my life to snarky comments, of course, are following white nationalist vio- Winner, Winner, Barack Obama@BarackO- serve you. You made me a better by yours truly. lence in Charlottesville, Virginia, in Chicken Dinner! bama leader and a better man. To add insult to injury, Trump’s August, was both the “most liked” The Twitter champion of the “No one is born hating another Sam@SamMartin_6 predecessor in the White House, tweet of the year, and the second year, however, was Carter Wilk- person because of the color of Leo and I are donating 6 lbs former President Barack Obama, most retweeted. Obama’s Twitter erson — the Nevada teen whose his skin or his background or his of dog food to Houston for every scored high in both roundups. followers more than double the lighthearted request for a year’s religion...” (See Mace, Page 14) The Bundys fought gov’t tyranny — and won! Larry Klayman likens family’s resolve to that of Founding Fathers By Larry Klayman with the means to protect them- ed to having a “kill list” to take out As Cliven walked outside of the This week perhaps the biggest selves should these federal goons the Bundys along with mock targets Lloyd George Federal Courthouse victory in the history of government use the same tactics against them, of the heads of the Bundys hanging that day, he was greeted by other prosecution and legal criminal de- the BLM and FBI fled the scene on the walls of BLM offices and patriots who had shown their sup- fense was realized in a federal court of their crimes. Before fleeing in religious discrimination against port over these many years. Rain in Las Vegas, Nevada. There, after disgrace, they destroyed evidence Mormons — as the Bundys are of was falling, and while the sky was Cliven Bundy and his sons, Ryan of their crimes, also leaving liquor this faith. dark, this magnificent victory shed and Ammon, had been wrongfully bottles strewn all over the desecrat- After years of rubber-stamping a light not just on the power of God, charged by Obama deep state Jus- ed Bundy ranch, as they had been the wishes of Mahre and his cor- but the nation He created. In rec- tice Department prosecutors for celebrating during their occupation rupt Obama Justice Department ognizing this, Cliven saw the rain conspiring to threaten federal law what they thought would be their prosecutors, even Judge Navarro, as a covenant from the Heavenly enforcement at gun point when Bu- eventual success in forcing this who had been recommended for Father, as rain for a rancher from reau of Land Management (BLM) brave family from the land, which appointment to the federal bench desert terrain is necessary for his agents, with the support of Federal they had ranched on for around 150 by then-Sen. Harry Reid, had seen herd’s survival. Bureau of Investigation special years — about 400,000 acres in and enough. Like a rat fleeing a burn- All of us who greeted Cliven agents, stormed the Bundy Ranch around Lake Mead. ing nest, in trying to salvage what on his way out the door to freedom at Bunkerville, threatened the lives Larry KLayMan After just a few weeks of trial was left of her damaged reputa- were in tears, as we realized that a of the Bundys, violently assaulted free nation in my native city of Phil- before a jury of the Bundys’ peers, tion — even the mainstream Las divine miracle had just occurred. family members when they would adelphia on that historic day of July ordinary citizens from the Las Ve- Vegas Review Journal had called With God’s grace, we had fought not relinquish their cattle and then, 4, 1776. Using what became later gas area in Clark County, Nevada, it her a “friend” of the prosecutors “the law,” and we had won! for “good measure,” killed tens of known as their Second Amendment was learned that these government — Judge Navarro cut the prosecu- There remains much to do to male cattle (aka bulls) used to pro- right to bear arms once the war was goons had hidden and destroyed tors loose by finding that they, the bring about justice for the crimes create the herd and buried them in a won and our Constitution written evidence of illegal entrapment, the BLM and the FBI had engaged in committed by the Obama deep secret mass grave, the federal judge and enacted, they prevailed. positioning of surveillance cameras a perversion of justice that required state prosecutors and their lying who presided of the trial dismissed In standing up to these mod- and snipers, risk assessment reports throwing the case out and freeing goons at the BLM and FBI, but we the government’s indictment with ern-day redcoats, sent in by former showing that the Bundys were not Cliven and his sons. all learned a lesson anew that when prejudice based on flagrant and out- Sen. Harry Reid’s handpicked di- a threat and other so called excul- As Cliven left the courthouse our Founding Fathers pledged their rageous prosecutorial misconduct. rector of BLM, Neil Kornze, whom patory evidence from the defense. that day, after his “shackles” had honor, sacred fortunes and lives to This 2014 attack on the Bundys he convinced then-President Barack To make matters even more damn- been removed, I hugged him in form a free nation, they realized that was reminiscent of the same tyran- Obama to appoint, and former FBI ing, Acting U.S. Attorney Steven a show of love for a man and his eternal vigilance would be required nical means used by King George Director James Comey, Cliven Mahre, an Obama holdover, and his family who had endured so much to preserve liberty. III and his corrupt British Crown in Bundy and sons (who included co-prosecutors were caught lying to persecution. In the course of the last The Bundys are the proud de- the days leading up to the Ameri- Mel and Dave Bundy in addition U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro two years since this patriarch, his scendants of our Founding Fathers. can Revolution, when his redcoats to Ammon and Ryan), and his about the government’s cover-up of sons and the other tens of indicted They are an inspiration to all true terrorized the colonies, burning wife and family, did exactly what its crimes. And, lo and behold, by defendants had been incarcerated Americans by standing up, fearless- homes and farms, seizing firearms, the colonialists did in opposing the grace of the Father and his Son, for no just cause, having been de- ly, no matter what pillaging and stealing property and government tyranny and waging in a whistleblower by the name of nied bail by Judge Navarro, as his * * * * * even raping and abusing American effect a redux of the first American Larry Wooten, a BLM investigator lawyer I had met with Cliven at Larry Klayman is a former Jus- women and children. For this our revolution. who had been fired at the request least 25 times in federal prison and tice Department prosecutor and Founding Fathers, lead by the likes In the end, seeing the steadfast, of Mahre over his coming forward come to appreciate his righteous- the founder of Judicial Watch and of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, unbridled courage of the Bundys about the government’s crimes, ness and principled convictions. Freedom Watch. His latest book is Thomas Jefferson and George and those patriots who came to their exposed even more crimes. These The same is true for the rest of the “Whores: Why and How I Came to Washington, declared a new and support to peacefully protest armed crimes included but were not limit- Bundy family. Fight the Establishment.” Page 12 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 Cuba’s Economic Surrealism By Jóse Azel books With his characteristic intellec- # 29 Attendants of public bath- tual wit, Cuban writer Carlos Alber- rooms (presumably for tips) to Montaner defines communism as # 34 Trimmers of palm trees “the time countries waste between (apparently other trees will still be capitalism and capitalism.” By this trimmed by the state) account, Cuba has now wasted six # 49 Wrapping buttons with decades of economic development fabric and appears incapable or ignorant # 61 Shoe shining of how to change course. The eco- # 62 Cleaning of spark plugs nomic platform for the VI Congress # 69 Typists of the Communist Party of Cuba, # 110 Box spring repairs (not to revealed ideological bewilderment be confused with #116) manifested in absurd and incongru- # 116 Mattress repairs ous policymaking. # 124 Umbrella repairs The Draft Guidelines for Eco- # 125 Refilling of disposable nomic and Social Policy — the 32 cigarette lighters page document that proposes to José Azel # 150 Tarot cards fortune telling chart Cuba’s economic future — activities with “new methods of # 156 Dandy (technical defini- affirms that: “The new economic planning and state control over the tion unknown, male escort?) policy will correspond with the economy.” # 158 Natural fruits peeling that will contribute in any measure itary and the Party of every aspect principle that only socialism [i.e. It is not surprising that Raul (Separate from #142, fruit sale in to the economic development of Cuban life is the antithesis of the Cuban communism] is capable of Castro and his generals are more kiosks) of Cuba. Measures designed to individual freedoms and empow- conquering the difficulties... and comfortable with the chain of com- Clearly, this bizarre list of per- encourage the domestic manufac- erment necessary to bring about that central planning and not the mand of a centrally planned econ- mitted private service sector activi- turing of disposable lighters would an economic renaissance. General market will be supreme in the ac- omy than with the vicissitudes of a ties will not drive the economic de- come closer. Continuing with the Castro ignores what José Marti tualization of the economic model.” market economy. What is baffling is velopment of the country. Equally example, what is needed are eco- emphasized in 1884. During the The document persistently em- the failure to understand core prin- revealing is the fact that the Cuban nomic empowerment measures to struggle for Cuban independence, phasizes General Castro’s militaris- ciples of economic development. technocrats find it necessary to list encourage the entrepreneurial man- in a letter rebuking his military tic themes of increased efficiency, They appear to be clueless as to the economic activities that will ufacturing of disposable lighters of commander Máximo Gómez, Marti discipline, and control. It insists, what to do. be permitted with such degree of high quality and low cost so as to wrote: “A nation is not founded, for example, on setting prices ac- To make the point, it is instruc- regulation and control. be competitive exporting to world General, the way one commands cording to the dictates of central tive to examine a representative An impediment to real reforms markets. This will not be allowed an encampment.” The same holds planning and insuring that any new handful of the 205 trades and is simply that without inspired in Cuba. true for the building of a successful “non-state” economic activities (ap- professions authorized for self-em- democratic leadership, the set of In his economic dreamland of economy. parently the term “private sector” is ployment (non-state sector activity) long-held Marxists economic as- surrealist juxtapositions and non José Azel left Cuba in 1961 as a not to be spoken) do not lead to the as a centerpiece of General Castro’s sumptions will not be swapped for sequitur with visions free from 13 year-old political exile in what accumulation of wealth. The Gen- “bold” economic reforms to rescue another set of economic beliefs. conscious rationality, General has been dubbed Operation Pedro eral is not interested in introducing the country’s economy. After much These are not reforms to unleash Castro believes that improved state Pan — the largest unaccompanied Deng Xiaoping’s market socialism debate and with trepidation the the market’s “invisible hand,” but to management is the way to save the child refugee movement in the his- with Deng’s pronouncement that Cuban economic reformers have reaffirm the Castros’ clinched fist. communist system. The hostility tory of the Western Hemisphere. “to get rich is glorious.” decided to allow the 500,000 Cu- One does not have to be an econ- toward individual freedoms and He is currently dedicated to the in- In Cuba, central planning will bans being fired to solicit permits to omist to appreciate, for example, success embodied in his economic depth analyses of Cuba’s economic, be extended to include not only become self employed in activities that the refilling of disposable ciga- reform program signals its inevita- social and political state, with a the state and mixed enterprises, but such as: rette lighters (permitted occupation ble failure. keen interest in post-Castro-Cuba also the allowed forms of non-state # 23 Purchases and sale of used # 125) is not an industrial activity The desire for control by the mil- strategies. ON THE HOLMES FRONT Obama’s $500m presidential palace will put the poor out on the street By Frank Holmes er is being opposed by community it into an above-ground parking Barack Obama unveiled plans organizers. How ironic can it get?! garage. to build a half-billion dollar palace Wait, there’s more. Yes, Obama wants to pave para- honoring himself and his eight Dozens of professors at Obama’s dise and put up a parking lot. years as president — and Chica- old college, the University of Chi- Finally, Chicago taxpayers will go’s poor people are outraged that cago, joined them by signing a let- be “forced to pay hundreds of mil- it would put them out in the cold. ter telling Obama to quit exploiting lions of dollars for this project,” the The original plans for Obama’s the city’s poor for his own glory. organizers write. Making just one “presidential center” set throngs of In fact, they say the Obamas are of the many changes that the foun- community organizers springing lying to city hall in order to rope dation demands will cost residents into action to save the south side Windy City’s taxpayers into footing at least $100 million and create of Chicago from “their” president. part of the bill. massive traffic jams. A who’s who of local commu- The Obama Foundation claims “These are not the best ways to nity organizers oppose the Obama the center will create 5,000 jobs use public funds to invest in the presidential library — including the — but the professors fact-checked future of Chicago,” they wrote. Black Youth Project 100, the Poor that statement and say it’s a bald- Obama would lie about how People’s Campaign, the Lawyers’ faced lie. many jobs he’d create, take away Committee for Civil Rights, and “The only new jobs created will two parks from poor people on the the Chicago Jobs Council, among be as staff to the Obama Center,” south side of Chicago, then stick many others. they write. them with the bill. The former community organiz- Obama’s presidential center “This is a socially regressive won’t create any jobs — just like plan,” the professors wrote. his presidency. Their objections have already Mitchell But the center will take from the forced the ex-president to settle poor and give to… well, to Obama. for a little less-grandiose presi- The coalition opposes the mon- dential complex. On Wednesday, ument to Obama’s ego, because it the Obama Foundation submitted would be built over top of what is new plans that would allegedly now Jackson Park, a historic out- cost $350 million, and save more door park that was intended to be trees by moving the parking garage open to everyone in the neighbor- underground. hood — rich and poor alike. One of the ways the Obama The government is “taking a presidential library is saving money large section of an historic public is by cutting back needless expens- park and giving it to a private entity es — like his presidency’s books for development.” and papers. The planners also want to take Obama’s “presidential library” a huge part of another city park will be shrouded in an unprece- where poor people relax and turn (see Holmes, Page 14) Viasmensky (Continued from Page 10) protesters know who Key was. staying in their country and make Personally, I got the knowledge on it prosper instead of moving to the Francis Scott Key’s views on race Dominican Republic to bring more by reading Jefferson Morley. misery to that other country, which In his career as lawyer and pub- also has its level of poverty? lic servant, Key spoke publicly of Gov. sandoval signs anti-conversion therapy law. All of a sudden many of those Africans in America as a “distinct (Continued from Page 10) attempt to protect religious coun- or the doctor hat? protesters want to be “brave in the and inferior race of people, which her license revoked for engaging selors from being punished under Unfortunately, the federal circuit land of the free,” and I wonder how all experience proves to be the in conversion therapy. the law, but it is a contortion that courts have rejected arguments that many of them know where that greatest evil that afflicts a commu- Presumably under this law, a adds only confusion. a similar California law violates famous phrase comes from, and nity.” Key saw them as a shiftless therapist could be punished for tell- That amendment stated “there both the free exercise of religion who said it. and untrustworthy population, a ing a patient that 80 to 95 percent is nothing in this bill that regu- and free speech aspects of the First Personally, as an avid reader, nuisance to white people. of all children who express feel- lates or prohibits licensed health Amendment and the Supreme I received that information from Racism has been around for ings of gender dysphoria abandon care professionals from engaging Court has thus far declined to hear a well known journalist and au- hundreds of years, but no one has those feelings upon maturity and in expressive speech or religious appeals. thor, Jefferson Morley, author of noticed it until they want to show that more than 80 percent of youth counseling with such children if the Now that the law is on the books “I was a Contra for the CIA,” an their dislike for Donald Trump. claiming to experience same-sex licensed health care professionals: in Nevada and livelihoods are in expose of the Central Intelligence Nowadays if you wear a red dress attractions in late childhood and (1) are acting in their pastoral or re- jeopardy, someone should take Agency’s covert role in supporting to a funeral, nobody would call you adolescence identified themselves ligious capacity as members of the another stab at challenging the con- Nicaraguan counterrevolutionaries insensitive or ignorant; they would as exclusively heterosexual upon clergy or as religious counselors; stitutionality of this law in court. in violation of a Congressional call you a racist because the word becoming adults. and (2) do not hold themselves out Thomas Mitchell is a former prohibition. is more fashionable. Would telling a minor to wait as operating pursuant to their pro- newspaper editor who now writes Many people know that Francis Perly Viasmensky is the General and let nature take its course violate fessional licenses when so acting in conservative/libertarian columns Scott Key is the author of the fa- Manager of the Las Vegas Tribune. the law? their pastoral or religious capacity.” for weekly papers in Nevada. mous words “the land of the free She writes a weekly column in this In the waning days of the 2017 So, which hat is the professional You may email Mitchell at thom- and the home of the brave,” and newspaper. To contact Perly Vias- legislative session the bill that licensee wearing when talking to a [email protected]. He blogs at that he wrote those words in 1814, mensky, email her at pviasmensky@ is now law was amended in an child about gender? The pastor hat but I wonder how many of those lasvegas January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 13 Democrats continue to dismiss positive impacts of tax reform By Alexandra Smith Pelosi continues her drumbeat that The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was The Hill opinion contributor the legislation will only be detri- only signed a month ago and al- Capital One, Wells Fargo, Waste mental to the American people. Last ready the positive impacts can’t be Management, JetBlue Airlines, month, she outlandishly claimed ignored. The announcements from Comcast, AT&T, American Air- that the tax reform bill would be companies of all sizes will continue lines, BB&T and Nationwide “Armageddon” for America fami- as the new year unfolds. The real Mutual Insurance are just a few lies. It’s just not the truth. But she question becomes how long can of the more than 80 companies isn’t the only Democrat dismissing Democrats keep up their criticism that have all announced employee the good news to hide from her and refuse to acknowledge their bonuses, additional benefits, and vote. votes against the bill? higher wages for their employees Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Americans will demand answers crediting successful passage of the a vulnerable Democrat from a state for the hypocrisy of Democrats as tax reform bill. President Trump won by double constituents see their paychecks These are tangible and im- digits, had the audacity to say that increase. Democrats need to be held mediate impacts that are putting tax reform “is not going to be help- accountable for their refusal to work money directly into the pockets ful to the vast majority of people in with the Trump administration and of working-class Americans. The and wage increases “crumbs” and cash bonuses, pay increases and my state that are sitting around the Republicans in Congress to deliver good news continues to roll in with “insignificant” during her weekly expanded leave benefits are all kitchen table trying to figure out real results to America’s working Walmart, the largest private sector press conference. significant as families evaluate how [to] come out even at the end class families. More money in the employer in the country, making “In terms of the bonus that cor- their finances, but this is just the of the month.” pockets of Americans to grow our their announcement this week that porate America received versus the beginning. In his announcement, Bonuses of $1,000 and ex- economy should be celebrated, not they would hand out $1,000 bonus- crumbs they are giving to workers, Walmart president and chief exec- panded benefits will do just that. dismissed. es and raise the hourly minimum to kind of put the schmooze is utive officer Doug McMillon noted McCaskill’s comments were even Alexandra Smith is executive wage of their employees to $11. so pathetic, it’s so pathetic,” said that this is only the first step in the given two Pinocchios by the Wash- director of America Rising, a polit- The strategic response from Pelosi. Her dismissal of $1,000 in company’s assessment of the “op- ington Post fact check team. Sen. ical action committee dedicated to Democrats? Attack and downplay the pockets of average families is portunities tax reform creates for Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) insist- advancing conservative principles the impact for American families offensive and highlights how out us to invest in our customers and ed that “this bill won’t raise wages and holding liberals accountable. to hide from their votes against of touch she is with the American associates and to further strengthen for working people.” Walmart’s She previously served as chairman the bill. House Minority Leader people. our business.” two million employees across the of the College Republican National Nancy Pelosi called the bonuses Walmart’s announcement of Despite the clear evidence, country would disagree. Committee. America was challenged on taxes and Trump answered the challenge By James P. Pinkerton world arena. The Hill opinion contributor By 2017, the U.S. share of the world econ- A half-century ago, in 1967, a Frenchman omy had shrunk to less than 25 percent, and named Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber pub- our share of the world’s largest corporations lished Le Défi Américain (“The American had shrunk as well, from 85 percent of the Challenge”). Surveying U.S. economic dom- world’s top 20 companies to just 45 percent. inance, Servan-Schreiber described his book It was in this challenging environment as “a call to action” — action to rejuvenate that the RATE (Reforming America’s Taxes French economic power. Indeed, he called Equitably) Coalition, of which this author is a upon his country to “counterattack.” part, came into existence in 2011. Its member Servan-Schreiber was writing when the corporations and associations were suffering U.S. accounted for a full 37 percent of the from America’s antiquated 35 percent corpo- world’s economy. Moreover, 17 of the 20 rate rate, and they resolved to see it lowered. largest companies in the world were Amer- In the years that followed, RATE was ican. proud to join with many others, across all Servan-Schreiber’s book was hugely sectors of American society, in a rising tide of impactful, not only in France, but across Eu- pro-competitive activism. As we all know, on rope. In the words of the German-born Klaus Dec. 22, President Trump signed the Tax Cuts Schwab, founder of the World Economic taken up a strongly competitive approach to economic backwater, is now the roaring and Jobs Act into law. As he said at the time, Forum, “‘The American Challenge’ was not taxation, especially corporate taxation — and “Celtic Tiger.” “More products will be made in the USA ... only a game changer for European–American that strategy has paid off for them. For its part, back in the 1980s, the U.S., We’re going to bring back our companies.” relations, it also provided a new and innova- Ironically, the European country that too, was eager to be a part of the internation- The president was right: American com- tive conception of national competitiveness.” kicked off the corporate-tax response to the al competition. In 1986, President Ronald petitiveness is back, big and strong; and the Europe’s response to Servan-Schreiber’s American Challenge was the country closest Reagan signed into law a substantial cut in Europeans know it. For instance, the Centre book took several forms. One response was a to the U.S., the United Kingdom. Back in the U.S. corporate rate, from 46 percent to for European Economic Research, based in heightened emphasis on “national champion” 1979, when Margaret Thatcher took over the 34 percent. Mannheim, Germany, recently acknowledged companies — big firms that could go head-to- prime ministership of her country, Britain was Yet after that, the U.S. seemingly went to that, thanks to the tax bill, the U.S. now has head with American corporate titans. at a low ebb. Indeed, it was often called “the sleep on the issue of corporate competitive- a new edge: A second response to the American sick man of Europe.” ness, even as the rest of the world stayed wide “Competition between EU Member States Challenge was the expansion of what is now In that era, a key symptom of British sick- awake. According to the Tax Foundation, for U.S. investment is also going to intensify known as the European Union (EU). In the ness was too-high taxation. The corporate tax in the three decades after 1986, every other ... We can expect to see German companies two decades after 1967, the European confed- rate, for example, stood at a prohibitive 52 member of the Organization for Economic increase their investment in the U.S. by eration doubled its nation-state membership, percent. Thatcher steadily reduced that rate. Cooperation and Development (OECD) — around a quarter after the reform.” and in the decades since, it has more than By the time she left office in 1990, it had been the “club” of most leading economies — cut Of course, America isn’t just competing doubled again. cut to 33 percent. its corporate rate. with Germany, or the EU. Today, we must To be sure, many Americans are skeptical As everyone now knows, in the decades Whereas in the 1980s, most European compete with the whole world. Yet now, about European ideas of “national champi- since, the British economy has continued to corporate rates had been up in the 40s or even finally, in 2018, five decades after Ser- ons” and continental consolidation. Yet for prosper. Not coincidentally, the U.K. corpo- 50s, by 2017, that OECD average had gone van-Schreiber’s influential book, the U.S. has now at least, Europe boasts a GDP larger than rate tax rate is now just 19 percent; over the down to 24.7 percent. In the meantime, the regained its preeminence in tax competition. that of the U.S., and the EU routinely uses last four decades, that’s a rate-reduction of U.S. went in the reverse direction: In 1993, * * * * * its collective clout to help its job-creating almost two-thirds. the corporate tax rate actually went up by a James P. Pinkerton served as a domestic champion companies. In the meantime, other European countries point, to 35 percent. policy aide in the White Houses of Presidents So now we come to a third element in have acted even more boldly. In the early 80s, So we can see: By the 2010s, the U.S. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Europe’s response to the American Chal- Ireland’s corporate tax rate was a debilitating corporate rate was ten or more points high- Since 2011, he has been the co-chair of the lenge. Here there should be less ambivalence, 50 percent. Yet today, Ireland’s rate is down er than that of most of its rivals. And that Reforming America’s Taxes Equitably (RATE) because the results have been so clear-cut: In to 12.5 percent — a three-quarters reduction uncompetitive rate was one factor in the Coalition, which advocates on behalf of cor- the last few decades, European countries have in the last four decades. Ireland, once an relative eclipse of the U.S. economy in the porate and business tax reform. Trump would be right to protect American workers from unfair competition abroad By Barbara Boland in this way. promised to open new operations there is no consensus among econ- moved manufacturing operations The Hill opinion contributor But for the second time in under and manufacturing facilities here omists as to whether the provision to Mexico in order to avoid U.S. Donald Trump’s presidential a month, the International Trade in the U.S. Samsung had announced helps or harms that market. When regulations and take advantage of campaign promised an “America Commission (ITC) intervened on plans to shift some assembly jobs President George W. Bush invoked Mexico’s lower labor costs. By First” trade policy that would al- behalf of U.S. businesses suffering from Mexico and invest $300 mil- Section 201 in 2002 to limit steel following the ITC’s policy recom- low American workers to get jobs “unfair” competition from foreign lion in the U.S., creating nearly 500 imports, it became clear that the mendation, Trump would show that and put American companies on suppliers and invoked a rarely used jobs. But the ITC report suggests U.S. steel industry failed to capture he plans to protect American com- an equal footing with their foreign provision of the 1974 International Samsung and LG are unlikely to a larger share of the market, which panies and jobs and keep his pledge competitors. Trade Act, this time on behalf of follow through on their promises resulted in 200,000 workers losing to the forgotten men and women of Foreign companies often receive Whirlpool. because without a U.S. imposed their jobs. By 2003, Bush rescinded the country and his promise to put generous state subsidies, allowing A recent report by the Inter- tariff, there is less incentive for Section 201 for the purpose of pro- “America First.” them to use anti-competitive and national Trade Commission is these companies to “follow through tecting domestic steel production. If he does so, Trump will send predatory practices, and flood the raising alarms that South Korean on their planned investment.” South Korea has more than a strong message to foreign firms U.S. market with cheap goods. The sponsored Samsung and LG will In 2013 and 2014 both Samsung doubled to $27.6 billion in 2016, engaging in anti-competitive and South Korean central government, flood the U.S. market with inex- and LG “dumping” were accused reports CNBC, although through predatory behavior. This decision for instance, gave Samsung Group pensive washers, hurting American of dumping low-priced large res- July 2017, the bilateral trade defi- would also renew Samsung and a generous direct subsidy worth appliance company Whirlpool. To idential washers under-priced on cit fell to $13.1 billion from $18.8 LG’s interest investing in American over $155 million in 2012. These prevent this outcome, the com- the U.S. market, causing damage billion during the same period of manufacturing, which would lead to subsidies allow Samsung and LG mission recommends a graduated to Whirlpool. While U.S. trade to sell products overseas for less tariff rate on imports of large res- authorities imposed import duties 2016, according to U.S. Census jobs for American workers. than what it cost to produce them, idential washing machines above on these companies, instead of Bureau data. * * * * * all while making a profit. Ameri- a 1.2 million-unit threshold over complying, they simply moved to Trump is expected to make a Barbara Boland is a former can companies can’t compete with the next three years, starting at 50 China and Vietnam, evading the decision on the ITC’s recommenda- communications director for Rep. state-sponsored foreign companies percent the first year and sliding to import restrictions. This is why last tion, possibly as early as next week. Dave Brat (R-Va.) and former ed- like these on price. 40 percent by the third. “The panel May Whirlpool requested the ITC Unless protections are enforced, itor for the Washington Examiner. Usually, the U.S. doesn’t inter- was split on whether tariffs should to invoke Section 201 of the 1974 more and more companies will She is also the author of “Patton vene to protect American business- be imposed if fewer than 1.2 million Trade Act, which allows the ITC to choose to move their manufactur- Uncovered,” a book about how es and workers — even though U.S. units were imported in any given impose duties on products no matter ing operations abroad. American General Patton became the most businesses cannot directly compete year,” reports CNBC. where they are produced. companies Mondelez, Rexnord, respected and feared American when foreign states tip the scales Both Samsung and LG had Section 201 is controversial and and Brake Parts Inc. all recently general in World War II. Page 14 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 Don’t bother with GOP DACA bill — Trump already has a winning plan By Nolan Rappaport can be apprehended. The Hill opinion contributor The large, physical wall Trump Democrats are demanding a wants to build would make illegal bill to save 790,000 DACA partic- crossings substantially more diffi- ipants who are facing uncertainty cult, and it would be especially ef- about whether their program will fective at preventing children from be allowed to continue, and have making illegal crossings. Although threatened to block passage of a some grown men can climb over a funding bill needed to prevent a large wall, children can’t. partial government shutdown if Trump’s wall, therefore, would their demand is not met. The dead- be an effective deterrent to bring- line for the funding bill is Jan. 19. ing children into the United States DACA provides temporary legal illegally. status and work authorization to Chain migration certain aliens who were brought to Chain migration occurs when an the United States illegally by their immigrant gets lawful permanent parents. resident status and then sponsors Republicans have introduced a his family members, who sponsor DACA bill, the Securing America’s more family members, and so on. Future Act (H.R. 4760), but the This would not be an issue with ACLU may be right in describing the DACA program proposed in the it as a “collection of hard line pro- Securing America’s Future Act. The visions designed to sabotage, rather Agents and 5,000 CBP Officers —Authorize quick return of million people in the late 1980s temporary legal status it provides than advance, the possibility of a —Expand the use of the Nation- unaccompanied alien minors ap- and early 1990s, but by October would not allow the participants bipartisan breakthrough.” al Guard prehended at the border 1996, the undocumented alien pop- to sponsor visas for their relatives. Highlights from this 414-page —Establish an entry-exit system DACA ulation had reached 5 million and Diversity Visa Program bill: at all ports of entry. —Provide temporary legal sta- was growing at an average annual Section 201(e) of the Immigra- Legal immigration Prevent future tus for the 790,000 DACA par- rate of 275,000. The enforcement tion and Nationality Act (INA) pro- —End the Diversity Visa Pro- illegal immigration ticipants that would have to be measures that were supposed to vides 55,000 visas a year for a class gram —Make E-Verify mandatory renewed every three years prevent illegal immigration in the of immigrants known as “diversity —End chain migration —Crack down on sanctuary The Republicans want these future were not implemented. immigrants,” from countries with —Reduce legal immigration cities measures to prevent a repeat of Nevertheless, Republicans can’t historically low rates of immigra- levels by about 25 percent —Enhance penalties for de- what happened the last time they really expect major enforcement tion to the United States. They are Border security ported criminal aliens who return agreed to a major legalization concessions from Democrats in re- chosen by lottery. —Authorize President Trump’s illegally program. turn for giving DACA participants The claimed benefit is diversity, wall —Make illegal presence a fed- ºThe Immigration Reform and temporary status. If they want to but does it really make America —Hire 5,000 Border Patrol eral misdemeanor Control Act of 1986 legalized 2.7 become serious about reaching an more diverse? The United States agreement with Democrats, they has a population of 327,022,750 Maramis should follow the approach Trump people, and that number increases (Continued from Page 10) not be the time to watch mov- there is life “on the other side” and proposed at a bipartisan meeting by one person every 18 seconds. night’s sleep. ies about miserable marriages or that all things must be made right on Jan. 9. How does adding 50,000 diversity Now those are just three little troubled couples. Consider more in order for true justice to prevail, Although he continued to insist aliens a year make the country more things to consider if you truly wish ways to show your love until you consider where that leaves you, if that any DACA legislation has diverse? to prolong your life even a bit. But actually feel the love. Fake it till you can’t even apologize or care to include a border wall, an end In any case, Democrats have remember, as long as you’re still you can make it. However, if you about those you hurt now, while to chain migration, and an end to shown a willingness to end this program. The Gang of Eight’s alive, there are things that you prob- and your significant other need to you’re still alive. the Diversity Visa Program, the bipartisan immigration reform bill ably need to do — for others. They be apart (he or she is trying to kill Yes, the best news of the year president offered to begin work (S.744), which the Senate passed are vitally important if you really do you or destroy you or your life in 2018 so far is that you are still immediately on comprehensive in 2013, would have ended the care about others — about making some way), grab your bag and run. alive. Sure, the world looks like immigration reform when a DACA program if the bill had not been things easier for them after you’re The good news is you’ll be saving it is falling apart, natural disasters bill has been enacted. rejected on other grounds in the gone. Sure, you can put off making yourself and your SO from all that keep a-coming, the political scene The wall House. your will and trust (they really paperwork down at the police sta- is maybe the biggest mess we’ve Reps. Will Hurd (R-Texas) and It is apparent that Trump’s ap- ought to be considered together for tion and the long drawn out trial to seen in a long time, and you may Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.) have pro- proach to putting together a DACA many reasons, not the least of which see which one of you is telling the personally be suffering on many posed an alternative to a physical fix is far more likely to succeed is saving your loved one/s from big, truth after the inevitable happens levels. No one is exempt from the wall. According to a bill summary they shared with CNN, they want than the one proposed by House unnecessary expenses in having Life is really not all that horrible misery of the world, the problems Republicans. your will probated, for which there — but it does depend on how one within their own country, or the to build a “smart wall.” It would use “technology, physical barriers, * * * * * is a big charge.) I would love to plays the “game.” So far into this consequences of their own making. Nolan Rappaport was detailed get you to do that one thing for the year, I’ve heard some tales of horror So what can you do? Hide in a cor- levees, tools and other devices” to secure the border. to the House Judiciary Committee sake of any who depend on you or already, or at the very least, tales ner or a closet? Cover your head? as an executive branch immigra- will have to deal with your estate of woe. Maybe we can’t change You know that won’t help Trump does not want a virtual wall. In fact, he is diverting funds tion law expert for three years; he after you’re gone. Remember, you what led up to this very moment There are always things we can subsequently served as an immigra- already told yourself you’re not — one’s current state of health, do; most of the time, people just from such measures to use them on construction of a real wall. tion counsel for the Subcommittee in great health. Death can come which maybe has only a short fuse don’t want to bother. “Life” is not on Immigration, Border Security knocking when you least expect it. left on it, or an anticipated outlook going to swoop down and take away Virtual walls rely primarily on surveillance technology, which and Claims for four years. Prior But health isn’t the only issue of pain for however much time one all your pain, misery and aggrava- to working on the Judiciary Com- that may be on your list this year. has left; or one’s totally broken tion. Those things are all part of just notifies the border patrol when aliens are making, or have made, an mittee, he wrote decisions for the Maybe right now, even today, relationship — but we can change Life. It is always up to ourselves to illegal crossing. They will already Board of Immigration Appeals for you’re feeling pretty low; depressed one’s way of responding to the so- choose whatever it is that we want be in the United States before they 20 years. might be the word you’d use. Your called mess we’re in. We can get to improve or eliminate, and just job isn’t going right, but that might our affairs in order if it looks like do it, like that commercial for a be almost insignificant compared we’ll be checking out sooner than chairlift so blatantly warns us: Just Holmes to your relationship. You’re on the we’d like, and we can make amends don’t fall. (Continued from Page 12) — or find out just how corrupt his verge of wishing you were dead (a with all those we’ve hurt or offend- So whether the change you want dented level of secrecy by refusing presidency was. lot of depressed people feel that ed, or cheated in any way, and that in your life is big or small, some- to make any of his administration’s Instead, the center will have a re- way) … even though you’d prefer alone should alleviate some of the thing that will bring you peace, or documents available in their orig- cording studio, and a “test kitchen” to stay alive and get your relation- pain one has brought upon oneself. happiness, or prolong your life a inal form. where young people can be lectured ship fixed. But it looks hopeless, Of course, what one does always little bit longer, I can sum up my Even now, all of Obama’s doc- on nutrition by Michelle Obama. which contributes to the way you depends upon one’s belief system: advice to you in those three little uments are in a private facility “It’s not a park,” said Charles feel. Well, the good news is — if if one believes death is the end of words: Just do it! in Illinois, instead of with the Birnbaum, an activist leaning the you’re still alive, it’s not hopeless. everything and nothing can make * * * * * National Archives, like all other efforts against the presidential li- But it will take a different mindset one see it any other way, why not Maramis Choufani is the Man- ex-presidents. brary. “It’s a bait-and-switch.” to fix it … something more along take your secrets and your ill-gotten aging Editor of the Las Vegas When the “presidential center” This presidential library is the the lines of “Do I want to be right, gains with you to the grave — so to Tribune. She writes a weekly col- opens in 2021, all the sensitive doc- biggest fraud since the Obama or do I want to find the common speak — rather than confess your umn in this newspaper. To contact uments of Obama’s presidency will presidency. denominator for a peaceful and wrongs and give back what you’ve Maramis, email her at maramis@ be carefully scanned. Historians * * * * * happy relationship?” This would stolen? But if one believes that will only be allowed to see a copy Frank Holmes is a reporter for of the documents, not the papers The Horn News. He is a veteran themselves. journalist and an outspoken con- Muth Obama arranged everything so servative that talks about the news (Continued from Page 11) law it’s the job of Attorney General members of the Assembly who that researchers never get to hold that was in his weekly article, “On that was gonna happen! Jeff Sessions to enforce that law. voted for the largest tax hike in the original document in their hands The Holmes Front.” Instead, I waved to the crowd If marijuana should no longer Nevada history in 2015. and said hello to the folks before be illegal under federal law in Speaking of which, one of heading back to Vegas. What a states that have legalized it — the other two tax-hikers from Mace weenie. and it shouldn’t — it’s the job of 2015 is turncoat Assemblyman (Continued from Page 11) 6. #NotMyPresident Democrat gubernatorial candi- CONGRESS to change federal law. John Hambrick, who sold out retweet this gets!!!! RT RT RT RT!! 7. #BlackLivesMatter date Chris Giunchigliani reported And since the GOP controls both conservatives in that session for no Barack Obama@BarackO- 8. #NODAPL raising $1 million. That puts her not the House and the Senate, blame reason other than his desire for the bama 9. #TakeAKnee only in contention for the Democrat congressional Republicans for this power of being Speaker. “No one is born hating another 10. #BoycottNF nomination vs. Steve Sisolak, but ongoing problem. His GOP opponent this year, person because of the color of # It will probably get worse some say she’s now considered the The Trump administration Jim Small, announced today that his skin or his background or his before it gets better. favorite in that race. will now allow states to require he has raised $46,000+ for his religion...” For more information regarding On the other hand, the Clark able-bodied recipients of medical challenge. That will certainly make The most tweeted activism Nevada laws, or if you feel your County teacher’s union last week welfare benefits (Medicaid) to him competitive. hashtags in the U.S.: rights have been violated, please endorsed Sisolak over Chris G work. What are we waiting for? So a Saudi religious leader 1. #Resist call Mace Yampolsky & Associates. despite the fact that Giunchigliani A Nevada judge in Carson declared last week that… 2. #MAGA Call or text us at (702) 385-9777. was the union’s prez back in the City once again killed a citizen “If women are allowed to drive, 3. #ImpeachTrump We are available 24/7 for emergen- cies. If you need help, CALL NOW mid-80s. Quite the snub. ballot initiative this month, ruling they will be able to go and come as 4. #TrumpTrain before it is too late. We can help! Republican State Sen. Becky essentially that Nevada voters they please day and night, and will 5. #WomensMarch Harris (Senate District 9) appears to were too stupid to understand what easily have access to temptation, have “cashed in” on her vote for the they’d be voting on if given the because as we know, women are largest tax hike in Nevada history chance to vote on a constitutional weak and easily tempted.” with her appointment last week by amendment to ban sanctuary cities. The collective U.S. feminist Gov. Brian Sandoval to chair the We need a constitutional ban on response? Crickets. Gaming Control Board. activist judges! * * * * * I understand conservative Matt McCarthy is running Chuck Muth is president of former State Assemblyman Brent as a conservative alternative to Citizen Outreach, a non-profit Jones lives in that district. Just moderate GOP Assemblywoman public policy grassroots advocacy saying. Melissa Woodbury in District 23. organization and publisher of Ne- LVRJ columnist Victor Joecks He appears to be the real deal who He may is absolutely correct. As long as could retire Woodbury — one of be reached by email at cmuth@ marijuana is illegal under federal only three remaining Republican January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 15 EntErtainmEnt Where is Bob Anderson appearing now? By Sandy Zimmerman Las Vegas Tribune Photos by Sandy Zimmerman during Bob Anderson’s: “Frank, the Man, the Music” concert at the Palazzo Resort I first reviewed Bob Anderson when he made his debut during a VIP/Press party held at the Top of the Dunes Hotel in 1985 immediately establishing himself as a star. Bob performed to sell-out crowds in Las Vegas 14-1/2 years when he announced at my Las Vegas Today Show (Ellis Island ) his move to Bronson, Missouri. Bob returned to Las Vegas to star in one of the most extravagant, most distinguished and most expensive productions of Bob Ander- son’s “Frank, the Man, the Music” ever seen! Bob’s opening was one of the biggest events in Las Vegas, an entire weekend of red carpets, Hollywood and Las Vegas celebrities and plenty of parties. I was provided with a suite in order to interview the celebrities along the red carpets and cover all of the activities for the three nights and two days. Bob’s make-up man, Ron Wilk, spent two hours preparing him for the stunning transformation to look like Frank Sinatra. Even the 32-piece orchestra included some of Frank Sinatra’s musicians. This awesome production required all of Bob’s talents to fulfill the image, the story of the great Frank Sinatra. After nearly one year at the Palazzo Resort, Bob thought about bringing his masterpiece to Broadway or on a world tour. Bob has so many options for his successful show, he recently filmed his per- formance of “Frank, the Man and the Music” at AVALON Hollywood, in Los Angeles, on July 19, 2017. Bob Anderson as “Frank, the Man, the Music” at his Palazzo Resort opening. Glad to see that Bob is still striving for mannerisms, and his golden voice, a replica Matching the “look” with the music and * * * * * the best, bringing his masterpiece to the of Frank Sinatra. This was a moment to savor, songs, the make-up artist placed the finishing Award-winning syndicated columnist/pro- grateful public. Bob sang “Come Fly with me”, “The Lady is touches. ducer/director Sandy Zimmerman is a Show Sandy Zimmerman’s REVIEW of a Tramp” and other Sinatra favorites. Hearing Bob Anderson’s portrayal felt as though and Dining reviewer as well as travel, health, “Frank, the Man, and the Music” the similarity in Bob’s voice, the audience felt Frank was actually standing there singing. luxury living and more. Sandy is talk show at the Palazzo Resort: they were attending a Frank Sinatra concert. Bob’s triumphal return placed him as Las Ve- host of Sandy Zimmerman’s Las Vegas TV. Tonight Bob Anderson, the King of Sing- One of the many highlights of the evening, gas’ newest star. Backed by Vincent Falcone, For information, questions, or to recommend ing Impressions, became Frank Sinatra in all Bob sang “My Way” with sincere reverence Frank Sinatra’s former musical director and subjects, please call (702)-731-6491 or email his glory. He mastered the subtle gestures, the to Frank Sinatra. Everything was perfect. pianist for 10 years. [email protected]. Page 16 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 Dennis Hof, much more than just a brothel owner By the Las Vegas Tribune Roving Reporter and a known “John” Photos by Dave “Bananas” Williams and Lorraine Thompson Sardelli Some came out of curiosity, some came to challenge. Even Nelson Sardelli, the founder and organizer of the F.I.O.R.E., whose first language is not English, was a bit confused when George Ciccarone, (George Ciccarone is an American reporter and writer. He is a 13 time Emmy winner who has reported for many national TV shows including A Current Affair and Good Morning America. Ciccarone is also the creator and producer of HBO’s Cathouse: The Series, one of that network’s most successful series.) and a president/ member of the group suggested Hof as a guest speaker for the club. “A brothel owner for a speaker???” What is he going to talk about? Broth? Soup? Clam Chowder? Give me a break.” After a little googling and some asking around it was obvious that it would be a daring stand and a chance taking in the decision to invite such a guest. After 5 months of back and forth, the decision was made: Dennis Hof would be the Guest Speaker for January. “Let’s start the year with a bang,” said Sardelli Dennis Hof, the consummate multi business man, proved to be a great guest and provided a most enlightening talk on a subject that, initially, had most of the guests apprehensive and ready to pass judgment. His presentation, including a series of tough and poignant questions and answers, lasted over an hour and could have gone longer. As a matter of fact he rewarded anyone who had a question with a copy of his new book, The art of the pimp. (A love story) No one felt the least uncomfortable as Hof, a very well spoken gentleman, went into details of his operation. Many facets of the prostitution business were discussed. He is ad- amant against human trafficking. He explained in detail the advantages of the legalization of prostitution. Health being a major part and the Tax revenue that it would generate for the state being another important one. Even with the seriousness of the subject at hand, the at- mosphere was conducive to some levity being interspersed during the entire duration of his program. Dennis Hof added some humorous true and interesting stories.... business re- lated, of course. Ken Walther, who along with his wife Lena are very involved in the fight against Human Trafficking, was very pleased with the presentation. Sardelli said he wished the couple of people who prejudged his decision to have such guest would have been present. Their beliefs would not have been challenged but a little enlightenment could be added to their knowledge. For 13 years the F.I.O.R.E. has had entertaining monthly guest speakers. Only 2 bombed. Dennis Hof definitely was not one of them. On Thursday April 15, (this time the third Thursday of the month) Valentine’s luncheon the F.I.O.R.E. will have Personable Dennis Hof was well received. classic singer Ping Li (Sophia Fredelis) as their guest star. Vegas. On May 10th, Las Vegas Entertainer Fielding West.... beat members are being asked to step down in order to make Roses and chocolate will be given to all the ladies present. and the beat goes on. room for some desirable new comers. On March 8th the guest speakers will be Steve Riback (The Due to the overwhelming popularity of this group, an For more information about this bunch, please visit their Kosher cop) along with Herb Jaffe. On April 12th, Ken and announcement that new membership will no longer be ac- web site and go to the “about Lena Walther on the subject of Human Trafficking in Las cepted is soon forthcoming. As a matter of fact, some dead us” page.

George Ciccarone introduced the Guest Speaker. Dennis Hof, very assertive and informative. Did not dodge any questions.

A full and very attentive house.

Old friends who are successful in their endeavors. Dennis Hoff and Jim Marsh with Natalyia. Phil Carlino, “I wanna a cannoli thisa bigga.” January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 17 Dennis Hof, much more than just a brothel owner

Donato, The Duke of Fremont St, Mike Basta, Sal LaTorre, Billy Eves, Blaise Parnisi and gentleman with unreadable name tag. Arlene Demele, Lorraine Markham and Chef Salada Ianni.

Professor Stephen Braude, Judy Coco, Christopher Hisgen, Ken Walther, Lisa Marie Jundzil and jubilant and victorious Rich Rich. Deborah Danielson and Sylvia Moss.

No, these ladies are not members of the staff. The T-shirt was a gift. Samantha Kolari. Wayne Hood and Dennis Hof.

Jerry and Linda McCorkle (sitting), David Adolph and Charlie (standing). Nelson Sardelli and Fiore’s May guest speaker, Las Vegas entertainer Fielding West. Charlie is the pretty one.

Tom and Alice Saitta. “We only want to be the best.” Bruce Fromong, Thomas Chee, Thomas Chee and Spike Measer.

Eliana and Charles Saba with newlyweds Phree Bartley and Tom Collins. Barry and Susan Heifetz. Page 18 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 Dennis Hof, much more than just a brothel owner

Dave “Bananas” Williams and Maxine Gaines. Nelson Sardelli hovers over Celia and Dr. Wil Krom and Christopher Hisgen.

Ronald and Rowenna Hale. Bart and Arlene Damele. Honorene and Charles Unsteig.

Italian American Club President Angelo Cassaro and Phil Carlino. Mike and Martha Kimpel, Irene Albrecht and Judy Lubarski.

From Springfield, IL. Steve Henrikson, James Hatland, Donave Stanley and Joseph R. Stanley. Standing in the background, Chris Kringle. Kaye Wade Hicks with Nelson Sardelli and Chuck Hicks.

Handsome and debonair Joseph R. Donato. Norm and Arlene Ivans.

The Duke of Fremont Street and Paul Crupi. Nelson Sardelli and Dennis Hof. January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 19 Giddy on Up to Remedy’s for their 8th Annual Hillbilly Ball Jan. 27th

tour bus ran off the road, leaving J * * * * * with a concussion. Next, the group GRUMPIEST AND and its entourage were involved in HAPPIEST TRAVELERS a brawl at a Waffle House in Indi- RewardExpert’s latest report ana, and both members eventually investigating Which U.S. States Are pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct Home to the Grumpiest and Happi- charges. est Travelers? It’s understandable All the chaos took its toll, as for us to form opinions based on J suffered a panic attack in April experience about the disposition 1998 while onstage in Minnesota. of tourists according to where they However, all of the publicity helped call home — however, is it possible expand the group’s cult following be unbiased? to the point where their next al- To come up with an objective bum, the 1999 concept record The ranking, we analyzed a data set of Amazing Jeckel Brothers, debuted 878,561 user reviews of a total of in the Top Five. As evidenced by 4,333 hotels that include both the the numerous different collectible reviewer’s location and a numerical covers for The Amazing Jeckel rating — turns out Nevada is home Brothers, ICP had become a virtual to some pretty grumpy travelers. merchandising machine, complete Here are some highlights from with comic books to flesh out their the report: elaborate Dark Carnival mytholo- —Nevada takes 6th place on gy; they also wrote and starred in the grump ranking. While Nevada By Mike Kermani their own straight-to-video movie, Las Vegas Tribune is only modestly over-represented “Big Money Hustlas,” and made in our excess negative reviews Grab those overalls, put on that guest appearances at wrestling category (ranked 11th), it earns straw hat, and mosey on down to events. The group spent the summer its spot due to its relatively high Remedy’s Conestoga for a hollerin’ of 1999 bickering with various tour percentage of poor reviews (14.78 good time as they host the party of mates and played at the ill-fated percent grumpy of 2,509 total re- the year with their annual Hillbilly Woodstock ‘99. Early in 2000, views; ranked sixth) and an average Ball on Saturday, Jan. 27. There is Shaggy collapsed onstage, but the review of 3.89. no cover for the party, however all cause was deemed to be nothing —Arizona is 5th in the nation hillbillies who would like to attend more than a combination of the for less-than-happy tourists. While must be over the age of 21 with flu and low blood sugar, however, Arizona’s 14.81 percent grumpy valid ID. The Hillbilly Ball will while staging a wrestling event reviews beats California (and Ne- take place only at the Conestoga several months later, Shaggy fell vada as well) for number 5 on this location at 530 Conestoga Way in off a steel cage, breaking his nose and cheekbone. Still, ICP managed metric, its average review rating Henderson, just off the I-95 at the of 3.93 (8th) and its 281 excess 1 intersection of Wagon Wheel and to make it into the studio to record a follow-up , and “Big Money and 2-star reviews (4th with 39.37 Nevada State Dr. percent of an expected 755) keep All of the hootenanny festivities Hustlas” was finally released. On Halloween 2000, the group its composite ranking below that will begin at 8 p.m. Rednecks of all of California. kind can enjoy the southern tunes issued its sixth album, which ap- parently did not count, as all the —Second place in crankiness of Seth Turner and The High Desert other had, as a “joker card” are tourists hailing from Colorado, Drifters. Guests can also enjoy a (in the ICP fantasy world, the sixth who are distinguished by having variety of theme-inspired snacks on joker card was supposed to signal the lowest average hotel rating in the hillbilly-style buffet and drink and thrills, but also wickedness and million while ICP recorded their the apocalypse). Similar to Guns N’ the country (3.82 on a five-point specials including Jack Daniels. horror. Other special guests who new album, The Great Milenko. On Roses’ Use Your Illusion, the album scale out of 4696 reviews). Colo- All guests are encouraged to dress will be performing during the day of its release in 1997, how- was released in two completely radans ranked third in terms of the in the Southern best and embrace Day Weekend include Lyte, Big ever, Hollywood pulled the record, different, separate versions, titled total percentage of reviews that their inner redneck in the costume HooDoo, and Ouija. Doors open at citing obscene lyrics and gruesome and . Finally needing were negative, and came in sixth contest. 6 p.m. with the show beginning at 7 content. In a bizarre twist, yet an- to live up to the years of hype, for the number of negative reviews For the late night owls, Reme- p.m. Two-day admission tickets are other major label, Island Records, 2002’s The Wraith: Shangri-La over the number expected based on dy’s and Distill host ‘After Hours,’ $60, plus applicable taxes and fees stepped in to release the album and revealed that the hidden message its population share. an early morning gaming contest and single day admission is $35. capitalize on ICP’s notoriety, which of their music was always to fol- * * * * * and party held monthly. Featuring Guests are welcome to partake in continued to increase thanks to sev- low God and make it to Heaven. Mike Kermani is an entertain- an appetizer buffet and fun with even more insanity at the Juggalo eral incidents that kept them in the Considering the murder fantasies ment writer for the Las Vegas friends, all After Hours parties Weekend After Party hosted at headlines such as J getting arrested of Beverly Kills 50187 and the Tribune newspaper. He writes a take place on late Saturday/early Backstage Bar & Billiards. Two- after clubbing an audience member necrophilia overtones of “Cemetery weekly column in this newspaper. Sunday with the drawing at 3 a.m. day After Party admission is $20 with his microphone in late 1997, Girl,” this may have been a shock To contact Mike Kermani, email To kick off the year, the After Hours and single day admission is $10, and shortly thereafter, the group’s to longtime fans. mkermani@ lasvegas drawing takes place on Sunday, plus applicable taxes and fees. Tick- Jan. 21 and the lucky winner will ets for the show and After Party are walk away with tickets to the available now atwww.smashmag- record-breaking Vegas Golden or Knights. Players between midnight are a car- and 8 a.m. earn one drawing ticket toonish metal/rap band with a for every 300 points for a chance to vaunted live show that features win the monthly grand-prize. After open fires, chainsaws, liters of soda Hours is at all Remedy’s and Distill dousing the audience, and more em- locations. phasis on performance art than mu- Along with unique and fun sic. In the world of the late ’90s, that themed parties throughout the year, was more than enough to get them a Remedy’s boasts a wide selection recording contract with a major la- of house-made cocktails and hand- bel, though the release of their 1997 crafted food. Remedy’s Conestoga album, The Great Milenko, created also offers VIP Gaming Club, 24 a bit of controversy. Down to a hour service from their friendly duo, ICP were originally formed staff, tasty lunch specials seven in 1989 as a hardcore Detroit rap days a week, twice-daily Happy group called Inner City Posse. Hours and much more. After combusting in 1991, the only * * * * * members left, and Shaggy A LEGENDARY DISH 2 Dope, slightly altered their name AT A LIMITED-TIME PRICE. to reflect the fact that they had been DON’T MISS $29 visited by the Carnival Spirit, who CHICKEN PARMIGIANA ordered them to carry word of the Join us for Sunday Suppers at impending apocalypse by touring The Palm in January, featuring our the nation and releasing six “joker signature Chicken Parmigiana for cards,” popularly known as LPs, $29. Gather around our table with with successive revelations of the the family and enjoy a classic dish final judgment. The first, Carnival we’ve been serving up for genera- of Carnage,appeared in 1992 on tions. It’s the perfect opportunity their own to reflect on the weekend together label. The group became notorious and get ready for the week to come. in Detroit’s underground scene, * * * * * but several tours around the region INSANE CLOWN POSSE failed to ignite much more than the BRINGS JUGGALO DAY rage of community leaders. WEEKEND TO FREEMONT After the release of 1994’s The COUNTRY CLUB Ringmaster, ICP began to get a bit FEB. 16 AND 17 of attention as a possible follower A weekend full of insanity is in of cartoon metal bands like GWAR store in Downtown Las Vegas as and Green Jelly. Jive Records the hardcore hip hop duo Insane signed the group and released The Clown Posse host their Juggalo Day in 1995, but the record Weekend at Fremont Country Club bombed and ICP returned to the on Feb. 16 and 17. This weekend ranks of the indies. Just one year event brings The Heckles & Maca- later, Hollywood Records gambled bre Show, two nights full of laughs on the band and spent more than $1 Page 20 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 Stars and Stardust: Sidewalk Astronomy in the Neon Boneyard Free educational event designed especially for families

—15 percent OFF Deck Boats —15 percent OFF Ski Boats —15 percent OFF Personal Watercraft Forever Resorts’ New Year pricing runs through Jan. 31. Res- ervations can be made by calling (800) 255-5561. * * * * * MANYVIDS TO HOST ADULT ENTERTAINMENT offering New Year pricing for In celebration of the AVN Adult boat rentals of four days or more Entertainment Expo, three of the on Lake Mead, Lake Mohave and adult industry’s most seductive Lake Powell. stars will host a ManyVids takeover Travelers looking to kick off party at top after-hours party des- 2018 by relaxing in pleasant south- tination Crazy Horse III on Friday, west waters can enjoy limited-time Jan. 26. discounts on a variety of unique The award-winning gentlemen’s aquatic adventures. club will welcome Harley Lavey, While others bunker down for Reya Sunshine and Jaclyn Taylor frigid weather, a Forever Resorts for a steamy night alongside the houseboat vacation offers a tran- venue’s gorgeous dancers. The pop- quil outdoor escape within one of ular adult film stars will be avail- America’s most mild and sunny able to sign autographs, pose for winter regions. photographs and mingle with fans. Guests can choose from a vast ManyVids was launched in 2014 fleet of recreational watercraft at as a platform for ambitious adult Lake Mead’s Callville Bay Resort industry performers to thrive inde- and Marina, Lake Mohave’s Cot- pendently. It has since become one tonwood Cove Resort and Marina of the world’s most successful adult or Lake Powell’s Antelope Point entertainment sites with 14,000 Marina. ManyVids stars and 1.5 million Forever Resorts’ spacious house- active members. boats hold up to 12 people and are Adult entertainment enthusiasts perfect for family outings, group can get up-close and personal with getaways or unplugged weekend the stars by taking advantage of By Jerry Fink including 80-inch screens at the priced at $50 per person, along retreats. The floating vacation Crazy Horse III’s complimentary Las Vegas Tribune bar and 75-inch screen throughout with all-inclusive food and open homes feature communal living limo service, pending availability, One of the year’s most antici- the cantina. bar packages for parties of four areas, fully equipped kitchens, using the club’s signature app or by pated and distinctive family events, Game day viewing will also priced at $400. outdoor barbecue grills, sun decks calling 702-673-1700. “Stars and Stardust: Sidewalk As- be shown in Cabo Wabo’s private Open bar packages include well and, on the largest models, top-level The easy-to-use app, available tronomy in the Neon Boneyard” upstairs lounge, The LOFT, on nu- drinks, Bud Light and house brew. hot tubs — all enjoyed amongst the for download on all mobile plat- returns to the Neon Museum on merous flat-panel big-screen TVs, Package prices include tax and gra- natural, year-round serenity of Lake forms, allows users to personalize Saturday, Jan. 27. including a 201-inch projector, a tuity. More information is available Mead National Recreation Area. their experience with features To be held from 6 to 9 p.m., this 192-inch flat screen and two 80- at Special New Year Pricing including table reservations, bot- event offers stargazing especially inch high-definition TVs. To in- * * * * * Includes: tle service packages and dancer for families and is presented in quire about pricing or reservations, CHECK OUT HOUSEBOAT —$450 OFF 59-foot Deluxe profiles. partnership with the Las Vegas As- please contact kristen.maurer@ SPECIALS FROM rack rate Jerry Fink is an entertainment tronomical Society and the College FOREVER RESORTS —$500 OFF 60-foot Eagle rack columnist for the Las Vegas Tribune of Southern Nevada Planetarium. * * * * * A new year brings new adven- rate newspaper and writes a weekly col- The evening will begin in the tures! Forever Resorts, a National —$550 OFF 70-foot Titanium umn. To contact Fink, email him at dramatically illuminated Neon Park Service concessioner, is now rack rate jfink@ Boneyard before the lights are dimmed to afford a clearer view of the stars. Participants in the “Stars and Stardust” astronomy event will en- joy using a variety of professional telescope equipment to observe the night sky. Children will also enjoy a self-paced solar system scavenger SLS LAS VEGAS TACKLES hunt activity and making space- THE BIG GAME WITH themed scratchboard art. PROPERTY-WIDE VIEWING This program is part of the PARTIES ON SUN., FEB. 4 Neon Museum’s ongoing effort SLS Las Vegas will transform to provide enriching educational into the ultimate game-day desti- experiences to people of all ages in nation with casino-wide viewing a culturally important setting. parties paired with open bar and Admission to Stars and Stardust hosted food packages available at is free and no registration is re- Umami Burger, Beer Garden & quired. For more information about Sports Book, Center Bar and The tours and special events at the Neon Sayers Club in honor of the Big Museum, go to www.neonmuseum. Game on Sunday, Feb. 4 from 2 org or call (702) 387-6366. to 8 p.m. * * * * * Umami Burger, Beer Garden & Sports Book’s Big Game Bash will celebrate football’s game of the year with a viewing party complete with food and beverage packages starting at $75 per person, and in- clude merchandise giveaways, an open bar and hosted game-day fare served buffet-style. Nosh on signa- ture Umami-style burgers, buffalo chicken wings, loaded nachos and ENJOY TOUCHDOWN VIEWS more while watching the action on AND LOTS OF BOOZE AT more than 50 TVs spanning the CABO WABO CANTINA’S venue. Plus, with the onsite William BIG GAME VIEWING PARTY Hill Sports Book, bettors won’t Did someone say tequila touch- have to leave the party to place bets. down? Score big at Cabo Wabo Outdoor, indoor, booth and VIP Cantina, located inside the Miracle couch seating with open bar and Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood hosted food favorites are avail- Resort & Casino, with special Big able for purchase at https://www. Game viewing party on Sunday, Feb. 4. bash-2018-tickets-39463065090. The Strip-side cantina will offer The stylish Sayers Club will a variety of tailgate favorites with convert into a football haven and its all-you-can-eat-and-drink buffet, stream the pigskin battle onto a big priced at $225 per person. screen and various TVs throughout The buffet will include football the venue. Indoor and patio seating food favorites such as hot dogs, options are available paired with sliders and a build-your-own ta- open and hosted food. Open bar and cos and nachos station. Thirsty hosted food packages start at $75 fans may enjoy buckets of beer, per person. Upgraded table pack- priced at $26. No football viewing ages with hosted food plus an open party would be complete without bar, range from $200 to $1,000. high-definition TVs, which are In the heart of the casino, Center visible throughout the cantina, Bar will offer open bar packages January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 21 LifestyLes

Join the Mardi Gras balls in January and February By Sandy Zimmerman Party Pit, the Coffee Float, Brazilian Money Las Vegas Tribune Float, and others. A famous television or film Photos by Sandy Zimmerman celebrity usually serves as Grand Marshal or We were invited to attend the Krewe of “Duque du Parada” for the Krewe of Carni- Carnivale en Rio’s dress rehearsal for their vale en Rio Parade. Mardi Gras ball. This was a chance to go With over 18 different Krewes, you nev- “behind the scenes” for a view of their floats er know who will be in the parade! These and costumes. Krewes are the backbone of Mardi Gras, the We could feel the excitement, the anticipa- people who help organize the balls, arrange tion of their big gala and the weeks of parades entertainment, and all of the details for the and celebrations finale, on Fat Tuesday, in TWO MONTH LONG EVENTS to succeed. February. The theme of this year’s Rio Ball Lafayette’s parade runs for five miles and was “Circus de Rio,” and featured enter- lasts around 3 hours. You don’t have to be tainment by its captain and royal court, with a royal or Brazilian to be a member of this music by Grammy-nominated group Vivaz. krewe... all you need is the Brazilian krewe The Krewe of Carnivale en Rio is La- gives their members full participation in fayette’s newest Mardi gras private club the three main activities of the krewe: the with nearly 600 members from throughout Brazilian Sambada, the Rio Ball, and the Acadiana and even from around the United Rio Parada. States. Some of their 20 Brazilian-themed Krewe membership costs $400- 450 per double deck floats are large enough to hold couple in addition to buying the throws and 30-40 people, with a small space for each to costumes. The public is invited to join, just keep the throws (beads, souvenirs, and other apply on their website. This would truly be a trinkets), a porta-toilet, and a generator to vacation to remember! Visit www.kreweof- power all of the dazzling lights. are scheduled, Lafayette has something for the Lafayette Convention and Visitors Com- They feature Brazilian themes like the If you cannot visit during January and everyone all year! Work hard, play hard. That mission (800)-346-1958. Visit the website Samba Dance Float, the Beaches of Rio, the February while the Mardi gras festivities is their tradition in French Louisiana. From Mardi gras and Friday afternoon Lafayette is located 129 miles from New fais-do-dos (street dances), to festivals cel- Orleans, 229 miles from Houston, and only ebrating everything from Cajun and Zydeco 35 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico. music, crawfish and French heritage, you Award-winning syndicated columnist will find something every week in Lafayette. Sandy Zimmerman is a Show and Dining Wherever you go in Acadiana, their dis- Reviewer as well as travel, health, luxury tinct brand of fun with Cajun and Zydeco and more. Sandy is talk show host of Sandy music, cuisine, unique cultural attractions Zimmerman’s Las Vegas TV. If you wish infor- and festivals. mation, have questions about any of Sandy’s When you are ready to get away from it articles, wish to recommend subjects, call all, you can experience nature, up close and (702)-731-6491 or email Sandy at www.san- personal. From coastal wetlands and swamps [email protected]. SUGGESTIONS: to rivers and bayous winding their way to Do you have a fave comedian, singer, musi- the Gulf. Lafayette offers a multitude of his- cian, hypnotist, ventriloquist, specialty act, toric attractions, majestic plantation homes, production show or any other entertainer? vibrant gardens, leisurely swamp tours, and Let Sandy know your fave, the reasons for exciting museums. your choice, your name/email and you may Lafayette is the heart of French Louisi- win a prize. Email Sandy Zimmerman at ana-Cajun country! For information, contact [email protected]. Page 22 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018

COMMUNITY FIRST! Village: A place one can really call home By Maramis by Houston Flake. Until Houston While there are more than joined them, they were just five enough places to visit in Austin white guys who felt they were go- to satisfy any out-of-town visitor, ing to go out and save the world and it is likely that most visitors have help the homeless, and do it with never heard of — and more than a truck, bringing to the homeless likely have never visited — the what they thought the homeless unique village called COMMU- would need, but they didn’t have a NITY FIRST! clue what it felt like to walk around My son and his family have all winter in wet shoes. They never lived in that area for several de- had a long-lasting skin infection, cades and had never heard of it, or knew what it was like to hold a even though my son has been sign on a street corner for months at involved in helping the homeless a time. They needed Houston Flake hands-on for many years. Yes, to fill in the blanks with the truth. COMMUNITY FIRST! Village One of the five thought that the is all about filling the huge gap homeless would appreciate phone into which those currently expe- cards (this was before cell phones) riencing homelessness often fall. until Houston told them that it was Or perhaps, to put it another way, the dumbest idea he ever heard. He those experiencing homelessness told them to put socks — and lots somehow first experience lack of mission at Community First! through its Community First! Vil- to Alan Graham and the other men of them — on that truck. (To this home, family, and community. To start anything, all it takes is lage. Founded in 1998 by Graham who were at the forefront of the day, it seems that socks are the most I found this village quite cir- one person with an idea. Then it’s and five friends, MLF has served Community First! Village: Bruce requested item.) cumstantially, since I was looking what that person does with the idea, more than five million meals. With Agness, Jack Selman, Mark White, Alan Graham stated in his book for a community of what is being and who chooses to help it get off more than eighteen thousand vol- and Pat Patterson, soon followed (See Community First, Page 23) called tiny houses — very small, the ground that makes it come alive. unteers, MLF is the largest feeding totally furnished houses that seem In this case, it was five men making program to the homeless and work- to be a relatively new trend for PB&J sandwiches for the hungry on ing poor in Austin. those desiring to downsize. If I the streets of Austin, who were then Lauren Hall has worked and couldn’t find a community of tiny joined by a man who truly helped written for a number of publications houses, I told my son, one would them understand the homeless about art, film, and literature. She do, and so the quest was on to fulfill since that man, Houston Flake, was graduated from The King’s College my request. himself homeless. He taught them in New York City with a degree in As it turned out, to my surprise much about what the homeless media, culture, and the arts. She — and to everyone’s surprise — needed and wanted, and taught now lives in Austin. there was a village of tiny houses them how to go to where they could In addition to Matt’s oft-repeat- to be found, and there were tours do the most good. While the five ed tour guide info that he no doubt available to see the community, but men might have thought they had could reel off in his sleep, he inter- only on certain days and at certain a plan for helping, Houston taught jected those homey little pieces of hours, and only so many would them what they needed to know. information — facts — that only be allowed to go through on the While I was at the village, I one who had walked the walk and tour, since, as this community was went into their little market that had did more than talk the talk could a community of people who lived items for sale that were the product relay to the listening ears before there and worked there, those on of many living there: handmade him. He stressed how poverty and the tour needed to respect that as jewelry, hand-carved wood items, homelessness does not come from much as if a bunch of strangers paintings, notecards and such, the a lack of money, but, rather, from needed or wanted to tour their very profits from which all went to the a lack of being loved and having a own home and grounds. creators of the products, affording place to call home. While those tour days and hours them a dignified income for their As Alan wrote in the introduc- were not that often, and we didn’t work. I picked up a book while tion to his book, “ the end of find this village until my last week there, entitled, “Welcome Home- life, you will not be judged by how there, it was touch and go as to less,” written by Alan Graham, with many dollars you had, how many whether or not we’d be able to Lauren Hall. friends you made, how many diplo- make the cut before I left. Fortu- According to the About the Au- mas you earned, how many beauti- nately, maybe more than just by thors at the back of the book, Mr. ful places you’ve seen, or thoughts chance, we were able to make it Graham is the founder of Mobile you thought. You will be judged the morning of the day I had to Loaves & Fishes (MLF), a social by “I was hungry and you gave me return. It was truly the highlight of outreach ministry committed to something to eat, I was thirsty and my visit there. providing permanent, sustainable you gave me something to drink, I We had a tour guide who was solutions for the chronically home- was a stranger and you invited me an insider with the community, less with compassion, love, and in” (Matthew 25:35). telling us how it all started, and dignity. Since 1996, Alan and teams The book is made up of many why, and inspiring those present of volunteers have been delivering stories of those who found their — no doubt — to consider doing meals with a side of hope to the way to Mobile Loaves & Fishes, more than they might have been homeless and working poor on the doing so far to help those currently streets of Austin and have empow- experiencing homelessness. Our ered other cities across the world tour guide, Matt Freeman, also to do the same. Since 2005, Mobile known as Pastor Dude, was with Loaves & Fishes has also been ‘the gathering,’ a Christ-centered providing housing to the homeless

Our tour guide, Matt Freeman January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 23 Community First (Continued from Page 22) want this in our backyard.” that “of all the people I have ever Finally, they went to the new met in my life, in terms of who incoming mayor, Lee Leffingwell, emulates Christ as I understood to with the idea for the community be the Messiah, Houston Flake was village. This time it was the charm. number one.” They found the land, cleaned it up He commented on those mega- (which it badly needed), prayed church pastors in their [fancy] suits, over it and sunk their respective with all their education and ability Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish to pontificate, and in our culture of yin-yang energy into it, and soon today we may think those people the entire community came out to best emulate the Jesus of today, serve, to see what they could do when in reality, the image of Je- to make this dream a reality. Over sus of today — or yesterday, or five hundred volunteers showed tomorrow — is really the Houston up to make this relational model of Flake — the broken, and the bat- home for the homeless a place that tered, the persecuted. Not pastors would have a transforming impact in castles. Graham stressed that on the city of Austin, as well as the connection between people was being a true inspiration for other always meant to be relational, not cities with the same issues. The vil- transactional. It was clear that Alan and his friends learned much from Hous- ton. It is never enough to hand over a dollar or even a five, and just keep walking or driving. It is about en- gaging. We have to understand how others live. We’ve got to connect and learn their story; to empathize, not sympathize. One day after Houston had been walking for he couldn’t even know how many miles, not even sure what state he was in, and hoping for even just a bottle of water somewhere, somehow, he came in the book were all taken directly person — and even for those who they get a job?” or saying about lage’s design has meaning built into upon a billboard for a church that from those individuals, not fluffed have — the stories hopefully would the homeless, “Beggars can’t be every part of it, from the memorial read, GOD WELCOMES YOU. up or dumbed down for effect, get some to take another look at choosers” — which of course, not garden, to the giant chess set, the He decided to head to that church and were educational for all those how they might have automatically only can they be, but they need fire pit, and the prayer labyrinth, and maybe fill his empty stomach who never really took the time to been lumping all the homeless into every opportunity they can get to to the vegetable gardens and the and quench his thirst. When he got know or understand a homeless one big category of “Why don’t choose what they can: Bologna or chicken coops and the community there, the church was empty. He cheese. White or rye. Ginger Ale or kitchen. In addition to the market called out several times, hoping Pepsi. Chocolate or vanilla. mentioned earlier, where all resi- to find someone there. He finally According to Alan, the single dents are encouraged to sell things found himself in the kitchen, and most difficult part of being home- made or produced from the fruits opened the fully stocked fridge less is loneliness. No one knowing of their own labor in order to earn to find everything a hungry man your name. The way people look at a dignified income — once they could ever want to fix himself a you. Dying on the street and both have rediscovered their God-given sandwich — remembering that the your life and death going wholly talents — there is even a medical billboard said God Welcomes You. unnoticed. He believes we are all facility for both mental and phys- As he was wrapping his sandwich threads and we need to intertwine. ical care. to go, the police showed up, thanks It ought not be “Here’s your meal Home is the center of our being. to a call made by a church official, unit. Here’s your cot. Here’s your Community allows us to share our and Houston was promptly arrested. bread and your juice.” But rather, sense of home with others, to care As he was being placed in the Alan believes, it starts with our about others because we know backseat of the cruiser, Houston participating, with how we serve about them, and have them care remarked in all sincere simplicity, people — “not with our check- about us in return. Community “The sign said ‘God welcomes books, but with our lives. Allowing expands our family and gives us you’... so God must not be home our threads to be so intertwined that more opportunity to love. right now.” their suffering is our suffering.” When the threads of our dispar- While the stories about the Before we can understand home- ite lives cross over into the lives dozen or so individuals depicted lessness, we need to understand of others and are intertwined so what it means to be home. tightly, we are not only stronger Home is a place where you can as individuals, we can feel the make memories, where you can strength of ourselves as one big laugh and cry, and rest, where you family, one community, which is can feel you are safe and where what we wanted in the first place. you feel you belong. It helps you When we start treating people with have an identity. To be homeless dignity and respect, they will feel means you have none of that on an the difference and the world will ongoing basis. Every human being change for the better — all because deserves a home, a place to feel at of sharing the love. home, and no one is outside of the Community First! really does need for this basic right. welcome the homeless, unlike the As time went on and the need billboard that only had painted for permanent housing for the words of welcome for Houston homeless became more and more Flake. apparent, the six pack (five white To learn more about this village, guys and Houston) now had to you can contact Matt Freeman (my choose the land for building that tour guide and the Pastor Dude at village. Community First! Village) at 512- As they went from one neighbor- 587-5640, or P.O Box 6211, Austin, hood meeting to another, hoping for TX 788762, or matt.freeman@ support, they mostly got, “We don’t Page 24 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 CITY BEAT Pop-Up Marriage License Office opening at McCarran for Valentine’s, Presidents’ Days, Chinese New Year Trainings for those who sign for vehicles online must register in an employment contract are $70 advance of the sale online through for lifeguarding and $80 for WSI. TNT’s website. If you register Otherwise, the courses are $175 online for the vehicle auction, you for lifeguarding and $210 for WSI must bid online. certification. Participants in the To become a registered bidder, courses must be at least 15 years- participants need to present a valid old for lifeguard class, 16 years old ID. There is no cost to register. for WSI class. There are videos in English and Lifeguard Training Class cur- Spanish to help first-time auction riculum includes lifesaving skills, participants learn more about the CPR for the professional rescuer, process. Automated External Defibrillator * * * * * and Emergency First Aid. Pre-req- County Looking for uisite skills include: 300-yard Volunteer Firefighters continuous swim, a retrieval of The Clark County Fire Depart- weighted object from 7-10 feet of ment is looking for a few good men water and treading water with no and women to serve as volunteer hands for 2 minutes. All classes firefighters in the rural areas of must be attended to successfully unincorporated Clark County. complete the course. The Clark County Fire Depart- Water Safety Instructor Class ment occupies an area of 8,012 The County Clerk’s Office will licenses are issued during the days about the transfer. If you don’t certifies individuals to teach the square miles and has the largest temporarily open a pop-up mar- leading up to and including Valen- have documentation, you can still American Red Cross Learn-to- general fire department (30 sta- riage license office at McCarran tine’s Day, which is about twice the complete the form and give as much Swim and Parent/Child Aquatic tions) and the largest volunteer International Airport from Feb. number of licenses issued during information as you have. DOJ will Programs. To receive certification, force (13 stations). Clark County 9 to 17, to help couples obtain a non-holiday period. Couples use the information you give them candidates must pass a pre-course volunteer firefighters responded to marriage licenses faster and easier can find a directory of wedding to try to validate your Western session which includes demonstrat- 1,863 incidents in 2016. Because during the busy Valentine’s Day, services and vendors at www.Wed- Union money transfer. ing competency in the following of the growing responses by the President’s Day and Chinese New dingChamber.Vegas. The wedding —The claim forms ask for your strokes: front crawl, back crawl, el- Rural Division, the Clark County Year holidays. industry is also an important com- Social Security number (SSN). ementary backstroke, breaststroke, Fire Department is reaching out to “The days around Valentine’s ponent of our tourism economy, as That’s because, before they can sidestroke and butterfly, attend and County residents to become Volun- Day and the Presidents’ Day week- people coming to Clark County to send you a check, DOJ is required participate in all class sessions, and teer firefighters and/or Emergency end are always some of our busi- attend a wedding or get married to see whether you owe money to pass final written and skill exams. Medical Services personnel. est,” County Clerk Lynn Goya said. generated more than $2 billion in the U.S. government. For that they In addition, instructor candidates To apply, a person must be a high “This pop-up marriage license of- economic activity including on need your SSN. That’s why we’re are expected to demonstrate matu- school graduate or have an equiv- fice will make it easier for couples lodging, entertainment, dining suggesting filing your claim on the rity and responsibility in all class alent General Education Diploma sessions. flying here to pick up a marriage and other non-gaming activities in secure website. (GED). Applicants must possess Lifeguarding training classes license.” Clark County in 2016. You do not have to pay to get a valid Class C Nevada Driver’s will take place at Desert Breeze The office will be open from 9 * * * * * your money back. Don’t pay any- License and have the following Aquatic Facility (8275 W. Spring a.m. to 5 p.m. from Feb. 9 through Getting your money back one who says they can file a claim certifications: CPR, AED, EMT Feb. 17, and will be located in the from Western Union Mountain Rd), Aquatic Springs (Basic, Advanced, Paramedic). for you. And nobody will ever call (7025 Fort Apache Rd.), Holly- baggage claim area in Terminal 1. Submitted by Karen Dodge Additional licenses or certifica- you to ask for your bank account wood Aquatic Center (1550 S. Hol- The open dates also include the Staff Attorney tions that the Department prefers or credit card number. It’s free to lywood Blvd), Laughlin Waterpark Chinese New Year on Feb. 16. The Midwest Region, FTC include: file your claim form, and you can (3790 S. James Bilbray) and Para- temporary office will only issue Did you lose money to a scam- —Nevada Class B with F en- only do it online or by mail. Find dise Waterpark (4775 McLeod Dr.) marriage licenses, and will accept mer who had you pay using Western the claim form and the only real dorsement driver’s license between Jan. 2 and May 20. Water —Firefighter 1 (IFSAC) credit card payments. Couples Union between January 1, 2004 address that accepts claims at FTC. safety instructor courses will take may also get a marriage license and January 19, 2017? If so, you gov/WU. —Hazardous Materials Aware- place at Hollywood Aquatic Center ness (IFSAC) at the Marriage License Bureau can now ask for your money back And then: patience. It will take and Aquatic Springs between Feb. —Hazardous Materials Opera- main office at 201 E. Clark St. in — and you have until February 12, DOJ up to a year to validate all the 15 and June 8. tions (IFSAC) downtown Las Vegas. The office, 2018 to file your claim. claims it gets and return money to For more information on the Applicants must pass an oral in- which is on the south side of the Earlier this year, we told you people. Check for lifeguarding and WSI classes visit terview, background investigation Regional Justice Center just three about the FTC’s settlement with updates. or and physical examination. Anyone blocks south of the Fremont Street Western Union, which agreed to * * * * * call (702) 455-8508. interested in applying must be able Experience, is open from 8 a.m. return $586 million to people to set- * * * * * to midnight every day, including tle the FTC’s charges that Western to commit to 24 hours of volunteer holidays. Union hadn’t adequately protected service a month for a minimum of Couples coming to Las Vegas people from fraud, and didn’t prop- two years. To apply, visit http://vol- to get married are encouraged to erly discipline problem agents. fill out a marriage license pre-ap- The U.S. Department of Justice * * * * * Applications sought for plication, which can be found (DOJ) is handling the refunds — or Citizen Review Board through the County website at “remission,” as they call it. Here’s The Citizen Review Board is (Select what you need to know: seeking qualified applicants from “Get a Marriage License” under —If you already reported your diverse backgrounds to objective- “Popular Services” on the left side fraud loss to Western Union, the ly review citizen complaints and of the webpage.) After completing FTC, or another government agen- Internal Affairs Investigations filed the application online, the couple cy, you might get a claim form in against Las Vegas Metropolitan will be issued a reference number the mail. The forms were mailed Police Department peace officers that they should bring with them and will come from Gilardi & Co, Ordinance passes banning and corrections officers. to the Marriage License Bureau, or which is the company DOJ hired to feeding wild pigeons in unin- First Government Surplus Applications for the 2018 vacan- the temporary office at the airport. handle the claims. You can file your corporated Clark County cies must be received by Thursday, Anyone seeking a marriage license claim online — just use the Claim Auction set for February An ordinance to ban the feeding Feb. 15, 2018. Applications may be needs to show proper identification, ID and the PIN that are on the form February 24 marks the date for of feral pigeons in unincorporated printed from the Citizen Review such as a driver’s license or pass- you get in the mail. the first Government Surplus Auc- Clark County went into effect in Board website at www.citizenre- port (a complete list of allowed —If you didn’t already report tion dates of 2018. It will begin at November. Applicants must identification and other information your loss, or you don’t get a claim 8 a.m. near Dog Fancier’s Park at The County Commission adopt- have e-mail and internet access. is available through the Clerk’s Of- form in the mail, go online to file 4320 Stephanie St. ed the ordinance to help control the The Citizen Review Board has fice web page). Marriage licenses your claim. Start at Auction sales feature vehicles, ever-growing pigeon population 25 members and fills vacancies cost $77. to get to the claims website. pieces of heavy equipment and a in the urban and throughout the year as they occur. The Marriage License Bureau, —If you’re putting in a new variety of miscellaneous items ac- the neighborhood nuisance issues quired by area police departments, Membership is voluntary and un- a division of the Clerk’s Office, claim, or changing the pre-filled they create. local cities, the state of Nevada, paid, and terms are for three years. issues about 80,000 marriage li- amount on the claim form you got The ban extends to public prop- Clark County School District and Appointments to the Board are censes annually and is typically the in the mail, you’ll be asked for erty, private businesses and resi- other government agencies. Items made by the City and County Fiscal busiest in the nation. In 2016, more documentation. Upload — or send dents’ homes. Under the proposed range from furniture and bicycles Affairs Committee members. than 1 out of every 25 marriages copies of — the receipts or transfer law, feeding wild pigeons could to computers and items from Mc- To be eligible, applicants must in the U.S. took place in Clark send forms you have, and give as result in a citation punishable by a Carran International Airport’s Lost be residents of unincorporated County. More than 1,500 marriage many details as you can remember fine of up to $1,000 and up to six and Found Division. Clark County or the city of Las Ve- gas, cannot have any felony convic- months in jail. The auctions are managed by tions, cannot be an elected official, * * * * * TNT Auction. The company regu- cannot be a present or former Metro Clark County offering larly updates its website as the date police officer or corrections officer, Lifeguard Instruction of auctions draws closer. Anyone or the spouse, sibling or parent of and WSI Classes planning to participate in the live a Metro peace officer. Applicants There’s little doubt the months auction to bid on vehicles or mis- do not necessarily need to possess between May and September mean cellaneous items must register as a bidder on site at the TNT Auction any police or investigative skills big business for Clark County Park trailer set up on the auction grounds but must be objective in their work and Recreation’s aquatic facilities. (4320 Stephanie St.) Miscellaneous on the board. To be prepared for the upcoming items are sold during a live, sepa- Potential members must have 2018 summer season, the depart- rate auction that is conducted at the a flexible schedule. All members ment is now offering trainings and same time as the vehicle auction. who are selected must complete hiring for lifeguards and water An exception for on-site registra- approximately 45 hours of man- safety instructors (WSI). Inter- tion is if you plan to participate in datory training including an eight ested applicants can visit http:// the online portion of the vehicle hour police ride along, attending for auction, which is conducted at the and completing the Citizen Po- an application and training class same time as the on-site vehicle lice Academy, a jail work along, sign-ups. auction. Anyone who plans to bid orientation training and all annual training sessions. Members of the Citizen Review Board hear cases on a rotating basis. Panels consisting of five members are convened over six-month periods of time to hear cases. After six months, a new panel of five members is selected to hear the next rotation of cases. Panel members are randomly selected and may serve on anywhere from one to three panels during their term. Panel meetings are during the nor- mal business hours once or twice a month and last about three hours. * * * * * January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 25 Leadership in a word: Empathy By Doug Dickerson leadership — that it’s just a “soft Empathy is about finding echoes skill” that’s beneath them, I respect- of another person in yourself. — fully disagree. Mohsin Hamind What would the landscape of Word Study your organization look like if 1: the action of understanding, more leaders in it took the time to being aware of, being sensitive to, be invested and empathetic? How and vicariously experiencing the would morale be different? What feelings, thoughts, and experience if you, as a leader, were more in- of another of either the past or tentional about the concerns of the present without having the feelings, people you lead? What would those thoughts, and experience fully com- characteristics look like? Here is a municated in an objectively explicit sampling. manner; also: the capacity for this: The empathetic leader is you will come to discover that gy goes down, and positive energy the imaginative projection of a connected to his people the success of your people is your replaces it. That’s when you can get subjective state into an object so The key to understanding your success. Their concerns are your more creative in solving problems.” that the object appears to be infused people is being with your people. concerns. Their frustrations are — Stephen Covey DoUg DICkErsoN with it. Source: Merriam–Webster The basis for effective leadership is your frustrations. And at the end of “I think we all have empathy. We the day, their wins are your wins. may not have enough courage to A word about empathy Writing in, Tom found in building relationships. The With empathy, you put yourself in display it.” — Maya Angelou Many characteristics belong in Risen cited a survey that showed disconnect many leaders struggle their shoes and commit yourself to “Remember that everyone you the mix for being a good leader. “51 percent of U.S. managers are with is predicated on and is the doing everything within your power meet is afraid of something, loves Empathy is crucial to that mix. That not engaged in their work, and consequence of poor relationships. to ensure their success. something, and has lost some- you have an awareness and intuition another 14 percent are actively If as a leader you are not working The empathetic leader thing.” — H. Jackson Brown concerning the people you lead is disengaged”. With this type of on the relationship the divide and listens to his people “Empathy is the greatest virtue. essential to your success as a leader. disengagement taking place in the disconnect will only widen. Simply put, there’s no magic From it, all virtues flow. Without it, Too often however, many lead- workplace, is it any wonder that The empathetic leader wand that a leader can wave to all virtues are an act.” — Eric Zorn ers are not engaged with the people empathy is a leadership skill that cares about his people make them more empathetic. It’s a A final word they lead much less sensitive to needs to be addressed? The most appreciable asset any skill that is developed over time. It’s Empathy will elevate your lead- their needs or receptive to their While some may be dismissive leader has is his or her people. As a two-fold process in which being ership and it will help you build concerns. of the importance of empathy in you develop empathy as a leader intentional about it is paramount. positive relationships with your Unless you commit yourself to the people. It’s when you empathize BEHIND THE MIKE development of this skill it’s not with your people that you can more going to just happen. effective in leading them. But just as important is the art Note: Leadership In A Word is Contrarians find their path of listening. Empathetic leaders my writing theme for 2018. Each are careful and intentional about week the focus will be on a word By Michael A. Aun sufficient dreaming. It’s tough to listening to their people. It’s when that impacts you as a leader. My Most of us old folks know quite stay the course when the going your people have your ear, you will style is new but my message and well what our glaring weaknesses gets tough. have their heart. It’s as you listen to commitment to delivering fresh are. After all, we’ve heard about For the vast majority of people, your people that trust is established, leadership insight to you are the them for many decades from those they are quite comfortable sitting morale rebounds, loyalty is secured, same. It’s my sincere desire to who love to point out such chinks on the sidelines and commenting on and your leadership is proven. help you grow as a leader and to in our armor. other’s failures never having risked Listening is for your benefit just partner with you in reaching your One of the things my wife loves anything themselves. Their poverty as much as it is theirs. Listening is full potential. to opine about is the fact that I’m is not just in their bank accounts not about appeasement, it’s about Doug Dickerson is a syndicated such a “contrarian.” That said, most but between their ears. “Stinking action. columnist. He writes a weekly col- of us in the contrarian tribe are, sad thinking” was how my late friend Empathy quotes umn for this newspaper. To contact to say, proud of the fact that we Zig Ziglar used to describe it. “When you show deep empathy Doug Dickerson, email him at choose to walk a dissimilar path or Back to Warren Buffet…“Most toward others, their defensive ener- ddickerson@ march to a different drumbeat. people get interested in stocks when Pride notwithstanding, it does everyone else is. The time to get not make us contrarians right; it just interested is when no one else is. makes us a burr under the saddle of MICHAEL A. AUN You can’t buy what is popular and life. Contrarians tend to walk differ- Knowing I was about to step in do well.” ent paths, not because they want to it, I asked what kind of stock he Amen. That’s how contrarians be confrontational, but because they preferred. His answer was direct, look at life. The old adage is true: see other people’s comfort zones “Walmart!” This was in the eight- The most important thing you can and they do not choose to get in line ies when the market was trucking do if you find yourself in a hole is with the rest of them. along and Walmart was on the way to stop digging. Henry David Thoreau once said to becoming a behemoth. I asked Einstein may have put it best: “If a man does not keep pace with “Why Walmart?” His answer was “Two things are infinite: the uni- his companions, perhaps it is be- simple: “First, the toy department verse and human stupidity. I’m not cause he hears a different drummer. is always well stocked and second, sure about the universe.” Let him step to the music which the parking lot is always full.” I Our presence on earth is but he hears, however measured or far guess perception is reality, even to a speck on the backdrop of time. away.” That’s what contrarians do. an eight year old. Don’t be afraid to take a different My baby brother Andy is a law- Contrarians see the opposite side path. Robert Frost wrote “Two yer and from all accounts, a pretty of things and aren’t afraid to take a roads diverged in a wood and I took good one. Attorneys take unpopular different approach. The chance of the one less traveled by, and that has positions because that is precisely failure is much greater. So are the made all the difference.” Find your what they are paid to do. Most of us rewards. contrarian path! contrarians are not that noble. We Being in business for yourself Michael Aun is a syndicated swim against the tide because we is not easy. Sixty-plus percent of columnist and writes a weekly col- enjoy annoying others, if the truth all new businesses fail in their first umn for this newspaper. To contact be known. year, many because of inadequate Michael Aun, email him at maun@ Warren Buffet, a true financial funding but most because in in- contrarian, once observed “What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history.” I get that. He went on to say “Risk comes Tune in to from not knowing what you’re doing.” Simplicity speaks volumes. One of the most valuable lessons RadioTribune I ever learned was from one of our Tune in and listen to those who will tell you twin sons. They were eight years old at the time. I required them to the truth, and nothing but the truth. You’ll invest any money over $500 in their discover different personalities and hear checking account. different opinions, but when it comes to the Cory asked me what I thought about buying stocks. I asked facts, you’ll always get the truth from us! “Where did you learn about the Sundays from 12.30 to 2 p.m. stock market?” His response was Please call 702-706-6875 immediate: “I’ve been reading your for information Wall Street Journal. (I don’t read Call-In Line (702) 983-0711 my Wall Street Journal!) Get Your Book Published With

The most trusted all-in-one book publisher • Titles published in print & digital formats • Exciting cover & interior illustrations • International distribution • Customized publicity campaigns • Books sold at major retailers Call today for your Free Author Submission Kit! Call 1-800-973-2606 Page 26 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 Social Security awareneSS An Ominous Sign for Social Security from Congress It’s been five years since this last happened. Should you be worried? By Sean Williams calculating the inflationary raise Motley Fool that beneficiaries receive most Social Security is a program years. The assumption is that it’ll that’s leaned upon by tens of mil- result in higher annual cost-of-liv- lions of retired Americans each ing adjustments. and every month. The November On the other hand, Republicans update from the Social Security favor reducing long-term expendi- Administration shows that almost tures by raising the full retirement 42.4 million retired workers were age to account for increased longev- receiving a monthly benefit, and ity and by switching the programs’ that 62 percent of these workers inflationary tether to the Chained were reliant on that monthly stipend CPI. to account for at least half of their Your full retirement age, which income. But despite guidance from is determined by your birth year, is the SSA that Social Security should the age where the SSA deems you only be counted on to replace about eligible to receive 100 percent of 40 percent of retirees’ working your retirement benefit. It’ll cap wages, it would appear it’s being at age 67 by the year 2022. If the leaned on for much more than that. GOP has its way, it’ll increase the This makes what I’m about to full retirement age to 68, 69, or 70. tell you particularly worrisome: So- By doing so, future retirees would cial Security is in imminent trouble. either have to wait longer to receive The clock is ticking their full payout, thus receiving on Social Security fewer years of benefit payments in According to the Social Security the process, or they’d be accepting Board of Trustees’ 2017 report, the a steeper reduction in their monthly program is just a few years away is able to avoid Social Security’s to end, such that wealthier workers Furthermore, by switching to payout by claiming early, which from a major shift. By 2022, for payroll tax on some of their income. are required to pay more into the the CPI-E, the spending habits of would also reduce lifetime payouts. first time in almost four decades, Many Democrats want this practice system. seniors will take precedence when (See Williams, Page 27) Social Security’s Trust is expected to pay out more in benefits than it’ll collect in revenue. The reasons for this shift? Look no further than the ongoing retirement of baby According to the Center for Disease Control, boomers, increasing longevity over many decades, and growing one in three seniors will suffer a fall this year! income inequality that’s allowed the rich to live longer and pull in a higher monthly benefit check than lower-income retirees. But this is just the beginning of problems for Social Security. By 2034, the Trustees are forecasting that the Trust’s $3 trillion in asset reserves will have been completely exhausted. The good news, if there is any to be had here, is that Social A PERFECT SOLUTION FOR: Security can’t go bankrupt thanks to its payroll tax. As long as Amer- Arthritis and COPD sufferers icans keep working and earning in- ü come, the payroll tax will continue collecting revenue that can be dis- Those with mobility issues bursed to beneficiaries. However, ü the depletion of the asset reserves Anyone who struggles would confirm that the current on the stairs payout schedule is unsustainable, ü and according to the Trustees may require an across-the-board cut in benefits of up to 23 percent. MENTION THIS AD FOR In even easier to understand THE terms, Social Security needs to raise an estimated $12.5 trillion in PURCHASE revenue between 2034 and 2091 if OF A NEW benefit cuts on current and future retirees are to be avoided — and ACORN the only entity that can make that STAIRLIFT! happen is Congress. Democrats and Republicans + have countless ideas on Acorn Stairlifts has an A Rating with the how to “fix” Social Security Better Business Bureau, and is the only Make no mistake about it: Dem- ocrats and Republicans usually stairlift in the world to earn the Ease of Use have no shortage of ideas on how Commendation from the Arthritis Foundation. to fix America’s most important social program. Democrats generally favor two core principles to resolve Social Security’s biggest issues: increas- CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE INFORMATION KIT AND DVD! ing or eliminating the maximum taxable earnings cap associated with the payroll tax, and utilizing the Consumer Price Index for the 1-800-368-1650 Elderly (CPI-E) as the programs’ inflationary tether. Currently, workers owe a 12.4 percent payroll tax to Social Se- curity on earned income between $0.01 and $128,400. This means that around 90 percent of workers *Not valid on previous purchases. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Not valid on refurbished models. Only valid towards purchase owe tax on every single dollar of a NEW Acorn Stairlift directly from the manufacturer. $250 discount will be applied to new orders. Please mention this ad when calling. they earn, while around one in 10 License where required: AZ ROC 278722, CA 942619, MN LC670698, OK 50110, OR CCB 198506, RI 88, WA ACORNSI894OB, WV WV049654, MA HIC169936, NJ 13VH07752300, PA PA101967, CT ELV 0425003-R5. workers who earns above $128,400

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Please note that we do not carry controlled substances and a valid prescription is required for all prescription medication orders. Call toll-free: 844-409-8740 Prescription price comparison above is valid as of June 20, 2017. All trade-mark (TM) rights associated with the brand name products in this ad belong to their respective owners. *Generic drugs are carefully regulated medications that have the same active ingredients as the original brand name drug, but are generally cheaper in price. January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 27 It all comes down to dollars and cents. What Raising Social Security’s Retirement Age Really Means By Dan Caplinger Motley Fool Social Security faces a long- term financial crisis. The demo- graphic bump of baby boomers that have been retiring in recent years will continue to flow into the Social Security system for many years to come, and the corresponding outflow of Social Security benefits will not only use up all available payroll tax revenue but also eat into Social Security trust fund reserves. Current projections suggest that by the mid-2030s, Social Security will have a shortfall that leaves roughly a quarter of scheduled benefits unfunded. Many lawmakers see raising the full retirement age for Social Security benefits as a potential solution to the program’s financial woes. Proponents cite the rise in life expectancies and the resulting shift in demand for Social Security as reasons to modify the retirement age upward. Yet with many of the proposals to raise the retirement age, the net impact likely won’t be to get people to claim Social Security later but rather simply to reduce what they receive when they do claim. The history of Social Security’s retirement age new. One need only look back at most of the proposals, few actually when early Social Security benefits early retirees the chance to get at Proposals to increase the retire- history to see how such ideas have stop to look at the actual impact on first become available to workers, least some benefits is better than ment age for Social Security aren’t played out in the past. Back in the benefits that would occur. than at any other age. That fact simply eliminating the ability to early 1980s, a grand compromise Does a higher retirement hasn’t changed markedly even with claim early at all. Yet with many Williams between President Ronald Reagan age really affect behavior? changes in the full retirement age people relying on Social Security and a Democratic-controlled Con- The way that most people discuss under the program. for the bulk of their retirement in- (Continued from Page 26) gress led to a gradual increase in the potential increases in the retirement Higher full retirement age come, reducing that amount further For the GOP, the Chained CPI retirement age. Over the course of age suggests that people would end + no change in claiming from current levels is a recipe for takes into account a process known nearly 40 years, the retirement age up working longer. There’s an idea behavior = benefit cut financial disaster for millions of as substitution, whereby consum- went from 65 to 67, with a long that most people used to work until When lawmakers advocate for Americans. ers will trade down to a cheaper break in the middle at 66. Currently, hitting 65. When the Social Security higher retirement ages without Consider the consequences good or service if a preferred one those who have turned 62 in the full retirement age and the age for making similar changes to the age There’s no easy solution to becomes too pricey. Using the past year have started to see slightly claiming Medicare were aligned at for collecting early benefits, then Social Security’s financial woes, Chained CPI as the program’s older retirement ages, and the age that same 65-year-old point, there net impact is simply to cut month- and other proposals to shore up the inflationary tether would result will rise in two-month increments were multiple reasons why people ly benefits to retirees. The exact system would also have impacts on in smaller annual cost-of-living annually before topping out at 67. would target 65 as a prospective amount depends on the age at which participants and the American pub- adjustments, thusly saving Social Now, lawmakers are looking retirement date. you’d claim, but in general, benefits lic as a whole. As lawmakers come Security money over the long run. An ominous sign? at similar proposals for the future. Yet when it comes to claiming go down between 5 and 10 for every up with new ideas, you’ll want to Ages of between 68 and 70 have actual benefits, few people wait year that the retirement age goes up. look at them closely to see what However, a review of all con- been suggested for a possible new that long, and the rise in retirement Similar cuts would occur under the true impact is likely to be. Only gressional proposals in the House law, with the same arguments about age to 66 and subsequently toward current law if retirement ages were if you’re comfortable with all the and Senate that would impact the economic stability of the program 67 has shown no signs of reversing increased from 67 to higher levels. consequences does it make sense to Trust’s solvency led me to an om- supporting the moves. Yet amid that trend. More people claim at 62, Proponents argue that giving support one proposal over another. inous finding: It’s been five years since Congress has gone this long Advanced Air System– without a Social Security proposal Introducing being made. NORTH AMERICA’S Take a look at the history of con- MicroSoothe! gressional proposals affecting the program’s solvency for yourself. # Usually, every month or every other month a member of Congress de- velops a proposal to reform Social Walk-In Tub Security. Now, mind you, it doesn’t 1 Selling mean that the proposal necessarily gets very far in either house of Con- gress, but it brings to attention the urgency of the looming issues with America’s most important social program. The last time a proposal was brought to the table was all the way back on Sept. 19, 2017

— nearly four months ago. That’s N THE U.S E I .A D . A the longest we’ve gone without a M proposal since a stretch between Sept. 12, 2012, and March 8, 2013. W E It’s certainly possible that Con- ITH PRID gress has been tied up with other important issues in the interim, Financing available such as tax reform, and crafting a with approved credit federal spending bill. Then again, a lack of Social Security proposals might also indicate just how divid- ed America’s two major parties are. In other words, it’s very unlikely that any major Social Security reforms are going to come about without the two parties finding some common ground. Could a lack of proposals from Congress signal a sense of defeat The best walk-in tub just got better with breakthrough technology! Presenting the all new Safe Step in passing reforms anytime soon? Walk-In Tub featuring MicroSoothe.® An air system so revolutionary, it oxygenates, softens and As much as I hate to say it, it’s exfoliates skin, turning your bath into a spa-like experience. Constructed and built right here in America for possible, and it’s an ominous sign safety and durability from the ground up, and with more standard for the future of the program. Call today and receive exclusive savings of up to Long story short, if I were a features than any other tub. working-age American with 10 or ✓ Heated seat providing warmth from beginning to end more years to go before reaching the eligibility age to claim benefits, ✓ Carefully engineered hydro-massage jets strategically placed to $1500 OFF I’d be doing everything possible target sore muscles and joints FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY (saving diligently and investing in the stock market) to reduce my ex- ✓ High-quality tub complete with a comprehensive lifetime Call Toll-Free 1-800-396-4503 pected reliance on Social Security warranty on the entire tub income during retirement. Sean Williams has been writing ✓ Top-of-the-line installation and service, all included at one low, for Motley Fool since 2010, and a affordable price graduate from UC San Diego with You’ll agree – there just isn’t a better, more affordable walk-in a B.A. in Economics, Sean special- izes in the healthcare sector and tub on the market. investment planning. You’ll often find him writing about Obamacare, For your FREE information kit marijuana, drug and device de- and DVD, and our Senior velopment, Social Security, taxes, Discounts, Call Today Toll-Free retirement issues and general CSLB 983603 F13000002885 13HV08744300 1-800-396-4503 macroeconomic topics of interest. Page 28 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 Three reasons retirees should look both ways when crossing Wall Street By Mario Henry financial path to retirement than it —Remember the recession? Most Americans don’t trust Wall was decades ago, leaning on stocks Many people haven’t recovered Street. Yet many will put the bulk of primarily for retirement funds poses from the 2008 debacle, Henry their retirement savings in the stock a heightened risk. points out. “It was more than a market’s hands. “The ceiling always falls. And cautionary tale,” he says. “It had a The increasing disappearance of whereas pensions provided a mea- huge impact on retirement savings. company pensions and the growing sure of stability — set payouts Going forward, it’s important to popularity of the 401(k) shifted the based on a percentage of income — note a 401(k) usually benefits the retirement-planning paradigm from the 401(k) is a huge gamble,” says higher earners because the middle- employer to employee over the last Mario Henry (, a and lower-income workers often 30 years, pouring billions of dollars financial services professional and don’t have the tools to manage their into the stock market. author of How to Hire Your House. accounts successfully.” Now nearly half of the 127 “Meanwhile, according to Bene- —Fickle or under-funded million American workers who fits Pro, about $5 trillion is invested 401(k)s. Many workers aren’t able put in at least 35 hours per week in 401(k) accounts managed by to put enough into their retirement participate in 401(k)s. Wall Street, but who’s really ben- plans. The ante has gone up with On the other hand, less than efitting? An individual pays into a people generally living longer and a third of Americans in a recent personal investment account with needing funds for 25 to 30 years or Bloomberg National Poll said they no guarantees. Everything points more. “Also, it’s impossible to be had a favorable view of Wall Street. back to people investing in stocks immune from the risk that the stock The low approval rating (31 per- that ultimately make Wall Street market can dive as you approach cent) is unchanged since the 2008 wealthier. Too many people who retirement,” Henry says. “And, financial crisis. cism are the vagaries of the stock perts think that, given market invest their retirement savings in some people will inevitably make Against this backdrop of cyni- market itself. Some financial ex- unpredictability and a less clear the market aren’t able to retire and bad investment choices.” prosper.” “I do believe Wall Street has a Henry lists three reasons he part to play in someone’s invest- How Medicare covers mental health thinks taking a retirement road ment portfolio,” Henry says, “but By Greg Dill people with Original Medicare. If down Wall Street can be bumpy to be 100 percent dependent on a Let’s hope it never happens, but you’re in a Medicare Advantage or worse: system for your retirement saving there may come a time in your life (Part C) health plan, check with —Retirement – pension = that isn’t proven to perpetuate your pressure to invest. when you need mental health care. the plan for details of how it covers Pensions income is not a wise strategy.” brought certainty for generations of Mario Henry (www.cya411. Your Medicare covers a wide vari- mental health care. retirees. Then the economic model com), a former National Football ety of such services, in both hospital For more information on your shifted dramatically, putting much League player, is a financial ser- inpatient and outpatient settings. Medicare mental health benefits, more of the planning pressure on vices professional with 18 years of If you have Medicare Part A I recommend this detailed bro- the employees. “We are living in experience in the industry and au- (hospital insurance), you’re eli- chure: the first generation that largely will thor of How to Hire Your House, an gible for mental health services Pubs/pdf/10184-Medicare-Men- be without a pension,” Henry says. innovative guide on how to create when you’re admitted to a hospital tal-Health-Bene.pdf. “People who are in a quiet panic a tax-free pension and sustain suf- as an inpatient. You can get these Greg Dill is Medicare’s regional about having enough for retirement ficient income through retirement. services either in a general hospital administrator for Arizona, Cali- are vulnerable to bad investment Mario also is a licensed insurance or a psychiatric hospital that only fornia, Nevada, Hawaii, and the advice and high fees. Often they broker and a national motivational cares for people with mental health Pacific Territories. You can always get caught up in the idea of a long- speaker. He was a wide receiver conditions. GreG Dill get answers to your Medicare ques- term bull market and don’t know with the NFL’s New England Pa- If you’re in a psychiatric hospital in a doctor’s or therapist’s office. tions by calling 1-800-MEDICARE about or explore other investment triots and a scholarship football (instead of a general hospital), Part This treatment is provided during (1-800-633-4227). options.” player at Rutgers University. A only pays for up to 190 days of the day and doesn’t require an inpatient psychiatric hospital ser- overnight stay. vices during your lifetime. Medicare helps cover partial Medicare pays for inpatient hos- hospitalization services when pital stays on the basis of “benefit they’re provided through a hos- periods.” A benefit period begins pital outpatient department or the day you’re admitted to a hos- community mental health center. pital as an inpatient. It ends when Along with partial hospitalization, you haven’t received any inpatient Medicare may cover occupational care for 60 days in a row. therapy that’s part of your mental If you go into a hospital after health treatment and/or individual one benefit period has ended, a new patient training and education about benefit period begins. You must pay your condition. the inpatient hospital deductible Medicare only covers partial ($1,340 in 2018) for each benefit hospitalization if the doctor and period. the partial hospitalization program There’s no limit to the number accept Medicare as full payment. of benefit periods you can have. But For Part B to cover a partial remember, there’s a lifetime limit of hospitalization program, you must 190 days for inpatient psychiatric meet certain requirements, and your hospitals. doctor must certify that you would After you pay the deductible, otherwise need inpatient treatment. Medicare covers inpatient hospital Under Part B, you pay a per- care for the first 60 days with no centage of the Medicare-approved coinsurance on your part for each amount for each service you get benefit period. from a doctor or other qualified For days 61-90, your coinsur- mental health professional if they ance is $335 per day of each benefit accept Medicare rates. period. You also pay coinsurance for If you’re in the hospital beyond each day of partial hospitalization 90 days, your coinsurance is $670 services provided in a hospital per “lifetime reserve day” for each outpatient setting or community benefit period (you have up to 60 mental health center. The Part B reserve days over your lifetime). deductible ($183 in 2018) applies In addition, you’ll pay 20 per- as well. cent of the Medicare-approved Your doctor or other health care amount for mental health services provider may recommend you get you get from doctors and other services more often than Medicare providers while you’re a hospital covers. Or they may recommend inpatient. services that Medicare doesn’t Your Medicare Part B (medical cover. If this happens, you may insurance) covers partial hospital- have to pay some or all of the costs. ization in some cases. It’s important to ask questions so Partial hospitalization provides you understand why your doctor a structured program of outpatient is recommending certain services psychiatric services as an alterna- and whether Medicare will pay tive to inpatient psychiatric care. for them. It’s more intense than care you get All of the above applies to FDA Registered Hearing Aid! 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By Phone (Mon-Fri • 8 am - 5 pm CT) ( Promo code: 1-855-900-7480 88-120 More Info 8 MB17-NM004Ec January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 29 What You Need To Know By Dr Nina Radcliff Myths, Darn Myths, and Mixed Messages By Dr. Nina Radcliff, MD it takes with it the heat. Sweat is “The great enemy of the truth mostly comprised of water (99%) is very often not the lie, deliberate, and a small amount of salt, proteins, contrived and dishonest, but the carbohydrates, and urea. “Trace,” myth, persistent, persuasive and or miniscule, amounts of toxins unrealistic.” Truth be known that may be detected in sweat, but they Saving a person I live when it comes to our health, it is get rid of less than 1 percent of the from a potential catastrophe* important to study the facts to un- body’s total toxin content. derstand how behaviors or change It should be noted that heavy every 10 minutes! of behaviors may benefit us and sweating can cause you to become those we love. dehydrated and, as a result, force The healthcare industry is con- your kidneys to conserve water stantly making new breakthroughs and hang onto toxins. So the next alonealone and reporting important facts on time you know you will be breaking studies. However, the Internet, tes- out a sweat, take a bottle of water but I’m never alone. timonials by friends and neighbors, with you. ® and marketing gimmicks have put Myth and Truth: You must I have Life Alert . out a ton of misinformation about stretch before you exercise exercise. And it may be difficult There is no scientific evidence to discern. We all want to be in that static stretching—defined as our best possible health and shape stretching while you stay in place AS SEEN ON and when we read something that such as bending over to touch your TV “makes sense” or seems possible, toes or pulling your ankles towards we are likely to believe it even if your hips — before a workout there is no science to back up the can prevent injury or decrease claims. Let’s take a few moments delayed-onset muscle soreness. In to debunk some commonly held fact, some studies have shown that Fall Emergency Home Invasion Fire Emergency exercise myths. static stretches lasting longer than Myth: I can exercise my way one minute can strain your muscles One press of a button sends help fast, 24/7, for: out of a bad diet and slow you down. From a practical perspective, On the other hand, dynamic medical • fall • fi r e • invasion • CO gas emergencies exercise, while critical to a healthy stretching, such as swinging your even when you can’t reach a phone. lifestyle, is never going to be an ef- arms or walking lunges, increase fective way of losing weight, unless your range of movement and blood FREEUSE OF you have the training schedule — and oxygen flow to your muscles FIRST AID EQUIPMENT** KIT and the willpower — of an Olympic prior to exertion. This may help FREE! WHEN YOU The Medical Alert athlete (note: the vast majority of not only improve performance, but ORDER! No landline? No problem! Industry Leader Olympic athletes do not follow a decrease your risk for injury. since 1987 bad diet). And the truth be told, it can be In order to burn 500 calories, challenging to navigate through all a 160-pound adult would need the information, tid-bits, and advice to walk at 3.5 miles/hour for 80 that is thrown our way. Separating For a FREE brochure call:call: minutes; jog at 6.5 miles/hour for fact from fiction is key to finding * Life Alert defi nes a person saved from a potential catastrophic outcome, where a 40 minutes; cycle in spin class 39 the best workout regimen for our subscriber activated the system, had an actual emergency, was home alone, was minutes; mow the lawn 60 minutes; lifestyle and body type. unable to get to the phone for help, and Life Alert dispatched help. ** With Subscription. 1-800-538-9279 swim laps 53 minutes; and Zumba * * * * * 50 minutes. It is an awful lot more than most people realize! And it brings some credence to my saying that a moment on your lips can mean an eternity on the treadmill or bike. Myth: Spot training will give me that six pack ADVANCED Doing a thousand crunches a day is likely to burn calories and make HEARING AID your abdominal muscles sore and toned, but it does not necessarily translate to seeing those “rock TECHNOLOGY hard abs” we so desire. Although $ it seems logical, spot training, or For Less Than exercising one part of our body with 300 the hopes it will look amazing, may “I was amazed! Sounds I hadn’t heard leave us disappointed. Unless the fat that lies above those muscles in years came back to me!” disappears, we will not be able to — Don, January 2016 see those toned muscles. In order to get that “six pack,” we need How can a hearing aid that costs to burn fat throughout the body less than $300 be every bit as good as via cardiovascular exercise and a one that sells for $2,000 or more? balanced diet. Myth: You sweat toxins out of The answer: Although tremendous strides have your body been made in Advanced Hearing Aid Technology, Our body has effective, built-in toxin elimination mechanisms via those cost reductions have not been passed on our liver, kidneys, and gut—not to you. Until now... by sweating. The primary function ® of perspiration is to regulate body The MDHearingAid PRO uses the same kind of temperature. When our body is hot, Advanced Hearing Aid Technology incorporated into we sweat and the moisture makes hearing aids that cost thousands more at a small our skin feel cooler, and when it fraction of the price. evaporates into the environment Over 75,000 satisfi ed PRO customers agree: High-quality, FDA-registeredhearing aids TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR don’t have to cost a fortune. The fact is, you don’t need to spend thousands for 45-DAY RISK-FREE TRIAL! a medical-grade hearing aid. Hearing is believing and we invite you to try this nearly invisible hearing aid with no MDHearingAid PRO ® gives you annoying whistling or background noise for a sophisticated high-performance yourself. If you are not completely satisfi ed, hearing aid that works right out of simply return it within that time period for a Nearly Invisible the box with no time-consuming BIG SOUND. “adjustment” appointments. You 100% refund of your purchase price. TINY PRICE.

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EarthTalk is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E - The Environmental Magazine ( Send questions to: earthtalk@ Subscribe:; Free Trial Issue: If you factor in the carbon emissions associated with producing and delivering the extra food Dear EarthTalk: Is there any some 15 to 20 w-h. (Meanwhile, required to feed a rider of a conventional bicycle, charging up an e-bike from your truth to the assertion that e-bikes covering that kilometer in a train grid-based electrical outlet may be better for the environment. recharged off the fossil-fuel grid requires 30 to 40 w-h and over 400 than rail transit. “battery-assist” bike. If everyone improving infrastructure for bikes actually generate fewer carbon w-h in a car with just the driver.) An The fact that it might be even knew that you were being even and new routing apps making bik- emissions overall than convention- e-bike needs only about 10 percent better than riding a conventional more environmentally friendly by ing safer and more fun, now is a al human-powered bikes? — Sandy of the energy required to power a bike when it comes to your carbon NOT pedaling up that steep hill, great time to embrace the idea of a McClave, New York, NY car, and is 13 times more energy footprint might be just the impetus who wouldn’t go for an electric two-wheeled commute. Maybe it’ll Well, actually, there could be… efficient than a typical four-door you need to justify spending the bike? And with municipalities even convince you to get rid of that E-bike pioneer Justin Lemire-El- sedan and six times more efficient extra dollars for a new-fangled pouring millions of dollars into car altogether... more argues that e-bikes are better for the environment, at least if you compare the carbon emissions asso- Covered by Medicare and suffering from Back or Knee Pain? ciated with producing enough extra food to fuel the rider of a standard bicycle against the emissions from coal-derived electricity used to charge an e-bike. “Although counterintuitive that a vehicle fueled by something as RELIEVE dirty as coal can be considered clean and green, the fact is that food production is much dirtier,” reports Lemire-Elmore. “All things being YOUR equal, an electric bicycle produces YOUR 8.5 times less greenhouse gases than a standard bicycle.” Lemire-Elmore goes on to argue that considerations of the carbon PAIN NOW! impact of the food we eat should take into account every step “from fork to farm” including greenhouse gas emissions from creating fertil- izers, operating farm machinery, delivering raw foodstuffs to facto- ries for processing and then trans- porting processed goods to a final production and packaging facility before being once again shipped to the grocery store shelf and finally to your pantry via the way-back of your car. In fact, the average American Learn for FREE how a Back or Knee diet produces .005 pounds of car- bon dioxide per calorie of food produced, according to researchers Brace can help: 888-918-1625 from the University of Chicago. Lemire-Elmore uses this formula to assert that a bicycle commute of 15 miles each way would require the rider to consume an extra 800 calories which in turn would pro- Give your back or knees the support duce almost four pounds of carbon dioxide per day (or 1,444 pounds and relief they need to reduce your pain per year). And if you charge up your bike’s battery with renewable energy (say, from the solar panels on your roof), fuhgeddaboudit! The › Fast and Easy Medicare Approvals e-bike wins every time. Of course, there’s no question that an electric bicycle, however › Free Nationwide Shipping it’s powered, is a far better mode of transport when it comes to envi- ronmental impact compared to any of the other choices as well—even walking. According to research by Mirjan Bouwman of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, travelling one kilometer by bike Call 24/7: 888-918-1625 (electric or conventional) requires approximately five to 15 watt-hours (w-h) of energy, while travelling We have other braces available, for your shoulder, neck, ankle and back. the same distance by foot requires A Help Button Should Go Where You Go! To be truly independent your personal emergency device needs to work on the go.

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*Service availability and access/coverage on the AT&T network is not available everywhere and at all times. Fall Button™ does not detect 100% of falls. If able, users should always push their help button when they need assistance. Current GPS location may not always be available in every situation. MobileHelp is a registered trademark and Fall Button is a trademark of MobileHelp. Patented technology. MobileHelp is a FDA registered Medical Device Manufacturer January 17-23, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 31 Places To Go Everything about the Yardbird Southern Table & Bar is different By Sandy Zimmerman Las Vegas Tribune Photos by Sandy Zimmerman except Swine Burger by Yardbird The Yardbird Southern Table & Bar makes a great effort to ensure that their restaurant stands-out from all of the others. Yardbird offers so many exciting dishes on the menu, it was difficult for us to choose our dinners. Of course the Yardbird’s menu includes appetizers, salads, veg- etables, assorted small plates and entrees, but it is their combinations and all of the ingredients going into each that is amazing! When you bite into a fried green tomato BLT, you taste all of the fla- vors of the house- smoked pork bel- ly, tomatoes, lettuce, smoky tomato jam frisee, pimento cheese, pickled lemon and vinaigrette. WOW! Take your time to discover each of the flavors inside the Swine Burger. It sounds like a pork burger, but remember this is the Yardbird Southern Table. There’s a short rib, brisket and chuck blend along with house- healthy meal. The seared salmon was so tasty His 14-ounce bone-in short ribs, websites: smoked pork belly, smoked Gouda Their fresh roasted whole baby and flaky because the chef cooked served in a large bowl filled with and cheese, BBQ bacon and as though carrots each measured about 5 and poached it in bouillon sautéed charred corn, green beans, sweet * * * * * all of these are not enough, add inches long, prepared with cori- with peppers, onions, celery and garlic bordelaise, cauliflower and Award winning Sandy Zim- house pickles, frisee and a side of ander seeds, orange and cumin vegetable stock. That made the mashed potatoes, was a great meal merman is a syndicated columnist house fries. The full flavors of three that heightened the carrots into an difference! The salmon was served with several flavor pairings. The featuring Show and Dining reviews, different meats plus the pork are exciting dish. with Carolina Rice and small to- beef was braised four hours and fell travel, health, luxury and more. distinctive while you also enjoy the My second vegetable, roasted matoes. off the bones. Sandy is talk show host of the Las crunch of the bacon and creaminess cauliflower, was awakened by the Mike ordered the butter lettuce For information, call (702)-297- Vegas Today Show programs and of the Gouda cheese. home-made moonshine raisins, and grilled mango salad, a salad 6541. The Yardbird Southern Table Discover the Ultimate Vacation With the wide variety of small chile flakes, capers, coriander, cum- that could become a meal for lunch & Bar is located inside the Vene- travel specials. If you want to plates and other selections, my in, black pepper and finished with or a big snack. Yardbird’s chef tian Resort along Restaurant Row suggest topics for articles or ask order included two vegetables toasted pumpkin seeds. A spicy, char-grills the mango, adds smoked between the Palazzo and Venetian questions about Sandy’s articles, and seared salmon because dining crunchy and delightful way to eat pecans for the crunch and benne Resorts, 3355 Las Vegas Boule- call (702)-731-6491 or email szim- at a restaurant could also mean a vegetables! seed vinaigrette. vard. For more information visit the [email protected]. Page 32 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / January 17-23, 2018 LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE CLASSIFIEDS

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