Established 1865 TTourneyourney ttimeime fforor llocalocal LLegionegion tteams,eams, SSportsports FFairair aandnd RRodeoodeo qqueen,ueen, PPageage 33AA OOnene bbriefrief eevacuation,vacuation, PPageage 22AA One Owyheean among four Local, BLM fi refi ghters knock candidates for 2013-14 crown down wildfi res near Murphy VOL. 28, NO. 29 75 CENTS HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2013 Inside this week OWYHEE CATTLEMEN 135 TH ANNUAL CONVENTION AT SILVER C S ITY ATURDAY, JULY 27, 2013 Section B July 24, 2013 The Owyhee Reservoir water level is low enough to expose a good portion of the glory hole near the dam. Photo by Lori Bahem Water managers hope State Farm Bureau chief making trip to to hold on ’til September Silver City Saturday High heat, low water may shorten to get producers very far past September. Cattlemen gather Priestley delivery season for some growers “Our goal, in all frankness, is expected is to try to get to the first for 135th summer to delve into A hot, dry summer has added percent cut in water allotment of September,” Owyhee several key to the uncertainty for irrigators at the beginning of the growing Irrigation District manager Jay meeting topics, in- who rely on South Board of season. Chamberlin said. cluding estate Control water. But even with decreasing The joint board of the Owyhee The future of the ranching tax, general The Owyhee Project, of which allotments from four feet per Project, which includes the industry and of family ranches in federal tax Gem and Ridgeview Irrigation acre to three feet per acre, Owyhee County will be among code changes districts are part, instituted a 25 there may not be enough water –– See Water, page 8A the topics tackled Saturday at the and the Farm Owyhee Cattlemen’s Associa- Bill.
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