E1690 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 2, 2014 ‘‘Our hearts go out to the victims and sur- ment is providing them, especially as we years. Before that Mr. Hawes also served as vivors of the recent tsunami in American work together to rebuild and retool,’’ Assessor of New Madrid County for 20 years Samoa,’’ said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Faleomavaega concluded. while owning and operating his family farm. Solis. ‘‘Today’s grant will support ongoing recovery efforts and help American Samoans [Press Release, June 28, 2012] Mr. Hawes has spoken at several public events sharing his knowledge about business, put their lives back together.’’ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AWARDS $500,000 agriculture, and civic matters. Of the $24,857,608 announced today, IN SUPPLEMENTAL NATIONAL EMERGENCY $8,285,870 will be released initially. Addi- GRANT FUNDING TO DE- Apart from his work as commissioner, Mr. tional funding up to the amount approved PARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Hawes is a Sunday school teacher at his will be made available as the territory dem- Congressman Faleomavaega today an- church. As a devoted family man, Clyde sets onstrates a continued need for assistance, nounced that the U.S. Department of Labor according to the Department of Labor. a precedent for others to follow by committing (DOL) this week awarded approximately On September 29, the Federal Emergency to a balancing work and family. $500,000 in supplemental National Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) declared all is- Grant (NEG) funding to the American Samoa For his years of service and all the work he lands in the territory of Amer- Department of Human Resources. has done to strengthen our community, it is ican Samoa eligible for FEMA’s Public As- According to DOL, the funding will provide my pleasure to recognize the achievements of sistance Program. As a senior member of the for the continuation of workforce develop- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- Clyde Hawes and congratulate him on his re- ment services to workers who held tem- ernmental Affairs, Senator Akaka has been tirement before the House of Representatives. porary jobs to assist with the clean-up and briefed by FEMA officials on initial recovery recovery efforts following the earthquake efforts to send food, water, cots, medical sup- and tsunami and subsequent flooding that f plies, and working vehicles from the FEMA struck American Samoa in 2009. Pacific Area Office warehouse in Honolulu to The initial NEG award of $24,857,608 was RECOGNIZING DR. ROBERT American Samoa. Senator Akaka worked to approved on October 19, 2009, with $8,285,870 HEINEMAN establish and maintain this office beginning released initially and a second increment of in 1991 in order to protect isolated Pacific is- $16,571,738 was approved and released on land communities. April 21, 2010. The supplemental funding of For more information on National Emer- HON. TOM REED $500,000 announced this week will bring the gency Grants, visit http://www.doleta.gov/ total NEG funds awarded for this project to OF NEG. $25,357,608. With the supplemental funding, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the project’s period of performance is also [Press Release, Apr. 21, 2010] extended for two quarters, so that all par- Tuesday, December 2, 2014 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR NOTIFIES ticipants have more time to finish their full FALEOMAVAEGA THAT OVER $16 MILLION complement of reemployment services. Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay my re- WILL BE RELEASED TO ASG FOR ABOUT 2,200 ‘‘I want again to thank my good friend and spects to a long time leader in higher edu- TEMPORARY WORKERS TO CONTINUE CLEAN- former colleague, U.S. Secretary of Labor cation in my district. Dr. Robert Heineman has UP AND RECOVERY EFFORTS Hilda Solis, for releasing more than $25 mil- taught at Alfred University, my alma mater, Congressman Faleomavaega announced lion over the past three years in National since 1971, and was one of my professors of today that the U.S. Department of Labor Emergency Grant funds for American political science. He has shaped the thought (DOL) notified him this evening that it will Samoa,’’ Faleomavaega stated. release $16,571,738 to ASG for about 2,200 tem- ‘‘Immediately following the devastating of generations of Alfred University students porary workers to continue clean-up and re- earthquake and tsunami that struck our is- and encouraged them to get involved in their covery efforts in the wake of the tsunami lands on September 29, 2009, the Department communities and, specifically, to get involved that struck American Samoa on September of Labor notified my office as well as the of- in the political process. 29, 2009. fices of Senator Inouye, Senator Akaka, and Dr. Heineman holds a BA from Bradley Uni- On October 19, 2009 a National Emergency the Congressional Asian Pacific American Grant (NEG) was approved for up to Caucus, informing us of the outpouring of versity and both a MA and a Ph.D from Amer- $24,857,608, with $8,285,870 released initially. millions of dollars of federal funding to help ican University. He has taught at Eastern This incremental and final NEG award will American Samoa with clean-up and recovery State College, Bradley University bring total NEG funds awarded for clean-up efforts. The funding also provided for needed and Alfred University. He is a two time recipi- and recovery efforts to $24,857,608. jobs to employ American Samoans and help ent of Alfred University’s Excellence in Teach- ‘‘I want to again thank my good friend and with our local economy,’’ Faleomavaega ing Award and is the author of many book former colleague, U.S. Secretary of Labor added. chapters and articles on the American Political Hilda Solis, for releasing more than $24 mil- ‘‘I also want to thank and acknowledge the System. lion in NEG funds to help create about 2,200 great work by our local leaders in the Amer- temporary jobs in American Samoa,’’ ican Samoa Department of Human Re- His activities extend beyond the classroom Faleomavaega said. ‘‘I first contacted Sec- sources, including Department Director Eve- and into the Alfred community. Dr. Heineman retary Solis in May of 2009 regarding NEG lyn Langford and NEG Program Manager served as an elected member of the Allegany funds in response to Chicken of the Sea’s an- Tuimavave Tauapa’i Laupola, for the tre- County Legislature, Village of Alfred Board nounced closure and, on May 7, 2009, I pro- mendous job they’ve done in managing this and as Village Justice in the Village of Alfred. vided Governor Togiola with the contact in- program as well as their tireless efforts in formation necessary to request assistance addressing the multifaceted needs of the Ter- He is the current chair of the advisory board for our workers, noting that any request put ritory in the aftermath of the devastating of the Allegany County Youth Court. He has forward must originate with the Governor.’’ 2009 tsunami. I have every confidence that worked extensively to make the communities ‘‘While that effort was underway between this funding will continue to help our Terri- of Alfred and Allegany County better places to ASG and DOL, American Samoa was struck tory rebuild,’’ Congressman Faleomavaega live. by a tsunami on September 29, 2009. In re- concluded. Dr. Heineman has been married to his wife sponse to the tsunami, DOL immediately and f preemptively reached out to ASG and as- Alice for over 55 years and they have raised sisted ASG in preparing and processing a dis- HONORING CLYDE HAWES three children Phillip, Karen and Cheryl. aster national emergency grant application. Our system of representative democracy On October 19, 2009, ASG was then awarded HON. JASON T. SMITH cannot endure without each new generation of over $24 million to create about 2,200 tem- citizens being educated to appreciate its un- porary jobs for clean-up and recovery ef- OF forts.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES derlying philosophy and precepts. A commu- nity cannot flourish without engaged citizens of ‘‘Discussions continue about how this Tuesday, December 2, 2014 grant might be more fully expanded, if nec- all ages participating in civic life. Dr. Robert essary. For now, the American Samoa De- Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise Heineman has dedicated his life to the work of partment of Human Resources is responsible today to honor Clyde Hawes from New Ma- encouraging young people to love and respect for the administration of the grant and ASG, drid, Missouri for his exceptional years of serv- the political process handed down to us by the in consultation with the DOL, determines ice as Presiding Commissioner of New Madrid founders and, more importantly encouraged who qualifies for temporary work.’’ ‘‘Again, I thank DOL for its swift response County. them to not just watch from the sidelines but in providing temporary work for the people Mr. Hawes has set a wonderful example of get in the game and be part of our democracy. of American Samoa. The DOL can be assured public service and dedication to bettering our It is a privilege as one of Dr. Heineman’s that the people of American Samoa are ap- community. This month he will be retiring after former students to be able to praise him as a preciative of the support the federal govern- serving as Presiding Commissioner for 36 member of the House of Representatives.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Dec 03, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02DE8.007 E02DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS December 2, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1691 IN RECOGNITION OF NAOMI and then casting a tough vote. There were Guard Units for the State of and our PATRIDGE times in the city’s history when its finances branch would be under his Command. were in order and times, particularly after re- Once our request is approved, ASG will need to enter into a Memorandum of Under- HON. JACKIE SPEIER cessions or a court judgment, that the city’s fi- standing (MOU) with the State of Hawaii. OF nances were in deep distress. Naomi took the Governor Linda Lingle and Governor Togiola IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES heat for difficult decisions during all of these stand ready to sign this MOU and I am hope- budget hearings. When improving, fixing or Tuesday, December 2, 2014 ful that with our latest efforts this will be in supplementing basic public infrastructure was the very near future. Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor the concern, Naomi was a well-reasoned As always, I thank General Lee for his con- Naomi Patridge who is leaving the Half Moon voice. tinued support for the people and troops of Bay City Council after serving a remarkable In fact, Naomi has been a voice of modera- American Samoa. General Lee is to be com- career of leadership spanning almost two dec- mended for his dedication, commitment and tion and common sense for so many decades leadership. I also thank Governor Lingle for ades. that one might also call her a civic thermom- without her support we could not move for- Naomi and her husband, Howard, have eter. If it gets too hot in the debate, Naomi ward in establishing a branch of the Hawaii lived in Half Moon Bay for nearly 45 years. acts to cool things down. If the community National Guard in American Samoa. I also Naomi is the Energizer Bunny of Half Moon isn’t concerned enough about needed services thank Governor Togiola and, above all, I Bay. For example, prior to serving on the or improvements, Naomi switches on to heat thank our military men and women for their council, she served for 14 years on the city’s things up a bit, and to stir up questions and service to our country, the Congressman Parks and Recreation Commission. She has dialogue. Always moderate, Naomi can be concluded. also served on the board of the Half Moon counted on to keep the civic area of Half [Press Release, Nov. 16, 2005] Bay Beautification Committee, the organizer of Moon Bay as comfortable as possible despite FALEOMAVAEGA AND MAJOR GENERAL ROBERT the annual Art and Pumpkin Festival. Half the inevitable challenges that occur in local Moon Bay is a thriving, seaside community LEE MEET TO DISCUSS THEIR ONGOING EF- democratic governance. FORTS TO ESTABLISH NATIONAL GUARD UNIT that annually hosts tens of thousands of visi- Mr. Speaker, I am honored to call Naomi a IN AMERICAN SAMOA tors on one weekend in October when the dear friend and colleague. I dare say there Congressman Faleomavaega announced pumpkins come to market and the tourists has not been a more constructive leader in today that he met with Major General Rob- from around the country come to this charm- Half Moon Bay than Naomi Patridge. While we ert Lee, Adjutant General for the State of ing town. The festival is a major fundraising will miss her service to us all, we will have her Hawaii, to discuss their ongoing efforts to event for civic improvements. Naomi has been example of thoughtful citizenship to inspire us establish a National Guard Unit in American at the heart of the festival for many years. for years to come. Samoa. The meeting was held in the Con- gressmans Washington office. When the girls of Half Moon Bay think of f softball, they think of Naomi Patridge. She has As a follow-up to our efforts to establish a spent decades with the Half Moon Bay Girls HISTORICAL RECORD OF National Guard unit in American Samoa, FALEOMAVAEGA’S EFFORTS TO Major General Lee and I met again to discuss Softball League and was instrumental in cre- the progress we are making, Congressman ating a permanent field as a home for genera- ESTABLISH A NATIONAL GUARD Faleomavaega said. Senator Inouye has been tions of young ball players. Some may mourn PRESENCE IN AMERICAN SAMOA supportive of our work for a number of years the recent passing of Candlestick Park in San now and I am pleased that based on our dis- Francisco, but in Half Moon Bay the citizens HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA cussions Major General Lee has forwarded my most recent correspondence and also a celebrate the field that Naomi spent decades OF AMERICAN SAMOA new Memorandum to Lieutenant General to secure. Her focus is on healthy living, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES it is evident in the energy she poured into Stephen Blum, Chief, National Guard Bu- Tuesday, December 2, 2014 reau. teams that always had good sportsmanship Dated October 26, 2005, Major General Lees and fun as the center of their purposes. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise Memorandum requests allowances for Hawaii Naomi has also been instrumental in cre- today to include, for historical purposes, infor- to support a National Guard Unit in Amer- ating a coastside bike trail that bears her mation about efforts to establish a National ican Samoa. The Memorandum states: Amer- name. Half Moon Bay is filled with bicyclists Guard presence in American Samoa. ican Samoa continues to express great con- who travel for both pleasure and work. Naomi [Press Release, Sept. 28, 2005] cern about the lack of local response capa- bility. The CSTs (Civil Support Teams) cur- was concerned about the workers who had to FALEOMAVAEGA REQUESTS EXPEDITED ASSIST- peddle in the early morning hours and who rently within the region would be hard ANCE IN ESTABLISHING A HAWAII NATIONAL pressed to support an incident in American were not safe. She was equally concerned GUARD PRESENCE IN AMERICAN SAMOA Samoa without substantially degrading its about tourists who might get into trouble riding Congressman Faleomavaega announced own abilities to respond to and sustain oper- along the coastal highway. While she joined today that as a follow up to his discussions ations in support of a local incident. The ad- with others to create this wonderful amenity, it with Major General Robert Lee, Adjutant ditional team would be in lieu of creating was her advocacy before local funding agen- General for the State of Hawaii, he is re- and stationing a CST, or portion thereof, in cies that helped to secure much of the money questing expedited assistance in establishing American Samoa. for a trail that ultimately bore her name. a Hawaii National Guard presence in Amer- The team will be stationed in Hawaii with Mr. Speaker, as fun as it may be to bicycle ican Samoa. the HIARNG responsible for recruiting to fill General Lee and I have been discussing the additional positions. Soldiers will be along the coast or on Main Street in Half how best to establish a National Guard Unit sought from Hawaii and American Samoa. Moon Bay, Highway 92 can be a real head- in American Samoa, Congressman The additional team will operate and train ache for coastside residents. Naomi Patridge Faleomavaega said. We have agreed that the under the command and control of the 93d pushed relentlessly for a coastal road that fit best way is to establish a branch of the Ha- CST. The primary training location will be in with local sensibilities about growth and de- waii National Guard in American Samoa. Hawaii, with training in American Samoa velopment while also helping to relieve the Governor Linda Lingle of the State of Ha- also being a necessity in order to provide for frazzled nerves of residents. waii supports our efforts as does Governor advance planning and coordination with When one thinks of Naomi, one also thinks Togiola. proper offices and agencies local to Amer- At this time, General Lee and I have ican Samoa. of the quiet, dedicated employee of the school agreed that it is in the best interest of Amer- We are pleased that Governor Togiola of district. One thinks of the quiet, dedicated ad- ican Samoa that our Guard unit should be a American Samoa and Governor Lingle of Ha- vocate and volunteer for seniors. One thinks weapons of mass destruction and civil sup- waii have joined in to support our efforts and of the vocal advocate for Half Moon Bay’s li- port team which will respond to terrorist that both are ready to enter into an agree- brary, and of the woman behind the table threats and natural disasters. Our team will ment regarding the stationing, training, and dishing out a heaping plate of hot food at the be locally recruited in American Samoa and employment of the Civil Support Team. At annual Farm Day luncheon. One also thinks of will be based in the Territory. this time, General Lee and I are hopeful that the advocate for housing the elderly and lower The only remaining issue is that we must General Blum will act to expedite our most encourage the National Guard Bureau to ex- recent request especially since this matter income farm worker residents of Half Moon pedite our request. The Bureau has been has been pending for some time. Bay. working on this request for more than a year Once again, Major General Lee has noted However, when thinking of Naomi, one must and, for this reason, I have written to Gen- that the Hawaii National Guard stands ready inevitably also think of the cool city eral Lee and asked for his assistance. Gen- to support its neighbors in the Pacific and, councilmember evaluating a tough decision, eral Lee is the Commander of all National in turn, we thank the State of Hawaii for

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