Hashtag Sustainability? Home Renovators’ Media World RP3021 Report2 Authors Aneta Podkalicka (Monash University / Swinburne University Adjunct)1, Esther Milne (Swinburne University) Kath Hulse (Swinburne University), Tomi Winfree (Swinburne University), Gavin Melles (Swinburne University) Title RP3021 Report: Media & Home Renovations Hashtag Sustainability? Home Renovators’ Media World ISBN Format Keywords Home renovation, communication, media, social media, energy efficiency, sustainability Editor Publisher CRC for Low Carbon Living Publication date 2016 Series ISSN Preferred citation 1Corresponding author:
[email protected]. Report Template1 RP3021 Report: Media & Home Renovations Hashtag Sustainability? Home Renovators’ Media World 2 Acknowledgements This research is funded by the CRC for Low Carbon Living Ltd supported by the Cooperative Research Centres program, an Australian Government initiative. The authors would like to acknowledge the CRC for Low Carbon Living, in particular, Dr Stephen White (CSIRO) for his support and guidance throughout the project, and the industry partners for this project: Sustainability Victoria, Master Builders Australia, Housing Industry Association, BlueScope Steel, and CSR. We would like to thank members of the project steering committee for their interest and support: Sara Fiess (Sustainability Victoria) to July 2015; Dr Phillip Alviano (Sustainable Building Advisor, Master Builders Australia); Govind Maksay from October 2015, Amy Willett from August 2016 (Sustainability Victoria); Kristin Brookfield (Senior Executive Director Building, Development & Environment, Housing Industry Association); Rob Enker (Victorian Building Authority); Rachel Cable in 2014 and Ben Thomson in 2016 (BlueScope Steel); Ray Thomson and Peter Ruz (CSR); Lynette Day (Manager Community Energy Services, Government of South Australia). We would like to thank all the renovators and expert interviewees who were part of this project for sharing their thoughts and ideas.