Spiritual Perception Iona Summercamp and Travelweek

09th July – 23d July 2016

Skript from Dirk Kruse 1

© D. Kruse, [email protected], August 2016


Spiritual Perceptions at the

Iona Summercamp and –Travelweek

09th July – 23d July 2016

Dirk Kruse



Word before p. 6

1. A background of this Iona Summercamp – going on with northwestern Spiritual Traditions – so with the Summerschools of Daniel Dunlop p. 7

1.1. Eastern and western Spirituality

1.2. The appearing of

1.3. and Daniel Dunlop – Steiners meeting with a representatiive personality oft he Western Mysterys

1.4. The Western Mysterys and Skythianos

1.5. Daniel Dunlops Summerschools – a new Workstream

1.6. New mysterys of practisizing esoterical together

2. Iona-Summercamp – Continuation of Daniel Dunlops Summerschool-Workstyle p. 14

3. Attitudes of respect in our new meeting the Spiritual World p. 18

4. The consciousness-forms of spiritual perceiving: Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition p. 20

5. Focusing-Categorys - Differentiation between Etheric, Astralic and Spiritual p. 25

6. Methodical Steps we used in our Perceptionwork in Scotland p. 31

7. The Report to spiritual Perceptions in Scotland p. 33

7.1. Perceptions in Scotland Scotland, Iona, Elementarbeing-World of Iona, Staffa, Mull, Skye, Skye-Glennbrittle, Skye-Man of Storr,Isle of Lewis (Outter Hebrides), Callanish-Stonecircles on Lewis, Clava Cairns, Findhorn, Rosslyn Chaple, Edinborough

7.2. Comparising the Folkspirit-Impressions of Scotland and Norway

7.3. Groupwork of perceiving IONA: Overview over Perception-Results

8. Outlook on Perception-Work in contexts of transforming the attitudes of the Western Mysterys into the Future p. 47

8.1. Perceptionmeditations

8.2. The learning of the Communication with animals, plants, stones and sun, moon, planets and stars

8.3. The Confrontation and Communication with Spiritual Beings

8.4. The new Higher Perceiving through Community in the so called Saturnpath and the so called Inverted Cultus

8.5. The interacting with the Morning- and Eveningforces

8.6. The co-living and interacting with the Yearcircle and its Intitiationtimes – inclusive the deeper social relevant celebrating of the Yearcirclefestivals- and it’s initiatoric gift 4

8.7. Spiritual co-living with Landscapes and Inspirational Places

8.8. Lontime Spiritual Wareness on Inspirationalwalks

8.9. Spiritual Social Shaping

8.10. Confronting with Evil Beings an balancing them

8.11. Spiritual Practises in all Workingfields (Proffession-Esoterics

8.12. The Michaelculture waits for the newest metamorphosis of the Western Spirituality!

Addition I – Steinerwords to Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition p. 70

Adress p. 73


Words before

Rudolf Steiners often connected the Western- and the Northern Mysterys nearly as one stream – specially while talking about druid-initiations and –practises – a stream connected with a spiritual corepoint of I am based interaction with the spiritual worlds, it’s forces and beings. With the “Iona Summercamp” now, in Scotland from 09th to 23rd of July 2016 and the innerly connected „Summerweeks 2016“ in Norway from 30th to 14th of August 2016 the first time ever meditativ and supersensible perceptionmethods, based on Anthroposophy, were practised in a broad well arranged form in the north-western nature of Europe. In the „Iona-Summercamp“ in Scotland the Organisingteam with Renatus Derbidge and Jonathan Knight invited Dirk Kruse, Katherine Buchanan, Roland Playle and Johannes Sloendregt to lead workshops in spiritual perception, goetheanistic nature-observation and landart. On the travelweek with Renatus Derbidge and Dirk Kruse afterwards the corepoint was the perceiving search for understanding deeper the so-called Western Mysterys. In the Summerweeks in Norway afterwards - with the subersensible researchers Frank Burdich, Dirk Kruse, Manfred Schleyer, Dorian Schmidt and Christine Sutter - the corepoint have been methods of supersensible perception. Both events were very well received and next Summercamps and –weeks in Scotland and Norway will follow.

This report is given out of Dirk Kruses perspective of supersensible research to the corepoints of his context, mehodical steps and aspects and different experiences of this „Summercamp and Travelweek“ in the beautiful and touching surrounding of Scotland Norway and the many also touching individualitys that were striving very directed, collegial and giving through this days in Europes northwest..

„But if Anthroposophy should be something, what really leads into the supersensible world, than she cannot be theory, not abstraction. Then we cannot only talk from spiritual beings, but one must seek the next, the immediate opportunity, to be together with spiritual Beings.“ (Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical Communitybuilding“, „GA 257, Lecture from 27.02.1923)


1. A background of this Iona Summercamp – going on with northwestern Spiritual Traditions – so with the Summerschools of Daniel Dunlop

1.1. Eastern and western Spirituality

The spiritual traditions of the the northwest of Europe are a cradle of a still less known spirituality, that seems like polar to the popular eastern spirituality: In the east we can see in the foreground the picture the peaceful sitting Buddha and an attitude of an All-Oneness. But already in times before Buddha in the north-western mysterys lived a strong and very diverse spirituality which is engraved from the picture of the upright standing I am- and will-building with the attitude of a spiritual abbilitys of facing the differentiations of the spiritual world in forces and beings. We can see tracks of it in the standing stones, stonecircles, the cairns out of the megalithic time, the different druid mysterys of Scotland. But also in the suncrosses and storys of the celtic Christianity we meet the clairvoyance, natureconnected and I am directed way to the Christ-Sun – so in the works and words of Pelagius, Columba from Iona, Columban and Gallus. Also the beginning of the freemason- traditions of Rosslyn Chaple and Edinborough at the end of the 16th century, out of seeds laid by the R osecrucian Order is directed into a spiritual practise that works clear into the earthly world. An interesting fact of the celtic- or hybernia-scotish Christianity is, that it has been orientated –like the druid-mysterys – strongly to an individual path to God and Christ (interreligious: the expression of god as the creative way and logos and as a friend), as an understanding of Christ as a present renewing force and being in the nature and in the cosmos. Pelagius (circa 350 – 420) an irish bishop teached the individual way to Christ, supported specially from Churchfathers of the eastchurch. With a lot of politics Augustinus forced over years, what he reached at last: Pelagius was put out of the official roman-catholic church! This first big church-battle leaded directly to dogmaztisation and the Pope-rincipal in the early Catholic Church. Pelagius is not rehabilitated yet – even if catholic theologists wrote rehabilitation-books. The work to rehabilitate him has still to be done! Columba from Iona (7 December 521/ Ireland – 9 June 597 Iona/Scotland) found the first celtic- or hiberno-scotish monastery on Iona. He was a master in many cases, high clairvoyand and loved until today, specially in Scotland. His spirit was imprinting Iona until today.

Iona 7

St. Columba, also called Columcille is buried in todays Abbey on Iona.

His pupil Columban (540 Nobber/Ireland – 23 November, Bobbio/Italy) missionated the wild Europe with 12 man, among them Gallus (540 Ireland – or France – 16 October 640 Arbon/Switzerland), who builded the roots of the famous monastery St. Gallen in the north of Switzerland. Columban found monastrys and after him other hiberno-scotish man. This monastrys were the best of this time, with individual freedom (monchs could marry), brotherhood and strong relation to nature.

Left the celtic heroe Cuchulainn on the celtic silverbowl from Gundestrup, right a drawing of Columban from the „Vita Sancti Columbae“/Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen

The Eremitage of Columban near Luxeuil in northeast France is a strong peaceful holy place – with individualized spiritual forces reminding on Iona.

Eremitage „Chapelle Saint-Columban“, northwest of La Voivre, near the first european monastryplaces of Columban in Annegray and Luxeuil

The roman-catholic power-politics was vanishing the celtic-brotherhood-christianity until the 10th century. More see Dirk Kruse, The western Mysterys as Inspirer of new Ways in Anthroposophy (Die westlichen Mysterien als Anreger neuer Wege in der Anthroposophy), Bochum 2015 – only available in german: [email protected]. 8

1.2. The Charakter of the Western Spiritual Traditions

The character of the western spiritual traditions has strong unique corepoints.

The pupil the upright standing I am- and will-building with the attitude of a spiritual abbilitys of facing the differentiations of the spiritual world in forces and beings.

Rudolf Steiner pointed on that main difference between east in west: “Over there in the Orient It’s all non-personal … . Here in Europe everywhere is brought into the middle exactly this human I … . So here in Europe … one is urged to clearby clairvoyance all in relation to the I … .” (GA 121, 15.06.1910)

The great Initiate Skythianos is mentioned as a guide in the western- and northern mystery in different times. He had his territory all over the northwest “until into the Siberian areas” (GA 97, 29.07.1906) and a center at “White Sea” over West-Russia. Later he brought among others the differentiated path of the Hybernia Mysterys of Ireland.

In the north-western spiritual traditions the pupil learns to interact with nature, day- and yearcircle, places and landscapes, creatures and spiritual beings. He goes through harsh examinations in confronting with the spiritual mightynesses in nature, yeartimes and in war and fight with men. He learns to observe the speech of nature and to interact with naturespirits and even evil beings – specially for healing man and social developments.

The greek decribed already the highly devoted mystery of the north, that influenced the megalith and druidmystery of the northwest.Rudolf Steiner describes: “(For the men of the European north) the godsfigures which work directly at his soul … were directly seeable, it was something that they directly experienced.” (GA 173, 21.12.1916) In

Roman reports tell what Steiner decribed detailed in different lectures about the druidcultures of the northwest, how they where directly in relation with the spirits of their surrounding:

"Reading in the secrets of nature was a part (of the Druiden-) service. you saw... living spirit, secret relationship with Sun and moon, effectively in (nature). … The Druid service ordered the life by the way, as he did with the spirit of the natural. (It went to a) Spirit searching, to introduce the spirit in the life on Earth... ."(GA 227, initiatory knowledge, annex, Rudolf Steiner in «The », vol. 3 No. 6, 16.09.1923)."

And: "One had these Western peoples beyond arose on this position.... . They saw in a weaving and lives of real intellectual powers at a time when the one I-am still was not awakened. But they saw how the ego gradually woke up and how angelic beings and archangels beings intervened in the soul at the same time. […] What the other Folks of the East who overslept to see how the soul works up through the various forces that are given by the normal and abnormal angels and archangels beings, namely the peoples of Europe had to go through from below on starting; they had to be quite so this soul forces gradually developed. ..., so a self that wakes up on a such an early elementary level of soul life, above all has an interest that the Affairs of the Archangel will be brought in that I so to speak. …. Which is in the macrocosm is according in the people so outside the pulsation of blood, that's what goes through the blowing winds and weaving clouds as thunder and lightning. …"So he (the Western and Nordic man) has yet in centuries an understanding for the comprehension of the microcosm of the whole macrocosm out...." (GA 121, 14 06, 1910)


A lot of more concrete speaking examples for the spiritual schooling and practises from the early druidtime, Rudolf Steiner gave in GA 228, first lecture in Stuttgart, from 14. September 1923. So how the druid could see the actual spiritual advuces through the different shadow-colours, how he was dealing with Elemental Beings and how a druid had to transform the bad power of frostgiants into healingforms. Or he spoke from the concrete and very differentiated forms of the Hybernia-Initiations, where the pupils experiences frost and warmth, the nature-godness, self-conquest and overviewing the whole spiritual evolution (something that later leaded to the written “Edda”) – this we can find in Rudolf Steiners GA 232, Mysteriengestaltungen, Lecture from 9. December 1924.

In connection to the spiritual work of the Artusmysteries late in the first millennium after Christ Steiner spoke about the roots of a “new path” from nowadays, whicxh Bernhard Lievegoed later called the “Saturnpath”: The Artusknights brought themselves to a communityspirit of trust that opened up intuive perceptions of the Elemental Being realm, in which tey could rally see Christ in the earthaura. See the Steiner lectures from GA 243, 21./22. 08.1924 and GA 240, 21.08.1924.

Sure in the different cultures also appeared decadent forms – but the main corepoints of the spiritual education shows a clear handwriting to the times.

The appearing of Anthroposophy

One modern holistic very consequent and differentiated spiritual stream in this direction appeared in the 20th century: Before the First Worldwar the basics of Anthroposophy were appearing in Austria and Germany through the austrian spiritual goetheanist Rudolf Steiner (25 or 27 February 1861, Kraljevec/Hungary – 30 March 1925, Dornach/Switzerland): a differentiated spiritual science based on the freedom of man – a freedom which allows to expand the knowledge of man more and more in the development of mankind. It’s founder Rudolf Steiner opened up the mostly unconscious realitys of the lifeforces-world, the soul- or astralworld and the reality of the spiritual world of ideas and archetypical beings. Fine light was brought into the understanding of the bible, the Angel-Hierachys, the evolution, deeper understanding of history and arts. Details appeared from the steps of man after death, new forms of art like the , views on education and social development. Always central were the detailed meditative schooling advices, which Steiner gave personal to many asking people, in the so called Esoteric School and in his schoolingbooks “How to achieve knowledge of the higher worlds?” (Sometimes the Titel was translated from german into other languages only into “The Initiation” or “The Iniationpath”). It appeared as a spiritual pioneerbook for a new spirituality of modern times: Everybody can learn to become a spiritual researcher and to communicate with the spiritual world! As background it can awaken the consciousness fort he forgotten northwestern spiritual traditions, which lived strong in Scotland and Norway: There is existing a clear Western Path of Spirituality! Meditation becomes research on this european path – which is working on - open now - out of the tradition of the hidden working Rosecrucian Movement of the centurys before. A second detailed book about the finer empathic abbilty – so called “clairvoyance” - about the details of spiritual perception - of Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition – from Steiner followed: „The steps oft he higher Knowledge“.


1.3. Rudolf Steiner and Daniel Dunlop – Steiners meeting with a representatiive Personality of the Western Mysterys

Steiner met 1922 the anthroposophist who had been a leading figure oft he theosophic movement from England, Daniel Dunlop. Daniel Dunlop couldn’t speak German well, and Rudolf Steiner could not speak English well. When they met, they sat stood side by side and held their hands under the table. For fifteen minutes. Steiner saw in Daniel Dunlop a Brothers - andthat Daniel Dunlop is a great representative of Western Mysteries.

Daniel Dunlop had an interesting life. He has grown up alone, on a Scottish island. He was friend with Irish intellectuals, like yeats, and entered early the Theosophical Society. He lived two times in America, where he was building companies. Dunlop was active on the innovative economic level of the industry of electricity. Electricity was at that time what is “IT” today. He builded in this conteyt the first global meeting, the „World Power Conference“ – with high brotherhood ideals. People always later talked about Daniel Dunlop with the words: He is our friend. Even the economy leaders were saying this: He is our friend“, some said: „our father“.. Later, Some of them said: He is our father. Eleanor Merry and later have seen in Daniel Dunlop an old initiate from the American Indians, a medicine man.

DanielDunlop Rudolf Steiner Ita Wegman

1.4. The Western Mysterys and Skythianos

And as his biographer, Thomas Meyer, described him, he had to do with the TAO Mysteries. His life wasn’t developing in a spirit of, in sacred loneliness, like at with the Rosicrucians; nor in the spirituality linked to “walking together across fields”, like in the case of Master Jesus [the high spiritual master, not to be mistaken for Christ]; but he was connected with like the most enigmatic of all Masters, which was even secret to them which were linked to his these Mysteries, Skythianos. That Boddhisattva, beneath Zaratustra, Buddha and Manes, that had been the initiator oft he scythic- and then the celtic culture. The connective Master beneat all the spiritual masters of the world. His realm is this TAO-Mystery, to live with „the spirit as a worlds-breathing“, to work out of the surrounding, out of a connecting with the Macrocosmos.. In Steiners decribtions oft he mysterys oft he past he is describing how the 12 highest Masters, the 11

Boddhisattvas have initiated Christian Rosenkreuz in the middleage. The Rosicrucian stream flowed in the 20th century into the anthroposophical stream, as Rudolf Steiner related starting with 1907.

1.5. Daniel Dunlops Summerschools – a new Workstream

Rudolf Steiner went then – three years before he died - the first time directly in the areas of the Western Mysteries. In 1923 to Penmaenmawr/Walesand again in summer1924 to Torquay/Cornwal he went via Holland to England. Daniel Dunlop organized a conference, a „Summerschool“, with the principle to live together, like in holidy in a spiritual gifted nature- and culture surrounding . Steiner said repeatedly that this was the start of a new stream inside anthroposophy. A model about how conferences should be organized: in a spiritual and natural environment, which offers many possibilities; in opening, naturalness and freedom, with much free space. In 1924, in the same time of the year, there was another a new summer school organized by Dunlop, in Torquay in Cornwall, near at the Mystery place of King Arthur and his knights, which carried the michaelic Christ-Sunimpulses (following anthroposophic research the archangel St. Michael is the timespirit of today, inspiring the renewing of our time) in the time before and after Christs appearing on earth. Western impulses which – through Pelagius, Columban and Gallus – brought – in a non violent- , so non roman style , the message of the new Christsun-Wind in nature and mankind through the naturreligious people of wild Europe (at that time) in a touching and convincing way!

The meeting and the questions of Ita Wegman have brought a remarkable fullness and renewal force in Rudolf Steiner in 1923 in Penmaenmawr. He Rudolf Steiner has then talked repeatedly about the way druids worked, how they they brought the spirit on Earth from the look towards the mountains.

Druidcircle above Penmaenmawr / Wales

One must follow closely how shadows are cast in the valleys of the mountains. There the zodiac is mirroring itself and the druid saw evolutionary impulses in the spiritual zodiacrealm.

1.6. New Mysterys of practisizing esoterical together

And there in this village Ita Wegman asked Rudolf Steiner: Can we renew the Mysteries? Nobody thought about this. The Mysteries were at least two thousand years old – if in Greece, at the Black See, in Ireland: Hibernia, in North Scandinavia, and later a shadow from it hidden among the Rosicrucians 12

in from Germany and Central Europe. About these Mysteries he talked later-on – starting with the Christmas-Symposion, which idea he catched vis a vis the Western Mysterys in Penmaemawr - very much endlessly. And he talked especially about the Mysteries from Ephesus, about the Master- Disciple relationship between Aristotle and Alexander the Great. It’s wonderful the way he talked about Ephesus, how disciples were learning from the master, and the master from disciples. They stood outside with the plants, and the disciple asked the fine correct questions and the master could then give the new answers. And how they stood before the overwhelming statue of Artemis, and understood saw how the stars were mirroring themselves in the morning dew on the plants and so on. And this has led to the new way of exercising together. This showing onto a new way of practisizing and researching together in trust happened when he was the last time in England, in Torquay. He talked about the meditation on copper and metals – similar to the way it’s described in How to Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, to meditate on that the feeling of something – how copper leads us to the deceased, while crystals takes one in mediation to the zodiac, to the gods. He talked about a way through music, using the seventh, major and minor, which can lead in the spiritual world to Christ. And the source of the most of this inspiration (this can be followed) were the Mysteries of Druids and those of King Arthur. Rudolf Steiner let his enthusiasm run free when he was talking about these things. He was always much more enthusiastic than all others. He was so young!


2. Iona-Summercamp – Continuation of Dunlops Summerschool-Workstyle

Daniel Dunlop (28 December 1868, Kilmarnoc , Scotland — 30 May 1935, London) was a profound scotish esoteric person. He always pointed on a new groupspiritwork among man, that the spirit can live in the community; that it’s important to regard the other, to be his friend, and then than to talk to one another. Steiner saw him as an initiated representant oft he western mystery that has been in all old mysterys. Thomas Meyer wrote the very interesting bioagraphie about him (Thomas Meyer, „Daniel Dunlop“) that is available in german and english.

Dunlop organized summerschools at special places already in his theosophical time. He never was satisfied with the theosophical work, specially after the split between Rudolf Steiner and Anni Besant, when Besant spreaded out Christ has been born again in Krishnamurti, which was unacceptable for Steiner (even if the split came then from Besant). When Dunlop met Steiner in 1922 he could feel that – like he said - he found what he searched for all his life. A real initiated person in modern times! He was extermly glad and convinced that he met such real initiated man, that lived the initiation – and was so lovefilled, clear and human. So Dunlop proposed to organize Summerschools with Steiner. It happened then in the anthroposophical community with Steiners corepoint sof the spiritual path (1924, Torquay – the last course about this issue from Steiner) and the steps of Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition (1923 Penmaemawr) .

Also after Rudolf Steiners death in 1925 have been organized Summerschools from him. With Rudolf Steiner he wanted to organize big conferences about Spiritual Science worldwide in capitalcitys, starting in London. Steiner looked foward to this global spreading of Anthroposophy. It happened only one time, in 1928, after Steiners death – in London, organized by Dunlop.

In 1925 was also planned a 8-weeks trip to North-America. With Dunlop, who had been there and had good contacs to spiritual people and economists there? What would have Steiner been brought from there? Perspectives of a brotherhood-economy? Insights to mysterys of north-american Indians? Impulses for a geographical medicin? We dont know, but we can try to continue the work of Steiner and Dunlop as good as we can. Steiner pointed on the great possibillitys to continuing started impulses of persons (long) after their death:

„Unbelieveable much would be won, if this selflessness would grow … that later living man would associate themselves to deceased persons and would try to hold upright in real consciously way the continuity in evolution. If it’s induced in a pure elective familiarity or through a carmical induced familiarity, - if we care consciously the support of them who try to send rays of their work out of the spiritual world, then it’s a tremendous meaningful thing.“ (Rudolf Steiner, GA 168, The Connection between Living and Deceased“, Lecture from 03.12.1916)

The Summereschools were/are inspirative events, where people and community can open much more to the actual spirit and receive new impulses and insights, like Rudolf Steiner did at his two Summerschools in 1923 and 1924. They are graced from a spiritual imprinted surrounding, with the possibillity of higher forms of communitybuilding, of foreboding or seeing the spiritual-historic imprintments and out of this to learn from it to see also better the futurecall of the spiritual world now.

Here an overview over Dunlops seven anthroposophical Summerschools:


- 1st Summerschool 1923 in Penmaenmawr/Wales near the famous famous Stonecircles and Druidplaces, with Rudolf Steiners course „Spiritual and physical Evolution of the World and Humanity – Past, Present and Future from the Viewpoint of Anthroposophy“ (see the lectures in GA 227,“Initiation-Knowledge“), with many details to spiritual pereception in Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition. Steiner found not only diverse insights to the Druidculture here but also grasped here – it seems at the stonecircles – the idea of renewing the mysterys with the Christmas-Symposion which happened four moth later in Dornach/Switzerland through him. His carmic friend Ita Wegman (22 February 1876, Java - 4 March 1943, Dornach-Arlesheim/Switzerland) had gave the initial question before: „Can we renew the mysterys?“;

- 2nd Summerschool 1924 in Torquay /Cornwall not far from Tintagel the place of castle of King Arthur and his 12 knights at the western shore of England, with Rudolf Steiners course „True and False Paths of Spiritual Investigation“ (see the lectures in GA 243,“The Initiation- Consciousness“). Steiner brought deep insights from the Tintagel-Visite, so about a new spiritual path of investigation through partners or a group, later called „The Saturnpath“ and about the spiritual-historic important meeting of the macrocosmic north-western Arthurstream with the more innerly south-eastern Parzival- or Grailsstream.

-3rd Summerschool 1927 in Gareloch/Scotland - with an excursion to Iona and Staffa. Iona, the place of celtic christianity of Columba (December 521 – 9 June 597) and tStaffa with the legendary initiation-cave of former Druid-Initiations. Lecturers have bben among others Ita Wegman, George Adams, Wilhelm Zeylmans van Emmichoven

- „Worldconference for Spiritual Science“ 1928 in London (no Summerschool); among the many Speakers: Ita Wegman, , Friedrich Rittelmeyer (who said: „Rudolf Steiner is a celebration!“), Karl König, Wilhelm Zeylmans van Emmichoven, Rudolf Gerlinger (who got here the idea of a big anthroposophic Youtmeeting – which happened then as the „Kamp de Staakenberg“- consciuosly as a contrapoint tot he growing „Hitler-Youth“ - in 1930 with 1000 participants – out in nature on the dunes at the netherlands Atlantic).

- 4th Summerschool 1932 in Glastonbury/Somerset, the place where legends say, Joseph from Arimathia brought to here the hoily grail with the blood of Christ and dropped part of Christs blood into the ground. Here shall have been the old mystery-area of „Avalon“. It’s said also that King Arthur and Queen Guinnevere are buried here. Here we find a lot of christian and pre-christian holy places.

- 5th Summerschool 1933 in Bangor/Wales - near Penmaenmawr and in nearness to celtic-christian Holy Deiniol (510 - ca. 584), son of a celtic tribechief, who founded a monastry and a church in Bangor at the sea.

- 6th Summerschool 1934 in Westonbirt/Gloucestershire. The landhouse of this conference stood just in opposite tot he finest treegarden of whole England, excursions leaded to Bath and the Cheddar- Caves and Malmesbury, where under the Abbey is buried the Saxonyking Ethelsthan. Lecturers have been Elisabeth Vreede, , George Adams, Wilhelm Zeylmans van Emmichoven

- 7th Summerschool in Harrogate/Yorkshire, planned by Dunlops, who died after a strong pneumonia on 30th May 1935, organised by his friends. This has been not far from the famous Whitby Abbey of celtic-christian Holy Hilda from Whitby (614 – 680). This seems has been the last summerschool.


Here two Photos of Participants from Summer-Scools: in Penmaenmawr 1923 and Westonbirt 1934:

Penmaenmawr Summer-School 1924; in the middle ith black hat: R. Steiner, second on his right side: D. Dunlop, right from Dunlop: I. Wegman, left from R. Steiner: G. Adams

Westonbirt Summer-School 1934; first row from left to right: Nora Stein, W. J. Stein, C. v. Heydebrand, K. Schubert D. Dunlop, E. Vreede, M. Wheeler E. Kolisko P. de Haan, G. Adams, R. Hauschka 16

The idea giving organisators of the 2016th Iona-Summercamp now, Jonathan Knight, Renatus Derbidge and Dirk Kruse, understood this Summercamp with Travelweek as a continuation of Dunlops Summerschool Impulse, „the new stream in Anthroposophy“. This has been content of the organisation team meeting on the evening of Friday the 8th of July 2016, where the meditation of Daniel Dunlops morningprayer wassounding. This prayer-meditation was also closing the summerweek on Friday 15th of July 2016:

Father, for me a new day is beginning.

Thou hast sent it and Thou canst make me strong for it’s duties.

I pray that Thou wilt suffer no petty cares or great perplexities

to draw me from my true rest in Thee.

In my sorrow, be Thou Understanding.

In my pain, be Thou Patience.

In my joys, be Thou Joy.

Amid the rude shocks of life,

keep me undisturbed and quit in Thee.

Thou Who hast made me an immortal soul,

give me courage of one who is immortal.

Help me to bless by word, or look, or deed,

all whom I shall meet this day,

and to give to them of that same love Thou givest me.

Thou Who art the Heart of Love, bless me with love.

Thou Who art the Great Servant, teach me to serve.

Thou Who didst create me, keep me by that same Power,

strong, selfgiving, sane.

Daniel Dunlop


3. Attitudes of Respect in our new Meeting the Spiritual World

On Iona the respect towards the spiritual world comes mostly naturally, because everybody has only to feel with fine awareness and can recognize a all-surrounding grace on this holy island.

This issue can be seen with an important question in a pioneersituation of mankind, where we meet new with the whole deep spiritual world in perception: Do we have the right attitude, the right responsibility, the right respect? There are normally 12 ways of truth, so the following answer to this question shall be one perspective. To speak in a picture: If the spiritual world would be a house with a family, how we enter in this house? We jump into the house, run straight tot he housealtar and decribe it, or we run straight tot he man, make an chirugic grasp into his liver fort o heal it? A danger of supersensible abbilitys, specially if found with specialised intention (healing, landscapehealing, quaitymanagement etc.) can be to be imediatly overgrabbing and to quick judging and categorising. How different can it be with a groundes base in a deep world-wise livelong spiritual path. In old times spiritualitys has been combined with religion, so devotion was a normal „ensouling oft he perception“, the modest, loving and venerating „you-relation“ to god or a good spiritual being was a clear base. In our pioneer-situation we should be highly aware of our style, in which we enter the spiritual worlds. So we can learn to „ensoul our perception“ always in mirroring the innerness of what we look at, and to „transform“ us in deep respect into that what we see. One word of Steiner to a fitting mood:

„ … a mood of the laying in the fold of spiritual beings, that is, what we need for the real experiencing of the spiritual worlds. And we will not observe nothing, nothing reading or hearing in the higher worlds, if we not can somekind of hold this soulmood towards – and than wait, what the beings of the higher worlds have to tell to us, because we have brought towards them this soulmood.“ (GA 156, 05.10.1914)

And one word from him for a fitting attitude including an independend backbone can be felt as a typical attitude oft he northern mysterys:

„In the elementary world it is necessary, that one wih the whole inner life of ones soul modulate into a happening, a being so far, that we transform us with our soullife into this being, into this happening itself. ... There we must hold us upright and hold our ground with oneselfes Soulife ... with innerly closed soullife, with spiritpeaceful soullife we have to submergence in the beings ... (... the transformingabbility) is existing in this, that the Lotusflowers their leaves unfold in movement away from the person and covering the spiritual world, and nestle up against it . ... What one builds up as a enforced I-feeling, is inner stability, which we could name an elementaric backbone.“ (GA 147, 26.08.13)

The most precious and needed – sure – is the deepest knowledgeforce, specially for the highest perceptionform of „Intuion“ is our love:

„Spiritual Intuition is only possible through the practise ... of that what we can develope out of the Loveabbilitys that have developed at the nature.“ (GA 227 20.08.1923)

If we really can cultivate love in the percepting and so in the relation to the surrounding world, we will stay in Michael can unite with Christ: „Who is staying to Michael, is cultivating love in the relation to the outside world, and is finding so the relation to the inside world of his soul, which unites him with Christ.“ (GA 26, The worldthoughs in Michaels acting and in the acting of Ahriman)

It’s interesting how Steiner – at the end of his life in August 1924 in London, in the area of that 18

Western Mysterys - described the spiritual path to a modern initiation in concrete desribtions, with a center in the abbility to work on friendship, on friendship specially with the Elementarybeings:

„The intiated of today knows to say how - throughwards a sensing consciousness-process - out of evrey stone are released spiritual-beings, how out of plants are released other spiritual beings. They step up to us if we dont stop at the outwardly senses seeing. Andif we, every time when we walk into nature … then make us known and befriend us with this Elementarybeing, then we see soon, specially behind the Elementarybeing of the mineral world, higher being, which lead us upwards at last to the first hierachy, until to the Seraphim, Cherubim and Throne. And if consquently are practised the practises which i wrote in the book „How to achieve knowledge oft he higher worlds?“ ( specially the supersensible observation-practises in the chapter „The Initiation“ which were nearly forgotten in the 20th century also among anthroposophers – comment D. Kruse) … , if we are making this practises consequent, with big inner energy, sarificing-will and devotion, then it’s … so that one … can grap that there … are this Elementarybeings. … But if we know how to relate with then you can say it is widening the horizon, and this ... is carrying-in into a background, which is coming until to the first Hierachy, until to the Seraphim, Cherubim and Throne. And if we sharpen our consciousness with that what mankind had learned through naturescience … then we can step really into this world of Elementarybeings and out from there into a higher world with helping of this shown practise. And if we earn in this way at nature, at a lovefilled contemplating into the nature, that is not ill-made from … todays … autoritave knowledge, then we are stepping step by step again upwards into the initiation- knowledge which had been lost by mankind.Who at last today comes to this, that to him out of the trees is stepping towards him the Treespirit ... he than also can step up to the man and see coming out of the man in the presence his creations in earlier lifes on earth with the evolution of Karma.“ (GA 240, 24.08.24 )

What helpful places are Scotland and Norway for this this „consequent, energetic, sarcrificing-willed and devoted“ steadyness, for this love to nature and friendship-building to Elementarybeings - with our clearing scientific differentiationabbilitys! What a help to have such Summercamps and Summerweeks, like in 2016, where through the diversity of fitting methods the steps through our own door into an experiencing of spiritual realitys became possible! The experience of our abbilitys but should encourage us to make steps to this, what Rudolf Steiner called the need „to build your own cabin“ ( „Hütte bauen“). The needed big step of everyone on the spiritual path of anthroposophy, „the building of a cabin“ means not only to see something, but to grasp one thing in many perspectives, so with imagination and inspiration and intuition, so that one thing in the spiritual world has been seen from all sides in all clearest light. Then is founded a measure, which is so clear that we can use it in all other fields in the spiritual world too. Steiners words to this measure-building:

„ One has … to search (in the spiritual space) a place, which we research first totally exact and own it spiritually for ourself. In this place we have to foundate a spiritual home and then to bring all other things into a relation to this home. … But we have to build this spiritual home with full consciousness by ourself. Going out from it we are judgeing so in full lightened freedom – This building of a spiritual home is nemed in the speech of the spiritual science «building a cabin».“ (GA 10, „How to achieve knowledge of the higher Worlds?“, Chapter „Changings in the Dreamlife of the Spiritual Pupil“)

The spiritual path, the main practises of meditative perceiving, the building of a spiritual home – all this has a very hepful base in Norway. May more work in this direction enfold here. 19

4. The Consciousness-Forms of Spiritual Perceiving: Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition

A base for the higher perceptionforms and perception in Anthroposophy in general is a phenomenological goetheanistic perception in which the observer is taking-part at the appearance, happenings and metamorphosises of the objects and comes until the revelation of the idea, typus or being of this object. In the anthroposophical knowledge-building such perceiving ist directed meditatively also on perceiving-objects in the etheric-, astral-/soul- and spiritual reality as such.

Rudolf Steiner said it simple like this:

“… Meditation can be developed ... as an inner Researchmethod. You can convince yourself ... out of my book „How to achieve knowledge of the higher world“, that the methods, ... are not easier and less longgoing, as the methods, you have to learn, to become Astronomer or a Chemistrist.“ (GA 303, 26.12.1921)

While the materialistic research is depending mostly on technical measuring instruments, here, in the spiritual research we instrumentalise inwardly abbilitys of am.

Like a psychologist can train his empathic abbilitys for his profession a spiritual researcher can train the receiving sense of his soulforces so that he can recognize, perceive and describe exact the finest lifeforces, soulforces and spiritual forces. It could be called a „quality sensoric“ for this realitys of vitalityqualitys, soulqualitys and spirit-qualitys.

In spiritual research we use all senses and the soulforces in a synergy, always alike to the object- soulforces we perceive. The imaginative, inspirative and intuitive perceptions can slip quick throughwards the soul. It needs high strengthened soulforces. We empty the thinking, feeling and willing from their normal use and refine them to a huge membranic sensibility and receiveabbility. With this the perceptions have to be grasped everytime new with the „quick grab“. Steiner to this: „ The spiritual researcher but has to make (everytime) again the same steps, which once have leaded him to the experience. Than the happening must again come up just like the first experience. .... We need ... presence of mind ... . … Because without this presence of mind we would not have time to grasp the experience, one would reach so late at the experience, that it would be over. The amazing quickness, this quick considerateness, it must appear in that moment … .“ (GA 211, 14.04.1922)

And than we have to increase the catched subtile soul-impressions so that their realitys are „drilling themselves into the soul“ (Steiner, GA 10, Chapter: „The steps of the initiation“).

Steiner often said that the training of Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition is already given in the main practices in “How to achieve …” but he gave a concrete deepening to the three higher consciousnessforms in the addition “The Steps of the higher Knowledge”, GA 12.

The Imagination is specially recognizing the etheric mostly somekind as a cloud of a light (and not heavy) fine forcesplay coming in a bit expansive vitality from in front of the observers: „... the observer of the higher worlds ... will connect the more nontransparent figures with lower, the shining-through ones with beings in the middel; the in themself up-glaring images for him will be demonstrations of higher beings. ... there are findable in this world .... Light- and Colour-Perceptions, ... impressions from warmth ad coldness, from taste and smell, ... (there is also an) understanding of the imaginative, which we can term ... as „hearing“. (There are revealing themselves) ... harmonys and disharmonisings, which unveil the feelings, images and thoughts of soul- and spiritual beings. 20

...... we feel ourself in movement ... as if we are following every lineswing, every creation ourself in permanent movement. with our I. Yes, we feel our I as the drawer and in the same moment as the material, with which is made the drawing.“ (Rudolf Steiner, GA 12, Chapter: Inspiration and Intuition )

The Inspiration is specially recognizing the astralic or soulalike, not like a refreshing ethercloud but nonfresh as an feelable intim soulquality – mostly like a radiation into the observer and the flowing-in into the observed soularea, sometimes like a hearing also. Often we can already here feel a homelike feeling of somekind of an intim “being”: „ ... Inspiration (is) , ...when the spiritual world is streaming into us from outside.“ (Rudolf Steiner, GA 227 20.08.1923) “In this world of the Inspiration we can become homelike.“ (GA 227 20.08.1923)

The Intuition then let us recognize the pure spiritual. B ut this is very different to imagination of the etheric or inspiration of the astralic; it’s beyond vitality and beyond feeling. We recognize it often as a mightiness of huge presence and intenionallity – but we are staying into it like into a cosmic space. Its “like staying in god”, Steiner said: “(The Intuiton is a state) where he stays inside of those beings. And because this can happen only in a spiritual-divine world, so it is quite justified to say that Intuition means „to stay in the God“. (GA 114, 15.09.1909)

One helpful decribtion of the character of what we see (better: touch) in the suopersensible world through Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition is this: „The Imagination leads him (the Spiritual Pupil) to that … to see in them (the perceptions) outflows from Soul-Spiritual: the Inspiration leads him further into the inside of the beings; .... in the Intuition he enters into the beings itself.“ (GA 13, „Occult Science“, Chapter: „The knowledge of the higher worlds“)

From experience it is a big help also to touch or catch our impression while oberserations with the focus on “how” the impressions come over to/into us. The Imagination is not entering us intense, but stays easy as an expansive cloud more “before us”. The Inspiration is intim soulintensity touching and entering our middle – and we enter the soulfeeling. The Intuition is a huge staying into a powerful room beyond easy or feely appearances.

Main chracterisations out of the whole work of Rudolf Steiner and with a few additions from own experiences are findable in this overview: 21


PROCESS IN THE The etheric body is The astralbody is released The I-body is released from its BEINGLAYERS released from its from its anchoring in the connections with astral-, ether- anchoring in the physical ether- and physical body and physicalbody and is made

body and made available to and made available for available to receive perceptions. be impressed by perceptions. With our We stand with our I-body in the perceptions. With our astralbody we lead higher self and its connections etherbody we lead ourselves ourselves to the with the spiritual realities. to the imagination. Inspiration.

ACTIVITY The will in thinking The will increases The will increases the increases the liveliness of the intensity of feeling to loving empathy for others to an thinking to the capacity to a more refined receiving awake conscious devotion until copy the image-impressions of the soul expression of the oneness with the essence of of the etheric-soul-spiritual the etheric-soul-spiritual the etheric-soul-spiritual reality. reality. realities.

CONNECTION TO Nerves-Senses-system, Rythmic-system, Feeling Metabolic-limb-system, Willing THE ORGANISM Head, Thinking, Sensesperception.

CONNECTION TO THE Fulfill itself first of all in Fulfill itself first of all in Fulfill itself first of all in will. SOUL FORCES thinking. feeling.

CONNECTION TO THE Centered in the Etherbody. Centered in the Centered in the I-body. LAYERS OF THE Astralbody. OBSERVER

CONNECTION TO THE It is opening especially the It is opening especially It is opening especially the WORLD SPHERES etheric field. the astral field. spiritual field.

THE SHARING OF THE The sight-sense brings pure The Hearing-sense brings The thinking-sense sinks in the SENSES - At THE picture-imaginations us the feeling of being field of intuition, GOING OUT INTO THE through sinking in the permeated with OVERPHYSICAL spiritual world, inspirations. though the I-sense the intuitions PERCEPTION the taste-sense brings are tinged with essentiality. (formulations according imaginations tinged with to Rudolf Steiner) materiality, the warmth-sense brings imaginations that work soul-like.

CHARACTER OF THE Moveable or moving Character-like true Spiritual Being-like presence PERCEIVED forceful true pictures soullike Beyond material, vital-life and Beyond the material and emotional-soul-like

Beyond the material physic vital life Consciousness -like, dignity- Soul-like charakter character Vital character



ACCESS THROUGH Through experiencing the Through experiencing the Through experiencing the THE ‘‘SOUL „outside“ feelings, more „middle“ feelings, more „higher“ feelings, that have a OBSERVATION‘‘ physic-vital felt (‚feeling of feelings itself tendency to pure consciousness. force) is leading to an („Character-feeling) („ Holly dignity feeling“) imagination

SPACE -CHARACTER Two-dimensional flowing Like radiating beam or Like in a sacral spirit-hole OF THE PROCESS to and immersing in own beams into us situated etheric- and mental picture - space

TIME- CHARACTER Still connected with the Time seems stopped – Increased Now-Presence-like OF THE PROCESS time – flowing character hearing character inside Eternal in Now – like future inside creating character inside

FEELING Happiness, vitalizing, Pain-character, Touching Catching-seriousness-sacrality, CHARACTER at the movement, imagination reverence Process works healing especially on the blood-circulation,

DIFFERENTIATIONS 1. Imagination I: 4. Inspiration I: 7 . Intuition I: THROUGH THE awake dream-life – sight of the being, images Becoming-one-, betaken into the forcepictures (Angel sphere speak out themselves, nothing, with being enwrapped in ANGEL HIERARCHIES – Moon) „soul seeing“, concrete comprehensive spiritual-truth AND 2. Imagination II: descriptiveness (Exusiai- force (Throne sphere – Saturn) Vision of the Being / sphere-Sun), 8. Intution II: PLANETS SPHERES visions of the power of 5. Inspiration II: whole being relationships are beings in forceful-pictures Dynamic-, character-, experienced; in being coming up, THAT ARE TOUCHED (Archangel sphere – force-, transformation-, in eternal spiritual-beauty Mercury) aim of the Being speak coherence (Cherubim sphere – 3.Imagination III: out themselves (Dynamis frontside of the Zodiac) Knowledge that we stay in sphere –Mars), 9. Int uition III: front of the Being – Power 6. Inspiration III: Out of the Being looking back on of the Being-Presence – Tasks of the beings and me and creating myself anew, experience of the presence their Intentionimprints spirit-creation goodness (Archai sphere – Venus) speak out themselves, (Seraphim sphere – backside of Dignity experience the Zodiac) (Kyriotetes sphere- Jupiter)

NATURE- AND At sea, water, in foggy At and on the mountain, Easier in the Holy Christmas- LANDSCAPE ambiance – special special facilitation of the Nights FACILITATIONS facilitation for the capacity capacity of inspiration. FOR THE of imagination. OBSERVATION CAPACITIES


One typical effect of such observation is, that we cannot describe the perceived easiely – we have to find words in that observing:

„Terms must become transformed, enlarged, emerged with others, if we want to describe the oversensible world right..“ (GA 16, Seventh Meditation)

„In the spiritual science it will be more important HOW we say something then WHAT we say. This will be international, this can live in any language. We have to come into the habit to listen onto that how we say something; through this we step into relation with the citizens of the Devachan (Spiritual World).“ (GA 140, 21.01.1913)

For bringing all this clear experiences in a logical or academical speech we have to translate them into logical terms and schemata.


5. Focusing-Categorys - Differentiation between Etheric, Astralic and Spiritual

In the Soulobservation and the imaginative, inspirative and intuitive focusing then we can touch step by step through questions for to differentiate etheric- and astralic qualitys - like shown in the following plans:

Overview: Focusing- Differentiation of the Etherforms :

Ether- Imagination- Expression Draw differentiations in every Expression family

Life- Heavyness-Lightweight-Alike Etheric Substance- Alike


Wholeness- or Whole-Picture-Alike


Sound- Plasticity-Alike Etheric (also called Moving-Alike Chemical Ether) Transformation-Alike

Smell- and Taste-Alike



Light- Brightness- Darkness-Alike Etheric Light-Alike


Glittering-Sparkling- and Lightning-Alike

Warmth- Warmth-Alike Etheric Intensity-Alike



Moralic Brotherhood- and Christ-alike Ether


Overview: Differentiation of Astrality

Astral- Soulregion Soulsubstance und Soulforces Appearing Family (GA 9, The (GA 9, „The Soulworld“) Soulworld)

Vital- Region of Attractive (sympathic) or forbidding (antipathisc) Sensual drive, Soulalike Passion- Soulforces, selfish-greedalike, a „material“ soulsubstance muffled weaving in the inside warmth

Region of the Sympathic- and Antipathie-Soulforces hold themselves a Muffled weaving in the inside, flowing balance , beginning of the moving towards irritability building-flowing Soulmaterial another

Character- Region of the Sympathic-Soulforces have the ruling over the Antipathic, Still muffled weaving in the inside but Soulalike Wishes it’s outspreading Soul-Wish-Substance, increasing eachothers overstreaming addiction to the surrounding is increasing

Region of Lust The Sympathy is weaving inside the soulbuildings itself, Becoming moveabillitys and Non-Lust soulbuildings like feelings, soul pleasures are pulling, insideexistences, touching, being in warmthalike interffusing Soulsubstance interchanchings

Region of the Soulareas without counterparting Antipathy, Soulbuildings Giving insideexistence, free irridiation Soullight that „soaking“, or „let themselves irridiate“ from other and overflowing, awakening, existence, Soulbeings open up, Soulbeings create aout of performance and revelation is higher regions beginning

Dignity- Region of the Bringing to all in the soulsurrounding an reliving- Giving insideexistence, still free Soulalike doing enforcing awakening irridiation and overflowing, reliving, Soulpower refreshing Soulsubstance, much awakening

Region of the An awakening which brings other selfbeing to the highest Giving insideexistence, highest free Soullife revelation irridiation and overflowing, high reliving Soulsubstance, high awakening

Three real basical astrality-, soul- and consciousness-typs, which are reachable inspiratively, are characterisesable like this (see also the last advices):

- the higher Soultyp – Spiritualnear Revealing

- the middle Soultyp - Resonant and Connecting

- the lower Soultyp – Ethernear Transporting

Following Rudolf Steiner the soulalike is transporting in the physical area with the help of the Nitrate:

„The astralic is everywhere, and the Nitrate, the transporter of the astralic, ... He really becomes a transporter of a mysterious sensibility, which is overflowed over all the earthlife. ... So it is also, when you meditate. You grow step by step into the experiencing of the Nitrate all around you. ... Suddenly one does know suddenly alot than. It appears. ... And in the same way as our astralic body is structuring between our I am and the Etherbody, so effects the Nitrate as the astralic inbetween.“ (GA 327, Agriculture Course, 11.06.1924) 26

Another differentiation special for the astralplan are the qualitys of the seven planets. The Planettypes are nearer to the soulworld as the Zodiac, which is tending to the spiritual world. Here a schematical describtion of inspirational ecperiences on the base of the Planettypes:

Cosmic Sphere Soul-Character Mostly the spiritbeing-alike Originbackground:

Zodiac Strict-determinated-lawalike Seraphim/Spirits of Love Mightynessubstance, Crystal- and Stonealike, Consonantalike, Cherubim/Spirits of Harmony not feelingalike but consciousnessalike, monumentalike-personal- overpersonal, like Gods

Saturn Anchestral-warmthlike- Throne/Spirits of Will spiritualistic-living Memorysubstance, Leadalike, U- Interjectionalike, like Beech- and Firtreealike, Magistratealike

Jupiter Clear-bigspacy-logic Kyriotetes/Spirits of Wisdom and Wisdomsubstance, Tinalike, Directors of the Lifeforces O-Interjectionalike, Acer-and Chestnutalike, Knightalike

Mars Speechalike-aggressive-willalike Dynameis/Spirits of Movement Doingsubstance, Ironalike, I (E)- Interjectionalike, Oakalike, Warrioralike

Sun Holisticorientated-balancing- Exusiai/Spirits of Form heartlightwarm Experiencesubstance, Goldalike, Ow(Au)-Interjectionalike, Ashalike, Queenalike

Venus Devoted-flowing-listening Archai/Spirits of Time and Spirts of Lovesubstance, Copperlike, Personality A-interjectionlike, Birchlike, Caring-Mystiklike

Mercury Playful-combining-moving Archangeloi/Archangel Relationschipscreation substance, (Archangels and higher beings have Quicksilverlike, as their lowest body the astralbody) I-interjection, Elmlike, Messengerlike

Moon Oppening-mysterious-mirroring- Angeloi/Angel pictorial-soft Childforcesubstance, (only Hierachybeing with lowest Silverlike, Ei-interjection, Childlike. body of an etherbody)


Overview - Differentiation in the Spiritual World

Upper Spiritworld (Upper Devachan) - Intentionworld- 1. Spiritgermpoints of the Physical

Thoughtsubstancebeing – they are 2. Spiritgermpoints of the Life more real, personal and individual than Man 3. Spiritgermpoints of the Soulalike

- spiritual-formless, not ------incoorporating Creationforces – 4. Spiritgermpoints and Spritarchetype-Images of the thoughts, the self and the creative Lower Spiritworld Newcreations of Man (Lower Devachan) - Archetype-Imageworld – ------

Thoughtsubstancebeing – they are 5. Spritarchetype-Images of the Soulalike more real, personal and individual than Man 6. Spritarchetype-Images of the Life

- spiritual-creating incoorporating - 7. Spiritarchetype -Images of the Physical

The spiritual archetypical- and intentional mightiness-impressions are cosmic impressions of a fulfilled creation and doing of this archetyp – so we can recognize here a huge consciousness and that means a being! This are hirachybeings. In their outspreading can appear soulforces and etheric forces. They are configurated from lower beings which have only a soul and an etherbody: the Elementarybeing. Higher directing Elementarybeing are called from Rudolf Steiner (in GA 136) “Spirits of the Circulationtimes. Somekind of non-hierachic beings are also the Groupsouls of the animals, plants and stones (see the following schema).

As an important differentiation in a refined meditative perception, we experience the presence of an Elementarybeing as a counterpart on our level – maybe „like a higly wise little child“. Here it is on one hand as if forceclouds expand from it up to us (etheric level and imaginative perception) but also or rays of soulforces can drill into us and we slip through them over into the soulbeing there (astral level and inspirative perception).

An hiearchic Angelbeing is always „higher“ than we, in the sense of space and also in a moralic sense. We can feel like going (in Inspiration) into the soul or astralbody of a higher being or staying spiritually congruent in a higher being (“being-it”) , like said like in a powerful cathedral which is „thinking through us“ (Intuition). High beings also radiate from the wideness (behind the horizon), the heights or the inner depth – and we can recognize this clearly with a circumcircle-consciousness. Recognize: „We come (through) … Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition really out of a earthly seing of the world - to a cosmic seeing of the world. … You feel how you … go out through your eyes into the space, and more and more you come to this, that you look onto the cosmos from outside. … You see … also from outside onto the stars. … one feels … as if you have the space yourself inside you.” (GA 213, 22.07.1922) 28

Overview: Spiritual Beings

Level of Being Name Term- Sphere - as far as Main work Separations description

Divine Creator Trinity creates Trinity FATHER "God is Love" Beyond the itself all the Hierarchy angels (Interreligious: Zodiac kingdoms of are bodyparts of 3 main Aspects beings as the divine trinity of SON Logos, Word, envelopes. -no seperations the the one „The Way“ God – the Absolute, which is not SPIRIT „Spirit of intellectuallyl Truth“ gradable)

1. Hierarchy SERAPHIM Spirit of Love Zodiac/ Fixed Communication Stars between planetary Spirits of the time- systems followings / Groupsouls of the “Together Minerals CHERUBIM Spirit of Zodiac/ Fixed attunement” of the Harmony Stars planetary systems movements

Moving of the THRONE Spirit of Will Saturn planets through space

2. Hierarchy KYRIOTETES Spirit of Jupiter Govern the Groupsouls of the Wisdom planets- Plants and consciousness Animals

The flowing of the DYNAMYS Spirit of Mars inner processes Moving and movings of the planets Forms-modeling EXUSIAI Spirit of Form Sun

3. Hierarchy ARCHAI Spirit of Venus Time-modeling Elementary-beings Personality kingdom: Gnoms, Undines, Sylphs, Salamanders ARCHANGELOI Erzengel Merkur Spirituality of Archangel peoples and groups

ANGELOI Angel Moon Soulguidance in individual men

4. Hierarchy MAN Anthropos Earth Mankind- development


Overview: Intuitive Differentiation of spiritual Beingactivity in the Spiritual Ecology - and in the Social Life:

The high „Mightyness-Background-Space“ of the 1st Hierachy, which is covering all earth-existance

Seraphim - an eternal space of loveintention, which can awake a sacrifice-consciousness Cherubim - an eternal space of harmonical wisdomintention, which can awake all-integrating-consciousness Throne - an eternal space of determinative creationintention, which can awake high creationconsciousness

The 2nd Hirachy more in the Horizontal in our Biosphere and Socialsphere around the Earthbody

Whole 2nd Hierachy - archetypical developement-directing flow in the Space-Depth-Radiation, Dynameis - archetypical light-movement-directing flow in the Space- Heights-Radiation, Kyriotetes and Exusiai - archetypical live-flow in the Space-Wideness-Radiation

The radiations become refined from the 3rd Hierachy

Archai - work with futuredirections and qualify the Intuion Archangeloi - work with homebuilding and qualify the Inspiration Angeloi - qualify the inner soul- and consciousness sculpturing and the Imagination(3)

In the Earth-Surrounding the Ring of the Holy Ghost – Sophia

Sophia – a cosmic light out of Imaginations, Inspirations and Intuitions , the Wisdom, Sacrifices and moral Ideals and Enthusiasm of man – flown after the death into the earthsurrounding

The Planetspirit (in Christ) like our Earth governing The Planetspirit- is feelable in the curce of the Zenit and on far horizons from Mountains on the Ocean on a very clear day.

The special government of the powers through the four Spacedirections through the four main Archangels

Uriel - a saturnic serious and upright conscienceforce in the north Michael - a sunalike vitalising futureways supporting force in the east (which gathers also the forces from the other three Archangels of South, West and North) Gabriel – a sensitive opening and playful moonalike force in the south Rafael - a ripe mercurial healingforce out of reworking our experiences in the west

Natura-Persephonea is middeling lovefilled all forces in the whole nature organism Natura-Persephonea - is middeling the Heavensforces for the soulactivating in the nature with vitalisating-conserving eternal originforces

The refined spiritual rays and substances become configurated also from higher Elementarybeing

Salamander - concentrated rays of enflaming ideas that deepen the responseabbility* Sylphs - playful weaving of lovelight and wordbreathing-substance that enlight empathy Undines - coherent but moveable peacebulbs – full of streaming healing wisdom Gnomes - sharp contoured spaces of eternal wisdom – full of awake high worldthoughts

* The Salamader also carry our human wisdom, which means true Imagination, Inspiration or Intuition, up to the higher Hierachys.


6. Methodical Steps we used in our Perceptionwork in Scotland

The methodical steps we used in our Perceptionwork in Scotland included Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition in a lightsoulprocess by following the methodical soulobservation-way of „How to achieve knowledge of the higher Worlds?“ (see D. Kruses Script: „To „How to acieve knowledge of the higher worlds?“ – written only in german).

We worked mostly step by step. Practising the first step, reflection; practising the second step, reflection etc.. Out of this sometimes – also on the trip – we were going to all steps and reflected at last.

Steps of a Spiritual Perception (respectful and calm going through the devotive perceiving):

1. Step: Silently coming fully here with all our being.

2. Step: Recognizing and feeling which respectful attitude (so veneration) is fitting to what we look at.

3. Step: Observing how the attitude (as example the veneration) is opening and connecting.

4. Step: Dignifying the physical expression (if there is one).

5. Step: IMAGINATION - perceiving and decribing the qualitys of etheric forces. ( picture, vitality, formings, consistance, sounding, lightyness, warming etc – see enlarged catogery-lists)

6. Step: INSPIRATION - perceiving and decribing the qualitys of astral forces and beings. (vital soulqualitys, charactertyp of soulqualitys, dignity of soulqualitys etc. – see enlarged catogery-lists)

7. Step: INTUITION - perceiving and decribing the qualitys oft he spiritual intention. ( what wisdom, intention, has this dignity, from where,?, how is it „to be it“ etc. – see enlarged catogery-lists)

8. Step: Recalling always what somebody said + recalling after ending the whole experience.


A simple list for observing can also be this one:

PERCEPTION MEDITATIVE IMAGINATION INSPIRATION INTUITION SPECIALITY SKETSCHES OBJECT: WORK Forceimpression Feeling into - Staying in it – - while Drawing – or Description of from in front feelingvitality, Being it! overviewing desribing what needed attitude of eyes - Substance, feelincharacter, Consciousness, the looking we would (often: Consistency, feelingdignity, Wisdom, back, draw veneration) Vitality, Dynamic, intentionality Intention? reverberation and result of it Formgesture, and wisdom of a of the practise in this Situation Movement, dignity Lightalike

Object 1

Description, Characterising

(+ impressing: where, how it is going: in space, in the body, timeexperience?)

Object 2

Description, Characterising

(+ impressing: where, how it is going: in space, in the body, timeexperience?)

Object 2

Description, Characterising

(+ impressing: where, how it is going: in space, in the body, timeexperience?)


7. Report to spiritual Perceptions in Scotland

"We must learn to overcome the abstract looking at nature ... the mankind (has to) develope, if it shall go on healthy, somekind of a personal relation to all single things, through which it is connected with nature.“ (Rudolf Steiner GA 190, 29.03.1919)

After the IONA-SUMMERCAMP and the Travelweek through Isle of Skye, the Outter Hebrids (Isle of Lewis) and North-Scotland from 9th to 23rd July, where we found deep insights into tracks of the Western Mysteries in Megalith-, Druids- and Iro-Scotish Christianity-times (see the report from Iona Summercamp), we entered into the NORTHERN SUMMERWEEK with the following Travelweek in Norway, from 29th of July – 14th of August.

In the more fairytale-alike naturespirituality of Norway and it’s background of the Norwegian- and the Northern Spirit we found tracks of the Viking-time and again from the Iro-Scotish Christianity in it’s influence on the Viking-Culture and the following norwegian history.

The summerschool of Iona and the mysterys-travel afterwards - from 9th to 23rd July -brought much more deep experiences and oberservations then awaited. We have to thank a lot the huge efforts of Renatus Derbidge and the touching presence of Jonathan and Ann Knight from our place Leob Croft on Mull! We give here for now a very short report. Everybody from the Summerschool still is asked for reports! Later more will follow here - also impressions from the scotish folkspirit. Always covered in intense nature- and groupexperiences, we experienced the following impressions.

7.1. Perceptions in Scotland

SCOTLAND in general is already feelable by seeing it out of the plane from above. All is more pentrated by clear etherforces, with clear and strong big spacebuilding in the elementary world.

Intense presence in scotish impressions while observing

IONA - on this old granit/island of Columba we stood like in an allsurrounding christic mildness, with more female caring soulmood, with the right portion of a male attitude. It was coming up to everyone from all directions with a soft wind of all ethers harmonised. The whole presence was full of angel- alike soulforces and an allknowing and allseeing, and a huge universe-spirit of healing goodness. All is still active and open for the future.


Perceptionwork on Iona

The ELEMENTARYBEING-WORLD ON IONA, specially the Gnomeworld, has typical big spaces in which is laying old wisdom good holded, like in other places of Scotland, but in a more fine, intense, awake, clear and christ-experienced. We observed one space in front of the few old trees 200m from the Abbey. After 16 Min perceiving suddenly the before more closed space opened and after some time we got the evident experience that it was awaiting from us to come back.

The observed treespace on Iona

ISLE OF MULL infront of Iona , with mostly younger stoneformations then Iona with it’s very old granite, seemed alot imprinted from the uncompareable soul of Iona. So the penetration-intensity that’s typical for Scotland was mixed with soft- and easyness.


Leob Croft on Mull

STAFFA - on the new basalt formations, exact formed but like from zodiacforces into crystaline forms, we were astonished, how cathedralalike are the proportions of Finegals Cave of initiations in the celtic times and how marianic- and christic spirit and -force is welcoming you in the impressive cumination of all strengthened four ethers.

Looking into the Finegals Cave on Staffa

ISLE OF SKYE - which 18 participants visited after the seminarprogram seemed everywhere engraved and intensly imprinted with intense forces and deepnesses. Over all and through all seemed to look a definite grim looking-through spirit, like from a huge, still active druidmaster. , in the mountains a harsh and challenging character


In Skyes Mountains

Near the coast at SKYE-GLENNBRITTLE thís character had a magical fairytale-alike atmosphere.

Skye-Glennbrittle near the coast

THE MAN OF STOOR stones on north of Skye seemed to be like imprinted with a druidic being which seemed to middle mightyness from above onto the earth.

Old Man of Stoor 36

We left to the far northwest with a strong impression, as if somebody looked deeply into the bottom of our soul!

We reached via far north-west the ISLE OF LEWIS, the north-island of the Outter Hebrides. H ere we had the impression that the whole landscape is staying like a fairytale in the airlike with lightweight . Elementarybeing easyness seemed the same strong over and under the earth. The fairyhills seemed filled with airy round nice beings.

Lewis-Landscape with the Callanish-Stonecircle

The CALLANISH STONECIRCLES there were amazing impressive, because the most stones were like beings. Not elementarybings, not angels, but man-alike beings which, even if the stones may stay there since the megalithtimes. And: They are still actively collecting the actual cosmos in the morning

The Callanish Stonecircle I on Lewis, Outter Hebrides - in the morning

- and work with it in exchanging the gathered spiritual force and wisdom – like in a profound conversation in the evening - for spreading it out in the night.


The Callanish-Stonecircle I – in the evening (it was Fullmoon)

The different circles nearby seemed to have different tasks.

The fourth Callanish Stonecircle was surrounded from huge peace and gave somekind of eternal goodness and comfort- it seemded very united with Natura/Persephonea and the Elementarybeing – in a Christ-connected way.

The peaceful 4th Callanish Stonecircle

The CLAVA CAIRNS near Inverness in NORTH-SCOTLAND are three special stoneformations on one place, which often are interpreted as stonehillgraves. In meditative perception they gave the impression of magical celebrationplaces of a time after the megalit-culture. In every cairn could sit about 12 or 24 persons in a circle.


It seemed in one cairn were happening mooncelebrations, in the one in the middle Sun-Celebrations and in the most impressive one Christmas- and Saturn-Celebrations.

Clava Cairn I – the „Moon-Cairn“

Clva-Cairn II, the typical inner space – here at the middle „Sun-Cairn“

Clava Cairn III – the „Christmas- or Saturn-Cairn“ 39

Always the Stoneformations seemed to be used like a collector of the cosmic surrounding, so that a deeper receiving by initiated man could happen – for to bring this inspirations into the earthly life.

To research here more - the same at the extraordinar Callanish/Circles - can sure give deep insights into the spirituality of the western mysterys.

The trip ended with interesting impressions in FINDHORN, not far from the Clava Cairns. Here were findable new of communitylife in public and phenomena like that of the old garden, where special elementarybeings seem to be brought in it through the first generation of the Findhorn Community. The beach nearbye is tremenous large and beautiful too.

Universal Hall / Findhorn

At the end of our trip some of us visited also the fascinating ROSSLYN CHAPLE near Edinborough which has been builded in the 15th century and had been often connected with the early beginnings of Freemasonary. In meditative pereception it gave a mixed impression: An intense noble-satin atmosphere which is known from Rosecrucian Places (like from houses in Stein am Rhein/North Switzerland as example) but also a fixing cultic amosphere seemingly from non-rosecrucian rituals of so-called freemasons (real noble freemasons should create and imprint a noble atmosphere).

Rosslyn Chaple 40

The details oft he carving in the chaple are extraordinary. Interesting how strong also here the nature- spiritual side i spart of all. Often is shown the „Green Man“ an Elementarybeing-King.

Roslyn Chaple - Details

The mix of old freemason nobility and fixing conservative forces we found also like laying over EDINBURG which has a nice position in the landscape and interesting streetlife.


A main result of all our experiences was the sure feelin that it is worth to come back and go on rsearching about futureseeds in the still present of the old western mysterys spirit up in the northwest of Europe


7. 2. Comparison the Folkspirit-Impressions of Scotland and Norway

If we compare the folkspirit-impressions of Scotland and Norway, with a corepoint on it’s expression in the elementarykingdoms in nature, we find among others this first impressions:

Scotish Folkspirit Main-Impressions Norwegian Folkspirit Main-Impressions

Penetrating and jupiter-alike main-impression Soft filligran covering of the upright – an venus-saturn of nature impression of nature

Clearing and wise imprintment-attitude Estethic-harmonical imprintment-attitude

Typical Typ: wise-experienced contemplative druid- Typical typ: wise woving fairytale-woman with man with clearing-direction viking-backbone

„Land of natureforceful clearing-through“ „Land of fairytal-alike hero-journey“

More mythical big More fairytale pitoresc

Strong coherence but in big-space manner Strong cohesion in more little spaces

Clear and strong light and darkness-impressions Light and darkness in mystical interplay

An order of different familyspaces of Flocks of little soulful christianised light-, sound- and Elementarybeing in places of nature, which earth-elementarybeing, which act balsamic in caring contemplate about important treasures of experiences fort he exchange of harmony-beauty between heaven with the godly course oft he earth and earth

The people lived in selfsecure familyclans with power The people lived without classes in lonely single and a center of their leaders farms and wide-spreaded in very little villages

The celtic christianity brought mildness into the strong The celtic or iro-scotish christianity brought mildness and wild pict-centers into the lonely but upright viking villages

Big spaceful and intense music (gaelic songs, scotish A flowing intervowing folksmusic (so with the folk, doodlesack) with clearer rythm and gnomic and Hardanger-Fiddle) with undinic and sylphic undinic intensitys is living here dreamyness is living here

The spiritual world is expressed through powerful and The spiritual world is coming near in interweaving clear expressions expressions

It seems the scotish folkspirit wants to teach the world It seems the norwegian folkspirit wants to teach the a spiritual directedness through clear and strong world a spiritual realating through upright but moods and signs interweaving nearness

On the following page two nature-photos as examples for the difference in basic nature-impressions – comparing Scotland with Norway:


Typical wet scotish Nature with penetrating oaktress

Typical dry norwegian nature with soft but upright plantworld


7.3. Groupwork of perceiving Iona : Overview over Perception-Results

On the first workshopday, Monday the 11. July 2016 the group started at the beach near the harbour with a silent round of “coming here and greeting Iona”. After describing and showing basics of supersensible meditative observation and steps of an observation there the group was “walking free but inspirational” to come deeper into the living-, soul- and spiritual impressions of the Isle of Iona. When all came to a flat, watery area near the middle westbeach we started the perceiving of the living and soulfull atmosphere of Iona that graspable for everybody surrounded us.

The observation-place near the middle-westbeach of Iona

The two hours process in steps, was leaded with short advices of focusing (from D. Kruse).

Part of workgroup while perceiving meditatively

Here an overview over steps and impressions of the group. Thanks to Rozanne and Margrith Bolliger for protocolls: 44

The perception task was formulated as:

“Meet to find Iona’s soul!”

Observe the atmosphere in steps of Imagination (Etherworld), Inspiration (Astralworld) and Intuition (Spiritual World). Put veneration into the perception, because it brings more deepness always. In the beginning it is helpful to compare the atmosphere here with other places.

Shared perceptions of the Etherworld (Imagination):

The atmosphere is everywhere. It’s filling me, it’s entering me, it’s opening me, it comes through my whole being. – but let’s me free. I am in it. In a complete surrounding in which I can come to intuition – very specific.

All ethers are there. It has strong light-ether and sound-ether in expanding.

The Lifeether is intense, expanding like healing balm The consistence is smooth, old, like smoke but alsp loke oil, like soft dusty light. It’s like fire as air – gold grey.

The Tone- or Chemical ether: One big sound like a tibetian Gong and lots of little sounds.It comes from the periphery and comes towards you. The sound is like fully celestial chimes – with gentle pushing rhythm. She teaches in rhythmic vitality – gentle, deep, in archetypical green movement. The movement-direction comes from above to below like gentle rain; it has a horicontal connectivety – like fine mist. The movement is slow veawing, fluid, gentle radiating, soft cloudy. It’s a chemistry of subtle transforming connected to the earth. It brings a mood of phosphoric freeing too.

The Lightether: Thelight and the lightether is very delicate, white, radiating – it clears me. It’s like pearl. It’s also like lilac-, golden, lilac green.

The Warmthether: A gentle, subile warmth, soft and warm, like the comforter (the Holy Spirit). It’s a spiritual huge warmth-impuls in it.

Shared perceptions of the Astralworld (Inspiration):

The vital part of the soulappearances: If you tune in you feel immediately the healing. It’s allaround and you can unite like a child with it and let it in. It brings love and reflection of it. It’s very strong penetrating your soul,it’s a having it in your soul,rising up in your soul so thast you can rise. It appears like a wonderful cloud in a clear sky. It creates strength if you reach to feel it deeper. It’s Christconnected.

The character-alike part of the soulappearances: It’s soft , innocent, kind, harmonius, accepting, embracing, all-healing, all-loving – making you staying upright. We can trust and let ourselves go. It has a strong will and wisdom to beat the dark forces and enemys. Its strong female with the right part of male with it. The beings aboce have a warmer quality experienced like the pureness of a child. The unifiying soul of Iona is like an archetypical mother. Eternal, angel-alike, like snowwhite, warm comforter-holy spirit 45

qualitys, protectingqualitys.

The dignity-alike part of the soulappearance: The dignity of the Ionasoul comes from wisdom and experience, knowledge and overview. It’s from a high realm, from Sophia – without judgement. It loves our failures, but is not just forgiving, it mirrors so we can see it – and healing it softly, gentle. It’s free with slightly correcting-impulse indicating healing direction. It’s self-transparence to recognize ourselves. A being soin itself, that it gives freedom to softly awaken. There is no fear here, only soft awakening, receiving consciousness, preparing for the guardian of the treshhold. The being is healing in Saturn, Jupiter and Sunqualitys. She can teach me everything I need to learn to advance spiritually, but not everything one wants to know. Christ is in it. It reminds on Maria Masgdalena. Is it Brigid? It’s connected to the Elemental Beings

Shared perceptions of the Spiritual World (Intuition):

Trying to be it in Intuition we come in an inverted state of unification with this soul of Iona. Now we are for a momentr in a different world then every thing that we know – very huge. It feels like a mighty large angel or eagle – a very huge angel wit a huge overview. It gives true endless support and acceptance. It’s an active wanting in a huge endless dimension. This universal hugeness is almost shocking. Here is a male spirit very present. White light is going up up upb, so high and at last golden. It’s wit enormous silence. A verse: Die and live again, die and rebirth in the Christforce. Everything so deep. Tremendous presence. Going home – its good now. So large, more then I was made for! This is All-Seeing and All-Understanding! At peace with everything, part of the whole, enveloped in the Christ. We are on a communal Meadow – on shared ground in eternal embrace and tranqulity of HIM. We remind ourselves: Now we see and saw every detail. We can see this things now with a clear consciousness.


8. Outlook on Perception-Work in contexts of transforming the attitudes of the Western Mysterys into the Future

The fundamental own character of the Western Spiritual Traditions is seeable in four main corepoints:

1. The spiritual practice serves a differentiated knowledge of and relation to the spiritual world with it’s forces and beings.

2. The spiritual practice leads into deeper sensing

3. The spiritual achievement let man stay in selfless awake conterplay with spiritual beings like Elemental Beings, different gods/Angelhierachys and the godly world

4. The spiritual path educates the I am an the will to world with the I am strongly in cowork with the spiritual beings into the earthly deeds

5. The spiritual path includes a higher form of community with other strong individualitys

Overviewing the transforming of the western traditions of the megalithic time, the druidtraditions, the iro-scotish traditions, the artusstream, the grailsstream, the heritage of the school of chartes, the heritage of the rosecrucian stream and the cleared modern spirituasl science of Anthroposophy, we can see new forms of

- Spiritual Perception

- The learning of the Communication with animals, plants, stones and sun, moon, planets and stars, based on the following:

- The Confrontation and Communication with Spiritual Beings

- The new Higher Perceiving through Community in the so called Saturnpath and the so called Inverted Cultus

- The interacting with the Morning- and Eveningforces

- The co-living and interacting with the Yearcircle and its Intitiationtimes – iclusive the deeper social relevant celebrating of the Yearcirclefestivals- and it’s initiatoric gifts

-Spiritual coliving with Inspirational Places

- Lontime Spiritual Wareness on Inspirationalwalks

- Spiritual Social Shaping

- Spiritual Practises in all Workingfields (Proffession-Esoterics)

So in short summarys we can overview now in the following the transforming western spirituality, how it can develop from our time on:


8.1. Perceptionmeditations

In the westernand nothern traditions, which are strongly connected, it was always in front of the spiritual schooling to see the spiritual areas in and throughwards the physical appearance. In the metamorphosis of this inner esoteric stream in Europe –through the School of Chartres, the Roscrucian Stream and in modern way through Anthroposophy it is still the inner direction of spiritual practices – but nowadays with the sharp differentiations of the consciousness that creasted also the materialistic naturescience. Rudolf Steiner discovered the goetheanistic science of observing so tender and exact in a way of taking part on every phenomen of the appearance, so that we “see the appearance shows the inner being” (Goethe). The appearances can be also lving/etheric once, soulfoce-appearances or intentional/spiritual appearances. Always – so Steiner – we come at last to spiritual beings, which have as an outflow the soulapearances and the living appearcances in which the soulforces imprint the spiritual archetypical “typus”. I general Steiner says:

“We have to learn … to feel the speech of what appears seeable to us … the morning is telling us something else then the evening, and the lunchtimen tells ius something else like the night; a dewpearl covered plantleave tells us something else then a dry plantleave.” (GA 190, 29.3.19).

This is a long learnig of taking carte for every little “speech” of apearances and there steps of changing and metamorphosis.

The higher spiritual consciousness steps than lead to recognize the different worlds of living, soul and spirit and its inner differentiations.

So we can differentiate the playing forms and gestures of the etheric – in lifeetherforms, tone- and chemicaletherforms. Lightetherforms and warmthetherforms. Here we learn to come in differentiating Imagination.

We learn different Inspiration too and can find the diversity of the astralworld and it lower selfish regions until its higher giving regions, than the scriptures of vital-feelings, charakeralike feeling and dignity-alike feelings and the in the scripture of the seven classical planetqualitys.

And we can unite with what we see in different focusses in such state of Intuition

8.2. The learning of the Communication with animals, plants, stones and sun, moon, planets and stars

Throughwards our anthroposophical based studys and meditative practices we can come to the imaginative-, inspirative- and intuitive connection to the forces and beings of the spiritual world. And in a new awake consciousform we mostly – after years of touching – can find normally firsr to perceive and to connect with Elemental Beings. And it’s important in our time to become friends with them – a christian quality of friendship (Christ: “I call you my friends!”). Steiner cleared that in a late speech in England, after his experiences with Elementarybeing in Torquay and Tintagels King Arthur Casle: „ (If we are initiated today, it is like this:) „… if we befriend us ... with ... Elementarybeings, than we soon also see behind this Elementarybeings, specially behind the Elementarybeings of the mineralic world, higher beings, ... than you can say it is widening the horizon, and this ... is carrying- in into a background, which is coming until to the first Hierachy, until to the Seraphim, Cherubim and Throne. … Who at last today comes to this, that to him out of the trees is stepping towards him the 48

Treespirit ... he than also can step up to the man and see coming out of the man in the presence his creations in earlier lifes on earth with the evolution of Carma.“ (GA240, 24.08.24 )

I we get used to that intimacy of being friends with Elementarybeing it’s an easy step to learn to communicate with animals, plants and stones. Sure, this will a longtime learning for mankind.

Paralell we have to honr the whole physical appearance, to learn to observe all phenomena, to feel the whole flight of a wild goose, to here all birds singing in an area, to feel exact the tempo of the riverflow etc. . Anoter step is to understand and train all 12 senses. Another to learn the goetheanistic reading of the typus in the appearances by building innerly again what is seeable. So in a brought connectivety with all we can stand in existence like gathering it in a “tent"

To our connection and communication with the animals:

First we have to understand the animalforms.

Between sky and earth are layers of insects, which create astralfields of connecting the elements, supported by specifiy elementarbeing which complement the insects (and themself) and bring – together with the birds – a field of specified astrality whic supports the refining oft he etheric in the nature, specially in the plantvegetations harmonising with the cosmos. So insects are important to harmonize the airastrality.

The birds are „gatherer of astrality“, specially for the trees. They have their disricts, a network of districts all over the landscapes. Here they build through their flying and singing preforms for all the plants, so that plants can grow fine up towards the cosmic imrintings into them.

They are specially connected with the Light- and Air-Elementarybeing (Sylphs) and the Light-Ether.

Both bring the astrality specially to the trees and partly to the bushes, but also for other plants inclusive the cultureplants.

The birds are singing out of a spiritual fountain. Listen only to the cosmic light-star-sounds of the huge space of a singing Blackbird or a nightinggale. The are building a whole organicology through day- and yearrhthms through this-

Like their feathers are a sign oft he connection between circumcircle and point, they are permanently moving the dialog between cosmos and earth.

So birds are also specific „messengers“ for man. The Owl more holy-ocult, the Crow more earthly- intelligent, the Raven more wise, the Bussard or the Eagle more with earthly and cosmic overview, the Pigeon more fairytale-alike, the Robin-Rebbreast more coheremt connective with the surrounding.

Also the birds flying mogrations between the north and the south is an important cosmic connecting- doing in spring and autum.

The mammals are more connected st he bushes. They and the bushes-zones are middlepoints in landscapes, bringing with their „shit“ fruitfulness, with their movings, their moods and voices astra- atmosphere for growing-qualitys in their plant-surrounding.

Specially the mammals can connect very near with man too. The pets are a culture-factor with a special healing potneial for man- and animalsouls. 49

The fishes bring astrality into the nearly daed water. They are mostly special connected with the sunlight which shines from above through the water. Fishes are very different organs in the „waterbodys“ on the earth, spiritually connected with the Undines and their dreaming-healing wisdom.

The higher fishes like Whales and Dolphins can connect specially also with man anfd have a „language“ which connects horizontal through the oceans.

If we grasp animals by soul-observing in an imaginative, inspirative and intuitive way we find huge differences in their astrality:

A cow has a moonlike huge space which is filled with an etheric-astralic that seems very holy, like a night-sky. This astraliy oft he cow is covering a bigger space then the space oft he physical body oft he cow. On a meadow a cow – st h’s healthy and has it’s horns – is like blessing a spot as big as a little house, bringing everything in there in a cosmical healty harmony, specially through a space-alike mix of tone-ether, life-ether and a covering astrality.

A chickens astrality has nearly the opposite character, it’s radiating concentrated like out of a middle- point, which st he chicken itself . The rays are out of fiery astrality which is concentrating light- and fire-ether, so that the surrounding gets something like a clearing in a burning way.

A pigs asttrality again is different. It’s more radiating like a chicken, but the rays are less concentrated, more like curling waves of an electric light. It’s like a penetrating sunshine for it’s surrounding, bu with somekind of a tension.

A bee hive is creating a very spiritual astrality which brings peace into it’s surrounding and fills also a huge space with it. Here we find every etherforce more cleared and a harmonious astrality which gives a room for the moral ether of christ and high spiritual beings – like concentrating here the gifts of every time of the yearcircle.

Our communication with animals needs to rise our consciousness specially on the area of the elementarybeing, the etherworls-area. Being united with this area we can unity in understanding with the special inner astral-direction of the different kind of animals. So we can understand the circumstances of a communication with them.

We need interacting rules with them – and the spiritual background for ist – always with enormous empathy-abbilitys. A horse needs us somehow as “leading gods” of their passion, mood and power. A cow needs etheric action in connection to the Kyriotetes-Angels which lead the living forces on earth to lead them. Insects need a higher ability of selfless stepping into the interconnectivity of the higher angels.

Always we need to be melting into their realms like dreaming, but staying upright and interconnected spiritual in it then! Our selfless throughts, feelings and willmovements of our body – without shocking I am power (this makes animals afraid) – have to stay in the cosmic orders – than we can start to interact. To stay into the cosmic order we can learn through being like the Elementa Beings which we experience – because say act by staying in the cosmic order. With mammals we can communicate by knowing to be like gnome, with fishes by being like an undine, with birds and insects, by being like sylps or salamanders (firespirits) – always with strong but taken back selfless I am power in servance to the leading or the communication with the animals.


To our connection and communication with plants:

For to come in connection and communication with plants we have to have mainly an understanding of the whole cycle of the yearcircle and the cosmic signature of the different plants . Then we can understand their sun-connected familyhabits and lifes. With the animals we work more through selfless rtherforces directing in ourselves, with plants we have to work with the soulforces, with feelings. We have to unite with the different plants through their dominant planetssignatures. For needletress we have to be like Saturn and with such serious overviewing warmth we can listen to the needletrees – and if we are loyal revistors of their places we can communicate by reading their advices. With other plants we communicate like a Jupiter, Mars, Sund, Venus. Mercury or Moon.

Sure we are beinners in it – but a lot is possible already – special if we are farmers.

To our connection and communication with rocks/stones:

Also here we have to become the stones somehow, we need to be like them- For uniting with a granite-stone we havbe to be serious and highly disciplinated like a knight – so the seriousness of them and teir gnomes can accept us. For calcium rocks we need this in a more melting interest with forces from the undersun planets Monn, Mercury and Venus – guided by zodiacdisciplin. It’s a communication on a level where we stand like them – like in the Holy Nights experienceable – in the high stream of the godly worldword.

To our connection and communication with planets and stars:

Here it’s like with the stones but it has to be deepened by outwardly co-living with the stars and the constellationeffects of planets and zodiac. Simply but we can first learn to greet the moon and the stars like a child – and after some time to deepen the relations. Speaking with the stars is like reacting on their constellations by the collective manpowers. On one side we really can be independent patners in holy groups that have a strong new groupspirit. One the other side we can connect with the godly world as good as possible like uniting the cosmos and us in a huge tent or cathedral. If we have such individual or collectively buidled own “microcosmic tent” than we can “speak to the stars” . Sure the cosmological kowing of wowls ( Vokale) and consonants through Speechformation and Eurthymie can be a big help here.

Always in all this communications to nature and cosmos it depends all on our degree of being a humble loyal servant - in presenting our degree of being “friend of Christ” – so that our eternal friendship.

8.3. The Confrontation and Communication with Spiritual Beings

Like said before mostly the first deeper spiritual being-experiences are this of Elemental Being. Are we able to becomes friends to them, specially to the gnomes, so we see into their consciousness like a huge nightsky and we come to the area from where they live and receive the worldsthougts – the world of the hierachys which lead the godly worlsword through. We can have such high and intense radiating intentions of upright going clear through eternity also in the Holy nIghts in Winter, by looking into the nightdarkness. Step by step we learn to stay infront of the the higher angels.


If we know how it is to go into them, to stay like inside them and how we can let theirs thoughts “think us”, we can find to ask them queations and let come up their answers in us, like a lingering on. Steiner shows in general: “Always more and more innerly will become the communication of the human soul with the higher Hierarchies and more and more the man will have to strive, exactly through this Inner, through the most deep and intimate forces of his soul, to maintain the interplay with the beings of the higher Hierarchies”.(GA 141, 05.11.1912) In another occasion he said: “We come to know the world of hierarchies in their sequence of steps …. It is possible ….to gain a relation to these beings. …we are in the inner of the beings …while we know very exactly, …at the first meeting we don’t need to know it, more than we know when we meet a man for the first time. …Then it is more and more intense and in this way we come more and more into the nature of those beings… We ourselves are actually all this” (GA 138, 29.08.1912)

As example towards lontime awareness on „Inspirationalwalks“ (see describtion later in the text) we can build a habit of such communicvation, which can enlarge and differentiate in relations to different angelbeings like the personal angels, the archangel of the homeland or the country and higher angels. The higher angels have the lower angels as theirs beinglayers or bodys.

So also the big motherbeings , that motherbeing of wisdom, the Sophia and that motherbeing of nature which Rudolf Steiner called Persephone or Natura.

Man are also spiritual beings, and the communication to them after death is similar to the communication with angels – Steiner showed different ways to do this in our modern time.

8.4. The new Higher Perceiving through Community in the so called Saturnpath and the so called Inverted Cultus

The Inverted Cultus, where a group let not only a high group being in but creates so much harmonic awareness that we come among the angels is the true groupworl of our time, which has the rolemodel already in the Artusround (see GA 240, 21.08.1924) is somekind of a “Mustbe” in modern groupwork. Rudolf Steiner talked a lot about this, but it needed 100 years until now that such work is becoming more common. I high form of such work is called a “new path” of higher knowledge from Rudolf Steiner (see GA 243, 21./22. 08.1924), a path of two or more souls with deep carmic trust or “striving-togther-forces” which leads to grasp together directly into intuition. It has been called the Saturnpath by Berhard Lievegoed and is partly experienced in the stream of perceptionwork of Dorian Schmidty “Bildekräfteforschung”, Dirk Kruses “Soulobserving” and other supersensible percetptionworkers, that has a clearly seeable harmonizing social base.

Here is a big potency for the future alrteady in building.

8.5. The interacting with the Morning- and Eveningforces

A lontimehabit in many monastrys and a mustbe for every aware soul is the using of the healingforces of the day, the morning- and evening-forces. To bless and thank in this times rhythmical, to dedicate us to the areas and beings of the world, is a habit that can span a “tent” over the day. The day as a huge 52

spiritual being that so mysterious is appearing only one time of 24 hours in the evlution. But the day, grasped in the morning- and eveningforces, is a fountain for longliving things.

8.6. The co-living and interacting with the Yearcircle and its Intitiationtimes – inclusive the deeper social relevant celebrating of the Yearcirclefestivals- and it’s initiatoric gifts

The biggest process of the earthorganism is it’s yearly ontime out- and one time inbreathing – out in summer, in in winter - of it’s soul, with the meeting with the cosmos in summer and the archetype imprinting in winter, when the newest gifts from the summer outbreathing-receiving in summer is brought down into all physical is happening in midwinter. Here is given only a short but detailed insight in to main processes for every quarter of the months, - worked out of soulobservation-research Dirk Kruse did over some years:

JANUARY (1st quarter) Spiritual new filled and iniated with a worldwise overviewing the stream of renewing on earth, the clear soulawakeness into the physical of the earthly is uprightening

(2nd quarter) While the cosmic-spiritual irradiation is dissolved moving back up towards the heights, the breathed-in and renewed earthsoulsubstance is stepping out of the physical

(3rd quarter) With awakening intention-freshness the earthsoulsubstance is expanding towards the surrounding-heights and is spreading out in softly covering near above the physical

(4th quarter) The gentle new earthsoul is breathing out opened and is sensible containing more cosmical impregnating – until into the etheric inside the physical imprinting, awakening and dissolving

FEBRUARY (1st quarter) Etheric is awakening in the earth- and plantphysical and expands into the physical, directed to follow the breathing-out of the earthsoul which is grown out now meters above the ground

(2nd quarter) The etheric – specially lifeetheric – comes out of the physical now, while the earthsoul is expanding up into the sky.

(3rd quarter) The lifeethercloud – a bit wetted from soundetheric – grows, a bit numbing, around the ground and plants while the earthsoul is dearly spreading in the heights.

(4th quarter) With the expanding lifeether is awakening totally the soundether, while the earthastrality, penetrating in the sky, is meeting planetastrality which comes in now.

MARCH (1st quarter) Life- and Soundetheric is expanding and planetastralic springlight pulls downwards from above in virginity – in the same time the Elementarybeings sizing themselves more clear.

(2nd quarter) First fine total-accord: the etheric that grows upwards into the skyspace is forcing itself upon the fine astral buildinglines, which develope themselves with the help of the activating and pre- forming birds singing.

(3rd quarter) The earthastralic and the planetastralic has mixed with eachother; the now more substancial and touchy-feely astrality is building covering „broodspaces“ for etheric unfolding around plants and earth.


(4th quarter) The etheric is more fixed inside the sculptural astralic; the outbreathing of the earth is widening; beneath extremes become more present: greedy rough ahrimanic Earthgnomes at the ground – earthfleeting-luciferic Sylphs in the sundownsky.

APRIL (1st quarter) Soundetherbulbs create themselves around germs and blooms and raphaelical healing is experienceable in the tender intensity of Astralines out of heights and width

(2nd quarter) With the help of fine astrallines and interfusing Lightether the Soundether- spaces get even more forcefull and brilliant – also in giant forms at the clouds in the sky

(3rd quarter) In interplay with the Astralic enormous expansive and sculptural Etheric is creating membranic-cohärent „spheres“ and breathes gloriously out into the astralically open cosmos

(4th quarter) Under cowork of Light- and Warmthether the brilliant and expansive thinned-out etheric- astralic bulbs are opening themselves totally into the cosmos - in grand-mightyness is unifying the planets astrality her on earth with the earthastrality

MAY (1st quarter) The soundether-spaces are expanded and dissolved towards horizontal etherweaving – insectflights and lightether- channels are connecting with the radiating astralintensity in in a worldopening way in nature.

(2nd quarter) Short harsh damped from the „Ice-Saints“ (appr. 10th.-14th) the four etherforces unite plastically to a horizontal carrying-stream of mythical-new futureastrality – reminding us anew to our eternal way.

(3rd quarter) The nature interspaces atre intense filled with elementary beingalike - Soul-Spirituality out of the wideness is filling lightful the dense astralwholeness, which is holding the etherfullness but nearly is overflowing

(4th quarter) The exuberant refined etheric-astralic fullness becomes more serious – in „bliss- horizontality“ the Elementarybeing are contouring to more earthly force and simple faithfullness

JUNE (1st quarter) Astral presence enchase and informs strong the etheric; the Elementarybeing have come to themselves, now they become very awake and interested, so that the earthrealm gets filled with significance

(2nd quarter) The yearly hightime of Elementarybeings brings alive feeling souldevotion; all existence is penetrated with interest and a intimate holy communicationforce of spiritual being

(3rd quarter) Full of expectation the before pulsating soul- and beingworld on earth is directing it’s awareness to the herald of the spiritual Worldword-Orchestra in the heights beyond the skydome

(4th quarter) In spiritual regenerating archetypes, mythical „determinations“ are sounding out of the heights – through the „Historic Conscience“ of the summer-archangel Uriel - into the inside of the now silent listening soul-spaces on earth

JULY (1st quarter) The earthwideness is fulfilled with mythical „Own-Story“ of the lingering „World- germwords“ from above; surrounded from crsytaline Lightether in grateful-devoted Earthhomefeeling


(2nd quarter) Into the epic horizontal relaxation is interfusing more and more Warmthether- Salamander-Work; in earthly beings is mirrored Worldswideness - Eternitysense -Zodiacforce

(3rd quarter) In the epic-lonely earthly souls - which have come to themselves- can become devotingly fulfilled the „discovering of the Summer-Spiritgift“ – throughwards the sulfuric- mumyfying warmthastrality

(4th quarter) World-wise, lost in reverie, „fallen into the own middle“ – so – throughwards the intense surrounding worldsastrality – earthly outspread soulalike can assimilate spiritwidth and timesecrets

AUGUST (1st quarter) Lonesome-empty-lost in a bit paralysing astralic sulfurcloud in the earthrealm it can be perceived an angelconference-alike clearingpresence into the blue sky

(2nd quarter) With the perseids-meteorites is growing the meaty-sobering clearing – new connecting with the surrounding nature and the newest own „lifevisions“ out of the worldwidth

(3rd quarter) Into the strengthened etheraction a pleasant refined-sober souloverview – back and forward – arrived in being-together with Natura-Persephonea feeling through the earthmission in a new way

(4th quarter) Etherforceful meaningful targetcourse-remelting towards the die back of the outwardly; from above dignitymightyness of monadic angelhierchys, gracegiving into the innerly

SEPTEMBER (1st quarter) Puryfing marianic soullight in the warmthetheric and the becoming-innerly of spirit- archetypes into the rtheric-astralich elementary-realm is preparing in accord a retreat-portal fort he breathing-in earthsoul

(2nd quarter) Heightsspirit interfuses through the earthsoul-breathing-in into the sylphs-satisfaction- light - and is forming in it cosmic love for a strengthening of newest spirit-congruent earthly existance-directions

(3rd quarter) Nobel clearing is streaming the newest soul- and spiritbeing-dignity from the cosmos into the relaxed 4 etherkingdoms, middling „ownmidth-home“ - and imprinting the ethers with viscosity

(4th quarter) Michaels futurelovefire flows - united with newest cosmic wisdom in Sophias-Sunbride- Light - and brings enchouraging force-receiving-gladness to Earthmother, Elementarybeing and Man

OCTOBER (1st quarter) The thinning-out of the vital etherforces- on the Salamander-Warmthetherlines - allows a filling and thickening of Astralsubstance – inside this are growing fiery-lightful „spirit-presence- spaces“

(2nd quarter) The letting-go of the vitality let free space for lightsoulalike „inner spaces“ in which a herb-wise „spirit-centering“ creates free actionspace for sunmighty „being-wideness“

(3rd quarter) Interfusing saturnic astral imprintings lead into somekind of a strict inner „crossroom“; from the cosmic surrounding are stepping nearer hierachic beings – widening with a caring gesture


(4th quarter) The care for all beings – out of Hierachys circumcircle throughwards Natura- Persephonea - creates mumifying astralcloudiness; in it is rising a coming-to-yourself, a soulclearing and a sunny spirit-awakening

NOVEMBER (1st quarter) Through compression of the earthbreathing is appearing etheric emptyness; into the inner of Mother Natura and the physical it is interfusing astralic concentration, which supports overviewing consciousnessforce1st

(2nd quarter) Ist ruling concentrated contemplation, the inbreathed earthastrakic becomes congruent with the physical, outwardly emptyness has the counterplay of clear directed consciousness-density in the inside

(3rd quarter) In natures death-emptness is appearing nearness to higher selfs, the astrality is consciousnessalike, it gets visible the all embracing being-hold of existance through Self- and I-spirit

(4th quarter) The outter emptyness is filling with moony Angel-homesoftness, which is soon soaked with Archangel-seriousness; Selfes on earth can feel familiarity with the hierachys that come nearer from out of the cosmos

DEZEMBER (1st quarter) Now in the physical is findable a fine elementaric inner order and Gnomes looking out awake; in the sky grows a blissful gabrielic mood of coming downwards; serious and decided an ennobled dignity-uprightening becomes imprinted into man.

(2nd quarter) At the firmament shines joy, in unity a strict and noble majesty interfuses through all our surrounding ; even if also sudden Advent-tresholdexaminations can appear, it is supported the deepest seeing and the connecting with the pureness of the higher self.

(3rd quarter) In nature it seems tob e like a receiving satin earth-woefulness-bed and then from above comes down pure bliss, Goddignity is sounding through all more and more, so that it allows inner homecoming for every earthly soul - in blissful modesty and cristalclear consciousness.

(4th quarter) In us and around us is highest spirit-inwardness in which is happening time- and space- newbirth; first in blissful coming from above out of the light-kingdoms behind our cosy soulsurrounding, then in holy downstreaming of inner movement und at last in soundlike-listening- sculptural imprinting into the receiveable earth-existance.

In the spiritual ecological work, in social development work, I all work that integrates the cowork with spiritual beings – the deeper differentiated insight in the layers and beings and special abbillitys of this „48 Seasons“ can bring a diverse bog help.

In the yearfestival times we can connect deeper with the spiritual world and receive answers from the spiritual beings in a choir with our own higher self, specially on Inspirationalwalks, which are decribed in the overnext chapter.

At easter we can experience the newests healingspeciallitys mankind can work with in the easter- healing atmosphere of the spring- and mercury archangel Raphael. At Saint Johns we can experiences the newest meanin g of ourself and all beings with the historic conscience view of summer- and Saturn-archangel Uriel. At Michaelmas we receive the newest wisdom out of the hights with directing power from the timespirit and autum and sun archangel Michael.


In the Advent- and Christmastime we can become prepared to experience and receive in the Holy Nigts eye in eye with the highest hierachys the inner renewing and prophecy for to work with the coming year – in cowork with the winter- and moon archangel Gabriel who let flow through us all the high spiritual thoughts of the cosmos in that time.

8.7. Spiritual co-living with Landscapes and Inspirational Places

Our Landscapes with their home-archangels are our true homes. But there easyness, wideness or in general their commposition is depending a lot of the earthaura and it’s christianised atmospheres. So as example at sundowns in the evening we can experience in the blue dust at the horizon the old storytelling mood of the earthmother, connected also with the specific geology of this landscape. In the blue sky above the horizon but we experience totally different mood: that oft he futureforces od Christ and Michael. But both – Earthmother Natura and Christ with Michael, which are connected with the cosmic downflowing feeling of Sophia in our earthatmosphere too, are in somekind of a most meaningful conversation.

So in that catchy areas of the westcorners of a landsape, open to the morningsun we find more morningmood-elementarybeing with frsh and healingful attitudes! From the east are also shining the forces of Archangel Michael (Sunregent) with Christ in the sunshine of the earthaura (see the chapter tot he archangels in the spacedirections).

Basically it’s the same with the other areas in the landscapes etc.. the northern corners of a landscape, open to the south catch the southsun: playful lunchtimemood-Elementarbeings are mostly findable here! From the south are also shining the forces of Archangel Gabriel (Moonregent) with Christ in the sunshine of the earthaura.

In the eastcorners of a landscape, open to west-sunset-sun, we have the most characterful and wise elementarybeing, filled with the whole „fruit oft he day“-wisdom of the sundown-light. From the west are also shining the forces of Raphael with Christ in the sunshine of the earthaura (see the chapter tot he archangels in the spacedirections).

In the southcormers of a landscape or southside- mountains of a landscape, the cormers which are open to the north, is catched nearly no light, because the sun is not shinig from the north. Here we find more serious, strict, overviewing elementarybeings and , at very dark or ungood places also mismooded elementarybeing. From the north are also shining the forces of Uriel (Saturnregent) with Christ in the sunshine of the earthaura (see the chapter tot he archangels in the spacedirections).

This gives a central orientation in a spiritual orientating in landscape, places, gardens etc. – we have to observe this a few times, then we become more landscape-wise.

Looking more detailed on the basics of the creation of Elementarybeing in place pf landscappes, farms, gardens, parks, streets, we can recognize how there ist he basic influence of the spacedirections and the more concav, receiving formations in the nature ore cityzones (or the more representing attitudes connected with – strong – convex zones).

The creation of Elementarybeing are happening also in interaction with direct place-surrounding. Here it’s the concrete special coherence between the naturkingdoms, that help to build a home and etherbody fort he elementarybeing, which can enter here – at lat coming from the graceful „looking of angels onto the earth“.


So sunlight through leaves of a branch over water which splashes on a stone – this is giving the right coherence-interaction for let become an Undine. Or old rocks in a forest with nice twilight and sometimes downrunning water in a special connection to a cow-meadow give a special gnome-area (see following pictures). Sunshine, insects and flowers, weaving in the soft wind give a temporary space for sylphs. And the good-hearted sheperd on the sunny hills with his sheepflock and dog is giving the right coherence-composition for salamanders over the flock, which bring him inspirations of higher realms

In the comparing of the perspectives at a walk in a landscape we can find also in general a basic- differentiation of

1. The Near, 2. The Place, 3. The Landscape, 4. The Horizon-Distance.

1. The Near - a way- or forestborder, a shrub, bush, tree, rock, water – a little nature-situation nearby – has normally a direct mood in space and time. It can nearly bring pressure up to me … . Here we come – across the character- and dignityexperiencing and-describing – at last until st he perception of single Elementarybeings at last.

2. The Place, so a local collectivity, as example a garden, a clearing in the forest, a meadow or field, a part of a landscape. It has – if we can catch the collectivity and ist collective mood – a complexe, against the near-situation „bigger“ mood – and I stay more vis-a-vis to it. Here we come – across the character- and dignityexperiencing and-describing – at last st he perception of higher „Administration- Elementarybeings“ or „Placebeings“!

3. A landscape, a big complete-landscape, so a larger mountain-valley, has a mighty giant-mood, if we – also seen from a border-standpoint – encompass it with perception and can compress it to one mood- tone. We can feel like only subordinated against this presence!

Here it is not anymore only the experience of an opponent, but an upper presence, which is soaking through all here and also through us too. Such landscape-presence can lead us – across the character- and dignityexperiencing and-describing – at last st he experience of „Landscapeangels“!

4. A horizon-distance, specially st h’s many kilometer away, by viewing st he horizon can send to us a mood that is grasping overall time and space. In the same moment it we can feel pulled into this distance. It can remind us on childhood and before, but also on the future tasks of us … .

The earthhorizon – maybe the blue eveningdust on the hill-line – often feels like past and the skyhorizon, st h has open skyblue, let’s feel future.

This, deeply experienced, leads us into dimensions in which we can experience an overviewing of our whole existance – and the feeling „ I am meant“!

So this experiencing can – across the character- and dignityexperiencing and-describing – lead us at last until st he Archangels and – at a far horizon or with distanced mountainglaciers – until st he Archai (Spirits of the Age and in the same time Spirits of the Personality).

A special mainlaw of the creation of elementarybeing in landscapes we find in this: We have to look at the landscapes like with the eyes of creative high angels: the morning-mmod angels let parts of them in the catching corners, forestborders , bush- or treegroups st he west side of labscapes, places , gardens, ways and streets, valleys. What they let there are: Elementarybeings with their own developements and tasks. 58


Special Inspirationalplaces are spasces where inspirational beings have an earthly home. But we can be part of building such places in nature (sure also in houses). Through loyal visting, Inspirationalwalks, communication we casn create through our connection with beinghs plasces to Ispirationalplaces.

8.8. Lontime Spiritual Awareness on Inspirationalwalks

A deep tool, specially for solving problems that seem unsolveable and need a deeper grasp, is the „Inspirational Walk“. I use it for every big meeting in the Developement Work, because it’s bringing always also a precious substancebuilding, a practical learning of soulobservation in Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition – and not at last it is participating Elementarybeings which want to be „involved in our knowledge finding“. It’s also possible to find here into a sphere of a natural „god- friendship“ to higher beings. Here can start a learning-path in a intim togetherness with nature. Sometimes the begin of a work „out of the spiritual world“! It’s also a method in the direction of Otto Scharmers „Presencing“ – working out of the future and out of the circumcircle . The method is based on the experience that every awake and aware walk through an impressive nature area (or the whole area and surrounding of a farm) – let us grew naturally after every 20 minutes into a deeper empathy, awareness and perception-abbility – and at last to something like a „Circumcircle- Consciousness“. After a first long time of walking for to free us “from ourself”, from thoughts and a time of nearly empty consciousness, we can test if it feels right to share thoughts and questions for our social developement process with the atmosphere and spirit in that nature. We learn that special places or outlooks and impressions from landscape and sky are very heplful. If we feel welcome around us and we are in an imaginative, inspirative or intuitive state of perception, we can share questions with the spiritual world. And a very deep quailty of creative inspiration is possible. We feel a common experience, not a foreign influence, - our higher self is involved

Here is an overview of the remuneration of the levels of consciousness Presentation - Imagination - Inspiration - Intuition to areas within walking inspiration:

Area Before Imagination Inspiration Intuition

Emphasis in Hiking time O - 51 min 51-85 min 85-119 min 119 -? at least

For Places on water To increase, slope, Sublime vision-type, locations resources, mountain, forest edges into Preferred without between harmonic close, especially with Special rock venues, Places and special Foliage, at caves conifers and oaks, with natural areas radiation locations distant horizon views

Units on Water-related places, Metals, moss, wilted, Crystals, granite rocks, single- clouds and the near animals, herds, Vast Preferred in 59

view to: sky, green areas horizons, Great Scenics,

open countryside, geometric-enchanting mountains, big sky panoramas, glacial

Normal Time blurs Timeless, similar to Outside of time, eternity Experience Experience Future Focused of time of time

Is Opened first and Opened first and foremost Opened first and foremost associated foremost the ether the astral field (astral plane World with field or world soul), the intellectual field Sphere which sensory (Devachan) will be Perception (Life force) opened

Physical Elemental Being Elemental Persephonea, Elemental Awareness, nature Sophia Medium hierarchy (light Nature here Angel (angeloi spirits: Exusiai, Dynamis, as being people and Lowest hierarchy (soul Kyriotetes) and highest experienced landscapes spirit: angels, archangels, hierarchy of angels animation) Archai - Zeitnotwendi speeds,) and mean (Ghost forces: Throne - Archangel Spirit empowerment, (Archangels - groups, Angel hierarchy (light landscapes, people spirits: Exusiai - shaping, Cherubim - wisdom and year-sheltering) Dynamis-motion- empowerment Seraphim - animation Kyriotetes) Dear victim empowerment)

Particularly Creative Context of Causal relationships Archetype and summary useful for the Ideas ideas and sacrifice following Processes, problems (For problems and readiness and will of Presencing: and solutions, etc. to solutions, and Necessary authorizations see and understand future) in its interior compassionate new ideas, see understanding

8.9. Spiritual Social Shaping

The basic practices of modern sociasl shaping are very direct coworks with the spiritual world an it’s beings and forces. Here an overview about such practices:

The calmness of spiritual communication makes it easier to change our inner priority list from the traditional importance of accuracy of statement, power of profiling and the brilliance of thinking or rethoric to a consciousness for real and sustainable social qualities. We experienced as the most helpful in Socialdevelopement such observeable qualitys as:


- Awareness for Social Warmth - like decribed initial from , connected with an appearing atmosphere of a warming goodwill and a true caring,

- Awareness for Social Wideness – a relaxed wideness and qualitys which give flow and overview, they are experienceable in the space or the „social field“,

- Awareness for Social Coherence - this means mostly in the same moment an observeable appeariance of clearness, good perception of everyone, growth of soulqualitys of friendship- togetherness – all often accompanied from a refreshing and awakening force – we can learn to recognise the catalysts for such state of a group,

- Awareness for the Groupspirit - this means to recognize the appearance of „Dignity-Presence“ among the group, which is accompanied by a supporting groupconsciousness which let us individually free, but donates groupunderstanding and somekind of a balanced „holiness“. If it is clear present we can experience, see and describe or draw it – as example as a tall lightful being which is filling the space between and above – and widespreaded until behind the sittingcircle. We have to learn to differentiate here clearly the nature of such being through comparing contemplative inquiry, because so many unclear groupbeings influence us today in public events, the media,old rituals of shamanism etc.

- Awareness for the Surrounding Spiritual Presence – a Surrounding Spiritual Presence is specially appearing at the time when a group has found a perspective full of futureconnectivity with a meaningful overview of surrounding influences and needs. Otto Scharmer is mention this realitys often as a „central springarea“ in his „Theory U Concept“. Also here is needed more differentating of the character of the appearing spiritual forces and beings – meditative experience, comparing and anthroposophical studiying is needed.

Here - in the differentiated understanding and work with the „Sacred – or Esoteric Space“ and the „Collective Intelligence“ - we find a main researchfield for a spiritual orientated Social- Developementwork! In practise it is another area of deepening the awareness and refining responsible communication-, deciding- and leading processes.

So the new Higher Perceiving through Community in the so called Saturnpath and the so called Inverted Cultus is a key skil in social shaping.

For this Process-Observations we can have for important Process Observations on person, sitting beside the moderator and having the right to stop the process for to wake all particpants up for a special chance that is appearing or to ask for a break, because the atmosphere is to narrow or bad. In general the Process-Observer can give a report about the process and the processqualitys after the session.

All this nemed beings work around and in a social organism. Very important are here the groupspirit, - normally an archangel, the „Genius Loci“ – the angel or archangel of the physical place of a project or organisation – and the Landscapeangel around it (if it’s not in a big city).

Very helpful elementarybeing may be caretaker oft he place or the places which are connected with the organisation. Also important dead friends are supporters of good doings in our groups and organisations! We can connect to all our spiritassemble , with the single ones, in a loyal returning - in perception and dignifying – again and again to them as fountains of inspiration.


This can become a very sustainable togetherness which is brining an inspirational and carrying homeffeling-state of the soulfield of such groups or organisation. People who come into such places will feel immediatly like coming to themselves, to a bigger home.

Like many good tools also the methods of seeing forces, soulthings and spiritual beings, about which we want to speak now, can be misused. So if you ever use them, do it in a spiritual and moralic good way. And: We have to know – specially in social organisations – which spirit(s) we are serving! Dont let fall such good methods in the hand of Ahriman the spirit of materialism!

If we work in a real and good way with them they will always create ahriman-free spaces of life, of creativety, of heart and of spirit in a souldeepening and soulconnecting way. If we come into the reality of all existing nature and culture, we experience a „higher ecology“ coherence of material-, etheric-, astral -and spiritual- forces and beings (see them on the schema).

The high „Mightyness-Background-Space“ of the 1st Hierachy, which is covering all earth-existance

Seraphim - an eternal space of loveintention, which can awake a sacrifice-consciousness Cherubim - an eternal space of harmonical wisdomintention, which can awake all-integrating-consciousness Throne - an eternal space of determinative creationintention, which can awake high creationconsciousness

The 2nd Hirachy more in the Horizontal in our Biosphere and Socialsphere around the Earthbody

Whole 2nd Hierachy - archetypical developement-directing flow in the Space-Depth-Radiation, Dynameis - archetypical light-movement-directing flow in the Space- Heights-Radiation, Kyriotetes and Exusiai - archetypical live-flow in the Space-Wideness-Radiation

The radiations become refined from the 3rd Hierachy

Archai - work with futuredirections and qualify the Intuion Archangeloi - work with homebuilding and qualify the Inspiration Angeloi - qualify the inner soul- and consciousness sculpturing and the Imagination(3)

In the Earth-Surrounding the Ring of the Holy Ghost – Sophia

Sophia – a cosmic light out of Imaginations, Inspirations and Intuitions , the Wisdom, Sacrifices and moral Ideals and Enthusiasm of man – flown after the death into the earthsurrounding

The Planetspirit (in Christ) like our Earth governing The Planetspirit is feelable in the curce of the Zenit and on far horizons from Mountains on the Ocean on a very clear day.

The special government of the powers through the four Spacedirections through the four main Archangels

Uriel - a saturnic serious and upright conscienceforce in the north Michael - a sunalike vitalising futureways supporting force in the east (which gathers also the forces from the other three Archangels of South, West and North) Gabriel – a sensitive opening and playful moonalike force in the south Rafael - a ripe mercurial healingforce out of reworking our experiences in the west

Natura-Persephonea is middeling lovefilled all forces in the whole nature organism Natura-Persephonea is middeling the Heavensforces for the soulactivating in the nature 62

with vitalisating-conserving eternal originforces

The refined spiritual rays and substances become configurated also from higher Elementarybeing

Salamander - concentrated rays of enflaming ideas that deepen the responseabbility* Sylphs - playful weaving of lovelight and wordbreathing-substance that enlight empathy Undines - coherent but moveable peacebulbs – full of streaming healing wisdom Gnomes - sharp contoured spaces of eternal wisdom – full of awake high worldthoughts

* The Salamader also carry our human wisdom, which means true Imagination, Inspiration or Intuition, up to the higher Hierachys.

8.10. Confronting with Evil Beings an balancing them

Man have to deal with the evil – inside himself amiong others and among social groups or even countrys. We can learn to prevent and manage conflicts and so the evil effects. Our inner strength can connect here specially with the archangel Michaels „Cosmic-Intelligence“, which is a higher social intteligence including the Beings we see in our soulful perceiving! Interesting that Michael was already the outspoken guide of King arthurs knights and also of Columbans twelve when they were going on the dangerous trip to the wils middle Europe in their time. The were masters of staying in peace and bringing peace – it’s still feelable at their places.

With a Christ-alike uniting by looking, with an enobled soulmood inside the perceptionstream and with methodical steps to use it in preventing conflicts by building healingful physical-, time- and soulspaces In general can be said the best protecion from conflicts and evil is prevention, so to live always out of actual fountains of good spirit. If christ is in me and in the group, no evil can be in me or in the group, my higher self and the good groupspirit is ruling not my lower selves or only astralbodys. But we cannot always be so clear and lovefilled. So we have to deal with problems and conflicts. So beside the best prevention – like lived spiritual organisation-developement – it’s needed to learn about the evil and it‘s types and qualitys and about conflictmechanisms and conflictmanagement. and in step-by step conflictmanagement (sse Pic 2), we come in the higher sociality oft he Michaelland, We create a new land! Where we are together with Man, Elementarybeing and Angels! It’s „Folksoul“ is Michael!“

The temptationing and uplifting Lucifer, the hardening and counting Ahriman, the destroying Asuras and antichristic director of evil, Sorath, who is connected in the Bible with the number 666, have a perfect plan“ without heart. See the characterisms of this active beings on the board! (Pic 1).


Pic 1

The heartlessness in truth is a suffering of many evil beings – and also that they „have no time“. This means they where not effecting at beginning of the earth and they cannot stay forever, if they are seen and known, they have no power and at the end of the earth-evolution. So, as example, they can not effect in the Heavenly Jerusalem anymore!

Let’s take a view on the social realitys with all our evil. In reality unsoved problems become conflicts and onesided moods, fears and projections become evil directions. If even the evil ruled extremes od conflicts are not changed tot he better, the evil becomes destructive. In conflicts the evil can effect and bring the hardenig between man to deeper and deeper layers of the conflict – in 9 steps from hardening over debatte until to war and total destruction. But we can solve conflicts and evil effects by clearing thinking, feeling and willing with opening them. A technic is shown here in this picture:

Pic 2


The evil is not in this land! Ist under the feet to serve in the right way. There as example technic and Technic-Elementarybeings are taken like House-Animals (Pets).

The good Michaelfight means: holdig free the space from evil – holding it in service only. Holding the space free for the spirit – so to make important work and speaking together only WITH the SPIRIT!

In the middle of all this – for every single one of us is our heart! In all unbalanced – balancing is only possible with our Heart:

„In the heart is first where is laying the corepoint, which dont let us sink down, not let us fly up, not pushes us to right or left, but which is holding us. We come, if we keep … courage, to this, that find us holded in the cosmos. … Were we have our heartmuscle, their is coming all together what is giving us a clear holding!“ (GA243, The Initiation-Consciousness, 13.8.1924)

We can feel this land oft he sun-heart in us and among us already somtimes in our group, the stabil, wide and caring sunshine-space of Michael – as shown on the board here. This space is including the spiritual beings which help us side by side. May we help us and the spiritual world – side by side!

8.11. Spiritual Practises in all Workingfields (Proffession-Esoterics)

Not only individuals need an inner path in such overwhelming materialistic time, also organisations. The initiation-principle is a civilization-principle. Specially all workingfield, all proffessions need nowadays a training of key skils of empathic imagination, - inspiration and – intuion. And – as Rudolf Steiner already started partly – every profession has inside itself spiritual guidelines and beings which want to be seen and connected with. The spiritual deepening of proffesions can be called a Proffesion-Esoteric, a proffesion path with specified meditations, attitudes, rituals and pathes.


8.12. The Michaelculture waits for the newest metamorphosis of the Western Spirituality!

All this decribed metamorhosises of the western mysteries into the new habits of our culture can anthroposophically be called “Michaelculture”, because – following Steiner -the Archangel Michael is the ruling timespirit of our centurys. Michael who aleady is so connected with the western tradion and guided as example the Arthurkingts, Columba from Iona, Coumban and Jeanne d. Arc.

In it – seen specially from the perspective of the northwestern trasditions in new forms - there is first the differentiated and exact perception-knowledge, the perceiving through community, the communication with all natural creatures, the confrontation and communication with spiritual beings.

Then second a new spiritual co-living with our world the – in the differentiated interacting with day- and yeartimes and with natureplaces and landscapes and their beings, with longtime awareness on Inspirationalwalks and new deep Yearcirclefestivals.

And there is third the Spiritual Practises in the workingfields of man, the keyknowledge of Spiritual social ahaping and -organization development and the many proffession-esoterics for the different proffesions and tasks of life.

All this is part of a civisatoric needed giving out of the western spirituality and anthroposophy – specially as key skills for trainings, study paths and for free events of the cultural life of the culturecreative civil society .

To understand this deeper we have to know how to perceive Michael and his ones in the supersensible world that is bordering at our sensesworld – specially in the Michaeltime every year when the earthsouls-inbreathing brinmgs their newest impulses – free for grasping them and imprinting them in our own meditative path and so at last into our doings. Rudolf Steiner asked for this again and again – already strongly 1913, more precise – calling for “lightsoul-processes” of receiving the soulful with the senses-perception – in 1919 and then specially all his last livingmonth in his “Leading-Sentences” in 1924/25. Here some clear sentences:

“Them … who see the … supersensible world bordering at the seeable world, perceive … Michael and his ones at their doings, see what they want to do for man … .” (Rudolf Steiner, GA 26, 19.10.1924)

„ That’s the need in our Michael-Age, that mankind is coming into the abbility to grasp the Spiritual in it’s concreteness, which means to know … the different elementary and higher beings in our surrounding. Thats whats needed the most … . “ (Rudolf Steiner, GA 194, The Sending of Michael, 06.12.1919)

He described it also concrete for social developementworks, like here:

„The man shall not only receive the rain out of the clouds, but they shall learn to perceive from the higher regions also the Inspirations of the angels, which are mix themselves more and more among the mansouls. … the angels will make themself common with us, also the archangel will do this. … That will gives even other impulses, even if their inspirations are speaking more silent … . this inspirations in future will build the inner substance of the future-states. … in this (social) regulationlife shall mix the leading and directing of the archangels which are getting more intim with man .“ (Rudolf Steiner, GA 190, Past- and Future-Impulses in the Social Events, 23.03.1919)

Already 1913 he pointed in this context to the possibbilitys of the single individual:


“Through temperament, through blood and so on we will be less and less a personality in the future. But we will be it through our participation at the supersensible world. Until into the personality will flow that which contens the supersensible impulses, This will make possible the impulse of Michael, who is leading into the human soul the understanding for the spiritual life. … That man, which are personalitys through the way how they carry the spiritual world into the sensesworld … , that will be the personalitys which will replace the Alexanders, Caesars, Napoleons. The power of the man-doings in future will result out of the power from the spiritual direction-hitting which will flow into this man- doings.” (GA 152, 20.05.1913)

The perceiving and receiving in and out of the spiritrual world, and specially out of the area of Michael “and his ones” is also a modern religious doing:

“To receive spiritual floading life into the senses world: it’s Michael-Service from now on!” (GA 152, 14.10.1913)

But this spiritual practices, also in the social organizational developementwork is a direct actual doing in flexible selforganisation of getting the spiritual breath (Social Pneumatism) into groups and organisations – at last into the earthly culture-development:

“This shall be learned mainly … to work directly lively with what comes out of the spiritual world. … That comes directly from the figures which are united with the being that we call Michael.” (GA 243, 18.08.1924)

And, it has not to be mentioned anymore, specially also the yearcircle-celebrationtimes offer the most relevant doors for this directly cowork with the spiritual world – for to inspire in time with the actual needed inspirations and doing-forces.

In general the Michaelculture, that still wants to develop (since 1879) until approxematively 2333, is working with empathic or supersensible perception on revealing individualisations of man, but also of farms, organisations, regions and states but in an empathic intelligence of new brotherhood buildings among man but also in first steps among man and nature and all spiritual beings.

This means a PERSONAL CULTURE OF INDIVIDUALISATION for every Man and Being which is based on “Lightsoul-Processes” of empathic perceiving.

It means a developing and working embedded in a SPIRITUAL ECOLGY connected with cosmical background.

This means a PERSONAL CULTURE OF INDIVIDUALISATION for every Man and Being which is based on “Lightsoul-Processes” of empathic perceiving.

It means a developing and working embedded in a SPIRITUAL ECOLGY connected with cosmical background.

And it means also SPIRITUAL SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT based on a society with organisations which work with practical Social Pneumatim, - Psychism and - threefolded Organism. So by

- working on a “Social Culture of dignified Individualisation for everyone and everything”, where social interaction in Cultural-, State- and Economical life is harmonized by assoziative support of individualization of social areas and organization out of a spiritual understanding and perceiving;

- working on a “Culture of Spiritual Social- and Organisational Development”, where is worked out of 67

the spiritual fountains of the Individual, the group, the organization, the Genius Loci etc. in a Social Pneumatism (Spirit-Breathing), in a social Warmth-Sculpture of a Social Psychism and on the social Threefold Order following the cosmical archetype of man;

- working on a “Empathic Culture and Civilisation”, where every relation-space is seen as sacred ground and relation-qualitys – as example empathy - are treated as “social gold”.

If we really want to work in all this empathically of the true fountains of man, social organism and nature organism, we will find the most direct, the most actual gates in the soulhomes of the sun, of Michael, of the blue syk, of Sophia, of the inner warmth of nature, of Natura - and sure of our own angels and higher selves. Staying – like schooled in the western mysterys – consciously face to face to them, in a free meditative way, we will find around us the deep care of Mother Natura Persephonea and her Elementarybeingchoir. She can teach us love and care for everybody and every little thing. She can teach the widening in purification. She can teach the healing lovegiving towards the right growing of everything. She also can teach to die and arise again in needed inversions and transformation. The Elementarybeingchoirs teach us all the time – if we are listeners. As described already nearly 100 years ago from Rudolf Steiner (in GA 230) the Gnomes in the forestborders, down at the older trees and out of the rocks teach us seddled and clear: “Strive to awake!!!” It’s a teaxching to learn from them the highly awake awareness for our surrounding in an old seddled manner which is alrady existing in us from past lifes. The Undines in their peaceful bulbs among the leaves and needles of the trees, a atmospheric places at the water teach us like through a wave of clearing peace: “Think in the spirit!” We know this healing clearness of pictural thinking from times after an illness, where we “see” everything new but “clear on hand” again – it is like everything is showing itself. And we can learn this! The Sylphs in their playful joy in flying with the sunshine and the air, loving the earth by playing with the soulair over the flowers, are teaching us: “Live creating breathing existance!” It is like a lovely schooling of this playfulness which Friedrich Schiller teached already as a need for the politics, a state where man find the highest answeres through a creative breathing of existence in a empathic playing


artistical manner to deal with the questions of an organization as example. The fire-elementaryspirits, the Salamanders, the messengers of higher ideas, like spraying up to us from far away out of the horizons throughwards the dry air at clear weather. Sometimes their deepness is enforced to animals or a flock between us and the horizon, and so they are like coming forebodingly and suddenly like a great thought into us – as a spark out of thin ray of warmth. They teach us in such ways a deepest Receiving – in our percivings: “Receive by loving gods willmightyness!”

So let us recognize: this is happening graceful all the time, but it needs right conditions for us as sleepy man to perceive and receive the right awakeness, pictuallity, playfulness and deepening!

Mother Earth warmth covering us, Elementarychoirs surround us, Sophias wisdomstreaming streams down to us - together with Michaels sunrayforce, in “Michaels Raydress” (see last speech of Rudolf Steiner) and the “Moralic Ether” of Christ out of the Earthauras, that’s stronger and stronger every day. In our private life and on our pasth, in nature, in social processes we can install times and occasions to receive all the permanent gifts – for to create the true Michaelculture with a ripe spirituality: “To receive spiritual floading life into the senses world: it’s Michael-Service from now on!” (GA 152, 14.10.1913)

It’s not to try to stay into the spirit all the time – this would be luciferic, it’s not to grasp the spiritual experiences and make them to efficiant and sellable tools immediately – this would be ahrimanic. It’s about as deep experiencing when there is a time for it – and then coming back onto the sober earthly service. Sometimes –in peace- we shall recall or better “relive” spiritual experiences, so Steiner often to , which gives openness and strength on the spiritual path and helps in crisistimes. And: we can work on being good finders of places and occasions where we can connect with the spiritual world – and work “directly” out of it – so in good biographywork like here in Bucuresti, so in good communitybuildings like “on the hills” in Craiova, Vama Buzaului, Iasj, so in good farmwork, so in good organizational development work.

Again: „ That’s the need in our Michael-Age, that mankind is coming into the abbility to grasp the Spiritual in it’s concreteness, which means to know … the different elementary and higher beings in our surrounding. Thats whats needed the most … .” (Rudolf Steiner, GA 194, The Sending of Michael, 06.12.1919)

“This shall be learned mainly … to work directly lively with what comes out of the spiritual world. … That comes directly from the figures which are united with the being that we call Michael.” (GA 243, 18.08.1924)

It’s time to learn it without pressure but in time, because 100 years later (so Steiner) we have again this chance and task to learn and to do it! To create step by step methods out of it then – like for this Spiritual Organisational Development, methods for all fields of life. And specially for all the professional trainings and studying for all proffesions. I think more then a third of such trainings and studys should be concrete about selfdevelopemenr, profession-spirituality in a specified “working out of the spirit”! For now it’s up to us to try to learn our lessons of living the Michaelculture in our Lifetime on our field here … !



Addition I – Steinerwords to Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition

„The imaginative knowledge becomes reached throughwards the designing of the Lotusflowers out of the astralic body. Through these practises, which are done for to achieve the Inspiration and Intuition, appear special movements, forms and streamings in the human ether- or livingbody, which were not there before. This are the organs, through which the man integrates into the area of his abbilitys the „Reading of the secret scripture“ and that, which exists beyond this. ...

The single steps of the higher knowledge ... now can be named in the following way:

1. The stuying of the Spiritual-Science,, ...

2. The earning of the imaginative knowledges.

3. The reading of the secret scripture (alike the Inspiration).

4.The livin- into the spiritual surrounding (alike the Intuition).

5. The knowledge of the relation between Microcosmos and Macrocosmos.

6. The becoming-one with the Macrocosmos.

7. The total-experience of the experiences from before as a basic Soulmood.

This steps dont need to be thought so, that they are made-through one after another. The schooling can more go like this, that, following the individuality of the Spiritual Pupil, a step before only has to be gone through until a special grade, when he begins to make practises, which are like the following step. (GA 13, Chapter „The knowledge of the higher worlds“)

„A Thoughtsbuildingforcesworld is in the same time the Worldether . ... not such thoughts with sharp contours, there they are picturethoughts, Pictures, Imaginations.“ (GA 84, 20.04.1923)

„They (the innerly filled living pictures) are real Imaginations, which we experience ..twodimensional. ... Who truly wants to know the Ether, must grab it in this way.“ (GA 227, 20.08.1923)

„The soul has to go indside this (Imagination-)pictures totally free and considerated …“ (GA 13, Chap. „The knowledge of the higher worlds“)

„We can start to sort the forcelines, which are going creative through the worlld, throughwards imagination, to special figures and colourcreations.We learn to feel an inner connection, which is expressed in this figures: this effects as a spiritual tone, ... . (GA 99, 06.06.1907)

„ ... (it’s) Inspiration , ...when the spiritual world is streaming into us from outside.“ (GA 227 20.08.1923)


„And it (the spiritual world) reveals itself … first in the pictures of the Imagination, than in that, what itself can give creatively, in the Inspiration. In this world of the Inspiration we can become homelike. ...“ (GA 227 20.08.1923)

„The Imagination leads him (the Spiritual Pupil) to that … to see in them (the perceptions) outflows from Soul-Spiritual: the Inspiration leads him further into the inside of the beings; .... in the Intuition he enters into the beings itself.“ (GA 13, „Occult Science“, Chapter: „The knowledge of the higher worlds“)

„Spiritual Intuition is only possible through the practise ... of that what we can develope out of the Loveabbilitys that have developed at the nature.“ (GA 227 20.08.1923)

(The Intuiton is a state) where he stays inside of those beings. And because this can happen only in a spiritual-divine world, so it is quite justified to say that Intuition means „to stay in the God“. (GA 114, 15.09.1909)

„Do we want to want to express the working of this being-alike forces (in the elementary world), so it is only possible, if we draw in pictures their diverse characteristic.“ (GA 17, Chapter: From the etheric body of man and from the elementary world“)

„Two occult pupil, who are on the same step of the training, will see at the same happening always the same lines and figures. ... Just like the forms of the plants and animals are described in the common Naturhistory, so the expert of the Occult Science is decribing and drawing the spiritual forms ... (just like they are seeable in the soulworld) in familys and species.“ (GA 10, Chapter: The Preparation)

“ … this powers which arise out of Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition, they will have the force to conduct (the evil forces of our time) … .“ (GA 202, 28.11.1920)

„In the spiritual science becomes created now the other sphere in which an ahrimanic (the hardening evilish) is not existing, And specially through the knowingly receiving of this spirituality to which the ahrimanic (evil) powers have no entrance, man will be strengthened for to step face to face Ahriman in the world.“ (GA 26, S. 257, Last Leading Sentence)


For feedback, questions or scripts,

please write me:

Dirk Kruse

[email protected]