Edward III, Vol. 3, P. 41
8 EDWARD III.—PAUT II. 41 1334, Membrane 14—co?it. and Normanby by Ouneby, with 10/. of rent out of the manor of Normanby by Ouneby, recoverable by distraint if in arrear at any time, to find two chaplains to celebrate divine service daily, one in the church of St. Peter, N"ormanby by Ouneby, for the soiils of John Bek of Normanby, knight, the said Thomas, and their ancestors and heirs, and the other in the church of St, Peter, Ingoldemeles, in honour of the Virgin Mary. By fine of 20 marks. Lincoln. Sept. 28. Inspeximus of a charter of Edward I. confirming (1) a grant, dated on Westminster, the Circumcision 12 Edward I., of Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, constable of Chester and lord of Ros and Rewennok, to the abbot and convent of Stanelawe, of the advowson of that part of the church of Whalleye, which had not as yet been granted to them by any of his ancestors, and to which Peter de Cestria had been admitted on the presentation of John de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, his grandfather, so that they should hold the patronage of the entire church [Monasticon, vol. v., p. 644]; * (2) the like, elated 27 February, 23 Edward I., and witnessed by Robert de Tateshnle, Roger son of Robert le Vavasour, the steward, Robert de Hereford, James de Nevile, the marshal, knights, and many others, being a confirmation of the appropriation of the church to the abbey by Pope Nicholas IV.; and (3) confirmation by John, constable of Chester, to the abbot and monks of Stanlawe of the Cistercian order, then dwelling at Whalley, of the place called Stanlawe and the towns called Staney and Mauricaston, for the building of their abbey there, and grant that they should be toll free throughout his lands and for their corn in his mill, and of a messuage in Chester with buildings pertaining thereto ; and grant, on their petition shewing that the said charter of Edward I.
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