New Testament
GENESIS, THE PSALMS, AND PROVERBS "The words of Yahweh are pure, as silver melted in a furnace, refined seven times" (Psalm 12:6). And NEW TESTAMENT "THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL" "I saw another angel, flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to proclaim to the earth's inhabitants, to every nation, tribe, language, and people" (Revelation 14:6). All text was used with permission from Freed-Hardeman University. This may not be further reproduced or forwarded to others without written permission from Freed-Hardeman University. HUGO McCORD Carl Hugo McCord was born in New Albany, Mississippi, June 24, 1911. He was immersed into Christ by one of Freed-Hardeman's professors, L. L. Brigance, in 1923. In preparation for a lifetime of preaching and teaching, he attended Freed-Hardeman College, the University of Illinois, the University of Tulsa, Virginia Seminary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary at New Orleans. Brother McCord holds the following academic degrees: A.A., B.A., M.A., B.D., and Th.D. He has made three trips abroad to study at the British Museum and in Palestine. Dr. McCord worked as a local preacher in Urbana, Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana; Washington, D.C.; Dallas, Texas; Alexandria, Virginia; Louisville, Kentucky; Bartlesville, Oklahoma; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Midwest City, Oklahoma. His evangelistic work has carried him into forty-two states, and into the following foreign countries: Sierra Leone, Great Britain, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Kenya, Malta, Trinidad, Canada, Egypt, Italy, Sweden, and Thailand. In addition to his preaching activities, Dr.
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