ManualEnglish-2009.qxp 03/04/2009 11:32 PÆgina 1 NNEEWW PPRROTECTIONOTECTION MMANUANUALAL FFOROR HHUMANUMAN RRIGHTIGHTSS DDEFENDERSEFENDERS RESEARCHED AND WRITTEN BY ENRIQUE EGUREN AND MARIE CARAJ ManualEnglish-2009.qxp 03/04/2009 11:32 PÆgina 1 New protection manual for human rights defenders NEW PROTECTION MANUAL FOR HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS RESEARCHED AND WRITTEN BY ENRIQUE EGUREN, AND MARIE CARAJ, PROTECTION INTERNATIONAL (PI) PUBLISHED BY PROTECTION INTERNATIONAL 1 ManualEnglish-2009.qxp 03/04/2009 11:32 PÆgina 2 Published by Protection International 2009 Rue de la Linière, 11 B-1060 Brussels, Belgium. Third edition Copyright© 2008 by Protection International. This manual has been produced for the benefit of human rights defenders and may be quoted from or photocopied for non commercial purposes as long as the source/authors are acknowledged. For its inclusion in other publications or other uses please ask for authorization. Printed copies of the New Manual from Protection International Rue de la Linière, 11. B-1060 Brussels (Belgium) Tel: +32(0)2 609 44 05 / +32(0)2 609 44 07 / Fax: +32(0)2 609 44 07
[email protected] It can be downloaded for free from Prices of printed copies: Southern organisations: free Northern organisations: 20 Euros plus post and packaging (reductions for bulk orders) The New manual is available in English, French and Spanish (it is also being translated into other languages by Protection International) protection manual for human rights defenders ISBN: 978-2-930539-00-3 New 2 ManualEnglish-2009.qxp 03/04/2009 11:32 PÆgina 3 New protection manual for human rights defenders FForeword to the first edition by Hina Jilani In my work as Special Representative of the Secretary General on Human Rights Defenders I have noted with grave concern an increase in the number of reports of serious human rights abuses against defenders and a notable shift away from low-targeting, such as intimidation and harassment, to more serious violations, such as attacks on and threats to physical integrity of defenders.