Journal of Neurochemistry, 2003, 85, 14–22 doi:10.1046/j.1471-4159.2003.01662.x

REVIEW The roles of calcium/calmodulin-dependent and Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinases in the development of psychostimulant-induced behavioral

Stephanie C. Licata* and R. Christopher Pierce*,

Laboratory of Neuropsychopharmacology, Departments of *Pharmacology and Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Abstract development of behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants. Although the development of behavioral sensitization to Moreover, given the important role of calcium-stimulated psychostimulants such as and is con- second messengers in the expression of behavioral sensiti- fined mainly to one nucleus in the brain, the ventral tegmental zation, these signal transduction systems may represent the area (VTA), this process is nonetheless complex, involving biochemical substrate through which the transient neuro- a complicated interplay between neurotransmitters, neuro- chemical changes associated with the development of peptides and trophic factors. In the present review we present behavioral sensitization are translated into the persistent the hypothesis that calcium-stimulated second messengers, neurochemical, biochemical and molecular alterations in including the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases neuronal function that underlie the long-term expression of and the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinases, represent the psychostimulant-induced behavioral sensitization. major biochemical pathways whereby converging extracellular Keywords: amphetamine, cocaine, dopamine, glutamate, signals are integrated and amplified, resulting in the L-type calcium channels, nucleus accumbens, ventral biochemical and molecular changes in dopaminergic neurons tegmental area. in the VTA that represent the critical neuronal correlates of the J. Neurochem. (2003) 85, 14–22.

Repeated exposure to psychostimulants, such as cocaine or the shift to compulsive drug use among human psycho- amphetamine, leads to augmentation of behavioral activity in addicts. a wide range of species. In rodents, repeated intermittent One of the main effects of cocaine and amphetamine is an injections of cocaine result in a progressive and enduring increase in dopamine transmission. Dopaminergic projections augmentation of locomotor and stereotyped behaviors, a phenomenon known as behavioral sensitization. It has been suggested that the neuronal plasticity underlying behavioral Received August 2, 2002; revised manuscript received November 19, 2002; accepted December 17, 2002. sensitization results in the enhancement of the incentive Address correspondence and reprint requests to Chris Pierce, motivational effects of psychostimulants, which contributes Department of Pharmacology, R-612, Boston University School of to drug craving (Robinson and Berridge 2000). Consistent Medicine, 715 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA. with this hypothesis, among rats with a previous history of E-mail: [email protected] cocaine self-administration there is a correlation between the Abbreviations used: AMPA, a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole- ability of amphetamine to produce behavioral sensitization 4-propionate; CaM, calcium/calmodulin complex, CaMK, calcium/ and to reinstate drug-seeking behavior, an animal model of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase; CaMKII, calcium/calmodulin- dependent protein kinase II; CREB, cAMPresponse element binding drug craving (De Vries et al. 1998). Thus, studies examining protein; ERKs, extracellular signal-related kinases; LTP, long-term the mechanisms underlying behavioral sensitization could potentiation; MAPkinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase; MEK, provide new insight into plasticity in the central nervous MAPkinase kinase; TrkC, tyrosine kinase C; VTA, ventral tegmental system that may help elucidate the mechanisms underlying area.

14 2003 International Society for Neurochemistry, J.Neurochem. (2003) 85, 14–22 Calcium/calmodulin and cocaine-induced plasticity 15 from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the nucleus Steketee et al. 1990; Striplin and Kalivas 1992). Consistent accumbens and other forebrain nuclei are critically involved with these findings, repeated systemic injections of the D2- in both the development and long-term expression of like receptor agonist quinpirole enhance the behavioral behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants (Kalivas and response to a systemic cocaine challenge injection the day Stewart 1991). The development, or initiation, of behavioral after the last injection of quinpirole. In other words, there is sensitization occurs in the nuclei of the ventral midbrain that cross-sensitization between quinpirole and cocaine (Henry contain dopaminergic cell bodies (i.e. the VTA and substan- et al. 1998). The transience of this phenomenon is highligh- tia nigra) (Vanderschuren and Kalivas 2000). The results of ted by the fact that quinpirole–cocaine cross-sensitization hundreds of behavioral, neurochemical, biochemical and was not observed 7–30 days after the last quinpirole injection molecular experiments indicate that the initiation of behavi- (Pierce et al. 1996; Henry et al. 1998). D1-like dopamine oral sensitization is a complex process that involves inter- receptors in the VTA also are involved in the development of actions among several neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and behavioral sensitization. Although dopaminergic neurons do neurotrophic factors and their associated receptors and not express D1-like dopamine receptors, there is an abun- signaling pathways (White and Kalivas 1998; Wolf 1998). dance of D1-like dopamine receptors in the VTA (Mansour To date, dopamine–glutamate interactions in the VTA have et al. 1992). D1-like receptor antagonists impair the initiation received the most attention and several excellent reviews of behavioral sensitization (Stewart and Vezina 1989; Vezina have organized and synthesized the varied and sometimes 1996) and repeated systemic (Henry et al. 1998) or intra- contradictory information relevant to the development of VTA (Pierce et al. 1996) administrations of the D1 dopamine behavioral sensitization into coherent models that have receptor agonist SKF 38393 enhance the behavioral response greatly aided progress in this area (Kalivas 1995; White to a subsequent systemic cocaine challenge injection (i.e. and Kalivas 1998; Wolf 1998). The present review is an there is cross-sensitization between SKF 38393 and cocaine). extension of these models. We present evidence indicating Interestingly, repeated administration of both D1-like and that calcium influx into VTA dopamine neurons via a-amino- D2-like dopamine receptor agonists produced cross-sensiti- 3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) and zation to cocaine that persisted longer than pre-treatment NMDA receptors as well as L-type calcium channels is with either a D1-like or D2-like dopamine receptor agonist enhanced during the development of behavioral sensitization alone (Henry et al. 1998). leading to persistent activation of calcium/calmodulin-stimu- Based on these findings it was suggested that increased lated (CaM) kinases, which collectively play a critical role in dopamine transmission in the VTA during the development psychostimulant-induced neuronal and behavioral plasticity. of behavioral sensitization might modulate glutamate Moreover, we propose that calcium-stimulated second mes- release in this nucleus by stimulating pre-synaptic D1 sengers may be the crucial biochemical link between the dopamine receptors (Kalivas 1995). Evidence in support of development and long-term expression of behavioral sensi- this hypothesis includes a D1 receptor-dependent enhance- tization to cocaine and amphetamine. ment of glutamate release in the VTA following repeated cocaine injections (Kalivas and Duffy 1998). With amphet- amine, acute and repeated injections both produced delayed Changes in VTA dopaminergic and glutamatergic and prolonged increases in glutamate efflux in the VTA that transmission in the VTA during the development were similar in magnitude (Xue et al. 1996); these (initiation) of psychostimulant-induced behavioral amphetamine-induced increases in VTA glutamate were sensitization blocked by a D1 dopamine receptor antagonist (Wolf and Repeated cocaine injections result in a transient increase in Xue 1999). Although it has been suggested that the basal extracellular dopamine concentrations in the VTA and stimulation of D1-like dopamine receptors located on an enhancement of the ability of cocaine to increase glutamatergic terminals in the VTA mediates psycho- extracellular dopamine in this nucleus (Kalivas and Duffy stimulant-induced enhancement of glutamate release in this 1993; Parsons and Justice 1993). These changes in the ability nucleus during the development of behavioral sensitization of cocaine to increase extracellular dopamine in the VTA are (Kalivas 1995), it is important to note that there are several transient in that they are observed 1 day but not 14 days after discrepancies among the relatively few studies that have the cessation of repeated cocaine injections (Kalivas and addressed the effect of repeated cocaine or amphetamine on Duffy 1993; Parsons and Justice 1993). It is likely that these glutamate release in the VTA, including the time-course of transient changes in VTA dopamine transmission following the psychostimulant-induced enhancement of glutamate repeated cocaine are promoted at least in part by the release as well as the specific role of D1-like dopamine desensitization of D2 dopamine autoreceptors (White and receptors in this effect (Xue et al. 1996; Kalivas and Duffy Wang 1984; Gao et al. 1998), which results in membrane 1998; Wolf and Xue 1999). depolarization through a decrease in G protein coupling of A growing literature indicates that AMPA and NMDA D2 receptors to potassium channels (Nestler et al. 1990; glutamate receptor antagonists impair the development of

2003 International Society for Neurochemistry, J.Neurochem. (2003) 85, 14–22 16 S. C. Licata and R. C. Pierce behavioral sensitization to cocaine or amphetamine (Karler cells in the VTA (Ungless et al. 2001). Taken together, these et al. 1989; Stewart and Druhan 1993; Wolf and Jeziorski results indicate that enhanced excitatory transmission 1993; Li et al. 1997). Consistent with these findings, there is through ionotropic glutamate receptors in the VTA contri- a transient increase in the excitatory effect of glutamate butes to the development of behavioral sensitization to (White et al. 1995) or AMPA (Zhang et al. 1997) on VTA psychostimulants. dopamine neurons in amphetamine and cocaine sensitized In summary, the development of behavioral sensitization rats. In addition, 3 days after the last of five repeated involves a complex interplay between at least two neuro- amphetamine injections, intra-VTA AMPA resulted in aug- transmitters, dopamine and glutamate, in the VTA. As mented dopamine and glutamate transmission in the VTA depicted in Fig. 1, repeated cocaine or amphetamine injec- and nucleus accumbens (Giorgetti et al. 2001). Finally, a tions result in transient increases in extracellular dopamine in single injection of cocaine induces long-term potentiation the VTA, which may increase glutamate transmission by (LTP) of AMPA receptor-mediated current in dopaminergic stimulating pre-synaptic D1 dopamine receptors.

Fig. 1 Interactions between the dopamine and glutamate systems in which stimulates CaMKII. CaMKII, either directly (10) or through the the VTA that produce some of the biochemical and molecular altera- MAP kinase signaling pathway (11), influences a number of intracel- tions associated with the development of psychostimulant-induced lular targets, including tyrosine hydroxylase (12), and alters protein behavioral sensitization. Repeated psychostimulant injections desen- expression via transcription factors such as CREB (13). The MAP sitize D2 dopamine autoreceptors (1) and decrease G-protein medi- kinase system also is stimulated by neurotrophin-activated receptors ated K+ efflux, which depolarizes the dopaminergic cell (2) and such as TrkC (14). Green lines and symbols represent increased promotes somatodendritic dopamine release (3). Extracellular dop- activity during the development of behavioral sensitization, whereas amine appears to stimulate D1 receptors located on pre-synaptic dotted lines and red symbols indicate decreased activity. Black lines glutamate terminals (4) enhancing glutamate release (5). Glutamate and symbols indicate proposed increases in activity. Abbreviations: activates AMPA (6) and NMDA (7) receptors located on dopaminergic AMPAR, AMPA glutamate receptor; CaMKK, calcium/calmodulin- cell bodies and/or dendrites resulting in sodium- and calcium-mediated dependent kinase kinase; D1R, D1 dopamine receptor; D2R, D2 membrane depolarization, which stimulates voltage-activated calcium dopamine autoreceptor; NMDAR, NMDA glutamate receptor; TOH, channels including L-type calcium channels (8). Calcium influx through tyrosine hydroxylase; DV, membrane depolarization. See text for AMPA and NMDA receptors as well as L-type calcium channels additional details and other abbreviations. activates calcium-mediated second messengers such as CaM (9),

2003 International Society for Neurochemistry, J.Neurochem. (2003) 85, 14–22 Calcium/calmodulin and cocaine-induced plasticity 17

L-type calcium channels. This progression from ionotropic Glutamate, calcium and behavioral sensitization glutamate receptors to L-type calcium channels amplifies the to cocaine calcium signal. The calcium influx through AMPA receptors A growing body of research indicates that ionotropic is limited because only a subpopulation of these receptors is glutamate receptors and L-type calcium channels, all of calcium permeable and they rapidly inactivate (Jones 1998). which are calcium permeable, contribute to the development Although all NMDA receptors are calcium permeable, these of behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants. As reviewed receptors also inactivate relatively rapidly (Jones 1998). In above, systemic injections of AMPA or NMDA receptor contrast, L-type calcium channels inactivate slowly and antagonists block the initiation of behavioral sensitization to produce a more sustained influx of calcium than other cocaine or amphetamine (Karler et al. 1989; Stewart and voltage-dependent calcium channels or ionotropic glutamate Druhan 1993; Wolf and Jeziorski 1993; Li et al. 1997). receptors (Jones 1998). The sustained increase in intra- Peripheral injections of L-type calcium channel antagonists cellular calcium produced by L-type channels leads to the also impair the initiation of behavioral sensitization (Karler prolonged activation of calcium-mediated second messen- et al. 1991; Reimer and Martin-Iverson 1994). Moreover, gers. Intracellular calcium binds calmodulin to become an microinjection of an AMPA receptor antagonist (Licata and active complex that can regulate many enzymes including Pierce 2002), an NMDA receptor antagonist (Kalivas and CaM kinase (CaMK) I, II, and IV (Lisman 1994), all of Alesdatter 1993; Vezina and Queen 2000) or an L-type which are abundantly expressed throughout the CNS calcium channel antagonist (Licata and Pierce 2002) directly (Nakamura et al. 2000). into the VTA attenuates the development of psychostimulant- induced behavioral sensitization. In addition, repeated intra- Calcium-stimulated second messengers VTA administration of an L-type calcium channel agonist and neuronal plasticity cross-sensitizes with a subsequent challenge injection of cocaine (Licata et al. 2000) and repeated amphetamine It is notable that there is considerable overlap between the injections increase the expression of the a1C L-type calcium mechanisms underlying LTPand behavioral sensitization, channel subunit in the VTA (Rajadhyaksha et al. 2002). including a role for ionotropic glutamate receptors (Baudry Taken together, these results suggest that ionotropic gluta- and Lynch 2001; Everitt and Wolf 2002; Lisman et al. 2002). mate receptors and L-type calcium channels located on Indeed, recent evidence indicates that exposure to cocaine dopamine cells in the VTA play critical roles in the initiation promotes LTPof AMPAreceptor-mediated currents in of behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants. Indeed, it dopaminergic neurons in the VTA (Ungless et al. 2001). seems likely that increased activation of L-type calcium There also is considerable evidence indicating that calcium- channels in the VTA associated with behavioral sensitization stimulated second messengers contribute to the induction of results at least partly from enhanced glutamate transmission LTP(Gnegy 2000; Baudry and Lynch 2001; Lisman et al. and depolarization of dopaminergic neurons (Xue et al. 2002). Of the CaM kinases, CaMKII in particular has been 1996; Kalivas and Duffy 1998; Wolf and Xue 1999). proposed as a candidate molecule for the long-term storage We hypothesize that enhanced AMPA and NMDA of information due to its ability to remain phosphorylated in glutamate receptor stimulation in the VTA during the the absence of CaM (Lisman 1994; Lisman et al. 2002). This initiation of behavioral sensitization results in increased calcium-independent kinase activity is sustained by the activation of L-type calcium channels and calcium-mediated multiple catalytic subunits of the CaMKII holoenzyme, second messengers. As depicted in Fig. 1, AMPA receptors, which re-phosphorylate adjacent subunits that are inactivated NMDA receptors and L-type calcium channels all are by phosphatases and phosphorylate new subunits that are conduits through which calcium transmission and signaling added during protein turnover (Miller and Kennedy 1986; can be amplified. Stimulation of all AMPA receptors results Lisman 1994). The critical role of this enzyme in neuronal in membrane depolarization via sodium transmission, plasticity is supported by experiments using CaMKII-defici- whereas only AMPA receptors lacking the GluR2 subunit ent mutant mice, which were shown to have a compromised are calcium permeable (Tanaka et al. 2000). Although GluR2 ability to produce hippocampal LTP(Silva et al. 1992b) as subunits are expressed in dopaminergic neurons in the VTA well as spatial learning deficiencies (Silva et al. 1992a). A (Chen et al. 2001), it is unclear what proportion of VTA growing literature indicates that the CaM kinases also play a AMPA receptors lack the GluR2 subunit. Membrane depo- critical role in the initiation of behavioral sensitization. larization is necessary to remove the tonic block of NMDA receptor channels by magnesium. When activated, NMDA Calcium-stimulated second messengers receptors further depolarize the membrane through calcium and behavioral sensitization and sodium influx. The combined membrane depolarization induced by AMPA and NMDA receptor stimulation results in As illustrated in Fig. 1, whereas CaMKI and CaMKIV are the activation of voltage-dependent channels, including activated most effectively by CaM-dependent kinase kinase,

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CaMKII can be stimulated directly by CaM (Sugita et al. cross-sensitizes with a subsequent challenge injection of 1994). Once activated, CaMKII can phosphorylate a number cocaine (Pierce et al. 1999). These data, coupled with the of intracellular targets including, but not limited to, AMPA results outlined above, indicate that the CaM and MAP receptors (Poncer et al. 2002), NMDA receptors (Bayer et al. kinases, acting either independently or cooperatively, play 2001), L-type calcium channels (Dzhura et al. 2000) and important roles in promoting the initiation of behavioral tyrosine hydroxylase (Griffith and Schulman 1988), the rate sensitization to cocaine. limiting enzyme in dopamine synthesis. Based on the role of AMPA, NMDA, and L-type calcium channels in the Targets of CaM and MAP kinases that may play development of behavioral sensitization, it is likely that a role in psychostimulant-induced behavioral calcium-mediated second messengers contribute to this sensitization process. Consistent with this hypothesis, administration of the CaMKII inhibitor KN-93 into the VTA prior to daily A common target of the CaM and MAPkinases is cAMP injections of cocaine impairs the development of behavioral response element binding protein (CREB) (Curtis and sensitization (Licata and Pierce 2002). Moreover, behavioral Finkbeiner 1999), a transcription factor that has been linked sensitization to cocaine is attenuated in CaMKII knockout to several forms of synaptic plasticity including psychostim- mice (Licata and Pierce 2002). The effect of amphetamine on ulant-induced changes in the mesotelencephalic dopamine calmodulin in the ventral midbrain is complex. Although an systems (Turgeon et al. 1997; Pliakas et al. 2001). Although acute injection of amphetamine increased calmodulin mRNA all three CaM kinases phosphorylate CREB at serine 133, and protein in the ventral midbrain (Michelhaugh and Gnegy CaMKI and CaMKIV are more effective activators of CREB- 2000), these increases were not observed 3 h after a regimen dependent transcription (Sun et al. 1996). This is due to the of repeated, daily amphetamine injections (Michelhaugh fact that CaMKII also inhibits CREB by phosphorylation at et al. 1998; Ostrander et al. 1998; Michelhaugh and Gnegy serine 142 (Sun et al. 1996). However, CaMKII can 2000). Seven to 10 days after the amphetamine injection stimulate CREB-mediated transcription indirectly via activa- regimen there was a decrease in calmodulin levels in the tion of the Ras/MAPkinase second messenger system, which ventral midbrain (Michelhaugh et al. 1998; Michelhaugh and phosphorylates CREB through ribosomal S6 kinase 2 (Xing Gnegy 2000). In addition, repeated amphetamine injections et al. 1996). The influence of psychostimulants on CREB has produce changes in the various calmodulin gene mRNAs, thus far focused primarily on the striatal complex. However, which do not always correspond to the amphetamine-induced one study did assess the influence of amphetamine on CREB alterations in calmodulin protein in the ventral midbrain in the VTA. The results of these experiments indicate that a (Michelhaugh et al. 1998; Michelhaugh and Gnegy 2000). single injection of amphetamine has no influence on total or The effects of acute or repeated cocaine or amphetamine phosphorylated CREB in the VTA (Dalley et al. 1999). The injections on CaMKII protein or mRNA levels in the VTA effect of repeated psychostimulant administrations on CREB have not yet been evaluated. levels in the VTA remains unaddressed. Tyrosine hydroxylase is altered in the VTA following repeated injections of cocaine. Tyrosine hydroxylase immu- MAP kinase as a calcium/calmodulin-stimulated noreactivity, tyrosine hydroxylase enzymatic activity, and second messenger and its contribution tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA are all increased in rats repeat- to the development of behavioral sensitization edly treated with cocaine (Beitner-Johnson et al. 1991; Sorg As shown in Fig. 1, CaMKII, via activation of Ras, also et al. 1993; Vrana et al. 1993), which indicates that dopamine stimulates the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase synthesis is increased in the VTA during the development of second messenger system (Xing et al. 1996). Ras activates behavioral sensitization. This increase in dopamine synthesis a MAP3kinase (Raf) that phosphorylates and activates a likely contributes to the enhancement in basal extracellular MAPkinase kinase (MEK), which in turn phosphorylates the dopamine levels in the VTA following repeated cocaine MAPkinases (also known as extracellular signal-related injections (Kalivas and Duffy 1993). Interestingly, calcium kinases or ERKs) (Seger and Krebs 1995). Recent work from influx through L-type calcium channels increases catechol- our laboratory indicates that microinjection of a MEK amine synthesis in PC12 cells (McCullough and Westfall inhibitor into the VTA blocks the initiation of behavioral 1996), possibly through a CaMKII-mediated phosphorylation sensitization to cocaine (Pierce et al. 1999), which is of tyrosine hydroxylase (Griffith and Schulman 1988). In consistent with findings showing that repeated cocaine primary striatal cultures, calcium influx through L-type injections increase ERK catalytic activity specifically in the calcium channels also increases CREB phosphorylation VTA (Berhow et al. 1996). The Ras/MAPkinase signal (Rajadhyaksha et al. 1999) and CREB has been shown to transduction cascade also is activated by stimulation of regulate tyrosine hydroxylase transcription (Lim et al. 2000). tyrosine kinase C (TrkC) receptors (see Fig. 1) and repeated Taken together, these results suggest that the calcium influx intra-VTA administration of the TrkC agonist neurotrophin-3 through ionotropic glutamate receptors and L-type calcium

2003 International Society for Neurochemistry, J.Neurochem. (2003) 85, 14–22 Calcium/calmodulin and cocaine-induced plasticity 19 channels during the development of behavioral sensitization that contributes to psychostimulant-induced neuronal and may increase tyrosine hydroxylase activity via CaMKII, either behavioral plasticity, and tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate- directly or through CREB-mediated transcription. Additional limiting enzyme in dopamine synthesis. Thus, a persistent relevant targets for CREB include fos-like proteins (i.e. c-fos, augmentation in signaling through the CaM and MAPkinase DfosB) and neurotensin, which are expressed by dopaminergic cascades is likely to have a profound influence on the cells in the VTA (Kalivas and Miller 1984; Stephenson et al. function of VTA dopaminergic neurons. 1999) and have been implicated in the development of One of the critical unresolved issues in the behavioral neuroadaptations associated with repeated psychostimulant sensitization literature is the biochemical mechanism under- injections (Daunais and McGinty 1994; Kelz et al. 1999; lying the shift from the development of behavioral sensiti- Rompre and Perron 2000). zation, which occurs mainly in the VTA, to expression, which arises in the nucleus accumbens and other dopamin- ergic terminal regions. In this context, it is interesting to note L-type calcium channels and other cocaine that a growing literature indicates that L-type calcium regulated behaviors channels and calcium-mediated second messengers play The information summarized above indicates that calcium important roles in the long term expression of psychostim- influx through L-type calcium channels plays an important ulant sensitization (Pierce and Kalivas 1997b; Gnegy 2000), role in psychostimulant-induced behavioral and neuronal including the modulation of dopamine release in the nucleus plasticity. Several studies have shown that L-type calcium accumbens (Pierce and Kalivas 1997a). Given the important channels modulate cocaine-regulated behaviors other than role of calcium-stimulated kinases in both the development behavioral sensitization. For example, systemic adminis- and expression of behavioral sensitization, it is possible that tration of L-type calcium channel antagonists impairs these signaling molecules may provide the biochemical cocaine self-administration (Kuzmin et al. 1992; Martell- conduit through which the transient neurochemical, bio- otta et al. 1994; Schindler et al. 1995), cocaine-induced chemical and molecular alterations associated with the conditioned place preference (Pani et al. 1991; Calcagnetti development of behavioral sensitization are transferred to et al. 1995) and the reinstatement of cocaine-seeking the nucleus accumbens, where the main neurophysiological behavior (Licata et al. 2001). These results highlight the adaptations that drive the long-term expression of behavioral important role of calcium influx through L-type calcium expression occur. channels in a broad range of behaviors regulated by cocaine. The extent to which the various CaM kinases Acknowledgements contribute to these cocaine-mediated behaviors remains to be determined. The authors thank Ausaf Bari, Anjali Rajadhyaksha and Bryan Yamamoto for helpful discussion and commentary of this review. The authors are supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Summary and conclusions Health (RO1 DA12171). RCPalso was supported by a National During the development of psychostimulant-induced behavi- Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression Young Investigator Award and a New Investigator Award from the Harcourt oral sensitization there is a transient increase in the General Charitable Foundation. SCL was partially supported by a excitability of dopaminergic neurons in the VTA. This is National Research Service Award from the National Institutes the result of a number of factors, including (i) dopamine Health (F30 DA14435). autoreceptor subsensitivity, (ii) D1 dopamine receptor-medi- ated enhancement of glutamate release, (iii) increased glutamate transmission through AMPA and NMDA recep- References tors, and (iv) augmented activation of L-type calcium Baudry M. and Lynch G. (2001) Remembrance of arguments past: how channels. Since AMPA and NMDA receptors as well as well is the glutamate receptor hypothesis of LTPholding up after L-type calcium channels are calcium permeable, these 20 years? Neurobiol.Learn.Mem. 76, 284–297. findings suggest that calcium-stimulated second messengers Bayer K. U., De K.P., Leonard A.S., Hell J. W. and Schulman H. (2001) Interaction with the NMDA receptor locks CaMKII in an active may play a role in the development of behavioral sensitiza- conformation. Nature 411, 801–805. tion. 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