Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:22-23

Introduction • Bible prophecy is God revealing the future to His people. [Acts 15:18] • Holy men allowed to gaze down the ‘corridor of time.’ • Prophecy is history foretold & history is prophecy fulfilled. • In [Daniel 2] the king of Babylon is shown a great image composed of different metals. • Each metal (gold, silver, bronze and iron) represents an earthly empire starting with Babylon. [Daniel 2:38]. • Silver represents the Media/Persian empire. • Bronze represents the Greek empire. • Iron represents the Roman empire.

1 Enter The Medes/Persians • The Medes/Persians led by Cyrus captured Babylon recorded in [Daniel 5]. • The Jews who had been in captivity for 70 years are allowed to return to Israel. • (Their story is told in books of Ezra and Nehemiah). • The story of the Jews who stayed is recorded in book of Esther. • That story is like a game of chess between God and .

2 A Queen Called Esther • Satan’s move: He moves a man called into a prominent position in king Ahasuerus’ kingdom. • God’s move: He moves a Jewish girl to become queen. • Satan’s move: Haman proposes the genocide of the Jews to the king.

3 A Sinister Player: ‘The prince of Persia.’ (See Daniel 10:12) • There is a warfare going on in the heavenlies. [Ephesians 6:12]. • God’s move: Esther is ‘moved’ to intercede with the king for her people. • Haman is hanged and the Jews are saved. (Checkmate). • Tradition: Mordecai and Esther buried in Hamadan (Iran).

4 Mohammad, And Persia • A boy called Mohammad born in (S. Arabia) in AD570. • Credited with founding Islam. • Armed with the and the sword his followers set of to conquer and convert. • In 651AD they conquered Persia and Persia converted to Islam. • Islam is still the religion of Persia/Iran today.

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