2020 08 18 RDMW Agenda

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2020 08 18 RDMW Agenda



August 18, 2020 at 2:00pm Board Room, RDMW Administrative Office, 2044 McNeill Road, Port McNeill, BC

Page(s) CALL TO ORDER A. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1-2 1. Adopt August 18, 2020 RDMW Board of Directors Meeting Agenda as Presented (Or amended)


C. MINUTES 3-7 1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting held July 21, 2020 as Presented (Or amended) Available 2. District of Regular Council Meetings – June 23, Committee of the Whole Meeting for Review June 22, Special Council-June 22; Town of Port McNeill Regular Council Meetings - June 23, July 14, Committee of the Whole-July 7; Village of Regular Council Meeting – May 25, June 8, June 22, July 13, 2020 Available 3. Cheque Register Report (July 31, 2020) for Review


8 1. Administrator (August 12, 2020) a) Travel Report – NO TRAVEL THIS MONTH (Due to COVID-19 Travel Restrictions)

9 2. Manager of Economic Development (August 11, 2020)

Recommendations: a) That a contract be issued to Mica Donaghy not to exceed $13,500 to act as coordinator for COVID 19 economic recovery programs: and

b) That a contract be issued to the Community Futures Program of Mount Waddington not to exceed $11,000 to manage the Executive Pulse CRM program 10-11 c) Tourism Coordinator Report (August 12, 2020)

12-13 3. Manager of Operations (August 11, 2020)

Recommendations: a) That a letter in support of the resolution submitted by the Regional District of Bulkley Nechako to UBCM requesting that the Province immediately incorporate all cardboard into the existing Extended Producer Responsibility Program operated by Recycle BC 14-15 4. Manager of Planning and Development Services (August 4, 2020)


16 1. Treasurer (August 18, 2020) 17 a) Single Source Report (July 31, 2020)

F. COMMITTEE REPORTS – Electoral Area Committee (To be brought forth from earlier Committee Meetings)



1. Bylaw No. 969, 2020 cited as “Regional District of Mount Waddington Bylaw No. 736, Amendment Bylaw No. 969, 2020” for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings

2. Bylaw No. 969, 2020 cited as “Regional District of Mount Waddington Bylaw No. 736, Amendment Bylaw No. 969, 2020 for Adoption

3. Bylaw No. 984, 2020 cited as “Regional District of Mount Waddington Bylaw No. 906, Amendment Bylaw No. 984, 2020” for 1st, 2nd and 3rd readings

4. Bylaw No. 984, 2020 cited as “Regional District of Mount Waddington Bylaw No. 906, Amendment Bylaw No. 984, 2020” for Adoption


1. Letter from Strathcona Regional District re: High Resolution Tsunami Modelling Project for Northwest Coast of 26

2. Letter from District of Port Hardy re: Letter of Support for Grant Application to Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program for Port Hardy Pool Renovation Project 27-28 3. Island Copper Process Referral


1. Other Business: Discussion 2. Electoral Area Updates: Area “A” - Broughton / / Mainland Area “B” - / Area “C” - Hyde Creek / Rupert Area “D” - Nimpkish Valley /

3. Municipal Updates:

Village of Alert Bay Village of District of Port Hardy Town of Port McNeill 4. Question Period 5. Committee Meetings: 6. Next Meeting: September 15, 2020





July 21, 2020 at 2:00pm Board Room, RDMW Administrative Office, 2044 McNeill Road, Port McNeill, BC

Chair: In person: Andrew Hory Directors: In Person: Dennis Buchanan, Gaby Wickstrom, Rod Sherrell, John Tidbury, Sandra Daniels Zoom: Dennis Dugas, James Furney, Kevin Cameron Teleconf: None Regrets: Janet Dorward Staff: In person: Greg Fletcher, Rose Liu, Pat English Zoom: Jolie White, Jeff Long, Patrick Donaghy, Nadine Weldon, Angela Smith Media: Zoom: Kathy O’Reilly – North Island Eagle Public: Zoom: Nicole Parker Wilson, A. Howard, Jeanne James-Hory

Resolution CALL TO ORDER 2:07 PM No. The Chair opened the meeting by acknowledging that this meeting is taking place on the traditional territory of the Kwak’wala speaking peoples.

130/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED A. THAT the RDMW Board of Directors July 21, 2020 Agenda Meeting Agenda be adopted as amended.

B. DELEGATIONS & RECOGNITIONS 1. Geoscience BC – Richard Truman & Brady Clift via ZOOM presentation Follow up from presentation in January o o Review of the mineral findings on Northern Vancouver Island, including area covered and how the data was collected, including air borne and radiometric

o Defining what Geoscience as a non-profit society does, where their funding comes from and how they work collaboratively with their partners o Requested a letter of support for continued Provincial funding

131/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT the Regional District of Mount Waddington Board write a letter of support for Geoscience BC for ongoing research funding from the Province of BC.


132/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting held June 16, 2020, be adopted as presented.

D. STAFF REPORTS 1. Administrator Reports:

a) Administration Report (July 15, 2020) also noted: • $16,000 grant received for CISM Training • FCM Grant monies received in the amount of $71,000

3 133/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT the agreement with PW Transit to operate the Volunteer Transportation Network be renewed for the period of April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 with a base rate of $2,073 per month.

134/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED

THAT the June 10, 2020 Administrator’s Report be received and filed.

Travel Report – NO TRAVEL THIS MONTH (Due to COVID-19 Travel Restrictions)

2. Manager of Economic Development (July 13, 2020) Also noted: • Telus has advised that they have plans in the works to complete the high speed internet connection to Coal Harbour & Quatsino, as well as upgrading the high speed internet connection in Woss.

135/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT an application be made to the Island Coastal Economic Trust for funding to develop and implement a home-based knowledge workers attraction campaign.

136/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT a Lease Agreement for a 50-year period at zero base rent with the Vancouver Island Regional Library for the purpose of developing a new library at Woss be approved ;Vancouver

Island Regional Library is to be responsible for all construction and operating costs, including reimbursement of any costs incurred by the Regional District of Mount Waddington, during the period of the lease.

137/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT the June 10, 2020 Manager of Economic Development’s Report be received and filed

a) Tourism Coordinator Report (July 13, 2020) Presented by Jolie White

138/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT the June 8, 2020 Tourism Coordinator Report be received and filed.

139/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT the reforecasted 2020-2021 VINT marketing budget be approved.

140/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT the revised 2020-2021 VINT Strategic Business plan be approved.

3. Manager of Operations (July 3, 2020) who also noted: • Provided a tour of the landfill to members of Port Hardy council on July 16 • Met with residents of Winter Harbour on July 18 to discuss options for their water

system, the future of the RD quarry, and other community issues • A temporary closure sign was placed at the quarry

Moved/Seconded/CARRIED 141/2020 THAT the July 3, 2020 Operations Report be received and filed.

4. Manager of Planning and Development Services (July 2, 2020)

142/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT the July 2, 2020 Planning and Development Report be received and filed.

4 143/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT in accordance with section 512(2) of the Local Government Act, the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Mount Waddington hereby approves a reduction in the statutory minimum frontage requirement as per section 512(1)(a) of that Act, for the property legally described as The Southerly ½ Of The North East 160 Acres Of Section 9, Township 1, Rupert District, Shown Coloured Red On Plan Attached To DD 14662I Except Part in Plan VIP84247 (Parcel Identifier Number 009-913-165), to a minimum frontage on Hyde Creek Road of 20.0 meters.


1. Finance Report from the Treasurer (July 13, 2020). 144/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT the July 13, 2020 Finance Report be received and filed.

a) Single Source Reports (June 30th, 2020)

145/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT the June 30, 2020 Single Source report be approved.

F. COMMITTEE REPORTS - (Brought forth from earlier Committee Meetings): Arena

146/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT a grant funding application be submitted for the Chilton Regional Arena Fire Stairs

Replacement Project through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Community,

Culture and Recreation; and THAT the Board supports the project and commits $68,000 as its share of the project.


1. Bylaw No. 983, 2020 cited as “Regional District of Mount Waddington Bylaw Enforcement Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No. 907, Amendment Bylaw No. 981, 2020” for 1st reading.

The Manager of Planning and Development Services noted that this bylaw was developed from an earlier request from the Board to have site permits be required in all areas within the RDMW‘s jurisdiction for planning matters. He explained that currently site permits are required on Malcolm Island, Hyde Creek and Woss and full building permits are required in Coal Harbour. He also noted that there were housekeeping provisions proposed, including removing schedules acting as forms. He also suggested an amendment to the circulated copy that would exempt crown license tenures from the proposed bylaw.

Moved/Seconded/CARRIED 147/2020 That Bylaw No. 983, 2020, cited as “Regional District of Mount Waddington Bylaw Enforcement Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No. 6823, Amendment Bylaw No. 983, 2020” be given 1st, reading, as amended.


1. Letter, Dated June 10, 2020, from District of Port Hardy re: Upgrade and maintenance of North Island Trails

5 148/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT staff circulate an updated version of the 2009 Trails Coordinated Recreation Resource Initiative to all directors for review and possible creation of an Ad Hoc committee for North Vancouver Island Trail network upgrades and maintenance.

2. Letter, Dated July 20, 2020, from North Island Fire Chiefs Association re: request RDMW Board send a letter to Ministry of Transportation in favor of network of electronic signage in strategic locations to inform the public of road conditions.

149/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT a letter be sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure requesting that they install of a network of strategically located electronic signs at locations to inform the public of road conditions.


Area “A” - Broughton / Malcolm Island / Mainland - COVID 19 precautions are being maintained

Area “B” - Coal Harbour / Quatsino / Winter Harbour - No report

Area “C”- Hyde Creek / Rupert - Rode in the wheelhouse on the new ferry, discussion re: assisting with staffing issues around emergency services on the new ferry. Concern about having non-trained people or the public assisting in the event of an emergency. This issue is very concerning as the Port McNeill Volunteer Search and Rescue has returned its boat back to the Ministry to Transportation, so the ferry becomes the first responder for a majority of the year.

150/2020 Moved/Seconded/CARRIED THAT a letter be sent to BC Ferries to address the adequacy of emergency services currently available on the Tri-Island Ferry system.

Directors Furney, Buchanan and Angela Smith volunteered to write the letter.

Area “D”- Nimpkish Valley / Woss - Unable to get the pool up and running in Woss due to lack of interest

2. Municipal Updates:

Village of Alert Bay - Geotech consultant visited the Village of Alert Bay to assess and provide recommendations for repairs to areas damaged during the storm last year. - Tourism is picking up

Village of Port Alice - Tourism is increasing, mostly heading to the West Coast - Received a grant for an interpretive sign project - Started work on the 2021 Tourism Initiative

6 District of Port Hardy - $2.5 million received for work at the civic centre/arena, as well as improving the pool - Filomi Days weekend just past, no celebrations due to COVID. Hoping to get back on track for 2021 - Thanked Patrick Donaghy for the tour of 7 Mile. Very interesting and appreciative of the ongoing work there. - Bringing forward a letter in the RHD meeting requesting VIHA restore weekend lab services at North Island hospitals

Town of Port McNeill - Initial community plan process on the way - New website will be up and running in the next couple of weeks - Active Transportation Planning grant received and will be going out for tender soon - Have received a Wildfire Protection Planning grant and that has gone out for tender - Public request to review a waterfront park plan that would be multi-age/multi-generational - Gaby has submitted her name to be on the UBCM Director at Large Executive for 2020

3. Questions - Is the RDMW allowing Alberta residents to camp at Bere Point? o Yes, Canadian residents are allowed to camp and make reservations at Bere Point or Link River Regional Parks. BC Parks allows the campers from outside the Province, but they cannot reserve ahead of time. Currently, only about 1% of camping reservations to RDMW parks are from outside of BC.

4. Committee Meetings – Arena

• Next Meeting of the Board of Directors: August 18, 2020 at 2:00 pm







FROM: Greg Fletcher, Administrator

SUBJECT: August, 2020 Administration Report

DATE: August 12, 2020 ______

Transit – In July, ridership increased another 28% from last month but still remains 20% lower than a normal July. Revenues are only at 70% of normal July levels. Some relief is expected from a recent federal announcement, but we don’t yet know what that will mean for our system. BC Transit is adopting a mandatory face mask use policy for Monday, August 24th; fortunately, we have been already following a mask policy for about a month, including providing masks to those who do not have them. The new policy may help persuade the very few who still refuse to wear masks.

Emergency Planning – The EOC meetings continue to be held every week and will continue at this holding pattern until either the Provincial State of Emergency is lifted, or the situation deteriorates.

Parks – Bere Point and Link River campsites continue to be very busy with a record level of activity at Link River: for the remainder of the camping season, 77% of the sites at Link River and 93% of sites at Bere Point are already reserved. Waterfront sites are 98% reserved for Bere Point and 91% reserved for Link River. Campground revenues are already at record levels in 2020. Some additional maintenance costs, including septic pump-out services have also been incurred because the high use. Similarly, day use sites like Little Huson Caves require additional maintenance, some of which will have to be done in the shoulder season.

The ‘holiday in BC’ pandemic messaging has been highly effective, leading to record levels of outdoor enthusiasts not only at our RD Parks but all North Vancouver Island parks and recreation sites. This has led to congestion issues at many BC Parks and Recreational Trails and BC sites. We are trying to work with these agencies to ensure that adequate resourcing and coordinated messaging is in place so that collectively we will have less spillover problems.

Recreational Services – The Chilton Regional Arena was kept open during August to provide additional baseline information for fine tuning the district energy heat loop system for SD85 and to facilitate the Town of Port McNeill to access the loop for their swimming pool.

UBCM Meetings- Meetings, including with BC hydro have been requested and the Board will be informed when the dates are confirmed.

Respectfully Submitted,

______Greg Fletcher, Administrator





TO: Board of Directors FILE: 315.03 DATE: Aug 11, 2020 FROM: Pat English, Manager of Economic Development

SUBJECT: Monthly Economic Development Department Report

During the past month, I have undertaken the following economic development activities:

• On July 22nd I met with VINTAS’ Executive Committee and reviewed the amended budget for the Rural Grant that we received in April, 2020. The Committee approved the amendments and directed me to proceed with implementation of the various COVID economic recovery programs. In addition, VINTAS Executive have made the following recommendation to the RDMW, and requests a resolution for their implementation:

That a contract be issued to Mica Donaghy not to exceed $13,500 to act as coordinator for COVID 19 economic recovery programs: and

That a contract be issued to the Community Futures of Mount Waddington not to exceed $11,000 to manage the Executive Pulse CRM program.

• I am working with the Port McNeill and Port Hardy Chamber of Commerce to develop fee-for- service agreements to help implement the Island Comeback program. I expect that similar agreements may be put in as part of the implementation plan for the Executive Pulse programs.

• I met with a representative of Cascadia Seafoods to discuss their investigation of the capacity of West Coast Vancouver Island coastal communities to deliver large scale ocean farming of seaweed.

• The CAO and I attended a presentation by representatives of Mosaic Forest Management that addressed their plans for harvesting activities in the north island. Mosaic had only limited information to share with us due to the cessation of harvesting during the COVID pandemic.

• The water management plan for the Hornsby Crawler has been completed, thanks to the excellent project management service of out Operating Assistant. We have also received preliminary drafts of the information panels that will be installed at the site and I am working with the Coal Harbour Local Community Committee and the Quatsino First Nation to finalize their content.

Respectfully submitted,

Manager of Economic Development


August 10, 2020

Pat English Manager of Economic Development Regional District of Mount Waddington PO Box 729 Port McNeill, BC

Vancouver Island North Tourism Report; July to August 2020

Upcoming and in-progress activities:

● Tourism industry updates o The Tourism Resiliency Program is evolving as the summer season progresses and challenges shift for the businesses o Tourism Vancouver Island will be making proactive calls to businesses that have not already registered for the program to check in and see if there are ways the program may be able to assist

● Marketing o What’s Open & Know Before You Go page received over 2,000 visits in July and has had nearly 500 visits in the first week of August o Stakeholder listing updates continue with refreshed information, the addition of details on summer 2020 operations and flagging for those open during COVID o Google Search Engine Marketing campaign is active, results to date: ▪ 1,949 clicks; 34,319 impressions; 5.68% click through rate (2.18% industry benchmark) o Facebook paid advertising campaign is active, results to date: ▪ 5,238 clicks; 303,265 impressions; 110 comments; 217 shares; 1.72% click through rate (0.9% industry benchmark) o Stakeholder 30 second video project: ▪ Tourism businesses were offered fully subsidized filming and production of a 30 second video ▪ The budget was based on 10 stakeholders participating, we had 22 stakeholders respond ▪ We have prioritized this project due to the demand from stakeholders and will expand the project so more businesses can receive a video ▪ This will be completed in two rounds of filming, August 9 - 13 and August 24 - 27 ▪ Stakeholders will receive the video to use for their own purposes and VINT will share these videos on web and social o The Port McNeill tourism advisory committee is moving forward with a cooperative video project through VINT with planning in progress and a tentative filming schedule beginning August 16

10 o Changes are being made to the distribution of the Vancouver Island North Recreation Map and Explorer Guide; Ferry distribution is not a possibility until after Labour Day so land distribution is being expanded into Victoria and the lower mainland for both publications o VINT is assisting with a tourism resiliency feature being developed by Tourism Vancouver Island where business owners are profiled to share their personal stories of resilience; 4 businesses from the North Island will be included o VINT is assisting with coordination of a travel media visit for Cherie Thiessen, writer for BC Magazine, who will be visiting Sointula from September 6 - 8

MRDT Revenue by Month: The Vancouver Island North Tourism project receives 80% of MRDT revenue collected from designated recipients in the Vancouver Island North Region (Port McNeill, Alert Bay, RDMW Rural Areas & Port Alice), with the exception of Port Hardy, from whom the project receives 53.33%. The District of Port Hardy continues to remit 80% of the original 2% MRDT and retains the full allocation of the additional revenues when the MRDT increased to 3%.

March 2019: $10,121 2020: $2,669 April 2019: $8,809 2020: $3,273 May 2019: $20,770 2020: $2,100

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Bannister Director, Destination Marketing Tourism Vancouver Island 250-740-1222 | [email protected] 2





TO: Board of Directors FILE: 315.04 DATE: August 11, 2020

FROM: Patrick Donaghy, Manager of Operations

SUBJECT: August 2020 Operations Report

The Manager of Operations continues working on COVID-19 pandemic emergency. Primary focus is adapting new guidance resources related to reopening of the economy into mamagement decisions relating to Regional District services. A review of the daily Emergency Operating Center reports will detail specific actions.

Brandon Kreager in his role of Planning and Operations Assistant has been woking on the following initiatives:

• Supervised the implementation of a drainage plan for the Hornsby Crawler heritage site • Continues in the development of a rules and regulation bylaw for the Quatsino Wharf • Continues the implementation of an update to the 7 Mile Landfill Health and Safety Program • Will be reviewing the current participation of the RDMW in Extended Producer Responsibility programs seeking improved benefits for North Island communities

Staff and RDMW contractors continue consultation efforts in regards to Interim Solid Waste Management Plan (ISWMP). To date the following targets have been met:

• All four municipalities have been contacted and by the time of the August Board meeting, presentations will have been provided to Port McNeill, Port Hardy and Port Alice; • A presence has been established on Instagram in an effort to engage a younger demographic

It is hoped that by the Board meeting, the upgrade of Lift Station 4 in Coal Harbour will be completed. This milestone marks the final component of the complete overhaul of the Coal Harbour waste water system which was done through Gas Tax funding minimizing the financial impact on the community’s rate payers.

The Regional District has engaged Foreman Equipment to lease a wood grinder in the later part of August to process the accumulated waste wood at 7 Mile Landfill. The rate is $12,500 for a week’s work which should be sufficient to meet the landfll’s needs. This awarding of work was done by seeking multiple bid sources but only Foreman Equipment responded underlying the limited contractor base which is in heavy demand. The machine in question is a model that the RDMW targeted when a grant application was submitted early in 2020. Results in thegrant application are expected tobe announced in the Spring of 2021. Regional District staff have reached out to Port Alice and will contact other municipalities about this opportunity.

BC Hydro is reaching out to local governments to engage their residents and business in regards to the upcoming switch over of street lights from older technologies to LED based lighting. This changeover is a once in a generation opportunity with options ranging from light colour to the expanse of lighting each street light will provide. One concern is the perceived lack of effective materials available to explain to the public the various options. RDMW staff will continue to engage with BC Hydro to fill in this shortfall. BC Hydro have set a deadline to respond to a August 12 webinar by August 19th…the input will then be included in a BCUC rate submission set for late September. BC Hydro has had almost a year to prepare information for their public process and yet wants a response within a week. This will be addressed separately in our requested UBCM meeting with BC Hydro.


Finally the Regional District of Bulkley Nechako has requested other regional districts support its submitted resolution to the 2020 UBCM Convention regarding cardboard diversion. The letter requesting support is in the circulation package and the wording of the proposed resolution is as follows:

“… be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province immediately incorporate all cardboard into the existing Extended Producer Responsibility Program operated by Recycle BC.”

Staff and the proposed Interim Solid Waste Management Plan all support advocacy to expand Extended Producer Responsibility programs and therefore recommend that a letter of support and further positive actions be undertaken by the RDMW and its municipalities.

If anyone on the Board has any questions, please contact me at your convenience.

Respectfully submitted

______Patrick Donaghy PEng, MSc





TO: Board of Directors FILE: 315.05 DATE: August 4, 2020

FROM: Jeff Long, Manager of Planning & Development Services

SUBJECT: July 2020 Planning & Development Services Department Report

1. Projects: a) Mount Waddington Regional Housing Needs Report Project (2019-PROJ-03): The project consultants conducted several online and telephone meetings with stakeholders during the month of July as part of the Phase 2 community consultation and engagement component of the project. Staff assisted the consultants with the coordination of focus group meetings being conducted electronically with the seven advisory planning commissions. A steering committee meeting was conducted on July 8th to discuss findings to date and review the status of various matters related to the project. A draft of the housing needs report is expected in early September. b) Region Wide Site Permitting (2019-PROJ-17): Staff prepared Bylaw No. 983 which proposes to amend RDMW Building Bylaw No. 682 to implement the requirement for site permits region wide. At present, this is done in Hyde Creek, Malcolm Island and Woss only. Expanding site permits to all areas of the RDMW will give the RDMW a better grasp on development happening throughout its entire jurisdiction and a process to ensure zoning compliance is observed as part of new or expanded developments. c) Information Technology: Staff ordered new hardware to replace the equipment associated with the RDMW’s administrative computer network backup system, as this equipment is outdated and does not have the capacity needed to continue to maintain adequate backup. As reliance on the use and storage of electronic data continues to grow, so do the demands on the equipment that is used including the backup system which is designed to ensure that in the event of failure of the main server, there is a reliable backup of the RDMW’s data that can be used to continue operations. Staff worked with the RDMW’s IT specialist to setup the equipment which is located in another building to provide separation in case of fire or other disaster which might otherwise destroy both the main server and backup system. The backup system was programmed to conduct regular automatic backups and was tested to ensure it is working properly. d) Woss Library (2020-PROJ-07): Staff assisted the Manager of Economic Development with finalization of the lease arrangement between the RDMW and Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) for the new Woss library facility on the RDMW’s community hall / fire hall property. The lease agreement has now been finalized and instructions provided to the VIRL on specific conditions that must be undertaken by the VIRL as part of the lease arrangements that have been agreed to. e) Quatsino First Nation Reserve Expansion (2020-PROJ-07): QFN staff has contacted RDMW staff to advise of a pending process to establish a new reserve for the QFN in the eastern Coal Harbour area on the east side of Stephens Bay. An initial meeting will be conducted in August with QFN staff and its consultants to review preliminary information related to the proposal which will eventually be presented to the Coal Harbour Local Community Commission and the Board of Directors as part of the process. f) Port McNeill OCP Update (2020-PROJ-08): The consultant that has been retained by the Town of Port McNeill to undertake its official community plan and zoning bylaw update projects contacted staff who provided input as well as data and mapping information to assist the consultants with their work. g) Annual Report: Staff prepared its portion of the RDMW’s annual report which includes an overview and status update on a complete range of projects and activities associated with the Planning & Development Services Department.

14 2. Crown Land Tenures: a) Aeolis Wind Power Corporation (2004027): Cancellation of Licence No. 114465 with respect to a 2,968 hectare area in the westerly portion of Malcolm Island for wind power generation investigative purposes. b) Howich (2012079): Issuance of Lease No. 348752 for a fifteen year period with respect to a 0.1 hectare tenure at Mount Cain in Electoral Area ‘D’ for seasonal residential purposes. This lease replaces Lease No. 346192 in response to reassignment of that lease in 2018. c) Between Woods and Whales Inc. (1998016): Transfer of Licence No. V93181 with respect to a 0.1 hectare marine site in Browning Passage in Electoral Area B, for sewer outfall purposes. This site is to be used in conjunction with the adjacent private property on the west side of Balaklava Island which is owned by the new tenure holder and is zoned for commercial purposes. d) Between Woods and Whales Inc. (2000042): Transfer of Licence No. 114001 with respect to a 0.302 hectare linear site on Balaklava Island in Electoral Area ‘B’ for water line and telecommunications equipment for use in conjunction with the adjacent private property which is owned by the new tenure holder and is zoned for commercial purposes. e) Between Woods and Whales Inc. (1998014): Transfer of Licence No. V933969 with respect to two marine sites totalling 0.4 of a hectare in Browning Passage in Electoral Area B, for moorage purposes. These sites are to be used in conjunction with the adjacent private property on the west side of Balaklava Island which is owned by the new tenure holder and is zoned for commercial purposes. f) BC Timber Sales (2020006): Referral of Crown Land Tenure Application by Province with respect to two marine sites totalling 2.8 hectares in Canoe Passage, one adjacent to Village Island and the other adjacent to Turnour Island in Electoral Area ‘A’, for log handling / storage, barge ramp, float camp activities, and log boom activities in conjunction with nearby upland logging operations. In its response, the RDMW indicated it had no objection subject to: 1) Compliance with all relevant provincial and federal government policies and regulations; 2) Compliance with the recommendation mitigation plan and advice provided by Pacificus Biological Services Ltd. as outlined in its Marine Assessment; 3) Consultation with local First Nations; and, 4) An effort by the proponent to support the local (RDMW) economy in accordance with RDMW forestry policies by utilizing local employment and goods and services as part of its operations, wherever possible. g) 444498 B.C. Ltd. (2005044): Cancellation of Lease No. 104843 with respect to a 0.7224 hectare marine site on the east side of Hardy Bay in the District of Port Hardy for commercial wharf purposes.

3. Permits: a) Exemption from Frontage Requirement 2020-EMFR-01: At its meeting on July 21st, the Board adopted the staff recommendation to approve an application by Rocksteady Road Building Ltd. requesting approval of a reduction in the minimum frontage on Hyde Creek Road for the remainder as part of its one lot subdivision proposal. This allows the subdivision to proceed and provides for a future public road dedication to accommodate subdivision of the remainder of the property. b) Site Permit No. 2020-SP-04 issued with respect to a new detached accessory storage building on the property at 1403 Hyde Creek Road in Hyde Creek in Electoral Area ‘C’. c) Site Permit No. 2020-SP-05 issued with respect to a new detached accessory home industry building on the property at 220 Vilen Road in Sointula in Electoral Area ‘A’.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Long Manager of Planning & Development Services


TO: Board of Directors SUBJECT: Manager’s Report - Finance DATE: August 18, 2020 ______

1. 2019 Audit

Chan Nowasad Boates (CNB) conducted their final audit for 2019 fiscal year during the first week of August. We have drafted financial statements and are facing some challenges associated with prior year adjustments. The Regional District’s financial statements will go through two levels of partner review before CNB sends out drafts to our management, which is then provided to the Board. Final audit report is scheduled to be prepared prior to the end of August.

2. 2020 Tax Levy

In accordance with Section 385(2) of the Local Government Act, the Regional District requisitions are due on August 1. The amount that is supposed to be raised by taxation for the year 2020 from Port Alice is $125,747. The amount they actually remitted is $49,089. The outstanding balance of $76,658 is associated with Neucel’s bankruptcy proceeding.

All other member municipalities, Port McNeill, Port Hardy and Alert Bay have remitted their tax levy in full on time.

Respectfully submitted,

Rose Liu Treasurer



FROM: Denise Lysejko, Finance Clerk

DATE: July 31, 2020

Policy 2.2.2 Purchasing & Authorization Policy requires that instances where there has been a single source procurement above $1000 or the lowest quote has not been accepted, the reasons shall be reported to the Board for information. Local preference policies or most value criteria may override accepting the lowest bid.

Single Source Procurements

DATE CHEQUE # PAYABLE TO AMOUNT SERVICE 1-Jul-03 2809 Lafrentz 7,113.38 motor steering for electric fork lift 1-Jul-23 MC Spears Sales and Service 2,479.34 Impeller, parts and labour 1-Jul-23 MC James Electric 1,079.83 powerhead 1-Jul-10 MC GW Security 2,537.00 Camera System 1-Jul-01 MC Automation Direct 997.50 hammond enclosure



A Bylaw to Amend Regional District of Mount Waddington Hyde Creek Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 736, 2006

WHEREAS the Regional District of Mount Waddington has established rates and regulations for the operation of the Hyde Creek Local Service Area Sewer Utility by Bylaw No. 736, 2006;

AND WHEREAS the Regional District of Mount Waddington recognizes the need to amend such regulations;

NOW THEREFORE the Board of the Regional District of Mount Waddington in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows:

1. That the Regional District of Mount Waddington Hyde Creek Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 736, 2006 is amended as follows:

a) That, effective January 1, 2020, Schedule “B” of the “Regional District of Mount Waddington Hyde Creek Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 736, 2006” is hereby deleted and replaced with the following Schedule “A” attached hereto as Schedule “A” which forms a part of this Bylaw.

2. This Bylaw shall be cited as “Hyde Creek Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 736, Amendment Bylaw No. 969, 2020”.










Hyde Creek Sanitary Sewer Service Fees


1.1 Residential

a) For each Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Line including up to one Sanitary Service Connection (1 unit) $370.00 per annum

b) For each additional Sanitary Sewer Service Connection (guesthouse, secondary suite dwelling or other accessory building) $185.00 per annum

1.2 Commercial

1.2.1 SANI STATION $370.00 per annum


Tipping Fee for Trucked Septic Waste per litre $0.04/L Call out fee per load for Sewer System Operator $50.00



A Bylaw to Amend Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016

WHEREAS the Regional District of Mount Waddington deems it desirable to amend RDMW Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016 to include the position of Deputy Chief Administrative Officer;

NOW THEREFORE the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Mount Waddington, in open meeting assembled, hereby enacts as follows:

1. Citation

This Bylaw shall be cited as “Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, Amendment Bylaw No. 984, 2020”.

2. Amendments

a) Section 2. of Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016, is hereby amended by adding the following definition for “Deputy Chief Administrative Officer”:

“Deputy Chief Administrative Officer” (DCAO) means the senior officer of the Regional District who assists the Chief Administrative Officer to undertake the duties and functions prescribed by Section 236 of the Local Government Act, and to act in the capacity of Chief Administrative Officer when the Chief Administrative Officer is absent, or as otherwise directed by the Chief Administrative Officer.

b) Section 3. of Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016, is hereby amended by deleting section 3. and adding the following new section 3. as follows:

The following positions are hereby established as Officers of the Regional District:

a) Chief Administrative Officer; b) Deputy Chief Administrative Officer; c) Treasurer; d) Manager of Economic Development; e) Manager of Operations; and, f) Manager of Planning & Development Services.

c) Sections 5. through 9. of Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016, are hereby renumbered to sections 6. through 10. and the following new section 5. is added as follows:

The position of Deputy Chief Administrative Officer is hereby assigned the powers, duties and functions prescribed by section 236 (corporate administration) of the Local Government Act. The detailed job description which prescribes the powers, duties and functions for the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer position is included as Schedule “F” which is attached to and forms part of this Bylaw.

d) Schedule “F” of Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016, is hereby retitled from Schedule “F’ to Schedule “G”.

e) Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016, is hereby amended by adding Schedule “G” which is attached and forms part of this bylaw as Schedule “A”.

20 f) Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016, is hereby amended by deleting Schedule “D” and replacing it with a new Schedule “D” which is attached and forms part of this bylaw as Schedule “B”.

g) Schedule “A” of Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016 is hereby amended by deleting the first paragraph in section 1.0 and replacing it with the following new paragraph:

The Chief Administrative Officer (‘Administrator’) of the Regional District reports to the Board and has the responsibilities of chief administrative officer and for corporate administration as prescribed by Sections 235 and 236 of the Local Government Act, and as required, financial administration under Section 237 of the Local Government Act, which includes the following powers, duties and functions:

h) Schedule “A” of Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016 is hereby amended by adding section 1.0j) as follows:

Acting as signing authority in relation to financial payments and related matters.






21 Schedule “A” to Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, Amendment Bylaw No. 984, 2020

Schedule “F” to Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016


1.0 The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (‘DCAO’) of the Regional District reports to the Chief Administrative Officer (“CAO”) and has the responsibility of assisting the Chief Administrative Officer to undertake duties and responsibilities for corporate administration as prescribed by Section 236 of the Local Government Act, which includes the following powers, duties and functions:

a) ensuring that accurate minutes of the meetings of the Board and Board committees are prepared and that the minutes, bylaws and other records of the business of the Board and board committees are maintained and kept safe; b) ensuring that access is provided to records of the Board and Board committees, as required by law or authorized by the Board; c) certifying copies of bylaws and other documents, as required or requested; d) administering oaths and taking affirmations, declarations and affidavits required to be taken under any Act relating to regional districts; e) accepting, on behalf of the Board or Regional District, notices and documents that are required or permitted to be given to, served on, filed with or otherwise provided to the Board or Regional District; and, f) keeping the corporate seal and having it affixed to documents as required.

2.0 Responsibilities of the DCAO shall also include:

2.1 In the absence of, or as directed by the Chief Administrative Officer, act as and for the Chief Administrative Officer.

2.2 Attend meetings of the Board and such committees as may be designated by the Board or Chief Administrative Officer.

2.3 Act as Confidential Secretary for the Board or its committees as and when required.

2.4 Assisting with preparation of meeting agendas.

2.5 Assist the chairperson and directors in the preparation of appropriate documents required to enable them to fulfil their functions.

2.6 Assist with the prepare and submission of agreement and contracts to the Board for approval.

2.7 Assist the CAO with management of general local elections and by-elections when required. For clarification, the DCA is not required to be appointed to and act in the capacity of the positions of Chief Election Officer or Deputy Chief Election Officer in relation to these elections.

2.8 Assist the CAO with emergency operations as needed.

2.9 Managing the Regional District’s computer and communications networks for its corporate administration headquarters in consultation with third party professionals where required. This does not include management of matters related to the financial software programs that are used in conjunction with the operation of the Finance Department.

22 Schedule “B” to Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, Amendment Bylaw No. 984, 2020

Schedule “D” to Regional District of Mount Waddington Officer Bylaw No. 906, 2016


1.0 The Manager of Planning & Development Services reports to the Administrator and is responsible for:

a) All operations related to the Regional District's planning and development functions as described in Parts 13 and 14 of the Local Government Act. b) Managing the building permitting and inspection service functions of the Regional District as described in Division 1 of Part 9 of the Local Government Act; c) Administering the enforcement activities of the Regional District in accordance with Part 12 of the Local Government Act and Part 8 of the Community Charter, where applicable, in accordance with the direction of the Board in association with such activities.

2.0 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the responsibilities of the Manager of Planning & Development Services shall include:

2.1 Report to the Board at its regular meetings and attend other meetings as directed by the Administrator.

2.2 Manage staff involved in planning, building inspection and bylaw enforcement services and recommend to the Administrator, the appointment, suspension, promotion and dismissal of staff under his/her supervision.

2.3 Prepare and revise the Regional Plan, community plans and zoning / rural land use bylaws and related documents to reflect the direction and policies of the Board.

2.4 Attend meetings of the Regional Planning Committee, advisory planning commissions, board of variance, and meetings of committees to report and advise on all planning matters.

2.5 Act as secretary for public hearings.

2.6 Respond to enquiries related to planning, development, building and bylaw enforcement to acquaint the public with matters related to the purpose, function, and operations associated with land use planning, land development, building regulations and bylaws.

2.7 To assist the Treasurer in the preparation of the annual operating and capital budgets for the Planning & Development Services Department and to monitor the budgets on a regular basis.

2.8 Confer with officials of other governments or agencies as required.

2.9 Prepare and oversee the preparation of a variety of reports, correspondence, and regulatory bylaws as required.

23 2.10 Develop and maintain planning, building and bylaw enforcement databases and filing systems.

2.11 Receive and process applications for board of variance permit, building permit, development permit, development variance permit, official community plan amendment, zoning or rural land use bylaw amendment, site permit and plan of subdivision or related to subdivision.

2.12 Prepare, check, approve and sign agreements, bylaws, contracts, leases, minutes and permits on behalf of the Regional District, as necessary.

2.13 Receive and process referrals from the Federal and Provincial Crowns, Province of , municipalities and First Nations, as well as other organizations as required.

2.14 Prepare and submit applications for the purposes of acquiring new tenures or Crown grants, and make arrangements for the renewal of existing tenures, with the Federal Crown or Provincial Crown as required.

2.15 Maintain the operation and development of the Regional District’s geographic information system.

2.16 Coordinate the assignment of civic addressing where applicable.

2.17 Coordinate the Regional District’s role in liquor licensing matters.

2.18 Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be designated and assigned from time to time by the Administrator.

3.0 The Manager of Planning & Development Services is hereby appointed as Chief Bylaw Enforcement Officer for the Regional District and the Board delegates it’s authority to the Manager of Planning & Development Services to act in that capacity in enforcing the bylaws of the Regional District. This includes the authority to conduct inspections in accordance with section 419 of the Local Government Act.

24 Dear the Regional District of Mt. Waddington Board of Directors July 23/2020 I am excited to inform you that Strathcona Regional District, in partnership with the Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k:tles7et’h’ First Nations and Nuchatlaht First Nation are undertaking a high- resolution tsunami modelling project for the northwest coast of Vancouver Island from / Muchalaht Inlet to Cape Scott Provincial Park. I would like to thank the RDMW for providing a letter of support for our UBCM 2020 Flood Planning grant application, which is funding this project. The contract for this project has been awarded to Northwest Hydraulic Consultants in partnership with Ocean Networks Canada. To date there are no high-resolution, data-based models for many sites on the northwest coast of Vancouver Island that are considered highly vulnerable to tsunamis and from both a planning and impact assessment perspective, this lack of data has limited the ability of public and private entities to prepare science based tsunami emergency plans. High quality modelling is essential for accurate understanding of tsunami risk as well as community planning. Four tsunami scenarios will be modeled: 1. Cascadia Subduction Zone – present-day sea level rise conditions. 2. Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone – present-day sea level rise conditions. 3. Cascadia Subduction Zone – extreme year 2100 sea level rise conditions. 4. Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone – extreme year 2100 sea level rise conditions. Community input, Indigenous knowledge and tsunami modelling will be combined through a three-step risk assessment process.

What will the Regional District of Mt. Waddington receive from this project?

• Detailed scaled tsunami inundation maps (see example on pages 2-3); • Tsunami vulnerability analysis; • Risk assessment information template; • Evacuation procedure recommendations; • Suggested tsunami mitigation measures; and • Community-specific public education materials. The Strathcona Regional District will be provided with a digital GIS layer so that tsunami model is available for the public to access.

I look forward to working on this project with the continued support from the Regional District of Mt. Waddington. Sincerely, Shaun Koopman Protective Services Coordinator – Strathcona Regional District [email protected] 250-830-6702

25 District of Port Hardy 7360 Columbia Street r PO Box 68 Port Hardy BC VON 2P0 Canada

Telephone: (250)949-6665 0 Fax (250)949-7433 THE AoVENTURÊ Email: [email protected] r www.porthardy.ca

rìoglonrl o[trtot trt llüdn¡þn Greg Fletcher July 30, 2020 .i,-'J Regional District of Mount Waddington fiUri ii I Box729 File No. 300.01/340.03 Port McNeill, BC VON 2R0 Via email [email protected]

Dear Grego

The District of Port Flardy is applying for grant funding under the Investing in Canada Inflastructure Program-Community, Culture and Recreation stream.

The District, if granted funding, will be commencing on the Port Hardy Pool Renovation Project.

As you may be aware the District was unsuccessful with a new aquatic centre build and so the Port Hardy District Council have changed direction on the pool project. The Port Hardy Pool Renovation Project remains envisioned as an inclusive North Island project, one which will benefit all North Island Communities.

After over 40 years of use the old facility has done its time. The revitalized facility will provide the North Island communities continued access to indoor aquatic recreational programming which promotes health and wellness to all users.

The Port Hardy Pool Project will deliver a facility with advanced technology that is more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

This project supports retention of residents, businesses and builds strong communities that are positioned for growth; bringing economic and social benefits to all North Island communities.

We are requesting a letter of support from the Regional District Board for the Port Hardy Pool Renovation Project.

Thank you very much for your consideration.


ò Allison Chief Administrative Offi cer


About BHP About Island Copper BHP is a global resources company with its headquarters Island Copper is a closed open pit porphyry copper- located in Melbourne, Australia and Canadian molybdenum mine. The site is located on the north shore headquarters in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. BHP is among of Rupert Inlet, approximately 16 km south of Port Hardy, the world’s top producers of major commodities including British Columbia (BC), Canada. iron ore, metallurgical coal, copper and petroleum. Of the land area managed by BHP, 684 hectares (1690 Our purpose is to bring people and resources together to acres) have been rehabilitated; with 18.5 hectares (46 build a better world. BHP extracts and processes minerals, acres) disturbed for roads and support infrastructure. oil and gas f rom production operations located primarily in Australia and North and South America and our products History are sold worldwide. In the 1960s, Mr. Gordon Milbourne, a local prospector, located a small piece of high-grade copper ore near Health, Safety and Environment Francis Lake, and exposed massive chalcopyrite in We prioritize health and saf ety and strive to create an volcanic bedrock in two shallow pits in the area. Utah environment free from fatalities, injuries and occupational Construction and Mining Company picked up the mineral illnesses. claims that were staked in the area and later permitted Island Copper under a series of permits, with mining We seek meaningful contributions to communities and the operations starting in 1971. Island Copper underwent a long-term nature of its operations helps to build detailed environmental permitting process that culminated collaborative community relationships. in the f irst public hearings into a mine development in BC. Island Copper operated continuously from 1971 through Our continued f ocus is on care and maintenance, and 1995. BHP acquired Utah International Inc. in 1984 and being a good steward of the legacy asset at Island Copper operated Island Copper under subsidiary BHP-Utah Mines on Vancouver Island. Ltd., subsequently changed to BHP Minerals Canada Ltd. until closure.

27 Over its 24-year mine life, ore production at Island Copper Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) reached 58,000 tons per day at its peak and tapped into mineral reserves of 400 million tons. Mining ceased in the What is currently happening at Island Copper? open pit in August 1995 and milling ceased in December Site operations are f ocused on care and maintenance of 1995. the site including water management and treatment, environmental and site performance monitoring, road, Closure inf rastructure and general site maintenance and site During mine operations and into closure, progressive saf ety and security. reclamation was conducted on areas disturbed by mining activity. This included re-contouring, spreading soil and Will the Island Copper mine be re-opened? glacial tills and revegetating areas with grasses, legumes Island Copper was closed resulting from the depletion of and tree seedlings. the ore body. At this time, BHP does not intend to restart mining operations at Island Copper. In 1996 af ter mine closure, the open pit was f looded with seawater f rom Rupert Inlet. Seawater was channeled into Are people allowed to access the site for recreational the open pit to f ill it to the desired level of 15 metres below purposes? the Rupert Inlet water elevation. The last 15 metres of the Island Copper is a closed mine site and authorization for pit was f illed with f resh water piped in f rom the Marble public access is required prior to entry. This is due to River. Growth of phytoplankton cells is stimulated by the people and equipment working at the site and the addition of nutrients (f ertilizer) into the lake to support requirement f or BHP staff to orientate visitors of site treatment of acid rock drainage directed to the Pit Lake conditions prior to entry. f rom the surrounding waste rock dumps. The industrial plant site and remaining inf rastructure were divested after What is BHP’s relationship with nearby communities? select demolition and reclamation. BHP is open to meeting with nearby communities and is Current activities committed to a positive working relationship. Island Copper is now post-closure and activities are f ocused on long-term care and maintenance. This involves collection and treatment of acid rock drainage, inspection and maintenance of associated inf rastructure (pumps, ponds, ditches, roads) and monitoring of site water levels, f lows and water quality in accordance with regulatory permits. Remaining features at Island Copper include the Emergency contact information f looded open pit, the sub-marine tailings, the reclaimed 1-250-949-6548 waste rock dumps, and several water management ponds and dams. Enquiries and Concerns If you have any concerns about how BHP is operating in your community, we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to contact us at 306-286- 4411 or email: [email protected]


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