TerekSandpiper (Xenus cin s). a first for Mexico Daniel6alindo precipitationaveraging 200 mm (Garcia edge.The wingtipsextended backward 1964). to just reachthe tip of the tail. The un- CentroInterdisciplinario deCiencias Marinas On ll April 2002, Galindo locateda derpartswere white and unmarked.The TerekSandpiper (Xenus cinereus; Figure 1) legswere extremely bright yellowish-or- Av.Instituto Polit•cnico Nacional s/n at Chametla-El Centenario. This bird was ange.The lengthof the legs relativeto LaPaz, Baja California Sur23096 Mexico seenagain during late May 2002 Presum- the bird was shorter than that seen in ably the samebird wasrelocated there on most Tringaand approximatedthe pro- (email:
[email protected]) 21 August 2002 and wasseen eleven more portionsof a SpottedSandpiper [Actitis times before it was last recorded 10 Febru- macularius]. The bill was long and ary 2003.The TerekSandpiper fed mostly curved upward. Its length was 1.5 to Steven(•. Mlodinow in the intertidalzone, usuallyin mixed 1.75 times that of the head. The bill was flocks of Semipalmated Plovers largelyblackish, excepting a smallarea 4819Gardner Avenue (Charadriussemipalmatus) and Western of brightorange at the base.Brief flight Sandpipers(Calidris mauri). On four occa- views revealeda thick white trailing Everett,Washington 98203 sions, it was observed roosting at the edgeto the secondariesthat extendedas supralittoralzone, amonga flock of Semi- a narrower whitish area onto the inner- (email:
[email protected]) palmated Plovers. Throughout its stay,it mostseveral primaries. The rump and appearedto be in goodhealth, feeding and uppertailcoverts were gray, The rectrices flyingwithout apparent problems. were gray with whitish barringon the RobertoCarmona The followingis a descriptionof the En- outer portionof the outer web of each senadade La PazTerek Sandpiper based on rectrix(which provided a whitishouter LuisSauma fieldnotes and videotapeby SGMfrom 29 border to the tail as a whole).