Traffic Volumes Primary Highway System 1999-2008 April 2009 Traffic Services Foreword This book contains the results of Traffic Counts conducted by the Traffic Engineering Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal since 1999. All available count information from 1999 to 2008 is included for the following highways: 1. 100 Series, Trans-Canada, and Provincial Controlled Access Highways (i.e. Highway 101) 2. Numbered Trunk Highways (i.e. Trunk 1) 3. 200 and 300 Series Numbered Collector Highways (i.e. Route 201) Please direct any comments or enquires concerning this publication to: Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Traffic Engineering - Census Team P.O. Box 186 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2N2 Attention: Lester Hanley - Coordinator Traffic Census Telephone: (902) 424-7909 Fax: (902) 424-0571 E-mail:
[email protected] Introduction An explanation of terms used in this book: 1. Types of counts (TYPE) T.C. = Count conducted by a Permanent or Portable Traffic Counter. T.M. = Intersection Turning Movement Count. V.C. = Vehicle Classification Count. S.A. = Signal Analysis L.T. = Left Turn Lane Analysis Note: Permanent counts are taken at a number of locations around the province; they are year long counts. Note: The difference in volumes between VC counts and TC counts is due to the fact that VC counts reflect actual number of vehicles while TC counts reflect only number of axles divided by 2. 2. Other Terms: Group (GRP) = The A.D.T. at a particular location will vary due to seasonal and other influences. Count locations are “grouped” according to their seasonal variation patterns; appropriate factors for estimating the AADT from a short count vary between groups.