Full- Endeavour to Take Govern- in a Manner That Is Inclu- the Developmental Aspira- Tively Responding to the Particularly Mokokchung Union WCD Minister Complaints
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NHRC important to achieve I was falsely accused: Depp on Usain Bolt scores 2 goals in sustainable development ‘Fantastic Beasts...’ row first A-League trial start goals — PM | P8 | P10 | P11 NatioN ENtErtaiNmENt SportS vol. Xvii no. 282 | Pages 12 ` 5/- rni no. nageng/2002/07906 dimaPUr, satUrday october 13, 2018 #metoo: centre to form Public Display of Alliance: PDA legal panel; report cases parties, legislators firmly with Rio fearlessly, says maneka Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): The PDA asserted its and cleanliness drive in the New Delhi, Oct. 12 (IANS): According to the Min- Putting to rest all specula- commitment to provide aftermath of the unprec- The government on Friday istry, the committee will tions concerning the sta- stability and pursue the edented monsoon rains said it will set up a legal comprise four retired judg- bility (or otherwise) of the progressive developmental and calamities that had committee to look into the es and one amicus curiae, Rio-led People’s Demo- goals of the NDA govern- impacted the state. The cases being revealed in the who will evaluate the exist- cratic Alliance (PDA) gov- ment under the vision- House further appealed to wake of #MeToo campaign, ing legal and institutional ernment, the alliance’s leg- ary leadership of Prime the citizens to continue to where women are narrat- framework for handling islators and coordination Minister Narendra Modi. pursue the goals of a clean ing stories of their sexual complaints of sexual har- committee declared their They also appreciated the and green Nagaland,” read harassment by individuals, assment at work. unstinting support to the numerous contributions of one of the resolutions. especially in the media and The committee will pre and post-poll partner- state governments, organi- They also expressed entertainment industry. then advise the Ministry ship of the PDA under the sations and individuals for condolences over the de- "The Ministry will be on how to strengthen this leadership of Chief Minis- relief and rehabilitation mise of former prime min- setting up a committee of framework. ter Neiphiu Rio. and towards the Chief Min- ister of India, Atal Bihari senior judicial and legal According to a WCD During a meeting at ister's Relief Fund during Vajpayee, ‘a towering per- persons as members to official, the committee will the State Banquet Hall in and after the natural ca- sonality in the history of examine all issues emanat- go into the legal and insti- Kohima on Friday, they re- lamities that left Nagaland the country’, and former ing from the #MeToo India tutional framework and solved to stand firm to the on its knees recently. member of the Nagaland movement," the Women not act based solely on pre and post-poll alliance EM Images “The House extended Legislative Assembly, Im- and Child Development individual complaints. under the leadership of Rio. File photo: Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio. its appreciation to all citi- tikumzuk ‘who had served (WCD) Ministry said in a "Public hearing doesn't Interestingly, the PDA also zens of the state for posi- the people of Nagaland, statement. mean hearing of individual decided to conduct a full- endeavour to take govern- in a manner that is inclu- the developmental aspira- tively responding to the particularly Mokokchung Union WCD Minister complaints. It means any fledged cabinet meeting in ance and administration sive where all citizens and tions of Nagaland and its appeal of the state govern- district, in a selfless and Maneka Gandhi said that stakeholder can come and Kiphire district as part of its to all corners of the state stakeholders participate in people. ment for mass social work committed manner.’ her Ministry follows zero- depose before the com- tolerance towards sexual mittee if they want to," the harassment of women at official added. work place and also urged A formal order re- Hardware traders protest DMC’s ‘new’ tax system them to report such inci- garding the constitution dents. of committee will be in Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): Contro- Rod was INR 350 and INR 450 for fecting the public/customers in council can on collect entry tax ately revoke the order on DMC "I urge working women public domain shortly, the versy over the Dimapur Munici- 12-wheeler. “However, since the a humongous way. The burden per vehicle and not ‘commodity- Tolls and Urban Utility Fees dur- across all sectors to come Ministry said. Currently, pal Council’s practice of leasing toll tax (sic) was leased out, the eventually falls on the custom- wise’, it stated. ing 2018-19. out fearlessly and report the Sexual Harassment of out toll collection at entry gate toll tax collection has started with ers who have to bear the brunt “With the present tax rate, “Failure to revoke the order cases of any form of sexual Women at Workplace (Pre- has resurfaced following a com- INR 50 per MT instead of per ve- for no fault of theirs but due to the merchants are apprehensive will compel the association, with harassment and we shall vention, Prohibition and plaint from a group of traders hicle since October 1, 2018. With the flawed policy decision made of facing unfavourable reaction no other choice, but to resort to ensure all possible assist- Redressal Act 2013) ensures called the Hardware Merchants’ the lease system introduced by by the Municipal Affairs Depart- from the customers and the as- our own course of action which ance. I believe in the pain safe working spaces for Association Dimapur District the Dimapur Municipal Council, ment in leasing out the com- sociation do not want the public definitely will hugely affect the and trauma behind every women. Consistent with (HMADD). the entry tax has increased to INR modities,” the statement read. to suffer out of the current issue. public. This statement is issued single complaint. Cases the Vishaka judgment, the In a statement issued on Fri- 3500 per vehicle for 12-wheeler Also, it stated that the DMC Therefore, the Hardware Mer- purely in the interest of the pub- of sexual harassment at Act aspires to ensure wom- day, the association stated that of 70 MT. was not a “sales tax/GST depart- chants’ Association Dimapur lic/customers who shall bear the work must be dealt with a en's right to workplace earlier the entry tax for six-wheel- “This is taking a huge toll on ment” to be collecting tax on District urges upon the Municipal extra unnecessary burden,” the policy of zero-tolerance," equality, free from sexual er transporting Mild Steel (MS) the transporters eventually af- commodities. The municipal Affairs department to immedi- statement read. she added. harassment. Government doubles Free travel for senior citizens in NST buses Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): The department, shall be prerequi- senior citizens shall have to pay citizen shall be limited to four To avail the facility, a request subsidy to journalists government of Nagaland has site for eligibility. fare against prior reservation on seats in a particular bus and in advance or at least half an announced free travel facility “A bonafide senior citizen request, to occupy a seat next seat No. bearing 4 to 7 shall hour before departure of the Our Correspondent existing amount of INR 2000 for senior citizens, aged above should be in possession of a to the senior citizen. Free travel be reserved and marked ac- bus would be preferred ‘sub- Kohima, Oct. 12 (EMN): Six to INR 4000 for journalists 60, in buses operated by the Na- valid identity card issued from for senior citizen is permissible cordingly. And in the event of ject to availability of seat for months after Chief Minister with less than five years ac- galand State Transport (NST). the NST department on pay- for both to and from includ- exceeding the normal or usual that purpose,’ according to the Neiphiu Rio announced to creditation, and INR 3000 In a statement issued on Fri- ment of INR 50 renewable after ing break journey or from the frequency of travel in a calen- department. “This free travel fa- double the operational sub- to INR 6000 for journalists day, the NST informed that for two years against payment of originating to the terminating dar year, restriction to a certain cility shall be non-transferable sidy and ex-gratia for accred- with more than five years identification of senior citizens, INR 20, and in case of any dam- station, shall be considered as limit shall be imposed which and any imposter so detected ited journalists in Nagaland, accreditation. a certificate to that effect issued age/lose, new identity card shall completion of one stretch of shall be placed at the discretion shall be held liable leading to the state government has Earlier in March, Chief by a competent authority i.e. be issued on payment of INR 50. journey. of the controlling officer for cancellation of the identity notified the revised entitle- Minister Rio made the an- Medical or the Social Welfare “Companion, if any, of the “Free travel facility of senior decision,” it informed. card.” ment of accredited journal- nouncement while deliver- ists with immediate effect. ing his budget speech in the The department of In- state assembly. He acknowl- formation and Public Rela- edged that the press and me- tions in a notification dated dia fraternity of the state has Cong. has no right to teach Nagas by spreading negativity — BJP Oct. 5, stated that Governor made significant contribu- PB Acharya has given assent tions towards strengthening Eastern Mirror Desk Bordoloi had earlier claimed as part of India” and glorifies teach Naga people by spread- possible by BJP and the solution to amend the Nagaland Ac- of democratic foundations Dimapur, Oct. 12: The Bharatiya that “BJP RSS agenda is to im- its rich heritage, vibrant culture ing negativity. What Congress can be brought only by BJP.” credited Private Journal- in Nagaland and has main- Janata Party (BJP) has hit back pose the Hindutva and fin- and traditions. has done is only projecting “BJP is the only platform ists Assistance (Operational tained a positive reputation at the Nagaland Pradesh Con- ish the manifestation of the Stating that Atal Bihari Vaj- itself as a self righteous paper that has paved way and given Subsidy) Scheme 2010. for the fourth estate in this gress Committee (NPCC) over aspiration of the people.” The payee was the first prime min- tiger. Words without action is aspiration and hope to our Naga With the announcement, region of the country. its recent attack on the party. Congress party also said that it ister to recognise the “unique as good as dead,” BJP said in its motherland to pursue a pros- the entitlement of monthly Mention may be made The party said in a statement respects the aspiration of the history of the Nagas, the saffron statement. perous future. We don't need operational subsidy for all here that the accredited that it recognises Nagas’ unique people of Nagaland and stand party said the central govern- The party went on to say the teaching of division within accredited journalists of the journalists operational as- history and is keen to bring per- committed to Article 371 (A). ment is keen as to “achieve that “Naga people have been society from the Congress party state, who are not employed sistance scheme was intro- manent peace to the state. Terming the Congress par- permanent peace with honour given hope by BJP to choose the because we are already engaged in government or public duced in 2007 when Rio was The All India Congress ty’s claim as “ridiculous”, the BJP and dignity for the people of actual way of development and in the movement of unity, har- sector media organisations, the chief minister during the Committee (AICC) secretary said in a statement that it “takes Nagaland.” peace” and that “the road for mony, and progress,” added the will be doubled from the then DAN-I government. in-charge of Nagaland, Pradyut pride in having Nagaland state “Congress has no right to Naga solution has been made statement. Inside Sikkim wins gold at Flirting with disaster: Why Nagaland needs plan to control damage global Future Policy Awards for promoting Eastern Mirror Desk fected. A total of 353 people that is meant to regulate the croach into private property organic farming Dimapur, Oct 12: October 13 is were evacuated, out of which construction of houses and due to ‘land ownership’ is- Kukis remember KNF International Day for Disaster 90 were from Kohima, 35 from buildings in the state is yet to sues. Unless there is an ap- founder, pay homage to Reduction, an occasion set Tuensang, Wokha (225), and be implemented. And this is proved regulation by the au- martyrs apart by the United Nations Mokokchung (3 families). despite houses, including big- thority concerned, ‘we are (Refer page 4) Organisation (UNO) to cel- Apart from monsoon woes structured perilously built on helpless and handicapped,’ ebrate ‘how people and com- that may occur every year, the hill slopes and narrow plots Sumi added. State Bank of Mauritius munities around the world are National Disaster Manage- vulnerable to landslides. He said that the depart- loses INR 143 cr. in cyber reducing their exposure to dis- ment Authority has placed Sumi said that “there is no ment could set a limit on the fraud asters and raising awareness (Refer page 5) Northeastern states, including rule and regulation so far,” for number of storeys for a build- about the importance of rein- Nagaland, in the category of re- construction of buildings in ing depending on the soil Time for truth to be told ing in the risks that they face.’ gion that is prone to landslide. the state. He added that most condition. ‘For government 'loud and clear': Rahul It aims at promoting a global The state also falls in the seis- people are not following the building projects, soil testing on #MeToo movement culture of risk-awareness and mic zone-V, the highest earth- “Nagaland Building Bye-Laws and land viability are done (Refer page 8) disaster reduction but how quake-prone zone, according of 2012” as it is not been im- and approved accordingly. prepared is Nagaland in the to the Geological Survey of plemented, and the law itself However, for private build- Brexit: Theresa May face of a possible natural ca- India. It is clear that the state is is only a “brief description” ings we cannot insist because faces backlash from tastrophe? vulnerable to natural disasters and does not follow the tech- we don’t have any rules or within Cabinet The state was hit hard by like floods, rain-induced land- nical norms. laws in our hand,’ he said. (Refer page 9) the monsoon rains this year slides and earthquakes but the The additional chief en- It may be recalled that Akhtar ‘disappointed’ with floods and landslides authorities seem to be clueless gineer insisted that by any the state has faced several over #MeToo accounts damaging homes and roads on how to formulate a systemic means Building Bye-Laws disasters in the last couple of against Sajid besides taking some precious strategy that will help reduce should be implemented like decades, including the cloud- (Refer page 10) lives. The Nagaland State Dis- destruction in the face of any in other states. As of now, burst in 2001 in Dimapur. aster Management Authority calamity. there are no specific rules The state also experienced Fourth substitution (NSDMA) said in a recent re- that regulate the standard of landslides at the New Market Non-implementation of Naga- to be allowed at 2019 port 13.19% of the state’s total housing or buildings. area, Kohima in 2003, Mokok- land Building Bye-laws 2012 AFC Asian Cup population was affected by the The senior engineer also chung Town in 2005, Wokha Mbappe is Time recent monsoon. It said at least Additional chief engineer of highlighted obstacles to im- town in 2006, Zunheboto magazine’s ‘Future of 11 human lives were lost, five Public Works Department plementation of such laws. town in 2006, and along the Soccer’ persons injured, 532 villages, (Housing), H Kahuto Sumi, EM Images He said that the department National Highway 29 near (Refer page 11) and 48, 821 families were af- told Eastern Mirror that law File photo: A man walks past a ruined portion of Meluri-Kiphire road. concerned could not en- Kiruphema in 2007. EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday, October 13, 2018 2 STATE
WEATHER DISTRICTS (OCT 12) Max Min DP RH RF Water project in Wokha commissioned DIMAPUR 30.2 21.2 24.6 92 5 KOHIMA 22.8 13.2 19.3 91 16.8 Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): tator of an asset created for sioning programme, urged WOKHA 20.4 14.6 16.6 87 21.6 In what will come as a the people and therefore, the citizens of Wokha town ZBT 22.3 14.4 18.9 88 21.6 big relief for the citizens asked the people to use the to use the facility with a MON 26 19 18.5 91 23 of Wokha town, minister project judiciously. sense of ownership and TUENSANG 20 17.2 16.4 90 23.1 for PHED, Jacob Zhimomi Dwelling further into at the same time urged commissioned the aug- the government’s role as a the department to ensure MKG 24 17 16.8 82 19.4 mentation of water Supply felicitator in the implemen- that the project is oper- PHEK 18 16 16.6 94 45.2 to Wokha town at Witter tation of the schemes and ated through a sustainable KIPHIRE - - - - - Theological College (WTC) development, Zhimomi mechanism to benefit the SECHÜ ZUBZA 23.5 16 20.5 91 17 compound, Vankhosung urged the people to take dwellers of the town. LONGLENG - - - - - on Oct. 12. ownership of the project Chairman of Wokha TSEMINYU 24.4 16.6 18.7 80 8.8 The scheme which and asked them to pro- village council thanked the was started in the year tect the catchment area by government for choosing JALUKIE 19 14 15.9 66 4 2013 was completed with planting more trees for its the catchment area in Wok- MANGKOLEMBA 29.6 19.8 21.7 98 13.6 a total expenditure cost sustainability. ha village and urged that *Dew Point (DP) *Relative Humidity (RH) * Rainfall (RF) of Rs.1870.75 lakhs. This Commissioner and Sec- government to honour the Source: Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Nagaland scheme is a single stage retary, PHED, Dr. Maong- MOU (memorandum of pumping where water will wati Aier IAS, who chaired understanding) signed be- be pumped from catch- the programme, congratu- tween the two parties. He NEWS IN BRIEF ment area to “pressure lated both the department assured department that break tank” located at WTC and Wokha village for mak- the Wokha village council Phek dist. timber association expels compound, Vankhosung ing the project a reality for will take the ownership for two former officials and distributed to the town Minister for PHED, Jacob Zhimomi commissioning the augmentation of water supply to Wokha town at WTC the benefit of the dwellers the safety of the project. The Phek District Timber Association (PDTA) has expelled by gravity system installed compound, Vankhosung on Oct. 12. of Wokha town. Later in the day, the two of its former officials for alleged mismanagement of the at NAP camp and Ganga Secretary of Lotha Minister also visited the association’s fund for the last 13 years to the tune of nearly Post. cubic litres per day during The minister, while ful completion and com- Hoho (apex organisation EE (PHED) Office and had about INR 60 lakh or above which was detected ‘as per the Through this project the lean season which will congratulating all the missioning of the project of the Lotha community) interaction with the officers audit committee convenor report’. The election convenor the dwellers of Wokha town benefit 600 household cov- stakeholders involved for on time, said that the gov- Mhondamo Ovung, speak- and staff, stated the DIPR in Hunetsu Vero and audit committee convenor Phukhusayi will now be getting 6 lakh ering 20 sectors. their efforts in the success- ernment is only the felici- ing at the formal commis- a news bulletin. Ruho said that the two former officials -- Sanyi ex-president and Tsote Wezah ex-general secretary -- were expelled as their actions were in contravention of the PDTA article (a) Affected landowners Kohima law students interact with ADGP Rupin Sharma and( b) of the constitution. to be compensated Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): Ko- UBCANEI revival hour from October hima Law College conducted an 19-21 at Kuhuboto town Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): Phek interaction session with Addl. United Baptist Churches Association North East India Deputy Commissioner, Orenthung DGP, Rupin Sharma IPS on Oct. Lotha has informed all the land- (UBCANEI) will be organising a revival hour from Oct. 19 to 12 where the senior police officer 21 on the theme ‘revive us again O’ Lord at UBC Khekiho owners and beneficiaries affected shared his experiences as an IPS by the construction of 2-laning Colony, Kuhuboto Town. The main speakers at the pro- officer and as a law graduate with gramme will be Rev. Dr. Hevukhu Achumi, E.S WSBAK, Rev. of Pfutsero to Phek road under the students SARDP-NE, that compensation L. Hevuto Awomi, E.S UBCANEI, Rev. Y.T. Lotha, President The ADGP, Rupin Sharma, UBCANEI Council and Rev. Puduhu Khuso, UBCANEI Coun- for the damage shall be paid in the said that administrative law is office of the DC, Phek on Oct. 25 cil. Therefore, all the churches have been requested to one of his favourite law subjects attend the programme and also pray for the success of the for areas/villages under Pfutsero and briefly presented on the sub-division and on Oct. 26 for ar- revival hour, informed the coordinator, women department importance of the rule of law in UBCANEI Pell Shiu in a press note. eas/villages under Phek sadar from the society. 10:30 am onwards. He said that the lawyers were Dimapur police issue traffic advisory The chairman of the concerned on the front frame standing for villages/wards (for urban areas) their country in the world and In order to ease traffic congestion and to ensure smooth vehicular movement, the Dimapur traffic police has allo- have been asked to be present that they are the ones fighting for Addl. DGP Rupin Sharma along with management, professors and students during the interaction programme at Kohima Law physically for identification of human rights, etc. College on Oct. 12. cated parking spaces for both 4 and 2 wheelers from Deluxe landowners and beneficiaries dur- “Today, the lawyers can con- Point to Plaza Point and from Clock Tower to Dhobinallah ing the disbursement of cheques, tribute so much in bringing He said that job advertisement guest speaker to the students. pre-ceasefire and post-ceasefire, Point. The addl. deputy commissioner of police/PRO has failing which the payment shall be change in many aspects,” said should be given importance as it Savi while highlighting the cre- said Savi. Sharma’s educational advised all drivers/riders to park in their designated parking withheld. that ADGP. is the means to give opportunity dentials of the ADGP said that qualification includes a B.Sc areas and strictly adhere to the traffic rules and regulations. The DC also requested all the The law students also raised to all eligible candidates so that Rupin Sharma is an IPS officer (Medical), MBA and an LL.B de- Action deemed necessary will be initiated against any -de landowners, beneficiaries to bring several questions and issues the appointments can be done from Dharamsala, Himachal gree. He had served in the United faulters, the police cautioned. Meanwhile, in view of the two recent passport size photos, which were gladly responded in a fair manner. Pradesh. Nations Peacekeeping Mission Durga Puja celebration, vehicular movement from Durga not scanned photos; a photocopy of by the guest speaker in detail “There is always a solution to He joined the service in 1992 in Bosnia-Herzegovina and also Mandir Junction to Naga Bazar Junction will be restricted first page of bank passbook where ‘as he said that he was ready to problem and no problem should as an IPS officer from Naga- served in various capacities in to “one way only” from 6 pm to 11pm on Oct. 17 and 18, details of the applicants are cited answer anything which is not be left without attending to it,” land Cadre and has served in the cabinet secretariat, GoI in- the police added. and a photocopy of either aadhaar controversial’. said the ADGP. Nagaland for almost 19 years cluding postings in Mumbai, of EPIC (electoral photo id card). On a query about the issue of Meanwhile, the ‘professor- in various capacities including Indian Embassy in Vietnam, ANTHU silver jubilee celebration “Payment to any other repre- backdoor appointments, Sharma in-charge students’ welfare of SDPO, Addl. SP, SP, CID, etc. He is Lucknow and in the CBI and on November 22 sentative other than the concerned said that all the problems may Kohima Law College’, Kezhokho- one of the few officers of Naga- Ministry of External Affairs, New The All Nagaland Hindi Teachers’ Union (ANTHU) will cel- person shall not be entertained,” not solved in one go but added to Savi chaired the interaction land who have actively handled Delhi, stated Kezhokhoto Savi in ebrate its silver jubilee on Nov. 22 at Kohima. The jubilee the DC stated. there is always a solution to that. programme and introduced the anti-insurgency operations, both a press statement. planning committee convenor Ruchunlo Tep and ANTHU secretary, AS Yarthotngam, in a press release, requested the unit presidents to submit the corrected copy of every respective unit’s brief history and the list of office bearers GMS Botsa declared as first on or before Oct. 25 BP. Philip HEO (Hindi) DSE Kohima sou- Dimapur police update phone No. venir committee convenor through email at bpphillip64@ Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): The Dimapur police, in public interest, has gmail.com. The unit president whose fund are ‘incomplete’ updated the contact numbers of all the important police officers, po- green school in Nagaland state are requested to make it complete on or before Oct. 20 lice stations, check-gates, police assistance booths, out-posts under without fail, the release added. Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): With the police commissioner, Dimapur for the public to contact in times of active support of the Kohima for- emergency or any security related issues. NEAN calls for emergency est division under the ‘green ini- meeting on October 13 Sl. No Address Mobile Number tiative programme’ which mainly focuses on schools and their com- The NEAN (NHM employees association of Nagaland) has 1. Commissioner of Police 7085055001 mitment towards green activities called an emergency meeting of its executive along with 2. Dy. Commissioner of Police, Zone - 1 7085055002 has declared the Government two members from each district unit on Oct. 13th at LCS 3. Dy. Commissioner of POlice, zone - II 7085055003 Middle School, Botsa as a ‘green building from 11:30 am to deliberate on the one-day cease 4. Dy. Commissioner of Police (Traffic) 7085055004 school’ on Oct. 10 thereby mak- work called by All India NHM Karamchari Sangh on Oct. 25. 5. Asst. Commissioner of Police ‘A’ Div 7085055010 ing it as the first school to acheive 6. Asst. Commissioner of Police ‘B’ Div 7085055011 such a tag in the state. NCC conducts workshop on disaster 7. Asst. Commissioner of Police ‘C’ Div 7085055012 The green initiative pro- management at SJC-Jakhama 8. Asst. Commissioner of Police ‘D’ Div 7085055013 gramme has two components A one-day workshop on disaster management was organ- 9. Asst. Commissioner of Police (Trf - I) 7085055014 viz. ‘green future nursery (which ised at St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama by 1 NL Girls’ BN NCC 10. Asst. Commissioner of Police (Trf - II) 7085055015 the school already has under the DFO Kohima, forest officials and students with the distrubuted waste bin at GMS of the college last week. The college students numbering 11. OC East PS 7085055020 same programme) and plastic Botsa under Chiephobozou sub-division, Kohima. 3,546 were divided into three groups and the workshop 12. OC GPRS 7085055021 free school programme that aims was conducted at three venues viz. Bishop Abraham me- in fighting plastic pollution and The students and the faculties 13. OC Diphupar PS 7085055022 to create awareness on afforesta- morial indoor stadium, basketball court and the auditorium. reminded that being plastic free made plastic-free commitments tion and reduce plastic pollution ‘Senior under-officer’, Veihunai Alice chaired the introduc- 14. OC Medziphema PS 7085055023 does not necessarily mean zero- by reading out the pledge which respectively. tory session while Rev. Dr. Sebastian Ousepparampil, the 15. OC West PS 7085055024 use of plastic but reducing plastic was led by Ranger, Pezaneinuo. The district forest officer, Ko- principal, gave the welcome and introductory note. The 16. OC Nuiland PS 7085055025 footprint especially with regard to To mark the occasion, eco-friend- hima Rongsenlemla Imchen, IFS, resource persons were Victor Kevilhouthie Yhome, district 17. OC Sub-urban PS 7085055026 ‘single use plastic’ items. ly waste bins were distributed expressed gratitude to the school project associate for kohima district, nagaland state disaster 18. OC Women PS 7085055027 Forest Ranger, Sanchu spoke to the school. Meanwhile, the authority and the students for management authority (NSDMA), home department; The- 19. OC Traffic control - I 7085055028 about the effects of plastic pol- school authority thanked the their active participation towards jangulie Zao, district disaster management officer, Kohima; 20. OC Traffic Control - II 7085055029 lution on environment and the department for the initiative the initiative. and SI Vingutuo, Platoon Commander, Home Guard and responsibilities of the students for and assured to continue with the 21. East PS (Telephone duty) 7085055030 She also highlighted on the Civil Defence. 22. GRPS (Telephone duty) 7085055031 importance of the role of students a plastic-free lifestyle. green commitments. 23. Diphupar PS (Telephone duty) 7085055032 24. Medziphema PS (Telephone duty) 7085055033 25. West PS (Telephone duty) 7085055034 26. Nuiland PS (Telephone duty) 7085055035 World Mental Health Day observed at St. Joseph University 27. SBN PS (Telephone duty) 7085055036 Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): World 28. women PS (Telephone duty) 7085055037 Mental Health Day, 2018 was 29. Traffic control - I (Telephone duty) 7085055038 observed by the department of 30. Traffic Control - II (Telephone duty) 7085055039 psychology and counselling, 31. New field check gate 7085055040 St. Joseph University, Dimapur, 32. Chumukedima Check gate 7085055041 Nagaland on Oct. 10 on the 33. Dellai check gate 7085055042 theme, ‘young people and men- 34. I/C SOT 7085055043 tal health in a changing world’. 35. Verification Cell, CP Office 7085055044 Head of department, Dr. Wa- 36. Mobile Unit commander 7085055046 tinaro Longkumer, while speak- 37. Mobile Unit commander 2nd I/c 7085055047 ing at the programme, dwelled 38. Cl-I (Crime helpline - I) 7085055048 on the theme, and highlighted on how many young people in 39. Cl-II (Crime helpline - II) 7085055049 the society today are living with 40. PCR Dimapur 7085055050 many unseen issues which is Students and faculty of St. Joseph University, Nagaland after the observance of theWorld Mental Health Day, 2018 on Oct. 10. 41. Piphema OP 7085055051 making them particularly vul- 42. Kuhuboto OP 7085055052 nerable to mental distress and psychological lab, which is the practical dimension of health, releasing of its first magazine of mental health by support- 43. Dhansiripar OP 7085055053 illnesses. It is time to change our first fully functional laboratory not only physical but mental “PRISM”, conducting a talk on ing each other, being kind to 44. Marwaripatti OP 7085055054 attitude to mental health and the in the state. as well. suicide prevention and psych- one another and practicing 45. Police Assistant Booth, GS Road 7085055055 stigma attached to it, to bring In his inaugural speech, The inaugural program zest, a fest of the department. self-care. Poster campaigns 46. Passport Cell 7085055056 change to our society, she said. the chancellor apprised the was led by Assistant Professor, World Mental Health Day were conducted and placed 47. OC Chumukedima PS 7085055061 The founder and chancel- congregation on how many Sopfunuo Licey Vizo, who high- is observed to create aware- throughout the campus with 48. Chumukedima PS, duty officer 7085055062 lor of St. Joseph University, Di- people in the present world lighted briefly on the activities ness and make mental health messages to ingrain a better 49. Highway Patrol - I 7085055059 mapur, Rev. Dr. Fr. JE Arul Raj are physically healthy by are held by the department so far a priority. The students pre- awareness of mental health, 50. Highway Patrol - II 7085055060 also graced the programme and mentally ill and therefore said and the activity that is com- sented a flash mob with a stated the university’s PRO in inaugurated the departments’ that the focus should be on the ing in the near future, namely, message to break the stigmas’ a press statement. EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday, October 13, 2018
C M Y K STATE 3 MRVC: Mokokchung and NPF accuses government of ‘mistreating’ movie crew and cast Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): Wadding into the the credit of others,” the statement read. Longleng districts faring well controversy under which ‘Nani Teri Morni’ It demanded that the PDA government – a movie based on the true-life events of send a clear message to its officers to per- Eastern Mirror Desk — s Mhonbeni Ezung, the youngest recipient of form their assigned duties and “not overstep Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): the National Bravery Award – was released onto the jurisdiction of others and act as Even as the government in Kohima on Oct. 9, the opposition Naga ‘Mr. Know-it-all’ on every issue.” according had said that it would try People’s Front (NPF) party has termed as to the NPF, the ‘failure and misstep’ of an to achieve 100% Measles- ‘appalling’ the state government’s ‘behav- officer was the mirror image of the govern- Rubella Vaccination Cam- iour’ towards the movie’s cast and crew. ment under whom he/she serves. paign (MRVC) in the state, In a statement issued on Thursday, the “Having learnt the nature and choice the response isn’t encourag- party alleged that the state government of words used against a prominent per- ing with Phek and Dimapur had treated the cast and crew “disrespect- sonality and the line producer of the movie districts recording a paltry fully and shown a cold shoulder (sic).” It Rebecca Changkija, by a certain IAS officer 17% and 18% success re- questioned the government’s ‘right’ to take who works directly under the supervision spectively in six days (Oct. ownership of event ‘when the cast and crew of the chief minister himself as the com- 3 to Oct. 8), which is the had not received any assistance from the missioner and secretary to the CM, the lowest in the state, accord- % state government.’ NPF party finds the attitude of the officer ing to the data issued by the “Such insensitivity and callous attitude absolutely demeaning. The officer in an Directorate of Health and of the PDA government towards its own attempt to swerve away from the contro- Family Welfare (H&FW ) people is repulsing. The boycott by the cast versy blamed it on ‘miscommunication,’ Medical Officer, Universal and crew of the movie at the time of the which is a cliché when one tries to cover Immunisation Programme screening speak volumes of the discontent- up ones blunder. (UIP) Dr. G.R. Rio. ment. Yet, the PDA government gave the “Was the officer acting on his own voli- Mokokchung recorded slightest attention to what the team, who tion or was it instructed to him by the chief 55% achievement in MR put their heart and soul into the project, minister of the state? Regardless on whose vaccination six days after desired as the government’s primary target direction it was, demoralisation of the peo- ZUNHEBOTO the campaign began, while MOKOKCHUNG was only on the optics and applauds (sic). ple who had worked so tirelessly towards Longleng district achieved “On Oct. 10, a man who was arrested the success of the movie is irreparable. An 51% success, according to for raping his own juvenile daughter at event which could have brought laurels the data obtained by East- Meluri town under Phek district managed to the state has been turned into an event ern Mirror from Longleng Graph Source: Health and Family Welfare Department to escape from police custody the same filled with remorse and pain. The PDA gov- DPO (RCH/UIP) Dr. Im- day itself. This is the pathetic state of affairs A graph showing the district-wise percentage of children vaccinated during the ongoing MRVC in the state. ernment should realise its responsibility nameren Phom on Friday. under PDA government which is least both- and govern the state as is asked for and not Dr. Phom told Eastern ered about such shortcoming on its part but dictate and turn into an autocratic state,” Mirror that the district could vaccination so that the par- and it is already showing interior parts of the district district in future. loses no time when it comes to snatching the party stated. achieve 50 percent because ents do not hesitate to get results at the ground level so that maximum coverage Longleng CMO Dr of the intense awareness their children vaccinated. with the district vaccinat- can be achieved” said Dr. Kongyan Phom in his key- campaign disseminated to He added that the pres- ing more than the target on Phom. note address presented a the public with the stake- ence of doctors and Chief Oct. 12 due to the sudden The DPO (RCH/UIP) has brief report of the campaign Kohima core committee for SVEEP meeting held holders especially the vil- Medical Officer during the influx of school children appealed to the presidents covered in the district so far. Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): tration of married women, ping of PwDs in the elector- lage councils and the use of programme helped clear who missed the outreach of 11 wards under Longleng T h e m e e t i n g w a s The Kohima district core to identify and enroll the al roll and their accessibili- Church platform to create fear psychosis caused by sessions,” maintained Dr. town at a meeting at DC con- chaired by Longleng EAC committee for systematic overseas Indian citizen, to ties and facilities available awareness. fake news and rumours that Phom. ference hall to mobilise their Rohbi Sangtam and graced voters education and elec- identify migrant labour- on the polling day. H e s a i d t h a t t h e have been doing the rounds “The department has respective wards as much by dignitaries including Dr toral participation (SVEEP) ers, to delete the deceased The meeting was fol- Longleng medical depart- on social media. a vigorous programme in as possible for MR vaccina- Lirenthung Khuvung MO held its first meeting under voters, to indentify the eli- lowed by launching of ment made sure that a doc- “The programme in the place, and what we are try- tion so that there would be (RBSK) and District Media the chairmanship of deputy gible members of persons signature campaign on tor was present to monitor district has been intensified ing is to reach out to the no measles outbreak in the Officer Roseline Phom. commissioner, Kohima, with disability (PwDs) for “pledge to maintain clean Rajesh Soundararajan IAS registration. AEO Kohi- electoral roll to facilitate free at DC’s Conference Hall, ma, Toshimeren informed and fair election”, by Deputy Kohima on Oct. 12. that so far a number of 506 Commissioner and District Food safety officials, KMC Ignou, Phek induction The meeting discussed members of PwDs have Election Officer, Kohima the following issues like been identified; the meeting Rajesh Soundararajan IAS, seize expired food items programme held on Oct. 10 identification of dual regis- also deliberated on map- the DIPR updated. Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): The Indria in 1985 with a network of 67 regional Gandhi National Open University centres (RC) and 2667 learners sup- Hindu Seva Samiti, Dmr. directs organisers of Study Centre - 2037, Phek Govern- port centres (LSCs). Dr. Iralu gave ment College (Ignou SC-20137, PGC) PowerPoint and provided an in-depth organised its induction programme detail information of the courses of- pandals to maintain clealiness during Durga Puja on Oct. 10 at the PGC old building, fered by and familiarises the students Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): The Hindu Seva untoward incident during the festival. New Campus with Dr. T Iralu, Direc- on online distance learning methods. Samithi, Dimapur on Friday appealed all Saying that the administration has also tor, Ignou regional centre, Nagaland; The session was chaired by Dr. those groups planning to set up Durga Puja cautioned regarding anti-social activities Kohima as the guest speaker. Thejotalu Nienu, assistant professor pandals to maintain maximum cleanliness and threat perception, the Samiti asked Dr. Iralu highlighted on the im- and office assistant Ignou SC-Phek in and around the padals in accordance all the office bearers of the respective puja portant role of Ignou in serving the district. While greeting and welcome with ‘Swachh Bharat Abjiyan”. pandals, volunteers and devotees to keep educational aspirations to millions of address was given by Dr. Vizovol The Samiti, in a press release, while close vigil on any unclaimed articles, vehi- learners in India and across 43 differ- Mekro, principal Phek government extending warm Durga Puja greetings to cles, etc., and take the help of police as and ent countries of the world. college. Altogether 20 newly enrolled all, said that the appeal is being issued as when required immediately. He said that the university was learners were present at the pro- per the guidelines of the office of com- “For convenience of administration Food safety officials and KMC carrying out the joint inspection in Kohima established by an Act of Parliament gramme. missioner of police Nagaland Pollution kindly provide one of the committee on Oct. 12. Control Board. member’s contact number to the near- The Samiti also asked all the pandals est police station for co-ordination,” the Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): Food the consumers to participate to put up posters of the measles-rubella Samiti stated. safety officials along with of- and report to the office of the Assam Rifles sponsors vaccination campaign (MRVC) for creating The Samiti also requested all the vehi- ficials from Kohima municipal designated officer (Chief Medi- mass awareness. cles to line-up with the idols at City Tower council carried out a joint cal Officer), Kohima with re- educational tour for students “The directive also instructed to main- junction on Oct. 19 for proceeding to the inspection of food establish- gard to any complaints about Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): The Tuensang itinerary includes visits to various cul- tain public peace and tranquillity during immersion ghat. ments on Oct. 11 and seized food items being sold in the Battalion of Assam Rifles under the tural and historical places in Guwahati the celebration of Puja and also further It directed the puja committees to some food products which had town. aegis of HQ IGAR (North) flagged off and Shillong as well as an interaction instructed to the Puja Pandals to use sound control their volunteers and added that exceeded the best before date “Colony panchayats/youth an educational and motivational tour programme with the Governor of Meg- systems in a controlled manner to avoid any dance which would disturb or block from a bakery, M/s Best Bakery organisations can also write for 15 students and two teachers from halaya and Director General of Assam any disturbances to anyone,” the Samiti the traffic would not be allowed. located at PR Hill, Kohima. to the undersigned if joint Tuensang District on Oct. 12. The tour is Rifles. The tour was flagged off by Briga- stated, at the same time, it directed all the “In case any Committee violate the di- The CMO and designated inspection needs to be done being conducted as part of the Assam Ri- dier S K Sheoran, SM, Deputy Inspector office bearrers of all puja committees to rective police will take stringent action for officer, Dr. Ritu Thurr, in a in regard to food items in your fles initiative towards fostering the spirit General,7 Sector Assam Rifles, informed be present in their respective pandals to which Hindu Seva Samiti will not be held press statement, appealed to colonies,” stated Thurr. of National Integration. The one-week the Assam Rifles in a press release. maintain law and order and to avoid any responsible,” the Samiti further cautioned. Science exhibition held at AGBCN youth conference DNSU celebrates 24th biennial general conference ments in the state. Acknowl- our environment clean and St. John School, Tuensang underway at Chumukedima edging the girls in the state green,” she maintained fur- Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): A young generations to live Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): the word of God. He there- for excelling academically ther adding that one should science exhibition on the in a clean Environment. He The 8th Biennial Youth Con- fore, asked the youths to compared to the boys, Kire not put the responsibility theme ‘technologies for a further urged all the school ference of association of have spiritual awakening so urged and encouraged the to the state government of clean environment’ was to take initiative to conduct Gorkha Baptist churches as to have a meaningful life male students to try and municipal councils, town conducted at St. John’s Hr. such kind of programmes. Nagaland (AGBCN) hosted Youth secretary AGBCN, outshine the girls academi- councils, NGO’s etc. Sec. School, Tuensang with Students from Classes 9 by Nepali Baptist Church Shishir Lama shared the cally and work hard towards “Only by conducting the commandant of 40 As- to 12 participated in the ex- Chumukedima got under- greeting while Santabir Rai, their future jobs instead of awareness campaign or sam Rifles, Col. Samrat Sen- hibition. All together there way at Chumukedima town executive secretary AGBCN relying on backdoor ap- conducting mass social gupta as a special guest. were 11 models. hall on Friday with attend- exhorted the gathering. pointments. work, our towns/cities Speaking on the occa- At the inauguration ance of 350 delegates. T h e f u n c t i o n w a s “I urge everyone to have won’t become clean, rather sion Col. Sengupta encour- programme Rev. Fr. Sivi Rev. Mathias Subba, di- chaired by Daniel Biswa dignity of labour and main- cleanliness is a habit which aged the students to culti- George, Principal, St. John’s rector of Himalayan evangel- youth Chairman GBC tain it while still preserving one has to adapt and follow vate the habit of learning by welcomed the guests and ical fellowship Kalimpong, Diphupar Convenor of the ones identity as well,” Kire every day,” she said. doing and be inquisitive as asked the students not Darjeeling was the speaker Youth Conference Pastor encouraged the gathering. Swu later laid out the books alone do not encom- to take education from a at the introductory session Robert Aley gave the orien- Aghali S Swu, assistant causes and precautions on pass the entirety of edu- bookish point of view but of the three day conference. tation Session. environment engineer, Na- global warming and other cation. He also expressed to go further and develop Rev. Subba said that All together 32 Gorkha galand pollution control environmental issues. She satisfaction to the man- creative ideas to bring joy team work is the need of the churches from Nagaland board (NPCB) spoke about urged the students to pre- agement, students and the to the neighbourhood. The hour to bring about positive are taking part in the 8th Dr Neikiesalie Nicky Kire, speaking at the 24th biennial general an awareness campaign serve the environment and conference organised by DNSU at Diphupar local ground on October 12. teachers for choosing such programme also was at- change in the society and Biennial Youth conference that NPCB has undertaken walk on to strive for best a relevant theme and pro- tended by students from said that the priority of the of AGBCN, stated a press called “Clean and Green: steps. ducing great models for the other schools in town. youths is to be in step with release from the association. Eastern Mirror Desk sense of responsibility for my environment, my re- An interactive session Dimapur, Oct. 12: The protecting the environ- sponsibility.” was also held between stu- Diphupar Naga Students’ ment. “Are we taking any steps dents and Swu in regard to Union (DNSU) celebrated “How many plants sur- to protect our environ- environmental responsi- Naga council asks public to cooperate with its 24th biennial general vive and grow,” he asked the ment? Are we taking any bilities where the students conference with the theme gathering of mostly school steps to keep our environ- showed their keen interests “Exploring alternatives” on children at the conference ment clean and green?,” in putting forth different power dept. on replacement of electric poles Oct. 12 at the local ground, advising them to make a Swu questioned the young questions related to en- Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): The Naga Commissioner of Dimapur Sushil Ku- istration in carrying out the works, Diphupar Village. pledge to plant at least 10 audience. vironmental concerns. A Council Dimapur (NCD) has asked mar Patel on the Oct. 6 . Chophy said that ‘this monumental Dr. Neikiesalie Nicky saplings at home. “Let us She laid out the causes pledge and signature cam- the power department to consult the Therefore, in order the carry out exercise for the betterment of the Kire, Advisor, Rural De- make it our core priority and precautions on global paign was initiated by the gaon buras, chairmen and the various the works smoothly, the council has re- town will be taking place after a gap velopment, attended the to be more responsible to- warming and other envi- delegation present. colony councils while undertaking quested the department to consult the of nearly 40 years. He appealed all the program as special invitee. wards to our environment,” ronmental issues. “I urge The DNSU in its 39th the replacement of electric poles in leaders in the different colonies and citizens and colony authorities to fully Kire unfurled the union flag he said. the students to preserve year of existence, elected and around the various localities in localities so that no communication cooperate and allow the work in their after which he unveiled the He pointed out that the environment and walk its new team of office bear- Dimapur. The NCD Vice President gap will arise and that any hindrance respective localities. 2nd edition of DNSU Bien- the climatic condition has on to strive for best steps,” ers on October 10 for the (Admn.) K. Ghokheto Chophy, in a or obstruction of work may be avoided Meanwhile the Naga Council has nial Journal. While stressing changed due to the lapses in she said. tenure 2018-2020 head- press release, said that the decision after the work begins. also appreciated the chief engineer, on the theme “exploring taking care of the environ- “It is high time we as ed by its President, Pitovi to replace the electric poles will be Saying that the Naga Council electrical department govt. Nagaland alternatives” during his ment by humans. inhabitants of this God Achumi and General Secre- undertaken shortly which was decided Dimapur will be assisting the power for taking such an initiative for the bet- speech, he focused on how Kire also highlighted gifted world take up equal tary, Grizel A Ngullie among at a meeting convened by the Deputy department and the district admin- terment of the Dimapur town. everyone should have a about backdoor appoint- responsibility in keeping other executives. EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday, October 13, 2018 4 REGION Sikkim wins gold at global Future Policy Full EC team to visit Mizoram Tuesday to study poll preparedness Awards for promoting organic farming Aizawl, Oct. 12 (IANS): An Lal Thanhawla will contest signed from the party. Election Commission team from two constituencies -- The Congress subse- Hamburg/Rome, Oct. 12 sign are socioeconomic headed by its chief Om his home turf Serchhip and quently expelled both the (IANS): Sikkim has been aspects such as consump- Prakash Rawat would visit Champhai South. leaders from the party for awarded the prestigious tion and market expansion, poll-bound Mizoram on Among the 36 candi- “anti-party activities”. gold prize at global Future cultural aspects as well as October 16 to study the pre- dates, four are below 40 Sources in the MNF said Policy Awards for promot- health, education, rural paredness of the November years, eight are between 41 both the Congress deserters ing agro-ecology through development and sustain- 28 assembly elections, an and 50 years, 14 in the age are likely to be the candi- policies and laws that have able tourism. official said on Friday. group of 51 to 60, four are dates of MNF, a local party, made it a “100 per cent or- “The policy imple- “The full Election Com- between 61 and 70 years which ruled the state for ganic farming” state. mented a phase out of mission team headed by and five candidates, in- two terms (1998-2003 and Sikkim is 2018’s winner chemical fertilisers and Chief Election Commis- cluding Lal Thanhawla, are 2003-2008). of the “Oscar for best poli- pesticides, and achieved a sioner Rawat would be on a above 70 years. Bharatiya Janata Party’s cies”, beating 51 nominated total ban on sale and use two-day tour starting Tues- Both Congress and national general secretary policies from 25 countries, of chemical pesticides in day,” Additional Chief Elec- main opposition Mizo Ram Madhav has already the international non- the state. The transition toral Officer of Mizoram Pi National Front (MNF) led announced that his party government body World has benefited more than Lalzarmawii told IANS. by party President and would likely field candi- Future Council (WFC) an- 66,000 farming families,” it She said Rawat, ac- former Chief Minister Zo- dates in all the 40 assembly nounced on Friday. said while explaining why companied by two Elec- ramthanga have already seats, but the party might The award is co-organ- Sikkim was chosen for the t i o n Co m m i s s i o n e r s begun their election cam- forge an alliance with the ised by the Food and Agri- top award. -- Sunil Arora and Ashok paign. like-minded parties in a culture Organisation (FAO), It noted that Sikkim’s Lavasa - would separately The ruling Congress re- post-poll scenario. the World Future Council tourism sector had bene- meet leaders of all politi- cently suffered a setback As many as 768,181 peo- (WFC) and IFOAM Organ- fited greatly from the state’s cal parties, District Magis- after state Home Minister ple out of the total popula- ics International. It was an- transition to 100 per cent trates, Superintendents of and senior party leader R tion of 10,91,014 (2011 Cen- nounced simultaneously at organic. Police, besides the officials Lalzirliana and sitting leg- sus) are eligible to cast their Hamburg and Rome. “As such, Sikkim sets an involved with state election islator Lalrinliana Sailo re- votes in Mizoram elections. Policies from Brazil, excellent example of how machinery. Denmark and Quito (Ec- other Indian states and The single-phase elec- uador) were awarded silver. countries worldwide can tion to the 40-member NEWS IN BRIEF FAO Deputy Director- successfully upscale agro- Mizoram assembly would General Maria-Helena Se- ecology,” it added. be held on November 28. Mizoram Cong. leader Lalzirliana medo said: “A transition The winners of Future The statutory notification gives up assembly seat to sustainable food and Policy Award 2018 will be would be issued on No- agriculture systems is criti- celebrated in a ceremony vember 2 and the last date Aizawl, Oct. 12 (PTI): Former Mizoram home cal to achieving sustain- Women sells organic produces at Sikkim bazaar. on October 15 at FAO head- for filing nominations is minister R Lalzirliana Friday submitted his res- able development, and the quarters during the World November 9. ignation as a legislator as part of his intention to 2018 Future Policy Award cal will.” “Gold Prize winner and its citizens,” the WFC, Food Week in Rome. Meanwhile, the ruling join opposition Mizo National Front (MNF) in the is unique as it highlights The organisers said by Sikkim is the first organic a Hamburg-based body Sikkim Chief Minister Congress on Thursday has poll-bound North-Eastern state. He submitted his policies that advance such scaling up agro-ecology state in the world. All of consisting of 50 eminent Pawan Chamling, who as announced the names of 36 resignation letter to state assembly secretary S.R. a transition. and through effective pol- its farmland is certified global change-makers from Founder-President of the candidates for the upcom- Zokhuma in the absence of Speaker Hiphei, who “FAO is proud to hon- icy making, it was possi- organic. At the same time, governments, parliaments, Sikkim Democratic Front ing polls dropping eight is on a tour to southern Mizoram. Mizoram will our, along with the World ble to tackle malnutrition, Sikkim’s approach reaches civil society, academia and has been ruling the state sitting MLAs and fielding 12 go to vote on November 28. Politically it would be Future Council and IFOAM social injustice, climate beyond organic production business, said in the re- for a record 25 years, is ex- new faces. interested to watch if Congress manages to hold - Organics International, change and loss of biodi- and has proven truly trans- lease. pected to receive the award State Congress presi- power in the only state under its rule in the North- such leadership and politi- versity. formational for the state “Embedded in its de- personally in Rome. dent and Chief Minister East at present. Lalzirliana, second-in-command in the Congress government headed by chief minister Lal Thanhawla and also vice president of the state PCC had resigned from the council of ministers ‘Bearing children till male Assam Rifles IGs’ conference concludes in Shillong on September 14 after he was served a show cause notice by the party disciplinary action committee Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): Two-day As- on September six He was expelled from the party for sam Rifles Inspector Generals’ annual child is born has created socio- an indefinite period on September 17 after which he conference concluded with policy deci- announced his intention to join the opposition Mizo sions taken for the benefit of the force in National Front (MNF). economic strain in families’ particular and the Northeast in general, Our Correspondent said that the desperation on Friday in Shillong. 16 IAF personnel airlifted from Imphal, Oct. 12 (EMN): The of having at least one male The conference focused on exchange trend of bearing of children child brings about a nega- of ideas and thoughts that would en- Arunachal Pradesh until a male child is born tive psychological impact on hance the operational efficiency of the Assam Rifles. It also emphasised on Jorhat (Assam), Oct. 12 (PTI): All the 16 air force by the parents has created daughters. personnel on onboard the helicopter that made an socio-economic strain in the “Even though literacy rate cementing the bonding & cultural con- nect with the people of Northeast, a emergency landing at West Tuting on Thursday were families of Churachandpur is high in the district, educa- airlifted from there and brought to the IAF station district where there is no tion does not necessarily lead statement from the official said. The first ever culture and cuisine here Friday, IAF sources said. The 16 Indian Air Force medical evidence of female to following a serious career, personnel arrived at their Jorhat base this afternoon, infanticide is reported so far. especially, among the young competition, exhibition of the local handicrafts and artefacts made by the the sources said. The MI-17 chopper which had Thus, the chances of all the women of Churachandpur,” Assam Rifles officials visit the handicraft stall put up by AR personnel families at the two- taken off on routine mission from Jorhat to West Tut- girl child getting adequate she said. Assam Rifles families were the highlights day IG annual conference in Shillong. of the two-day event. ing and back to Jorhat had to make the emergency education and attention for Pointing out that many landing due to a technical snag on Thursday, said her well-being are affected. girls are dropped out from Shillong based IAF PRO Wing Commander Ratnakar This was observed by the education system after Singh. He said all the 16 IAF personnel on board Nodal Officer Glory Kim of 10th standard, several after Kukis remember KNF founder, pay homage to martyrs the chopper were safe. The technical snag occurred Beti Bachao Beti Padhao 12th and few more after their when the chopper was returning from West Tuting (BBBP) initiative of Churach- graduation without further Our Correspondent founder at the memorial site fol- border area in December 1986 and and had to stay back there, Singh said. andpur during a day-long pursuing their career in the Imphal, Oct. 12 (EMN): Kuki people lowed by other members of the or- founded the KNF on May 18 1987 orientation workshop on district, she opined that this on Friday paid rich tribute to Neh- ganisation and various civil bodies at Molnoi in Burma. He died at the Two killed as bus falls into BBBP for District Level Offic- could be due to lack of proper lun Kepgen, the founder of the Kuki including Kuki Chiefs Association hands of security forces on October ers (DLOs) held in the confer- guidance and encourage- National Front (KNF), the oldest Manipur (KCAM), Kuki Inpi Sadar 12, 1993 at Motbung and his mor- gorge in Mizoram ence hall of Deputy Commis- ment from teachers, parents Kuki armed group, on his 25th death Hills (KISH), Sadar Hills Kuki Chief tal remains was laid to rest at the Aizawl, Oct. 12 (PTI): Two persons were killed and 17 sioner’s office at the district and society in general. anniversary at his memorial site at Association (SHKCA) and others. present memorial site at Phaijang others injured early Thursday when a bus carrying headquarters in Imphal on Stressing on the need to Phaijang village, Motbung, 25 km President of KCAM, SDKCA, and village. KNF is a signatory of the them fell into a gorge near Pukpui village, on the out- Friday. encourage girls in all aspects north of Imphal under Kangpokpi KISH while recalling the late leader’s ongoing Suspension of Operation skirts of Mizoram’s Lunglei district, a police officer Deputy Commissioner of life such as socio- eco- district. simplicity, determination, vision (SoO) involving centre and state said. The bus, with 19 people including two drivers, of Churachandpur Shyam nomic, political, education, In commemoration of his death and love for the community said governments. was on its way to Aizawl from Siaha district, in the Lal Poonia, Additional DC sports, arts and other aes- anniversary, many Kuki people that Kepgen had travelled to all the SoO was signed by the Centre, southern part of the state, when it met with the acci- Lalramsang Fimate, CEO of thetic pursuit for their holistic gathered this morning at the me- nook and corner of the Kuki domi- Manipur government and two con- dent around 2.30am. Two passengers H. Zirsanga of ADCC T Kammuanlal Simte growth and to give them a morial site and paid tribute to the nated lands and met with every Kuki glomerates of Kuki militant outfits – Lawngtlai district and Albert Rothangpuia of Aizawl and district level officers meaningful purpose for their late leader and other deceased cad- representatives. Kuki National Organisations (KNO) were killed on spot, he said. “Prima facie, it seems of the district attended the living, she said one should res who made supreme sacrifices Born at Khoripoh village near and United Peoples’ Front (UPF). the brake malfunctioned and the driver lost control workshop. motivate, respect and ap- for the cause of the Kukis. Keithelmanbi area, Kepgen be- The pact was first signed in 2008 of the vehicle. The exact reason will be ascertained Nodal Officer Kim speak- preciate when they excel in The KNF leaders including Aar- gan his campaign to set up Kuki and extended. There are around 20 after a thorough investigation,” the officer said. ing as the resource person any field. on paid floral tributes to the late armed movement in Indo-Burma armed groups under KNO and UPF.
MIRROR CROSSWORD 1965 SOLUTIONS TO SUD0KU 1804 SUD0KU 1805 ACROSS 1. Is indebted to 5. Cartographic illustrations Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can 9. A lyrical poem attributed to King David be reached logically. Enter numbers into the blank 14. Farm building spaces so that each row, column and 3x3 box 15. Winged 16. Dike contains the numbers 1 to 9. 17. Therefore 18. Change direction 19. Asserts 20. Athlete 22. Is inclined (to do) 23. An organic compound made from an alcohol 24. Indian antelope 26. A lyric poem 29. Goes in 33. A writer of literary works 38. Genus of pondweed 39. Not fake 40. Intends or implies 42. Finishes SOLUTIONS TO CROSSWORD 1964 43. A deep bow 45. Proximity 47. Come out 48. 2 49. Could turn things into gold (Greek mythology) 52. Musical notes 57. Not a credit 60. Underwater boat 2. Distortions metal on a surface 33. Gaelic connected rooms 63. Anagram of “Loasa” 3. A plant disease 10. 17 34. Line formed by 53. Give a speech 64. Engage for work caused by a fungus 11. A river in England joining two pieces 54. Shallow recess 65. Anagram of “Care” 4. Sound made by 12. Obscene 35. A period of 55. Enlist 66. Master of Literature some people while 13. Untidyness discounted prices 56. Fortune tellers 67. French for “State” sleeping 21. “Helen of ____” 36. Scaremongers 57. Barriers to flowing 68. God of thunder (Norse 5. Pads 25. Teeter-totter 37. Brownish water mythology) 6. Anagram of 27. Made less bright 41. Mesh 58. Singer ____ 69. Volcano “Maul” 28. East southeast 44. Shake up Fitzgerald 70. Anagram of “Seen” 7. Minor currency 30. Sea eagle 46. Catholic tribunal 59. Heat a liquid 71. Snake-like fishes units of Yugoslavia 31. Relieves oneself 50. Residues from a 61. Roughage DOWN 8. Cassia from fire 62. Anagram of 1. Overweight 9. A thin coating of 32. Backtalk 51. A series of “Teem” EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday, October 13, 2018 BUSINESS 5 Modi meets Jaitley, India’s August industrial State Bank of Mauritius loses output eases to 4.3% INR 143 cr. in cyber fraud Pradhan on fuel Mumbai, Oct. 12 (IANS): gally access various accounts no loss has been caused to New Delhi, Oct. 12 (IANS): India’s industrial output The State Bank of Mauritius’ and managed to transfer the any customer and that the New Delhi, Oct. 12 (IANS): duction, Petroleum Min- ernments to match the eased in August with a slower rise of 4.3 per cent as (SBM) Mumbai branch has monies to multiple accounts SBM enjoyed sufficient li- Amidst rising fuel prices ister Pradhan on October reduction to provide relief compared to 6.52 per cent in July, official data showed been cheated of nearly Rs outside the country. quidity for all its future plans. despite an excise cut on 1 said Rs 5,900 crore of from high fuel prices. on Friday. 143 crore after unknown The EOW and the Cyber SBM India, a subsidi- petrol and diesel last week, investment had been com- While the Centre would As per the data released by the Central Statistics fraudsters hacked into its ac- Cell experts are investigat- ary of SBM Holdings, has Prime Minister Narendra mitted for the exploration bear the excise duty cut of Office (CSO), the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) in counts here, an official said ing the case and trying to branches in Mumbai, Chen- Modi held a review meet- of 55 oil and gas blocks Rs 1.50 a litre totalling to August was lower even on the year-on-year (YoY) basis. on Friday. ascertain if it is a malware at- nai, Hyderabad and Ram- ing with Finance Minister awarded through the first about Rs 10,500 crore for The industry output had increased by 4.8 per cent The incident occurred tack, besides the SBM’s own achandrapuram in Andhra Arun Jailtey and Petrole- round of auctions under the remaining period of the in August 2017. at the SBM Nariman Point internal probe to find out the Pradesh. um Minister Dharmendra the country’s new Open fiscal, it asked the OMCs to “The cumulative growth for the period April-August Branch according to the involvement of any insider. In two separate cyber- Pradhan here on Friday. Acreage Licensing Policy absorb the remaining Re 1. 2018 over the corresponding period of the previous bank’s complaint with the On October 2, the SBM attacks on August 9 and 11, “The PM’s meeting in (OALP).The OALP, under Despite the cut in ex- year stands at 5.2 percent,” the Quick Estimates of IIP Mumbai Police Economic had said in a statement that the Cosmos Bank Pvt Ltd, the morning was on pe- the new Hydrocarbon Ex- cise duty, which is likely for the month of August 2018. Offences Wing (EOW) last its India operations had been Pune, lost a total of Rs 94.24 troleum issues. The dis- ploration and Licensing to expand the fiscal deficit On the YoY basis, factory output’s growth was ex- week. hit by a cyber fraud with a crore to an international cussion centered around Policy (HELP), allows the by 0.05 percentage points, panded by 4.6 per cent, whereas the mining sector’s The SBM said that some potential loss of around $14 group of operatives working increasing domestic oil investor to carve out blocks the government said it was production declined by (-) 0.4 per cent and the sub- unknown persons have million. in tandem in several coun- production, subsidy borne of their choice and submit committed to meet the index of electricity generation increased by 7.6 per cent. hacked into its servers to ille- However, it assured that tries worldwide. by oil marketing compa- an Expression of Interest fiscal deficit target of 3.3 nies (OMCs) and reducing (Eol) throughout the year. per cent. oil imports to cut down the HELP replaced nine ear- The government had current account deficit,” a lier rounds held under the also stressed that by ask- SpiceJet inducts first senior official said. New Exploration Licensing ing the OMCs to provide a The meeting assumes Policy (NELP) wherein the subsidy of Re 1 was not go- significance as the US sanc- government carved out ing back on deregulation. Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft tion against Iran kicks-in areas for bidding. The OMCs are less likely to on November 4 and India On October 4, the be asked for further subsi- Government of India is dependent on imports Central government an- dies, as Jaitley on the day Ministry of AYUSH for more than 80 per cent nounced a cut of Rs 2.50 of excise cut said the gov- of its oil requirement. a litre each for petrol and ernment would want the On domestic oil pro- diesel and urged state gov- OMCs to remain healthy. CAUTION Attention is invited to the advertisements of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy Drugs by some manufacturers using the Gold up INR 140 on festive name of Government Departments or Institutions and also the incidence of making buying; firm global cues fake calls using the name of Government PTI Departments or Institutions for promoting New Delhi, Oct. 12 (PTI): Gold maintained In the national capital, gold of 99.9 per Civil Aviation Secretary Rajiv Nayan Choubey (C), SpiceJet CEO Ajay Singh, Boeing Sr Vice President Dinesh its upward trend for the third straight day cent and 99.5 per cent purity rose further Keskar and others unveil Boeing 737 MAX-8 aircraft, at IGI airport T2 in New Delhi, Friday, Oct 12, 2018. sale of products, which are misleading the Friday, rising Rs 140 to trade at Rs 32,120 by Rs 140 each to Rs 32,120 and Rs 31,970 consumers. per 10 grams on increased buying by jewel- per 10 grams, respectively. Mumbai, Oct. 12 (IANS): “These new airplanes band internet on board,” lers to meet festive demand amid positive The yellow metal had risen Rs 330 in Budget airlines SpiceJet on will enable us to open new SpiceJet Chairman Ajay General public is hereby cautioned not to Friday said it has inducted routes, and will dramati- Singh said in a statement. global cues. the previous two days. fall prey to such fake calls and advertisements Silver prices also went up by Rs 500 to Sovereign gold continued to be traded its first Boeing 737 MAX 8 cally reduce noise pollution “India is a fast growing Rs 39,500 per kg on fresh buying by indus- at previous level of Rs 24,600 per piece of aircraft that forms part of and greenhouse gas emis- market for commercial air- and refrain from self- medication with such trial units and coin makers. eight grams. Following the rise in gold, a $22 billion purchase deal sions. Passengers will ben- planes and services,” said drugs. Marketmen said, sentiment was up- silver-ready spurted Rs 500 to Rs 39,500 per signed with the American efit from a large number of Boeing Senior VP (Com- No.Z-25019/02/2017-DCC (AYUSH) Dated: 12th November, 2018 beat largely backed by increased buying kg and weekly-based delivery rose Rs 435 to aircraft manufacturer. premium seats and, for the mercial Sales and Market- “SpiceJet had signed a by local jewellers, driven by ongoing festive Rs 38,905 per kg. first time in India, broad- ing) Ihssane Mounir. Davp 17201/11/0021/1819 season and a firming trend overseas amid Silver coins too were in good demand $22 billion deal with Boe- fresh weakness in the US dollar. and traded notably higher at Rs 75,000 ing for up to 205 aircraft Globally, gold traded higher at USD for buying and Rs 76,000 for selling of 100 in 2017 and this is the first NAGALAND PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 1,224.60 an ounce and silver at USD 14.66 pieces as against previous level of Rs 73,000 aircraft delivery from that an ounce in New York Thursday. and Rs 74,000, respectively. order,” a company state- KOHIMA ment said here. NO.NPSC/CON-35/2009 Dated Kohima, the 11th October, 2018 NOTIFICATION In pursuance of the Commission’s Advertisement No. NPSC-2/2017 dt. 05.08.2017, Addendum dt. 20.09.2017, Addendum dt. 05.03.2018 & Corrigendum dt. 24.08.2018, the Commission conducted Written Main Examination and Viva-voce for NCS, Sensex rallies most in 19 NPS, NSS & Allied Services 2017. On the basis of marks obtained in the Main Written Examination, Viva-voce and Medical & Police Fitness Tests and options months, Nifty ends above 10,450 exercised by the candidates, the Commission is pleased to declare the provisional results for the following post(s) under the Government of Nagaland. Mumbai, Oct. 12 (PTI): Investment Officer, Sanc- 27th TEULUNG PAME 1753 BT Zeliang Item No. 1: 12 (Twelve) posts of Extra Assistant th Driven by fall in crude pric- tum Wealth Management. Commissioner (Cl-I Gazetted, Junior Grade), under 28 LUSA KATIRY 1336 BT Pochury 29th S ADIBA SANGTAM 1761 BT Sangtam Market has been deeply Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department. es and the recovery in ru- 30th N JOSEPH 1636 BT Phom pee, the BSE Sensex Friday oversold, and investors Rank Name Roll No Remarks 31st TSADILA THONGER 1781 BT Sangtam posted its biggest single- were additionally buoyed 1st N ORENTHUNG KIKON 1789 32nd KHRIESELHOUNUO RUPREO 1895 Phy.Handicapped day gain in 19 months, by news that inflows into 2nd ZERÜTSO KESIEZIE 1792 33rd KAIMANG CHOLEN 1429 BT Chang 3rd KETSINLE TEP 1335 34th POHOI 1475 BT Khiamniungan soaring over 700 points, as equity... Foreign investor th 4 MOLOSANGLA OZUKUM 1122 Item No. 5: 2 (Two) posts of Assistant Jailor (Cl-III (FI) selling was offset by th global markets rebounded 5 IMLIJUNGLA LEMTUR 1730 Non-Gazetted), under Prison Department. after two straight sessions domestic buyers, he added. 6th ANE KHIEYA 1295 7th SEYIEVILIE PFUKRI 1755 Rank Name Roll No Remarks of losses. Maruti Suzuki was st 8th RUOKUOSETUO TETSO 1334 1 YANSHUMTHUNG JUNGIO 1704 the biggest gainer among nd The rupee strength- 9th WETSHO LASUSHE 1516 BT Chakhesang 2 T CHANGCHINGMAK 1261 BT Chang ened 53 paise to 73.59 Sensex scrips, rising 5.89 10th M KHENPA 1631 BT Konyak Item No. 6: 2 (Two) posts of Labour Inspector (Cl-III (intra-day) against the US per cent, followed by M&M 11th PUHAN KHIAMNIUNGAN 1433 BT Khiamniungan Non-Gazetted), under Labour & Employment, Skill dollar in the forex market. up 5.29 per cent. 12th I YENTINOUNGBOU 1023 BT Chang Development & Entrepreneurship Department. Both indices ended the Other auto stocks like Item No. 2: 12 (Twelve) posts of Deputy Superintendent Rank Name Roll No Remarks Bajaj Auto, Hero MotoCorp of Police (Cl-I Gazetted), under Home Department, Police 1st KEVILHOUBEI THEUNUO 1749 week higher for the first nd time in six weeks. Dur- and Tata Motors too rallied Establishment Branch. 2 L YONGYO 1757 BT Konyak ing the period the Sensex after industry body SIAM Rank Name Roll No Remarks Item No. 7: 3 (Three) posts of Technical Assistant (Cl-III st Non-Gazetted), Employment & Craftsmen Training Department. climbed 366.59 points and said domestic passenger 1 MEDEMKALA TZUDIR 1706 2nd SEYIECHULHOU 1727 vehicle sales rose 6.88 per SUMMON FOR SETTLEMENT OF ISSUE Rank Name Roll No Remarks Nifty rose 156.05 points. 3rd AYANGLA S PONGEN 1210 1st VIZOVOLIE VIVIAN SOLO 1214 cent to 17,44,305 units in (ORDER-V-RULE-1, 5, 20) th nd After opening on strong IN THE COURT OF Phuleto Yeptho 4 KEVISEZO SIRIE 1680 2 YILOBEMO Y KITHAN 1241 th footing, the Sensex ad- the first half of the current ADDITIONAL DIST. & SESSION CIVIL JUDGE (SR) 5 LUNSO 1747 3rd GUACHE KREO 1422 BT Chakhesang fiscal as compared with SUIT NO.10 of 2018 6th SENTIWAPANG 1530 vanced to hit a high of th Item No. 8: 1 (One) post of Research Assistant (Cl-III Non- 16,32,006 units the same PLAINTIFF IDBI Bank Kohima, Represented by Shri. TENZING NIMA 7 AVIKISHE SEMA 1788 34,808.42 on buying mo- DEFENDANTS Shri P.F. ATHIKO (Borrower) 8th KHETILO SEB 1103 Gazetted), under Administrative Training Institute. To period of previous financial th mentum after retail inves- Shri P.F. Athiko Prop M/s Athiko Tyre Workshop 9 KIHIKA SUMI CHISHI 1367 Rank Name Roll No Remarks tors returned to the market. year. S/o N.Pfokrelo, R/o. H/No.42 Pudunamai Vill. Dist. Senapati, Manipur 10th SHETA LOHE 1292 BT Chakhesang 1st KANGYILE THOU 1046 BT Zeliang It later gave up some of Other prominent gain- 11th SANGTHING KHIAM 1622 BT Khiamniungan Whereas IDBI Bank, Kohima Branch, Kohima Nagaland Represented by its Branch Head 12th SAO CHINGMAK 1681 BT Chang Item No. 9: 1 (One) post of Assistant Archivist (Cl-III Non- the gains, but still ended ers included Kotak Bank, Shri Tenzing Nima has instituted Suit against you for Rs.4,58119/- (Four Lakh Fifty Eighty Gazetted), under Art & Culture Department. notably higher by 732.43 Coal India, IndusInd Bank, Thousand One Hundred Nineteen) Only. Item No. 3: 2 (Two) posts of Block Development Officer (Cl-I You are hereby summoned to appear before the Court in person on by pleader duly instructed Gazetted), under Rural Development Department. Rank Name Roll No Remarks points, or 2.15 per cent, at ITC, RIL, Tata Steel, Adani and able to answer all, materials question relating to the suit on 26.10.2018 at 11: 00 am without fail. 1st TEMJENJUNGLA 1450 Ports, Asian Paint, Vedanta, Take notice that in default of your appearance on the date mentioned, the suit will be heard Rank Name Roll No Remarks 34,733.58. st Item No. 10: 3 (Three) posts of Assistant Research Officer (Cl-II ONGC, Yes Bank, HDFC, and determined in your absence. 1 LINES RHI 1776 The index posted its Given under my hand and seal of the court this the 26th day of Sept, 2018. 2nd EZAO L EZUNG 1291 Gazetted), under Art & Culture Department. (One each reserved ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, biggest single-day gain DIST & SESSION JUDGE/CIVIL JUDGE (SR)/ Item No. 4: 34 (Thirty four) posts of Secretariat Assistant for Zeliang, Sumi and Yimchunger) since March 2017. HUL, Bharti Airtel, Pow- C.J.M/CIVIL JUDGE (JR) JMFC (Cl-III Non-Gazetted), under Personnel & Administrative Rank Name Roll No Remarks The broader Nifty end- erGrid, Wipro, L&T, Axis KOHIMA: NAGALAND D-6136 Reforms Department. 1st AHIKA SHOHE 1862 Sumi nd ed the week at 10,472.50, Bank, Infosys, NTPC and Rank Name Roll No Remarks 2 MOSES NEWMAI 1773 Zeliang rd up 237.85 points, or 2.32 Sun Pharma, rising by up 1st LILY Y ROCHILL 1732 3 AKAM P 1326 Yimchunger IN THE COURT OF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DIMAPUR DISTRICT nd per cent. It touched a high to 4.87 per cent. 2 BENDANGJUNGLA WALLING 1690 Item No. 11: 7 (Seven) posts of Inspector of Taxes HEADQUARTER, CHUMUKEDIMA, CAMP: DIMAPUR: NAGALAND 3rd VINYUHU KESIEZIE 1798 of 10,492.45 points in day TCS was the top loser th (Cl-III Non-Gazetted), under Taxation Department. th 4 SASHIRENLA 1066 trade. in the index, with shares Dt. Dimapur the 12 Oct 18 5th IMOTEMJEN JAMIR 1626 Rank Name Roll No Remarks st falling 3.10 per cent despite 6th VIMEZO METHA 1539 1 LANURENLA I IMSONG 1802 Investors lapped up NOTICE nd recently-hammered auto, posting a record quarterly NO.M-496/18 Notice is hereby given that Shri/Smti. Shevito Shohe 7th MOASANEN IMSONG 1402 2 MUGHAPU SWU 1741 TUMBENTHUNG Y rd NGULLIE AARON M realty, metal, oil and gas, profit Thursday, over mar- -Vrs- Pangersangla resident of Eralibill Town/Village in the District 8th 1604 3 1672 of Dimapur, Nagaland under Rule 50 & 51 of Assam Land Revenue HUMTSOE MHONBEMO FMCG, banking, power, gin concerns. th th Regulation 1886 have applied for Mutation of land described in the 9 YAPANGKALA LONGKUMER 1298 4 VIKAVI Z ASSUMI 1777 Shares of oil marketing th th infrastructure, IT, auto, and schedule below:- 10 KUVILI ZHIMOMI 1712 5 ELINYILOU THOPI 1115 BT Chakhesang capital goods stocks amid companies such as HPCL, 11th VIZOSIEU RUPREO 1714 6th HAUHJAM HOPONG I CHANG 1149 BT Chang The undersigned under Rule 52 of the said Rules do hereby invites claims/ th th unabated funds inflow by BPCL and IOC remained objections concerning to the said land, if any & should be submitted to this 12 ABENI JAMI 1542 7 M TSUWING KHIAMNIUNGAN 1790 BT Khiamniungan 13th ZEWEPRE THELE 1245 strong, rising up to 5.36 per court in writing on or before 12.11.18. Item No. 12: 9 (Nine) posts of Junior Divisional Accountant domestic institutional in- 14th CHONGPHE ANGH 1804 vestors (DIIs) ahead of the cent on falling global crude SCHEDULED OF LAND AND BOUNDARY 15th YIMKUM I OZUKUM 1503 (Cl-III Non-Gazetted), under Treasuries & Accounts Department. release of key IIP numbers oil prices. Name of Patta Holder: Shevito Shohe 16th KOTE KOZA 1563 Rank Name Roll No Remarks Aviation stocks includ- Village/Block No: Padumpukhuri, Patta No: 1489 17th METAO Y JAMI 1555 1st C TSALIMSE SANGTAM 1557 for August and inflation Dag No: 352/1993, Area: 00B-01K-01Ls th nd ing InterGlobe, Jet Airways 18 KUZHOCU CUKHAMU 1861 2 MERANGTEMSU WALLING 1274 data for September sched- North: Plot of Narola, South: Plot of Kyuthram 19th KAKUGHA SUMI 1311 3rd AMIKALI JIMOMI 1031 uled later in the day. and Spicejet also rose up to East: Plot of Imlikumba, West: Plot of Samuel Kent 20th KEVILETO RHETSO 1168 4th NGANGA EZUNG 1739 Bear operators, who 6.03 per cent, supported by Sd/- Deputy Commissioner 21st IMTIKUMZUK JAMIR 1594 5th MOATEMSU CHANGKIJA 1434 Dimapur: Nagaland nd easing crude prices. D-6135 22 VELHUPRA RHAKHO 1684 BT Chakhesang 6th WIDINTHUILIU 1008 Zeliang had been creating short- rd 23 S N ENYUH PHOM 1551 BT Phom 7th THEANG PHOM 1531 Phom positions in the past several th 24 AWANG KONYAK H 1337 BT Konyak 8th LIKOKBA 1056 Sangtam GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND th sessions, were seen cover- 25 SAMUEL AKHO KONYAK P 1785 BT Konyak th OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER th 9 RIKUM S TIKHIR 1523 Yimchunger ing up positions, brokers KOHIMA ::: NAGALAND 26 T JONGSEN 1800 BT Yimchunger said. th Note: “The whiplash in equi- N0.JUDL/SUCC/102/2018-VII Dated Kohima, the 11 Oct, 2018 OBJECTION NOTICE 1. Any selected candidate intending not to accept the post for which he/she is selected may submit a Non-Acceptance Letter ties this week continued within 7(Seven) days from the date of issue of this notification. as market rallied strong- Whereas Smti. NINGTHOUJAM BIDYAPATI DEVI W/o LT. NINGTHOUJAM 2. 1 (One) post of Secretariat Assistant (Cl-III Non-Gazetted) reserved for BT Sumi (Kiphire), under Personnel & Administrative ly, driven by a good start RABI SINGH resident Kitsubozou, Kohima has applied for issue of Succession Reforms Department shall be re-advertised as backlog vacancy. to earnings season by IT Certificate under the Indian Succession Act 1925, Part X to draw/ withdraw/ operate/ transfer his/her Late husband-. Bank A/C No. 10180100013941 Bank 3. The results are purely provisional subject to verification of antecedents and documents and consequence of Non-Acceptance bellwether TCS, a drop in of Baroda, Kohima Branch. Who expired on 23-08-2018. Letter submitted by recommended candidates. crude oil prices, a drop Now therefore, public are hereby asked to file claims/ objection if any Sd/- THEPFURIENYU GEORGE KIRE in gilt bond yields and a within 1 (one) month from the date of issue of this notice. Sd/- Controller of Examinations, (LITHRONGLA TONGPI RUTSA) Nagaland Public Service Commission, strengthening currency,” Additional Deputy Commissioner said Sunil Sharma, Chief KG-2892 Kohima: Nagaland KG-2890 Kohima EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday, October 13, 2018 6 Hidden Hunger Affects Nearly 2 Billion Worldwide – Are Solutions in Plain Sight? that cause hidden hunger. With enough attention and levels of malnutrition. Saharan Africa, most people depend on a single staple Morten Wendelbo | The Conversation support, hidden hunger can be erased in a few decades, Vitamin A is crucial for the immune system to com- – maize – for more than 80 percent of their calories. It significantly improving the lives of nearly a third of the bat many diseases, and for maintenance of eyesight, par- is the only affordable way for most people to consume ncredible strides have been made to eradicate hun- world’s population. ticularly in children. Folic acid is associated, among other enough calories. Maize, just as with other staples like ger around the world since World War II. New tech- things, with fetal development, and, when missing from rice, wheat, cassava and millet, is almost entirely void nology, foreign aid, and a world economy that has What is micronutrient malnutrition? a pregnant woman’s diet, can lead to birth deformities. of micronutrients. What little micronutrient content a grown more than 30-fold have combined to lift hun- The body needs far more than just calories to function Children suffering from hidden hunger in early whole maize kernel holds is largely lost during the mill- Idreds of millions out of poverty and hunger. and develop properly. Vitamins and minerals are es- childhood are less likely to complete their education, ing process to make maize flour, the most common form Even as groups that work to end hunger celebrate sential to many of the body’s core functions, such as more likely to suffer from chronic disease, and are con- of maize consumption in East Africa and much of Latin these incredible achievements, it is important not to lose immune system health and brain function. When the sequently less productive. This affects their ability to es- America. sight of how far we still have to go. In 2018, we are still not calorie intake is not varied, it is entirely possible to eat cape poverty and malnutrition later in life, passing the The simple solution to improving the nutritional on track to eradicate hunger in our lifetime, even though sufficient calories without having sufficient micronutri- vicious cycle on to their own children. value of these staple goods is to fortify them with a mix all 191 U.N. member states vowed in 2000 to end hunger ent nutrition. That is, a person can have enough calories Almost anyone can immediately recognize the con- of micronutrients. After or during the milling process, a by 2015. but still be malnourished. sequences of regular hunger. For many years aid organi- safe and inexpensive micronutrient powder can be add- In fact, at the moment, numbers are heading in the It is caused by micronutrient malnutrition, which zations, NGOs and others have leveraged the widespread ed by the miller, or by consumers themselves, drastically wrong direction. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organi- occurs when a person’s diet has insufficient amounts of imagery of stunted children with distended bellies as a boosting the nutritional value. Despite recent increases zation reports that since 2014, the number of people critical vitamins and minerals. Although there are doz- call to arms against hunger. The visible suffering triggers in attention to the importance of hidden hunger, com- experiencing hunger is on the rise around the world. ens of important micronutrients, some deficiencies are compassion in most people and serves as a call to action. prehensively fortifying staple goods is still a long way Conflict and climate change are the likely culprit behind more prevalent than others, including those of Vitamin Micronutrient malnutrition earned the nickname away for most developing governments, which lack the most of this deterioration. A, zinc, iron and folic acid. hidden hunger because, although it has many of the funds, expertise and occasionally the political will, to en- This statistic hides an even more disheartening real- Consequences of hidden hunger same long-term health consequences, it is difficult to sure fortification. Without substantial subsidies, millers ity. Close to 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient identify, even for people suffering from it. Many of the can only fortify staples when they can pass at least part malnutrition, commonly called “hidden hunger” be- The effects of the deficiencies vary. A deficiency of iron consequences, such as lower cognitive function, accrue of the cost onto consumers. For many people living in cause it is less obvious than regular hunger. in the blood, for example, which causes anemia, severely over a lifetime and they are hard to attribute directly to a abject poverty, even a small increase of a few percent in Since it is harder to identify visually, hidden hunger restricts the amount of oxygen that the blood can carry specific deficiency. But, they are just as real. the cost of food is prohibitive. gets far less attention than it warrants. Micronutrient to the body’s cells. The result is fatigue, apathy, head- Food fortification is the most cost-effective way to malnutrition causes many of the same health problems aches and poor body temperature control, among other How can we fix it? help hundreds of millions of people simultaneously im- as calorie deficiency hunger. Hidden hunger is particu- symptoms. The ideal solution to micronutrient deficiency is a di- prove quality of life, health and education, and to escape larly detrimental to young children, women of child- A zinc deficiency can cause the body to develop too verse diet, rich in different grains, meats and vegetables, poverty. It is far more cost-effective than the typical aid bearing age, and the poorest parts of populations in de- slowly and can damage the central nervous system, and like the food pyramid recommended by many health programs that are aimed at incremental improvements veloping countries. Like regular hunger, it costs millions it lowers the body’s ability to fight diarrheal disease. agencies around the world. While this would satisfy in just one of these areas. With enough attention and of lives each year and prevents an even greater number There are 1.7 billion cases of diarrheal disease around most micronutrient needs, a diverse diet is prohibitively support, hidden hunger can be erased in a few decades, from escaping poverty. the world each year, and it is the second most prevalent expensive for many people, who would have to give up significantly improving the lives of nearly a third of the As a development researcher, I have witnessed cause of death among children under 5. Diarrheal dis- calories to afford better foods, effectively trading one world’s population. ease compounds the micronutrient malnutrition dam- type of hunger for another. firsthand the consequences of hidden hunger. I have Morten Wendelbo is a research fellow age because the body struggles to make full use of avail- Other and much more feasible and affordable solu- also observed many ingenious solutions that can effec- at American University tively, affordably and swiftly solve many of the problems able calories and micronutrients, leading to even greater tions exist. In Tanzania, situated near the equator in sub- 'India Crucial Partner in Making Commercially-Viable Fusion Energy a Reality' reaction at temperatures hotter than the vanced stage of fabrication, he added. ers, Kirloskar Pumps and Kirloskar Motors, "India is providing the cryostat and many Vishal Gulati | IANS sun will take place. This fusion technology ITER India has designed the cryostat and Paharpur Cooling Towers, Siemens India other components. The Indian industry is provides an inexhaustible supply of power Larsen & Toubro is engaged in its manufac- Ltd, Linde India Ltd and the Jindal Group performing very well indeed. We are pleased ndia is one of the crucial seven na- without any carbon emissions and little ra- turing. are involved in making important parts of to have them on board," he said. tions pursuing the construction of the dioactive waste. Kumar said India is also contributing in the ITER in India. The companies involved in ITER are world's largest tokamak fusion device, ITER members -- India, Russia, the US, laying a large network of cooling and chilled In total, approximately 30 Indian firms pushing the boundaries of engineering and a donut-shaped configuration designed Japan, China and South Korea, as also the water systems at the ITER site. It has further are involved, either as direct contractors to manufacturing in many fields such as robot- Ito produce 500 MW of thermal fusion en- European Union -- are the providing tech- marked its technological strength through ITER-India or as the subcontractors of the ics, fabrication -- forging, casting and weld- ergy, an Indian official associated with the nical and scientific expertise for the fabrica- supply and installation of cryolines and main contractors, Kumar said. ing -- on a massive scale with unprecedent- project said. tion. warmlines by INOX India Ltd of Vadodara in This provides direct and indirect em- ed precision, cryogenics, electromagnetics, The upcoming International Thermo- India contributes through the Gujarat- Gujarat. ployment to thousands of skilled engineers power electronics and vacuum systems. nuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), the based Institute for Plasma Research by man- The ITER vacuum vessel is a torus- and technicians and un-skilled manpower, This is producing spin-offs, ground- world's largest fusion reaction research facil- ufacturing major components of the plasma shaped, double-wall structure. To provide he added. breaking innovation and significant new ity here in southern France, aims to develop chamber where the fusion reactions are go- neutron shielding during plasma operation, The ITER, when completed, will provide industrial expertise for ITER suppliers, Bigot fusion technology to make commercially- ing to take place for the first time in 2025. the space between the double walls of the a reliable source of infinite energy. Till the said. viable fusion energy a reality by the second These include cryostat, a 30-metre diam- vacuum vessel is filled with in-wall shielding machine is built, the global community, in- "For ITER members, the financial contri- half of this century. eter, equally tall stainless steel vessel which and cooling water. cluding India, will benefit from the offshoots bution to the project is 80-90 per cent in the "The ITER is building the world's largest envelops the entire basic systems of the In-wall shielding comprises of around of several technologies developed for this form of components. So India's expertise is magnetic confinement plasma facility. The tokamak and is a vacuum- tight container. 8,900 individual blocks with different sizes joint international venture. an investment in Indian companies. India tokamak will be the largest fusion device in Kumar, a former Chairman and Manag- and several different materials. Avsarala The European Union is paying 45 per receives access to 100 per cent of the intel- the world that is designed to produce 500 ing Director of the BHAVINI, the company Technologies of Bengaluru is manufacturing cent of the cost to design, build and operate lectual property contributed by all mem- MW of fusion power from 50 MW of input that manages the country's nuclear power the in-wall shield. this experimental reactor. China, India, Ja- bers," he added. heating power," ITER site construction Dep- plants, said India and Indian industries have Many companies like Engineers India pan, Korea, Russia and the US each contrib- uty Director Prabhat Kumar told this visiting been playing a significant role in the design Ltd, Tata Consultancy Services, L&T Heavy ute nine per cent. Vishal Gulati's visit is at the invitation IANS correspondent. and development of the systems and equip- Engineering, L&T Construction, INOX India ITER Director-General Bernard Bigot of the International Thermonuclear The tokamak, which weighs as much as ment for the ITER machine. Ltd, Avsarala Technologies as well as firms told IANS that India is a very important part- Experimental Reactor (ITER). He can be three-and-a-half Eiffel towers, is where the At present the components are in an ad- such as Kirloskar Brothers, Kirloskar Chill- ner like other countries. reached at [email protected] READERS’ MIRROR VIEWS & REVIEWS The NSACS Multi Media Campaign hile appreciating the concern through its youth intervention programs these activities to reach the youth wheth- Namesake or Better Nagaland? expressed by various indi- like Red Ribbon Club in the colleges, er in small or large numbers with HIV pre- viduals in the local dailies on Adolescence Education Program in the vention messages and safe behavioural agaland land of the Nagas, So the question we need to ask our- the recently conducted Multi schools, out of school youth programs, practices. known for their bravery,honesty, selves is how long are we going to live WMedia Campaign, stating that the event’s special intervention campaigns like Mul- An Evaluation of MMC “Red Ribbon hardwork,hospitality is fast turn- and promote this namesake culture. impact was not visible; NSACS had also timedia Campaign, International Youth Superstar Campaign” was conducted in ing into a "Land of Namesake". How valueless are we going to make our not carried out any assessment of the Day, National Youth Day, advocacy and 2011-12 by Social and Rural Research In- EverythingN we do, we do it for namesake society? Our forefathers gave to us the event’s impact. I am constrained to con- sensitization programs, etc. stitute; a specialist unit of International and for one's selfish benefits in the name legacy of bravery,honesty, hardwork and vey this message to clarify the confusions Multimedia Campaign (MMC) is an- Media Research Bureau (IMRB), Delhi. of God and in the name of common man. other priceless values but today we are in the minds of the readers. other strategy to reach out to the young The report showed that the multimedia Roads are constructed for namesake to in the news for all the wrong reasons- The fact remains that Nagaland State people with HIV prevention messages media campaign “triggered discussion” last few months,government projects are scams,corruption,valueless politics and AIDS Control Society(NSACS) cannot car- through music, sports, etc. MMC is a among 60% of the respondents, 93% “in- dragged on without any sight of comple- the list goes on. Are we going to pass on ry the Prevention and Control program special package provided by NACO since tent to watch more such campaigns” and tion; We are a dry state, but alcohol flows the legacy of laziness, nepotism and cor- of HIV and AIDS forward alone. The little 2009 for the 8 North Eastern States; keep- 77% “Intent to watch campaigns on the in Nagaland; We have excess government ruption at the highest level to our coming that we could achieved till today is only ing in mind that NE people are music lov- issue” of HIV and AIDS. It was also found employees but its service to public is legen- generation? through the concerted and multi-sectoral ers and music influences our lives. Even that “of all the states covered, HIV test- dary as most of them have failed to realised It’s high time we end this "Namesake effort contributed from line departments, this year, the campaign is being simul- ing was reported to be highest among re- that they are appointed to serve the public culture" among ourselves and like our churches and NGOs with NSACS under taneously carried out across the North spondents in Nagaland (18 percent), fol- and not just to draw salary without fulfill- forefathers "Walk the talk". So long we cel- Health and Family Welfare Department Eastern States which will culminate at a lowed by those in Mizoram (16 percent) ing their duties and responsibility. And to ebrate and promote this "Namesake" and leading the team from the front. regional level program to be hosted by and Manipur (13 percent). Significant top that we have the legendary "backdoor "Photo op" culture our society will be like While the high prevalence of HIV in NSACS during the month of November, difference can be observed in HIV testing system" where one is rewarded for being our churches which is getting bigger and the state remains a major concern, it is as recommended by NACO. The recently among respondents who were exposed to lazy,unqualified and undeserving. better but sadly its members are fast losing more disheartening to find the fact that concluded MMC was carried out in a the Red Ribbon campaign and those not We have also developed a habit of copy- their souls or like the Swachh Bharat cam- majority of the positive cases belongs to manner where along with music, HIV exposed to the campaign” ing and implementing policies with all the paign where politicians flog in to clean the the younger population. As per the lat- messages through song lyrics, Quiz, HIV The comments expressed and the sug- fanfare without a longterm vision resulting in already clean areas but blame each other est data from April to August 2018, in testing facilities, distribution of IEC mate- gestions and inputs are well taken in all piling up of large number of non-performing for not being able to pay salary to those Nagaland, 60% of the HIV positive cases rials, screening of short videos and texts positivity and it should be the endeavour assets. Further we have proudly declared our who are keeping the cities clean since inde- are found among the age group of 15-34 with prevention and treatment messages, of all concerned to explore more attrac- state as a Christian state but looking at our pendence. years. Efforts are being put in to reach out motivational talks on drug abuse and its tive, effective and youth friendly inter- deeds there is nothing like a Christian state. The responsibility lies with each one of to this vulnerable population through dif- effects, etc. were discussed and dissemi- vention programs and collectively fight Sadly everything in Nagaland starts with a us. Can we dream of a "Better Nagaland". ferent strategies and platforms. For the nated. We are grateful to those who have the HIV and AIDS epidemic. prayer but we end up doing things that will Moameren Pongen youth in particular, Nagaland State AIDS attended and also participated in the Dr. Ngangshimeren put even the devil to shame. Control Society is making intervention program. We continuously strive through Project Director, NSACS
t’s not unusual for utility bills to be surprisingly high. But Kieran Healy of North Carolina received a water bill DAILY that would make your heart stop. The notification said that he owed 100 million dollars! Confident he hadn’t Iused that much water the previous month, Healy jokingly asked if he could pay the bill in installments. Owing a 100-million-dollar debt would be an overwhelming burden, but that pales in comparison to the real—and immeasurable—burden sin causes us to carry. Attempting to carry the burden and consequences PATH of our own sins ultimately leaves us feeling tired and riddled with guilt and shame. The truth is we are incapa- ble of carrying this load. And we were never meant to. As Peter reminded believers, only Jesus, the sinless Son of God, could carry He Carried Our Burden the heavy burden of our sin and its weighty consequences (1 Peter 2:24). In His death on the cross, Jesus BIBLE READ: 1 PETER 1:18–25 took all our wrongdoing on Himself and offered us His forgiveness. Because He carried our burden, we don’t have to suffer the punishment we deserve. THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Instead of living in fear or guilt, the “empty way of life handed down to” us (1:18), we can enjoy a new life “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the of love and freedom (vv. 22–23). cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you Lord, sometimes our guilt and shame can feel so heavy. Help us to release our past and its pain to You have been healed.” and experience Your peace, knowing You have carried it all and have set us free. ~ 1 Peter 2:24 Jesus carried the burden of our sin so He could give us the blessing of life. The contents of articles in this page do not necessarily reflect the Editorial view or policy of the paper. EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday, October 13, 2018 7 Why is it Fun to Be Frightened? completed a survey about ficult climbing wall. There’s a Margee Kerr | The Conversation their expectations and how sense of uncertainty, physical they were feeling. We had exertion, a challenge to push ohn Carpenter’s iconic millennia. them answer questions again yourself – and eventually horror film “Halloween” That still doesn’t explain about how they were feeling achievement when it’s over celebrates its 40th an- why people would want to in- once they had gone through and done with. niversary this year. Few tentionally scare themselves, the attraction. Fun-scary experiences Jhorror movies have achieved though. As a sociologist, I’ve We also used mobile EEG could serve as an in-the-mo- similar notoriety, and it’s cred- kept asking “But, why?” After technology to compare 100 ment recalibration of what ited with kicking off the steady two years collecting data in a participants’ brainwave activ- registers as stressful and even stream of slasher flicks that haunted attraction with my ity as they sat through 15 min- provide a kind of confidence followed. colleague Greg Siegle, a cog- utes of various cognitive and boost. After watching a scary Audiences flocked to nitive neuroscientist at the emotional tasks before and movie or going through a theaters to witness the seem- University of Pittsburgh, we’ve after the attraction. haunted attraction, maybe ingly random murder and found the gains from thrills Guests reported signifi- everything else seems like no mayhem a masked man and chills can go further than cantly higher mood, and felt big deal in comparison. You brought to a small suburban the natural high. less anxious and tired, directly rationally understand that town, reminding them that after their trip through the the actors in a haunted house picket fences and manicured Studying fear at a terrifying attraction haunted attraction. The more aren’t real, but when you sus- lawns cannot protect us from terrifying the better: Feeling pend your disbelief and allow the unjust, the unknown or To capture in real time what makes fear fun, what mo- happy afterward was related yourself to become immersed the uncertainty that awaits us to rating the experience as in the experience, the fear all in both life and death. The tivates people to pay to be scared out of their skin and highly intense and scary. This certainly can feel real, as does film offers no justice for the set of volunteers also reported the satisfaction and sense of victims in the end, no rebal- what they experience when engaging with this material, feeling that they’d challenged accomplishment when you ancing of good and evil. their personal fears and make it through. As I experi- Why, then, would anyone we needed to gather data in the field. In this case, that learned about themselves. enced myself after all kinds want to spend their time and Analysis of the EEG data of scary adventures in Japan, money to watch such maca- meant setting up a mobile lab occupied with survival, you you’re ready. When you en- history – that help explain in the basement of an extreme revealed widespread decreas- Colombia and all over the bre scenes filled with depress- es in brain reactivity from U.S., confronting a horde of can choose to observe your gage in activities with other why some loathe and others ing reminders of just how un- haunted attraction outside reactions and how your body people, even just watching a love thrills and chills. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. before to after among those zombies can actually make fair and scary our world can whose mood improved. In you feel pretty invincible. changes, gaining greater in- movie, your own emotional Regardless of your taste be? This adults-only extreme sight to yourself. experience is intensified. (or distaste) for all things hor- attraction went beyond the other words, highly intense Movies like “Halloween” I’ve spent the past 10 and scary activities – at least allow people to tackle the big, Doing intense, exciting and ror or thrill-related, an adven- years investigating just this typical startling lights and What it takes to be safely thrilling things together can turous and curious mindset sounds and animated charac- in a controlled environment existential fears we all have, scared question, finding the typical like this haunted attraction – like why bad things happen make them more fun and help can benefit everyone. After ters found in a family-friendly While there are countless dif- answer of “Because I like it! may “shut down” the brain to without reason, through the create rewarding social bonds. all, we’re the descendants of haunted house. Over the ferences in the nature, con- It’s fun!” incredibly unsatisfy- an extent, and that in turn is protective frame of enter- Emotions can be contagious, those who were adventurous course of about 35 minutes, tent, intensity and overall ing. I’ve long been convinced associated with feeling better. tainment. Choosing to do so when you see your friend and curious enough to ex- visitors experienced a series quality of haunted attractions, there’s more to it than the Studies of those who practice fun, scary activities may also scream and laugh, you may plore the new and novel, but of intense scenarios where, in horror movies and other “natural high” or adrenaline mindfulness meditation have serve as a way to practice be- feel compelled to do the same. also quick and smart enough addition to unsettling charac- forms of scary entertainment, rush many describe – and in- made a similar observation. ing scared, building greater No matter the potential to run or fight when danger ters and special effects, they they all share a few critical deed, the body does kick into self-knowledge and resilience, benefits, horror movies and appeared. This Halloween, were touched by the actors, components that help pave “go” mode when you’re star- Coming out stronger on the similar to rough-and-tumble scary entertainment are not maybe challenge yourself to at restrained and exposed to the way for a fun scary time. tled or scared, amping up not other side play. It’s an opportunity to for everyone, and that’s OK. least one fun scary experience electricity. It was not for the First and foremost, you only adrenaline but a multi- Together our findings suggest engage with fear on your own While the fight-or-flight - re and prepare to unleash your faint of heart. have to make the choice to tude of chemicals that ensure that going through an extreme terms, in environments where sponse is universal, there are inner superhero. your body is fueled and ready For our study, we recruited engage – don’t drag your best important differences be- haunted attraction provides you can push your bounda- Margee Kerr is an adjunct to respond. This “fight or 262 guests who had already friend with you unless she is tween individuals – for exam- gains similar to choosing to ries, safely. Because you’re not professor of Sociology at Uni- flight” response to threat has purchased tickets. Before they also on board. But do try to ple, in genetic expressions, run a 5K race or tackling a dif- in real danger, and thus not versity of Pittsburgh helped keep humans alive for entered the attraction, each gather some friends when environment and personal Weight Stigma: Five Unspoken Truths Strengthen Prudential, Provisioning Tara Coltman-Patel | The Conversation 4. Stigma often perpetrated by friends and family, not strangers Norms of Banks, Says Bimal Jalan eight stigma – a negative response to some- Negative assumptions and cruel comments from friends one based on their weight – is the fourth and family members have been reported as one of the ments and loans -- will depend on eign ownership. Another important most common form of social discrimination most common experiences of weight stigma. Research has V.S. Chandrasekar | IANS their confidence in India’s financial advantage is its wide reach and the amongst adults – after age, gender and race. found that experienced stigma from family and friends is practices. availability of an established institu- WIt is the only form of discrimination still widely deemed to directly linked to coping strategies such as increased eat- ndia should continue with the India must, he says, thus, remain tional infrastructure. be socially acceptable. ing and binge eating. process of strengthening pru- ahead of the curve in its prudential Important disadvantages, how- Weight stigma is also one of the most misunderstood dential, provisioning and capi- management. ever, are the relative insensitivity of 5. Weight bias can be internalised by individuals aspects of obesity. As such, it is often ignored. Increasing talisation norms and bringing Referring to the problem of non- the system to its cost structure, ina- Ithem in line with the best interna- awareness about stigma and its effects could help to re- Widespread weight bias and stigma can lead individuals performing assets (NPAs) in banks, bility to respond quickly to changing duce the high levels that currently exist. to believe that the negative stereotypes attributed towards tional standards to reduce the possi- Jalan says in future a vigorous ef- market trends and greater rigidities Campaigns aimed at increasing public understanding them are true – and that they deserve the stigmatisation bilities of future financial crises, says fort has to be made by all banks to in the management decision-making of weight stigma have been launched, such as the World they are so frequently subject to. This self-deprecating re- Bimal Jalan, a former RBI Governor, strengthen their internal control and processes because of what may be Obesity Federation’s 2018 World Obesity Day. Here are five action has even been shown to remain in individuals that in his new book set against the tur- risk-management systems, and to set described as non-commercial con- shocking facts about weight stigma that you may not have have lost weight. Internalised bias has been linked to an moil in the financial sector over com- up early-warning signals for timely siderations. been aware of: increased likelihood of suicidal thoughts and acts. panies like IL&FS going into deep detection and action. While the globalisation of finan- trouble. A sidelined issue Henceforth, the resolution of the cial markets and explosion in private 1. People with obesity can develop “It is equally important to con- NPA problem also requires greater capital flows has been mostly posi- eating disorders Obesity is a global issue and one which the majority of tinue with efforts to introduce maxi- accountability on the part of corpo- tive, it has to be recognised that these Research has found that weight stigma and its emotional the population are acutely aware of. The central messages mum transparency, disclosure and rates, timely disclosures in the case have also substantially increased the effects are significantly associated with all measures of within the current narrative surrounding obesity are that accountability so that investors and of defaults and an efficient credit risks from external factors. disordered eating. Public messages that centre heavily it is a growing problem which is detrimental to health and counter parties to financial transac- information system. With the help In the light of the repeated finan- around personal blame can lead individuals to develop requires action and intervention. While there is validity to tions can take their decisions based of stricter accounting and pruden- cial crises during the past three dec- maladaptive eating behaviours including restriction, each aspect of this central message, there is one crucial on full information and their own as- tial standards, the problem of NPAs ades, developing economies need to bingeing and purging in an effort to become “healthy”. In piece of the puzzle missing. sessment of market and other risks,” could be effectively contained in the realise that there is an urgent need fact, it is estimated that around 80-85% of people with eat- Weight stigma is a serious issue and there are many as- he says in his book “India Ahead 2025 future. to examine the role of finance from ing disorders are not underweight. It can also take longer pects of it that are currently absent from the conversations and Beyond” (Rupa). As one who had helmed the cen- a new, complex, interactive and sys- for people with obesity to receive treatment for disordered surrounding obesity. The role that weight stigma plays is Jalan, a former Finance Secretary tral bank, Jalan says in future a sen- tematic perspective, the book says. eating. a fundamental factor that needs to be considered and ad- and Chairman of the Economic Ad- sitive and controversial question Jalan, who was a nominated dressed. visory Council to the Prime Minister, 2. Weight stigma can cause many health problems which would also need to be faced, member of the Rajya Sabha from The results of stigma can be catastrophic, and greater says tighter and tougher prudential sooner or later, is whether the “pub- 2003 to 2009, also says risks from geo- attributed to obesity sensitivity towards it needs to be exhibited. The kind of re- standards will no doubt cause some lic sector character” of our banks and political threats, demographics, tech- Discrimination takes a significant toll on mental health sources provided by organisations like the World Obesity pain and impose greater responsibil- other institutions, which dominate nology and climate change may be and can lead to chronic stress. This in turn has been shown Federation can help government officials, media profes- ity on banks and other financial insti- India’s banking sector, is consistent huge. To offset these risks, countries to have an impact on physical health in many serious sionals, health care providers and members of the public tutions. with their being able to play a glo- should give much greater weight to ways. Stress can have a negative effect on blood sugar lev- learn more about how to do this. However, given the new inter- bally competitive role. the markets, to rebalance the current els, blood fat levels, blood pressure, cardiovascular health, If we are to improve the health of our societies, national focus and externalities and In order to consider this issue over-dependence on debt. as well as insulin resistance and visceral fat levels. weight stigma can no longer be sidelined in actions, linkages involved, the regulation of dispassionately, both the advantages “This will increase system resil- interventions and policies surrounding obesity. Raising the financial sector is no longer a 3. Weight stigma can encourage weight gain and disadvantages associates with ience and promote risk-sharing, thus awareness of this issue is the first step towards reduc- matter of choice or domestic con- this particular characteristic of the enhancing the resilience of the entire It demonstrates how weight stigma has been proven to ing its prevalence – and preventing weight stigma from cern alone. Over a period of time, it is financial system have to be recog- financial system and reducing pos- cause stress and as a result, can induce particular eating continuing to be the most socially acceptable form of likely that the willingness of the rest nised. sibilities of future financial crises,” he behaviours which may lead to weight gain. In addition to discrimination. of the world to do financial business An important advantage, he says, says. being cruel, the repetitive nature of this cycle means that -- either by way of trade credits, direct is the reduced “vulnerability” of the V.S. Chandrasekar can be contacted weight stigma is a key contributing factor when it comes to Tara Coltman-Patel is a PhD candidate at Nottingham investments or other types of invest- system as a whole, because of sover- the prevalence of obesity. Trent University at [email protected]
Today’s ASTRO-PREDICTION ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 19): Today you could CANCER (JUN 22 - JUL 22): Today you should LIBRA (SEP 23 - OCT 22): Today you might CAPRICORN (DEC 22 - JAN 19): Today you meet some interesting new people, Aries. feel especially warm and loving toward every- decide to buy a plant for every room in your may feel especially warm and loving toward Among them is at least one person who shares one close to you, Cancer, particularly a love house or plant a garden, Libra. If the weather just about everybody in your circle, Capri- a lot of your interests and could become a close partner. You may want to spend some time is good, you might visit a nursery or botanical corn, even those you usually find irritating. friend. The joy you receive from meeting these people is with friends or family or schedule a romantic evening garden. You may not normally be attracted to plants and You could also be looking especially attractive and feeling likely to spill over into the rest of your day. You could be with your significant other - or both. If you have paper- gardens, but today both beauty and nature seem especial- more confident than usual. You might even feel like shop- warmer and more congenial with everyone else in your work to take care of, this is the day to do it. You’re particu- ly appealing. Make the most of this, however temporary. ping for new clothes. Artistic ideas could flow freely, and life, too. In the evening, go out and have some fun. larly practical and feeling good, so the drudgery won’t get Your house will look that much more beautiful because you might think of different ways to put them to work for you down. of it! you. TAURUS (APR 20 - MAY 20): A book or movie about a foreign country could capture your LEO (JUL 23 - AUG 22): You should be SCORPIO (OCT 23 - NOV 21): A warm and lov- AQUARIUS (JAN 20 - FEB 18): Someone you imagination and make that country seem es- looking especially attractive today and ing communication could come to you today care about but haven’t seen for a long time pecially appealing, Taurus. You might toy with glowing with robust health, Leo. You’re apt from someone close. This could be an email, could suddenly contact you. You’d usually the idea of taking a trip there soon. If you’re serious, it to feel warm and loving, particularly to- call, or even a gift of some kind. This could love this, Aquarius, but today you could be too might be a good idea to start making your plans. You’re ward small animals. If you’ve considered adopting make your day, Scorpio, and you will probably pass what- caught up in projects of your own to want to put them in a particularly practical frame of mind and have the en- a pet, this is a good day to do it. Business, work, and ever good feelings you draw from it to other friends and aside. But you will have a lot of fun with this person, and thusiasm to do it. Have fun browsing through travel bro- money matters continue to go well. You should be in family members. Take a walk around your neighborhood you might even interest him or her in your project. After chures and maps. a pretty good space. This frame of mind should last and say hello to whomever you meet. It will make you feel finishing your work, go out to dinner. you a long time. even better! GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21): Someone close PISCES (FEB 19 - MAR 20): A goal that you’ve who owes you money might suddenly turn up VIRGO (AUG 23 - SEP 22): Today you should SAGITTARIUS (NOV 22 - DEC 21): A very wel- been working on could finally be reached, Pi- and repay you, Gemini. This might be a surprise, be feeling especially warm and loving toward come sum of extra money could come your way sces. A group of friends you might not have but you will be glad to get it. You may want to close friends and children, Virgo. You could today, Sagittarius, possibly out of the blue. You seen for a long time could schedule a get- blow some of it by taking a friend out to lunch or buying also especially appreciate the arts. You might might want to put this money to work for you in together that you will be all too glad to attend. Expect to someone a gift. Some beautiful dreams could haunt your attend a play or concert or decide to try your hand at some way, perhaps investing it or purchasing supplies or have a lot of fun exchanging news and ideas with these sleep tonight, perhaps to the point where you feel frus- one of the fine arts yourself. In the evening, go out and materials for personal projects. You should feel especially people. You will probably feel particularly happy to see trated when you wake up. Write them down. They’re say- enjoy your friends’ company. Celebrate just being to- positive where your resources are concerned, and confi- them. You won’t want to let so much time go by before you ing something about you. gether! dent in your ability to earn. reconnect again.
The contents of articles on this page do not necessarily reflect the Editoral view or policy of the paper EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday October 13, 2018 8 NATION Unemployment, corruption Information is power, free flow the essence of bother Indians most — Survey democracy, says president New Delhi, Oct. 12 (PTI): Unem- were concerned about it. taking has China at the top (92 per and Peru. ployment, financial and politi- “The other significant ones cent), followed by Saudi Arabia (78 Only 12 per cent Brazilians feel New Delhi, Oct. 12 (IANS): cal corruption, as also crime and (worrying Indians) are -- education per cent), India (67 per cent) and their country is in the right direc- Emphasizing that informa- violence are among the key issues (19 per cent), threats against the Malaysia (65 per cent).” tion, followed by 19 per cent in both tion is power, President bothering Indians the most, says environment (16 per cent), taxes It further said global citizens Spain and South Africa. Likewise, Ram Nath Kovind on Friday a survey. (15 per cent), climate change (14 are most worried about financial/ only 24 per cent French citizens said that free flow of infor- The survey -- ‘What Worries per cent), healthcare (13 per cent), political corruption (34 per cent), think their country is in the right mation is the essence of the World’ conducted by the Ipsos, Inflation (11 per cent) and moral unemployment (33 per cent), pov- direction. democracy and that people an independent market research decline (10 per cent). erty/ social inequality (33 per cent), ‘What Worries the World’ survey have the right to know how company -- shows that 44 per cent The survey also points out that crime and violence (31 per cent) is a monthly online survey of adults they are being governed. of respondents in respect to India 67 per cent Indians believe that and healthcare (24 per cent). aged under 65 and was conducted “RTI (Right to Informa- are bothered about unemploy- the country is headed in the right Terrorism, which is one of the in 28 countries around the world tion) is not standalone. It is ment, and financial and political direction. top five worries for Indians, does via the Ipsos Online Panel system. part of the larger narrative corruption. “Interestingly, India bucks the not feature in the global top five list, The 28 countries included are of strengthening Indian While 33 per cent of survey global trend where more markets the survey added. Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bra- democracy, of ensuring respondents from India are con- are downbeat -- at least 60 per cent On the other hand, the sur- zil, Canada, Chile, China, France, transparency across sys- cerned about crime and violence, of people across the 28 markets vey pointed out that some of the Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, tems of governance,” said 31 per cent of Indians surveyed covered feel their country is on the markets are quite unhappy with India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, President after inaugurat- termed poverty and social inequal- wrong track,” it said. the direction their countries are Mexico, Peru, Poland, Russia, Saudi ing 13th convention of the ity as a major issue. Terrorism was According to the survey, “The going in and are highly pessimis- Arabia, Serbia, South Africa, South Central Information Com- also listed among the issues with top four markets that are optimistic tic about the future, particularly Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and mission (CIC) here. 21 per cent respondents saying they about the direction their country is Brazil, Spain, South Africa, France the United States. “Free flow of informa- tion is the essence of de- mocracy. And for the people of a free and free-spirited country, information is PTI NHRC important to achieve sustainable Swaraj urges SCO to power,” he said. Ram Nath Kovind addresses the inauguration of the 13th Annual He said people have the Convention of Central Information Commission (CIC), in New Delhi right to know how they are on Friday. development goals — PM Modi fight terrorism, address being governed, how public money is being spent and “removes doubts that may a matter of such intense New Delhi, Oct 12 (PTI): the effort to provide justice climate change how resources are being arise” about favouritism debate, it is crucial to main- The National Human Rights to the oppressed. deployed and delivered. and misappropriation. tain this balance,” he said. Commission has an impor- “I am confident that Dushanbe, Oct. 12 (PTI): promote connectivity and “In a democracy, there However, President em- Lauding the Central tant role to play in govern- this key legislation will be External Affairs Minister regional peace, Ministry of is no such thing as too phasized said that one must government initiatives, ment’s efforts to achieve accorded approval by Par- Sushma Swaraj on Friday External Affairs spokesper- much information. Infor- be cautious against fringe Kovind said: “Jan Dhan sustainable development liament soon,” he said. urged the SCO member son Raveesh Kumar said in mation overload is always cases, which use the RTI accounts, Aadhaar-based goals, Prime Minister Nar- The bill is pending countries to join hands to a tweet. preferable to information mechanism to “settle per- unique indentities and mo- endra Modi said Friday. before Rajya Sabha with address global challenges The conclave, also at- deficit” he said. sonal scores”. bile phones have helped Addressing an event in Lok Sabha having already and highlighted the need to tended by Pakistan’s For- The President said RTI “Especially in an age with direct bank transfers to New Delhi to mark the 25th passed it. fight terrorism, address cli- eign Minister Shah Mah- improves transparency and when privacy has become beneficiaries of schemes.” anniversary of the founding He also hailed the Ay- mate change and promote mood Qureshi, will focus of the NHRC, Modi said the Narendra Modi ushmaan Bharat health connectivity and regional on boosting cooperation in government is committed insurance scheme, saying peace. fighting terrorism, besides to improve the lives of peo- taken by government in this 50,000 people have bene- Swaraj, who is here to deliberating on pressing Illegal call centre busted in Thane ple by ensuring their rights. regard and said the triple fited from it within two and attend a two-day conclave regional and global issues. He cited various steps talaq legislation is a part of a half weeks of its launch. of the Shanghai Coopera- The CHG meeting is Thane (Maha), Oct. 12 (PTI): A call centre missioner Vivek Phansalkar directed the tion Organisation (SCO)’s also likely to review situa- operating illegally in Mumbra township Mumbra police to act and the raid was car- Council of Heads of Gov- tion in Syria, Afghanistan in Thane district of Maharashtra and pro- ried out around 6 am on Thursday, he said. NEWS IN BRIEF ernment (CHG), called and the Korean peninsula. viding services to two US-based pharma During the raid, Chowdhary was found Air India on Tajikistan President It is the second CHG companies, was busted and its owner was directing and guiding three persons, who Goa: Shiv Sena asks governor to Emomali Rahmon along meeting since India be- arrested, police said Friday. were making calls. with the heads of delega- came a full member of the The accused, identified as Abdul Vashid “It was found that the calls were being dissolve state assembly plane tion from other SCO coun- SCO in June 2017. India Kadir Chowdhary (23), was arrested follow- made through Voice over Internet Protocol The Goa unit of the Shiv Sena on Friday submitted a mem- tries. was an observer at the SCO ing a raid on the call centre located at Am- (VoIP), a technology that allows a person orandum to Governor Mridula Sinha demanding that the survives Swaraj, speaking at the since 2005 and has gen- rut Nagar locality in Mumbra on Thursday to make voice calls using an Internet con- state Assembly be dissolved due to “non-functioning” Restricted Format Meet- erally participated in the morning, police said. nection instead of a regular phone line,” of the government and inability of any party to form an disaster after ing of the SCO Heads of ministerial-level meetings Senior inspector of Mumbra police sta- Pasalkar said. alternate government. The Shiv Sena, incidentally, does Government Council here, of the grouping which fo- tion Kishore Pasalkar said the police had The three callers told the police that not have any MLA in the 40-member Goa Assembly. Shiv hitting wall highlighted the need to join cus mainly on security and received a tip-off that the call centre was they had been appointed on a monthly Sena leader Jitesh Kamat said that the state administra- hands to fight terrorism, economic cooperation in being run without permission. salary of INR 12,000 for the task of making tion had come to a standstill in the absence of Chief Trichy/Mumbai, Oct. 12 address climate change, the Eurasian region. Based on the tip-off, Thane Police Com- calls, for which they had received training. Minister Manohar Parrikar who is admitted in the All India (IANS): Passengers and Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi for a pancreatic crew on board an Air India ailment. Kamat claimed the memorandum had signatures Express flight from Tiruchi- of “thousands of people” of Goa.”We met the Governor rappalli in Tamil Nadu to and demanded that the assembly be dissolved as there is Over 60 lakh hit by cyclone, govt. steps up relief operation Dubai escaped a disaster no governance and no one is in a position to form a stable government,” Kamat told reporters here Friday. early on Friday when the Bhubaneswar, Oct. 12 (PTI): The Odisha gov- people who were shifted to relief camps, the aircraft’s wheels hit the air- ernment on Friday deployed NDRF and ODRAF official said. port’s outer wall while tak- personnel to speed up rescue and relief opera- Patnaik also constituted a three-member 16 trains cancelled Five persons run over by speeding ing off. tion mainly in three districts where over 60 lakh ministerial committee to visit the three worst- train in Bihar Although parts of the people were affected by flood due to heavy affected districts to monitor rescue and relief At least 16 trains have been cancelled and Boeing B737-800’s under- rainfall triggered by Cyclone Titli. operation. Two helicopters were requisitioned Five persons were run over by a speeding train when several others rescheduled by the East Coast carriage were damaged, the The flood situation in three south Odisha from the Indian Navy mainly for rescue and air they were trying to cross over the track in Bihar’s Kaimur Railway (ECoR) Friday due to submergence of pilots, unaware of the acci- district on Friday. The incident occurred when these districts - Ganjam, Gajapati and Rayagada is dropping of relief materials in villages located in track following heavy rain triggered by cyclone people were trying to cross the railway track on Bhabhua dent, continued to fly until grim as the water levels in major rivers like 125 gram panchayats in Ganjam district as these ‘Titli’, an ECoR official said. road station after alighting from Varanasi-Ranchi Intercity the airport staff informed Rushikulya and Bansadhara have crossed their areas are cut off from rest of the state due to the The water on the railway track in Berham- Express. They did not see Lalkuan Express was coming them about the damage danger marks, official sources said. submergence of roads with rain and flood water, pur-Palasa section, submerged since Thursday in speed on the other track they were trying to walk to the plane, which was The districts received highest rainfall for Chief Secretary A P Padhi said. night, is yet to recede due to continuous rain, over and were run over, Mugalsarai Divisional Railway diverted to Mumbai and three days under the impact of Cyclone Titli Of the 22 blocks in Ganjam district, 13 were the official said. The water level has touched the Manager (DRM) Pankaj Saxena said. Lalkuan express was landed there four hours that made landfall at Palasa near Gopalpur in badly hit due to cyclone and floods. Blocks like danger mark at a bridge between Ichhapuram on its way to Gorakhpur from Howrah when the incident later around 5.40 a.m. Ganjam on Thursday morning. Aska, Purusottampur and Sanakhemundi were and Jhadpudi stations in Berhampur-Palasa occurred. The identities of the deceased could not be T h e f l i g h t I X - 6 1 1 , Special Relief Commissioner (SRC) B P Sethi inundated by rainwater as well as water from railway section, the official said. Therefore, ascertained so far, Saxena said. with 130 passengers and said that the people in Balasore district were also Rusikulya river gushed into the villages, a senior several trains have been cancelled, diverted and six crew, had taken off at affected by the flood. official said. rescheduled on Friday. INR 35 lakh looted from around 1.20 a.m. The decision to deploy National Disaster The Ganjam district administration has Among the 16 trains cancelled are 12893 two ATMs in Kerala “We informed the pilot Response Force (NDRF) and Odisha Disaster undertaken evacuation of people living near Chennai-Bhubaneswar Express from Chennai, about the hit,” Trichy Airport Rapid Action Force (ODRAF) as part of step- the river side and low-lying areas, he said add- 22819/22820 Bhubaneswar-Visakhapatnam- Burglars struck at two automated teller machines in Thris- Director K. Gunasekaran ping up relief and rescue operation was taken ing that they have been housed in the multi- Bhubaneswar Inter City Express from both the sur and Ernakulam districts of Kerala making away with told IANS on telephone. at a high level meeting where Chief Minister purpose shelters besides schools, colleges and directions, 22873 Digha Visakhapatnam from INR 35 lakh in the early hours Friday, police said. Police “The pilot said nothing Naveen Patnaik took stock of the situation in the Anganwadi centres. The low-lying areas in Cut- Digha, 22801 Visakhapatnam-Chennai Express suspect the involvement of a single gang. In the first in- was wrong with the plane aftermath of the very severe cyclonic storm that tack, Bhubaneswar and the pilgrim town of Puri from Visakhapatnam. cident, the ATM of a nationalised bank at Irumbanam in as the systems were func- battered the state. also remained waterlogged due to rain. Also cancelled was 18447 Bhubaneswar- Thrippunithura in Ernakulam district was looted. The gang tioning normally. But we In a video conference with the district col- The connectivity in Lathipada-Shergad road Jagadalpur Hirakhand Express from Bhu- used a gas-cutter to break open the ATM and decamped found some parts of the lectors of Ganjam, Gajapati and Rayagada, in Ganjam was disrupted while a bridge on baneswar. The same train was cancelled on with INR 25 lakh, police said. The incident is suspected to plane like an antenna on Patnaik gave instructions for intensifying rescue Badagada Jarau river was washed away follow- Thursday also, he said. The railway also can- have occurred before 3.30 am. The burglars then targeted the ground. Later the flight and relief operation on a war footing as miseries ing heavy rainfall, official sources said. celled 12510 Guwahati-Bangalore Cant Express an ATM of a private bank at Koratty in Thrissur district, was diverted to Mumbai,” of the people got compounded due to the twin Director of the metereological centre at from Guwahati on October 14. using a similar method to loot Rs ten lakh. They fled after Gunasekaran said. The of- calamities of cyclone and floods. Bhubaneswar, H R Biswas said heavy to very While at least 11 trains were rescheduled, pulling down the shutter of the ATM kiosk at around 4.30 ficial said the plane had hit Patnaik stressed on quick repair of breaches heavy rainfall will continue to pound parts of the am, police said. three others were partially cancelled and 9 the airport’s instrument in several river embankments and asked the state, including Balasore, Bhadrak and Dhenk- trains diverted, he said. Over 83 lakh revenue documents, landing systems. district collectors to provide cooked food to the anal districts, till Saturday. maps digitised in Jammu Over 83 lakh revenue documents and land record maps have been digitised under the Digital India Land Records Time for truth to be told ‘loud and clear’: Modernization Programme (DILRMP) in the Jammu division, officials said. The scanning of 83,76,221 docu- ments and 12,457 maps of the Jammu division has been completed, they said. Divisional Commissioner, Jammu, Rahul Gandhi on #MeToo movement Sanjeev Verma, on Thursday, visited the central record room here and reviewed the implementation of the New Delhi, Oct. 12 (PTI): Congress to treat women with respect and WCD Ministry to set up ment at work and will advise the programme. On trial basis, all the parameters involved chief Rahul Gandhi Friday came dignity. I’m glad the space for legal committee Ministry on how to strengthen this in the process of integration of textual and spatial data out in support of the #MeToo those who don’t, is closing. The The Women and Child Develop- framework. of four villages of Jammu West tehsil has also been done, movement, saying it is time for the truth needs to be told loud and ment Ministry (WCD) on Friday “I believe in the pain and trau- the officials said. truth to be told “loud and clear in clear in order to bring about said that it will set up a legal com- ma behind every single complaint. order to bring about change”. change, he tweeted, using the mittee in the wake of the #MeToo Cases of sexual harassment at Modi to visit Japan for He did not comment on the hashtag MeToo. campaign, where multiple sexual work must be dealt with a policy of bilateral summit charges of sexual harassment He did not say anything on harassment cases from the media zero tolerance,” said Union WCD against Union minister M J Akbar. Akbar, who has been accused by and entertainment industry have Minister Maneka Gandhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be on an official visit It is about time that everyone several former women colleagues come to light. According to a WCD official, to Japan on October 28 and 29 to hold an annual bilat- learns to treat women with re- of sexual harassment when he “The Ministry will be setting the committee will go into the eral summit with his counterpart Shinzo Abe, it was an- spect and dignity, Gandhi said on served as editor at various media up a committee of senior judicial legal and institutional framework nounced here on Friday. According to a statement issued Twitter. organisations. and legal persons as members and not based on individual com- by the External Affairs Ministry, under the framework of The #MeToo movement has Demands have escalated for to examine all issues emanating plaints. the Special Strategic and Global Partnership between In- gathered pace over the last fort- action against the minister of state from the #MeToo India move- “Public hearing doesn’t mean dia and Japan, the two leaders would have wide-ranging night with scores of women speak- for external affairs. ment,” it said in a statement. hearing of individual complaints. discussions on bilateral, regional and global issues of ing out on sexual harassment at Gandhi Thursday said the The committee will look into It means any stakeholders can mutual interest. Japan is one of the only two countries the workplace and support pour- MeToo movement is a very “big the legal and institutional frame- come and depose before the com- with which India holds annual bilateral summits, the ing in from various quarters. issue” and he will give his detailed mittee if they want to,” the official other being Russia. work which is in place for han- It’s about time everyone learns view on it at a press conference. Rahul Gandhi dling complaints of sexual harass- added. EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday, October 13, 2018 WORLD 9 Brexit: Theresa May faces Hurricane Michael in US kills 11 Over 1.4 million homes had no power in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, backlash from within Cabinet Virginia and the Carolinas on Friday morning. The storm ripped apart en- London, Oct. 12 (PTI): ing party’s Northern Irish agreed to end in December and said there has been tire neighbourhoods, reducing prop- British Prime Minister allies Democratic Unionist 2021. a “measurable change of erties to rubble. Michael’s powerful Theresa May is facing fresh Party (DUP) are threaten- The has raised fears pace” in talks with the EU, winds and surging seas knocked row backlash Friday from with- ing to pull out their sup- that the UK could remain adding to the sense of op- after row of Mexico Beach beachfront in her Cabinet over what port and effectively bring bound to EU rules indefi- timism that a deal could be homes from their foundations. several ministers fear are down the Tory government nitely, something that pro- imminent. Federal Emergency Management concessions to the Euro- if May gave in to the EU Brexit Conservative Party Speaking at the Inter- Agency Administrator William “Brock” pean Union (EU) in the demands over the Irish members of parliament national Monetary Fund Long said that authorities as of Friday ongoing Brexit negotia- border issue ahead of a are strongly against. annual meeting in Bali, he morning had confirmed 11 deaths in tions. crucial summit in Brussels The challenge facing said: “I have always been Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and After a meeting on next week. the British PM now is to optimistic that we would Virginia. But added that this number Thursday to update her “When we come back sell the latest formulation get to a deal in the end, could go up. He said that authorities so-called Brexit “war cab- with a deal, I would hope to the whole of her Cabinet because it’s clearly in the were yet to fully explore areas like inet” of the latest plans that everybody across this and avoid any resigna- interest of both sides to Mexico Beach in Florida, which he for an agreement to exit whole House will put the tions, having already faced do so. called “ground zero” after it was pum- the 28-member econom- national interest first,” May down the resignations of “And what has hap- melled by the hurricane. ic bloc, there is concern said on Thursday, in an ap- former foreign minister pened over the last week, Long said the storm posed a di- among some pro-Brexit peal for unity. Boris Johnson and former 10 days, is there’s been rect threat to people who ignored ministers that the UK may However, the signs of Brexit minister David Dav- a measurable change in warnings and evacuation orders on be prepared to agree an unity remain elusive as is back in July. pace. There’s a real sense the coastlines, particularly given the indefinite customs back- there are still fundamen- According to reports, now of engagement from threat of storm surge capable of tear- stop arrangement with the tal splits in her party over international trade minis- both sides of shared en- ing apart and flattening buildings. EU to maintain an open what will happen to the ter Liam Fox, home min- terprise in trying to solve a Mexico Beach, a gorgeous beach- front city, now looks like an apocalyp- border with Ireland. border between Northern ister Sajid Javid, defence problem rather than pos- AP/PTI According to UK media Ireland and the Republic minister Gavin William- turing towards each other Homes destroyed by Hurricane Michael are shown in this aerial photo Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018, tic mess, according to survivors. reports, international de- of Ireland which currently son, foreign minister Jer- a really important step in Mexico Beach, Fla. As of Thursday evening, more velopment minister Pen- has no checks but would emy Hunt, environment change. than 900,000 homes and businesses ny Mordaunt, work and require a system in place minister Michael Gove and He, however, did strike Panama City (Florida), Oct. 12 a Category 4 hurricane -- the strong- in the country’s southeast region had pensions minister Esther for goods check after Brit- Brexit minister Dominic a note of caution that there (IANS): The death toll from hurricane est on record to hit the area -- and no electricity. McVey and Leader of the ain formally leaves the EU Raab have challenged the remain “some big differ- Michael, one of the most powerful charged north through Georgia and According to officials, tornadoes, House of Commons An- on March 29 next year. PM over fears she will ac- ences left to resolve”. storms to make landfall in the US into the Carolinas and Virginia, wreak- dangerous winds and more flooding drea Leadsom are among A reported “backstop” cept an unlimited back- May will head to Brus- mainland, rose to 11 on Friday, with ing havoc and causing emergencies. were possible in many of the same those extremely concerned plan would prevent checks stop. sels next week in the hope authorities warning that the number Rescue teams were in the initial areas still recovering from Hurricane and may even be toying by continuing an EU Cus- But one of May’s key al- of signing a deal with the of dead could rise as emergency work- stages of combing the region razed by Florence in the Carolinas. with the idea of stepping toms Union in the whole of lies in the Cabinet, finance remaining 27 members of ers ventured more deeply into the a Category 4 hurricane that flattened Hurricane Michael was expected down. the UK for a non-specific minister Philip Hammond, the bloc, but that agree- areas devastated by the storm. blocks, collapsed buildings and left to dump up to 7 inches of rain in parts To compound the Brit- time not just until the end sought to quell the pros- ment remains poised deli- Michael made landfall in the infrastructure crippled, the New York of North Carolina and Virginia, the ish PM’s troubles, the rul- of the transition period pect of an all-out rebellion cately at this stage. Florida Panhandle on Wednesday as Times reported. National Hurricane Centre said.
Government of Nagaland State Health Society; National Health Mission Turkey frees US pastor after two years detention Health & Family Welfare Dept Aliaga, Oct. 12 (PTI/AFP): A Turk- out, Brunson wept and hugged If the Brunson issue is re- sisted he is innocent of all charg- Nagaland: Kohima ish court on Friday ordered the his wife Norine. solved to Washington’s satisfac- es. NHM/B-35/HR/2016-17/1077 Dated Kohima, the 12th October 2018 release of an American pastor It was not immediately clear tion, it could help the two sides Abdulkadir Selvi, a pro-gov- ADVERTISEMENT held for the last two years in Tur- where Brunson would go next, coordinate their Saudi policy ernment columnist in the Hur- Applications are hereby invited to fill up the following posts under National Health Mission key, in a case that sparked a crisis although some reports suggested more closely. riyet newspaper whose columns (NHM), Nagaland; in ties with the United States. he could fly to the United States Erdogan, who has in the past are closely watched for indica- Place of Name of the post & discipline Monthly taken aim at Brunson, appeared Qualification The court in the western imminently. tions of the Erdogan administra- posting remuneration town of Aliaga convicted Andrew US broadcaster NBC said to distance himself from the case tion’s thinking, wrote this week Brunson on terror-related charg- Turkey and the United States in his latest comments, saying he expected the pastor to walk Pungro CHC Medical Officer – For MO es and sentenced him to three had reached a secret deal for he could not interfere in judicial free and “solve” the Turkey-US • 1 Obs & Gynae/Surgery/ Paediatrics Specialist: (Preferably Obs & Gynae) Minimum Rs years, one month and 15 days in Brunson to be released on Friday affairs. crisis. • 1 Anaesthesia 1,00,000/- jail, an AFP correspondent said. and some charges against him “Whatever decision the judi- The new hearing also came (negotiable) However, he was freed taking dropped, in exchange for the US ciary makes, I am obliged to obey as Turkey braces for potential Noklak CHC Medical Officer – For GDMO: • 1 Obs & Gynae/Surgery (Preferably Obs Rs 60,000/- into account time served and his easing “economic pressure” that it,” he told Turkish reporters. fines from US authorities over & Gynae) good conduct in the trial, with included sanctions which have Trump has lauded Brunson Iran sanctions busting by Turk- • 1 Paediatrics For MO the court lifting his house arrest hammered the lira. as a “great patriot” who was being ish lender Halkbank, which has • 1 Anaesthesia Specialist: and overseas travel ban, the cor- But Turkey insists the judi- held “hostage”. already seen the jailing of its • 1 General Duty Medical Officer (MBBS) Post Graduate degree/ diploma respondent added. ciary is independent and US Brunson was first detained deputy director general in the Bhandari Medical Officer – Rs 73,000/- from recognized Brunson’s detention since State Department spokeswoman in October 2016 on allegations of United States. CHC • 1 Obs & Gynae/Surgery (Preferably Obs institutions/ 2016 caused not just one of the Heather Nauert said she was “not assisting groups branded as ter- In another less publicised is- & Gynae) university under worst diplomatic rows of recent aware” of any such deal. rorists as part of a crackdown by sue, the US is also watching the • 1 Anaesthesia MCI Act. For GDMO: times between NATO allies Tur- The resumption of the trial the Turkish government follow- case of NASA scientist Serkan Jalukie CHC Medical Officer – Rs 67,750/- MBBS from key and the US, but also a crash came at a sensitive time for the ing a failed coup earlier that year Golge, a dual national, who was • 1 Anaesthesia recognized in the Turkish lira which exposed Turkish leadership, which is un- blamed on US-based preacher jailed for seven-and-a-half years institutions/ District Medical Officer – Rs 73,000/- the country’s economic fragility. der global scrutiny over how it Fethullah Gulen. in February on terror charges, a university under Hospital • 1 Paediatrics He had faced up to 35 years MCI Act. Turkish judicial authorities handles the case of Saudi journal- term reduced to a five years last – Kiphire • 1 Orthopedics have repeatedly denied requests ist Jamal Khashoggi, who disap- in jail on charges of aiding terror month. for the release of Brunson, who peared at Riyadh’s consulate in groups and espionage. Prosecu- Erdogan, who had a brief District Medical Officer – Rs 73,000/- was moved from prison to house Istanbul. tors then demanded a sentence handshake with Trump on the Hospital • 1 Paediatrics – Longleng • 1 Orthopedics/Surgery arrest in the city of Izmir in July. Both Turkish President Recep of up to 10 years. sidelines of the annual UN Gen- “I am an innocent man. I love Tayyip Erdogan and US President He was convicted on charges eral Assembly in September, has Weziho PHC 1 General Duty Medical Officer (MBBS) Rs 60,000/- Jesus. I love Turkey,” he said in his Donald Trump have pressed of aiding terror groups while not said he hoped to rebuild relations Chizami 1 General Duty Medical Officer (MBBS) Rs 50,000/- final defence. Saudi Arabia to explain what hap- being a member of them. with Washington with the “spirit PHC When the verdict was read pened to Khashoggi. Brunson and US officials in- of strategic partnership”. Interested applicants may submit all relevant documents along with phone no. on or before 12th November 2018, addressed to the Mission Director, National Health Mission, Nagaland, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Ruziezou, Kohima 797001. Interview shall be conducted on 15th November 2018 at 11:00 a.m at Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Kohima. All applicants are to bring original documents on the day of interview. Missing journalist At least 34 dead after Uganda landslide No separate calling letter shall be issued for the above mentioned interview. For any queries, applicant may contact 0370 2270565 on working days between 11:00 am to 3:30pm. Kampala, Oct. 12 (PTI/AFP): At on WhatsApp, including images that “four to five villages”, and pos- (Dr. Kevichüsa Medikhrü) case: Saudi delegation least 34 people have been killed of dismembered corpses caked in sibly a primary school had been Mission Director, NHM. KG-2889 after a river in eastern Uganda mud laid out by the river. affected. arrives in Turkey burst its banks, sending thick Some of the bodies had been “I have received the sad news sludge and rocks barrelling into partly covered with banana leaves of landslides wreaking havoc in GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND Ankara, Oct. 12 (IANS): A Saudi del- homes, disaster officials said by members of the public. Bududa District, killing a yet-to- STATE HEALTH SOCIETY: NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION egation arrived in Turkey on Friday for Friday. “The cause was the river (be)specified number of residents. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE discussions on the case of journalist Rescue teams were picking bursting its banks upstream fol- The government has dispatched NAGALAND: KOHIMA through the rubble, looking for lowing heavy rain. When the water rescue teams to the affected ar- Jamal Khashoggi who disappeared NHM/B-35/HR/2016-17/1089 Dated Kohima, the 12th October 2018 last week at the kingdom’s consulate survivors and victims of the disas- flowed down it brought a number eas,” President Yoweri Museveni in Istanbul. ter which took place on Thursday of big stones with it that destroyed wrote on Twitter. ADVERTISEMENT The Saudi delegation will have in the town of Bukalasi in the people’s houses,” said Nakasiita. “The government will look National Health Mission on behalf of the Nation invite the candidates who are willing and talks with Turkish authorities at the Bududa district. An unknown “Our search and rescue team at the other options available enthusiastic to serve the community by bringing health care services to the doorsteps of the weekend, a Turkish diplomat told number of people were still miss- is still on the ground evacuating to stop further occurrences of community to apply for the second session of 6-months Certificate Programme in Community Xinhua news agency. ing. people and removing them from these disasters.” Bududa district Health. This Course is part of NHM’s initiative to strengthen Sub-Centres as Health & Wellness Centres (H&WCs) for improved implementation of public health programmes and to enable Ankara will seek cooperation with “I can confirm 34 people are the rubble.” She said the Red in the foothills of Mount Elgon, dead. We have to wait for our Cross was sending relief supplies which lies on the border between comprehensive primary health care service delivery, including disease prevention and health Saudi authorities upon the investiga- promotion. Candidates who successfully complete this course will be posted at H&WCs as tion carried out by the Turkish police assessment to be completed be- to the area, such as tarpaulins, Uganda and Kenya, is a high risk Community Health Providers (CHPs), to lead a primary health care team consisting of frontline on the missing journalist, said the fore we can say how many are blankets and water purification area for landslides. workers such as Female Health Workers (ANMs), Male Health Workers, MPWs and ASHAs. diplomat. missing,” said Uganda Red Cross tablets. At least 100 people were re- The programme will be implemented through Programme Study Centre at NHAK and District A joint Turkish-Saudi team will spokeswoman Irene Nakasiita. Nathan Tumuhamye, director ported killed in a landslide in Hospital Dimapur under Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). The eligibility criteria for applying for the Certificate Programme: probe the disappearance of Khashog- On Thursday she shared pho- of an organisation that helps com- Bududa in March 2010, and in tos of the scene of what she de- munities recover from natural 2012 landslides destroyed three 1. Essential Criteria: gi upon the kingdom’s request, said a) Qualification: 1) Minimum GNM from recognized institutions under INC Act, preference Turkish presidential spokesperson scribed as a “massive landslide” disasters and conflict, told AFP villages. shall be given to B.Sc Nursing and 2) AYURVEDA practioner. Ibrahim Kalin on Thursday. b) Age limit: Less than 40 years. The consensus for a working team 2. Desirable Criteria: came after Riyadh rescinded initial a) Work experience in the public health system, preferably at the Primary/Community Health US moves to limit nuclear sales to China Centre level. permission for the Turkish police to b) 2 years of relevant work experience in the health sector. search the consulate. Washington, Oct. 12 (IANS): US nuclear material and equipment our advanced nuclear technology 3. In service NHM employees may also apply. However, if selected, the incumbent will have to Saudi Arabia had earlier denied President Donald Trump’s admin- from US companies, reports CNN. for diversion to military use in its resign from the current post. the permission after the Turkish me- istration will limit sales of Wash- “The administration con- third-generation nuclear power NOTE: dia published the names and travel ington’s civil nuclear technology cluded that a change in US civil submarine, in the development of 1. NHM shall sponsor the selected candidates with all training related cost plus honorarium @ details of 15 Saudis allegedly involved to China out of concerns that it nuclear cooperation with China is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Rs 10,000/- pm (Accommodation shall be arranged by candidate). 2. On successful completion of the course, the candidate shall be qualified to be appointed as in the disappearance of the promi- is being diverted for military and necessary to strike an appropriate and in strategic dual use nuclear- Community Health Provider with monthly remuneration of Rs 25,000/- pm plus Rs 15,000/- nent journalist. other unauthorized purposes, a balance between long-term risks powered platforms, such as small pm as performance based incentives. Khashoggi, a journalist and col- top official said. to US national security and eco- modular reactors and floating 3. The candidate shall be posted at the identified 60 SCs within the state. umnist for The Washington Post, “The US cannot ignore the nomic interests and the impact to nuclear power plants deployable 4. Selected candidates shall have to sign a bond to serve for three (3) years before proceeding has been missing since he entered national security implications of the US nuclear industrial base,” in the South China Sea”. for the 6 months Certificate Programme Programme. the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on China’s efforts to obtain nuclear an administration official told the The move comes as the US is How to apply:- October 2 for paperwork before his technology outside of established media on Thursday. The review, waging a trade war against China, 1. Interested applicants may collect the form and submit on or before 26th October 2018. upcoming wedding. processes of US-China civil nu- which examined the economic with roughly half the products 2. Shortlisted candidates shall be displayed on the Office Notice Board on30th October 2018. The 59-year-old journalist had clear cooperation,” Secretary of and national security ramifica- Beijing sells to Washington each 3. Written test shall be conducted on 5th November 2018. been living in self-imposed exile in Energy Rick Perry said in a state- tions, was prompted by China’s year now facing tariffs. Beijing 4. All applicants are to bring original documents on the day of interview. the US since he fled the kingdom in ment on Thursday. efforts to gain US intellectual has retaliated with its own penal- For any queries, applicant may contact +91370 2270565 on working days between 11:00 am to September 2017. The decision is the result of a property, sometimes illicitly, in ties on American products. The 3:00pm. Lobby in any form will result in disqualification of the candidate. Turkey says said that Khashoggi broad government policy review ways that undermine American new policy, which goes into effect was likely killed inside the compound, led by the National Security Coun- businesses and the military. immediately, sets guidelines for (DR. KEVICH SA MEDIKHR ) which was denied by Saudi officials as cil and is driven by Beijing’s efforts The administration official all existing, pending and future Mission Director - NHM, Nagaland. “baseless”. to obtain advanced technology, said China was “actively pursuing technology transfers to China. KG-2888 EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday, October 13, 2018 Trump signs Music Modernisation Act US President Donald Trump has signed a Music Modernization Act, a bipartisan act which addresses music licensing and royalty legislation, among other issues related to music rights. The Act was signed at a White House ceremony here on Thursday. Kid Mirror Rock was among those who attended the signing. Others in the industry had their invites 10 cancelled after the ceremony was scaled back because of changes in Trump’s schedule to monitor the devastation of Hurricane Michael in Florida and the continued threat of the storm in Georgia, reported variety.com. “Certain entertainers have been taken advantage ENTERTAINMENT of, but no longer, because of Trump, can you believe it?” Trump said at the ceremony. Also present were the Doobie Brothers guitarist Jeff Baxter, MercyMe, The Beach Boys’ Mike Love, Craig Morgan, John Rich and Sam Moore. (IANS) Soundgarden will not I was falsely accused: Depp return, says Kim Thayil on ‘Fantastic Beasts...’ row oundgarden guitar- reunion could take place. ing. The four of us were that. ist Kim Thayil ruled “We would certainly love to There were four of us and now out the chances of the try to continue to do something, there’s three of us, so it’s just not band returning with- figure out something to do likely that there’s much to be out late singer Chris together,” Cameron said, while pursued other than the catalog SCornell, although he echoed his Shepherd added, “We’re going work at this point.” colleagues’ comments about the through natural healing, then Thayil said he was continu- possibility of working together thinking about the natural next ing to work on Soundgarden on some other project. step.” catalog material, which could Speaking at the unveiling of In a new interview with the include the release of compila- Cornell’s memorial Seattle Times, Thayil dismissed tions, live albums and other statue in Seat- the idea of the Soundgarden unreleased tracks. Meanwhile, tle earlier this name returning. “I don’t think he said was enjoying being part week, drum- that’s anything we’d give reason- of MC50, the band put together mer Matt able consideration to at this by MC5’s Wayne Kramer to mark Cameron point,” he said. “When I say MC5’s 50th anniversary. ctor Johnny Depp says he writer Rowling and director David and bass- ‘at this point,’ I mean perhaps “I think if anyone else had was falsely accused in a Yates were compelled to issue state- ist Ben ever.” called, I would have declined,” controversy surrounding ments supporting Depp’s participa- Shep- He noted that he didn’t Thayil reflected. “But because his casting in J.K. Rowl- tion. herd “know really what kind of thing it was the MC5, which is my ing’s “Fantastic Beasts: The “Based on our understanding both is possible or what we would favorite band ever, and that CrimesA of Grindelwald”. of the circumstances, the filmmak- said consider in the future. It’s likely opportunity was there, I had to The Oscar-winning actor takes ers and I are not only comfortable some noth- say yes.” on the role of dark wizard Gellert sticking with our original casting, but kind Ultimate- Grindelwald in the sequel after doing genuinely happy to have Johnny play- of classicrock a cameo in the 2016 film “Fantastic ing a major character in the movies,” Beasts and Where to Find Them”, Rowling wrote. reported ew.com. Deep said Rowling has seen the His selection for the role was met evidence. with mixed reactions from fans after “And therefore knows I was falsely allegations of physical abuse surfaced accused, and that’s why she has pub- from his former wife Amber Heard. licly supported me. She doesn’t take “I’ll be honest with you, I felt bad things lightly. She would not stand up for J.K. having to field all these vari- if she didn’t know the truth. So that’s ous feelings from people out there. really it.” I felt bad that she had to take that. Depp is known for films like But ultimately, there is real contro- “Sleepy Hollow”, “Pirates of the Carib- versy. The fact remains I was falsely bean” franchise, “Charlie and the accused, which is why I’m suing The Chocolate Factory”, “Alice in Won- Sun newspaper for defamation for derland” and “Murder on the Orient repeating false accusations,” ew.com Express”, which will air in India on quoted Depp as saying. Star Movies Select HD on Saturday. The studio Warner Bros., screen- IANS Farhan Akhtar ‘disappointed’ over Neha Dhupia, Shikha Talsania #MeToo accounts against Sajid Khan awarded for breaking stereotypes ctor-filmmaker-singer sister. Rachel White -- and one journal- ctresses Neha society. to be given this title,” Neha Farhan Akhtar says He wrote: “I cannot ad- ist for sexual misconduct. Dhupia and Sony Pictures India iden- said. he is shocked to read equately stress how shocked, dis- On Friday morning, actor Shikha Talsa- tified and awarded celebrities Shikha said: “I’m just accounts by multiple appointed and heartbroken I am Akshay Kumar announced his nia have been who have ‘Unleashed their trying to be the best me and women who faced to read the stories about Sajid’s decision to cancel the shoot of honoured with an Inner Venom’ and made an speak my truth. As corny as sexualA misconduct by his cousin behaviour. I don’t know how Sajid’s directorial “Housefull 4” awardA for being honest while impact through their actions it sounds, the truth does let and director Sajid Khan. but he will have to find a way to until “further investigation”. expressing their opinions and voices. They did the ac- you free. So I encourage you Farhan on Friday took to atone for his alleged actions.” Sajid himself stepped down and making an impact in the tivity for their film “Venom”. to unleash your inner venom Twitter to condemn the behav- Sajid has been named by as director of “Housefull 4”, and They gave the and let the truth be out.” iour of the “Housefull” director, multiple women, including two urged “friends in the media to award to Neha for “Venom” stars Tom who is the son of his mother’s actresses -- Sonali Chopra and kindly not pass judgment till the breaking societal Hardy as Eddie Brock and as truth is out”. stereotypes, Shikha Venom. It follows the popular Several celebrities’ names for talking about body Marvel anti-hero as he have cropped up in the #MeToo positivity, Shaheen transforms from a go-getter movement, leading several oth- Mistry for promoting journalist to powerful alien ers to take a stern stand. literacy and Milind symbiote. Bollywood star Aamir Khan Soman for promoting Venom was created in chose to dissociate from a film fitness and health, 1988 by Marvel Comics. as someone involved with the read a statement. The character made his big project was accused of sexual as- “It’s very exciting screen debut more than a sault. While he did not name any- and encouraging to decade ago in Sam Raimi’s one, it was clear the project was receive the award “Spider-Man 3”, where he the Gulshan Kumar biopic which for challenging and was portrayed by Topher was to be directed by Subhash breaking stereotypes. Grace. The film released in Kapoor, against whom Geetika While that has never English, Hindi, Tamil and Tyagi had complained in 2014. been a deliberate Telugu in India on October 5. IANS effort, it’s reassuring IANS Amy Winehouse’s Ace Frehley fires his band, hires HILL STAR hologram to Gene Simmons’ group Movie Schedule feature in tour plus drummer Christopher Williams. Shouse played bass hologram of while onstage with Frehley, late singer Amy who, in the new interview, Winehouse, said “they’re younger and who died in more hungry.” 2011, will head- Recalling the tour with lineA a world tour. Frehley and Simmons, Beginning next year, Shouse told AL.com, ““We a hologram of the late were all just having the time singer, who died at age 27 of our lives. … I think Ace 11 am 8 pm: Helicopter eela from alcohol poisoning, was pretty shocked after the will perform with a live first show that we did with no band and backing singers, rehearsal and we pulled it off. reports people.com. By the third show we’d really The string of perform- hit our stride and were on fire ances are expected to for the rest of the tour.” start in Fall 2019 and will Kiss recently announced feature “digitally remas- ce Frehley revealed “I’m changing the lineup their End of the Road farewell tered” versions of Amy’s that he had dis- in my band,” Frehley told the tour, which raised specula- popular hits, Rolling Stone missed the mem- Cassius Morris Show. “I’m tion that previous members, confirms. bers of his solo actually gonna start working including Frehley, could Profits from the tour, band and replaced with the band that back up make guest appearances on 2 pm: Venom which is sponsored by themA with members of Gene Gene. I worked with them in the road. Amy’s estate and the BASE Simmons’ solo group. Australia, and they also did “From what I read on Hologram company, will The former Kiss guitarist eight shows with me in Japan. the internet, I think the fans go towards the Amy Wine- had been touring with guitar- And I realized that … I think really want me back in the house Foundation, set ist Richie Scarlet, bassist they were better than my cur- band,” he said. “I’m doing up by her family after her Chris Wyse and drummer rent lineup, so I’ve decided to fine without Kiss, but if it death. The organization Scot Coogan. Scarlet’s con- make a change.” was offered to me in the right works with underprivi- nections with Frehley go back The band that backed way, I’d seriously consider leged youth to prevent to the ‘80s, while Coogan had both Frehley and Simmons returning for the last tour. But future drug and alcohol been a bandmate since 2007. in Australia includes guitar- I haven’t been asked yet, so abuse. it’s kind of up in the air.” Wyse started collaborating ists Philip Schouse, Ryan 5 pm: First man IANS in 2014. Cook and Jeremy Asbrock, Ultimateclassicrock EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday, October 13 , 2018 SPORTS 11 Fourth substitution to be Chase revives West Indies allowed at 2019 AFC Asian Cup Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 12 (IANS): The Asian “I am confident the new regulations after Yadavs inflict damage Football Confederation (AFC) has an- will add to the excitement of Asia’s flag- nounced that a fourth substitution will be ship national team competition,” AFC Hyderabad, Oct. 12 (Re- Kuldeep Yadav (3-74) permitted in the extra time of knock-out President Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al uters): Roston Chase sent back Kraigg Brath- matches at the 2019 AFC Asian Cup. Khalifa said in the statement. closed in on his fourth test waite but it was Shai AFC’s Executive Committee on Apart from the 2019 AFC Asian hundred as he forged a Hope’s dismissal for 36 off Friday approved the recommen- Cup, which will be held in the century partnership with the final delivery before dation to align the AFC’s national United Arab Emirates (UAE) skipper Jason Holder to the lunch break that made teams competitions with the lat- from January 5 to February 1, help West Indies to 295 for it India’s session. est amendments to the Laws of the updated regulations will also seven on the opening day Like in their defeat in the Game (LOTG) announced by apply to the upcoming AFC U-19 of the second and final test the Rajkot series-opener, the International Football Associa- Championship in Indonesia start- against India on Friday. the West Indies batsmen tion Board (IFAB), the Asian ing next week, as well as the The tourists lost three were confounded by Kul- football governing body said AFC U-19 Women’s Cham- wickets in the morning deep’s left-arm wrist-spin in a statement. pionship 2019 and the AFC session and were reeling and both Shimron Het- The new rule states that U23 Championship Thailand at 113 for five after lunch, myer and Sunil Ambris an extra substitution will be al- 2020. a poor effort on a perfect were dismissed by well- lowed in the event of extra time after 90 The AFC Competitions Committee batting strip and against disguised googlies. minutes have been played, meaning it will has also approved the proposal of using an opposition rendered India made good use only be applicable during the knock-out a fourth substitution in extra time for one bowler short following of the review system to stage of the competition, reports Xinhua next year’s AFC Cup and AFC Champions Shardul Thakur’s injury in get rid of Dowrich for 30 news agency. League, the statement said. the morning. after Umesh’s lbw appeal Chase added 69 runs had initially been turned with Shane Dowrich and down. 104 more with next man Chase then found an Mbappe is Time magazine’s ‘Future of Soccer’ Holder to arrest the slide. able ally in Holder, who gritty Parisian suburb of The all-rounder was celebrated his return from Bondy then tore apart on 98 at stumps, a gutsy injury with a composed 52 Argentina, scoring twice knock that contained seven before Umesh strangled and earning a penalty boundaries and a six, with him down the leg side for as Les Blues eliminated Devendra Bishoo on two at a soft caught-behind dis- the highly-fancied South the other end. missal in the final session. Americans 4-3 in the last The onus was on Kraigg The tourists made two 16 knockout round. Brathwaite and Kieran changes with Holder re- In doing so, Mbappe Powell to give the tourists placing Keemo Paul and became only the second a strong start after Holder spinner Jomel Warrican teenager, after Pele in unsurprisingly elected to replacing Sherman Lewis. 1958, to score two goals in bat on a track that looked India rested Moham- a World Cup match. full of runs. med Shami to blood PTI When Mbappe scored With Umesh Yadav (3- Thakur, who sent down 10 with a 25-yard strike in 83) occasionally straying West Indies cricket captain Jason Holder, right, celebrates his half century with teammate Rostam Chase on deliveries in his debut test the first day of second test match against India, in Hyderabad on Fri. Oct 12. the final, a 4-2 win over down the leg side and a before hobbling off with a Croatia, he became only couple of edges by Kier- groin injury. Kylian Mbappe the second teenager to do an Powell running to the It was a combination of dismissal. length and pitched it wide, The 26-year-old has so, after Pele, in 1958. fence, West Indies found Powell’s recklessness and The opener stepped prompting an uppish drive gone for scans with his Paris, Oct. 12 (AFP): Paris player handed a reported With a total of four little to complain about in Ravichandran Ashwin’s out against the off-spinner, straight to Ravindra Jadeja further participation in the Saint-Germain striker Kyl- monthly salary of 1.5m goals in the tournament, the first five overs. guile which led to the first who quickly shortened his at cover. match to be determined. ian Mbappe’s rapid rise to euros ($1.8m). Mbappe received FIFA’s global fame has earned the But the 19-year-old’s award for Best Young Play- teenaged World Cup win- stock skyrocketed dur- er of the World Cup. ner an appearance on the ing this year’s World Cup, Arguably better still DFL: Game of hat-tricks; Victory for FC Alianza and P Vizheto FC cover of Time magazine’s where a series of phenom- were the plaudits from international edition, to enal displays drew compli- Pele himself, who said: “If Eastern Mirror Desk appear on Friday. ments from Brazil legend Kylian keeps on equalling Dimapur, Oct. 12: FC Alian- Time said Mbappe was Pele on his way to helping my records, I’m going to za and P Vizheto FC won on a global superstar who “is France end their 20-year have to dust off my boots.” day-9 with both team scor- the future of soccer.” wait to win another World Mbappe’s teenage days ing hat-trick during the Mbappe made head- Cup trophy. will end when he cele- ongoing Dimapur Foot- lines in September 2017 Mbappe became the brates his 20th birthday on ball League (DFL) season when he moved from Ligue youngest French goalscor- December 20. 1 at the Dimapur District 1 side Monaco to Paris er in World Cup history He played a key role Sports Complex Stadium Saint-Germain for a stag- when he struck in a 1-0 for France on Thursday, in Dimapur on Fri. Oct. 12. gering 180 million euros win over Peru in the group equalising from the pen- During the first match, ($207 million), a deal that stages. alty spot in a 2-2 friendly FC Alianza subjugated Ti- saw the then 18-year-old The teenager from the draw against Iceland. tan SCC 3-1. The two teams managed to play through the soggy ground hungry for a win, despite a cold Usain Bolt scores 2 goals in first A-League trial start drizzling day. After a long play down, Sydney, Oct. 12 (AP): Usain Bolt scored Laiwang Konyak of FC twice in his first start for the Central Coast Alianza scored the first Mariners in an A-League trial match on goal of the day in the 25th Friday before being substituted with minute. It was the only goal about 15 minutes remaining. in the first half which gave The retired eight-time Olympic gold medalist sprinter is trying to secure a place both the teams a little more EM Images breathing room and the with the Mariners for this season, which Player of P Vizheto FC passes the ball while being surrounded by his opponents from Ekhyo FC during the ongoing Dimapur Football League at the begins for the Mariners on Oct. 21 against boost they needed to come Dimapur District Sports Council Stadium in Dimapur on Fri. Oct. 12. out better in the next half. the Brisbane Roar. In the second half, the Beforehand, Bolt said his performance second goal for FC Alianza Before the second patron. He encouraged the Remnants of the drizzle third and a fourth goal by in Friday’s match could determine his was also scored by Laiwang match, a momentary pro- players to make use of the could not stop P Vizheto FC Kato in the 55th and 59th future with the team and his quest to play Kongyak in the 48th min- gramme was conducted tournament in order to to achieve a hat-trick in the minute, which allowed him professional football. Usain Bolt ute which was immediately where Laiwang Konyak was mould and showcase their second match, dominating to achieve the hat-trick. Bolt was in the starting lineup and countered by David from awarded the ‘man of the talents. Ekhyo FC 4-0. Day-10 of the DFL will played up front for the Mariners against The 32-year-old Bolt, who holds the Titan SCC with a goal in the match.’ Zhimo requested the The first goal for P Vi- be conducted on Saturday a second-tier National Premier League 100- and 200-meter world records, saw 49th minute. The match patron for players to maintain disci- zheto was scored by Kato Oct. 13. The first match will combined team representing Sydney’s his first action for the Mariners on Aug. 31, During the 75th min- the day was entrepreneur pline throughout the game in the 12th minute of the be played between Chanan southwest region. playing 20 minutes against a Central Coast ute, Laiwang Konyak Hokuto Zhimo. While ad- even if they are winning first half. FC and Dorian’s Society He left the game with the Mariners invitational side. achieved his second hat- dressing the audience, he or losing and to become In the second half, Wi- at 1 pm. While the second leading 4-0, which was the final score, and He played the entire second half trick of the tournament acknowledged the organis- inspirational players for namthiu scored the second match will be between spent the remaining time on the sideline against the North Shore Mariners on Sept. with a final goal which im- ers for hosting the DFL and Nagaland to represent the goal in the 40th minute. United V and S versus A1 signing autographs for fans at Campbell- 19, when he alternated between left wing mobilised Titan SCC. for inviting him as a match nation. It was then followed by a Power Play Club at 3:30 pm. town Stadium in western Sydney. and forward. Top-seeded Pliskova reaches New-look Portugal hit back to win 3-2 in Poland Chorzow (Poland), Oct. 12 corner in the 18th minute. semifinal at Tainjin Open (Reuters): Portugal’s Ber- But after that, it was nardo Silva scored a typi- mainly one-way traffic as Karolina Pliskova plays a shot cal individual goal as their Portugal took control. against Katie Boulter during new-look side recovered to Andre Silva levelled in their Tianjin Open match in win 3-2 away to Poland in the 31st minute, turning in Tianjin, China on Oct. 12. the Nations League with an Pizzi’s low cross following impressive performance a well-worked move down on Thursday. Andre Silva’s the right for his 14th goal in strike and a Kamil Glik 29 appearances. own goal put the European Ruben Neves set up champions ahead by half- the second with a majestic time, after Krzysztof Piatek long ball from inside his had given Poland an early own half which caught out lead, and Bernardo Silva the Polish defence. then got in the act early Rafa Silva got on the in the second half of the end of it and his first touch League A Group 3 game. took him past goalkeeper Poland substitute Jakub Lukasz Fabianski before Blaszczykowski, making Glik put the ball into his Tianjin (China), Oct. 12 months with a right leg Also, second-seeded his 103rd appearance as own net. (AP): Karolina Pliskova and injury, upset fourth-seeded Caroline Garcia advanced he became his country’s Seven minutes after Timea Bacsinszky both won Aryna Sabalenka 7-6 (2), to the semifinals when most capped player, pulled halftime, Bernardo Silva Friday at the Tianjin Open, 7-6 (5). sixth-seeded Petra Martic a goal back but it was not Portugal’s Pepe, left, in action with Poland’s Robert Lewandowski during their UEFA Nations League – League collected the ball near the and they will next face each Before playing in Tian- retired with an abdominal enough for the hosts. A – Group 3 match at the Silesian stadium in Chorzow, Poland on Oct. 11. touchline, jinked inside other in the semifinals. jin, Bacsinszky hadn’t won injury while trailing 6-2, It was also an unhappy one marker, ran across the The top-seeded Plis- a tour-level match since 1-0. 100th Poland appearance building their team after Ricardo Quaresma. he is expected to be recalled edge of the penalty area kova, who is still hoping to the 2017 Wimbledon tour- Garcia will next play for Robert Lewandowski, a s e c o n d - Captain and all- next year. and scored with a low shot qualify for a third straight nament. fifth-seeded Hsieh Su-Wei, who barely had a touch of round exit time leading scorer Piatek, scorer of nine past Fabianski. WTA Finals in Singapore, Sabalenka was one of who also won because of the ball. at the World C r i s t i a n o goals in seven Serie A Portugal continued beat Katie Boulter 5-7, 6-0, five players to enter the a retirement. Third-seeded After two games Portu- Cup, left out Ronaldo was matches for Genoa this to dominate even after 6-3 despite being down a tournament with a chance Elise Mertens cited a right gal top the group with six a number of also absent season, struck an early blow Blaszczykowski’s goal and break in the third set. to qualify for the WTA Fi- arm injury for stopping points, while Poland and old favou- by what coach when he outjumped Joao Renato Sanches was twice Bacsinszky, who had nals, but the loss to Bacsin- the match while trailing Italy have one apiece. rites includ- ing Joao Fernando Santos said was Cancelo at the far post to close to a fourth for the been sidelined for six szky ended those chances. 6-2, 4-0. Portugal, who are re- Moutinho, Jose Fonte and mutual consent, although head Poland in front from a visitors. EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Saturday, October 13, 2018
C M Y K 12 SPORTS MDFA: Grand Elite and Mosiac win on fourth day Centurion FC and Kohima last match Mosiac won 4-2 against Unicorn FC. Lanuakum Imchen scored the first goal in the Eagles enter quarterfinals first 2 minutes of the game. Atoba of Unicorn equalised captain Khwetelhi Thopi. the first goal in the 17th With two goals deficit, minute. St Joseph team managed to Temjennungsang of restrict the Kohima Eagles Unicorn FC scored the sec- forwards from netting any ond goal for the team in further goals but the team the 32nd minute which failed to register a single however an equaliser was shot on target in the first scored in the next three half. minutes by Sangnetshang In the second half, St of Mosiac. Joseph team got off to a EM Images With two more goals better start but was unable Players of Mosiac, in red and white, and Unicorn FC in action at the ongoing MDFA Trophy at the Imkongmeren from Kinasangba and to breach the defensive line Sports Complex on Fri. Oct. 12. Moatemsu in the 43rd and and score despite a domi- 66th minute, the match nant side in the midfield Our Correspondent between Telongjem FC and Grand Elite scored the first ended with Mosiac over area. Kohima Eagles re- Mokokchung, Oct. 12 Rongpang Reju ended in a goal through Ating in the powering the Unicorns. stricted the opponent team (EMN): The weather con- draw with both the teams 13th minute while; L. Tem- Saturday’s matches from from counter attack as they ditions on the fourth day failing to score any goal till jen secured a hattrick in the 11 am held on for a 2-0 win. of MDFA saw continu- the last whistle. 30th, 49th and 66th minute. Kumlong SA vs Zonipang A second half goal ous drizzle and fog which The second match saw The condition of the SA EM Images from Rabindra Meitei was made it less interesting for the dark horse of the tour- local ground went from OCYU vs YA Marepkong enough for Centurion FC Players of Kohima Eagles, in black, fights for the ball against players of St Joseph College at the Kohima local the crowd to witness the ney, Grand Elite SC scoring bad to worse as the rain Alempang YA vs Young ground on Fri. Oct. 12. to hand the victory over to matches. The first match 4-0 against NU Lumami. played spoil sport. In the Boys FC Rangers FC Medziphema 1-0 in the first match. Our Correspondent Jakhama 2-0 during the In the match, Kohi- Foggy weather did ham- Kohima, Oct. 12 (EMN): encounter. ma Eagles team start off per the first match as the Rain saves Svitolina in Hong Kong quarterfinals Centurion FC and Kohima Kohima Eagles FC brightly and found the lead match was put on hold for Eagles won their respec- maintained their perfect through Kethosilie Zatsu’s several minutes in the sec- Hong Kong, Oct. 12 (AP): Top-seeded Even if she ends up losing the naments since the French Open and tive round 16 matches and start in the header in ond half. Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine was quarterfinal to Wang, she could still this marks the first time she's strung set up a clash against each tournament the 7th min- Meitei’s lone goal in the close to bowing out of the Hong Kong possibly land a berth in the WTA Fi- together three match wins. She's yet other on Oct. 16 in the quar- w i t h o u t ute from a 62nd minute proved to be Open when rain disrupted the quar- nals. In order to do that, she would to drop a set this week en route to the terfinal match of the ongo- conceding a MARTYRS free kick. enough to seal the victory terfinals on Friday. need to play the Moscow tournament semifinals. ing NSF Martyrs' Memorial goal in three The nervy over a nervy encounter be- Sixth-seeded Wang Qiang of China next week. She's currently not en- Zhang Shuai of China knocked out Trophy here at the Kohima m a t c h e s TROPHY defending tween the two teams. was leading Svitolina 6-2, 5-2, and tered, but could request a main draw seventh-seed Daria Gavrilova of Aus- local ground on Friday. scoring 25 from St Jo- Saturday’s matches: serving at 15-30, when their match wild card. tralia 6-1, 6-3. Gavrilova was a finalist Kethosilie Zatsu and goals on the process. Rhit- seph team handed Kohima Kigwema Students' Union was suspended until Saturday. Fourth-seed Garbine Muguruza in Hong Kong last year. Mengüzelie Rütsa’s goals sho Mero with 10 goals in Eagles double the lead as Vs Saptiqa FC Zunheboto Svitolina entered this week as one is into her first semifinal since thes Zhang will play 18-year-old Daya- in the first half for Kohima three matches is the highest Mengüzelie Rütsa thumped at 12pm of five players still in contention to French Open in June after beating na Yastremska of Ukraine in the semi- Eagles gifted the victory goal scorer of the tourna- home in the 17th minute Khuzama Y. O Vs Senapati earn a place in the eight-player WTA Luksika Kumkhum of Thailand 6-2, finals. Yastremska got past Kristina against St Joseph College ment so far. through an assist from the FC at 2pm Finals in Singapore. 7-5. Muguruza has played seven tour- Kucova of Slovakia 7-6 (6), 6-2. Kohima badminton association lauds Joseph Sumi Carrick hails Mourinho as managerial 'great' alongside Ferguson The wristy left hander was also ad- London, Oct. 12 (AFP): Manchester United judged the best player of the league. coach Michael Carrick says Jose Mourinho Joseph Sumi, a passionate bad- is in an elite group alongside Alex Ferguson minton player, who is well known as one of the greatest managers of the past for his deceptive play, has been rep- 30 years despite his current problems at Old resenting the state for so many years Trafford. now. Despite being 35+, he is still rep- The former midfielder, 37, took up a resenting the state in the zonal and coaching role at the end of last season after national championships and that he a distinguished playing career at West Ham, feels, it should have been a younger Tottenham and United. player in his place. He laments that Mourinho will be hoping last weekend's the much required support from the thrilling 3-2 comeback win against New- government and the society is not as castle sparks a revival after a dismal run of forthcoming as it should be. results saw United slip well off the pace in Joseph Sumi has appreciated the the Premier League and exit the League Cup. Nagaland Badminton Association Carrick told Britain's Press Association (NBA) for bringing a foreign coach to that the most striking thing about the Por- train the players for the ongoing North tuguese boss was his track record in winning Joseph Sumi, right, with his doubles partner posing for the lens after East Open in Dimapur. He was also trophies over many years. the final match. of the opinion that individuals with "He's managed to win trophies at Unit- resources, who also have an inclina- ed," said Carrick. "We're striving now to get Kohima, Oct. 12 (EMN): The ers in an auction, helped his tion towards and passion for the sport back to it, but as a manager you can't hide Kohima District Badminton team win the first edition of should come together and do some- from the fact about what he's done. It's up Association (KDBA) has con- All India Hyderabad Masters thing to promote the sport. there with the very best. Jose Mourinho and Michael Carrick gratulated Joseph Sumi, a Badminton League held at “In Nagaland, sponsorships by "Fortunately for me, you look at the best individuals is less heard of. We need managers over the last 25-30 years. You're Police Inspector in Nagaland Hyderabad from Sep. 21- 23. close quarters". year with the younger lads at Liverpool, more patrons for the game”. picking the top three, top five -- two of them Police and a 15 times state The KDBA issued a press Carrick's contemporaries Frank Lam- but he's gone straight in at Rangers and it The simple message from the you'd say Jose or Sir Alex are right up there. singles and doubles cham- release on Fri. Oct. 12, stating pard and Steven Gerrard have already looks like it comes natural to them. champion is, “I struggled so much, I "I've been lucky enough to experience pion till date, for his recent that the lefty player, partner- embarked on managerial careers. "I'm in my position as I am at the mo- worked hard, I went through a lot to that and take what I can from both of success in a badminton event ing with Ajay Dayal showed "You look at Frank (Lampard at Derby) ment and it feels good for me, so we'll see get to the place where I am today… I them." in Hyderabad. excellent class of badminton and I know Stevie (Gerrard) has done a what the future brings." The prolific player from with his variety of strokes see no shortcut to success… dedica- Carrick is hoping to become a manager Nagaland, who was bought and helped his team win the tion and hard work will take you to bet- in his own right and said he was trying to by the Hyderabad Smash- coveted title. ter places in life, nothing else will…..” "learn from the great Jose Mourinho at Manipur wins junior mixed team event with memorable comeback Northeast Zone Inter-State Badminton Championship Eastern Mirror Desk back from the Manipur Manipur after going 2-0 nipur, the match went to a However, Manipur pair Dimapur, Oct. 12: In what shuttlers, the junior mixed down in the first two decider. had the last word as they was a memorable come- team events was won by matches against Assam, Baruah had 10 points defeated the Assam pair but winning the last three to close the game in the 22-24, 21-16, 16-21. With on the trot at the ongoing final set, but Devi clawed this win, the tie drew level at HOME TURF Northeast zone inter-state her way back to 16-20. But 2-2 which went to a decider. badminton championship in the end it was too much The deciding match saw held at the Dimapur District for Maheshwari to level the a mixed doubles contest be- Kings volleyball tournament Badminton Association points and Baruah won the tween Assam and Manipur, (DDBA) Indoor Stadium, game with a smash down in which the winner of the from Nov. 22 United Colony (Nagarjan) the line. match would determine in Dimapur on Oct. 11. The second match the fate of the junior mixed Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): King’s Welfare Society is- With the senior mixed was contested between team championship. sued a press release on Fri. Oct. 12 through its general team events clinched by Iman Sonwal of Assam and But in the end, Mani- secretary, stating that it is organising the 3rd King’s vol- Assam by winning the first Bidyasagar Salam of Mani- pur played out a dominant leyball tournament under the theme exploring talents in three matches comfortably, pur during a men’s singles match winning the contest Dimapur from Nov. 22 till the 24th. also against Manipur, simi- contest. 12-21, 16-21, with it lift- The press release also informed that, only players within lar result was expected in Salam seemed well on ing the junior mixed team the state will be allowed to participate. Cash prize of INR 60000 and INR 40000 along with running trophy the junior mixed events as his way to victory in the first events championship. and citations will be awarded to the champions and well, as Assam won the first set, but Sonowal reeled off The event will come to runners-up. two matches—the women’s three straight points in the an end on Sat. Oct. 13 dur- There will also be individual prizes. The forms will be singles and men’s singles. closing stages and closed ing which there will be a made available from Nov. 8 at M/s Kiran sports and However, in the third out the set with a tight mar- closing ceremony at 3 pm at Kings Sports in Dimapur, added the press release. match, Manipur got the gin of 22-20. the DDBA indoor stadium, much needed confidence In the second set, the United Colony (Nagarjan) back to their stride by get- Assam player showed some in Dimapur. Classic Cup to commence from ting the better of Assam in individual brilliance in the The event will begin the men’s doubles match defence as well as in the of- with final matches of the in- winning 16-21, 13-21. fence which was too much dividual events after which Nov. 1 As a result, the match for Salam as Sonowal close the chief host of the tour- Dimapur, Oct. 12 (EMN): The 24th Classic Cup 2018 was stretched further to out the match comfortably. nament, the chief minister will commence from Nov. 1 till the 19th at the Khuo- decide the winner of the In the fourth match, a of Nagaland, Neiphiu Rio, chiezie (local ground) in Kohima according to an update junior mixed category with women’s doubles match and the special invitee, the received here on Fri. Oct. 12. the tie 2-1 in Assam’s favour. was contested during president of Badminton Interested teams/ clubs can collect the entry forms from Earlier, during the first which the two teams dis- Association of India, Dr. M/s Sports World, old Taxi stand and M/s Vaude Velle, women’s singles match played some breathtaking Himanta Biswa Sarma will Dzüvürü Kohima from Oct.15 onwards. played between Isharani rallies with the two teams address the gathering. It The last date for submission of entry form is Oct. 27. Baruah of Assam and Devi going neck to neck in the will be followed by the prize Kashmaheshwari of Ma- points table. distribution ceremony. KG-2891
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