Honours, Awards and Prizes January to December 2011

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Honours, Awards and Prizes January to December 2011 Appendix I: Honours, Awards and Prizes January to December 2011 Cardiology James Brophy was elected to the Board of Directors of the newly created Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESS). He was also elected as a Member of the McGill Senate. Jacques Genest has been inducted as Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. He has also been awarded the 2010 inaugural Margolese National Heart Disorders Prize by the UBC Faculty of Medicine. He was also reappointed to the McGill- Novartis Chair in Medicine for another 5 year term. Richard I. Levin has been inducted as Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. Ariane Marelli is the 2011 recipient of the Heart Heroes Award by the Adult Congenital Heart Association. Maurice McGregor has been named Officer of the Order of Canada. Mathieu Walker is the recipient of the Osler Award. Clinical Epidemiology Theresa Gyorkos received the Canadian Public Health Association’s 2011 International Award. Nitika Pant Pai & Madhukar Pai were presented with the 2011 Canadian Rising Stars in Global Health Award by Grand Challenges Canada in June 2011. Robyn Tamblyn has been appointed Scientific Director of CIHR’s Institute of Health Services and Policy Research. Clinical Immunology and Allergy Phil Gold earned the McGill 2011 Medicine Alumni Global (MAG) Lifetime Achievement Award. Mark Wainberg has been elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He also received an Honorary Doctorate from University of Montreal. Critical Care Maya Saleh is the laureate of the 2011 inaugural Maude Abbott Prize established by the Faculty of Medicine. She is also the recipient of the Prix André Dupont from the Club de Recherches Cliniques du Québec. Dermatology Linda Moreau received the Canadian Dermatology Association Residents’ Award for Best Teacher of the Year. Endocrinology Sylvia Cruess has been named Officer of the Order of Canada. Laurent Lecanu is among Québec Science Magazine’s top ten discoveries of 2011. David Morris is the recipient of the 2010-2011 Department of Medicine Outreach Award. Vassilios Papadopoulos has been inducted as Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. He is also among Québec Science Magazine’s top ten discoveries of 2011. Robert Sladek is the 2011 recipient of the Joe Doupe Young Investigator Award by the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation. Gastroenterology George Ghattas and the RVH Endoscopy Unit received the CAG Quality Endoscopy Award. Josée Parent became the President of the Association of gastroenterologists of Québec. General Internal Medicine David Dawson received the 2010-2011 Douglas G. Kinnear Award for outstanding clinician- teacher from the MUHC Department of Medicine. Michelle Elizov has been presented with the Faculty Honour for Educational Excellence Award. Bert Govig has been named Fellow of the American College of Physicians in April 2011. David Hornstein is the recipient of the 2010-2011 Department of Medicine Physician Award for Exemplary Physician. Susan Kahn is the recipient of the 2011 Clinical Outcomes Research Award by the Venous Disease Coalition. Thomas Maniatis has been named Fellow of the American College of Physicians in April 2011. He is also the recipient of the 2011 Program Director of the Year Award given by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Lucy Opatrny has been elected to the Board of Directors of the FMSQ. Louise Pilote received the 2011 George Fraser Award for excellence in clinical research in cardiology. Ernesto Schiffrin is the recipient of the 2011 Excellence Award for Hypertension Research by the High Blood Council of the American Heart Association. He is also the President Elect of the International Society of Hypertension in 2011 and will assume its presidency in 2012. In addition, Dr. Schiffrin is the honoree for the 48th André Aisenstadt Memorial Clinic Day. Linda Snell received the 2010-2011 W.H. Philip Hill Award for outstanding clinician-teacher from the MUHC Department of Medicine. Patrick Willemot received the 2010-2011 Department of Medicine Award for Innovation in Clinical Care. Jeffrey Wiseman has been named Fellow of the American College of Physicians in April 2011. Geriatric Medicine Howard Bergman is co-honorary President of the Société francophone d’oncogériatrie. Hematology Patricia Pelletier received the Prix d’excellence from the Association d’anémie falciforme du Québec for her commitment to patients. John Storring is the recipient of the Stewart Memorial Award. Nephrology The residents at the Jewish General Hospital voted Dr. Sharon Nessim as 2011 Teacher of the Year. Andrey Cybulsky was reappointed to the Catherine McLaughlin Hakim Chair in Medicine for a second 5 year term. Neurology Alberto Aguayo has been inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame in April 2011. Brian Chen received a Sloan Research Fellowship. Michael Rasminsky has been selected for the CAME 2011 Certificate of Merit. Nutrition and Food Science Center Errol Marliss has been named Fellow of the American Society for Nutrition. Oncology Gerald Batist has been inducted as Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. Respiratory Margaret Becklake has been named Grande officière de l'Ordre national du Québec. Qutayba Hamid is this year's Distinguished Lecturer in Respiratory Sciences by the CIHR's Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Medicine and the Canadian Thoracic Society. Richard Menzies received the 2010-2011 Department of Medicine Staff Research Award. J.A. Peter Paré received the distinguished Achievement Award from the American Thoracic Society. Rheumatology Marie Hudson received the 2011 Young Investigator Award of the Canadian Rheumatology Association. Henri Ménard was elected “Foreign Corresponding Member of the Nacional Academia de Medicina de Argentina”. An electronic Adobe PDF version of this Appendix is available at the following website link: http://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/deptmedicine/home_annualreports_en.htm .
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