Megeuptychia antonoe (Cramer) (: : ), a New

Butterfly for Trinidad, West Indies

John Morrall

Morrall, J. 2015. Megeuptychia antonoe (Cramer) (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Satyrini), a New for Trinidad, West Indies. Living World, Journal of The Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club , 2015, 72-73. 72 /LYLQJ:RUOG-7ULQLGDGDQG7REDJR)LHOG1DWXUDOLVWV¶&OXE Megeuptychia antonoe &UDPHU  1\PSKDOLGDH6DW\ULQDH6DW\ULQL  D 1HZ %XWWHUÀ\ IRU 7ULQLGDG :HVW ,QGLHV On 4 January, 2015, Charles De Gannes and I were IUHTXHQWORZVFUXEUDUHO\YLVLWLQJÀRZHUVEXWUHDGLO\ UHFRUGLQJEXWWHUÀLHVLQWKH&DWV+LOO,QQLVV)LHOGDUHD FRPLQJWRURWWLQJIUXLW+RZHYHUDFFRUGLQJWR'H9ULHV in south Trinidad. The weather was generally good and  LQ&RVWD5LFDM. antonoeLVDFDQRS\ÀLHUUDUHO\ the rain held off. I netted a fairly large, dark Satyrini seen at ground level and not coming to rotting fruit at EXWWHUÀ\À\LQJDWDERXWVKRXOGHUKHLJKWDPRQJVWVRPH ground level. This perhaps explains why it has avoided EXVKHV,GLGQRWUHFRJQLVHWKHEXWWHUÀ\DQGNHSWLWIRU discovery in Trinidad until now. ODWHULGHQWL¿FDWLRQ 'H9ULHV  VWDWHGWKDWWKHODUYDHRIM. antonoe feed When I looked through the Satyridae section in Bernard gregariously on Calathea lutea (Marantaceae). Working D’Abrera’s 1HRWURSLFDO%XWWHUÀLHV Volume V, my specimen in western Costa Rica, Janzen and Hallwachs (2015) re- appeared to be Megeuptychia antonoe (Cramer). I sent corded it commonly from C. lutea and occasionally from images of my specimen to Matthew Cock, (CABI UK) who Pleiostachya pruinosa (Marantaceae) and illustrate groups FRQ¿UPHGERWKWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGWKDWWKLVZDVDQHZ of the white caterpillars blending with the food plant VSHFLHVUHFRUGIRU7ULQLGDG %DUFDQW&RFN  leaf undersurface. Calathea lutea is common in lowland Megeuptychia antonoe has underside spotting similar to VZDPS\DUHDVRI7ULQLGDG 0H\HU DQGIUHTXHQWO\ that of some other Trinidad Euptuchiini but is considerably LVVHHQDORQJRLO¿HOGURDGVLQVZDPS\SDUWVRI7ULQLGDG larger than any other Trinidad species of this group (Fig. It may be easier to locate the early stages than adults of 1). The Warren et al. (2015) %XWWHUÀLHVRI$PHULFD website this interesting addition to the entomofauna of Trinidad. gives the range of this species as “Southern Mexico to Bolivia.” Below are images of the specimen from Cats Hill. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I assume that this is an overlooked species rather than 7KDQNVWR0DWWKHZ&RFNIRUFRQ¿UPLQJP\LGHQWL¿- a vagrant or a recent arrival. Given that most of the Saty- cation and for assistance with the literature. rini found in Trinidad are reasonably common and easily FROOHFWHGDW¿UVWLWZRXOGVHHPVWUDQJHWKDWDVSHFLHVRI REFERENCES this subfamily could have been overlooked for so long, Barcant, M.%XWWHUÀLHVRI7ULQLGDGDQG7REDJR&ROOLQV especially as the Cats Hill area has been well studied by /RQGRQS many entomologists, and members of the tribe normally Cock, M.J.W. 2014. An updated and annotated checklist of the

Fig. 1. Megeuptychia antonoe upperside. Fig. 2. Megeuptychia antonoe underside. Nature Notes 73

ODUJHUEXWWHUÀLHV 3DSLOLRQRLGHD RI7ULQLGDG:HVW,QGLHV3DSLO- (Accessed 2 February, 2015). ionidae, Pieridae and Nymphalidae. Insecta Mundi, Meyer, G.F.W.CalatheaSIn N.W. Simmonds, D’Abrera, B.%XWWHUÀLHVRIWKH1HRWURSLFDOUHJLRQ3DUW ed. Marantaceae. Flora of Trinidad and Tobago   91\PSKDOLGDH FRQF  6DW\ULGDH+LOO+RXVH9LFWRULD Warren, A.D., Davis, K.J., Stangeland, E.M., Pel- $XVWUDOLDS ham, J.P. and Grishin, N.V. 2014. Illustrated Lists of DeVries, P.J.7KH%XWWHUÀLHVRI&RVWD5LFDDQG7KHLU American (North and South America) 14-II- 1DWXUDO+LVWRU\9ROXPH,3DSLOLRQLGDH3LHULGDH1\PSKDOLGDH >2QOLQH@$YDLODEOHDWhttp://butterfliesofamerica. 3ULQFHWRQ8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV1HZ-HUVH\S com/L/Neotropical.htm (Accessed 2 February, 2015). Janzen, D.H. and Hallwachs, W. 2014. Dynamic database for an inventory of the macrocaterpillar fauna, and its food plants John Morrall and parasitoids, of Area de Conservacion Guanacaste (ACG), [email protected] QRUWKZHVWHUQ&RVWD5LFD>2QOLQH@$YDLODEOHDWhttp://janzen.