Historical and Philosophical Society of

For the Year Ending December 6, 1915













The meetings of the Society are held in its rooms in the Van Wormer Library Building, Burnet Woods, at three in the afternoon of the first Satur- day of each month from October to May. The Library is a free public Library, open to visitors daily, except Sun- day, from nine A. M. to five P. M. ANNUAL REPORT

Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio for 1915

REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN During the corporate year, closing this day, there has been a fair improvement in the general condition of the library accom- plished by the usual methods of classifying, cataloguing and such other work as required in libraries, and through additions to the collection by gifts, purchases, exchanges and the binding of pamphlets and periodicals. The volumes contributed number 153; those acquired by purchase, 57; by exchange and binding, 81. Together they amount to 289, which added to the total number of volumes reported last year—26212—makes the present total 26503. Pamphlets donated this year number 1271. The accessions secured by purchase are: 30 volumes and 2 pamphlets credited to the Margaret Rives King fund; 25 vol- umes to the Elizabeth Haven Appleton fund; 2 to the Society of Colonial Dames fund. Those obtained by exchange number 6; by binding, 67; and 8 small volumes, that had sufficient bindings, were withdrawn from the pamphlets and placed among the volumes. With the exception of 2, the pamphlets acquired this year were gifts to the library—a portion given in exchange for our Quarterlies. Besides the periodicals sub- scribed for annually, numerous odd numbers of similar pub- lications, needed in our library to complete imperfect sets, are being added, thereby gradually perfecting the sets. 115 The titles of some of the late additions of volumes to the library are: Biographical History of Franklin County, Ohio; Fremont and '49, by Dellenbaugh; Thayer's Life of John Hay; Harper's Weekly, 1860-65 (Civil War Period); American Diplomacy, by Fish; History of Travel in America, by Dunbar; History of the National Capital, by W. B. Bryan; Life of Alexander Hamilton, by A. McL. Hamilton; Life of Henry Laurens, by Wallace; Lee the American, by Bradford; Winning of the West, by McElroy; Some of the First Settlers of the Forks of the Delaware, Kieff er; History of the Currency of the United States, by Hepburn; Filson Club Publication. No. 27; Schouler's United States, Vol. 7; Eighty-Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry; Early Chicago (Vol. 4 of Chicago Historical Society Col- lections) ; Winthrop's Canoe and Saddle with his western Letters and Journals; Johnston's Bull Run; Life of Millard Fillmore; Ellis's King Philips War; Writings of John Quincy Adams, ed. by W. C. Ford, Vol. 4; De Shields' Border Wars of Texas; Sectionalism in Virginia, by C. H. Ambler; Virginia under the Stuarts, by T. J. Wertenbaker; The American Flag; The 122nd Regt. of Ohio Vol. Infantry; Gurley's Mission to England; Clowes' Black America; Stewart's Liberia; Stockwell's Republic of Liberia; Alexander's History of Colonization on Western Coast of Africa; Slaughter's Virginian History of African Colonization; NOTE:—The last six volumes upon African Colonization were secured by exchange. 116 Several publications of a genealogical nature have been ac- quired : Maryland Records, Colonial, Revolutionary, County and Church, by Brumbaugh; Bond's History of Watertown, Mass.; Genealogical Notes of Barnstable, Mass.; Town Records of Woodstock, Ct.; Records of Sharon, Ct.; Edwards Genealogy; Clarke Families of Rhode Island; Massachusetts Marriages, Vol. 3; Van Cullemborg Allied Ancestry; Woodward Family. A complete set of the "Mayflower Descendant" has been given to the Society by Mrs. Herbert Jenney, consisting of 16 volumes. These have been bound and we have subscribed for a continuance of this Quarterly. Another genealogical publi- cation, "Lewisiana," has been almost perfected by additions of lacking numbers. Mr. Richard Ellison has contributed a copy of "Heads of Illus- trious Americans and Others, No. 1," published in 1783, which contains twelve engraved portraits of distinguished men. Mr. W. H. Williamson: Military Land Grant of land between Little Miami and Scioto rivers, 1804, to assignee of Callahan Minnis. Mr. G. S. Comstock: View of Arch on Main and Fourth Streets at the Grand Rally, Oct. 1, 1840. Mr. Joseph Wilby: Manuscript letter of Senator George H. Pendleton, Sept. 23, 1884; several photographs of old resi- dents of the city; and two French manuscripts. Mr. Jerome B. Howard: An interesting and lengthy sketch of John Champion Vaughan written at the time of his death in , 1892, by Samuel Bernstein. Society of the Sons of the Revolution: Full length photo- graph of General George Rogers Clark, 1752-1818. Mr. W. K. Bixby: Three volumes that are reprints from the original manuscripts in his private collection. The number of copies printed are limited to about 300 and are for private distribution. Fine portraits and illustrations are inserted. The titles are: 117 "Letters from George Washington to Tobias Lear, with an appendix containing miscellaneous Washington let- ters and documents "; "Letters of Zachary Taylor from the Battle-Fields of the Mexican War"; "Inventory of the Contents of Mount Vernon, 1810". Two manuscripts from his Jefferson collection—one of these is inserted here in full as it was drawn up by citizens of this city and is their testimonial to the integrity and good character of the Hon. John Smith, U. S. Senator from Ohio, 1803-1808, when his name was being associated with the Aaron Burr conspiracy. It reads: "Cincinnati January 14th 1807. A number of the Cit- izens of Cincinnati having met for the purpose of express- ing the general sentiments that prevail here at this time, David Zeigler was called to the chair, and Isaac G. Burnet appointed Secretary. Doctor John Sellman, Mr. Andrew Burt, & Doctor Edward H. Stall were chosen as a com- mittee to prepare resolutions to be laid before a general meeting of the inhabitants at Griffin Yeatmens tomorrow evening at seven o'clock.—• Pursuant to a very general notice, a large number of the most respectable citizens of Cincinnati assembled at Mr. Yeatmans Hotel on the evening of the 15th instant, and the whole committee reported the following address and resolutions which were adopted without a dissenting voice. To Thomas Jefferson President of the United States. Sir, The citizens of Cincinnati impressed with esteem and veneration for you are encouraged by it to take the liberty of addressing you on a subject they have at heart. They are aware that not a little of your valuable time is wasted by trivial and officious representations; but being con- vinced that the true interests of your Country and the health of its members are the primary sources of your public actions, they trust that the present address and the resolutions accompanying it will not be deemed officious or unacceptable. Resolved. That this meeting feels the highest confidence in the principles and efficiency of a republican form of government as guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the United States. 118 Resolved. That we view the rising prosperity and hap- piness of the western country with pleasure and satisfac- tion and our connection with the Union as the surest palladium of our liberties and rights and we execrate as traitorous every attempt to sever or weaken it. Resolved. That we have the most entire confidence in the patriotism and political integrity of the Honorable John Smith and it is the opinion of this meeting that his character has been maliciously traduced by misrepre- sentations to the President of the United States, which have implicated him in the designs of Colonel Aaron Burr. Resolved. That in the opinion of this meeting the reso- lution of the Legislature of this State requesting the Honorable John Smith to resign his seat in the Senate of the United States has been procured by erroneous im- pressions, made on the minds of the individuals who com- pose that respectable body, by false and malicious senti- ments. Resolved. That the proceedings of this meeting be pub- lished in the Western Spy and a copy transmitted to the President of the United States, signed by the Chairman and Secretary. David Zeigler Chairman." "Isaac G. Burnet Secy. The endorsement "Zeigler, David, Resol'ns, Cincinti, Jan. 14, '07, reed Feb. 4" is in the handwriting of Jefferson. The other manuscript—gift of Mr. Bixby—is addressed to Ex- President Thomas Jefferson, dated Warren County near Leb- anon, Ohio, July 30th, 1824, signed by William Ludlow, Sec. for the Society. This document begins: "From the common stock society of the Ration Brethren and the Church of God in union." Six closely written pages are devoted to an account of the views of the society and aims for benefitting mankind by forming communities holding property in common. He states that they have purchased land on Coal Creek near the Wabash in Indiana, and are about to move there. The Articles of this Association are upon the County Records of Butler Co., Bk. F. pp. 41-45, and are followed by certified statements of property belonging to Wm. Ludlow, Israel Ludlow and James M. Dorsey, trans- ferred to the Rational Brethren of Oxford, with certain restric- 119 tions. Copy of these entries of record are in the McBride Papers of the Manuscript Collection belonging to the Society. William Ludlow was elected to the Ohio Legislature from three different Counties, Hamilton, Butler and Franklin; he was one of the Commissioners appointed by the State to select and locate the college township and was president of the Board of Trustees of the . He may have removed from this State, but his brother, Israel Ludlow remained in this locality. The latter was an original proprietor of Cincinnati and one of the most important men of this section. James M. Dorsey was for awhile associated with the Miami University. We are indebted to the Hon. Joseph B. Foraker for six volumes, in attractive morocco bindings, of his political speeches, covering a period of about forty-five years, 1869-1913.


VOL. PAM. American Association for International Conciliation i 13 American Baptist Historical Society I American Jewish Historical Society 1 Anonymous 15 Bunker Hill Monument Association 1 Beaureau of Railway Economics I Canadian Archivist I 2 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 2 20 Chicago Historical Society I Cincinnati— Chamber of Commerce 3 Industrial Association 1 Legal Aid Society 3 Museum Association 11 Orchestra Association 15 National Information Bureau ] Public Library 4 St. Xavier College 7 Smoke Abating League 1 University of Cincinnati 7 Woman's Club 3 Colorado College 1 Colorado Scientific Society 5 Connecticut Historical Society 1 Connecticut State Library 2 4 Early Settlers' Association of Cuyahoga Co 1 Essex Institute 5 Georgia Historical Society 1 Hispanic Society 1 1 Illinois State Historical Library 3 5 Indiana Sons of the Revolution Misc. Indiana State Library 4 Instituto Geologico de Mexico 1 Iowa Grand Lodge 1 Iowa Historical Department 4 Iowa State Historical Society 4 Kansas State Historical Society 1 Lake Mohonk Conference 2 Louisiana Historical Society 1 Louisville (Ky.) Public Library 2 Maine Historical Society 4 Massachusetts Historical Society 3 Medford Historical Society 3 Miami University 1 Michigan Historical Commission 1 1 Military Order of Loyal Legion— New York 9 Ohio 27 Wisconsin 11 121 VOL. PAM. Minnesota State Historical Society i 3 Missouri State Historical Society 4 Mt. Vernon Ladies Association 1 National Education Association 1 New England Historic Genealogical Society 1 New Hampshire Historical Society 2 New Haven Colony Historical Society T New Jersey Historical Society 3 New York Genealogical and Biographical Society 1 New York General Education Board 2 New York State Department of Education 1 North Dakota State Historical Society 1 Oberlin College 1 Ohio- Agricultural Experimental Station 1 Archaelogical and Historical Society 3 Board of Charities 4 Board of Health 11 Industrial Commission 13 State Librarian 1 State University 5 Pennsylvania Prison Society 2 Princeton University 2 Publicity Dept. of National Wholesale Liquor Dealers 1 Railroad Club of Pittsburgh 1 Rhode Island Historical Society 2 Rio Janiero National do Musee 1 Royal Society of Canada 13 Schenectady County Historical Society J St. Louis Mercantile Library 1 Society of Colonial Dames of America 1 Texas State Historical Society 4 United States— Bureau of American Ethnology 1 1 Bureau of Education 2 Coast and Geodetic Survey 3 Department of Labor 1 Interstate Commerce Commission 1 256 Library of Congress 8 1 Smithsonian Institution 2 11 War Department 2 University of California 4 University of Chicago 2 3 University of Colorado 4 University of Illinois 4 University of Nebraska 1 University of North Carolina 1 Washington University State Historical Society 4 Western Reserve Historical Society 1 West Virginia Department, of Archives and History 1 Wisconsin State Historical Society 2 Worcester (Mass.) Public Library 2 Yale University I 2 Andreae, P I Betty, W. G 2 Bromwell, J. H 1 Clark, W 1 Comstock, G. S 1 view. Corwin, Mrs. M.B 4 Ellison, R 1 122 VOL. PAM. Fess, S. D i Foraker, J.B 6 Granger, S. M i Hall,G. D 2 Harriman, C. C i Hartman, Mrs. P i Hinkle, P 4 Holmes, Mrs. C. R 8 Howard, J.B Mss. Japan Society 2 3 Jenney, Mrs. H 16 4 Katzenberger, G. A newspaper clippings. Kilgour, B. L 1 Ludlow, W. S 1 McCumber, Mrs 1 Morganstern, J 1 New York Stock Exchange 1 Nichols, Miss E 2 Parker, Sir Gilbert 17 Pirtle, A newspaper clippings. Providence Record Commission 1 Rice, E. W 1 Riebel, Miss M 1 Sellers, E. J 1 Shadwell, A 1 Stanwood, Mrs. T 1 photo. 2 1 Thayer, G. A 38 Thompson, S 1 Wells, MissF 1 Western Pacific Railway 1 Williams Directory Company 2 Williamson, W. H 7 broadsides & misc. Woodward, Miss A. E 1


Bixby, W. K Mss. 3 Bliss, E. F 18 100 Chatfield, A newspapers. 2 17 Chatfield, Mrs. A 381 Foulke, W. D 1 Greve, C. T 3 Hamlin, Miss L. B 11 17 Neave, Miss J. C 1 Storer, B 9 Wilby, J mss. & misc. 7 46 Wilson, Mrs. O. J 1 Worthington, W 2


Quarterlies for the year 1915 have appeared as follows: Vol. X, No. 1, January-March, contains "Selections from the Follett Papers, III," consisting chiefly of letters from Joshua R. Giddings to Oran Follett, 1843-1847. They are from the manuscript collection belonging to the Society; of which two other selections have heretofore appeared in Vol. V., No. 2, and in Vol. IX, No. 3. These were edited by L. Belle Hamlin. Vol. X, Nos. 2 and 3, April-July, under one cover, Journal of Francis Collins, an artillery officer in the Mexican War, edited by his niece, Maria Clinton Collins, from the original manu- script in her possession. Vol. X, No. 4, will consist, as usual, of the Annual Report of the Society. We have lost by death during the past year one Corporate Member, Joseph Thomas Carew, December 11, 1914; and two Corresponding Members, Charles Francis Adams, March 20, 1915, and Albert Harrison Hoyt, June 10, 1915. In the cornerstone of the New County Court House now building there was deposited, at the request of the Commis- sioners, printed copies of the Constitution of our Society and of the number of the Quarterly containing our annual reports and lists of members for the year 1914. Mr. Albert H. Chatfield, after more than seventeen years of service, resigned as our Treasurer last July, and Mr. William Lytle Foster was elected in his place. Mr. Chatfield had abun- dantly earned the right to be relieved of the responsibility of this office, which he had filled so long, so faithfully and so efficiently.

JOSEPH WILBY, President December 6, 1915.


DECEMBER 6, 1915. For the President and Members of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. I have the honor to present the annual report of the Assets and liabilities of The Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio for the year ending November 30, 1915.

Schedule "A." STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES At November 30, 1915.

ASSETS Cash in Bank and on Hand $3,043 32 Librarian's Petty Fund 32 86 Central Trust & Safe Deposit Co.—Int. Account 19 85 Investments, Exhibits 1 and IA 40,399 03 Call Loans (Secured by Collateral) 31,725 00

TOTAL ASSETS. $75,220 06 LIABILITIES FUND. ACCOUNT. General Income Exhibit 2. $983 26 Building Investment.... " 3. 243 12 Building Principal " 3. 17,700 00 Building Income " 3. 1,642 06 Endowment " 4. 12,320 00 Life Membership Investment. ... " 5. 5,037 13 Julius Dexter Publication.. .Investment. ... " 6. 1,324 42 Julius Dexter Publication. . .Income " 6. 59 59 E. H. Appleton Memorial... Investment.... " 7. 4,626 30 E. H. Appleton Memorial.. .Income " 7. 246 35 Halsted Neave Investment.... " 8. 6,878 37 Halsted Neave Principal " 8. 1,019 01 Halsted Neave Income " 8. 89 49 Erasmus Gest Investment.... " 9. 5,838 99 Erasmus Gest Income " 9. 38 39 Margaret Rives King Investment.... " 10. Margaret Rives King Income " 10. 9,214 38 A. J. Howe Investment.... " 11. 639 87 A.J.Howe Income " 11. 5,949 01 Colonial Dames Investment. ... " 12. 48 96 Colonial Dames Income " 12. 200 00 Binding Investment.... " 13. 15 90 Binding Principal " 13. 1,087 3i Binding Income " 13. 5 5O 12 65 TOTAL LIABILITIES. $75,220 06 125 Schedule "B." STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS For Year Ended November 30, 1915. RECEIPTS Dues—1914 $20 00 J 9i5 44O 00 t J9400 00 INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS: Life Membership Fund 274 50 Julius Dexter Publication Fund 45 85 E. H. Appleton Memorial Fund 204 70 Margaret Rives King Fund 358 25 Colonial Dames Fund 12 00 Binding Fund 37 80 Erasmus Gest Fund 139 87 Halsted C. Neave Fund 273 90 A. J. Howe Fund 127 88 Building Fund 3 00 1,477 75 Interest on Call Loans i»I74 93 Call Loans Repaid 6,500 00 Kineon Coal Co. Bond Matured 1,000 00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $10,612 68 DISBURSEMENTS Salary of Librarian $75<> 00 Assistant to Librarian 93 5° Janitor 300 00 Printing 241 81 Postage 24 55 Stationery 16 19 Subscriptions and Dues 19 50 Magazines and Papers 14 50 Paper for Quarterly 31 37 Auditing 25 00 Safe Deposit Box 7 00 Miscellaneous 13 71 i,537 13 E. H. Appleton Memorial Fund—Books and Mag- azines Purchased 82 07 Margaret Rives King Fund—Books Purchased 91 43 Colonial Dames Fund— " " 20 25 Binding Fund—For binding 56 30 250 05 77 Shares Cincinnati St. Ry. Stock Purchased 3,744 I2 Call Loans 3,250 <*>

TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $8,781 30 Excess Receipts over Disbursements $1,831 38 Cash in Bank and on Hand at December 1, 1914 1,244 80 Cash in Bank and on Hand at November 30, 1915 $3.°76 18 ACCOUNTED FOR AS FOLLOWS: Balance—Nov. 30, 1915, as shown by Bank Pass Book. $3,110 32 Less Outstanding Checks: No. 483 $1 00 No. 489 3 50 No. 491 , . 62 50 67 00 $3,043 32 In Hands of Librarian 32 86 $3,076 18 126 Exhibit I.

STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS As at November 30, 1915.

RATE. PAR VALUE. BOOK VALUE. 145 Shares Cincinnati St. Ry. Co. Stock.. . 6 % $7,250 00 $8,448 88 77 " " " " " " ... 6 % 3,850 OO 3,744 12 7 C. H. & D. Ry Bonds. \yi% 7,000 OO 7,395 00 8 C. &O. Ry " 4^% 8,000 OO 8,285 00 2 C. L. &N. Ry " 4 % 2,OOO OO 1,975 00 2 N. & W. Ry " 4 % 2,000 OO 1,755 00 1 Chattanooga Station Co " 4 % I,OOO OO 930 00 2 Kentucky Central Ry " 4 % 2,000 OO 1,950 00 1 Cin'ti, Newport & Cov. St. Ry. " 5 % I.OOO OO 1,045 o° 2 Western Pacific Ry. (Certificate)— Equitable Trust Co 5 % 2,000 OO 1,870 00 1 American Book Co Bond. 6 % I.OOO OO 1,115 00 2 St. Paul & Kan. City Short Line Bonds. 4^% 2,000 OO 1,835 00

TOTAL STOCKS AND BONDS £39,100 00 $40,348 00 Savings Deposit—Central Trust & Safe Deposit Co 3 % 5i 03 TOTAL FUNDS $40,399 03


LIFE MEMBERSHIP FUND: 83 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock $4,425 75 Part interest in $2,000 C. & O. \Y2% Bonds 314 38 4 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock 289 00 Savings Deposit—Central Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 8 00 $5,037 13 JULIUS DEXTER PUBLICATION FUND: 12 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock 834 00 2 " " " " " " " 97 25 Part Interest in C. L. & N. Ry. 4% Bonds 224 25 Savings Deposit—Central Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 16 00 Part Interest in 2 St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry. 4^% Bonds 152 92 1,324 42 127 E. H. APPLETON MEMORIAL FUND: 3 C. H. & D. Ry. 4% Bonds $2,882 50 13 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock 677 50 2 " " " " " " " 144 50 6 " " " " " " " 291 75 Part Interest in $2,000 C. & O. Ry. 4% Bonds.. . 314 37 Part Interest in C. L. & N. Ry. 4% Bonds 97 50 Part Interest in St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry. 4^% Bonds 191 15 Savings Deposit—Central Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 27 03 4,626 30 HALSTED NEAVE FUND: C. L. & N. Ry. 4% Bonds $1,000 00 2 N. & W. Ry. 4% Bonds 1,755 oo Part Interest in Ky. Cent. Ry. 4% Bonds 487 50 Part Interest in C. L. & N. Ry. 4% Bonds 165 75 1 American Book Co. 6% Bond 1,115 00 Part Interest in St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry. 4^% Bonds 458 75 39 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock 1,896 37 6,878 37 MARGARET RIVES KING FUND: 4 C. H. & D. Ry. 4^% Bonds 4,512 50 7 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock 481 25 Part Interest in $2,000 C. & O. Ry. 4^2% Bonds. 1,551 25 Part Interest in Kent. Cent. Ry. 4% Bonds 1,462 50 Part Interest in C. L. & N. Ry. 4% Bonds 390 00 Part Interest in 2 St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry. 4^% Bonds 458 75 5 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock 6% 358 13 9,214 38 COLONIAL DAMES FUND: 4 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock 200 00

BINDING FUND: 10 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock $680 63 4 " " " " " " " 194 5° Part Interest in C. L. & N. Ry. 4% Bonds 97 5« Part Interest in 2 St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry. $}4% Bonds 114 68 1,087 31 ERASMUS GEST FUND: 1 C. & O. Ry. \yi% $1,000 Bond $1,017 50 I Chattanooga Station Co. $1,000 4% Bond 930 00 1 Cin'ti, Newport & Cov. St. Ry. 5% Bond 1,045 00 2 Western Pacific Ry. $1,000 4% Bonds 1,870 00 Part Interest in 2 St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry. 4^% Bonds 229 37 5 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock 358 12 8 " " " " " " " 389 00 5.838 99 A. J. HOWE FUND: 5 C. & O. Ry. 4^% Bonds $5,087 50 Part Interest in 2 St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry. 4^% Bonds 229 38 13 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock 632 13 5,949 01 BUILDING FUND: 5 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. 6% Stock 243 12

$40,399 O3 128 Exhibit 2. GENERAL FUND At November 30, 1915. INCOME Dues—1914 $20 00 1915 450 00 $470 00 Transfer from Endowment Fund, being interest on this Fund loaned to Building Fund 615 00 Transfer from Life Membership Income Account 274 85 Interest on Call Loans 123 36

TOTAL INCOME $1,483 21 DISBURSEMENTS Salary of Librarian $750 00 Assistant to Librarian 93 50 Janitor 300 00 Printing 241 81 Stationery 16 19 Postage 24 55 Paper for Quarterly 31 37 Rent Safe Deposit Box 7 00 Magazines and Papers 14 50 Subscription and Dues 19 50 Librarian's Dues 10 00 Auditing Treasurer's Books 25 00 Miscellaneous 13 71


EXCESS DISBURSEMENTS OVER RECEIPTS $63 92 Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 1,047 *8 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915 $983 26

Exhibit 3. BUILDING FUND At November 30, 1915.

INCOME ACCOUNT RECEIPTS: Interest on Secured Call Loans $1,010 45 Dividend—Cin'ti St. Ry. Co 3 00 $1,013 45 DISBURSEMENTS: Interest on Endowment Fund $615 00 Purchase of 5 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Stk. 243 12 858 12 EXCESS RECEIPTS OVER DISBURSEMENTS. ... $155 33 ADD: Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 i,486 73

CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915 $1,642 06 129 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Purchase of 5 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock $243 12

PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $17,700 00 Credit Balance at November 30, 1915 17,700 00

Exhibit 4.

ENDOWMENT FUND At November 30, 1915.

RECEIPTS: Interest on Loans to Building Fusd transferred to General Fund $615 00

PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT: Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 12,320 00 Credit Balance at November 30, 1915 12,320 00

Exhibit 5.

LIFE MEMBERSHIP FUND At November 30, 1915.

INCOME ACCOUNT RECEIPTS: Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Dividends $261 00 C. & O. Ry. Bond Interest 13 50 Interest on Savings Deposit 35


DISBURSEMENTS: Transferred to General Fund 274 85

INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $5,Q37 13 Credit Balance at November 30, 1915 5iO37 13 130 Exhibit 6. JULIUS DEXTER PUBLICATION FUND At November 30, 1915.

INCOME ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $110 31

RECEIPTS: Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Dividends $37 50 St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry.—Bond Interest ' 3 75 C. L. & N. Ry—Bond Interest 4 60 Interest on Savings Deposit Account 68 TOTAL RECEIPTS $46 53 $156 84 DISBURSEMENTS: Purchase of 2 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock. ... 97 25 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915. . . . $59 59

INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $1,227 17 Purchase of 2 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock 97 25 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915 1,324 42

Exhibit 7 E. H. APPLETON MEMORIAL FUND At November 30, 1915.

INCOME ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $414 43

RECEIPTS: Cin'ti St. Ry. Co.—Dividends $49 50 C. H. & D. Ry.—Bond Interest 135 00 C. &O. Ry " " 13 50 C. L. & N. Ry. " " 2 00 St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry.—Bond Interest 4 70 Interest on Savings & Deposit Account 1 04 TOTAL RECEIPTS 205 74

DISBURSEMENTS: $620 17 Books and Magazines Purchased $82 07 Purchase of 6 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock. . . . 291 75 373 82

CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915. . $246 35

INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $4,334 55 Purchase of 6 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock 291 75 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915...... $4,626 30 131 Exhibit 8. HALSTED NEAVE FUND At November 30, 1915. INCOME ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $695 73 RECEIPTS: C. L. & N. Ry.—Bond Interest $23 40 Kent. Cent. Ry 20 00 N. & W. Ry 80 00 Kineon Coal Co 50 00 St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry 11 25 American Book Co 60 00 Interest on Call Loans 35 24 Cin'ti St. Ry. Co 29 25


DISBURSEMENTS: $1 ,004 87 Purchase Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock 915 3« CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915.... $89 49 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 S5,982 00 Purchase 39 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock i,896 37 #>7,878 37 Less—Kineon Coal Co. Bond Matured—Transferred to Principal Account i,000 00

CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915.... $6,878 37 PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $1 ,000 00 Purchase 39 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock 980 99 $19 01 Add—Kineon Coal Co. Bond Matured 1,000 00

CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915 $1 ,019 01

Exhibit 9. ERASMUS GEST FUND At November 30, 1915. INCOME ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 14, 1914 $287 52

RECEIPTS: Cin'ti, Newport & Cov. St. Ry.—Bond Interest. . $50 00 Chattanooga Station—Bond Interest 40 00 C. & O. Ry.—Bond Interest 22 50 St. P. & K. C. S. L.—Bond Interest 5 62 Cin'ti St. Ry. Dividends 21 75

TOTAL RECEIPTS $139 87 $427 39 132 DISBURSEMENTS: Purchase of 8 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Stock 389 00 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915.... $38 39 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $5,449 99 Purchase of 8 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock 389 00 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915 $5,838 99 Exhibit 10. MARGARET RIVES KING FUND At November 30, 1915. INCOME ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $373 05 RECEIPTS: Cin'ti St. Ry. Co.—Dividends $36 00 C. H. & D. Ry.—Bond Interest 180 00 C. & O. Ry.—Bond Interest 63 00 K. C. Ry.—Bond Interest 60 00 C. L. & N. Ry.—Bond Interest 8 00 St. P. & K. C. S. L.—Bond Interest 11 25

TOTAL RECEIPTS $358 25 DISBURSEMENTS : $731 30 Books Purchased $91 43 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915.... $639 87 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1915 $9,214 38 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915 9,214 38

Exhibit 11. A. J. HOWE FUND At November 30, 1915. INCOME ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $553 21 RECEIPTS: C. & O. Ry.—Bond Interest $112 50 St. P. & K. C. S. L. Ry.—Bond Interest 5 63 Cin'ti St. Ry. Dividends 9 75


DISBURSEMENTS: $681 09 Purchase of 13 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock... 632 13 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915.... $48 96 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $5,316 88 Purchase of 13 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock 632 13 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915 $5,949 01 133 Exhibit 12. COLONIAL DAMES FUND At November 30, 1915.

INCOME ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $24 15 RECEIPTS: Cin'ti St. Ry. Co.—Dividends 12 00 $36 15 DISBURSEMENTS: Books Purchased 20 25 CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915.... $15 90

INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $200 OO CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915 200 00

Exhibit 13. BINDING FUND At November 30, 1915.

INCOME ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $25 27

RECEIPTS: Cin'ti St. Ry. Co.—Dividends $33 00 C. L. & N. Ry.—Bond Interest 2 00 St. P. & K. C. S. L.—Bond Interest 2 80 Interest on Call Loans 5 88

TOTAL RECEIPTS $43 68 $68 95 DISBURSEMENTS: For Binding 56 3O CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915.... $12 65 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 $892 81 194 50 Purchase of 4 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock $i,o87 3i CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915 PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT $200 00 Credit Balance at November 30, 1914 194 50 Purchase of 4 Shares Cin'ti St. Ry. Co. Stock CREDIT BALANCE AT NOVEMBER 30, 1915 $5 50 134 REPORT OF AUDITOR

DECEMBER 2, 1915. To the President and Members of The Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. SIRS: We have audited the books and accounts of The Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio for the year ended November 30, 1915. As a part of this report, we submit the following Schedules, which are accompanied by Exhibits, showing in detail the various items contained therein. Schedule "A"—Statement of Assets and Liabilities at Novem- ber 30, 1915. Schedule "B"—Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the year ended November 30, 1915. Receipts shown to have been received have been properly accounted for, and disbursements have been made in accord- ance with authorized vouchers on file. Cash as shown on de- posit and on hand at November 30, 1915, has been verified. Securities as shown by Investment Account have been ex- amined and are in agreement with the account as shown by Exhibit 1. We hereby certify that the above Schedules correctly show the operation for the period examined, and the financial condi- tion of the Society at date of closing, November 30, 1915. Respectfully submitted, GEO. R. LAMB, Certified Public Accountant.


Anderson, Larz W. Holmes, John R. Anderson, William H James, Davis L. Anderson, Mrs. William P. Keys, Miss Mary E. Ault, L. A. Kittredge, Edmund W. Brunswick, B. H. Levy, Harry M. Caldwell, Charles E. Longworth, Mrs. Nicholas Callahan, John R. Meader, A. B. Clark, Jesse R. Nippert, Alfred K. Dabney, Charles W. Outcalt, Miller Dandridge, Miss Mary E. Patterson, Jefferson Davis, Mrs. Nathaniel Henchman Patterson, John H. Draper, Walter A. Patterson, Robert Emery, Mrs. Thomas J. Pendleton, Elliott H. Foley, B. W. Procter, William Cooper Foster, Miss Anna H. Procter, Mrs. William Cooper Foster, W7illiam Lytle Schmidlapp, J. G. Forchheimer, Mrs. Frederick Shillito, Scewart Freiburg, Maurice J. Shinkle, A. Clifford Gano, Mrs. John A. Storer, Bellamy Gates, John Strobridge, Nelson W. Goepper, Edward Strong, Edward W. Greve, Charles Theodore Taft, Charles P. Hamlin, Miss L. Belle Whitcomb, Merrick Harrison, William H. Wilson, Mrs. Obed J. Hinkle, Mrs. A. Howard Winslow, Mrs. John F. Hinkle, Frederick W. Worthington, Edward Hoadley, George Worthington, William Hollister, Howard C.


Bliss, Eugene F. Livingood, Charles J. Bullock, James W. Neave, Miss Alice Chatfield, Albert H. Neave, Miss Jane C. Chatfield, Mrs. Albert H. Procter, Harley T. Fleischmann, Julius Storer, Mrs. Bellamy Fletcher, Miss Clara B. Thomson, Peter G. Gest, Joseph H. Vail, Henry H. Jones, Frank J. Walker, Mrs. Paul Francis Jones, Mrs. Frank J. Wilby, Joseph Laws, Miss Annie Woods, Harry F.


Bixby, William K. Morrow, Josiah Cox, Isaac J. Quaife, Milo M. Foulke, William Dudley Rowland, Dunbar. Galbreath, Charles P. Storer, Moorfield. Green, Samuel A. Thayer, William R. Hayes, E. G. Young, Bennett H. Heath, William McK.


Howe, Mrs. Andrew J. Taft, William H. Hulbert, Archer B. Venable, William H.

DIED Joseph Thomas Carew, December II, 1914. Charles Francis Adams, March 20, 1915. Albert Harrison Hoyt, June 10, 1915.