I hereby give you notice that a meeting of the Parish Council will take place at:

The Village Hall on Monday 1st October 2018 at 7.30pm

Issued by J Barnett, Parish Clerk 22nd September 2018

OPEN FORUM – 10 minutes is set aside for members of the public to raise any Parish matter that is not on the agenda. For matters that are on the agenda raise them under item 3

1. Apologies for absence 2. Receive Councillors Declarations of Interest regarding any agenda item 3. Open Forum - 20 minutes is set aside for members of the public to raise any matter that is on the agenda 4. Planning applications - any applications received to date and any shown on the West website up to the date of this meeting: 4.1. DC/18/1681/FUL Kings Yard, New Lane. Additional equine facilities: 4.1.1. Indoor riding area 4.1.2. 10 stables and ancillary equine accommodation 4.1.3. Storage building for hay, bedding, machinery and horsebox garaging 4.1.4. Indoor manège 4.1.5. Associated site works 4.2. DC/18/1712/FUL Bridgelands Farm, Newmarket Road: 4.2.1. Conversion of 2 existing barns into holiday accommodation 4.2.2. A new-build timber framed treehouse venue space 4.2.3. Associated low impact ‘no-dig’ vehicle access and car parking 4.2.4. Associated landscaping 5. Correspondence received to date: 6. Finance: 6.1. Accounts for payment/cheques required to date - see separate list 7. Dates of next meeting - 19th November (pre-budget planning).

The meeting is open to all members of the public. Any Parishioner wishing to raise any Parish matter or comment on any item on the agenda may make representations during the Open Forum or beforehand to any Councillor or the Clerk

Clerk: Mr J Barnett, Fox Cottage, Great Bradley, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9LQ, Tel: 01440 783903, email: [email protected]