Ensuring rights and choices for all ‘‘The Government of Japan supported Burundian refugees in Rwanda in dif- ferent Sexual and Reproductive Health activities.

We are grateful to UNFPA Rwanda and its partners for the daily efforts to uplift dignity and save lives of the most vulnerable women, adolescents and youth.

We hope the refugees in this camp and the host community benefited from our support ’’

H. E. Takayuki Miyashita, Ambassador of JAPAN to Rwanda “The support of Japan is enabling UNFPA and partners to reach more than 50,000 adolescents and young people with SRH information including on HIV, family planning and Gender Based Violence prevention and management.

Women and especially adolescent girls are among the most vulnerable and exposed to risks including unintended pregnancies, STIs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and Sexual & Gender Based Violence.

With the financial support of the Govern- ment of Japan we provided life-saving sexu- al and reproductive health services to wom- en and girls to build their resilience’’

Mr Mark Bryan Schreiner, UNFPA Representative RWANDA REFUGEE CAMPS IN RWANDAReference and administrative map as of 19 Sep 2018

Mirama Hills KEY FIGURES D

58,164 Mahama Camp total Refugees

Cyanika D Nyagatare 14,541 D Women of Reproductive Age Burera Musanze

Nyabiheke 14,806 Û Gicumbi #B #B Kijote TC E" Gatsibo Adolescents and Young NORTHERN Gihembe Nyabihu PROVINCE Rubavu Gicumbi People 10-24 years old Rubavu Gakenke Rulindo WESTERN DEMOCRATIC PROVINCE REPUBLIC OF Kayonza CITY THE CONGO Ngororero Rutsiro Gasabo UNITED REPUBLIC Nyarugenge OF TANZANIA G! A Kigali Kigali Rwamagana Muhanga Kamonyi Kicukiro EASTERN Karongi RWANDA PROVINCE Lake Kivu #B Kiziba

Karongi Ruhango BugeÛ sera RC Ngoma A UNHCR Country Office E"

Bugesera Kirehe "Û A UNHCR Sub-Office Gatore E A Kirehe

#B Mahama Refugees camp Nyanza Û UNHCR Field Office Nyamasheke E" Nyanza RC

#B Refugee Camp Nyamagabe


Û Û # E" Refugee Centre Rusizi E" B Huye SOUTHERN ! Nyarushishi TC G Refugee Urban Location Rusizi PROVINCE G! Huye D Crossing point Huye Gisagara #B Mugombwa BURUNDI International boundary Nyaruguru

Province boundary

District boundary 20km The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Printing date: 19 Sep 2018 Sources: UNCS, UNHCR Author: UNHCR - HQ Geneva Feedback: [email protected] Filename: rwa_referenceadmin REFUGEE CAMPS IN RWANDA

Key Results 1,388 4,868 69,734 Safe births Women using Adults and Young performed Family Planning People reached with Method SRH messages Young People

141 402,951 5,266 First time young mothers Male condoms Female condoms reached with SRH messages distributed distributed “My friends and I appreciate this Youth Friendly Space designed for us to access information and services related to our health. We discuss sexuality issues without the interference of adults and learn more about our body changes, condom use, 5,266 prevention, signs and treatment of STIs with a nurse who understands our issues Female condoms without judgement” Claudine appreciates. distributed Saving Lives

Ambulance 238 897 was procured complicated obstetric STIs screened cases referred using and treated Ambulance

“The ambulance supports referral system for complicated obstetrical and SGBV cases and will greatly contribute to alleviate the suffering and save lives of wom- en and girls’’. Restoring Dignity

144 Reproductive Health 35 Dignity Kits kits and medical Health service procured and equipments distributed providers distributed trained in SRH “Sexual and reproductive health is critical to be integrated into humanitarian response to save the lives of women and adolescent girls. This additional equipment and supplies will support continuity and quality of services’’. Mr. Mark Bryan Schreiner, UNFPA Representative Gender Based Violence Prevention

GBV safe room GBV reporting was constructed hotline initiated and is functional Gender Based Violence Prevention First Time Young Mothers at GBV Safe Space

‘‘We appreciate services at the Safe Space. The health providers assist us by offering testing, emergency contraception, counselling, as well as dignity kits. A multi-purpose room in this facility serves as an open space where we learn how to protect ourselves from unwanted pregnancies, HIV/AIDS, STIs and get opportunities such as vocational training’’. First Time Young mothers. ‘IGISHYITO’ Mourning GBV victims and raising awarenes

The fireplace offers a space for social interaction, facilitated by the testimonies of GBV victims. One of many community mobilization approaches among those developed by Raising Voices in their ‘’SASA! meth- odology’’. As Burundian culture traditionally uses fire to mourn the deceased, community activists use ‘fireplaces’ to mourn GBV victims while raising awareness.

Our Partners: Ensuring rights and choices for all

Umuganda Avenue, Aurore building PO box 6119, Kacyiru-Kigali, Rwanda @UNFPA Rwanda UNFPA Rwanda UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency