Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 7-31-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 31, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 77, Issue 187 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Page 12 July 31, 1992 Sports 1),lIb 1:':' \PIIIll • ....'"lllhlllllhll .,~ I III\ll ... lI\ II( IIlu'llIl.lll u.~. women score big at '92 Games BARCELONA, Spain (UPO - On Ihe eve of Ihe opening of Ihe day, becoming ahe second gold medals Ie beeome one of her Ihe gold. America's pressure-tested women track and field competition l!"-:i~ American woman ever to win a country's biggeSl 51ars of Ihose Each parlicipanl gelS Iwo look Iheir place al Ihe lOp of Ihe wilh the hectic middle weekend of gold medal in shooting by Gam.:s. chances to r'ln down a long Olympir planorm Thursday, and Ihe Olympics fasl approaching, capturing the small-bore rifle The nighl ended with another runway, Ihrow her hands forward Ihe newest darling of U.S . four gold medals and II overall even~ and '""'net Evans continued it Amr,ncan WOllW'l -Ibis on<. a girl onlO Ihe padded bar and heave gymnas~..:s came within a step of were added 10 Ihe American total. by powering her way 10 victory in of 15 - nanowly missing !be gold henelf around in Ihe air.