QUICK Throttle MAGAZINE PO Box 3062 • Dana Point, CA 92629 949-388-3695 APRIL 2015
[email protected] • www.quickthrottle.com CONTACT: 07 - Lifestyles Cycles
[email protected] [email protected] •
[email protected] Re-Grand Opening instagram.COM/quickthrottlemagaZINE • faceBOOK.COM/QUICKThrottleMAGAZINE 09 - New H-D Products 10 - New Indian Products 11 - Side Hauler 14 - 2015 Indian Scout What does the Lifestyle Cycles Re-Grand Opening mean? It means they’re moving next door and re-opening in a bigger and better space! Homemade Displays More of everything! More bikes, NEW and Used to choose from, more great dedicated service and best of all the first 100 Customers GET A FREE $20 GIFT Card and a FREE Tri- 20 - Natural Born Rider Lifestyles guys using pallets Tip Sandwich. What makes Lifestyles Cycles stand out are the folks that work there. They’re like a 23 - Quail Motorcycle Gathering family (and they’re dog friendly too) I’ve never seen a remodel done almost 100% by the employees of a company who work there. Construction is a hobby for some but others have never even picked up a hammer, yet each department is working on their own space 24 - Frogman’s Rocket 3 in the new building next door. Junior and his team are using mostly recycled items and are even breaking up pallets and 26 - Ride & Event Calendar using them on the walls. Going Green by recycling and re-using everything. Lifestyle Cycles may be one of the biggest and best New and Used V-Twin motorcycle 32 - Laughlin River Run 2015 dealers in the country, offering parts and cool apparel.