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FINGAL DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN 77 Recognising that as a society and economy GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE we depend on naturei and natural systems and that we need to sustain this ‘natural Develop the green infrastructure capital’ because it provides us with a network to ensurei the conservation and multitude of benefits (including food, clean enhancement of biodiversity, including the water, clean air and raw materials) and protection of European Sites, the provision functions (such as temperature regulation of accessible parks, open spaces and and flood control). recreational facilities (including allotments - Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 and community gardens), the sustainable management of water, the maintenance Nature-based solutions are defined by the International of landscape character including historic Union for Conservation of Nature as “actions to protect, landscape character and the protection sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified and enhancement of the architectural and ecosystems, that address societal challenges effectively archaeological heritage and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well- - Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 being and biodiversity benefits”[28]. The European Commission broadly defines green Nature-based solutions are critical in climate change infrastructure as “a strategically planned network of adaptation; they can play an important role not only for high quality natural and semi-natural areas with other biodiversity and ecosystems, in flood prevention and environmental features, which is designed and managed carbon sequestration, but also in temperature regulation, to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services and protect water quality erosion prevention, and filtering pollutants biodiversity in both rural and urban settings”[29]. from the air and water. Nature-based solutions are used in a smart, ‘engineered’ way to provide sustainable, cost- Fingal’s Keeping It Green Open Space Strategy emphasises effective, and adaptable measures that support climate the importance of nature and green infrastructure in the resilience. Trees and plants reduce water run-off in extreme health and well-being of people who live in the County. rain events, taking pressure off the urban drainage system. It is FCC’s goal through this Climate Change Action Plan They also prevent soil erosion. Natural environments, to plan for a public realm that promotes walkability such as wetlands, river banks and beaches form buffers to by creating streets and spaces that are beautiful and reduce the impact of climate change events. inviting with trees and plants, which simultaneously help with flood management and promote biodiversity. All of these solutions have the added value of providing Green infrastructure plays a vital role in this and helps in recreation opportunities, while building resilience to climate change mitigation and adaptation, by reducing

climate change. CO2 in the air and absorbing water, and cooling the urban environment. Of the four local authority areas in , Fingal is the largest in terms of geographical size. The County is diverse, with several large urban centres, rural villages, agricultural land, river valleys, estuaries, and extensive dunes and beaches. will work to protect these natural features so that both current and future generations can enjoy their many benefits.

78 FINGAL COUNTY COUNCIL DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN ACTION AREA: NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS 79 i within the Fingal region. This region. within the Fingal 2 , and this figure can be as low as 3% in , and this figure [30] Existing tree belts should be retained belts should be retained Existing tree trees of and older stands and managed hedging should Roadside restocked. Proposals and managed. be retained extensive of the removal necessitating or trees hedgerows roadside field and planting Strong should not be permitted. integrate species, to schemes using native these open landscapes, into development will be required. - Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 - Fingal FINGAL COUNTY COUNCIL DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN CHANGE ACTION CLIMATE DRAFT COUNCIL FINGAL COUNTY is equivalent to 1.2% of total emissions in the County. in the County. emissions 1.2% of total to is equivalent livestock, from mainly came agriculture Emissions from emissions, agricultural 62% of total for which accounted and horticulture (22%) crops by emissions from followed agriculture emissions from that (16%). It should be noted in in other not as high as are in the Dublin Region areas amount of built-up the to This is mainly due Ireland. that have more other counties to in Dublin, compared practices. agricultural for available farmland climate-proof to is supported sector The agricultural and diversification crop encouraging activities through the rural implementing land-use policies that protect crops diversify to supported are environment. Farmers projects energy renewable land for lease and potentially Environment Carbon Agriculture Low the Green through of is also supporting the efforts Scheme (GLAS). FCC farming urban undertake and schools to communities date. 885 allotments to and has provided projects TREE MANAGEMENT In 2016, agriculture accounted for 37 GWh of final energy of final energy 37 GWh for accounted In 2016, agriculture of CO and 23,100 tonnes urban areas. However, this is due to different land-uses in different this is due to However, areas. urban for, accounted are when shrubs and grassland (i.e. Fingal the value Recognising cover). the County has 56.8% green existing tree protect working to is actively FCC of trees, by implementing the County’s trees belts and plant more and care guide the maintenance This will Strategy. Tree of woodland that are and 400 hectares of the 70,000 trees that their benefits are ensure in the County to currently come. to years for guaranteed The Tree Canopy Study, carried out by UCD’s School of out by UCD’s carried Canopy Study, The Tree only 6.5% cover trees that in Fingal, estimates Geography, area of the total i Wildflower Meadows Wildflower 2,000 hectares over for is responsible Fingal Much of the open space of open space. have that would of short grass comprised throughout weeks been cut every three to two the ago, About 10 years season. the growing meadows wildflower to Council switched parks. and regional open spaces in bigger a year. harvest the hay once farmers Local input the management This has reduced petrol reducing thereby meadows, the into and emissions. The wildflower consumption benefit wildlife a great also have meadows the for in the parks a lot of colour and provide enjoy. visiting public to Agricultural activity in Fingal includes activity in Fingal Agricultural pasture and other crops, cereals of tillage the of part and dairy and is an important helping to Fingal rural of life economic the rural and maintain enhance sustain, to will continue Agriculture economy. Fingal’s of component be an important sector The agricultural economy. rural by posed the challenges must adapt to market modernisation, restructuring, and the increasing development issues environmental of importance - Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 - Fingal

CASE STUDY AGRICULTURE Fingal County Council is responsible for 2,000 hectares of of 2,000 hectares for Council is responsible County Fingal manner to in a sustainable managed that are open space of enjoy the benefits can generations that future ensure and well- health recreation, of these amenities in terms in adapting to vital are and open spaces being. These parks impacts. future and mitigating change climate Fingal is both an urban and a rural County and as such, County and as and a rural is both an urban Fingal economic, in the County’s plays a key role agriculture and social activities. North environmental in vegetables than half of all the fruit and more produces the country. CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION CASE STUDY

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) can best be summarisedi as offering a “total” solution to rainwater management and is applicable in both urban and rural situations…SuDS can also provide amenity benefits to local communities and benefits for biodiversity simultaneously. In this way SuDS features are not just part of the County’s drainage infrastructure but a vital part of the County’s Green Infrastructure. - Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 Dublin Bay Biosphere - UNESCO Site SuDS and Water-Based Solutions In 1981, UNESCO recognised the importance Wetlands, floodplains, lakes and reservoir ecosystems of Dublin Bay by designating North Bull play an important role in the regulation of floods in Island as a biosphere because of its rare inland systems and provide protection from the adverse and internationally important habitats and consequences of natural hazards to humans. They also species of wildlife. UNESCO’s concept of a play a role in temperature regulation. biosphere has evolved to include not just areas of ecological value, but also the areas FCC has developed a range of plans and strategies (Fingal around them and the communities that live Development Plan 2017-2023, Fingal Biodiversity Action and work within these areas. There have since Plan, The Forest of Fingal – A Tree Strategy for Fingal) to been additional international and national protect its biodiversity. As Dublin’s natural ecosystems designations, covering much of Dublin Bay, to have a critical role in the international migration of various ensure the protection of its water quality and bird species, it is important to protect and conserve these biodiversity. habitats. The expansion of the Dublin Bay Biosphere to areas between Head and Dalkey is ensuring The biosphere was expanded in 2015, and that the mosaic of ecological systems that make up now covers all of Dublin Bay and extends to the biosphere are protected. Furthermore, managing over 300 km2. Over 300,000 people live within the Dublin Bay Biosphere is a collaborative effort with the newly enlarged biosphere. The Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Bay biosphere contains three different zones, Council, demonstrating the importance of the area to the which are managed in different ways: environmental, economic and social vitality of the Dublin Region. • The core zone of the Dublin Bay biosphere comprises of 50 km2 of areas of high natural Eighty-eight kilometres of Dublin’s coastline are found value. Key areas include the Tolka and in Fingal; this coastline is diverse and is characterised by Estuaries, Booterstown Marsh, three large estuaries (Rogerstown, , and Baldoyle), , North Bull Island, Dalkey Island which are the most important nature conservation areas and Ireland’s Eye. 2 in the Fingal area. Critically, these estuaries are at risk of • The buffer zone comprises 82 km of public flooding, coastal erosion and sea level rise. Conserving and and private green spaces, such as parks, preserving these estuaries, along with the sand dunes that greenbelts and golf courses, which surround act as a natural barrier to coastal flood risk, are a priority and adjoin the core zones. 2 for FCC, demonstrated by the creation of the Fingal Coastal • The transition zone comprises 173 km and Liaison Group to develop and recommend solutions. forms the outer part of the biosphere. It includes residential areas, harbours, ports and industrial and commercial areas.



Public Nature-Based Solutions Awareness




1 Engage with sectoral 2019 Planning & Strategic Workshop carried out, adaptation plan on Infrastructure risks and responses biodiversity to identify key identified habitats and species at risk from climate change impacts

2 Engage with regional 2019 Planning & Strategic Working group established working group on nature- Infrastructure based solutions once set up


3 Develop Green Infrastructure 2021 Planning & Strategic Strategy completed Strategy that incorporates Infrastructure climate change mitigation and adaptation to increase climate resilience

4 Map access to green space 2020 Planning & Strategic Map showing green space in County to identify areas Infrastructure and projects of need


5 Engage with the agri- Ongoing Planning & Strategic Sector engaged food sector to gain an Infrastructure understanding of how Fingal might better support more sustainable farming practices

6 Develop climate change 2019 onwards Planning & Strategic Initiatives developed initiatives in partnership Infrastructure with local farmers and other stakeholders


7 Review and implement the Ongoing Planning & Strategic Tree Strategy Tree Strategy to protect Infrastructure / implemented, online map existing trees, increase tree Operations of trees and plants across cover, establish guidelines the County on tree maintenance and investigate feasibility of urban orchards

8 Identify sites for woodland Ongoing Planning & Strategic # of sites and acreage planting Infrastructure of potential woodland identified


9 Map and protect strategic 2022 Planning & Strategic Resource mapped agricultural land for national Infrastructure / food security purposes Teagasc

10 Incorporate SuDS into Ongoing Planning & Strategic SuDS incorporated Constructed Tree Pits Infrastructure provided by the Council and in requirements for Constructed Tree Pits conditioned by the Council in Planning Permissions


11 Develop a map of habitats 2019 Planning & Strategic Map completed and species at risk of climate Infrastructure change

12 Develop a monitoring 2019 Planning & Strategic # of monitoring programme of the habitats Infrastructure programmes set up for and species considered at habitats and species risk of climate change

13 Prepare a climate proof 2019 Planning & Strategic Complete review for climate biodiversity plan Infrastructure relevant actions and amend accordingly 14 Support and promote Ongoing Planning & Strategic Actions implemented National Biodiversity Data Infrastructure / Centre All-Ireland Pollinator Operations Plan Actions for Councils

15 Increase pollinator areas 2019 Operations Increased pollinator area in public parks and open spaces

16 Support the use of Ongoing Operations Increased awareness allotments as a way communities can grow their own food, and lower food miles and food waste


17 Prepare a heathland 2020 Planning & Strategic Plan produced management plan for Howth Infrastructure

18 Pilot tree planting projects in 2020-2021 Planning & Strategic Plan produced areas with hard landscaping Infrastructure

19 Create multi-functional 2020 Planning & Strategic Master plans produced master plans for Rogerstown Infrastructure and Baldoyle Estuaries and their surroundings

82 FINGAL COUNTY COUNCIL DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN ACTION AREA: NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS 83 Energy Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction Resilience Public Awareness TARGET(S) IMPACTED TARGET(S) INDICATORS FINGAL COUNTY COUNCIL DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN CHANGE ACTION CLIMATE DRAFT COUNCIL COUNTY FINGAL LEAD DEPT(S) TIMEFRAME ACTION Dublin Bay Biosphere Biodiversity Conservation and Research Strategy 2016-2020 Strategy and Research Conservation Biodiversity Dublin Bay Biosphere (2017) Study Canopy Dublin Tree Strategy EU Biodiversity 477 of 2011 2011 S.I. Regulations Habitats) and Natural Communities (Birds European 2014/52/EU Assessment Directive Impact EU Environmental 92/43/EEC Directive EU Habitats of 2018 2018 S.I. 296 Assessment) Regulations Impact EU (Planning and Development) (Environmental 2018 Regulations Crayfish) Alien Species) (Freshwater EU (Invasive 1143/2014 Alien Species - EU Regulation on Invasive EU Regulation 2013 Infrastructure on Green EU Strategy GI02; GI03; GI10, Gl11; Gl12; Gl13; Gl14; Gl15; Gl16; Gl17; NH21; Development (Objectives Plan 2017-2023 Fingal SS11) SS10; NH49; PM51; PM64; RF100; SS08; 2016-2021 (Actions A85; A91; A92; A102) and Community Plan (LECP) Economic Local Fingal Scheme (GLAS) Environment Agriculture Carbon Low Green Action Plan 2017-2021 National Biodiversity 2015-2025 Ireland for Strategy National Landscape Fingal for Strategy – A Tree of Fingal The Forest 2000/60/EC Directive Framework Water (and Amendment) Acts 1976-2012 Wildlife Plan 2015-2020 Pollinator All-Ireland • • • 2009/147/EC Directive • EU Birds • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RELEVANT LEGISLATION/POLICIES/GUIDANCE RELEVANT NO